#JK still with queue
thetomorrowshow · 11 months
knowing what the cards were
hi besties enjoy (or scream at me)
cw: past major character death (and mourning thereof), violence, blood
There's a pond in Rivendell, down the face of the mountain a little ways, right in the thick of the pine trees that grow all the way down the side. It's far enough away from the main city (and any outlying buildings) that likely few have ever even seen the pond, a place too insignificant to be worthy of any sort of attention. Despite this, the pond and its surrounding trees have always been a beautiful, peaceful location. The pond has only ever had the clearest water, carried down through a small stream from the melting snow of the high peaks.
Now, in the dark of night, water skimmers skate along the surface; a couple of frogs sit on rocks at the edge. Otherwise, there's no sign of life. No fish, no creatures poking through the trees to find a drink here.
The pond is a small, unseen place of tranquility, particularly at this before-sunrise hour, when even the owls are sleeping in their nests. The night is still, the forest silent, and the pond a dark reflection of all the unheard and unseen.
And Scott, sneaking out of his bedroom window like a guilty teenager, goes to it.
He had discovered the pond in his youth, a quiet hideaway from his brother and his parents and all their politics. He hadn't gone there frequently, only when everything really became too much and he had to get out before he exploded.
The pond had always had a calming effect, apart from the real world, a tiny piece of grace and solitude.
He chooses it now as the place not for its seclusion, nor its beauty, but for its lack of living creatures.
He doesn't know what's going to happen when he uses the artifacts.
Again, Alinar had been frustratingly vague on how to use the artifacts. There'd been something about magic, and something else about learning how the artifacts interact with him, so Scott hopes that using them before facing Xornoth in battle will be all right. He doesn't really understand what it means when it talks about interacting with him, but a test run never hurt anyone.
He already sent Gem the instructions (recipe? Scott really doesn't know a lot about magical terms) for the crystal that they need to trap Xornoth. She and Katherine are going to be working together on that, as far as he knows. Lizzie and Joel are occupied with the war. Pix has been out of contact for weeks. Pearl is maintaining neutrality. Shelby hasn't responded lately.
So it's up to Scott to execute the rest of the plan, not sure who he can even turn to for support in this. After all, only the Champion of Aeor can unite and use the artifacts to trap Xornoth in the crystal.
Scott lands carefully on the mossy ground beside the pond, wings drawing up behind him. The moon has disappeared beyond the mountain, but the sun hasn't yet begun to rise. Perfect time for experimental magic.
Scott pulls his Cod-woven bag off his shoulder and sets it down on the moss, leaning it against a small boulder, then slips off his soft shoes and sets them neatly beside it.
He doesn't much care for the feeling of damp moss under his socked toes, but a glance at the grass to his left tells him that it would be infinitely worse (and far more wet) to stand there.
Should he even be wearing socks when he puts the boots on? Will that ruin the . . . magical connection, or something?
Scott strips off his socks and stuffs them in his shoes, just in case. Then he unlatches his bag and pulls out the boots, which he sets atop the small boulder.
They glow, he realizes, the runes casting a very dim blue light over the leather and stone beneath. Scott stares at the glow for a moment, surely only bright enough to discern due to the almost non-existent light cast by the stars above, then reaches into his bag again, where his fingers meet the chilled gold rods of the antlers.
He withdraws the crown as well, sets it on the boulder. It glows as well, just the slightest bit, the gold clear against the dark background.
That's got to mean something. Maybe all ancient, godly artifacts glow like that.
There's really nothing else to wait for. At any moment, a servant could come knocking on his bedroom door, summoning him for matters of war, only to find him missing.
He should pray. Right? He is trying to get Aeor's attention, after all. 
Haltingly, Scott kneels in the grass, grimacing when he feels the knees of his black trousers instantly become soaked. He's not really any good at praying, but he can give it a shot.
"Um," Scott says awkwardly. What is it the priests always say? "O Aeor, God of us all and of those below, God of the mountains and . . . and of the snow, God of the day that conquers the night, God that now slumbers until the world is returned to thy light. Uh. . . ."
The introduction part feels clunky and must actually be more ornate than that, but Scott can't quite seem to bring it to his remembrance, even with however many years that he's been hearing it. It's good enough, though, and now he ought to continue—but the prayers differ after that, a thousand and two different ones for any situation. And Scott, after he recited the main forty for his religious tutoring, made no effort to keep them memorized nor learn any of the others.
"Aeor," he says after a few moments of deliberation, dropping all attempts at following a prayer, "if I truly am your chosen, consecrate these holy objects now in me. Show me . . . show me the way. Help—help me."
Did Alinar ever kneel alone in a forest, praying for any help that his god would give? Did Alinar ever feel entirely inadequate for the job that he was faced with, for the mantle of Aeor's Champion?
Years ago, reading Alinar's tales, Scott would've laughed at such a thought. Alinar had been foreordained, had perfectly completed every task set for him. Never was there any doubt that the task at hand was beyond his reach.
But now that Scott's in the hero's story, he can't help but hope it's normal to feel like an utter failure. Normal to be scared. Normal to feel totally, utterly lost.
Scott stands, brushes off his knees, and pulls a boot on.
It fits perfectly, of course, his foot sliding into place with ease. He laces it up as tight as he can, the boot going a bit higher than halfway up his calf. The other is no different, though his fingers fumble on the white leather of the laces and it takes him a moment to get it pulled as tight as he wants it.
Okay. He has the boots on.
Next step.
Scott straightens, and with mounting anticipation and shaking hands, he lifts the crown of antlers onto his head.
He waits.
He doesn't . . . he doesn't feel any different, so far. Maybe . . . holier, maybe?
He flexes his toes in the boots. They aren't stiff at all, the leather well taken care of but fairly worn-in.
He tilts his head from side to side. The crown feels almost weightless, impeccably well-balanced. It isn't in any danger of slipping, either, set firmly on his head, fitting as perfectly as the boots do.
Now. How is he meant to test these out?
Scott takes a tentative step forward.
There's a sudden, crinkling-crackling sound from his feet—Scott looks down—
The edge of the pond is frozen.
There's frost under his toes. The edge of the pond is frozen.
There's absolutely no way.
He takes another step—more crackling, the ice spreads another foot down the pond.
Carefully, Scott puts some of his weight on the ice.
It holds. More spreads, even.
He puts both feet standing on the now half-frozen pond.
It doesn't even crack.
Ice magic, then. The boots have some sort of ice enchantment, likely written into the runes. That—maybe he's meant to freeze Xornoth? Freeze him, so that he can't get away from the whole crystal ordeal. Or maybe use the ice to freeze him to the crystal? 
And when thou hast the daemone at thy will, binde it to the cristyl.
That . . . that might be right. Right? It's probably more than normal ice, it's probably strange magical ice. Something that can bind.
Scott crosses to the middle of the pond. He's walking on water, practically. The pond is just freezing around him, making a large path for his next step before he's even raised his foot.
Jimmy would have found this so impressive. He would've stood on the shore and sputtered, mouth hanging open. Scott would've laughed, and held out his hand, and brought Jimmy out onto the ice to stand with him. And then, gazing at his perfect lover with his permanently-messy hair and his still-shocked expression, he would have kissed him.
And it's for Jimmy that Scott is going to end Xornoth.
He can't kill Xornoth, the book had told him that much. Their souls are connected, some sort of confusing reincarnation of spirits kind of thing that Scott doesn't really understand. He needs to bind him to the crystal in a ritual that he also doesn't understand, but if the boots have an ice enchantment to freeze Xornoth in place or attach him to the crystal, maybe the crown just gives him the magical authority to command Xornoth to go into the crystal? Or something like that?
Scott points at a sleepy-looking frog. "Don't move," he commands with all the power he can muster.
The frog doesn't move. But it probably wasn't planning on it, anyway.
And part of the intrinsic elvish magic that he already has is the strength of suggestion. If he tells someone not to move, really tells them, with power, chances are they won't move.
Will the crown just amplify that magic, then? Or will it make it literally impossible to break a command given, since the power comes from a god and not just a normal elf?
Well, at least he figured out what the boots do. He really ought to get back—he's already spent enough time away. A servant could have alerted the entire palace by now if they knocked to find him missing.
Scott heads back to shore and unlaces the boots, stepping out of them and into his own shoes (he doesn't bother with his socks right now, tucking them into his pocket). Then he puts the boots and the crown back in the bag, beside a small book that looks . . . unfamiliar.
When did he put a book in his bag? Especially one that looks so . . . ancient?
Frowning, Scott pulls it out and cracks it open.
The text isn't anything like what he's used to, blue lines thick and letters big, with no discernable spaces for words. It takes a moment of staring stupidly at the large letters before he has the sudden realization that this is a book in that form of Oceanic that he was meant to give Lizzie. He's already given her the book, but he remembers that it had a smaller book inside. It must've slipped out at some point.
He'll probably see her soon, right? War negotiations have constantly been taking him or one of his advisors to and fro, so surely there'll be someone to give it to her, if not him precisely.
So Scott puts it back in his bag amongst the artifacts and takes off, flying straight back to the palace and landing on his bedroom windowsill, crawling in.
Unnoticed, the touch of his fingers on the window frame leaves frost.
When Scott wakes up (blurry nightmares of chains and indistinct threats), he feels cold.
He must've left the window open. He's done that before, woken up to a little bit of snow on the windowsill after a late-night flight.
And his bed's been rather cold as of late, missing the heat of another body.
But when Scott opens his eyes, his favorite blue blanket is white.
He sits up, confused—and snow falls off of him in little showers, clumping onto his blanket in the creases.
Why is there—?
There's ice on his bedside table, just a thin layer of it. Snow on the bedknobs. Snow on the rug.
And the window is closed.
The low fire that's usually still a bed of hot coals in the mornings is emitting zero warmth, the coals black and cold. The lantern on his bedside table has gone out.
Scott throws his legs over the side of the bed, ignoring the cascade of snow that falls to the floor. How did—what?
The boots.
Are they still active even when he isn't wearing them? But—had something changed when he put them on? Is there a way to turn them off?
Scott fumbles around his bedpost until he finds his bag hanging, from which he pulls out the boots and turns them over in his hands.
"Stop," he says, voice still heavy with sleep. "Just . . . don't."
Nothing changes. Did it work? Are the boots still freezing the room?
Nothing really looks like it's melting, but there isn't anything new in the room, either. Scott sets the boots aside (and they feel normal, they aren't covered in frost or anything) and stands up, stumping over to the fireplace on numb feet. He stokes the coals, trying to bring any bit of warmth back to the room, but there's absolutely nothing left to be brought back.
He doesn't keep a flint and steel in his room. Usually a servant cares for these kinds of things, but he doesn't want a servant in here to find his room frozen. How on Aeor's green earth would he explain that?
He has to have a flint and steel in his travel kit in the closet, right? Scott ducks into the closet, finds his travel kit thrown on the floor where he left it after the funeral. He picks it up, rummages through it for a moment. Sure enough, tucked into a part of the leather kit is a small flint and steel, right next to a small hunting knife and needle and thread. He pulls it out and heads back to the coals. He can do figure this out. No need to panic.
There's a little pile of logs by the fireplace, which he shakes the snow off of before tossing them in, hoping they aren't too damp or anything. That would be just his luck, the inability to light a fire in a frozen room.
Thankfully, they aren't too damp. It takes a couple of tries with his numb fingers to get the flint and steel to strike a spark, and another couple tries to get it to light, but it lights nonetheless.
Once the flame takes hold, the room immediately starts to feel a bit warmer, and Scott shudders as his fingers start to tingle with pins and needles. Right, that's taken care of. Maybe now he won't freeze to death.
And then he remembers that there's quite a bit of ice and snow in his room, which will all be melting shortly.
That might be even worse than all the ice, and it's with a panicked hurriedness that Scott starts scooping up the snow in his bare hands and running it to the window to toss it out. He gets a good bit of it (at some point he lifts his blanket off his bed and just shakes it out the window) out, but it's already starting to melt and he can barely feel his fingers and the rug squishes under his feet—
Scott curses, wipes his hands off on his dressing robe, and has his hand on the doorknob before he realizes he isn't wearing his veil. He curses again, doubles back to his closet. He doesn't have time to pin the whole thing on, he doesn't have time for any of his—
Scott pulls a veil on over his head and doesn't even bother with any of the pins and ties. It's a long one, meant for trips out, but he just adusts it until his eyes are in the eye-slit and hopes that he doesn't have any hair sticking out.
Then he can get back to the door (he trips over the trailing veil, it wouldn't be long enough to trip over if he'd tied and pinned it properly) and crack it open, sticking his head out.
Surprisingly, he finds not a servant, but Galidre, a junior member of his council. Galidre bows, black robes sweeping the floor.
"Your majesty," they say, straightening. "A representative of the Undergrove is here to speak with you."
"Shubble?" Scott asks, a little bewildered. What does she need?
"Not—not the ruler herself, but an ambassador. I believe they are requesting sanctuary, Milord."
That doesn't make any sense. The Grimlands haven't really mobilized anything concrete yet, and as far as Scott was last aware, Mythland and the Lost Empire were both still attacking the Ocean Kingdom.
But Scott doesn't ask questions. He just withdraws and gets dressed (properly pinning his veil this time), then grabs all the towels from the washroom and lays them on his bedroom floor to try and soak up some of the water. Hopefully nobody comes in to clean his room or gather his laundry while he's out.
Last of all, he steps into his very normal boots, pulls on his black gloves, and sets his crown atop his veil.
Perfect. He looks the pinnacle of 'king-mourning-his-fiance', no doubt about it.
He misses Jimmy.
And just as Galidre had suggested, in the meeting with the representative of the Undergrove, Shubble's people are looking for sanctuary.
"There's so few of us, your majesty," the gnome implores, twisting his mushroom hat between his hands. "Less than eight thousand at our last count. We do not ask for you to provide for us, but if we could come to just the foothills of your lands, someplace safe for our children, we promise all able gnomes will serve in your armies."
That isn't asking much. It's asking far less than Scott would have asked, had the situation been reversed, and Scott's bruised heart aches at the humble plea. Can he even bear to turn them away?
"I will . . . I will discuss this matter with my council," Scott tells him, glancing between Galidre and Aphoras, the two advisors present. "I don't wish for any to be harmed while it is in my power to stop it."
If Shubble's worried, it means fWhip is getting ready to attack. Or maybe that Sausage and Joey are leaving their battle, hoping to strike Scott in his complacency. Something's happening soon, and the Undergrove cannot protect itself.
He doesn't want to uproot the gnomes from their new home. The gnomes had appeared in his childhood, three or four thousand of them moving from some unknown, conquered land to take up residence in their own small corner of the world. They've nurtured and cultivated that corner, built a city and begun farms and families, until it became what it is—a lovely little civilization beginning to thrive. To take that away from them would be cruel.
