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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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Pareo/Reona Nyubara from BanG Dream! is an autistic T4T aroflux demisexual lesbian genderfluid neurogxrl demigirl transfeminine girlboyflux celesthereal pinkgender bluegender rainbowaesic headbuttcattic softgender distorglitchic florsunsimusica catpastrygender cutegender catgender pupgender sillyfunnygender luveratix wynfaesi clownillix genderplaylist stellereni musicaconic sugarpopic recuddlovic sweetdreamies lovecandyic peppermeowntgender melogender kurogender crushgender lovepinkfem neurogenderpunk heartpunk gothlolinegender mollisdeathgender pastelcandigoric fikandihappic glitzimusica webcoric neonwebic lucideic kidaesiphoric marofloric mascpinkic bimbopupgender melsugarian rebelpunkpinkic moukawic luxarcplushic plushinia catmaidgender sodacatgender birthdaypuppic confettipupgender coneonglitchix pastelhorrordatic asochaiex roinpergender fuwaun pastelle sweethoarder panlovegender lovesickcatgender felmougirl candygender candyaesic cupcakeaesic rockstaric genderstim cadensgender hyshinegender digirisgender age regressor with ADHD, BPD, MADD, and body dysmorphia who uses she/her, they/them, ae/aer, glow/glows, stripe/stripes, pink/pinks, blue/blues, cat/cats, kit/kits, mew/mews, paw/paws, nya/nyas, pup/pups, candy/candies, heart/hearts, love/loves, flower/flowers, <3/<3s, ^-^/^-^s, pastel/pastels, sugar/sugars, party/parties, pop/pops, soft/softs, key/keys, kandi/kandis, 🧁/🧁s, 💘/💘s, 💙/💙s, and 🎹/🎹s pronouns!
Hina Hikawa is an autistic lesbian aceflux demiboy boyflux nonbinary genderfluid demifluid demixenofluid transmasculine bxy idolgender sungender joygender cutegender pupcatgender pupgender sugarypupgender genderstim sweetiegender cadensgender confetticakegender gummycandic adorafae happyearnsic springaesic cloulollipinkic pilullipopic cufemian starrypupgender foxcute idolthing sillything idolflanic idolcatgender fairypuppic boppinlexic rabiespunk blueberrymuffinpupic azurgirl with ADHD and BPD who uses he/him, she/her, it/its, they/them, idol/idols, joy/joys, cute/cutes, love/loves, mew/mews, kit/kits, sun/suns, bright/brights, ae/aer, xe/xem, sugar/sugars, pup/pups, sweet/sweets, adore/adores, blue/blues, 🌸/🌸s, and 🫐/🫐s pronouns!
Rimi Ushigome is an autistic lesbian asexual nonbinary demigirl catgender bungender lesbithing faesari dollcoric petalgender evarigirl fairycoric pinkfluzzic digicute cutegender shenbunine acething autigender idolgender cutecollector genderfluff cutecoric idolthing angelidolic angelcoric lesbicute celesthereal auticatgender genderselkie shything plushgender plushipuddic cupumime pastrygender floremime ghibliaesic icecreambungender tarabovian cookiegirl chocoaesic xeminine catgirlgender panbungender idolbungender princesscute genderchou xenogirl lesbiancesse cutenic cinnabunaic strawbecookiecatgender kidcoric bunhoardic cuddlegender velvetgender sanriogender mrepie moonchocoic blueberrymuffingender jamcookiegender cinnamonostalgic age regressor with anxiety who uses she/her, they/them, bun/buns, cute/cutes, shy/shys, cookie/cookies, choco/chocos, pastry/pastries, princess/princesses, angel/angels, fluff/fluffs, petal/petals, fairy/fairies, 🐰/🐰s, 🍪/🍪s, 🍫/🍫s, 🥐/🥐s, 🌸/🌸s, and ✨/✨s pronouns!
Tsugumi Hazawa is an autistic lesbian greysexual non-binary demigender bungender bunhoard panbungender confettibungender cozybunian angelbungender idolbungender birthdaybungender angelbunian 🤍🐇emojic medibunnic crèmebungender icecreamgender icecreambungender honeybunian mochibungender mochigender pockygender cinnabunaic strawberrypockygender marshybungender marshmallowtwistbungender juicebungender blueberrymuffinbunic cinnacoffeecakegender cinnamonostalgic person with anxiety who uses bun/buns, they/them, cream/creams, strawb/strawbs, she/her, 🐰/🐰s, 🤍/🤍s, and 🐇/🐇s pronouns!
