#needy grabby steve really gets me
doomsdaybby · 4 months
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Steve had a habit of being close. The type of close where he could sit snugly beneath your ribs, enveloped by the cushioned weight of your lungs, nestled safely against your heart, and it still wouldn’t be enough.
Be it a hand in the back pocket of your jeans, the cradle of a thumb in your belt loops, or a the secure press of a palm to the small of your back, he was always there.
Steve also had a habit of trying to get closer in bed, at your most intimate, if ever possible. As if his end goal was to tie your souls into an unbreakable knot, melding into one being.
Like right now, you straddle his naked hips as his shoulders slouch forward from the headboard he leans against for support. His heated face presses to the soft juncture of your neck, and open mouthed kisses pepper your collarbone.
Your fingers meld to the roots of his hair at the nape of his neck, barely tugging, enough to make him shudder and press his lips to you that tiny bit harder.
The desolate Harrington house comes alive with the sounds of your mingled gentle panting, Steve’s bedroom an all encompassing warmth comfortable enough for a pretty mid-June night.
“You feel so good,” he mumbles into your skin, breathy moans fanning that major artery in your neck. A dreamy sigh escapes your parted lips, right at the shell of Steve’s ear, exactly where he liked them. He always wants to hear every intricate sound that unravels when you’re lost in euphoria, sounds caused by him, the delicate stitching of your very being fraying beneath his fingertips.
Steve wraps both hands around your back, taking his time to skate his fingers over the supple rolls of your flesh. One hand settles to grasp at the fat of your hip, whilst the other smooths delicately up and down your spine. A grounding, tender sort of action that had goose flesh rising beneath his touch.
“Steve,” you whisper in his ear. He was on fire, and you burned twice as hot. A pathetic sort of noise falls from his lips, absorbing into your pulsing skin. He grips you tighter, pulling you impossibly closer, nails creating crescent moons at your hip.
Steve rolls his hips beneath you, grunting as he goes, the position you’re in permitting only the smallest of movements, though his twitching cock manages to bury itself deeper and deeper still.
He shifts up whilst you grind down, glossy eyes rolling back amongst the sheer pleasure of feeling him everywhere. Steve slides his fingers from your back to trace the cage of your ribs, the feathery pressure causes you to giggle into his hairline, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. He smiles against you, turning his face to rest his cheek to your chest to hear the thump thump thump of your heart.
“So beautiful,” he murmurs, nosing just under your chin. Sure, being roughed up was nice every once in a while. But sex with Steve was exactly like what you would read in romance books; delicate, passionate, engulfing. He could be meaner if you asked him to, but to be completely lost in each other this way was an entire world apart.
You were living out your very own romantic fairytale, and you never wanted it to end.
just a little something something because I miss my steve 😩
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Whenever you come home after you’ve newly adopted not one, but two puppies, Eddie and Steve, every inch of your house is covered in cum. The walls, the furniture, a pile of your clothes the boys had mashed together, the boys themselves. And you’re either capturing them both into the bath, or getting pounced on by two very needy pups, and getting yourself absolutely smothered in the stuff too.
Shame you accidentally got them during their ruts. They’re very well behaved after that! Although when you come home again one day to find the house in a similar state, and hear eager growling behind and in front of you, you realise this is going to be the new norm during heats
this post is 18+, minors dni / hybrid au faq
you come home through the garage and you can hear them going insane behind the door so you're like omg my puppies are so happy to see me after work :D no. i mean, yes, but no. you are not prepared for what you find, it turns out the ruckus you heard was not them greeting you it was eddie practically howling as steve tries taking his entire red-tipped, throbbing cock into his mouth. they're helping each other out while you're gone, and in your wide-eyed once-over of the house it looks like they've been at it for a while. the couch is stained, the pillows are torn, the table is in disarray, and you're betting the bedroom is even worse. you'd read about heats/ruts before so you put the pieces together and aren't mad at them, because you know it's not their fault. steve's eyes go wide from where eddie's cock is jammed down his throat and he whines, tail wagging against the floor with how happy he is to see you again :')) eddie's eyes pop open and he makes grabby hands for you, and you're so stunned and frozen you don't know what to do!! eddie looks really sweaty though, so you kneel by his face and brush his hair back while steve takes care of him :')) he's whimpering and leaning into your hand and when he's all fucked out and his cum is dripping from steve's red rosy lips steve hauls himself into your lap and begs for help with his own hard-on. eddie wants to help too, though, after all steve was so good to him!! you let steve fuck your fist while eddie licks at him, and your hand winds up covered in eddie's saliva and steve's cum 🥴
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
How about Eddie’s crush returning his denim jacket after it got lost in the shuffle of the Upside Down/him nearly dying and she like fixed it for him?
