#nephenee is my fave
laslow · 1 month
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Sam
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday (no year): 5/28! Cyan and I share a birthday with: Liam O'Brien, Laura Bailey, Ian Fleming, and Siegbert :)
Where are you from? What is your time zone? California, USA! PST (west coast best coast)
How long is your roleplay experience? 10+ years? Is it closer to 15 now? If you listen you can hear my joints creaking
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? None other than Wajas.com. Middle school, what a time you were
How were you introduced to TOA? iirc a FE blog I was following reblogged a ToA post and I thought "hm, that's pretty cool! I'll look into it!" and then I blinked and 5 years passed.
Do you have any pets? No :sob:
What is your favorite time of year and why?(Season, holiday, general period) Winter! The weather is actually livable
What is your IRL occupation? Office Assistant though I ask for good vibes I have some new opportunities coming up to leave my current place
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Writing, reading, cross stitching, karate, journaling, language learning
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Legend of Zelda, Persona, Stardew Valley, occasionally I dip my toes back into Honkai Star Rail
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Vaporeon and Water Type!
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! Dunno if I've mentioned this in the past but I have crooked pinkies due to a recessive gene in my family! My dad has crooked pinkies as well :)
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Five/six year old Sam watched my brother play Path of Radiance on the family Gamecube and I never looked back
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Sacred Stones, Awakening, Fates Conquest route, 3 Houses, Engage. I have read the scripts for Genealogy and Thracia. Halfway through Blazing Blade!
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First was Path of Radiance! Awakening is still my fave all these years later
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Inigo, Ilyana, Dimitri, Xander, Haar
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Ilyana! I honestly can't remember why anymore I just thought she was super cool something about the thunder magic spoke to 5 year old me's imagination
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Laslow AND Dimitri that has not changed
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom, still Chrom - Fates: Silas, still Silas OR perhaps Laslow if I'm feeling Spicy- Three Houses: Dimitri, still Dimitri - Engage: Diamant, still Diamant
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Assassin or Swordmaster!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? A very mid Myrmidon who can get some good stats if you have good rng luck
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions pride baby!!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? -Boon: Sword, Bow -Bane: Heavy Armor, Axe -Budding Talent: Authority
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? Brodia!
How do you pronounce TOA? Tee-Oh-Ae
Current TOA muses: Laslow, Leo, Nephenee!
Past TOA muses? Ilyana, Vanessa, Azelle!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Inilow is here to stay I can't make this man leave my head if I tried.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? I love my flirts, and I also enjoy more serious characters who have a relaxed side if you know them well enough. Also youngest siblings.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Villains! As interesting and multifaceted as they can be, I struggle staying within that mindset for a long period of time.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I do still enjoy combat--nothing like getting your adrenaline pumping!--but recently I've found I enjoy some of the more emotional things, too. Relationships, grief, etc.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? Not really; I've been extremely lucky over the years to have written pretty much every scenario I can think of. I would love to continue exploring both Lazzy's and Leo's arcs as fathers.
Favorite TOA-related memories? Oh goodness....way too many to count! Most recently, I still find myself laughing over Leo (muse) dying for Jan 2024's event plot. Iconic
Present or past tense? Present!
Normal size text, small text, no preference? No preference! I try to use small text on Leo solely for that #aesthetic, but that's it
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉  Not at the moment! I'm happy with my lineup! (But if you twist my arm.....a certain knight from SacStones still lives in my head. And there's this wyvern rider from Tellius who occasionally whispers.)
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blocodibujo · 1 year
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I've been obsessed with resplendent Nephenee's design since her reveal (the Jötunheimr aesthetic is by far my favourite when it comes to resplendent designs, all are bangers), so finally got some time to draw her (also, she always was one of my faves in Path of Radiance, so I think drawing her was long overdue)
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hunbunartworks · 6 years
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I drew my random ship from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn!
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softlytired · 2 years
I request Nephenee, she's my fave
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I think it was my first time drawing her, thank you for the request!!
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zenjestrr · 7 years
anybody wanna give a grown man money to dump into a mobile game so he can gamble that money on *potentially* summoning a princess on a pegasus and a farm girl with a spear
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suikosagas · 7 years
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Just got Nephenee from my free summon for the event!!!
