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joeinct · 8 months ago
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Luz robada, Ciudad Netzahualcoyotl, México, Photo by Rodrigo Moya, 1964
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miraruinada · 2 months ago
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"Jorjais Elmo Cuahcoatl Granja y Omitl has good claim on being the most influential philosopher of all time. He's a philosopher of change, of progress, of history, of how our consciousness itself has changed over time and, more than anything, he's a philosopher of freedom. Every philosopher that came after him has drawn on or responded to him in some way, but more than this all world movements after him are all marked by the fingerprints of his bold ideas. To know Granja is to know us, to know yourself, and as we'll see, to really know, a word we'll come to interrogate, is a world-spanning, soul-penetrating, painful, joyous, and fulfilling journey that will change the way you think.
"His work is a modern epic, a heroic story, a heavenly ladder to absolute freedom and absolute knowledge. It's an education that spans the ages, a roadmap to the history of human thought, a story of how to become a philosopher, and a humble claim to know the minds of gods and the universe, too. He summed up much of what was happening in the modern age, what it means to be rational, empirical, romantic, emotional, modern and religious, to be heroic and to do one's duty all at the same time. He wanted to reunite the individual with the universal.
"He's dense, impenetrable, infuriating, some say just a plain mad writer, some idealize him, others despise him, but to journey with him, to take on the task, is the most serious thing you can do in your life. Granja can change how you think, can help you see the personal in the historical and the biggest movement in the smallest of actions. Fellow travelers will be ancient stoics, medieval theologists, modern scientists, unhappy and beautiful souls, romantic idealists, Netzahualcoyotl himself, the reasonable thinker, the servant, and the master. And we'll do it all by starting with a single simple thought, your simple thought, and developing it into an entire universe.
"This is also the story of a woman lost on the mores, searching for civilization on the journey to find the meaning in human history."
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"I'm just an old crone, why is this book fellating me so much?"
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"This is the third rewrite, Master Granja."
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whencyclopedes · 2 years ago
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Texcoco (Tezcoco o Tetzcoco), ubicada cerca de la orilla orientale del lago de Texcoco en el valle de México, fue la capital del pueblo Acolhua. Fue una gran potencia durante el período azteca y un miembro de la Triple Alianza junto con Tenochtitlan y Tlacopan. Texcoco también es el lugar de nacimiento de uno de los gobernantes más famosos de Mesoamérica, Netzahualcoyotl, quien presidió a una ciudad que llegaría a ser un renombrado centro de cultura y aprendizaje.
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mysticusfreeze-art · 2 years ago
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My take on the murder of the Tepanec ruler Maxtla of Azcapotzalco. Netzahualcoyotl having led the invasion is pictured hoisting his heart above in victory over his dead body on the cities sacrificial stone. Netzahualcoyotl was a Texcoco ruler who after this victory formed an alliance with Tenochtitlan and Tlacopan to form the 3 alliances (known mainly as the Aztec today) What I would give to be able to witness this moment and see Nezahualcoyotls victory in this moment. More info below cut
If you are interested in finding more about the history behind this this video is great (the entire channel is rlly good)
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whencyclopedfr · 2 months ago
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Texcoco (alias Tezcoco ou Tetzcoco), située près des rives orientales du lac Texcoco dans la vallée du Mexique, était la capitale du peuple Acolhua. C'était une puissance notable de la période aztèque et un membre de la Triple Alliance avec Tenochtitlan et Tlacopan. Texcoco donna également naissance à l'un des plus célèbres souverains de Mésoamérique, Netzahualcoyotl, qui dirigea une ville devenue un centre de culture et d'apprentissage réputé.
