#nehrim spoiler
giselberts · 1 year
i kinda wish arkt had dialogue for that whole post citadel of shadows questline? mostly for some light explananation/lore ig but also there's a clear opportunity for him to be real funny about things, like sg is lying face down on the ground trying to process everything and arkt being nonchalant about it and going "ah, the jester got to you too"
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rpgchoices · 2 years
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Sometimes I really want to read a short summary of what to expect from a game with a very particular description that CATER to my OWN SPECIFIC interests, so here we go.
(click here for other videogames)
what to expect from ENDERAL
Free Skyrim mod which has an indipendent lore and story from Skyrim. It is a sequel of Nehrim but Nehrim is not necessary to understand the story
This game deals with PTSD, abuse, trauma and depression in quite an explicit way to be careful, if you are triggered by these topics
You are a refugee looking for a new life in Enderal. You can choose different abilities (magic/assassin etc.) and races (always half human)
Very eery feeling and mystery feeling - honestly, some of the sequences in this game still haunts me
To avoid spoilers I will just say that you end up thrown in trying to solve a mysterious diseases that makes people aggressive, murderous, called the Red Madness
the game has a lot of lore and is mainly based on finding out more about this mystery and how to stop it - you won't find all of the answers, and not everyone will tell you the truth
like Skyrim the game has combat + dialogue choices, expect that your choices here matter for the outcomes of different quests and the final ending (there are three endings)
many quests are actually quite long and filled with material and characters, not a lot of fetch quests
you have two temporary companions (Calia and Jespar) who are recurrent, and then you have other characters who sometimes accompany you. You cannot choose your companions, they are more like characters who gets assigned to the same quests
Romance is indipendent from your gender and you can romance Calia or Jespar. Both have multi-parts personal quests/interactions
There are other characters who have big roles/quests: Tharael, Esme, Yuslan, Lishari, Dijaam.
The game is quite big, the area/world is also pretty big
One of my least favourite parts is that the game is quite dark - as in I had to use torchlights all the time (my pc also doesn't help, here)
You can buy two houses and decorate them!
The game is relatively linear, you have a series of main quests and you can explore the whole world and accidentally find other secondary quests
beautiful scenery!
there is fast travel all over the world, plus you can ride a horse or a donkey
ALL characters are voiced (a part from the protagonist)
plot? You play as a refugee escaping from their old home. While on a ship to Enderal, you end up discovering you have mysterious magical powers, a magical fever and can sometimes see events that have not happened yet. gameplay? Action rpg with dialogue choices and exploration, story-rich also it is a free mod characters? yes even secondary characters usually have an interesting story/personality. You end up with a cast of main characters, among these Jespar and Calia are sometimes your followers and have personal quests sadness level? MAXIMUM LEVEL
Under cut HEAVY spoilers about death-level in all three endings:
There are three main endings: one where you sacrifice yourself and it is assumed that part of the city got destroyed... everyone dies but your lover/closest companion. Another ending where you escape with your companion - the world is destroyed and only you two survive. And a third ending where based on when you drink a potion, you save the world without sacrificing yourself and survive with your companion - or did you? It might be a dream.
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tavernbrawls · 1 year
(adding a spoiler warning & not a 'keep reading' break bc I'm on mobile & don't know how to do that so you're getting this until I get my PC & edit it)
I keep on wanting to make Arkt & Narathzul headcanons and semi-fics for the hahas but I just can't stop thinking about Arkt's Banishment like how the hell do they go from
You made me murder my entire city and killed my lover, then proceeded to trap her soul into a sword just so you could make up with her while knowing she didn't want you back
Narathzul, you're so angry all the time <3! Let me take you around my favorite spots in Arktwend & we can grab some mead :)!
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I’m debating on FINALLY playing Nehrim.. I’ve been avoiding spoilers for it for YEARS. So I'd be kinda going blind into it. I’ve played Enderal so I know what happens at the end but I literally have no other idea on what else happens. (other than what is said in Enderal)  So I guess the reason why I’m bringing this up is that I kinda want to stream it and see who all would want to watch? let me know in the comments of this post if you’d be interested or if you have any ideas.  Thanks ❤️
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kileanprincess · 2 years
Finally getting around to playing Nehrim!
Mostly playing for lore reasons so I can have a deeper understanding of it and implement it into my fanfic.
I’ve been avoiding it because the game mechanics are super old and outdated but it’s surprisingly enjoyable and honestly very nostalgic feeling
My thoughts so far (spoilers for both games):
I just learned about the Shadow Gods and how they balance out the Light Born. The lore is already super interesting and different. I feel like I’m broadening my horizons on the world of Vyn.
