#never know if its stray kids or stray kidz
storytimewithnova · 1 year
From Post-It Notes to Forever
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The plot:it was a normal day at Fukurōdani college for Iwazumi Keiji or so he thought that was until he went to his locker to put away some text books he found a post it Note with the Number 143 he thought it was like a locker number or something he even asked his twin brother Hajime what it meant his brother lied and said he didn't know on fateful day before a training camp offically started someone walked behind Keiji and said 143 I love you the person was someone keiji had been admiring from afar and alway considered out of his league Suna Rintaro niw stiod before him Keiji turned and said say that again Rintaro said 143 I love you Iwaizumi Keiji add in elements of the song case 143 from stray kidz
The story: It was a regular day at Fukurōdani College for Iwazumi Keiji. He went about his usual routine, attending classes and interacting with his friends. However, everything changed when he went to his locker to stash away some textbooks. Among his belongings, he discovered a small, pink post-it note with the number 143 written on it.
Confused, Keiji pondered over the meaning behind this mysterious number. Was it a code, a locker number, or something else entirely? Seeking answers, he decided to approach his twin brother, Hajime, who coincidentally attended the same college. "Hey, Hajime, do you have any idea what this number 143 means?" Keiji asked, holding up the post-it note.
Hajime, knowing the secret behind the note but deciding to play along, shrugged nonchalantly. "Nah, no clue, Kei," he replied with a mischievous smile.
Perplexed, Keiji couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue surrounding the number 143. He couldn't shake the feeling that it held a significant meaning. Little did he know that a fateful encounter was about to shed some light on the mystery.
Just before an official training camp was set to begin, Keiji found himself walking through the crowded halls of the college. Lost in thought, he was suddenly startled when a voice murmured, "143. I love you," from behind him. He turned around to find himself face-to-face with Suna Rintaro, the person he had silently admired from a distance but always believed to be out of his league.
Surprised and taken aback, Keiji stammered, "Uh, say that again?"
With a faint smile, Rintaro repeated, "143. I love you, Iwaizumi Keiji."
Keiji's heart raced, and a mix of emotions flooded his mind. The meaning behind the number 143 had finally revealed itself in this unexpected confession. It was a direct reference to the song "Case 143" by the popular K-pop group Stray Kids.
Overwhelmed by the moment, Keiji mustered up the courage to respond, "Rintaro, I... I love you too."
As they stood there, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them and their newfound connection. And from that day forward, Keiji and Rintaro embarked on a journey filled with love, support, and a shared appreciation for the music that first brought them together. The number 143 became a symbol of their special bond, a reminder of the day their paths crossed and their hearts intertwined.
Keiji and Rintaro's relationship blossomed as they spent more time together during the training camp. They discovered shared passions and interests beyond their initial connection through "Case 143." They would spend hours discussing their favorite music, watching movies, and exploring the campus.
Their friends began to notice the genuine affection between Keiji and Rintaro, and it didn't take long for the news to spread throughout Fukurōdani College. Although Keiji had never been one to seek attention, he couldn't help but bask in the happiness of openly sharing his love for Rintaro.
Meanwhile, the members of Stray Kids, unknowingly becoming an important part of Keiji and Rintaro's story, were gaining even more popularity. "Case 143" became one of their most beloved songs, and its lyrics resonated deeply with fans worldwide.
One day, Keiji decided to take a leap of faith by reaching out to Stray Kids, sharing their story and expressing their gratitude for creating a song that ultimately brought him and Rintaro together. Touched by his message, the members acknowledged them during an interview, dedicating a heartfelt rendition of "Case 143" to Keiji and Rintaro.
As their college years continued, Keiji and Rintaro faced challenges that tested their relationship. The demands of school and athletics often left them with limited time together. However, they overcame these obstacles with patience, understanding, and unwavering support for one another.
Keiji never forgot the significance of the number 143, and he made it a personal tradition to surprise Rintaro with little gestures on the 14th of each month. Rintaro cherished these thoughtful expressions, always treasuring their connection and the love they shared.
After graduating from Fukurōdani College, Keiji and Rintaro pursued their separate careers, but their love remained unwavering. Keiji became a renowned physical therapist, while Rintaro pursued his passion for music and joined a successful band.
Years later, Keiji and Rintaro found themselves attending a Stray Kids concert in their city. During an intermission, the stage lights dimmed, and a video montage began playing on the big screen. As Keiji and Rintaro watched in awe, memories of their college days, the number 143, and their journey together were beautifully displayed.
The Stray Kids members shared personal messages expressing their gratitude for being a part of Keiji and Rintaro's love story, followed by a surprise performance of "Case 143." Keiji held Rintaro's hand tightly, tears of joy streaming down their cheeks as the familiar melody filled the concert hall.
In that moment, surrounded by the music that had first united them, Keiji and Rintaro realized that their love story was timeless. The number 143 would forever remind them of the magical day they found each other and the beautiful connection they shared. Together, they stood at the forefront of their own love song, cherishing each other as they continued to create their own melodies in harmony.
time past and Rintaro was getting nervous he wanted tonight to be special so he made a post it note like back in college and laid it on the kitchen table with breakfast for Keiji to find when he woke up the note said 1437 that was it he then Proceed to set up a little scavenger hunt that would lead Keiji to his favourite over view spot and there he planned to tell him the meaning of that number like he did 143 after he set the nite down he went to set up the over view as Keiji was waking up seeing the bed was empty he made his way down stairs to the kitchen because he was hungry and he instantly for the Note and read it 1437 an extra number added to a number so Significant to them, he wondered what it meant then he saw an extra peice of paper thar said sorry i wasn't there when you woke up love good morning but i am going to make you work as you can see there is an extra number to our number you are going on a scavenger hunt to find the meaning and me see you soon my love Keiji rolled his eyes but got ready after saying this better be worth it suna Rintaro he was sent all over the place till finally he made it to the over view and suna was there looking handsome hello love i set up this picnic and just in time for the sunset and as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Keiji and Rintaro sealed their love with a promise of forever. They embraced each other, savoring the moment and the overwhelming rush of emotions.
News of their engagement spread quickly amongst their friends and the Stray Kids fandom. Fans rejoiced and flooded social media with messages of love and congratulations. Stray Kids themselves couldn't contain their excitement and sent their warm wishes to the newly engaged couple.
Keiji and Rintaro began planning their wedding, keeping it intimate and filled with personal touches that reflected their journey together. They included elements inspired by "Case 143" in the ceremony, making it a true celebration of their love story.
On their wedding day, as Keiji stood at the altar, his heart brimming with joy, he couldn't help but reflect on the serendipitous events that led him and Rintaro to that moment. They had come a long way from the day Keiji found that mysterious note in his locker. It had sparked a chain of events that brought him the love and happiness he never thought possible.