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manwalksintobar · 5 months ago
To Roosevelt // Rubén Darío
It is with the voice of the Bible, or the verse of Walt Whitman, that I should come to you, Hunter, primitive and modern, simple and complicated, with something of Washington and more of Nimrod. You are the United States, you are the future invader of the naive America that has Indian blood, that still prays to Jesus Christ and still speaks Spanish. You are the proud and strong exemplar of your race; you are cultured, you are skillful; you oppose Tolstoy. And breaking horses, or murdering tigers, you are an Alexander-Nebuchadnezzar. (You are a professor of Energy as today's madmen say.) You think that life is fire, t hat progress is eruption, that wherever you shoot you hit the future. No. The United States is potent and great. When you shake there is a deep tremblor that passes through the enormous vertebrae of the Andes. If you clamor, it is heard like the roaring of a lion. Hugo already said it to Grant: The stars are yours. (The Argentine sun, ascending, barely shines, and the Chilean star rises...) You are rich. You join the cult of Hercules to the cult of Mammon, and illuminating the road of easy conquest, Liberty raises its torch in New York. But our America, that has had poets since the ancient times of Netzahualcoyotl, that has walked in the footprints of great Bacchus who learned Pan's alphabet at once; that consulted the stars, that knew Atlantis whose resounding name comes to us from Plato, that since the remote times of its life has lived on light, on fire, on perfume, on love, America of the great Montezuma, of the Inca, the fragrant America of Christopher Columbus, Catholic America, Spanish America, the America in which noble Cuahtemoc said: "I'm not in a bed of roses"; that America that trembles in hurricanes and lives on love, it lives, you men of Saxon eyes and barbarous soul. And it dreams. And it loves, and it vibrates, and it is the daughter of the Sun. Be careful. Viva Spanish America! There are a thousand cubs loosed from the Spanish lion. Roosevelt, one would have to be, through God himself, the-fearful Rifleman and strong Hunter, to manage to grab us in your iron claws. And, although you count on everything, you lack one thing: God! 1904 Translated by Bonnie Frederick
(see the first verse in comics by Marek Bennett)
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maquilanews · 11 months ago
Segundo juego con causa de Tecos este 26 de marzo
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NUEVO LAREDO, TAM.- Por segundo año consecutivo, los Tecos de los Dos Laredos se preparan para llevar a cabo un evento deportivo con un fin solidario en mente. En esta ocasión, el equipo se enfrentará a una selección local de Nuevo Laredo como parte de su preparación para la Temporada 2024 de la Liga Mexicana de Béisbol. El encuentro, que promete emociones y entretenimiento para los amantes del beisbol, tendrá lugar el próximo martes 26 de marzo de 2024, a las 19 horas (7:00 pm), en el emblemático Parque La Junta. Además de disfrutar de un espectáculo deportivo de alto nivel, los asistentes tendrán la oportunidad de contribuir con una causa benéfica, ya que el evento está destinado a beneficiar al Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF) de Nuevo Laredo. Para asistir a este evento de solidaridad y deporte, se requiere la adquisición previa de un boleto de entrada general, cuyo costo es de $70 pesos. Los boletos están disponibles en tres sedes convenientes: 1. Oficinas Centrales del DIF: - Dirección: Héroe de Nacataz 2244, fraccionamiento Ojo Caliente. - Horario: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm, de lunes a viernes. 2. Oficinas del Parque La Junta: - Dirección: Porfirio Díaz 2425 (Oficinas del estadio dentro del Parque La Junta). - Horario: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, de lunes a viernes. 3. ZOODIF: - Lugar: Snack del Zoológico de Nuevo Laredo, dentro del Zoológico. - Dirección: Netzahualcoyotl Cruz con Luis Donaldo Colosio en la colonia Viveros. - Horario: De martes a domingo, de 11:00 am a 8:00 pm.
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Esta iniciativa reafirma el compromiso de los Tecos de los Dos Laredos con la comunidad y su voluntad de utilizar el deporte como una herramienta para generar un impacto positivo en la sociedad. Se invita a todos los aficionados al béisbol y a quienes deseen colaborar con esta noble causa a unirse a este evento inolvidable. Read the full article
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newplayingsmash · 2 years ago
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I'm going to assume that Netzahualcoyotl has something to do with coyotes so here's my dog who is part coyote
Netzahualcoyotl was the name of a prehispanic ruler, he was also known as "The poet King of Texcoco". And yes, his name means "Fasting Coyote".
