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patos-chan · 2 years ago
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I think leon could dissociate a lot in re4 and try to persuade himself that everything will be alright regardless of the situation.
I was inspired by the lyrics of Cold by Neffex to make this little comic.
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modgirlyreposts-revamped · 7 months ago
It’s so weird, but for some reason this song gives me major ArthurStotle vibes an’ I can’t explain why-
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obsessivel0v3r · 9 months ago
❝I know, all the dark places where my mind goes, thoughts spin around like a vinyl and you got me feeling something primal and now I know- how you make me feel is something primal❞
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3ikeress · 5 months ago
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I made this fanart in July, but I think I can post it here now.
Fanart for NEFFEX
Inspired by "NEFFEX - Just Breathing"
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fuck-you-upmusicbracket · 1 year ago
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Fight Back (Neffex)
Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?/I don’t give a damn if you say you disapprove/I’m gonna make my move/I’m gonna make it soon/And I’ll do it because it’s what I wanna fucking do
"Literally hits me so hard in the chest mate. The lyrics are soft of a slap in the face and just are so badass too"
Never Love An Anchor (The Crane Wives)
I am selfish, I am broken, I am cruel/I am all the things they might have said to you/Do you ever think of me and my two hands/And wonder why they never soothed your fevers?/And wonder why they never tied your shoes?/And wonder why they never held you gently?/And wonder why they never had the chance to lose you?
"This song. this song is from the perspective of a parent, speaking to their child. about how they failed them, how they weren't there for them, out of fear of doing it wrong. they were an anchor to their child's ship, so they pulled away, and maybe they regret it now, but it's far too late. ALSO the guitar riff is meant to mimic the gentle rocking of a boat (or a parent's arms) and that shit has NEVER left my mind"
Fight Back submitted by @mossy-addison
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howlingday · 1 year ago
So how about a little challenge, choose one of the following 3 songs as the theme of the writing or background music for it: 1.-NEFFEX - Careless 2.-NEFFEX- Rumors 3.-REDASH : OUR HOMETOWN [GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE OST] ps: this is only if you want.
I do want, and you know what? I accept your challenge, and in reply, I say, GIVE ME ALL THREE.
Another Sleepless Night
Lucyna Kushinada, better known by her friends as Lucy, stared out her apartment window. Her friends... Assuming anyone else survived that night. Everything was already fucked from the start, with her getting kidnapped and held hostage while the crew charged headfirst into the shitstorm of Arasaka gunfire.
She remembered reading the news report about the "violent gangers who tried to storm Arasaka tower" and manged to be "summarily punished as to be expected." She'd read every news outlet she could on her way to the moon. Hoping, praying that someone found something that the others didn't and somebody survived.
But no, that's not what she found. They all said the same thing with different words. Rebecca is dead. David is dead. Days later, they found Kiwi dead outside a Buck-a-Slice in Arroyo. Much as she was a backstabbing and cold-hearted bitch, a part of her missed her.
But not as much as she missed David. On the moon, she swore she saw him jumping around on the moon, just like he did before. Her throat felt dry, so she left to grab a drink. Something hard enough to make her regret. But she couldn't forget.
Never. Because every day, she regretted not ripping off her helmet and dancing with him on the moon.
(NEFFEX - Careless)
Jaune Wants to F Pyrrha
People said a lot of things about Pyrrha Nikos. Some said she tall, beautiful, and perfect in every way. Some said she was Remnant's light of hope against the dark tides of the Grimm. That none could ever defeat the aptly named Invincible Girl.
And yet there was surprisingly little said about her in any negative way. Pyrrha never made any statements of her being perfect, but public response was she was being modest. The first negative thing anyone ever said about her was during her first few weeks of Beacon Academy, when her teammate, Nora Valkyrie, said she "apologized way, way, waaay too much" and "was too nice for her own good". Since then, she had been small attempts to remedy these issues, but this seemed to only fuel the already roaring flames of the perfectionist ideal people made of her. It seemed no matter what she did, she would always be perfect.