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red-cavalier · 4 years
A lot of my faves are obscure. Merric, Pelleas, Cormag... even if they have some big roles in the plot compared to some other characters, they're still kinda obscure But my absolute biggest obscure fave is Oscar. I just love his personality, the way he interacts with his friends and family, when you find out his fear of birds... yet even if he's used a lot, he doesn't get any recognition (and don't even get me started on his FEH inclusion. Colorsharing with Nephenee was just... pain)
Wise choices, my friend. 
It's very interesting to see love for characters that aren't super popular. Mad respect for the Oscar love, by the way. 10/10 Oscar is a magnificent bastard.
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fire emblem: your new favorite duology
i can talk abt tellius ALL day
Character I first fell in love with:
IKEEEEE love my son
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
jill…….. like. goddd her character arc??? so good
Character everyone loves but I don’t:
i havent been in the tellius tags long enough to see fhkwahfkjaw
Character I love but everyone else hates:
same as above
Character I used to love but don’t any longer:
it’s been only weeks since i finished tellius but regardless im ride or die babey
Character I would kiss:
ranulf… love that gay cat bro
Character I want to slap:
there’s a few but. lekain lmao perish asshole
A pairing I love: 
there’s quite a few but faves……. ike/soren, jill/mist, jill/lethe, oscar/kieran, sigrun/tanith, elincia/lucia, tibarn/reyson, heather/nephenee, sothe/tormod……. cant resist listin a lot of em 😔
A pairing I hate:
micaiah/sothe (should i even need to say why lmao… after she talks abt practically raising him??? intsys perish) and jill/haar are the Absolute Worst
(also not so much hate but annoyance abt the astrid/makalov thing… astrid deserves better y’all)
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
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langwrites · 6 years
Meowdy Purrtner :3c
was tagged by @ezzelbean
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 ppl u wanna know better !
name: Lang
zodiac sign: Scorpio
height: 5’7”
languages spoken: English.
nationality:  Caucasian/Chinese-American
fave fruit: Honeycrisp apples
fave scent: Watermelon.
fave color: Blue.
fave animal: Dogs.
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Coffee, but I’ll drink all three whenever they’re offered.
fave fictional character: Hrm...Nephenee (Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn), Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia), Kakashi Hatake (Naruto), and a bunch of other jerks.
dream trip: I tend to prefer hanging out at home, but Florida was nice.
song u have on repeat: "Just One Yesterday”/”The Last of the Real Ones” by Fall Out Boy
when was ur blog created: 2014?
what was the last movie u saw: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
fave candy: Something that doesn’t yank on my retainer... sour watermelon gummies?
fave holiday: Halloween because kids always light up when I guess their costumes. I remember spotting that this one girl was dressed as Maka Albarn and she was like :D and said people usually said Hermione.
Tag 20 people: Idk. @writer-and-artist27, @abalisk, @unlucky-marine, @tsume-yuki, @fridays-neophyte, and whoever else?
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sauvechouris · 6 years
Okay, the game isn't rewriting itself no matter how long I stare sadly at the screen, let's just get this over with.
No new support conversations because of course, why give you some gay and/or conflict resolution to distract you from the suffering this chapter is going to be. I'd have liked to get Jill/Lethe A, since it's clear from the last base conversation that Jill has thought about what Lethe told her and that she's found an anwser.
So it's just Reyson and... somebody.
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She's back ! =D
When the menu said « woman » I thought maybe it would be someone from here, but I'm not going to complain that it's her.
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That's a general's greeting, actually. =D
I like her already. Are you the local definitely-not-straight magical lady ? :3 (Not a problem if she isn't, the cast of PoR feels queer enough that I don't mind, but it would still be nice.)
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I love her. (We really have no reason to believe her, tho. We're in the middle of Daein and not even the people we picked up in Crimea were 100 % trustworthy. (Okay, it's the person who picked us up who might not be, details.))
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We have THREE mages ! Three ! That's as far from too many as we currently are from Crimea ! I’m a simple person with simple needs like having half of the army being capable of blasting people away with their element of choice, I didn’t say anything before because one of our mages being Soren made up for it but please recruit her and end my suffering. :')
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I LOVE HER. But sorry Miss, this doesn't work on Ike. :p
(They really wanted players to try the knife mage thing at least once, uh ?)