had to turn this into a wee fic! sweet eddie deserves his vest back as he heals. hope you like! | 0.9k, fluff, fem!reader
It's been about two weeks since Eddie was dragged out of the Upside Down, his lifeblood leaking out of the countless wounds he'd gotten from being a demobat chew toy. The nurses told you that he'd be okay to go home soon, but that doesn't stop you from coming as many times are you can. And when the front desk calls you "the Munson kid's girlfriend" you don't bother to correct them, even if it's not that official between you two.
It's official enough that though you weren't in the Upside Down, Dustin made sure that you were called as soon as Eddie was in the ambulance. It's official enough that Wayne draped his arm over your shoulders as you waited for him to come out of surgery. It's official enough that Steve made sure to get the denim vest into your hands.
The same vest that you've stuffed into your bag for today's visit. As soon as you enter his room, Eddie lights up. You were here just yesterday, but you can tell he's feeling better. Every day you see him alive and smiling loosens the knot in your stomach.
"Wow, are you like, obsessed with me or something? You've been here three days in a row!" He raises his eyebrows like he's actually concerned, but the grin on his face betrays him. As if he'd be anything other than thrilled to see you.
"I have something for you," you say by way of greeting. You're too excited to bother with small talk, not that any talk with Eddie is ever small. It's always the biggest, best thing about your day. You sit in the chair next to his bed and he holds out a hand, wanting to twine his fingers with yours like he does every visit. But your eyes aren't on him, instead on your own hands as you dig through your tote for your prize. He makes a needy sound and you look up at him sharply, worried he's in pain.
Instead you find his big brown eyes looking at you and your throat is thick with fondness as he makes a grabby motion with his hand.
"One second, Eddie!" you laugh.
"Sweetheart, c'mon, have pity on me," he moans. "They were out of jello today so I've had no sweetness until you got here." Your cheeks flush a little at his flirting but you don't give in just yet.
"Hold on, here it is," you say triumphantly, pulling out his vest gently. "Steve gave this to me last week and I've only just finished getting it right." You lay it out over his blanketed legs and his eyes go wide, neediness for you temporarily forgotten.
Even like this, a little too pale and hair in need of a wash, the hospital lights doing him no favors, Eddie is the prettiest thing you've ever seen. You drink your fill of him as he stares slack-jawed at your gift and you think, wow, I'll never get tired of him like this. Alive.
"How--" He doesn't even finish his question, instead running his hands over the denim, fingers pausing to ghost over each pin and patch like he can barely believe they're real."I really thought this got eaten by some fucking monster or something." He laughs, breathless.
"I cleaned it," you say shyly. "Got all the blood out. It's a miracle it didn't lose any pins, but the back was fraying a little so I restitched it--"
Eddie grabs your hands in both of his and looks right at you as he brings them to his mouth to kiss the backs once, twice, three times. Part of you wants to say that it's just a vest, but you both know that's not true. It's hours of your own work over something that he loves, something that he made himself. It's proof that you love him.
"It's perfect, baby," he says. "I need to put it on now."
"Eddie," you say, a little alarmed. "Eddie, no, you're healing still. You can wear it when you're discharged!" But he's already scooting forward on this bed, adjusting his wires and tubes.
