#neutral sith
padmestrilogy · 3 months
the jedi saying “what is that” when they first see the sith vs. sith saying “was that its name?” in reference to a dead jecki. dehumanization on both sides:)
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aurora-starwars · 1 year
Hello, could I request a Kylo ren gn!reader (romantic). The reader and Kylo where old friends at Luke’s Jedi academy and they see each other for the first time in years. Starts with angst and ends with fluff cus I’m a sucker for happy feel good endings!
Old Friends Bring Up Old Feelings
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Pairing: Kylo Ren x gn!Jedi!reader
Summary: Kylo and reader, who were friends at the Jedi academy, reunite
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: slight angst, slight crying, nothing to bad, mostly fluff-ish
A/n: I feel like it has been so long, I am trying to get through a few requests but I have been so busy lately! Sorry y'all. <333 And I just got my wisdom teeth taken out so that was a lot. Anyway thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy! <33333
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It was a brisk morning on Ossus, the sun was slowly rising over the mountains and animals of the planet finally quieted down. The air was misty, cold, and unwelcoming to the young Jedi who had just gotten up. [Name] was hoping to meditate that morning, but with the noise coming from the Jedi temple, it was increasingly less inviting.
[Name] started towards the forest around the temple, hoping to get away from all the sound. Their meditation would go best in the tranquillity of the forest. Subtle crunches underfoot could be heard as they got farther and farther from the temple. The voices of young initiates that were once shrill, now cease to ring in [Name]’s ears.
[Name] began to slow their pace, deepened their breathing and listened for the world around them. The leaves shaking on the trees as the wind ruffled them together, the small sounds of critters in the forest, the small bugs buzzing, the sound of rushing footprints—
[Name] nearly jumped out of their skin, snapping their eyes open to find the eyes of Ben Solo looking back at them. They held a hand over their heart to show their shock.
“Whatcha doing out here?” Ben smiled, ignoring their frazzled state.
“Would you be nicer about sneaking up on people? I was—”
“You were what? Meditating? While walking? You should have seen me coming,” Ben walked in tandem with [Name], only a foot from their side.
[Name] shook their head, eyes looking back forward again as they tried to regulate their breathing. The forest seemed to go forever.
“I was trying to find a spot to meditate, is that so wrong?” [Name] asked, raising an eyebrow, as smirk prominent on their face.
“Oo, I will come with you. I need some peace away from the temple,” Ben stated, ignoring their question with a smile.
“Yeah, I guess you can come along.”
“You guess? It wasn’t an offer, I am coming. And you can’t get enough of me.”
[Name] looked over to see the smug look on Ben’s face, to which they shook their head fondly.
They reached a clearing in the forest with two, surprisingly dry, logs [Name] made plans to sit on.
“Says the person that followed me all the way out here,” [Name] took a seat on one of the logs, crossing their legs in front of them.
Ben sat on the leg opposite to them, so that he was facing [Name]. He watched them closely as he crosses his legs.
“Maybe I can’t get enough of you,” Ben offered lowly, hoping that the Jedi initiate across from him didn’t hear.
[Name] watched as his eyes cast down, his brown eyes holding so much innocence in his youth. Those were the eyes [Name] knew since they were young, since they were both younger than they are now. When they both had just come to Master Skywalker’s Jedi Temple and had nobody but each other.
[Name] smiled to themself softly, watching as Ben’s eyes closed, watching as he fell into his deep meditation. He had always been strong in the force.
“Good,” [Name] closed their eyes, falling into the embrace of the force once again.
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A sudden crashing sound shook the Millennium Falcon, knocking [Name] from their meditation. Alarms from the ship started blaring, the ship receiving a few more reverberating shakes before [Name] got a comm from the pilot. Chewbacca’s strained voice rang through their comm device, signalling to [Name] that the ship had been hit by several blasts from a First Order Star Destroyer and are now being hailed by them.
[Name] cursed under their breath, it was just them and Chewy on the ship, what could they want? There was nothing of importance, what could the First Order want from them?
[Name] moved to stand just above the entrance of the ship. They felt the shake of the ship landing, a sign that they had been hailed on the Star ship and was about to be boarded. After several moments of pressurizers shifting and adjusting, the ramp opened up and several stormtroopers flooded the Millennium Falcon, surrounding [Name].
Two on either side of them grabbed [Name] by their arms and practically dragged them out of the ship, although [Name] didn’t put up much of a fight, their grip was still strong. [Name] kept their eyes forwards, not daring to show their fear or thoughts, choosing to focus in with the Force to see what their eyes could not.
Once they made it to the bottom of the ramp, [Name] found a dark figure standing directly in front of them, several feet away. The stormtroopers holding their sides stopped moving, letting them go with a rough release.
Looking back at the figure, [Name] found that there was familiarity in this dark looming presence. A familiarity in the way they stood, the way they held themself. A familiarity in the Force, an intensity, a passion [Name] had only felt once. The darkness surrounding this figure was made of their own grief, the loss of someone, or even, one’s self.
