#nery arredondo
nahua-tlahtolli · 1 month
UN DIA COMO HOY 12 DE AGOSTO DE 1821 arrió a la ciudad de San Antonio, Tejas, la primera ola de colonizadores angloamericanos dirigidos por Stephen Austin, dando inicio con ello a la futura anexión de Texas a los Estados Unidos.
El comandante Joaquín Arredondo y la junta Provincial de la provincia de Texas aprobaron el proyecto del estadounidense Moses Austin de colonizar con familias norteamericanas la provincia, Moses o Moisés como se conoce en algunos textos históricos era originario del estado de Connecticut, al norte del país vecino, había migrado a la Luisiana donde sus negocios fracasaron hasta llevarlo a la bancarrota, en ese mismo territorio algunos conocidos lo instaron a buscar fortuna en Nueva España, haciendo caso a sus consejos cruzó la frontera en diciembre de 1820 y se domicilió en San Antonio de Béjar, ahí con la intervención de Felipe Enrique Neri, Barón de Bastrop, quien era a la vez empleado de la corona peninsular, lograron que Arredondo aceptara el plan de colonización que se firmó el 17 de enero de 1821, las cláusulas del convenio fueron las siguientes:
●1ra - Que pudiese establecer en Texas trescientas familias precisamente de la Luisiana, e introducidas por Moisés Austin.
●2da - Los individuos de estas familias debían ser todas católicas romanas, o hacerse tales antes de entrar en territorio de Texas.
●3ra - Que trajeses consigo constancias fidedignas de su buena vida y costumbres.
●4ta - Que prestasen todos el debido juramento de obedecer y defender el gobierno de Rey de España, y de observar la constitución política de la monarquía española, sancionada en 1812.
Lamentablemente Moses Austin no vivió lo suficiente para ver coronada su ambición colonizadora, murió el 10 de junio de 1821 mientras se hacían los preparativos del éxodo, fue su hijo Stephen Fuller Austin quien arribó por fin a San Antonio el 12 de agosto de 1821, dando inicio a la colonización norteamericana de Texas, que se prolongó por muchos años, que además sea de cierto, si trajo un poco más de población a la provincia, esta no se encontraba deshabitada como a futuro alegaron los colonos en sus múltiples proclamas justificativas, pues familias de origen hispano se hallaban radicadas en los centros poblacionales más importantes, pero que si fue el cimiento de la futura rebelión contra el gobierno mexicano. Además, con ellos arribó un problema que contravenía uno de los principios en los cuales se había sustentado la guerra de Independencia, pues los colonos traían consigo esclavos. Stephen Fuller Austin por su parte se convertirá en el futuro en un referente y casi líder principal de la lucha tejana, aun que sin darse cuenta perdería el protagonismo simbólico de la causa tejana en manos de otro oportunista.
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spiderliliez · 4 years
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Paola Lara (as Estrella) Juan Ramón López (as El Shine) Nery Arredondo (as Morro) From the fantasy-horror, TIGERS ARE NOT AFRAID (2017)
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thebutcher-5 · 4 years
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mymoviedump · 5 years
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Tigers are Not Afraid
Estrella is 10 years old and has 3 wishes: The first one, that her missing mother comes back and it happens. Her mother returns but she is dead and follows Estrella everywhere. Petrified, Estrella tries to escape from her by joining a gang orphaned by violence. Soon she realizes that dead are never left behind and when you are in the middle of brutality and violence, wishes never come true the way you want them to be.
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brokehorrorfan · 4 years
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Tigers Are Not Afraid will be released as a Blu-ray/DVD combo in Steelbook packaging on May 5 via RLJE Films. The 2017 Mexican film is currently streaming exclusively on Shudder.
The lauded horror fairytale is written and directed by Issa López. Paola Lara, Juan Ramón López, Ianis Guerrero, Rodrigo Cortes, Hanssel Casillas, Nery Arredondo, and Tenoch Huerta star.
Tigers Are Not Afraid includes the native Spanish audio with English subtitles and an English dub. The film has been praised by Guillermo del Toro, who’s included in the special features. Details are below.
