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theladyofdeath · 2 years ago
Better or Worse {9}
Nessian. Angst. Modern au.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
Warnings: language.
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“Shit, bud. Calm down.”
Nyx is flailing around recklessly in his booster seat, his seatbelt stuck. As soon as the words leave my mouth, he gasps.
“That’s naughty, uncle Cass,” he says, as I lean over him and rattle the seatbelt for a second, getting it unstuck and breaking him free. He hops out of the truck and I grab his backpack.
“What’s naughty?”
“Bad words.” He leads us into the kitchen from the garage and Greg instantly greets him. Nyx is the only human that Greg truly likes. “Hi, Greggy.”
“They’re only naughty if you say them,” I assure him, dropping his backpack onto the kitchen table.
“Aunt Nesta!” Nyx’s little voice rings through the house.
“She’s not home, buddy,” I say, throwing him over my shoulder and carrying him into the living room.
He repeatedly hits me in the back as he giggles. “Where is she?”
“Yoga,” I say, and Nyx repeats the word with confusion. “Exercising,” I simplify. “Aunt Elain dragged her to a yoga class to help her with her body aches from carrying your new cousin.”
“Does having a baby hurt, uncle Cass?”
“I don’t think it feels too good, bud.”
“How did Aunt Lainy get a baby in her belly?”
I drop Nyx on the couch and cross my arms, trying not to laugh at his curiosity. Answering that question is beyond my pay grade. “Ask your dad.”
“Ask your dad.” 
He sighs. “Fine. I’m hungry.”
Of course he is. He’s always hungry. “Chicken nuggets or mac and cheese?” 
He frowns. “Why can’t I have both?”
Both it is. 
I may be a critically acclaimed chef, but even I can’t help but heed the call of Kraft macaroni and cheese.
“Uncle Cass?” Nyx asks, while I’m walking toward the kitchen.
“Why is your pillow on the couch?” His question makes me stop to look back at him. Sure enough, he has my pillow on his lap and is beating the shit out of it. “That’s a bed pillow. It goes on your bed.”
It should be on my bed.
For the last few nights, since our date, I’ve debated on going up to bed. Every night, I’m tempted, and every night I think that it’s the night I’m finally going to take that step, but Nesta has never mentioned it and she’s the one that said one of us should be sleeping on the couch once I came back home.
Things have been going so well between us that I’m scared I’m going to do something to ruin it, like climb into bed with her in the middle of the night when she doesn’t want me there. 
“I slept on the couch last night,” I say, slowly, “because aunt Nesta was snoring too loud.”
Nyx giggles and starts fake snoring loudly and obnoxiously. “Like that?”
“Exactly. She was keeping me awake.”
As I walk into the kitchen and get a pot out the cupboard, Nyx says, “Is sleeping on the couch comfy? You’re too big to sleep on the couch.”
I snort and the pain in my lower back seems to be agreeing with my nephew. I remember being twenty and able to sleep in whatever position, wherever, and not feeling a damn thing. Now, after sleeping on the narrow as fuck couch, I wake up every morning with aches and pains I didn’t think were possible after an eight hour sleep. 
Half an hour later, Nesta walks through the door as me and Nyx are downing chicken nuggets and macaroni, and she barely says hi before Nyx says, “Uncle Cass is too old and big to be sleeping on the couch, Aunt Nesta, so you need to stop snoring.”
Her eyes go wide and she looks from him to me and I hope she can still read my face as well as she used to. 
She turns back to our nephew, raising one perfectly shaped eyebrow, and asks, “Is that why he said he was sleeping on the couch?”
“Yeah,” he replies, nodding animatedly. I’m fairly sure that the last bite he had was more ketchup than it was nugget, based on the amount on his face. “He said it was cause you were snoring like this.”
He then replicates his fake snore from earlier, embellishing his snorts just as well as he had before.
Her eyebrows raise and for a moment, I forget to breathe. Her jaw clenches and I think every bit of progress we’ve made is about to be gone in an instant.
But then her lips twitch.
I exhale, the relieved breath I’ve been holding whooshing out quietly as Nesta hums. “That’s funny, because I recall making him sleep on the couch because he was the one snoring.”
With the most dramatic of gasps, Nyx turns to face me. “You were the one snoring, Uncle Cass?”
My wince is fake, but he can’t tell that. “Only a little bit. Hers were louder.”
Scooping up a bite of macaroni, he says, “Mama snores, but daddy said I’m not allowed to say anything about it.”
I watch in wonderment as Nesta throws her head back and laughs. “Your mama does snore, and your daddy is very smart for keeping that to himself.”
Nyx grins as if he had just said the world’s best joke.
Nesta catches me watching her and her cheeks turn a soft shade of pink. 
“How was yoga?”
“Good,” she says, setting her back down next to the island. “I haven’t done it in so long, but I feel amazing.” 
I’m about to say good, that I’m glad she had such a nice time, but then she reaches down to my plate and grabs a chicken nugget before popping it into her mouth. I gasp and turn to the toddler stuffing his face beside me. “Did she just steal one of my nuggets?”
Nyx shakes his head and says, “You better get her, Uncle Cass.” He shoves a spoonful of noodles into his mouth. “She needs to go to timeout.”
“Yeah,” I say, looking up at Nesta, who is smiling as she chews, looking ridiculously gorgeous and humored. “You. Time out. Now. Nose in the corner for five minutes.” 
That brow lifts, once more. “Is that a demand?”
Her voice has a sultry quality I haven’t heard in months.
“Hell yeah it is,” I murmur, and Nesta’s eyes brighten. Nyx is too busy stuffing his face to call me out for my curse or notice what’s happening. At least until I say my next words. “Unless you want to take us for ice cream instead.” 
Nyx’s spoon clatters onto his plate as he drops it to clap. “Ice cream! Ice cream!” 
Nesta pretends to think on it for a minute. “Finish everything on your plate, then I guess we can get ice cream.” 
Nyx jumps up in his chair with a celebratory screech before sitting back down to finish his dinner in record time. 
True to her word, after going to change out of her yoga clothes, Nesta returns a few minutes later, wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a cardigan, with her hair pulled back off of her face. She grabs her purse off the counter and asks, “Ready to go?”
Nyx is up and heading for the garage before I can react, but even so, I’m glued in place.
She is so, so beautiful.
Turning for the back door, Nesta notices I haven’t moved. She glances back at me. “What?”
Shaking myself out of my stupor, I approach her, pausing in front of her. “Nothing, just…” I reach out and run my hand down the length of her sleek ponytail, tugging lightly when I reach the end. I don’t let myself notice the slight catch in her breath as I do so. “Appreciating how gorgeous you are.”
Her eyes, so often full of storms, are calm today and they soften, as she looks at me.
“Can I kiss you?” I whisper, still not wanting to push her past her comfort zone yet.
She nods, rising up on her toes and closes the distance between us before I even have the chance.
My hands cup her face, tilting her head just right so I can slant my mouth over hers. Her fingers are clinging to my shirt and I break the kiss before it can become anything our nephew shouldn’t see.
“Come on,” I say, lacing her fingers in mine and heading for the back door. “You promised ice cream and you’re going to have to deliver.”
One of my favorite things about having a nephew is having the ability to load him up on sugar and then give him back to my brother.
By the time we’re pulling into Rhys and Feyre’s driveway, Nyx is bouncing in his carseat, singing the national anthem of Velaris at the top of his lungs for the fifth time. Apparently he’s been practicing it at school, and I’m impressed considering he only messes up about half the words.
Nesta finds it hilarious.
I keep sneaking glances over at her as she laughs in the passenger seat. 
Rhys opens the door when I ring the doorbell and Nyx runs past him, into the house, giggling as he continues singing. He doesn’t even move, my brother, as his toddler runs through the house. He just sighs and looks at me. “Ice cream?”
“Blame Nesta.”
I think he’s about to scold me, but then he cocks his head. “You seem happy. Doing good?”
I nod, slowly. “Yeah. I am. We are, I think.”
Even through his exhaustion, he smiles. “Good.” From somewhere in the distance, there’s a crash. 
Then, Nyx yelling, “Daddy? Uh… I tried to get juice.”
“If you’ll excuse me, I think I have to mop up some juice,” Rhys says, clapping me on the shoulder before telling me he’ll call me later. 
When I make it back to the truck, Nesta’s watching me. “That’s going to be fun putting to bed.”
“Considering it’s already ten minutes past bedtime? Yeah, Rhys is going to be thanking us.”
She chuckles and gets comfortable as I back out of the driveway. The ride is quiet for a moment, nothing uncomfortable, but as I stop at a redlight I can feel her watching me. I turn to meet her gaze as the truck comes to a stop. “You alright?” She nods, but she’s sucking on her bottom lip. I frown. “Nes, we have to be honest with each other, if you’re not alright—”
“I’m fine,” she says, quietly. The light turns green. “I’ve just been thinking.”
The words leave her slowly and an uneasy feeling creeps into the pit of my stomach. “Okay. About what?”
“You,” she says, quietly. “Sleeping on the couch.” 
I shrug, doing my best not get my hopes up. “Not a big deal.”