After another moment of silence, another moment of studying this person, this person who seemed to be studying [Name], it hit them.
They know who that is.
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A hand slowly comes into [Name]’s vision, a soft hand with calluses from training. Ben’s hand. [Name] looks up to see Ben’s smiling face. Taking his hand, [Name] finds that his smile looks more like a smirk now and he starts to get into a fighting stance.
“Ready to go again?” Ben’s ignited his lightsaber and trains his eyes onto his opponent, [Name] standing there watching him closely.
They widen their stance and ignite their own lightsaber, only smiling before leaping into battle.
“Hey, hey, hey. What’s wrong?” Ben’s voice is soft, hushed and full of panic. He’s kneeled next to [Name]’s shaking body. The tears leaving their body are heavy and abundant, leaving them heaving, curled into themselves.
When [Name] tries to speak, they find themselves incapable as they try and fail to catch a breath. Ben’s arms curl around their shaking body, pulling them into the warmth of his body.
“It’s okay, you’re safe. I’m here, I’m here,” He mutters gently into [Name]’s hair, holding their body just a little bit closer. Just a little bit tighter.
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“What do you mean you could have more power?” [Name]’s voice rebounded off the trees around them.
“Snoke said that I have potential, that I could be more!” Ben’s voice became low but strong.
[Name] put their face in their hands, trying to rub out the frustration, before looking back up at Ben with a pointed stare.
“More than what? More than what we are now?” [Name] questioned loudly. “I am not sure what he is promising you, but I am sure that you don’t want to be a part of it!
“You don’t know what I want,”
“Apparently not if listening to Sith lords is what you want,”
“[Name], are you with me or against me?” Ben’s voice was weaker now, less sure. He held his hand out, hoping [Name] would take it.
“Ben, I will never be on the Dark side. And I would hope you wouldn’t either,” [Name]’s words seemed to reverberate through Ben’s skull, like they could echo in there forever.
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Echoes of their past seemed to all rush back, filling [Name]’s mind with memories. As they looked into Kylo Ren’s mask, they felt his fear in the Force, his confusion, and most importantly, Ben.
They felt his recognition, he knew who they were. They felt his internal battle, this isn’t what Ben wants. They felt the dark side, but they also felt the light. Ben was still in there, and he was just begging to be let out.
[Name] took a careful step forward, a pleading look in their eyes as they looked at the mask man before them. Many stormtroopers lifted their blasters at the movement, to which Kylo signalled for them to lower them.
Kylo watched carefully, slowly reaching to his mask, pressing the release at the back. The faint hiss of his helmet seemed to echo in the vast hanger of the Star Destroyer. Despite the many stormtroopers surrounding the two of them, it was completely quiet, so when Kylo’s helmet hit the ground, the sound rang out across the hanger.
[Name]’s eyes quickly scanned Kylo’s face. Ben’s face. There was a scar, looked quite fresh, reaching from once side to the other, that was unfamiliar, but everything else was almost the same as the last time [Name] saw him. He looked a little older, more tired. But he still had the same eyes as Ben, the same eyes that held so much hope. Ben Solo’s eyes.
“Ben…” [Name] whispered. It was soft, unintentional but a plea none the less. [Name] wanted Ben back. Back in their arms, where he belonged.
That was all it took. One word and Kylo had moved from his looming position, running towards [Name] with a relieved look on his face. [Name] wasted no time in meeting him in the middle, running to the man they missed so much.
They met in the middle in a frantic grabbing of each other. Their hug was tight, warm, and freedom. Tears streaked down [Name]’s face as a received sigh came out of Ben.
“I missed you,” [Name] whispered into his ear.
“I thought I’d lost you,” Ben muttered sadly, holding them tighter.
“I can’t get enough of you,” [Name] smiled sadly, relief washing over them.
As they separate, they look around to see the First Order watching them, reminding them of where they are. [Name] looks down at Ben’s hand, before taking a breath and stepping back.
“Ben Solo, will you come with me?” [Name] held their hand out for him to take. “Will you leave the Order for me?”
Ben looks around, his brows furrowing before looking back at [Name]’s hand. He knew what this meant. There was no coming back from this, no going back to the Order. This meant joining the rebellion, facing everyone he has left and everyone he had wronged. But it also meant, [Name]. And he would take that trade off any day.
Grabbing their hand, he smiled at [Name]. This was the start of his life again, and he was not going to make the same mistakes again.
[Name] smiled back at him, tightening their grip on their hands before quickly turning around and running towards the Millennium Falcon.
“Chewy, get us out of here!”
The stormtroopers, who just seemed to come out of a daze, started to run after the two Jedi, shooting at the old ship. The two of them sent a Force pulse at the army as they were half way up the ramp, pushing the army back and stunning them for a few minutes. Closing the ramp, Chewbacca began the takeoff sequence. And as the two former Jedi initiates looked at each other, they were sent into hyperspace, leaving their connection to the First Order behind.
[Name] smiled at Ben, eyes shining.
“You picked me,” [Name] said, eyes fixed on the brown of Ben’s.