Until one day, she met a young man about her age. Her team leader, Jaune Arc, who was almost her exact opposite in every way. Nobody said a nice thing about him since his arrival, save for the few friends he'd made, and even then, they had much to say about him.
Jaune was weak, scraggly, and was inept at combat when he began attending. She could personally attest to his lacking qualities when he not only didn't have his aura unlocked, but he didn't know what aura was! But she knew better than to judge a book by it's cover and decided on the day of her initiation that he would be her partner.
Was it selfish to pick and choose who she wanted to team up with? Maybe, but it worked out in the end. Where Jaune lacked in combat strength, he made up for it in his tactical mindset, leading their team to victory. One could say he was the brains of the outfit, though his low test scores would argue that point.
Over time, though, his lacking skill became more and more evident, so he asked Pyrrha to train him. This leads us to now, on the rooftop above their dorm, where they hold their near nightly sparring matches. They had finished a mock match, sitting next to each other, hands so tantalizingly close and yet so painfully distant. He looked to her and she looked to him.
Jaune gazed into Pyrrha's eyes, and she into his. The blue sky overhead met green hills below, and she couldn't help but admire the way he looked at her. She could see... No, she could feel love and adoration glowing from him. Her heart pounded as he spoke to her.
"Pyrrha, I... I wanna ask you something." Pyrrha swallowed a lump in her throat. "And... And if you don't want to, I'd understand and respect your decision."
It was at this moment she realized where they were. They were alone, isolated from their friends, on the rooftop of the school with a night sky filled with gleaming stars and a moon nearly whole. This was a night she'd always dreamed of.
"Anything, Jaune." She answered.
"I... I wanna fight you!"
"...Come again?" She didn't hear that wrong, did she?
"I want to fight you." Jaune said, with more confidence this time.
"I... I sorr-" She stopped herself. "I mean, excuse me, but I don't understand what you mean. Didn't we finish sparring?"
"Yeah, we did, but," he looked up, to the stars that glittered high, "but I meant I want to fight you for real one day. I want to get so good, you don't have to hold back against me when we do spar."
She wouldn't argue with his statement, considering nothing he said could be seen as a lie. She was leagues above him with her years of athletic and competitive training, so of course she would have to hold back when the two sparred. A kindness she didn't often share with others, or ever in the case of the resident bully, Cardin Winchester.
"Do... Do you really mean that?" Pyrrha asked. "Do you really want to fight me?"
"Pyrrha, if I could fight you on your level, and not totally suck, I think I'd be the happiest guy who ever lived."
Giving a puff instead of a laugh, she couldn't stop smiling at him. She leaned against him, her pinkie touching his. Then, his hand slid over hers, and she felt her heart nearly explode with joy. She gave a soft sigh.
"One day... I want to fight you, too."
(NEFFEX - Rumors)
The Napping Bounty Hunter
Zora Salazar was a lot of things.
First off, she hates epithets and whatever criminals she hunts down using them gets an extra crack in the jaw. Two of 'em if they're really going on and on about how their supposed "magic superpower" automatically means they win.
Second, she herself is Inscribed, and her epithet was, is, and will be broken. Helped make her bounty hunting easier, sure, but she rarely used when she was tracking. Not unless someone gives her a reason, like ticking her off in a way similar to the previous paragraph. Still, her epithet was definitely the strongest she'd seen yet.
Third, she's a bit of a romantic. Not exactly like the loved-dovey, kissy face, "I'd die for you" kinda romantic. More of a "two men enter, one man leaves, and they're both best friends, and they're giving it their all and also there's a sunset shining behind them" sort of romantic. She loved the thrill of the fight, the sweat that beads down from giving your all, and chase and satisfaction of reaching the top.
Fourth, she really loves-
"HEY!" A voice belowed.
Zora tapped her hat up from her comfy lie down against the tree. And she JUST got comfy.
The bellowing came from a familiar face, but not one she could name. Some guy from a gang she busted a few days ago. She would've brought him in, but he was already running out the back door when she zeroed in on his boss.