Guy used to be in the 100 pesos bill.
Sadly, the school I went that had his name was an awful hellhole and I hated every second of it.
...that's a very cute dog, tho.
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newplayingsmash · 2 years ago
“Avoid Netzahualcoyotl school.”
Worst three years of my fucking life.
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"Feminists hate you".
Because they do, but it was going to take me another 15 wasted years to start figuring that out.
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rafaelmartinez67 · 6 years ago
“Somos mortales
todos habremos de irnos
todos habremos de morir en la tierra…
como una pintura
todos nos iremos borrando
como una flor,
nos iremos secando
aquí sobre la tierra…
Meditadlo, señores águilas y tigres,
aunque fuerais de jade,
aunque fuerais de oro,
también allá iréis
al lugar de los descansos”
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rutaporlahistoria · 7 years ago
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Tal día como hoy,  4 de junio, pero del año 1472, fallecía en Texcoco (actual México) capital de su reino, el Rey, filósofo y legislador, Netzahualcoyotl, que por sus bellos escritos es conocido como "Rey poeta" del México precolombino. 
De sus creaciones se conservan aún unas 30 composiciones. Fue uno de los monarcas más humanos con los que ha contado el México Antiguo, ya que sus ideas y forma de gobernar estuvieron rebosantes de humanismo, muy diferente a la ideología imperante. 
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Gobernó con prudencia y justicia. Promulgó leyes civiles y penales. Ordenó que se construyeran lugares destinados al estudio de la astronomía, la medicina, la pintura, la lengua y la historia de su pueblo. Reconstruyó la capital de su reino y la dividió en barrios que tenían su propia industria para tratar de mejorar el nivel de vida de sus habitantes.
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packox · 4 years ago
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mohametpacheco · 6 years ago
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UN RECUERDO QUE DEJO ¿Con qué he de irme? ¿Nada dejaré en pos de mi sobre la tierra? ¿Cómo ha de actuar mi corazón? ¿Acaso en vano venimos a vivir, a brotar sobre la tierra? Dejemos al menos flores Dejemos al menos cantos. #netzahualcoyotl (en Nicaragua) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvP9xScFy8Y_NBO_tTRMQYpqvdfZxxh5VAapu00/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l39dmhe90jhs
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movedtomysticusfreeze-art · 3 years ago
Blease click to see in full quality.
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My take on the murder of the Tepanec ruler Maxtla of Azcapotzalco. Netzahualcoyotl having led the invasion is pictured hoisting his heart above in victory over his dead body on the cities sacrificial stone. Netzahualcoyotl was a Texcoco ruler who after this victory formed an alliance with Tenochtitlan and Tlacopan to form the 3 alliances (known mainly as the Aztec today) What I would give to be able to witness this moment and see Nezahualcoyotls victory in this moment. More info below cut
If you are interested in finding more about the history behind this this video is great (the entire channel is rlly good)
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larrycoyote · 3 years ago
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[P.S.A for LA RAZA _ Larry Coyote]
In California: The Santa Ana Arts & Culture Commission inaugurated it’s 1st ever city statue. How cool is it that the selected design was an Animal? And a Coyote at that! But the icing on the cake is the design is Aztec inspired! The design borrows from - and features poetry in a plaque - from both Texcoco prince Netzahualcoyotl, as well as the famous feathered coyote shield in Vienna. Pictures from the inauguration day January 22nd, 2022. If you want to see it in person, google map Abraham Lincoln Elementary School in Santa Ana. It’s across the street.   I will continue to add relevant statue content on this post. Please share to let people know we’re official in Aztlan too.  Follow for more. . 
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mannprieto · 6 years ago
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@DiariodeMann🏛 “Lo de esta vida es prestado, que en un instante lo hemos de dejar como otros lo han dejado”. #netzahualcoyotl✍🏼 #elsenderodelnahual®🐺 #soydetonala®☀️ https://www.instagram.com/p/BtgJ-QgjVHeL9xgxyGKiHnOxSmCGnFVt_q8pgw0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=weyt106fvmbc
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