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bbaksu · 7 years ago
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180321; #HappySanhaDay
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thismanateelovestowrite · 7 years ago
ASTRO reaction to their idol crush kissing their cheek
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Thank you so much for requesting! This was such a cute reaction to make~ >u<
it feels so good to do an astro reaction after such a long time TuT
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i need more gifs of this sun™ or maybe i just don’t know what search words to use, smh, nevertheless 
I feel like he would be a little giggly and shy in the situation but would brag about it later and be all over the place because feels
And would definitely just keep smiling for a whole week afterwards because he got kissed on the cheek by his crush
excuse me while i squeal myself to death
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I just see him trying to hide how soft he is 
nothing will never make me think that he is not a total fluff ball because he is the biggest fluff ball ever
And then he would be so incredibly happy about it that he would have enough energy for a whole year or something
suddenly becomes a fast rapper because of all the energy the kiss gave him
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One word is all I need: GIGGLES
Also some blushing as a bonus, would probably be quiet and shy in the situation
just oh my god idk i just see him as the fluffiest cutest shyest person ever idk i somehow feel like i’ve never been more wrong but it’s such a magnificent concept okay, let me dream pls
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I think he’d be a little giggly and very slightly shy but would try to play it cool and would totally die after getting out of the situation
And would maybe talk about it for a long time and annoy the members with how much he would talk about it
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i swear if this gif fails me i will fly off to moon and live there i have  changed the gif so many times have mercy on me this one time plz
I think he would maybe be a little shy and quite quiet, wouldn’t really express how happy he would be 
Probably would just keep smiling for the rest of the day feeling like he had achieved his goals in life
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i will never not take advantage of this gif
Of course this boy would be all messed up because he wouldn’t know how to control his feels because he’s still such a small child
No, I actually don’t think he would be a literal mess, I actually feel like he would be a tiny bit messier/gigglier lmao at this word version of Eunwoo
Just a lot of blushing *debut era flashbacks* and giggling and not knowing how to react to the suddenness of the situation
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jingrapher · 8 years ago
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can i see you in my dreams?
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parrkmh · 8 years ago
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rocky getting war flashbacks
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eunoow · 8 years ago
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myfangirlstory · 8 years ago
Makestar X Astro “One Fine Day” Photobook Unboxing
Korean and English Captions are available ^^
※CC를 켜주세요! 첫번째 자막에 "화보집" Spelling 틀렸습니다 ㅠ ※Turn on CC for corrections! ^^
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astros-noona · 8 years ago
The Cutest Tomato
I got inspired by @heybinnie ‘s prompt: sometimes jinjin hears them cry at night and literally wrote this in 45 mins. It short and rough and I have no concept of grammar rules. Hope y’all enjoy my first astro fic
3:15 am
Being crammed into a tiny, one bedroom dorm with 5 other boys may have worked wonders for building bonds but it’s done very little for Park Jinwoo’s sleep schedule. Dongmin’s creepy sleep-laughter and Myungjun’s snoring, being the main culprits for a disturbed night. However, tonight was different. Jinwoo woke up to the heavy silence of night and mild irritation. The exhausting dance practice the day before weighed down on him and sleep was too precious to be waking up at unknown hours for no reason. As he laid there, eyes firmly closed, willing himself to sleep, a strange series of noises caught his attention.
Rustle. Rustle. Deep Breath. Sniff. Sniff. Repeat.
This continued for few moments as Jinwoo’s mind tried to figure out what he was hearing.
If it’s not creepy sleep-laughter. And it’s not Minhyuk sleep-dancing. If no one is sick, why someone sniffling …What is it? … crying.... Someone was crying.
Jinwoo was now wide awake. He sat up, leader instincts on full alert and full of concern, he began to deduce who it was. Myungjun always hiccups when he cries so it probably wasn’t be him. Bin and Dongmin were confirmed comatose beside him and Minhyuk had opted to sleep in the living room. So it must be Sanha.
Shuffling through the dark, avoiding limbs and blankets, Jinwoo crawled to the other side of the room. He instantly regretted placing his hand on the sniffling lump of blankets. The moment he did, Sanha shot out the blankets with a loud shriek, landing on Bin, who managed to simultaneous slap Dongmin’s face and kick Myungjun’s back. 15 seconds of stunned silence later, Minhyuk opened the door and turned on the light.