“Something I should have done a long time ago,” Ben put simply, taking as step towards [Name], pulling them in by the waist.
Ben looked between their eyes before pulling them in for a sweet kiss. His soft lips made for an awfully good apology, [Name] figured. When they pulled apart, they couldn’t help the smiles that came on their faces.
They pulled each other for another embrace, this one of a promise. A promise to never leave each other. All of a sudden the felt another figure attach to them, this one a lot bigger and fluffier. Chewy let out a holler of something and they both laughed and let him join in. Maybe being away from everything isn’t what they need.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! If you want to be apart of any tag-lists let me know! <3333333
Tag-list: @luvlykrispy
Master List
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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(Miette voice (obvi)) “You abandon Khem Val?? You leave him on the ship like the droid?? Oh oh! Jail for little Sith! Jail for little Sith for ten thousand years!!”
He’s SO dramatic about being asked to wait on the ship, I love him 🤣🤣🤣
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miss-tc-nova · 6 months
Rather Than You - Cait Sith & Kitsune!Reader
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I get the feeling this isn't exactly what you were looking for...but it's pretty on par for me. I actually had fun with this after finishing rebirth and I really REALLY love kitsune, so that was fun. But anyway, you've waited long enough so enjoy!
Premise: Cait Sith gives his own life to save the others
Words: 1,788
               The journey together hasn’t been long, but it’s been the wildest ride. There have been reckless escapes, cautious subterfuge, and more close calls than I care to remember. Despite these harrowing events, I would do it all over again.
               Or at least I thought I would.
               Many would many would think me a fool for so quickly growing attached to the little animatronic. I learned the hard way that they were right. Our first encounter had me instantly charmed. That charisma broke through the stress and chaos of our mission, bringing smiles or even just sarcastic eye rolls. What’s more is that he listened, even when no one spoke.
               Long before Nanaki, I suffered the chains and needles of the mad doctor—all for simply existing. My magic, my body, my existence all became an eager fascination for dissection. There were traumas aplenty in that laboratory and I will never be the same free spirit I’d been all those decades ago.
               But Cait Sith brought back genuine smiles, even by accident. I didn’t need to speak a word, but he always knew just the ridiculous act to pull me from morbid ruminations. And when I did speak, he listened, waiting until just the right moment to say the right words. I never understood how an artificial creature could have such empathy, let alone for someone like me. We couldn’t be any more different, but thanks to him, I began to have hope again.
               Then came the betrayal. Watching the keystone fall into Shinra hands simply because we trusted him tore me apart. I wanted to scream, I wanted to tear him apart, I wanted to disappear. His actions cut deep and now I feel more alone than ever before.
               Even now, I haven’t quite come to terms with it, evident by the trial forced on me in the Hall of Resurrection. But there’s nothing I can do—there’s no time to cope. All I can do in this moment is forget who I am and move forward.
               My name shatters the delusions I’d thoughtlessly chased, giving me only a fraction of a second to avoid the claws closing down on me. Even then, I lose a few hairs at the end of one of my tails for my neglect.
               “Focus up!” Cloud demands, rushing past to swing at the massive wall demon.
               Though the man’s been acting out of sorts himself, he’s right—this is no time for self-pity. A shake of the head dislodges the distraction, hopefully, and I turn my full attention to the fight at hand.
               Twin tails flicker, multiplying to nine in their flurry. In my hands, flames the color of clear skies ignite. All this pent-up grief would serve me better in other ways.
               Walls crawl ever closer as we battle not one, but two of these monsters. I give all I have, hoping each burn I inflict will lighten the burden in my heart. It never does, but I fight on regardless.
               Golden light glitters on the floor, catching my eye. In its midst, entirely unaware in her concentration, stands Yuffie.
               There’s no second guessing what happens next. My body lurches forward at the single notion of getting her clear of the attach. It doesn’t matter how hard the collision is or that, while she falls clear of the attack, I don’t.
               An immense weight bears down on my leg before a powerful snap echoes in my ears. Pain sears through my muscles, tearing a scream from my mouth. Officially, I’m down and out for the rest of this fight, struggling to stay conscious against the agony.
               “I can’t mend the break, but I can help.”
               Warmth seeps into the pain, dissolving it bit by bit, until it becomes bearable enough to pry my eyes open. The demons are gone. All but Cloud shows me their concern, Aerith holding a gentle hand against my leg.
               “Thanks,” I breathe.
               She nods. “Can you stand?”
               The slightest movement sends fire through the limb and blurring my vision. “Not without help.”
               A shoddy splint stifles the shifting, at least allowing me to stand, but it’s Barret’s strength that helps me move forward.
               Ahead of us lies an altar where stands our ex-SOLDIER companion. As we make the last steps, the Temple trembles, Cloud seemingly unaffected by the chaos he’s caused. Aerith confirms that the Temple is crumbling around us, meanwhile Barret leaves my side, struggling with Cloud to replace the black materia. When that doesn’t work, grim reality spreads through the group.
