#nerida refuses to let them hire a permanent chef bc baking and cooking huge quantities of food is a much better way to channel her energy
staggeringsmite · 4 years
For Nyx and Nerdia, 31, 32, 39, and 45
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
Nyx: this is interesting bc i think nyx’s general idea of her and eris’ life and upbringing has been greatly upended and impacted by joining the delrose, adventuring with a goal, seeing a crew like xarus, thalia, casda, and riven that care about each other rather than the ones the twins have witnessed and been a part of that’d just as quickly throw you into the cloudsea for the right price. a few months ago it really would’ve been anywhere with eris by her side where she can count all the exits, but i think the bar has been raised? a long-winded way of saying i think nyx right now is generally a little uncomfortable everywhere because she’s adjusting to the idea that she and eris have had it really fucked up and have the chance to do things better and be more comfortable and have people to trust. ideally in the future her most comfortable scenario will be one where she does have more of a community than just eris to rely on bc that means it won’t just be the two of them desperately clawing at survival anymore. 
Nerida: i think as nerida has settled and had less to run/be afraid of since her childhood, meals have become very important to her (all that time running from her pissed elemental dad, family dinners were kinda exactly what she and her mom were trying to avoid), esp hosting or cooking for the party, any moment of respite in the keep when they’re all together in those anxious moments before an adventure, the triumphant buzz after a successful one, or just in some downtime sharing a meal equals “everything is good, and we’re safe in this moment. this is family, and we’re all here looking at each other and laughing and eating. look i made this for you and it’s meant to be consumed and bring you a bit of joy.” it’s that warmth of passing home-cooked dishes around the table <3
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
Nyx: at this point being alone makes nyx very uncomfortable because of how rocked her perception of her life and world is, and being alone means she really has to confront how she feels about what’s happening on her adventures and what she really wants out of life rather than just running onto the next thing without thinking
Nerida: as much wild, bitter, dangerous confidence as nerida puts into communicating with eldath. any interaction with their god certainly puts a pit in their stomach she’s trying to weigh down. 
39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
Nyx: you know the first thing nyx did when those pirates scooped her and eris up and took them to some big island city was chase some dogs around the street, and not knowing how to interact with animals but thinking they were really cute accidentally cornered them out of curiosity, leading to her getting bitten. i think when she was younger and didn’t understand why they’d done that she had a fear of them or thought they were all mean, but the absolute second she realized they felt threatened by her she felt so guilty she now always makes an effort to feed strays she might see in stopover cities
Nerida: animals have Tried and Failed to get through that plate babeyy, seriously though i don’t see nerida doing anything even accidentally to provoke an animal,, maybe an angry weasel or something she was trying to pet through a cage on an expedition with JV but they wouldn’t hold it against it
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Nyx: nyx doesn’t have any fully fledged thoughts on the afterlife or the gods in particular, nor does she really care about what might happen to her when she dies. what she does care about is every horrific sign prophetically pointing to her death throughout the campaign and the fact that she with the utmost confidence while shaking internally pinky promised her twin sister that she wasn’t going anywhere, and without nyx around she can’t make sure eris is safe (we love becoming a fighter 2 protect ur chaotic stupid bard sister until it’s Sad As Hell)
Nerida: OOOOOH BOY nerida has Zero clue what happens to a paladin who has been wish-spell tied to a goddess for about ten years, thus avoiding death many times over when they were actually supposed to go and now likely has a hit out on her from multiple deities of the death domain when they die, but it’ll sure be exciting. less of a “don’t care” and more of a “there’s really no way to know the answer to this complicated cosmological afterlife maze i’ve found myself in”,, wearing a “death deities want me. fish fear me” (bc she’s a water genasi askjgl) hat with a little kissy face at all times. she has genuinely made peace with the fact that she’s living on borrowed time though, and while they might be a little scared they know it’s probably good for the universe to be balanced or whatever.
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