Surrounded by family, friends, and the melodious tunes of Stray Kids' music, Keiji and Rintaro exchanged their vows, each word a testament to their love and commitment. Their union was sealed with a kiss, symbolizing the beginning of a beautiful journey as husband and husband.
The reception was filled with laughter, tears of joy, and heartfelt speeches. As the night carried on, Stray Kids took the stage and serenaded the couple with a special performance of "Case 143," adding a magical touch to the celebration.
Keiji and Rintaro danced their first dance as a married couple, wrapped in each other's arms, feeling the love and support from everyone around them. They knew that their love story would continue to grow and flourish, just like their favorite song.
Years passed, and Keiji and Rintaro continued to build a life filled with love, laughter, and shared dreams. Together, they navigated the highs and lows, always holding onto the significance of "1437" and what it represented.
And as Keiji looked back on those fateful days at Fukurōdani College, he couldn't help but be grateful for the simple post-it note that had changed his life. It had led him to his soulmate, his best friend, and the love of his life—Suna Rintaro.
In the end, their story proved that sometimes, the smallest gestures and coincidences could spark a love that transcended distance, obstacles, and even time itself. "1437"—a number that would forever hold a special place in their hearts and serve as a reminder of the extraordinary love they were blessed to share.
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warmau · 6 years
mom..... perhaps a lil stray kids hyunjin au............
resident evil/zombie!au where you’re not scared, but hyunjin really really is! tw: blood, weapons, zombie slaying stuff 
“this is so disgusting”
you groan, pulling your knife out of another undead corpse as it spews some sort of mix of blood and green ooze all over you
out of all the ways you’d thought you’d spend this friday night - you didn’t think it’d come to being trapped in a police station 
with a bunch of infected zombies
all you’d wanted was to see if your friend felix was back in town - he was only a cadet cop,,,,,so it’d only be his first week but you were hoping you could catch him before the grueling life of law enforcement took over 
and now,,,,,,you’re stuck in this place 
trying to figure out a way to get out of it - hopefully in one piece 
so far, you hadn’t found any sign of felix or of anyone else for that matter
you’d managed to pick up two knives and a handgun that you currently were looking to find bullets for
but other than that, you’d sort of being mad dashing from room to room - barely escaping the cold, nasty hands of ,,,,,, those creatures
you look around, there’s a door at the end of the hall - weapons room - is the sign on the front
if there’s any place i can find ammo,,,,or maybe something else to protect myself with - it has to be there
you nod to yourself and make sure to double take before stepping inside
the room is dark - but you can’t hear the groaning or moans of any zombies so you presume it’s safe 
when you take a step forward though - you hear a shaking voice
“s-stop right there.”
suddenly there’s a blinding light in your face, and you put your hands up - squinting to see the face of a boy behind it
he’s not bleeding from the eyes or falling apart anywhere 
which is a good sign
“hey, hey don’t worry. im still human”
you put your hands out, turning them this way and that
“see? i don’t have any wounds and i can talk.”
the boys hand shakes, and so does the flashlight he’s holding till he finally puts it down
“are you here to save me?”
you raise an eyebrow
“save you? aren’t you a police officer?”
“n-no im a forensics lab tech. my names hyunjin,,,”
he says quietly and you introduce yourself back
it’s silent , before you break it by walking around and opening up random lockers and looking through shelves
hyunjin panics, following behind you
“wh-what are you doing?”
“looking for weapons. there’s only so many times i can stab those things before these flimsy knifes break”
hyunjin exclaims and you scrunch up your nose
you’re starting to get the feeling he’s not going to be much help when you go back out there
“i mean they’re already dead so it’s not mur-”
hyunjin gasps before you can even finish the sentence 
you give up and continue searching, grinning when you find some ammo for the gun you picked up and some other various sharp objects that might come in handy
hyunjin follows you like a puppy, not saying much - just holding up the flashlight as you search
you suddenly realize that in the darkness - you haven’t seen his face all that well
“hey, hand me the flash light”
hyunjin timidly drops it in your palm and you turn it onto him
he puts a hand up like you did, flinching back from the light
but it doesnt hide the fact that you can tell right as the light shines down on him
that hyunjin is handsome
for one, he’s on the taller side - with perfectly smooth skin and neatly styled hair
he still has his lab coat on - his name badge clipped perfectly to the front pocket
his eyes are a pretty shape and right below one of them is a striking beauty mark
you think if you’d met him under any other circumstance, you’d probably think he was the cold, aloof type
but instead - here he is, cowering in a room all alone
you sigh to yourself
i can’t just leave him now,,,,,,,he’ll probably get killed!
you take one more look around and decide that you’ll ask hyunjin now if he wants to join you in your escape from this place
when suddenly the door creaks open
and the familiar, horrible groaning of a zombie fills the room
you grip the knife first, hyunjin squeaks and scurries behind you
“hyunjin - i need you to shine the flashlight so i can see where the zombie is”
his hands shake and so does his voice
“b-b-but then it’ll see us too!”
“i promise ill take care of it-”
“n-no it’ll get us both!”
you grit your teeth, the sound of the groaning is getting louder but you can’t tell if it’s coming from the right or left
“hyunjin, i promise i really do - it wont get me or you!”
there’s a moment of hesitation, but hyunjin finally lifts the flashlight and you spot where the zombie is
without a second to waste, you throw yourself at it - landing one large slash across its chest and then you wedge the knife right into the side of it’s neck
the spewing blood gets all over you - and you hear hyunjin cry out your name
but you don’t stop - you draw the gun and aim it - steady
and blow one shot right into the things brain
it contorts and sputters, till it falls to a heap in the ground 
you let out the breath you’d been holding and then look around in the dark
you feel a hand on your shoulder and jump - nearly drawing the gun back up again 
when you hear hyunjin’s voice
“th-that was amazing,,,,you’re really fearless!”
he exclaims and you just give an embarrassed laugh
“n-no, im just reckless so i -”
suddenly you feel hyunjin’s hand on your wrist 
“is it ok if i come with you ,,,, i dont want to stay in here anymore”
you feel the warmth of his fingers curled around your wrist, the pleading in his voice
“s-sure! i mean, you’ve been here before so you probably know a way out?”
hyunjin perks up at this
“yeah! we can go out through the garage! ill,,,show you the way but um -”
you don’t need the flashlight to tell that hyunjin is probably blushing
if it’s from embarrassment or nervousness or all of the above - you don’t know
but it’s cute how he’s getting all flustered
“but um,,,,could you maybe handle the zombies,,,,,i really think id have bad aim with a gun anyway and i just - im not good with the whole blood everywhere,,,”
you giggle and this alerts hyunjin
“w-what’s funny?”
