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qedmirage · 1 year ago
Yugioh Lore / Story Integration: Nemleria
Master duel just got a new archetype added to it, the "Nemleria" cards. The theme is that there's a sleepy girl, "Dreaming Nemleria":
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Cute, isn't she? Well, let's talk about this, because Nemleria as a deck focuses on whimsy, cuteness, and screaming existential horror. And its mechanics work to enforce that vibe!
Let's focus on Dreaming Nemleria, the archetype's core monster. Nemleria is a Pendulum Monster, the bane of returning older yugioh players and much of the playerbase. Introduced in Arc-V the pendulum mechanic lets you do a lot of stuff and has a lot of words that let you all culminate in decks that are not very good.
Nemleria interacts with the Pendulum mechanic in a somewhat deviant way, though. Normally a Pendulum deck will at some point place two pendulum monsters face up in their spell and trap zones, then execute a "pendulum summon", summoning monsters from the hand or face up extra deck with levels between the "scales" of the two pend cards, the little blue and red icons on the card. Nemleria doesn't do that. Instead, she focuses on the "face-up extra deck" part of the pendulum rules; destroyed Pendulum monsters are placed there, and for Nemleria that's good, because this is the secret to her theme:
She's the dreamer, and your opponent is but a dream
Here's how it works. First, you take a Dreaming Nemleria from your hand, then place it in a spell/trap zone, and activate her Pendulum effect:
Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can place 1 "Nemleria" Continuous Spell from your Deck or GY face-up on your field, and if you do, add this card to your Extra Deck face-up.
You cannot Special Summon "Dreaming Nemleria" the turn you activate this effect.
This gets Nemleria off of the battlefield (it's dangerous!) and off to the Extra Deck, where enemies generally can't interact with her. She's placed on top of the extra deck, with all the other monsters in it under her, like a pillow. How cute.
You also get to add to your hand a continuous spell card. That's gonna be the Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria:
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In her dreams she's a princess in a land of sweets! As a fun detail, the card's tower has 15 layers of tarts, and the Extra Deck can contain no more than 15 cards at the start of the game, all tucked away under Nemleria. Dreaming Tower has multiple effects but the relevant combo one is this:
You can banish 2 face-down cards from your Extra Deck, face-down; add 2 Level 10 Beast monsters with different names from your Deck to your hand.
This gets us to the core of the Nemleria theme and the start of the horror aspects. As Nemleria restlessly sleeps, she's protected in the dreamland by her powerful dream defenders. In the game-mechanical sense, the Dream Defenders keep you from dying while banishing cards from your Extra Deck that are under Nemleria to gain some kind of advantage. And the Dream Defenders look like this:
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Oreiller, Couette, Revil - that is, Pillow, Duvet, and Alarm Clock. The last one is a 'Dream Devourer' who can destroy the others.
What happens when you run out of cards in the Extra Deck? What happens when all the stuffing under Nemleria is banished? Well, then you get to her monster effect:
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set.
Must be Special Summoned (from your face-up Extra Deck) by having no cards in your Extra Deck, except "Dreaming Nemleria".
You can only Special Summon "Dreaming Nemleria(s)" once per turn.
If this card is Special Summoned: For every 3 of your face-down banished cards, you can banish up to 1 card from your opponent's field and/or GY, face-down, then shuffle 1 of your face-down banished cards into your Deck for each card you banished by this effect.
She wakes up. And when she wakes up, the battlefield fades away like so much mist. This last effect is often going to banish five cards from your opponent's field/GY, and it doesn't target and it places them in the even-harder-to-retrieve face down banish. If this effect resolves it is going to wipe your opponent's board clean, leaving you free to maul their face with the Dream Defenders and close the game. The Dream Defenders being level 10 also means Nemleria also has access to the Rank 10 XYZ package, meaning she can use their cute sweets bodies as fodder to summon Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max and overlay it into Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
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These two will just kill your opponent. Sometimes a girl dreams of Bigger Gun. In summary, if you are facing off against a Nemleria player, consider bargaining:
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furtiveseal · 3 days ago
Pendulum archetypes have some of my favorite takes on this tbh. Nemurelia sleeping on top of your extra deck and waking up when it runs out. Vaalmonica literally having the angel and the devil on your shoulders as pendulum scales. Vaylantz turning YGO into a tactics game. They're so cool and I love pendulum as a mechanic so much for that
My love for ygo archetypes that incorporate elements of their base inspiration in their mechanics my beloved
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in case you were wondering, this is the current list of archetypes for the upcoming archetype tournament.