Special features:
Audio commentary with writer-director Issa López
The Making of Tigers Are Not Afraid
Interviews with writer-director Issa López by filmmaker Guillermo del Toro at Toronto International Film Festival (Blu-ray only)
Deleted scenes
Casting sessions
Photo galleries
Set against the backdrop of Mexico’s devastating drug wars, Tigers Are Not Afraid follows a group of orphaned children who are unexpectedly given three magical wishes. As they run from the cartel that murdered their parents and the ghosts that haunt them, they must decide how to use this special gift to save their own lives and the people they love.
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fuckyeahmexico · 6 years
Cine Premiere:
La directora mexicana Issa López nos dijo en entrevista que nunca había recibido tan buenas críticas con una película hasta Vuelven (ella también es la realizadora de Efectos secundarios y Casi divas), y no es para menos. Su nuevo proyecto es una historia cruda, socialmente realista y vigente pero con vericuetos fantásticos y terroríficos que inmediatamente remiten al cine de Guillermo del Toro, particularmente a El espinazo del diablo y El laberinto del Fauno. (Ve aquí un recuento de la filmografía del realizador mexicano).
En esta triada de filmes tenemos como constante inocencias arrebatadas por una realidad violenta, cruel, nauseabunda; por la orfandad, el desamparo y la muerte, aunque paradójicamente resguardadas por un escape fantástico. Todos estos elementos, unidos a las sutilezas y autenticidad de las actuaciones de un elenco protagónico infantil seguramente fueron algunos de los motivos que cautivaron al jurado del Fantastic Fest, donde López obtuvo el reconocimiento de Mejor dirección y al del ScreamFest donde ganó cinco premios, entre ellos el de mejor película.
Inmediatamente la directora nos adentra en el contexto político-social que carcome a Estrella (Paola Lara), una joven estudiante que en un día escolar como cualquiera debe protegerse de las balaceras y los ajustes de cuentas que tienen lugar justo afuera de su recinto educativo. Este lamentablemente mexicanísimo escenario de las provincias acechadas por el narcotráfico es sólo el principio de los males de la protagonista. Cuando Estrella llega a su casa descubre a una madre desaparecida, seguramente secuestrada por el grupo organizado predominante en la zona, que bien podría ser los Zetas, los Caballeros Templarios o, como en este caso, los Huascas.
Con su mamá ausente, la niña gasta uno de los tres simulados deseos que su maestra le da en la escuela y que se encuentran condensados dentro de los gises de un pizarrón. Obviamente quiere que su madre regrese, pero su petición tiene consecuencias funestas, clara alusión al popular refrán que advierte tener cuidado con lo que se anhela. Perseguida por fantasmas (reales e imaginarios y plasmados con unos efectos especiales bastante cuidados para los estándares nacionales), la pequeña protagonista se une a una pandilla de niños igualmente abandonados a su suerte por la crueldad del destino, y es entonces que descubre violencia y dolor inimaginables.
Una de las mayores fortalezas del filme es la pericia actoral y el realismo que los niños (Juan Ramón López, Rodrigo Cortés, Hanssel Casillas y Nery Arredondo sin previa experiencia actoral) imprimen a sus personajes, al hacerlos entrañables, memorables y empáticos; en pocas palabras, son el corazón de una historia descorazonada, un oscuro cuento de hadas sobre la fiereza de sobrevivir.
Estos pequeños diamantes tienen numerosos antagonistas: sicarios despiadados, un país para el que son invisibles, la situación de calle, secuestradores y un Tenoch Huerta en el rol de un “luminoso” político que en realidad es una alimaña terrorífica. Mediante su personaje se puntualiza la crítica social de la película. Probablemente él constituye el aspecto más horroroso del filme que también cuenta con algunos visos de terror. El sincretismo entre lo irreal y una sobrecogedora verdad han probado ser una combinación ganadora en el cine, como lo ha demostrado Guillermo del Toro previamente, y en Vuelven no son la excepción.