“nothing, nothing. but sure - ill take care of the zombies you just,,,,um,,,,,hold that flashlight up for me - ok?”
hyunjin nods, saying that he won’t put it down no matter what
you giggle again and hyunjin gets all confused again, but you just tell him to stay safely beside you
hyunjin does help you find the garage - and you do have to make work of some of the zombies on the way
and you don’t really notice it, but as you’re stepping away from a zombie - trying to clean some blood and sweat off with the back of your hand
hyunjin is secretly, kind, maybe, totally swooning on the side line 
(basically you’re protecting hyunjin and he can’t believe his type is the no regrets, zombie slaying, badass but like - wow you look good even covered in zombie gunk) 
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Stray Kidz as Phobias
So creep factor warning here. I really like phobias and while I used some pretty odd, out there phobias they may still freak you the fuck out.
Also, each member has a kinda creepy little imagine bit after the usual stuff. 
All of what I’ve written is a mix of what I’ve taken from their personalities and some creative licensing.
Enough from me, here we go.
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Chan- Somniphobia: The fear of sleep
Chan's lack of sleep was always a running joke to the Stays
But little did they know
He kept himself awake on purpose.
On one hand, he was afraid that he'd have nightmares
He'd been plagued with night terrors as a kid
But as he started working on music more, they lessened
On the other hand, Chan had read plenty of stories about people dying in their sleep
And that horrified him
Movies like Nightmare On Elm Street spooked him to no end
They just kept him up longer
He used music making and Vlives as excuses to be awake
But in the end, he knew the real reason
If the brain is too tired to keep the body moving
Its too tired to dream
“Aw, man.” Chan yawned, glancing at the clock reading 4:35 am. He had been in the studio since 10 am, just writing to keep his mind off things. His brain was too fuzzy to keep going and he felt his eyes drooping as the seconds ticked by. “A few minutes won’t kill me.” He mumbled aloud. “I just have to wake up when my alarm goes off.” He tucked his face into the crook of his arms, knocking his phone to the ground and illuminating the screen warning him of 5% battery.
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(I actually have this pretty bad, so writing this was way too easy for me)
Minho- Athazagoraphobia: The fear of being forgotten or forgetting
He always played it cool
Making people look at him when he complimented his face
Performing his heart out
He had to keep them focused on him
Otherwise, they'd forget
Or maybe he would
He might forget the blessings he had at the moment
Or the brothers he was with
If it was on video he couldn't forget
He didn't want the people he loved to forget him either
He knew it was hypocritical to get annoyed when Jisung was cuddly with the others
He was plenty cuddly himself,
but the thought of Jisung forgetting what they have
That scared him more than anything
“They must have just gone out while I was asleep.” He reasoned, double-checking his phone for texts. The dorm was dark and empty when he had woken up from a nap. “I'll just text Jisung. What was his contact name again?”
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Changbin- Hylophobia: The fear of forests
He had never liked the forest on the edge of his hometown
The trees were too tall
The shadows too dark
And rumors spoke of crazed hermits living in it, ready to pick off unsuspecting travelers.
He knew old gods lived in forests
Gods who wouldn't leave a trace they were ever there
He was small
Even the smaller trees were taller than him
If he ever were to get lost
He would never be found
“Its a quick shortcut, Binnie.” Felix told him, pointing to a trail winding through the forest.
“Aren't you scared of like bears or something?” Changbin asked, trying to keep his cool as the pair walked through the darkening woods.
“There are no bears out here.” Felix laughed, but Changbin couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching them. Something just over there, in the shadows of the trees.
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(My fav boi)
Hyunjin- Eisoptrophobia: The fear of reflections and mirrors.
Maybe he had just watched too many horror movies as a kid
Maybe it was because looking in the mirror meant facing himself
The face looking back
That was his
That was what people knew him as
And it seemed that's all people wanted to know him as
He could never look at his reflection long
If he did, he never looked himself in the eyes
They never felt like his staring back at him
And part of him was always scared that something else would be looking back
Hyunjin spat out the toothpaste and made the mistake of looking in the mirror as he straightens up. There was something in the shower stall behind him. He turned away, trying to see what it was, and didn't see that his reflection stayed still.
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(I heard that he actually has this, but I didn’t know until I picked this one for him)
Jisung- Trypophobia: The fear or disgust of tightly packed holes
He had never known why they freaked him out
Honeycombs, certain plants, an abundance of stretch marks, even a plucked chicken once set him off
It reminded him too much of rot
It freaked him out to think about that happening to himself
Or one of his friends
Rotting from the inside
He had an easily controllable fear
Just don't look at tightly packed holes
But sometimes your brain plays tricks on you
“Oh, that looks cool.” Minho breathed, pressing his hand to the bark of the tree in front of them. “Look, babe.” He showed Jisung his hand, the small dents now marking the flesh making Jisung's heart race.
“Gross.” He murmured, trying to seem as though he was joking. “Let's go yeah?” He offered, Minho nodded, lacing his other hand into Jisung's, neither noticing as the marks began to deepen.
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Felix- Kenophobia: The fear of open or empty spaces, voids.
Maybe it was crushing thought that the Earth was just a tiny speck of sand in the great void of the universe that scared Felix
Or maybe it was the idea that one day, everything would once again be a void
either way, he hated it
He could handle smaller open spaces
Like rooms or courtyards
But certain things, like empty playgrounds, venues, and buildings,
They spooked the shit out of him
The idea that once there were people
and now there weren't
It was unnerving.
Felix knew that by the following night, the venue he sat in would be filled, but as he sat on the dark stage, his worry was beginning to cloud his mind. This had been some attempt to conquer his fear, by spending a few hours by himself in the empty venue. As the minutes ticked by the sounds of silence began to burrow into his ears, and suddenly, Felix wasn't sure where he was anymore.
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Seungmin- Ecclesiophobia: The fear of churches and religion
When he was a kid, Seungmin had been religious
But as he grew older, the beliefs he once had began to fade into something else
Some days he felt like a peasant in the 14th century,
Worrying so much about the next life that he forgot to live the current one.
What terrified him wasn't so much the thought of nothing coming after death
But the thought that there was a heaven and hell
That there were beings so powerful as to decide your fate
Powerful enough to create
or destroy.
He was scared that one day, the old gods would come back
And no one would be safe
“Hey kid, come to pray?” The old man at the steps of the run-down church asked. Seungmin could only shake his head, not knowing what to say. Something about the man seemed off like there was some kind of energy radiating off of him. “Believe in God, kid?” Again Seungmin shook his head. “Maybe you should.”
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Jeongin- Chronophobia: The fear or time and time passing.
It wasn't that he was scared of getting old
He was scared that one day he would have to watch those he loved wither away
He was only a kid
His friends were only slightly older
But he was also scared that with time,
He would fade as well
That time would steal Stray Kids from history.
Jeongin glanced at the clock again. Nearly four hours had passed since he had arrived. Where had the time gone?
