hisunshiine · 4 years
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Coming this Valentine’s Day, a smut fic event to keep you satisfied! Our Netflix Reimagined stories cover all types of stories, coming to your screens this Sunday! Based off of some Netflix favorites, we hope you can enjoy these fics with Bangtan!
Special thanks to the authors who are slowly being revealed, and the only one who is on tumblr besides me, @window2th3soul, for their hard work and dedication to make my crazy event idea come to life!
©️hisunshiine 2021
Please do not steal artwork, I worked very hard to make the covers!
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mrsparkjimin18 · 4 years
Within two weeks she received the invitation, along with the 1st class flight tickets, pictures of where they would be staying and a list of different places they would visit. He also sent her a listing of different smaller tournaments and places she could play chess with the locals. She was excited about going, but she noticed that their flights had them arriving 3 weeks before the tournament, rather than 2 weeks. He left his phone number and she called him after she got over the excitement of it all.
“Jimin, hello, it’s Isabella. I received the invitation today, but why are we coming out there an extra week early?”
“Isabella, hello. Yes, I figured you would want time to practice and have time to see as much of South Korea as you can in a week. I hope I didn’t overstep my boundaries, but I just wanted more time to get to know you, if that’s okay?”
“I don’t think it’s me you want to get to know, you want to get to know how I play, as you fear I may take your championship away from you,” she joked with him, although in her mind she was determined to win.
“We will see about that,” he laughed, “but I really do want to get to know you better. I feel like when I was in California with you, we didn’t spend much time together and I didn’t want you to think I am the type of man to just try to get you in bed right away, because I’m not.”
“How do you know I wasn’t trying to get you in bed? Did you ever think about that?”
“I didn’t really think about it like that. Hmm? Maybe I should have given in to your kisses?”
“Maybe. Well, I must go shopping and get ready for my trip, I only have a month to get prepared. I need to make sure Margaret and I have all of our documents together, and I need to brush up on my Korean in order to at least be able to have small talk with the locals. So, Jimin, I will see you in a month then. Goodbye, for now.”
“Okay. Goodbye, Isabella.”
After she hung up the phone, all of the memories she had of Jimin came whirling back into her mind. She remembered the first day she saw him, how angelic he looked, the swagger in his walk, the sound of his voice, even how his hand felt when he shook hers. So soft and warm, how his lips looked so luscious, plump, wet as if he just licked them. She took those memories with her into the shower, remembering the night they danced with each other. It was so intimate that she had, what she thought, was her first orgasm on his leg. The thought of him leaving and going back to his room that night, stroking himself knowing that he aroused her just by kissing her, gently touching her in the softest way. She let her hand brush over her perky, hard nipples as she made her way between her legs. Visualizing it being his soft fingers touching her gently at first, sliding in between her never touched lips down there. She rubbed her nub in small circles, playing with a nipple between her other fingers, quietly calling his name as she felt herself quickly reaching a peak she never had before. She rubbed more vigorously, quietly moaning his name, wishing it was him touching her. Her body began to tremble, she felt an alluring buzz as her insides began to pulsate, releasing her sweet juices. She slid her fingers between her lips, feeling the slick for the first time, bringing her fingers to her tongue to taste her sweet nectar. 
She finished showering and couldn't help but hum in pure satisfaction, knowing she just had her first real orgasm, thinking of a man she barely knew, but wanted nothing more than to be near him.
“Bella, what’s gotten into you? You have a glow about yourself today? Did you meet somebody?”
“No, Margaret, I received the invitation from Jimin, and we also talked on the phone for a bit.”
She blushed when she said his name and Margaret could see her daughter had her first crush.
“Bella, honey, your first crush! How exciting! When are you set to go? What did you two talk about?”
Bella decided it was about time she referred to Margaret as Mother, “Mother, if I may call you that?”
Margaret couldn’t believe her ears, tears began to well up in her eyes, “I have waited for the day you would call me that, although I would understand if you didn’t want to. Of course you may call me Mother, Bella.”
“Well then, Mother, I wouldn’t say it so much a crush, as it is a pure desire for the first man I have found myself attracted to. I am too old for crushes, now I want to feel intimacy and love. We are set to go in a month, why would I not take you? We just talked about things, nothing major, just what it will be like when we arrive in South Korea. So? Are you ready to go shopping? I would like to go to the Premium outlet, we need to shop designer this time, things are different there than in the little town we live in. The local department store isn’t going to cut it, we need to update our wardrobes with a more fashionable taste.”
Margaret knew that she couldn’t debate with Isabella on anything, although she felt it would be pricey, she knew that Isabella wouldn’t spend money if they couldn’t afford it. After Margaret showered and got ready, they headed to the outlet, Isabella telling her about all the places they would visit once they arrived. 
The month seemed to fly by like a distant memory, Isabella let her hair grow a bit longer, opting not to get it cut shoulder length. It now hung below her shoulders quite a bit, leaving it natural and let her natural waviness be her new style. Margaret decided to follow suit and do the same, although her hair was a bit more curly, Isabella let her know it was beautiful naturally.
“Mother, I love this look on you, and your hair is so long! You always have it pinned up, I am glad you decided to let your locks flow naturally!”
“Thank you Bella! I just figured, if my daughter is going natural, then so am I! I’m so excited! I have everything packed, I double checked that our passports are with our luggage. So...tomorrow is the big day! A lengthy flight, but it will be worth it. So you say we have first class? I have never flown first class, aren’t you excited?”
Isabella pondered on the question for a moment, gathering her response, “Mother, I am not as excited about the flight as I am about Jimin picking us up from the airport.”
Margaret looked at Isabella with an intrigued look, “Pray tell dear! You didn’t tell me those details!”
“Well, I told him the only way we would come early is if he picked us up from the airport and gave us a first day tour, but it seems he made the deal much more savory than that. He will be taking us around for the first week, then he and I will spend the next two weeks preparing for the tournament.”
“Preparing for the tournament, I’m sure,” Margaret teased.
Isabella blushed, “Mother, he is not that type of man, but my mind is made up. I think I want him to be my first.”
“Your first?” Margaret asked.
“I have never really been with a man before, I mean, when I was in school I may have kissed a couple of boys, but it never went further than that. The only time I have had any type of intimacy was with myself. Actually, it was in the shower the day I talked to him on the phone. I hope this doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable.”
“Of course not, Bella, I want you to share things with me. Well, at least you know how he should make you feel, since you’ve tried it yourself,” Margaret teased again.
“Mother!” Isabella couldn’t help but laugh. She loved the open relationship she shared with Margaret, how comfortable they were with each other, she just wished Margaret could find someone to be happy with.
“Mother, do you think you will ever find love again?”
“Bella, dear, I have all the love I need from you. If the right man does come along, then I will see where that takes me. However, I’m content with my life the way it is, so if I never find another man again, I think I’ll be okay with that.”
Isabella hugged her tight, because she felt the same way about Margaret. They ate dinner and agreed to get to bed early, so they would wake up early and be able to sleep on their flight. 
As she closed her eyes, Isabella could only imagine what awaited for her in South Korea. Would she find what she was looking for? Would she win this tournament? Would she win Jimin? She didn’t have the answers to any of the questions, but one thing she was certain of: She would win that tournament, she couldn’t leave there defeated.
As hard as they tried, sleeping on the flight was more difficult than they could’ve imagined. The excitement about this trip kept them up as they talked about all the things they hoped to do while in South Korea.
When they did finally drift off to sleep it felt like a few minutes had passed as the pilot notified them they would be landing in 20 minutes. Although it had been a few hours of sleep, the first 10 hours of talking didn’t help.
Once they landed, they went through customs, where a couple of the agents recognized Isabella, telling her how excited they were that she was here to compete. After customs they went to retrieve their luggage, as they stood there waiting, Isabella heard an all too familiar voice.
“Isabella, Margaret, how was your flight?”
When they turned around, Jimin stood there looking stunning. He tried his hardest to keep his identity hidden, wearing a black baseball cap with his hair tucked neatly beneath it, lowered over his forehead. He wore a long black petticoat, with a black turtleneck and black dress shoes. A Chanel charmed necklace and his fingers full of rings. Isabella giggled as she noticed he wore grey jogging pants with his outfit.
“What’s so funny,” Jimin asked with a smile.
“You wear all of that and then wear grey jogging pants?”
“Well, I had to be comfortable, you know?”
They laughed and then he said, “Your luggage is taken care of, it’s already in the car. So, if you’re ready, we can head to your temporary residence. In case you were wondering where it is, it is actually my guest house. There will be a lot of media trying to contact you and interview you, I figured it would be the most private way for you to stay here, as I live in a gated community. If that is suitable?”
The women looked at each other and smiled, Margaret replied, “Mr. Park, you sure know how to take care of the ladies.”
“Indeed I do, now shall we?” He gestured for them to each lock on one of his arms, and they exited the airport, climbing into his awaiting truck. He instructed the driver to take them to his residence; they each sat on one side of him looking out the windows to take in the beautiful scenery of the city on the drive.
 When they arrived at his home, they didn’t realize how the jetlag from an overnight flight would affect them. Since they arrived early in the morning, they decided to nap for a few hours and start fresh in the afternoon. Jimin told them he would wake them later on when lunch was ready, and went to the main house.
Isabella woke to the smell of food cooking in the kitchen of the guest house, intrigued she put on her robe and slippers and headed to see what Margaret was making. 
To her surprise, it was Jimin cooking. She was embarrassed that she didn’t take the time to wash her face or brush her teeth. She swiftly turned around to exit the kitchen.
“Hey, where are you going? No need to run away now, you can do the beautifying after you eat and shower. For now, you can start with some fresh fruit. How was your rest?”
He stood there stirring whatever it was he was cooking in the pot, Isabella was not familiar with Korean cuisine, but from the smell she knew it would be delicious.
“It was fine. I really wish you would have called before you came over here, I could have been more presentable.”
Jimin laughed so hard that his eyes disappeared, “Isabella, I have already seen you at your finest, I was bound to see you when you first wake up eventually, right?”
She blushed at the comment, hoping that she would have the chance to wake up next to him one day.
“Well, I guess so, seeing as we are staying in your guest house.”
She ate a few pieces of fruit and excused herself to wake Margaret, although she really snuck into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, applying a light amount of makeup and changing out of her pajamas, into a casual tank top and joggers. Waking Margaret afterwards to let her know Jimin was in the kitchen making lunch.
When she returned Jimin was sitting at the table, food ready and placed for them to help themselves. He looked at her and smiled.
“You just couldn’t resist, mm? Getting prettied up for me, I am flattered.”
Isabella blushed as she sat across the table from him. He made her bowl and explained to her what the sides were. He was impressed that she was able to use chopsticks, and she even spoke a little bit in Korean for him.
“You have learned quite a bit in a month. You really are a prodigy I see.”
“Well, I have always learned things quickly, ever since I was a little girl, my birth mother was actually a genius. However, sometimes being too intelligent can have a downside.”
“Your birth mother?”
“Yes, I am adopted, but Margaret...Mother...has been a wonderful mother to me and she deserves the world. Anyway, what are the plans for today?”
Jimin cleared his throat, knowing he wanted to ask more questions, but not wanting her to feel as if he is prying.
“I was thinking we could see one of the old palaces first, then there is a park I want to take you to. Tonight I have made reservations for a karaoke room, I hope you enjoy singing. Tomorrow, I figured you two would want to see the city and maybe do some shopping. After that, it is up to you what you want to do, I am willing to show you whatever you like.”
“I’d like to see your bedroom,” Isabella thought in her head, daring not to say that out loud. She felt like he knew what she was thinking, he looked at her with a lustful stare, although he could be thinking the same thing. 
“Jimin, we will let you know the places we’d like to see after tomorrow, let’s get through today first.”
Margaret joined them and they all ate in silence. The food was delicious, leaving them both speechless.
After they finished eating, Jimin went back to the main house while Isabella and Margaret got ready for the day. They both decided on a mainly black ensemble, Margaret choosing walking shoes, while Isabella chose a comfortable pair of heels.
“Bella, I’m sure we will be doing a bit of walking today, are you sure you want to wear those?”
“Mother, I’m sure Jimin will have no problem carrying me if my feet begin to hurt.”
They both pictured her getting a piggyback ride from him, then burst into laughter as they headed to the front door, where Jimin was already waiting.
“What’s so funny ladies? I would like to be let in on the joke.”
Isabella's cheeks turned beet red from embarrassment, but Margaret had no shame in blurting it out, “We were just imagining you giving Bella a piggyback ride because her feet will hurt in those heels!”
He glanced down at her heels, smiling because he knew she wore them for him. Hell, the whole outfit was for him. Although she seemed casually dressed, she had on perfectly form fitting high rise black leggings, a long sleeve white halter top, with a long casual black jacket and the red heels perfectly complimented her red clutch. After he looked her once over, he smiled before he spoke, “I am sure she will be fine, and if not I can always carry her.”
She didn’t know what to say, so she just laughed him off, although the intense look in his eyes said he wasn’t joking. She still didn’t understand why he made her so flustered, she was so well spoken, but became speechless around him.
“Ladies,” Jimin said as he opened the car door for them.
The scenery on the drive was beautiful, Margaret expressed how much she "would love to live here one day". Isabella loved Margaret so much and hoped that she could one day fulfill all of her dreams for her. She also hoped that Margaret would find love again in someone that was worthy of the love she was capable of giving.
Jimin touched her hand, "Bella, where were you just now? Your eyes were in a distant place."
His hand felt so soft touching hers, her body prickled with goosebumps, whenever she was this close to him, her senses feel heightened.
"I was here, but there. Just thinking about how different my life is now compared to before I was adopted. I always thought I'd be alone, and then she came in and gave me the home I yearned for, the love I desperately longed for. For a while, I felt I didn't deserve to be loved. My father never came looking for me, my mother left me an orphan. Now look at me," she said as she smiled with tears forming in her eyes, "here with Mother and you, in a country I could only ever have dreamed of seeing. Heading to a palace with, whom I believe to be, the kindest, most beautiful gentleman I've ever met. I want to stay in this moment forever."
Her cheeks immediately reddened, she felt as if she'd said too much, she couldn't bear to look him in his eyes.
His fingers lifted her chin, his eyes staring into hers, tears flowing down her cheeks. He gently wiped the tears from her face, "Bella, you're exactly where you deserve to be, you've created a beautiful life for the both of you. Also, I'm glad you're here with me...honestly, I was captivated by you the moment I saw you at the US Tournament. I knew at that moment, I wanted to be closer to you, get to know you better, get to know you for you outside of chess. Well you allow me inside?"
Her heart was pounding so hard, she was sure he could hear it. She couldn't find the words, but he answered for her, "I will take my time and give you the time you need to let me all the way in. You deserve the respect all women deserve, and I will grant you all that you need." 
He held her hands in his, bringing them to his lips and softly kissing them. 
She felt so content with him, unlike how she was with other guys. She had never been this intimately close to a man before, but now she knew what Margaret was talking about. 
"When you find yourself attracted to a man, like really attracted, you will feel it in your whole body. You might not understand now, but one day you will."
Isabella could remember her saying that when she was 15 and had met a boy that liked her a lot, but she didn't feel the same way.
They held hands the rest of the day, when they went to the old castles, walked through Seoul, even when they arrived back at the house.
"Margaret," Jimin began as they approached the guest house, "I would like to invite Isabella to the main house, only if that's okay with you."
She looked at her Mother, telling her with her eyes to agree.
"Of course it will be fine, I'm pretty exhausted from this wonderful, yet long day we've had. I'm ready to get some sleep until tomorrow. You two have a wonderful night."
She winked at Isabella, before walking into the house. Jimin grabbed her hand and led her to the main house, she still couldn't believe this was all happening.
Once inside, he took her to the living room, "So, what movie should we watch? I figured we could end this day by relaxing with some tea and a movie."
He gave her the remote and let her find a movie she would enjoy. She found herself feeling at home, lounging on his sofa as if it was her own. 
"I see you've made yourself at home," Jimin teased as he came back with the tea, "have you found a movie?"
"I did, it's a horror movie, I hope that's alright with you."
"It's my favorite," he said smiling.
He turned off the lights and sat next to her as the movie began.
Halfway through, an unexpected scary moment happened and she grabbed into him. When she realized what she did, she began to scoot away, but he put his arm around her shoulder.
"It's okay, Bella, I'll protect you."
She relaxed in his arms, feeling safe with him, because she knew she was. She looked over at him, as he stared intently at the TV. She could only think about kissing his neck, or the sharp cut of his jaw line, so she did just that.
His eyes closed as her lips kissed him, he held her tighter, closer with his arm. Her tongue traced up to his jaw, and he couldn't help himself. He turned and took her tongue into his mouth, using his other arm to bring her onto his lap. 
They kissed passionately, his hands on her hips, guiding her back and forth against his hardening cock through his sweatpants. As they moaned with pleasure, he released from her kiss, instead kissing her neck. He made his way down to her breasts, she pulled her shirt off over her head and he unclasped her bra. Her perky breasts bounced free, and he immediately took a nipple into his mouth. Her head lolled back, she placed her hands on his knees behind her to balance herself as she continued grinding against his hardness. 
She began to feel the same way she did at the club that first night, how she felt in the shower when she touched herself thinking about him. Her juices began to leak through onto his sweatpants, he reacted to the feeling, thrusting upward against her core. He slowly laid her on her back, grinding against her, feeling himself about to reach his peak. She pulled his face to hers, kissing him aggressively, moaning into his ear, “I-I’m cumming…” 
He began to thrust back and forth more fiercely until he soaked the front of his pants with his own cum. Feeling spent, he laid on top of her for a moment, but she wanted more.
“Jimin, please, I want to feel you inside of me, please,” she begged him.
He lifted himself up to look at her, “Bella, you can have me fully, I will be all yours, under one condition.”
“I’ll do anything Jimin.”
He smiled slyly at her, “Then you have to beat me in the championship tournament and take my title. Until then, we will continue to get to know everything we can about each other. I will practice with you and take you to some of the local game centers, there we can play with the elders who only play for fun. I want you to achieve everything you have ever desired, and winning this championship came before me. Do we have a deal?”
Isabella sat up and thought about it for a moment, what kind of a deal was this? How could she possibly beat him? He has been playing since he was a child, he is the reigning champion, was he just playing with her head?
“Jimin? How could you ask me to make such a deal? If I win, I take your title, I strip you of what you have trained since a child for. If I lose, then I walk away with nothing. So either outcome is bad for both of us. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, and now you want me to play this ridiculous game just for sex?”
“Sex? No. I want you to play for everything, my title, me, I will give all of myself to you. If I just wanted sex, we would’ve slept together when I was in the States and that would’ve been the end of it. There’s something special about you, and losing to you would be a great honor. You’re undefeated, your chess rating is way beyond anybody in the world at this point. This is not a proposition for sex, it is a proposition for everything. So, are you up for the challenge?”
Isabella stared at him intensely, “I’m always ready for a challenge.”
Over the next two weeks, they spend more time together than she expected. She even began spending the night in the main house with Jimin. They were intimate almost every night, but he would not have sex with her. He would help her orgasm, sometimes with his fingers, sometimes orally, but he said she wasn’t ready for the next step. Plus, she had to win it.
At first, she didn’t really like this game he was playing, but she was always up for a challenge. This challenge, however, was like no other. 
One day they barely spoke to each other, they just played chess for hours, both of them winning multiple games. 
“Jimin, if you beat me in this next game, I will do something special for you.”
“Something special? I’m intrigued, what is it?”
“It’s a surprise, but there’s a catch.”
He raised his eyebrows, “A catch?”
“You have to beat me in under 30 minutes.”
“Okay, you have a deal.”
He wasn’t sure if she lost on purpose, but he beat her in under 20 minutes.
She stood up, grabbing his hand and leading him to his bedroom. She directed him to get in the bed and strip all of his clothes off. He didn’t hesitate, while watching curiously as she disappeared into his walk-in closet.
When she came out, she was dressed in nothing but one of his white button-up shirts, with only a couple of the buttons fastened. He felt himself begin to harden, not even knowing what she was going to do for him.
“I see someone’s already excited.”
Isabella smiles as she climbs onto the foot of the bed, crawling slowly, kissing his legs as she makes her way up. When she reaches his inner thigh, he’s already hard, precum leaking from his tip. She licks it off with her tongue, sucking the tip into her mouth.
“Bella, I-Oh fuck-I didn’t-fuck-expect this.”
She had gotten better since the first time, knowing exactly what he liked, when to twirl her tongue around, how to swallow as he neared her throat so she didn’t gag. 
“Jimin, I want you to do something,” she said as she took a breath.
“Anything Bella-fuck-anything you want.”
“I want you to finish yourself, I want you to cum on my panties, I want to feel your warmth between my legs.”
She continues sucking as Jimin nods his head in agreement. Suddenly she gets up and turns around, straddling him backwards. Rubbing herself through her panties with his cock. He can see her wet slick on her panties, which got him even more excited.
He used some precum to wet his cock, as he began stroking it. She rubbed his tip with her core, teasing her whole with the tip of his cock. She wanted so badly to slide her panties over and feel him inside of her walls, stretching them with his thick cock. She wanted him to be her first and last, she wanted him to be her everything.
She began rubbing her clit, imagining him inside of her, reaching her climax quickly. She moaned loudly, exciting Jimin as he felt her juices leaking through her panties. He reached his free hand up, taking a finger and sliding it underneath her panties. He slipped his finger into her wet hole, covered it in her slick, and used it to finish himself off.
“I’m cumming baby, fuck!”
His cock began to pulsate, his cum soaking her panties, just as she had asked.
“Was that good Bella baby?”
“It was perfect Jimin.”
They showered and took a nap. When they awoke later, they went out to dinner at Jimin’s favorite BBQ spot in Itaewon.
“Bella, the tournament is only a few days away, do you feel you are ready?”
Jimin was always concerned about if she was ready or not, while she was only concerned if she would win him or not.
“I am ready, I don’t want to practice anymore. I want to spend these last few days with you enjoying your company. Is that okay?”
“If that is what you desire, then that is what you’ll get.”
That night, they didn’t engage in any sexual activities, instead they decided to watch a movie and fell asleep on the sofa. She was comfortable in his embrace, wishing that this moment would never end.
In the morning, Jimin woke her early, said he wanted to take her somewhere special.
“Please wear tennis shoes, heels won’t work where we are going. Dress comfortably and casually, unless you don’t have casual clothes.”
“Well, actually I don’t. I only bought clothes to look good for you in.”
“Baby, just wear a pair of my joggers and a shirt, I have a sweater you can wear as well. I will wait for you in the car.”
Isabella quickly freshened up, throwing on his t-shirt and joggers, finding a sweatshirt to wear. Once she was ready, she met Jimin in the car.
“Where are we going Jimin?”
“It’s a surprise, Bella, just a little hike, that’s all.”
She didn’t ask anymore questions as he drove, but once they were close she knew exactly where they were going.
“The North Seoul Tower? I have been wanting to see this up close since we’ve been here.”
He just smiled while he found a place to park. They exited the vehicle and began the walk up to the Tower. Holding small talk on the way up, about what they would do this evening and other miscellaneous topics. They avoided talking chess, mainly to continue to learn more about one another outside of the game.
When they finally reached the top, Jimin stopped and turned to face Isabella, holding her hands in his.
“Bella, there’s something I’ve been needing to tell you.”
Her heart began pounding, she was afraid of what would come out of his mouth next, but she knew she needed to hear it, whatever it may be.
“I have to tell you this, because I feel like if I don’t then it will ruin everything. No matter what happens at the tournament, my feelings for you are undeniable, unconditional. I care for you deeply and I want more than just a friendship, a vacation fling, a one night stand. I want you to be the one that I wake up to in the morning, the one I go to sleep with at night. I want to continue getting to know you, regardless of the outcome of the tournament. My feelings run deep, deeper than they ever have before, and it scares me. I’m afraid that you don’t or won’t feel the same way, which is why I haven’t said anything until now. But seeing you in my clothes, having you in my bed all of these nights, sharing my home with you, it all just seems right. I know this is a lot to take in, but I had to tell you how I feel.”
Isabella was stunned by everything he just said, because she too felt the same way. She just couldn’t find the right words, couldn’t find the right moment to tell him, and she still didn’t feel this was the right time.
“Jimin, hearing you say that, I know what needs to be done. I think these next couple of days we should spend some time apart. I don’t want our feelings to affect our gameplay. We both need to be able to focus. I think it will be best if Mother and I go to a hotel for the remainder of our time here. I’m sorry, Jimin, but I...we, need to focus.”
“Bella? How could you say that? We have a connection that, I myself, have never had with anyone else before. Are you saying to just ignore that, ignore my feelings?”
“No, Jimin, the best days of my life have been the ones I have spent with you. I wouldn’t trade this time we’ve had together for anything in the world, but I think this will be the best for both of us.”
“I understand, I guess, but my deal stands. Beat me and you will have all of me, because my feelings will not change.”
She pulled his face to his, giving him a final kiss, before they descended back down to the car. They were silent for the car ride back, Isabella went straight to the guest house when they got there.
As soon as she was in the house she flung herself onto the sofa and began sobbing. What had she done? Why would she say those things to him? She could hear the hurt in his voice, see it in his eyes. Why didn’t she just tell him how she felt? Was chess so important that she’s willing to throw away what she may have with him? 
So many questions went through her head as she sobbed that she didn’t notice Margaret enter the room.
“Bella, honey, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“I messed everything up,” she sobbed, “I messed it up with Jimin. He told me how he felt and I closed him out, told him we need space to focus on the tournament. Why would I do that? Why?”
She began sobbing even harder, trying to think of how to fix this, but she had never been in this type of situation before.
“Mother, what do I do? How do I fix this?”
Margaret rubbed her back, “The only thing you can do is go over there, explain to him that you’re just scared of these feelings, that they’re new to you. Tell him how you feel.”
Isabella sat up, wiping the tears from her face, “I can’t, because I meant what I said. I have to focus, I must win. If I lose, that’s it, I lose everything.”
She let out a deep sigh before speaking again, “Pack your things, we are going to a hotel for the remainder of our stay here.”
“Bella-” Margaret began to speak but she cut her off.
“Mother, this is the best for both him and I. Please, I don’t want to argue about it, let’s just pack our stuff and call a car. There’s a hotel near the convention center, we can stay there.”
Margaret looked as if she wanted to say something else, but she didn’t. She packed her clothes, made her bed, cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen and emptied the garbage. While Isabella waited outside for the car, she quickly wrote a note for Jimin.
The next morning Isabella awoke alone, in a hotel, her head pounding from crying the night before. All she wanted to do was go back to his house, hug and kiss him and tell him how sorry she was, but she felt she couldn’t. She shouldn’t. 
Just as she was about to get out of the bed, there was a knock on her door. She couldn’t imagine Margaret was up this early, since she decided to drink the whole bottle of wine she bought at the store down the street last night.
She pulled on her robe and went to the door, looking through the peephole, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
She opened the door, “Jimin? How did you know I was here? How did you know the-”
He cut her off with a kiss, slowly backing her into her room, before closing the door. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he picked her up and carried her to the bed. Laying her down, he came to rest between her legs.
“Is it because I wouldn’t give myself to you?” He asked as he slid his fingers into her. “I can give you what you want right now, if that’s what it takes to have you in my life, you can have it.” 
He pulled his jogging pants down, freeing his already hard cock, sliding her panties to the side. He held his tip at her entrance, “If you want me inside of you, tell me, I will do anything you ask.”
She could feel the warmth of his precum on her entrance, she wanted him so badly, but she couldn’t.
“Jimin, we had a deal. This is why I said we need to focus. If you’re still in this state of mind you will just let me win. I want to win because I earned it, not because we are lusting for full intimacy from one another. I do want you inside of me, I want you to be my first, but not yet.”
She couldn’t resist, she had to at least feel it a little, so she pulled him to her, letting just the tip penetrate her tight entrance. She winced as it stretched her more than she could have imagined, but she wanted more. She wrapped her arms around him and flipped him onto his back, with his help of course. She slowly lowered herself onto him, feeling his thick cock stretching her walls, the pain felt confusing. It was painful but pleasuring. She lowered all the way down and slowly lifted back up, coming down again slowly. He grabbed her breasts gently, lifting himself to suck on her nipples, maneuvering himself back on top.
“The way your walls grip me, I can’t last much longer, you feel so good. I’m not hurting you am I? Do you want me to stop?”
“No, please, keep going.”
He continued slowly stroking in and out, planting kisses on her neck, taking in her soft moans. He felt her tightening around him and knew she was going to finally release.
He gasped and moaned as he felt her juices rushing, making her walls slick, warming his cock. He began to stroke faster, looking into her eyes, feeling himself already nearing his climax.
He couldn’t hold back anymore when she came the second time, cumming with her, an explosion of their juices mixing together. He collapsed on the bed next to her.
Out of breath, he laid there breathing hard, caressing her face.
“I hope you know, that is not me giving myself to you. There’s more, so the deal’s still on.”
“I can’t imagine what more there could be, but I guess I’ll take your word for it.”
They got under the covers and slept the rest of the day away, ordering room service and not leaving the room all day. They talked and laughed and continued on their quest to learn things about one another. They watched movies until they fell asleep for the night.
In the morning Jimin woke up, caressing her arm until she woke up.
“Good morning, Bella.”
“Good morning, Jimin.”
“Tomorrow’s the first day of the tournaments, are you ready?”
“Of course I am, and when we face each other in the last round, we have to keep our feelings aside, okay?”
“Feelings? What feelings?” Jimin teased. “Of course I understand that, tomorrow, you are just another competitor in everyone else’s eyes. However, deep down, you will be the woman I seek to win over.”
She gave him a kiss, wanting to savor the feeling of his soft lips, hoping that during the tournament they could steal kisses in between matches.
“Jimin, there is something I have been wondering about since you arrived yesterday morning. How did you know where I was and what room I was in?”
Jimin looked at her and smiled, “Margaret left a note in the guest house, letting me know what hotel you were going to. I had my driver call and get your room number and came over immediately. I didn’t really think you were going to leave.”
“I’m so sorry I did that, I should have just come back to the house and talked to you, but I guess my way worked out better in the end.”
He pulled her close and kissed her before having her order breakfast to the room. They ate and talked a bit about the tournament, he told her what to expect and gave her some tips on some of the people she would compete against first.
Jimin left early that afternoon, having his driver pick him up around the back of the hotel, as not to be seen.
She called Margaret’s room and told her to get ready, because they were going out to dinner.
While waiting for their food, Isabella jokingly thanked Margaret for leaving the letter for Jimin. She told Margaret all about the great day they had yesterday together and gave her all of the details of her first time.
“Sooooo, was it everything you’d dreamt of it being?”
“Well, it was rushed. I think we were both too anxious and impatient, so it went pretty fast. But, I can say that he is well endowed.”
They clinked their glasses of wine together and giggled. After eating and some small talk they headed back to the hotel.
“Goodnight, Mother.”
“Goodnight, Bella. Sleep well, you have a tough road ahead of you with this tournament.”
They went into their rooms, but Isabella couldn’t fall asleep. She kept replaying all of her moments with Jimin. The sound of her hotel room phone ringing broker her thoughts.
She picked up, “Mother, you said I should get some sleep.”
“Bella?” She heard Jimin’s voice on the line.
“Jimin, why aren’t you sleeping?”
“I was laying here, and I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
“Same here. So what should we do?”
“Let’s just talk until we fall asleep.”
“Sounds perfect.”
They stayed on the phone until they both drifted to sleep, both of them knowing that when they woke up the next morning everything would be different.
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mrsparkjimin18 · 4 years
Part 1: Isabella the Prodigy
From a young age her mother taught her the different levels of mathematics, insisting that the most important puzzle in life was keeping the numbers together. That mathematics could solve any problem, and that she must never forget that.
She remembered when her mother was still a professor at the University, she couldn’t remember what state. However, as the years passed, she went to work less, until she eventually didn't go at all. Being as young as she was, she was unable to realize the fact that her mother suffered from a slew of mental health issues. In her eyes, her mother always took her on adventures, which would lead to arguments between her parents.
Sitting in the living room of the mobile home, she could only make out bits and pieces of the argument between her parents. Only a week ago her father left, saying he couldn’t stand what had become of her mother. When he came back to retrieve his belongings, he swore he would take Isabella with him.
“This didn’t just start...you have been becoming...irrational!” The little bits she could hear her father saying made barely any sense to the mind of an 8 year old. “What the hell are you doing? Are you threatening….gun!”
Sitting at the coffee table working on a calculus problem her mother assigned her, she could see her father slowly backing down the hallway. With dark eyes and a wild gaze upon her face, her mother followed closely on his toes, gun pointed at him. “Over your dead body will you take my daughter from me!”
Her father looked at her as he inched for the door, the look of despair in his eyes, he mouthed two words that would forever be etched in her mind, “I’m sorry.” He turned and exited the trailer, her mother quickly closed and locked the door, watching him through the blinds in the window as he drove away.
“I’m sorry you had to see that Bella. He will never take you away from me. Ever.”
After that night, they moved from place to place, Isabella was too young to realize if they switched cities or states. They only stayed long enough for her Mother to gather any food and supplies they needed and to make enough money for gas. To Isabella they weren’t vagrants going from city to city never settling, they were on an adventure that her mother said only they understood.
She never saw her father again, figuring that if he really cared about her he would have been there, he would have tried harder to find her in this game of hide and seek. However, he never did find her and she told herself she would never go looking for him. If she learned anything from the relationship of her parents, it was that men will leave you, no matter how much they claim to love you, they will leave.
About a year after her father left, her mother said they were going for a car ride, the whole time she told her how much she meant to her and how much she loved her, which is why she had to do what was best for them. “I don’t want you to end up like me,” she said, looking at her in the rearview mirror, right before she drove full speed into an approaching semi.
Since Isabella had never really been around other children it was hard for her to make friends at the orphanage. Mainly, she kept to herself, socializing like the other girls when there were prospective adopting couples. Many times she avoided the session, keeping her nose in a book, or solving math equations to pass the time.