"No, no, c'mere and help me. It'll be fine!" You stand up, rolling your eyes and trying not to freak out about him hurting himself or pulling some stitches. He grabs one of your forearms as he leans forward and you help him sit up more. He shivers at your palm on his back, and you can't wait for him to be out of here so he can be touched by someone who loves him as often as he wants.
"Okay, slowly," you say. "One arm at a time, I'll pull it around." You get him into the vest slowly and when you're done he sits back and he's grinning. He looks so silly with it over his hospital gown, his IV all tangled in it. But he's the brightest thing in the room, always.
"I look metal, right?" he asks you, breathing a little labored from all the movement. You grab one of his hands and kiss it fiercely. The thoughts of what could have happened are always at the edge of your mind. Images of a world without him, this sweet, beautiful, kind boy in front of you. It's not something you can shake, but every time he smiles at you makes that dark vision less present.
"So metal, Eds," you tell him.
"Seriously, thank you." He leans his head back and closes his eyes. "I feel like myself again." He takes a deep breath and squeezes your hand a little. "Fuck yeah."
"Fuck yeah," you echo. "No need to thank me. Just wanted to make you smile." You'd do anything for him and while that might've scared you before, now it's a promise you intend to keep.
"You always do," he says, eyes back on you, bright and happy. "Always do."
eddie-specific tags for this one because it's cute: @ruinedbythehobbit @superflannel
want to be added to my tag list for full-length (non-ask) fics? send me a message and specify for steve, eddie, or both!
reblog, send feedback, requests open, masterlist here!
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weird-is-life · 2 years
Why haven't you called earlier?
Pairing: Steve harrington x fem!reader
Sumarry: Steve has a headache and calls you to come over to cuddle
Warnings: like one swear word, needy Steve, use of y/n and pet names, mentions of painkillers
Words: 0.8k Masterlist
A/N: English is not my first language, so please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes
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Steve felt like he was dying. He wasn't really dying, but the headache he had, felt like the literal death. So in his full of pain state, he called the only person that could help him. You.
It took him a lot of effort to walk to the phone, he had his eyes squinted, so he kept stumbling in the furniture on the way, aswell.
"Hello?" you asked, when you answered the call.
"Hi baby, it's me..." Steve breathed out.
"Oh, hi Stevie, is everything okay? We still on for the date?"
"I'm sorry, i won't make it today. My head is killing me so much, i can barely keep my eyes open. I'm sorry" he responded sluggishly.
"Your head?" you asked in concern.
"Umh" he hummed in agreement, he was too tired to speak.
"It's okay, i understand, we don't have to go out tonight. But still, i could come to yours, do you want me to come over?" you questioned. You wanted to take care of Steve. Sometimes he would overwork himself, forgetting to take a break and that often resulted in the headaches.
"Please" he breathlessly replied, he was desperate to have you with him.
"Okay, i'll be there soon."
You found the house in almost complete silence. The only sounds you heard were the soft snores coming from Steve's room.
His room was dark, curtains shut close. Steve was laying on his side, on the bed, cheek squished on the pillow. He wasn't asleep though, because as soon as you walked in the room, his eyes opened.
"Hey, pretty girl" he groggily said, rubbing his temples.
"How are you feeling?" you sat down next to him and gently brushed the hair away from his eyes.
"Like shit" he chuckled. His head was pounding badly, it felt like somebody hit him with a hammer.
"Why haven't you called earlier?" you suspected, that he's probably felt like shit since the morning.
"I thought, it'd go away and we could go on the dinner" he admited.
"Just call me next time, yeah?" you smiled at him," Did you take any painkillers, love?"
"Nope, i ran out. "
"Steve! You should have called me earlier. If i knew you were suffering this bad, i'd have come right away" you lightly smacked his arm and scoffed in disbelieve.
"Sorry?" he laughed at your frown.
"I have a few in my bag, let me just grab you some water" you wanted to go to the kitchen, but Steve didn't want to let you go.
"Steve, you have to let go off my hand, so I can actually get you the water" you chuckled.
