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equilibriumnatural · 1 year ago
El Valor de las Vacunas
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drcisneros · 2 years ago
Un virus respiratorio el HMPV, se hace noticioso por el aumento en los casos
A medida que el invierno llegaba a su fin, los virus respiratorios como el VSR, la influenza y el Covid-19 comenzaban a disminuir, pero otro virus poco conocido estaba cobrando fuerza. l metapneumovirus humano (HMPV), responsable de síntomas similares, como infecciones pulmonares, tos persistente, congestión nasal, dolor de garganta y fiebre, estaba causando un aumento de casos esta…
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cryforlovc · 2 months ago
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till se mantiene alejado del resto, tan solo unos metros pero lo suficiente para verse aislado. casi parece un estatua de pie junto a un árbol, no quiere moverse por dos razones; primero, cada movimiento que hace punza filoso en sus costillas, ahí donde fue golpeado hace unas horas. segundo, desde ese exacto lugar en el jardín puede observar a mizi sin que esta se dé cuenta. o eso cree él hasta que el rostro enmarcado en cabello rosa se gira en su dirección y parece sonreír. till por puro instinto y avergonzado retrocede un par de pasos hasta que su espalda choca contra alguien y con ello una nueva punza de dolor lo hace cerrar los ojos con fuerza. “l-lo siento.” pronuncia entre dientes.
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lawries · 6 months ago
@xinmyvein ha dicho "¿me acompañas a la tienda de recuerdos? Quiero llevarme un peluche de pingüino"
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' ¿hay tienda de recuerdos? ' no debería gastar en esas cosas cuando no tiene trabajo estable, pero algo que le gusta juntar en sus viajes son pequeños recuerdos de los lugares que visita. new orleans no es una ciudad desconocida para él y tiene varias chucherías que lo demuestran, sin embargo, esta es su primera vez en el acuario. ' ¿qué pingüino quieres? yo te lo regalo si me muestras el camino. '
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ratdentist · 2 years ago
I hate being throat sick I wanna smoke before I eat I’m so nauseous
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calebine · 9 months ago
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en el contacto directo entre dermis, caleb encuentra que las yemas le arden en el anhelo por permanecer y proseguir con el trazo del marco anatómico. aún, le dedica caricias sutiles, temerosas de recaer en las órdenes de la osadía; irónico cuando los pensamientos se esfuman y la cercanía de josephine lo abandona a sólo responder a través del ímpetu. allá donde le roba el aliento y el corazón late desbocado, sabe que no tiene escapatoria posible — no la quiere, no la busca, se vuelve prisionero de las sensaciones cuando acaricia sus carmines. la voz de josephine le hace volver a sí y, de repente, se encuentra con la ausencia. el segundo silencioso que prevalece se siente una década en la que no puede hacer más que dar rienda suelta a los pensamientos tortuosos. caleb, que siempre fue seguidor de la creencia de que en el lecho de muerte se arrepentirá más de las decisiones no tomadas que de lo hecho, ahora comienza a tener sus dudas. como siempre que está nervioso, la diestra se refriega en facciones en búsqueda de confort, pero no lo haya. ¿qué está haciendo? baraja la opción de dejarla ir, pero necesita disculparse. ‘ espera— ’ el ademán de erguirse se destruye al verse paralizado; desde la esquina del ojo, ve un chorro de agua parecido a un torpedo impactar contra la de yule. ¡dos veces! no lo piensa más, se coloca en pie para acudir en su ayuda y en un par de pasos, ya está sintiendo el impacto del agua contra su nuca. ‘ joder, que ya nos ha quedado claro que a esta fuente española no le gustan los británicos ’  si no se dejase llevar por el chiste estaría perdido, el conflicto histórico de siglos atrás parece lo único a lo que aferrarse. se desprende de la chaqueta, todavía no está mojada del todo y podría utilizarla para cubrir a josephine; a quien, por cierto, mira de soslayo. ‘ no te muevas, ¿entendido? ’ alerta, el primer paso que da en dicha dirección se recibe con un impacto más del agua. lo soporta, no le queda otra. ¿cómo es que la yule se había alejado tanto en un segundo? está empapado cuando llega a ella. ‘ ¿estás bien? ’ la visión se encarga de asegurar que no hay daño visible, después le cubre los hombros con su chaqueta. entre tanto desastre, no se ha dado cuenta del pitido del beeper. ah, prestarle atención le habría solucionado tantos problemas. lee el mensaje y bufa. ‘ puta mierda, tenemos que descubrir el patrón de movimiento ’ la palma se posa en el hombro femenino. ‘ quédate detrás de mí, ¿va? no quiero que te mojes más ’ con el frío que está haciendo, el resfriado está sobre la mesa. no espera, se adelanta en dirección a la fuente y, otra vez, un chorro que empapa las facciones. derrotado, posa las palmas en las rodillas, como quien necesita un respiro. desde ahí, va a ver a josephine. ‘ ¿sabes cuando las mascotas se portan mal y los dueños locos les pulverizan agua? me siento tal cual ’ no da más, acaba riéndose ante el desenlace que jamás espero para el encuentro. estira el brazo y le tiende la palma para que la tome. ‘ ¿me ayudas? ’