On a cool spring day, she came across a dusty chess board in the game room. She took it into the dorm, keeping it under her bed. One day she would learn to play, but first she had to learn everything about chess. She found books in the small library of the orphanage, reading them throughout the night when the other girls were sleeping, in between classes and even during lunch and dinner.
Within a year, she was able to challenge the elders in games of chess, winning effortlessly. Until one morning she awoke to find a note under her bed rather than the chess board, it was from the headmaster.
“Report to my office after breakfast.”
She went to the cafeteria and silently ate her lunch as always, anxious to see why the chess board was taken. Once she finished eating, she turned in her tray and reported directly to the office.
“Come in and close the door,” Sister Gwendolyn said sternly.
Although all of the staff had “Sister” before their names, none of them properly represented a nun by far. Still, Sister Gwendolyn carried herself as a strict nun by Isabella’s imagination. She was a large woman in height, her pale face and bright red hair made her look as if she’d never seen the sun before. Her deep green eyes seemed to pierce through your soul, as if she knew every thought going through your mind. However, her fair, smooth skin added a gentleness to her otherwise overpowering demeanor.
She closed the door and sat at one of the chairs in front of the large mahogany desk. The headmaster still hadn’t looked at her, which caused her anxiety to elevate immensely. Sweat began forming above her brows, her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest and her body began trembling.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Sister Gwendolyn looked at her, “Isabella, are you okay? You look as if you are about to faint. Here have some water and calm down.”
She poured her a glass of water as she handed her a flyer, “Do you know what this is?”
Isabella shook her head, but she began to read the flyer.
“It’s for a chess tournament at the local high school. First place wins a trophy and a $250 consolation prize. Do you know what we could do with that money here? I have entered you in the competition this weekend, and I have set-up the chess board in the adult lounge of the orphanage. You will have your breakfast, lunch and dinner there, as well as access as needed to practice for the tournament and any future tournaments. There will be no further discussion about this, just know that you are going to benefit the orphanage that has taken such good care of you thus far.”
Isabella knew better than to disagree, but she wouldn’t anyway. Playing chess had become her escape from reality, when she played the rest of the world disappeared, it was just her and the pieces on the board. She nodded her head in agreement, trying to hold back the excitement trying to escape from her throat.
“Then it’s settled, hurry along to class, you will only have history and reading after breakfast. You have already shown you are well above any level of math we teach here, so you will no longer need that or choir. Well, we are done here, you may be excused.”
She silently rose from her chair, turning quickly, smiling from ear to ear as she exited. Isabella quickly went to her dorm, wanting to read a bit more on a chess book she’d been studying.
She studied late into the night, almost unable to sleep, but deciding it would be best if she at least made an attempt. Laying in her bed, in the large room with more than ten other girls, sleep continued to evade her. Her body felt exhausted, but her brain was on overdrive.
Suddenly, a chess board formed on the ceiling, the pieces began to appear, and the game began to play itself. She spent the majority of the night envisioning all of the possible outcomes of the game, until her eyes could no longer stay open.
The weekend seemed to approach quickly, yet Isabella showed no signs of nervousness. She was ready for this, her mother had prepared her for this moment without her even realizing it. All of the math, problem solving, equations, and the games of chess, at least twice a week.
As Sister Gwendolyn drove her to the local high school for the chess tournament, she repeated how important this tournament was for the orphanage. Isabella sat in the back of the car, watching the trees pass by, looking at the clear blue sky, imagining she was an important person being driven by her personal driver. Sometimes her mind would wander, her imagination would run away with her; what seemed like a few minutes was actually the entire 30 minute drive to the high school.
As she stepped out of the car she was amazed by the massive building, since she had never been to an actual school, this experience was even more motivation. She figured if she could win this tournament, she would become famous and everybody would know her name, see her face.
“Isabella, snap out of it, we need to get you signed in. Now you listen, don’t let these boys intimidate you, use their insults as motivation to beat them. You are the first girl to enter a chess tournament, and today you will show them why you deserve to be here. You understand me?”
She nodded and walked into the front door with her head held high and confidence that anyone could see. As she signed in, the high school students were eyeing her, wondering who she thought she was to enter a high school tournament. The little snickers and sneers she heard as she waited to see who she’d be competing against first, only motivated her to make sure she won.
As the tournament began, she swept through her first 3 competitors in less than an hour. People were amazed, crowding around her table to watch her take out the competition. Less than two hours later and she was up against the reigning local champion, she politely asked for a bathroom break, just to make him wait in considerable agony, wondering if he would still be the champion after today.
Isabella decided to show off her skills and took him out in under 30 minutes, impressing the spectators so much that they began cheering loudly, which wasn’t typical of a chess tournament. She politely stood up and shook his hand, before promptly walking from the table to Sister Gwendolyns side.
Afterwards she was awarded the local championship trophy along with a check for the 1st place prize, a check in the amount of $250. She handed the check to Sister Gwendolyn, holding onto her trophy proudly as she took photos for the local and state newspapers. She basked in the attention she was receiving from the journalists and spectators congratulating her on her first victory, journalists and reporters requesting exclusive interviews, spectators asking for autographs.
Her glory was short-lived as Sister Gwendolyn notified her they needed to get back soon to wait for calls about other tournaments that would most likely want Isabella to play. She said her thanks and goodbyes and followed her out of the school and back to the car.
The ride seemed surreal, she couldn’t stop staring at her first ever trophy, constantly thinking about how she felt with all the attention she was getting. She felt like a movie star, people wanting her autograph and interviews. Women telling her she set a precedent for girls to play in the future, that it wasn’t only for men. Now she knew what it meant to set the standard, she just raised the stakes for the game of chess.
By the age of thirteen Isabella had risen from a local champion to the state champion, feeling as if life couldn’t get any better. Sister Gwendolyn had started giving her half of the winnings after she won her third local championship in a nearby county. She saved all of her winnings, since she had nothing to spend it on, for the day she turned eighteen and would be on her own.
When she woke up in the morning, she started her day as any other, putting on her uniform and going to breakfast with all of the other girls. After breakfast, Isabella headed to her first class, when she was stopped by Sister Gwendolyn.
“You are needed in my office, Isabella.”
Isabella sighed, “Another tournament? Can’t it wait until after my first class? You know I love math.”
“This is not in regards to any tournament, there is a couple in the office that noticed you the last time they visited, and they’d like to meet you.”
“Me? Why me?” There had not been a single couple that wanted to see her since she arrived at the orphanage, panic set in, she wasn’t even sure how to behave for this situation. She figured she would never be adopted, so unlike the other girls she didn’t practice what she would say or how she would act.
“That doesn’t matter now dear, this is your chance at living a normal life as a teenager, going to school, making friends, maybe even one day finding a boyfriend. This is your chance at having a family again. You have done so much for this orphanage, and we truly appreciate it. Now it is your turn to have what you’ve wanted since the first day you arrived - freedom. Now hurry along, we wouldn’t want to keep them waiting, now would we?”
She shook her head no, walking briskly alongside Gwendolyn, stopping to check her hair and appearance in the glass of the announcement case before entering the office.
When they entered, a woman stood up immediately, a warming and bright smile on her face, the man stayed seated without as much as taking a glance at her.
“Hello Isabella, I am Margaret and this is my husband, Franklin.”
As she walked around to the side of the desk, she was for the first time, at a loss for words. Sister Gwendolyn gave her a light nudge.
“H-Hello, Margaret and Franklin, it is very nice to meet you.” She smiled and sat in the seat offset behind the desk.
Franklin grunted without looking at her, and she could only assume this is what men were like. Margaret however seemed overly ecstatic to be there.
Sister Gwendolyn chimed in to break the awkward silence, “Do you have any questions you would like to ask her or myself?”
Margaret speaks without hesitation, “Bella, may I call you Bella? How would you feel about coming home with us today?”
Isabella can’t believe the words she is hearing, somebody actually wants to adopt her? Make her a part of their family? She calms her excitement, responding softly, “For your first question, yes you may, as my Mother called me Bella. For the second question, I would be delighted to come with you today, only if that is okay with Sister Gwendolyn?”
She looks to the headmaster, awaiting her approval or denial. The suspense is driving her mad inside, and then Gwendolyns lips begin to part.
“If Isabella is ready to go, then I have no problem with her going today. I will start on the paperwork to be sent to the state for the adoption while she gathers her belongings and says her goodbyes. Isabella, congratulations and I wish you the best on this new journey.”
Isabella thanks her as well as Margaret and Franklin, before heading back to the room she has lived in for so many years with the other girls; gathering the little bit of clothes and books that she has and putting them in the suitcase she arrived with. She patiently waited outside of the office while the couple filled out the necessary paperwork to legally adopt her. After what seemed like an eternity, Franklin exited the door first, completely ignoring her. Margaret came out with Gwendolyn, thanking her and then looking over at Isabella.
“Bella, dear, are you ready? Don’t mind old Frankie, he just needs to warm up to the fact that we now have a child, well a teenager, and he will be the friendliest man you’ve ever met.”
Isabella stood, hugging Sister Gwendolyn, before leaving with Margaret, to take the ride to her new home, new life, new everything.
Time seems to have flown by since the day she was adopted by Margaret, she doesn’t include Franklin. From day one he wasn’t very interested in getting to know Isabella, or even to acknowledge her presence. After about 6 months, he packed his belongings and said he had to go out of state for work for a couple of weeks, which turned into months, then years, in which he never returned at all.
Isabella didn’t mind, he made her feel uncomfortable in the home. However, he was the only one who had an income, so with him gone, they were struggling to pay the mortgage, utilities and even to purchase food. One day that all changed for the better.
Isabella learned of local chess tournaments with cash prizes, so in the beginning she secretly entered the tournaments and won the prize money. She would discreetly slip the money in Margarets purse or in the envelope for the bills.
One Saturday morning, as she was about to walk out the door, Margaret stopped her.
“Isabella, where do you go at night and early on Saturday mornings? Don’t say the library, because I have gone there looking for you. Do you have a boyfriend? Are you having premarital relations?”
Isabella giggled, “A boyfriend? Margaret if I was seeing a boy you would have met him by now, so no, I don’t have a boyfriend. I am definitely not having ‘premarital relations’. I have been playing in Chess tournaments to win money for the mortgage, bills and food. It was the least I could do, since you gave me a home and showed me once again what it feels like to be loved by somebody.”
Margaret stood there stunned and surprised, unable to find the words, only able to wrap her arms around her.
“I was wondering where the money was coming from. At first I thought maybe Franklin had been sneaking in and leaving the money, but I laughed that thought off. Then I thought you were stealing it, but I didn’t know how to ask you..Chess tournaments? Are you good?”
Isabella smiled, “Why don’t you come with me today and see for yourself?”
Without hesitation, Margaret threw on her coat, grabbed her car keys and they headed out the door.
At the tournament, she didn’t understand a single moment of the chess game, all she knew was that her Bella had advanced through each game so quickly, that she had to wait for over two hours to play the other finalist. She quickly beat him and received congratulations, as well as a trophy and a cash prize.
As they drove home, they sat silently for a little bit. Margaret had so many questions, but it was as if Isabella already knew them and spoke first.
“The trophies, I usually just leave them on the bus, or toss them in a dumpster somewhere. That is why you never see them, but since you know now, I would like to purchase a trophy case for future trophies. There are larger prizes, but those are for regional and state level tournaments. With school and no means to travel that far, I haven’t been able to compete. Also, I know that you have not had to use all of the money I have given you, as Franklin now pays you alimony after he decided to divorce you. I also know that you have saved it all, in a little envelope labeled ‘Money for Bellas college expenses.’ I hope you will not be disappointed, but I do not have plans to go to college. I want to play chess, I am probably the best at it in the United States, and I can go on to be a chess coach once I have achieved the highest title of World Champion. Have I left any answers out?”
By this time, Margaret had pulled over on a side street, listening to her every word. She was amazed at the certainty in her words, how she was such a brave young woman that wanted to stick with her dreams, unlike her.
“As a young woman, I was a fabulous pianist, I played at many events. I could have had a career in music, but Franklin thought that I should stop pretending like I could make anything of myself. I gave up playing and decided to be a housewife and mother, which the mother part never worked out for me until I saw you. I want you to be able to fulfill your dream. My only question is how do you feel about me homeschooling you while we travel the United States and you compete? I’m open to it, if that is what you would like to do.”
“I would be delighted, but we will both need to go shopping, our wardrobes are both tired and we could use a little spark in our looks. So how about a day downtown? Let’s get our hair done, go shopping at the fanciest department store in town, then go home to plan out our chess adventure?”
They did exactly that; buying clothes and shoes that for years both of them could only ever imagine to purchase. They both changed their hairstyles slightly, and even had their makeup done. They walked around with their heads held high for the first time in a long time; being treated like royalty as they spent like crazy.
Over the years, Isabella won enough State competitions to pay off the mortgage and have it transferred into Margarets name, so she could finally be free of Franklin. They had gone on many vacations to exotic resorts with private beaches, enjoying the financial freedom that came from her chess winnings. Most people would think that Margaret was a horrible person for letting her child pay for everything, but Isabella did not see it that way. She wanted to take care of Margaret, she felt she was showing her appreciation for loving her like she did, as if she was her own. She also taught her how to carry herself as a classy and respectable young lady, to save her money, and to live life for herself.
“Margaret, there is something we need to talk about.”
“Bella, what is it?”
“I will be eighteen in a few weeks, so I will finally be able to compete in the US Open Chess Championship. I would like to compete in it, but since I am still only seventeen, I will need your consent to enter and play in the preliminary tournaments. Would you be willing to do that for me, as well as be my manager?”
“Of course, Bella, this is what you have been waiting for. So, where will we be staying for the next few weeks?”
“How do you feel about nice relaxing days, at a beachfront resort, in California? After that we can take a mini vacay in Cabo San Lucas. Sound like a plan?”
“Well, should we go shopping?”
Isabella sings with excitement as Margaret plays her favorite piece on the piano. They go shopping for bathing suits and new dresses, talking about their soon to come California/Mexico trip. Booking their flights as soon as they get back to the house, Margaret cooked them a nice dinner and they ate at the dining room table reminiscing about their lives together over these last almost 5 years.
When Isabella finally went to sleep, she dreamt of chess boards. Not just any chess board. A life size board where she walked from square to square, reciting the location, what piece could move there, and lastly her favorite plays.
When they arrived in California, they were picked up in a sedan, sent by the US Chess Open themselves. They were driven directly to the location of the upcoming preliminaries, where they were greeted by news reporters and journalists. The main buzz involved a female chess prodigy, which was in rare form these days. Although thanks to her, there were many more females playing chess. None of them, of course, were as successful as Isabella. She wanted to bask in the glory of being somewhat famous, but Margaret pushed through the reporters and reminded Isabella to keep her focus.
When they entered the convention center, it seemed as if there were hundreds of other competitors getting their forms turned in and registering for the prelims. For the first time since she began playing chess, Isabella felt that nervous ache in the pit of her stomach. She dreamed of this day for years and now that it was finally here, she wasn’t sure if she had what it took to win.
As Margaret was taking care of the forms and fees, there was a commotion outside, reporters and journalists snapping pictures and recording a vehicle approaching. As the car finally came to a stop, some of the competitors stopped what they were doing and began crowding around the entrance. The back door opened and a man stepped out, waving and smiling at the spectators and reporters.
His hair was slicked back perfectly, with just a few strands purposely hanging loosely on his forehead. His sun-kissed skin seemed to glow as the sun rays touched his face. His jawline was chiseled to perfection, his lips looked full and luscious. Isabella felt her body temperature begin to rise, she couldn’t take her eyes off of him, she felt drawn to him. She had never felt this way before, and she began feeling embarrassed. She felt the heat in her cheeks as the blood rushed to them, her heart was pounding in her chest as she walked him casually stride to the entrance.
She could hear the reporters asking if he would be competing in the games, he laughed politely and said he was only here to spectate.
“I would just like to see my possible competition in action. That is all. Please, let’s not make a spectacle of my being here, there are others that have worked hard to be here. Let them have the spotlight, just treat me as any other spectator. Thank you.”
His accent was thick, the sexiest voice she had ever heard. She froze as he began walking in her direction, stopping to shake the hands of some of the well known competitors, she wanted to close her eyes and disappear as the distance between them began to close.
“Hello, you’re Isabella, right?”
She had to look up at him, he towered over her small frame, holding his hand out to shake hers. She noticed how dainty his hands were for such a tall man, with the cutest little pinky.
She giggled as she responded, “Yes. I’m sorry, I’m Isabella, and you are?”
“Jimin, Park Jimin, South Korean Chess Champion for the last 10 years. I look forward to seeing you at the tables. Good luck.”
He kissed her hand before walking away, continuing to stop and talk with other competitors. She still couldn’t take her eyes off of him, even as he got further away. Just as he was about to enter the main tournament hall, he turned back and gave her one last glance and a smile. Her heart felt like it was going to explode.
“Bella,” Margaret called her, startling her from her trance, “I have been calling your name. Who was that handsome man you were talking to?”
“Well, Margaret, that was Mr. Park Jimin, South Korean Chess Champion. He has come to spectate and watch us play. He is the man I will have to play for the final game when I am invited to play in the South Korean Chess Championship. He is the man I will beat.”
Margaret just smiled and asked Isabella if she would like to look around before they went to cpu heck in at the resort. She agreed, and they met other players, both male and female, that were excited she was there. She once again felt like a celebrity, like somebody important, yet she could only think of Jimin.
As the tournament begins, she finds and greets her opponent, noticing that Jimin is sitting in the front row of the spectator seating. She reminds herself that she must stay focused, but it’s hard for her to concentrate with him watching her every move. She reminds herself that she is the prodigy, that she is the future world champion, and that no man will get in her way.
After a little self pep talk, she begins to take control of the game, winning fairly quickly. After the first win, the rest seem to fly by like small glimpses of memories, because the only thing she could focus on for long periods of time was Him.
She was finally up against her last opponent, this was it, the moment she had been waiting for. She glanced over at Jimin, to make sure he was watching, and of course he was. She flashed a flirty grin at him, he raised an eyebrow and smiled back. She turned back to her opponent and took her time with this game. She didn’t want to rush it, she wanted to toy with her final opponent. Let him relish in the false hope that he may win, when she already knew exactly how the game would play out.
After she had enough of toying with him, she glanced over at Jimin, giving him a wink, 6 plays later, “Checkmate.”
Her opponent studied the board for about a minute, then laid down his King, stood and extended his hand.
“Isabella, you have been one of the greatest opponents I have ever played. However, you could have had me 10 moves back, why did you wait?”
“I wasn’t ready for the game to end and I knew that no matter what move you made, I would be able to win, so I figured I would play a little longer.”
She smiled and shook his hand, they turned towards the judges table, where she could see Jimin looking intrigued by her choice of plays. He just smiled and stood up, quietly walking toward the exit of the auditorium.
She received her trophy and the top prize check, took photos for the journalists and reporters, all the while wondering why he left without so much as speaking a word. She brushed it off as he knew he was in for stiff competition with her and he needed to get back to South Korea to practice, as she was sure she would receive an invite within the next couple of weeks.
“Congratulations, Bella! I knew you could do it! So where are we going? A night on the town, dinner at a fancy restaurant?”
Margaret was filled with excitement and admiration, Isabella could see it all over her face.
“Margaret, I would actually like to go back to the resort, let’s eat in tonight and get our plans for South Korea together. I will need to focus and be ready when I receive my invite.”
She looked slightly disappointed, but knew that Isabella was right. They left and returned to the resort, ordering the most expensive bottle of wine from the front desk, opting to eat in the hotel restaurant once they freshened up.
When Isabella entered the room, she found an envelope on her bed pillow. There was no writing on the outside, which left her confused.
“Margaret, did you leave me a card on my pillow?”
“No, when did I have time to get you a card? We have been together the entire time.”
Isabella opened the envelope to find a note:
I am formally inviting you to meet me at the following location tonight @ 11pm. I will only wait one hour for you to arrive. I do understand if you do not feel comfortable meeting with me alone, so you may bring your Mother. I hope to see you tonight.
Park Jimin
Lure Nightclub, I will be in the VIP area, just let the person at the door know, your name will be on my list. I hope to see you tonight.”
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mrsparkjimin18 · 4 years
Isabella couldn’t believe her eyes, she was invited out by The Park Jimin and she wasn’t sure if she should accept.
“Margaret, we have been formally invited to a nightclub, by Mr. Park Jimin. Do you think we should accept and go?”
“Bella, honey, you only come across men like that on very rare occurrences. I think we should show up dressed to impress, this way we can weigh out the competition, as if you have any.”
Margaret scoffed as she began picking out what they should wear for the night, going on about how lucky they both were to have found each other, and other random thoughts. Isabella loved her as if she was her real mother and only wanted to make her happy. So, it would seem they would be going to the club.
She decided to only have a salad for dinner, skipping the wine they purchased and drank only water. She wanted to look her best when she showed up, making sure she turned heads, especially Jimin’s. She wasn’t sure why his attention even mattered, the attention of a man never mattered to her before, so why did it matter now.
They called a rideshare and headed to the nightclub, fashionably late, since he said he would wait an hour, they decided to show up 45 minutes late. As Margaret said, “The first thing you want to do is make sure he will actually wait, if he is it will leave him in a disarray wondering if you’re going to show up.”
They arrived at the club, letting the door man know they were guests of Park Jimin, which he checked the list and let them right in, passing up the long line that had formed outside.
Isabella wore a new red dress she had bought, it hung off the shoulders, the back was cut daringly low, yet the front showed no cleavage, leaving that for the imagination. The dress hung down to her ankles, with a slit on the right leg just up to her mid thigh. She wore black heels to compliment her clutch and she let her hair hang down in loose curls, rather than the tight bun she wore for the tournament. She had only applied the most basic of makeup to accentuate her eyes and lips, showing off her natural beauty and glow. They walked slowly over to the VIP area, pretending not to notice Jimin, who surprisingly, sat there with only a few other opponents from the earlier tournament.
When he saw her, he was stunned by her appearance, slowly standing, straightening out his pants, walking over to the entrance of the VIP.
“Isabella, I was not sure if you would come. I am pleased to see you decided to accept my offer.”
“I debated until the last minute, so I had to rush to get ready,” she replied.
He looked at her once over, wondering if she was being honest, or just toying with him.
“Well, I could never have guessed that, you look...amazing.”
She smiled and took a seat, Margaret following closely behind, looking just as stunning. She felt like a movie star, sitting in the VIP with her entourage.
“So, I’m here, what is all this about?”
“Well, I figured you were a lady who wouldn’t mind a night of drinks and dancing, was I mistaken?”
“I have never really been out to a nightclub, so I guess we will find out tonight.”
She decided not to drink, although she could since Margaret was there, but she wanted to stay alert and remember everything. She was hopeful that he would invite her to the SK Chess Championships.
After about 30 minutes of small talk and getting to know one another, Jimin stood up, “Come dance with me, Isabella.”
She couldn’t say no, she felt like she was in a trance. Since she arrived all she could do was stare at his mouth as he spoke, thinking about how soft his lips looked. She left her clutch with Margaret and followed him to the dance floor.
His body swayed in rhythm with the beat; she wasn’t really a dancer so she just followed his lead. Swaying and rocking her hips to the music, until the beat took over her. She closed her eyes and let the music lead her body. She felt his body move closely behind her, his hands on her hips as she swayed. He moved in sync with her, letting her take the lead. She laid her head back against his chest and let her arms reach up and around his neck. She had never felt so intimately close to somebody, she felt her insides buzzing. As his hands moved up and down her sides, she felt her core tighten in reflex to the ecstasy she was feeling. She turned to face him, she wanted to look at him, remember every detail, so later when she was alone she could relive this moment.
She looked into his eyes, it was as if they could pierce through her soul, knowing everything she was feeling. He pulled her tightly against him, letting her grind on his leg. He could feel the heat from between her legs and it drove him mad. He leaned down, giving her a gentle kiss on her lips. Her body seemed to go limp in his arms. His hands on her exposed lower back held her close and she pulled his head back down, parting her lips when they connected, allowing his tongue to slip past. She moaned from the feeling this kiss gave her, feeling her panties become wet with her juices.
As the song faded and the next one came on, Jimin stepped back, “I’m so sorry, this was not why I invited you. I don’t want you to get the wrong impression, not that I don’t want this, but I can’t. Actually, do you think Margaret would mind if we left and took a walk on the beach by your resort?”
Isabella snapped out of the trance she was in, straightening out her dress, noticing the wet spot she left on his pant leg.
“Sorry about that,” she pointed down, feeling embarrassed, “I will go get you a napkin.”
He gently pulled her close, and whispered in her ear, “I would rather leave it there to remember this moment later.”
She began blushing and they walked back to the VIP, letting the other guests know they would be heading back to the resort. Margaret seemed fully engulfed in the conversation she was having with a gentleman and said she would be able to get back to her room just fine.
Walking on the beach, the sky was clear, the light from the moon reflected off of the ocean. It was a picture perfect night, as they walked barefoot in the sand, talking about chess and how they both started playing.
“Isabella, I have made my decision, and I would like to informally invite you to South Korea for the chess championship games. I think you would make a great contender, and I wouldn’t mind being your personal tour guide and practice partner while you are there. Please accept, I would be too embarrassed to look at you if you decline.”
She stopped walking, looking up at him, noticing how the light from the moon accentuated his perfect jawline. He stood there looking beautifully handsome, with his hands in his pockets, waiting for her to answer. She swore she could see the pulsing of his heartbeat through his shirt, but she brushed it off as if the slight breeze making his shirt flutter.
“Jimin, I accept your invite, under one condition…”
He looked at her with a sly smirk on his face, “What would that be?”
“Upon our arrival, I would like you to personally pick us up from the airport and give us the first day tour, after we have gotten settled in. Do we have a deal?”
Jimin smiled, pulling his hand out of his pocket to move a loose curl the wind had blown out of place, “Of course I will, I would be more than delighted. Once I return to South Korea, I will let them know to get your formal invitation together. I will take care of the arrangements for your stay, as well as send the invitation with your flight tickets and other information regarding the tournaments. I look forward to the time we will be able to spend together and getting to know you better. However, it is getting late and I have a slightly early flight tomorrow. Please keep your schedule open, as I will send for you to come a couple weeks prior to the tournament, if that is okay with you.”
“Of course it is, I will be awaiting my invitation.”
They walked back to her beachside resort, hand in hand. When they reached the entrance he pulled her close and kissed her one last time, her heart was beating so fast she felt as if she was going to pass out. She went inside and turned around to watch him walk away, trying to burn the image of him in her mind, because tonight she was going to replay every moment in her head.
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hisunshiine · 4 years
To All The Men I’ve Fucked Before ; (M) jjk
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↣ When your secret 'sex' journal entries are somehow texted to the people they were written about, including a couple of coworkers and your best friend, you find your quiet work existence turned upside down. based off of TATBILB.
moodboards | playlist | Netflix ReImagined BTS Masterlist | TATMIFB masterlist 
↳ #NetflixReImaginedBTS: Jeon Jungkook x Reader starring in a fake dating au, photographer!JK, stylist!Reader
⟢ pairing: photographer!jungkook x stylist!reader
⟢ word count: 30.7k
⟢ genre + warnings: nsfw 18+, fake relationship, smluff © & angst, kissing, fluffy fake relationship cuteness, jealousy, jungkook needs help with feelings, clothed humping, explicit sexual content in the form of unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, body worship, cunnilingus, fingering, handjob, hickies, blowjob, creampie, begging, strip tease if you squint, baby petname, crying, feelings of heartbreak, oh did i mention angst? namkook fist fight, minimal arguing, minimal blood, other idols make brief appearances, OT7 is present 
⟢ summary: When your secret 'sex' journal entries are somehow texted to the people they were written about, including a couple of coworkers and your best friend, you find your quiet work existence turned upside down. based off of the netflix film and novel by jenny han, but different.
⟢ an: hello, hello! this is probably my favorite story to date that i’ve written and the longest one shot! I am so grateful to everyone who helped me by reading this (most are not on tumblr), but especially my baby hana, @taestulip​, who always reads and hypes me up. the movie/book series it’s based off of is honestly one of my faves, and turning it into an adult version was a lot of fun! I know i took out some characters and changed a lot of the plot devices, but for good reason, as it is it’s own novel, I did not want to encroach on that territory. fake dating au’s are some of my absolute faves and so i hope you enjoy this! sorry for the length, sksksks.
⟢ prologues: NJ & Reader | Love Triangle (coming soon) |
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The large glass building was located on the corner of the block, in the heart of the city. A sight to see from all corners of the downtown area, you loved that you worked at BigHit Music. Of course, housing the globally recognized idol duo, SeoulM8, made working there fun. You walked into the building, and swiped your badge as you made your way through the secured entrance and up the elevator to your office. 
The gold plaque on your door highlighted your name and position. To this day you’re still in awe to see your name engraved in sans serif with the words “Lead Wardrobe Stylist” written beneath it. You entered the office, flipping on the lights and smiling at the large board along the back wall. It was covered with the designs you would need for the upcoming shoot for SeoulM8’s fan content, first single off their newest album, and plans for the concert wardrobe as well. 
Placing your empty insulated coffee tumbler on your desk, you set down all of your belongings, organizing your design tablet, notebook, and favorite writing utensils before once again taking the tumbler in hand. A cup of coffee would be perfect to start your busy Monday before your meeting with Jimin and Taehyung about their wardrobe later today. 
Walking into the employee lounge area, you set about making your coffee. Others walked in and out, dropping off packed lunches and grabbing coffee as well, so you can’t help but hear the gossip as two of the women who work with SeoulM8 discuss the latest office drama.
“I can’t believe it. She broke up with him!” Becca said, her colorful pixie cut swaying slightly as she shook her head.
“She’s crazy, Jungkook is gorgeous; have you seen his thighs?” Theresa responded, twirling her dark purple curls in wonder.
You stirred in the caramel creamer slowly, listening to their conversation. Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Somin (no relation) had been dating for almost as long as you could remember. It was surprising to hear that they were broken up. 
“Somin is really pretty too, though, she could have any guy… What if that’s what it was?”
“You think someone better than Jungkook came along and wooed her?”
“I mean… I swore I heard a rumor that she went out on a date with one of the actors, but who knows. All we know for sure is that Jungkook is single.” 
Finishing your coffee, you closed the lid to your favorite cup and left the room, smiling politely to Becca and Theresa who provided you with the information that had your head reeling. The entire walk back to your office, and even once you were seated at the desk, you couldn’t stop thinking about Jungkook and Somin.
Somin was one of the first friends you made at BigHit School for Music and Artists when you transferred in after completing your AA requirements at another university. BHSMA operated differently than traditional universities, converting students to employees at the company associated with the school. It was where you met Jungkook, Jimin, and a few other people that you worked closely with at the company. After that first year though, you grew apart from some of the people you spent that entire first year with, making new friends, like the one walking in through your office door.
So lost in thoughts of the past, you almost knocked over your perfectly made coffee onto your design tablet, where you had been sketching aimlessly. A dimpled smile was the cause of your quickly beating heart, complimenting the face of Namjoon, who startled you when he called your name loudly.
“Joon, I swear, one day, you will be the death of me, and my electronics.”
“Listen, you dropped your phone all on your own, no one told you to be scared when I walked into the room.”
“Stop being so fucking loud when you enter, you startle people!”
He just laughed, his pretty eyes disappearing as he expelled joy. Namjoon was glowing, his tanned skin looking healthy and youthful. You couldn’t help but smile at him as he pushed his falling platinum hair out of his dark eyes and set his gaze on you.
“I think I’m gonna do it today, Y/N.”
You froze, smile still on display, but a little less enthusiastic than when he had first walked in.
“Do it?” You asked, wary as you saw his hand drift to his inside coat pocket.
“I love her, Y/N. I think I’m gonna ask her to be mine, always.” Namjoon removed a small velvet box from his pocket and you reached for it, hand trembling slightly. Namjoon, in his excitement, was oblivious to the way you shook, as well as the sound of your heart splintering. “Do you think Jennie will like it?”
Looking at the ring tucked into the box, you nodded, not trusting your voice. Of course Jennie would. It was beautiful. A rose gold band with an opulent Moonstone set in the middle, and two smaller diamonds set on either side. You knew that the moonstone was Joon’s favorite, he talked about how much he loved the moon countless late nights that you would sit with him in his studio.
“It’s gorgeous, Namjoon.” You said quietly. This time, he noticed the tremble of your voice, and stood worriedly from where he was perched on the corner of your desk.
“Whoa, what’s wrong?” He asked you, concerned by your demeanor.
“Nothing, I’m just so happy for you.” You lied, tilting your head back to blink away the forming tears. Believing you, he enveloped you into a hug and you hugged him back tightly, afraid to let go.
“Ah, you have a meeting soon and I’m here making you cry… I’ll see you after and tell you how it went! Good luck, Y/N!”
Namjoon exited your office, footsteps light as he headed towards his future… and away from you. Sinking into your chair, you take several steadying breaths in order to settle your heart. Why did it hurt so much? You had given up on the idea of you and Namjoon a long time ago. This wasn’t what you expected to have to deal with when you arrived to work, but you were a professional. Wiping your smudged eyeliner to clean up your makeup, you looked down at your design tablet, where you see the sketch of a professional camera held by a large hand up to a large doe eye half finished on your screen. 
Hitting the “new” button, you begin to draw anew on a clean canvas creating the concept for the concert design for your meeting with SeoulM8 later on.
Sitting at home, you massaged the soles of your feet as you rested on your couch with your younger sister, Yuna, who was doing her homework at the coffee table. It had been a long day, but Jimin and Taehyung loved your idea for their concert concept: young guys traveling Seoul for group songs, and angelic, soft individual images of them with feathered outfits to match their solo songs. 
“Yuna… Namjoon is getting engaged today.”
