#neha writer
thecomfywriter · 2 months
🦋 oc most likely tag 🦋
Thanks for the tag @willtheweaver @the-golden-comet and @the-letterbox-archives's open tag
There were a lot of questions, oopsies, so this will be long.
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Statement Set #1: most likely to sneak food into a movie theatre, to try bungee jumping, to miss a fight
Statement Set #2: most likely to bare-knuckle brawl a jaguar, to try to rob a bank but can't find the location, to be an experimental eater
Statement Set #2: most likely to faint, to enjoy art, to hate sports, to freeze if faced with something scary, to eat the last bite of something, to start an argument, to own a cat, to swim across a large river/channel without getting fatigued, to not be a morning person and hates getting woken up to early, to learn a subject a day before exams (and still nailing it), to pick up a stray animal, to fall for a prank, to pull an accidental all-nighter, to get stranded on an island and thrive, to be bullied by a random child, to win an athletic event, to become a con artist, to get lost in their own home, to burn something while cooking, to stop a robbery if they see it taking place
Statement 3 will be under the read more button, dw
Without further ado, let's get into it. :)
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Statement Set #1:
1. Most likely to sneak food into a movie theater
caramel from ToV. she loves food + eating.
2. Most likely to try bungee jumping
evan from LotF. he loves heights (and jumping off them 💀)
3. Most likely to miss a flight
neha from AoNaS. she's so bad with being on time (she works on desi time)
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Statement Set #2:
1. Most likely to bare-knuckle brawl a jaguar
hilbert. canonically, this man bare-knuckle brawled three mutant dragons, and won. maybe even morreial. in draft 3 of ToV, he did accidentally sucker punch a shark to death OR OR OR, my favourite character from TIS, blaire FUCKING wynnen (it was too iconic of a quote to not add i'm sorry) yeah. her.
2. Most likely to try to rob a bank but can’t find the location
noctem. i don't know why. it just has noctem vibes. maybe even fawn. both of them are from LotF.
3. Most likely to be an experimental eater
fawn from LotF or selven from TIS. he does love food tours.
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Statement Set #3:
1) most likely to faint
alan from ToV because he pushes himself past his limits way too often. evan in LotF because he quite literally refuses to eat or drink anything. amaka because of her health condition in TIS.
2) most likely to enjoy art
morreial from ToV, because he's an Artist. evan from LotF because he has Artist Eyes + colourblindness (imagine being colour blind while also having your specialty magic being detecting colours. he sees the world very unique). chloe and blaire from TIS; chloe because she's a tattoo artist, and blaire because she's a fashion designer (turned assassin lmao)
3) most likely to hate sports
amaka from TIS. canonically hated working out so bad, she broke her arms because she had terrible form. also, probably fawn from LotF because she doesn't enjoy rules.
4) most likely to freeze if faced with something scary
serina from AoNaS. she 100% is freeze response. from TIS, alex for E1 through E3. E4, she goes from freeze to slash slash! or stab with her ring (that turns into a dagger)
5) most likely to eat the last bite of something
caramel from ToV because she's constantly hungry and will finesse her way into convincing everyone the last bite deserves to be hers.
6) most likely to start an argument
caramel. she's an instigator OOPS
7) most likely to own a cat
evan. a cat, a horse, and a falcon. without a doubt. qatya too.
also, alex? she feels like a cat person, idk.
8) most likely to swim across a large river/channel without getting fatigued
evan and cara. evan, because man's is just built different. cara, because she lived underwater for the first 3 years of her life.
also maybe f'dryx, considering this man survived being stranded in the middle of the ocean, escaping an island filled with cannibalistic women, and ravaged his way out of a whale. him too.
9) most likely to not be a morning person and hates getting woken up too early
caramel from ToV. fawn from LotF. amaka and blaire from TIS. the last two though, i'd say they end up being forced to be early birds, especially blaire once she becomes a mercenary
10) most likely to learn a subject a day before exams (and still nailing it)
evan (he does this canonically and graduates school early) from LotF, and ashley from TIS (she is quite cunning, and i really did like her before her E3 arc 😔)
11) most likely to pick up a stray animal
selven from TIS. fawn from LotF. Cara or Alan from ToV. every single one of these people would immediately start melting at the sight of the animal and decide they were family now
12) most likely to fall for a prank
alan from ToV because he's gullible and trusts people far too easily
13) most likely to pull an accidental all-nighter
evan because he refuses to sleep, so i guess not accidental. amaka because she'd become so focused on her task, she'd lose track of time. vranks from TIS for the same reason.
