#neil druckman is a piece of shit. fuck that man. he should never have a say in any story but here we are platforming his zionist ass
samuraisharkie · 2 years
remembered how rancid tlou2 is and was checking through some criticism and found out, unfortunately, that the show is still written by the same zionist sadistic, homophobic, transphobic, asshole who operates as if everyone has the same cruel hate that he has. apparently they are retconning the show to match his vision as well, which pisses me off to no end. Making Ellie bloodthirsty, making Joel out to be a cruel violent evil man who’s going to get what’s coming to him, all of that trying to justify the thinly veiled zionist propaganda that is the The Last of Us 2. But it’s getting away with it all because they stuck gay men in it, and Ellie is a lesbian (despite the gratuitous vilification and torture of her) so criticizing the show or the game means you just hate gay men or lesbian protagonists, as if that’s even the fucking issue. It’s been a good ass while since I thought about it but that first game was decent, the second is torture porn and hate thinly veiled as a hamfisted centrist view on ‘the cycle of violence’ and the fantasy of escaping it. I’m just sick of all zombie media at this point, it all turns into this gratuitous gore and “wow aren’t humans so evil? aren’t we so cruel? look at how no matter what humans will hurt each other and it will always happen!” bullshit message with a slapped over “violence is wrong though :(“ message despite every writer on any of these being men who fantasize about violence and admit to it.
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