please note that the tournament won't be for a while, and i will be accepting submissions until then! All submissions will be accepted (as long as the submission is actually an archetype, of course)
A bunch of these are just me putting in every archetype i could think of, and those are the only ones that might end up being removed from this list. If someone specifically submits an archetype, it's in for good.
anyways here is the full list (current number: 220)
@Ignister A.I. Abyss Actor Ally of Justice Altergeist Amazoness Amorphage Anti Arcana Force Armed Dragon Aroma Atlantean Batteryman Battlewasp Beetrooper Black Luster Soldier Blackwing Blue-Eyes Borrel Branded Burning Abyss Bystial CAN:D Charmer Chemicritter Chronomaly Cipher Code Talker Constellar Crusadia Crystal Beast Crystron Cyber Dragon Cynet D/D Danger! Dark Contract Dark Magician Darklord Deskbot Despia Destiny HERO Digital Bug Dinomist Dinowrestler Dogmatika Dracoslayer Dragon Ruler Dragunity Drytron Earthbound Edge Imp Elemental HERO Endymion Evil★Twin Evil Eye Evil HERO Evilswarm Evolsaur Evoltile Evolzar Fabled Fire King Flamvell Floowanderfreeze Fluffal Fortune Fairy Fortune Lady Frightfur Frog Fur Hire G Golem Gaia Galaxy Gadget Gate Guardian Gem-Knight Genex Ghoti Gimmick Puppet Gizmek Gouki Gravekeeper’s Guardian Gusto Heraldic Beast Heroic Hieratic Ice Barrier Icejade Igknight Infernity Infernoid Invoked Kaiju Karakuri Kashtira Koa’ki Meiru Kozmo Krawler Kuriboh Kurikara Labyrinth Laval Live☆Twin Lunalight Lyrilusc Machina Madolche Majespecter Majestic Magikey Magistus Masked HERO Materiactor Mathmech Mayakashi Megalith Mekk-Knight Meklord Melffy Melodious Mermail Metalfoes Morphtronic Naturia Nekroz Nemurelia New Order Ninja Noble Knight Number Numeron Odd-Eyes Ojama Orcust P.U.N.K. Paleozoic Pendulum Magician Performapal Phantom Knights Photon Plunder Patroll Poker Knights Predaplant Prediction Princess Purrely Qliphort Raidraptor Red-Eyes Rescue-ACE Rose Dragon Rikka Ritual Beast Rokket Royal Demon’s Runick Salamangreat Scareclaw Scrap Shaddoll Shiranui Skull Servant Sky Striker Speedroid Spellbook Spright Springans Stardust Starry Knight Steelswarm Subterror Sunavalon Sunseed Sunvine Suship Swordsoul Sylvan Synchron T.G. Tearlaments Tellarknight Thorn Prisoner The Weather Therion Toon Traptrix Transamu Tri-Brigade Trickstar True King Umbral Horror Utopia Vanquish Soul Vaylantz Vendread Vernusylph Vision HERO Voidvelgr Vylon War Rock Watt Wight Wind-Up Windwitch Witchcrafter World Legacy X-Saber Yang Zing Yosenju Zefra Zoodiac ZW -
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ticktockstuck · 2 years ago
Apropos of nothing, I’m a big fan of Yugioh (the card game) and have been for years, which I only bring up because two new monsters they announced today are straight-up just minions of the Denizen from the Land of Sweets and Slime.
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These would fit in right next to the Trickey-Lime Piedra. I honestly might work the...candy “tendons” idea the vanilla one has for something of my own, that’s a gnarly visual.
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darkshadowduelist · 2 years ago
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DUNE-JP015 夢現の眠姫-ネムレリア・レアリゼ Mugen no Shinki – Nemurelia Réaliser (Nemurelia Réaliser, the Dreamaterializer Sleeping Princess)
Level 10 LIGHT Fairy Effect Monstr
ATK 1500
DEF 3000
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 monster you control; place it on the bottom of the Deck, and if you do, Special Summon this card.
