#nemain sso
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andxlusian · 1 year ago
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fire practice w nemain and farley (who belongs to @jorvikwildhorse)
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zeeposting · 7 months ago
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i drew my nemain because I LOVE HIM <3 just a bust because I didn't get a picture of his body
tags or smethign... : @ryuatewater @millylostintheosc @cloudstongue @zombieefish @inkizblog @gabedoessillystuff @quinndoesart
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fammipammi · 1 year ago
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN! This year Nemaine walks through Jorvik to hunt your soul ...
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jorvik-fashion · 1 year ago
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whinnyornot · 5 months ago
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This was the seventh (and last) of my revamped Whinfell designs. 🐎✨ Originally posted on my alt instagram account.
Meet the Azahar Whinfell. 🌻 AGAIN, PLEASE NOTE: I made these BEFORE SSO released the Nemain (magic halloween shire).
The name Azahar means orange blossom in Spanish. It is derived from the Arabic word, زهرة (zahrah) meaning "flower." I opted to keep the same theme for all of the whinfells when I first started discussing the remake. I had an idea to maybe change the mane style for this guy to make it stand out among the rest but that was voted against by my clubmates. I still wanted it to give off Halloween/Autumn themes though, so I really tried to lean into making it fiery and fall colored. The moth we chose even ended up being one that is primarily active in the fall so it was a great fit. In the end the less overly saturated color option won out in the voting process, but it was still such a super fun challenge to tackle. Lore:
"The Azahar Whinfell makes its home in deciduous temperate forests where it feeds on lichen and moss. It is much more active in the autumnal months as it's orange and red coat blends in with the surrounding foliage during this time. However, one may have the rare chance to find it during the summer hanging around Cappadocian and Red maple trees. They also adore sugar maple bark, so if you like maple syrup, this is the Whinfell for you.
The Azahar's magical coat was based on the Painted lichen moth, while their neutral coat is a flaxen black chestnut.
You may also notice the neutral coat has a dorsal stripe and a small spot on its forehead. This was intentional. The Azahar may be able to magically hide its form, but these are tiny giveaways to their true selves."
Whinfell redesigns: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Star Stable Online, Wildhorse364.jpg, digital art, 754 × 373 pixels (7.854 * 3.8854 in), Star Stable Wiki, October 24, 2018, https://starstable.wiki.gg/wiki/Whinfell/Gallery#/media/File:Wildhorse364.jpg.
Jennifer Hoffman, “An Interactive Introduction to Equine Coat Color Genetics," horse.jenniferhoffman.net. accessed August 12, 2022, http://horse.jenniferhoffman.net/horse-color-genetics.html.
Loren & Babs Padelford, Photo#811110, photograph, 768 × 488 pixels (10.667 x 6.778 in), Bug Guide, July 24, 2013, https://bugguide.net/node/view/811110/bgpage.
Scott Justis, Photo#219808, photograph, 423 × 560 pixels (5.875 × 7.778 in), Bug Guide, August 30, 2008, https://bugguide.net/node/view/219808/bgimage.
dan40165, Photo#1543645, photograph, 460 × 541 pixels (1.5333 × 1.8033 in), Bug Guide, June 24, 2018, https://bugguide.net/node/view/1543645
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numberoneavalonfan · 2 years ago
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i luv nemain
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strawberrystreamfields · 2 years ago
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Truth is often forgotten when legends are born...
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kate-embershield · 2 years ago
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I am not a villain
you shouldn't have
treated me as one
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dinosaurvalley · 2 years ago
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starbornsoulrider · 2 years ago
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centeris2 · 2 years ago
crack theory about halloween horses
(spoilers, although SSO kind of released their names in game)
crack theory because as we’ve seen with Sedna the fish horse and Sedna the Kallter, SSO don’t care about reusing names
I’ve had these thoughts since I knew their names, but also I’m sick so I have no filter currently so I’m inflicting these ideas on everyone else
Laverna is somehow connected to Laverne, an antagonist with Dark Core from the old Starshine Legacy comics. it’s one letter difference.