“I disagree,” she says, turning in her seat to face me.
This is something I’ve noticed her doing for the past few weeks. She’s giving me her full attention, letting me know that I’m her priority right now.
“Nyx won’t say anything to Rhys and Feyre,” I promise her, assuming she’s worried about what her sister will say. “And even if he does, I’m sure they could guess I’ve been sleeping on the couch—”
“I don’t care what Rhys and Feyre think.” She cuts me off and I let her, snapping my mouth shut. “I don’t care what anyone else, save for Gwyn, thinks about what takes place in our marriage. I… I’ve been thinking you should come back to bed.”
“Tonight?” I ask, turning onto our street, glancing  over at her. I want to make sure she’s serious, that she’s not just saying this because she thinks it’s what she should do since Nyx found out.
“Tonight,” she agrees, then adds, “and tomorrow night, and the night after that, depending how things go.”
I pull into our driveway and into the garage, parking next to her car, but neither of us make a move to get out. My next question could damn me, but I can’t stop myself from asking.  “And how do you want things to go?” Immediately, Nesta’s back goes rigid and I reach out, taking her hand and smoothing my thumb over the back of it. “I’m not asking to have sex, Nes, I just want to know what exactly you’re expecting.”
She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “I’m… I don’t think I’m ready for that. Not yet.” Opening her eyes, she gives me a soft smile. “But I miss having you sleeping next to me. I miss falling asleep in your arms and waking up with you curled around me. I even miss your snoring.”
I feign being appalled. “My snoring?”
“Yeah, contrary to what you told our nephew, you’re the only one that snores in this relationship,” she says, laughing quietly. 
“What can I say?” I ask, quietly, wanting nothing more than to close the distance between us and kiss her. “I’m not perfect.”
She rolls her eyes and tells me to get out of the truck. We go inside and I grab my pillow off the couch after I lock up and make my way upstairs. 
When I enter, Nesta’s standing in her bra, pulling an old t-shirt out of her drawer. It takes me a second to realize I’m staring, then I look away, rubbing the back of my neck. “Sorry.”
She laughs, quietly. “It’s not like you’ve never seen me naked before, Cass.”
Taking that as permission, I look back up, but she’s pulled the t-shirt on. It’s one of mine, one I haven’t worn in years, one that she had claimed long ago. It’s long enough on her that when she starts shimmying out of her jeans, I don’t see anything, it’s all hidden. 
“True,” I say, because I’m not sure what else to say. To confess that it’s different now, that everything is different now, probably wouldn’t help the situation. I don’t want to start a fight right when I’m about to climb into my own damn bed for the first time in over a month. 
Her smile doesn’t fade as she goes into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. I pull off my shirt and search through my drawers for a clean pair of sweatpants, which I kick off my jeans to pull on. 
Greg hops onto the bed, the bell on his collar jingling merrily as he makes himself comfortable on Nesta’s pillow. As much as I love our cat, I’m not interested in having him squeezed between us like the furry toddler he is the first night I’m allowed back in my own bed.
Without a word, I round to her side of the bed, picking Greg up. He gives me an inquisitive trill as I carry him towards the bedroom door, which turns into a noise of outrage as I chuck him out into the hall and pull the door shut as he lands on his feet.
Nesta comes out of the bathroom, chuckling. “What was that?”
I turn around to make a snarky remark about Greg’s sass, but I come up short. 
In nothing but that damn old shirt, Nesta’s pulling her hair back into a ponytail. With her arms raised, the hem of the shirt slides up her thighs. I can’t help my eyes as they graze her body, can’t help how slowly they trail from her bare legs, to the curves of her breasts that I can make out through the thin fabric now that her bra has been long forgotten, up to her cleansed face, which I admire in all her natural beauty. 
Needing to get under a blanket before she sees just how much the sight of her is affecting me, I round to my side of the bed, my arm brushing hers as I pass her, and get beneath the comforter.
I watch her still as she goes to turn off the light, then she makes her way to her side of the bed and gets in.
We’ve done it.
Hurdle crossed. 
Except now I want to throw my body on top of hers and rip off that t-shirt. But I don’t, because she told me she wasn’t ready, and I respect that. 
But she did say that she wants to be held.
When I turn to her, she’s already facing me, already watching me.
“This is nice,” she whispers.
“I feel like you’re too far away,” I whisper back.
She huffs a laugh as she comes closer to me, until her forehead is against my chest and her arm is sliding around my waist.
I pull her on top of me, and she melts right into me as she always had, her body knowing exactly where to go to get comfortable. Her cheek is against my shoulder and my arms stay around her, tightly, protectively. Her knee is just above my cock, which is too hard for me to be thinking straight, but I like that her leg is slung over me, so I close my eyes and think of sick puppies and death.
“Better now,” I say, quietly, and her hand, which is lying on my bare chest, starts moving, her fingers moving in lazy circles across my skin, tracing the ink there. 
“Better now,” she agrees, and kisses the base of my neck.
The simple touch has my skin feeling like it’s on fire, and I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. 
This feels good.
But right.
My arm is wrapped around her, tucking her against me, my hand pressed against her lower back. I can feel the heat of her skin through the thin t-shirt and I let my fingers move as indolently as hers do.
I don’t mean to, but before I know it, my fingers are skimming over the bare skin of her back, the thin fabric of the shirt bunched up.
“Sorry,” I mutter into the darkness, trying to smooth her shirt back down. “I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s okay, Cass,” she whispers, breath skating over my skin. “Gwyn said physical touch was good.”
Yeah, she did, but my dick is so hard and I’m wound so tight that if Nesta all but touches it, I’m going to blow.
Dead puppies. Well done steak. Naked grandmothers.
I repeat the mantra in my head until all the blood in my body isn’t being redirected south and I can breathe without feeling like my skin is stretched too tight.
When I glance down at Nesta, I find that she’s already looking at me, a smirk on her beautiful face. “You good?”
That smirk makes me want to roll on top of her, claim that wicked mouth in a kiss that I’d trail down her body until I reached the hem of my old shirt, tugging it up to reveal—
Closing my eyes, I drag my free hand down my face. “Yeah, I’m good.”
Her soft laughter ruffles my hair and she presses another kiss to my skin, just above my collarbone. “Go to sleep.”
With another deep breath, I pull her closer against me and settle into the pillows, listening as her breathing evens out.
When I’m sure she’s well and truly asleep, I press my lips to her forehead, breathing in her honey and lilac scent, and whisper, “Goodnight, Nesta. I love you.”
I swear her body relaxes further in my arms.
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achaotichuman · 1 year ago
Human Nesta would shake Nessian Nesta by the shoulders screaming "What the fuck is wrong with you???!!!!"
Human Feyre would be drawing her bow trying to shoot Feysand Feyre just so she would never become her.
Human Elain would look at Elucien Elain and be like, "Nice."
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tsunami-of-tears · 11 months ago
Azriel x Reader, Nesta x Reader, Nessian
Summary: Reader and Nesta have a crush on each other but aren’t sure if they should make a move.
A/N: WHY DO I KEEP MAKING CASSIAN SUCH A SUB??  I’m getting so hyped for poly!+ ACOTAR week!! I have so many drafts on the go rn
Wordcount: 1.2K
Warnings: Female Reader; Mostly fluff; Slightly sexual themes; Mention of cuck!Cassian (he’s so hot for that); Poly! relationship
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Sharing their bed was nothing new to Cassian and Nesta, often inviting both males and females to join them. 
Cassian didn’t often get jealous, in fact - he quite enjoyed when Nesta would seek out other males. The only rule was that he wanted to watch.
Cassian was willing to give Nesta her privacy when it came to females. He understood that it was a different kind of intimacy. On occasion, Nesta would allow an audience. If Cassian was lucky, he’d be invited to join in. 
The couple were getting ready to head out to Rita’s with the rest of the Inner Circle. There was nothing out of the ordinary about tonight, except for Nesta’s growing feelings for their friend, Y/N. 
Nesta pauses in front of the mirror, trying to calm her racing mind. Her hair was styled in her signature coronet, and her sleek black dress perfectly hugged her figure.
Cassian walks up behind Nesta, admiring his mate as he slides his arms around her waist and kisses her tenderly on the cheek. 
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He asks, concern lacing his voice. 
“I’m nervous about tonight. About seeing Y/N,” She admits. 
Cassian gives Nesta a small, reassuring smile, moving his hands to rest on her hips. “I wondered when this was going to come up. I noticed your affection towards her has grown. I just want you to be happy, my love.”
Nesta turns in Cassian’s arms to face him. “I know,” She says. “But I can’t tell if she feels the same. And I have no idea if Az will be okay with it.”
Cassian ponders her statement. “Do you want me to try broaching the topic with him?” He asks. 
“I know it’s not your strong suit, but please try and be subtle. I don’t want to ruin things between us.” 
“Sweetheart, subtle is my middle name,” Cassian grins widely. 
At Rita’s, Cassian, Azriel and Rhys are sat at their signature booth with glasses of whiskey in hand. The females are off dancing together; Mor with Feyre, and Nesta with Y/N.