               “I’m back—just in the nick o’ time!” A pair of fingers tip off the ear to me as if he wasn’t a traitor.
               I can only stare, utterly dumbfounded at the audacity of this cat to show his face again to the people he stabbed in the back.  But before Barret can put a few holes in him, Cait Sith rolls beneath the sinking altar, giving his all to keep it from collapsing.
               “Run—while there’s still time. Leave the heavy liftin’ to me!”
               Air hitches in my chest.
               “For real?�� Barret asks, his own arm straining against the platform.  
               Aerith steps forward. “But what about you”
               “No need to fret about a bot like me. I wasnae built to last.” The cat’s knees quiver. “I wish I hadnae skipped leg day. Cannae hold out for long, so run…as if your lives depended on it!”
               Vincent makes his entrance, calling for us to follow him to the exit. The others begin to rush past me, meanwhile, I’m paralyzed in more ways than one.
               “Hey cat, ‘ppreciate it.” Barret’s hand releases the altar, leaving the struggling feline to bear its full weight.
               “Off with ya.”
               This is when I notice Barret coming straight for me. I choke past the lump in my throat.
               “No!” I stumble in an attempt to back away from him.
               It takes the man very little effort to hoist me over his shoulder, all while my fists pound uselessly against his back. Watching Cait Sith grow farther and farther out of reach grips at my heart, the jerking feeling rattling my vision.
               “No! Cait!” I reach out in vain. “NO!”
               My heart surges forward as I race back for the cat.
               “Oi, what are ya doin’?! Get out of here!” he shouts.
               “I’m not done with you!” Tears slip past my anger.
               He peers up, the worry falling from his face. “Oh, I get ya.”
               “You…stupid cat!”
               “I know. I’m sorry.” Even his stuffed moogle doesn’t slow the altar’s progress all that much.
               This torture far exceeds whatever ache a broken leg could inflict. All this anger and grief mixed together pours forth completely out of my control as I scream at him.
               “Sorry doesn’t cut it! What were you thinking?! After everything we’ve been through, how could you do that to us?!”
               He grimaces as his legs give a little more, but then he turns a pure smile on me.
               “I was thinkin’…that, if someone had to get hurt, I’d rather it be Shinra…than any of you.”
               Even if the rage falters, there’s enough sorrow to take its place and keep the tears flowing.
               “I knew this place was dangerous…and that maybe we’d lose someone.” Those ears flop as he shakes his head. “But I couldnae stand the thought of that bein’ you.” His weak laugh is interrupted by his straining. “I know I could never hope to have a life as long as yours, but I’m honored to have had the pleasure of meeting you in the time I had.”
               A hand over my mouth doesn’t stifle the shuddering sob.
               “Now there’s a whole wide world out there. And I know it can be scary and dark and cruel…but people like you and the others make it worth savin’…So you go out there and save it and find the good that makes livin’ worthwhile.”
               My knees meet the stone just as his do. “Cait! Please!”
               “Just…remember me now and then…okay?”
               A hand shoots forward, passing right through the altar with no effect. There’s nothing I can do.
               The small bot begins to crumple. “It was a good run…while it lasted.”
               The moogle’s eyes begin blinking in error.
               “You did…what you could.”
               “Cait, no! Get up! Please!”
               “The rest is up to them.”
               Those are his last words. The altar finally reaches the ground and Cait Sith is gone.
               Pieces of the ceiling finally start to give way, crumbling around me. A massive section falls, bringing down Cait’s moogle, who reaches out to lay a hand on the altar. All while I watch, utterly useless.
               In the following moments, the Temple continues to collapse until finally, it all comes crashing down.
               My eyes snap open, a sharp breath filling my lungs. Dust billows past, clouding the dusk sky but clearing quickly.
               Careful, Barret lowers me onto the ground, the stabbing pain of my injury returning. “You alright? You passed out for a while.”
               Rubbing my eyes, I peer past him into the vast gaping hole where the Temple of the Ancients once stood. It doesn’t even compare to the emptiness creeping over me now.
               A sob rattles my chest.
               “Now that’s not a sight you see every day, eh?” 
               All gazes immediately fly back. Upon a large stuffed moogle stands a little crowned cat, proud of the entrance he’s made.
               Barret voices everyone’s confusion. “But you—we saw you!”
               His little boots meet the stone floor as he hops down. “If I popped my clogs, they’d be sobbin’ in the streets at the Saucer. This beautiful body’s but one of many!”
               The feline strolls right up to me, throwing his arms out, prepared for the embrace he knows I’m dying to give. Without hesitation, I snatch him up, arms tight and relieved tears flowing.
               Just as his face nuzzles against mine, I hear his words, soft and low.
               “You were his favorite.”
               My heart stops.
               He may look like Cait Sith, may talk and act like him—he may even have the same memories—but this is not my Cait Sith. We travelled and fought together. He was the one who spoke when I could not. He wove tales and sang lullabies when I was afraid to sleep. And now he’s well and truly gone.
               This new Cait Sith gasps, wiggling free of my arms.