But he has to do it. To save them the destruction of their entire culture, he has to pull the gnomes away from everything they have.
He could make the decision here and now. His mind is already made up, he won't need to discuss this with his council.
But as the gnome hops down from his too-big chair, bowing deeply, Scott knows that there's another way.
He has to end the war.
Ending a war is easier said than done. For one, Scott still doesn't really know how to use the artifacts. The crown remains stubbornly unforthcoming with what its use might be, and the boots. . . . Well, the boots don't stop. The next morning when he wakes up, his room is frozen again—and the morning after that. Scott stops bothering to melt it and just pins a 'do not disturb' sign on the door, before moving to sleep in Jimmy's almost-untouched bedroom. That one freezes, too, as well as the sitting room, and Scott gives up on trying to stop the boots from freezing things and just piles blankets onto his bed and puts pans of hot coals in between the sheets for when he needs to sleep. Otherwise, he just stays out of his room and pretends like it isn't covered in ice.
(He doesn't notice, but frost spreads under his desk, and his untouched cups of tea ice over, and every tear he cries freezes on his face.)
(Others notice, though. Ilphas stares when a wave of Scott's hand sends a streak of frost along a wall; a servant cleans his office and is bewildered by the ice everywhere; the eldest of the palace begin whispering rumors of Aeor's Champion, remembering the old songs.)
For another, Scott doesn't really know how or where to meet Xornoth to defeat him. Does he just go outside? Call his brother's name? Hope the demon shows up, despite the wards around Rivendell preventing his entrance?
He really doesn't want to summon the demon. Somehow, that seems like a poor idea. Some part of Scott is certain that demons have the most power right as they've been summoned, and whether that's true or not Scott doesn't want to test. And he'd absolutely rather not have Xornoth in Rivendell.
The only thing he can think to do is meet Sausage's armies at . . . well, at the border of Mythland. It would be a bold show of support for the Ocean Kingdom—he would have either to march his army through Mezelea or sail across the ocean to reach Mythland. It should only be a move to make if he's certain that he's ready to fully enter the war, or if he's certain that Xornoth will be there.
And suddenly it doesn't really matter, because three days after the ambassador from the Undergrove arrives, he receives communication that fWhip has set out for Rivendell, thousands of soldiers at his command.
His hand is forced. Scott sends Gem a quick message, asking if she's been able to create the crystal. When she responds by gushing excitedly about the properties, he tells her to meet him at No Man's Pass, on the far East border of Rivendell.
It only takes two days to mobilize the advance party of his army, prepared as he has been to enter the war. He can but hope (and dread) that Xornoth will be there.
So Scott swallows down his anxieties about not being able to figure out the artifacts (and he really has tried, but he's only had them for a little over a week), swings the Codmade bag with both of them inside over his shoulder, and rides out to meet Xornoth.
With any luck, Aeor will guide.
It's a cold morning when Scott steps out of his tent, ready to treaty with fWhip.
Their armies had met the day prior, and both of their generals had agreed to a meeting between leaders to see if they couldn't come to an arrangement of some sort. So Scott steps out, dressed in his most moveable mourning clothes (a short veil tight enough to be almost a scarf around his face and head, a hood pulled over that, billowy black trousers and a belted tunic with an open-front surcoat) and the Boots of Alinar on his feet, the Crown of Alinar a conscious weight in the Codmade bag at his side.
And when he enters the treaty tent, set on a cliff overlooking a rushing river in the shadow of one of Rivendell's mountains, with Ilphas at his side and two guards behind him, there are more people in the tent than he expected.
fWhip he notices first, dressed in his usual black coat and scarf, standing between two guards of his own, elytra clicking idly. But next to him is Sausage (naturally Scott wants to kill him), and next to him is Joey.
Which is entirely unexpected, because as far as Scott is aware, neither of them brought their armies—or any sort of guard—with them. They must have flown over for this confrontation in particular, as if a war wasn't currently happening, as if their own soldiers aren't dying right now.
Scott can barely muster disgust past the fear (fear of what will happen, fear that it won't work, fear because these three men tortured him again and again and if all fails, he'll be at their mercy again).
Also present is Gem, wizard's staff in one hand, a leather bag swung over her shoulder, and Katherine, wings fluttering anxiously behind her.
"I'm here to keep the peace," Katherine says immediately. "I don't know why everyone else is here."
"I'm here because Scott asked me to be," Gem pipes up.
"I'm here to see my Xorny," Joey says obnoxiously.
It's less the idea of Joey dating a demon and more the idea of Joey dating his brother that makes Scott want to vomit. Out of all the men in the world, he picked Xornoth? And out of all the men in the world, Joey is his potential brother-in-law?
Sausage shrugs in a way that makes Scott want to kill him. "I just wanted to see it all go down!" 
"Me too," a voice says behind Scott. Scott whips around—Joel's standing there, looking entirely unrepentant.
He was counting on the fact that there would be some factors within his control, such as who was present—he had only anticipated himself and fWhip and Xornoth.
"All right, this is far too many emperors in one tent," declares Scott. His feathers are standing on end, all of his nerves jangling. This isn't good. Something is going to go sour here. Especially adding Joel to the mix. Joel is hotheaded at the best of times—in the middle of a war, in a tent with the enemy? Scott doesn't trust him to keep cool.
Scott almost doesn't trust himself to keep cool.
"It's like a House Blossom meeting all over again," Sausage says, voice cheery in a way that makes Scott want to stab him through the heart.
"Hey, I'm just here—"
"This does concern me, after all, it's about—"
"Well if it concerns you, then it concerns—"
"—for everyone, so they—"
"—is that Lizzie said that—"
"My lords and ladies, your presence is acknowledged and appreciated," Ilphas steps forward, checking over their shoulder at Scott. Scott nods his go-ahead—he's never been so grateful to have political, stuffy advisors who know how to be polite.
"This is, however, a meeting between Lord Smajor and Count fWhip, and as such, no other rulers are permitted to be in the tent during the meeting."
"Aw, come on!" Sausage whines. If Scott could kill him without breaking a million laws right now. . . .
But they all clear out, even as Joel walks backward, glaring hard at fWhip.
And Scott is left alone with the man (and their combined guards and Ilphas).
fWhip nods toward the table and two chairs that have been set up in the middle of the tent, a clearly-just-unrolled red rug underneath them.
Scott waits. He doesn't plan on implying that he's at fWhip's command.
After a long moment, fWhip shrugs and sits.
It's the little things.
After waiting a sufficient amount of time to establish that he is the one running this conversation, thank you very much, Scott sits across from him.
He's about to speak. He's about to open his mouth and demand a conference with Xornoth. He's about to end this war.
But fWhip leans forward, a small smile playing on his lips.
"I heard it wasn't exactly quick," he says lowly, and Scott has a moment of confusion—quick? what wasn't quick?—before fWhip continues.
"Not as long as Xornoth was gonna make it, of course," he says, eyes fixed on Scott (and goosebumps spontaneously appear all over Scott's body as he flashes back to those six days in captivity). "If Xornoth got your little fish boy, he was gonna make it long. I heard some of his plans—something about making you watch as he slowly skinned him—?"
Before he even knows what he's doing, Scott's on his feet, hand dragging fWhip up by his collar, pulling him halfway across the table as the man lets out a surprised, choked noise.
"Milord," says Ilphas sharply, tugging on the back of Scott's robe.
Scott shoves fWhip back in his chair (which rocks onto its back legs from the force), hands shaking—whole body shaking, trembling with something like the grief-stricken rage Lizzie had shown at Jimmy's funeral. He—just to casually—casually mention torturing his dead fiance and—and Scott knows he's doing it on purpose, he knows it's to get a rise out of him, and he finds that he just doesn't care.
fWhip's guards step forward, though, weapons raised, and with Ilphas firmly pushing down on his shoulders, Scott sits back down, his gloved hands balled into fists.
He isn't going to stand for this. He isn't going to let fWhip sit there and just speak such filth about his beloved.
But he can't do anything. Not yet.
It gives him a bit of satisfaction to see fWhip ruffled, collar upturned and hair out of place. But fWhip just fixes a stupidly smug look on his face and crosses his arms.
"Scott, we both know you can't threaten me anymore," he chuckles. "Not since I beat you, whipped you, branded you with my own signet . . . there's absolutely nothing about you that I find scary. You've literally begged me for mercy way too many times for that, my friend."
Scott forces himself to breathe deeply, let his fists relax, even as the faded whipping scars on his back twinge in memory. He has to—he has to get control of himself, he has to conduct this in a kingly manner. It doesn't matter that he was tortured by this man, it doesn't matter that his fiance died mere weeks ago (over a month ago, his mind supplies, it's been over a month and the world has somehow gone on), it doesn't matter that he's only a hundred and nine, for Aeor's sake, he is a king and he has to act like one.
"We are here—" he starts, but fWhip interrupts.
"Xornoth only wants one thing. Well," he laughs a little, "a couple of things. World domination is pretty high on his priority list. But he wants you to give up the god, Scott. He already knows you're Aeor's Champion or whatever that is, so you are his best chance at finding the other one. After all, you've got a very rare direct connection to a god yourself!"
That . . . that doesn't make any sense.
The other one? Aeor is the only god that Scott knows of that happens to be living (other than Exor, who Xornoth is already irrevocably bound to). Are there others alive? Others that he's somehow meant to know about?
It doesn't really matter, Scott supposes. He's here to end this war and that's allowed.
"That subject is not the purpose of this meeting," Scott says stiffly, ignoring the chill that runs down his spine at those words that he'd heard so many times in his nightmares. "The purpose—"
"Yeah, yeah, you want me to not bring the war to you or something, trying to convince me to leave your people alone," fWhip waves. "Your people mean nothing to me. I'll kill them if you make me, but if you don't want me to do that, I have a couple of terms. So—"
"That is not what I intended to discuss," Scott says icily, smoothing out a wrinkle in his tunic.
fWhip raises an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah? Then what?"
Scott leans a bit closer, all of his instincts screaming for him to move further away. "I am here to demand a meeting with Xornoth," he says, forcing every ounce of cold anger that he feels into his words. "He has tormented these lands for long enough. My business is with him and him alone."
fWhip scoffs. "If you've got business with him, you've got it with me," he says. "So, go on. Say your piece."
You know what? Sure. Scott doesn't mind killing two of his tormentors in one go. First fWhip, then Xornoth. He can absolutely do that.
But Ilphas's hand falls on his shoulder, as if they know exactly what he's thinking of. It would be very, very bad politically to kill fWhip right here and now.
"You misunderstand me," Scott says, and his stomach flips because this is it, it's time to save the world and he doesn't know if he has the strength to do it, and he doesn't let his voice waver but he does let his breath catch— "I mean to kill him."
fWhip bursts out laughing. "Sorry—are you serious? You kill Xornoth? Like, I admire the initiative, but you're the weakest person I know! At least, the weakest living person."
Scott ignores the jab at Jimmy, as disgusting as it is. He just settles back in his chair, crosses his legs.
Eventually, fWhip stops laughing, and his cheerful demeanor drops into a glare alarmingly quickly, quickly enough that it unsettles Scott more than anything fWhip's said so far.
"Your funeral, Smajor," he says darkly. "It'll be nice to get you out of the way."
The lamp on the table goes out, bathing them in a cool dimness.
Scott's heart leaps into his throat.
He doesn't dare breathe in the sudden stillness.
The lamp flickers back to life, the once-yellow flame now a deep red.
The tent, which had been almost frigid for some reason, rapidly begins to heat to an unbearable temperature. Sweat breaks out on Scott's forehead, rolling down his back, dripping down his cheek. It's like he stepped into the Nether, hot enough that his head starts to feel dizzy and his stomach unsteady.
The table begins to rattle, quiet at first, then faster and faster and louder and louder. The ground begins to shake, actually, rumbling and trembling, and the tent walls are flapping in a sudden roaring wins and Scott knows he's coming he knows he's here—
The tent pulls free of the stakes and completely flies apart, the red light spilling outward over the darkening plain, much further than a lantern's light ought to go. Scott shoves back his chair and stands, surcoat whipping around him, searching the skies for any sign of his brother.
Scott's never really seen the demon up close. He's briefly seen him (outside of their youth) twice. Once was from a distance in the End, Xornoth standing atop a tower to watch the battle to save the dragon. The other time was just a brief encounter, Xornoth appearing behind him while visiting the Overgrown close to a year ago, seemingly to do nothing but spook him.
And now, as Xornoth appears before him, Scott loses sight of all his anger. He can't feel anything but cold fear.
Again, Scott's never really seen the demon up close. And as he stares now, feet rooted to the ground, he doesn't see a single sign of the brother he once knew.
Xornoth, like Scott, is dressed all in black, but where Scott's mourning clothing is carefully fashioned and clean, Xornoth's black robes are torn, his dark armor unshined and grimy. His feet are shod with armored boots, his hands with leather gloves, and upon his head is what could either be a literal pair of black antlers or the red-streaked crown of Exor's Champion, a crude mockery of the one hanging at Scott's side.
His face is distorted, blackened, eyes bulbous and entirely maroon, mouth far too large and cutting jaggedly into his cheeks. His ears are still somewhat elvish, poking through his straggly black hair (which had always been purple as a child), which trails down his shoulders and chest.
Whatever that demon is, Scott can barely picture his brother in its place.
Yet it is his brother, here and now, and Xornoth is standing atop a boulder on the edge of the cliff, dark veins of red spreading out from it through the earth, cracking apart stone and solid dirt. Soldiers and rulers that had been milling about leap back, weapons raised.
And echoing through Scott's head and bones and the stifling air around him is a voice that hasn't haunted him in decades.
"Well, brother," Xornoth says, their blackened lips stretching inhumanly, pointed teeth bared. "You think you can destroy me?"
Scott's really starting to think he can't. The very air is thick with the stench of brimstone, so much so that members of his army are doubled over coughing, and the wind is howling and the skies are dark and there's maroon smoke rising from the ground and Scott can't breathe, he's choking on his own air and he doesn't even know what he's supposed to do—
But he doesn't fall to his knees, even as Katherine does beside him. He doesn't cover his ears and squint his eyes shut, like Joel does.
Instead, he fumbles open his bag and pulls out the Crown of Antlers, which he trades out for the crown on his head.
And Xornoth's smile falters.
His gaze travels down, down to Scott's feet.
Scott taps a booted toe against the ground.
"That's right," Scott calls out, above the whistling of the furnace-like wind and the coughing of the soldiers. "I have the artifacts. I'm going to bind you and your master, never to return again."
Almost as if caused by his words, spoken with a conviction that he forces himself to feel, the wind changes directions. The sweat on Scott's back freezes. fWhip, mere steps away from Scott, coughs, his breath appearing before him in a puff of smoke.
