Hm... How about ❤️ 💗 and 🥞 for Puffy, Nessy, and Purrci
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)? Puff- She's very touchy, and she wants to hold onto Chalice. Sometimes gets up still carrying her. Nessy- Also very touchy, though not in a possessive way. More of a "I'm here :)" way. She likes to hold hands. And Cinnamon's arms. Purrci- She's still learning how she wants to be affectionate. She doesn't like to be touched, but Henchman is certainly her exception when she lets him hold her hand, hug her, and kiss her. She doesn't talk much, but her other body language does say that she loves him. She also purrs quietly when he's near her. 💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticeable? what changes when they're in love? Puff- She actually got quieter for the most part. Kinda spent time by herself rather than with her brother and dad. Examined herself and convinced herself she's not good enough for Chalice. Quite the ego drop honestly. If you ask her why she's so down, she'll still try and bite you though. Nessy- She got skittish, but also exponentially more cheerful! Somehow- She wanted to follow Cinnamon around and stuff to get to know him, but didn't want to seem stalkerish either. Purrci- She's an absolute disaster, by comparison of her normal self. Jumpy, skittish, quickly talks to deflect what anyone suspects. Comes out of purgatory more often to "observe the operations" then watches Henchman vacuum the throne room behind a stalagmite. 🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast? Puff- Anything with a breakfast meat! Bacon, sausage, breakfast ham. Nessy- Waffles! Waffles are superior. Purrci- She doesn't need to eat, but like other immortal beings, she enjoys human treats. But she's also boring, and likes oatmeal. Don't worry, she has sense, and adds sugar. She just likes the warmth of it.
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