"No, i don't want water. I just need cuddles from you and i'll be fine " he pouted and tried to pull you to his chest.
"You need to take some medicine and then you'll be fine. Just let me go get it, i'll be right back, i promise" you tried to convince him.
"I will die" he whinned and you couldn't help but to laugh at his neediness.
"You will die, if i don't cuddle you right away?" he was being ridiculous.
"Yes" he stated.
"Oh c'mon, you can wait for 1 minute" you swiftly managed to wriggle out of his hand and ran to the kitchen. You knew, if you hadn't done that, then Steve would have insisted on the cuddling and it definitely wouldn't help his headache.
"You're mean" he complained as you walked back into the room with a glass of water.
"I'm sorry, babe. But here" you handed him the pill and the glass "take this and you can finally get the cuddles you want."
He didn't protest anymore. He quickly gulped the water down along with the painkiller and then made grabby hands at you.
"You're so cute" you playfully pinched his cheek, teasing him for being so impatient.
"You promised me cuddles, sweetheart" he scowled at you, you laughed at him instead of giving him what he wanted.
"Ugh fine, fine. Come here" you finally gave up. The puppy eyes he gave you, convinced you.
You layed down next to him and he instantly put his head on your chest, wrapping his big hands around your torso. He sighed in content, when you started playing with his hair.
"Comfortable? " you raised your eyebrows at him, humor written all over your face.
"Very" he murmured into your tummy, which made you squirm under him, because it tickled you.
"I'm glad" you said with affection and caressed his cheek.
"Thank you for coming here, sweetheart " he tiredly spoke against your skin again. Your other hand, which wasn't in his hair, was running circles on his back and that was lulling him to sleep
"Of course. Now try to get some sleep, yeah?" you said and the only responce you got, was silence. He was already fast asleep.
Hey guys, thank you for reading. Let me know what you think. Feedback is always hugely appreciated. If anybody is interested in being my beta reader for Stranger things fics, dm me please.
Also im in need of inspiration, so feel free to send me any requests.
Have a great day and stay safe everybody. Peace out ☀️
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Summary: Steve wanted to surprise you after a long mission, but wasn’t expecting to walk into your bedroom to see you with your legs spread and a toy playing with what was his.
Pairings: Daddy!Steve x Black!Reader
Warnings: swearing, smut, unprotected sex, creampie, mean daddy, dom/sub dynamics, dirty talk, rough sex, plot? what plot? only porn.
Tagged: @titty-teetee, @harrysthiccthighss, @ozarkthedog, @night-of-the-living-shred​, @liquorlaughslove
(A/N: trying to knock out my WIPs because there’s just sooooo many.)
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Steve had been gone for way to long and you were missing him more than ever. You tried to keep yourself busy. So you didn’t think about it. It was hard, though,
You craved him. His touch. The way he kissed your body. Or how he’d make you cum over and over again until you couldn’t take anymore. You missed how good he held in your mouth. It seemed like he got off on getting you off.
Just thinking about it while laying in bed was enough to make you need him. As your hand went into your panties so you could play with yourself he was all you needed to think about. Your middle finger rubbing your clit in those little circles.
This is what you’d been doing to keep yourself satiated in the meantime. It wasn’t enough. Nothing could ever be compared to him, but at least it was something.
Well that was until it became not enough.
You’d had a toy before you got together, but when it finally died you didn’t even need it anymore. Not when you had an insatiable man like Steve. Now with him gone it didn’t seem like it would hurt to get a new one.
Fuck it felt so good. The vibrations on your clit made you gasp. You tried to concentrate your thoughts on him. Thinking back to maybe the last time you were together. How you craved him.
How he’d fucked you with those strong thrusts. How he made you cum over and over again. Said he’d wanted to keep you satisfied until he got back. You wonder what he’d say if he knew that all it did was make you even more needy.
You wanted to come so bad. Could feel it so close, but it just wasn’t coming out. You needed it so damn bad.
“What the hell are you doing?” Your boyfriend’s voice knocked you out of you concentration. You sat up really quickly, pulling the comforter over your body.