(2) If this card is Special Summoned: You can activate 1 of these effects;
● Add 1 “Dreaming Nemurelia” from your Deck to your Extra Deck face-up.
● Change 1 other face-up monster on the field to face-down Defense Position.
(3) Gains 100 ATK for each face-down card in your Extra Deck.
Note: 夢現 means Dream Materialize, but reads like “Infinite” and Shinki can mean something of the Mind/Divine/Elements or a Novel Idea, but reads as “Sleeping Princess”. Réaliser means what you think it means, but French.
DUNE-JP016 ネムレリアの夢喰い-レヴェイユ Nemurelia no Yumekui – Réveil (Nemurelia’s Dreameater – Réveil)
Level 10 DARK Beast Effect Monster
ATK 2500
DEF 2500
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If this card is in your hand or GY: You can banish 3 cards from your Extra Deck, face-down, except “Dreaming Nemurelia”; Special Summon this card. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck the turn you activate this effect, except Pendulum Monsters.
(2) You can send 1 other Level 10 Beast monster from your hand or face-up field to the GY; Set 1 “Nemurelia” Trap directly from your Deck.
Note: Réveil is French for Alarm Clock or “Wake Up”
DUNE-JP073 ネムレリア・ルーヴ Nemurelia Löwe
Normal Trap
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) Special Summon 1 “Nemurelia” monster or 1 Level 10 Beast monster from your hand or Deck in Defense Position, but return it to the hand during the End Phase.
(2) You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; it loses 100 ATK/DEF for each of your cards currently banished face-down, until the end of this turn.
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ホイール・シンクロン Wheel Synchron
Level 5 LIGHT Machine Tuner Effect Monster
ATK 800
DEF 1000
You can only use the 2nd and 3rd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If you use this card on the field as Synchro Material, you can treat it as a non-Tuner.
(2) During your Main Phase, you can: You cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Synchro Monsters, also, immediately after this effect resolves, Normal Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster.
(3) You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 Synchro Monster you control; decrease its Level by up to 4.
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レボリューション・シンクロン Revolution Synchron
Level 3 EARTH Machine Tuner Effect Monster
ATK 900
DEF 1400
You can only use the 1st effect of this card’s name once per turn. You can only use the 2nd effect of this card’s name once per Duel.
(1) If you Synchro Summon a “Power Tool” Synchro Monster, or a Level 7 or 8 Dragon Synchro Monster, this card in your hand can be used as material.
(2) If this card is in your GY and you control a Level 7 or higher Synchro Monster: You can send the top card of your Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card, and if you do that, its Level becomes 1.
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コズミック・クェーサー・ドラゴン Cosmic Quasar Dragon
Level 12 LIGHT Dragon Synchro Effect Monster
ATK 4000
DEF 4000
Materials: 1 Tuner Synchro Monster + 2+ non-Tuner Synchro Monsters
Must first be Special Summoned with the above Synchro Materials.
(1) Once per turn: You can target face-up cards on the field, up to the number of monsters used as Synchro Materials for this card + 1; negate their effects. This effect and its activation cannot be negated.
(2) (Quick Effect): You can banish this Synchro Summoned card; Special Summon 1 Dragon Synchro Monster that lists 2 or more non-Tuner Synchro Monsters as material from your Extra Deck. (This is treated as a Synchro Summon.)
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赤き竜(あかきりゅう)Akakiryuu (The Crimson Dragon)
Level 12 LIGHT Dragon Synchro Effect Monster
Materials: 1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If this card is Special Summoned: You can add 1 Spell/Trap that mentions “The Crimson Dragon” from your Deck to your hand.
(2) (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Level 7 or higher Synchro Monster on the field, except “The Crimson Dragon”; return this card to the Extra Deck, and if you do, Special Summon 1 Dragon Synchro Monster with the same Level from your Extra Deck. (This is treated as a Synchro Summon.)
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シンクロ・オーバートップ Synchro Overlap
Normal Spell Card
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) Target any number of Level 7 and/or 8 Dragon Synchro Monsters in your GY; Special Summon them in Defense Position, but their Levels become 1, their effects are negated, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Synchro Monsters.
(2) When your Synchro Monster is destroyed by battle: You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 “The Crimson Dragon” from your Extra Deck.
