#nerdi hbg
bugwz · 1 year
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thinking about nerdi minecraft again
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alt-wannabe · 2 months
MCSR Marching Band AU
back at it again with wildly specific au's based on the shit i do irl. i've been in band for 10 years (jesus) and marching band for 7- being the tenor sax section leader both my senior year of high school and now my senior year of college.
i had some help with this one from @s3er :3
more under the cut! warning there's a LOT
Nerdi is the drum major! He's in charge of conducting the whole band and specifically helping the center snare keep a steady tempo. He's reliable to a fault and is able to keep his conducting at the proper pace pretty much no matter what (or no matter how hard some of the band members try to distract him). He can also march pretty well on the odd occasion he's not conducting (usually during pregame) and he can do some pretty cool mace tricks. His backbend with the mace is practically all the way to the ground.
Fein is the center snare. He works directly with Nerdi to keep a steady tempo. Drum major and center snare are the structural support of the entire band- without either of them tempo tends to fall apart and the show follows quickly after. He's drumline captain as well and can competently play any drumline instrument (and a good fair few wind instruments as well). One of the band members who does DCI (crazy intense travel drum corps) in the summer.
Guard Section Courtesy of @s3er !
Cube's main equipment would be rifle but he'd also be extremely good at flag, sabre, and dance. he just happens to be the best at rifle out of all of those. during marching band season he would probably be at the front a lot of the times. his consistency, versatility, and experience would make him a very good captain and during practices he would probably often get stuck teaching freshman flagline because he already mastered his own choreo+movement and he'd probably be very good at that as well even if he found it frustrating
Fruit likes flag the most because it's big and colorful and fun :] but since he's so good at weapon that's usually the line he gets placed in during marching season. winterguard has more leeway, since everything is smaller he's more able to do his own thing. for guard, marching season can be very "we know what we want the guard to do this season, just do that" while winterguard is more like, if fruit comes up with some wacky trick they can absolutely find a way to fit that in the show. if there's a dance/gymnastics solo though that would go to him
Zye is a sabre demon and probably a captain just because of how much experience he has but he would do the least amount of captain shit. except that he would be very good at instantly spotting how someone is doing choreo wrong and or why they can't get something and helping them. he makes sabre look easy, like that shit is made of plastic and not cold hard death metal that wants to break all your toes and i hate him for that. he picks up on everything extremely quickly and can make anything looks fluid and effortless
everyone say tysm to s3er for these blurbs! the guard insight was def needed and also super interesting to hear about!
Fulham is a clarinet player- specifically bass clarinet if the band decides to march them and section leader (bass clarinet is the birch tree of instruments just look at it). Absolute GOD at drill- both teaching and marching himself. Everyone in the clarinet section is never an inch off of their dot (assigned spot on the field) and they always take the exact correct path w/ the exact step size between positions. He also helps the directors write the show drill on occasion.
Couri plays mellophone! Mello's have a reputation in some bands for not being heard- Couri is NOT one of those mellos. Not only does he play loud, but he plays WELL and if a show has a mello solo it's going to him. He practices the most out of the whole band and if you're looking for him before or after school you'll either find him on the field or in a practice room. Does DCI with Fein- they go out for the same corps.
Silverr plays baritone. Also a DCI participant but he's usually in an opposing corps to Fein and Couri. Basically all of the baritones I know are super chill (I share a section with them in my marching band). Silverr can play a couple of instruments so his marching choice can vary from year to year- baritone is the usual pick though. He's one of the stronger bassline players in the band and the directors try to have him towards the center of the field so he's easily heard by not only the audience but also the other band members. Always has his music memorized early enough that his section can listen to him play for a solid guide.
Reign plays alto and tenor sax. He prefers alto but if the band is lacking in tenors he can switch over. He can also play trumpet and that's his instrument in his drum corps with Silverr (because they don't take woodwinds). Altos have a reputation for being outgoing and he enables the stereotype. His section finds him easier to talk to than the "official" alto section leaders so he ends up fielding a lot of the underclassmen's questions. He pretty frequently gets solos if the altos are ever given any. (side bar for a cool alto part listen to the Miya Twins theme from haikyuu. The bassline underneath is supposed to represent the consistent and collected twin while the alto part represents the more experimental and wild twin. Sound familiar?)
Dylqn plays trombone. Has hit someone with his slide on a move before, will hit someone with his slide on a move again. The type to make a joke during an attention pose and get the people around him in trouble for laughing. That being said he's an extremely talented musician and marcher. The directors can almost never get mad at him for goofing around because when he locks in he's absolutely a pillar of the entire band. The thing about him being good though is it means it was absolutely on purpose when he hit Fein with his slide.