14) most likely to get stranded on an island and thrive
f'dryx because canonically, he does (before they try to eat him)
15) most likely to get bullied by a random child
alan LMAO because he FULLY DOES (shoutout to amara for constantly humbling alan)
16) most likely to win an athletic event
alan, evan, caramel, and blaire. all of them. oh, and naliya from TIS. neha from AoNaS as well, actually
17) most likely to become a con artist
caramel. i don't even need to explain why.
18) most likely to get lost in their own home
raheer lowkey... i mean, he's intelligent, but he needs fawn at all times to learn how to navigate the maze of the Singer Palace
19) most likely to burn something while cooking
caramel. accidentally commits arson, is a fire-dancer, and doesn't know how to cook
20) most likely to stop a robbery if they see it taking place
alan (would try). evan (would succeed). donovan from LotF too, since he's a guard in Soilaila
21) most likely to not tell people they’re sick until they really need the help
evan LMAOOO (i laugh because its painful)
22) most likely to crush on their villain/enemy
amaka. CANONICALLY. bestie got ENGAGED TO HIM.
also selven, since he does that canonically too. tries to explain off her red flags, and she quite literally has to sit him down and perform an intervention being like, "bro, are you good? why are you falling for me of all people?"
23) most likely to skip breakfast
evan from LotF. hates food. other than him, cara from ToV because she forgets to eat constantly unless morreial cook for her
24) most likely to have a niche obsession
evan with his mining and gemstone collection. oh, and trying to biohack photosynthesis so he never has to eat again
25) most likely to steal what they need on moment
caramel because she's a thief, and blaire because she doesn't give a flippity flap about the law
26) most likely to start a fight
caramel because, once again-- instigator. blaire from TIS because she thrives off brawling
27) most likely to do something that they’re gonna regret later
evan. he's the king of poor decisions. also, selven, because he likes to ignore red flags (he's attracted to toxicity, someone pls help this man)
28) most likely to arrive ridiculously early
alan from ToV, because he values punctuality and being late makes him anxious. also, it's canon. man showed up 12 hours early to his first magic lesson. it was ridiculous and caramel 100% clowned him for it
also naliya from TIS, because she's paranoid and needs to scout the scene before she officially arrrives.
serina from AoNaS as well. she operates on reverse-desi time, unlike her twin sister
29) most likely to be in a relationship for less than a week
elenfa and riyzela from LotF. elenfa, because she doesn't know how to be vulnerable and is constantly worried of people only wanting her for her beauty or her crown. riyzela, because she's a player who doesn't like to get attached 💀
30) most likely to secretly be really good at music, but just not tell anyone
evan and morreial (its canon that both of them are a phenomenal singers, but keep that shit to themselves)
also, i'd say ashley or alex from TIS, because they feel like they'd hum under their breaths and everyone would be like ?????
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Alright folks! This was long. If you stuck around, thank you 🥹 i really do appreciate it
I'll tag the TCW crew and that's it for today. I feel like i've been spamming today, so sorry about that. No pressure to respond obviously.
@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3 @satohqbanana
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @kind-lion
@mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill @storyteller-kara
@dahliaontherun @writingismydrugs
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theghostofashton · 2 years
the hiding out is done
pairing: TK/Carlos wordcount: 3.3k rating: T
TK reaches for one of his hands and presses two fingers to the base of his wrist. “Your pulse is racing, baby. What’s going on?”
“It’s-” He cuts himself off, searching for the words but coming up dry.
How is he supposed to tell TK he just dreamt about his own death? How is he supposed to break his heart like that?
Or, the nightmares haven't let up and Carlos is at his limit.
read on ao3
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icarianiscariot · 1 year
13 and 22!
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
OH BOY UHHH. very little tbh?? i usually have a loose idea of a handful of scenes i want to write, and... that's it sldkgjlksdfj. most of my fics come from "i want to write this conversation/interaction/scene. how do i give it context?" and it spirals from there.
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
sometimes!! i actually have a bad habit of writing The Very End first and having to construct a story that leads me to the final scene(s) that i've already written. this usually means heavy revisions to that final scene to make it work with what i've already established, but uh. YEAHHHH. i write the ending first and work toward it after!
thanks for the ask, neha :D
send me a number from this list!
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Meet Lata Kokal
In this interview, Dr Mehmet Yildiz introduces you to one of his favorite authors Lata Kokal. She was known before as Neha Sonney. I have been following her stories and poems for a long time. Her contributions to this platform are commendable. I also enjoy her books and speeches about self-love. Here is the link to the interview: Interview with Lata Kokal (Neha Sonney) A book author, an…
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name-of-the-day · 4 months
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heartstringsduet · 9 months
hi michelle! happy nice ask week! is there a storyline from the show you thought you wouldn't like (based on the promo, a sneak peek, etc) that you ended up loving? and if not, have your feelings drastically changed on any storylines?