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As much as I like that payment is never a concern for Ike when it's about Elincia (yeah, he does get paid, but always because she insists), it's nice to see he's still very much a mercenary with other people.
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Lady, I would love to, but *glances at list of faves I haven't fielded since the chapter 17 reinforcements* that's not going to happen this chapter. If ever.
Still hiring, tho.
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IT'S LITERALLY THAT « I want to speak to the manager – I am the manager » POST xD
Thank you Calill, I needed a laugh and this is probably the only one this chapter will give me.
No wait, her reaction is exactly the same if you don't hire her. I stand corrected. x'D
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...and I really want to use her. :') Nephenee !!! And Tormod !!
(It's chapter 20, I wonder how many characters are left hiding behind the « ??? »… One of Ike's is probably Elincia, Jill's might be her ex-captain, Lethe I don't know, then there's Volke who's only got the one mysterious conversation partner...
Yes, I'm stalling.)
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I'm picturing Ike shouting at the sky here, great way to start a conversation.
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« If your ancestor had sealed a dark god in a medallion and my father killed my mother because of that medallion, would that be fucked up or what ? »
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I get that he doesn't want to talk about it, but Ike. Ike. You will have a lot more apologizing to do if you don't ask for information to help you get the damn thing back.
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See ? Reyson has only known you for what, three chapters, and he can tell you're lying. A S K  H I M
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For real ?? I know I already asked, but are herons really not actual angels ? (Could he be aware of our resident traitor’s existence, then ? Didn’t he notice anything strange about Nasir ? Does he know what’s the deal with Soren. Reyson please I have so many questions, don’t drop the news that you might have all the answers so suddenly, it’s bad for my heart.)
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Here, in this desperate maelstrom of chaotic emotion, it avails me not. Energy here is warped and distorted.
Easy cop-out, IntSys. u.u
(“Chaotic” emotion, again. Is the game going to suddenly start mentioning order and chaos stuff now that the concept has been introduced, or is it just because it’s mostly a heron thing that I never heard about it before?)
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So he really is… for lack of a better word, sort of allergic to chaos ? This thing about “warping [his] very existence” if he killed people was meant literally ?
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“do not give me special treatment”, says the prince of a fallen tribe and third-to-last known member of an entire species, whose decision to join us (even if it was for personal reasons) was significant on a political level, who destroyed our enemy’s only alliance because not getting on his and Tibarn’s bad side was more important to Naesala than pissing off Daein, and who is one of presumably only three people possessing a magic that should be plot-relevant very soon because evil medallion.
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I promised King Phoenicis I wouldn't push you too hard. If anything were to happen to you, I'd be at war with Daein and the bird clans at the same time!
Aaalso this.
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I came to repay my debt, but I'm really just being a burden.
What- no, no, no Reyson, need I repeat that you got rid of HALF OF THE ENEMY FORCES all by yourself last time !?
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NO??? In what world??? I don’t remember how exactly his singing ability is described in terms of lore, but if it says he’s anything else than invaluable it’s really doing him a disservice. YOU’RE EXTREMELY USEFUL AND I LOVE YOU, DON’T LEAVE
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No one else can do the things that you can. You're irreplaceable. So if you're not feeling well and try to do too much, you may not be there when we really need you.
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(Ike saying everything I want to say but better, again.)
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1) Alright, heron crisis probably averted 2) He’s trying so hard to be tough, and I mean, he is, and he’s doing a good job of it, but it makes me laugh anyway. “I’m useful? I’m pulling my weight? I have earned my break? Okay then, I do need a break.” Reyson please know that you’re already the most hardcore bird regardless of how many breaks you need.
(You know, I’m glad he can’t engage in combat. Because if that’s his attitude concerning taking a break from his supporting role, then Ike/Ulki/Janaff would have to drag him off the battlefield when he’s hurt if he could fight.)
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They’re cute. They’re really cute. But now the conversation is over and Ike isn’t any closer to a solution to his problem. I TOLD YOU TO TELL HIM.