Mime plays tenor sax (WOOOOOO BEST INSTRUMENT) and is a section leader. His main skill is choregraphing out complex moves and he helps the directors/fulham with drill. When I say complex moves I mean like this shit where everyones walking through each other and one wrong step equals a collision (5:18 in this video. note this is DCI and not a regular marching band so this whole show is a lot more than the average band is gonna do). Not only is Mime good at running through them himself, he can explain the moves well enough that everyone is able to make the move safely. He plays bassoon outside of marching band.
Poundy plays sousaphone. Loves to brag about playing the biggest instrument on the field which is lowkey fair because sousi is HARD. That being said he has full bowled Couri over at least once. No instruments or people were hurt amazingly but the argument that happened afterwards was generational. Poundy is one of the people that has no trouble making friends outside of his section as he's super easy to talk to. Some people tend to stay in their section at band but he is very much so not one of these people. He also plays LOUD which is important for a bassline player.
that's all ive thought through for now but ill likely have some more thoughts on this in the future. my ass is STRUGGLING with fulham's d&d mini right now but trust it's in the works (his hair and glasses are not really in heroforge so im having to improvise to make it not look weird). hope yall enjoyed me yapping for the length of a feinberg post event essay
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jresseh · 10 months
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yelled HE’S BACK when i posted the sketch of this on my alt bc he went live 3 days in a row
now he’s gone again :(
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shrimpsicality · 2 years
happy vday mcsrblr!! (left edition)
if you like your streamers on the right, go here!
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jumble-jee · 2 years
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a showdown doodle! hats off to these two for organizing for sures ✨
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vibesoda · 1 year
ive been meaning to ask.. in dolorem, is the old king that dies at the beginning meant to be someone specific or was he meant to be kinda like, a vague silhouette
he’s d!nerdi’s grandfather! he’s written to be vague both because i’m not interested in making up a fake grandfather for nerdi’s character, and because it fits the story better to know very little about him. so yeah, he’s no-one we know.
here’s what we know about him:
he took Couri and Kayfour in, claiming to have no family.
he kicked Nerdi, Geosquare, and Fireworkss out of HBG because of their research concerning the End. Tapl was involved as well, but somehow managed to avoid being captured.
Couriway’s gold watch originally belonged to him.
he died from an unknown but fast-acting and deadly illness.
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felinedetached · 3 years
popular streamer Nerdi HBG gets bullied by his friends and his chat for the crime of being scared of Punz DSMP 
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with bonus k4yfour in chat!
[Feinberg: “I’m helping someone set it up”, and I’m like. He was helping Punz set up- you literally are friends with this guy, but you’re too much of a pussy to ask him.
Nerdi, overlapping: I’m no- I- no, no, no, no, no, I just- okay, listen. 
Couri: All you have to say- you don’t have to say you’re joining a friend group,
Nerdi, overlapping: okay, just-
Couri: you gotta just like, go “yo, let’s do some co-op runs sometime” and then they’re just in the server, and then they just don’t leave. And then that’s what’s happened with like, the other- these people here.
Nerdi, overlapping: I- no, I, I reached- I, I, I think I did reach out to Punz early in HBG,
Fireworks, overlapping: But that was at the beginning. Yeah.
Nerdi: like at the very beginning, and he said he wasn’t interested in doing co-op, I think is what he said. Something like that. So.
Couri: Damn.
Fulham: Why are we, like, why do we care? Just send him an invite link, he’ll probably join.
Nerdi, overlapping: I could,
Couri, overlapping: yeah, he’ll just accept it!
Nerdi: but I don’t know- to be honest, I would consider it, he seems like a cool guy. I get along with him, and other people in the group- 
Feinberg, overlapping: Literally just send him the invite link! (laughs)
Nerdi: the only reason I haven’t is just because I don’t see him speedrunning that much. And I don’t know if he’d be interested. That’s the only reason.
Switch: He’s been getting back into it, he’s been getting back into it.
Eleventy_billion_: He still does runs! He does for a couple days.
Nerdi: Has he? 
Couri, overlapping: I literally followed him, he could- (unintelligable)
Nerdi: Maybe I should send him- dude, I’m also somewhat inactive (unintelligable)
Switch, overlapping: Yeah, past couple of days he’s been speedrunning.
Fireworks: Nerdi, it’s also-
Feinberg: You literally have VIP in his chat.
Nerdi: Okay, that- okay.
Fireworks: You have no excuse now Nerdi.]
[IMG Description: Twitch user k4yfour, with a VIP badge, a Twitch Partner badge, and a 6-month subscriber badge says “nerdi has this severe complex of thinking popular people are unreachable”]
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nerd i
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bugwz · 2 years
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god damn speedrunner!!!!
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alt-wannabe · 2 months
i offer you a volleyball au fic
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a/n: part 2 of my hbg superhero au (part 1 here) - mirrored on ao3
[Transcript: A conversation from the work phone of former government employee Feinberg shortly after his resignation. Both the recording and the identity of the second caller were erased from government files by Tarot shortly after.]