Your sister stopped working, turning to look at you with eyes wide. She had been diligently studying for the cosmetology courses she was taking at your alma mater in hopes of getting hired at the same company as you. This news threw her off track.
“What? He—wait, what?”
You nodded, letting out a deep sigh as you turned towards the floor to ceiling windows in the living room. Rain was steadily falling, the perfect backdrop to your mood.
“Both of our dreams are shattered. He showed me the ring and said he was proposing today. To Jennie.”
Yuna flung herself onto the couch dramatically. 
“Can we please drink to drown our sorrows? This homework can wait.” 
You nodded, turning on Netflix before getting up to grab the wine and glasses. While you stood on tiptoe at the edge of the counter, reaching up into the tall cabinet for the long stemmed glasses, the doorbell to your apartment rang.
“I’ll get it!” Yuna yelled, and so you clambered onto the counter, knees digging into the marble as you finally managed to reach your goal. 
“Oh! Namjoon?”
You almost slipped from where you were perched, confused as to why your newly engaged best friend would be loudly squelching his tennis shoes into your apartment and not ravishing his fiancee. You expected a text or call about the engagement, not a personally delivered update. 
You wouldn’t be able to pretend this time. 
Turning to look at the entryway, you see a downtrodden and sopping wet Namjoon, eyes rimmed red from crying.
“Joonie?” Your voice was soft, questioning. He maneuvered across the kitchen with just three big steps and pulled you into his arms. His body slotted between your thighs where you sat on the counter after almost falling, and he let loose a sob that broke your heart even more than earlier.
“Joon, what happened?” You asked, scared.
“J-Jennie… she said no.” Your eyes widened in shock, but you waited patiently for him to continue. “She’s moving to Japan, she took that expansion position… She broke up with me.”
It was a long night to say the least. 2 wine glasses turned into 3 once Namjoon had shown up. You grabbed some of his spare clothes for him to change into, threw his stuff in the washer, and joined Yuna and him back in the living room where they had both curled up and began watching The Start Up on Netflix. 
Climbing onto the couch, you wrapped your arm around him and placed your head on his shoulder. He kissed your forehead before settling in to watch TV, and you couldn’t help the way your heart reacted to it. He had always been affectionate with you during your time as best friends, though it had lessened some the more serious he and Jennie became. The difference now was that this time, he was single. A part of you hoped it could mean more in the future. 
By episode 2, Namjoon was asleep on Yuna’s shoulder; no surprise considering how tired he must have been. He had cried on his way to your apartment, and the last of his tears onto your shirt when he arrived. Luckily, you hadn’t yet changed out of your own work clothes, so when you grabbed his garments, you took the opportunity to change into a spaghetti strap tank and sweatpants for couch cuddling. You turned off the TV as you untangled yourself from him, stretching as he roused slightly from your movements. 
“Don’t you two just look like the sweetest couple,” you say yawning, gently teasing your sister who was beet red from your words. Her crush on Namjoon was nothing new, but not something she wanted him to know about. She already knew she was too young for him; seen as nothing more than his best friend’s little sister. A part of Yuna was jealous that you had better chances with him than she did.
“Shut it!” Her whisper is harsh, but Namjoon slept on, unaware of the sisterly teasing. “I already know you’re gonna write all about this in your sex book!” 
You rolled your eyes, having forgotten about your old journal that you kept. You just shrugged, leaning down to gently wake Namjoon so you can put him to bed.
“Come on sleepy… Let’s get up and go to bed okay?” 
His large frame shuffled across the living room and down the hallway to your room. You heard him plop heavily on your bed, probably already asleep without having pulled back the covers. You put the empty wine glasses into the sink and straightened up the living room a tiny bit before you went to your room as well. 
Not yet ready for bed, you sat at your desk with the small lamp on, staring at the old journal your sister reminded you about. The image on the front is faded; you can barely make out what it used to be as you’ve covered it with doodles and stickers that are peeling at the edges. Opening it, you turned through the pages, taking in the lengthy entries about the boys you’ve slept with, starting with the one you lost your virginity to. 
Your finger grazed across the fancy calligraphy where you wrote his name at the top in a purple gel pen in. Jeon Jungkook. You laughed at the way you wrote about him, first describing him as a person before giving the intimate details of the experience, and finally ending it with a brief message of what you had wanted to say to him. Your eyes scanned the page, certain sentences catching your attention as you read it. 
“...and the way he held my neck when he first entered me, I think I’m in love.”
“He said it was his first time too. Does this mean something?”
“Jungkook, having you as my first… I want you to be my last. You looked at me as if the galaxies were reflected in my eyes. I want to feel the way you make me feel all the time. I hope that this does change things between us, but in a good way.”
You cringe a little, remembering how it didn’t turn out that way. Instead, after that night 5 years ago, you didn’t talk to Jungkook for a couple of days due to exam week. You texted him after your last test and he told you to come over; he wanted to talk to you about something too. But when you went to his dorm to see him and confess, you found him with Somin, your best friend at the time. They weren’t doing anything outrageous, just sitting on his twin bed in his dorm room talking, but you heard what she was saying through the door that was cracked.
Somin was confessing. You had no idea that she liked him too. It made your heart tight knowing that he had slept with you a week prior, and now your best friend was confessing to him. To be fair, neither of you had told the other about your feelings towards him. So instead of walking in and telling him how you felt, you left. He had texted you later asking what happened to you coming over but you lied, saying you had gotten busy. 
On the last day of the semester, Somin shared that she was dating Jungkook. Shocked and heartbroken, you wasted no time packing up your dorm for the summer and traveling home. Phone calls, texts, and plans to meetup became less frequent between your group of friends over the following semester until they eventually stopped. Did you stop talking to Jungkook and Somin… or was it them that stopped talking to you? 
Turning the pages, you move on from the thoughts of the photographer and stop at the next blank page. Grabbing a blue gel pen from the cup on your desk, you write with flair. 
Kim Namjoon.
How do I even begin to express how I feel about you? God, you make my heart flutter. I met you at a time when I needed someone. You were the bane of my existence at first, blasting your loud music from the apartment under mine. Going to yell at you turned out to be the best thing. You turned out to be the best thing. Of course, you had just started going out on dates with Jennie and you would be graduating a year ahead of me, but I knew that we would stay best friends. I mean, most BHSMA students intern at and get hired by the company. So for the longest time, I hid my feelings from you. That one night, before you and Jennie were exclusive… when we had sex, I thought my heart would burst. I never wanted a man so badly before that night. You are the moon in my sky, Kim Namjoon. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? What other being could wrap me in love from beginning to end? Tonight you have just lost your moon. I am a terrible person because a part of me is happy to not be losing her moon. So now, I will climb into bed next to your sleeping body and hold you close as we sleep, and pray when the morning comes, in the light of the day, you will open your eyes and see me—the faint moon in the sky that has always been there for you. Maybe you will finally see me—and decide you want me too.
Setting the pen down, you reach for your phone. In your slightly drunken state, you decided to take pictures of each entry, in order to move these to a more secure environment and take your journal digital. You snapped a picture of each page (not that there were many) before you checked your phone for messages and plugged it in. You left your room to shut down all the lights now that Yuna was finished putting away her stuff and making her way to bed as well. 
“Hey, can I grab an extra notebook from your stash? I need to finish taking these notes on mixing hair colors.”
“Sure, it’s under the desk in the blue bin.”
She nodded and you continued past her, double checking the door to make sure it was locked before moving to throw Namjoon’s clothes into the dryer. Once satisfied that the house was in order, you went to your room. Yuna was standing over your desk, eyes reading your latest entry into the journal.
“Yuna! Get out!”
“This is beautiful though, he should see it. You need to tell him how you feel!” 
You shook your head.
“No. He just got his heart broken. It’s not the time to tell him.”
“You’re stubborn,” she whispered back at you, “you’re gonna lose him again!”
“Then that’s how it was destined to be. But I am not taking advantage of his vulnerable state.”
“You’re gonna be single forever. Spending every night with your baby sister, drinking wine because all the men you have ever loved have moved on!”
“Go to bed, Yuna!”
She shrugged as she walked out of the room, knowing that she was right. Deep down, a part of you felt like she was right too. 
Climbing into bed, you struggled to lift the covers over Namjoon’s slumbering frame before it pulled free and you could cover the two of you. As you settled into the bed next to him, he instinctively wrapped his arm around you, pulling you to his chest in his sleep. 
You knew that his dreams were imagining Jennie in his arms instead. 
That next morning, you checked Namjoon’s phone for his calendar. Having known him for several years, you know his passcode and that he keeps his work schedule exclusively on his cell. Typing in the code, 0613, you saw that his calendar stated that he didn’t need to go to the office until around noon. 
Lucky, you thought, eyeing the time on the phone. It was a little past 6:45am, and you had to wake your sister for her hands-on class before you got ready for the day. 
“Yuna! It’s almost 7,” you say as you knocked on her door and heard a muffled response. You headed back to your room and chose your outfit, knowing that the day would be busy and long with the concept photoshoot for SeoulM8 starting today. Choosing your outfit wisely, you climbed into the shower a few minutes later and spent at least a half hour just trying to cure the small hangover from the wine. 
Once dressed, you found Yuna packing her bag for class. It was getting close to 8, which is the latest that you could leave to be at work on time, so you wrote a quick note to Namjoon and ran back to leave it on the bed. His hand snaked out of the covers just as you were pulling your hand back, a gentle grip to your wrist holding you there.
“Y/N, thank you for last night.” His voice is like a bullfrog’s croak, and you chuckled. 
“Let me get you some water and some pain meds, okay? And of course Joonie, I’m here for you.” You leaned onto the bed with one knee, smoothing his hair back from his face once he’s released your wrist. “Always.”
Pressing your lips to his warm forehead, he pulled you down onto the bed with a hug and you can’t help but laugh.
“I’ve got to go! I’ll see you later, okay?” He nodded before he grips your neck, bringing his lips to your forehead this time. His lips linger longer than usual, and you shut your eyes at the tenderness of his kiss. 
“Go back to sleep, now.” You pulled away from him, going to grab the medicine and water before you and Yuna leave the apartment. 
You made it to work with extra time to make your coffee, so after you dropped off all of your extra stuff, you grabbed your tumbler and work tablet with all of your drawn designs for today’s shoot and made your way through the busy halls to the employee lounge. Today, the door was propped open for ease as it was a busier day in the building. 
You stood at the counter, stirring in the caramel creamer that you loved, when you felt a presence enter the room behind you.
Turning lazily, you cocked your eyebrow at Jungkook, who was standing awkwardly behind you. He had kicked the doorstop, allowing the door to close so that the two of you stood alone in the small staff kitchen. His hands were tucked into his joggers, while a white button down hung loosely from his frame. 
“Whats up JK?” You asked, expecting him to address something about the shoot. You hadn’t yet seen the men you were to dress, so you couldn’t fathom he was here to complain already about the costuming. “If it’s about the wardrobe, I haven’t even seen Tae or Jimin yet, so—”
“Actually, no. Um,” he rubbed the back of his neck before making eye contact with you, “I know that when we had sex that one time, it was great—”
Instantly, alarm bells went off in your head. What the actual fuck was Jungkook doing talking about the night you lost your virginity to each other?
“—but I just... don’t feel the same way that you do about me. You know? That was years ago, and yeah while it was just as good for me as it was for you, I’m not in love with you or anything, I just broke up with Somin too, so—”
“Jungkook! Wait—what are you talking about?”
“The text you sent me.”
“Jungkook, I haven’t texted you in weeks.” You looked down at the phone you had pulled out of the back pocket of your ripped black jeans, and opened up the messages. You noticed his text thread was now at the top. “Wait, what?”
Opening his specific thread you see the screenshot of the page from your journal that you took last night, sent to him. How the fuck did this happen? In your drunken state, did you send it to him? You begin to ramble as you throw the spoon in the sink with a loud clunk and begin screwing the lid on the coffee.
“Jungkook, stop. That was from a long time ago, it’s not recent at all, oh my god. I am so sorry you had to read that—you know what, I’m just gonna head to the set now. Okay, bye!” You breezed past him, feet carrying you out of the employee lounge with a swiftness. Once back in your office you stared at the horrid message, outraged at yourself for your drunken antics.
Drunk you must really hate sober you.
Work was just as hectic as you thought it was going to be. After the most embarrassing morning, you were summoned right away to a last minute meeting with Jimin and Tae, where you made minor changes to their wardrobe. 
“Y/N, you were always good at this in school, but damn. You are amazing now.” Jimin stared at you reflected in the mirror after you had turned his outfit into something fit for the concept with a few movements of the material that wrapped his body. Park Jimin, one of the few people you were still somewhat close with from that first year of school, was now a big shot idol, and one-half of SeoulM8. Kim Taehyung, his best friend, was the other part of the duo. He had met him after everyone split off after that first year. Going by the stage names Jimin and V, the two had met in their vocal lesson classes when Taehyung had switched his major, and BigHit saw potential in them. 
You walked with Jimin towards the set of the photo shoot, one of the bigger production rooms today due to the use of the second level. They would be posing next to a hole in the floor, feathers falling around them. Taehyung was already antsy to get started, and was playing around with Somin, who was one of the group’s managers, while he waited for Jimin to arrive back to the set. Now, it looked like the only person missing was the photographer. 
Walking to the fold out table set up at the back wall, you heard your phone chime. Opening to your messages, you saw a text from someone you hadn’t talked to in a while. 
“Seo Joon?” You question quietly to yourself, but before you could even read the message, you saw a similarly embarrassing photo above his reply.
“Oh God, oh God...” You clicked out of his message thread, ignoring the reply because you honestly didn’t care. What you actually cared about was if you had somehow sent the most recent entry of your journal to the last person on Earth who was ready to read it. Namjoon.
“Fuck. Oh no. Oh no.” Sitting there, you saw the message clear as day with the small read receipt that it indeed had been read by him. The door to the set opened and Jungkook came waltzing through with his assistant. Before the door had a chance to swing closed all the way, you saw Namjoon’s form enter the room. 
“Alright, let’s get started!” Jungkook’s voice was loud and called everyone’s attention except for Namjoon. His eyes were on you. He beelined your way, and you readied yourself to apologize to him, but before either of you could say anything, Jungkook interrupted.
“Hey Joon, good to see you hyung! I’m so sorry though, we got a closed set and need to get started… tight time schedule and all.”
“I just need to talk to Y/N.”
Jungkook took in Namjoon’s demeanor; eyes red, hair disheveled, voice wobbly. It was so unlike Namjoon to look this way that Jungkook looked at you before speaking. Your expression was confusing to Jungkook, as he knew Namjoon was your best friend. Your eyes were wide in fear with tears forming… when you didn’t say a word, Jungkook took charge. A part of him saw that fear in your eyes and wanted to protect you.
“Look Joon-hyung, normally I wouldn’t mind, but we need Y/N on set the entire time today. Wardrobe is important for concept photos, you can understand right? Maybe at break time or something?”
Namjoon nodded as Jungkook’s arm wrapped around your waist and he led you away from the table and back towards where the staging was set. When you finally chanced a look back, you saw the assistants leading Namjoon and a few other non-essential workers out of the room. Everyone else on set had watched the exchange between the three of you, including Somin. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the way Jungkook’s fingers curled around your frame.
At break time, you hid out, avoiding Namjoon who had, reluctantly, waited several hours until break was called. He would have to go into the studio soon, which you knew since you saw his calendar, and after the short 30 minute break, Jungkook retrieved you from the small side room you were hiding in when they resumed the next set of shots using black leather and wings. 
The shoot kept your thoughts off of the incident, as you so aptly decided to call it in your head, until it was time to leave. You walked out with a large group, stealthily making it to your office. You sat on the floor with your back to the door, reviewing how many received these drunken messages of yours, happy to see that only 3 actually went through, since most of them were no longer in your phone anymore or had changed their numbers. 
Park Seo Joon, an ex from your second year at BHSMA, had moved to Japan for work, and while he did respond, he figured it was a mistake and as the smart person he was, he noticed the date in the corner and was aware that it was old. You breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have avoided that potentially awkward scenario.
Hearing your phone ping, you checked the message and saw it was Jungkook. A series of messages came in from him, and you read them in succession.
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Shaking your head, you stand, grabbing the white outfits from the rack an assistant had brought in earlier after the set change. Throwing them over your arm, you head off to the set in a rush, shooting back a quick text to let him know you were coming.
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Most everyone from earlier was back on set, expressions showcasing various stages of irritation. You handed the clothing to an unusually quiet Somin, and lifted your now free arm to wave at the artists. Somin walked away, throwing quiet looks over at you and Jungkook, who you were standing near now that you had approached the table. Jungkook was leaning on that same table, arms crossed as he reviewed the printout of what was needed.
“You know they sent us an updated list 2 hours after we started shooting? While we were all here, they thought that we could somehow read their minds. Then when I uploaded and sent the file over to have them double check, they responded that we had to finish it tonight.”
“It’s annoying for sure, JK, but you know Jimin and Tae will deliver. Once they’re dressed I bet we’ll be done in like 15 minutes, max.”
He nodded, smiling at your optimism.
“Hey, are you gonna tell me what earlier was about? With Namjoon hyung?”
You froze, not expecting the question, but you were saved from having to answer right then, since Namjoon walked in at that moment. It was too late for you to go anywhere; you were standing too close to the door, trapped between the table and Namjoon, who looked hurt. Jungkook read the situation and took several steps away to give you some privacy with Namjoon. 
“You’ve been avoiding me all day. After that message—did you think that I wouldn’t read it? I just broke up with Jennie, Y/N, it’s… I’m not… You can’t just say this shit to me right now.”
“Namjoon—I didn’t mean to, I was drunk and I promise you it’s not what you think, I don’t feel that way, okay?” You try and take it all back, wishing more than anything that he hadn’t read what you had written the previous night. 
“You don’t feel that way? Are you kidding me? I read it!”
“No, I don’t feel that way, okay? I’m with someone else.” You lied. You hoped that he would buy it.
“Y/N, I’m your best friend. Don’t you think I would know?”
“Yeah, you're my best friend, but you and Jennie are always together, it’s been forever since we actually caught up, so yes, it’s recent okay?”
“Who are you dating then?”
You say the first name that popped into your head. The person closest to you.
“Jeon Jungkook.”
“I don’t believe it.” His words come out harsh, and a part of you, the part that already feels like shit because Namjoon chose to be with Jennie a couple of years ago, lashes out in hurt.
“Why? Cause someone like him could never date someone like me?”
“Yes, Y/N. You guys are too different!” His voice was getting louder, and you knew that you had to do something in order to get him to believe your lie. So you do the only thing you can think of in your heated state. You take the several steps needed to cross the space between you and Jungkook, who looked up from where he was absorbed into his phone. 
“You ready?” he asked, looking down at your small frame. 
“Yeah baby, I’m ready.” Your hand snaked behind his head, and firmly grasping his neck, you leaned up on tiptoes as you pulled his mouth toward yours. You kissed him, and in his surprise, his free hands gripped your waist and he pulled you closer to him, before you were separating from him, slightly breathless. His grip tightened before it rested gently on your hip and you settled back onto your heels. 
You see the back of Namjoon’s coat trail behind him as he disappeared out the doors, pulling them shut loudly behind him.
You look back up at Jungkook, whose fingers squeeze your sides quickly to grab your attention.
“You’re definitely gonna have to explain after that kiss... baby.” 
Later that evening, you sat with Jungkook in his car. A black Mercedes Benz GT63S to be exact, with dark grey leather and a small bit of wood grain along the spacious dashboard. Your fingers trailed along the wood grain as you explained to Jungkook what happened, starting with the accidental drunk text messages, leading up to the reason behind your kiss. 
“So now what?” Jungkook asks, looking sideways over at you.
“I don’t know. I feel so stupid.”
“Look, Y/N… I think this could be mutually beneficial.”
You meet his eyes, a look of incredulity across your face.
“Please explain Jeon.”
“Look, earlier when I stepped in and kicked hyung off set, Somin was already eyeing the way we were behaving. She may or may not have texted me about it. Of course, I told her we were broken up, so she didn’t need to concern herself with my business. And then, when we came back to set, she made a face when they asked me to text you to come back too.” He smirked.
“I may or may not have peeped it, and may or may not have used it to my advantage. Of course, you kissing me definitely helped.” He glanced down at his phone as it lit up. Once again a message from Somin tiled above 17 other messages from her. He had been actively ignoring them while the two of you talked.
“So I say that we date.”
“We what?”
“Date. I can teach Somin a lesson about how to treat me and you can keep hyung off your back.”
“Teach Somin? I thought she broke up with you?”
“It was mutual. But this always happens. And I for one am tired of the back and forth. So this can teach her that other people want me, and I can move on, or she can stop with the drama and we stop breaking up every other week.”
You nodded. It sounded like a feasible plan, and you told him as much.
“So it’s agreed. We’re now together.”
“Not so fast, Jeon… I think we should have a backstory, get some things straight, set some rules.”
“Rules, Y/N? You sure know how to take the fun out of it.”
You rolled your eyes.
“When did we start dating?” you asked, ignoring his snide comment.
“We got together… at the beginning of the week. Somin and I broke up 2 weeks ago, though we didn’t make it public because she always does this shit...” he trailed off, before smiling back at you. “So yeah, let’s say we’ve been talking here and there everytime me and Somin would break up, and then we went on a couple dates during that first week we broke up and made it exclusive this week.”
You commit this to memory, then pull out your tablet and begin jotting it down with the stylus.
“Okay, so this is new, but we’ve been on each other’s radar for a bit. I think that’s believable, especially since we’ve known each other just as long as you and Somin have. How do you plan to make her jealous? It has to seem real, you know?”
“Trust me, she already thinks this is real,” he nods to his phone again, now at 28 unread messages from Somin, “so I think something that we can do is start arriving together. Maybe do little things for each other that are cute coupley things, be seen together. Kiss at work. Maybe I can sleep over a few nights or you at mine?” He winks at you.
“I thought you didn’t see me that way, Jeon.” You looked down at the tablet, furiously scribbling what he said in order to avoid looking at him and showing the way he caused your cheeks to warm.
“I said I wasn’t in love with you, babe, not that I wasn’t interested in sleeping with you again.”
“Yeah, well that’s off the table Jeon. This isn’t real.”
He just wagged his eyebrows at you seductively, but you laughed and moved on from it, reviewing the list you wrote out.
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You made sure to underline number seven so he could see it easily. 
“And when does this end?” You asked.
“Um, I don’t know. I guess we just play it by ear. Let it be natural. Obviously not too early or too late, and it should be mutual. I mean, if Somin learns her lesson, we would obviously have to end things, but I don’t see that happening sooner than a month.”
“Okay,” you tilt your head, thoughtfully, “So we can re-examine this in like a month then.”
“So is this like a contract or what?” he jokes. “Want me to sign it?”
“Sure,” you say, playing along and offering him the stylus. He took it from your hand and signed his signature, and then handed you back the pen, gesturing for you to sign as well. You followed suit, a quiet chuckle as you saved the page to your tablet’s files.
“Wanna drive me home, boyfriend?”
Dating Jungkook was… interesting, to say the least. You were a little surprised when he texted you the next morning asking what your coffee order was, and you weren’t expecting him to be so punctual when he pulled up to your apartment. But as you and Yuna exited the apartment that morning, he was already parked at the curb, music a little too loud for the early morning transit, but you were thankful nonetheless. 
“Why are you taking us?” Yuna asked in her very blunt manner. She, of course, had heard of Jungkook, more so due to your falling out with Somin, but Jungkook took her question in stride.
“Because I’m dating your sister.” 
He handed you an iced caramel latte with a soft smile that you couldn’t help but return. Jungkook looked stunningly handsome, hair floofed to your desired preference and an all black outfit to match. His pants were the perfect fit to his well-toned body and the black bomber jacket gave him a bad boy edge that was softened by his doe eyes.
Yuna coughed, choking on her strawberry flavored poptart as you turned to look out the window. Yuna, seated behind you, hit the back of your seat.
“You’re dating him? And you didn’t tell me?”
“I wanted to be sure it was going to work out this time… He and his ex used to be on and off a lot and I didn’t want to tell you if they got back together.” You answer, mixing the truth into it.
“Ohhhh, I see. You a player Jeon? Gonna break my sister’s heart?” Yuna eyed him, pupils narrowed as they stared at him. 
He cleared his throat, not expecting to have to defend himself against the small pitbull in the backseat.
“Not planning on it, Yuna.” Jungkook reached over and took your hand into his large one, interlocking your fingers before he kissed the back of your hand sweetly as he released the brakes and pulled off. 
Walking into the BigHit building, Jungkook held the door open for you before placing his hand in the back pocket of your black skinny jeans as you walked to the elevator. You wore a black knit sweater that fell slightly off the shoulder, and you knew it looked like you two had coordinated outfits. His other hand held the strap of the backpack he had slung over his shoulder while you clutched your coffee and your bag. 
You started to walk off towards your office once you made it to your floor, but Jungkook’s hand on your ass pulled you back towards him. He leaned down to your ear, whispering quietly.
“Where are you off too in such a hurry?”
“Um, my office… why?”
“Come with me to mine first, let me drop off my bag and I'll walk you back.”
Letting his pocketed hand guide you, you fell in step with him down the hallway. You passed several other people, including Jin, an actor signed to the company who was known for his gossip, who nodded their hellos to Jungkook before ducking their heads together or reaching for their phones. It felt like high school all over again. Jungkook removed his hand from the warmth of your ass in order to open his office door, to which he then pulled you inside. Closing the door, he backed you into it rather loudly. The windows in the door are frosted, but you knew that pressed to it like this, anyone who looked could see your outline against it. 
Jungkook pushed his body into yours, lips following suit as his hands found purchase on your hips. He kissed you languidly, the mint from his toothpaste clashed with your coffee, though not unpleasant. You kissed him back, enjoying the feel of his soft pout as it glided to your neck. He wasted no time in latching on, suckling your neck for a few seconds before he pulled away with a loud smacking noise. 
“I must say, we put on quite the show this morning. My roommate was out there, and he will definitely have everyone talking about our PDA.” He grinned, eyes still glued to your neck. “Once that hickey sets in, it will really be the talk of the town.”
You blinked, finally coming back to your senses. Of course. This was all a part of the plan. Jungkook stepped away from you, moving to put away his belongings in his office. You stepped away from the door, looking around as you willed your body to cool down. That kiss had been quite an experience, and you yourself had gotten carried away with the plan. 
Turning on the spot, you notice all the different camera equipment lining the walls, the beautiful still photography of various buildings throughout the city, but the most surprising was a photo from the first year you had all met. The picture had you, Jungkook, Somin, Jimin, and a few other friends in it; smiles wide as you stood at the fairgrounds you attended, ferris wheel lighting up the sky behind you. You walked towards it, taking in how carefree you looked, arms wrapped around Jungkook’s waist and his arms thrown over your and Somin’s shoulders, who was making the peace sign with both hands at her eyes. Jimin was making a silly face, arm wrapped around Somin’s waist. Simpler times.
You moved on, turning to the small polaroid camera and you couldn’t help but grab it. Turning, you snapped a photo of Jungkook, who was caught off guard. You took the developing film from the camera and set it down on his desk as he smiled at you.
“Hmm, that’s a good idea. Let me take a few photos of you, I can place them around my office.”
You tried to reject his idea, but he takes the photos anyways, pinching your cheeks and tickling you until he gets what he wants. Finally, 6 clicks later, he stood next to you, facing the camera to the two of you before he said your name softly. You looked up at him, and he surprised you with a kiss. That 7th click captured a kiss, and he placed that one in the back of his phone case.
“You are such a… a lover, Jeon.” You say, pointing at his phone. He shrugged, ignoring your jab.
“It’s something Somin always wanted me to do… I never did though. So seeing this will piss her off.”
You nodded, understanding. Everything he did had a purpose for getting at Somin in some way, shape, or form. You chided yourself that you would do well to remember that. 
Lunch was a whole new ball game. Used to sitting with Namjoon and Jennie, or some of your assistants, you were now eating lunch with Jungkook, who ate in the employee cafeteria. You followed his request to meet him there and stood in the doorway lost until you heard his voice call out to you.
Noting his waving hand, you wove through the circular tables until you reached the one he was at with Jimin, Taehyung, Jin, and Yoongi, a producer friend that you knew through Namjoon.
All of the seats were taken, but before you could stand there looking out of place, Jungkook scooted his chair out and all but pulled you onto his lap. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he nuzzled into your neck, breathing in your clean scented perfume and strawberry shampoo.
“Get a room, JK.” Yoongi said, face contorted with a mock look of disgust.
“What? She’s just so cute and warm.” His fingers drifted towards the hem of your sweater and disappeared up into the material, cold fingers pressed against the soft skin of your belly and you shivered with a giggle, pushing his ice box hands away.
“You’re cold as fuck, Jesus Jeon! Were you hanging out in a freezer?”
“You could say that...” Taehyung laughed while elbowing Jimin, and you raised an eyebrow at them, wanting in on the joke, too.
“He was reviewing pictures with us and our managers.” Jimin clarified, and you nodded. 
“I take it that Somin wasn’t very warm?” You asked, leaning more into Jungkook.
“Not at all,” Tae disclosed, “she was very icy, had a lot to say about our dear JK over here, didn’t she?”
“Nothing we haven't heard before.” Jimin answered, and the two laughed, but you didn’t find it all that funny. Hearing that Somin trash talked Jungkook to his friends while working didn’t sound like the kind of person anyone would want to date. 
“Well she can talk shit all she wants, she’s just mad he’s moved on.” You defended, and are surprised to hear a quiet ‘thank you’ just for your ears as Jungkook tightened his hold briefly.
“I really dislike that girl,” Jin said, “I for one will be glad to not see her trashy ass around the apartment anymore. You are a breath of fresh air, Y/N.”
You smile shyly at Jin, enjoying how well everyone seemed to have welcomed you into their group.
“So, Y/N, we were just talking about the party Yoongi was throwing. He and Hobi live together, and they’re throwing a small rager this weekend. You’re coming with JK, right?”
Oh, this was not something you were expecting. You hadn’t gone to a party with co-workers in a long time…
“Of course she’ll be there, she’s coming with me. Right, babe?” Jungkook’s doe eyes looked up at you and you couldn’t say no. It’s not like you had plans anyways. You nodded and smiled at him, and he leaned into you, lips seeking yours in a quick kiss. You feel your body react to it, like it had been doing since this started, and pulled back before he could turn it X-rated. 
“Okay, seriously you two, get a room.”
Standing in the mirror in your bedroom, you turned from side to side to take in your outfit. As a head wardrobe stylist, you had a pretty good sense of fashion, but liked to stick to basic pieces and blacks, dressing up your look with delicate jewelry or layered pieces. 
Tonight was no different. With the beginnings of winter creeping in, you wanted to be comfortable in the weather once the sun set. You had on black sheer leggings that disappeared into a cute black skirt with thin white lines that had a revealing thigh split. Your top was an asymmetrical design, having one long sleeve and turning into a bandeau style on the other side. You paired it with black velvet boots that had crisp white laces, then finished the look with a matching set of simple dangling skinny diamond earrings, bracelet, and necklace. 
Despite this thing with Jungkook being fake, you wanted him to still feel proud to showcase you on his arm at this party. People were already talking about the two of you, and tonight would fuel the gossip even more. You were nervous of course, knowing who typically attended these types of parties, but Jungkook had assured you that he would keep you safe tonight.
The polite knock on your bedroom door had you turn your head to the sound, a tossed “come in” over your shoulder to who you thought was Yuna, but revealed a very handsome looking Jungkook, who was in his typical all black attire. You stood there, body warming as you took in his height, broad shoulders, and long legs. 
His voice was low, but his eyes looked like they sparkled as he took you in. 
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Jeon,” you responded, reaching to grab your bag off of your bed.
Jungkook snapped out of the daze he was in and pulled his phone out of his pocket. 
“Let’s take a photo for the ‘gram.”
You nodded; for a second you thought he wanted to have a photo of you because you looked good. Posing in the mirror, he pulled you close by your waist and adjusted his phone to capture both of you in the frame. He took a few photos, switching poses slightly each time.
“Hey,” he said, gaining your attention. You turned to him, shocked when his lips met yours. You melt easily into the kiss, hearing the camera shutter click several times as you tangled tongues, his hand sliding from your waist to cup your butt and pull you closer. You were unable to stop the moan from his action, and when he pulled away, lips a bit fuller and pinker from kissing, he quirked his eyebrow at you, paired with his signature smirk.
“Y-You messed up my lip gloss,” you fake huffed, turning away from him to rummage through your bag to grab your gloss and reapply. Your attempt to avoid him from seeing the way he affected you didn’t go unnoticed, but Jungkook kept quiet on it.
“It was worth it, these pics are hot. Plus, you taste good. What flavor is that?”
“Strawberry,” you mumbled, still feeling the heat from the kiss warm your neck and face.
“Strawberry is slowly becoming my new favorite.”
Yoongi and Hobi knew how to throw a party. The music was playing at the perfect level that you could still hear people talking to you, a variety of alcoholic beverages were supplied in ample amounts, and several games were being held in various rooms of their home. 
Currently, you were seated on the couch with a few other women from the office. Unfortunately, one of them was Somin. Across the room, your ‘boyfriend’ was engaged in a game of beer pong against Taehyung and Jimin. They had challenged him solo, citing he was good at everything and didn’t need a partner. As you watched him toss the small ping pong balls into the same cup, you knew their concern was right. 
“Y/N, you and Jeon?” Seline, one of the girls seated next to you, asked suggestively.
“Yea,” you giggled, the cup of something or other making you a little... giggly.
“Color me a little surprised. He’s like, such a social butterfly, and you’re...” 
“Oh, Y/N used to be a social butterfly, but she thought she was too good for us back in college.” Somin piped up. 
Her statement caught you off guard. Somin was once your best friend, but when she started dating Jungkook, she had distanced herself from you, not the other way around. 
“I never thought that. Some people act differently once they start dating people though. I never changed.” You sat back with a huff, crossing your arms. She ruined the buzz the alcohol had given you. 