Hi Neha, happy nice ask week to you too <333 Well I only ever started watching live in season 4, so yeah not gonna lie, was pretty damn angry about the Iris storyline. Mostly because it makes NO sense. It was so ridiculous to pretend they had planned this when no they didn't. As a writer I felt like...why the fuck do I ever care about consistency?? Lol this show gives no fuck. I have come around to the storyline in itself though, as something they didn't plan and isn't totally weird if that had been true S1. It means coming to terms with Carlos as someone who hides things, which...tracks. But also with him not exactly having been a good friend to Iris. I actually agree with Carlos saying he is a shitty friend because yes he was. BUT and here is the but that I think a lot of people hating the storylines don't do; I think it's okay. I think humans are complex. I can be a good friend to some friends and not reach out enough to others for my own reasons. Carlos pushes away trauma as far as he can. It makes sense he didn't reach out to Iris because that is related to his coming out and to a time of her missing that he had to cope with and then swallowed because that's all he knows how to do. I can understand people not liking Iris. I actually really like her for much the same reasons as I stated above. Give me characters with both good and bad qualities. So Love might be too tall an order for that storyline, but I do really like how they spun it out and have been consistent with Carlos' character (just not the time and storyline of 911 LS - booooo on that one lol)
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jennyandvastraflint · 6 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you @capybaraonabicycle for tagging me in this!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Hehe... 161. Well, it happens?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
727,396 (holy shit when did THAT happen.)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Predominantly Doctor Who, especially the Paternoster Gang. 133 of my fics are about Doctor Who, and out of those, 85 are Paternoster Gang. (also technically one of my fics is tagged Torchwood, but it was a fic focusing on Victorian Torchwood and the Paternosters)
Other than that, we have:
Avatar: Legend of Korra (17)
Guild Wars 2 (Video Game) (12)
Star Trek: Voyager (7)
The Dragon Prince (Cartoon) (4)
The Owl House (Cartoon) (3)
The Worst Witch - All Media Types (3)
The Worst Witch (TV 2017) (3)
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (2)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I will say, the top 2 were subjected to some bot spamming me (I had issues with like. a dozen spam comments on each of them as well), so I'm going to add seven in total here.
Pure (Amaya/Janai, The Dragon Prince): After the Judgement of Light, Amaya gets to stay in Janai's quarters. While there she thinks about the Judgement, and when Janai comes in, she can't resist a little flirting and teasing.
Support (Annika/Neha, The Dragon Prince): Annika is to be crowned in two weeks. Not feeling up to the challenges of becoming a queen (alone), she asks Neha for support.
Songs of Love and Death (Jenny Flint/Madame Vastra, The Paternoster Gang, Doctor Who): [...] Amidst the looming threat of their families for the both of them, a connection grows between [Jenny and Vastra], and they are tested by the very worst the world has to offer, causing them to lose each other for a time. As they find back to each other, they are both changed and have to battle old demons while trying to carve out a living for themselves together.
I feel your magic every time I'm with you (Hardbroom/Pentangle, The Worst Witch (2017)): After the love potion wears off, Hecate is shaken. She had to observe everything she had done under its control without being able to stop it. When she transfers to her room and breaks down, she doesn't expect Pippa being there.
Spider Lin (Lin Beifong/Kya II, Avatar: Legend of Korra): Lin patrolling the city at night, saving someone… A very specific someone… :D
Shirt (Or: Lilith coming out) (Eda Clawthorne & Lilith Clawthorne, The Owl House): Lilith asks Eda to sit down with her; she wants to tell her something she discovered about herself.
Face Paint (Amaya/Janai, The Dragon Prince): Janai wakes up to find Amaya already awake and eating the breakfast that was meant for her. Amaya notices Janai's face paint is smudged since she went to bed without taking it off. Janai goes to fix it.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! I love hearing thoughts of my readers and I love engaging with them because isn't that what fandom is about, community. If poked I will absolutely tell you all of my thoughts, and if you become friends with me you will receive snippets and sneak peeks of fics before I post them <3 I love you, readers! (shoutout to @capybaraonabicycle for always leaving me incredibly detailed comments, I am eating them for lunch every day <3)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This made me pause for a moment because I don't write many fics that STAY angsty, I mostly write happy endings despite the angst, but I think Until the dance ends would have to be my answer! It's a fic in which Vastra dances with Jenny, but it has a sad twist to it.