“…what...? “
Minhyuk looked at Dongmin who looked at Myungjun who glares at Bin who is squinting at Jinwoo who’s looking at his hand still on the blanket that Sanha has re-buried himself in.
Jinwoo took a deep breath. Leadership, he thought, There’s a reason the company wants you to be leader. C’mon Pull yourself together.
“Sanha… why were you crying?”
Silence. Sniff. Sniff. Cough.  
“My.Hair. Is. So. Red. What if people don’t like it and we won’t get fans during our debut and no one will buy out album and they’ll make memes. MEMES!!!!”
Minhyuk sighed while walking out the room.
Bin snickered.
Dongmin shuffled over and patted Sanha’s back. “Don’t worry, I saw our costumes and you get to wear a hat. It’ll be fine.” He yawned and crawled back to his spot.
“At least you don’t have to wear the world’s biggest headband. I can feel my brain leaking out.” Myungjun mumbled into his pillow.
Jinjin chuckled as he got up. Turning off the light he quietly said, “Our fans will think you’re a cute tomato.”
“The cutest tomato?”
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sanhatation · 8 years ago
Hello, would you be interested in joining the Networkaroha community blog? :)
just applied !!
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bbaksu · 7 years ago
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180225; #HappyRockyDay
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thismanateelovestowrite · 7 years ago
When you and MJ are caught making out
Request: Hello~! I really liked the scenario when You and Rocky was caught making out XDD. Can I please request something just like that but with MJ ^^?
Thank you for the request~ ^^ I hope you enjoy this just as much as the last one!
oh my god i’m so bad at writing kissing scenes i’m so sorry for the possible awkwardness TnT nevertheless, i still tried my best!
Words: 1628
Fluff with spices
Requested by @ihatedizworldplzhelp ♥
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You felt like sighing but held yourself back. It would have seemed rude, or at least you thought so. So, you held the frustration inside and kept asking people to move one after another.
It would have been an understatement to say that the hallway was packed. It was full. From the other side to the other, it was filled with people. Idols, to be more exact.
Any fan would have collapsed out of joy if they had been in your position at that moment; you were surrounded by the nervous rookies and the slightly less nervous seniors of the industry. Not you though. No, you felt like you would collapse from frustration.
“Excuse me,” you said, trying to remain polite despite how irritated you felt by the situation.
Sometimes the right to go backstage was a blessing, other times it felt completely useless. Needless to say, this was one of those times it felt useless.
You usually didn’t go to year-end award shows because of how crowded they were but this time you had decided to go. Why? To see your boyfriend. You hadn’t seen each other in a month thanks to his busy schedules and you were tired of only getting to hear his voice. You wanted to see him.
“I’m sorry,” a rookie apologized after accidentally nudging you.
“It’s fine,” you gave him a faint forced smile and walked past him and his group.
After struggling for what you thought had felt like an hour, you managed to get through the crowd. You couldn’t help but sigh in relief.
“Finally,” you mumbled to yourself before heading towards the waiting room that you knew was for your boyfriend’s group.
You knocked twice before opening the door. There was a note on the wall next to the door that said “ASTRO”.
“What took you so long?” Sanha’s reaction didn’t fit what you had had in your mind.
“Hyung left just now,” Jinwoo stated, making you sigh.
“Where did he go?” you asked, getting tired even at the thought of having to walk through the crowd again.
“He said he would go to the bathroom and then look for you,” Dongmin said while the stylist styled his hair.
“Are you going to go back and look for him?” Sanha asked quite nonchalantly.
“I guess I have to,” you mumbled and stepped outside again.
You saw Bin and Minhyuk wave to you with small smiles and you gave them a small smile before closing the door.
“Let’s head to the bathrooms first,” you told yourself, trying not to get discouraged.
Thankfully, the bathrooms were in the opposite direction as the crowd. While walking, you thought about what he would look like. You knew his hair color had changed since the last time you met. You had seen photos and he had told you about it.
They might have dyed it again for today…
You got a little excited thinking about what his look for today would be like. Knowing that he was probably wearing a suit put a smile on your lips.
I’ll never get tired of seeing him in a suit.
When you arrived at the bathrooms you weren’t feeling too bad anymore. You leaned on the wall opposite the bathrooms with a light heart. Thinking that you should wait for a while, you stood there for probably ten minutes.
Seems like he already left…
Even though you were a little disappointed, you didn’t give up. You pushed yourself away from the wall and started walking down the hallway once again.
“I’ll just go around this floor and go back to the waiting room if I don’t find him,” you thought out loud.