Y/N throws her head back at something Nesta says, her melodic laughter barely heard over the music. The pair hold hands and spin around together, completely ignorant of the people around them.
Cassian watches his mate and her friend with a small smile. He would give anything to make Nesta happy. He takes a big sip of his drink before inclining his head towards Azriel. “Has Y/N ever expressed interest in females before?”
Rhys eyes his brothers, opting to stay quiet and see where this conversation is going. Azriel smirks and arches a brow. “Huh, why do you want to know that?” He asks.
Cassian shrugs, failing at his attempt to seem casual. “I was just wondering,” He says cooly. 
“That’s a funny thing to wonder about my mate,” Azriel goads, “I’d ask the same about yours, but we both know the answer to that question.”
Rhys coughs, raising his hand to his mouth to keep his drink from spraying across the table.
Cassian sighs, “You know you’re a prick, right?”
“You can tell Nesta to make her move,” Azriel says with a wink.
Y/N extends a hand, bowing to Nesta as a slow ballad starts to play throughout the hall. “Will you join me for this dance, milady?” She asks, each word laced with giggles now that the faewine has taken effect. 
Nesta takes her hand, bowing in return. “I would be delighted,” she replies. 
They both smile as they hold each other in a close embrace, swaying to the music. At this proximity, Y/N can’t avoid looking into Nesta’s eyes, and she risks a glance down to her lips. 
Only for a second, but long enough that Nesta caught it. 
Nesta’s lips curl upwards slightly and she tilts her head closer to Y/N’s.
“You don’t have to be shy with me,” Nesta murmurs as her gaze drops to Y/N’s mouth. Rather than quickly averting her eyes, Nesta lingers, taking in the soft curves - wondering how they’ll feel, what they’ll taste like. 
Y/N’s heart pounds and the music fades into a dull roar as she stands still in her embrace with Nesta. The moment she’d thought about since the two first met was finally reality. 
Their bodies fit together even better than Y/N had dreamed. They move in time, close enough to feel the others’ breath on their face. 
Just a little bit more, that’s all it would take to close that gap, and maybe ruin their friendship. 
Y/N doesn’t have to decide as Nesta chooses for her. She surges forward, pressing her soft lips to Y/N’s in a sweet kiss. 
It only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough to make Y/N’s blood heat.
They part, breathing unevenly, Y/N bites her lower lip as she looks up into Nesta’s steel-blue eyes. “Do it again,” Y/N pants. 
Nesta gently holds Y/N’s cheek as their lips meet again. It’s tender and unhurried, but it’s clear that Nesta is the one in control. Her tongue slips between Y/N’s lips, exploring and claiming her mouth. 
They part for air, resting forehead against forehead and continue to sway to the music. They both smile shyly, cheeks flushed pink, not noticing anyone but each other. 
They dance for a few more songs together before heading back to their booth for a drink. Azriel wraps his arm around Y/N as she slips into the seat beside him. 
Y/N blushes furiously as a rather pleased-looking Nesta takes the seat opposite her, next to Cassian. 
Cassian uses the bond to speak to Nesta, ‘That wasn’t exactly subtle.’
Nesta replies with the mental image of her making a vulgar gesture. 
After calling it a night, Y/N heads home with Azriel, walking hand in hand along the Sidra. 
They stop at the end of the Rainbow, admiring the display of colours. Azriel takes Y/N’s other hand and kisses her lovingly. “Did you have fun tonight, my love?” Azriel asks, his lips curled into a soft small. 
Y/N grips his hands tighter as she blushes again, and looks down at their feet. She had been harbouring feelings for Nesta from the moment they met. Azriel picked up on them fairly quickly through the bond. Though Y/N did her best to hide them, she couldn’t cover up just how alive the female made her feel. 
Azriel gently lifts her chin so their eyes meet. He tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear before running his thumb over her cheek. “No need to be shy, my love. You already had my blessing. I am happy for you.”
Y/N looks up at her mate with wide eyes, silver tears threatening to spill over the edge. “Are you sure?” She asks.
“Of course,” Azriel kisses her softly, “If Nesta brings you more happiness, how can I deny you that? And besides, this” —he points at her chest, over her heart— “has so much love in it. There’s not any less for me if you give some to Nesta as well.” 
Y/N wraps her arms tightly around Azriel, inhaling the scent of him, feeling the firmness of his body in her arms. “I love you so much.” She murmurs into the crook of his neck.
“I love you too, Y/N,” Azriel says, kissing the top of her head. 
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jmoonjones · 1 year ago
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Nessian Week Day 4: AU
I turned Nesta and Cassian into kitties, but then got carried away and made everyone else into a kitteh too
The Valkyries got little white bows, Amren is most likely to bite, and the shadowbabies became shadowkittens 🖤
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silverflameataraxia · 6 months ago
People try to shut down criticism of Cassian by saying "Just let Nesta be happy!" Does she look happy?
Rhysand loomed like a roiling storm in the center of the room. Even the fire seemed to cringe from him. Nesta stood a few feet away, blue-gray eyes wary - no hint of that silver flame. She clenched her hands, but her face was nearly vacant. The handsome, broad-shouldered male at her side was thin-lipped with concern - or anger. Maybe both.
"And where is she going now?" Azriel asked with soft venom. "Now that she has the Mask" - a withering glare at Nesta, whose face was carefully blank - "where is Bryce going?"
Nesta's mate shifted an inch closer to her, his eyes darting between the two of them, torn. Like he didn't know who to side with in the brewing fight. "I'm fine, Cassian," Nesta muttered.
"In a way," Nesta said, waving a slender hand. "It reports to me. This is my home." She sounded thin, brittle. After the verbal lashing she'd taken in the stud...
Nesta had that look, too. Like she was processing a lot of things.
Ember and Randall had just sat down for breakfast in the dining room - guided there by a silent Azriel - when Rhysand landed on the veranda beyond the glass doors. His vast wings were like storm clouds in the morning light. A heartbeat later, Cassian landed, Nesta in his arms. Both looking stone-faced. Pissed.
Rhysand snarled something that had Nesta's shoulders tensing, her head bowing.
"Don't worry," Nesta said, even if that bruised look lingered in her eyes. "My sister- Rhys's mate - gave him that exact same lecture twenty minutes ago."
The pain in her eyes - the guilt - seemed to deepen. "Cassian's the most furious with me of anyone." A muscle ticked in her jaw. Like she was holding back a giant wave of raw emotion. Only a wall of steel kept it at bay.
HOFAS made it clear that Nesta is not in a good place. Nessian is not in a good place. It's okay to acknowledge that and still ship them. Personally, I think this will be used to fuel Nesta's story arc in ACOTAR 5. Hopefully next book will contain a Cassian redemption, where he steps up and puts his mate's protection and feelings before all else. And I do believe this will happen because I do believe that Nesta and Cassian will end up in the Dusk Court, not the Night Court. I do think he'll choose her, but he may need to lose her for a time before he understands that he has to make that choice.
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acourtofthought · 1 year ago
Lucien as a Mate
"Where is he keeping her"
"Tell me anyway. List all of them."
"I need to find her"
His own status as a mated male made him uninterested in any sort of female company these days.
"I'm a mated male now"
"I'm going with you." "I'm getting my mate back"
"Tell me about her - about Elain."
"What of - Elain?"
From the devastation on his face, I knew he'd heard every word. Seen and heard and felt the hollowness and despair radiating from her.
"Is...is there anything I can get you?"
I'd never heard my friend's voice so soft. So tentative and concerned.
"There's a plate of biscuits. Would you like one?:
But he couldn't breathe as she faced him fully. She was the most beautiful female he'd ever seen."
Her eyes were the brown of a fawn's coat.
"I know. I'm sorry."
"She needs fresh air"
"Take her to the sea. Take her to some garden. But get her out of this house for an hour or two."
"It wasn't just about what he thought - it was the...feeling. I sensed no ill will, no conniving. Only concern for her. And...sorrow. Longing."
"Let me do something. About Elain."
"I think she went through something terrible. And it wouldn't hurt to have your best healer do a thorough examination."
"Please tell me, what the healer says. And if - if you need me for anything."
"I'm sorry." "It - it was a tug. On the bond."
"I'm sorry - if that unsettled you."
"There's a bond - it's a real thread."
"No - I didn't have time. I felt her, but..." A blush stained his cheeks.
Lucien just stared and stared at my sister, as if he'd never seen her before.
He glanced at Elain, who was again studying her lap. "I'm not needed here. I'll fight if you need me to, but..."
Lucien looked back. Not to me, I realized - to someone behind me. Pale and thin, Elain stood atop the stairs. Their gazes locked and held.
Lucien inclined his head in a bow, the movement hiding the gleam in his eye - the longing and sadness."
Lucien, haggard and bloody, panting for breath. As if he'd run from the shore. His gaze settled on Elain, and he sagged a little. "Are you hurt?"
"I heard - what happened. I'm sorry for your loss. All of you."
""I heard you made the killing blow."
"He was a good man, "he loved you all very much."
"It would be my pleasure."
Lucien now stood in the sitting room, close to Elain's side.
"How is she?"
"But is she still..." "Does she still mourn him?