?: Hey, what’s up?
F: I need your help. With a Siren thing.
?: I- You know this is your work phone, right?
F: It’s my- well, it doesn’t matter anyway, we can erase this and I don’t really have a job anymore.
?: …What?
F: Listen-
[There’s a muffled unidentifiable noise, and the sound quality decreases as Feinberg brings the receiver closer to whisper.]
F: There’s some really shady shit going on, man. There’s- You remember the restricted areas I told you about, right?
?: The ones with the guards and the soundproofing?
F: Yeah. There’s someone in there.
?: There’s- what for?
F: Like a fucking prisoner, or- or maybe a test subject, I don’t know. He has wings.
?: So he’s got powers?
F: I don’t know what his deal is, but I snuck in and they’ve just got him in this fucking… box with his hands all chained up and his wings bound, and he seems… terrified. I’m pretty sure this is what they’ve been hiding lately.
?: You snuck in? I thought their security-
F: Well, yeah, obviously I got caught, but I just played stupid and they let me go with a warning. Plus I handed in my resignation about fifteen minutes later, so-
?: Got it. What’s your plan?
F: The plan is to break in, have you charm anyone who gets in our way, steal some shit for my suit, and get him out.
?: That’s… very detailed.
F: Look, all of this was like half an hour ago, okay? If you’ve got a better plan, I’m all ears.
?: Where are you planning on keeping him afterwards? He’ll need someplace to go.
F: I’m not going to be keeping him anywhere, he’s not a pet. We can bring him back to my apartment for the moment and then N- Tarot can help figure out how to get him back wherever his home is. I just- we need to get him out of there, man, it’s so fucked up.
?: No, yeah, I’m with you. Get home and we’ll figure out the details, yeah?
F: Alright. See you then.
[call ends]
[Video: Footage from a security camera on Site 03, located in Fallen Angel’s chamber, 04/02/69 00:57:42. Note: Some portions of the recording have been modified by Tarot.]
“-Siren, come on!”
The door buzzes as the lock is disabled, and a figure steps into the room: Prism, wearing a suit which glows blue and pink. Fallen Angel flinches where he’s kneeling in the center of the room, and the chains tethering his hands and ankles to the ground rattle.
“Holy shit,” Prism says quietly, and holds out his hands. “Hey. I’m here to get you out.”
Fallen Angel doesn’t attempt to move. Eventually, he says, “...is this a test?”
“What? No,” Prism says. “I’m Prism, this is Siren, we’re gonna get you out of here. You want to be free, right?”
“Prism,” Siren says from out of frame. Prism looks over his shoulder and nods.
He sits in front of Fallen Angel, who doesn’t move away, and takes off his helmet, revealing himself to be Feinberg, former employee at Site 03. Fallen Angel jumps, staring at him with apparent curiosity.
“My name’s Feinberg,” Prism says. “What’s yours?”
“The testers call me Fallen Angel,” Fallen Angel says.
“Is that what you want to be called?”
Fallen Angel shrugs.
“Okay,” Prism says. “Well, Angel- do you want to go home?”
“What’s home?” Fallen Angel asks.
“What?” Siren says, stepping into the room and crouching nearby. Fallen Angel looks at him briefly before he refocuses on Prism.
“Where did you come from, before they brought you here?” Prism asks.
“I fell out of the sky,” Fallen Angel says. “When I landed, the testers found me and brought me here. I don’t remember anything before that.”
Siren and Prism look at each other, wide-eyed. Prism says something- presumably a name- but due to the modified recording the audio skips.
“Shit,” Siren says.
Prism turns back to Fallen Angel, and says, “Well… we can help you, alright? We can get you out of here, and you can stay with me until you decide where you want to go. Maybe we can even figure out where you came from.”
“No more testers?” Fallen Angel asks.
“No more testers.”
“Okay,” Fallen Angel says. A golden light starts to shine from his hands.
[End of recording.]
[Image: A Twitter post with a photograph, blurred almost beyond comprehension, as if the photographer’s hands were shaking severely. One figure is Prism, identifiable by the lights of his suit, and beside him is a figure only vaguely visible due to the blur; from what can be seen, they’re wearing white and gold, and they have large golden wings. The caption reads, “THERE’S AN ANGEL GUY NOW????”]
New blog post from PacePals, the blog for your source of hero news!
Hey everyone! Thanks to everyone who pointed out we got on the news last week- it’s always fun to get some recognition, even if they are calling us a conspiracy blog.
There hasn’t been much activity from the Junior Division this week, at least not officially- rumor has it that Canary and Aries were seen late at night on the 21st down by the docks, but it’s unconfirmed that they were even there, let alone what they were doing. 