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A very important question, since if Daein can get in our base (or is already in, of course, and isn’t this a ~fun~ thing to consider) and make off with something unnoticed, then Elincia is obviously the person who should be most worried about that. They prioritized stealing the medallion, but if they hadn’t, it could have been her.
We really kind of suck at this. The only reason we’re still in the game is that whoever *coughs loudly* stole the medallion limited themselves to that instead of taking the princess along and paralyzing our army with a hostage situation.
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Little call-back to that exposition scene where Mist showed it to her! She already knows something is up, I vote for telling her the whole thing.
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Oh, Ike...
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But it’s not your fault and you’re still the sweetest, most polite royal on Tellius (possibly tying with Kurthnaga), and I love you.
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Oh here we fcking go.
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Ulki has the restrain not to say he knows what a damn river sounds like. I couldn’t have.
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The whole region !? Oi Petrine, dial it down a notch, would you?
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Oh. Mud. Joy.
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Don’t pretend this isn’t something you would have done. :p ...I don’t mean the part about specifically flooding a populated area, but they don’t know about this yet, do they
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I’ll do it I’ve trained my thief just point me to the gates
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Explicit confirmation of something we already knew BUT THEN IKE
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I can’t tell if it’s sass or if there really was no way to phrase this better, but I love him.
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Which is kind of notable because you don’t really hear about the ears of a hawk that often.
(So if that means this kind of natural talent isn’t “what your species is already good at, but better”, what else can I expect? At this point they could pull pretty much anything. Anyone in the feline laguz has super smell to complete the trilogy?)
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They can definitelly hit us fast, they fly and we’re stuck in the mud, this is going to be fun :’D
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let’s go break hearts and see that family drama
as much as I really, really don’t want to :’)
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fehelp · 6 years
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Alm was one of those units who suffered from balanced stats and most people didn’t have much of an excuse to build him. But that weapon upgrade made him amazing, giving him a brave weapon effect as long as his hp is at 100%. The penalty is -5 hp after attacking if at 100%, but he still has Renewal 3 built into his weapon on top of dragon effectiveness. 
His atk is decent at 33, his spd is on the lower side at 30, and his defenses are middling at 28/22. With the right builds he can do really well and is definitely a unit to pull for if given the chance.
+That Weapon Upgrade
+Balanced stats mean he can have a variety of builds
-His stats are relatively lowish across the board 
-Struggles to compete with other strong sword units
Similar Units
He’s truly unique with his new weapon upgrade. Fun fact: he and Ayra have the same neutral atk but that’s really the only similarity.
Lucina and normal Chrom don’t have the same guaranteed double that Alm has at 100% hp, but Lucina has better spd overall and Chrom has better atk and def. 
Alm also can’t support the way Marth can with his weapon upgrade and, again, has lower spd. 
Team Options
He can be your dragon killer in most cases, but against higher tier dragons in arena who have incredible bulk and enemy phase builds, he can struggle.
If you dont want to rely on Renewal from his weapon to keep him healed, you can just go for running him with a healer. It’s not necessary but if you’re impatient, it’s a choice.
You can run him on teams in TT or Chain Challenges to keep everyone healed up thanks to his built in Renewal. He’s like a faux healer in this way. 
+Atk is good to boost him to 36 atk and give those doubles more damage. +Spd is my personal favorite because it will get him to 33 spd and with the right passives, he’ll hit 39/41 spd and get quads. 
Def is good to be kept neutral. 
Hp can be dropped if you want to keep Res and Def neutral and want to keep his HP pool big enough to work as a faux healer/infantry pulse user. If so, drop res ideally.
Best Boi’s Best Build
Weapon: Falchion (Eff Refine)
Assist: Reciprocal Aid works
Special: Draconic Aura, Galeforce
A: Life and Death 3, Death Blow 3
B: Renewal 3, Windsweep 3
C: Threaten Def 3 maybe?
Seal: Spd+3 is my fave for the quads
I use this build with the first options on my +spd Alm for the quads. Life and Death will make him a lot more fragile but the boost to Atk/Spd is really appreciated. Death Blow can be used if you don’t want him to lose that bulk. Renewal will give him +20 hp each second turn and let him be a good faux healer or stay at 100% to activate his brave effect. You can also use Windsweep to get the double attack off and avoid being attacked back. 