               “Get somewhere safe! Now!”
               I don’t protest or fight back when the massive moogle scoops me off the ground. Even as it hurries away, sending fresh waves of pain through my injured leg, I simply stare at the back of the cat, slowly coming to terms with the fact that I’d lost yet another person that I cared about.
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
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i gave up. here's the girls. no name ideas yet sorry.
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notes-from-sarah · 1 year
Fate of the Chosen One
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Rating: T
Summary: Genderbend AU. Revenge of the Sith as retold with a complete universe genderbend. Anakin gives birth to her twins, but the Clone Wars rage on. When she has a dream foretelling of Padmé’s death, Anakin makes a decision that will alter the course of the galaxy.
Link to Archive of Our Own
Link to Fanfiction.net
I originally started this fic six years ago to highlight just how male dominated the Star Wars universe is by doing a full universe genderbend. Every character save for Shmi Skywalker is the opposite gender in this fic and I think it makes for an interesting look at the world. I recently finished and revised this and am pretty happy with how it turned out.
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Sith!Reader: Did you ever...
Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Reader on a mission:
Obi-Wan: Okay, let's gather our strength before we head into battle, rest for now
Anakin: Okay.
Reader: Okidokie
Ahsoka: Will do.
Also Reader: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?
Ahsoka: Oh come on, Y/N. NOT AGAIN-
Anakin, throwing his arms up: YES, YES, I HEARD ABOUT IT! A DOZEN TIMES BY NOW
Obi-Wan, sighing: Why do you always do this, Y/N?
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hiddenbeks · 1 month
speaking of liah it's time for another kotor update. i'm currently on manaan and have once again been roped into solving a murder mystery
#el plays kotor#so many murder investigation quests in this game... im not complaining i enjoy them. but idk if liah does#but also yknow manaan is a strictly neutral planet right. that allows both republic and sith presence in ahto city#and some of the selkath speak in favor of the sith which would be believable if the sith weren't so cartoonishly mean and evil all the time#one selkath said sth like 'the republic is stagnant and oppressive and the sith are the change we need'#meanwhile the sith threaten ppl on the streets. conquer and destroy planets. etc#like... you can't just have characters say this stuff and then show only evil & mean sith. and not show any of the republic's flaws...#characters like this selkath just sound stupid instead of like someone with a hot take that is worth discussing#but also during my investigation into the murder i found out that the republic has been withholding information regarding it...#idk... maybe we will see the republic's shadier side... maybe there will finally be some well written grey morality in this game...#also possible that i'm just stupid myself and have simply missed any displays of the republic being shady and oppressive. hm#anyway!! i've also been playing fields of mistria a lot these past couple days... got it as a little bday treat...#it's been nice so far! i like the villagers and am already crushing on ryis and valen aha#my only complaint is that time seems to go by much faster than in sdv?? i hope they slow it down a little
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darth-lemoncupid · 1 year
morning fog
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pairing: malavai quinn x gender neutral! reader
word count: 1,322 words
ao3 link: 🥞🥞🥞
summary: after a rough battle, your captain decides to use some local kitchenware to make you what’s considered to be an important meal of the day with local ingredients.
warning(s): fluff (i guess?), no consideration for how the facilities in star wars actually work, no considerations for what characters actually eat, quinn being wife material, imagined with a sith warrior reader, strawberries, yes i am referencing my own made up stuff for star wars
notes: i just wanted to write about quinn making pancakes because i made pancakes and thought, “he would totally do this.” if this feels weird (and something doesn’t exactly make sense) it’s probably because i wrote this at 4am.
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What is one to do when they cannot sleep?
Perhaps it’s to take a speeder out and explore the vast landscape of whatever planet they were on. Or to sit and contemplate while looking out into the stars and darkness of the galaxy, allowing oneself to be sucked into the serenity of endless sky.
Or, maybe, if one was like Malavai Quinn, it would be to get dressed and head out to a local market to make breakfast for his lord.
The sun had not even risen yet when he woke up. He was used to waking up before the sun came up and was familiar with the feeling of meeting darkness when he awoke from his slumber. But when he did not need to be up, he usually went back to bed. His body could only take so much after all. But sleep did not come to him easily and while he did not mind the Empire’s rations, his body was feeling for something more human, something made from scratch.
Most planets had their own local markets that sold food, if one knew where to look. Thankfully, it wasn’t his first time on this planet. So Malavai dressed in something more casual, wrapped a scarf around the lower half of his face, and set out for a local market.
The morning fog that he had woken up with gradually disappeared as he took in his surroundings. It was nice to watch the sunrise every once in a while. Truly, the endless black sky of the galaxy got a little boring. It was nice to see color every once in a while.
Being one of the first people at the market meant he had his pick of the crop. The best stuff always got taken first. But Malavai was quick. He picked out his necessities, but he had to contemplate which fruit to get. There were so many choices presented to him. But the one that caught his attention was a berry. Red with a sort of sharp glimmer to it.
“Like it?”