Seline leaned closer to you, interested to hear more. The other’s seated nearby also tuned in with interest.
“Oh, you knew them in college?” 
You nodded, and Somin got up and walked away from the couch, seemingly annoyed at the attention you were getting for being Jungkook’s new girl.
You told the brief backstory of your friendship, leaving out the obvious part of losing virginities and finding out your best friend confessed to Jungkook when you were on your way to do the same thing, but ending it on good terms, saying that it was just the process of naturally growing apart. 
Seline nodded, and you saw her eyes widen as she looked past you. Following her gaze, your eyes narrowed at the view. Somin was all over Jungkook. You weren’t exaggerating; both of her hands were holding on to him as if she was too drunk to maintain her balance. She was falling into his arms and he was holding her, one of his large hands pushing her hair back from her face and a look of concern etched upon his own. 
Two feelings hit you at once. Nausea at the sight of him looking so tenderly at her, simultaneous with a boiling fury of jealousy that it wasn’t you. 
“Looks like Somin wants him back.” Seline snickered towards the other girls, and you stood up abruptly. You made eye contact with Jimin, who’s eyes were unnaturally large as he registered the scene before him.
Jimin was relieved that Somin interrupted the end of the game so that he could escape before he had to drink more, but he also felt annoyed seeing her all over Jungkook. Jimin had been glad when Jungkook told him and Tae that he was done with Somin; even more glad when he heard that Jungkook started seeing you. 
Back in college, Jimin was the only person, other than you and Jungkook, who knew what happened between you two. Both of you had confided in him your actions and feelings for one another. Color him surprised when he found out that Jungkook was not dating you, but instead your best friend, Somin. He wasn’t sure what happened but soon after, you stopped being around as much and Somin was around all the time. 
Watching Somin pretend to be too drunk to function and fall all over Jungkook made Jimin purposefully search the room for you. Watching you stand, drink clutched in your hand, Jimin had a feeling something was about to happen.
The drink you were nursing was downed in its entirety within a single swallow. You were now several drinks in, and you were feeling the alcohol start to hit as you stood up fast. Pushing your shoulders back, you walked over towards your ‘boyfriend’, whose back was turned towards you, and slid your arm around his waist.
“Heyyy babe,” you leaned into his body, staking claim on Jungkook as you stared daggers at Somin. She had taken a few steps back when you had approached, but now, seeing the challenge in your eyes, she stepped closer once more.
“Ggukk-ah, I don’t feel so well...”
“Min,” Jungkook stepped out of your hold, hands moving to cup Somin’s face as she feigned weakness in her knees. The level of concern in his voice let you know exactly how he felt. You scoffed, not believing Jungkook would behave this way in front of everyone. He was the one who had came up with this idea for ‘mutual benefit’ and here he was fucking it all up.
“She’s fine, babe. She can handle her alcohol.” You felt yourself growing hotter, the alcohol actually having an effect on you, as it always had. Your increasing body temperature only made you more frustrated.
“Seriously Gguk, I’m getting so hot...” Somin reached for the hem of her shirt, and in one fell swoop she had exposed the lacey bra she wore underneath. You could hear people talking over the sound of the music, taking in the scene of a shirtless ex making a brazen show.
“Jungkook!” Your voice is no more than a harsh whisper, but he’s so scandalized at Somin’s action, the protective boyfriend in him coming out to aid in shielding her body from onlookers, he doesn’t hear you. 
You hate the sick feeling bubbling in your stomach, unsure if it's from watching your ‘man’ flirt with his half naked ex or if it’s from the alcohol not sitting right with you.
Throwing the scene one last look, you turned on your heels and headed off to the kitchen for a bottle of water, or perhaps, another cup of something stronger.
Walking past him and Taehyung, Jimin caught sight of the look on your face before you blew past on your way towards the kitchen and he knew he should warn his friend.
“Jungkook, hey.. Jungkook!” Jimin yelled, his voice louder the second time he called his name. 
Jungkook had been leaning towards Somin, hands cradling her face as he continued to speak quietly to her. When he looked up at Jimin, his face appeared slightly annoyed at the interruption as he was taking care of her.
“What, bro?”
“Um, your girlfriend? Y/N? She just went into the kitchen and she looked a little upset.” Jimin said, his face trying to communicate to Jungkook what it looked like that he was holding his ex that way and his new girlfriend had stormed off. 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake. Jimin, can you?” Jungkook gestured his head towards the kitchen and Jimin thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head.
“How about I take Somin and you go find Y/N? Your girlfriend. Remember?”
Jungkook paused for a millisecond before depositing Somin into Jimin’s arms. He made his way to the kitchen, where he found you engaged in taking shots with Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin, the latter of which was shit talking Somin with a smile. When you felt his presence enter the kitchen, you ignored him, gesturing for your now fourth shot in as many minutes.
Sensing the tension, Yoongi decided against more shots, instead leading Hobi and Jin out of the kitchen, much to Jin’s complaints of having to be around the ‘trashy tramp’. The three headed back to the party, a bottle tucked under Yoongi’s arm as Hobi carried the shot glasses out. 
“We were enjoying our new friend, JK. Stop keeping her to yourself,” Jin said with a drunken glare. 
Sighing audibly, you turned to walk out of the kitchen but Jungkook’s grasp on your wrist stopped you.
“Hey, why are you ignoring me like this?” He asked, confusion tinting his voice.
“Um, maybe because you’re supposed to be dating me and you were too busy with Somin to remember you even had a girlfriend.” You said back harshly, spitting the words at him with such vehemence you wobbled precariously on your heels.
“Come here.” Jungkook said, dragging you behind him through the bodies in the hallway until you had made it into one of the unoccupied back bedrooms. Shutting the door, he turned to you as he dragged his hand through his hair. The action only made him more handsome, tousled hair falling gently to frame his face.
“Look, it’s... complicated with Somin right now.”
“I get that you’re trying to teach her a lesson, see if you want to be with her or whatever, but not at my expense. You said mutually beneficial. Making me look like your second choice and embarrassing me does not benefit me.”
During your speech, you poked him in the chest several times, the alcohol starting to take its effect on you. Stumbling slightly, Jungkook caught you to steady you, keeping his hands on your waist. The warmness of his palms felt nice as he helped keep you balanced.
“You’re right, Y/N. I’m sorry. Like I said, it’s complicated. We dated for a long time. I still care for her. She’s... been making this difficult.”
“Oh? Difficult how? By faking being drunk so you can take care of her?”
“She’s a lightweight, that’s not fake,” he defended.
You were once close enough with Somin to know that she was not a lightweight, since she had been drinking at parties since she was 14; her earlier interaction was indeed, all an act.
“Whatever, Jungkook. So what is she doing that’s so difficult?” you asked, cutting him a look of narrowed eyes until he answered you.
He walked backwards, tugging you gently along until he was seated on the bed. You stood between his parted knees, waiting patiently for his answer. Realizing you weren’t going to drop it, he rubbed the back of his neck gingerly.
“She’s, you know.. She still texts me all the time, saying shit and sending pics and stuff. She says she wants me back, but I just,” he looked up at you, his doe eyes unable to hide his emotions.
“I don’t know if I believe it. I want to. But she’s hurt me, and I’m tired of it. I want her to feel how I felt.”
Your ire towards him faded as he opened up to you. Cupping his face gently, you leaned in and rubbed his nose with yours softly back and forth.
“You’re amazing Jungkook. Until tonight, you’ve treated me like a princess the entire week we’ve been dating. But she won’t learn if you give in. You’ve got me now, okay? When she texts you, text me instead. Don’t entertain her. She’ll think I’m not enough for you if you keep responding, and that doesn’t show her you can move on.”
You had sunk into him the whole time you talked to him, and he shifted your body so you were now straddled over his lap, head resting on his shoulder. You yawned sleepily, the loss of the anger leaving you feeling the tired effects of the alcohol. Unlike Somin, you were a lightweight, and 3 shots was over your limit.
As you got comfortable on Jungkook, he thought over what you said, smoothing your hair carefully.
“You’re right. You always were so smart in school... ” Jungkook said, and you nodded your head on his shoulder in agreement, humming an affirmative.
“Let’s get you home though, you’re halfway to passing out anyways.” Pulling out his phone, he ordered an Uber. He held you like that, your strawberry scent surrounding him until the Uber driver was outside. His hands gripping you under your thighs, he stood up and carried you out of the party, nodding bye to his friends and hosts of the party.
Placing you into the Uber, he climbed in after you and you curled into his lap, seeking his warmth in your drunken half-slumber. Jungkook chuckled, noticing the way his chest reacted to the action but ignored it. This was an arrangement, you seeking him out wasn’t real, and your anger earlier wasn’t jealousy, he told himself. You were worried about being embarrassed. He still loved and wanted to get back with Somin, right? 
As he looked down at you in his lap, enjoying the weight of you pressed against his body, he wasn’t so sure. 
“This the correct address, sir?” The Uber driver asked, verifying with Jungkook once he shut the SUV door.
“Yea, both of us are headed there.”
The weekend passed by fast. Waking up at Jungkook’s place Sunday morning had been a little shocking, but his bed was soft and clean, and smelled of him. You had snuggled deeper into the sheets until he woke you up to go get breakfast and get his car from Yoongi’s place. He detailed to you what had transpired to you being in his bed, expressed that he had not taken advantage of you, per rule number 7, plus the basic concept of consent, and promised to take you home as soon as Jin was awake and could take the two of you to go get his car. 
He gave you some clothes to change into, and while you weren’t surprised to find he had jeans to fit you, neither one of you asked or shared the obvious: they were Somin’s. At least the shirt he gave you was his, and you also stole a hoodie to wear. December may have only just started a week ago, but the cold was pervasive.
Breakfast with him was fun. Getting to know Jungkook again was just as exhilarating as it had been the first time, during that first year at BHSMA. He had changed, but in a good way. More mature, but still playful. An adult who was a hotshot photographer, but still humble and considerate. How someone could be built like that and have such a big soft heart was beyond you. 
The trip to get his car was slightly awkward, as Jin, Jungkook’s very nosy roommate, commented on how bad drunk sex must be with Jungkook if you were able to keep so quiet. 
“Somin was always so loud, I swear she was exaggerating. No one’s dick is that good; sorry JK.”
Once Jin dropped the two of you off at Yoongi and Hobi’s, it ended up turning into hanging out with them for a bit, talking about work and your relationship with Jungkook. Hobi swooned with oohs and ahhs while Yoongi cringed, faking disgust at such a cute story, as was his trademark. 
Jungkook apologized once the two of you escaped to his car, for both Jin being cringey, and for staying longer than anticipated with Yoongi and Hoseok, but you weren’t mad. You enjoyed meeting his friends and getting to know them. You were only a little concerned because Yoongi was also friends with Namjoon, who worked in the same department as him.
Jungkook turned to you before you climbed out of the car, not wanting to say goodbye just yet, but unable to think of a reason to get you to stay. Afterall, the relationship was fake. 
“Hey, thanks for your advice last night.”
“Honestly, I barely remember what it was, but if it helped you, I’m glad.” You smiled at him, and he had to blink a few times to remember what else he wanted to say.
“So, um—I was thinking we could go on, like, a formal date Monday? After work? Monday should be a chill day. I know the comeback is planned for January, so going out sooner than later is best, right? Get it out of the way? That way we won’t forget, and we won’t be too busy with work to try and squeeze it in, and—” 
Jungkook knew he was rambling, feeling nervous despite it being you, someone he had known for several years now. For fucks sake, he’s seen you naked. He felt his cock twitch and internally scolded himself. This was not the time for remembering the way you felt beneath him, the sweet sounds he had pulled from you as he learned your body, shared with you in giving each other your virginities. 
When his cock twitched again, he took a deep breath and tried to focus on your answer.
“You okay, Jeon?” you asked, noticing he had zoned out slightly.
“Yeah... ” he responded, shifting as if uncomfortable.
“Well, I said I would love to go on a date with you. What did you have planned?”
“It’s a surprise. Just dress for the weather.”
You nodded thoughtfully, a small smile gracing your face as you gathered your purse and stepped back out of the doorway of his car to shut it. He rolled the window down, smiling back at you.
“Can’t wait,” you say, standing outside his car on the sidewalk through the rolled down window, waving your fingers at him cutely.
Jungkook’s signature smile spread across his face as he winked at you just before he pulled off, turning his music up loud as he whipped his Benz out of your complex. 
Now sitting at your desk, you clicked through the selected shots that Jungkook emailed you of the photo shoot from last week as you reminisced on the weekend. You were supposed to be checking the outfits, detailing the different designers for the credits. But your thoughts kept drifting to Jungkook, and what should have easily been a 15 minute task took 45. 
Finally sending the email, you stood to stretch when a loud knock announced a visitor. Walking to the frosted door of your office, you opened it and revealed a large bouquet of tiger lilies. 
“Delivery for Y/N Y/L/N,” Kim, one of your assistants sing-songed as she walked into the room.
“Where did you get this? And why?” You searched the flowers until you found the card inside.
“I’m not supposed to give any details other than to read the note!” She pranced away, a smug smile on her face for knowing the secret you wanted to know.
Opening the envelope, a small polaroid fell out, fluttering to the ground. You picked it up, noting the image of a small park nearby. At the bottom, in Jungkook’s neat writing was a time. 2:30PM. Glancing at the clock, you see that the time listed is in roughly 15 minutes, so you gathered your purse, plucked a flower from the bouquet and headed out to meet Jungkook.
Walking into the elevator, Namjoon suddenly entered just before the doors shut, trapping you inside with him.
“Why are you avoiding me?” He asked. You studied him, momentarily at a loss for words at his ambush.
“Joonie, I—I’m not avoiding you. I’ve just been busy...”
“Too busy for your best friend? Jennie left me, and now I feel like I’m losing you too.”
Hearing his voice crack as he mentioned his ex hurts you more than you let him know. In all of the panic of the secret sex journal being released and fake dating Jungkook, you had forgotten what Namjoon had been going through.
“I promise, you’re not losing me, Joonie. You’re my best friend. I’m sorry that I haven’t been acting like it. I swear, I have been busy.”
“Yeah, busy going to parties with your new boyfriend. I saw him carrying your wasted ass out of Yoongi’s house.” Namjoon sounded a little irritated as he spoke.
“Listen, it’s complicated.. Can we talk about this later, please? It’s not a conversation for the elevator.”
“Okay, where are you going? I’ll go with you.” The doors opened and you both stepped out, Namjoon following you like a lifeline.
“Joonie, I—Look, I’m going on a date with Jungkook, I’m sorry!” you halted your steps and explained to him as a look of hurt flashed across his face.
“You know what? Forget it. Hit me up when you remember your best friend, if I’m even that.”
Namjoon walked away from you, ignoring you as you called after him. You sighed, giving up as he disappeared around a corner of the lobby, guests and coworkers looking at the exchange with interest.
You rubbed your temples and took a deep breath before braving the cold to walk to Ttukseom Park.
The walk was surprisingly pleasant. Despite the temperature, the sun was warm on your face whenever you were able to evade the shade along the sidewalk. It may have been the very beginnings of winter, but the scenery was anything but the cold melancholy you tended to associate with this time of the year.
The grass was vibrant still, and as you made it to the spot that matched the small photo you still had clutched in your hand, you noticed how the butterfly art installation along the wall of the J-Bug Cultural Complex glittered in the sunlight seeping in. Jungkook was seated on a bench right underneath the art with his trusty camera hanging from his neck, a picnic basket next to him.
“This is beautiful,” you said in awe, taking in the entire view. Jungkook followed your gaze, humming his agreement before picking up his camera. You heard the shutter of the camera several times. You looked over to him glancing at the small screen on the device before adjusting the lens and taking several more. 
“Have you never seen this?” He said as he stood and grabbed the basket. You stood as well and followed him, falling into step beside him as he walked out from the shade and into the grassier area.
You shook your head no. “Don’t really have the time I guess. I’ve always wanted to explore the J-Bug though; Namjoon said the museums all along the Hangang are amazing.”
“I’ve taken photos at several of the murals nearby, they’re some of my favorite locations actually.” He smiled at you, and you can’t help the way your heart squeezes. He nodded his head to an area that had a decent amount of sunlight to combat the winter chill.
“Yea, I remember seeing some of them in your office. You’re really talented Kookie, I remember how passionate you were about photography even back then.” You helped spread the blanket he produced from the basket and once seated you leaned back on your palms, eyes closed. 
Jungkook looked at you, taking in the way the midday sun made you glow, how pretty your lashes looked leaving shadows across your content cheeks. He couldn’t hold back the smile that took over his face upon hearing you use the endearment he hadn’t heard since that night so long ago.
“Ah, yeah, but my photography wasn’t that good then.”
“Stop being so humble, the photos you took were amazing, even then.”
You opened your eyes, catching him staring at you, and you felt yourself grow self-conscious.
“What? Is there something on my face?”
“Oh—uh, no sorry, it was just the sun—you know, lighting and all.” He gestured to his camera.
“Ah, I guess the talented eye never rests. Though I don’t know why you would want pictures of me,” you laughed and Jungkook tapped your knee in reproach.
“You’re a pretty good subject, don’t downplay yourself.”
You nodded, looking in the basket to hide the way your cheeks had warmed at his comment.
“Seriously, Y/N, I used to want to take photos of you all the time back then... you should’ve seen my camera roll. It was embarrassing. Jimin used to tease me all the time.” Jungkook helped you set up his small spread of food and you used the meal as a distraction.
“Ooh, did you prepare all of this?”
“Ah, some of it,” he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I had some help from Jin hyung.”
“It smells delicious.” You took the proffered chopsticks from his large hand and dug into the bowl of japchae before placing it on your rice to gather for one bite; Jungkook followed suit.
The rest of the lunch date went incredibly well. Jungkook was just like you remembered him to be, except he was more filled out, and a little taller with a jawline that could cut glass. But his humor, his compassion, his deep thoughts that led you to fall for him all those years ago were still painfully there. Spending more time with him one on one did nothing but show you that the feelings you once had for him were still easily accessible. 
As he led you back to the office, his hand swinging yours between your bodies, you couldn’t help but wish this was real. How nice it would be to just pretend that Jungkook really was yours, allow those creeping feelings to spread like spring, blooming across your chest until it was vibrant and unforgettable. You couldn’t imagine what it would be like after; after when you were single again and Jungkook had either gotten back with Somin or moved on to someone else.
“What are you thinking about?” Jungkook squeezed your hand. You hadn’t even noticed that you were not only back at the office, but standing at the door to your locked office.
“Oh, sorry. Honestly, that lunch date was just so nice… It felt good to get out and do something different for a change.”
“Oh, well yea, I remembered you used to like stuff like this, I figured you probably still did.”
You nodded, hope blooming. 
“Take a look at this post, let me know if it’s okay.”
He handed you his phone, and you admired the way he had caught you off guard, a photo that looked like it could be moving, the way your hair frames your face as you looked longingly off into the distance. The caption was simple. “It’s not about where you go or what you have, it’s about who you’re with along the way.” 
“It’s perfect.”
“Okay, post it then. And post a few more pics of me on your page too? I’ve been posting and tagging you...”
If you didn’t know any better, you would think that Jungkook sounded… upset? You nodded as you clicked the post button, and as it loaded, the phone vibrated in your hand. Thinking it was a like or a comment on the image of you, you glanced at it. His phone had locked by this time, and instead of seeing notifications for Instagram, you saw a message notification instead. 
Tumblr media
Handing him back his phone, you push down that blooming sensation. It would be foolish to think Jungkook was upset that you hadn’t posted him as much as he had posted you. Clearly he must’ve spent time with Somin after he dropped you off yesterday. 
“You got a message. Umm, I’m gonna finish up here and then head home, you don’t need to wait for me. See you tomorrow?”
You wanted to get away from him desperately. Jungkook looked at you, confused at your sudden shift in mood.
“I thought I was driving you home? Jin said he was staying out late tonight, I figured we could hang out for a few—”
“We’ll see! There’s still so much to do for the album release.” You leaned up and kissed his cheek chastely before unlocking your office door and all but disappeared inside of it.
Jungkook stood there, staring at your closed door for a few more seconds before he felt his phone buzz in his hand. Checking his notifications, he saw a series of texts from Somin. 
Looking around confused, he noticed Somin standing across the office area, a deadly smirk on her face as she waved her phone at Jungkook. All Jungkook could do was sigh. Somin wouldn’t leave him alone long enough to sort out his thoughts, and now she was sending purposefully misleading texts? Jungkook didn’t know how to explain to you that what you saw was untrue.
You clearly believed it.
Jungkook gave you two days of space before he decided to track you down. He always hated that Somin would know he was upset (typically because it was her fault) and immediately pounce on him, forcing her company upon him and not allowing him the ability to forgive and move on. He wanted to give you that time, so after two days, Jungkook felt that it had been long enough, and the two of you should reconcile whatever misunderstanding there had been.
You posted a photo with him yesterday, and from the caption you wrote it appeared like you had a fun time with him on Monday despite the way you left him standing at your office door. 
The image you posted on your Instagram with Jungkook was a candid shot; he hadn’t realized you had taken a photo. While it brought about that warm feeling in his chest seeing the photo appear in his feed, it didn’t clearly depict his face. 
Instead, the focus was on your fingers intertwined. Jungkook’s profile could be seen, blurred from lack of focus, but it matched the caption you had chosen so well. “Even if someone shakes this world, please don’t ever let go of this hand you’re holding...”
Motivated, Jungkook made sure to be bright and early at your door ready to drive you and your sister. 
You weren’t expecting to see the flashy Benz outside of your apartment. Yuna was excited to not have to take public transportation, leaving you behind as she all but ran to the passenger rear door.
“Morning JK! We missed you these past few days.”
“Ah, sorry about that, I had to be at the office way earlier; didn’t want to make you guys wake up even earlier than you already do.”
Yuna waves off the apology and you finally followed; feet moving across the pavement until you’ve climbed into the car and buckled your seatbelt.
“Morning princess,” Jungkook says, leaning towards you and pecking your lips. You were caught off guard, not expecting him to be so lovey, but you returned the kiss, a double peck that you started and continued on as the traditional way you greeted each other.
“Didn’t sleep well?”
“Yea, been a bit out of it these past few days...” You trailed off, not wanting to talk about it in front of Yuna. Catching on, Jungkook turns up the music and shifts into drive, pulling off towards the University for Yuna.
The drive to the office isn’t too long from the school, so once Yuna was out, Jungkook wasted no time in asking you to talk.
“So, can we talk about Somin?”
You huffed out a sigh. It was too early in the morning to deal with the Somin issue, but you nodded, allowing Jungkook to breach the topic.
“I know you saw her message. I want you to know that nothing happened. She sent that text because she saw us. She was doing the same bullshit she always does, part of the reason I don’t think she’s learned anything yet, like you said.”
You nodded, still not sure what to believe. He had no reason to lie to you, it’s not like you were actually in a relationship. He could go back to Somin anytime. 
“I hate that you’re mad at me.”
You turned your body towards him. 
“I—Look, I’m not mad, okay? Not at you. I just hate that Somin gets under my skin so much. That she’s a bitch to you. Neither of us deserve it, especially you.”
Jungkook reached over, encasing your hand in his.
“I’m learning that now. We’ve been together so long, I never noticed at first what she was doing. But I think subconsciously, it was making me resent her. And you really said some shit that had me thinking. And you’re right. I—I’m really glad to have you back in my life, Y/N. Having you in my corner has made all the difference.”
You looked down, eyes staring at the tattooed hand to hide the warmth on your face. 
“After work, come over. Let me buy us dinner and we can hang out.” You felt his smile as he stared at you while pausing at the red light before your office, and you met his gaze.
“Good, we need to make Jin believe we’re having hot, loud sex, since rule 7 prevents you from experiencing the real thing.”
He let out a shout of pain as you punched his shoulder.
Walking to get food was not the smartest idea for 3 reasons. First, because neither of you checked the weather. Second, due to number one, neither of you had an umbrella. So naturally, third, running in the rain while carrying takeout was almost a disaster.
And still, the two of you laughed the entire way, bag clutched in one arm while your fingers were intertwined between your sprinting bodies, one block left to get to Jungkook’s apartment. By the time he’s unlocked the door, you're both sopping wet, rain water dripping onto the floor of the entryway to the apartment. After getting the food situated to stay warm while you guys got cleaned up, Jungkook gave you a towel and led you to his bathroom.
You appreciated that he was such a clean guy, his apartment and subsequently, the bathroom was pristine, and he actually had a trashcan and stocked toilet paper, unlike some men you knew. He planted folded clothes for you to change into on top of the sink counter, and surprised you with a kiss.
“What was that for?” You asked, dazed.
“Practice.” He said with a wink, and he backed away, closing the door as he left you alone. 
While Jungkook showered, you heated up the food, your mostly dried hair now up in a messy bun as you danced around his kitchen. His sweats were a little (a lot) too long, so you had rolled them up so you could avoid tripping. 
A knock at the door made you jump, before you moonwalked over to the entryway, now clean of the rain water the two of you had trudged in. Thinking it was Jin, you didn’t check to see who it was and opened the door. You froze as you took in a young man that was not your ‘boyfriend’s’ broad shouldered roommate. Instead, doe-eyes similar to the man currently naked in the shower stared back at you.
“Oh, hey… I thought my brother lived here. Sorry about that!” The man stepped back, checking the number on the apartment again before his eyes landed on your shirt—or rather, his brother’s shirt.
“You’re not Somin...”
“Hi, and no, I’m not,” you laughed, “um, but this is Jungkook’s apartment.”
“Ahh, okay. I’m JungHyun. His older brother.”
“Oh! Come in!” You stepped back so that he could walk past you, and you led him into the living room once he had shed his shoes. 
“Oh, did I interrupt dinner?”
“Oh, no we haven’t even started eating yet. No worries.”
The two of you sat down, and you tucked your feet up under your bottom, turning to face Jungkook’s older brother.
“So, I know who you’re not...”
“Oh, fuck, manners.” The look on your face is sheepish, and you smiled to cover your nerves. “I’m Y/N, Kookie’s girlfriend.”
“Oh, you’re the famous Y/N! Finally got you, did he?”
His words confused you, Jungkook had been with Somin since forever, when had he ever wanted you? Smiling to cover your confusion, you’re saved when Jungkook appears in the hallway, a loud laugh as he barreled over to his brother and all but jumped on the man.
“Hyung! What are you doing here?!”
“Oh, I finished that project at work early, so I’m headed to visit mom and dad. Staying with them through Christmas before the next contract at work starts.”
“Ah, it’s good to see you!”
Jungkook’s enthusiasm is abundant; it’s clear he loves his brother dearly and misses him. He pulled back from a hug and sat comfortably in the space between you and JungHyun, his palm resting lightly on your leg absentmindedly.
“So, I’ve met your new girlfriend. I must say you didn’t do her justice when you described her to me.”
You felt the blush creep across your face, and Jungkook also seemed to turn red, his fingers rubbing at the skin on his neck.
“Yea, seeing her in person is best.” He says awkwardly, and you can’t help but laugh.
“So? Does dad know? Mom is gonna be so excited. She hated Somin.”
“What?” Jungkook says at the same time that you say “Really?”
JungHyun nodded, sitting back into the couch comfortably.
“Yea, no offense, lil bro, but Somin was a bitch. Mom thought she was so fake.”
“Wh-why didn’t you guys ever say anything?”
“Eh, you know, cause you were in love or whatever.”
You get up and go to the kitchen, grabbing bowls and the last of the heated food, hoping to avoid being present for this part of their conversation, but still curious all the same.
“Definitely not.”
“Mmhmm, sure.”
“Seriously. I wasn’t actually in love. Or if I was, it faded. I think for a lot of it I was just… dependent or whatever. I thought it was love, sure. But it wasn’t; I know that now.”
“Ah, so Y/N showed you what love is?”
“She definitely cares more about me and my happiness than Somin ever has.”
You cleared your throat as you walked back into the living room.
“Ready to eat?”
Dinner with Jungkook and JungHyun is, in so many words, fun. They bantered and joked and you spend the time eating and laughing, enjoying your time with the brothers. You didn't even realize how late it had gotten, not until Jin waltzed into the apartment, noting the late hour for you all to be chatting so loud. 
“Shit, Yuna messaged me an hour ago.” 
“Just stay here. We can pick Yuna up in the morning when you go home to change.”
“Are you sure? Your brother’s visiting, I don’t want to be in the way.”
“Y/N, don’t worry, I’ll take the couch. I was going to anyway.” JungHyun smiled at you, and you nodded back. Standing up, you stretched, not realizing how tired you were. Jungkook took the opportunity to tickle your exposed sides, and you squealed, causing the brothers to laugh as you squirmed away from Jungkook, who didn’t let you get far.
“Let’s get you to bed, princess.”
Turning in Jungkook’s arms, you looked over his shoulder at his brother.
“Good night, oppa.”
Jungkook stiffened as JungHyun and Jin laughed, enjoying the way the youngest one reacted to your words.
“Ah, if it doesn’t work out between you two, hit me up.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook glared at his brother, not enjoying the joke.
“What? At least she wouldn’t need to meet our parents twice! She is coming for Christmas, right?”
The two of you looked at each other, a little thrown off by the question. The holidays were coming up, but you hadn’t discussed this far into the relationship. It wasn’t real after all, did you have to go through such lengths to teach Somin a lesson?
“I haven’t told mom and dad yet about her...”
“No worries, I text them ages ago. They’re expecting her for Christmas.”
Jungkook sighed, dropping his forehead to yours, so all you could see was his eyes staring into yours.
“Is this okay? Do you wanna, you know? Meet my parents?” Jungkook’s voice was low as he whispered the question.
The look on his face when you agreed was beautiful, a scrunched-nose smile that is reminiscent of a bunny. You couldn’t help but smile back, lost in the mahogany of his eyes.
“Are you guys over there kissing when I’m waiting for an answer?” JungHyun broke the tension filling the air between you and his brother.
Jungkook smirked before capturing your lips with his own, a breathless kiss that lasted only a couple seconds before he pulled away to smirk at his brother.
“You can tell mom and dad I’ll be bringing her home for Christmas.” With those words, Jungkook whisked you down the hall and tucked you into his bed before climbing in behind you. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulled you closer to him. His hands skimmed your body before he began tickling you again, a squeal leaving your mouth. You retaliated, hands attempting to tickle him before he pinned you to the bed, and the two of you began to wrestle for a bit. 
You were unaware of how sexual the wrestling sounded; his headboard hitting the wall roughly and the two of you grunting and groaning as you fought for dominance, some added squeals and moans when Jungkook decided it was a good idea to bite you in his quest for submission. Finally winded, you gave in, laying back on the mattress in defeat. Jungkook tugged at your sweatpants, removing them swiftly and throwing them onto the floor, his own joining the pile. He then grasped your face, peppering it with kisses.
You were about to ask him what he was doing, when someone knocked. Jungkook called out a ‘come in’ and his brother walked into the bedroom, his sights set on the bathroom.
“Don’t mind me, just gonna wash up before bed. It seemed safe to enter now.”
He disappeared into the bathroom as Jungkook continued to hold you, affectionate even after his brother was out of sight. Even if this relationship was fake, you could pretend in this moment that it was real, that Jungkook pulled you closer, not to fool his brother, but because he wanted to be close to you, that he was falling in love with you. 
For one night, it should be okay to pretend it was something more, right?
The next two weeks passed by in a blur. Namjoon had basically confined himself to his studio at work, intent on avoiding you. Seeing you hand in hand with Jungkook seemed to bother him, and because you couldn’t tell him the truth (or wouldn’t), you left him to his own assumptions. He ignored all of your texts attempting to reach out to him, despite him saying he wanted you to let him know when you had time for him. This just made you more frustrated, and you were done trying to chase Namjoon, romantically or otherwise. When he was ready to behave like an adult, you would be willing to talk to him. 
After telling Yuna about how you were asked to go home with Jungkook and meet his family, you received a call from your own parents. Yuna had told them about Jungkook, and you were bombarded with questions until you too agreed to bring Jungkook home.
It took some discussing, but it was finally decided: the 23rd and Christmas Eve would be with your family, and Christmas Day and the 26th would be with Jungkook’s. You were a little worried that the parents would be able to see through your ruse, despite having fooled everybody else at work, but Jungkook assured you that it would be easy enough to trick his parents. 
On the train ride to Daegu, you sat a few rows away from your sister, who had her headphones in as she watched the latest K-Drama she missed due to her busy school schedule. The ‘arriving soon’ message plays throughout the cabins of the KTX, and you figure it’s important to bring up your parents. 
Turning to Jungkook, who was drawing on his iPad, you removed an airpod from your ear, pausing the music. You take a moment and admire his face, the way his jawline was so angular, the sharp planes of his cheekbones, the concentration held in his eyes.
“Like what you see?” Jungkook’s voice is teasing, but you still felt embarrassed at being caught staring at him.
“I just think we should talk about the next 2 days.”
“Y/N, listen. Parents love me. Despite the tattoos and long hair.”
“Cause you’ve met so many parents? You’ve been dating Somin since we were 20.”
“My friends have parents too, you know. Don’t worry. Just be like we always are and it’ll be fine.”
“Your parents may be easy to trick, but mine? They’re a bit more… scrutinizing. Plus, they’ve heard me talk about Namjoon, and probably don’t remember me talking about you...” you trailed off, a slight warmth subtly coloring your cheeks.
“So you used to talk about me?”
“Well, yea, first year, you know? I had a crush on you, so my mom heard all about it. Not about—you know, but I told her I thought we might date.” You buried your nose in your phone to avoid looking at Jungkook. 
“You know, you never told me why you nev—”
Jungkook’s words were cut off by an attendant walking through the aisle, asking everyone to start packing up their belongings as the train would be pulling into the DongDaegu Station momentarily.
“My dad should be here to pick us up—Yuna!” Your sister turned to you, a smile on her face as she waved her phone.