You politely greeted people who you passed while walking. They were mostly staff but there were also a few idols. You watched the female idols in awe as they passed by, wearing beautiful outfits.
They’re so beautiful…
Seeing them made you wonder if Myungjun ever fantasized about dating another idol. Those thoughts didn’t bother you long though. You brushed them off with a smile.
Surely, he has at some point in the past. Now, though, he’s dating me.
A few male idols walked past you. They politely greeted you and you did the same. They were dressed in suits and you couldn’t help but feel excited.
He’s going to be wearing a suit too, right?
Out of nowhere, the door you were about to walk past was opened. You flinched and stopped next to it, looking at the opener with wide eyes. It took you a few seconds to realize who it was.
“Found you,” Myungjun smiled widely. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said while chuckling.
“Where have you been?” you asked him with a small frown. “I’ve been walking around, trying to find you.”
“I should be the one to say that!” he claimed and came to stand in front of you.
You saw a set of stairs behind him right before he closed the door.
Seems like he was on some other floor.
You looked at him. He was wearing a dress shirt with a hot pink tie. It made you smile even though he wasn’t wearing a suit jacket.
“Are you that happy to see me?” he asked with a grin.
For the first time in a month, you looked at him in the eyes. Your smile only widened. “I’m happy to see you in formal wear.”
He laughed and gave your lips a quick peck. “I’m happy to see you too.”
Not even for a second was the smile wiped off your lips. While you two walked towards the waiting room you held hands and kept taking glances at each other. Every now and then your eyes would meet and you both would just chuckle like kids.
When you arrived in front of the waiting room, Myungjun stopped.
“What?” you asked. “Aren’t we going in?”
“Should we do something else first?” he asked with a grin.
You gave him a confused look.
“I’ll show you something,” he said and started pulling you somewhere.
He stopped in front of a door that didn’t seem to lead into a waiting room. It was at the end of the hallway but still pretty close to ASTRO’s waiting room.
You gave him a look. “What are we doing here?”
He just grinned and opened the door. Behind it was a small space filled with cleaning supplies. “I spend a lot of time in here,” he bluntly confessed and pulled you inside with him before closing the door.
“You’re full of surprises,” you said while looking around.
You both only barely fit in the small space; your back was hitting the shelves behind you and there was not much room for you to move around. It seemed like supplies were often used since there was no sign of dust or anything like that inside the closet.
“Why do you even come here?” you turned to look at him.
“Just because,” he said with a smile that you barely saw thanks to the dim lighting in the space.
“Have I chosen the wrong person to date?” you thought out loud jokingly and he chuckled. “By the way, don’t you have to go on stage in, like, fifteen minutes?”
He nodded.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready then?” you asked. “With the others?”
“Five minutes will be enough for that,” he said calmly.
“Five? What are you going to do for ten minutes, then?” you asked, curious.
“Make a guess,” he said playfully.
“Hide in this closet with me and argue about how you should be getting ready instead of hiding in here with me?” you weren’t on a very creative mood.
He smiled and shook his head.
“You know I’m bad at guessing,” you pouted slightly.
He looked at you for a few seconds. “Want me to show you?” he asked, still sounding quite playful.
You just looked at him, waiting for him to show you. He looked in to your eyes and chuckled. Then he leaned closer to place a kiss on your lips. It was sweet and loving.
“Is this it?” you asked after he pulled away. You were both smiling.
He answered by leaning in for another heart-fluttering kiss. His lips felt like they were made to fit yours.
As minutes passed by, you both became hungrier; you wanted more. The kisses became more intense and you both forgot that time was passing. You both felt so good that you didn’t realize the minutes passing by.
You were brought back to reality when the door was opened out of nowhere. You were quick to let go of each other and both looked at who it was.
“I know you are in love and all that but you have responsibilities, okay?” his manager spoke.
He didn’t seem angry.
“You’ll have time to continue after the show,” he said and you blushed while Myungjun just laughed.
“I’m coming,” he told the man. He pulled you out of the closet.
“I’ll go first, you better come too,” the manager gave your boyfriend a serious look which he responded to with a wide smile.
Once the manager had left, Myungjun turned to you. “You heard him. I’ll go take care of my responsibilities and then we can be together again.”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to face your manager ever again,” you said, feeling embarrassed.
He just laughed. “Don’t worry, he’s quick at forgetting things,” he tried to make you feel better. “I have to go now. I’ll see you after the show,” he pecked your lips one last time.