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simplemente niega ligeramente ante la interrogante; no quiere decir mucho, cree que es momento de dejar que caleb decida qué contar y qué no. observa detalladamente cada rasgo, cada facción de su rostro, incluso la cicatriz que tiempo atrás le había señalado. parecía de las personas que solían seguir aquel dicho; al mal tiempo, buena cara. josephine comprendía que no era fácil, sobre todo ahora, aunque no sabía exactamente qué le afligía al británico. ‘ sabes que puedes contar conmigo, ¿no? ’ recuerda vagamente haber hecho alguna promesa del estilo, aunque quizá ni siquiera lo había dicho en voz alta, y es que para ella no había necesidad de algo tan obvio. ‘ sobreviviré, estar aquí me ha dado tiempo de pensar algunas cosas. ’ mucho no podía hacer, estando a solas buscando en cada rincón, sin la compañía simplemente tenía que afrontar lo que le atormentaba. a punto de protestar, queriendo defenderse de las inocentes acusaciones, en cambio suelta más risas. la reacción ajena le toma por sorpresa, ¿cómo no? ya había notado que se llevaría varias estando junto a él. lo deja ser, no puede negar que también necesitaba eso, ansiaba por un momento así. sus preocupaciones se disipan lentamente, dando paso a un estado completo de relajación; no piensa siquiera que después de la calma vendría una tormenta. ‘ no tengo problemas con eso, tampoco soy el tipo de persona que promete en vano. ’ posa su frente en la ajena, sintiendo su propia respiración, hasta podría jurar que escucha los latidos de su corazón. sin embargo, la razón queda a un lado y la ambición toma su lugar. nuevamente sus carmesíes buscan algo más, jugando con fuego, es capaz de sentir la calidez de otros labios. es suave, fugaz, mágico; demasiado peligroso para continuar. ‘ lo siento, yo no… discúlpame. ’ siendo la persona que había puesto límites, no tenía derecho a cruzarlos de esa manera. apenada y con los nervios a flor de piel, toma la decisión de marcharse, sin saber si era lo correcto o estaba siendo una desconsiderada. no es hasta que llega a cierta distancia que siente algo extraño, no se trata de el de litha, es frío y… ¿húmedo? voltea a ver para nuevamente ser atacada. con el rostro empapado, se paraliza por un segundo, sin entender qué rayos estaba pasando. si necesitaba una señal del destino para saber que fue un error, ya la tenía en frente. ‘ ¡qué carajo! ’ exclama alejándose todavía más de la fuente. @calebine
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runawaydyer · 7 months ago
hello I've been wanting to make this post on here but I've been too busy to make a proper serious post, I need help. my mother has recently been diagnosed with end stage cirrhosis, neumonia, and c0vid 19. I've spoken to her since the making of this go fund me and her consciousness is wearing thin. she's convinced she can leave and I want to do everything I can to go see her and help so that she can get the treatment she needs without a fight. I need help with medical and travel funds and anything helps including sharing! so please support me if you can.
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androgynousblackbox · 11 months ago
Welcome to Hazbin Vale. 5 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
"Good day to all our loyal listeners. You are all the very blood and vein of this beautiful community we have established here. Our one true home wouldn't be complete without each and everyone of you tuning in each day to share
As you all know, the community center has been closed for some time now for reason that aren't worth getting into right now. Despite the warning signs outside, the building has become a center of reunion for youngster looking to pass a good time. Normally that wouldn't be an issue at all, but in the next few days a renovation is going to take place there and all the space will be neccesary.
Especially the basement. Especially at night. And definitely, absolutely, at 3 AM. Do not come near it. Ignore any voices you could hear. Just go home and don't look back. Make sure all the windows are close tight, even the one on the library in the second floor.
If any of our younger listeners left anything there, this is the time to go pick it up.
Don't pay any attention to the workers that are doing their best to bring back this town it's former glory. They aren't interested in you, so don't give them a reason to. They are just tidying up the place. If you don't seem them moving anything out of the place or cleaning up, that's not for you to worry about.
If any of you want a potentially dangerous place of reunion, there is a lovely cave on the outkirts of the town that will serve just fine. I heard the risk of suffering a cave in is still very much present. That outght to cause some form of excitement, I imagine. I wouldn't know. My idea of fun is a little more involved than that.
But yes, the community center is officially off limits now. Technically the cave I just mentioned is too, but what is life if not breaking a few rules in a whim? I promise I won't tell a word if you don't.
Speaking of those who can't say a word! Unfortunately for today I have no deaths to report. I know, very dissapointing indeed, but sometimes it happens.