“Honey, you’re home!” You said in a syrupy sweet voice as if he didn’t just catch you playing with yourself. “How was the mission?”
He glared at you, glancing down at your body which was covered by the comforter. “What was that?” He asked, stepping a little closer. “When did you get one of those?”
“The internet is a wonderful place filled with magical things,” you replied.
If you weren’t in this situation, you would have jumped up to hug him like you always did. Wanted to hold him after he’d been away for so long. But no instead of warning you so you could have a nice home cooked meal waiting for him with the lingerie you’d bought explicitly for him to rip off when he came back.
His blond hair was damp because he probably showered at the compound before coming back home. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a pair of gray sweats which means you could clearly see his dick print. Fuck even looking at it through the fabric was making your mouth water.
He yanked the comforter down so you were exposed. You tried to stop him, but he was a lot stronger than you.
“Oh so now you’re shy?” He glared at you. “You wanna act like a whore then I’m gonna treat you like one.”
Your jaw dropped, but before you could respond he smashed his lips into yours in a bruising kiss.
“How do you turn this thing on?” He asked with a chuckle, surprising you as he grabbed your toy to place between your legs again. Soon the buzzing continued as he finally switched it on.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head sending jolts through your spine. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. It almost felt like it was to much with the angle it was at.
He kissed you again before picking up you up so he could get on the bed. He placed you on top of him so his back was against your chest. His other hand going to your breast, pinching your nipple between his fingers before placing it around your neck.
“Fuck,” you gasped, bucking your hips up.
“You gonna cum from this? Already? Wow. Is my dick not enough for you, Baby?”
“It’s enough,” you moaned. “I just missed you.”
“Then next time you fucking wait for me to get home so that I can fuck you properly. Now this is your punishment. This pussy is mine. I get to play with it. I get to fuck it. Not some little toy. You don’t get to cum unless I let you.”
Who the fuck was this. It sounded like your Steve Rogers. It looked like your Steve Rogers. Except right now he was talking so dirty that you’re not sure.
“Who’s is this?” He whispered in your ear.
“It’s yours, Daddy.” You cried feeling your buddy shudder. Fuck he was getting you so worked up.
He chuckled. “Oh so I’m Daddy now?” You could hear the smirk on his lips.
“Uh huh.” You turned your head so you could look into his baby blue eyes before pressing your lips to his again. His tongue pushed against yours and his free hand went to your thighs pulling one up higher before smacking it.
You could feel the tingle starting in your toes as it worked it’s way up your body. You’d thought you were close before, but now it was like every inch of you was on fire. You needed to cum. “Can I cum?”
He smirked, pressing the toy in deeper to you. “No.”
“Please?” You gasped.
“Stop asking.”
“Fuck!” You cried trying to hold it in. “Daddy!”
“That’s it, Baby. Take it.”
“Daddy,” you mewled. “I can’t.” You couldn’t stop yourself even though you promised you tried. It was just too much as you started to feel pussy juices squirting out covering the toy, his hand, and the sheets beneath you. He didn’t even pull the vibrator away from you so it kept coming out. It was torture.
He finally made it stop, but not before pushing you forward so your ass was in the air. He took a swat at it before standing up. Your mess was right above your head and if you just moved a little bit you’d be in it.
Before you could wrap your head around everything he’d grabbed your legs to pull you to him so he could slam his dick into you. Normally he would have worked to stretch your pussy out since it’d been so long and he wouldn’t have wanted his dick to hurt your little pussy. Now he wasn’t even giving you time to adjust as he pounded your cunt.
The way he was fucking you forced you into another orgasm because fuck after that you were sensitive. You pushed your face into the mattress to scream because it was just a lot. You felt like you could barely handle it.
“Look at you.” He chuckled. “Cumming like this. Not being able to control yourself. Like a little fucking slut.”
You were pretty sure you’d reached euphoria now.
Your face got closer and closer into the mess. Like he was trying to push you into it on purpose. “Daddy, my mess,” you whimpered out the warning.