He looks up at the old woman. She has a kindly face but her posture told him that she most likely had experience with the military. “They’re quite eyecatching.” He says.
“Yamian Red Crystal Berries. Sweet and cooling. Hard to come by when we’re far out. But a favorite among the Imperials. Would work well for what’s in your bag.” He glances at his bag. “I was watching you. I like looking out for potential customers.”
“I have never had these Red Crystal Berries.”
“They’re rare in Imperial territories, mostly because the Republic hogs them all.” He could sense a hint of bitterness when she mentions the Republic. “But they are special and quite perfect. Here.” She picks one out and offers it to him,
Malavai looks at the berry and its icy glimmer before gently taking it. He pulls his scarf down slightly to take a bite into the berry. It’s cooling and he feels chills run across his body. It contrasts with the rather hot weather he was currently experiencing. The berry is sweet but has a subtle tart flavor and it has a bit of a crunch to it. He’s pleasantly surprised.
“Delicious, isn’t it?”
“I can see why the Republic is so adamant about having them.” He says.
“They are so adamant that they will force families of farmers to work constantly. And once they have exhausted them, they will replace them with droids.” She shakes her head.
“The Republic has a reputation of hiding their misdeeds.” He finishes the berry. “How much for a gram?”
“300 credits each.”
Malavai almost choked on the air as he thought about his checking account. He had a decent amount of money but after this? He might as well consider himself broke. (This would be the second time, but not really. He’s never actually been broke entirely but last time, he was very close). The woman laughs.
“You’re on a discount. I give them to servants of the Empire. If you were Republic, I would be charging you twice as much.”
He looks at his outfit. Nothing really made him stand out as an Imperial.
“I can identify one when I see one. How many grams do you want?”
“Ummm, I’ll take three grams.”
“750 credits. Consider it another discount since you’ve amused me.”
“I’m happy I have amused you.” His account would be grateful for this lenience.
“Good luck with whatever you’re cooking.”
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Cooking was always time consuming but there was something calming about it. It gave Malavai Quinn some semblance of control compared to the rest of his life. It was a chaotic existence to say the least, but with cooking, he could control the environment around him even just for a little bit.
There were a lot of steps to creating a good breakfast, from making a drink to folding in his fluffed up whites into the batter with the right amount of pressure. But he always managed if he just trusted the process.
Even if the first few pancakes ended up a little burnt and flat.
By the mid-morning, Malavai had finished his breakfast. He was very proud with his presentation and the matching drinks to go with it. It took two hours to make and only ten minutes to eat his plate. Truly the worst part of cooking, that he could labor for so long and it would be gone in less than an eighth of that time.
The extra plate and drink had the captain contemplating. Of course, who should it go to? Certainly not Pierce. Vette was probably still asleep. Jaesa? Maybe, but he knew Jaesa would prefer to do her own cooking or get her own meal. Broonmark was...well, Broonmark and preferred to hunt his meal.
There was only one person that was deserving of his time and labor. (Albeit he had forgotten halfway through cooking that he originally went out for you)
When his dish was done, he put the other dish and cup on a tray and walked out of the kitchen to your room. He could hear the rustling of the sheets from behind the door and knocks. “My lord.”
“The door’s open.” Your voice is a little muffled.
Quinn opens the door, balancing the tray on one hand. Seeing his face makes you lift your head from your pillow and smile. “Quinn! Breakfast? I don’t remember us getting any sort of fancy rations.”
“They are not rations, my lord. I went out and bought everything.” He sets the tray down on the nightstand.
You sit up and take the tray, balancing it on your lap. “Everything looks really good.” You pick up a berry. “What is this? I’ve never seen it before.”
“A Yamian Red Crystal Berry from the planet of Yamia Carro. I presume the climate of such a planet has affected the texture, taste, and look of the fruit.”
“It’s pretty. Almost too pretty to eat.” You take a bite and shiver, feeling chills throughout your body. But it was the kind of chills that made you feel exhilarated, the kind of chills you got from eating just good food in general. “What made you decide to make me breakfast?”
“I had an extra plate.”
“I could get used to this.” You pick up the fork and cut into the pancake. “You look great in an apron.”
Malavai feels his cheeks grow warm and he clears his throat. “I will leave you to it, my lord.”
He walks out, the door closing behind him and he could feel his cheeks growing hotter and his heart quickening in pace. It was only a temporary feeling. It could only be a temporary feeling after all. Getting too attached to you may jeopardize his plans.
Alas, Malavai Quinn could not ignore the blatant truth.
He liked cooking for you and the way you made him feel.
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The Day We Meet Again: Part 2
A while later, the cantina door opened to reveal two zabraks, a man and a woman. Oro'a visibly stiffened in her seat, even if she couldn't see she would have known who they were, the force radiated off them in such a way that she could practically feel it scraping at her spine. At best she could describe it as a green ichorous chill that traveled through her body, it was then clear as day, the siblings she had never known about. The man had orange skin and black slave tattoos, along with the brands that would signify his owners scarred onto his face and throat. The woman next to him also had similar scarring on her throat to signify her owners. 
