I want to learn Romanian and I am very new to it. Please help me learn and become more fluent. Thank you!
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random person on quora: ok but like vlad the impaler was worse than hitler??? like ok, hitler killed some people, but they were just shot, while vlad the impaler… impaled them! thousands of people! also, unlike vlad, hitler never stood there to watch and just gave the orders!
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Why Are Romanians Offended By This Book part 4
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
Mircea had Radu by the back of his neck and was pushing him deeper and deeper into the unforgiving thorns of a dense rosebush. Mircea was strong and thick like their father, but his facial hair was still patchy. Sometimes Lada caught him standing over a reflecting pool and tugging on his sparse mustache like he could make the symbol of his status grow faster. “What did you hear?” Mircea hissed, unaware of his audience. Radu screamed as Mircea pushed harder.
“Nothing, nothing,” Radu insisted.
There was meanness at Mircea’s core. Lada had watched him torment the castle dogs for sport, causing pain for no reason.
“You have to stay away from Mircea,” she said. “He is meaner than Father’s falcon, and far dumber.”
Radu sniffled a laugh. “And far uglier.”
“And far more likely to carry fleas.”
Radu spoke again. “I was hiding behind the drapes. I heard him speaking with a Danesti family boyar.”
“Why was he speaking with the Danestis?”
Radu squirmed, and Lada realized she was squeezing his shoulder so tightly she was hurting him. She let go, and he said, “There is talk of a boyar coalition. They mentioned Hunyadi.”
The information he had about Mircea conspiring with the boyars would hurt all Radu’s enemies. Mircea, first and foremost.
The horses moved forward, a cart loaded with supplies in the middle of the party and Janissaries surrounding them. Radu looked over his shoulder to see Mircea standing with a torch, watching them leave. Staying behind. Smiling.
Radu shivered. He had not been frightened until he saw the look of triumph on Mircea’s face. Nothing that made his older brother look that happy could be good.
Mircea did not die, age 19, beside his father, for this
literally what has Mircea ever done to you. how has he ever hurt you. what do you have against him. he was just a voivode’s son, who fought by his father, who ruled his country for four (4) months in his father’s absence and then was tortured and buried alive. why- why would you make him this dirty. why do you hate him so
oh, but then there would be another nonviolent, non abusive man in Wallachia, aside from Radu?! GASP. HOW CAN WE LET SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPEN!! NO WAY. ILLEGAL. ALL MEN IN WALLACHIA (that are not Radu) ARE VIOLENT AND ABUSIVE AND TOXIC!!!!!
In the fifteen years before their father took the throne, there had been ten princes, alternating between two families: the Basarab line, now out of contention with no heirs of age, and the Danesti line. The Danesti family was not happy with the Draculesti usurpers, first Lada and Radu’s uncle Alexandru and now their father. And, as history proved, being prince was a very tenuous position in Wallachia.
again with the families and lines. I’ve talked about this in a previous post. but as a note, Alexandru was NOT from the Drăculești family. The Drăculești are called this because they descend from Vlad Dracul. Alexandru was his BROTHER so HOW could he belong to the Drăculești line?? He belonged to Basarab family, the very one that DIVIDED INTO Dănești and Drăculești.
and i’m gonna end this post here because it already got long
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The accusative case
A while ago we have discussed the nominative case, so I figured it would be time to discuss the other similar case, the accusative.
While the form of the noun stays the same for accusative case, it fulfills different functions in a sentence.
The accusative case shows a noun receiving the action of a verb. For example, if you say “I see a dog”, a dog is in the accusative case, because you see it.
Before we get into what roles an accusative noun can fulfill, you should know that sometimes accusative nouns can be joined by the pe preposition, and sometimes not. There are rules to this, however:
Pe must be used before:
Proper nouns (names of animals or persons): O chem pe Maria. (I call Maria.)
Nouns that named identified persons with a definite article: Îl văd pe doctorul meu. (I see my doctor.);
Pronouns (with the exception of a couple indefinite pronouns): Pe cine auzi? (Who do you hear?);
Pe is not used before:
Common or proper nouns of inanimate objects that can recieve articles: Vizitez Oltul. (I visit the Olt.);
Nouns that name unidentifiable persons with definite articles: Găsesc oameni care merg ciudat. (I find people that walk weirdly.);
Common articulated nouns that are possessed: Îi văd câinele. (I see his dog.);
Now, onwards with the functions an accusative noun can fulfill:
Attribute: Găleată cu lapte. (Bucket with milk.);
Agent complement: Pachetul trimis de tine. (The package sent by you.);
Circumstantial complement (these can be of multiple types, but in this pot we are concentrating on the Big Three from this category: those of mode, space and time, in that order): Merge cu nerăbdare. S-a plimbat în parc. A căzut la ora zece. (He walks with impatience. He took a stroll in the park. He fell at ten o’clock.);
Indirect complement: Dau apă la moară. (I give water to the mill.);
Predicative nominal: Masa este de lemn. (The table is made out of wood.);
There are also some forms for pronouns when they are subjected to the accusative case, but I think this is getting too much already, so we will discuss those later. If you have any questions, things that are not clear or suggestions, by all means, ask and suggest away. I am always open to feedback. Otherwise, see you next time!
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do you ever have the sudden realization on how lonely you are and its just like
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me: [accidentally closes a chrome window with 50+ tabs]
my laptop, gently weeping: oh my god………… oh ym hgod thank you so much……….. thank y
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Someone said Geralt of Rivia in a high ponytail and I said yes #thewitchernetflix #thewitcher #thewitcherart #geraltofrivia #jaskier #tossacointoyourwitcher #highponytail #thewhitewolf #arianagrande #henrycavill #joeybatey https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ZVm5unxeB/?igshid=2f9nwgqgqag2
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i really needed this today, so for anyone else who might
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all I want from season 2 is geralt having No Clue how to parent and ciri making it incredibly difficult like
Geralt: what do you feed them?? what do you feed a human child?? i... bugs? do they eat bugs?
Ciri, feral little twelve yr old nightmare: yea I’ll eat bugs
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Hello, dears 😘
I love to listen to Romanian music or Romanian language itself. It's literally the best way to learn the new language though. I also dig through internet everyday to find new resources that will help me with learning. That's the reason I built the recommendation section on my blog where I'll be putting everything that I find useful for learning Romanian 🇷🇴
Today I'm recommending you some of my favourite radio stations. I like to listen news there and I feel excited when I can understand some of things they're talking about. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do 😉
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me watching frozen 2: is this eurovision?
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Oana Befort https://oanabefort.com/collections/new
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English: juice
Romanian: suc
English: soda
Romanian: suc
English: wanna go out for a drink?
Romanian: vrei sa iesim la un suc?
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