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シンクロ・ワールド Synchro World
Field Spell Card
(1) Each time a monster(s) is Synchro Summoned, place 2 Signal Counters on this card.
(2) You can remove 4, 7, or 10 Signal Counters from your field to activate 1 of these effects;
● 4: Increase or decrease the Level of 1 face-up monster you control by 1.
● 7: Special Summon 1 Tuner from your GY.
● 10: Special Summon 1 Synchro Monster from your GY.
(3) If this card in its owner’s control is destroyed by an opponent’s card effect: You can Special Summon 1 “The Crimson Dragon” from your Extra Deck.
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くず鉄の神像(くずてつのしんぞう)Kuzutetsu no Shinzou (Scrap-Iron Idol)
Normal Trap Card
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) Target 1 of your Level 7 or 8 Dragon Synchro Monsters that is banished or in your GY; Special Summon it (but return it to the Extra Deck during the End Phase), also, after that, Set this card face-down instead of sending it to the GY.
(2) If this Set card in its owner’s control is destroyed by an opponent’s card effect: You can Special Summon 1 “Crimson Dragon” from your Extra Deck.
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darkshadowduelist · 2 years ago
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CYAC-JP015 夢見るネムレリア Yumemiru Nemurelia (Dreaming Nemurelia)
Level 1 LIGHT Fairy Special Summon Effect Monster
ATK 0 DEF 1500
Pendulum Scale 8
Pendulum Effect
(1) Once per turn: You can place 1 “Nemurelia” Continuous Spell from your Deck or GY face-up on your field, and if you do, add this card to your Extra Deck face-up. You cannot Special Summon “Dreaming Nemurelia” the turn you activate this effect.
Monster Effect
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your face-up Extra Deck) by having no cards in your Extra Deck other than “Dreaming Nemurelia”. You can only Special Summon “Dreaming Nemurelia” once per turn this way.
(1) If this card is Special Summoned: You can banish up to 1 card your opponent opponent controls and/or in their GY face-down for every 3 of your face-down banished cards, then shuffle your face-down banished cards into the Deck equal to the number of cards banished by this effect.
CYAC-JP016 ネムレリアの夢守り-オレイエ Nemurelia no Yumemori – Oreiller (Nemurelia’s Dream Defender – Oreiller)
Level 10 LIGHT Beast Effect Monster
ATK 2500 DEF 2000
You can only Special Summon with the 1st effect of this card’s name once per turn. You can only use the 2nd effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) If you have a face-up Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).
(2) If you have a face-up “Dreaming Nemurelia” in your Extra Deck (Quick Effect): You can banish 1 face-down card from your Extra Deck face-down; this card gains 500 ATK for each monster your opponent currently controls until the end of this turn.
Note: Orellier is a kind of pillow (apparently specifically French for Pillow).
CYAC-JP017 ネムレリアの夢守り-クエット Nemurelia no Yumemori – Couette (Nemurelia’s Dream Defender – Couette)
Level 10 LIGHT Beast Effect Monster
ATK 2000
DEF 2500
You can only Special Summon with the 1st effect of this card’s name once per turn. You can only use the 2nd effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) If you have a face-up Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).
(2) When your opponent activates a card or effect that targets a “Nemurelia” card(s) you control and you have a face-up “Dreaming Nemurelia” in your Extra Deck (Quick Effect): You can banish 1 face-down card from your Extra Deck face-down; negate the activation.
Note: Couette is French for Duvet, a soft quilt filled with down, feathers, or a synthetic fiber, used instead of an upper sheet and blankets.
CYAC-JP059 Nemurelia no Shinkirou (The Sleeping Beauty Tower of Nemurelia)
Continuous Spell Card
You can only use the 1st effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) You can banish 2 face-down cards from your Extra Deck face-down; add 2 Level 10 Beast monsters with different names from your Deck to your hand. You cannot Special Summons monsters from the Extra Deck the turn you activate this effect, except Pendulum Monsters.
(2) If a “Nemurelia” monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or an opponent’s card effect and you have a face-up “Dreaming Nemurelia” in your Extra Deck, you can banish 1 face-down card from your Extra Deck face-down instead.
Note: This card’s name is a play on 蜃気楼 Shinkirou (Mirage)
CYAC-JP060 Sweet Dreams, Nemurelia
Normal Spell
You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn.