“You okay Jeonginnie?” Chan asked. Jeongin looked back at his older friend, noticing the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes.
“I'm great hyung.” He lied, trying not to notice the man behind Woojin, the man whose hair had been getting grayer and grayer the longer they sat.
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hello~~ I really liked your stray kids with a witch!s/o post,,,, do you think you could do that for oneus as well? ówò
A/N: I am so so so sooo sorry for the long wait my love! I have been taking care of my mother due to her gallbladder being removed last week and need to tend to her. Hence my inactivity. I’m deeply sorry. I’m really glad you enjoyed my Stray Kidz reaction, though! Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy reading this my dear! 💓💓💓💓
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“Sooo…are you proud of yourself?”
You decided upon yourself to go on a baking frenzy. The condition of the kitchen displayed just that, too. A spell of yours went a little awry though when you were trying to bake a cake for Ravn.
Now, there was cake batter everywhere. There were even splatters of it on the ceiling. Some of it was dripping, coating the floor.
You opened the oven, mittens covering your hands, and revealed the delicious chocolate cake. You looked up at Ravn with a bright smile across your face.
Ravn wanted to continue being aggravated with you, but he couldn’t help but melt at the happiness that radiated off your face. And the fact that you went through all of this just to make him a cake caused his heart to swell. So, he gave in, allowing a smile to grace his handsome features.
“Well, let’s eat this bad boy! It looks beautiful baby.”
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You two were indulged in a movie. It was a film you both really wanted to see but, due to Seoho’s packed schedule, you had to wait for it to eventually come on DVD. 
You were feeding each other popcorn when, suddenly, the lights went out. You two were stunned, sitting still in the darkness as you processed it all.
You groaned loudly. “Great. Of course, the lights would go off during the hottest night known to man. And during our movie!” You whined, saddened by the fact that your movie date with your boyfriend is being put on hold.
But then, a lightbulb turned on in your head. You scurried out from Seoho’s hold and ran to your bedroom.
“Sweetheart, where are you going?” Seoho yelled, not pleased with seeing you go.
You quickly returned with your wand in hand. You pointed it at the TV, causing the machine to immediately come back to life. The movie was still going, but you could always rewind it back.
With a proud smirk on your face, you then brought your fan back from its temporary death before laying your wand down on the coffee table. You then snuggled back into your boyfriend’s side, letting out a content sigh at the feel of his lovely warmth.
Seoho was stunned throughout the whole event. He looked at you with awe as if he hasn’t seen you use magic tens of times. But, the boy was always fascinated when you decided to use it anyway. He found you fascinating.
Finally, Seoho let out an amused chuckle. You tore your eyes away from the TV, trying to find the last scene you left off at and looked up at him curiously.
He shook his head, still letting out chuckles here and there. He kissed the crown of your head before ruffling your hair. “Baby, you are truly amazing. So quick on your feet.”
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You exited the bathroom, fresh and clean, with your pajamas on and your hair blow-dried and flat-ironed for the upcoming morning. You pause your trek to the bed, smiling softly at the sight before you. 
Leedo, having been so exhausted from his fansign and then some extra hours of practice, was laying on top of the comforter. The poor boy didn’t even bother to go under and envelop himself in warmth. 
Hoping that you won’t disturb him, you wagged your finger, lifting your boyfriend up. Once he was in the air, you pulled the comforter and blanket back manually. Then, with silent prayers to the Lord, you eased your lovely man down before tucking him in. 
You then placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, clicked the lights off with a snap of your fingers, and walked to your side of the bed. The minute you got under and became comfortable, Leedo swung his arm around your waist. You smiled to yourself, feeling utterly content with your life.
“You know,” you hear him say, almost jumping out of your skin, “you’re very lucky I trust you ‘cause I was definitely having a heart attack up there.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. Leedo immediately joined you.
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“Give it back to me, Keon!” You yelled, chasing after the boy who stole your plushie.
“But it’s so cute! And you said we could co-parent!” He yelled back.
“But I never said that you could keep him! You had him for two nights!” you whined.
“Which is why one more night won’t hurt!” He dodged you, running out of the kitchen.
Finally reaching your highest level of irritation, you snapped your fingers. Keonhee stopped running, the boys on the couch held still. The birds flying across your window froze in mid-air. 
With a victorious smile on your face, you sauntered over to your mischievous boyfriend. You took your plushie out from his grip and, for good measures, smacked him with it.
You then sat down in the loveseat and leaned back. You smugly snapped your fingers once more, causing the world around you to resume like nothing happened. 
Keonhee was still in the motions of running but stopped at the threshold upon seeing he held nothing in his large hands. He whipped his head around the room, obviously looking for your shared plushie, when his eyes finally stopped on you.
You waved innocently. You gripped your plushie close to your chest.
Keonhee caught on quickly and whined, stomping his feet like a child. “That’s not fair, y/n! You cheated!”
You snickered. “There were never any rules in play, HeeHee. I simply played smartly.” You shot him a wink before fully reclining back in the couch.
In moments like this, you were grateful for your magical abilities.
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You were watching your boyfriend practice relentlessly. Sweat was dripping off from him as he danced. He was trying to get as much of the dance down, even though he was superb in the choreography. He just kept thinking that it wasn’t good enough.
You were becoming worried that he was pushing himself too hard. He was trying to reach a level of perfection he already excelled in. But, telling him that was like talking to brick wall. But then at least the wall knew how to hold still.
“Woongie,” you called. You already knew what you were gonna get in response but, it didn’t hurt to retry.
Like before, you were met with silence. Hwanwoong was deep in his head, shutting out every kind of noise that could distract him.
You huffed in annoyance. You simply wanted your boyfriend to take a breather. The last break he took was legitimately hours ago. And during that time you have been trying to capture his attention to no avail.
Finally, you had enough. You knew that he would probably get aggravated with you but you didn’t care. Hwanwoong was putting his health in jeopardy. Inevitably, he was going to pass out from exhaustion.
You stood up from your spot on the floor and walked over to your still-dancing boyfriend. He took no notice of you behind him.
You yanked him by his shoulder, causing him to spin toward you. With not a second to waste, you took hold of his face and planted your lips on top of his. You focused on the softness of his lips, pushing away the fact that you could feel every sweat drop on his handsome face. But, even then, you didn’t care.
Soon enough you felt Hwanwoong’s lips relax against yours. His hands took purchase on your hips, squeezing them lovingly. You smiled victoriously.
You broke the kiss, provoking the boy to follow after your lips like a baby to a pacifier. You held back a giggle. 
“Let’s go home, Woongie.” You stared lovingly into your boyfriend’s eyes. “There’s always tomorrow. And you can try to find mistakes in your dancing all you want but, I see nothing less than perfection. So, please, stop pushing yourself to utter exhaustion. It’s not healthy and you could really hurt yourself. Then how would you practice, hm?”