He pulled the tip of his cock almost all of the way out of you before slamming it back in deep. Making you bounce forward at the intrusion putting your face directly into the damp, soiled sheets.
“Good little bitches clean up their messes.” He grabbed your hair tightly. “Stick your tongue out.”
You did as you were told as he rubbed your face in it. Shoving it around and making you taste it as you did.
“I know. I gotta teach you a lesson for disobeying me, Honey. You see how I have to treat you when you don’t listen?” He didn’t let up.
“I’m sorry!” You cried.
“Sorry for what?” He was so condescending as he grabbed your hair to hold you down.
“For making a mess.” You cried out.
“And?” He groaned because fuck your cunt was so tight around him and it felt so good.
“For not listening.”
You moaned. “For playing with your pussy without permission.”
“That’s a good girl,” he cooed. “Go ahead and cum for me. Cum for Daddy.”
You orgasmed again this one feeling like it hit you out of nowhere. If you knew it would be like this you would have asked Steve to fuck you rough like this sooner.
He pulled out so he could flip you over to get on top of you. This time he eased in, like he was savoring the swollen heat of your overly sensitive pussy.
“Daddy,” you mewled,
He looked down at you with a lazy smile before kissing your lips. You raked your nails up and down his muscular back, wrapping yourself legs around his waist.
“That’s my best girl. If I knew what a nasty girl you are, I would have done this sooner,” he whispered in your ear. “Only for me, huh?”
“Yes. I’m yours.”
“That’s my girl.” He kissed you again. “Want me to cum in you. Fill you up?” He moaned not being able to hold on anymore himself. His hips stuttered as he spurted out his cum fucking into you into thick creamy white ropes. “Fuck, Y/N.”
The two of you laid there for a few minutes. Totally spent from what had just happened. Until Steve kissed you softly as he pulled out of you. You were so sensitive you whimpered, but clung to him because you wanted him close. “You okay?” He asked, nuzzling your face.
It was like you couldn’t speak. Couldn’t move or anything. He sighed before pressing his lips to your cheek. You could feel yourself dozing off for a few minutes. He’d when you out. It was exactly what you needed.
He got up, somehow breaking free from your grabby hands. You turned over getting more comfortable as you curled up on the bed.
Steve came back over to kiss your forehead, jostling you awake. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, too, Stevie,” you mumbled half asleep as he lifted you up.
You buried your face in the crook of his neck as he carried you to the bathroom where the bath water was already running.
“I put your bubble bath in and your little salt things.”
You yawned. “It’s perfect.”
He placed you in the warm water and you moaned from the sensation. “I’m sorry if I was too rough.”
“Don’t be. I like rough Stevie.”
“You mean Daddy?” He asked with a chuckle.
Your face started to heat up in embarrassment. Thank god for melanin or else your face would probably be red. “I’m sorry it just came out.”
“You don’t have to be,” he replied. “You better get used to it.”
“Get in with me,” you whined, feeling like you needed him close to you. You wanted his warmth, you wanted his kisses, needed to feel his skin against yours. Maybe it was because of how long he’d been gone or from what had just happened, but you needed your man. 
“I will, but I have to go clean up the mess you made.” He smirked before leaning over to kiss your forehead again. “Try not to play with yourself while I’m gone,” he said in a teasing tone, winking at you.
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anika-ann · 4 years
In the Strangest Place (We Just Might Find Love) - Pt.1
Type: two-shot, pretty much canon
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader     Word count: 3700
Summary: You’re hiding from your boss in a supply closet, minding your own business, when a stranger joins you unexpectedly. 
This is not a beginning of a steamy story; given the reason you’re hanging out in the dark, even a make-out session is honestly the last thing you want to fantasize about right now.
But that doesn’t mean that the nice stranger cannot make your day much better. 
Warnings: mention of sexual harassment, a bit of angst, attempt at humour, language
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You were on the verge of screaming – or crying, you honestly weren't sure anymore. But you knew you were done. You had worked your fingers to a bone just to get here; to become a little bee in the most famous hive in Manhattan. Stark Industries. The Stark/Avengers Tower. The beacon of the New York skyline. The dream coming true.