“Dad’s here!”
The drive to the house was short, and you spent most of the time taking turns with Yuna filling in your dad on your life in Seoul. Your mom was busy in the kitchen when you arrived, and she shooed you all upstairs to your rooms. Unsurprisingly, your parents were having you and Yuna share her room while Jungkook would be across the hall in your room. 
Your parents were more conservative, and while you were an adult and perfectly able to do as you pleased in Seoul, while under their roof, they wanted to make sure that you remained as pure as they could keep you. 
Dinner that first night went well. Jungook and your dad bonded over sports, despite Jungkook not playing any team sports, he was still well-versed on the topic and joined your dad in watching a basketball game while you, Yuna, and your mom cleaned up after dinner and then sat in the sewing room. 
Your mom asked you all about Jungkook, which she surprisingly did remember you talking about. It seemed you had her and your father fooled, but while you sat at her embroidery machine, she shared she was confused about the lack of presents you had for each other to open tomorrow night. Saying it was because you still had to wrap them and she would find them under the tree tomorrow was an easy enough excuse, and paired with a very real yawn, you excused yourself to get ready for bed.
Sleeping with Yuna was uncomfortable; she was a wild sleeper. Restlessness won over sleep, so you got out of bed and made your way downstairs to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen. Your parents were already in bed in their first floor room on the other side of the house from the kitchen and the stairs.
When you returned back upstairs, you noticed the light on in your bedroom, so you knocked softly.
“Come in,” Jungkook’s voice was subdued, and you pushed the door open gently.
“Hey,” you said, eyeing Jungkook’s lean, topless form as he sat at the edge of the bed. You never tired of the view when you would sleep over at his place. 
“Can’t sleep?”
“Yea, Yuna isn’t the best person to sleep next to, flops around all night, hogs the sheets.”
You walk into the room, joining him on the bed. He’s swiping through images from the SeoulM8 shoots he’s recently done. You watched his finger move across the iPad leisurely.
“Ahh, sounds like you miss sleeping next to me.”
You scoffed, shoulder bumping into his.
“You snore a bit. And your body temperature runs pretty hot. I wake up sweating half the time.”
“Ah, not the first time I’ve made you sweat, love.”
You raise your eyebrow at his insinuation of your loss of virginity.
“Kidding, babe,” he jokes, locking his iPad and setting it down to charge on the bedside table.
“Can we go into town tomorrow? I want to do some last minute shopping.”
“Sure.” Jungkook yawned and you took that as your cue to leave so he could get some sleep after your journey across the country.
“Where ya going? I thought you couldn't fall asleep with Yuna?”
Jungkook pulled the covers back, making space for you to climb in in front of him.
“Well, yes, but my parents—”
“Sleep downstairs and wholly expect us to pretend to sleep apart but know that you’re going to sneak in here anyways because we’re madly in love.”
You had to cover your mouth to keep from laughing loudly.
“And how do you know that?”
Jungkook smirked, still waiting for you to get into bed.
“You’re dad told me. He also said we need to give him grandchildren, sooner rather than later.”
Stunned silent, Jungkook leaned forward and grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards him. He turned off the light and you climbed in over him, keeping him at the front just in case. 
“C’mere,” he rolled over and pulled you to his chest, snuggling into you as he got comfortable. “We have to look madly in love. No funny business though. I know you think I’m irresistible, but we are in your parents house and must be respectful.”
You elbowed him in the rib, and settled into the comforting darkness of your childhood bedroom with Jungkook’s arm wound around your waist, holding you close. 
Christmas Eve, in your family, is the night that presents are opened. As a child, this tradition was done in order to make room under the tree for Santa’s presents. As adults, your parents keep the tradition alive, instead putting stockings with 1 or 2 of the more expensive gifts for you to have on Christmas morning. 
After shopping in town and spending time wrapping, you had finally placed a few gifts for Jungkook under the tree that Yuna was now passing out. You were surprised to see a couple gifts for you from Jungkook in the small pile you amassed, and when you caught his eye, he winked at you. 
Yuna opened her gifts first, then you and Jungkook, where you saw that he gave you a matching jewelry set: necklace and earrings in a soft rose gold, a small cherry blossom bloom dangling from the small hoop of the earrings and from a small hoop on the necklace. It reminded you of your date at the park. The two of you sat under the winter sakura tree that day, the only blossoms that bloom twice a year, where you told him how much you loved cherry blossoms in passing. 
“It’s beautiful, Jungkook.” You almost can’t believe it, but he just smiles softly at your gratitude and helps put the necklace on you. Your parents looked happy, enjoying seeing their daughter so happy. Jungkook was excited to see what you had gotten him; a special lens for his camera that he had talked on and on about purchasing soon. He was giddy, running upstairs to grab his camera, testing out the new lens on pictures of you and your family.
Once again, you found yourself in your old room, curled up with Jungkook, but this time you were unable to sleep. Rolling over, you faced Jungkook, who cracked one eye and peeked at you.
“What’s wrong, babe?” he asked, voice laced with sleep. You noticed how easily the endearment rolled off his tongue even with no one around to convince.
“I—the gift you got me,” your fingers fidgeted with the small cherry blossom on the necklace. “I hope it didn’t cost too much. You can return it once we break up if you need to.”
“Y/N, that gift is for you. For being such a great… friend. Helping me do this. I really think it’s working.”
“You deserve to be happy Jungkook. I’m glad you were able to get space long enough to work out how you feel, and that you’re working your way to being happier.”
“Yea, I think I’ve been much happier lately...”
You watched his tongue run along his lips, and you couldn’t help but train your eyes on the movement. He caught your eyes, his hands gripped you a bit tighter as the tension in the dark room grew.
“...much happier...”
You weren’t sure who moved first, you or Jungkook, but at that point, it didn’t really matter. The way your lips sought his, the way his hands pulled you closer, the two of you were acting on instinct. This kiss wasn’t for practice or for show, who was to know what happened here, in this room tonight, but the two of you?
You let out a moan as he dipped his head lower, tracing kisses from your neck to what was exposed of your collarbone. His touch is impatient, tugging and kneading, unable to stay still on your body. His scent alone, a musky vanilla scent, engulfed your senses and you wanted… more.
You threw your leg over his body, turning the two of you until you’re straddled on top of him, able to press your core down onto his very firm cock. His boxers and your sleep shorts are the only things holding it back from assaulting you, and you’re annoyed that they’re in the way. Reaching down, you slide your hand roughly into the waistline of the boxers, fingers gripping him.
Jungkook groaned into your neck, the feel of your hand as you palm him building the craving he had for you. He wanted you. Not just physically. But you had those stupid rules, and he couldn’t just break them. He respected you more than that, and falling in love with you? Well that wasn’t part of the plan.
Jungkook slows the way he’s kissing you, slows the way he was thrusting into your hand and pushes you gently off of him and back to your side of the bed. You’re both panting, barely able to catch your breath as he pulled your back to his chest and held you close.
“We’ve got a long trip tomorrow morning to Busan, babe. Let’s get some sleep.”
“Oh… okay?” You were so confused. You had never been turned down before, especially not when you were so far into the act, practically ready to pull your panties to the side and ease him into you. You were throbbing, body aching with want, and you knew he was too; could feel the hardness as it nestled in the dip between your cheeks.
You felt him kiss your head, followed by a soft double peck to your neck, and not 10 minutes later his breathing slowed as he drifted off to sleep. 
You, on the other hand, laid awake, thoughts running wild.
Christmas morning you had an early breakfast with your family before opening stockings. Your parents had only a couple of weeks to prepare for Jungkook, but they had prepared a stocking for him as well; your mom embroidering his name onto it and stuffing it full to the brim. 
You were surprised at the gifts; a couple boxes of polaroid film, a bag of banana kick chips, individually packaged egg snacks, and colorful candy canes. Yours were similar as well, a small collection of sewing items for designing, and your favorite snacks. Your mom ruffled Jungkook’s sleepy-head hair as he offered his thanks to your parents, and you couldn’t help but feel your heart swoon at the sight. You realized something heartbreaking at that moment: breaking up with Jungkook once this was over would hurt more than just you. 
Heading to Jungkook’s parents house was a different experience after the previous night. Yuna had obviously stayed with your parents, and would be catching the train back the same day you left Busan. 
This was the first time the two of you had been alone since the rejection the night before, and you were doing your best to ignore the hurt feeling that would bloom every time you caught yourself dwelling on it. You focused on your phone instead, posting a few photos on Instagram so that you were sticking to your end of the deal. Somin would see these posts some way or another, and it would hopefully do what it was intended to.
Jungkook didn’t seem to think twice about the rejection, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and treating you like you were really together, a true couple going to meet his parents for the first time. 
“A little. I’ll be meeting your parents, and we’re not really together,” you looked down at your hands, missing the way Jungkook’s face fell for a few seconds before working it’s way back to a smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.
“I think we’re together enough where it counts. No one watching us would doubt it,” he intertwined your fingers and gave it an encouraging squeeze, “sometimes even I forget you’re not my real girlfriend.” He laughed, and the sound leaves an ache in your chest.
“Same, haha...” You looked out the window of the KTX, ready to breathe the fresh air of the nearby sea. Jungkook released your hand and you both went back to your tasks, Jungkook reading emails and you sketching designs for work.
Jungkook’s parents treated you much like yours had treated Jungkook. Like you were the greatest thing to happen to their child.
“Y/N, you’re so pretty! Oh, thank heavens, we have a chance at cute grandchildren now.” Jungkook’s mom bowed her head in thanks to a higher power, and you couldn’t help feeling a little bad that you weren’t actually dating Jungkook. You would have liked to deserve the praise she was giving you.
“He looks so much happier, happier than we’ve seen him in a long time.” She smiled at his father and their eyes, so similar to their two sons, crinkled in the corners. JungHyun greeted you with a hug, and you reciprocated it.
“Hi, Oppa,” you teased, and Jungkook glared at you. 
“Yah! That’s Jeon JungHyun to you,” he leaned closer to your ear in a mock whisper, “only I get called Oppa.”
JungHyun cringed back in mock disgust.
“I do not need to know about your ‘Oppa kink’ in the bedroom.” He shivered as he walked back to the living room, where he put away his laptop to make space for gifts.
Their dad, who you were very glad had not heard his eldest son’s comment, gestured to you to leave your suitcases in the entryway and come sit down.
“Kookie, pass out the gifts please. Your mom has been waiting all morning in excitement for you two to get here. We can have lunch after you guys get situated.”
Jungkook, ever the dutiful youngest son, began to distribute gifts amongst you all, while you handed your own gifts that you had gotten for his family out to them. 
“You didn’t have to get them anything,” Jungkook whispered as he dropped a gift off for you from his own parents.
You gave him a pointed look, gesturing subtly to the gift.
“I did.”
He shook his head with a smile and continued until the space under the tree was empty.
“So, we just open them all at the same time! Save your thanks for the end, ready?” His dad looked at you, and you nodded.
“Let’s get it!” Jungkook shouted, and everyone laughed at his phrase as you began to open your gifts. You didn’t have many, one from his parents and JungHyun, and 2 from Jungkook. His family had given you a Pantone Color Swatch book that was easy to carry around, to help while on set working. It was very thoughtful, and you knew it could not have been cheap. You bowed deeply, on your knees and forehead to their floor as a show of your gratitude and respect.
They motioned for you to sit back up, waving off your thanks as if it was no big deal for them to get this gift for you. You turned to Jungkook’s gift, eyes already threatening tears at their sincere treatment of you, and once opened, you did cry.
Nestled inside a satin lined box was a beautiful set of Dwikkoji, traditional hair pins, that came with a small card identifying them as from the Joseon era.
“Jungkook!” you gasped, sure that they couldn’t be real.
“Don’t worry. I didn’t have to pay for them. But they would look much better displayed in your office as our head fashionista then collecting dust in storage.”
You couldn’t hold back your feelings any longer. Acting on instinct, you tugged him towards you, wrapping your arms under his own and around his frame as you let your tears fall.
“They’re beautiful, Kookie.” 
Jungkook reciprocated your embrace, his hand smoothing down your hair as his parents smiled at the scene in front of them.
“Ah, young love, remember when that was us?”
Unlike your parents, who wanted to pretend that the two of you were a modest young couple, Jungkook’s parents assumed that the two of you would room together. His dad had clapped him on his shoulder and congratulated him on bringing home such a fine woman. Apparently in the two weeks that JungHyun had been home, he had raved about you to his parents, showing pictures from your social media accounts of the two of you together, as well as your fashion talent. Jungkook too had talked on the phone to his parents, you came to find out, which was why his parents were so enthralled by you, despite only dating Jungkook for a short time.
Lunch was fun. Spending time with the Jeons was full of laughter. His family was like him, generous and kind hearted, and you enjoyed spending time with his mom in the kitchen making cookies for dessert.
That night you went out for a drive to look at Christmas lights, before you all stopped off at the town center where they had outdoor ice skating set up. Jungkook had his camera with the new personalized strap you made him (yay fashion classes!) around his neck, taking photos of you and his family as you glided across the frozen water. You spent an hour there before heading home to warm up with hot cocoa and Christmas movies. You found out that this was their tradition every year, and it made you happy to know they wanted to share it with you. Even if it was only for this one Christmas.
Having showered first, you traveled down the hall to get water from the kitchen while you waited for Jungkook to finish his. His family had a one level house; His parents’ room was located on one side of the living room and kitchen, while Jungkook and his brother’s room was on the other side. 
You heard his parents talking at the table and you slowed down, resting the back of your head on the wall as you heard them say your name.
“Oh, honey, Y/N is so darling! I haven’t seen him this happy in years.”
“He looks so in love with her.”
“Well, remember, he used to have the biggest crush on her.”
“But that was years ago. They were what, 20? And somehow he chose Somin?”
“Sometimes, people aren't ready. Now, they’re older. Better chances of them working out. Oh, honey, I hope they work out. She would be such a cute daughter in law.”
“I know, but don’t pressure them. Let them realize how in love with each other they are on their own.”
“Do you think she loves him too?”
“I don’t have a single doubt in my mind. I saw the way they were together.They’re in love, whether they realize it or not.”
“Ahh, so we could have grandchildren soon? JungHyun seems like he’s never going to settle down... ”
“Aish, grandchildren? I’m too young to be a grandpa!”
Instead of interrupting them, you headed back to his room, mind racing with their words. Jungkook had a crush on you? They thought the two of you were in love? Daughter in law? Jungkook chose that moment to come into the room, towel wrapped low around his waist as he checked his phone and you couldn’t look away.
“You’re starting to drool there, babe.”
You swallowed and looked away, grabbing your hair and running your fingers through it to put it into a bun on your head.
“I just uh—I wanted to talk to you about the contract.”
Jungkook, who was facing his dresser where his suitcase was opened up, froze. His eyes sought yours in the mirror, his reflection giving away nothing.
“Oh? What, uh, what about it?”
“Well, our parents seem to like us together, I mean, they’re talking about grandkids, and well, I would hate to break up so soon after having met them. I know this was only supposed to go on until you figured out what to do about Somin, but if it’s alright with you,” you look away, twisting your fingers in nervousness, “I would like for us to continue to date.”
Jungkook’s mind was racing. He understood what you meant. Your parents seemed to love him, discussing future visits for the holidays and his family had been no different. And thinking about ending the contract? Well, he had already been thinking about doing that. So he could date you, for real. Somin texted him while he was in the shower, upset about missing Christmas with his family. Jungkook thought that it would bother him, his first holiday without her, but he realized he couldn’t care less. 
Somin treated him like a prize to be toted around and shown off. He was good for bragging; his face, body, high paying job, it all granted her status. She had no ambition to grow within the company, still a one act manager after graduating as an interning manager’s assistant. But you? God, you were different. You had ambition, you didn’t care about what Jungkook could provide for you, and you listened to him, to his dreams. You were thoughtful, appreciative, and everything you had done was to help him be happy. Even fake dating, while it benefitted you as well, you had gone above and beyond for him.
You stood up, walking closer to him where he was lost in his thoughts.
“Jungkook?” you intoned, your fingers softly settling on the back of his shoulder, waiting for his response.
“I think, yeah. I think that would be a good idea. My parents and brother love you.”
Your heart soared. He wanted to continue this. Not go back to Somin right away. He barely brought her up this whole trip. You felt giddy, hopeful that maybe one day, this could be something more.
“So then, it’s settled.”
Jungkook turned around, catching your hand before you could drop it back to your side.
“I think we should reexamine that contract, but tonight, I’d really like to say fuck it.”
Jungkook stepped into your space, and in a heart’s beat, he had ensnared your lips, his arms pulling you closer to him. Your own arms snaked up his body, hands pulling his head closer to you, your fingers playing with the wet strands at his nape. His kisses were fervent, lips almost rough as he pressed them to yours before he was swiping his tongue across the opening of your mouth, seeking entrance. 
You groaned as you arched your back, seeking to deepen the kiss as you pressed higher on your tiptoes, wanting more of him. His palm skimmed your back down to your butt, where he applied pressure and lifted you with brute strength. You pulled away with a gasp, not expecting to be lifted up. He just looked at you with pupils blown, one eyebrow raised suggestively as he carried you to his bed.
“I think we should practice making ‘grandchildren’ for them.”
He set you down, long enough to grip the hem of your shirt before he pulled it over your head. His eyes moved to your chest, and he closed his eyes as he sighed in defeat.
“You’ve been keeping this from me?”
“You’ve seen me naked before,” you remind him, but he just shook his head.
“Years ago, Y/N, and let me tell you, my memory didn’t do you justice. I think I need a reminder.”
You throw him a suggestive look, knowing that you’ve both had some experience with sex since your shared first time all those years ago. This time, there was no fumbling, no nervous laughter, or apologizing. This time, Jungkook was in command of his body, and of yours too. He rid you of your shorts, leaving you naked on his sheets as he dropped his towel. 
You marveled at how his body had changed: the muscle gained and the chiseled jaw you loved to admire. Jungkook bit his lip and did the same to you, eyes roving along your curves, the way you weren’t shying away from his touch as his fingers trailed up your thigh.
“You’re beautiful, Y/N.”
You didn’t get a chance to respond, as Jungkook kissed you again, this time with less fervor, his body crawling above yours as he joined you on the bed. His hands touched you everywhere, fondling your breasts and your ass as he kissed down your neck, nipping the skin and leaving marks along your neck. You feel the ache as your wetness pools between your legs, and Jungkook’s growing member sits heavy where it’s pressed against your thigh. 
“Jungkook, please—”
He nips a bit harder, the sound of you begging for him made him infinitely larger. He wanted to be in you, but he didn’t want to rush it, wanted to savor you for as long as he had you under him. Kissing down your body, his tongue leaves a cool, wet trail and you writhe, ticklish to his tongues path to your core. 
Parting your legs wider, he smirked at you from where he's sat on his knees, your thighs on either side of his gloriously naked body. Leaning forward, he never breaks eye contact as you watch his lips meet your mound. Gentle kisses pressed to your lips, and then his tongue is parting them, flicking your clit in greeting. Your head is thrown back, you know you should be quieter, but the onslaught of his lips and tongue as they pleasure your sweet spot has you reduced to base instincts only. And right now, they want Jungkook to know that he had better not stop.
You rolled your hips, seeking more, and he gives in, thick fingers immersing themselves inside of you. You clench, walls shocked at the intrusion but welcoming it all the same. He felt so good, and you tell him as much, so he continued to finger fuck you as he lapped up your release, carrying you through your orgasm.
He was so hard, cock throbbing as he kissed back up your body, and after spitting into your hand, you reached down to stroke along his shaft, palm twisting and gliding as he nuzzled his face back into your neck, quiet little moans rolling out of his mouth with each stroke. You made him feel so good, your body warm and soft as your smaller hand stroked his larger ego, in more ways than one.
Without preamble, you positioned him at your opening and lifted your hips, allowing him to feel how warm your walls were, waiting for him. He pushed up on his palms on either side of your head and the look he gave you was indecipherable before your own eyes shut; he engulfed his cock in the swollen velvet that was your cunt, buried to the hilt.
He had tried his best to prepare you, but every glorious inch stretching you out was a breath you needed to take in order to grow accustomed to his size. You counted nine breaths, then opened your eyes, taking in the trembling of his arms as he held himself back from pounding into you.
“Move, Kook, please,” you whine, and he wasted no time following your orders.
His hips grinded into you as he rolled them, angling himself to take you as deep as humanly possible. His pace started off fast, but soon he was slowing down, head dropped into the crook of your neck as your nails dragged red marks down his back. You rocked your hips in time to his thrusts, using your grip on his back as leverage to meet him halfway. 
“You feel so good, so wet for me,” he murmured with each thrust, and you bit his shoulder, afraid if you didn’t gag yourself, you would say the wrong thing.
Everything about you enveloped him, your scent, your arms and thighs that were holding him close; he could barely think straight as he tried to get you to cum again before he got himself off. But you felt so good, tight clenches as your arousal gushed and coated his cock, he didn’t know how much longer he could last. Then you bit his shoulder, and he sped up his stroke, hips rolled in fast succession as your body jostled underneath him.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m so close baby,” you mewl into his ear, and he lifted his head up out of your neck, resting his forehead on yours. 
“I want to watch you, don’t close your eyes,” he pleads and you try your best to keep them open, not closing them for long as the coil builds in your lower abdomen. He adjusted your bodies, lifted your legs up slightly which allowed him a deeper angle that hits your g-spot. Your mouth hangs open, a fucked out expression on your face and Jungkook loses it.
The first spurt of his hot cum sends you over the edge, and you're spiraling down, pussy contracting around his cock, milking him for every drop. You maintain eye contact, watching each other for a few seconds before you can’t help but close them, the pleasure too great.
Jungkook pressed his lips to yours as you both cum, using them to cage in the words he wanted to say, wanted to shout from the rooftops, but wasn’t yet sure you felt the same way.
Waking up in Jungkook’s arms, you felt sore. So sore, but also satisfied. You hadn’t slept this well in ages, and if Jungkook’s deep slumber and dead weight arm draped over your waist was anything to go by, he hadn’t either. You moved his arm slowly, headed for the shower, and let out a small gasp as JungHyun also exited his bedroom at the same time.
“Well, don’t you look... rested,” he trailed off, a look of knowing on his face.
Your face burned in embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, as soon as I heard little brother start to get a little… feral, I turned up my TV while I gamed. Parents didn’t hear a peep.”
“Thank you, oppa.” You bowed, gratitude seeping out of each of your pores.
“Now, those marks on the other hand,” he gestured to your neck, “might I suggest an ice pack for 20 minutes and then some really good makeup?”
You hurried into the bathroom as he laughed his way towards the kitchen. A minute later he knocked, passing you a small ice-pack through the cracked door.
“20 minutes,” he reminded you with a wink, and went back into his room with his cereal.
Saying goodbye to Jungkook’s parents after a late breakfast was tough. His mom cried, saying her baby son did not visit enough and that she would miss him. She also said she would miss you greatly, and that you better come back with him soon to visit.
It was tough to promise her that you would, knowing that there was a very real chance that you wouldn’t. This was fake after all. You had just agreed to extend the contract briefly, to get through the holidays and while Jungkook said ‘fuck it’ last night, with the rising of the sun came the clarity of the situation. 
Jungkook behaved much the same, holding your hand and showering you with PDA, and while you reciprocated, you couldn’t help but feel like the magic of Christmas was over. Heading back to Seoul meant back to reality. You weren’t sure you were ready for that. For the first time in your life, you felt like you could see a future with someone, with him, despite the relationship being fake thus far. To be honest, it hadn’t felt fake since the night of the party. 
The entire trip, all 3 and a half hours of it, you ruminated on last night and what it meant. You hated to admit that you had fallen for Jungkook, and had given up rule number 7 on a whim. For all you knew, he would be going back to Somin at the end of this. 
In his own little world, Jungkook too couldn’t stop thinking about you and what last night meant. He wished he had said to forget the contract all together, instead of just for the night. He wanted to see if you felt the same way, but he wanted to be sure that his Somin chapter was done. He needed to see her and make sure he was over her, and not just using you as a rebound. You didn’t deserve that.
Jungkook’s body language had you on edge, as his foot tapped incessantly as the train got closer and closer to Seoul. You placed your hand on his knee, a reassuring move for both of you. 
“Jungkook, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I just—Somin messaged me.” He had been thinking about it the whole trip back to Seoul, about how her messages didn’t affect him anymore. Before, he could barely go a few minutes before responding. Now, almost 18 hours had passed and he wasn’t bothered.
“When?” Your voice came out sharper than intended, and Jungkook flinched back from you.
“Uh, last night, right after I got out of the shower.”
Your brain began to connect dots that you didn’t want it to.
“Oh,” you respond, trying to keep your voice light. Jungkook was confused at your reaction; usually you were jumping to keep him and Somin apart. This response felt like you didn’t care, like if he met up with Somin, it wouldn’t impact you at all.
“She just… I think that you’re right. The plan is working and I’ve been happier than I’ve been in a long time. But I guess there’s that part of me that needs to talk with her, express how I feel. I want to be sure.” Before I confess my feelings to you, he thought.
“Right. Well, that was the goal, getting you to figure out what you want.” You turned your head away from him and deeper into the neck pillow, trying to get this conversation done and over with before he said something that really broke your heart.
“I know. I guess I’ll meet up with her when we get back? The sooner the better I guess.”
“True, the faster you meet with her, figure it all out, the faster we can move towards breaking up.”
Jungkook freezes, but you don’t notice, too focused on not looking at him.
“At breaking up?”
“Yea, that was the plan right? We date for a couple more weeks, then break up, so you can get back with Somin, if she’s changed, you know?”
“Hey Jungkook? I’m really tired, can we talk about this later?”
Jungkook stared at your form, taking in how closed off you were from him. He didn’t understand what changed. He sat back, finally replying to Somin’s text, agreeing to meet at a cafe by his apartment later that evening.
Jungkook saw you home, worried the entire ride to your place about what was happening between the two of you. He thought everything had been going well, and after last night, he didn’t know how he could have possibly fucked up. He hoped you were just PMS-ing, like Somin used to always blame moods like this on. 
You let him carry your suitcase upstairs to your apartment and when he leaned in for a kiss, you kissed him back, but he felt it was almost out of obligation; your sister was sitting on the couch watching the two of you. Jungkook paused at your door, but you had turned away from him, so ready to be alone. So he let you close the door in his face, let you have time to yourself.
Jungkook got to the cafe, eyes searching for the long black hair of his ex. When he approached her she smiled at him. Jungkook saw the way her face lit up, the way the smile graced her pretty face, and felt nothing for it. Sitting down, a cafe worker took their drink order and left them alone.
“So, you said you wanted to talk?” Jungkook asked, fidgeting with his fingers drumming on his knee.
“Kookie, I miss you.” Somin leaned toward him, chest pushed out in her off the shoulder zebra print dress. Her black heel nudged against Jungkook’s leg, rubbing it suggestively.
Jungkook moved his leg out of reach and sighed.
“Minnie.” She pouted, red painted bottom lip jutting out after she cut him off to correct her name.
“Somin. I—I’m sorry.” Jungkook felt awkward. Here he was, sitting in front of his ex, who was undoubtedly a gorgeous woman. But after all they had been through—all she put him through—and all the healing you had done to his heart, he realized he had fallen out of love with her a long time ago. “I know you had hopes of us getting back together.”
“Well, of course we’re getting back together Kookie. We’re made for each other. Since we were 20! I know this thing with Y/N is just revenge. You wanted to make me mad, teach me a lesson,” she said as she reached out and grabbed Jungkook’s hand in hers, “and I have learned it. Christmas without you was so sad. I had no one to go out to all the holiday parties with.”
Jungkook shifted in the metal chair. “Look, Somin—”
“Why do you keep calling me that?” she interrupted again, and Jungkook let out a loud sigh as he tried to maintain his cool.
“Because, I’m trying to tell you that I—”
“Jungkook! Somin!”
The loud yell of the barista reading out orders cut Jungkook off for the third time, and he groaned, running his tattooed hand over his face. With a huff, he stood up, walking through the crowded cafe to get the drinks so he could just tell Somin the truth; he may have initially wanted to teach her a lesson, but he ended up being the person who learned something from it. He was in love with you; wanted to spend more holidays like the one that just passed, with you. He truly didn’t feel anything for Somin anymore, other than friendship.
While Jungkook was up, Somin noticed his bag was open, a fancy camera strap hanging out of it. It was embroidered; the phrase ‘you shine brighter than anyone’ apparent once she pulled it free from his oversized black backpack. Somin threw a glance over her shoulder at Jungkook, seeing him still busy, so she stuffed the strap into her purse. Grabbing her phone, she sent a text to Taehyung.
Jungkook set down the drinks before sitting down himself and commanding the attention of his ex. 
“Look, Somin, I just—I’m sorry.” Jungkook looked down at his hands before making eye contact with her. “I don’t see us getting back together. I—” he paused, taking a deep breath before he spoke his truth, “I’m in love with her, Minie. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but I want to be happy. I want you to be happy with someone who feels about you, how I feel about her.”
Somin stared at Jungkook before she laughed. He was unsure of the emotions she was actually feeling; perplexed by her reaction to what he just told her. He didn't want to be with her anymore, and he wasn’t looking for her to beg, but he expected a little more... sadness? Push back? Once she was done laughing, she leveled her gaze at him.
“You, you’ve barely been seeing her Jungkook. How can you love her?”
Jungkook took a sip of his drink, gathering his thoughts before he answered her. The judgement that laced her tone made him angry, but he didn’t want to give Somin the upper hand. He wanted to be an adult about the situation. In retrospect, he hadn’t been honest with Somin when she first confessed to him, and you deserved for him to share that honesty now, even if it was coming 5 years later.
“I think—I think a part of me has always loved her. Since that first year. Don’t get me wrong, I think I loved you too and at some point we just… I think we just broke up and then made up too many times because it was easy… familiar. I love you Minie, and you were a huge part of my life. I’m just not IN love with you.” Jungkook leaned forward towards Somin, placing his hand over here, hoping that she would see and feel his sincerity and his benevolence. 
“Wow, I—You’re serious?” Somin’s voice was quiet as she questioned him. “I guess I didn’t think I’d be starting the new year without you.”
Jungkook watched as she slid her hand out from under his and placed it in her lap.
“Please, be happy for me Minie, and when you’re ready, I’ll be happy for you too.”
The loud chime from Somin’s phone went off. Jungkook watched as she looked at her screen, eyes growing wide.
“Shit, an emergency with Tae.” Somin looked up at Jungkook, her face soft and apologetic.
“Koo—I mean Jungkook, I was just surprised is all. I—I am happy for you and Y/N. Or, I guess it’s more like, I will be. I’m sorry, I have to run, but thank you for meeting with me.”
Somin gave him one last smile, as if showing she was throwing the towel in, before she stood up and left the cafe in a hurry. Jungkook watched her as she dashed off, disappearing down the sidewalk towards the nearest bus stop. He thought the meeting had gone well, or at least better than expected. Maybe Somin has grown up, he thought to himself, unaware of the way she made off cunningly with his gifted camera strap, using a text that confirmed the time for the next morning’s meeting with Taehyung as an excuse to escape.
After closing the door in Jungkook’s face, you retreated to your room, claiming that a headache was creeping in from the long train ride. Your sister nodded, engrossed in her latest K Drama. You rolled your suitcase into your room, stripped your travel clothes from your weary body, and entered your shower. 
Free to do as you pleased, with the water to cover the sound, you wept. How foolish you felt, letting Jungkook close to you once again, only to see him rush off to Somin. It was almost like what happened 5 years ago, when you had gone to his dorm room and found her confessing. Just like then, Somin was winning Jungkook; once again he had slipped through your grasp.
That night you texted Jungkook to tell him you would be going to the office early and that he needn’t pick you up.
Jungkook was relieved upon seeing your text. He had spent the better half of the evening and the morning tearing apart his apartment. He had called his parents, his brother, and overturned his luggage onto the floor. He could not find the camera strap you made him. 
He knew that he shouldn’t have taken it off the camera, but he spilled a bit of leftovers from his mom on it while on the train and removed it to make it easier to clean once he got home. 
Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found. 
Jungkook was frantic; he knew that you made it for him that night you sat in the sewing room with your mom and sister while he was with your dad. Your mom had an embroidery machine, and so you snuck in there under the premise of bonding time and worked on it. He loved the phrase you chose for him; it reminded him of your love letter to him, the way you had written about him making you feel as beautiful as a night sky. “you looked at me as if the galaxies were reflected in my eyes...”
Dumping out his black backpack for the umpteenth time, Jungkook sifted through notebooks, film, wrappers from snacks, a small hygiene bag, and loose photos. He doesn’t know why he continued looking through the same places. It’s not there. Glancing at the clock, he realized he would be late to the Monday morning meeting. Giving up and putting everything he needed back into his bookbag, he stepped over the mess and headed out to his car.
Walking into the conference room, everyone looked tired from their holidays, but with the New Year around the corner, it was important for everyone to attend before January. SeoulM8’s comeback was fast approaching, and making sure everything was moving smoothly was imperative to whether the next holiday was spent relaxing or spent stressed out. 
Stirring your coffee, you walked through the propped open door and maneuvered your way over to where your assistants sat. Kim, the same one who brought you the tiger lillies several weeks ago, smiled at you as she slid you the stapled packet she printed out from the email.
“I think we’ve done all our parts, the photos Jeon emailed over have been approved by the boss, and we double-checked the designers they are wearing. I think all that’s left is to get final approval on the outfits for their comeback shows and interviews during comeback week.” 
You nodded, sipping the still hot coffee as Kim spoke quietly about the role you played for SeoulM8, eyes on the printed email. It didn’t help the way you could feel the mocha eyes of a certain ‘missing in action’ best friend burning into the side of your face; or the way the empty seat across from you saved for a certain ‘boyfriend’ of yours had your anxiety on edge.
With 5 minutes left until the meeting commenced, you had done a pretty good job at tuning out all of the mindless chatter around you, that is until Somin’s nasally voice interrupted your response to Kim.