Hwanwoong averted his eyes from yours. You saw the resignment before he could say anything. 
“Come on.”
With his gym bag on, Hwanwoong opened the door for you before turning the lights off and following close behind you. You didn’t have any sort of magical powers, but you certainly had your boyfriend under your spell.
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(I legit squealed at this gif 😍 Seeing idols eat automatically make them cute®)
Xion watched you adoringly as your slept soundly next to him. He ran his fingers through your hair, combing it away from your face. A gentle smile graced his face, his eyes studying you like an artist would a painting. You were utterly gorgeous in his eyes, and no one could tell him otherwise.
As you continued to snooze, Xion decided to make you breakfast in bed. He figured you deserved it after passing all your exams (honestly you deserved the whole world for simply breathing in his mind). 
However, Xion wasn’t that great of a chef. All he could do well in was a bowl of cereal. But, then, his eyes drifted over to your wand, which happened to be laying on your nightstand. He knew he shouldn’t touch it due to it being your property, and he would need to ask you first, and due to the fact that he doesn’t own any magical abilities. To try to use the wand would bring inevitably bad outcomes for a mortal like him. But, he really wanted to make you a wonderful breakfast. So, he took it, hoping to God that you wouldn’t be too mad.
In a matter of thirty minutes, the poor boy was screaming for help. Everything turned bad the minute he tried to crack eggs. From then on, he almost caused a fire from toasting bread, he caused the pancakes to stick to the ceiling, and he managed to make the bacon and sausage talk.
You ran down the stairs and grabbed ahold of the doorway. Your body was swaying due to getting out of the bed too fast and your eyes were wild with worry. But, once your eyes landed on your wand, which was tightly gripped in Xion’s hand, they held pure anger.
“Xion, what would possess you to take my wand?” You yelled. “Are you insane? You could hurt yourself! Or worst!”
You hurried over and snatched the wand out of his hand, and in a blink of an eye, everything was back to normal. With one wave of the wand, light came from the tip of it, causing every food that was ruined to disappear in thin air. Xion’s jaw dropped, his eyes big as fish bowls. You never failed to amaze him.
“Xion,” you called softly.
Xion instantly hung his head. He knew what he did was wrong and he couldn’t help but be sorry. From seeing your distressed state at the threshold, he could tell that you bolted out of bed upon his yells and probably almost broke your ankle from your speedy descent down the stairs. His heart was mercilessly squeezed with guilt upon the image of seeing you hurt from his impetuous actions.
Xion was startled out of his thoughts as he felt soft hands take hold of his face. He looked up and immediately met your eyes. They no longer held anger, instead, they held kindness and love.
“Baby, telling from the food, I know that you were making me breakfast. But, darling, using my wand to achieve that was reckless. Using such a powerful thing as a mortal is dangerous. What would I do with myself if you got hurt, or worse? Babyboy, I can’t lose you. Not ever. I would be utterly lost if I did.”
Xion nodded his head solemnly. He couldn’t agree more because he felt the same way about you. He wouldn’t be able to live if you got hurt in any way.
You then pulled his face down, peppering it with kisses. A smile slithered across your boyfriend’s face, leading him to pull your body flush against his. He was deeply joyful that you were no longer upset.
You rubbed his back and placed a loving kiss on his neck before pulling away from his tight embrace. You smiled up at him before beginning to speak. “Let’s restart on this breakfast, yeah?”
Overjoyed, Xion nodded his head vigorously. You giggled at his giddiness before grabbing a new box of pancake mix.
Your boyfriend really wished to surprise you with breakfast in bed. However, making breakfast with you by his side was definitely enjoyable as well.
A/N: Annnddd DONE! Again, I am soooo sorry that you had to wait so long for your request to be done my love! I sincerely am sorry. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed it and, please, when I open requests again, don’t be afraid to write another 💓
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hookedonapirate · 6 years
Save the Dance
Summary: Single mother, Emma Swan, takes her daughter to the school's annual Father-Daughter Dance, only to get turned away because she's not a man. But thanks to their neighbor, Killian Jones, the evening isn't completely ruined after all.
A/N: So, where I'm from, the Father-Daughter Dance takes place around Valentine’s Day and is a huge deal for young girls and their male role models. Even though I don't have kids of my own, the dance is all I hear about at work for the weeks leading up to it, so I was very much inspired to write this one-shot for Captain Swan. This actually happened to a mother in my hometown trying to take her daughter to the dance, only they didn't have a Killian Jones to save the day. 
I posted a drabble about the Father-Daughter Dance already, but I had two different premises in mind and wanted to write both. So, here is the AU version.
Rated: Teen
AO3 l FF.N
Killian is sweating bullets as he leaves his flat, locking the door behind him. He was set up on another blind date by his brother, this time with Elsa’s sister, and though he is looking forward to filling the emptiness in his heart, he is not looking forward to another awkward date with a stranger. His brother has a bad habit of asking every lass he knows if she is single—not for himself, but for his little brother, as he likes to say—and since Killian has never met the elusive sister Liam’s girlfriend is always talking about, Liam thought it’d be a brilliant idea to set the two of them up after Anna's terrible breakup with Hans. Not only is it weird and awkward that his brother makes a hobby out of being his wingman, but there’s another very good reason why Killian does not want to go on this date.
 He is hopelessly in love with his gorgeous neighbor.
 It wasn't love at first sight; Killian is always too caught up in his own head to have realized what a gem she is right off the bat. She’s always so aloof and doesn’t make a lot of small talk and she's usually in a hurry, trying to get her daughter off to school, so it has taken some time and patience, but they're finally chatting on a regular basis. Whenever he sees her in the hall and she's not in a rush, he always strikes up a conversation with her, and she always reciprocates in a positive way. They always chat about work and the weather or anything that naturally arises in the conversation, and Killian always makes it a goal to get at least one laugh out of her pretty lips, and he succeeds every time, even when she’s distraught or having a bad day. Killian will even go as far as to call her a friend to his co-workers or anyone else he speaks to about her. His brother has caught on to the fact that Killian is smitten with her, but Killian has always denied it. Unfortunately for Killian, Liam had finally taken his word for it and set him up with someone else. If only Killian wasn't too much of a coward to ask his neighbor out for Valentine's Day like he'd planned.
 So, now Killian is committed to this date, but full of regret as he straightens his tie and strides down the hallway with a nervous breath. When he reaches the elevator, he’s about to press the button for the ground level when the doors slide open.
 Killian’s heart stops beating when his two neighbors—the same neighbors with the richest, most beautiful emerald eyes he’s failed to find a comparison to—both have tears streaming down their cheeks when they step off the elevator.
 They’re both wearing pretty dresses and makeup, although Emma’s mascara is streaking down her face, their hair is all done up and they both look beautiful, but tragically broken at the same time.
 Concern washes over him like a freight train, and his protective nature rises to the surface. 