The only thing on the obituary is just an old woman who died in the hospital after battling neumonia for a week. Service is Saturday, yes, yes, very sad, very painful, so tragic, you all know the drill. A completely normal and unremarkable death that I feel sleepy just by thinking of it. Nobody wants to hear about that, do you? Be nice with the widow though. He makes a killer jambalaya.
No, that is not a pun, you cheeky little listeners. Just a sincere form of appreciation. I would give you more of those more often if I had a reason to.
As for those of us who are still breathing, ha, get it?, everyone else just spend a lovely night yesterday, safe and comfortable on their beds, contemplating nice memories of events passed merely hours ago. Sometimes even death just likes to take a break. Not everything fun and entertaining has to be so… final. New starts also have their own appeal.
For the oldest listeners, the Jazz club near the supermarket is still very much open and happy to receive new people in for when the night is still young.
My good friend Mimzy has especially requested for me to inform you that Friday nights are a two for one especial. She informed of such just yesterday when I was there with some company.
Who was that company, you ask? Since when are you so intrusive, dear listener? You all should know by now that a true gentleman would never just tell so quickly.
Although, I want to make it clear that they didn't tell me not to say. I even asked and they said they don't mind.
I just can't resist causing you a little bit of pain whenever I can, dear listener. I will only talk when and if I want to. Thank you for understanding.
Oh, but what I am saying? We were about the jazz club. Well, I will admit it had been a long while since the last time I entered that place. I could hear the music just fine from my own livingroom, so why I would spend the effort of dressing up, putting on cologne, shaving, brushing up and all that work just to be surrounded by the same people I already know and can talk about everyday? It doesn't seem worth it.
Oh, Mimzy, dear, I can feel you frowning from here. Please don't take any offense to that. You know I never had your same kind of flame to keep up that lifestyle every night without fault. I am just a boring old man at my thirties that can't compare with your youthful disposition. Maybe ten years ago I could come close to, but not now. I need to save up my energy for that.
Last night I just happened to find a new charge. Mimzy told me that she got a bunch of new music and there was even a live band there. I am afraid I can only trust on her word for that because I don't remember a single thing about that once I was on my table.
I knew there was music and it wasn't grating on my brain making me wish I was deaf, but I couldn't tell you from my experience more than that. I also know there was a stage but I have no idea if someone was there.
Something else must have kept me distracted. Wonder what could have been, mmm?
The food was amazing, that I can promise you. Mimzy hired a new cook a few days ago that knew exactly to give it that spice that turns out as such a nice surprise as soon you really bite into it. The wine, well, I didn't take that much but I thought it went rather well.
For some reason I do remember that one detail extraordinarly well. Down to the label on the bottle and the thick glass landing against the wood of the table. The way it swayed inside of the glass and went down behind lips lightly tinted red, as if flushed after receiving a good bite.
What a delicious meal that was.
I don't think I have tasted something as delicious in years.
My personal rating, that is completely unbiased and therefore objectively true: 10 out of 10. I would love to do it again.
For a certain someone that I know is working very hard right now, and keeping the radio right nex to their desk filled with papers, design plans and sketches, that is the answer to your question last night.
Um, but you don't go to a place like that just to ignore whatever live band that may or may not being there in the first place just to eat. It's a club, not a restaurant, dear listener. So even though you may bring your own entertainment while enjoying the food, that is not supposed to be the only reason you are there.
After that wonderful dinner, I got to try again the renewed wood floors for a few pieces. Don't ever let anyone tell you that our dear Mimzy still doesn't have the energy of a girl on her 20s. She would keep up with whatever move I was making like she had read the manual front and back without missing a bit.
That is what being an old member of this community means, of course. You get to know each other. You know what to expect, most of the time at least. So when you dance with someone for the first time, it's only to be expected to be a little bit awkward at first and step on a few toes. There is no shame on that. No need to apologize so much.
It just means that we have to keep dancing until we manage to find the right rythm.
Once you figure that one out, it will be as easy as if we had danced a million of times before across multiple lifetimes. As if our feet were connected to the same brain and we didn't had to think at all. Thank goodness that it was a slow song. It's okay to get closer so we are sure of what we are doing. Your own cologne doesn't bother me at all.
It does make you wonder, though, how someone that does so many things with their hands can have them so soft. What secrets are hiding even as you look into each other eyes and sway together like the wine on that glass?
Would you want to find out? Or it would make you ran away?
The moon was shinning so bright last night. Maybe even death had to stop it's feeding and admire it for a bit.
A long walk at night is good for the soul, or so they say. You can't leave your dance partner to go on their own. There are raccoons out there, silly. And they get too creative if given a good enough excuse. But don't worry, I have a feeling they won't bother us for now.
Reaching a renewed building I have only seen in a picture and a doorframe that remained open for one last good night. Ignore the fact that we said goodnight at least three times before.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Maybe just one more for good measure.