I run Draconic Aura, but with quads, Galeforce might not be a bad option. You might want to use Quickened Pulse for that though.
Weapon: Falchion (Eff Refine)
Assist: Reciprocal Aid again?
Special: Luna, Draconic Aura
A: Fury 3
B: Quick Riposte 3, Wrath 3
C: Infantry Pulse 3 is an option with his large HP pool
Seal: Quick Riposte 3 can work if you don’t use it in his B slot
This is more defensive (but still capable of being offensive with his weapon) using Fury to give him extra bulk. Quick Riposte works well with his lowish spd, but Wrath can be used well with Fury to give him extra damage on his specials.
Get skills from...
Reciprocal Aid: 3* Setsuna, Donnel, Matthew, Titania
Luna: 4* Frederick, Catria
Galeforce: 5* Cordelia, Lyn, Brave Roy
Life and Death 3: 4* Sothe
Death Blow 3: 4* Klein
Fury 3: 4* Hinata
Renewal 3: 4* Fae, L’Arachel
Quick Riposte 3: 5* Klein, Subaki, Leo, Deirdre, Dorcas
Wrath 3: 5* Nephenee
Infantry Pulse 3: 5* Marisa, Summer Xander, Dorcas
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demoiselledefortune · 7 years
Tellius tier list based on how much i like each character (like i once did for awakening but we gonna need more tier for this)
SS tier (my absolute faves): Soren, Sanaki, Naesala, Elincia, Pelleas
S tier (characters I love): Ranulf, Reyson, Jill, Micaiah, Tormod, Nephenee, Heather, Kieran, Astrid, Calill, Titania, Mist, Shinon, Tanith, Kurthnaga, Sephiran, Levail, Petrine, Almedha
A tier (characters I like a lot): Tibarn, Leanne, Skrimir, Nolan, Zihark, Meg, Volug, Fiona, Muarim, Nailah, Leanne, Nealuchi, Haar, Lucia, Lethe, Geoffrey, Mia, Bastian, Ena, Nasir, Izuka, Yune, Ashera, Jarod, Septimus
B tier (characters that are okay): Leonardo, Sothe, Vika, Rafiel, Marcia, Mordecai, Ike, Boyd, Rolf, Oscar, Janaff, Sigrun, Volk, Caineghis, Ashnard, Lekain, Ludvek, Lazgo, Deghinsea
C tier (characters I am indifferent to): Tauroneo, Laura, Ilyana, Aran, Brom, Makalov, Rhys, Kyza, Lyre, Ulki, Stefan, Giffca, Renning, Gareth, Greil, Numida, Hetzel, Valtome
D tier (characters that kinda annoy me): Edward, Danved, Gatrie, Bryce
E tier (*spit*): Oliver
?? tier (i find them oddly fascinating but not with a lot of affection?): Zelgius
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spadefish · 7 years
got tagged in a thing lads
tagged by @tactician-spar , i’ll put the list itself under the cut!!
1. Nicknames? Spar. Not a big surprise but its an old nickname stuck to me in gaming for years.. xD
2. Gender? Male.
3. Star Sign? Aries.
4. Height? 5′6″.
5. Time? 4:51.
6. Birthday? April 4th!
7. Favorite bands? Oh man. Death Cab for Cutie, Porter Robinson, Madeon, Selena Gomez, Studio Killers, No Doubt, Marina and the Diamonds... I have a lot of faves.
8. Favorite solo artists? OOPS I ANSWERED ABOVE
9. Song stuck in my head? Jericho by Celldweller
10. Last movie you watched? Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind!
11. Last show you watched? Pokemon I think?
12. When did you create your blog? Freshman year! 
13. What do I post? A lot of Fire Emblem, but also zelda and a few other things. Also memes. and art.
14. Last thing I googled? “Nephenee Heroes”
15. Other blogs? I have... a lot.  (that’s not all of them but it IS most of them)
16. Do you get asks? Sometimes, yes! Especially when I ask for them.
17. Why did you choose your url? Because the atlantic spadefish is my favourite fish!
18. Following? 836! And yet, my dash still goes dead like three times a day.
19. Followers? a little over 2300 on this blog!
20. Favorite colors? Bright orange, gold, black, charcoal grey, orchid purple, seafoam green...
21. Average hours of sleep? 3-6, usually.
22. Lucky number? 333.
23. Instruments? Eek... I have a VERY rudimentary understanding of the piano and harp, but I play the Ocarina fairly well.