Yeah, not so much.
You hadn't expected super-important assignments – after all, you were just an assistant to the head of one of too many departments – but God, you had not expected to be handling coffee so often. To be running ridiculous errands. Your degree from MIT should actually mean something here! If nothing else than that you were not just some pretty face and that you fucking didn’t deserve the treatment you were receiving.
And that was the root of trouble, really. You could handle making your way up, it would be tiring but not surprising, it was pretty much what you had assigned for.
But you had not assigned for the sexist comments, disgusting innuendo and for the grabby hands of your sleazy boss. Thomas Gregory was a fucking nightmare of a man and you swore that you were quitting if he called you a ‘Dollface’ or slapped your ass one more time.
And that was how you had got here, into this very moment; hiding in a dark supply closet like a creep with two cups of overpriced coffee in a cup holder and a piece of organic carob-nut muffin.
You weren't about to come out any time soon, because you simply knew your boss still would be a pig and give you yet another reason to hand in your notice and you had fucking wanted this job for so long, worked for it so hard and sacrificed too much that you just couldn't make yourself to quit no matter how much your skin cringed and your stomach rolled over every time Thomas Gregory touched you. It was so frustrating you wanted to scream.
Or cry, you still couldn't solve the dilemma. Maybe both.
You barely registered the hurried footsteps – and then the door was yanked open, you glimpsed a tall blond male figure and suddenly there was dark again. Except there was one more body in the very limited room of the closet, making you press your back onto the shelf.
Something rattled with your movement and the newcomer hissed a barely audible ‘Be quiet’ as two columns of muscles that were probably his arms framed your head leaning onto the very same shelf, so you could both fit in here.
The little order leaving his lips broke the last seal inside you. You were tired, frustrated and were receiving enough humiliation as it was, you did not need some random guy invading your hideout, barking orders.
“Look, mister, if you have any problem with me trying to make a little space for you in this tiny-ass closet, I recommend you to-”  
“Shh!” he hushed you and you thought you had never heard someone whisper so urgently; at least it sounded less bossy than before. It did not mollify you though, because this guy actually had enough impudence to-
“Don't you dare to shush me-!”
A hand went to cover your mouth and you let out an exasperated mumble of curses, while his voice continued.
“Please, just— I'm sorry, please, don't make a sound, my friend is trying to set me up and-”
Your eyes went wide and he suddenly fell silent. Before you could question his methods of shutting you up, his exclaim or the pause, and ask him to be so kind to find another closet, another male voice sounded somewhere behind the door.
“Come on, Steeeve. Man, don't be such a prude. Lillian is a great chic, okay?”
The man – the friend, you assumed – seemed annoyed and you couldn't believe that Steve had not been kidding you. He was actually hiding for the very reason he had offered you. You nodded as you heard the stranger behind the door move and the hand covering your mouth hesitantly disappeared.
“It's just a lip piercing, don't be such a tight-ass. It can actually be quite fun, you wouldn't believe what a girl can do with such thing…”
“Gross,” you commented soundlessly and you could feel your companion’s eyes burning a hole into your head in silent agreement.
“Goddammit, Steve!”
The voice and the footsteps slowly disappeared in the distance and you… you were face to face with a stranger named Steve in a limited space of a dark supply closet, his breath tickling your scalp, his cologne very much assaulting your nose; at least it was a pleasant assault.
“I'm sorry for being so rude. And thank you,” his voice caressed your hairline gently and hearing his suddenly polite tone and evaluating this whole situation, you could barely hold back a giggle all of sudden.
“You're welcome, Steve. How long has this been going on?”
“Two days-” That didn't sound too bad, he could probably take a lot more- “-at this level. With Lillian. It was Emily before that and Angelina before that. In smaller scale, it's been happening for about four months,” he recited dutifully as if he was reporting a status to his boss and this time you couldn’t help it – you giggled.