(1) Add 1 “Nemurelia” monster from your Deck to your hand, then, if you have a face-up “Dreaming Nemurelia” in your Extra Deck, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects when a “Nemurelia” monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned for the rest of this turn.
(2) You can place this card from your GY on the bottom of the Deck, then target 1 “Dreaming Nemurelia” you control; add it to your Extra Deck face-up.
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CYAC-JP001 ファイアウォール・ディフェンサー Firewall Defenser
Level 4 DARK Cyberse Effect Monster
ATK 1200
DEF 1500
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If this card is sent to the GY as Link Material for a Cyberse monster: You can Special Summon 1 “Firewall” monster from your Deck, except “Firewall Defenser”. You cannot Special Summon monsters the turn you activate this effect, except Cyberse monsters.
(2) If a “Firewall” monster(s) you control would be destroyed by card effect, you can banish this card from your GY instead.
CYAC-JP002 ファイアウォール・ファントム Firewall Phantom
Level 5 DARK Cyberse Effect Monster
ATK 2000 DEF 1300
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) If this card is sent to the GY as Link Material for a Cyberse monster: You can add 1 “Cynet” Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand, then discard 1 card.
(2) You can banish this card from your GY; during the End Phase of this turn, shuffle 1 Cyberse monster from your GY into the Deck.
CYAC-JP033 サイバース・セイジ Cyberse Sage
Level 1 DARK Cyberse Ritual Tuner Effect Monster
You can Ritual Summon this card with “Cynet Ritual”. You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) During your Main Phase: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, by banishing Fusion Materials mentioned on it from your field and/or GY, including a Cyberse monster.
(2) If this card is sent to the GY as Synchro Material: You can target 1 Cyberse monster or 1 Ritual Spell in your GY; add it to your hand.
CYAC-JP034 サイバース・ディセーブルム Cyberse Disabwurm
Level 6 DARK Cyberse Fusion Effect Monster
ATK 2300
DEF 1500
1 Cyberse Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Monster + 1 Cyberse monster
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) During your Main Phase: You can Special Summon 1 Cyberse monster from your hand, then this card’s Level becomes that monster’s.
(2) When your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card or effect and you control a Link-4 or higher Cyberse monster (Quick Effect): You can banish this card from your field or GY; negate the activation.
Note: Disable + Wurm
CYAC-JP047 ファイアウォール・ドラゴン・シンギュラリティ Firewall Dragon Singularity
LINK-6 DARK Cyberse Link Effect Monster
ATK 3500
Links: Top Left, Top, Top Right, Left, Right, Bottom
Materials: 3+ Effect Monsters
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) (Quick Effect): You can target cards your opponent controls and/or in their GY, up to the number of different types of monsters (Ritual/Fusion/Synchro/Xyz) you control and in your GY; return them to the hand, and if you do, this card gains 500 ATK for each card returned.
(2) If a monster(s) this card points to is destroyed by battle or sent to the GY: You can target 1 Cyberse monster in your GY; Special Summon it.
Note: This card’s name refers to the concept of the technological singularity.
CYAC-JP048 プロテクトコード・トーカー Protectcode Talker
LINK-3 DARK Cyberse Link Effect Monster
ATK 2300
Links: Top, Left, Right
Materials: 2+ Effect Monsters
You can only use the 2nd effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) Your opponent cannot target Link-4 or higher Link Monsters you control with card effects, also they cannot be destroyed by battle.
(2) If you control a “Firewall” Link Monster (Quick Effect): You can banish any number of Link Monsters from your GY whose total Link Ratings exactly equal 3; Special Summon this card from your GY, but banish it when it leaves the field.
CYAC-JP051 サイバネット・ロールバック Cybenet Rollback (Cynet Rollback)
Quick-Play Spell Card
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) Target 1 of your banished Cyberse monsters; Special Summon it.
(2) During your Main Phase, if you have 2000 LP or less; You can banish this card from your GY, then target 2 of your banished Cyberse monsters; add them to your hand.
Note: This card is referring to Rollback Net Code.
CYAC-JP069 サイバネット・サーキット Cybenet Circuit (Cynet Circuit)
Normal Trap
You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
(1) Target 1 “Firewall” Link Monster you control; Special Summon any number of monsters from your GY to either field so they are linked to it.