Himari Uehara is an autistic femme lesbian aceflux girlflux transmasculine nonbinary genderfluff prettygender friamic ventasolea fresafieldic candyaesic celesthereal candygender cutegender lovesmenotic stellereni musicgender musicaconic sugarpopic carnevalean sweetdreamies pinkplanetary pastrawbic angelcoric dollcoric bungender bunnygender catstrawbgender bellukittyic pupgender catgender pupcatgender confettibungender aimdouxic heliosweetic quiescolascivic lovecoric lovenightcoric cottagecoric cupidgender kiddieribbitic solisdawngender cinnabunaic saturatic strawbimilkibubblic kidcoric kidaesiphoric tenergender 2000sanimepinkgender pipaletten moukawic luxarcplushic amocatix florfraisian strawhiconfec strawbecakepupgender strawshorcakic fawngender teacatgender milkcattic cloudpupgender birthdaypuppic pastelle genderchou pribunicesse asochaiex catdollgender prettycatgirlgender cupumime strawberrygender amorprispecix strawbechococatgender strawbecookiecatgender heartgender strawberrypockygender mochigender strawbefeminine felmougirl catlovegender florverna cupcakeaesic pinkcandyshoppic fairycoric peachything peachgender sweetiegender cadensgender dollibunnic cloulollipinkic confetticakegender happyearnsic sillything idolcatgender demigirl with ADHD, BPD, SPD, and MADD who uses they/them, she/her, fluff/fluffs, sweet/sweets, cute/cutes, candy/candies, pretty/pretties, idol/idols, blush/blushes, he/him, doll/dolls, fai/fair, bun/buns, strawb/strawbs, cat/cats, cake/cakes, mew/mews, nya/nyas, paw/paws, cloud/clouds, 🎀/🎀s, 🧚‍♀️/🧚‍♀️s, 🕊️/🕊️s, 🌸/🌸s, 🌈/🌈s, 🧁/🧁s, and 💞/💞s pronouns!
dni link
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mogaihoard · 4 years ago
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Neurobxy / Neuromxn
feeling male but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a bxy. this gender may be fluid, flux, demiboy, multigender, or any combo of masculine and genderless.
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Neurogxrl / Neurowxman
feeling female but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a gxrl. this gender may be fluid, flux, demigirl, multigender, or any combo of feminine and genderless.
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notes: i made some alt flags for neurobxy and neurogxrl! here's the post i got the terms from. -Arson 🍓
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themogaidragon · 4 years ago
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Neurogirl/Neurowoman : Feeling connected to femininity, but disconnected from gender due to neurodivergency. Term coined by @catgender​ (formerly known as @spiked-belle) on Tumblr.
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Neurogxrl\Neurowxman : Feeling female but also agendered due to neurodivergency (The person’s neurodivergence causes a disconnection from gender). This gender may be fluid, flux, demigirl, multigender, or any combo of feminine and genderless. Basically, being a gxrl due to neurodivergence. Term coined by me. Feel free to use with or without credit.
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Neuroboy/Neuroman : Feeling connected to masculinity, but disconnected from gender due to neurodivergency. Term coined by @catgender​ ( formerly known as @spiked-belle) on Tumblr.
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Neurobxy\Neuromxn : Feeling male but also agendered due to neurodivergency (The person’s neurodivergence causes a disconnection from gender). This gender may be fluid, flux, demiboy, multigender, or any combo of masculine and genderless. Basically, being a bxy due to neurodivergence. Term coined by me, feel free to use with or without credit.
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goddessinamber · 2 years ago
Goddess in Amber
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(Fae Demi Goddess)
⚘ Amber. Female 1999 USA. AuDHD. Genderfae/NeuroGxrl. Demi/Bisexual. INFP-T. ELFV. 4W5 469 SxSp. Ravenclaw Pukwudgie.
