#neo champion event dialogue
firecodex · 4 months
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Rosa: Someone who can light up everyone's hearts in any situation…
Rosa: That's the kind of Neo Champion I wanna be!
Rosa: Nothing's impossible as long as you have love!
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jadeazora · 7 months
I made a comment a while back about how Sycamore doesn't get any dialogue when he partners with Lysandre but they were saving it for Sycamore getting his costume alt.
"It was a beautiful time." "Indeed, it was ☺️"
(I wonder if like when we got the first Neo Champions event with Calem and Serena, if we'll get a Lysandre cameo for the holiday event too.)
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soulsilvers · 10 months
Hey there! I was wondering after seeing the Neo Champion Kantrio event and wanting to see things be done differently, how would you have changed the story?
well i gotta rotate these things like rotisserie chicken in my mind due to brain fog so this is brief but.. mostly just that greens long journey of always learning to be better at last comes to fruition and he wins instead, which prompts red and leaf both to rethink their mentoring.
red figures hes in the wrong for again being too "i totally got this you guys" and not listening to leaf and green (isnt he supposed to think of them as equals??? GOD). green loves red enough to also straight up tell it to him like it is: his methods are cool when dealing with team rocket, but he cant keep on just going full beast mode on little kids and think it works for everyone.
leaf needs to be flawed too! the three are only around 15 in pokemas after all. ive talked about how in pokemas leaf occasionally sounds like shes trying to remind people that shes just as good as red. seems she subtly harbors… something? some kind of feeling of being overshadowed? towards red, so she smiles through it all and kinda tries everything to make herself likable. maybe her problem is that she becomes too positive-only and good-vibes-only as a teacher. but more detail on how this dialogue plays out needs more thinking from me. that's the draft in my head at least.
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etherfall · 4 months
you've kinda reignited this idea that I had after reading your "Alder adopts N au: b&w full story" where the two protagonists Hilbert, and Hilda are accomplishing their own by Hilbert trying to achieve his dream being the new champion of Unova, and Hilda being a reporter trying to discover the goals of Team Plasma. In the end at of the battle between N being the hero of truth (Reshiram) and Hilbert being the hero of ideals (Zekrom) when N has started to lose his dream of liberating the Pokemon from humans due to seeing in his journey that not all Pokemon are being hurt or treated with disrespect by seeing his rival Hilbert, and Hilda accomplish their dreams with the help of their Pokemon. After losing the battle he says his famous dialogue "You said you have a dream... That dream... Make it come true! Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it will become your truth!" and so N has released Reshiram into the world while in the background Ghetsis rushed in with a sword, and stabbed N causing the horror that the protagonists had seen and before Hilbert, or Hilda could do anything Zekrom started to loose control and it started to release a massive electric attack around the room and Hilbert had to somehow soothe the anger that Zekrom was causing. In which Hilbert's only plan was to summon Zekrom back in the dark stone so it wouldn't cause anymore damage or kill anybody and when Zekrom's essence was being sucked in Ghetsis had pushed Hilbert cause him to be sucked in by the strong force the dark stone had on Zekrom and Hilbert (got that idea from the manga), and the dark stone flew far away to an unknown location. This leads with Hilda in shock and Ghetsis had fled from the scene and N's body laid in his own pool of his blood.
There's a part 2 in which will happen in between bw and b2w2 which has to do with time travel (celebi) and the rise of Neo Team Plasma, and using Kyurem to freeze the east side of Unova. I just want to give you heads up to see if you'll be interest to hear this idea that I've inspired by your idea.
Oh this is fantastic, I'm so happy to hear that you've been inspired by my work!
The story I wrote acts kind of like a base but is honestly no way concrete. There are so many ways the story can go and I have no problem if other people have their own version of events in mind. I'm more than happy to hear changes/interpretations of the OG story! :)
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crystalelemental · 11 months
People are trying really hard to find all the potential clues to an anniversary pair hint, digging into dialogue (Kantrio Part 2 based on "we need to get stronger"), previous events (Silver's mystery egg), and even villain arc theories (Two Kyurem means maybe Three Kyurem for Kyurem-White?). But somehow no one has latched onto the more likely, and infinitely funnier, possibility of Neo Champions, with Neo Champion Nemona happening immediately.
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acalculatedfuture · 1 year
as excited as i am for the kalos squad finally getting pokemas content i’m already (crying sunglasses emoji) that calem won’t have ONE meaningful interaction with shauna tierno or trevor because pokemas says his only personality trait is comparing himself to serena
the neo champion event was such a massive disappointment because it was the first time calem was given narrative focus and it ended with him winning the tournament but the whole time his dialogue’s just serena serena serena serena serena like damn bitch that told us nothing about him is it so hard to get calem content that isn’t just serena content in a different package i already know all the shauna scenes will gloss over calem being her childhood best friend
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ACT UP, in full AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, international organization founded in the United States in 1987 to bring attention to the AIDS epidemic. It was the first group officially created to do so. ACT UP has dozens of chapters in the United States and around the world whose purpose is to find a cure for AIDS, while at the same time providing accurate information, help, and awareness about the disease by means of education and radical, nonviolent protest.