“Oh, this? It’s just a little gift for JK.”
“But you broke up? He’s with Y/N now...” Hobi said, cutting off a reply from one of the assistants sitting near Somin.
“But we dated for 5 years, he’s still important to me. I think he’ll love it.” She turned her back to Hobi, who tried to make eye contact with you. You looked down at your coffee instead.
When Jimin and Taehyung walked into the room, everyone quieted down and took their seats if they weren’t already, assuming Bang PD, the head boss, would be quickly approaching behind them. Before the glass door could swing fully shut, Jungkook sprinted into the room, out of breath.
“Oh Jungkook, here!” Somin stood up, making a big show out of handing him the small gift bag that had been on the table in front of her. 
“Oh? Uh, thanks Minie.” Jungkook said, looking for the head boss. Bang PD was still missing from the room, so he grasped the colorful tissue paper from the bag and removed it in one swift pull. As the paper fluttered to the table, Jungkook’s eyes lit up as he took in the present.
“Oh my God, thank you!” Jungkook wrapped his arms around Somin in a huge hug, surprising everyone in the room watching, including you. Despite all of your negative thoughts about you and Jungkook’s future, seeing him react that way was unexpected and you felt your heart ache seeing him hold her in an embrace.
Sitting down, Jungkook turns to talk to Somin when you notice Bang PD walking down the long hallway towards the closed glass doors. 
You turned to the front of the room where SeoulM8 was seated next to the only empty chair in the room, fully intending to pay attention, but Jungkook’s movements directly across from you pulled your attention away. When you see the embroidered strap that YOU had given to him for Christmas a mere 2 days ago slide free from the bag, you see red. Before Bang PD can enter the room, you’ve already stood up. 
Both Namjoon and Jungkook look at you, followed by everyone else’s gaze; it’s too late to hide the tears that fall down your face. 
“Y/N, I can explain—” Jungkook said as you make your way around the table toward the door. He grabbed your wrist to stop you, but you pulled it from his grasp.
“Save it, Jeon. It’s over.”
You leave the meeting, walking brusquely past your boss with your head down. You type out a quick text to him as you take the elevator down, apologizing for leaving and saying that an emergency came up. Bang PD responds within a few moments.
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Back in the conference room, Jungkook attempted to call you, but you sent him to voicemail twice. Giving up, he grabbed his bag, fully planning to follow you, when he saw Namjoon stand before he could. Throwing a dirty look at Jungkook, Namjoon shook his head at him before quickly following you out the door. 
You haven’t gone far, making it only to your office where you gathered up the rest of your belongings when Namjoon burst in.
“Y/N,” he sounded a little out of breath, probably from running to the elevator and then to your office, you assumed, “I—”
“Save it, Joon. You didn’t want to talk to me these past few weeks, so I don’t know why you’re here now.”
“Because I realized I love you.”
You stopped packing up your laptop, eyes slowly moving to meet his.
“What did you say?”
“I said I love you. I didn’t realize it until you started dating Jungkook, but I do.”
You shook your head back and forth, unable to hear or deal with his feelings right now.
“No, Namjoon, you don’t. You just miss Jennie.”
“Y/N, listen, I should’ve realized it was you. It’s always been you. You can’t honestly tell me that you’re in love with Jungkook?” Namjoon said this last part with contempt.
Tears fell once again, and you dropped your hands uselessly to your side.
“I do, Namjoon. I honestly love him.”
“Well, I hate to say I told you so, but-”
“Then don’t,” you voiced, cutting him off with an edge to your voice.
“You and Jungkook? Please. Anyone can see how different you are. You and me, though? We’re better for each other.”
“How different we are? Why? Am I too out of his league? Not pretty enough?”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying, and you know it. You guys just aren’t compatible—”
“And how the fuck would you even know?! You saw us together at what? One party? And then at work? What do you even know about our relationship, Joon?! You’ve been angry at me ever since you found out!”
“Because you and him together isn’t right! It’s supposed to be you and me!”
“Oh please, Namjoon. If Jennie hadn’t taken that Japan job and dumped you, you wouldn’t even be here right now. I wouldn’t have even crossed your mind. This is a pointless conversation.”
You walked towards the door, bag over your shoulder and laptop case in hand. Namjoon blocked the doorway, and behind him you could see nosey coworkers watching the interaction. 
“Move, Namjoon.”
“Not until you talk to me.”
“No,” you go to shoulder past him, and you were able to back him up into the common area outside of your office. He grabbed at your shoulders, holding you still. 
“Namjoon, let go of me!” At this moment you hated that you had dressed up for this meeting; a tight a-line pencil skirt and heels that don’t allow you the movement that you needed.
Before you can shimmy from his clutches, he’s leaning forward, his lips meeting yours in a kiss. In shock, you don’t move at first, not until your free hand shoved his shoulder and pushed him a step back.
“I can’t believe you.” 
The look you gave him could burn the sun, and this time you were able to push past him; the elevator getting closer and closer as you approached. You saw Jungkook, motionless, at the platform in front of the elevators; his eyes low in a glare aimed at Namjoon, who had followed you in your haste to escape.
“Hyung, you need to leave her alone.”
“Me? I’m her best friend. I would say you were her boyfriend, but we all heard her break up with you when she left the room crying.”
“That was just a misunderstanding. So like I said, leave her alone.” Jungkook stepped forward to his full height, chest to chest with his hyung, who prior to watching him force a kiss on you, he respected a lot. The tension on the floor was thick. You were mere steps from freedom, from Namjoon and Jungkook, when his words stopped you dead in your tracks. A misunderstanding? 
Did he not understand what the words ‘It’s over’ meant? That the contract, the relationship between the two of you, however real or fake, everything was null and void? 
“It wasn’t a misunderstanding, Jungkook.”
Big, confused, doe eyes turned to face you. “Y/N, please let’s just talk about th—”
“Why don’t you take your own advice and listen to her, Kook. You could never treat her how she deserves.” 
“Why don’t you go mind your own business Namjoon.” Jungkook bit back, fists clenched as he shook, holding back his anger. He just wanted to be alone to talk to you, but Namjoon was making it difficult.
“She is my business, she’s my best friend. She’s nothing to you now. Though, knowing you, that’s probably the reason she broke up with you. I bet you didn’t treat Somin right, and now you fucked up with Y/N. Can’t do anything right, can yo—”
Jungkook’s fist flew through the air before you could tell either of them to stop talking about what they don’t know. The sound of Namjoon’s jaw connecting to his fist echoed through the large room, and the crowd of bystanders yelled out in shock at watching a full on fight start in the building.
You yelled as Namjoon tackled Jungkook around his middle, tackling him to the ground before he reared back his fist to punch him back. 
“Namjoon, stop, STOP!” you yelled as Jungkook flipped Namjoon onto his back, swapping places as he took the liberty to return the blow. Putting down your laptop and bag haphazardly, you rushed closer. Leaning down, you grabbed at Jungkook’s arm that was cocked back to throw another punch, yelling his name frantically.
“Jungkook, Kookie, PLEASE STOP!”
The two men looked at your face, their chests rising and falling rapidly as they tried to catch their breath. Jungkook’s eyes were dilated. As he took in your state, he seemed to come back to his senses. He started to climb up off of where he straddled Namjoon, pinning him to the floor, his hand reaching up towards you from where he was kneeled on the ground.
“Y/N, I’m sorry baby, please just talk to me.” Jungkook’s bottom lip was split, a small bit of blood leaking from the cut. His cheekbone was red; you knew a bruise would form there. Namjoon too tried to sit up, leaning on his elbow as his split eyebrow spilled his blood down the side of his face. He too would be sporting a shiner for the next week or so. 
You almost reached for Jungkook, returned the gesture to cradle that beautiful face, but you couldn’t. Him fighting Namjoon changed nothing about the fact that Somin had the present you gave him, that she brought it to him as if she had given it to him, let alone the response he gave her when he saw it. Backing away, you almost tripped over your belongings before you thought to collect them, and then dashed into the elevator, leaving the two men bleeding on the floor as the doors shut, cutting off the view.
Dealing with the aftermath of the fight was not something you thought would be so difficult to do. 
Working remotely meant not being able to turn off your phone so you didn’t miss any important calls or texts. Unfortunately, it also meant you had to deal with the barrage of texts and calls from friends and co-workers wanting to know about the fight. 
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According to Jimin, the only person other than Kim who you were responding to, the whole office heard about the fight. With Jin being Jungkook’s roommate, and of course being the resident gossip, news traveled fast that the two men got into a fist throwing match over you. This only had you double down on avoiding messages, calls, and not posting to social media. It was unlike you; as a fashionista who worked with models and artists like SeoulM8 and Kim Seokjin, people looked to your accounts for updates. 
Your silence was killing Jungkook, the one person who had not given up. Jungkook hated to not give people time, but he had the feeling like the more time you had, the faster you would slip from his fingertips. You stared at your phone, watching his name light up on the screen as a picture of the two of you, set as his contact photo, taunted you with memories. 
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All you could do was lay there, curled up on your bed in your pajamas for the second day in a row, hating yourself. Hating the fact that you allowed yourself to break your rules, that you let Jungkook into your heart for a second time, only to watch it all come crashing down because he couldn’t let go of Somin. What did Somin have that you didn’t? How was it that she always won?
5 years ago you lost Jungkook to her, after giving him your virginity, something he knew was a big deal, as he had given his to you in exchange. And now again, you had so foolishly fallen into bed with him again, and he ran back to Somin. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? You were already blaming yourself heavy for this one. 
Another day passed before you finally pulled yourself up out of bed long enough to shower and get dressed in a different set of sweats. A knocking sound at the front door had you tense up. Luckily, your sister answered the door, able to field away anyone who wanted to see you.
Creeping silently to the door of your bedroom, you cracked it open and listened to see who was there. From the angle you could see your sister, but not who was outside, nor could they see you. The warm tone was instantly recognizable, and your eyes widened as your sister looked back at you. Shaking your head profusely, she denied entry and shut the door, walking over to you. You back away from the door, letting her in as you sit on your bed. Crossing your legs, you grabbed a stuffie and clutched it to your chest.
“Hey, can you tell me what happened? Why are you hiding out at home and not answering Jungkook’s calls? What’s going on?”
You sighed, taking a much needed breath before you recounted the whole story. You told her about the journal entries being sent out, about how Namjoon had confronted you leading to you lying and saying you were with Jungkook, who came up with the plan to fake date each other until the Somin and Namjoon issues calmed down for both of you. 
She listened intently, shocked to hear that it was all fake, and she told you as much once you finished sharing about the fight that ensued on Monday.
“Sis, that man loves you. I could see it when he came to the door. I think you should talk to him.”
“No. It’s all my fault all of this happened anyways. If I hadn’t been drunk and sent those messages out, I would have never had to lie to Namjoon and start all of this.”
Yuna squirmed in your computer chair, her mouth twisted as if holding herself back.
“Actually, you didn’t do that.”
“What are you talking about Yuna? I saw the messages. I took the photos the night before because I wanted to upload them to an online journal platform.”
She nodded her head, wringing her fingers in her hand. “I know that, but you didn’t send them… I did.”
You stared at her, anger silently rising as you waited for her to continue. 
“I waited until you got into the shower. You know I read the entry to Namjoon, and so when you got into the shower, I used your phone and sent a message to each guy who’s name was both in the book and in your phone. I wanted you to have someone, instead of always spending your evenings at home, bored.”
“Yuna, you knew that I did not want Namjoon to know, he and Jennie had just... and I was trying to protect him, do you see what this did?!” You threw the plushie at her angrily, standing abruptly.
“I can’t believe you would invade my privacy, you could have ruined my career, if one of those messages had been sent to the wrong person, god damn it Yuna! You’ve ruined my fucking life!”
Yuna was crying, but she set the stuffed bunny back on your bed gently before she got up and headed to leave your room. Pausing at the door, her hand poised on the door knob, she turned back to face you.
“I didn’t ruin your life. You finally had a life. You’re the one running away from it now.”
With those parting words, she left your room, closing the door and leaving you alone with your thoughts.
After Yuna left you, she went to her own room, where she scrolled through social media to find Jungkook. You already blamed her, though she felt like it was misplaced, but she felt like she might as well do something to help fix the situation. Finding Jungkook’s IG account from the photos you tagged him in, she followed him. When he returned the follow, she messaged him to contact her. 
It didn’t take long for him to respond, and she asked him to meet her out somewhere. Agreeing on a local park, Yuna changed her shoes and left you moping in your room, a note on the counter that she was headed out.
Sitting on the bench, it wasn’t hard to spot Jungkook. His tousled black hair peeking from under his black beanie and the familiar black jacket was easy to spot against the white snow that had recently fallen, but like a Seoul snowfall, it wouldn’t stick for long. Carrying a hot cocoa for him and herself, Yuna held it out to him before she sat down, sipping on the warm drink.
“Yuna, I will say I’m surprised you reached out to me.” Jungkook’s usually bright voice was tinged with sadness as he looked over at her.
“I have something to tell you.” Yuna started, and Jungkook’s nerves grew.
“I was the one who sent the journal entry to you. Not my sister.”
“Oh? Okay. Thank you for telling me I guess.” Jungkook took another deep pull from the drink, letting the heat fill his body as he swallowed.
“I mean, I sent it because I didn’t want her to grow old and be alone. Every night, coming home bored to drink wine with her baby sister and watch reruns on Netflix? I wanted her to fall in love. And she did. With you.”
“I don’t think so, Yuna. She wasn’t in love with me.”
“She was; she still is! She told me everything that happened. About how dating you was all fake. But I know it wasn’t. Not for her. And not for you. No one acts the way you two acted. I know my sister; when she told me what happened, I knew that she was hurt because she’s in love with you. Like, still in love with you. She just doesn’t believe you love her back.”
Yuna stared at Jungkook, watching the way her words sank in, waiting to confirm what she already knew: Jungkook was in love with you, too.
Jungkook’s voice was quiet when he finally spoke. “How do I convince her? That I love her back?” 
“I wish I knew Jungkook. I wish I knew. But if you don’t do something soon, I think you’ll lose her.”
Friday was New Year’s Eve, and you had to put up with Yuna running around like a lunatic cleaning the apartment to ring in the new year. You had finally resigned yourself to forgiving her for sending the journal entries. It was over and done with, and there was nothing more to do. Monday, you would be back at work like nothing happened, and didn’t want to go into the new year holding onto this year’s anger or sadness.
Yoongi, surprisingly, had reached out to you the day before about a party he was having to ring in the new year, and at first you didn’t want to go, but the longer you thought about it, you figured you should. Why spend the new year at home, where your sister would relentlessly tease you until she left. She had her own plans this year, going to a classmates to drink and watch the fireworks; so if you stayed home, you would be alone.
And you were tired of being alone. Sleeping in, you didn’t get up to join your sister in cleaning until later in the afternoon, going through your closet, bedroom, and bathroom.
You were scrubbing your shower when you heard the doorbell, but your sister, ever the nosey one, yelled that she would get it, so you continued cleaning, forgetting that someone had come to the door by the time you finished cleaning the bathroom. 
When you finally stopped cleaning for the day, it was close to 9 PM, so you decided to get ready for the night out at Yoongi and Hobi’s place. After about an hour and a half, you were dressed, makeup done, and ready for the party. You ventured out of your room, noticing a large blue hatbox on the kitchen counter.
“Yuna! What’s this blue box?” you yelled, and her reply carried from down the hall.
“A delivery, for you, from earlier!”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you grumbled, cursing your sibling as you reached to remove the lid off of it. Inside was what looked like a photobook, a beautiful ombre of pinks and purples decorating the cover. Removing it from the box, you flip it open, noticing right away the neat handwriting that could only belong to one person. 
Sighing, you carry it to the couch, where you read the inscription he penned inside. 
“Right at this moment, I think of you.” 
Flipping through the pages, you see he’s created a scrapbook of the past month spent together. Pictures of the two of you at work, the park, each other’s places, and visiting each other’s families. Pictures of you sleeping in his arms, candids where you aren’t even aware of him taking the photos.
Each photo is vibrant, in his style of catching the light just right as it caresses your face, and you’ve never seen yourself look so beautiful. He’s scribbled little notes here and there, of what he noticed or what was happening when he snapped the camera, and you can’t help but blush when you see a photo in there of you after the two of you had sex. 
“I reach out my hand, and feel your breath. With eyes closed, before we know it, we’re together.”
Your fingers trace over the photo, where Jungkook’s face is, looking at you so lovingly as you sleep on his chest, the bed sheets from his childhood bedroom covering you both strategically so nothing indecent shows. 
The last page has a handwritten letter, not unlike the one you wrote for him all those years ago, with a tiger lily pressed inside. You looked up the meaning of the flower earlier in the day when you found the large vase while cleaning. Please love me. With shaky hands, you held the photobook and began to read.
5 years ago, you thought you were in love. I can tell you with certainty that 5 years later I pray that you are, because I am so in love with you. The way you see me, I don’t think I’ve ever been seen before. My whole life I’ve been behind the camera capturing others. And somehow you have taken the camera from me and now I’m the one being captured and seen. And I love it. You make me feel like I’m not just made up of the same ingredients that make up the stars in the sky, you make me feel like the very galaxy reflected in your eyes when you look at me. You’re beautiful, and I, Jeon Jungkook, am so in love with you. When I say I’ve always loved you, that there is no start, so there can be no end: we are fated—destined; you are mine as much as I am yours. These photos are only a fraction of the way I see you, the many shades that make up who you are, how could I ever capture them all? Please know, I want to spend the rest of time trying. So in case you didn’t see it, or weren’t sure: I love you. I want to be with you. No contracts, just you, wholeheartedly as mine, and me as yours.
It was nearing 11 when you reached Yoongi and Hobi’s house, leaving the Uber driver with a confused look at the way you dashed out of his car. You could care less; the man you were in love with was inside that house, right now, and you would be damned to let him get away again.
Pushing through the crowd of bodies, you looked side to side, searching for the familiar black tresses, ears straining to hear his musical laugh or catch someone saying his name. Entering the living room, your eyes fell on the beer pong table, where Jimin and Taehyung were playing against Yoongi and Hobi. 
Destination set on getting to that table, you wade through the throng of people with the obligatory happy new year. Some attempted to stop to ask you how you’ve been, fill you in on the latest office gossip, or inquire about the exact relationship status of Jungkook. Those in the latter category were met with major side-eye. Plastering a fake smile on your face each time, you finally shake the last of them, jogging the last few steps until your right on the edge of the game.
“Y/N! Glad to see you!” Hobi was his typical cheerful self, greeting you with his signature smile as he watched Taehyung try and line up his shot in the cups Yoongi just re-racked.
“Hey Hobi, Happy almost New Year! Have you seen Jungkook?” you asked, skipping straight to the point.
“Um, yea, he came by earlier to drop off a few kegs for us, helped us move the furniture, but he went home. Said he wasn’t really feeling like celebrating.”
Yoongi, who had just grabbed the ping pong balls before they bounced off the table, handed one to Hobi as he gave you a pointed look.
“Yea, looked pretty heartbroken all week, if you ask me.”
“Well, no one did Yoongi. Give her a break,” Hobi answered before turning to you, “he’s probably at home. You can get there before midnight if you get an Uber quick.”
Thanking him, you threw your arms around him and Yoongi in a shared hug before waving to the other two on the far side of the table. You had someplace to be.
Outside in the quiet, you requested an Uber, happy to see one not even 2 minutes away. Thankfully, Jungkook only lived 10 minutes or so from the guys. You hoped traffic would be on your side. You knew you were cutting it close; 11:30 was approaching fast.
The ride to Jungkook’s apartment gave you too much time to think. Those 15 minutes (thanks drunk pedestrians) on the car ride over allowed the nerves to settle in, along with the doubt and fears. What if he didn’t feel that way about you anymore? What if he just wanted to bring you the photobook as a goodbye?
Shaking the thought from your head, you took a deep breath before you climbed out of the car and into the hushed cold of the last day of December. You had never shown up to his place unannounced like this, so used to trailing him into his apartment. The closed door was daunting to you, but you didn’t have much time now.
Knocking louder than you needed to due to those pesky butterflies in your stomach, what feels like an hour is only 10 seconds or so until Jungkook is standing before you. 
“Hi,” you said, breathless from the cold and from the sight of him after so many days apart.
“Hi,” he responded, looking just as mesmerized to see you at his doorstep, “uh, wanna come in?” Jungkook took a step back, giving you space to come in and you stepped forward into the welcomed warmth of his home.
The scene before you is not what you were expecting. Jungkook had been sitting in the dark, a half eaten pizza and a beer bottle on the coffee table, with his favorite blue and grey plaid blanket haphazardly cast aside on the couch; most likely from when he stood to welcome you.
Shucking off your boots, you walked into the living room, Jungkook silently trailing you.
“I—I’ve missed you.” His voice is low, as if afraid he would spook you.
“I’ve missed you too.” You turned to face him, the light from the paused Netflix show reflecting in his beautiful orbs. You took in his face, split lip mostly healed and the bruise faded along his cheek.
“I got your gift.”
“I’m glad.”
The conversation between the two of you was static, neither sure of what to do. The silence ticked on for a few more seconds before you decided to stop being a pussy.
“Did you mean it? What you said?”
“Of course I did.”
“I’m glad,” you repeated his earlier phrase, stepping closer to him. You placed your hands on his chest, solid muscles reacting to your touch as he subconsciously flexed them. “Because I love you, too.”
Rising on your tippy toes, you pressed your lips to his, your body relaxing when you heard the sigh he let out from the contact. His hands pulled you closer, deft fingers gripping you in all the right places as he deepened the kiss. He tasted faintly of pizza and beer, and smelled so strongly of his vanilla musk. You couldn’t believe how much he felt like home to you. Being in his arms felt right. 
Bending slightly, Jungkook wrapped his arms under your thighs and lifted you up, never breaking the kiss. Hoisting you up, he carried you down the hall to his room, foot kicking the door shut behind him. So turned on by his show of strength, you rolled your hips down onto what was his growing length, seeking any friction that would help ease the ache between your thighs. 
Letting out a groan, Jungkook’s hands guided your hips roughly to where he wanted you, lining up your sweet spot so you could grind on him better. Licking into his mouth, your hands tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck. A slight tug exposed more of his neck, where you planted markers of your territory as you continued rolling your hips in time to his movements. 
“I want you.” The whispered words went straight to your core; hearing Jungkook’s voice break with need, need for you—you couldn’t get out of your clothes fast enough.
“Bed. Now.” You demand, and he laughs as he follows your directives, setting you down once he approached the edge of his queen sized mattress. You tug your jacket off, tossing it to the foot of his bed before peeling your shirt up over your head to reveal your bra to him. He doesn’t get to look too long; you’ve gripped the waistband of his grey sweatpants and pulled them low enough to free him from it’s confines. His cock sprung free, and, licking your lips, you switch positions with him. 
With his back to the bed, you pushed him down, and he went easily. Pressing your hand to his chest, you lay him back as you bend at the waist, bringing your mouth to his leaking head. You lick the bottom of his shaft up to the slit, collecting the pre-cum with the tip of your tongue before you take the head into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the sensitive tip. Under your hand, you feel his abdominal muscles contract as he lets out a moan letting you know how good you feel as you take him farther into your mouth. 
Speeding your ministrations, you hollow your cheeks as you slurp around the head, using your hands to massage the dripping spit along the exposed skin you can’t reach. His hands grip your hair creating a makeshift ponytail to keep it out of your face so he can watch you. And wow, does he love the sight of your lips wrapped around his cock, innocent eyes blinking coyly up at him while your mouth is stretched around him. Keep it up and he could cum too quickly in your mouth.
When your free hand traveled to his scrotum, he jumped, feeling an overwhelming sense of pleasure as his sack tensed up.
“Wait, baby, I don’t want to cum yet.” Jungkook panted, and you pop off of him with a lewd sound that filled the quiet of his room.
Tugging you towards him, he scooted back on the bed until his head was flush with the headboard. 
“Strip for me,” he urged, and you did, undoing the button on your jeans and sliding them down until you were naked from the waist down. His eyes stared pointedly at your chest and you unclasped your bra, adding it to the growing pile of clothes the two of you had made. Watching as he shed his shirt before laying back fully, kicking his sweats free from his body, you climbed onto the bed, and he directed you farther up his body until he could maneuver your thighs to either side of his face. 
“I’ve wanted you like this for so long, baby, please.”
Giggling softly, you lowered yourself slowly and he wound his arms around your thighs until his palms were wrestling lightly on them. The slow caress as he drew patterns on your skin matched the same pattern he drew with his tongue, you realized once he had you fully seated. Gripping the headboard, you threw your head back, rolling your hips as his lips and tongue ravaged you, the sexual sounds of him eating you out creating more for him to drink down. 
Curving your back to make you hunch forward, you adjust as the pleasure builds and you see his eyes, those bright galaxies staring at you as he pleasured you to climax and you tensed as the coil in your abdomen snapped, a mix of curse words and his name pouring from your lips as he worked you through it.
Placing your hands on his sweat laced forehead, you pushed to try and pull away from the overstimulation as he let out a laugh.
Scooting yourself down his body once he released you, you fell back and to the side of his muscular thighs, trying to catch your breath. You feel him moving, a low chuckle released as his hands grasped your wrists. Pulling you up, you see he’s now seated flush to the headboard, back against the soft grey padding. He guides your hips so that you straddle him, sitting your still sopping wet cunt onto his cock. Pressed against his stomach, he can feel the warmth emanating from your opening, and groaned, wanting to be inside of you.
Pressing his forehead to yours, his eyes meet yours as he intertwines your fingers before resting your interlocked hands behind your back at the curve of your ass.
“I love you.” His voice is strong, sure and confident in the words he says as he bares more than just his body before you. “I wanted you so badly back then, I want you even more now.” He presses a kiss to your lips, causing you to grind down on him. 
He kisses down your neck, hands still holding you in position over him. “Want to be inside of you, baby.” He nips at your neck, making you gasp, and when you rock forward, he’s rocking his hips down. 
The head of his cock presses against your core, and you settle back onto it, walls stretching to accommodate his girth. The two of you move in tandem, lips once again reunited in a raunchy kiss that only serves to turn you on more, sending enough slick between your lower lips to allow him to slip further into you until he’s bottomed out, a snug fit as the tip of his cock kisses your cervix. 
Releasing your hands, his large palms hold your back to pull you closer to him as you swivel your hips, rocking so the shaft slips in and out of you in short bounces. You rock, arms wrapped lazily around his neck as you play with the wet locks of hair as you ride him at your leisure, just enjoying the feel of your bodies connected as one. Chest to chest, you can feel the speed of his heart beat; it matches your own. 
“Can I go faster?” you asked, not wanting to go at a pace he wasn’t comfortable with.
“You can use me however you want, baby,” he replied, eyebrow cocked smugly as he gripped your waist tighter, “but please tell me I can cum inside.”
Nodding as you sped up, you bounced with more friction, his pelvic bone rubbing against your clit as you chased your high, fucking yourself on his formiddable cock.
“That’s it, fuck, baby, right there—” Jungkook’s moans, musical as he egged you on, brought you to your peak for the second time that night. Your walls clenched around him, and as your body froze, he took advantage of the moment to shift your bodies so you were on your back with your head to the foot of the bed. Bracing his feet on edge where his mattress met the headboard, he began to piston his hips into you, chasing his own high.
“Fuck, Jungkook, I’m gonna—again—” You can barely get the words out when your third orgasm is crashing around you, legs shaking from where they’re wrapped tightly around his narrow hips. Your release makes it wetter, and your swollen walls ache to feel his cum fill you.
“Gonna fill you up so good, baby, fuck a—baby into you, fuck, I want to see you carry my—my kid,” Jungkook’s cock is drowning in your essence, and hearing him talk about kids with you causes you to tighten around him, and he’s cumming, long ropes of his hot cum filling you until it’s seeping out around him as he continues to thrust indiscriminately, velvet muscle milking him dry.
Laying skin to skin in his bed, you laugh as the alarm clock numbers alert you to the fact that you had missed the New Year by 38 minutes. 
“What’s so funny?” Jungkook asked, eyes alight as he takes in your smile. 
“We missed New Year’s.”
“We didn’t miss it, we were simply enjoying our New Year’s kiss for longer than most.” He quipped back, fingers tracing patterns along your back. Your own nails were lightly scratching shapes into his chest as you rested your head on his shoulder. You spent the next 20 minutes of the first hour of the new year listening to him explain what happened with the camera strap, though you had already forgiven the incident. 
He wasn’t sure how Somin had the camera strap, though he suspected she stole it from his bag at the cafe. Jungkook told you about the meeting, how it helped him see that you weren’t a rebound; he was in love with you and while it was obvious to him, a part of him wanted to be sure before confessing to you. He didn’t want you to think he was rushing into things to get over his ex. He also apologized for fighting Namjoon, saying he was worried that seeing him fight would change how you viewed him, change his chances of being with you, this time for real.
“I love you, Jungkook, in case you didn’t know.”
“I love you too, in case you didn’t know.” 
“Hmm, but, I think we need to talk about children though, I think it’s a little too soon, despite our parents' ideas.” You giggled, and his cheeks turned red in embarrassment.
“It was just sex talk, we’re still just practicing, okay?”
Stretching, you roll away from his body, and he follows your body heat subconsciously, his body not wanting you far from him after almost a week of radio silence. 
“Hey, get back here, you’re mine.”
“Oh am I?” you teased, staying just out of his reach.
He pouted, accent slipping out as he moved closer to your retreating body.
“Yes, you’re mine, no rules, no contracts; just mine.”
“ ‘m all yours, baby,” you mumbled as you rubbed your nose to his in an eskimo kiss as he gathered you up in his arms, “and you’re mine.”
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UPDATE (5.18.21): 1st Prologue is Out Now!
BTW, ily ⟢ summary: Taking place in the To All the Men I’ve Fucked Before (TATMIFB) AU, this pre-story is the backstory to you and Namjoon’s friendship. A year after losing your virginity to Jungkook, you meet Namjoon, who becomes your best friend… and who you want so much more with. Before you and Jungkook get it together in To All the Men I’ve Loved Before, there was BTW, ily.
Thank you all so much for reading! I plan on doing an epilogue and some drabbles to get more insight into the pasts of these characters! I love them so much, I don’t think I am ready to let go. The masterlist will be updated as more are added! TATMIFB Masterlist
↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine 2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
1K notes · View notes
hisunshiine · 4 years
#NetflixReImaginedBTS Valentine’s Smut Recommendation Masterlist
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Netflix’s Valentine’s Day Smut Recommendation Masterlist
Welcome, Bangtan Streamers! Chosen just for your viewing pleasure, we have 6 of Netflix’s best originals reimagined into Bangtan AU’s for you to cuddle up with on this socially distanced Valentine’s Day! Browse through the list of the Smut Collection, but remember you need to be 18+ to enjoy these films. With a wide range of stories to be told, from RomComs to Bonnie & Clyde-style, we are sure to have a flick that meets your needs. Grab your favorite blanket and snack, dim the lights, and press play.  
links to ao3 are live, adding the tumblr ones asap as they are posted
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↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine. please do not repost, translate, or modify.
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✩ - one shot  ထ - chaptered  ↣ | f. - fluff | m. - mature topics (18+ due to smut, weapons, language, etc.) | a. - angst | tw. - trigger warning |  ↢
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And now, Netflix presents their recommendation for your Valentine’s Day viewing pleasure, their top 6 pics, streaming now.
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𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐭 ထ written by @Heathfritillary / m. a. tw: major character deaths, bank robbery actions (violence, use of weapons, deciet)
↳ au based off of La Casa de Papel | 14.4k words | completed
A modern day Bonnie & Clyde, after ‘London’ and ‘Ilsan’ are able to help pull off one of the largest bank heists in Seoul, they flee together. Love grows between the two, but as the clock ticks, authorities are on their heels. They don’t care how they catch them, at this point, dead or alive, they have to be brought to justice. How long can the couple survive? Starring Kim Namjoon as Ilsan and You as London, Money Heist is now streaming. Cross posted to her AO3 
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 ထ written by @KimYumi96 / m. a. tw. 
↳ au based off of The Old Guard | 8.7k words | on going
A group of mercenaries are suddenly targeted for their mysterious immortality. The leader of the group and oldest known immortal, Kim Seokjin, is ready to give up fighting for his unfulfilling life, until a newborn immortal seeks out their help. Has he finally found his life’s purpose? Starring Kim Seokjin and you, The New Guard is streaming now. Cross posted to her AO3 
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𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 ထ written by @sunkissedwriter / m. a. tw: minor character death 
↳ au based off of The King: Eternal Monarch | 12.2k words | on going
King Jung Hoseok has been searching for his savior for years, with nothing but a face to go off of. Following the call of the flute, he finds her in a parallel world; a detective who helps him uncover a dark secret, and the cruel path of his future. Fate has brought them together, but also threatens to rip them apart. Can balance be restored to both worlds before time runs out, or will the king lose his Kingdom and his lover? Starring Jung Hoseok and you, Hoseok: The King Eternal Monarch is now streaming. Cross posted to her AO3 
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 ထ written by @mrsparkjimin18​ / m. a. f. tw: 
↳ au based off of The Queen’s Gambit | 26.3k words | on going
After being abandoned to an orphanage as a child, Isabella spent her time there learning the game of Chess, becoming a prodigy at a young age. When she finally receives the coveted invite to a world renowned chess tournament, nothing will get in her way. That is, until she meets her match: the sexy and charismatic Park Jimin, Korea’s own chess prodigy. Will Isabella become Jimin’s pawn? Or will the Queen reign? Cross posted to her AO3 
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𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚 ထ written by @slutsbangtan / m. a. f. tw: 
↳ au based off of Holidate | 14k words | completed
You are tired of being single for every holiday, watching everyone else around you have a partner in crime for every celebration of the year. Taehyung, too, dislikes third-wheeling to all of the events his friends throw. An agreement to be each others plus-1 ensues, but is it realistic to think neither of you will catch feelings along the way? Starring Kim Taehyung and you, Holiday Stigma is now streaming. Cross posted to her AO3 
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𝐓𝐨 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐧 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 ✩  written by @hisunshiine​ / m. a. f. tw: fist fight, minimal blood 
↳ au based off of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before | 30k words | completed
Working for a large entertainment company has its perks. Like working with people you’ve known since college, when you attended the arts school that funnels right into the company. When your journal entries about people who you have slept with accidentally gets sent TO those people, you find that your quiet work existence gets turned upside down. Starring Jeon Jungkook and you, To All The Men I’ve Fucked Before is now streaming. Cross posted to my AO3 
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↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine.