⚘ Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, Aquarius Rising (Pisces Mercury, Taurus Venus, Scorpio Mars). 2nd House Stellium [Sun, Mercury, Jupiter]. 10th House Stellium [Scorpio Moon, Sagittarius Pluto, Sagittarius Chiron]. Scorpio Stellium [Moon, Mars, Lilith, Midheaven]. Scorpio/Aquarius Signature Sign. Moon/Hermit Birth Cards. 32% Water/Air.
⚘ Eclectic Pagan/Occultist/Witch. Influences: Panentheism, Daoism, Shaktism, Kabbalah, Neopaganism.
⚘ As a 'Fae' 'Demi' Goddess I ought to compile a list of proper magical correspondences & appropriate offerings... 💐💎🍯 I'll keep you posted.
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d · 2 years ago
hello here I'm just a artist/animator/writer beginner what likes to do fandom stuff
some info:
14 y/o
agender girl,neurogxrl,xenogender and genderomni
omni-aro ambiam
flaky kin and irl
a simp of alucard and cyclops
brony? yes
introvert and extrovert
I'm NOT an cassne shipper (I like this ship but I don't ship it please don't think I ship this...)
my artstyle is inspired by @berrysniffles
WARNING:my content are not made for kids because contains such as:gore,flash,horror and etc
credit to every pfp what I use
tumblr:you are here
#alucard reblogs (reblog tag)
#alucard's art (art tag)
#alucard's texts (texts tag)
#alucard's stupid posts (post tag with something stupid)
#alucard's stupid fanfics (fanfic tag with stupid things)
#alucard's answers (answers of my asks tag)
#alucard's headcanons (headcanon tag)
note:ok i hate to say this but please don't think I'm very inactive here when I'm rebloging and posting stuff when tumblr algorithm is not recommending my posts I may get pissed off of it (ok it's silly thing to get pissed off but yea I may get pissed off bc of this)
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa is an autistic aroflux demisexual lesbian nonbinary demigirl librafeminine agender transfeminine genderfluid pangender fawngender neurogxrl felmouenby genderdoe cutegender bungender catgender cattix nekoaesic agenderfluid softgender flashgameian plastechgender genderloading glitchgirlic friamic melogender alstrolia pastelcandigoric kidreamcoric teplocatgender webcoric sleepygirl femmtint 2000sanimepinkgender moukawic catmaidgender amocatix teacatgender c0mc0d3gender lostglitchgender coneonglitchix pribunicesse hologramcatgender sleepygender gamegender digigender ambonec nyanfem cozyfeminine pastelcoric bunclavic gamergirlgender sylveongender genderstalgia animalcrossinggender sweetiegender sanriogender adorafaer xeminine douxinvern dollicattic somnucomfic virtualgirlic computergoric phospixial pinkcandygender digirisgender age regressor with BPD, ADHD, narcolepsy, SPD, depression, anxiety, and body dysmorphia who uses they/them, bun/buns, nya/nyas, pixel/pixels, she/her, he/him, doze/dozes, it/its, love/loves, glitch/glitches, ai/ais, byte/bytes, cat/cats, kit/kits, th3y/th3m, sh3/h3r, h3/h1m, 1t/1ts, <3/<3s, 👾/👾s, and 🐰/🐰s pronouns!
Himiko Yumeno is an autistic lesbian asexual nonbinary trans girl magegender/witchgender nyanbinary magigirl candygender catgender nyalexic natamique cauldrend magialucian puerilgender batsanfin sleepygirl autigender nostalgiamagicgender magicalgirlflux sleepygender stargender kidcoric fairycoric magicpupgender fablegender sugureux chocispellic luckblackcatic phosmagigirlial age regressor with SPD who uses they/them, it/its, she/her, nya/nyas, jinx/jinxes, stellar/stellars, magi/magic, bat/bats, 🪄/🪄s, ✨/✨s, 🎩/🎩s, and 🔮/🔮s pronouns!