Someone that was waking up from their nap was demanding attention. Babysitters needed to be driven back home. That is why I couldn't stay. I understand.
I hope you all had sweet dreams last night.
And don't ask me where that music is coming from. I have no idea what to tell you.
Wait, what I was on about? I forgot.
Well, I am sure it will come back to me. Or I could go look for it again later. Maybe this afternoon? At the Chocolate Boutique? I will be there regardless if someone wanted to talk.
Tomorrow is going to be another day, dear listener. Let's embrace each day as they come.
Oh, and stay away from the community center if you want to do just that.
Now, the weather…"
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMv3a7Kx3eQ the song of the background]
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hipertimiadisplacentera · 6 months ago
Joven de 20 años termina con su vida en un vivero a eso de las 3 de la madrugada (muerte por ahorcamiento). No dejó ninguna nota y su pareja, quien queda sola con un hijo, expresa no haber detectado ninguna señal que anticipara tal hecho.
Madre de mediana edad estaba bañando a su bebe menor de un año en la bañadera. Mientras se llenaba, la otra hija, de unos 8 años, le pide que la ayude con algo. La madre ya estaba cansada para ese momento del día (era la tarde-noche) pero accede para que la niña se quede tranquila, así que la acompaña. Al terminar de ayudarla, reposa unos segundos sobre un sillón y, sin poder evitarlo, cae dormida. A la hora, la niña mayor la levanta y le dice "mamá mi hermanito esta flotando en la bañera" . Al llegar a la guardia ya nada se podía hacer, el bebe murió ahogado. El padre llegó y armó todo un escándalo contra su mujer. La familia por supuesto se disolvió en rencor y culpa con celeridad.
Madre e hija estan discutiendo en voz alta como otras tantas veces, pero ahora parecia ser la gota que rebasó el vaso. Al parecer, la adolescente menor de edad (si bien recuerdo eran unos 16) se fue a encamar con un adulto de 30 y tantos años. No era la primera vez y en otras ocasiones, al llevar a sus amantes a la casa, habían sufrido algunos robos. Cuando era descubierta, la joven amenzaba a su mama con quitarse la vida tomando pastillas. Esto ponía a la madre de rodillas (no literalmente) y con una indulgencia superlativa. Pero esta vez la madre estaba en el acme de su peor momento de salud mental y procedió a decirle "mira, toma (arroja un centenar de pastillas de diversos principios activos) matate si queres, no te soporto mas, sos lo peor que me paso, no te quiero ver, morite y no me vuelvas a molestar jamas"entre otras cosas..."melosas".
Un niño nacio en una familia particularmente considerada por la buena fortuna. Son 5: la madre, una mujer cuyo desinteres por sus hijos es notado hasta por el mas neofito observador de la conducta humana, el padre, preso por abusar de menores, dos hermanos mayores que padecen un autismo impresionante y el infante en cuestión que cuenta en su haber una encefalopatia epileptica refractaria a todo tratamiento que se le intentó dar. El niño fue perdiendo capacidades poco a poco y hace no mucho, perdio la capacidad hasta para comunicarse con los metodos mas rudimentarios, quedó con un sindrome de enclaustramiento. No hace tanto, sufrió un cuadro de sepsis con foco infeccioso en las vias urinarias. Fue a parar a la UTI, salió. Llevado a piso, al pasar algunos días sufre una neumonia intranosocomial, lo que lleva a que lo intuben para respiracion asistida. Ya pasado el cuadro, extubarlo es en efecto muy pero muy difícil. No se logra, asi que se procede con una traqueostomia. El niño es dado de alta y vuelve a su casa. Mientras todo esto pasa, la madre procede a abrirse una "pagina azul" a pedido de su nueva pareja. La casa en donde vive la familia es un dos ambientes: cocina comedor, un baño y una pieza donde duermen los 5 y la abuela. En la misma habitacion estan los dos autistas ensimismados en sus pantallas, la abuela acostada en una cama, el joven enclaustrado en un colchon y la feliz pareja que, si las ganas de intimar llegan sin avisar, se cubren con sus sabanas y a disfrutar (en silencio, shhhh ¿como dice la lechuza?). Si ese pobre chico pudiese hablar... seguirían sin darle bolilla.
Aparte de lo cínico de algunas frases, es fácil encontrar un denominador común en todas estas historias. Pero por mi parte, yo solo me hago una pregunta (y de hecho es la primer cosa que pense al tomar conciencia de los hechos narrados mas arriba)
¿Vale la pena sentir algo?
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renaiswriting · 2 years ago
Baci di Luna (part 2)
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Pairing: Choi Seungcheol/Reader
Saying I love you was never easy.
Having to say it in a language that wasn't yours was not easy either.
Imagine the struggle of that, and now add it to loving someone whose family thinks you're a monster.
It can't be easy at all.
Warnings: None in this part I think.