Runner-ups would probably be They say when your soul dies (oh god this fic is screaming for an edit actually) which is set during the final few minutes of The Ghost Writers audio, and The Girl of Silver which has a surprisingly sad ending I think? It's essentially about a young girl asking the Paternoster Gang to come save her.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write a lot of fluff or hurt/comfort, and since you, dear tagger already know Butterfly Queen, I'll go with something you are not yet familiar with! (I have enough to choose from, soooo...)
I love the happy, soft ending to Like Leaves Falling especially after the initial angst in the fic...
Jenny lay back down, pulling the heavy blanket over her body. As Vastra left, Jenny whispered, “Thank you” after her. Vastra stopped, turned to her, and smiled. “Always, Jenny.”
I think you would also enjoy A Lonely Place which is a sort of fantasy AU for the Gang, and it has such a sweet ending, I was crying from joy at it while writing <3 It's especially something for you if you'd like a slightly longer fic that isn't just a OneShot of a few thousand words
Strax cleared his throat. "If…" He seemed all shy, all of a sudden. "If Vastra goes there tomorrow, then… maybe I could too? As… emotional support for Vastra, of course!" Jenny gave him a wide grin. "Sure, emotional support. But yeah, the more the merrier!" Slowly, Strax inched his chair closer until he sat to Vastra’s right. Then, very carefully, he placed his big arms around the two of them and lightly squeezed. Jenny and Vastra did the same. With a kiss to the top of Jenny’s head, Vastra murmured, "Sounds perfect."
yellowing like old photographs also has a really sweet and joyful ending (which I do not want to spoil via a snippet here, though!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not as of yet, except for some Christian spam shit that was like "Omg that's disgusting you need jesus" on some of my non-archive locked fics,
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, not as of yet. I'm tempted to try it just for shits and giggles, but it doesn't do anything for me. I've written a few makeout scenes tho <3
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really, I've only written one between the Victorian Torchwood sapphics who appeared for like five minutes in the show in S2, and the Paternoster Gang (because honestly? Why not).
Here it is: Meeting Torchwood (not on the best of terms).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've actually translated two of my works into German myself! Die Ritterin und die Drachin is a translation of The Knight and the Dragon, a Paternoster Gang fairytale AU (I originally wrote the German one for a course at uni, without naming names of course XD) The second one is a Thasmin fic with background Osgate called Das Licht hinter deinen Augen (or The light behind your eyes), set post-PotD and it has Yaz living together with Hologram!Thirteen who is made into a solidogram thanks to Osgood's help.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not that I can think of, but I'd love to! (So, if anyone is interested, hit me up!)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Do I, really, have to say that hjdjgsjkfg It's OBVIOUSLY T*nrose :D /sarcasm.
No, it's Jenny/Vastra, of course. It's like my entire thing.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
In terms of WIPs and ideas I haven't published yet, too many to count, but from the published ones probably "Dear Kate" or: Osgood's Unsent Letters. It's essentially meant to be Osgood writing letters she'll never let anyone see addressed to Kate during the years she was gone from like 2017 to 2021...
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think dialogue and character voices, as well as introspection. Correct me if I'm misguided, but I'd consider my fics to be written very true to the characters' voices, capturing what makes them out while exploring aspects that canon often likes to leave unexplored (for instance, loneliness, trauma, loss, and what that does to a person). I'd also like to think I write quite fun and comedic scenes at times.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely descriptions of surroundings, and I know I can get too carried away in introspection. While this (hopefully) doesn't hold true as much anymore, I struggled following a red thread throughout my work without getting side-tracked.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it's pretty cool, though if you don't speak the language you could consult someone who does to make sure it's correct. I used German dialogue in one of my fic chapters for a rather comedic scene where Vastra's translator stops working on a holiday!
“As I was saying, madame, these- Bausteine sind erst seit kurzem auf dem Markt. Sie sind aus Deutschland gekommen und haben auch hier schnell Beliebtheit gefunden. Wir verkaufen sie als Sets, die in vielen Kombinationen aufgebaut werden können,“ the shop keeper said, in a language neither of them understood. „Um,“ Vastra made, staring at the man. She staggered a step back. Jenny was by her side immediately and steadied her. “Hey, no need to be scared. Ev’rythin’s fine,” she whispered, not sure what was happening herself. “Oh! Madam, Ihr Kleid raucht,“ he stumbled, agitatedly pointing at Vastra’s dress. They both followed his pointing with their eyes to Vastra’s pocket. Clouds of smoke quelled out of it, and Vastra reached in to produce her smoking and spitting translator. “By the goddess,” she cursed under her breath. Jenny’s brain was churning. She had attempted to read some fairy tales without the translator in the library as Vastra had been using it. Clearing her throat, she stepped forth and pointed at the set to their right. “Wir… das haben?,” she stumbled over the syllables. Her pronunciation sounded nothing like the man’s German, and she cringed. “Äh, ja, gerne. Soll ich es einpacken?“ Before Jenny could continue her terrible German, a wheezing noise sounded in the distance. She hardly took a note of it at first until Vastra’s head perked up. The shop keeper sighed and repeated his question, “Soll ich- wrap it?” English. That Jenny understood.