"The pain etching deep into Lucien's face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing."
You know what I love about Lucien's character?
We know he's experienced. We know he's an Autumn Court male with fire in his blood which is supposed to make them exceptional in the bedroom. And we know he's drawn to Elain on a very physical level.
But instead of SJM taking him the same route as say, Cassian with Nesta ("He tried not to think of what that hand would feel like on other parts of him. Gripping him: stroking him"), SJM turns Lucien's POV of Elain into something utterly romantic (her eyes were the brown of the fawn's coat, she was the most beautiful female he'd ever seen, trying to keep from shuddering when she merely says his name, showing restraint as he reels in any thoughts of touching her or tasting her). He's struggling with guilt over Jesminda yet he still can't help his poetic thoughts of Elain.
I think the physicality of Nessian's POV worked for them (though it's important to remember that Cassian also noted on multiple occasions that it was Nesta's cunning mind at work that really drew him in, not just the physical)
But Elucien to me will read as deeply passionate, where Lucien will refuse to admit his darkest desires, the things he wants to do to Elain and she to him until he's won her heart.
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gwandas · 8 months ago
Yet another Ember and Randall bonus chapter rant because I'm still mad that the first glimpse of post-ACOSF Nessian mates was... THAT
Nesta folding immediately after Bryce gave her a little sob story about humans is the most in character thing she could’ve done in that moment. No, it was not ooc for her to give up the Mask—just because Rhys kneeled to her at the end of ACOSF doesn’t mean that everything was good between them and she was going to become yet another IC goon. And when I see people saying she has to accept Rhys as her High Lord… Nesta’s value as a character isn’t contingent on bowing to Feysand. I don't care that she lives in his court. Who's fault is that in the first place? Oh, she was forcibly turned and now she has to live a life of servitude by default... no!
And as for Cassian, I don’t really care that we didn’t see their conversation. I believe Nesta when she said he was the most angry with her. Making things up like “oh well Nesta is probably exaggerating,” or “he was probably just worried about her safety,” why don’t you believe what she has to say about her own mate? Cassian being angry with Nesta is the status quo as far as I’m concerned.
The facts are that her mate learned about an act of pure compassion on her part, heard her defend herself and give her reasoning, and didn’t give her an ounce of credit. Like, he doesn’t have to agree with the decision, but to be the most angry? To have zero reaction to Rhys spitting in her face? God, and the worst part is this will most likely go nowhere. Just another crime Nesta will have to atone for, likely in the form of handing over Gwydion.
I can understand seeing both sides, because I DO. Rhys has a right to be angry, Cassian can agree with Rhys as his general, I understand all that. No one was right or wrong in this situation—Nesta did something good but risky, Rhys and Cassian have a duty to the realm. But to read about Nesta being screamed at to the point where she’s not sure if they would execute her and have zero empathy for her? But have a full defense at the ready for her loser failmate because people hating on HIM pisses you off more than that chapter did? Maybe... some of us are simply sick and tired of reading about her being screamed at. And if you're not tired of reading about her being screamed at... maybe y'all are just not real Nesta shooters
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acourtofquietdreamers · 9 months ago
A huge reason I can’t see an Azriel and Gwyn book next is there are no obstacles set up between these two characters in ACOSF. Obstacles are needed to create an interesting fantasy romance book. Azriel hasn’t even been set up as a love interest for Gwyn.
With both Feysand and Nessian, we saw conflict set up between these pairings in the books prior to ACOMAF and ACOSF. Obstacles used to craft their love stories. Remember these books are fantasy romance books, heavy on the ROMANCE.
This is a longer post as I’ll be looking at the last scenes between Feysand and Nessian prior to their love stories to compare to the last scenes between Gwynriel, Elucien, and Elriel. Thanks for reading 🫶🏼
For Feysand, we gave the bargain Feyre made with Rhys in ACOTAR. Feyre is in love with the High Lord of Spring, but she is bound to visit the High Lord of Night one week out of the month. Rhys is Tamlin’s enemy and therefore Feyre’s enemy, yet we see Rhys and Feyre develop an understanding between them during their last scene of ACOTAR. There is a level of intrigue between these two characters that makes the reader wonder what will happen between them.
I looked at him finally. His membranous wings were out—tucked behind him—but his hands and feet were normal, no talons in sight. “What do you want?” It didn’t come out with the snap I’d intended. Not as I remembered how he’d fought, again and again, to attack Amarantha, to save me. “Just to say good-bye.” A warm breeze ruffled his hair, brushing tendrils of darkness off his shoulders. “Before your beloved whisks you away forever.” “Not forever,” I said, wiggling my tattooed fingers for him to see. “Don’t you get a week every month?” Those words, thankfully, came out frosty. Rhys smiled slightly, his wings rustling and then settling. “How could I forget?”
There’s a clear chemistry between Feyre and Rhys and we can already see Feyre fighting it in this moment as she struggles to snap at him.
“Well, good-bye for now,” he said, rolling his neck as if we hadn’t been talking about anything important at all. He bowed at the waist, those wings vanishing entirely, and had begun to fade into the nearest shadow when he went rigid. His eyes locked on mine, wide and wild, and his nostrils flared. Shock—pure shock flashed across his features at whatever he saw on my face, and he stumbled back a step. Actually stumbled. “What is—” I began. He disappeared—simply disappeared, not a shadow in sight—into the crisp air.
This last moment between them leaves the reader wondering why Rhys reacted the way he did. It’s clear we will see more of him and that this story isn’t over.
With Nessian, we saw feelings develop between them in ACOWAR. They had a palpable chemistry and were willing to die together. They even kissed and Cassian gave us this beautiful declaration before their book:
Cassian grunted in pain, but lifted his bloodied hands—to cup her face. “I have no regrets in my life, but this.” His voice shook with every word. “That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta.” She didn’t stop him as he leaned up and kissed her—lightly. As much as he could manage. Cassian said softly, brushing away the tear that streaked down her face, “I will find you again in the next world—the next life. And we will have that time. I promise.”
Then in ACOFAS we see a strain between them and conflict develop as Nesta deals with the aftermath of the war and her father’s death. They are avoiding each other, but Cassian still reaches out to Nesta at the Solstice party to give her a gift. Nesta continues to push Cassian away and it becomes clear that the obstacle between Nessian is Nesta herself as she deals with her trauma and self loathing.
A void seemed to enter those eyes. An endless, depthless void. She only said, “Go home, Cassian.” He could count on one hand the number of times she’d used his name. Called him anything other than you or that one. She turned away—toward her apartment, her grimy part of the city. It was instinct to lunge for her free hand. Her gloved fingers scraped against his calluses, but he held firm. “Talk to me. Nesta. Tell me—” She ripped her hand out of his grip. Stared him down. A mighty, vengeful queen. He waited, panting, for the verbal lashing to begin. For her to shred him into ribbons. But Nesta only stared at him, her nose crinkling. Stared, then snorted—and walked away. As if he were nothing. As if he weren’t worth her time. The effort. A low-born Illyrian bastard. This time, when she continued onward, Cassian didn’t follow. He watched her until she was a shadow against the darkness—and then she vanished completely. He remained staring after her, that present in his hands.
We as readers can predict this is not the last we’ll see between these two characters. ACOWAR established mutual feelings between them, but they now have conflict to work through if they want to get back to that place.
Now let’s take a look at Gwyn’s last scene with Azriel and see how it compares:
And when Gwyn reached the finish line, bloody and panting and grinning so wildly her teal eyes glowed like a sunlit sea, she only extended her battered hand to Azriel. “Well?” “You already have your prize,” Azriel said simply. “You just passed the Blood Rite Qualifier. Congratulations.” Gwyn gaped. Nesta and Emerie halted. But Gwyn said to him, “That was why you invited them?”
“I wanted them to know. What you’ve accomplished. That even though Valkyries don’t have something akin to the Blood Rite, you’re as trained as any warrior in Illyria.” “The courses?” Gwyn asked. “Different routes,” Azriel said, “from various Qualifiers over the centuries.” Cassian grinned. “Short of partaking in the Blood Rite, you’re now as close to being Illyrian warriors as you can be.”
In this scene, we see Gwyn conquer the obstacle course. Az was called the “new ribbon” because he created this challenge for the Valkyries and Gwyn beat that challenge a couple paragraphs later. They go on to have a normal, group conversation. Nothing about this interaction screams “There’s more to come with these two.” It feels like a nice closing scene between a mentor and his competitive mentee. There’s no romantic intrigue here.
What I do think is special about this scene and chapter in general is that it shows Gwyn’s growth. Gwyn started out apprehensive around Azriel, but this chapter displayed how far she’s come. She’s now able to joke and be at ease around two different males and that is a great feat for her after what she’s been through.
Now let’s look at Elain and Azriel’s last on page interaction:
Elain just linked her arm through Nesta’s and led her toward the family room, where Azriel stood in the doorway, monitoring them. As if he’d heard Elain’s sharp laugh and wondered what had caused it. “I was just checking on dessert,” Elain explained as they approached the doorway and Azriel. Nesta met the shadowsinger’s stare and he gave her a nod. Then his gaze shifted to Elain, and though it was utterly neutral, something charged went through it. Between them. Elain’s breath caught slightly, and she gave him a shallow nod of greeting before brushing past, leading Nesta into the room.