I thought the German V/A would be difficult to deal with but it’s way more doable than i thought. I skip through most dialogue anyway because I read it faster so it’s not a bother
It does crash a lot but it auto saves veryy frequently so progress loss is not a bother. The graphics are only slightly worse than Skyrim/Enderal, and once again SureAi are masters at world building using limited assets. The environment is still so rich and fun to explore
More on the lore, I’m so excited to meet Narathzul Arantheal! I’ve always wanted to learn more about him especially after learning he’s the love child of Irlanda and Tealor. I’m hoping there’s romanceable options too.
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jajko493 · 4 years
Nehrim stole sleep from me.
And it wasn’t because I was playing the game late at night! It’s all plot! I did the gist of it two days ago, but, goodness. Yesterday I took my sweet time thinking about it, hugging a blanket.
Spoilers under the cut.
So, the showdown at the Fate’s Edge. I vaguely expected it was Sarantha who’d meet me there - I took my time reading the books in game, and something just... clicked in my head when I saw that name. Nevertheless, I was elated that I can throw the shackles of fate away, and go back to find...
Ye, who played the game, know how the scene goes.
You arrive at the precipice of fate, readying your weapons, your spells, full of zeal. No one can stop you, and as you take a step towards forward, not sure where to go yet, you hear that. The familiar voice - and suddenly, you know exactly what your goal is.
It was a plea for help.
You walk in the general direction you thought the conversation was coming from. Is it yet another trick that you’d have to face to fight the predestination? No, wait...
Kim is being threatened.
Illusion or not, that isn’t something you’d stand for. You already lost so many who stood with you - Narathzul, Callisto, Melvin, Merzul, Vanmiria, even your parents. Hesitation has faded. You rush, and you run, and you hurry...
And you hear the confession of love.
Is it for you? It would make sense, you low-key expected it - but not like this. Certainly not followed by the vicious voice you can’t quite put a face on. You could swear you’ve heard it before.
You feel all go dark for a second when you hear the scorching of the flames, followed by laughter.
When you reach the portal leading you to the arena, it’s too late - they lay there, lifeless, with a visage of Fate itself towering over them with a disgusting joy painted all over her face.
Were you too slow?
You go back. You load an earlier save, just to try to reach the arena before the conversation is over. Alas, you can’t change anything.
You can just... kneel by the body, drowning in sadness, yet boiling with rage.
I just... imagine it in good detail, because I had somehow very creative mood at night, and it made me cry like a baby ;-;
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Just Arkt in construction set without a mask and without a helmet (in Arktwend, at the moment when mc meets him in a vision in Melee monastery).
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Arorma? But... Why?
What is his real face anyway?
Well, I'm writing a long long fic about Treomar period of Narathzul's life, and even i don't want it, i have to think about it. And when I'm thinking about Arkt's real face, about his origin and story, I don't find answers. Things like that multiple questions. So i can choose and write any opinion of the sea of eventualities 😐 and every option will be correct. I guess)
In my text i see him as something like a old-testament angel, no more no less) With a silver circles, but without wings. With a thousand eyes, but without his own face. I wanna see him as a chthonic creature. But this is just my simple vision)
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sasquach-scratches · 3 years
Having reached Chapter 5 of Nehrim for the first time in YEARS I can say that Narathzul Arantheal is as pitiable as his father Tealor in that they’re victims of their own garbage personalities and idk if I can feel bad about what happens to them lmao
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cat-with-a-keyboard · 4 years
It’s soooo unrealistically designed, I know, but... parkouring over a lava chamber. Falling a thousand feet and breaking shit that is not you. Moria recreations! SPELL BREAKER AS IN THE SPELL BREAKER FROM FREAKIN’ MORROWIND! 
It’s so much fun, even when it’s a frustrating pain-in-the-ass. (Looking at those trolls here)
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yngvyndr-oathkeeper · 4 years
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“I saw a man from days long passed. A man in a black robe, tall and frail, standing in the middle of a mountain of corpses. Bodies of Gods and Seraphim both covered the field. ‘How many times has it happened before? How many times have you fought and lost and been reborn, while we have won? Why do you not yield? I heard my voice, weak and spent. ‘Never.’ The man nodded, and the image from my mind’s eye vanished into a sea of flames.” - Irlanda’s Visions — “Then we should burn Xarmonar down now! With the Bloody Goddess away, we can–!” “Patience, Yngvildr. How many times has Irlanda left Arazeal only to return in mere days? We need but bide our time a while longer.” “But father–!” “I’ve made my decision, dóttir. And when my body leaves this great hall, you’ll have to make decisions such as this with your own judgement. I pray that you are less rash when that time comes.” — https://www.instagram.com/forndom/?hl=en
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Enderal spoilers below.
Look I’m just saying.  Not being able to romance Lexil and also not being able to save him at the end was a legit travesty.