Sayaka Maizono is an autistic femme lesbian demigirl girlflux transfeminine idolgender genderdoe melogender musicaconic cadensgender idolzombiegender fairycoric stargender lovecoric musicgender swufegender sparklegender angelgender sweetiegender celesthereal sadyearnsic genderbubbly luflorerean idolcatgender magigirl with PTSD, depression, and BPD who uses she/her, idol/idols, they/them, 🎀/🎀s, and 🎶/🎶s pronouns!
dni link
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
tysm for letting me resubmit!! <3
(from danganronpa)
chiaki is aroflux, lesbian, demisexual, non-binary, demigirl, librafeminine, agender, transfem, genderfluid, pangender, fawngender, gamerbungirlgender, neurogxrl, felmouenby, genderdoe, cutegender, bungender, catgender, cattix, gamercatgirlgender, nekoaesic, a-genderfluid, softgender, flashgameian, plastechgender, genderloading, glitchygirlic, friamic, melogender, alstrolia, pastelcandigoric, kidreamcoric, teplocatgender, webcoric, sleepygirl, femmtint, 2000sanimepinkgender, moukawic, catmaidgender, amocatix, teacatgender, c0mc0d3gender, lostglitchgender, coneonglitchix, pribunicesse, prettycatgirlgender, hologramcatgender, sleepyrainic, sleepygender, gamegender, digigender, ambonec, nyanfem, dreamiclouden, cozyfeminine, pastelcoric, bunclavic, gamergirlgender, sylveongender, genderstalgia, animalcrossinggender, sweetiegender, sanriogender, cutepixelartie, sleepyluvbunlyn, adorafaer, xeminine, douxinvern, dollicattic, somnucomfic, virtualgirlic, computergoric, phospixial, pinkcandygender, digirisgender and uses they/bun/nya/pixel/she/he/doze/it/love/glitch/ai/byte/cat/kit/th3y/sh3/h3/1t/<3/👾/🐰. they have autism, bpd, adhd, narcolepsy, spd, depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia, and also age regresses.
himiko yumeno is lesbian, asexual, non-binary, trans girl, magegender, nyanbinary, magigirl, magicgirlgender, candygender, catgender, nyalexic, natamique, cauldrend, magialucian, puerilgender, batsanfin, sleepygirl, autigender, nostalgiamagicgender, magicalgirlflux, sleepygender, stargender, kidcoric, witchgender, fairycoric, magicpupgender, fablegender, sugureux, chocispellic, luckblackcatic, phosmagigirlial and uses they/it/she/star/nya/jinx/stellar/magi/bat/🪄/✨/🎩/🔮. they have autism, spd, and also age regresses.
sayaka maizono is femme, lesbian, demigirl, girlflux, transfem, idolgender, genderdoe, melogender, magigirl, musicaconic, cadensgender, idolzombiegender, fairycoric, stargender, lovecoric, musicgender, swufegender, sparklegender, angelgender, sweetiegender, celesthereal, sadyearnsic, genderbubbly, luflorerean, idolcatgender, and uses she/idol/they/🎀/🎶. she has autism, ptsd, depression, and bpd.
i wasn't able to find flags for gamerbungirlgender, gamercatgirlgender, prettycatgirlgender, sleepyrainic, dreamiclouden, cutepixelartie, sleepyluvbunlyn, or magicgirlgender, but i can add em if you have links/coiner usernames/etc
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themogaidragon · 4 years ago
Masterpost : Bxgender | Abigender
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Bxgender/Abigender : A gender that is both any gender and agender. It can be fluid, flux or static. Umbrela term for any gender which is a mix of agender\genderless and another gender.
Flag created by me, DM me if you want to know more about it. I'll update this masterpost regularly so don't esitate to send me the new bxgender terms you'll see to help me.
Terms under the cut. ⬇
Abigender: a genderness that is both agender and bigender and/or somewhere between them; an identity mostly bigender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings. could also be called bxgender, biagender, or librabigender.
Apanprince/Pxnprince: a genderness that is both agender and panprince (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panprince); an identity that is mostly panprince, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panprince person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panprinceness.
Apanprincesse/Pxnprincesse: a genderness that is both agender and panprincesse (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panprincesse); an identity that is mostly panprincesse, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panprincesse person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panprincesseness.
Apanroyal/Pxnroyal: a genderness that is both agender and panroyal (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panroyal); an identity that is mostly payroyal, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panroyal person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panroyalness.
Azurxen(o)girl: being both a xen(o)girl and an azurgirl; being a xenic and masculine girl/woman in some way (alignment, expression, multigenderness, etc).
Bxrl or Ambxrl: A gender that is both (am)birl and agender/no gender. The combination of gxrl/gxl and bxy/gxy. It could be either a(n am)bxgender or a trxgender.