Word count: 1.6k+ words
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Moon phases masterlist
It was already five in the morning, and the sky was just as dark as how he had seen it before hoping to sleep two hours ago.
He could hear a soft snoring coming from the room next to his; Jeonghan seemed to be deep in sleep.
Seungcheol moved quickly to the bathroom, taking a quick bath. The sweat was dry on his skin, so the fresh water was a nice change.
He was eager to leave the house, but he wanted to be the most presentable (and handsome) he had ever been before.
He dried his wet face, taking the fat drops from the bath with the blue towel Wonwoo's mom had bought for them.
His body was incredibly awake, considering that he was moving on just two hours of sleep. He rushed back to his room, picking up the plain black shirt he owned and a pair of jeans.
He was just about to leave the house when the front door opened and two sleepy figures entered the house, greeting Seungcheol on their way to sleep.
Vernon was walking almost in automatic mode, his foot barely breaking contact with the floor.
"He ran away two wolves that were trying to enter our territory," Mingyu informed, covering his mouth to yawn. His hair was such a mess that Seungcheol wanted to go back to the bathroom with a glass and come back to wet it all.
"Did they go away?"
Mingyu nodded, looking unsure. "We waited for them until it was time to go back; we couldn't catch them anywhere."
Seungcheol nodded. "Let Joshua know, and tell him to bring Soonyoung with him just in case; it wouldn't hurt to have an extra pair of eyes out there."
Mingyu gave him a thumbs up, as his mouth was busy drinking a glass of water. "Where are you going?" He asked, drying the rest of the water on his mouth with the back of his hand.
"I'll go to the town; we're running out of fresh bread." He replied.
"Be careful." Mingyu told him before Seungcheol's body was met with the freezing wind.
Seungcheol was glad his body ran at a higher temperature than the normal human body; it was easier for him to move in the brutal winter weather and low temperatures without risking a cold. (Or well, without risking neumonia, because it was more than common among the wolves.)
He didn't have to think much; it was like his body understood where they were going without his mind having to remind it of the way.
Sooner than expected, he was making his way down the bustling streets of the small town. The sky was now turning from black to a mixture of orange and blue.
The smell of the morning invaded his nose almost completely, and he could even hear some stray dogs barking far away.
Some old dude greeted him with a "good morning" as their paths met; he was walking really slowly with a hand on his lower back.
His jeans were feeling really cold against his skin; the fabric clearly wasn't made for such a cold day.
He turned one more time, and his nose started twitching as the smell of freshly baked bread and pastries filled his nostrils.
Without noticing, he started picking up his phase. The change in smell was incredible, from the musky scent of the forest. He did still prefer it to the smell of the town, but the sweet smell was indeed pleasant.
He soon found himself standing in front of the little bakery. Since the town was clearly less busy than the last time he was there, he took the time to see every single detail. One of the walls had small white and yellow flowers; they were so tiny that you could barely see the petals if you weren't close to them.
He wasn't sure what those flowers were called.
Minghao was the plant and flower expert of the pack. Which was really useful since he knew exactly what plant and which part to use depending on what was required.
He had an incredible tea that cured all the sore throats and was the one Seungcheol used the most.
There was a single light inside, coming from a candle; it was yellowish, almost orange, and it made the place look warmer.
And moving behind the candle were you.
You had your long hair tied in a ponytail, and your ears were decorated with golden earrings that shone in the light. From what he could see behind the door, you were busy writing something on a piece of paper. Your cheek was resting on the back of your hand, and some of your hair was falling near your eyes.
Seungcheol wanted to come inside, but he wasn't sure what would be the best way to approach her. It seemed like you were alone and not expecting anybody, so for him to just open the door like that would probably scare the snot out of you.
Instead, he softly knocked on the door. He tried to be as gentle as possible, but the sudden noise startled you.
Seungcheol quickly took a step back, raising his hands to his head level, so you could see he wasn't trying to break in or anything.
You rushed to pick up what you had dropped, trying to calm your heart.
You carefully walked near the door with the candle in your hand; your legs were shaking.
Only you had the thought to come back in here when it was still so dark outside.
Your mother would be so mad.
"We're not open." You told him that your voice was still wavering as you were struggling to recover from such a scare.
"Oh— sorry." The man replied.
You frowned. You knew that voice. You weren't exactly sure from where, but you were certain that this wasn't the first time you heard it.
"Who's there?" You asked more firmly this time, moving the candle closer to the figure. The glass in between made it more difficult to see who was on the other side. The figure moved closer so you could have a better look.
"I'm Seungcheol." He replied, his eyes opening bigger once you both made eye contact.
"The croissant guy." You nodded, earning a smile from the guy.
"Yeah, that one." He chuckled.
You thought about it for a second before deciding to open the door for him.
You could hear your father scolding you from the back of your head.
The man, Seungcheol, walked inside slowly. It was like he was trying to see what your reaction would be, giving you the time to back out if you wanted to. His eyes shifted from you to the different things inside the bakery, scanning the display cases filled with all sorts of baked goods.