 “Emma? Hailey? What happened?”
 One hour ago…
 Hailey giggles as her mother adds the finishing touches of her makeup.
 “Hold still, sweet pea, I’m almost done,” Emma chastises softly, applying the glittery eye shadow on her ten-year-old daughter’s fluttering eyelids. She doesn't usually allow Hailey to wear makeup, but tonight is a special occasion, so Emma has made an exception.
 “Sorry, Mom.” Hailey holds still, as still as she can, allowing Emma to finish.
 “There, all done.”
 She opens her eyes and sees the big, bright smile on Emma’s face.
 “You like so beautiful, like a princess.”
 Hailey is blushing as she stands up and looks in the mirror, her mother standing behind her, resting her hands on Hailey's shoulders. Emma sees herself in Hailey more and more with every passing day. Hailey has the same complexion and the same nose and emerald green eyes. Her hair is darker though, a deep chestnut color, as opposed to Emma’s blonde.
 “Thanks, Mom, you do too.”
 They had spent the entire afternoon getting ready for the dance, doing each other’s hair and makeup while listening to Kidz Bop Kids playing on the stereo. Emma is so excited she can take Hailey to the father-daughter dance, which is held every year around Valentine's Day and sometimes on the Hallmark holiday if it happens to fall on a Saturday. And yes, she is a female, but for the entirety of Hailey’s life, Emma has played the role of both mother and father, so she only sees it fit to go to this dance with her daughter.
 Emma applies another coat of lipstick, smacking her lips together, adjusts her dress and checks her makeup one last time before grabbing her clutch purse from the bed. “Are we ready to go?” 
 “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Hailey says excitedly.
 ”Alright, let’s go.” Emma strokes her daughter's cheek and drops a kiss to the top of her head before heading to the main room and grabbing their jackets. After helping Hailey into her coat, Emma pulls on her own, preparing for the blistering winter air.
 “You got the tickets, right Mom?”
 “Sure did, sweet pea.” Emma pats her clutch and hauls the door open for her daughter.
 They’re both swept up in a frenzy of the dance and everything it means to them. Their excitement is only heightened when Emma pulls into the school parking lot with her yellow Volkswagon and sees all of the other schoolgirls with their fathers. For Emma, being able to take her daughter is everything to her. She is her daughter’s caregiver, her provider, her best friend, her everything, and it only makes sense to go with her. Besides, Hailey doesn’t really have any male role models in her life, besides her uncle David, who lives on the other side of the country, unless of course, you count their hot neighbor who she considers a friend. But Hailey doesn’t know him well enough to feel comfortable asking him to go with her to a father-daughter dance. Her birth father, or as Emma has referred to him in the past—sperm donor—took off when Hailey was one month old, and they haven’t heard from him since. So, when Emma had called up the school and asked if she could attend the dance with her daughter, they’d told her it was okay.
 They wait in line with their tickets, and Emma moves a few stray curls away from Hailey’s face, her stomach a ball of nerves.
 When they arrive at the door, their hopes of having a fun night full of dancing and precious mother-daughter time are quickly shattered into a million pieces.
 “They turned us away at the dance because I am not a man,” Emma cries out, ready to burst into tears again.
 “But I thought they said it was okay, love,” Killian says, confused and completely appalled.
 “When I contacted the school, the lady I talked to said I could, but she was not part of the planning committee for the dance. And when we got to the school, they said the dance was to celebrate the importance of positive male role models in a girl's life, so I was not allowed in.”
 Killian’s heart breaks for his two lovely neighbors as they hold each other, both in shambles. He wants to wrap them both up in his arms and hold them until they are happy again. He doesn’t like to see anyone cry, let alone these two beauties, who only want to attend a dance, but were turned down for what? Because someone has decided that the role of being a single mother isn’t as important because she doesn't have a penis? It's preposterous.
 “Bloody hell, that’s awful,” he murmurs, his words cracking as he places his hand on Emma’s shoulder in an attempt to console her. She lifts her chin from the crown of her daughter’s head and turns to him, a tiny hint of a smile making its way across her lips. “I’d be more than happy to go down to the school and yell at them for you.”
 “That’s okay,” she sniffles softly, her words raspy from crying as she wipes away her tears with a Kleenex from her purse. She takes his hand, making his breath catch as she smoothes her thumb over his knuckles. “I almost told them her father died in a fire, but I didn’t,” she sighs. “Maybe I should have, but I was so hurt, I didn’t even bother to fight with them about refunding our tickets.”
 Killian offers a small smile and leans in to plant a soft kiss to the back of her hand. ”I’m so sorry, Emma.”
 “It’s not your fault.” She looks up at him, finally getting a good look at him, and her eyes light up under her glossy gaze. “You look handsome,” she comments, her grin growing until the realization flickers in her eyes and her features cloud with apology. “We’re not keeping you from anything, are we?”
 Killian’s cheeks heat up as he scratches behind his ear, smiling bashfully. He’s not sure how to answer that. He has a blind date, yes, but he can always reschedule. He wants to make sure Emma and her daughter are okay. “I was set up on a blind date, but I'm running early,” he replies skittishly.
 To his dismay, disappointment clouds her features, making his heart clench once more. He really hates seeing Emma Swan unhappy.
 “Oh, well we’ll let you go then,” she says, her hand rising to smooth out his jacket collar. “I hope we haven't put a damper on the mood. Have a nice date, Killian,” she says sincerely and takes her daughter’s hand, walking away towards their apartment.
 Killian turns around and watches the two of them trudging down the hall, both devastated and disheartened that their evening has been ruined. He feels so badly for them, and even though they will find a way to make the best of the evening, they will always remember this night with distaste because of how they were treated at the dance. If only there is a way to make it better.
 Perhaps there is.
 The idea strikes him faster than he has time to stop himself from presenting it to them. “Wait,” he calls out, making them both pause in their tracks. “Hailey, what if I took you to the dance?”
 They both turn around slowly, and Killian is afraid of what their response will be, but when he sees both pair of eyes light up and their frowns instantly melt into a smile, his heart is set ablaze.
 “Really?!” Hailey asks, trying to contain her excitement before he confirms with a nod.
 “Aye, love. I’d be honored to escort you to the dance. And it just so happens, I’m already dressed for the occasion,” he chuckles.
 Hailey looks to her mom, her hands clasping together in a plea. “Mom, is it okay if Killian takes me? All of my friends are there at the dance.”
 Emma looks at Killian, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “But, what about your date?”
 Slipping his hands into his pockets, he shrugs. “I’ll call her and tell her I can't make it.”
 Emma looks completely shocked that he would drop everything to do this for her daughter. “Are you sure about this? I don't want to wreck your plans.”
 Killian waves off her words dismissively. “To be honest, I didn't want to go on the date anyway. It was more out of obligation, so I think I’ll be doing her a favor.”