(2) If you have 2000 LP or less: You can banish this card from your GY; return 1 “Firewall” Link Monster from your GY to the Extra Deck, then you can Special Summon it from your Extra Deck.
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rainbowgod666 · 1 year ago
Yugioh Lore / Story Integration: Nemleria
Master duel just got a new archetype added to it, the "Nemleria" cards. The theme is that there's a sleepy girl, "Dreaming Nemleria":
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Cute, isn't she? Well, let's talk about this, because Nemleria as a deck focuses on whimsy, cuteness, and screaming existential horror. And its mechanics work to enforce that vibe!
Let's focus on Dreaming Nemleria, the archetype's core monster. Nemleria is a Pendulum Monster, the bane of returning older yugioh players and much of the playerbase. Introduced in Arc-V the pendulum mechanic lets you do a lot of stuff and has a lot of words that let you all culminate in decks that are not very good.
Nemleria interacts with the Pendulum mechanic in a somewhat deviant way, though. Normally a Pendulum deck will at some point place two pendulum monsters face up in their spell and trap zones, then execute a "pendulum summon", summoning monsters from the hand or face up extra deck with levels between the "scales" of the two pend cards, the little blue and red icons on the card. Nemleria doesn't do that. Instead, she focuses on the "face-up extra deck" part of the pendulum rules; destroyed Pendulum monsters are placed there, and for Nemleria that's good, because this is the secret to her theme:
She's the dreamer, and your opponent is but a dream
Here's how it works. First, you take a Dreaming Nemleria from your hand, then place it in a spell/trap zone, and activate her Pendulum effect:
Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can place 1 "Nemleria" Continuous Spell from your Deck or GY face-up on your field, and if you do, add this card to your Extra Deck face-up.
You cannot Special Summon "Dreaming Nemleria" the turn you activate this effect.
This gets Nemleria off of the battlefield (it's dangerous!) and off to the Extra Deck, where enemies generally can't interact with her. She's placed on top of the extra deck, with all the other monsters in it under her, like a pillow. How cute.
You also get to add to your hand a continuous spell card. That's gonna be the Dream Tower of Princess Nemleria:
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In her dreams she's a princess in a land of sweets! As a fun detail, the card's tower has 15 layers of tarts, and the Extra Deck can contain no more than 15 cards at the start of the game, all tucked away under Nemleria. Dreaming Tower has multiple effects but the relevant combo one is this:
You can banish 2 face-down cards from your Extra Deck, face-down; add 2 Level 10 Beast monsters with different names from your Deck to your hand.
This gets us to the core of the Nemleria theme and the start of the horror aspects. As Nemleria restlessly sleeps, she's protected in the dreamland by her powerful dream defenders. In the game-mechanical sense, the Dream Defenders keep you from dying while banishing cards from your Extra Deck that are under Nemleria to gain some kind of advantage. And the Dream Defenders look like this:
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Oreiller, Couette, Revil - that is, Pillow, Duvet, and Alarm Clock. The last one is a 'Dream Devourer' who can destroy the others.
What happens when you run out of cards in the Extra Deck? What happens when all the stuffing under Nemleria is banished? Well, then you get to her monster effect:
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set.
Must be Special Summoned (from your face-up Extra Deck) by having no cards in your Extra Deck, except "Dreaming Nemleria".
You can only Special Summon "Dreaming Nemleria(s)" once per turn.
If this card is Special Summoned: For every 3 of your face-down banished cards, you can banish up to 1 card from your opponent's field and/or GY, face-down, then shuffle 1 of your face-down banished cards into your Deck for each card you banished by this effect.
She wakes up. And when she wakes up, the battlefield fades away like so much mist. This last effect is often going to banish five cards from your opponent's field/GY, and it doesn't target and it places them in the even-harder-to-retrieve face down banish. If this effect resolves it is going to wipe your opponent's board clean, leaving you free to maul their face with the Dream Defenders and close the game. The Dream Defenders being level 10 also means Nemleria also has access to the Rank 10 XYZ package, meaning she can use their cute sweets bodies as fodder to summon Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max and overlay it into Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
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These two will just kill your opponent. Sometimes a girl dreams of Bigger Gun. In summary, if you are facing off against a Nemleria player, consider bargaining:
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