↣ please do not repost work. images, netflix posters, and synopsis screens were made by @hisunshiine​ please do not repost. translations/modifications are not allowed.
↣ all of these stories are posted with the authors permission, and each story provides a link to the author and to their original content. due to some of them not having tumblr, they have asked me, the creator of the event, to post their stories.
146 notes · View notes
hisunshiine · 4 years
Money Heist | knj | Part 1
moodboard 1 | moodboard 2 | playlist | Netflix ReImagined BTS Masterlist
↳ #NetflixReImaginedBTS: Kim Namjoon x Reader starring in a bank robbery au
↳ M-18+, implied sexual content, major character deaths, bank robbery actions (violence, use of weapons, deciet)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Money Heist Masterlist | Heathfritillary (author)
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The Professor’s Rules
Rule #1 - No real names Rule #2 - No falling in love Rule #3 - Absolute trust Rule #4 - No games Rule #5 - Follow the plan, throughout Rule #6 - No taking lives, no civils Rule #7 - Low profile Rule #8 - Memorize the plan Rule #9 - Codes, escape routes Rule #10 - Blend
Prologue: Dread was not the right word to use to express how I felt. Every waking moment was an uncertainty. Every passing day I had to look over my shoulder. Senses on high alert, heart-pounding fiercer, I had to stay sharp. All I had to rely on was my intuition, rationality, the rush of adrenaline as it pumped through my veins as it guided me to safety.
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There was no room for fuckups. Rules were set in place before, during, and after the heist. The Professor made sure of it.
Everything was methodically thought out. There was zero tolerance for anything that steered from what already was part of the Professor’s plan. Every detail was thoroughly calculated, gone through numerous times until perfected, and every possible scenario or turn the heist could go, the Professor had already considered it.
When I met him, I guessed him to be someone who was reserved. That initial thought, however, remained throughout the months I spent and got to know him. Regardless of my attempts to loosen him up, he grew more inward. A timid and quiet man, one I could not quite figure out despite my intuitive bullshit radar. My instincts told me otherwise. The Professor was someone I could trust. Moreover, he was someone who had my back if the going ever got tough.
Even after I had broken one of his sacred rules, he kept me around.
He stated it was solely because of my natural blend-ability. In other words, I was the type of person who could go unnoticed and get away with things. Although originally offended, one of the Daegu brothers – during our first meetings – mockingly pointed out my pretty privilege, claiming it was a universal thing to bend the rules and show favoritism to people that society deemed as attractive.
It bothered me to my core but despite it – and as the only woman on the team – I had to admit, I could complete missions and do things the others were not able to. Because of this, I was an asset regardless of how many rules I broke.
I was aware of it being careless, stupid even. It was not something that was planned, it was merely something that happened beyond my control. It occurred and I did not regret it one bit.
Love always seemed to happen at the least likely places. It was not a foreign concept to me, neither were relationships. In fact, I cherished everything about love and my language of expression was forever limitless.
When I was introduced to the other members the Professor carefully handpicked for the heist, I was taken aback by their charms and charisma.
They were handsome, all six of them; each with their own styles and skills to assist the Professor and his master plan. Some of them knew each other from rumors or past jobs and others did not.
I worked alone, always had and always would.  
The day the Professor recruited me, he had asked to meet him at Chateau de Foix, a castle in France. He had sneakily placed a note in my jacket as I was scouting a Chanel store intending to rob it days later. I was not sure what I was getting into but before even meeting him, he assured me with his note that he could make me wealthier than I could ever contemplate. So, I met him at Chateau de Foix.
I was interested. He caught my attention.
He did not disclose much until he was certain I was someone who he could trust. Honestly, I could not blame him. Partners were not my thing, especially partnering with a man. There was something about them that made my skin crawl. When it came to men and money, there was always one certain thing; they would fuck you over.
The Professor laid out pieces of his plan and as obscure and ambitious as it was, I kind of felt intrigued by his nerdy appearance, his hesitation to look me in the eye, how well-spoken he was and how greatly he sold his plan.
Again, he caught my attention.
Luckily, he had informed me where the next meeting would be and that I was the only woman on the team. He requested I thought it over and I did. I flew to South Korea. That was where the plan had to take place.
At first, I could not escape the futile catcalls or misogynistic remarks. The Professor was too much of a beta to control the dominant thieves who thought they knew better than most.
The worst one was the man with the effortless beauty and striking features. At first glance, he did not look Korean. GC as we called him, or Geochang County as the Professor had dubbed him. Younger brother to Daegu and quite frankly, a little too handsy for my liking and too excited to see a pair of tits on the team. So, I did what I had to ensure my survival and role as well as what I did not tolerate.
He did not appreciate the sass and the chokehold on his intimate part as I stood my ground.
Since then, no one had attempted to try my patience. In fact, all the teasing became just that, teasing … with zero malice or ill intentional comments. They were guys around me, sure, but they became mindful, more tolerable. Exactly how I preferred my men.
For months, I spent time with the six guys including the Professor as we prepared to rob the Bank of Korea. I got to know them individually and I had to admit they were starting to feel like family.
The Professor had set us up at Jindo, a remote island known for its parting sea during the spring season. He had rented a beach house and from there we listened as the Professor disclosed his plan, made the necessary preparations such as getting familiar with the bank, its routines, staff, and much more.
Busan, Seoul, and I would often get paired when a trip to the Bank of Korea was presented.
Busan was a mastermind in human behavior and expertly designed profiles of everyone that worked at the bank; from cleaners to CEOs. If you ever wondered or had questions about anyone going in and out of the bank, Busan was the man to call.
Despite his small size and soft features, he was a man who could not tolerate disadvantages. Knowledge was power he would often say especially during a heist and he would stride for perfection.
He was smart.
I did not think of making profiles for the law enforcement that would be called to deal with the hostage situation we would inevitably have to take to secure our survival. But Busan did. He knew exactly who the bank would call, their past, their marital status, the number of kids, he knew everything.
He was an asset.
Seoul, however, possessed something that completely went over my head. Technology. At first glance, I guessed him to be an assassin of some sort.
He was the quietest of the group and the hardest man to get close to. Despite his big eyes and tattoos, he was extremely fun to be around. Once he opened up, I realized my instincts about him were a tad off. Although a part of me questioned my abilities, I came to the realization that looks could be deceiving. Seoul was someone who did not open up as easily as the rest and had to assess his environment first.
I was much like him and because of this, he and I became the closest.
The technology was not my strongest suit but it was his. Every trip we made to the capital, he gained more knowledge about the bank and the software they used including hacking their system, so we could gain access to the security cameras.
The Professor was beside himself when he received the live footage of the bank. This meant we did not have to expose ourselves by making those trips to the capital but could spy on everyone from the comfort of our beach house.
I was relieved. Unlike Busan and Seoul, I had to be the one to risk everything and use my abilities and go inside the bank. The Professor had bought wigs and often I would rotate them with each trip but that did not stop my heart from beating faster than it ever had.
A thief afraid of getting caught, Busan would joke often in my earpiece but the Bank of Korea was something far greater than the high-end stores I used to steal from. It was a different level and the consequence of getting caught was larger than a meaningless brand shop.
Once the dust settled and we gathered some information, part two of the Professor’s plan could start. Breaking in the bank and taking hostages as leverage was the easiest part. Once inside, we had to establish some kind of order. The Professor would be on the outside helping the rest coordinate from within while being the voice of the heist.
I caught him blankly staring at the vision board he often used like a teacher standing in front of his class, deep in thought as his eyes wandered across the whiteboard, “Can I help?”
“No, I’m thinking.”
“Need help thinking?” I teasingly suggested the wine bottle I was drinking from.
“Once inside, what is your job?”
“The hostages with GC.”
I shrugged as I took a sip. The Professor ripped his gaze from the board and glared at me. He was not in the mood for my games. Something was bothering him. So, I sighed, “We both can handle a gun, GC isn’t afraid to use it. By having one of each gender there, the women will feel safer and the men won’t try anything.”
“And we are the calm and order. Our job is to keep them quiet and put the fear of God in them.”
“And you?” he murmured as he placed his index finger on the bridge of his nose, keeping his glasses from falling, “I am sure there will be arguments and disagreements once you get inside. There’s no going around that fact. All of you have some kind of experience but most of you are hot-headed. Who will put the fear of God in you? As you eloquently said. Who?”
“Gwacheon is the oldest.” The Professor stood up after my answer. I watched him as he began to collect his things from the desk before he excused himself, “Where do you plan on going?” I asked as I followed him to the front door.
“I’ll be back in a couple of days.”
“You didn’t answer my question.” He reached for his jacket and told me to trust him and take a break until he returned before leaving for an unknown mission.  
A couple of days turned into a week. The Professor was gone and some of the other guys grew agitated. Some questioned him and his plan while others, including myself, did as he had asked and took a break.
Gwacheon, the oldest and the most level-headed person on the team, was lounging by the bonfire created for the dinner he was preparing. Loyal to the Professor as I was, he went ahead and took his suggestion.
Everyone was desperate for a break. It had been months of planning and thinking of every detail. A break was welcomed, needed.
Gwacheon had planned a dinner for the team and was thrilled to have some downtime. With beers in the cooler, the sun setting beyond the horizon, and a cozy fire, he began to season the beef as he hollered for me to start the music. The Professor was on my mind. So, in honor of him, I played ‘Bella Ciao’ by Manu Pilas. He was far from home as was I and although he was not around at the moment to enjoy the festivities with us, I knew he was with us in spirit.
I tapped on Gwacheon’s broad shoulder and he shot an amused smile. The Latin vibes of the upbeat song made me dance with soju in my hand. Allowing the Spanish words to energize and elevate my mood as I poorly attempted to sing along. He laughed at my dance but could not help swing his hips along to the beat.
My eyes then caught Daegu’s as he was assembling a gun. He smiled and shot me a quick nod to sit by him.
I eyed him as he began to pick the L85 apart before placing it in front of me. I raised an eyebrow at him, he chuckled while gesturing I gave it a shot. Proclaiming it was better to be prepared for a situation rather than a situation unfolding and remaining oblivious.
From the moment I met him, I knew he was the real deal, even heard rumors about the great mastermind who stole the Hope Diamond. When questioning him in my drunken state, Daegu simply flashed me a gummy smile. I was not too sure what that meant but I was certain he was someone who was legit and that I could potentially learn a lot from. I did.
Daegu was the kind of man who kept to himself, quiet and reserved like the Professor but he did not shy away from passing down his experiences and knowledge. I often caught myself wondering how polar opposite he was from his brother, GC. Daegu struck me as someone methodical with his approach while GC was spontaneous. But as the Professor ensured, GC had something most in the team did not have; quick thinking, unique perspectives, and the kind of smarts that could never be taught.
“Go ahead,” Daegu said as GC came into view with Gwangju carrying bowls of rice, kimchi, and steamed vegetables.
I grabbed the disassembled parts and attempted to assemble them to my best capabilities. Daegu grinned and GC approached the table. He waited a moment and watched as I struggled with the parts until he groaned and grabbed the gun from me.
Swiftly, he assembled the gun while casually counting in his native tongue, “Samshipil,” he announced as he slid the gun back to me, “31 seconds.”
“That’s a record,” Daegu smiled at his brother.
“I don’t know what the Professor was on but I doubt you’ll get any hostage to take you seriously if you can’t even do that.”
“Don’t listen to him. He’s a prick,” Daegu shot his brother a glare, “We have time,” he began to disassemble the gun once more, “Try again.”
I was grateful for Daegu’s patience. Although I had some knowledge of firearms, I tended not to use them during my ventures. A small pocket pistol was always in my bag and I could operate it. However, these types of guns were far from anything I had experienced, bigger too.
Luckily though, Daegu was a trained assassin and this was his specialty. He along with Gwacheon and Gwangju had pulled off heists before; together as well as separate. In other words, they were the experts on the team.
Daegu and Gwangju had a friendship like no other and had often saved each other from dire situations. They had worked multiple jobs together and relied on one another in admirable ways. For a moment, I was envious of their friendship and loyalty to each other.
Although Gwacheon had worked with them before, he often carried out small heists on his own. Much like myself, he preferred not to have a partner but made me realize that sometimes they could be useful, especially when it came to bigger jobs.
He was a lone wolf when he had to be. He told me to remember that. And I did.
I did not see the appeal. In fact, humans tend to be unreliable and oftentimes selfish. I could not trust it, anyone for that matter. It was one of the first things I learned from my father. His partner had sold him out, so he could reduce the sentence the authorities were threatening him with. Since then, I did not seek the help of others.
It was always me, myself, and I. However, the Professor managed to find a group of people whose company I actually enjoyed. Despite being thieves and some of them murderers, they were a group of men I had grown to like and trust.
Gwangju sat opposite me as I struggled with the L85. He clinked his soju bottle with mine and I grinned before giving up, “Look me in the eye as you take the first sip,” I ordered.
“Cheers,” he said and grinned, “Does that mean something where you’re from?”
“Means you’ll have bad sex if you don’t.”
“Well in that case,” he clinked his bottle with mine once more, “We don’t want that.”
He shot me a big and pearly smile before he began to assemble the gun. I studied his prominent features for a moment, admiring his natural beauty and olive skin before directing my gaze down at the heavy firearm as he explained which parts went where.
Fully focused on his words and his handle of the gun, I felt Busan’s presence behind me. He climbed between Daegu and me, “What’s up?” I asked when I caught his eyes.
“After dinner, we should get lit and go to the festival,” his suggestive demeanor forced a smile from me. Out of the six men, he was the one who actively sought my attention, persistent fucker.
He was interested in me, I could sense it. And although it would have been easy to spread my legs for him or any of the others, I was only interested in collecting my end of the robbery. Completing the heist unscathed was my sole concern and these little horny thieves were not going to stray me from my goal.
“Low profile,” Gwangju spat as my eyes were on Busan’s, “We can’t be seen together. Rule number seven.”
“Screw the Professor and his rules,” he responded without taking his eyes off mine. Busan studied my features as my gaze shifted from his plump lips to his dark eyes, “Besides, we deserve a little fun,” he directed his attention to Gwangju, “What the Professor doesn’t know won’t kill him.”
“He did say we were on a break until he got back.”
“Do not encourage him, London,” Gwangju warned after finishing the assembly of the gun.
“A little fun didn’t hurt anyone,” Busan voiced as his fingertips caressed my bare shoulder.
“Careful there, brother,” GC sat beside Gwangju with soju in hand, “You do not want her claws piercing your ballsack.”
“London wouldn’t be that mean to me,” Busan’s eyes wandered between mine and then my lips as he leaned closer, “Would you?”
I felt the hot air from his parted lip brush against mine and I could not help but meet him halfway. With a cocky smirk, I reached down for his clothed manhood, digging my sharp nails in the jean fabric he wore as a sudden groan escaped him, “Don’t get too comfortable, kiddo,” I whispered against his mouth as he hissed and cursed under his breath.
“Told you,” GC grinned, and soon after the rest began to laugh at Busan’s failed attempt.
Busan convinced GC and Seoul to join him at the spring festival. Every year on the day of the parting sea, locals would celebrate the event by throwing a massive street party. The island was known for its festivities and attracted a lot of tourists. I could not visit South Korea and not experience what Jindo had to offer. So, I went, and as reluctant as Gwangju was, he joined us as well until Gwacheon decided to make it a family affair and convinced Daegu to join the outing too.
South Korea had always been a country I wanted to visit. It was known for its rich culture, delicious food, and its kind people. So far, I enjoyed everything I had experienced.
Despite the intention of the visit, I was grateful to be here and be amongst native men who could guide me and translate if needed. Sadly, one of the Professor’s rules was to blend as much as we could and not draw any attention to ourselves. Knowing him and the stick up his butt, he would not have been too pleased to know that we were lounging with the locals, getting drunk until late, and essentially making a mockery of his rule system.
Close to midnight, Daegu wanted to head back to the beach house and he did along with me and Seoul who had to prepare to monitor the bank in the morning. He was close to hacking into the internal security system, the one that allowed us to view everything on the inside.
Freshly out of the shower, the house was painfully quiet with most of the others still enjoying the festivities. I danced around with a pair of headsets blasting music in my ears, enjoying the alcohol that roamed in my system as I shimmied into my undergarments. ‘All That’ by Emotional Oranges came on and I sang along as I smeared lotion on my body. Soon the music captivated every inch of my body and I began to dance when suddenly I caught a glimpse of a man watching me by the door.
A loud gasp came out of me, but as startled as I was, my body knowingly eased, assessing the situation as I stared down the stranger without showcasing any fear. I had not seen him before and I wondered how he had gotten inside of the beach house.
Seoul had explicitly explained that the place was safely secured.
The man leaned against the doorframe as a small sigh evaded his plump lips while he unapologetically allowed his gaze to travel down my body, “The Professor didn’t say anything about a woman being on the team.”
“The Professor?”
He eyed me momentarily, “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’m Ilsan. What’s your assigned city?”
“London.” I nodded as the realization came over me. He was what the Professor was searching for. He was the mission he had mentioned; the team’s leader and the one to instill the fear of God in us.
Just then did it occur to me that Ilsan had to be someone the Professor trusted completely. He was almost obsessively calculated with everything about the heist. For our safety and his own. Everything had to be planned. And he was right. We were hot-headed, argued, and disagreed many times. Everyone had their own styles but for the heist to be successful, it required that we all moved as a team. The Professor knew this, knew once we were inside, he was limited in terms of guidance. Although communication would be out of the question, he needed someone on the inside that would make sure the proper steps would be taken.
I eyed Ilsan and sensed why the Professor had chosen him. He had an authoritative aura. I was sure he was the kind of man who inserted his dominance well. The Professor was a beta but based on first impressions, Ilsan struck me as someone who did not mind and preferred - despite the pressure and responsibility - to be the top alpha of the team.
“London,” he sang, “That's a pretty name. I have been there. Wet country.” I attempted to hold back the appearing smile that the comment accurately described about my home city, “Did you choose it or did the Profess--”
“You got your sneak peek,” I hastily voiced, not interested in his small talk and especially with lack of clothes on, “Fuck off. I’m getting ready for bed.”
He chuckled into a low hum as he crossed his arms, resting his head against the doorframe, “You usually have a party before bed?” I caught a glance of his smirk and the dimples that came along with it. He was a flirt, much like Busan, and I was not having it. Ilsan did not know that I was someone not to be messed with. But he would soon. I walked over to the door and shoved him backward by his chest before slamming the door in his face.
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↣ all rights reserved © heathfritillary 2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed. 
47 notes · View notes
hisunshiine · 4 years
Money Heist | knj Masterlist
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↣ A modern day Bonnie & Clyde, after ‘London’ and ‘Ilsan’ are able to help pull off one of the largest bank heists in Seoul, they flee together. Love grows between the two, but as the clock ticks, authorities are on their heels. They don’t care how they catch them, at this point, dead or alive, they have to be brought to justice. How long can the couple survive? Starring Kim Namjoon as Ilsan and You as London, Money Heist is now streaming. Cross posted to her AO3  
moodboard 1 | moodboard 2 | playlist | Netflix ReImagined BTS Masterlist
↳ #NetflixReImaginedBTS: Kim Namjoon x Reader starring in a bank robbery au
↳ M-18+, implied sexual content, major character deaths, bank robbery actions (violence, use of weapons, deciet)
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Heathfritillary (author)
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↣ all rights reserved © heathfritillary 2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
52 notes · View notes
hisunshiine · 4 years
Money Heist | knj | Part 3
moodboard 1 | moodboard 2 | playlist | Netflix ReImagined BTS Masterlist
↳ #NetflixReImaginedBTS: Kim Namjoon x Reader starring in a bank robbery au
↳ M-18+, implied sexual content, major character deaths, bank robbery actions (violence, use of weapons, deciet)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Money Heist Masterlist | Heathfritillary (author)
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I had never seen anything as mesmerizing as the sun rising beyond the horizon, the contrast of the blue ocean as the warm-toned colors of the sun and skies reflected on it and bounced along with the gentle waves. I took a sip of the mango juice I had poured into a glass as I stared out of the captivating scenery.
Hawaii was a beautiful state.
When Ilsan suggested it should be our next destination after we had arrived back at the beach house, I did not like it but as he adamantly explained, none of us had been identified by the authorities.
It was the perfect time to flee South Korea. We could go undetected and did not have to hide out at Jindo until the heat settled. Ilsan suggested that we could go immediately. Sadly, despite how much of your life you plan for, reality would never reflect your wishes. Sometimes shit happened that was out of your control.
I learned that the hard way. We lost Daegu and Gwacheon while fleeing the bank. Busan and GC were arrested and the authorities knew the identities of Seoul and Gwangju.
The devastation was not the right word to use to express the anger I felt when the police plastered the images of some of us on national television. Unfortunately, Busan and GC were very popular among the locals in Jindo and often went out. People recognized them and it was by the grace of God that Ilsan woke up and heard the commotion of the police busting in and led me out of the beach house.
Guilt was not the right word either. What I felt was far more crippling and disheartening. I left my boys. I did not know where they were or what they were doing to them. I kept wishing that they were alright somehow, that they were still breathing somewhere. However, Ilsan was far less optimistic. He stated on our way out of the country the Korean government would most likely execute them, reminding me that we held the President of the country hostage, tied him up, and stripped him of all of his rights and pride.
Moreover, the stinging pain of actually losing people who I had spent every waking moment hurt me in ways I ever thought possible. As soon as we landed in Hawaii, I sank into a state I could not recognize.
Thankfully, Ilsan took care of me.  
As sadistic and ruthless as he was before and during the heist, I saw him in a different light after we had arrived here. He made sure I had the space to process everything that happened when phase four was activated. I failed to protect Daegu and we lost him. I was supposed to have his back and I could not even do that.
GC could not look at me. Everything was ruined from then.
I understood his anger and sympathized when he demanded Ilsan throw me to the police. I understood. He could never forgive me. I felt his pain, the betrayal he felt despite it all being a moment where I did not react accordingly. He hated me and I understood, so I took every hurtful word, every shove and slur tossed my way.
Ilsan would not stand for it.
Regardless of how infuriated GC was, Ilsan forced him to push his feelings aside so the rest of us could make it out alive. I was not allowed to leave Ilsan’s side. He whispered in my ear, as we waited our turn to escape through the backup exit Gwacheon had created, that he was not feeling secure around GC and that I should not either. He said he had seen teams go against each other during a heist and he did not appreciate how GC glared at me.
I never left Ilsan’s side. Even after we came back to Jindo and met up with the Professor. I was not allowed to leave his side. He could not rest properly until we had cut ties and went our separate ways. Ilsan was adamant about getting out of South Korea as fast as we could.
All trust for GC had disappeared and understandably so, but Ilsan could not risk GC opening his mouth and giving the authorities any sort of information about him or me. So, I kept my distance and GC repaid the favor.
I wish I could see him one more time. I did not know where he or Busan was but I was certain they were in the police’s custody.
I clutched my glass as my forehead gently touched the cold surface of the door window looking out to the white beach. Forgiveness was all I wanted from GC and from Busan. I hoped someone was caring for his shoulder. Busan had become weak during the heist and I feared for his recovery. The Professor sent a doctor over to the beach house and he fixed him back up but I was sure that the police did not prioritize his health as much as we did.
My heart ached.
Unfortunately, due to the Professor’s involvement, Interpol was informed and a lot of people suddenly wanted to help South Korea capture everyone who was part of the heist. We had to be careful. It was only a matter of time until our identities would have been revealed too.  
Too many thoughts occupied my mind, I did not register that Ilsan was behind me. I felt his bare chest grace my back as his arms wrapped around my frame, his chin resting on my shoulder blade, “Good morning, beautiful.”
“What are you doing up?”
I shook my head a little as I allowed a small sigh to come out of me. I wanted to tell him what was roaming my mind, the concerns I had, and the overwhelming guilt I felt but knowing Ilsan, I figured he would brush my feelings aside and tell me I was overthinking. Yet as soon as I felt his plump lips on my neck I closed my eyes and allowed the tender kisses to comfort me.
“Talk to me,” he hummed into my skin.
“The others. I’m thinking about the others.”
“Busan and GC?”
“Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung,” I murmured as I remembered learning their names on the plane ride to Hawaii. Ilsan bought a newspaper and he translated what the headlines said about the two thieves. I turned to face him, “Hoseok and Jungkook are still out there. You saw the news yesterday. The kitchen is still hot, Namjoon. There’s too much attention on us.”
“Not on us.”
“It’s just a matter of time.”
“It’s been three months since we did it.” He placed a kiss on my forehead as he pulled me closer to him, “Three months, baby. We are comfortable here and people mind their business.”
“It’s a matter of time.”
“Maybe. But right now, we are safe. We are rich. No one knows us as Namjoon, Y/N, London, or Ilsan. We are Mr. and Mrs. Son.” He smiled, showcasing his dimples as he reached for my hand and kissed the wedding band he had bought a month ago. With new identities and a small ceremony, Hawaii had become the staple of our love. Despite the stress and anxiety that came with robbing a bank, we managed to find a place to settle in and begin our lives as a married couple. It was calm here. And Namjoon was right, we were safe … at least, for now, we were free.
I stared into his rich dark eyes as he swayed my hips. He was being playful.
Ilsan had been hard to read since I met him almost a year ago. However, despite his resistance and innate instincts to pull away and not trust anyone, he somehow began to let his guard down. I knew it bothered him that he was responsible for another person. Much like myself, he was a soloist; always had been and figured he would be forever.
Lovestruck when he least expected it as well. It came as a surprise to both of us. However, I did not regret falling for him.  
Ilsan was more than I had ever expected for myself. He was strong, smart with his decisions, and he had a lot of knowledge and experience under his belt. Regardless of his disappointment for the newfound responsibility - mostly due to a deep-rooted fear that he would not be able to protect those who trusted him the most - he never shied away from showcasing his affection for me, his passion for my body, and his enthusiasm about our love.
I leaned into his palm as it began to caress my cheek. Our eyes locked on each other as we studied one another. He pulled me closer to him, his hand now clutching my jaw as his lips met mine for a long and sensual kiss. Groaning into it slightly as the intensity grew, I felt his other hand traveling down to the hem of my t-shirt. His fingernails dug into my thigh as he exposed more of my skin while sliding the t-shirt upward, “I will protect you,” he promised into the kiss, “I will do everything to keep you safe.”
My hands traveled down his bare chest as the kiss grew more passionate. His tongue entered my mouth, slowly dancing sensually and poetically with mine as it became hungrier, almost as desperate as the first night we shared our first kiss.
I could never get tired of kissing him. His lips were soft, pillow-like as they met mine. He took his time; exploring every inch of my body and assuring I received mine before he did. A true gentleman. Often, in our afterglow, he would brag that he took great pride in fulfilling me the way I wanted to.
Those months at the beach house, we had each other on every surface imaginable. Never slowing down our pace, we kept exploring each other. I wanted him, always. I could not keep my hands to myself and neither could he. It was an intense and passionate beginning, one that drove me intoxicatingly mad. The need for each other’s embrace grew so powerful that it almost turned into a drug.
His touch was something I could not be without for too long. It felt as if I was incomplete without him. And he had - numerous times - expressed the exact same unyielding longing for me.
To the others, our relationship came across as something purely based on the physical aspect. Although it started as such, I could not deny that was the basis of it. Today, however, Ilsan was a man I saw a future with, one I cared for deeply. I had said yes when he proposed.
Rose petals all over our condo in Hawaii. Little cute notes scattered everywhere to find the ring he had bought.
When I first met him in Jindo, he did not strike me as a man filled with overwhelming patience, affection, and a whole lot of romance. Ilsan was the embodiment of a romantic lover.
As stern and direct as he was, just as attentive and soft-spoken he could be around me. He cared. More so than any man I had the displeasure to date and call a boyfriend. So, I said yes. I became him and he was mine.
Lost in the drug that was his scent, I moaned into his hungry mouth. Our tongues danced fiercer as desperate pants escaped us while our bodies overheated in arousal. He pushed into the door window, pulling one of my legs over his hip as our lips kept a steady and needy pace.
The print of his erect length brushed against my stomach and my body reacted by shooting electricity from my core as excitement overcame me.
Ilsan and I had not been able to keep our hands off each other ever since our first encounter together. The innate attraction was still very much prominent, even after a year, we could not get enough of each other. It was as if any rational train of thought disappeared and all that was left was this primal and raw need to destroy and claim one another.
Speedily, I reached for his clothed bulge. A growl into my mouth appeared from the depths of his throat. The sudden hold on it along with my desperate need to prepare him to penetrate my eager slit made him clutch my throat in response.
“Baby,” he said slightly out of breath. I stared into his dark eyes, undeniable lust pierced through them as he gawked down my entirety, “I want you slow,” he murmured. I eyed him momentarily, contemplating the words as a ray of memories rushed in my head.
Ilsan and I were not only perfect for each other in terms of lifestyles or love language but we were compatible in ways I had never experienced with a man. When I say he changed my stances and opinions about certain things, I meant it. He was unfamiliar, virtually everything about him was new and exciting. So, when we shared our first lovemaking, I was pleasantly surprised that he fucked me as I had always wanted.
I never instructed him.
It was as if his body was made for mine. Like two perfectly sculpted clays, morphing into one as we explored every inch of each other and discovered that we were nothing without one another but together, we could become something far greater than anything neither of us had experienced.
To say I was deeply in love with him would not begin to justify the emotions I felt for him. He was beyond words. Our love was beyond life.
“Slow,” I nodded and I felt his large hands cupping my rear before lifting me up. My lips found his as he carried me back to bed.
He reached for my legs, closing them together as he elevated them. I grinned when he began to place tender kisses on my ankles before he nipped at my toes. I stared into his eyes with a nervous pant, unaware of what he meant by taking it slow.
Usually, our love was passionate and raw but today he wished to take things slower. I did not mind it. It was a slight surprise and often when he did this, it meant he had something up his sleeve.
“What?” He chuckled.
“You’re being suspicious of me.”
“I’m not.”
He laughed and forced my legs open before allowing them to rest on each of his hips, “Hmm,” he hummed as he stared down at me.
“You should be suspicious.”
“Oh?” I raised an eyebrow at him and he eyed me momentarily before he caved and pulled out a small box from his pocket, “What is this?” I used my elbows to lift myself up.
“Open it, Princess.”
“Why? What is this?” Excitement overcame me as I sat up. He threw himself beside me and watched as I opened the velvety red box, “Namjoon,” I kept repeating into a delighted giggle.
“It’s nothing special.”
“It’s not our anniversary yet,” I eagerly opened and gasped suddenly as soon as I spotted the heart-shaped emerald necklace that was staring back at me, “Oh gosh, it’s beautiful.” I was spellbound, my gaze kept studying the rose gold chain and how captivatingly the rising sunlight reflected on the stone.
“You like it?”
“I’m glad.” His rich baritone voice explained how Valentine’s Day was coming up in a couple of days and he wanted to give me something thoughtful. “I know we can’t be like every other couple and celebrate. It’s fine that you are worried, baby, I respect it and appreciate that you keep an eye out for us but I did not want you to lose this day.”
“You’re so sweet.” He flashed a tender smile as I took his hand in mine, “I love you.”
The ambiance of the restaurant was something that captured the romance of this night. I had never been the type of woman who enjoyed a trivia holiday but I had to admit since Ilsan became my partner, I wanted to experience love with him. And he was good at it too. Everything was planned out. From my outfit to the place we would celebrate our love.
I sat opposite him, studied how gently the candlelight beamed at his olive skin. Spellbound and utterly captivated by his striking features as I took in his beauty. Ilsan looked amazing in a suit, he chose a beautiful one that complimented my long dark dress. He was reading the menu of the French restaurant he had picked for the occasion. He began to correct his tie and I could not help but watch as his knuckles turned white by the grip, how merely moments ago that same hand was clutching my throat.
“What?” He asked without glancing away from the menu, “What are you thinking?” I let out a small giggle, caught red-handed in my perverse thoughts. “Do you know what you want?” He ripped his eyes from the leather-covered book and caught my gaze, “You haven’t looked.”
He eyed me momentarily. Everything around us was practically nonexistent. The chatter from the other guests faded, the soft violins playing from the speakers died down until everything evaporated and it was just us there. Sitting across from one another with a champagne bottle, red rose petals were casually thrown on the white table, and candle lights between us.
I slid my hand over to him and he caught it. His thumb gently caressing the ring on my left finger, “I like this,” I began, remembering the fight I initiated earlier this morning, “I never apologized.”
“I should,” our eyes met again. “I wish I could be like you and forget about the heist.”
“You’re inexperienced. I get it, you’re nervous.” He leaned over and placed a tender kiss on the back of my hand, “You worry. I get it, Princess.”
Ilsan had been involved with a lot of robberies and knew how to act and think afterward. He was right. I was inexperienced. Smaller shops were my thing and I never truly worried about police knocking on my door for stealing a Dior bag. But the bank of Korea was something else. We had gotten away with 700 million KRW. Divided equally among us. Unfortunately, we had to cut our time short and flee for our lives but the amount was better than nothing.
“You’re right. I’m being too obsessive.”
“Relax a little.”
“I will,” I retrieved my hand and began to look at the menu, “From now I will relax.”