 Emma nods and bends down to kiss the crown of Hailey’s head. “Okay, you can go.”
 “Yay!” She claps her hands, bouncing up and down.
 “Let me just make a phone call,” Killian says to them and takes out his phone, pulling up Anna's number Liam had texted him. But instead of completely canceling the date, he goes back into his flat to ask his new roommate, Kristoff, for a favor.
 He emerges back into the hall ten minutes later.
 “How did she take it?”
 “She wasn’t too happy, as expected, but I found a way to make it up to her.”
 Emma lifts a brow, eyes full of curiosity. “How did you do that?”
 “Let’s just say I owe my flatmate a favor,” Killian says with a chuckle.
 Emma smiles appreciatively. “Thank you, Killian.”
 “It’s not a problem,” he assures her with a wink.
 Emma is so happy, and as she steps into his space, their eyes connecting, he thinks she might kiss him as he’s pulled into a heated gaze.
 “Come on, Killian we have to go, we’re already late,” Hailey says, pulling him out of his trance.
 Before he can process what’s happening, the young girl is tugging on his hand, hauling him down the corridor.
 “Okay, love,” he chuckles.
 “Have fun you two!” Emma calls after them, and Killian graces her with one last smile before turning around and allowing Hailey to take him away.
 Emma washes off her makeup and changes into some sweats, replacing her dress in the closet before taking out all of the bobby pins out of her hair and pulling it up into a simple ponytail. At least the night’s not a total loss. Her daughter gets to dance and see her friends and have fun. She is a bit jealous though because Hailey gets to go to a dance with their hot neighbor. If only Emma were as lucky to go on a date with him. A few times, she was so certain he was going to ask her—the days leading up to Valentine's Day comes to mind—but he never did. Oh well, Emma's used to being single. She has her daughter and that's all she needs.
 She retrieves a bottle of white wine from the refrigerator, pours it into a glass and sits on the couch watching a movie while she waits for her daughter to come home.
 A few hours later, Hailey bursts through the door with a big smile as Killian follows behind her.
 “Mom, Killian got me a corsage!” she announces, showing the pink roses to Emma.
 “That’s so nice, sweet pea,” Emma comments, smiling warmly as she admires the corsage.
 The dance was a success, after all, even though Emma didn’t get to experience it with her. But Hailey had a good time and that’s all that matters to Emma. Her daughter is the most important thing in her life, and all she wants is to give her daughter the life she deserves.
 Emma thanks Killian once more and they bid each other farewell before he leaves. She helps Hailey get ready for bed, washing off her makeup and tucking her in as Hailey reminisces on the events of the evening and the songs she’d danced to with Killian. She’d said he was nothing but a complete gentleman the entire evening. As Hailey regales every detail of the night, Emma is thinking of ways to properly thank Killian for giving her daughter an enchanting and unforgettable evening at the dance.
 Killian feels bad about asking Kristoff to take his place, but being able to see Hailey as happy as she was, is certainly worth it. And at least Anna still gets to meet a nice guy and perhaps have a fun evening after all. Killian pulls off his suit jacket and loosens his tie, draping both over a chair. Sighing deeply, he walks towards his bedroom when he hears a knock on the door.
 His eyebrows twist in confusion as he goes to answer it, and when he pulls the door open, Emma is on the other side with a blank expression on her face.
 “Emma? Is everything alright?”
 She responds by grabbing the collar of his shirt and staking a claim on his lips. Not innocently, though, but instead hot, fiery, passionate and demanding, making his head spin. Killian is completely unprepared. After all the hours he’s spent with Emma—watching her talk and laugh as she engaged in casual chit chat with him—he had previously thought he would know all there was to know about her lips. But he hadn't imagined how warm they would feel pressed up against his own. Okay, maybe he had a few times, but he’d never imagined she would feel this good. His eyes flutter shut and he’s sliding his fingers through her hair, indulging in the taste of her before she’s withdrawing her lips, still holding onto him.
 When he opens his eyes, seeing this woman standing in front him, her forehead resting upon his as she licks her lips, it’s as though every ounce of breath is extracted from his lungs. Killian manages a grin - a big, stupid, cheesy grin that’s as big as the size his heart grows at her unusual way of showing gratitude.
 As he lifts his hand to caress her cheek and scans her face, her eyes fall to his lips. He takes her cue, leaning in to close the distance between their lips once more. It’s only meant to be a short peck at first, but then Emma’s arms are wrapping around him completely and Killian’s snaking his arms around her back to press her chest against his.
 He knows, at this moment, as Emma is kissing him again, with more desperation and need (which Killian is happy to give into) he’s a complete goner. His mind is too fogged up to think about anything other than the hands which are carding through his hair, the irresistible taste of her tongue as it mingles fiercely with his and the heat spreading throughout his entire body. He is completely addicted.
 The sound of the door followed by an obnoxious whistle Killian can only identify as Kristoff’s. They break apart in a frantic rush and he turns around to see him smirking at the two of them. Killian had just been caught making out with Emma Swan, who he has assured over and over again to Kristoff and everyone else is only a friend. He doesn’t even feel ashamed though, more like disappointed that the moment is over.
 “Evening, Emma.” With pure delight, Kristoff glances between Killian and Emma, who appear to be thoroughly wrecked, their clothing and hair out of sorts. “I take it the dance was a success?”
 Emma’s cheeks flush with an adorable shade of pink as she peels her eyes away from Kristoff.
 “Aye, it went well. Hailey had a fun time so I’d say it was a success, right, Swan?” he asks, peering over at her.
 Emma clears her throat, trying to regain her composure as she looks at Killian’s roommate. “Yes, I didn’t get to go, but Haley is very happy and is now sound asleep.”
 “Well, that’s great, I’m glad,” Kristoff says with a warm smile.
 “How was your date?” she asks him, trying to revert the attention from her and Killian.
 “It was also a success. We had a great time actually.” As Kristoff regales them with details of his evening with Anna, Killian doesn't feel as bad because the two had hit it off immediately and had ended the night with a kiss.
 “Well, it sounds like things worked out for everyone involved then,” Emma comments with a nervous laugh.
 “Yes, it does appear that way,” Kristoff agrees with a smug grin.
 “Well, um…” she stammers, peeking over at Killian. “I should get back to my apartment.”
 “Let me walk you over,” Killian offers, sounding more desperate than he intends to.
 “Sure.” Emma sighs in relief, a smile stretching across her lips, making Killian’s heartbeat spike.
 He opens the door, allowing her to go first and Kristoff throws him a wink as Killian follows behind her, his cheeks heating up with blush.