(Songs of Love and Death: Chapter 94)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sailor Moon with Haruka/Michiru back when I was 13! Or well, it was the first I published for. I wrote for Professor Layton a few years before that, being obsessed with Descole and writing funky adventures XD
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Well, the Turn Loose the Mermaids series is definitely among them! It has Pirate!Jenny and Mermaid!Vastra falling in love and having a lovely crew <3
I love so many of my fics, but here's a few that I adore and that I think you'd love as well!
Unspoken words spoken
A whirring noise announces the arrival of a TARDIS, and out of it stumbles the Flux TARDIS team. The Paternoster Gang wasn't quite prepared for a visit, but welcome them even with initial misunderstanding between Dan and Strax. During an infestation brought about by a certain Time Lord, Jenny and Vastra each try and encourage the Doctor and Yaz to communicate with each other. In all the chaos, Dan happens to build an unlikely kind-of-friendship with a certain Sontaran, and confessions between the Doctor and Yaz are made, and words both left unspoken, are finally spoken.
Your beauty never ever scared me
In a forest stood a castle, hidden away from human eyes. When Jenny gets lost during a storm, a kind woman offers her refuge in the castle. What Jenny didn't know when she came there, all the inhabitants were cursed once, living with their curses as best as they can. Now Jenny must choose one person to take with her, one person whose curse she can lift. If she manages to make out whose curse was the first, all others will unravel. A Jenny/Vastra Fairytale AU
a kindest heart made me believe the world as i wish it to be
Late at night, Vastra offers to help Jenny get ready for bed by brushing and braiding her hair. Jenny accepts the offer.
Bloodlust. Rage. Hurt. That was what Vastra felt when she heard a young woman weakly cry for help, when she rushed to round the corner, when she saw a human surrounded by men, all grinning wickedly and pressing a knife to the young human’s throat. Vastra kills to save Jenny on their first meeting.
This was loads of fun! I hope you (and any other Paternoster fan honestly) finds themselves some fic to read here!
I'm tagging @casualscribbler @jennyvastraflint @ellenripley08 @theglasscat @pookachuka @marvellouspinecone @heathtrash and quite frankly anyone else who would like to participate!!
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carlos-in-glasses · 5 months
hi cig! 🍓, 🍄, 🔪 if you haven't done these already :)
Hello Neha!!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I found the Tarlos storyline on YouTube and became obsessed. I also became a little frustrated, because so much seemed to happen off screen. I'd never sought out fic before but decided to give it a shot in this case. The quality of what I found knocked my socks off and I had so many strong notions, I couldn't resist giving it a go myself. I'm so happy I did! September 2022 I posted my first fic Sensitivity and have never looked back.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I answered this one here and shall add another because I love him: Carlos grew up with a dog called Rocky. I've mentioned him throughout my fics and sometimes he appears in spectral form, because his bond with Carlos will last Carlos' whole life, not just Rocky's. He is a beautiful black mouth cur who is very wise and friendly. He picks up on Carlos' anxiety as a teenager and sticks by his side like a guardian angel.
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🔪 ⇢ what’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I answered this one here but in essence it rhymes with smoo smann schmildo.
Thank you for asking! ❤️
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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semisutopia · 3 months
lowk highkey been having writers block but MAINLY AM JUST SPAMMED WITH ONLINE SCHOOL 🫠
i will be getting to the inbox asks in a bit!!! i promise <3
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Soona, the Programmer - "You think the presence of that *puncture* has somehow... influenced the outcome of events here? Even, say, software development?"
Empathy - She already made up her mind when she heard it. Some kind of great and uncaring force had to play a part... it wasn't *only* them.
You - "Yes. Even the Revolution was defeated here. I mean a kind of... entroponetic history."
Soona, the Programmer - "I told the producers we need to go and move to a normal office building, with amenities. But no -- the artists like the *milieu*. The writers like the *history*..." She shakes her head. "I told them."
If we decide to let people know, we will be given a follow up question to ask *who* we want to let know: Plaisance, Neha, or both. I'll get you to make a decision on what we want to do now.
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WIP(s) Update #I
A/N: Hello everybody! As promised, this post is a little peek into what I’ve been working on as of late.
It’ll be divided into two parts: drafts I’ve been intermittently working on from 2022 and earlier (some may be all the way back from 2020 as well, YIKES), and then more recent works that have popped up within the last five to six months.