Ilsan excused himself during the dessert. I watched him as he left for the bathroom. Sinking to the chair, I felt fulfilled by the French meals the chef so deliciously had prepared. The crepes on my plate kept staring at me but as much as I wanted to finish the beautifully decorated crisp pancakes with fresh fruits and powdered sugar, I could not force myself to overeat. So, instead, I drank my champagne glass finish.
I observed the other guests. Some were on a date like we were and others were alone. I caught a glimpse of a woman in a suit who was sitting alone two tables from me. My gaze fell on her plate and I could not help my mind from wandering. She had been there since we arrived yet her plate of snails was untouched. She must have sensed that someone was watching her because she stared back at me and I hastily ripped my eyes away. Just as I did, I noticed two men in suits both continuously studied me. My heart immediately sank. I tried to brush their stares away earlier as Ilsan suggested, not wanting to draw attention to ourselves but now that he had gone to the bathroom and most likely would be gone for longer to pay for the meal, I felt uncomfortable being on their radar.
Then as I attempted to calm my nerves, two Hawaiian police officers entered the restaurant and I froze in my seat. My heart sank again, this time faster until it had reached my stomach. The sight of the officers knocked my breath away and I hastily reached for my purse and coat. They glanced around and had not spotted me yet, so I speedily without hesitation and without drawing too much attention on myself walked to the register.
Ilsan waved me over as the hostess handed him his credit card, “We need to leave,” I sternly whispered.
He studied my face briefly before he scanned the restaurant, “Where?”
“Two men by the entrance.”
“You sure?” He eyed me and the expression on my face must have been enough for him. He took my hand and we rushed toward the back of the restaurant.
“Stop them!” Someone shouted and we began to run.
The employees in the kitchen were startled by our sudden appearance and halted all activities. Ilsan yelled at them to point at the back door and when no one took our situation seriously, he drew his gun. Scared into submission, a chef pointed behind himself and we rushed over to the exit.
We made it back to the little condo we had rented with cash. Still, with the Professor’s plan in our minds, we acted accordingly. Leave as fast as we could. I began to pack all of the essentials. Clothes and such did not matter. The money bags and our safety was our only concern.
Ilsan paused and clutched my hands before we kissed each other. This was going to be our first separation. He reached for the bags of money and walked out of the condo.
We hid a beat-up Chevrolet Impala close to our condo, able to blend perfectly once we used it to escape. Ilsan went over to it. I had only a few minutes to throw off the authorities by destroying the condo. With the television on, I began to mess up the space we had called home and created some memories that would never leave my mind.
The mention of the heist made me halt. I stared at the television as the news anchor spoke about how the authorities had caught Seoul in Finland. My heart sank once more. I froze as my eyes were glued to the screen. Images of his arrest appeared and I whimpered at the sight of him. I did not notice that Ilsan had returned. His gentle touch eased me as I had unknowingly held my breath, We watched as the news anchor explained that one of the thieves known as Gwangju was found in a hotel room in Ankara. Jung Hoseok had a full-blown shootout with the police, unable to escape, trapped like a mouse in a maze, he shot into them well-knowing they would fire back.
“He took charge,” Ilsan whispered as he gently caressed my back. Tears began to blur my vision as the realization of losing another one of us set in, “Baby?” Ilsan said until he shook me slightly, “We don’t have time for you to break down,” he reminded, “Let’s go.”
“Yes, yes,” I murmured as I wiped away the tears.
However, the mention of the assigned cities Ilsan and I had roamed in the condo making both of us stop once more and draw our attention back on the screen. The news anchor began to explain our appearance based on the hostages’ descriptions. Soon, police sketches appeared on the screen. Ilsan and I froze as we studied the candidly accurate portraits of us. Right down to his dimples and my hairstyle the day of the heist. Still, they did not know our identities.
“Thank God,” Ilsan hissed as he took my hand and guided me out of the condo.  
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↣ all rights reserved © heathfritillary 2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed. 
25 notes · View notes
hisunshiine · 4 years
Hoseok: The King Eternal Monarch Masterlist
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↣ King Jung Hoseok has been searching for his savior for years, with nothing but a face to go off of. Following the call of the flute, he finds her in a parallel world; a detective who helps him uncover a dark secret, and the cruel path of his future. Fate has brought them together, but also threatens to rip them apart. Can balance be restored to both worlds before time runs out, or will the king lose his Kingdom and his lover? Starring Jung Hoseok and you, Hoseok: The King Eternal Monarch is now streaming. Cross posted to her AO3 / Wattpad
moodboards | playlist | Netflix ReImagined BTS Masterlist |
↳ #NetflixReImaginedBTS: Jung Hoseok x Reader starring in an immortal au
↳ M-18+, explicit sexual content, fighting, blood & violence
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
. . .
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↣ all rights reserved © sunkissedwriter 2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
17 notes · View notes
hisunshiine · 4 years
#NetflixReimaginedBTS Cover Reveal- Namjoon
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Money Heist based off of La Casa de Papel
Coming Valentine’s Day!
cover made by @hisunshiine​ (myself)
15 notes · View notes
hisunshiine · 4 years
Money Heist | knj | Part 4
moodboard 1 | moodboard 2 | playlist | Netflix ReImagined BTS Masterlist
↳ #NetflixReImaginedBTS: Kim Namjoon x Reader starring in a bank robbery au
↳ M-18+, implied sexual content, major character deaths, bank robbery actions (violence, use of weapons, deciet)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Money Heist Masterlist | Heathfritillary (author)
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The sound of the static coming from the radio woke me from my nap. Groggily, I shifted in the car seat and noticed that Ilsan was not in the driver’s seat. I began to change the frequency until I found a local Hawaiian station. We were the highlight. Everywhere. Our descriptions were plastered all over. We needed to leave Hawaii. It was that simple. We could not stay for too long.
The female radio host explained how every path out of the country was blocked. The authorities were adamant about locating and capturing the last two remaining thieves. It had been a little under a week since we left the condo and it felt like there was no way we would be able to get rid of them. It was as if they were closer than I could see. Every corner we passed, I was certain I would see a sea of armed police officers ready to shoot a bullet in my skull.
They were zeroing in on us.
As much as we denied it, Ilsan and I had silently been thinking of Gwangju and Seoul. It was either surrender or go out with a bang. What mattered more? Our lives intact and in prison to rot forever or our lives cut short. There was no right answer and it felt as if I had no control. However, all we knew was right now we were together and for now, we were alright.
Ilsan walked over to the car with a bag in hand. He sat on the driver’s seat and began to groan as he pulled out items that would help us alter our appearances, “They said you had dark hair,” he handed me a blonde wig.
“Namjoon. They have police everywhere.”
“I know.”
“We won’t be able to leave.”
“We can try. The airline strip not far from here.”
“So, we are sticking to the plan?”
“He should be there to operate it for us. Get us the hell out of Hawaii. It would be easier to show up at the airport.”
“The cops wouldn’t expect that,” I murmured and he chuckled. “I’m hungry.”
“Me too.” He looked at me with a smile on his lips until the radio hostess caught our attention. She announced that the mastermind known as the Professor had been spotted and arrested in Egypt. Ilsan squeezed my hand as a way to reassure me, “We’ll figure it out,” he said as he gently tucked my hair behind my ear, “We always do.” But despite his words, I could not help but feel utterly alone.
They had us. They took Gwacheon’s, Gwangju’s, and Daegu’s lives, captured Busan, GC, and Seoul. And now, they had the Professor. Case closed. They were only missing us. Although I could not see them, I felt the noose around my neck.
We pulled to a gas station. I leaped out and Ilsan waited patiently until I returned. He kept guard. Luckily, the gas station was at a remote place. There was nothing but roads around. A single car was parked and we assumed it belonged to the owner.
Inside I paced as I collected snacks. We had been riding relentlessly with no pit stops, taking turns to drive while the other slept a little. We had one goal; get the hell out of Hawaii. The airstrip was a few miles ahead and that was our ticket to leave. The Professor knew where everyone was and hid in Egypt. Unfortunately, he had been caught. Nonetheless, he made sure back in Jindo that all of us would have an escape route if we ever were in the position to leave our condo as well as flee the countries we were hiding in, unrelated to each other and with zero communication.  
I got to the register and did not make eye contact with the hefty and sweaty locals. With the items on the counter, he began to ring them in as the overbearing heat made my scalp itch. The cheap wig Ilsan had bought was bothering me and the urge of ripping it off my head overcame me. I must have looked uncomfortable or something because I sensed the man slowed his pace. I eyed him momentarily from the safety of my sunglasses and requested he hurried up. I did not appreciate how he glared at me. As he did, however, I noticed his cellphone on the counter. It was within my reach and I contemplated the best strategy to take it. We had not informed the pilot that we would be cashing in on our escape plan. That cellphone could be useful.
I bumped into a shelf filled with bags of candy with such a force that the bags fell onto the floor, creating a loud sound that made the man halt and rushes over to me. Pretending to collect some of them while repeatedly apologizing, I stood when he began to mimic me and collect the bags from the floor. I used the opportunity to lean over and take his phone. That was when I noticed the police sketch of Ilsan and me. My heart caught in my throat as a sudden sting of fear pressed harshly on my chest. No wonder the man kept glaring at me.
I rushed out of the station and walked back to Ilsan who was casually leaning against the hood of the car, “We have been spotted,” I said out of breath and simultaneously the hefty man came out and began to yell after me.
Ilsan jumped into the driver’s seat and we drove away as fast as we could.
The sound of Ilsan groaning as he slowly woke up made me glance at him briefly before my eyes returned to the road. The window was open and the cold breeze cooled our bodies as we drove under the overbearing sun. Ilsan did not say much upon waking. He glanced at the phone I had stolen and dialed the number we were forced to memorize back in Jindo.
After a few attempts, Ilsan grunted in frustration. The pilot was not picking up, “Fuck,” he hissed.
“Try again.”
“I’ve tried three times.”
“Try again.”
Reluctantly, he obeyed, “Still nothing.”
“Well, he can’t just ignore us.”
“Maybe he’s not,” Ilsan said, “What’s the number?” I repeated the exact same number as he had dialed, “Yeah, it’s the same number. He’s fucking us!”
I flinched as soon as he threw the phone, sensing his growing frustration, “Namjoon.”
“Just drive.” I bit my tongue but I could not help placing my hand on his thigh. Despite his irritation, he took my hand and kissed the back of it, “I am sorry.”  
“We should be there soon,” I said as I sped up, “We’ll figure it out, even if it means we have to hijack one and hold someone at gunpoint.” He began to chuckle as he caressed the back of my head.
“Get in the plane.” he mocked my voice and I grinned when suddenly a bump so fierce made the car bounce violently, “What the fuck?” Ilsan turned his head to see what I had hit, “Shit Y/N, that’s spike strips!”
“We just hit spike strips! Why are there spike strips on the road?”
“Namjoon... ”
“What is it, baby, what is it?” I panted as I stared at the sea of cop cars and armed men and women pointing their guns at our car ahead. He matched my gaze and spotted them as well. “Baby, stop the car,” he murmured.
“I can’t.”
“Turn around.”
“I can’t, we fucked our tires!”
“Drive out of the road,” he instructed and I did.
The soil underneath made the car shake violently as the tires of the vehicle were disintegrating. I drove as fast as I could with tears running down my cheeks when the sudden sirens behind us went off. I glanced at the rearview mirror and wept at the sight of the police cars chasing us. Ilsan kept encouraging me to drive as he reached for the bag behind his seat, pulling out an RPD. With the window rolled down, he aimed the heavy machinery at the cars behind us, firing at them.
I could not think straight. I did not know how they got ahead of us, how they knew where we were. That was when I noticed the dash of the car. The cell phone I had stolen mockingly glared at me. I should not have taken it. My mind was racing as I attempted to keep the car as steady as possible for Ilsan. However, the ground underneath was too unstable. It was not meant to be driven on. By continuing, I knew there was no way we would openly surrender ourselves anymore especially with Ilsan shooting at them. Yet the images of Seoul giving himself up suddenly roamed my mind. He must have been as scared as I felt, Gwangju as well. But we gave up our right to surrender unlike Seoul and had chosen the same path as Gwangju.
When I could not see any more land, I hastily hit the breaks. Ilsan banged his head and cursed under his breath, “Namjoon, look.” I stared out at a beautiful ocean. No land in sight except a long way down.
I backed the car slightly and the sirens got louder and louder until they stopped. I shakily shifted as I glanced at the rearview mirror, spotting the police officers getting out of their cars, slowly and cautiously approaching ours.
They had us. There was no way out. We were stuck. They did not know our names but they yelled at us to step out of the car.
Every inch of me shook violently. I could not form any thoughts. The whole situation felt surreal to me. My brain could not comprehend what was going on. Then, as I whimpered, I felt Ilsan’s hand on the back of my head. He pulled me closer to him, foreheads pressed against each other as he repeatedly said he loved me. I wept into the long kiss he placed on my lips.
I had no idea what was going to happen but Ilsan murmured, “I shot at them to slow them down, baby, I am so sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.”
“You know you are the best thing that has happened to me, right? I love you.” He said in between the many kisses, “Do you trust me?” I nodded at his question as I clutched his jaw, kissing him as if it were the last time I would ever see him. “I failed to protect you. If we step out, they will shoot us.” I eyed him through a blurred vision, panting as my heart accelerated. “Trust me,” he tenderly kissed my forehead as he reached for my seatbelt, securing me in place, “Keep driving,” he then whispered as he clutched the RPD before letting go of me and stepping out of the car.
As soon as he did, I heard the officers shout at him to put the gun down. I begged him to return but he immediately dropped to the ground. Blood splashing everywhere as his tall and lean body took countless bullets to the chest. I cried out as I witnessed the love of my life, the man I chose to marry and spend the rest of my life with getting shot dead before my eyes.
My foot lingered at the pedal as my heart shattered into a million pieces. Then as my side of the car was forced open by one of the officers, he instructed fiercely with a gun pointed at me. I gazed out to the ocean briefly as Ilsan’s last attempt to keep his promise roamed my mind.
Keep driving . He wanted me to take my chances with the ocean instead of them. He did not want to fail me.
With pressure on my foot, I accelerated and drove the car off the cliff. Every inch of me was numb. I closed my eyes as the free fall made me feel light. Mind empty, heart aching, I gripped the steering wheel with tears running down my cheeks. I understood why Gwangju went out as he did and admired him for his bravery. I could be just as brave, surrender to a being unknown and embrace whatever that was beyond life.
Fear for the unknown was not the right word to use to express how I felt. Every waking moment, since the heist, was an uncertainty. Every passing day I had to look over my shoulder. Senses on high alert, heart-pounding fiercer, I had to stay sharp. And I did with the love of my life, Kim Namjoon, beside me. All we had to rely on were each other; our intuitions, rationality, the rush of adrenaline as it pumped through our veins as it guided us to safety. And I did not regret anything. How could I?  
Although it was short-lived, I had experienced something only a few did. True love. I would never regret receiving that note. For the first time in my life, I belonged somewhere. I belonged with my brothers and more importantly, I belonged with Namjoon. I was meant to find him. Like a chain of events, everything I did was supposed to lead me to him, to this moment, and to this ending.
T H E    E N D
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↣ all rights reserved © heathfritillary 2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed. 
9 notes · View notes
hisunshiine · 4 years
Money Heist | knj | Part 2
moodboard 1 | moodboard 2 | playlist | Netflix ReImagined BTS Masterlist
↳ #NetflixReImaginedBTS: Kim Namjoon x Reader starring in a bank robbery au
↳ M-18+, implied sexual content, major character deaths, bank robbery actions (violence, use of weapons, deciet)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Money Heist Masterlist | Heathfritillary (author)
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The world around me began to collapse. Brick by brick, the space I had occupied for a month began to fall apart. The foundation was shaking beneath my feet. This was it. There was no place I could run or hide. Like a mouse caught in a maze, I was trapped inside the walls of the Bank of Korea.
The enemy was about to enter. Blasting through a wall in the basement, I could hear faint and muffled voices shouting on the other side as my mind attempted to comprehend the explosion that occurred right before my eyes. The ferocious ringing in my ear made me light-headed as I fell on the floor, clutching on to the L85 as I crawled, evading the bullets that kept shooting toward me before I hid behind a metal object.
Every inch of me shook, my heart pounded against my chest, reaching its breaking point while I desperately tried to collect my accelerated breath. There was no way in hell they were going to take me. I would never surrender.
The sound of Gwacheon’s voice shouting my name pulled me out of the mind-numbing situation I had caught myself in. Senses were slowly recovering as I caught his gesture. He kept waving, leading me to safety beside him but I knew I could not make it over to him. One of those bullets was inevitably going to meet my flesh.
“I can’t,” I shouted before taking a quick glance at my surroundings, “The hostages fled,” I explained. Gwacheon had asked for more hostages, preferably the strongest men, to assist him to create a way for us to escape the bank unscathed. But I had stupidly gone by myself. Despite the big gun in my hands, they overpowered me and as soon as I thought they would shoot me, the explosion happened and they ran through the wall the police had created.
“Damn it, London!” I watched him as he began to fire back, ignoring one of the Professor’s sacred rules to successfully pull off the heist, ‘no casualties’. He kept firing his weapon, disabling the authorities from entering and momentarily ceasing fire. I rushed over to him, “Are you hurt?” he asked out of breath as he hastily began to add more ammo to his gun.
I nodded as I attempted to shake off the close encounter. Had I been closer to the wall, I was certain that those heavy bricks would have buried me. The grace of God was the reason why I was still breathing.
Gwacheon and I separated as we escaped the basement. I heard another explosion and figured that he had managed to block off anyone trying to enter the bank from below us. Before we parted ways, he told me to inform everyone and to activate phase four of the plan.
I entered the main part of the bank. The tall ceiling, huge chandelier, and mosaic art tiles greeted me as I walked past the hostages who were bound together by the wrists, sitting on the floor with a terrified look on their faces. I ignored every single one of them as GC caught my signal and approached me.
“What the hell is going on?” he asked quietly, trying not to attract too much attention from the hostages.
“An explosion. The way we planned to escape, we can’t anymore.”
“We heard gunshots.”
“It was the police. Gwacheon blocked them out,” GC visibly sank his shoulders as he let out a sigh of relief.
“And the hostages you took?”
“Goddamn it, London.”
“That’s not our biggest concern right now. The police are getting impatient.”
“As are we. We’ve been here for days.”
I sensed his growing frustration and placed my hand on his shoulder as a gesture of reassurance, “Gwacheon wants phase four,” GC's eyes enlarged as he straightened his posture. I stared out at the hostages and met a pregnant woman’s teary eyes, “We have to leave them,” I whispered, “They want them safe.”
GC matched the direction of my gaze, “We can’t hand all of them over. Without them,” he paused as he ripped his eyes from the hostages, “You know this. They will shoot first and ask questions later.”
“Stay here.” I requested and heard GC behind me as he ordered the hostages to listen to him. He was going to do his part and initiate phase four. We needed the most valuable hostages to ensure our survival and everyone else would be handed to the police camping outside the bank.
I entered the CEO’s office that had turned into our discussion room. Everything happened here. With the President of the bank, himself, tied to his own chair present. Including the only real leverage we had and the reason why the police had not stormed the bank, the President of South Korea.
During our planning phase, Busan discovered that twice a month President Moon would visit the bank. Often he would speak with the President of the bank and we would secretly listen in on their conversation.
It was Ilsan’s idea and the Professor liked it. We would rob the bank on the day the President of South Korea would be there.
I laughed when Ilsan said it was poetic, in fact he said, there was something beautiful about robbing the nation of its money while the savior of the country had to forcibly watch as we fucked him in the ass. Ilsan was a sadistic fucker and it made me fall harder for him. He did not care but the Professor made sure he, along with the rest of us, understood that no harm was allowed to be done to the President.
President Moon’s eyes grew wider as I entered the office and explained everything that happened to Ilsan. As the person in charge, I informed him about Gwacheon’s need to activate phase four. He glared at me momentarily before he turned his attention back to the wall behind the two Presidents.
Neatly hung every cellphone of each hostage, including their wallets, “54 hostages in total,” Ilsan was deep in thought and would often talk out loud as he contemplated something, “We only need ten,” he then returned to the room and smiled at me, “Actually we could release every hostage except,” he paused as he teasingly pointed at the Presidents, “These two.”
“Where is my daughter? What are you doing?” The President of the bank hulked in desperate anger.
“You should contact the Professor.” I dismissed the man and asked Ilsan.
“No. I will call the negotiator, tell that bitch what’s happening and buy us some time by releasing some hostages.”
“Some, not all.”
“As a sign of good faith, we will release those in dire need of medical attention,” he smiled at me as he brushed away the hair strands from my face, “You have dust all over you.”
“Yeah, cutting it close.”
“Your gun?” He raised an eyebrow as he bit his inner cheek.
“They took it when they ambushed me.”
“I see,” he grabbed my face and slowly examined the bruises the hostages inflicted on my jaw, “You shouldn’t have gone alone. You don’t get to go alone.”
“I’m fine.”
“They could have shot you too. Busan is still critical.”
“I’m aware, Namj--” I paused mid-sentence as I remembered we were in the middle of a heist. The Professor explicitly did not want any of us growing close and he certainly did not want anyone falling in love.
No real names, city names only. Those were the rules.
However, Ilsan and I engaged in something that none of us could have foreseen. Love. Despite how hard we tried - in those initial months in Jindo - to resist and fight our urges, they grew stronger. Regardless of how intriguing he was, how smart, and how utterly attracted I was to him, I tried to cast aside all emotions until I gave in until he did as well.
One weak moment and I found myself in his room. And before I knew it, months of boring planning the heist had turned into months of planning for a heist while secreting and daily breaking a sacred rule.
We got closer, closer than intended and he and I were on a first-name basis and after the beach house found out the Professor did not agree. Busan did not either and could not see why I would choose Ilsan over him. Soon, however, everyone eased to the idea and Ilsan made sure our relationship would not interfere with our collective wish to see the heist through. And I agreed. He was not going to get in the way of me receiving my cut.
Ilsan glared at me briefly, irritation spewing through his eyes as he ignored my unintentional slip-up, “How far is Gwacheon? And Gwangju?”
“We need a new route.”
“Go find out how much we have. We might be able to leave sooner.”
If the Professor was the planner then Ilsan was the enforcer. He called every shot and assessed each problem as they emerged and chose the strategy he saw fit.
Back in Jindo, the Professor made sure everyone else knew that Ilsan was the ringleader. Gwacheon did not appreciate having someone with less experience as the leader of the heist and unfortunately, Daegu and Gwangju followed pursuit with the same thought and it caused some tension between them.
Essentially it was boys being toxic as hell. Who had the biggest dick?
However, Ilsan proved himself with the knowledge he possessed and it caused Gwacheon to ease upon him. Daegu grew fascinated and requested Busan find information on him. Curiosity got the better of me and I read the information about him.
Ilsan was suspected to steal from the Queen of England, breaking into Buckingham Palace by himself and gathering her jewelry, some going as far back as seven generations. Ilsan was not just a thieve but a deadly one. Daegu could admire that including Gwangju and with this information, they figured it was better to keep him happy.
The guys were excited to have him part of the team whereas I grew more inward. At that point, I was aware I had some interest in him. However, I could not admit it to myself.
In all honesty, Ilsan terrified me slightly. He was not someone I could read well and that alone scared me. He could express himself with little or no words but at the same time, he would let his guard down and simply be a guy around the others. I did not know where to place him.
Something changed, however, within those first few weeks after he entered the beach house. He hardly spoke to me. We avoided each other, almost religiously. A part of me was relieved but if I was, to be honest with myself and the emotions I was developing, I only avoided him because I was afraid to be alone with him.
I was not too sure whether or not he could sense it but I found myself running into him at the most unintentional moments. Although it was innocent at first, those run-ins would become more frequent. Sometimes, despite the hesitation and resistance at first, we would talk and those conversations became longer. Other times we would steal quick glances and before I knew it, it naturally turned into something I swore I would not do with any of these men.
A mere accidental touch would turn into lingering gazes that later became a need to be closer to each other.
I was not certain when it happened but I had developed strong feelings for Ilsan. And after the first physical connection, I had not been able to take my hands off him. It was primal, needy and above anything else, it was a vigorous emotion. It felt as if he was someone I had longed for without even knowing.
So, it became easy to take directions from him. Despite everything I knew and any opinions I had, I became disloyal to them and strictly loyal to Ilsan.
It felt real. He felt right.
The cafeteria area of the bank was where we had placed Busan. I entered with a heavy heart, slowly approaching the table we had set up for him. Ilsan had spoken to the negotiator and demanded a doctor and a nurse to enter the bank. They complied but only if we released two hostages and we did.
The red-haired nurse stood up from her seat as she nervously eyed me, “There’s nothing to report, Miss.”
“Did I ask?” I dismissively brushed off her statement as I kept my glance at Busan. I towered over him and gently placed my hand close to the gunshot wound the sniper from across the street had fired yesterday. A low sigh evaded his lips and he gingerly whispered my city name into a weak smile, “How are you?”
“I’ve been better.”
I caressed his golden locks and grew aware of the two strangers observing me. Leaning closer to his ear, I murmured, “Phase four,” he stared at me and I nodded as soon as I could tell he understood what was happening.
Hastily, he began to sit up but I held him down, “No please, I can brush it off.”
“Your shoulder is out, you’ve lost too much blood,” I reminded him, “Focus on getting your strength back.”
“I’m fine, London.” He sat up and the monitor the negotiator had provided began to beep louder, his heart rate accelerated and I could not help but feel like shit for involving him, “I have to do my part.”
“I’ve got this, Busan.” He stared at me momentarily, confusion and defeat coated his gaze until he let out a sigh. He knew I would not back down, “I’ll talk to you soon.” With a gentle kiss on his cheek, I shot the red-haired nurse a glare and pushed her to the side, far from Busan’s wandering ear, “Take care of him or else,” I threatened before I left them.
I spotted Gwangju and gestured for him to climb down from the rail. The Professor wanted to replicate his previous heist in Spain. The plan was never to rob the Bank of Korea but to print out more money. And we did. With Gwangju in charge, eight days was all we needed to print out 901 million in South Korean WON.
It was not a quick robbery but a methodical and thoroughly thought out plan. The Professor had done it before and all of Spain and Europe was looking for him.
He was bold.
If we made it through the heist with the money and unscathed, it meant that the Professor was a mastermind in the bank robbery. One, no police officer could catch. However, as excited as I was to be a part of his crew, the Professor made it crystal clear - before any of us had agreed - that blood would be spilled. He had seen it back in Spain. He lost a handful of good people during and after the heist.
The pain of it still haunted him.
All of us understood the consequences and continued on with his plan. But after Busan, I was grateful that only one of us had gotten hurt. He was not dead and that was all that mattered. Moreover, when the bullet penetrated Busan’s shoulder, I realized that this was real life. There was no going back. I was in this heist.
Ilsan froze when the negotiator mentioned the Professor’s real name including some of the other guys’. Mine as well as Daegu’s, GC’s, Ilsan’s identities had yet to be found but we were sure it was only a matter of time.
The negotiator was ruthless, adamant about knowing who the thieves were. I felt certain she would try her hardest and find all of us but more importantly, she would have us executed for embarrassing the nation and capturing the President of Korea. Thanks to Busan’s profile on her, I knew she would never back down.
“You ready?” Gwangju asked with a grin on his face as he jumped down the ground, “These hostages are the most hard-working bunch I have ever seen,” like a child eager to show his parents his accomplishments, Gwangju took my hand and guided me through the process. “Every ten minutes, we are printing 500.000 KRW.”
“Wow,” I murmured.
“Wow? Just wow?” He shook me slightly with a grin, “They are working hard, overworking, overtime,” he raised his voice to get my mood elevated before reaching for his megaphone, “We are having fun, right guys?” He yelled out and the hostages obeyed him. He laughed as he turned to me. His expression changed upon noticing my unfazed reaction, “Alright, what the hell is wrong?”
“I need the guns.”
He frowned with a small head tilt, “Daegu has them.”
“He’s not at the vault.”
“Then I don’t kno--” he paused briefly as he scanned my red jumpsuit, “Why is there dust all over you?”
“Phase four is beginning.”
“No, no. We can’t. I am nowhere near the amount.”
“The police are right under our feet and Seok--” I paused as I bit my tongue, correcting myself, “Gwacheon bought us some time but we need to leave soon. How much?”
Gwangju glanced around as he contemplated the amount he had managed to print, “A little over half.”
“It’s been four days!”
“Yeah and like I told the Professor for that amount, I need eight days. These machines aren’t the latest model, I’ll ruin them.”
“Then ruin them!”
“That’s not how it works, kid.” One of the machines began to malfunction, so loud as a jam occurred and smoke appeared from it, “Fuck!” Gwangju rushed over to the machine being operated by an elderly male hostage. He seemed fragile and I wondered why Gwangju personally had requested him. Poor man. I was sure he did not expect to become a hostage when he left his home in the morning. But Gwangju said he had experience according to Busan, and this hostage had worked at the bank for over 35 years.
“Sir,” the elderly man started, “One of the bills is stuck.”
“Shit,” he exclaimed as he climbed back up to the rail to get a closer look.
“Gwangju,” I yelled after him and he glanced down at me, “Walkie up. We need to go soon. Phase four.” He nodded as he waved at his walkie talkie.
I had to search for Daegu. He was the only one left to be informed about Gwacheon’s need to activate phase four. With my walkie talkie in hand and a fast pace, I searched every room within the bank until I spotted Daegu exiting the bathroom.
He eyed me momentarily with a frown and questioned what happened to my jumpsuit. I had not seen myself but I was certain I looked like a mess. None of the bullets hit me but the explosion created a sky of dust made of brick that coated every inch of my red suit.
I explained to Daegu what happened and although his eyes were filled with concern, he hastily guided me to one of the vaults he had hidden our weaponry. “Thanks,” I murmured as he handed me another L85, “We don’t have a lot of time.”
“We’ll flush them out.”
“You and me?”
“Unless you’d prefer that GC or Ilsan take the post?”
“No, no.”
Daegu handed me a bulletproof vest and I began to put it on, “You’re hesitating.”
“I’m not.”
“London, it’s alright that you don’t want to hurt anyone but,” he paused as he assisted me with the vest while staring intensely into my eyes, “If it’s a matter of your life versus someone else’s, I hope you choose yourself above anyone else. Any hesitation on your part will lead to a bullet in your head,” he placed his index finger in between my eyebrows, “You have a duty to this team. Stay alive and do your part.”
Phase four. One of the many plans the Professor had created if the heist did not go as intended. At no point were the authorities supposed to come inside the bank with their guns blazing. It was not the correct protocol. Busan suspected this and made it clear to us. The Professor had to figure out a way to secure our safety, in the events that Busan’s theory about the negotiator was right, and prevent an active shoot out. The Professor’s main focus was to make sure that there were no casualties. The murder was something he never wished to be pinned on us.
“Are you ready?” Daegu eyed me as he pressed the elevator that would take us down to the basement.
“Let’s get this over with.”
The plan was simple. Ilsan would hide the Presidents and then join us. Gwangju would collect the money he had printed and meet Gwacheon at the new escape route. Busan was out of commission, so I had to take his spot. GC would dress all of the hostages into the same red jumpsuits we wore, including arm them with fake guns, to throw off the authorities and slow them down, even for a moment. The Professor explained that that single moment of hesitation on their part meant our lives. The hesitation would make all of the difference.
Although I feared for my life, I could not allow it to cripple me. As much as I wanted to go back to my initial post of helping Gwacheon, Daegu ordered Seoul to take my spot when we spotted him on our way out of the vault. This meant that Seoul’s initial position of studying the police’s every move was unchecked. We had no idea when and where the authorities would strike from. We were at a disadvantage.
However, we had an ace up our sleeves.
Phase two was never activated which meant the police had no clue that the heist mastermind known as the Professor was the brains behind this operation. Up until now, the negotiator had only spoken to Ilsan. She knew he was the one in charge but luckily for us, and thanks to the Professor’s methodical planning, we had another pair of eyes informing us where they would strike.
Seoul had infiltrated their system as soon as we took over the bank. This enabled the Professor to be a step ahead of the police. He knew everything they were saying, contemplated, everything they could see he would know and inform Ilsan. Even our walkie talkies were undetected by them. Seoul kept changing the frequency. It made the police unaware of our communication to the outside. Moreover, due to Seoul’s technology skills, they were unable to hack into the security system within the bank because he had sneakily created software and encryption that made it impossible to hack months prior.
Seoul was no amateur. He might have been the youngest and the most naive of the group but he was by far the smartest.
The elevator doors opened and Daegu and I stepped out with our guns positioned, ready to fire at anyone who roamed the basement. The flickering lights, million pieces of shattered bricks on the floor, and the sound of - what I assumed was a pipe that broke - dripping water made me clutch the L85 tighter. We did not speak. Through hand signals, Daegu gestured we took a right turn but to keep his back safe. I walked behind him as he signaled the coast was clear.
We walked deeper into the basement until we found ourselves close to where the explosion happened. It was walled off, exactly how Gwacheon intended but a small gasp escaped me upon realizing that some of the officers that came through the hole were now buried in the aftermath of the second explosion.
“Let’s go.” Daegu gently tapped my shoulder, “Today, we need to leave today.”
No casualties. That was the rule. One of the most sacred rules. Without rules humans were barbaric, the Professor often said. And he was right. No one was supposed to get hurt. I understood it and agreed. It did not feel morally correct to take someone’s life. However, I was the reason why Busan was still breathing. They did not care who they shot at through the window, his life, and the kind of man he was. They did not bat an eye for his well being.
The Professor could call me barbaric, he could scold me and kick me off the team but right this instance, as I stared down at the man who fired the shot against the sweetest man I had ever the pleasure to meet, I was glad that Gwacheon buried them. Trigger happy pricks.
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↣ all rights reserved © heathfritillary 2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed. 
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#NetflixReimaginedBTS Cover Reveal- Jungkook
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