"You don't know how to use those," Xornoth sneers, but despite the years it's been since they last spoke, despite how unrecognizable he truly is, Scott knows his brother. He knows that when his voice becomes harshest is at his moments of uncertainty, determined to command his way out of any problem.
That means he's scared. He knows what Scott can do to him.
(Even if Scott doesn't know it himself.)
"Gem," he calls over his shoulder, and within moments she's at his side. "I'll need you to hold the crystal while I bind him, all right?" he says, quieter.
She nods, reaches into her sleek leather satchel and pulls out a huge, clear crystal, bigger than Scott's own hand. It shimmers slightly, gold specks scattered throughout that somehow shine with the sun hidden by the dark grey skies. She hefts it up, mouth in a grim line.
Scott nods back to her, then takes a step forward, one arm up to shield his eyes as the wind and heat get stronger the nearer he gets to Xornoth. Another step. Another.
There's a crack in the air, deafeningly loud, and Scott only has a moment to register that Xornoth has vanished in a cloud of black smoke before a literal tentacle bursts out of the stoney ground right in front of him, sending chunks of rock flying, and wraps around Scott's middle.
It lifts him into the air, a sizzling sound and uncomfortable heat against his body and wings telling him that it's burning through his clothes and feathers, and Scott struggles against it to try and pull his wings free but it's holding tightly to him, raising him higher and higher into the air—
And then it stops.
Ice is gathering where Scott's fists have been beating against the tentacle, gathering and spreading down, and though it melts almost instantly it simply reforms, until the tentacle begins to slowly recede into the ground.
Scott stumbles out of its grasp and onto blessed solid ground (he loves being in the air but not like that), and Xornoth himself appears right in front of him.
The demon moves, arm reaching out, mouth stretching open, Scott's arms fly up to shield his face—
"Stop," Scott gasps blindly, putting as much compulsion as he can into the one word, even though he doesn't even know what he's commanding Xornoth to stop doing.
The wind calms to almost nothing. Ice crackles across the ground. The air becomes frigid, though the terrible smell still lingers.
Scott lets his arms lower from blocking his vision, terrified of what he might find. Dear Aeor, his legs are utterly trembling, but he doesn't have the time to collapse.
And he finds that Xornoth is standing motionless before him, face twisted in rage.
"Gem," Scott says, voice too loud for the sudden silence, heart pounding in his ears. "The crystal—Gem, now—"
Gem hurries forward, holds it out, and Scott musters everything he has in him and commands, making the words up as he goes, "Xornoth, Exor, and those demons within you, I bind you by the power of Aeor to this crystal, never to be free from it again."
He waits, breath tight in his chest.
Nothing happens. Xornoth glances down, eyes catching on Scott's waist, and chuckles.
"I bind you!" Scott says again. This has to work. He has the crown, he has the boots, he has the crystal, this should be working—
He shoves all the imagined power he can through the air, as if to push Xornoth bodily into the crystal, this has to work he's getting desperate—
He's knocked backward with a sudden force, a blast of frost and ice coming from his own body, and Scott hits the ground and rolls through the dust, bumping his elbows and knees and hips, his veil getting caught under him and tearing down off his face.
He lays there for a moment—he can't afford a moment, but he can't breathe—and when he gets up, pushing himself up on his gloved hands, he sees—
Xornoth is frozen, a giant block of ice encasing him. The crystal is on the ground, twinkling under a blanket of frost.
And Gem is on the ground too, slumped as if dead, hair white as snow.
"What'd you do to my sister!" fWhip shouts, rushing forward to Gem. He kneels down beside her, pulls her into his lap, starts shaking her.
Scott struggles to his knees, tugs off his torn gloves with shaking hands. He didn't—he didn't mean to hurt anyone, he didn't mean to hit Gem—he doesn't know what he's doing, he was just trying to fix everything but he doesn't know how and he doesn't know what to do—Aeor, please—
He stumbles up, the lace of one boot getting caught under his foot and coming entirely undone.
Ice is everywhere. Great chunks of it around the plateau, coating every bit of ground in a sheet, the one tree growing in the tough dirt entirely uprooted and frozen.
Those members of his and fWhip's armies that are closest to the treaty grounds are dusting frost from their uniforms, some of them picking themselves up from the ground where the force of the blast had knocked them.
He didn't know the boots could do this. He didn't want to do this. He didn't mean for this to happen, he didn't want this to happen—
And before Scott can even really process everything, fWhip is barreling into him, sending him right back to the ground with an "oof".
"I'm gonna—" fWhip starts, straddling Scott's stomach, eyes wild and face red with anger, but a CRACK! that shoots through the air gives him pause.
Everyone, slowly, trancelike, turns to where the frozen Xornoth remains, and the large crack that's splintering down the ice encasing him.
With strength that must come from Aeor himself, Scott shoves fWhip off (he ignores the way fWhip's jacket goes stiff with ice) and rolls to his feet, stumbling toward Xornoth, scooping up the crystal on his way.
And then he doesn't know what to do.
He holds up the crystal beside the frozen chunk of ice that holds Xornoth, willing it to do something, anything.
"I bind you," he chokes out, pressing the crystal through the crack and into Xormoth's chest. "Come on. . . . I bind you!"
The ice shatters from Xornoth with a wave of heat that blasts Scott back, knocking the crystal from his hand as he once again hits the ground hard on his back (all the breath is forced out of his lungs and it hurts) and slides a couple of feet, feathers turning the wrong way and getting torn out.
Scott scrambles to regain his bearings—he can't breathe and everything hurts—but before he can even get from more than a sitting position, a foul-smelling boot kicks him in the chin and his head snaps backward, sending him back down.
He opens watering eyes, blinking several times to clear their blurriness, arms splayed out at his sides. Xornoth stands over him, radiating heat, the dark clouds in the sky behind him seeming to swell.
"You think you can trap me in a little piece of glass?" Xornoth growls, and when Scott again tries to get up, pushing himself up with his arms against the gravelly ground, he again kicks him down, knocking his head against the stone.
No. No, he has to save them—he can hear people shouting, he can hear screams, he's Aeor's Champion, this isn't how the story is supposed to go—
Xornoth laughs, cruel and derisive, before bending down over Scott and gripping one gloved hand in the front of his tunic. He drags him up, up to standing, his tunic tearing just slightly.
Scott can barely even struggle. His body feels like jelly, wings hanging limply behind him, legs almost unable to support his own weight.
He tried. He tried so hard.
Xornoth's face is so close to his that Scott can smell his reeking breath, see how the points of his black teeth glisten with saliva, but he can't even find the strength to tip his head back, get away from him.
"Even your little fish boy fought harder than this," sneers Xornoth, only loud enough for Scott to hear, and Scott's heart breaks.
He just wants Jimmy.
Somehow, if Jimmy had been here, it all would have been okay.
A tear slips down his bare face. Scott swallows back a sob, brings up his fumbling arms and weakly pushes at Xornoth's hand.
Ice spreads across his glove, and Xornoth hisses before throwing Scott down. He lands hard on his side, feels one of his ribs crack with a flash of white-hot pain, and he can't do anything but lie there and try to breath through it.
"I am Xornoth," the demon declares, voice echoing around the cliff, and the armies waiting on either side quiet, the only sound Xornoth's voice and the once-again rushing wind. "I am the ruler of this world. The so-called king of Rivendell tried to challenge me, and has failed. If any of you who followed him wish to feel my mercy, give up your arms now."
Scott knows his people. He knows that despite his youth, despite some unpopularity among older generations, his people care too much for him (for tradition, for his family) to renounce him.
And he can't let that happen. He's done for. He failed.
Rivendell needs to surrender.
Scott raises his head, just a little bit, some grit that had been stuck to his cheek falling to the stony ground, and looks around—there.
He catches Ilphas's eye—Ilphas, standing at the forefront of his army, their grey cloak slipping from their shoulder and hair out of place but their chin held high and stance dignified—and ignores the abject horror painting their face, then gives the tiniest, most minute nod.
They blink several times, and if Scott didn't know any better, he'd think they were crying. They nod in return, though, and turn away, calling instructions to surrender.
Xornoth nudges Scott with the toe of his boot. "This is your king," he spits. "And he is dead."
Before Scott can do anything, before he can so much as move, another maroon tentacle cracks out of the ground beside him, burning hot, and wraps around his legs.
It's all Scott can do not to scream—this tentacle is far hotter than the other, burning straight through his trousers to his skin, but before he can try to squirm away, it drags him up into the air upside-down and throws him.
Scott doesn't even have time to process the wind rushing through his ears before he slams into the ground, knocking his head against a rock in a way that makes his vision flash black and grainy and sends pain jolting through his entire head.
Xornoth stalks toward him, he sees, through blurry vision red with pain, he says something—something terrible and pulsing—Scott scrambles back, his palms bleeding against the rough texture of the cliff, he just has to survive he just has to survive—
Xornoth grabs him by the right wing, pulls him up as the delicate bone strains, Scott tries to even out his weight to his feet but he can't find his footing—
The bone in his wing snaps and Scott doesn't have the energy to scream, his breath releasing in a little gasp. No . . . no. . . .
He meets Xornoth's eyes, the world hazy.
There's no pity to be found in those dark pits. No mercy. Only satisfaction.
And Scott knows, right then and there, with a clarity that cuts through all the pain and haziness, that he's dying.
He failed.
He failed all of them.
And with a burst of hot power from Xornoth, Scott is once again flying through the air and then he's falling, down, down, the wind buffeting his back as he goes over the cliff, his right wing thrown uselessly this way and that as his left wing tries valiantly to save him but his weight is too much, and with a gross clunk and a white hot burst of pain, it slips out of the socket.
Before Scott can scream, before he can pray, before he can do anything but twist his body in the air to face nose down, he hits freezing water and blacks out.
The last thing he thinks, mind desperately spinning, is that at least he won't have to live so alone anymore.
His body aches, pulsing up and down, from the tips of his fingers to the ends of his toes, traveling up each limb and down each vein. Everything hurts, in ways that he can't quite understand.
The stag steps carefully through the forest, over gnarled tree roots and clumps of grass, each step rocking him from right to left.
Scott takes in a slow breath, body slumping further against the stag. The fingers of his right hand loosely grasp its hair, his left arm hanging at his side.
He just wants to fall asleep. He's so tired, and it all hurts so much that he can't even think. He just wants to sleep.
But he blinks slowly instead, watches as a squirrel skitters up the bark of a huge oak tree. A deer pokes its head out from behind a birch, its ears twitching curiously. Somewhere in the branches above, a chickadee sings its repeating song.
Scott lets his breath out in a long sigh. His body rolls with the slow trundle of the stag, jostling his various uncategorized wounds.
He swallows, throat dry.
Maybe he can sleep here. On the back of the stag. Let it carry him to wherever it intends to go.
He's so tired.
The ground below gets softer, bit by bit, the dirt becoming darker, the grass more frequent. The stag's hooves begin to leave impressions in the ground, the grass springing up after every step. A frog croaks from nearby, low and long. The leaves on the trees start hanging lower and lower, dripping down into puddles of murky water.
And then, the dirt now mud and squishing with every step, the stag stops.
Scott should see why it stopped. He should lift his pounding head, see what's before them, because surely if it's important enough to stop the stag he has to see what it is.
But he doesn't have the strength.
As his body is pushed, further and further—
After a long moment, the stag bends its neck, head dipping low in an arc, and Scott begins to slide forward, his fingers slipping from their limp grasp, his body leaving streaks of red in the brilliant white hair.
He slowly slides further, further, until he rolls between the stag's antlers, his tunic catching on a sharp antler and pulling a long tear down the side, before he slowly falls into a clear pool of water.
He sinks, red billowing up in the water around him—
Sinking, water filling his lungs, so much weighing him down and down—
Down and down, until his toes meet silty mud at the bottom.
He hangs there, in the water, letting it wash away his aches and pains and all the blood, and he sighs, bubbles spilling from his lips.
He's so tired.
A fish swims up to him—a cod—
Hands under his arms and pulling at his tunic, dragging him up onto a rocky shore scraping his back—
It noses at him, pokes him hard in the chest—
Pressing on his chest, harder and harder, again and again and it hurts—
And then swims up to between his eyes (it takes a moment to come back into focus) and stares at him, eyes large and somehow desperate.
And he sees, wavering in and out, desperate and beautiful brown eyes.
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bilbao-song · 10 months
secret rocker santa participants needed!! (11/20/23)
don't worry this is probably the last post of this nature for the year, but u know the drill: currently we are most in need of fans of following musicians and bands (or even just people with a passing interest in them):
⁃ jimi hendrix ⁃ simon & garfunkel ⁃ the beach boys ⁃ fleetwood mac ⁃ the eagles ⁃ tom petty
everyone is welcome (the only requirement is that you’re a fan of some kind of music from roughly the 50s-90s) and there’s plenty of time left!! these are just the ones that so far seem like they’ll be the hardest to match, which means more fans signing up would be very helpful :^) if you or your followers fit this criteria, please consider reblogging this post!
remember, sign-ups are open through november 28th and anonymous messaging begins december 1st :-)
➜ more information about secret rocker santa ➜ F.A.Q. page ➜ sign up here! (or here if you’d prefer to stay on tumblr)
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yuuugay · 1 year
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simple luciel from @uroboros-if lineart to complete my list of stuff to draw this weekend sabfjkgfgsg
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celestial-sapphicss · 10 months
on a little break because brain is not braining properly but i am being so brave about it
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cambionverse · 1 year
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Remember that one ask with Jujustsu Kaisen x NSR ideas? Yes. It is I who has descended again. I will write about those characters and those NSR powers bc I will implode if I don't/hj... here we go.
Note this will be focusing on the Hidden Inventory arc and its characters bc it will be closer to the NSR timeline and less characters to write about and might contain spoilers (the explanation down below is messy so I highly recommend you read the wiki page to figure out what I am trying to say)
Gojo Satoru (he/him): In canon JJK, he is keyed as "The Strongest". The one sorcerer who is practically invincible and has a lot of cursed skills up his sleeve, and leads the current cast as a teacher. He has a skill known as "six eyes" which allows him to perform all of his skills that manipulate the world on the atomic level. However, in the past, he was a bratty manchild teenager with too much of an ego. So we will have the latter brat Satoru as the lead. In the NSR world, he could have literally six blue eyes, and have the NSR world's equivalent of albinism which ends with his skin and hair being white. ... he could still be overpowered and ended up being shipped to Nueva York from Japan or caused some huge shit to end up in the US. Is Suguru's one and only best friend.
Geto Suguru (he/him in canon but sure gives off he/they vibes): in canon JJK, he is seen as the worse curse user, who wants to get rid of non curse users to make a perfect world. (As the sorcerers were sending the younger ones to fight cursed spirits, just for many of them to die) In the past, he is a stoic serious kid who wants to protect the weak using his gift of being able to take in cursed spirits. In the NSR world, maybe they could see dead people and ghosts and maybe even control ghosts like a necromancer. Probably looks like canon, with less of the dye job treatment. Might have ended up in Nueva York due to a)Satoru's shinanigans, or b) family not being able to handle their rare talent, since they were the only one to have it. Is Satoru's one and only best friend.