More under the cut because this got . . . very long.
Old(er) Works/WIP(s) [from 2022 and before]:
Fics I owe/want to give people [three to five in total]
Expansion of AUs Written / Noted
possible modern AU of Bảo being a gamer as a teenager like some Youtubers, but he’s small-time indie kinda guy
Reversal [within my cast of OCs] (i.e. Apprentice!Bảo and Auntie!Liên)
Celestial Sanctum
Actor AU(?) [at least Lucio’s part]
Apprenticember—DAY(s) II & III (Part II)
Main 6 LI route stories with Apprentice and/or Librarian Lyra
Maybe??? Even??? Librarian Lyra Route???
Expansion on time spent with the various in-laws for both Apprentice / Librarian Lyra and her LI(s)
All Apprentice!Lyras interacting with one another [The Observation Room]
May be a series, or it may be a set of one-shots that interconnect somehow
Finish Devil!Lyra’s Ascension [lucio x apprentice]
OC Backstories
Lyra [slight reboot/rewriting of her past, present and future within the world of The Arcana
Lyra’s extended family
Rồngkarst (village)/Leysương (country) aesthetics [parts of Fantasyland Vietnam]
specific details and whatnot
Walterine’s Parents
How Walt is related to Sekani
James’s Parents [two] and Siblings [five of them]
The Banbha [James’s tribe in The South]
The Olde Deer God
Connections / Interactions with the Heart of the Forest
Tarot [Major and/or Minor] Card Associations
Annnnnnnnd just THIS chunk is written out in about 60 or so one sentence ideas in a notebook of mine that I’ll need to break down or combine in order to make any coherence.
WIP(s) [from Jan 2023 to now]:
Ceci and Thomas
Details how they’re connected to Lyra and her family
May or may not tie in with The Observation Room shenanigans
Also Ceci and Thomas’s siren / mermaid / undine(?) background / lineage
More stories about the fan kids
Tarot [Major and/or Minor] Card Associations
Whether or not they’re aware of the canon / in-game events that their family and loved ones have gone through.
Whether or not they’re aware of THOMAS’s background as not being entirely human
Pictures of Crochet!Nook [thanks go to @fire-fira for this bit. I’m still overjoyed this could happen]
In Conclusion:
This writer’s brain is very full of ideas and I wish I had more time in the day to work on all of these.
If you made it this far, thank you so, so much for your time and patience to read all of this.
Have a good rest of your day / night!
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
📽️Clickbait Title Tag Game 📽️
Heyyo! I'm a bit late sorrryyyyy
Anyway! I got tagged in this by a few people. Shoutout to @the-letterbox-archives @the-golden-comet @drchenquill and @theink-stainedfolk. I'm finally on it. And boy oh boy... yall better buckle in for this. I'm going to do ALL my wips. Even the ones that are still in the hiatus drafts
So, without further ado... Let's get into it
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
Throne of Vengeance (ToV):
Volume 1:
getting emotionally attached to a literal mass murderer (oopsies! 🥰)
Volume 2:
watch me enter my villain arc 😀 (these are the consequences of my actions)
Light of the Flame Series (LotF):
accidentally becoming an accomplice to murders i (technically) didn't commit (SOS)
emotionally neglected child goes rogue and conquers an entire enemy territory
spiralling into my ✨insanity era ✨ because a serial killer killed my mother and now i want revenge
oops! i accidentally stole the throne from my older sisters
oh no! the nation i abandoned ended up as a warzone!
literally gambling with the gods to save my best-friend-who-im-totally-not-in-love-with (trust me)
The Chronicles of Elayza (CoE):
STORYTIME! i got drunk and ended up in the middle of a pirate conspiracy
help! i'm stuck in the middle of the monster-ridden ocean (they made me WALK the PLANK)
washing up on an island filled with beautiful women... what could go wrong (spoiler alert: EVERYTHING)
getting eaten by a whale and kidnapped by a bunch of mermen (life hates me)
escape a hospital with me! (i have 32 stab wounds and should be on bed rest)
reuniting with my ex-best friend who stabbed me 32 times (EMOTIONAL)
watch me get an exorcism! (i'm being possessed by the god of chaos)
The Inkarnyus Series (TIS):
i'm technically a tyrant, but i've brainwashed everyone int thinking i'm a good person
help! i've been isekai'd into a literal hellhole nation right before my finals!
my older sister's sexy bodyguard might like me back-- what should i do? 😜
embarrassing myself on live television so no one can foce me to become a princess
so... i'm a princess. now what?
someone pissed me off so not only did i wage war against them, but i... got engaged?
yup. i knew it was too good to be true
waging war on my fiancé because he fumbled the bag
i lost... the battle! but i won the WARRRR, BITCHESSS
all my exes in a ballroom together-- who do i dance with (btw, i'm married)
my sister-in-law might hate me... idk (she tried to kill me 4 times now)
The Adventures of Neha and Serina (AoNaS):
bullying a supervillain and gaslighting a sailor into thinking i'm a mermaid
enacting my plan for reverse-colonization (it actually worked???)