Por: Mabel Salinas
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▷ S.O.Z. Soldados o Zombies Stagione 1 Sub ITA Serie TV CB01
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TRADUZIONE: Italiano GENERE: Dramma, Sci-Fi & Fantasy ATTORI: Adria Morales, Sergio Peris-Mencheta, Nery Arredondo, Horacio García Rojas, Fátima Molina
Per evitare l'estradizione, il carismatico e imprevedibile signore della droga, Alonso Marroquandiacute;n, evade di prigione in Messico per nascondersi in mezzo al deserto. Mentre dall'altra parte del confine, un esperimento dell'esercito degli Stati Uniti con i maiali in una base militare, va storto e l'unità di polizia messicana che insegue Marroquandiacute;n viene infettata, trasformandosi in una nuova razza di zombi con abilità speciali. L'esercito e questa nuova specie convergono nel nascondiglio di Marroquandiacute;n, dove inizia la battaglia per la sopravvivenza.
S.O.Z. Soldados o Zombies 1x01 Online Italiano, S.O.Z. Soldados o Zombies 1x01 Streaming CB01, S.O.Z. Soldados o Zombies 1x01 Guarda Online, S.O.Z. Soldados o Zombies 1x01 Su Netflix, S.O.Z. Soldados o Zombies 1x01 Amazone Prime Video
Trova tutte le serie TV e i film che puoi riprodurre in streaming online, comprese le serie trasmesse oggi. Se ti stai chiedendo cosa puoi guardare su questo sito web, dovresti sapere che include generi tra cui serie poliziesche, dramma, mistero, azione e avventura. Grazie mille Diciamo a tutti coloro che sono felici di accettarci come notizie o informazioni sullo spettacolo della stagione, sugli episodi e su come guardano i loro programmi TV preferiti. Speriamo di poter diventare il miglior partner per te quando cerchi consigli per uno spettacolo televisivo da vari paesi in tutto il mondo. È tutto da parte nostra, saluti.
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Título Original: Vuelven
Año: 2017
Duración: 83 min.
País: Mexico
Director: Issa López
Guion: Issa López
Música: Vince Pope
Fotografía: Juan Jose Saravia
Reparto: Paola Lara, Juan Ramón López, Ianis Guerrero, Rodrigo Cortés, Hanssel Casillas, Nery Arredondo, Tenoch Huerta
Productora: Filmadora Nacional / Peligrosa
Género: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPhKZZQpzec
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daazurebanana · 5 years
Mental disorders
Annotated Bibliography
Batistela Vicente, Jéssica, et al. “Mental disorder in childhood: family structure and their social relations”. Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem. vol. 19, 2015, pp 107-114.
This article addresses the treatment of those with a mental disorder as well as family members which is the bulk of my thesis. The authors argue that issues are best handled by having some sort of structure in place. This structure can be found in multiple places: programs such as Conflict Prevention and Resolution--Brazil (CPR) or the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) (support groups for mental illness), church, or extended family and friends. More often than not, a combination of a few is the most successful. Friends and family are an obvious resource but sometimes unavailable depending on the situation and relationship of the family. The child is often too young to recognize their own need for support which often makes something like a church community --unpresuming but always available-- the optimal choice. As with any child, having a “scaffolding on which to hang one’s life” offers direction in the long run, whereas a child who doesn’t go to church, for example, may base their morals off their parent’s belief systems but does not have the benefit of a supporting society. These resources also benefit the family of an individual with a mental disorder by preventing feelings of isolation (see article about support groups in Japan). One could raise the question, however, about how one learns about the availability of programs such as NAMI exist. Is it the responsibility of the family doctor, education systems (as it historically has been), popular media, or should it be taught in the home? I was unaware of NAMI until researching for this paper.
It is important to note that in the case of serious mental disorders, often social support is insufficient and the aid of medication as well as professional services are required.
Kugelmass, Heather. “Mental disorder among nonreligious adolescents”. Mental Health, Religion & Culture (MENT HEALTH RELIGION CULT). 2015, vol. 18, issue 5.