“Do well on stage,” you told him when he started walking away.
He turned to look at you and gave you a grin. “Of course.”
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jingrapher · 8 years ago
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angel in white
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parrkmh · 8 years ago
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wow i love family portraits
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minnyhyuk · 7 years ago
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Hello Everyone!!
And A Happy New Years and I want to make a post to just thank everyone who has followed me for the past year and 3 months that I have been on tumblr in the kpop community in the ASTRO community but I want to in a way give back to everyone that has followed me, my mutuals and my good friends that I got to meet in 2017. This post is mainly gonna be towards my friends even though I appreciate everyone who follows this blog.
My Mutuals:
@jinqlebellrocky @dong-minie @jinjins-freckles @sanhatation @vocalpmh @jisoox @adoreguanhao @astro-tastic @astrosangel @heybinnie @mybinnie @taelightsavings @vickylin204 probably many more
Now the shoutout to these lovely people!
@jinqlebellrocky: KOHAAAAAAA, we met more than a year ago in the group chat for networkaroha, and than we got to know and talk more when I decided to try out and become a moderator on park-squared with you alongside Keely, genny, and Evelyn. And honestly, I am lucky to get to know you and be friends someone who biases Rocky. Let’s created more memories in 2018💜!!
@dong-minie : GENNY! girl, ever since we met like more than a year ago as koha let you try out to be a moderator as well, I got to know you and talk to you and ever since then we have gotten closer as I created ahl blog and you became the second admin and we went through so many things because of Dongmin and rocky for the past year and all the pics we have seen from fanmeets. Let’s have an amazing 2018 together💜!!
@jinjins-freckles : GGGGIIIINNNNAAA!! we were the shyest people on tumblr that manage to become friends after countless ask and tags and we finally had enough and message each other and we are essentially turtles as we crawled back into our shells and haven’t spoken in a while :(. But honestly its pretty entertaining to see how all of this unfolds and WE NEED TO MESSAGE MORE :’(( ily so much!!💜
@jisoox : EMMAAA, I finally got to meet another Emma on tumblr after someone thought you run this blog 😂, but I’m honestly glad that we got to meet through one of your friends. We have spoken for the past year and talked about education, topics that have to do with festivals that aren’t right to do and try to make nicknames for one another but that it has laid abandoned because we cant remember who’s nicknames are who’s… ily so much and let’s talk more in 2018💜!!
@adoreguanhao : OLIVIA! we met through networkaroha and we got to open up to one another and talk topics that are deep that have been on your mind, I am glad that I got to talk to you and try to help you get better and talked about groups and you dragging me into hotshot(which I keep forgetting to continue to check out) and A.C.E. Let’s talk more in 2018💜!
Well to wrap it all up! HAPPY NEW YEARS to everyone that follows this blog, my friends, mutuals. I hope this year brings alot of joy through all the darkness that the world brings, let’s continue to create and share memories with one another and to continue to support one another and whichever groups that you guys follow.
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bbaksu · 7 years ago
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180126; #HappyMoonbinDay
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thismanateelovestowrite · 8 years ago
When you and Rocky are caught making out
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Thank you for requesting! I am so sorry for taking so freaking long with this, I hope this is worth the wait! >< And despite the awful writer’s block, I somehow managed to write a full scenario out of this, so I really hope this is okay~
A DISCLAIMER: this is, in no way, supposed to be smut or anything close to smut and I am strongly against smut being written of underage idols.
this is a very, i repeat, VERY used plot/storyline but i hope my writing was enough to make it a little different and if not, i’m sorry but that’s all i could do with my blocked creativity at the moment ><
Words: 1990
Fluff i’ve missed you my old friend
Requested by anon ♥
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You sat on Minhyuk’s bed while looking at him. He walked around in the room, trying to tidy it up.
“When was the last time you cleaned in here?” you asked, smiling out of amusement.
He glanced at you while bending down to pick up a used sock. “Um… I’m not sure. Maybe a month ago?” he answered like it wasn’t a big deal.
“Doesn’t surprise me,” you let out a chuckle. “The room does look like it hasn’t been cleaned in a while.”
There were pieces of clothing lying around everywhere and there was a reasonable amount of dust too.
“Yeah, well,” he threw the sock in the laundry basket that was already full and looked like it would overflow any second. “We’ve been busy.”
“Yeah, I get it,” you smiled.