STORYTIME! my sister got abducted by a sadistic octopus! 💀🐙
trying to escape a time loop (HARD MODE)
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
Okay phew! that was long, but fun :)
Bro, i should've been a 2016 youtuber frfr. LOOK AT THOSE TITLES
ANYWAY... Per usual, i'll be tagging the TCW crew and the last 10 people that interacted with my posts. If you want to be added to the TCW tag list, interact with this post here.
TCW Tags List:
@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3 @satohqbanana
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @kind-lion
@mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill @storyteller-kara
Last 10 people to interact: *
*i really hope yall are actually writeblrs. something, i can't tell because there is a lot of writing reblogs, but not a lot of wip content??? so ignore this if you're not actually a writer who wants to share their own work! :)
@lortar @willtheweaver @finickyfelix
@saturnshai @waterdeeparchivist @teenageanimepositivitycookie
@iriscottage @sizzlingpaperlover @the-galaxy-aint-green
Happy Writing!
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theghostofashton · 2 years
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icarianiscariot · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
none of these are my most popular fics on ao3 by any means but they are the ones that i have reread myself SEVERAL times. these are the fics that i absolutely wrote for myself (all my fics are for me, but these ones... top of that tier)
1) hurricane drill - blue lock - T - 3k
listen it might be recency bias but. hurricane drill is absolutely one of my darlings, and i knew going into it that it wouldn't be super popular due to the major character death tag, but it's still so very dear to me. i'm really excited to get around to the rest of the series.
2) all the ghosts (that are never gonna catch me) - rwby - G - 1k
running on the grief train, all the ghosts is also one of my favs!! it's a rwby fic centered around taiyang dealing w grief/depression, i think originally out of spite because i was seeing so much hate on my dash abt how he didn't "take care of"/properly "raise" yang and ruby as kids?? or something???? just. like. Bad Dad Taiyang takes. and i just wanted to idk, put some empathy into the world i guess. i think this is also one of my only all-lowercase fics, for the sake of stylistically encapsulating that grief.
3) growing pains duology - star wars - G - 2k
...i swear i write more than depression fics but they're my FAVORITES i guess!!! the modern domestic au is one i still reread myself pretty regularly. i miss the star wars days!!
4) to analyze your eyes - danganronpa - G - 5k
to analyze your eyes was probably the first fic i ever wrote that hit 5k and that came to me easily and immediately. i wrote this fic in a FRENZY. i had such a blast with it!! and i had a great many plans for this fic universe that i just never ended up getting around to, but it rotted in my brain for months providing serotonin, so. i love it <3
5) where the tear stain dries to keep you safe tonight - blue lock - T - 2k
i fucking love the itoshi brothers and where the tear stain dries was a culmination of all my brainrotting over them and desire to give them a reconciliation. i loved getting to play in sae's head and this fic rlly set me up for all my future sae-centric fics i think. and i also always love getting to write familial/platonic dynamics and tension!!
(secret 6th recommendation: the impending kaisae fake dating fic. chapter 1 will be dropping this weekend. keep an eye out.)
thanks for the ask, neha :D this was fun!!
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perceptive0ne · 2 years
So to start
Nobody asked but I'm posting my classpecting headcanons for Disco Elysium.
Let's do these in order of the ones I'm most certain of to least. If I'm completely uncertain I simply won't post it.
Harrier DuBois: Bard of Void; nonnegotiable.
Cuno: Page of Rage. Same deal.
Kim Kitsuragi: Mage of Mind. This one took some time because I almost had him pegged as a knight at first, for some reason.
Jean Viquemare: Knight of Blood. I'm not putting him here simply because he's prickly, the Espirit de Corps checks do reveal more about his character that would possibly place him here; I'm mentioning this as I'm more than well aware of the bias present based on how we get to perceive his situation. However, how he reacts in this situation, how he has reacted in previous situations regarding his partner, how he interacts with other members of the 41st, how he views himself and how we gain that information, as well as further information from the writers as to the codependent nature of their relationship despite having only known each other 2 years has me finding this assignment hard to doubt. Cope and seethe.