I read this article because I was curious about the effects of religion mentioned in the previous article. It explained that there are 3 types of support systems to help a struggling family that has a family member afflicted with a mental disorder; the first being the Brazillian equivalent of NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness), the second, religion, and the third a network of family and friends. The authors argue that a combination of the three is the most effective, but when all are not available at least one will benefit the relationship of the family. In that case, it seemed that membership in some kind of religious denomination and specifically a personal relationship with God provides the most solace in comparison to the other two. I decided to research more in-depth the effects of religion on the person with a proclivity for mental disorder and found this article. Though a bit of a tangent from my thesis, it still provides useful information. The authors specifically address different types of “nonreligiousity” as well: no religion, nondenominational (no religious preference), and atheist/agnostic. The study found that individuals who did not affiliate with a religion had a higher likelihood of developing a mental disorder of some kind during adolescence in the following order from highest to lowest: agnostic or atheist, no religion, and nondenominational. It is interesting to acknowledge, however, that the tendency to develop an anxiety disorder, though slightly higher among the “unbelievers”, was almost the same as the “believers”. Another interesting note is that the highest rates by far were among “unbelievers” who were raised by two highly religious parents at “twice that of religious adolescents raised in religious households”. As with any kind of extreme stress or conflict, the disorder appears in response. I believe perhaps religion is the reason my father is so high functioning.
Arredondo, Emanuel, et al. “The Global Impact of Intellectual Disability and Other Mental Disorders in Children”. International Journal of Childbirth Education. 2019, Vol. 34 Issue 2, p14-17.
(See also comments on “Unquiet Mind”.) This article discusses the “profound challenges” for those that have mental disorders that “generally require professional services and treatment.” The challenges of learning and social development, as well as the difficulty of informing others of one’s weaknesses, impressed me most. It can be difficult or even impossible for one with a mental health disorder to inform someone else of their situation, mainly in children but even beyond as one grows to adulthood because of the limitation of our own perception. We cannot be outside ourselves and no matter our aptitude for sympathy it impossible to see the world as another sees it. Take for example color blindness. My cousin told me about a time she was sitting with her brother as he was looking at cars online. She asked him which one he wanted and he pointed out one picture and said: “ I really like this blue one”. My cousin told me she looked at the screen and saw “the reddest car of my life”. How can we tell someone we are feeling blue when their blue is red? I think the inability to sympathize is the main cause of conflict between those with mental health disorders and those without. By learning more about disorders both parties can--though perhaps not empathize--sympathize with one another. Maybe we can teach our children about mental health earlier, especially to families with a history of mental health problems? Is it possible to spread awareness on a global level? Perhaps Juliann Meacham’s research will inspire ideas.
Owen, M., Cardno, A. & O'Donovan, M. "Psychiatric genetics: back to the future". Mol Psychiatry, vol 5, 2000, pp 22–31
Psychiatric genetics is “ a subfield of behavioral neurogenetics and behavioral genetics which studies the role of genetics and development of mental disorders such as alcoholism schizophrenia bipolar disorder and autism" (Wikipedia psychiatric genetics). The authors talk about the influence of the environment on mental disorders both before birth and after. Apparently, studies have been lacking. It also discusses aetiology (British spelling, also written as etiology), meaning 1: cause, origin; specifically: the cause of a disease or abnormal condition; and 2: a branch of knowledge concerned with causes; specifically: a branch of medical science concerned with the causes and origins of diseases (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, etiology)
I found this article specifically to figure out the difference between genetically caused disorders and environmentally caused disorders. How does the environment accelerate disorders? I came to understand by the article that more often than not it is not so much solely genetics or solely environment as it is “gene-gene” interactions (genes responding to each other and no the environment) vs “gene-environment” interactions, with “gene-environment” as the more common of the two. Can “gene-gene” disorders be prevented or are they inevitable making it better to forgo prevention and prepare to treat when the need arises? Life is stress, so maybe no environment can be controlled enough to evade a disorder? As Wesley says in Princess Bride, “life is pain, Highness!” Before finding this article, I realized throughout my research that I was mostly finding prevention methods, when what I wanted was treatment methods because I considered genetically-caused disorders as unpreventable. This article helped me see, however, that because gene-environment is more common, most disorders are, in fact, preventable. On the other hand, should they be prevented? Many influencers of this world were afflicted with some kind of mental disorder, so when we lose mental health disorders do we lose creativity? I would not wish depression or anxiety on anyone, but I do not think the gene giving us the proclivity to a disorder should be eradicated even if we have the capability to do so.