Being a member of an idol group, he didn’t have much time for you or anything else, to be honest. He wasn’t always busy but when he wasn’t, he was usually exhausted thanks to other schedules and never-ending practice. That’s why you usually refused to go on a date unless it was during a time when he didn’t have schedules and only had to practice. Even though you didn’t go on dates often, you hung out a lot at their dorm or at your place. You two didn’t really mind staying inside as it also made it easier to hide your relationship.
“Hyung, we’re going to go eat dinner,” Sanha appeared in the room’s doorway and you two turned to look at him. “Do you want us to bring you guys something?”
Jinwoo appeared behind the tall youngest member and peeked from behind him. “Are you done cleaning?”
“We’ll order something,” Minhyuk answered Sanha’s question first and picked up the laundry basket before walking over to the doorway. “And no, I’m not done cleaning. It’s going to take a while considering that four people live in here and that the room hasn’t been cleaned in, like, a month. Oh, yeah, and may I remind you that I’m cleaning by myself here.”
The saltiness in your boyfriend’s voice was only amusing to everyone else, including you.
Jinwoo let out a small laugh and patted the younger one’s shoulder. “It’s your fault for losing in rock-paper-scissors.” “I had no control over that!” Minhyuk whined and you chuckled which caused him to turn around with a pout. “Whose side are you on?”
You shrugged with an innocent smile. “I mean, you played with them. You agreed to the rule that the one who loses has to clean.”
He gave you a sad look and turned back around.
“Just leave the laundry in the bathroom, we’ll wash them once we come back,” Myungjun said with a smile while passing by the room.
“True friends only,” Minhyuk said jokingly and gave Jinwoo and Sanha a look while passing by them to take the laundry to the bathroom. Myungjun’s statement had obviously made him feel better.
“Hey, ______,” Jinwoo called your name once Minhyuk had left the room and you looked at him.
“Hm?” you hummed, smiling slightly.
“Don’t break this place apart while we are gone,” he said, half serious, half joking. “I’m sure I don’t have to remind you of the last time.”
You chuckled and shook your head. “No, definitely not. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again,” you gave him a reassuring smile and he smirked before leaving the doorway with Sanha.
The last time you and Minhyuk had been left alone at the dorm, you two had torn apart at least four pillows, causing a terrible mess in the whole dorm. What had started as a harmless, playful pillow fight had very quickly escalated in to a playful but more rough pillow war. It had been tons of fun but the scolding that came after hadn’t been very nice.
After a bit Minhyuk entered the room with a pleased smile. “Now I can take a break,” he beamed and walked over to the bed where you still sat.
“What are you talking about?” you asked and didn’t let him sit down.
He looked surprised by your reaction.
“There’s still a lot cleaning left to do,” you said to him.
“But I want to cuddle,” he whined with an almost irresistible sad puppy look. “Now.”
You shook your head, proud of yourself for not falling for his cuteness. “The faster you clean this room the faster you’ll get to cuddle with me. Plus, it’ll be a lot nicer to cuddle when you know that you can just relax for the rest of the evening.”
He didn’t let the pout fade away but obeyed you and continued cleaning. His expression was sour but you didn’t let it bother you.
Minhyuk sat down beside you and let out a sigh. “Finally.”
“Well done,” you patted his head and ruffled his hair, making him lean away from you.
“Stop,” he whined and you chuckled.
“I’m proud of you,” you said. “It only took you three hours in total to clean this small room,” you joked.
“Are you dissing me right now?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Maybe,” you teased with a wide grin.
“Come here,” he reached his arms towards you but before he could grab you, you got up and turned to look at him with a playful look.
“Come get me,” you giggled and started running towards the door immediately when you saw him getting up.
You were both quite playful by nature so this kind of situations were common. It’s not like you were always running around, you two often had lazy days too, but when you were running around, it was always just as fun. I guess you could say that the two of you woke up each other’s inner child every now and then.
It didn’t take long before you were both a little out of breath. After running around in the living room and kitchen area, you headed towards the second bedroom in the dorm which was the bedroom Dongmin and Bin shared. You knew it was a dead end but you still ran inside the surprisingly tidy room and turned around to look at Minhyuk.
“We’re going to get in trouble for being here,” he said but his voice didn’t show any signs of concern. He wasn’t worried about the older members’ scolding.
“You mean you are,” you panted a little, your mouth in a wide grin.