Judit Minot: Rogue of Time. This one was a bit more difficult as for this entire situation she's trying to just give Harry, the player character who we view this world through, enough time and space to try to heal but she's only been working with him for like 2 months at that point in time. A lot more of this is just on the vibes she gives and the bits and pieces of information regarding her home life and who she's previously worked with.
Neha: Maid of space, although there could be argument that she could be a light player because luck, that is vriska specific based on the relevance she assigned to it and y'all should know that by now.
Ruby: Seer of Doom. I'm choosing not to elabor8.
Titus Hardie: Heir of Life. Likewise.
Trant Heidelstam: This is the most Light player man I have ever seen in my entire life; so much so, i feel a slight embarrassment on not figuring a class. Most likely a Rogue or Knight with him being Specialist Backpedal, but he could be an Heir. Or he could be just a knowledge class of another aspect but I highly, highly doubt it.
Klassje Amandou: I want to say Witch of Breath. But witches are generally a bit bubblier, rebel against their aspect a bit more which she. kinda does in a way befitting this game ig? she also has the potential writing for a mage of light, though, and that bit scares the shit out of me, but that could very well be biased as fuck, which I suppose is intentional. I will not be elabor8ing also.
Cunoesse: She's in the bard/maid dichotomy so hard that ill be honest, its a bit difficult to tell; defo of the creation/destructions classes. i honestly think shes hope/rage or life/doom adjacent but the only reason shes on this list is to spark discussion, so please do.
There are so many people I've left out, but I encourage the yall to talk about it. I wouldn't post otherwise.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 1 year
hi lemon! for nice ask day i wanted to know if you could suggest five books that everyone should read, what would they be, and why?
Hi Neha! Thank you for this lovely ask. I’m sorry if my answer is a little more in depth than you were expecting 🤓
1. Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion - I’ve heard it said that Joan Didion is to certain young women as Taylor Swift is to others. Now, I’m no Swifty so I don’t 100% understand the comparison, but I believe there is truth that one of the reasons for Didion’s enduring relevance and almost-universal adoration is because she reminds us of who we used to be — the girl we were when we read our first Didion essay. I remember it vividly. But she’s also just an incredible writer, she inspired an entire generation of journalists. Her perspective is so sharp in her writing, she’s witty without trying to be funny, her prose is cool and aloof, but you feel like you’re right there with her. In the Haight Ashbury, in the studio with Jim Morrison, at Joan Baez’s school for enlightenment. Slouching Towards Bethlehem is her most popular book of essays, for good reason, but I’ve read them all and you really can’t go wrong.
2. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez - Gabriel García Márquez basically invented magical realism. His descriptions of Colombia — the almond trees, the rivers, the lush greenery of the jungles— really sparked my desire to travel there. One Hundred Years of Solitude is widely accepted as one of the greatest novels ever written, and I agree!! The book spans generations of the Buendía family in the riverside town founded by their patriarch. One of the things I love most about Márquez’s writing is the way he plays with time. He doesn’t necessarily follow a straight timeline, and in this story he really explores the ways history repeats through generations, and how much our present is controlled by our pasts. Also it contains possibly one of the best quotes in literature: Cease, cows! Life is short!
3. White Teeth by Zadie Smith - One thing Zadie Smith does really well is tell stories of life in London and England in a way that don’t necessarily get told in movies. She explores the intersection of race, culture and class, poking holes in austerity and political norms. And she does it with a sharp wit and detailed imagery. This beautifully expansive story follows two men who served in the military together, who reunite in London and form a friendship that unites their two families. We watch their kids grow up, and observe The real differences in their lives growing up, two in London and one in Iran.
4. The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende - Here we follow three generations of the Trueba family living in a South American country (based on Chile), from the patriarch Esteban who is a vicious landowner to his daughter who falls in love with a man Esteban hates through his granddaughter, who he adores. In her young adulthood she joins the rebellion against the brutal military dictatorship, and he has …feelings about that. It’s just a really beautiful, sweeping story that, again, plays with the complexity of time and idea of the past influencing our present and future, and no matter how badly we want to control it sometimes the future is inevitable.
5. The Autobiography of Malcolm X by As Told to Alex Haley - I learned so much from this book! They don’t teach us this perspective in school, guys! This man taught himself to read in prison, he has some really wild stories about life in Harlem in the 40s (spoiler alert: not great), he goes into great detail of the cost, time and pain of having his hair straightened as was expected of black people in that time. Just getting into his head and understanding the psyche, why so many young Black people were drawn to the Nation of Islam, his experience going on a pilgrimage. I think Malcom X has been really misrepresented in history, to this day Black people who speak up are labeled as angry and violent. So this book is really important in that it gives us a chance to see America from his perspective, and really understand his philosophy. A lot of it is, unfortunately, still very relevant.
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