A simple moment of Elain leading Nesta to the sitting room is turned into a romantically charged moment because of the chemistry and pull between Elain and Az. It’s so obvious that Nesta can feel the charge. Az is so aware of Elain that he followed the sound of her laughter. Elain’s breathe caught at the encounter. These two character are clearly love interests and have feelings to explore.
This is the last (and only) encounter between Elain and Lucien in ACOSF:
He and Lucien did not exchange gifts, though the male had brought a gift for Feyre and one for his mate, who barely thanked him after opening the pearl earrings. Cassian’s heart strained at the pain etching deep into Lucien’s face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing. Elain only shrank further into herself, no trace of that newfound boldness to be seen.
Lucien is showing interest towards Elain, but Elain continues to be uncomfortable around him. They have been completely stagnant since ACOFAS with no signs of coming together. I don’t think Sarah would have Elain shrinking around Lucien if he was meant to be her love interest in the next book. There needs to be some sign of mutual chemistry or understanding.
What’s also interesting is we have this scene of Nesta and Azriel between Elain’s moments with Az and Lucien:
“Why don’t you sit?” She leaned against the doorway beside the shadowsinger. “My shadows don’t like the flames so much.” A pretty lie. She’d seen Azriel before the fire plenty. But she looked at who sat close to it and knew the answer. “Why did you come if it torments you so much?” “Because Rhys wants me here. It’d hurt him if I didn’t come.” “Well, I think holidays are stupid.” “I don’t.” She arched a brow. He explained, “They pull people together. And bring them joy. They are a time to pause and reflect and gather, and those are never bad things.” Shadows darkened his eyes, full of enough pain that she couldn’t stop herself from touching his shoulder. Letting him see that she understood why he stood in the doorway, why he wouldn’t go near the fire. His secret to tell, never hers. Azriel’s face remained neutral.
Both Azriel and Lucien experience pain because of their feelings for Elain. Nesta figured out Azriel’s feelings for her sister and offered him comfort. “His secret to tell, never hers.” This line will absolutely come into play in the next book. Secrets always come out at some point.
Based on these final moments, Elain is the only possible MFC with conflict set up: having feelings for Azriel while being mated to Lucien. Elain is the only female character with a clear romantic interest. Is it possible for Lucien to be the second POV? Yes, but I think it’s unlikely considering the one sided nature of their relationship. There’s so much emphasis on Azriel’s feelings for Elain throughout ACOSF that I think he is the more likely MMC of Elain’s book. Their connection is mutual, just as Feysand’s and Nessian’s were before their love stories and there is intrigue - Will Elain and Azriel finally act on their feelings for each other despite Elain being mated to another?
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damedechance · 9 months ago
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𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲
so I compiled a list of 26 of my favorite fics (some all time faves, some more recent). If you want to give me a present, please read one (or all!) of these and then come back so we can scream about them together. Drop an emoji in my inbox if you want to know more about a particular fic. The numbers are chapter counts!
🐦‍⬛what hath night to do with sleep by @iftheshoef1tz (14/14) 🐮Howl by @iftheshoef1tz (12/12) 🧠tell them i'm the worst by @witch-and-her-witcher (1/1)
💾You Look Like Bad News by @the-lonelybarricade (2/2) 😈Bow Down by @shadowisles-writes (1/2) 💘all is for love, is for mind by @shardminds (1/1) 🌕full moon, white honey by @shardminds (1/1)
👑The Thief and the Rake by @popjunkie42 (3/18) 🤍Down Bad by @shadowisles-writes (1/1) 🍀Good Luck Charm by @whatishowedyouinthedark (4/4) 🖋️A Tight Little Skirt by @separatist-apologist (1/1) 📺and they were roommates by @whatishowedyouinthedark (1/1) 🪈whistles far and wee by @foundress0fnothing (1/1)
🗡️the gods grow tired by @shardminds (1/1) 🪩Little Thief by @bibliophiliaxvignette (2/2) 🔥hotter than hell by @lalunaoscura (1/1)
🪢Glitch by @thesistersarcheron (4/5) 🫀listen through the wall by @shardminds (1/1)
🦇Why Do My Gods Look Just Like You? by @asnowfern (1/1)
🥀A Woman So Heartless by @velidewrites (1/1)
Rare ships:
🍽️Everybody Knows by @melonsfantasyworld (1/1) 🌞Embers by @ultadverb (4/4)
☄️It must have been a mistake by heidini (1/1) (Caleb) 🌟Cool Off by Rei_Lemon (1/1) (Zayne) 🪐Trichotomy by kirotaan (1/1) (Caleb/Zayne/MC) 🌊Siren's Call by mostsincere (1/1) (Rafayel)
🩷Last year's fic recs
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theladyofdeath · 2 years ago
Better or Worse {Epilogue}
Nessian. Angst. Modern AU.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
A/N: The end. :) Thank you for reading! We've appreciated all the love and support. I'm hoping to start posting a new project soon. Stay tuned!
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~ Cassian ~
“What the hell are you doing?!”
I freeze, blinking, and slowly slide my eyes to where Nesta is standing at the kitchen’s threshold, gaping at me.
“You can’t have her that close to the stove! What if she catches on fire?!”
I look down to where Evelyn is strapped to my chest, swaddled in the cotton wrap that leaves only her face popping out, her little cheek squished against my chest. She’s sleeping, snoring softly, and perfectly content.
“Nes.” I give my beautiful wife a look as I desperately try not to roll my eyes. “She’s three weeks old. What’s she going to do? Fling herself into the pot?” Nesta opens her mouth to protest, but I go on. “There’s only one burner on, and it’s on low, and it’s the back burner, and I’m letting it simmer. I’m just giving it a quick stir. I can assure you that no infant will be harmed in the stirring of this sauce that will blow your fucking mind. Calm down.”
As soon as those two little words leave my mouth, I know I fucked up. Backtrack. Rewind. The spoon in my hand stills as I clear my throat, scared to even look in her direction. “And…by ‘calm down’...I mean…I love you.”
She approaches, her footsteps light, and she stops beside me. “Be glad I love you too or I’d be tossing your balls into that pot right about now.” 
Pain. I feel physical pain at those words. Cringing, I set down the spoon and turn to face her. She’s not looking at me at all, but at the little bundle of joy we brought home three weeks ago. Nesta’s eyes are soft as she leans down and presses a soft kiss to Evelyn’s forehead. 
We were instantly in love. From the moment she was given to us, we knew that we were meant to be her parents. It’s hard as hell, raising an infant, and although it’s only been three weeks and I know it’s going to get a hell of a lot harder, I have never felt so fucking blessed. 
“Everyone should be getting here soon,” Nesta says, quietly, eyes meeting mine at last. She reaches up onto her toes and kisses me, softly. 
Rhys, Feyre, Azriel, and Elain were all in the waiting room at the hospital when Evelyn was born, but we haven’t seen them since. They’ve given us space to settle into our new roles, into this new life we’ve built for ourselves. The solitude, although necessary and beautiful, has been driving us a little crazy, though. Two days ago, Nesta came to me in tears, partly out of exhaustion, I’m sure, and told me she needed her sisters.
So tonight, I made dinner. 
Evelyn is in a pretty good routine and will most likely sleep for the rest of the night, only waking up to eat, but she can sleep anywhere. I have no doubt we’ll be passing her around so that everyone can get their baby fix. 
They all arrive together, six on the dot, and we greet each other as if we haven’t been all together in years instead of a matter of weeks. I don’t even care that the food has gone cold by the time we sit around the table, too much time being spent doting over the baby for it to stay warm. 
Even cold, it’s delicious, I must say. We eat and talk and laugh, and tell them all about every little detail of the last three weeks. Nyx is smitten most of all, wanting to sit next to his cousin at all times and hold her hand. He’ll be a fantastic big brother and I can’t help but wonder if Rhys and Feyre will have more kids. I know Rhys wants a house full, but he’s not the one doing the hard work. 
Once we’re full and the table has been cleared, we get comfortable in the living room. Elain is holding Evelyn while Azriel rocks a sleeping Sera. I’m convinced the two of them will be best friends and will most likely raise hell together. 
I can’t wait. But then again, yes I can, because she’s so sweet and innocent in this newborn stage that I don’t want that to change. Then again, I can’t wait to watch her grow, to see all those milestones and watch her grow into her own person. 
“Careful, dad, you’re getting teary-eyed,” Nesta whispers, leaning into me and patting my knee. 
I chuckle and pull her closer. “It’s the lack of sleep.”
Nesta rests her head on my shoulder. “Liar.” 
She’s right. It was a lie. I’m overwhelmed, so overwhelmed with love and contentment. We worked so hard to be where we’re at and although it’s not how we originally imagined, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’d endure every bout of heartache all over again that led us here, to this, to her. 
I watch as our family loves on our daughter, watch as our little circle becomes whole. I had dreamt of this, we both had for so long. The fact that it’s now reality is unreal. I feel like I’m dreaming and the fact that I’m not, yes…has me on the verge of tears. 