Shoko Ieiri (she/her but gives off she/it/they vibes): in canon JJK, she is the main protagonist's school doctor who can heal wounds using the rare Reverse Cursed Technique. In the past, they are Satoru and Suguru's close friend, who is still learning to use their technique. In the NSR world, it could have a glass body (since its name in Japanese is 硝子, literally the kanji for glass) and a humanoid head (unlike Sarabi) which kinda explains why it did not go to missions (to clarify, no, Shoko is a flesh and blood human in JJK, they just did not go to curse exorcising missions like the rest of the gang) They ended up in Nueva York by probably getting roped in with Satoru and Suguru.
Kento Nanami (he/him): in canon JJK, he is a salaryman-turned sorcerer, who despite acting stoic, has a genuine will to protect the students. In the past, he acts like a goth and looks like one, idk how else to explain it. His skill is Ratio, which can split things in the ratio of 7:3, creating a weak spot just there(a pun for the surname Nanami, which sounds like 7 and 3 pronounced in Japanese). In the NSR world, he could have the split skin condition like Eve except his skin is split in the ratio of 7:3. Is often compared to Eve and not happy about it. Still has the ability to split things in 7:3, and ended up in Nueva York most likely due to Satoru and Suguru.
Yu Haibara (he/him): in canon past JJK, he is Kento's classmate, and acts very cheerfully unlike Kento who looks like an emo teen 24/7... we sadly have no idea what his cursed skill is so we might have to improv here... in the NSR world he could be a black and white character like Noir, since his surname contains the kanji meaning "ash". Unlike Noir his skin is like that from birth.
sorry for sending this feel free to delete this ask...
Gonna put all my thoughts under a read more since your ask is already pretty long and I don’t want to make it even longer lol. (also I already answered and queued the first JJK ask so whenever that comes out it won’t have anything related to do with this ask).
I’ll do my best to keep up and will try to look at the wiki if I am starting to get lost! (Gonna respond as I read along instead of reading entirely and then going back and responding)
-Gojo Satoru:
I feel like his powers kinda feel like a stronger version of Eve’s powers (not even counting the “eye” motif that is being used too lol). 
You said he was a bratty teenager and so we will be using that version, does that mean all the characters are going to be teens or does that mean his teen personality is going to be given to his adult version? Sorry the wording was a little weird (and you said he is a teacher so the others might already be young and can’t be aged down). That being said though, I think having him be a teen and not having full control of his powers is a necessary step for being sent to Nueva York (an adult also works but he has to not have control over a lot of power).
Honestly, if you really want, he could be either a counselor at Nueva York or he could have his own organization that teaches people with powers like him to control their powers. I said in my other ask (whenever that one gets posted) that people with low skill that aren’t really a danger don’t really go to Nueva York. So anyone with powers like Satoru (similar in a way of how they work, not in the actual power) could be taught to strengthen and control their power by being in this school/organization.
Also, you talking about albinism really makes me wonder what albinism in NSR would look like. Since white skin and hair are very natural in this world, being all white wouldn’t be all that abnormal (well having the same hair and skin color is a skin condition I think exists, but it wouldn’t be considered albinism). 
Maybe if you have off white colors, or are fully white there is a case it is albinism OR it could be a case of the same color condition. The two make the classification hard for people since someone with albinism would need more treatment than someone with the same color condition. Having two different off white colors would be a sign of albinism, but could also be mistaken for natural coloring, while having two of the same off white colors could be albinism or mistaken for same colored skin and hair condition (anyway this is not the point of the ask).
-Geto Suguru:
The powers you suggest would have to bring up the case of if ghosts exist or not. Which honestly I don’t know how I want to handle to be honest. I do like the idea of ghosts and afterlifes and stuff, but I also like keeping it as either an unknown or not actually real. Mainly because I think it can get into trouble with people who had lost someone and wants to see them (someone like Neon J would have searched out someone with this power to try and talk to his crewmates).
Plus honestly I don’t like the idea of necromancy being in the standard NSR world. If this was one of my fantasy AUs, then absolutely! Neon J is actually a necromancer in one of my AUs, so Suguru would fit in with that kind of power! However, in the “normal” NSR/NSpidR AU, I would rather not have that kind of power (or the concreteness of ghosts/afterlife).
Had to look at the wiki for more explanation of his powers (and realized that “the worst” means dangerous and not a shitty magic user lol) and he seems to have an absorption power where he can absorb curses and use them later on. I think this could be a neat mimic ability where they can absorb someone’s power, making the user weaker and potentially disabling their power temporarily or permanently (depending on the length of absorption), and then use that ability for some time (again, depending on how much was absorbed). 
This would be a highly dangerous power to have, as they could end up taking whole powers from people and gaining those powers (maybe not to the same level as the original user though). So like, if they absorbed Tatiana’s powers for a little bit, they could replicate some of her power while she could no longer do her stronger abilities (and her normal abilities are weakened). This would last for, idk, maybe a day or two and then they can only use like the weakest form of that power from then on (maybe making a small lighter fire off his finder or something like that).
If they continue to absorb her power, then Tatiana could have even more weakened fire powers and time powers, possibly temporarily disabled powers too. This would give Suguru even more control of these powers, being able to use even stronger abilities, and have the powers for an even longer aftermath (maybe like a week or two). Once the powers are diminished in his inventory, he could still do fire and time magic (even better than before).
Now if he was able to absorb ALL of Tatiana’s powers, he would essentially be fully depleting her of her magic to where she could never make fire or use time manipulation at all (I don’t think it would change her biology so she’d still be made of rock/crystals). At this point, Suguru would never lose these powers, however they would never be at the same level of Tatiana’s original power level (so like if Tatiana was lv 100, Suguru would always be lv 75 or something, which is still strong and with other powers added in, they make up for the deficit).
If the person only has their power absorbed for a little bit, or even temporarily disabled, they will be able to get back to their full power as time goes on (maybe taking a few days to a few months to get back to normal depending on how much was absorbed). This is because they naturally have this magic/power while Suguru doesn’t, so he can’t just conjure more of the magic up without absorbing more of it. (and to fully absorb someone’s power takes quite a bit of time, so he would either have to get them to stop fighting back, knock them out, restrain them, or trick them into letting him take all their power, so he probably doesn’t have a lot of super strong permanent powers, but he still has some).
So yeah, if you want they could also be a counselor at Nueva York, probably is the one who came up with the Go-Home-Machine (or whatever it is called, I forget lol). I can see them actually being like Olivia where they both have their own motives for working at Nueva York, very selfish and not all that really helpful motives.
If you want to go with an entirely different school/organization that Suguru and Satoru run, Suguru could be a really good teacher who is able to mimic abilities and help teach people how to strengthen their powers (what better way to teach a plant person than to also use plant magic? :3)
And then, if you want them to be sent to Nueva York, then what could have happened is that Satoru and Suguru tried tricking people into giving up their powers or something, maybe even trying to trick Miguel (as he went to see what all the commotion was personally with this case) and both got sent to Nueva York because of how dangerous they were (especially Suguru).
-Shoko Ieiri:
Oh! OH! I have an idea! What if Shoko does still have healing powers, but its powers sometime get out of control and do that horror thing where the cells continue to grow and regenerate at an alarming rate and cause severe harm to the person getting healed. It would be horrible and traumatic but also a perfect excuse to be put into Nueva York because that is an extremely dangerous power to have with no control!
I also love the glass elemental idea! For some reason I think also having them being also a plant or light elemental would be cool. Like you can see the inside of her body being roots or liquid light, something like that. Mainly because plants are used in healing and there’s the idea of healing light or something like that. If that’s the case you can also add burns from the light or accidentally infecting people with fungus/invasive plants while healing (like imagine a small seed gets on someone while she is healing them and then the healing makes the seed take root into that person’s body and now that person has to have their body part removed because the roots are clogging up their veins and eating away at their body making them decompose but the healing magic just keeps healing them up. It would be a very painful could of seconds/minutes before Shoko realizes what the fuck is happening).
Now as for why it would get roped into Satoru and Suguru’s shenanigans, I can see it being the main selling point of drawing people in. Weak people come in to get healed by it, Suguru takes their power as payment, Satoru is like the face of the operation or something, and Shoko is the healer who actually does help people at the cost of their powers. That’s really the only thing I can think of that would work given my limited knowledge.
Once one of the treatments go wrong (healing wise and probably power wise, as I can see some people NEEDING their powers to survive), Satoru tries to use his powers to cover the whole thing up, which just catches Miguel’s attention and so he (along with some other counselors probably) end up going directly to these three to confront them, and then detain them after seeing the shit they have pulled.
-Kento Nanami:
Oh this guy’s power is actually really flipping cool. Like at first I thought it was weird (kinda stupid) but the wiki showing him cutting someone’s arm off at the break point is definitely something I did not think about (Idk what I thought at first his power could do, but that was not one of the abilities. That is so creative).
Definitely a strange power to have but I think this one could definitely work in NSR, maybe has to be tweaked a bit but I honestly don’t know how to do so since this is such a creative and unique power to have, so for now it will just stay as is.
I think him not being related to Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko’s crimes would be a better fit. Sure he could have been helping them, but I think him doing his own thing in the same vicinity and being caught only because Miguel and others are close by would be a cool thing to have. I don’t know what got him caught, maybe he was showing off his powers, Miguel or someone questions him, and then thinks he is a threat because this person could take down entire buildings or cut people in… well not in half, but you know lol. 
So Nanami gets taken away because the other three brought attention to him by accident with their little stunts being pulled.
-Yu Haibara:
Read his wiki and he told Geto “ that he likes when he does things that only he can do” so I think he would definitely have a unique power, but I have no idea really what that would be (or at least a rare power). His family is also not sorcerers so he is definitely the only person with a power in his family, which is why he would probably be sent to Nueva York.
Honestly that could be why this whole thing starts. Yu’s family calls in Nueva York for help, Nanami gets caught up in the intervention or whatever it would be called. And then, the counselor who went to check up on Yu gets wind of Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko’s schemes, which brings in a few other counselors and Miguel as this threat seems a lot bigger than the standard cases they have where one or two counselors would be fine to send in.
Anyway! Back to Yu! I do like the monochrome/no color thinking like Noir, but it is natural. Maybe something can also be related to plants or something because the wiki says his surname also has the kanji “meadow.” 
For some reason I am just thinking about Yu being made of actual ash and grass (maybe like black mondo grass) or something like that. His body would be intangible at times, think like Crocodile from One Piece. So this power could be really bad to have because you could accidentally hurt people’s lungs by spreading ash in the air (plus when ash gets in contact with water/a wet place like the inside of someone’s lungs, it gets super sticky and I think turns into a kind of cement, which you don’t want in your lungs). 
So Yu is seen as dangerous because of the nature of his powers, and is sent away to learn to control his powers. Maybe the counselor sees Yu and Nanami playing around with their powers, Nanami ends up “cutting” Yu’s arm (Yu is entirely fine and stuff), which makes the counselor ask questions, gets to know the nature of Nanami’s powers, and decide he should also be taken in (and then the counselor finds out about the other three, Miguel comes, and they all go back to Nueva York).
And yeah! That’s all I really have for ideas given what you told me about! The show seems pretty cool, though I don’t think I will be watching it anytime soon (I am already procrastinating so much other content). Hope my ideas and stuff were entertaining and relatively good for a media I know nothing about lol :D
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back2bluesidex · 11 months
Where Do Broken Hearts Go - Chapter 3 (18+)
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Pairing: Model, ex-boyfriend!Jungkook X Child psychologist, Fem!Reader X Lawyer, Single Dad!Hoseok. 
Summary: Jungkook stripped your emotions naked, left you bare in the chilly wind of despair and self-doubt with an unending heartache. You tried your hardest to move on from him, to live for yourself but failed miserably. Each night you had to come back to your empty home where memories and broken dreams were scattered all around the floor, until one day a little angel and her unbelievably beautiful father came into your life. Finally, when you find yourself healing, maybe falling too, Jungkook had to show up! Again!
Theme: Angst, pining, heartbreak, break-up, implied smut
Warnings: Mentions of school bullying, implied smut, multiple pov changes, we got Hoseok's POV too!! mentions of alcohol consumption, a flashback, palpable tension between Hoseok and reader.
Word count: 4.7k
Taglist requests are closed.
Minors and karens are not allowed in this blog
A/N: The chapter starts with Hoseok's POV. JK's POV is added to the very end of the story. Sorry for the delay. I really struggled with this chapter. But I hope you guys like it. Please share your thoughts, I'd love to talk to you about it. and even if you are only reading the story, I still love you regardless.
Main Masterlist
Prologue/Masterpost || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 - Finale
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“It’s so big, dad! It’s so big” the astonishment in Sua’s voice fills Hoseok’ heart with adoration. How come he has given birth and raised such an adorable human being! 
Even if ten years ago somebody had told him that he would be raising a daughter alone with very little to no help, he would have laughed at their faces. But now, he can’t even think of a time when Sua wouldn’t be with him to brighten up his day, his life, his entire existence.
“Sua, let’s get into the queue! Fast!” your voice cuts through the thin chill of the air. 
Hoseok’s eyes land on your figure and he finds you as beautiful as ever, if not more. He has come across countless women in his life but there are very few who have left any impact on him. 
You are definitely one of them. 
He knew you had to be special from the moment he witnessed Namjoon apparently struggling to shut his mouth while praising you and your capabilities. Hoseok knows his childhood friend too well and he knows that the man is not someone to be impressed easily. Hence, you had to be really compatible. 
But he definitely didn’t expect you to be so attractive. 
The moment his eyes met yours, he knew it was going to be hard for him to maintain this doctor-client relationship with you. And he was right. Things are getting even harder because he has to see you in your casual (and pretty) clothing, smiling and laughing with his daughter, and being equally excited about getting in the giant merry-go-round. 
One of the very few things that he learnt about you includes the fact that you don’t need a ton of makeup or extravagant dresses to look bold and beautiful. When he saw you at the clinic for the first time, you were wearing a formal blouse and dress pants and yet you looked effortlessly attractive. During both of the outdoor therapy sessions, you chose to wear jeans and tops. And again Hoseok is finding it hard to divert his eyes from you. 
On top of that, seeing you and Sua blending and bonding so well, makes him wish for forbidden things that are both too unethical and early for him to wish. 
“Daddy! Are you coming or not?” Sua shouts from a distance and that’s when Hoseok realizes that he has been far too lost in his thoughts, or more like, his thoughts of you. 
He walked fast towards the steps where you and Sua are standing, the same steps lead you into the small cabin of the giant merry-go-round. 