“Jeez…Looks like they were slaves too..” Teeubo murmured, causing Oro'a to glare at the smuggler. 
“Stay away or I will kill you.” She hissed before taking in a breath and standing up to walk over to the pair. 
“It is going to be fine, Tia.” The man said to the woman.
“Your platitudes are going to embarrass us both.” She snipped back.
As Oro’a approached the two of them bowed, in moments like this, far on the edge of the galaxy Oro’a often found herself forgetting her station and time as a member of the dark council. The reality could be somewhat crushing, not to mention awkward when it is your own supposed siblings respecting it.
“Darth Nox.” The woman greeted with a respectful bow of her head, elbowing her brother to do the same. 
“We are here to beg an audience with you.” said Daku. 
“This had better be worth my time.” Oro’a said sardonically, crossing her arms in front of her chest. 
“Of course it is, sister.” Daku said with a smile.
“Daku, if you get us killed over this…” Tia sneered. 
“No killing!” Selene yelled out from the far side of the bar where she was serving Dedalera and Kokassa. 
“If I’m not allowed to kill, it would appear my only option is to grant your request for an audience, we shall head to the table with the most pretzels.” Oro'a said as she turned to walk to an empty table. Once the three of them sat down, Oro'a reclined back in her seat and crossed her legs as Daku sat relaxed and Tiandara looked stiff. 
“Just how did you two find out where I was?” Oro'a asked. “Rishi is meant for one to get away from the wider galaxy, not ridiculous family reunions.” 
“I believe it was the twi’lek agent who found all of us and got us to rendezvous on the planet while she located the cantina.” Daku replied. “It took our sister here a bit more convincing than it did me.”
“And I'm still not sure why we are doing this.” Tia said, crossing her arms. 
“I hope it's not to ask a favor of me.” Oro’a said, raising an eyebrow.
“No, by the spirits!” Daku said, exasperated. “I just wanted to see us all here again. The fact we have all made it this far is nothing short of a miracle. We shouldn't take it for granted that we can still be part of each other's lives. What the hell is wrong with you two!?”
“Spirits?” Oro’a asked
“That's right, you two were just infants...” Daku said with a sigh. “If we can for one minute pretend to all be siblings, maybe I can fill you in on exactly why I cared so much about all this.”
“I feel like I'm going to need a drink if I am going to hear all this again. He already spoke of it on the ship.” Tia grumbled.
Oro'a smirked at her newly learned sister and chuckled. “Maybe you are my sister, I was thinking the exact same thing. Selene! A glass of my Zakuulian wine!” 
“You have legs, woman!” Selene yelled from the back. “I'm busy! I've got a business to run!”
Oro'a sighed in annoyance, rolling her eyes as she used the force to levitate the wine bottle and glasses from the bar to their table. 
“Well,” Daku started to speak as Oro'a poured the wine, still using the force. “I am the eldest of us three, while you and Tia are twins. We were born on Dathomir. While we may only be half-siblings, I still take my role as your elder brother seriously. The Sith…they took me with you two because they couldn't be bothered to carry two babies. That's when I realized I had to protect you both… ” 
“You didn't do a great job.” Oro'a sneered, taking a long sip of her wine.
“I kept you both alive!” Daku said indignantly. “But I was sold to my owner before you two were old enough to truly remember me.” 
“While I appreciate the sacrifice, it doesn't make up for what I had to go through.” Tiandara said with a slight scowl. “My owners weren't exactly kind.”
“Try being stuck in the slave pits.” Oro'a said, curling her lip in disdain at the memories returning to her. “But I survived, and so did you two as well. Darths, if I heard properly?”
“Yes, I ended up as an apprentice of Darth Krovos after my master grew bored of me.” Daku answered.
“And my master was Darth Vowrawn, he took me as an apprentice when I grew old enough.” Tiandara replied. 
“I have heard of them. Both are in Acina's inner circle.” Oro’a stated “How did you manage to break your chains?”
“It wasn't easy. I was trained on Ziost by Krovos, and she was obsessed with the Anzati, one of the first allies of the Sith.” Daku explained before he took a drink of his wine, emptying half of the glass. “She's very…strict. To say the least.”
“Early in my training, she sent me to Korriban to track down an ancient Anzati sith’s tomb. When I arrived, I found the Anzai in some form of hibernation. She tried to force his secrets out of him and use them to make herself strong… But the attempt scarred her mind. After that, I found myself seeking the blood of ancient sith lords from the Anzati’s time to incorporate into myself, to boost my strength. I saw the lack of peace in the galaxy, and when you see it up close you realize you have to let your passion, what you love, guide you. I earned the trust of the descendents of the sith lords, they gave me their blood and I became strong. A little kindness went a long way, I have apprentices, love and a seat as governor of Krayiss II. My title is Darth Occlus.”
“Sounds like you had it easy” Tia stated. “Not me, Vowrawn was a real bastard, but he knows what's good in life, and taught me the most important thing was to enjoy it all. The man watches Sith power plays for fun, reveled in seeing Baras fall to his former apprentice and Thanaton fall to you.” She said with a nod towards Oro’a. “I gained my power by seeking out Sith artifacts and absorbing their power. Much like you with your ghosts.”