24. What am I wearing? "All. Together. Now.” pride shirt, grey yoga pants.
25. How many blankets do I sleep with? One big comforter!
26.  Dream job? I’d really love to be a concept artist/game dev!! 
27. Dream trip? Oh, Japan for sure.
28. Favorite food? Eel roll(sushi) and miso soup!!
29. Nationality? American.
30. Favorite song right now? UH well Jericho is the last song i listened to on repeat forever so let’s go with that one!!
I tag.... @softboyrobin @lionsona @glittersyringes @childofmyth !!
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markoftheasphodel · 7 years
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Son of a... All those orbs wasted on futile attempts at Roderick, Titania, and Mathilda and I make one 'YOLO' attempt at Dauntless Crimeans... And my goal with Nephenee was stealing her lance for one of my faves.
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annathetrickster · 7 years
Anna is my fave since I started FEH, she became my third 5Star unit through a shit ton of feathers. So, I know she is -A unit, however, I'm dedicated to using her on one of my primary teams. What is the best build could you suggest? HP/41 Atk/45 Spd/38 Def/22 Res/28.
good choice in faves, anna was the first character i upgraded to 5*.
build wise she doesn’t have many options but her best bet is to run an offensive set since her defenses are on the low side.
noatunmoonbowA LD3B desperation/wrathC threaten def/any hone skillrepositionatk +1 seal
if you happen to have a spare nephenee wrath is an excellent choice for her, otherwise desperation will work just fine. 
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lion-sensei · 7 years
Your turn! 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 29
fawntasy said:for the fire emblem thing, 6, 12, and 29 
4. First character you ever upgraded to 5*?It was eitherrr Anna or Serra probably
5. First stable main team?I was using this one for a long time, until just recently
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6. Current main team?Feast your eyes on this beautiful pun
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I want to switch Ike for Amelia but I’m taking my time grinding her up for some reason
7. Most emotional summon so far?
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Fun fact Amelia is my all time fave FE character.
8. One character for every color that you hate to summon the most?Oh gosh, um, Henry, Odin, Arthur, and Gordin, maybe. I don’t like boys.
12. All characters you raised to + so far?Roy (I’ve summoned three five stars for some reason. I don’t even care about Roy)“Marth” (merged the two five stars from Tempest Trials, have the two four stars to add eventually)Nowi (managed to snag two five stars)Camilla (trained up a four star, summoned a five, merged ‘em)Summer Elise (I.... I summoned... four of her........ trying to get Xander.........)
13. A character you really wanted to summon but never came?Summer Xander............. Sword Lyn, Rebecca, Ninian, Eirika, Ephraim, Sword Ike, Elincia, Nephenee, Azura. I have a lot of wants.
15. Most Valuable Unit (in terms of usefulness) you own?Hm. It’s gotta be Hector, right?
16. An underrated character you like to use?Can you tell I’ve got a bit of a thing for Anna and Serra
19. Is there a weapon type you feel vulnerable without?I like to have a sword, lance, axe, and healer. I don’t really like using mages for whatever reason, and I wish I could have an archer too, but, healing...
21. Ever sacrificed a meta unit to boost your favourite?I’ve been fantasizing about throwing away a Takumi if I ever managed to summon one since I hate him but I haven’t managed it yet. I managed to summon two five star Gennys though, so I kept one and gave Wrathful Staff to my Serra (I want a four healer wrathful staff team eventually, fufufu)
23. What favs of yours are still not in the game?Hm. Well since they’ve put Oscar, the objectively worst brother in, how about Boyd and Rolf? Marcia, Jill, and Astrid were also really good in PoR. Also I want all the furries. Panne, Lethe, Mordecai, etc.
29. Who did your summoner marry?Well.
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