Sua’s shoes clink against the metal floor of the small cabin making both of you and Hoseok laugh at her excitement. She settles at one side of the cabin and gestures to both of you to come inside. 
Just as Hoseok is about to step inside, you hold his arm with your small palm. Something warm floods inside Hoseok and he finds this simple, insignificant act way too intimate. He eyes the place where your hand is touching him and then looks into your eyes. 
God! Your eyes are so beautiful, probably the most beautiful pair of eyes he has ever seen. He feels heat creeping up his neck. 
“You may hear things that will break your heart or unsettle you but I would appreciate it if you could keep your cool and refrain from reacting much.” your voice is low enough to make sure Sua doesn’t hear you. Hoseok understands and nods as you two finally settle inside the cabin. You sit beside Sua while he sits in the opposite direction. 
The cabin is almost midair when Hoseok sees your body going rigid, your face losing colors and your eyes shutting on their own accord. On the other hand, Sua seems to be enjoying the view much more than what is expected from a seven year old.  
It doesn’t take anyone a second guess to make out that you are acrophobic. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Hoseok voices out of concern, reaching for your hands in the process. You nod to assure your well-being. 
Sua whips her head and turns to take a look at you. 
“Y/N! Are you afraid of merry-go-rounds?” Sua grips your fingers with her small hands. Hoseok takes his approaching hands back under his custody. 
You laugh a little, even though your face says you are two seconds away from throwing up. 
“Not exactly merry-go-round, Sua. But I am afraid of heights.” You reply through your gritted teeth. 
“Oh? Is that a thing?” Sua questions. Hoseok sits back and observes the conversation. He realizes you are about to make it about Sua very soon. 
“Yes. Fear of heights is called Acrophobia. But it was a secret! Now you know one of my biggest secrets, Sua!” you fake annoyance, all through your nerve-wrecking fear. Hoseok is surely very amazed with you now. 
“Oh no!” Sua giggles. 
“Don’t laugh. In exchange for my secret, you gotta tell me one of your secrets too. Or better tell me what you are afraid of the most? It’s a rule. You can’t back off.” You seem to ease up quite a lot now. 
“What am I afraid of? Do I have to tell you?” Sua questions with a very serious expression. 
“Yes. don’t you think it will be unfair to me if you don’t?” You reason. 
“That is right. But then daddy has to tell us his secret too. He heard you, just like me!” Sua pouts. Hoseok chuckles at his daughter's cute protests. 
“Sure. I don’t have a problem.” he mutters. Eyes drifting to your face, which is focused on Sua. He sighs. You look even more beautiful under the golden hue of the setting sun. You look unreal, almost like a dream. 
“Okay then let's start with Hoseok, shall we?”  You speak with a trembling voice as the giant wheel starts to move again. 
“Yes. yes. Daddy should go first.” Sua chimes in, way too delighted to finally know what scares her father the most. 
“Spiders. I am afraid of spiders the most! God, those little creatures are the bane of my existence.'' As soon as Hoseok’s sentence ends, he hears roars of laughter from both of you and his daughter. 
“I knew it! Daddy hates bugs so much!” Sua breaks into another fit of laughter, you join her soon after.   
Hoseok feels like an achievement, having made you and Sua laugh so loud, it’s certainly an achievement to him. 
“Okay okay! It’s your turn now.” you say while winding a hand around Sua’s little body, tugging her close to you. 
For the first time in the afternoon, Hoseok finds his heart beating erratically because of you. 
“I-” Sua’s face loses the glow in an instant, “I am- I am afraid of dark rooms. Dark rooms are so scary. I hate it! I-I hate it!” She covers her ears with her tiny palms. 
Hoseok’s heart breaks at the sight, just like you had warned him earlier. He tries to reach out for Sua but sees you tugging her close to your chest, patting her back and calming her down before her anxiety excelates any further. 
“Does Jaemin have anything to do with this, Sua?” you approach carefully, patting her back during the entire time. 
Sua doesn’t say anything but she nods in your chest. 
Hoseok’s heart breaks even more. He has been raising Sua providing every possible comfort he could offer. He thought he was successful in keeping his daughter away from all the harms of the world, but he was wrong. Somewhere, out of his knowledge, Sua was being terribly treated. The thought ensues a destructive anger in him, both for whoever Jaemin is and for himself. No matter how much he tried to be a great father, he failed to protect his babygirl and he is totally ashamed of himself. 
When he looks up at you, he finds you smiling at him as if to assure something, as if to say, “hey, it’s alright”. He returns the smile with a heavy heart. 
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One thing about Sua is that it’s really easy to divert her mind and cheer her up. 
Only an hour ago she was trembling in your chest, engulfed in fear of dark rooms and that bully. But right now she is smiling widely, totally thrilled to be riding the Camelot Carousel. 
However, the person you are currently worried about is Hoseok. He is not at all doing well. 
“You okay?” Letting your voice sound a little concerned, you ask Hoseok. 
“I don’t know. I feel like I failed my duties as a parent. I couldn’t protect her.” Hoseok sighs. His shoulders rise and fall, making them brush with yours. It somewhat pains you to see him like this, especially when you could tell him for hours how good of a father he is despite all the complexities he had faced.  
“Are you a magician or something?” you reply a little playfully. 
“What?” Hoseok chuckles.
“No, right? Then how can you expect everything to be under your control? You are a human being after all, Hoseok. Being a parent doesn’t give you superpowers. There will always be shortcomings. But considering you have failed because of those, is certainly not justified. You are a good, in fact a great dad, Hoseok. And I need you to believe that yourself.” By the time you finish talking, you find Hoseok facing you. 
Both of you are lost in each others’ eyes. All the chatters, clamoring, noise, the music from the carousel have faded in the background. Silence is buzzing in your ears and your eyes are focusing only on him. 
Hoseok’s hair is not as styled as the other two times you have seen him. It’s more casual and curly today. Some curls fall on his forehead, almost reaching his eyes. His eyes are as dark and intimidating as ever. And if you are not wrong then you find those dropping on your lips momentarily before he is dragging his eyes back to yours again. 
“You are a good psychologist but.. you are a better human being and I hope you know that, Y/N.” Hoseok speaks a little breathlessly. 
“Maybe.. Or maybe not.” You add, finally turning your body towards the carousel again. You don’t look at him anymore. You don’t want him to read the vulnerability in your eyes that formed because he called you a good human being. 
Your mind instantly goes back to Jungkook. You blame him for everything. He is the reason why you are so sensitive, so miserable that your eyes are blurring just because someone called you a good person. 
It’s pathetic. You’re pathetic. And pathetically Jungkook doesn’t care about the state he has pushed you in. 
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“I didn’t get to ask you earlier but are you okay?” Hoseok asks, walking side-by-side with you while carrying Sua piggyback as she is fast asleep. 
You get a little nervous at his question. Did hoseok really see the miserable you through your strong girl facade? 
“Yes. I'm totally fine. Why are you asking though?” you quiz back. 
“You pretty much lost all the color of your face while riding on the giant wheel.” Hoseok chuckles a little. 
“Oh. that!” you chuckle too, “I am fine now.” 
“Do you always do this? I mean, going out of your comfort zone to help your patients?” 
“That’s a part of our job. If we can’t face our fears, we won’t be able to help others.” You sigh a little. 
Hoseok only nods and you two fall in a comfortable silence. 
“It was a great day, and we made good progress. Hope she will open up more to me by the next session. So, see you next friday?” You say as you approach your car. 
“Oh- next friday. Shit! I almost forgot.” Hoseok groans and you find it mindlessly attractive, “I have a very important hearing next Friday. We may have to skip the session.” 
“Skipping a session might not be a wise choice as she finally started to talk. Is there a way to reschedule it?” You shift your weight from one foot to another. 
“I am so sorry but I will be occupied with all the preparations for this whole week. I don’t think I can make it before saturday.” Hoseok pouts a little. 
And good lord! He is so manly yet so cute! You feel like running away again!
“I can work this Saturday if you want.” you propose, knowing exactly what you are doing. 
“Really? I will be so grateful if you do but I don’t want to ruin your weekend.” 
“I don’t have anything special planned anyway. So..” You just hope you don’t sound desperate. 
“Okay. Done! Saturday at the same time? I will text you the venue later on?” Hoseok smiles widely and you feel your heart melting. 
You nod. 
On your way back home, you feel a little guilty about the way you persuaded Hoseok earlier. You practically just used him as an excuse to refrain from going to Jimin’s party. You know Jungkook will be there and you don’t want to see him. You will briefly see Jimin and give him the gift before meeting Hoseok and Sua. 
Work is always one of the most plausible excuses after all. 
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There are two thoughts plaguing Hoseok’s mind. 
One, Sua being bullied at school and him being unaware of it all.
Two, You.  
You are doing the unexplainable to him. 
He had many people telling him that he is a great dad, he is doing an exceptional job in raising his daughter almost alone, but all of those words felt hollow and more like a courtesy than like an appreciation. 
However, for the very first time when he felt those words to be genuine, those were coming out of your mouth. 
“Being a parent doesn’t give you superpowers. There will always be shortcomings. But thinking you have failed because of those, is certainly not justified. You are a good, in fact a great dad, Hoseok. And I need you to believe that yourself.”  your words replay in his head. He intakes a sharp breath and sips whiskey from his glass.
Staring at the almost deserted road outside his window, he feels sympathetic for them. Because he knows what it is like to be deserted, to be alone. 
On nights like these, when he is a little unsettled, a little troubled, a little miserable… he seeks warmth of a shelter, a home, a lover. 
Hoseok sighs, closing his eyes he tries to picture a lover and the face he sees throws him off the edge… because it’s you. It’s his daughter’s therapist, somebody he doesn’t even know that well, somebody that is clearly off limits. 
He growls in frustration, slams the glass of liquor hardly on the table in the process.
He should not be feeling like this. He is beyond the age of having innocent crushes. It’s only need, want and lust at this point of his life. And there’s no way you can satiate those. 
So, he does what he could arrange. He takes his phone and dials the number of the person he knows will keep his bed warm at night. 
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Saturday rolls around much faster than you would prefer. For once you consider canceling the plan but then you opt for going. 
Jungkook and you had a messy breakup, that’s true, but your common set of friends or acquaintances have nothing to do with it. They are more of Jungkook’s friends than yours anyway. So, you have nothing to lose if they suddenly start blaming you even if it’s your ex-boyfriend who ended the relationship. 
However, you know Jimin would be different. He knows you better than any other friend of Jungkook. And he is the reason why you two met. 
Four years ago, when you were a fresh graduate, broke and desperate. You rented this cheap studio apartment. Jimin was your neighbor living just across the hall. And Jungkook was (and is) his best friend. 
There was nothing romantic about yours and Jungkook’s meeting, rather it was a scene to be remembered. 
It was summer, burning hot. Jimin, being weirdly himself, decided to dive into his very uncomfortable and shallow bathtub. Without a doubt, his decision resulted in him having a bump on the forehead. 
Jimin somehow managed to call Jungkook, who came to his rescue. Who also came knocking on your door in search of ice. That’s the day you met him for the first time, then became friends and in turn, lovers. 
The memory of Jungkook asking you out stings like a fresh wound these days. 
“So I was thinking…” he’d said, eyes zoning out of focus. He had looked at everything else other than you. 
“Hmm?” you had an idea what was this going to be about and you were elated to say the least. You and Jungkook had been flirting with each other for a good time already. A comment here, a touch there, all of it made you feel like you were new. You were in love for the very first time and you realized you have never loved any of your past partners as much as you loved this doe eyed, bunny featured boy. 
You knew your feelings were reciprocated as you were able to read Jungkook and the way he would behave around you. You were waiting for him to be the first one to break the ice and if he proved to be way too shy to do anything, you would come up and take the charge. 
But you didn’t have to do so. Jungkook broke the tension as soon as he heard you needed a partner to join you to your very first networking party. 
“I could be your date to that party you were talking about- I mean- if you want you know?” his mouth latched to the beer can, taking a long sip to avoid your eyes again. 
“Are you only suggesting or are asking me out?” You played with him.
Gulping the beer he opened his mouth to reply but he got tensed as soon as he saw you smiling and staring at him intently, “I am- umm- what I want to say is that-'' he gulped again “it would be nice if I could be your date. I would love to be your date.” 
“And why is that?” you were enjoying teasing him. 
He flushed at your sudden question. You could clearly see the way he was getting more and more nervous with each passing second. 
“I-I don’t know how to say it. Uh- It may feel a bit creepy since we don’t know each other for that long and I am already asking to be your date. But I- I like you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same-” 
You shut him up by capturing his lips with yours in a sudden kiss. 
It took him a moment to process your actions but when he did, he kissed you back with ten times more intensity. He slid his tongue inside your mouth, his hands found their way inside your tank top, he placed you on the top of his lap, pressing his groin to your core deliciously. A pair of tongues danced for dominance, and soon you found yourself writhing under him as he made you cum again and again. 
You come out of your flashback as you absentmindedly touch the heated part of the hair straighter. 
Wow. What a great start to a Saturday, you think to yourself. 
Gladly, we didn’t cry or have a meltdown this time. You smile to yourself, reaching for a band aid. This seems like healing. You are recovering faster than you thought you would, which makes you happy for sure. 
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Only if it was an average meeting, you wouldn’t put so much effort on your look. But you gotta meet Jimin first, who is probably already in a party mood, wearing his million dollar worth Dior outfits and Tiffany bracelets. And you don’t want to appear like a homeless kid before him. Moreover, Hoseok decided this week’s venue to be one of the fanciest bakeries of the town. Hence, it’s better if you doll up a bit.   
You look at yourself through the rear view mirror, hoping that you are not overdressed for a therapy session and not undressed to meet your super popular friend. 
Ok, you look presentable. What could possibly go wrong if you turn up to both of your meetings like this. Nothing. 
The signal turns green and you are about to start your car except the fact that it doesn’t. 
You spoke too soon. Obviously! Your car had to break down in the middle of the road like this! It is, certainly, one of the finest Saturday mornings you have ever had.  
If there’s anything positive then you are just two blocks away from Jimin’s house, hence, you won’t have to walk for long in your heels. 
It’s almost 2:45 when you complete calling insurance, handing over your car, and taking care of all the paperworks. There is no way in the world you could meet the Jungs by 3:30, so you decide to shoot Hoseok a quick text while walking towards Jimin’s house. You inform him that you are going to be late by 30 minutes or so as your car broke down earlier. 
And you receive a call from him when you are in the elevator. 
“Hey, is everything alright?” Hoseok’s smooth voice creates a weird session in your ear, which tickles down directly to your heart, warming it up much more than you would like to admit. 
“Ah, yeah. Everything is fine. The car suddenly broke down while I was on the way to a friend’s home. And I am not well-aware of the public transport here. So, it may take some time for me to figure things out and reach the bakery.” keeping your eyes on the elevator door, you speak into your device. 