One must slip past my defenses because Nesta reaches up and wipes her thumb across my damp cheek. 
No one comments on my crying and I feel zero shame. There is no shame in being unimaginably happy. 
“Now I have two cousins,” Nyx says from where he’s climbing onto Rhys’ lap. He scrunches his nose. “When will I have boy cousins? Or a brother? There’s too many girls.”
Rhys laughs quietly. “These girls are going to grow up to kick your butt if you keep talking like that. Especially with these two brutes as their fathers.” 
Azriel snorts. “Cass will have Evie lifting weights daily by the time she’s two. She’ll probably be able to kick my butt.” 
Nyx laughs at this, head thrown back, his giggles loud. 
We stay sitting, talking, reminiscing until even Nyx is snoring soundly in his father’s arms. By the time we finally say goodnight, I’m spent. Exhausted. Can hardly keep my eyes open.
But I don’t care.
Sleep is irrelevant when everything has fallen into place, when every time your eyes are open you feel like nothing can go wrong. We’ve already had our heartbreak, have already faced our trials, and although I’m not naive and know that trials will still come…
I know, without a doubt, that everything will be okay. 
I’m sliding into bed as Nesta lays Evelyn in her bassinet next to her side of the bed. I watch as she stares at our daughter, knowing her heart is bursting with pride and love, mirroring my own. I lay down quietly, my eyes remaining on the outline of her frame in the darkness. 
“She’s perfect, Cass,” she whispers, and those damn tears return. 
“Yeah,” I agree, quietly. “She is.”
She climbs into bed and snuggles up close to me, my arms going around her without a thought. We close our eyes, quickly drifting into the four hours of sleep we’ll be getting, at most, before the soft cries of a newborn fills our silent bedroom. 
Sleep is irrelevant.
Our daughter is perfect.
My wife is the love of my life.
And I am whole. 
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separatist-apologist · 11 months ago
What are your favorite monster fics? I’ve read all of yours and you have left me craving it.
You can't go wrong with any of these, and they are also my personal favorites:
On Waves of Blue by @kingofsummer93 [elucien]
Elain is bored of her mind-numbingly dull life as Princess of Mushroom Kingdom. The only excitement she's ever known is the threat of the great fire-breathing King Koopa, intent on making her his bride.
Is it so wrong, then, that she doesn't fear his return?
To Tango With The Devil by @iambutmortal [feysand]
For two years, Feyre’s been obsessed with the demon statue in the church. It haunts her dreams, even on the eve of her wedding. To bad the statue’s just as obsessed with her.
Bow Down by @shadowisles-writes [elucien]
When one of Elain's rituals releases more magic than usual, a much bigger demon than what she has ever protected herself against comes to her door. No amount of hidden traps and talismans can protect her from what he wants to take.
My Heart of Stone by @c-e-d-dreamer [nessian]
“Why do you run from me, my mate?” the gargoyle asks, tilting his head and sending his dark hair cascading over one shoulder.
Nesta feels hysterical, fear rising like bile in the back of her throat, but somehow she’s able to choke out the words, “what did you just call me?”
Howl by @iftheshoef1tz [azris]
When Azriel suspects that werewolves are behind the disappearance of his brother, he turns to the only werewolf expert he knows. Unfortunately for Azriel, Eris might be the werewolf he's been looking for.
Smite My Enemies by @abraxos-and-ataraxia [nessian]
Nesta summons a creature to obliterate her enemies, but quickly finds another use for the demon that appears.
A Woman So Heartless by @velidewrites [nessian]
When the Goddess of the Underworld grants a mortal General an extended stay in the land of the living, she doesn’t expect him to come back with another deal — one she has no idea will ruin her life forever.
Bejeweled by @thesistersarcheron [feysand]
Every court has their own Great Rite with unique, ancient traditions. The Night Court’s priestesses have played coy with Rhysand since he inherited the throne last year about what imbuing the land with his power really means; all they tell him is that he is meant to spend the night in the Night Court’s mines dripping in ceremonial jewels while everyone else gets to attend the orgy without him.
He doesn’t expect to find Feyre, a faerie made of crystal who leads him on a chase deeper and deeper into the mines as the Rite’s magic overcomes him.
Meet Me In The Woods by @paranoidbagel [feysand]
Returning to the ancient forests surrounding his ancestral home in the Scottish highlands, Rhys quickly discovers how the hunter becomes the hunted when a bloodthirsty Scottish faerie turns her ravenous sights on him.
The Music of the Night by @the-lonelybarricade [feysand]
It's Feyre's first year as an elligible maiden for the village reaping. In order to escape the chance of being chosen, Feyre rushes into a marriage with Lord Tamlin. She is terrified on her wedding night, but foruntately she is spared from consumating her marriage when she is pulled into a strange, erotic dream with an enchanting creature.
Paint It Red by @moodymelanist [nessian]
Nesta Archeron has been thirsting for revenge against Tomas Mandray since a fatal encounter in November 1940. When he suddenly reappears decades later, she finally has the perfect opportunity to make him pay for what he’s done. Her only problem? She and her friends aren’t powerful enough to take Tomas and his lackeys down on their own…
Cassian Valladares is the deadliest vampire hunter Windhaven has seen in a generation. When Nesta approaches him with a plan to kill her ex-fiancé, he’s initially hesitant – he wants nothing to do with leeches, especially one who almost got him killed. But as the bodies start piling up, Cassian and his brothers are forced to reconsider…
Will Nesta and Cassian be able to put aside their differences long enough to work together? Or will they find themselves consumed by something else entirely?
Crow Song by @damedechance [gwynriel]
Three years ago, Gwyneth Berdara became the ward of the Night Institute, a band of hunters led by Rhysand who work to rid the world of vampires. After one fateful night where Gwyn unwittingly welcomes one such creature into their home, she strikes a deal with Azriel, one that is just as likely to condemn them as it is to save them.
What The Shadows Hide by @shadowsxgwynriel [gwynriel]
When Gwyn goes out on the night of Calanmai to search for a missing priestess, she’ll soon find out that something lurks in the shadows...
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danikamariewrites · 1 year ago
hello bestie! 🩷
happy september 1st! pls remember to focus on you and don’t feel the need to rush through your requests. your art takes time and in the end, it will be amazing. your health and well-being is more important, so pls take care of yourself. ✨ you are loved ✨
now, i’ve had this idea stuck in my head for the last couple of days. could you possibly do a request where reader is at a ball in the court of nightmares with the rest of the ic, eris is there and goes to ask nesta to dance but sees reader instead? either feysand or nessian gets jealous about it, and feels like they have to remind reader who they “belong” too in the end. (reader would be mated to the couple.)
thank you darling! 🩷
Am I Really?
Poly!Feysand x reader
A/n: hey bestie! Love you too❤️ this is such a good request oml
Warnings: possessive!Feysand, suggestive
You felt their eyes on you as you placed your delicate hand in Eris’ pale one. He guides you to the dance floor grabbing your waist and you rest a hand on his shoulder. The music starts up and Eris glides you across the floor. “You look very elegant this evening.”
You smile at the lordling, “Thank you. You look your usual self.” You didn’t need daemati powers to know Rhysand and Feyre were containing their rage at your smile toward Eris. Good. Let them squirm. As you and Eris waltz across the shining obsidian floor your grips tighten on each other, pulling you into each other.
You were so close to him you could practically feel the fire that runs through his veins. It made you wonder if what they said about Autumn Court males was true. You knew they were in your mind. Even if they we’re disguising themselves you could feel something akin to thunder rumbling in your mind.
Eris was truly intoxicating up close. Those freckles on that pale delicate skin. His calculating eyes that hold an unending amount of secrets. You’d be lying if you said Eris didn’t interest you. He was handsome, yes, but what a burden that would be. To take on the role of wife with him.
As the music came to end Eris spun you out. Still holding your hand he bowed, placing a chaste kiss on your knuckles. You forced a blush to your cheeks and dipped your chin at him. After he walked away you knew Feyre and Rhysand would have a clear view of you.
You watched Eris walk away. A dumb smile plastered on your face along your forced blush. You put on a giddy expression and turned, walking off to get a drink.
You felt their presence before you saw them. Walking away with your glass in hand they followed you until you stopped in a dark alcove just off the throne room. Feyre snatched the glass from your hand before it could even touch your lips.
“Hey,” you protest, grabbing for your drink. Rhysand catches your wrist, pulling your hand to lay on his chest. “Uh-uh darling. We’re going to have a little chat first,” Rhysand purrs, that feline smirk gracing his lips. You look to Feyre for help but she just gives you a wicked smile as she inches closer to you.
“Did you think we would wait until we we’re home to talk about the little stunt you just pulled?” His dark power flickered in his violet eyes. “You’re ours sweetheart,” Feyre added, gently brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, “start acting like it.”
You pulled a risky move and rolled your eyes at them. You hadn’t felt like theirs in a while. At the start of your relationship with them it was great. But the past few months you haven’t felt their attention like you used to. “Am I yours?” Feyre and Rhysand looked taken aback at the question.