"You scared me." You confessed to him, closing the door again once he was fully inside. You checked quickly outside, trying to see if there was anybody walking near the bakery. But just as expected, there was no one else. "I wasn't expecting anybody at this time."
"I'm sorry; I didn't think much." He apologized, taking some steps back so there was more space between the two of you.
"It alright." You reassured him, taking the tissue you had used to clean the mess you had made before to quickly clean some of the tint on the floor. "God, I hope my mother doesn't see this."
"Let me do it." Seungcheol kneeled on the floor, taking another tissue from the table you were using and cleaning it himself. You tried to stop him, but it was useless. "What were you doing?" He asked instead.
"I was writing to one of my friends," you replied, sighing when some of your hair moved to your eyes. "I haven't seen them in a while, and it wouldn't hurt me to keep practicing my Italian with someone before I forget all of it."
"You speak Italian?" Seungcheol asked, surprised; his eyes were wide open, absorbing every single one of your movements and your words.
"Yeah, my mother would kill me otherwise." You chuckled, "She goes way easy on my brother's Italian, though... Sorry, what were you looking for?"
"Uh, yeah, I'll take one of those," Seungcheol replied, pointing to a tray behind you without looking.
You nodded, moving to where he had pointed and wrapping six up in a paper bag. "Would that be it?" You asked.
"And bread, yeah—bread please."
You're handing it all to him. "That'll be five dollars, please."
Seungcheol dug into his pocket and handed you the money. Both of your fingers brushed against each other for a brief moment, and for such a cold morning, his hand was way warmer than you had thought.
His heart skipped a beat at the touch.
When you moved your hand away, he felt deep inside the urge to hold it, to feel the touch of your skin against his again.
But he didn't.
He wasn't trying to come across as weird.
And he wasn't even sure he was doing a good job at the moment.
He didn't want to scare you away.
"Thank you; come again," you smiled at him. "Although not at this time." She laughed. The sound of you had such an effect on Seungcheol that he couldn't help but smile as well.
"I'll make sure to never come back at this time." He replied, smiling apologetic to you, still feeling bad for scaring you.
"It's alright; I shouldn't be here at this time anyway; it can be quite dangerous."
"Yeah." Seungcheol nodded, looking more serious this time. "It can be really dangerous; please be careful."
As he made his way back towards the forest, he took a bite of what he had bought, making a surprised noise when he came across a flavor that he already knew. He held the cornetto closer to his eyes. It was delicious.
But even more satisfying than the cornetto he was devouring was the thought of your smile.
He couldn't wait to see you again.
And to get teased by Jeonghan if he ever saw him like this.
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equilibriumnatural · 1 year ago
El Valor de las Vacunas
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stylingmysmiggles · 8 months ago
dude i keep not taking the advice the doctor gave me rn i swear im gonna get neumonia
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kittymeiga · 1 year ago
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Today we had a break from the constant rain for the first time in days. And I was also feeling better from my neumonia, so we went for a walk. She had the best time exploring the park and observing all the birds ☺️
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dayax19 · 2 years ago
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llora un poco después de películas/series emotivas. la paleta de colores de Dylan en el círculocromático está entre el agua marina, azules claros, verdes, amarillos hasta el naranja. reflejan su visión y misión impuesta por él mismo de crecer sin padecer de las actitudes de un adulto estresado. siempre optimista!  /he cries a little after emotional movies/series. dylan's color palette in the chromatic circle is between sea water, light blues, greens, yellows to orange. they reflect his self-imposed vision and mission to grow up without suffering from the attitudes of a stressed adult. always optimistic!
Jessica tiene sueño, pero nunca duerme si hay al menos una sola pantalla encendida (sea telefono, laptop, televisor, etc.). la paleta de colores de Jesica en el circulo cromático es el opuesto al Dylan, desde el rojo (mas implementando el rosado o el salmón, nunca el color fuerte), el morado, el indigo (como base), el azul como favorito (más en tonos oscuros o Claros, no el color fuerte). Refleja la costumbre de percibir su mundo desde un punto de vista más maduro (a pesar de tener una imaginacion infantil, es reprimida por sí misma). siempre viendo el vaso medio vacio/ Jessica is sleepy, but never sleeps if there is at least a single screen on (be it phone, laptop, TV, etc.). Jesica's color palette in the chromatic circle is the opposite of Dylan's, from red (more implementing pink or salmon, never the strong color), purple, indigo (as a base), blue as a favorite (more in dark or light tones, not the strong color). Reflects the habit of perceiving her world from a more mature point of view (despite having a childish imagination, she is repressed by herself), always seeing the glass half empty.