“You’re going to blame this on me?” he asked, raising his eyebrows while his lips remained curved in to a smile.
“You’re the one who chased me here, I had no other option!” you joked.
“Yeah, about the chasing…” he slowly walked towards you with a wide grin.
You tried to run away but he caught you easily by wrapping his arms around you tightly. You attempted to escape while laughing uncontrollably but he was too strong.
“You’re holding me too tightly,” you said while still laughing. You had tears in your eyes from all the laughing.
“Sorry,” he chuckled and loosened his arms around you and you looked up at him.
“Look what you did, I’m crying now,” you joked while gently rubbing your eyes.
“Let me see,” he gently grabbed your wrists and brought them down to reveal your teary eyes. He pouted. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
With that he leaned down and pressed a light peck on your cheek. When he pulled back you met eyes and for a few seconds you both just stood there, looking at each other.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said and it definitely sounded like it came from the heart.
You couldn’t help but smile. “You think so?” you asked.
He let go of your wrists and answered your question with a loving gaze. Then he leaned closer again, this time to kiss your lips while his hands came up to gently hold your head. The kiss was sweet and gentle. His lips were soft and warm and it felt like they were made to fit yours since the kiss just felt so perfect. Not that that was anything new; the kisses you two shared always felt perfect no matter what they were like.
After pulling away from the kiss it took only a few seconds before your lips met again. This time the kiss felt hungrier, a little more intense. The following kiss got even more intense as you let your tongues meet. You were so focused on the kissing that you barely noticed your back hitting a wall.
You two weren’t all over each other, it wasn’t like what you often see in movies or TV. Making out was often portrayed as something very intense and hot but the way you two did it was quite different. It was sweet and loving, it wasn’t hurried or really intense. It was quite the opposite of the playful running you two had been doing earlier, this was a lot calmer.
Minhyuk pulled back and you both panted lightly. There was something very special about the moment and you could feel a few butterflies in your stomach as you looked at him. His lips formed a loving smile and you smiled a little seeing it. His gaze soon returned on your lips and your gazze returned on his and you couldn’t help but lean in for another set of those heart fluttering, perfect kisses.
Many loving looks and perfect kisses later Minhyuk’s lips left yours to explore your neck. It wasn’t the first time he was laying sweet pecks on your neck but it still sent shivers down your spine when he pressed his lips against the sensitive skin. The feeling was one of a kind and you loved it to death.
You felt a little pain as he created a small hickey on the side of your neck. It made you open your eyes and he had already pulled away from you.
“Too far?” he asked, worried he had hurt you.
You shook your head slightly. “It’s o-“
“YES, WAY TOO FAR!” you both flinched at the loud and unfortunately familiar voice of Bin.
“How long have you been there?” Minhyuk asked immediately.
“How long have you two been here?!” the older member asked and placed his hands on his sides, looking at both of you with a glare that had you immediately look down in embarrassment.
“Listen, hyung, we just got a little carried away,” Minhyuk tried to calm him down.
“A LITTLE?!” Bin asked as if he couldn’t believe what Minhyuk had just said.
“Gosh, let them live, Bin,” Jinwoo chuckled and entered the room.
“You were here too?!” Minhyuk’s eyes widened.
“Relax, we just came in like a few seconds ago,” Jinwoo said, amused by how embarrassed you two looked.
“What made you think this was a good place to get carried away?” Bin was still angry.
“Things just… went down that way,” Minhyuk mumbled while trying to avoid the older one’s angry glare.
“Ouch, that’s not nice,” Dongmin walked in. “You gave her a hickey.”
This made you both blush really badly and you were now both staring at the floor.
“I swear, these two should never be left alone with each other,” Bin murmured and left the room.
“What’s going on in here?” Sanha asked after entering the room with Myungjun.
“You know,” Jinwoo started while looking at the hickey on your neck. “Things could escalate really quickly from there,” he said while calmly pointing at the hickey.
If you weren’t already red as a strawberry, now you were and so was Minhyuk. Sanha seemed to be blushing too and the situation felt very awkward.
“You guys haven’t-“
“NO, definitely NOT!” Minhyuk cut off Jinwoo before he could finish. “And we’re not planning to!”
“Good,” Jinwoo seemed relieved.
“Just stop bothering them already,” Myungjun seemed amused by the situation and you thanked him in your mind.
God bless you Kim Myungjun.
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jingrapher · 8 years ago
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the constellation known as ASTRO ♡ 0223
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