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The mission of ACT UP was to carry out daily acts of civil disobedience and nonviolent protest, using vocal and visual demonstrations, in order to focus attention on critical issues regarding the AIDS crisis. One of their first victories came in June 1987, when activists protested at the New York City offices of Northwest Orient Airlines because the airline barred people with AIDS from its flights. The group brought two lawsuits against the airline, and the policy was reversed. By 1988 the group had gained credibility in the new field of AIDS activism. They led protests against news articles, films, and news reports that provided misinformation on AIDS, such as that women could not get AIDS from heterosexual men and that AIDS could be passed through public bathrooms, pools, and drinking fountains. Through constant public protests, open forums, and information sharing, ACT UP was able to help reverse these misconceptions and stereotypes and bring attention to the inadequacies of the U.S. government’s treatment of people with AIDS.
Queer Nation
Queer Nation is[1] an LGBTQ activist organization founded in March 1990 in New York City, by HIV/AIDS activists from ACT UP.[2] The four founders were outraged at the escalation of anti-gay violence on the streets and prejudice in the arts and media. The group is known for its confrontational tactics, its slogans, and the practice of outing.
On March 20, 1990, sixty LGBTQ people gathered at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Services Center in New York's Greenwich Village to create a direct action organization. The goal of the unnamed organization was the elimination of homophobia, and the increase of gay, lesbian and bisexual visibility through a variety of tactics. The organization of Queer Nation, being non-hierarchical and decentralized, allowed anyone to become a member and have a voice.[3]
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Group Material 
An artist collective active in New York between 1989 and 1996 that was established by Julie Ault, Tim Rollins, and Mundy McLoughlin, among others, and later joined by various other artists, including Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Members generally expressed their disenchantment with the contemporary dominance of Neo-Expressionist painting and the increasing dependency of artists’ livelihood on the art market (and accordingly, the making of their artworks as easily-consumable commodities). Championing collaborative exhibitions instead of individual artist shows, community engagement over exclusivity, and alternative spaces in lieu of the customary white cube gallery, Group Material asked "everyone to question the entire culture we have taken for granted.” Group Material’s exhibitions adopted activist stances towards sensitive issues, exemplified most in their AIDS Timeline project, which sought to illustrate the complex political and cultural reception of the disease.
Archival material and case sttudies. 
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Group Material Timeline: A Chronicle of US Intervention in Central and South America. 1984 PS1, NYC.
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Group Material DA ZI BAOS. 1982 Union Square, NYC
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Group Material Democracy: Education. 1988 Dia Art Foundation, NYC
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Group Material AIDS Timeline  (New York City:1991) Whitney Bienial, 1991
Dedicated to sustainable change, queer pleasure, and critical productivity.
LTTR is a feminist genderqueer artist collective with a flexible project oriented practice. LTTR produces an annual independent art journal, performance series, events, screenings and collaborations. The group was founded in 2001 with an inaugural issue titled “Lesbians to the Rescue,” followed by “Listen Translate Translate Record,” “Practice More Failure,” “Do You Wish to Direct me?,” and most recently "Positively Nasty" LTTR is dedicated to highlighting the work of radical communities whose goals are sustainable change, queer pleasure, and critical feminist productivity. It seeks to create and build a context for a culture of critical thinkers whose work not only speaks in dialogue with one another, but consistently challenges its own form by shifting shape and design to best respond to contemporary concerns. LTTR was founded in 2001 by Ginger Brooks Takahashi, K8 Hardy and Emily Roysdon. Ulrike Müller joined LTTR in 2005 and Lanka Tattersal was an editor and collaborator for issue 4.
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Tender Center Rotterdam
We are a collective of feminist queers who are building the beginnings of a community center for culture; or a venue for queer events; or a les university of life in Rotterdam. Tender Center is a relational infrastructure with parties, agitation, co-learning, bodies in varying states, gardening, (s)words, conversation, workshops, food, diy darkroom, curry, and a solid sound system. Tender Center is run as a not-for-profit association and we currently are running on funds from our own small pockets and your generous donations.
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firecodex · 4 months
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Nate: Anytime, anywhere, I'm gonna help those who need it!
Nate: That's the kind of Neo Champion I'm aiming to be!
Nate: Er… Maybe I'm trying too hard to sound cool.
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firecodex · 7 months
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Blue: So all three of us became Neo Champions, but…
Blue: Me and Zapdos are definitely the coolest!
Leaf: Whaaat? That's gotta be me and Moltres!
Red: … … …!
Blue: No one's backing down, huh?
Leaf: Should we decide who's the best again?
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firecodex · 22 days
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There are so many Trainers on Pasio worth learning from!
We need to work hard to be like them!
Yes! That's both our mission and our responsibility!
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firecodex · 1 year
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Hop: Now then! Let's have ourselves a superb battle that Pasio will remember forever!
Bede: It doesn't have the the same impact when you say it, Hop.
Hop: You little…
Marnie: All right, no fighting.
Marnie: We should behave so we're a good example for others, right?
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firecodex · 1 year
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Serena: We have the same goal: we're going to keep getting stronger…
Calem: and become the strongest champion!
Calem: I'm going to be stronger than you, Serena.
Serena: Right back at you, Calem.
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firecodex · 10 months
a new tag for neo champion event dialogue has been made
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