Kristhal lleva unos jeans que antes eran de salir, pero ahora los usa para la casa. no compra pijamas. por si se negaban a ver la serie que ella trajo a la pijamada, ella llevó una espada para poder amenazarlos si se negaban. no la usó, todos aceptaron sin problemas.  la paleta de colores de Kristhal en el circulo cromático oscila entre el rojo y el azul, pero aplicando poca saturación (colores frios). representa su versatilidad de llevar una mente razonable, con la habilidad de ver los problemas y situaciones desde 2 puntos de vista completamente opuestos. es empatica tanto como el oprimido como el opresor, pero no es sabia como para tomar desiciones justas, sólo desde su beneficio (lo que le conviene)./ Kristhal wears jeans that used to be jeans for going out, but now she wears them around the house. she doesn't buy pajamas. in case they refused to watch the series she brought to the sleepover, she brought a sword so she could threaten them if they refused. she didn't use it, they all accepted without problems. Kristhal's color palette in the chromatic circle oscillates between red and blue, but applying little saturation (cold colors). represents her versatility of having a reasonable mind, with the ability to see problems and situations from 2 completely opposite points of view. she is empathetic both as the oppressed and the oppressor, but she is not wise enough to make fair decisions, only from her own benefit (what is convenient for her).
Jonathan usa dilatadores nasales (rinitis alergica). constantemente tiene que resguardarse del frio o de las lluvias, es propenso a tener neumonia o bronquitis. la paleta de colores de Jonathan en el circulo cromático es casi nula, tiene sólamente al negro o a grices oscuros. puede usar colores, pero si la iluminacion y la saturación es baja. No puedo exponer lo que piensa o como piensa (aún  no), pero es sabio para utilizar sus pocas habilidades para el favor de las personas, así como aconsejar sobre cómo deben trabajar sus amigos. es el líder del grupo (asignado y aceptado) / Jonathan uses nasal dilators (allergic rhinitis). he constantly has to take shelter from the cold or rain, he is prone to pneumonia or bronchitis. Jonathan's color palette in the chromatic circle is almost null, he has only black or dark grays. he can use colors, but if the illumination and saturation is low.I can't expose what he thinks or how he thinks (not yet), but he is wise to use his few skills for the benefit of people, as well as advise on how his friends should work. is the group leader (assigned and accepted)
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ivanreydereyes · 1 year ago
La de HOLA+ANDA ITCHY BOOTS o NORALY ha llegado con su nueva ROYAL ANFIELD "HIMALAYA" 450" a la INDIA [Lema LA VERDAD SOLA TRIUNFA] subiendo a la cordillera más alta del mundo o el "HIMALAYA" tras romperse una mano y reencontrarse con Charly Sinewan en ANDo+zORRA después de la 1era vez en EL SALVADOR o cuando por él empeze a seguirla y por lo que me subí a la cima del nuevo PUENTE CONCORDIA con la camiseta de HOLA+ANDA con la que ganó la Eurocopa del 88 a la URSS tras fotografiar en la adjunta TERMINAL IV el avión de ROLLING STONES q empezaba su gira en MADRID...es decir por donde me dieron x detras a mi BMW [comprado en C/SALVA_TIERRA] en una RETENCION viendo por el ESPEJO RETROVISOR como no le iba a dar TIEMPO A FRENAR yendo acompañado de Jaime DE ROQUE [=sinónimo de ESTAR DORMIDO]..al que no pasó nada pero yo tuve que ir a REHABILITACION a IBERMUTUA frente polideportivo SAN JUAN BAUTISTA y junto a UNIVERSAL MUSIC SPAIN [cuyo presidente SIMONE BOSE murió de una NEUMONIA FULMINANTE con 51 años el 31_12_13 lo que recuerda q VIRGINIA MAESTRO ha grabado The WATER con SUSO GIMENEZ q es NEUMOLOGO]..x lo q no fui a la VIRGIN MONEY MARATON DE LONDRES [así se llamaba en 2011 cuando la vi el DOMINGO DE RAMOS desde la ESTATUA DE LA REINA VICTORIA frente a Palacio de BUCKHINGHAM encontrando a continuación la casa de KYLIE MINOGUE en DRAYTON GARDEN junto al bar ECLIPSE y los restaurantes españoles con referencia a los TOROS "CAPOTE Y TOROS" y "CAMBIO DE TERCIO" al q ha ido] haciendo mi 1er entrena_miento una vez recuperado hasta la calle MADRE DE DIOS con Avda PIO XII para ver pasar a JUAN PABLO II [2_5_2003] al ir al adjunto NUNCIO a DESCANSAR antes de reunirse con los jóvenes en el AERODROMO DE 4 VIENTOS donde le canto el argentino DIEGO TORRES "COLOR ESPERANZA" del cd UN MUNDO DIFERENTE