Kageyama, Masako. “Changes in Families' Caregiving Experiences through Involvement as Participants then Facilitators in a Family Peer-Education Program for Mental Disorders in Japan”. Family Process. 2017, vol. 56 Issue 2, p408.
(See comments on NAMI for American methods). This article addresses more in-depth the support group method treatment for families and individuals mentioned in “Mental disorder in childhood: family structure and their social relations”. This program seemed more geared towards the family of individuals with mental disorders than the individuals themselves. NAMI is very similar to the Japanese program Omotenashi ‐ FELP, but I thought I would research a few different methods and “take the average”. I chose Japan specifically because I lived there and juxtaposing a culture vastly different from the American was intriguing. This study provided the stages of treatment as well as testimonials of participants. It is noteworthy that the participant often did not know about the program (or join) before reaching 50 years or older. They voiced regrets of not having an earlier education and the hardship of isolation. Again this makes me wonder about spreading awareness of these programs, especially in a country like Japan where they have a tendency to over-privacy about family, and in many cases are too proud to accept help. In Omotenashi ‐ FELP, an interesting aspect is that the program requires 3 to 6 facilitators to conduct group meetings, making it necessary for some families who have just started to take on the role of the facilitator. This has its pros and cons as the responsibility of becoming a facilitator gives them the opportunity to grow exponentially but also makes for a rather amateur therapy group setting. I will compare this to America’s NAMI organization, FFEP, and Brazil’s program CAPS-i.
Johnson, Jane Clayson. "Silent Souls Weeping: Depression, Sharing Stories Finding Hope". Desert Book. 2018.
The author, a "nationally recognized journalist", sheds more light on the subject of clinical depression, sharing her personal stories as well as the stories of many others. She addresses the harmfulness of perfectionism and idealism of suicide, among other things. Since this book is specifically addressed to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day-Saints, it is very applicable to my specific situation as a resident of a strongly religion-oriented community. I will focus on chapter 9: ""I just want to help": for families and friends". What I felt most from this book was the tendency of everyone to enter a vicious cycle of guilt and blame. The individual with the mental disorder blames themself, and the family members blame themselves or the individual, leading to guilt for blaming, and so on. The best action I saw was to stop blaming people and start blaming the illness which is unarguably easier said than done. In any case, blaming others and selves only digs the pit of depression deeper. One individual said "it is important for loved ones on the outside looking in to not take a loved one's struggles with depression as a sign of your own failure." The overarching theme of "an Unquiet Mind" and "Silent Souls Weeping" is the success in simply loving those struggling with some disorder. Not because it relieves them of the symptoms, but because it shows that life is"still worth living". The most impressive claim I think, was that "(life with) a person with a mental illness is not doomed to be miserable".
Redfield Jamison, Kay. "An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness". Vintage. 1995.
Dr. Jamison is a well renowned psychiatrist specialized in academic medicine and manic-depressive illness (bipolar), of which she herself also suffers. This book covers her academic findings related to bipolar as well as her own experience. One of my favorite books for a long time, the author helps the blind to see, in a way. "An Unquiet Mind" (more than anything else I have ever read) helps a person on the outside looking understand the chaotic nature of disorders--meaning chaotic in the sense of "uncontrollable", not necessarily "manic". She relates trying have a disorder to a blind teenager she used to counsel. After talking to him for many months, she felt she understood what it was like to be blind; however, one day she came to fetch him from one of his classrooms and was shocked to see the room was totally dark with him and a bunch of other blind adolescents silently reading braille. When he heard her come in, he stopped to turn on the light for her. We cannot fully understand what is like to live with another's disorder, but Dr. Kay says that we can love them and just be with them. Another topic she emphasizes is that if had the option to go back and live a life without manic-depressive illness, she would not; granted the medicine was still available. Modern medicine is a necessary thing for those who struggle seriously. The importance of medicine and the fact that there is no shame in it is also knowledge I think should be more widespread.