Nemain is somehow connected to Knights of Unistria, since General Nemain is the villain character in that. Madison talks about her, and you can read about her if you go to The Purple Pony and interact with the Knights of Unistria book there
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andxlusian · 3 months ago
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storm's on the horizon. make haste, all must shelter in warmth. (calamity au)
redesigned them (again). hope to actually post some content explaining this au somewhat soon !! unfortunately i can only force myself to look at sso content every few months
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writingonjorvik · 7 years ago
Jorvegian Myths: Quadruple Goddess
Of all the influences on the storytelling and worldbuilding in SSO, I think the strongest is Celtic, closely followed by Norse. And the central magical entity of the game, Aideen, is a testament to that. None the least because she’s already a Celtic goddess.
Let me explain. The name Aideen is a real name, and it stems from the Celtic name Étaín, pronounced Ay-deen (Celtic phonetics are strange). These two goddesses happen to have quite a bit in common. For one, both of them are horse goddesses. Two, Étaín is often connected with the sun and moon, reincarnation, transformation, the sea, and the ambitious force of “light,” as well as pools, apples, loves and butterflies, the latter two being the least reoccurring themes of this list. She, like other horse goddesses, is also a sovereignty goddess, meaning her domain also personifies the land itself. Étaín personifies Ireland or a part of Ireland. There are several sovereignty goddesses to include Macha (also a horse goddess and part of the Morrígna. Might be Epona too, varying sources. Also ran a foot race against horses while carrying twins and won!), Medb (or Maeve, another incredible but less horse related goddess), and Rhiannon (another horse goddess from the Welsh Celtic mythos, and could also be Epona). And Aideen certainly qualifies for a sovereignty goddess of Jorvik.
The similarities to Aideen’s etymological origins don’t stop there though. Not only to the icons of Aideen’s Keepers align with the symbols of Étaín, but Étaín also had a number symbolic to her; 4. Étaín had this bowl containing four birds, probably swans. Each held a cup of a substances of greater than what it was made of; a copper swan held a cup of silver, a silver swan held a cup of gold, so on. And it’s a not so small secret that the number 4 has a massive importance in SSO. There are four Soul Riders, the four season as very important to the series, you unlock Harvest at level 4. And four was a very frequently recurring number in my research about Étaín.
How many sovereignty goddesses could I find? Four major unique ones. Considering Epona is likely the Gallic rebranding of a few other goddesses, how many unique Celtic horses goddesses could I find? Four; Étaín, Macha, Rhiannon, and G’ontia. Beyond being horse goddesses, did these goddesses have anything else in common? Yeah, their association with water. And the main antagonist of SSO is a sea monster, a dimension hopping sea monster. Guess who was the main antagonist of most Celtic mythos? If you guessed dimension hopping sea monsters, congrats, you would be right! They’re called the Fomori, and while they can take on many forms, they are often associated with the sea, likely because that’s where the Celtic devil is imprisoned. But that’s another topic.
Back to the importance of four, I now will touch on the title of this piece; the quadruple goddess. You’ve likely heard of the more common version of this, the triple goddess. In fact, Macha is already part of one, the most famous one even, the Morrígna. And based on how the word is formed, you can probably guess what quadruple goddess means. But what is it? To start, let me break down the triple goddess in Celtic mythos. A triple goddess is very much like the Trinity in Christian faith, to make a comparison. She is three separate goddesses, each representing one of the three portions of the triple goddess (Maiden, Matron, Crone), but also one entity. Maybe saying she’s like a Steven Universe fusion is a better comparison, actually. So, the Morrígna is the three goddesses Macha, Bedb, and Nemain, as a group, but the Morrígna is also her own entity. They are often associated with the moon, you’ve likely seen the triple goddess neopagan symbol somewhere, and other celestial bodies. They represent life, death, and rebirth, the whole circle of life.