Bxy: A gender that is both boy and agender/no gender. You can be a boy and agender/no gender at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling male and not feeling gender.
Bxyflux: A gender that is both male and agender and fluctuates in intensity.
demixeno(boy/guy/man): being partially a xenoboy, or partially a xenoic boy/guy/man
demixeno(girl/gal/woman): being partially a xenogirl, or partially a xenoic girl/gal/woman
demi(xenby/xenbie/xenonbin): being partially a xenby, or partially a xenoic enby/nonbin/nonbinary person
demi(xenoqueer/xenqueer): being partially xenoqueer, or partially a xenoic genderqueer person.
Demixoy: A gender that is both demigender and xoy.
Demixirl: A gender that is both demigender and xirl.
Dxde: A gender that is both dude and agender/genderless. You can be a dude and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling dude/like a dude and feeling genderless.
Enbxrl or nbxrl: A gender that is both enbyrl/enburl/enbirl and agender/no gender. The combination of engxrl/gxrlby/engxl/xngirl/gxrlbie/xngal/gxlby/gxlbie and enbxy/gxyby/gxybie/engxy/xnboy (zeninœ/zeninoe/zenineo & zeninea/zeninae/zeninæ); non-binary bxrl (zeninoa/zeninao).
Gxl: A gender that is both gal and agender/genderless. You can be a gal and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling gal/like a gal and feeling genderless.
Gxndxrqueerness: A gender that is both genderqueer and agender/no gender.
Gxrl: A gender that is both girl and agender/no gender. You can be a girl and agender/no gender at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling female and not feeling gender.
Gxrlby. Gxrlenby, Femxlenby, or Womxnby: enby gxrl/wxmxn/fxmxle; a gender that is both girlby/womanby/womenby/femalenby (nonbinary/abinary girl/woman/female) and agender/no gender.
Gxrlflux: A gender that is both female and agender and fluctuates in intensity.
Gxy: A gender that is both guy and agender/genderless. You can be a guy and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling guy/like a guy and feeling genderless.
Lxdy: A gender that is both lady and agender/genderless. You can be a gal and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling lady/like a lady and feeling genderless.
Mxn: A gender that is both man and agender/genderless. You can be a man and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling man/like a man and feeling genderless.
Neurobxy\Neuromxn: Feeling male but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a bxy. This gender may be fluid, flux, demiboy, multigender, or any combo of masculine and genderless.
Neurogxrl\Neurowxman: Feeling female but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a gxrl. this gender may be fluid, flux, demigirl, multigender, or any combo of feminine and genderless.
Neurobxyflux\Neuromxnflux: Feeling male but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a bxy. This gender is flux and may be demiboy, multigender, or any combo of masculine and genderless.
Neurogxrlflux\Neurowxmanflux: Feeling female but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a gxrl. This gender is flux and may be demigirl, multigender, or any combo of feminine and genderless.
Paxndisso (pron. pawn-disso): pangenderflux- While not dissociating, you’re Pangender (or close to pangender). When you dissociate, you’re Pan-nongenders (examples; Agender, Gendernull, Gendervoid, etc.). A neurogender for anyone who dissociates.
Pxlygender: A gender that is both polygender and agender/genderless. You can be polygender and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling polygender and feeling genderless.
Pxnfingender/Apanfingender: a genderness that is both panfingender and agender (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panfingender); an identity that is mostly panfingender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panfingender person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panfingenderness.
Pxngender/Apangender: A genderness that is both agender and pangender and/or somewhere between them; an identity mostly pangender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a pangender individual feeling they have null/no gender identity; an agender person having some connection to panhood/pangenderness.
Pxnmingender/Apanmingender: a genderness that is both panmingender and agender (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panmingender); an identity that is mostly panmingender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panmingender person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panmingenderness.
Pxnningender/Apanningender: a genderness that is both panningender and agender (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panningender); an identity that is mostly panningender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panningender person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panningenderness.
Rosxen(o)boy: being both a xen(o)boy and a rosboy; being a xenic and feminine boy/man in some way (alignment, expression, multigenderness, etc)
Transfembxyflux: A gender that is both transfemboy and agender/no gender; the combination of transfem/femboy, fembxy/fxmbxy/fxmboy, bxy/femboyflux, bxyflux/genderless and genderflux/boyflux.