“Uh- if you don’t mind… I can pick you up.” Hoseok suggests, voice a little small. 
“It’s so kind of you, Hoseok but I don’t want to trouble you.” you reply. It’s safe to say that you would love to accept his kindness but then again, you don’t wanna appear to be a desperate, broken hearted, naive little girl. 
“It won’t be a problem for me, Y/N. Just text me the address? Hm? I am sure Sua would love it too.” This time Hoseok’s voice is even more confident with a hint of authority in it. And you won’t like to turn him down. Agreeing with his proposition you cut the call, and type out the address just then the elevator dings open. 
You haven’t been to Jimin’s place more than a couple of times but it is never hard to find his door, even though each of the condo looks just the same from outside. 
Because Jimin’s door is always decorated as if it’s christmas. And today he even walked an extra mile and placed a full-size catboard cutout of himself with an edited crown on the top of his head and an animated birthday cake on one elevated hand. 
You stifle a laugh while you press on the door bell. 
And when the door opens, it’s not Jimin on the other side.
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You are one of the main reasons why Jungkook decided to show up during the afternoon, have lunch with Jimin and then quietly leave before the party starts. His privacy is certainly a concern but not more than running into you. 
But it seems like Life has different plans. 
It’s you, who decided to show up right after 30 minutes of his arrival. 
It’s you, who looks absolutely shattered by seeing him on the other side of the door.
It’s you, who is effortlessly sporting a black and red floral sundress with your slender neck and collarbones on display. 
He stares at you with blown out pupils as you do the same. And suddenly Jungkook realizes that he misses you… or more like, misses seeing your beautiful face. If that makes sense.
“Y/N..” he murmurs under breath and he knows you can’t hear him. 
You gulp and then open your mouth to say something but Jimin cuts you off. 
“Y/N! You are here!” Jimin runs towards you, shoving Jungkook out of the doorway and pulls you inside. “But wait. You are here to tell me you can’t make it to the party, don’t you?” 
Jungkook obverses you intently, zeroing his eyes on you and only you. You give Jimin one of your beautiful smiles and then hold out his gift. 
“Sorry, Jiminie, I have a session today and I am already late for it. But a very very happy birthday to you.” tiptoeing, you reach Jimin's height and place a sweet kiss on his cheek. Jimin hugs you as you hug him back.
The scene irritates Jungkook and he doesn’t understand why. He has always been the jealous type, overprotective and possessive type. He never liked it when guys, even if your common friends, become too cozy with you. But that was in the past. That was when he was yours and you were his. That was when he was still in love with you. So, there is no apparent reason behind his irritation now. 
He tries to move his eyes from you but then his eyes fall on your finger wrapped in a band-aid. Even before he knows what he is doing, he walks towards you, grabs your hand and examines the injury. 
"Did you cut yourself again?" Jungkook investigates, as if he still has any right over you. 
You snatch your hand back from his grip as if his touches burn. 
"No. It's nothing." You reply, avoiding his entire presence. 
Smiling brightly at Jimin, you murmur "I should go now. I'm running behind schedule." 
"But it's Saturday. You don't work on weekends." Jungkook's mouth runs before his mind.
"I'm changing." You finally look at him, your eyes shoot daggers at him. 
"But, Y/N-" Jimin starts to speak only to get cut off mid sentence as your phone starts ringing. 
Jungkook doesn't want to but he can't control himself from peeking at your phone. But before he could make out the caller id, you receive it, “Hello… Oh you are here. Just a minute I am coming.” 
“Jimin, I gotta go. I am sorry and happy birthday.” You rush your parting sentence, as if you don’t want to keep, whoever is here to pick you up, waiting. 
“Y/N, you didn’t even rest your butt!” Jimin protests and you laugh. 
“It’s a special client, Jimin. I don’t have a choice.” you smile apologetically to him. 
The fact that you have smiled so many times already but not a single one was directed towards him. He knows he hasn't done anything to deserve your smiles but he craves for them regardless.
He wants to ask you how are you doing, if you are eating properly or not, if you are sleeping in time or do you still stay up reading books. He wants to ask for forgiveness, to say that he is sorry, to suggest that you move on and stop hurting because of him, but even before he could say a word… you are gone. 
Jimin jogs towards the balcony and he joins just to see who this special client of yours is. 
Never once during your relationship has he seen you working during the weekends, you also never accepted any gifts or lifts from your clients, and there was no reason for doing so since most of your clients are teenagers. 
But earlier you said you were changing, is that why it’s a tall and good looking man who is here to receive you? 
You come in the picture a minute or two later and walk towards your special client. Placing a hand on the small of your back, he guides you to the passenger seat. 
Jungkook can’t make out your facial features from the 5th floor, but he knows you are most definitely smiling. And the knowledge doesn’t sit right with him; rather it sets his senses on fire and that familiar overprotectiveness, possessiveness plague his mind. 
“Oooohhh-” Jimin sings song, “a young, handsome client, who might as well be something more.” 
“No. She is still in love with me.”  Jungkook grits his jaw at the sight of the car leaving, taking away you. 
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@phenomenalgirl9 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @sukunabitch @chimchimmarie @coffeedepressionsoup @meowstake @vonvi-blog @nochuel @xjoonchildx @justmewondering-recs @cuteipat @miakey98 @purpleanchorcrown @chimmisbae @ane102 @junniesoleilkth @terjeonbebas @kookssecret @appleh4ad @kayleeshinee @whoa-jo @definetlythinkimanalien @lovelgirl22 @agrika
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stormyoceans · 2 months
random thoughts and recollections about the jimmysea and pondphuwin fanmeet in rome!!!!!!!!
WARNING. this is just a ridiculous amount of obnoxious ramblings by yours truly with basically no pictures whatsoever because 1) im terrible at taking them, 2) my phone is old and has terrible quality, 3) even when @petrichoraline so kindly offered me her spare phone to take some decent photos and videos i almost yeeted it across the room in the midst of things, so. yeah, just be aware these are a lot of boring words ;;;;;;;;
ANYWAY. let's get into it!!!!!!!
putting the jimmysea photo session LITERALLY FIRST THING FIRST sure was a choice and not a good one for my heart which clearly shows in my picture with them because i look like a deer caught in headlights (im not subjecting y'all to my face but trust me on this i was SHAKING)
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with the way the queue and the room were set up i feel like it was so much easier to look at and make eye contact with sea rather than jimmy, so at the end i whipped around to thank jimmy too and i think i automatically tried to wai to both of them, which i hope wasn't inappropriate ;;;;;;;;;; in my defense everything that was going on in my head in that moment was FUCK FUCK FUCK THEY'RE ACTUALLY REAL AND SO HANDSOME FUCK
also i had no pose in mind and i ended up panicking ;;;;;;;;
(more ramblings under the cut)
i bought the cheapest pass for them at the last second so i was sitting very far in the back during their panel and yet i could still see pond's jawline from all the way over there like i swear that shit is so sharp it could cut glass
i keep forgetting just how young phuwin actually is because he both looks and sounds so mature and confident and suave it's honestly insane
although one of the games was like. one of them had to be blindfolded and try to guess which pose the other was making just by touching them, and at the very beginning when pond put the blindfold on phuwin kept running away from him which was both so funny and cute
also the host kept putting up numbers with his hand and asking 'how many are these' to a blindfolded pond and one of those times pond answered by going 🤟 and i was like POND GOD DAMMIT
btw phuwin invited everyone to the GMM building so jot that down. if anyone gets there and securities asks you something y'all can blame him now (jk)
phuwin's favorite scene in we are is the art room scene with a sleeping phum in episode 11, while pond's is the pool scene always in episode 11. THE TASTE THE VISION THE FLAVOR TRULY MEN AFTER MY OWN HEART
i was sitting in the second row for the jimmysea panel so i could catch so many small moments i absolutely loved such as:
they had to press a buzzer for questions and they always did that together, with jimmy's hand being on top of sea's like 5 times out of 6
jimmy poured some water for both himself and sea and he made sure that sea drank some
there was a game with balloons where the two sides of the audience were supposed to get the balloons to the back and then bring them back to the boys, and we failed spectacularly on jimmy's side (HE FELT SO BETRAYED IM SO SORRY BBY), so when the balloon got to sea very quickly he pushed it back towards the audience to buy jimmy's some time
both p'tha and p'aof were actually sitting next to the audience on my side of the room watching jimmysea panel and in my head i was like EXCUSE ME SIRS CAN WE TALK [slides monopoly money towards p'tha for a new jimmysea series] [has WORDS with p'aof]
so the way questions worked was like. they had to press a buzzer and after that a spinning wheel with different colors would come up on screen and on whichever color it stopped on they had to pick a piece of paper of that same color with a random question written on it. during one of the spins, the wheel landed on yellow and jimmy picked one of the papers, but i think because of the lighting it actually looked green from the audience's pov, so everyone was screaming 'that's green'. however jimmy insisted that it was yellow, and that what we were saying was yellow was actually orange (the host was agreeing with jimmy but sea was agreeing with us so im still a bit confused on the matter sfjksgfj). then the host said 'we're still gonna do this one' (as in the yellow/green one that jimmy had already picked) but jimmy went 'two questions' and picked one of the yellow/orange ones too, so the host just turned towards the organizers like well since he's the one who said so. JIMMY JITARAPHOL TRULY A MAN OF THE PEOPLE (but also please stop giving nomnoms reasons to have beef with the color orange sfjkshfksg)
actual thing that happened:
host: describe each other in 3 words
jimmy: very cute creature. he's my cat
sea: my good boy
jimmy said he would like to play a detective in a future series and i almost vibrated out of my seat like YES PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YES THAT'S A MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART HE KNOWS WHAT'S UP P'THA ARE YOU HEARING THAT PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS I COULD GIVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sea said he wants to play a dentist but he actually meant dermatologist, he just messed up the word, and jimmy said that if we want him to be a dentist as well we should give him six more years sfjksjksf
at one point sea said 'mamma mia' and i burst out laughing so hard that's when i almost flung @petrichoraline's phone across the room (and that's when i also decided it was just better for everyone involved if i didn't try to take pictures or record stuff ;;;;;;;;;)
they also had to act out some words and when the host said 'sleep' sea was like 'i thought he (jimmy) would point at me' SON WHY ARE YOU CALLING YOUR OWN ASS OUT ✋😭 (and of course jimmy took the chance to point out that sea did in fact sleep right before the panel)
when the host said the word 'love' sea pointed at jimmy and jimmy pointed at the audience and then they were both quick at mimicking each other (so jimmy also pointed at sea, and sea also pointed at the audience)
it was established that the most important words in italian are 1) mamma (mom), 2) pasta, 3) pizza, 4) ti amo (i love you). hard to disagree with that tbh
i think after this fanmeet i've really got to give it to jimmy and admit he actually might be an extrovert because he was just soooooooo ridiculously charming and witty and quick on his feet when it came to find funny answers and deal with some sound issue during his song like i really do think he shines when he's around people
i think you can tell sea is definitely more reserved compared to jimmy but what he doesn't have in expansiveness he makes it up with being so incredibly endearing like he really is just SO. DAMN. CUTE. (even if he tried to give me a heart attack by having his arms out for the fanmeet PUT THOSE GUNS AWAY SIR)
had a chance to get a closer look to pond and phuwin when they all walked inside the room and im trying to say this in a way that doesn't make me sound like an insane creep but like. the sheer amount of FACE pond has. i've seen him with my own two eyes and i still can't believe that's a real human being just going around his life. WITH THAT FACE. kinda understand now why greeks decided that the human form was the most important subject for artistic endeavour because jesus. that man really is sculpted by the gods
all that being said, i think the one whose pictures don't give him justice is sea. he is just so ridiculously handsome in real life and has the most beautiful smile i've ever seen i kinda. lost it a little about it ;;;;;;;
i think it's one of the reasons i suddenly got even more nervous and ended up messing up so badly ;;;;; i had this entire speech in my head about vice versa but i was so worried about holding up the line and the fact that everyone had even small gifts for them while i was empty handed and they were just. SO MUCH. so i just said 'hiiloveyouthankyou' to both of them and rushed away ;;;;;;;;; and i regret it so much because i think sea was trying to say something but after that he just went 'oh. love you too. bye' IM SO SFJKSHFKSGFJGSJDFJDK STUPID
pondphuwin and jimmysea give off such different vibes and energies imho, at least during panels, like idk how to explain it but they truly feel like the cool kids and their silly goose uncles (and im saying this in the most loving way)
so. i guess this is the moment where i get a bit emotional about jimmysea. like i know im very biased but at the same time im also very aware that what we get to see of them is always somewhat performative, and yet. if before there was a part of me that was like 'this is gonna be a reality check and a reminder that i don't do parasocial relationships', that got pretty much crushed after this fanmeet. jimmysea genuinely look like the loveliest darlingest sweetest softest most precious boys who always make sure to thank everyone for getting where they are now. like my heart is so full of love for them i honestly don't know what else to say rn
if i have to find one negative thing (aside my blundering of the autograph session so badly) is the vice versa erasure. like both jimmy and sea had a solo song and that would have been the perfect opportunity for 'have i found' or 'by my side' but of course that didn't happen. one of the questions was 'what was your favorite scene to film' and they just assumed it was about last twilight. this is not me blaming them btw, because even when the fanmade video for them was played it only had last twilight scenes and moments so like. it's obvious they would think everyone just cares about last twilight. which is why i regret the autograph session so much and im sad im not the type of person who can just shout 'what about a vice versa scene!!!!!!' from the audience 🥲
this is also why i ended up buying the italian version of the vice versa novel btw BECAUSE IM NOTHING IF NOT A WEAK ASS PETTY HOE
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my biggest warmest thank you goes to @petrichoraline who was just so endlessly patient and supportive and sweet and nice through it all, idk what would i have done without her. i also don't really have the words to properly express myself but like. I LOVE HER SOSOSOSOOSOSOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
a big thank you and sorry also goes to @puppy-phum who is just sooooo lovely. i feel bad because i wasn't there for her as much as i wished to but im grateful we went through the photo and autograph sessions together. I LOVE HER SOOOOOOOOO MUCH TOO!!!!!!!!!!!
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Drabble request
TLTD JK fulfilling his wish to recreate that kiss scene from Love 911 with OC
I love your writing dear author, keep it up! 💖
Happy Birthday, My Love ༓ jjk
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↩︎ Too Late To Dream Couple
✑ Summary: For years, your husband's been wanting to recreate his favorite kiss scene from Love 911 with you, and lucky for him, it's his birthday today so he gets to have whatever he wants.
pairing: economics professor!jungkook x artist!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 644
a/n: I watched a clip of this on Youtube and omg SO cute! AND the fact that Kookie said he wanted to recreate this in real? 😳 TYSM for the request 🥰 just fyi oc gets a little giggly but she is in no way making fun of him for this.