Following this line of thought, the quadruple goddess is a triple goddess with a fourth aspect. As quality of life has improved, so has opinions on what a fourth aspect would be called in modern interpretations, but in historical instances of this theory the most prevalent was the Tempest. And now we have a connection back to that one oddity of a Circle, Lightning. Moon, Sun, and Star all fit in this celestial body of a triple goddess, but Lightning is its own thing, it’s not a galactic symbol. Despite that, it is the most physical, relatively, element that we on Earth can grasp. Lightning happens on our planet, everything else is beyond. However the Tempest is likely the most metaphysical of the aspects of a quadruple goddess. The Tempest represents a soul without a body, a goddess in the middle of reincarnation, something so wild that a physical form cannot contain it. I haven’t gotten my hands on the new comic, but didn’t Aideen give up her physical form?
What if Aideen is a quadruple goddess? Or what if she is the Tempest in a quadruple goddess? What if the singular goddess we know is actually a member of a group of goddesses? What would the other aspects of Aideen have to say about the state of Jorvik? Where have they been? What could they do if they were reunited? Why didn’t they come help when Garnok first appeared? If Aideen is the Morrígna form of this quadruple goddess, what are her four aspects? What happened to them when Aideen gave up her physical form? Who are the four goddesses that make up Aideen?
I don’t know if the developers intentionally chose the number four to be important, or if they’ve just stumbled into using it now through changing of hands. But there is so much more depth to exploring this idea of a goddess than just Aideen as a singular unit. And considering the abundance of Celtic influences on SSO, inserting this kind of story telling is not that farfetched.
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andxlusian · 1 year ago
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everyone has a fully fleshed out dark rider version of their mc right? ...right?
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andxlusian · 1 year ago
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character prompt; (effects of trauma)
it's wild how much characters can change with you over the years
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whinnyornot · 5 months ago
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PLEASE NOTE: I made these fan redesigns before SSO released or teased any of their magic Gen 3 Shires. This can be corroborated on my Instagram account. More old art pieces. This time it's from my alternate Instagram account I use for creating max stat outfits. When SSO first released the G3 Shire I was curious if they were gonna redo the Whinfells. My club and I were discussing how to update the old designs, and they helped me come up with these Moth inspired concepts. Of course, we now have Nemain taking the place of the old Halloween Whinfell, but I didn't know about that at the time I made these. Unlike my redesigns of real-life breeds, I used the same logic as SSO and just chose coat colors I thought fit best with the designs (while still staying close to the originals), regardless of color restrictions. I originally teased the release of these concepts with this little teaser image which elaborated further on the lore SSO put in the Whinfell's updated breed description. Whinfell redesigns: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Transcript:
"Magic Horses on Jorvik are creatures of stories and folklore. As the tales are passed down over the ages, the legends of these horses have been kept alive…
The Whinfell are said to be spirits of growth and fertility. During the spring and times of harvest, these pollinating horses run through Jorvik, dropping iridescent scales from their fur that nurture and greatly enhance the growing power of any foliage they may land on.
This power also extends to the feathered fetlocks of the Whinfell which are a sight to behold, and Jorvegian folklore describes them as having the power to make crops flourish overnight. All it takes is for a Whinfell to gallop across a field of growing produce, and by the next day, the plants will have grown to fruition.
Some legends say these powerful creatures are commonly used as mounts for faeries who braid their manes into tiny stirrups and reins, and ride the Whinfell throughout the night, assisting them on their fruitful runs through the forests and fields. Should a human be so lucky to befriend a Whinfell, they must take great care not to undo the braids within its mane, lest they bring about the wrath of the fae.
While typically wary of humans, the Whinfell makes an excellent companion once their trust is gained. However, riders should steer clear of cities and brightly lit roads at night. The Whinfell are inexplicably drawn to artificial lights and can become so entranced in their glow, they may forget to watch where they are going!
Whether in their true magical colors or in disguise, they ride just like the Shires they resemble."
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