Burland, Joyce. “NAMI: Family to Family Education Program”. NAMI . 2001.
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is the main (?) American resource for mental illness support. It is an organization that hosts group meetings for both those struggling with mental illness and their family members; giving helpful handouts, having group discussions, giving donations to good causes, and so on. Mainly focused on the family members, addressing their feelings and teaching the feelings of the member with the disorder. They give aid catered specifically to the needs and disorder of the participant. I really like the book I read that my mom received when she attended one of the classes with my dad. It would appear that the facilitators are, like the Japanese program Omotenashi - FELP, individuals who also have experience with the trials surrounding mental illness as well, which is arguably a reason the effective. I also visited the website, since the copy of the handout I have is from 2001 (though it was still used as of when my mom went to the meeting which was ….). The website (https://www.nami.org/#) is easily navigable and provides all that a person seeking guidance would need. The classes NAMI offers include problem-solving skills, self-care, inside mental illness, etc. This organization is perfect but is it well known? Evidently, NAMI participates in numerous events per month in order to raise awareness, the next being “Mental Health Month” in May. They invite others to share their experience and support by using social media and using the hashtag #WhyCare. I looked up the results of #WhyCare on Instagram, and there were about 8,121 posts, 3 on Facebook (granted I don't know how to navigate social media well, so I may just be doing it wrong). All in all, a following, but a small one.
Lucille Southey, Sarah. “Sarah Lucille Southey: A Memoir”. Dollison Road Books. 2016.
(With additional information from her step-brother, my father.)
This book is just a typical memoir, and since it is from the perspective of my step-aunt, many incidents were changed by her own perspective. My step-aunt Sarah suffered from Borderline personality disorder (BPD), also known as an emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD) is a mental disorder similar to bipolar in its propensity to mood swings. It is interesting to me that on a whole, Sarah seemed to have lived what I would consider a fairly average life considering the effect the divorce of my step-grandmother from her ex-husband had on her. As she describes the everyday niceties of life and the trials, there is a trace of something off about the way she describes things. But that could easily be put down to the cancer she was struggling with , or simply strong feelings. I also read her story through biased eyes know beforehand that she was diagnosed with BPD. She does seem to form very strong attachments to people, but I am already looking for that kind of behavior. I admit I don’t remember much about her when she was alive besides the visible toll of cancer, her strong opinions, and how crazy her sons Robert and Jack were. I can say that I know her boys and have seen them occasionally since her death, and Robert in particular is very loud and seems to be unable to control his impulses which is often unbearable for my cousins. In Sarah’s situation as she was dying and Robert’s as he lives with his adoptive family, again, maybe awareness of a support group would help.
I read this article to understand more fully the reasons why my aunt acted and viewed the world the way she did. since it was a memoir, her mental illness was never explicitly addressed. But the atmosphere is apparent. The disorder she suffered from, on top of her terminal brain cancer which certainly influenced her behavior, was borderline personality disorder. This disorder, though not a part of my blood-relation family members, is still a part of my family, so it intrigues me. The symptoms of BPD tend to have mood swings as a result of abandonment and instability issues in their relationships, make being alone extremely difficult, and yet the extreme behaviors tend to drive others away. It also includes symptoms like “self-image issues, difficulty managing emotions and behavior, and a pattern of unstable relationships”. The effect BPD has on one’s perception of self and others creates many difficulties in daily life . I am not sure when my Aunt Sarah was diagnosed with BPD, but the article said that usually (as with most mental disorder) it appears in early adulthood. In the case of the family members of people with BPD, I am unsure of the specific way to help them. As I mentioned in the first annotation, a support system is the best help for the family members like her sons who were only 8(?) and 2(?) which in the case of my aunt were provided by my step-grandma, her friend, her ex-husband, and her sisters family who all lived close by.