Trxgender: A gender that is both trigender and agender/genderless. You can be trigender and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling trigender and feeling genderless.
Wxman/Womxn/Wxmxn: A gender that is both woman and agender/genderless. You can be a woman and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling woman/like a woman and feeling genderless.
Xenbxy: xenoic bxy, xenine enbxy/nbxy; an identity that is boy/enboy, xenogender, and agender or otherwise genderless; a xenic arcturian ; xenby, nby, xenboy, xenobxy, xenx/xenoagender/xenagender, xengender, nxnbinary/nonbxnary/xnby/nonbinxry, xoy-x.
Xenoagender: A xenogender and genderless or one or more non-gendered xenic identities.
Xirl: A gender in some way nonbinary girl or nonbinary girl-adjacent. Someone who identifies with some part woman\womanhoood but wants a more nonbinary and neutral sounding word because they aren't entirely boys or don't want to be associated with the typical ideas brought up by the word "girl".
Xoy: A gender in some way nonbinary boy or nonbinary boy-adjacent. Someone who identifies with some part of man/boyhood but who wants a more nonbinary and neutral sounding word because they aren’t entirely boys or don’t want to be associated with the typical ideas brought up by the word “boy".
Xirlflux: A flux gender in some way nonbinary girl or nonbinary girl-adjacent. Someone who identifies with some part woman\womanhoood but wants a more nonbinary and neutral sounding word because they aren't entirely boys or don't want to be associated with the typical ideas brought up by the word "girl".
Xoyflux: A flux gender in some way nonbinary boy or nonbinary boy-adjacent. Someone who identifies with some part of man/boyhood but who wants a more nonbinary and neutral sounding word because they aren’t entirely boys or don’t want to be associated with the typical ideas brought up by the word “boy".
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
(from bang dream)
pareo is aroflux, t4t, lesbian, demisexual, genderfluid, neurogxrl, demigirl, transfem, girlboyflux, celesthereal, pinkgender, bluegender, rainbowaesic, headbuttcattic, softgender, distorglitchic, florsunsimusica, catpastrygender, cutegender, catgender, pupgender, sillyfunnygender, luveratix, wynfaesi, clownillix, genderplaylist, stellereni, musicaconic, sugarpopic, recuddlovic, sweetdreamies, lovecandyic, peppermeowntgender, melogender, kurogender, crushgender, lovepinkfem, neurogenderpunk, heartpunk, gothlolinegender, mollisdeathgender, pastelcandigoric, fikandihappic, glitzimusica, webcoric, neonwebic, lucideic, kidaesiphoric, marofloric, mascpinkic, bimbopupgender, melsugarian, rebelpunkpinkic, moukawic, luxarcplushic, plushinia, catmaidgender, sodacatgender, birthdaypuppic, confettipupgender, coneonglitchix, pastelhorrordatic, asochaiex, roinpergender, fuwaun, pastelle, sweethoarder, panlovegender, lovesickcatgender, felmougirl, candygender, candyaesic, cupcakeaesic, rockstaric, genderstim, cadensgender, cutepixelartie, celesthereal, hyshinegender, digirisgender and uses she/they/ae/glow/stripe/pink/blue/cat/kit/mew/paw/nya/pup/candy/heart/love/flower/<3/^-^/pastel/sugar/party/pop/soft/key/kandi/🧁/💘/💙/🎹. she has autism, adhd, bpd, madd, body dysmorphia, and age regresses.
hina hikawa is lesbian, aceflux, demiboy, boyflux, non-binary, genderfluid, demifluid, demixenofluid, transmasc, bxy, idolgender, sungender, joygender, cutegender, pupcatgender, pupgender, sugarypupgender, genderstim, sweetiegender, cadensgender, confetticakegender, gummycandic, adorafae, azurgirl, happyearnsic, springaesic, cloulollipinkic, pilullipopic, cufemian, starrypupgender, foxcute, idolthing, sillything, idolflanic, idolcatgender, fairypuppic, boppinlexic, rabiespunk, blueberrymuffinpupic and uses he/she/it/they/idol/joy/cute/love/mew/kit/sun/bright/ae/xe/sugar/pup/sweet/adore/blue/🌸/🫐. he has adhd, autism, and bpd.
