thewayofyehoshua · 1 year
Time to start thinking of your salvation. You're running out of TIME!!!
Acts 2:38
And Kěpha said to them, “Repent, and let each one of you be immersed in the Name of יהושע Yehoshua Messiah for the forgiveness of sins. And you shall receive the gift of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Ghost). The Scripture Bible 2009
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leahcim-yesnik · 2 years
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thewayofyehoshua · 27 days
Romiyim (Romans) 8:29
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There is more to being a talmid/disciple of the "WAY" than saying, I believe.
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thewayofyehoshua · 4 months
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thewayofyehoshua · 4 months
We are responsible to share the good news (MARQOS (MARK) 16:20). We are not responsible for people’s response to the good news. We are to share the gospel, but, when it becomes obvious the gospel is not welcome, we are to move on.
Just as pigs don’t appreciate pearls, some people don’t appreciate what Yehoshua has done for them. We are not to force or cram the good news down their throats. Yehoshua’s instruction on how to handle rejection is to move on. There are other people who need to hear the gospel and they are ready to hear it.
“And whoever does not receive you nor hear your words, when you leave that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet. ”MATTITHYAHU (MATTHEW) 10:14.
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thewayofyehoshua · 4 months
Proclaim the WORD!
Follow the Word, not religion.
Be urgent in season, out of season. Convict, (Or: confute, or prove them wrong.) warn, appeal, with all patience and teaching.
For there shall be a time when they shall not bear sound teaching, but according to their own desires, they shall heap up for themselves teachers tickling the ear. Isa_30:10, Jer_5:31, Rom_16:18.
and they shall indeed turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to myths. TIMOTIYOS BĔT (2 TIMOTHY) 4:2-4
Isa 30:10 They say to the seers, "Do not see!" to those who have visions, "Do not tell us the visions you have as they really are; but flatter us, fabricate illusions!
Jer 5:31 The prophets prophesy lies, the cohanim obey the prophets, and my people love it that way. But what will you do at the end of it all?
Rom 16:18 For such ones do not serve our Master Yehoshua-יהושע Messiah, but their own stomach, and by smooth words and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the innocent.
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thewayofyehoshua · 4 months
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thewayofyehoshua · 4 months
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thewayofyehoshua · 4 months
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thewayofyehoshua · 1 year
The Nazarenes Disciples
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Nazarenes Disciples / Netzarim Talmidim
“Nazarenes” or “Netzarim” is a title used to identify the foundational group of disciples (Apostles) of the Messiah. The singular of “Netzarim” is the Hebrew (#5342) “Netzer” – Greenness, a shoot, Figuratively a descendant- Branch /Wiki- Netzarim, twigs that shoot off from a branch of a tree (Hebrew from the root “neitzer” (נצר) meaning “a shoot”).
Netzarim The prophet Isaiah says, “And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch (Netzer) shall grow out of his roots.” – Isaiah 11:1
Talmidim A plural Hebrew noun meaning "disciples" in its truest sense: those who leave family to study and follow the ways of their teacher [rabbi]. They study not only to learn what their teacher knows but to become the type of man their teacher is. From the Hebrew root word "limmud" meaning "instructed". Strong''s #8527. Pronounced tal mee DEEM. Singular talmid.
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thewayofyehoshua · 1 year
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