Shaking them off you push them to be an arms length away. You crossed your arms and scowled at them. “It hasn’t felt like. Maybe I should go find Eris again. I’m sure he’d be happy to-“ you were cut off by Rhysand gripping your face in his large hand, digging his fingers into the hollows of your cheeks.
He got inches away from your face. Rhysand looked like he snapped. “Don’t even think about it.” He growled. Feyre gently pulled him off you, pushing him behind her. She dragged a nail down your cheek scratching you slightly. “You just wanted our attention, huh?”
You just kept eye contact with Feyre and narrowed your eyes. She brought her fingers back up to your face, pinching your cheek. “Answer me sweetheart.” You flinched at the slight pain and started to nod, “Yes.” You breathed out.
Darkness consumed your vision and the world temporarily fell away. When you resurfaced, the three of you were back in your bedroom. Rhysand and Feyre trapped you between them. Their hands all over your body. Their lips ghosting your exposed skin.
You shiver under their touch yearning for more. Wanting them to touch you and do the most depraved things to you. Rhysand runs a thumb over your nipple earning a small whimper from you. “Please,” you whispered.
Feyre let out a dark chuckle. “What do you think Rhys? Should we teach our little sweetheart a lesson?” He let out a hum that you felt reverberate in his chest. “What should we start with?”
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highladyjane · 1 year ago
I don't want another warrior training like we've already had in the former books, but aside from training her Seer abilities, I can also see Elain having some basic and necessary training both for self-defence and to become a spy disguised as an emissary of the NC (because she can definitely be both at the same time). And I definitely see Nuala and Cerridwen + Az, and maybe even her sisters, teaching her a thing or two about how to properly wield a knife outside the kitchen - on her own terms and choice ofc.
Feyre was the bow and arrow, Nesta is the sword, and Elain is definitely the "knife in the dark" (just like Azriel).
I can totally see her carrying a knife/dagger as her weapon of choice under all her beautiful dresses like...
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I don't think Elain, nor any other female character (especially in the Maasverse tbh) will lose her "soft femininity" just because she learns how to wield a blade. I think what they choose to do with that blade is what makes the difference.
None of them likes violence itself (except for probably mostly the Illyrians), but they sometimes have to resort to it because they need to. Knowing how to handle a blade doesn't necessarily mean it's for violence or to kill - but to defend, protect and save lives just like she did with Nessian vs Hybern.
She may have some lingering trauma from that incident to process, but I think Elain will see that having a dagger around at times is actually useful and easy enough to hide - and the perfect weapon of spies.
Maybe not even just for self-defence but for random pruning, carving, and slicing things in her garden and kitchen lol... It can be subtle and unexpected, but useful and sharp enough when needed - just like her.
No matter what happens to Truth-teller after HOFAS, I still think daggers and knives will come to play for both Az and Elain.
Maybe he'll even gift her a secret, lovely dagger of her own next Solstice... 😏
So that she can...
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... in front of Az so he can momentarily forget the existence of air and have something new to fantasize and be tormented about at night 🤭 Like "Call me a mistake one more time, you jackAz" 😏 loljk
Yes, I'm getting carried away.
I can see so many possibilities and potentials for Elain.
She has repeatedly shown the will of becoming more useful and not like how she herself realised and admitted to being like in the first book (because character development, duh). And since she's starting to "show some claws" I think she'll also want to learn how to really fend for herself and not always have to rely on others, especially not Az (not after that Solstice incident) nor her sisters to always come and save her.
She likes domestic things and is the only one among her sisters who is actually good and useful at it, she's a Cauldron-blessed Seer (and now likely also Koschei's next target), but she also has hinted unexplored potential for something besides all that - the stealth, shadows, and secret-keeping = spywork.
She's the perfect housewife-spy like those in WW2 that SJM herself referred to.
Introverts like Elain are always underestimated observers and always so easily dismissed as boring just because their mouths aren't as open as their minds.
Elain knows how to surprise and I think she definitely will again in her book.
Especially with something sharp at your throat the next time you call her boring and useless.
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She's the perfect knife in the dark. A beautiful rose with thorns. A thing of secret, lovely beauty. 🌹🗡✨😌
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yazthebookish · 2 years ago
I just reread the bonus chapter and I'm just, as always, struck by how fucking obvious Gwyn and Azriel's set up is.
✨ He found it already occupied. His shadows had not warned him. It was too late to bank without appearing like he was running, Azriel landed in the ring a few feet from where Gwyn practiced in the chill night, her sword glimmering like ice in the moonlight.
I'm telling you those shadows are going to play wingmen for Az.
✨ His shadows peered over his wings at her. The young priestess smiled--and Azriel thought it might have been directed at his curious shadows.
Does anyone ever really smile at his shadows except for Gwyn 😭
✨ "Happy Solstice," she said, as much a dismissal as it was a holiday blessing. -- He snorted. "Are you kicking me out?" -- Gwyn's teal eyes flashed with alarm. "No! I mean, I don't mind sharing the ring. I just...I know you like to be alone." Her mouth  quirked to the side, crinkling the freckles on her nose. "Is that why you came up here?"
Gwyn really indirectly said he was going to be a brooding ass so let's wish him a happy solstice and let him go and he still teased her back instead of taking the opening she gave him. Also, no one pays enough attention to this detail but SHE KNOWS he likes to be alone 👀 girl is paying close attention to him alright 👀
✨ Sort of. "I forgot something," he reminded her. -- "At two in the morning?" Pure amusement glittered in her stare. Better than the pain and grief he'd spied a moment before. So he offered her a crooked smile. "I can't sleep without my favorite dagger."-- "A comfort to every growing child." -- Azriel's lips twitched.
Gwyn has no filters on I love her 😂😂😂 she really indirectly called his lying ass out.
✨ "How was the party?" Her breath curled in front of her mouth, and one of his shadows darted out to dance with it before twirling back to him. Like it heard some silent music. -- "Fine," he said, and realized a heartbeat later that it wasn’t a socially acceptable answer. "It was nice."   Not much better. So he asked, "Did you and the priestesses have a celebration?"
For a 500+ year old immortal Az you should've been better at this game, but I'm proud of you for at least being self-aware and trying to have a normal conversation. 2/5 on the effort but still appreciated.
✨ She angled her head, hair shining like molten metal. "Do you sing?” -- He blinked. It wasn't every day that people took him by surprise, but..."Why do you ask?" -- "They call you shadowsinger. Is it because you sing?" -- “I am a shadowsinger--it's not a title that someone just made.” -- She shrugged again, irreverently. Az narrowed his eyes, studying her. "Do you, though?" she pressed. "Sing?" -- Azriel couldn't help his soft chuckle. "Yes."
1. Not many people take him by surprise but she did. -- 2. I wouldn't be surprised because it's funny as hell if she asked him because of shadowSINGER -- 3. Azriel taking offense and reaffirming he is, in fact, a SHADOWSINGER. -- 4. Sarah confirmed there will be a scene of him singing, as far as we know Gwyn is likely the only character who knows he does, also the fact that SJM created something common between the two of them and it's that they both sing? -- 5. It's sweet to think that Gwyn wanted to know something about him and asked him about something she herself loves to do, which is sing.
✨ "I blame Cassian for this. He's too busy making eyes at Nesta to notice such mistakes these days." Azriel laughed. "I’ll give you that."  
Gwyn complaining about Nessian and Az is like "I can relate " 😂
✨ Gwyn smiled broadly. "Thank you." -- Azriel dipped his head in a sketch of a bow, something restless settling in him. Even his shadows had calmed. As if content to lounge on his shoulders and watch.  
She smiled at him and both him and his shadows felt calm 🥹 like compare how aloof and depressed he was at the start of his scene with Gwyn to him feeling this just after one conversation with her 😭😭 it's so 😭😭 I love them so fucking much.
✨ Gwyn nodded her farewell, again facing the ribbon. A warrior sizing up an opponent, all traces of that charming irreverence gone. Azriel entered the warmth of the stairwell, and as he descended, he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. Could have sworn his shadows sang in answer.
"That charming irreverence" Gwyn is so unapologetic about that irreverence I love her for it -- also, that's a clear, in-your-face, clue about a mating bond. I stand by that and my opinion remains unchanged since I first read the bonus chapter in 2021.
✨ Clotho was smart enough to see through his deflection. She wrote, "I’ll give it to Gwyneth, Tell her a friend left it for her". -- He wouldn't go so far as to call Gwyn a friend, but... "Fine. Thank you."  
I don't really find this alarming when people try to push into my face. It's obvious they're not in love "yet" and Azriel doesn't have any friends outside the IC, he doesn't know how to label it. It's still early to even label it. That "but..." leaves an opening there.
✨ Clotho's pen moved once more. She deserves something as beautiful as this. I thank you for the joy it shall bring to her. -- Something sparked in Azriel's chest, but he only nodded his thanks and left. He could picture it, though, as he ascended the stairs back to the House proper. How Gwyn's teal eyes might light upon seeing the necklace. For whatever reason... he could see it.  -- But Azriel tucked away the thought, consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face. Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly. -- A thing of secret, lovely beauty.