rimi ushigome is lesbian, asexual, non-binary, demigirl, catgender, bungender, lesbithing, faesari, dollcoric, petalgender, evarigirl, fairycoric, pinkfluzzic, digicute, cutegender, shenbunine, acething, autigender, idolgender, cutecollector, genderfluff, cutecoric, idolthing, angelidolic, angelcoric, lesbicute, celesthereal, auticatgender, genderselkie, shything, plushgender, plushipuddic, cupumime, pastrygender, floremime, ghibliaesic, icecreambungender, tarabovian, cookiegirl, chocoaesic, xeminine, catgirlgender, panbungender, idolbungender, princesscute, genderchou, xenogirl, lesbiancesse, cutenic, cinnabunaic, strawbecookiecatgender, kidcoric, bunhoardic, cuddlegender, velvetgender, sanriogender, mrepie, moonchocoic, blueberrymuffingender, jamcookiegender, cinnamonostalgic and uses she/they/bun/cute/shy/cookie/choco/pastry/princess/angel/fluff/petal/fairy/🐰/🍪/🍫/🥐/🌸/✨. she has autism, anxiety, and age regresses.
tsugumi hazawa is lesbian, greysexual, non-binary, demigender, bungender, bunhoard, panbungender, confettibungender, cozybunian, angelbungender, idolbungender, birthdaybungender, angelbunian, 🤍🐇emojic, medibunnic, crèmebungender, icecreamgender, icecreambungender, honeybunian, mochibungender, mochigender, pockygender, cinnabunaic, strawberrypockygender, marshybungender, marshmallowtwistbungender, juicebungender, blueberrymuffinbunic, cinnacoffeecakegender, cinnamonostalgic and uses bun/they/cream/strawb/she/🐰🤍/🐇. bun has autism and anxiety.
himari uehara is femme, lesbian, aceflux, girlflux, demigirl, transmasc, non-binary, genderfluff, prettygender, friamic, ventasolea, fresafieldic, candyaesic, celesthereal, candygender, cutegender, lovesmenotic, stellereni, musicgender, musicaconic, sugarpopic, carnevalean, sweetdreamies, pinkplanetary, pastrawbic, angelcoric, dollcoric, bungender, bunnygender, catstrawbgender, bellukittyic, pupgender, catgender, pupcatgender, confettibungender, aimdouxic, heliosweetic, quiescolascivic, lovecoric, lovenightcoric, cottagecoric, cupidgender, kiddieribbitic, solisdawngender, cinnabunaic, saturatic, strawbimilkibubblic, kidcoric, kidaesiphoric, tenergender, 2000sanimepinkgender, pipaletten, moukawic, luxarcplushic, amocatix, florfraisian, strawhiconfec, strawbecakepupgender, strawshorcakic, fawngender, teacatgender, milkcattic, cloudpupgender, birthdaypuppic, pastelle, genderchou, pribunicesse, asochaiex, catdollgender, prettycatgirlgender, cupumime, strawberrygender, amorprispecix, strawbechococatgender, strawbecookiecatgender, heartgender, strawberrypockygender, mochigender, strawbefeminine, felmougirl, catlovegender, florverna, cupcakeaesic, pinkcandyshoppic, fairycoric, peachything, peachgender, sweetiegender, cadensgender, dollibunnic, cloulollipinkic, confetticakegender, happyearnsic, sillything, idolcatgender and uses they/she/fluff/sweet/cute/candy/pretty/idol/blush/he/doll/fai/bun/strawb/cat/cake/mew/nya/paw/cloud/🎀/🧚‍♀️/🕊️/🌸/🌈/🧁/💞. they have autism, adhd, bpd, spd, and madd.
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mogaihoard · 4 years ago
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Neurobxyflux & Neurogxrlflux flags ! :)
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Neurobxy / Neuromxn
feeling male but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a bxy. this gender may be fluid, flux, demiboy, multigender, or any combo of masculine and genderless.
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Neurogxrl / Neurowxman
feeling female but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a gxrl. this gender may be fluid, flux, demigirl, multigender, or any combo of feminine and genderless.
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notes: i made some alt flags for neurobxy and neurogxrl! here's the post i got the terms from. -Arson 🍓
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