"You n' me got a score to settle!"
"No, we don't." Zora put her hat back on her face. Great, now she has to get comfy again.
"Yes, we do!"
"I mean. Nuh. Uh." She grumbled loudly. "Means whatever beef you got with me goes to a different butcher. Do I look like a butcher?"
"She looks like a cowboy." A small voice said behind annoying big guy.
"Nah, I'd say she's more of a desperado." Another voice said.
"You only know that word because you watched one western movie!"
"And it was a good one!"
Maybe a movie would would help her sleep. If she was real quiet, she could sneak inside and take a nap in a comfier seat than this tree. I mean, the tree was comfy if you got in the right spot, but-
"HEY! QUIT STARIN' AT THE SKY!" He huffed. "You're being so rude! We drove all the way out here in my brand new car just so we could make you pay for putting our boss in jail!"
"Listen," Zora said after letting out a deep breath, "I'm willin to let this go for interruptin my nap. So get back in your car while you still can."
"Oh, I don't think so!" Suddenly, Zora felt a hand grab her by her poncho. Of course this loudmouth had an epithet. All loudmouths do. "I'm gonna-"
"Let go."
Zora glared at him with cold, baneful eyes. "LET GO, OR ELSE."
"Or else what?" He sneered. Oh, she was so hoping he'd say that.
With a grin and an iron grip, she squeezed his hand. Slowly, it started to bulge before shrinking, smaller and smaller until all that was left was emaciated, bony hand. With a groan, he let go, wheezing as he stared at his wizened fingers.
"Wh... Wha dih you do to muh bodeh..." Losing his teeth didn't make him easier to understand, but Zora was well versed in gum linguistics.
"Or else." She said, turning away. "Enjoy the walk home, old man."
"Uh, but we drove."
"I know." Faster than anyone else could react, she whipped out her gun and fired a bullet into the engine of the car. Rust creeps as paint peels, the car slowly sinking to the ground as it's tires deflated. The glass of the car slipped free, shattering as it fell inside. "But you're walkin' now."
(REDASH - Our Hometown)
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drunkenworgen · 2 days ago
Rumors - NEFFEX
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rwmusic · 1 month ago
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scarefox · 3 months ago
It is finally here! My Spotify Wrapped:
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except for Guilty these are all from my Pit Babe, Playboyy and Meet You At The Blossom playlists 😂 also the first one is Pavels fault as well.
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podcasts probably nobody here knows
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Taemin, Key and aespa under catwalk kpop, yea I can see that lol. October doesn't exist apparently. And November is just D (Asagis band) and Asagi (solo) and their 5 different accounts 😂
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As always 😎 it would have been so funny if it was 666 minutes for Taemin.
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ultraremixalpha · 4 months ago
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🎵NEFFEX - Take Control [Copyright-Free]
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districtfourmermaid · 4 months ago
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itspiers · 1 year ago
Hey guys! I just made a new overwatch Kiriko montage video and was hoping some people could give me some tips or advice about it! My first time recording / editing, any help would be appreciated!
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corvianbard · 5 months ago
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someawesomeamvs · 5 months ago
Warning: Potential spoilers
Title: Best Of Me
Editor: TACTICALninja77
Song: Best of Me
Artist: NEFFEX
Anime: Hanebado!
Category: Action
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marjorieatfm · 6 months ago
J'ai 3 passions:
• Le dessin
• La photographie
• la musique (NEFFEX)
(⚠️ attention faut sang, c'est mon illustration)
• Mon artiste musical préféré 🔥
• J'aimerais vous partager quatres photos pour vous convaincre! J'ai réalisé mes dessins sur ibis paint x et les deux photos n'ont aucune retouche!
Voici mes derniers créations ❤️🔥
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mroczna-strefa-internetu · 6 months ago
Crown od Nefex zawsze motywuje mnie do działania. Ta pierwsza zwrotka to prawdziwa moc!
Crown by Nefex always gets me motivated. That first verse is pure power!
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