Por cierto..muy buenas las aventuras de NORALY o SINEWAN o GONZAVENTURAS pero SIN SEXO o SOL_EDAD todo se viene abajo o PIERDE VALOR ..algo de lo que pecan todas las RELIGIONES de $atana$:
Las montañas del Himalaya han influido profundamente sobre las culturas de Asia del Sur, y muchas de ellas son sagradas para el hinduismo y para el budismo
CRISTO NO ES UN NUMERO MAS NI TAN SIQUIERA ES EL NUNERO UNO..ES EL SIN NUMERO O INFINITO [por cierto..no lo llevaba en esa carrera BEHOBIA_SAN SEBASTIAN xq llevaba encima la camiseta que se me empapo y tire de la Milenium Maratón de MADRID donde salí junto a los Campeones del Mundo Martin FIZ y ABEL ANTON q se tuvo q parar a 200 mts de la META junto al LAGO de la CASA DE CAMPO por fuertes DOLORES en su última MARATON pues era el HOMENAJE DE AMBOS y el cual fue CAMPEON DEL MUNDO en ATENAS'97 donde no dio un RELEVO AL VIGENTE CAMPEON Y COMPATRIOTA Martín FIZ ..y en SEVILLA'99 donde ganó en mi ESTADIO TALISMAN al mismo tiempo que CUBANO IVAN "lazaro" Pedroso ganaba EL ORO en LONGITUD al SUICIDADO YAGO LAMELA=CHUPALA pero GRATIS Y LIBRE O X AMOR DE DIOS para evitar todo tipo de MALES..que murió estando yo en SEVILLA tumbado junto a Río Guadalquivir fotografiando a unos tipos ENSAYANDO la CUERDA FLOJA..y al ir entrenando mientras escuchaba por los auriculares como ABEL ANTON ganaba en SEVILLA'99 quise correr ahí una maratón como hice 6 meses despues con solo una media maratón hecha q fue la de MORATALAZ en NOV'99 q acabo frente al entonces recién INAGURADO TEMPLO DE JESUCRISTO Y DE LOS SANTOS DE LOS ULTIMOS DIAS junto a JUAN MANUEL REY LIEBANA al que me acababa de encontrar en GYM EMBAJADA y del que me echarían por un LIO DE FALDAS con unas AZAFATAS DE AIR EUROPA tras llevarme a su casa que compartían con otra y un PILOTO que contó un FAJO DE DOLARES delante mío.. y a Juan MANUEL REY que fue junto a mi al colegio BRISTOL y SANTA MARIA DE LA HISPANIDAD le había visto por última vez en el HOSPITAL DE LA PRINCESA en 1990 tras salir del COMA porque le abrieron la CABEZA con un Bate de BASEBALL a la salida de una DISCO xq al parecer le confundieron con otro aunque era un MOD muy LOCO o muy BORRACHO q hacia todo tipo de LOCURAS como EXHIBICIONISMO..
..por cierto..en esa carrera BEHOVIA_ SAN SEBASTIAN de nov 2002 o la última antes de correr la MARATON DE MAZATLAN tuve una estúpida caída al ir en la bajada a PASAJE DE SAN JUAN recortando en las CURVAS como una MOTO y pise fuera del ARCEN donde había miles de familiares de ETARRAS pidiendo que los PRESOS VOLVIERAN AL PAIS VASCO tras la dispersión que hizo malogrado Antonio ASUNCION=ASCENSION DE LA VIRGEN..amigo de mi padre desde que era DIRECTOR DE PRISIONES y luego el ministro del interior más breve de la democracia..al ASUMIR el robo de más de 6 millones de € por el director de la GUARDIA CIVIL Luis ROLDAN que dijo devolver a ASUNCION que a contiuacion monto unas PISCIFACTORIAS donde mi padre me ofreció trabajar explicándome que en su LONJA se llevaba el LOTE quien menos ofrecía para luego venderlas con ESTAFA al BANCO VALENCIA..y me quedaban como 9 KM para acabar con fuerte dolor en TOBILLO pues me salio un HUEVO y encima NO ESTABA donde habiamos acordado con mi BMW JUAN JOSE LASSO DE LA VEGA FERRER al estar SAN SEBASTIAN atascado pero tuve la SUERTE de que al devolver el CHIP DE TIEMPO al C.D. FORTUNA me devolvieron 2 € de fianza y llame a mi casa para q me dieran el MOVIL de JUAN JOSE q condujo de VUELTA A MADRID y ya no entrene mas hasta la MARATON EN MEXICO porque ademas me Diluvio en MAZATLAN y se inundo las CALLES x lo que de esperar hacer menos de 2h 30 min apesar de la humedad me fui a 2hr 45 min o 10 min mas que mi marca..x cierto..la camiseta sin numero es de la MARATON DE SEVILLA 2002 en la q hice la marca y estaba patrocinada por SUPER_CABLE cuyo emblema era un CAMA_LEON]
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cristo-salva · 25 days ago
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En plena Plandemia ME RESTRINGIERON 30 días de FACEBOOK por publicar ese VIDEO y lo eliminaron de mi MURO - NEUMONIA BACTERIAL POR USO DE MASCARILLA (BARBIJO)
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