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thebutcher-5 · 4 years
Tigers are not afraid
Tigers are not afraid
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo fatto una discussione interessante su Lupin III – The First, il primo film di Lupin realizzato in CGI. Un film che ho apprezzato molto, un film con una storia fedele allo spirito di Lupin, non è qualcosa di originale o incredibile ma riesce a intrattenere bene grazie ai suoi personaggi, al suo ritmo e all’ottimo utilizzo della…
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infomundord · 5 years
La nueva serie original de Amazon: Narcos vs Zombies
La nueva serie original de Amazon: Narcos vs Zombies
Amazon Prime Video recién anunció su nueva producción: Narcos vs Zombies, en la que por el simple título nos podemos dar una idea de lo que sucederá en la ficción.
El legendario narcotraficante Alonso Marroquín (Sergio Peris-Mencheta) escapa de una prisión mexicana de alta seguridad con su hijo Lucas (Nery Arredondo) y encuentra refugio en Paradiso, una instalación remota para rehabilitación de…
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dr-nidasheikh · 5 years
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aizakhan92 · 5 years
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dranishnoor · 5 years
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entrepalabrasmx · 7 years
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Vuelven se estrena en México
El próximo jueves 2 de noviembre se estrena en México la película Vuelven, thriller fantástico protagonizado por Paola Lara, Juan Ramón López, Ianis Guerrero, Rodrigo Cortés, Hanssel Casillas, Nery Arredondo y Tenoch Huerta.
Vuelven es una cinta dirigida por Issa López, que narra la historia de Estrella, una niña de 10 años con tres deseos. El primero, es que su madre desaparecida vuelva. Y se le cumple. Su madre regresa, pero muerta. Aterrada, Estrella trata de escapar, pero muy pronto aprende que los muertos nunca se dejan atrás, y que donde la brutalidad manda, los deseos nunca salen como el corazón quisiera.
Producida por Marco Polo Constandse y Tania Benitez, Vuelven cuenta con guion de Issa López y música de Vince Pope.
Vuelven estrena en México el jueves 2 de noviembre.
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diegouniversal-blog · 7 years
Película mexicana “Vuelven” se exhibirá en el Fantastic Fest 2017
Estreno 2 de noviembre 2017
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La película mexicana “Vuelven”, dirigida por Issa López, forma parte de la Selección Oficial del Fantastic Fest 2017 que se llevará a cabo del 21 al 28 de septiembre en Austin, Texas. Se trata del... Notimex. 08.09.2017 - 19:06h La película mexicana “Vuelven”, dirigida por Issa López, forma parte de la Selección Oficial del Fantastic Fest 2017 que se llevará a cabo del 21 al 28 de septiembre en Austin, Texas. Se trata del festival de cine de género más grande de Estados Unidos que se especializa en películas de horror, fantasía, ciencia ficción y acción. En ediciones pasadas han desfilado por su alfombra, los cineastas Tim Burton, Dolph Lundgren, Paul Rudd, Bill Pullman, Paul Thomas Anderson, Kevin Smith, Jon Favreau, George Romero, Darren Aronofsky y Mike Judge. “Vuelven” cuenta la historia de “Estrella”, una niña de 10 años a la que se le cumple el deseo de volver a ver a su madre desaparecida, sin embargo, la mamá regresa muerta, se informó en un comunicado. El elenco está conformado por Paola Lara, Juan Ramón López, Tenoch Huerta, Ianis Guerrero, Rodrigo Cortes, Benny Emmanuel, Hanssel Casillas y Nery Arredondo. Producida por Filmadora Nacional, la película se estrenará en México el próximo 3 de noviembre. Previo a ello, también se exhibirá en Los Ángeles, California, como parte de la Selección Oficial del Screamfest Horror Film Festival 2017 que se realizará en octubre.
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