On the other hand, there seems to be an increase in vigilante activity lately; Prism and Siren have been seen together several times this week, and they’ve been accompanied by someone new. We don’t know much about their new partner yet, but they definitely seem more flashy than even Prism; this post, by @harvsbian on twitter, has the best picture anyone’s been able to get thus far, and the wings (if they’re real) seem pretty hard to hide. No major news outlets seem to have noticed them yet, but from what we’ve heard, Prism’s referred to them as Angel several times. All things considered, it seems pretty fitting.
In other news, Sundew was seen entering the city on Thursday. No info on what he was doing, but he didn’t seem to be in a hurry, so we’ll have to assume that everything’s going well for the Lads.
Thanks for reading this week’s weekly roundup, and make sure to read next week’s for any more news on Angel and the rest of the superhero world!
[Image: Several photos of Fallen Angel from Tarot’s files, in and out of his superhero suit. One displays the full breadth of his wingspan, spread out in Feinberg’s apartment; one is taken by either Prism or Siren, and shows Angel on a rooftop in his white and gold suit, holding a glowing sword; the third shows Angel in civilian clothes, asleep at Feinberg’s kitchen table.]
Alias: Fallen Angel
Name: Unknown
Powers: Flight, enhanced strength, speed, and durability, light manipulation (? get Prism to elaborate)
Allegiances: Exclusively Prism, Siren, and myself
Notes: I’ve been going through the files from Angel’s former captors and it really does seem like they didn’t know any more about him than he does about himself. They were running all sorts of tests on him, although it’s hard to tell what they were for- a lot of testing his physical capabilities, and drawing his blood, once they figured out a needle that could do it. I’m trying to track down where that went, but they’ve covered their tracks pretty well. It’ll take time to figure out where their lab is, but I’m working as fast as I can, since it isn’t comfortable for Angel or for any of the rest of us to have his blood in someone else’s hands, being used for who knows what.
Otherwise, he seems to be faring pretty well since Prism and Siren broke him out- he’s still pretty quiet, but I think that’s mostly just how he is, and he’s getting more comfortable with us anyway. He confirmed that he’s fine with being called Angel, since he doesn’t know his real name, and he said no when I offered to try to find him someplace else to be or a way out of the city, and volunteered to join Prism in street work of his own accord.
I’ll still look into where he’s from, obviously, but he seems happy here for now. I’ve sent a message to Geo- aliens seem like as sensible a place to start as any, considering he has wings- but I think he’s out of range, so I’ll ask Illumina to forward it. Angel obviously isn’t the same as they are, but it might be a place to start. If they don’t know anything, then there’s plenty more places left to look.
[Image: A photograph from Feinberg’s texts of Angel sitting in a pile of blankets, holding a stuffed Pikachu toy in his hands. He doesn’t seem to have noticed the camera, transfixed by the toy. The caption reads, “hey so did you know that angel likes pokemon”]
[File: Fallen Angel]
Name: Unknown → Name: Couriway
Confirm edit? Y / N
[File updated.]
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shrimpsicality · 1 year
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the F in NFPA stands for frogs (fuchsia). ID in alt, I hope I did it right and didn't leave out anything important! warning: I don't think this is how you use the label but shhh artistic liberty
extras under the cut again:
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w/o bg & sketch! ID in alt also but it's not as detailed, sorry.
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rill-is-thinking · 3 years
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ft. Fuchsia Frogs being wholesome
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endstrats · 3 years
wholesome fuchsia frogs moments from the past 24 hours:
- new noah pikaclicks event announced, teams are self picked and fuschia is planning to enter together
- fulham said he was going out today in in couris stream and couri responded with "hi fulham, bye fulham, stay safe i love you"
- fulham has been going for half% wr lately and fein started playing it too, their stream titles lol:
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- fulham tweeted about it later after stream, joking in meme form that he's gonna stop doing unoptimized categories for free wr bc fein was gonna steal them, fein responded by saying, "i believe in u u are cracked at Minecraft lewis fulham xqcL love u" (also he responded while he was still streaming)
- couri and fulham talking about doing co-op icarus, couri will do the run and fulham will build a house
- couri said goodnight in feinchat, and fein said back "goodnight couri, xqcL brother"
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vibesoda · 2 years
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i call this one, “hbg if i went batshit crazy. just took a swan dive off my rocker. misplaced every last one of my marbles”
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couripacepals · 2 years
Minecraft Wipeout is live
Speedrunner teams include
HBG, with Silverr, Feinberg and Nerdi
The Cheesers, with CaptainSparklez, KaraCorvus and Petezahhutt
Never Stop Gambling, with Seepeakay, SoupforEloise and Fulham
UHC and a Simmer, with KryticZeuz, Fruitberries and MoleyG
Fraud Squad, with Illumina, Greninja and Antfrost
Come watch!
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