When Clotho thanked him for the joy the gift wil bring to Gwyn that's when something sparked in him. That's when he started to picture that joy. "For whatever reason" she's likely your mate bro that's why but we'll save that for later. He was aware and conscious enough to erase his smile yet bury the image of Gwyn's joy in his chest. He had a DAMN SMILE on his face while thinking of Gwyn's joy, like, that's so precious 😭 and Clotho is 100% true, she deserves all the joy the world has to offer for her (I just wish it wasn't a necklace meant for someone else). I get the kindness behind the act but it can bite him in the ass if SJM brings it up in the main book.
That's only a teaser for what's to come and that's the purpose of the bonus chapter. I can see why Sarah was more excited for readers to read Azriel's chapter than Feysand's chapter. She knew what she was doing here and what she's setting up. I didn't want to post the earlier scenes since I don't want to deal with people showing up with pitchforks and I don't need to talk about other ships I'm happy and content to gush about my own.
Every time I reread this chapter it just reminds me of how obvious Gwyn and Azriel's set up is and you don't need a pairing to bang or make out to create a set up. We didn't even get much but they are going to be such a fun couple, I need more of funny and easy-going Azriel.
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nocasdatsgay · 1 year ago
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Links below to my ao3 and post with descriptions.
Note: Majority of my fics are 18+. Please read the tags and ratings. This post will be updated when new fics are posted. Fics are listed in no particular order.
Main ao3 Link Here
Fandoms included: Detroit Become Human (all on ao3) and ACOTAR
SJM Villain Week 2024
Drabble amarantha | Droit du seigneur Nesta/Beron
Poly Week Master Post
Eris Week 2023 master post (NSFW are marked)
Eris week 2024 master post
Adjustment - NSFW
Bow - NSFW
Don’t Disappoint Me -NSFW
Drabble about Mates for Elucien Week
Lucien week day 7: Letters
Feylin (Tamlin/Feyre)
Calanmai Night - NSFW
It takes two to play - NSFW
Cursed Fate
Tamlin X Lucien
Forbidden (one-side Tam/Lucien)
A Sunbeam Shining Into the Night - NSFW
Chokehold - NSFW
From the shadows the beast will rise - multi ch. overall NSFW
Frenzy - NSFW
Barging In
So where do I start? - NSFW
Neapolitan Bonds (Az/Eris/Reader)
Masterlist including Be Good and Now Behave
I’ve Always Been Right Here -Chapter 2 NSFW
The Price You Pay For Power
A nest of her own | who turned up the heat? | to be marked as yours
Glorified warmer
Spring Time Affairs Masterlist Tamlin/OC/Lucien/Elain
Cassian x Eris
Clandestine Negotiations
Harlots of Autumn
Sold Kept
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acourtofthought · 2 years ago
There are such common themes that exist for SJMs mates, especially when it comes to the Archeron sisters. From fighting fate (fighting their mates) to romantic undertones, while they have their own unique differences, all the pairings have strong similarities. There's quite a bit of tension and suffering but nothing is better when the mating bond is finally accepting and I don't doubt Elucien will be just as rewarding.
Feysand - Nessian - Elucien
“I don’t blame her,” Cassian said, shrugging despite his words. “She was—violated. Her body stopped belonging wholly to her.”
“I think she went through something terrible,” Lucien countered carefully. “And it wouldn’t hurt to have your best healer do a thorough examination.”
I hadn’t heard from Rhys in the three months I’d been here. Not a whisper
Since Winter Solstice, they’d exchanged only a handful of words. Most had been at the barge party last month. They’d consisted of: Move. Hello, Nes. Move. Gladly. After months and months of nothing, of barely seeing her at all, that had been it.
She just ignored him or barely spoke to him until he got the hint and left.
“Eat breakfast with me,” he said. There was a note in those words that made me pause. A note of what I could have sworn was desperation. Worry. I twisted, my loose clothes sliding over my shoulders, my waist. I hadn’t realized how much weight I’d lost.
Cassian said at last, “You look like you could use a few big meals, a bath, and some real clothes.”
Too thin. She must not be eating at all. How can she even stand? / “There’s a plate of biscuits. Would you like one?”
“I think we can agree that I owe you nothing, and you owe me nothing.”
She’d made it clear enough in those initial days after that last battle that she wanted nothing to do with him.
“She wants nothing to do with me.”
I heard you were going to marry him, and I told myself you were happy. I should let you be happy, even if it killed me. Even if you were my mate, you’d earned that happiness.
He knew about the drinking, about the males. He told himself he didn’t care.
He glanced at Elain, who was again studying her lap. “I’m not needed here.
Nesta had made it clear enough she had no interest in Cassian—not even in being in the same room as him.
"She has no interest in him anyway"
“Is it Nesta?” “Not everything in my life is about your sister, you know.”
“Where’s Elain?” “I am not always in this city to see my mate.”
And whatever was on my face—I think it might have been mirrored on his: the hunger and longing and surprise.
I wondered why no one had yet mentioned what now shone in Cassian’s eyes as he gazed at my sister. The sorrow. And the longing.
Lucien inclined his head in a bow, the movement hiding the gleam in his eye—the longing and sadness.
I was pulled from sleep by something tugging at my middle, a thread deep inside. / But there was a thread between us, and I followed it
The golden threads shimmered and sang,
“Like you pulled on a thread tied to a rib.” / “There’s a bond—it’s a real thread,” he said, more to himself than us..
Rhys’s arms buckled as he fought to rise, and blood dripped from his nose, splattering on the marble. His eyes met mine. / Rhysand bellowed my name as I lost my grip on the room.
Cassian again stirred, slumping on the floor—but his hand twitched. Toward Nesta. / Cassian stirred again, his shredded wings twitching and spraying blood, his muscles quivering. At Nesta’s shouts, her raging, his eyes fluttered open, glazed and unseeing, an answer to some call in his blood, a promise he’d made her. But pain knocked him under again.
Lucien staggered a step forward as Elain was gripped between two guards and hoisted up. / “That is enough.” Lucien surged for Elain, for the Cauldron. / Lucien snarled at the king over the bite of the magic at his throat, “Don’t just leave her on the damned floor—” There was a flare of light, and a scrape, and then Lucien was stalking toward Elain, freed of his restraints.
I knew that you were my mate, and you were in love with another male.
“My mate is engaged to a human male.”
“You are my mate! Why are you still fighting it?” She let the truth, voiced at last, wash over her. “You promised me forever on Solstice,” he said, voice breaking. “Why is one word somehow throwing you off that?” “Because with that one word, the last scrap of my humanity goes away!” She didn’t care who saw them, who heard. “With that one stupid word, I am no longer human in any way. I’m one of you!”
“I don’t want a mate. I don’t want a male.”
“What is that.” Another grin as he lifted the small, wrapped parcel. “Your Solstice present.” “I don’t want one.”
one for his mate, who barely thanked him after opening the pearl earrings.
“Give her time. Give her space. Give her the opportunity to sort through this on her own.”
“Stay out of it. She’s not ready, and neither is he, no matter how many presents he brings.”. “Let him live with his Band of Exiles. Let him deal with Tamlin in his own way. Let him figure out where he wants to be. Who he wants to be. The same goes with her.”
“So many questions tonight.” I stared at him until he sighed. “I’ve had lovers, but I never felt tempted to invite one of them to share a life with me. And I honestly think that if I’d asked, they all would have said no.”. “Marrying me means a life with a target on your back—and if there were offspring, then a life of knowing they’d be hunted from the moment they were conceived. / “I know what that look means, you bastard,” Cassian said roughly, “and it’s bullshit. She loves you—in a way I’ve never seen anybody love anyone.”
“I am not with you,” she snapped. “I am fucking you.” “The only thing fit for a bastard-born brute, right?” / “Because I was fucking jealous!” he roared, wings splaying. “You looked like a queen, and it was painfully obvious that you should be with a princeling like Eris and not a low-born nothing like me!
“I am Lucien. Seventh son of the High Lord of the Autumn Court.” And a whole lot of nothing.
My beautiful, strong, fierce mate, shackled to me—
“Well, I didn’t have a choice in being shackled to you, either.”
“To accept a life shackled to me?”
“I will never be him, act like him. He locked you up and let you wither, and die.”
“She’ll destroy herself if she stays cooped up in there.”
“She needs fresh air.” “We’ll judge what she needs.” I could have sworn his ruby hair gleamed like molten metal as his temper rose. But it faded, his russet eye fixing on me. “Take her to the sea. Take her to some garden. But get her out of this house for an hour or two.”
Every instinct in his body came roaring to the surface, so violent he had to choke them with a brutal grip or else he’d fnd himself on his knees, begging her for a touch, for anything.
Touch her, smell her, taste her— The instincts were a running river. He fisted his hands at his sides.
Rhysand was my mate.
“I am your mate, for fuck’s sake!” Cassian shouted, loud enough for people across the river to hear. “You are my mate!
His voice broke as he whispered to Elain, “You’re my mate.”
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
In the moonlight, before the silvered lake, she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
She was the most beautiful female he’d ever seen.
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