“Find anything interesting?” Oro’a asked “Anything I would have to kill you over?”
“It's all on a public record, sister. I have made a fortune selling from the hordes of ancient sith lords.” Tiandara said before she took a long, slow, sip of her wine. “There is one artifact in particular that could catch your interest. Too bad he’s mine. What I originally thought just to be a gold statue ended up being a Maelibus.”
“I suppose we’ll be needing more wine. We’re going to be here a while.” Oro’a said, floating two more bottles over to the table.
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girlscience · 7 months
the older I get the more I realize I was never going to be the cool morally gray anti-hero character I always wanted to be and it's so sad 😞
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tiredassmage · 2 years
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jedi consular bby i’m comin back for you soon /blowkiss
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paradife-loft · 2 years
kind of belated for CaranthirDayPosting, but I really do need to crawl into the professor's skull at some point and root around in there for some answers on what the fuck is going on with naming a kid Dark Finwe when you live in fucking Trees-era Valinor
what meaning is "dark" gesturing at there, sir, please explain to me, I need details
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
Jedi Council: Did you save the plagued master we sent you to save?
Aria (DS! Jedi Consular), in her best Fake But Convincing Sad Voice(tm): Dude's dead.
Jedi Council: Dude's dead?
Aria: Dude's dead.
Jedi Council: Oh. That's a shame D:
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eorzeashan · 2 years
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Funny you say that, Marr. So has Eight.
I'd also very much argue Arcann is definitely acting through passion: his fueled rage and hatred towards his father who he hardly worships. Unfortunately another flaw of KOTFE where they tried to make Zakuul be the grey area of the Force but there's no way to escape the confines of Dark and Light unless you are literally exempt from those forces.
AKA: a non-force user, or someone like the Voss.
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Striking from the dark within is specifically what he does-- and Eight knew from the start he had no chance at freedom, never wanted it, never pursued it, and that drove his entire motivation for making himself invaluable to Jadus, who was power incarnate. The power to protect Intelligence and act with authority he didn't have.
The narrative here is notorious for being mostly relevant to Force-users, but the binding subplot really helps it along.
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Gets dialogue option, slams [ATTACK]
Speaking through battle is the Echani way! I believe in this- I mean, fists!
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Sidenote, I adore how it looks like he's taunting her with his free hand to come and get 'im.
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Double-cheeked up on a Taungsday afternoon hella ass,
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Darth Marr: The weapon you wield was built for a different war. A different enemy. It must change, as you have.
This section leads to building a rather junk-y looking gun that....brings to mind Splatoon metaphors, but given Eight's background and how an Echani chooses a weapon at some point that ultimately reveals who they are at their core, this part actually felt fitting.
I headcanon'd that Marr was more or less implying he was the weapon himself to be rebuilt and reforged, as he always has, and in turn, he needs to embrace that lost part of himself that would flourish in wartime like this.
I've already written about his family's vibrosword before, but in my mind's eye I've replaced the gun building section with retrieving that, and in turn, creating that Echani warrior/warlord alias he wears as the Outlander. I'm 50/50 on that sword's origins since I still like the idea of it not actually being anything special save for a tool in the right hands, but there was the background of his family on Eshan being vibroblade producers/swordsmiths who made this prototype that required a rather deft style to wield which they tried to make popular by inventing their own dueling style to accompany it but it fell out of favor over time with the surge of the Galactic War.
Eight either makes a cheap copy of it because it's a fake and an imitation just like him, or he takes a trip down memory lane and revisits his abandoned home to remember his roots, and the path he has to carve forward.
A blade is just a blade. What matters is what it is willing to spill blood for. Helluva symbol, though.
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Eight: There's no limit I can't surpass...
Limit break protocol activated.
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Eight: If you accept that death has no power over you, it stops being your enemy...and becomes your ally.
Eight: When that happens...you don't have to fight.
This part was so bittersweet. When the Shade Stalker matriarch came out, I realized through Eight's eyes that he saw it like Jadus: something terrible and fearsome through nature, and one that he felt a resonance with because of that. So he chose to acknowledge it. It's what lets him endure what drives others to madness. He'll never be afraid of the unknown again.
Replace death with fear, and it's the same meaning.
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Darth Marr: Your alliance will collapse if you do not know yourself-- and the ideals you serve. Do you understand?
He does. Not in the way you're implying Marr, but he does. He has no self to know, and his ideals will never be his own, but that is exactly why he fights. He travels the galaxy to know the ideals of others-- to someday know himself, to reach that ideal that Keeper once saw for him.
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miladythewinter · 2 years
i downl*aded all of the star wars old republic books which take place while the sith lords & sith empire were still around in large numbers and i’ve been flipping through them as it were and it’s insane how much darker and edgier they are compared to the rest of star wars. i kinda love it. (darth) revan alone is so awesome
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