Of ANYONE. of the ENTIRE cast.  That man did not deserve what he got. Fuckin’ sinastropes and Phasemalists exist in your canon, and you couldn’t gimme the option to at least throw a fuckin’ charm around his neck?  Pffshiiiit.
Come on now.
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jhara-ivez · 4 years
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Hello, yes, I’d like to buy the castle + village please. I LOVE STONEFIELD <3
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iamaweretoad · 4 years
edit: please make the cut work this time
Wait wait wait.... Reman, the guy Arcorius makes you mindwipe is the same guy Melvin ends up mind-controlling in the dungeon??? And one of the guards you pass jokes about Reman having headaches (which I can only assume are from when you fucked with his head previously)? And Melvin is being a ghoulish little creep the whole goddamn time. I am going to set someone on fire I stg.
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kileanprincess · 2 years
This specific book in the game has set the fireworks off in my brain and I want to analyse the connection between both Nehrim and Enderal
Whilst both of the games discuss the concept of a Cycle, though Nehrim’s Cycle has an answer. A meaning.
Light vs Darkness, Lightborn vs Shadowborn.
Both balance each other out. One cannot exist without the other, or the world is thrown into chaos. Born and reborn again. 
From the Wiki - The Cycle of Creation and Destruction
The Light-Born caused an imbalance to the world, that is why a Shadow God had to rise to remove them. However, Arkt points out one problem: Everything created, in turn deserves to be annihilated. Now that you have annihilated the Light-Born, there has been another shift in the balance but this time it is you, the Shadow God, who creates the imbalance. Consequently, you are to be eliminated, so that everything is back in balance, to its original position. Thus enabling the continuous cycle of creation and destruction to start anew. Then history will repeat itself. This restoration of balance is performed by the one who holds absolute power over the world as well as the gods, Fate. Fate is the one who will come and demand your life.
Fate, you say? 
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mishidraws · 4 years
nehrim update:
-everything happens so much
-the shivering border line reminds me of the ashlands in Morrowind. There’s probably a connection to Shivering Isles, too, but I wanted to to do that one after the main quest in Oblivion so I never got around to playing that.
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-Oblivion is a quality game
-So... Arktwend was destroyed 80 years ago... Enderal’s already pretty run down in the sequel, not to mention what happens at the end... This is not boding well for Nehrim. I’m sensing a disturbing pattern.
- Maybe the reason Taranor turns into such a crazy bastard in Enderal is because what no one knows in Enderal is that Nehrim is actually SUPER GONE.
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-these bodies in the room behind the silver dish look unnervingly familiar
-Arkt can’t seem to make up his mind about what he wishes I would do. “Go ahead, kill the gods, I don’t mind, but also Narathzul is a dick so maybe don’t do what he wants, but he wants to kill the gods, and he’s a dick, so maybe don’t free him? anyway I’m totally cool with you and whatever you decide”
- Hold on... For this to work, wouldn't they have needed a silver dish at the other end, too? Are the Lightborn just keeping their magic cellphone in the same cell as their most important prisoner? Lightborn: Well, it's a cellphone. Naturally it goes in the cell! And Narathzul said that if we stashed it with him, we'd always remember it was there so we'd never lose it. What a helpful guy! Narathzul: Yes, indeed. That is exactly why I suggested it, and not for any other reason. Lightborn: Nice try, pal, we're not still giving you time off for good behavior. Narathzul: Oh, fiddlesticks! You've seen through my clever scheme! (Little do they know, my real plan is much more cunning and devious. Wheels within wheels, plans within plans!) Io: (You're gonna wait til Merzul gives you a call and then help him plan your jailbreak, right?) Narathzul: (... yes.)
-(Reminder that my player character is named Io.)
-Oh god, this is Half-Moon Island all over again.
-”You suck!“ “No you suck!” “NO U >:((((((((((((“
-We stand around for 5 minutes while they argue about who loved their ex-girlfriend more. Io did not sign on for this
-wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon, though, to be fair
-also wasn’t expecting damn near *everyone* to die. I’d just started making myself comfortable there! :(
-I can tell Merzul is great friends with an Arantheal by the way he’s pontificating
-And coming hot on the heels of the Arkt/Narathzul argument, ANOTHER pissing contest between NPCs!
 -Barateon has the nerve to say it's Merzul's own fault for training new disciples despite the law. The law that Barateon made. The law made specifically to criminalize mages. That law.
-He also says "SILENCE! Your chutzpah will not save you!" which I find delightful.
-Acorias kinda bugged out and just walked away from the fight and started healing himself while Barateon struck Merzul down.
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-Sort of undercuts the drama of the situation
-anyway it’s off to magic jail for Io and Melvin!
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henantier · 7 years
me standing on the roof of castle darlan, screaming:
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