 When he shuts the door to his flat, he feels Emma’s hand on his shoulder, and before he can move, her lips are on the base of his neck. Killian’s entire body goes rigid with surprise. He’s breathless as Emma showers him with soft, gentle kisses, each with its own flicker of warmth. Killian turns and gazes at her, studying the exquisite features of her face. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail, and there are some loose strands of hair he pushes away from her eyes and cups her cheek with his other hand, his thumb gently stroking her cheek. “Gods, you're beautiful,” he whispers softly.
 The blush deepens in her cheeks as a warm smile graces her wonderfully swollen lips, making her even more beautiful than she already is. He gazes at her fondly, her eyes softening with tenderness and sparkling with something he can't quite put his finger on. Perhaps she feels as he does? He angles her head and kisses her once more, softer than before.
 “Thank you again for tonight,” Emma whispers against his lips slowly and breathlessly, leaning her forehead on Killian's, taking his hands in both of hers and entwining their fingers together. “It means a lot to me and Hailey.”
 “It was my pleasure,” he breathes, his words completely shattered. Killian plants a delicate kiss to her forehead and takes a deep, quivering breath as he musters the courage to do something he's wanted to for so long. “Now that Hailey got to go to the dance, perhaps I could take you dancing as well? And maybe we could go to dinner first?”
 “You’re asking me out?” she asks, raising a brow. “So, no more blind dates set up by your brother?”
 He shakes his head. “No more, I promise. The only reason I agreed to it was that he and his girlfriend said I’d perfect for her,” Killian chuckles, “but clearly, there’s someone else who fits the bill."
 “For Anna? Or for you?” she asks with a smirk.
 Killian has to lean his forehead against hers again for balance as he gives a breathy reply. “Both. If I wasn't such a bloody fool, I would have asked you out a long time ago,” he admits bashfully.
 Emma laughs softly and bites her bottom lip, mulling over a decision briefly before answering. “I’d love to go dancing with you.”
 Killian’s heart flutters, his smile blossoming as he lifts her hands and presses his lips to the back of each one. “When shall I pick you up?”
 “Soon? Like tomorrow soon?” she asks hopefully.
 “Sounds like a plan. Can I pick you up at five?”
 “Yes, please,” she answers happily. “I’ll ask my friend, Ruby, to babysit Hailey. She has tomorrow night off.”
 “I'll see you tomorrow then, love,” he smirks, taking a step backward, reluctant to release her hands.
 “See you tomorrow.”
Their hands only let go of each other at the last second possible, and Killian watches as she pulls open the door. She graces him with a shy smile and a small wave before disappearing inside. He lets out the long breath he’s been holding and returns to his flat with a permanent grin on his face, looking forward to going on a date with his gorgeous neighbor.
 Emma and Killian get married a year and a half later, shortly after Kristoff proposes to Anna (she says yes). Not only is Killian taking Hailey to the father-daughter dance the next time around, but he’s taking her there as his adopted daughter and they’re leaving a two-story blue house with a white picket fence instead of a small flat. But not until he kisses his wife farewell, along with her small baby bump.
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parkaiur · 6 years
(un)popular opinions on ep 4/treasure box overall
- so ,,, i am totally confused on what this show is about cuz when has yg EVER focused on variety talent... all of their artists are highkey awkward but thats what makes them funny hasdjfadsk
-im not even gonna talk abt the visuals thing cuz wtf they all r visuals 
-umm .. what was that treasure 7 team song ,, like it was catch.. but their voices just sounded so underdeveloped ?? most of them were 14 and haruto and yoonbin both have “deep” voices, but they still sound quite pubescent(?) (probs just from the lack of training and lack of ... age) i see so many people commenting that they seem like the best/stablest group and yes, theyre all very talented, but there was no chemistry when they performed nor in their voices. they didnt feel like a real group. yedam didnt seem like himself on that stage either .. it seemed like the kidz + yedam and junkyu ahdfjsasadk (even tho mashiho did well) 
-ummmmmmm so why is yg sleeping on seunghun ?? i legit cried when i heard he got no compliments in TWO FUCKING YEARS?? like the bias is so real, yg was giving compliments/therapy/GIFTS to junkyu who has been having a hard time with confidence and whatnot, but im NOT saying he doesn’t derserve all those things, but for pete’s sake,, give that treatment to all ur trainees?? broke my heart to hear that seunghun was never complimented.. thats probs why ya boy was so surprised when JYP complimented him (in the stray kids battle) 
-also why are fans sleeping on kim doyoung??? top class maknae himself?? literally worked his ass off into team a and still is underappreciated ?? 
-yeongue was really good in that battle ,, but i still cried for jungwoo sajdfksaj  like what was the point of this battle between 2 14 year olds?? to make them feel pain and teach them the hard lessons of the world?? thanks they already get that from u yg 
-jeongwoo is an AMAZING singer .. but his vocals are still not at its fullest potential. it’s still lacking some style, as thats normal when ur 14 years old. i bet he’ll appreciate debuting later than now because his vocals will become mature and when he can find his own style ! 
-i dont see the hype with haruto ?? hes good looking, i get it. he’s a good rapper, i get it. but he doesn’t write his lyrics like other rappers? i know he’s japanese and it’s hard to write lyrics in a language you’re not entirely familiar with, but... that means boy needs more time ... wait a lil bit longer and im sure he’ll be a top tier rapper + lyricist , if they debut him now, he’ll probably be catching hands for not writing his own lyrics like some idol rappers ... thats just not yg material tbh (even tho im sure he can write them if he tried/gets better at korean)
-park jihoon is TOO UNDERRATED ?? literally is the unofficial leader of the team b boys, who probably have it the worst since most of them are new/unskilled/just learning. did u all see that go go performance ?? BOY W E N T F O R I T . their dancing was so in sync and detailed as well as their facial expressions. their vocals were v stable and improved a lot in their perf, it made me see their potential. jihoon also arranged the music for that perf, but everyone seems to ignore that ig even tho they mention it in yoonbin’s time attack + jihoon cam ,, when he wasn’t chosen (at first), the happiness in his eyes was still there but u could tell he was just so disappointed and like he was expecting it ??  also he was in the Stray Kids battle, meaning he’s been training there as long as Team A boys + we always see jihoon sitting with the guys from team, showing that they’re close... so YG,,, WHATS UR DEAL WITH JIHOON?? 
- all of team a needs to debut plus jihoon, thats just the tea sahdjaskasf 
and yes, im biased, but like ... im so confused why jihoon is in team b .. and when he wasn’t even supposed to be in team b but like added later ? how did he end up in that Stray Kids battle then?? idk man :// I NEED ANSWERS YG 
NOTE: all of the boys deserve that debut, but not all of them need it right now,, lots of them have room for improvement and just need time to mature. but team a .. they are so desperate .. its so sad to see ... we all know yedam is a rly emotional guy, so to see him cry over the lack of Team A members was just SO heartbreaking ... it’ll break him if he cant debut with all of them so it would be in YG’s best interest to just debut him with them
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