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"Here, here, here!" You watch your husband jog ahead of you on the sidewalk. He's been trying to find the perfect spot for you to fulfill his birthday wish all day. "We have to do it here honey! We're in the middle of one of the busiest streets in Seoul, it'll be just like the movie."
"There's a lot of cars here," you say. Your clammy hands grip the metal sidewalk railing as your eyes scan your surroundings. "There's a lot of people walking around us too. You sure this is the right spot?"
"Of course! Now will you please come here so we can do the thing?" Your husband, only a few feet away, eagerly waits for you to come closer to him.
You chuckle, not even minding that he's a tad bit impatient. Seeing him this happy on his birthday makes you incredibly giddy.
"Hurry, faster!" he gestures with his hands for you to speed up. "I wanna kiss the love of my life in front of all of Seoul."
"Yes baby, I hear you and I'm coming as fast as I can," you reply. Once you're within arm's reach, Jungkook quickly bends his knees to pick you up, arms moving to wrap around your upper legs, just like Kang Il did to Mi Soo.
"Oh wait!" You flinch at the gentlest touch, letting out a giggle that has him taking his hand off you before getting to lift you in the air.
"What happened?" His panic-stricken face makes you feel all kinds of guilty for your random outburst.
"I'm sorry, it just tickles."
"What does?"
"Your hands under my ass."
"Oh my god..." He breaks into an amused grin and shakes his head. "I'll try grabbing tighter okay?" He goes in again and this time you bite your lip to keep yourself under control. Why are you being so squeamish? Get it together!
Jungkook's able to get your feet off the pavement this time but it's like you can't help it—you start fits of laughter again.
"Maybe we shouldn't do this today..." He sets you back on your feet and you lean your head into his chest, hands gripping his shirt. You're embarrassed at the random strangers who pass by, whether by foot or car, chuckling at the two of you, you specifically.
"No, I really want to do it," you muffle, head still buried between his pecs. "Give me a second."
Jungkook strokes your back and then brings his hands to your shoulders. "Look at me," he commands softly. "It's no big deal okay? It's just a silly thing."
"It's not silly!" You flash your eyes up at him. "I think I'm more ticklish than I thought I was. Here, let's try a third time okay?" You nod, back away from him, and give a thumbs up. You then stick your arms straight out, signaling to him that you're ready to be serious this time.
Your husband smiles at your cuteness and reaches to pick you up again. When you squeal for the third time in a row he grunts in playful irritation.
"My god, this wife of mine!" He grabs your face and starts pecking your lips repeatedly. "Just...let...me...kiss...you," he says between pecks.
All previous giggling goes out the window after this—both of you euphoric from the kissing. Your husband takes it as his queue to try lifting you up one last time and this time he's successful.
"See, you look so beautiful like this," he tells you, nothing but pure happiness on his face. "I could stare at you forever and not once get tired."
"Happy birthday my love." You cup his face from your higher position, lean down, and kiss him not a minute later as more random strangers clap in the background.
Apparently, you have more of an audience than you realized.
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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Euphoria - JJK
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Paring: Jeon Jungkook x Fem!reader
Type: One-shot
Word Count: 3.7k
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Lil bit of angst.
Warnings: smut, dom!jk, sub!reader, pet names, praise kink, fingering, Jungkook being complicated, major fluff throughout - especially at the end.
Summary: You and Jungkook sit next to each other in English class and it's only when your professor assigns every pair with a project that the two of you begin to realise how much you really feel.
A/N: This one is gonna be long and it might drag on so deepest apologies for that but enjoy the ride!!
You and Jungkook sit next to each other in English class.
The two of you have never gotten along.
"Hey Y/N, have you ever thought of wearing a mask?" Jungkook asks.
"No, why?" you reply, turning to send an unamused look to the boy.
"Because then I wouldn't have to see your ugly face every day," he cackles.
"Jungkook, Y/N, can we be quiet please," your professor says. "So, as I was saying, I will be assigning you and your partners with a project to complete over the next two weeks-"
Your face drops.
So does Jungkook's.
"-and I will be choosing what tasks you must complete for the specific type of story I ask you to write. So, one of you come up here to the front and queue next to my desk for me to give you a subject. You will have the rest of this lesson to plan what you will do with the prompt I give you."
You let out a quiet groan, but Jungkook manages to hear you.
Of course, he has to make an unnecessary comment.
"You're upset, at least I'm good looking! I have to put up with your ugly ass in my spare time for two weeks straight."
"Oh, shut the fuck up, Jungkook," you say, standing up and walking away to get the prompt.
You walk over to your teacher's desk and join the queue.
After around three minutes, you reach the front of the line and receive your prompt.
"I want you and Jungkook to really bond over these next two weeks so with this, I want you to use this polaroid to take photos to prove to me that you and him have solved all conflicts. Use this to create a comic book kind of layout," he explains.
"Sir, you have to be joking."
"Nope, now get on with it," he says, handing you a polaroid and a small notebook to mate notes in for the actual project.
"What!?" Jungkook shouts when you tell him causing the whole class to look over at the two of you in confusion, your professor shaking his head.
Walking away felt like the worse decision of your life because you could only imagine the look on Jungkook's face when you tell him
"Look, I don't want this as much as you do but we have to just get it over with," you explain, placing the camera in front of him.
"I know you're way better than me at photography, so I'll let you have that."
Walking out of class with Jungkook hot on your heels was a strange feeling, he had never followed you out before.
"Don't try and suck up to me now, Y/N," he snaps, rolling his eyes and pushing his hair back in anger.
He grabs you by the shoulder and pushed you up against the lockers, his figure towering over yours with his hands pressed on the doors beside your head.
"Listen to me now, you freak," he snarls. "Just because I am spending the next two weeks with you doesn't mean I will begin to feel any less hatred against you, understand?"
"Jungkook, I couldn't give a fuck less what you will think of me by the end of this project, because I'll still hate you just as much."
Shoving his arms from next to you, you walk away flipping him off with an angered frown on your face.
This will be an entertaining two weeks.
The next period was lunch, and you were so grateful to spend it with your best friend, Jimin.
Jimin was surprisingly good friends with Jungkook which was pretty hard for you since the two of you hate each other's guts.
Because of this, it wasn't a shock to you when you found him sat with Jungkook when you walked into the cafeteria, a small smile on lips.
"Can you move?" you ask the boy, stood behind him.
"Do you hear that, Jimin?" Jungkook asks in response.
"Haha, very funny, now get the fuck up and go away."
"She's feisty," he chuckles.
You sit down next to Jungkook but shove your elbow into him, pushing him off the bench.
"Thank you," you smirk, looking down at him on the floor.
He sends you a death glare and scrambles up off the floor before quickly walking off.
"Do you have to be so mean to each other all the time?" Jimin questions, shoving a forkful of pasta into his mouth.
The next day, you had to begin your project with Jungkook.
Both of you were not looking forward to this at all but it was okay for this lesson as the two of you got to work separately to take background photos for the comic.
Jungkook took the camera around the classroom and outdoor field, snapping pictures of the papers and trees, letting them develop on the floor before taking them back in.
You were left with the drawing board.
You drew out the base of the comic sheet, the squares as to where each photo would go, where the text will go and who will illustrate each page.
To avoid argument, you ignored Jungkook when he returned to his chair, spreading out the photos on the desk and choosing his favourites.
You couldn't help but admire him sometimes.
Now was one of those times.
You knew you shouldn't but it never mattered as to how much you hated him, you had to admit he was pretty.
His hair hung over his eyebrow, his tongue poked out of his mouth to mess with his lip ring and his nose scrunched when he disagreed with himself.
Unfortunately for you, he caught you looking.
"See something you like, freak?" he asks, sending you a dirty look.
You scoff, roll your eyes and look away.
Why did he have to be such a dick all the time?
"Have you chosen the photos for the first page yet?" You question, flipping the paper back to the opening page where four empty boxes lay, waiting for photos to be stuck in them.
"Give me time," he says. "This takes time y'know?"
"Yeah right."
"Okay then. How about you go out and try to take photos of whatever could fit in this fucking comic!" Jungkook exclaimed.
"Jungkook!" shouted your professor. "I will not be hearing any more of that language, do you understand?"
Jungkook simply nods at him before turning back to you, his annoyance clear on his face.
You look away from him because you know he's right, it must take a lot of thinking to try and get some of the shots he did.
"That's what I thought," he mumbles.
For the rest of the hour, you and Jungkook didn't speak much, all it consisted of was him passing you the photos he liked and then pointing to where he think they'd look best.
"No, Jungkook, it would look better on the left," you said.
"No, on the right."
And even though he was still being a complete asshat, you quite liked working relatively well together, him concentrated on his pictures and you focusing on where to place them and such.
It was nice.
The following day you didn't have English.
Which meant you and Jungkook were going to have to actually meet up alone to do work.
Did I say that clear enough?
You still hadn't figured out how you would even ask him as he's never willing to stay around you for more than 5 seconds if he doesn't have to.
Then... you cracket it.
All you had to do was ask Jimin to tell Jungkook to meet you at the end of the day near the front gate.
And boom, you wouldn't have to speak to him.
But when break came around, you discovered that Jimin wasn't in today.
There was no way you could go looking for Jungkook.
It just felt so wrong.
As if the devil himself could read your mind, Jungkook appeared from around the corner.
You hated this.
Running over to him, you tapped his shoulder lightly.
He turned to face you with a small smirk on his face.
"Look, before you say anything, this is solely for the purpose of the project-"
Why the fuck did you say that?
Silly bitch.
"Would you meet me at the front gate after school so we can start work on our project? Maybe we could go to the park or something?" You ask.
"Ugh, I completely forgot we'd have to do that." Jungkook groans. "Fine, but instead of going to the park, we'll just go to my place and stay in the garage, it's pretty empty in there and I don't want your ugly ass in my room or house."
"Oh okay." You respond, not expecting him to take you to where he lives.
"Are you going to leave or just stand here and embarrass yourself even more?" He grins.
You roll your eyes at him and walk away, giving him the finger as you left the cafeteria.
The whole day had dragged on since you had asked Jungkook to meet you.
You didn't really know why but you suspected it was because you weren't looking forward to it at all.
You just quickly had to grab something from your locker before you left to see him.
Opening your locker, you felt someone glaring at you.
It was Jebu.
That asshole.
"Can I help you?" You asked, turning to stare at him.
"No, I was just wondering why you chose him over me."
"Sorry? Chose who?"
"Jungkook, obviously," he says. "I thought we had something."
"We did," you said. "But then you ruined it. So who's fault is that?"
He scoffs and walks over to you, placing a hand on your waist.
"Jebu, can you please get your hand off me?" You asked.
"Why?" He responded. "You used to like it when I did that."
"Not anymore."
Jebu doesn't listen to you and keeps his hand firm on your waist.
"Come on, Jebu, just let go. I need to meet up with Jungkook for our project."
"I'm afraid I can't do that," he smirks.
"Then let me do it for you," a voice says from a little away from the two of you.
The boy shoves Jebu out the way and knocks him to the floor.
"She told you to get off."
That voice...
It sounded awfully familiar.
The boy turned and it was only when you saw his face that you realised who it was.
Jeon Jungkook.
"Jungkook... why did you-?"
He cuts you off.
"The only person who gets to be mean to you, is me," he says. "Now pick your bag up and come with me."
It took you a moment to process what he had said and and although it wasn't the nicest of comments, it did make you feel a little warm inside.
That even though the two of you hate each other as much as you do, he still helped you.
But anyways, pushing that behind you, you grabbed your bag and folder from your locker and followed Jungkook out to his car.
A black Mercedes.
"Cool car," you say, admiring it's perfectly shiny exterior.
"Thanks, I guess."
The inside was even more luxury.
With those white leather seats and a midnight black gearstick.
It was so pretty and you couldn't get enough of it.
Maybe Jungkook driving you around wasn't so bad as long as you stayed in this car.
When you got to his place, he immediately took you into the garage.
"Like I said," he begins. "I don't want you and your disgusting self in my house."
And he was back to being an asshole.
Opening the garage door, Jungkook was quick to point out where everything was.
Things like the bathroom, and where he kept his spare pens and such.
He had a small mini fridge in the corner filled with coke and beers if you wanted one.
The coke, maybe, but you took a hard pass on the beers for now.
The last thing you wanted to be doing was drinking with Jeon Jungkook.
You would never forgive yourself.
Sitting down at the nearest table, you open the folder with the comic plan in and the comic itself.
"Do you have any more of the photos or did we go through them all yesterday?" You ask.
"I still have a couple more but they're shit," Jungkook says, sitting across from you.
Now that you were here, you didn't know what to do.
"So I think what sir was saying is he wants us to take photos of us being with each other everyday for the next two weeks and then have like a page per day," Jungkook explains.
You knew it was weird of you to do so but you couldn't help but stare at his lips when he was talking.
His looks had always been your weakness.
"So what, do we just take a photo of each other and that's it?" You ask.
"I guess so, but I think we're meant to actually spend time together but I'm all for it if you leave now."
You hated how snarky he was.
He grabs the camera before you can, snapping a photo of your annoyed face before throwing the polaroid and camera back at you.
The next few days went by pretty quickly.
You had been going over to Jungkook's for the whole week and you two only had to get through the weekend to have the first week over and done with.
You were stood outside of school waiting for Jungkook to finish at basketball practice but because you were stupid, you had forgotten to bring a jacket with you so you were freezing.
The hour and a half of practice was soon to be over and you just couldn't wait to get into Jungkook's car and be warm with the heated seat on.
Over the past five days, you and Jungkook had grown slightly closer.
He hadn't been so mean to you in class or whenever he saw you in school.
He hadn't sent you as many dirty looks as he usually does.
He had let you into his house yesterday because he said it would let him focus better even though he had been perfectly fine the previous times.
Nevertheless, you still weren't allowed in his room and he still didn't want you or your "dirty self" in his room.
The bell rang, which meant that all additional student time was over and they needed to leave the building.
After a couple more minutes, you heard loud laughter coming from three boys walking out of the doors.
"Bye guys," Jungkook smiled at his friends, sending them a small wave before turning to walk towards you.
"Hey," he says, walking next to you.
You mumble a 'hey' back but because you were so cold, your teeth couldn't help but chatter.
"Y/N, you're freezing," Jungkook points out, a small hint of worry in his tone.
Next, he does something unexpected.
He removes his jacket and wraps it around your shoulders, making sure it doesn't fall off.
"My car wouldn't start this morning so we have to walk," he says, turning the corner to begin the walk to his place.
"But Jungkook, you're gonna be cold," you say, removing the jacket from around you.
"If you don't put that jacket back on, I will leave you here all night."
You then stop talking and put the jacket back on, sliding your arms into the sleeves and pulling the ends over your hands.
You had to admit that the jacket was comfy and it smelled amazing.
Walking with Jungkook felt quite relaxing, especially since you weren't going at each other's throats.
While it's quiet, you think back to how you had come to like Jungkook.
You always knew you didn't completely hate him but now he was being a little nicer, you recognised that he was a pretty nice guy.
"Are you warm now?" Jungkook asks, interrupting your train of thought.
"Yeah, thanks," you say, a small smile on your face as you look up at him to reply.
"Look," Jungkook says, stopping in the middle of the path. "I'm sorry I've been such an asshole to you this past year. I know we've both hated each other for a while but ever since I started really getting to know you during this project and what things you like and who you look up to, I've come to realise you're one of the best people I know. I just wanted to apologise for the way I've been treating you lately and I hope this next week can be us really trying to put all conflict behind us."
"I never thought I'd ever hear you say that."
He simply chuckles and looks down, kicking small stones with his feet as he walks ahead.
You stay behind for a moment, thinking about how you and him had completely changed your opinions of each other.
Breaking away from your thoughts, you realise how far Jungkook had walked so you run up to him and latching your hand onto his arm.
He looks down at you, shocked.
You realised you had just practically linked arms with him and quickly pulled away.
"Sorry," you say, rushingly.
He send you a small smile. "It's okay."
You look away from him, embarrassed at your actions.
"It's okay, Y/N, I liked it," he smirks.
A warm blush creeps up onto your face and you're glad it's dark because you couldn't have him seeing how flustered he makes you.
When you get to his place, he opens the door for you and lets you take off your shoes before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the stairs.
It's only when he stops you and apologises if it's a little messy that you realise he's taking you up to his room.
"Jungkook, I thought you didn't want me up in your bedroom?"
"Well, now I do."
Okay then.
You and him spent some time sat on his bed watching the new top gun movie.
You managed to snap a few photos of him laying down in the dark and him the same with you.
You took a photo of the two of you making popcorn and laughing while throwing it at each other.
"Jungkook, get off!" You laughed as he continued to try and tickle you.
"Jungkook, you're suffocating me," you giggle, trying to lightly punch him in the stomach.
It's only when he pauses for a moment when you realise how close to each other you both are.
Jungkook spends a moment just looking at you, his gaze drifting from your eyes, to your lips, and then back up again.
Your breathing becomes heavier and your heart pounds in your chest.
Jungkook slowly leans in towards you, his nose grazing yours as you close your eyes and place your hands on the sides of his face.
Your lips join with his in a gentle kiss.
His hands move down to your waist so he can pull you up from underneath him and place you in an upright position.
His tongue slides along your bottom lip as you grant entrance.
The kiss begins to develop into something more desperate, your fingers intertwining into his hair and softly pulling at the roots, earning a small moan from him.
Hearing this, you pull away.
"Are you okay?" Jungkook asks in a panic. "Do you want to stop?"
"Jungkook... should we be doing this?"
"Well, it's not wrong for us to," he responds.
"I know, but it feels different with you," you say.
"If you start to feel uncomfortable, just stop me, okay?"
You nod as he attaches his lips back on yours for a peck before moving down to your jaw and neck.
You whisper out a moan at the feeling of Jungkook's soft sucking on your neck, his lips marking the skin.
You feel his hand slide down your front and slip under your skirt.
His cold hand on your inner thigh makes you feel a want and need towards him, your core soaked and ready for him.
"Is this okay?" He asks, his slender fingers reaching for the hem of your skirt and panties, ready to rip them both off your body.
You nod your head before he yanks them off you and teases your folds with his middle finger.
A moan escapes your lips as Jungkook slides a finger into your pussy, your juices coating him.
"J-Jungkook," you whimper, his fingers speeding up inside of you, the tips just grazing your spot.
You feel the knot in your stomach become tighter with every little movement Jungkook makes and it's driving you crazy.
"Jungkook, please, I'm gonna cum," you moan, pulling at his hair.
"Just hold on for me, baby, you're doing so good for me," he says, his voice soothing you with how smooth it sounds.
"You're being such a good girl for me, just hold on a little longer."
You let out a cry of pleasure as Jungkook adds a third finger into you, stretching your hole out even more.
"I can't take it, Kook, I need to cum," you gasp.
With a small 'okay' from him, you become undone under his gaze.
You let out a loud moan as you release all over his fingers, your white liquid coating his hand and dripping down your thighs as he pulls his hand out of you.
"Such a good girl," Jungkook says, stroking your hair with his now cleaned hand.
"It's a shame we didn't get a polaroid of it," you joke.
"Next time," he smirks.
"Next time?" You question.
Jungkook simply nods before pulling you into his chest and dozes off with you, your body wrapped around his.
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ventiij · 1 year
This is the first request I've ever sent lol, I was wondering if you could write NSFW! Xingqiu Alphabet?
sure! after all, it’s not always that you get Xingqiu as your first …👀 request.
(boy is so underrated help)
i apologize in advance if point q doesn’t really make sense smh, i just couldn’t find anything more suitable lol. anyway enjoy.
minors run away in 3, 2, 1
a - adoration (is he into it?)
yes, very likely. even if he is the gentleman type there’s just something in him.. and of course, as much as he loves taking compliments, he will give them back, if you like.
b - bottom (ntm to say)
yeah he’s definitely submissive towards you, maybe power bottom at times? still tho: not long after you get started, he can’t help but submit and be good for you. make him do anything, after all, he’s been waiting for it since he read that one book (of his many, all for the same purpose) and imagined you two as the main characters.
c - cock (lenght)
slightly less than 15cm but doesn’t really care, like, dear… TRUST anything above that is just extra not just on him but where is all that going? nowhere near me ty
d - dress up (what kind of clothing does he wear during it or beforehand?)
you could have him dressed up like in any dress, ex. a maid one, litterally use imagination he’s chill, may act a lil shy at first but gives up soon enough. after he acknowledges that you’re into it tho, you can clearly see how he found his new favourite way to tease you.
e - embarassement (how does he take teasing amd such while he’s sensitive?)
after you tease him with words, he’s all red with his eyes closed just listening, not saying a word and just enjoying the feeling
f - face (best face he pulls)
eyes closed, small pout ad he drools a little
g - g-spot (how does he act when you hit it?)
he becomes super loud and he whimpers so much. ability to talk? gone. he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing unless you point it out.
h - horny (where, when, how much?)
after reading a book about it and just imaginating the things you could’ve done to ruin him. not that much unless it really got him into thinking about you and his thoughts just run wild.
i - impact (that the first time had on him)
he liked it so much and then you comforted him right after, so he understood he could come to you in case he’ll want it to happen again (he will)
j - juice (again, explains by itself)
the quantity depends on how much he’s in the mood and how much you tease him and vice versa, but nevertheless feels so good to him. tries not to be too loud the first time, but if he’s really overwhelmed he won’t be able to control his voice.
k - kids (pregnancy kink yes or no)
no and don’t question this.
l - lemon (what does he think about it)
right before having sex, he loves it. it turns him on and he immediately gets the message.
m - masturbation (yes or no?)
not usually, only if he’s really really down bad to do it and you aren’t there. if you are there tho and you order him to do it, he will. he wants your eyes on him the whole time. give him more orders and pass your time like that, he’ll put on a great show for you and you only
n - no (things that aren’t allowed)
don’t ruin his tender, porcellain skin: no knifeplay or anything like that. you can tie his hands, sure, but don’t use ropes all over his body too often, if he feels too much pain that will be an extreme turn-off.
o - osmanthus wine (tastes the same as i remember but where are those who share the memories)
o - obedience (featuring point b)
he’s so obedient, yes. he knows if he’ll be obedient you’ll reward him and he’ll look forward to it the whole time.
p - positions (which one does he prefer?)
when he’s sitting on your lap: he prefers to be close to you, to feel everything he can.
q - queue (do you have to wait to have sex, in case he’s busy?)
depends on what he’s doing. reading a book? alright, he’ll stop for now. just a few dozens of pages left to finish that huge book he bought last week? hell no, know your place.
r - rest (after it)
he needs a lot of rest because he puts a lot of effort into both pleasing you and feeling a lot of sensations at the same time. he’s exhausted and he’ll love it if you take care of him, after all, he’s been good, no?
s - stress (not during it)
defo uses it as an excuse to get some attention from you, something like: “can you take my mind off of some things..?” and then becomes the naughtiest thing you thought could come out of this
t - tongue (does he like when you use it or when he’s using it?)
oh yeah, definitely. boy liked having all your attention in general so pushing it even more will just please him as much as possible
u - urges (during it)
to cum. if you deny it, he’ll start whining and play victim, deny it even more. he’ll be so desperate and cute for you that he just fulfills your desired until you give him consent to finally release.
v - volume (is he loud? quiet?)
he tries to be quiet most of the time, but as soon as he cums, he’s so loud. he’s so sensitive so he can’t help it.
w - wow (a thing you didn’t expect from him)
that he tends to come to you whenever he’s feeling horny without being all that shy. no big words or so, he just asks you to fuck him right away and, how could you say no? he really does rely on you for this one.
x - xoxo (kisses before, during and after it)
before it, it’s just as i said in point l, during it, they’re even hotten and expecially wet. after it, the kisses are just soft and cute, as a form of appreciation and trust.
y - yummy (using mouth - jobs, eating out etc)
yeah as said in point t he likes every bit of attention from you and will carve it no matter in which way you plan on giving it to him.
z - zappy (things he’s excited to do, featuring the previous points)
g, j, l, p, u
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Jimin’s mail being “omitted” four times. Snapshots of his address and national identity number leaked online. Death threats sent to Magnate.
Now someone has JK’s address and keeps sending him food he didn’t order. That may seem like a sweet gesture, but it’s actually about power and control and it’s creepy as fuck.
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After months of laying low since the insurance “scandal,” they were just starting to interact online again, to hug openly, to be real with us.
But ruiners ruin things.
I may need a bit of a break from fandom. Not to worry that I’m flouncing off in a huff or abandoning our boys, but the timeline is starting to become a source of stress rather than joy. That’s my cue to take a step back and do some head-work.
I still have Friday Thirst posts and such in the queue, but I’m gonna go take a wee bit of a mental health break, puppykitties, and I’ll check back in with you when I feel positive and restored!!
Please keep streaming and voting and, as always, take good care of yourselves and each other. Be back in a bit!
Love, Roo
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piedpiperslists · 3 months
hi, ive missed you and your blog! can you help me find this fic? it was bfjk x reader and jk was pretending to be a doctor during sex but he kept finding plot holes and annoying oc, thanks!
Hi, I also miss being on here :( I wanted to get back to reading and being on this blog again before Seokjin came back, but I got quite busy and also got into other things 😬
And for the fic you mentioned, I think it's this one:
Plot Hole by feliix - drabble (s) / established relationship, PWP Summary: You’ve finally convinced your boyfriend to try a new roleplay scenario, but he keeps poking holes in the plot.
I'm still not sure when I'll be fully back here. There's quite a few fics on my queue and lists in my drafts that I want to post, but for now I've only been reblogging on my other accounts for fics to read and for ongoing fics.
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kanmom51 · 2 years
JK and Vibe
cr./ to all the creators of the media used in this post.
I did promise a post about this, didn't think I'd be doing it so soon.
People are real shit, you know?
I mean, in my line of work I've been in contact with many, at the very least, not good people. But since I've opened this blog, wow, my eyes have been opened up. Supposedly normative people, not criminals, not low lifes, what we like to call 'good' people getting behind a keyboard and just having at it like the worst of the worst.
Give them a sense of anonymity and they will write anything that comes to their mind, unfiltered, unlimited, no caring of other's feelings they might hurt.
They hurt others that share the net with them.
They also hurt the people they claim they 'love'.
And even though this might not be the exact right time to bring it up, I still am, cause I've been kind of pissed since yesterday.
As per usual JK talks, JK's attacked.
He doesn't say enough, he says too much, he just can't do right.
Funny how most of the time these accusations thrown at JK seem to be proven wrong time and time again. But not before the hate wave against him gains momentum.
This time it we saw it with Vibe.
"JK didn't mention JM alone, it was all about Tayang being cool."
"JK didn't know the lyrics, he can't be JM's bf. How disrespectful, he clearly doesn't care about JM."
"JK's a shit boyfriend that mocks his bf all the time, this time included laughing at his song."
Not only didn't JK support JM's song he's now mocking it."
Etc. Etc. Anything that could create that image that JK and JM, god forbid, are in a long term loving relationship.
Well, too bad for them. Cause the truth always comes out.
Let's start by the fact that JK did hype up JM, mentioning JM first, then following with Taeyang.
People run to make conclusions based on half translations and without seeing the actual moment. And it's not that hard to find these little clips of moments to match with the supposed translations out there.
Maybe, and I say maybe because most of them are blind to social queues, facial and vocal expressions, but maybe if they would have seen JK talk about Vibe, they wouldn't be sprouting their nonsense.
The way JK talks there, the "oh, JM", the way he brings up JM's name a second time without any real point, the facial expressions throughout. How can you say JK isn't hyping JM up, or that he doesn't know or love the song (the way he sings it later, especially JM's part is kind of a tell too)?
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You can find some of JK's vibings to Vibe here, including his cute dance moves:
Also kinda feels like JK knows the lyrics, mainly JM's that is.
And now let's compare to him singing Taeyang's part...
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I'll let you be the judges.
Bottom line: shit people won't stop me from loving those two.
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colormepurplex2 · 7 days
A little life update: There are just a few short weeks left before my big move. I've been relatively quiet on here because I've been spending a lot of my time either packing/getting ready or trying to get some things written that I can queue up for posting while my life is upside down for a few months.
Thanks for all of your continued support and understanding 💜 If all things go according to plan, I'll have a taboo romance/soft mafia crime AU story posting before the end of September, followed by an A/B/O JK one-shot for a friend sometime shortly after that, and then a Namjoon fantasy piece by the end of October.
I still have other things on my radar, but those I mentioned have relatively strict posting times, so they have priority right now. Most everything else will come after my move, through the end of the year.
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taegularities · 18 days
Just why is c&f getting more angsty by the minute my heart 💔💔 in my head their story is perfect and oc is the only person he ever had feelings or gotten in love with 💔
Queue: taylor swift loml
If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary
You and I go from one kiss to gettin married
Still alive, killing time at the cemetery
Never quite buried
In your suit and tie, in the nick of time
You lowdown boy, you stand up guy
Holy Ghost, you told me I'm
The love of your life
You said I'm the love of your life
About a million times
yes, let's stop the story right there 😭 jk was never in love. oc was never in love. they were both each other's firsts. THE END!!! (but also yes, i fear it'll get angstier by the minute and that might not change until downpour has ended :'))
also the song??? 'killing time at the cemetery' literally them at the end of c&f: steam 😭 YES SHE IS THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE!!!! no matter what happens, y'all better not forget that she's the only love of his life and will be until they die 🥺
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