When you could feel the wounded gaze he gave you, you obediently made a sympathetic noise.
“Aww, poor you, your friend supplying you with no doubt great relationship material…”
“That’s what he said! But I don't want a relationship material. I don't want any material, not even his… one-night stand material. What does that mean anyway? These are women he's talking about, not a material-”
You let out a tiny pleased sound at his exasperation, which shut him up. You wondered if it was your turn to speak – it was hard to tell, supply-closet conversations weren't exactly your area of expertise.
“Kudos for that thinking,” you noted after short silence and the darker shadow of his figure tilted his head. “Did you try to tell him that you weren't interested…? Of course you did, why am I asking, that was a stupid question…”
“It's okay. I'm sorry, I got a little… carried away. It just… it's like talking to a brick wall.”
You hummed in sympathy again and the room fell into silence once more.
It was ridiculous how much your mind started working over hundred percent, trying to come up with something appropriate to say. The best you could do was:
“Hey, you want a cup of overpriced organic coffee? I happen to have two.”
The needy noise that let his lips was downright pornographic. Or maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you, the strange environment finally getting to you.
“I knew I smelled coffee here! I thought I went completely insane.”
You couldn't help but smile at that. Yeah, you knew the feeling all too well.
“Nope, your senses were not playing tricks on you. Help yourself. It should be around your left hand.” A rustling of a paper bag. “Oh. That's a carob-nut muffin – with carob instead of cocoa. You can have that too, I won't need that.”
“Alright, I gotta ask. Why are you hiding in a supply closet, with a muffin and two cups of expensive coffee nonetheless? And may I hand you one?”
“Such a gentleman. Thanks,” you murmured and accepted the cup. You weren't lying about not needing it – you wouldn't. Because you were about to quit; it was inevitable.
You sipped the warm liquid, its taste as bitter as the reason behind your actions.
“I'm hiding from my boss.”
Your voice must have sounded terrible, because his own softened at the confession.
“And why is that?”
“Because if I bring him his coffee and muffin, he'll probably call me his good girl and— and slap my butt and-”
“I beg your pardon?” he growled, like honest to God growled, the strange sound warming your scalp.
And it was the righteous outrage in the sound he let out, the reaction that you needed, someone agreeing with you – a stranger, who wouldn’t feel obliged to do so just it was a duty of being a good friend to you – that made the levee break. Suddenly tears were streaming down your face, anger and humiliation, and your breath was hitching in embarrassing hiccups and the dark space felt so anonymous and safe at the same time that you didn't even care anymore.
“And if he does that I’ll have to– to quit, because I-I'm so fucking fed up with his dis-disgusting hands and si-sickening voice voicing his lizard thoughts a-and I ca-can't quit goddammit, I worked so fucking hard to-to get a job h-here and-”
You didn't realise your hands started trembling until the cup disappeared from them, placed back on the shelf, and a pair of much bigger and warmer hands gently enveloped yours, his body shifting just a little closer as he lost the support that had been keeping some distance between you.
“Hey, hey, shh, it's gonna be okay…” his voice washed over you soothingly, sounding almost at your ear.
Still, there was space between your bodies, a respectable distance – as respectable as possible in the limited space. It was as if he acknowledged it could make you uncomfortable – which probably wasn't exactly hard to figure out, given what you just told him.
“I'm sorry,” you sobbed and cleared your throat afterwards in attempt to compose yourself. “I didn't mean to load that on you, my problems are none of your concern-”
“Like hell they aren't. Sexual harassment on a workplace is everyone's concern, or it should be,” he grunted. His hands tightened their grip, not uncomfortably – reassuring. “This okay?”
You smiled through your tears. This Steve guy was really sweet to you. You almost forgot what it was like to be treated with respect.
“Y-yeah. Thank you for-- for asking. That was really nice.”
He huffed. “It should be a normal human decency. And I did grab you before that, sorry.”
“Something tells me you would let go if I said no more vehemently.”
“Of course I would.”
You gave him a watery smile he couldn't see and tried to calm your breathing completely. His thumb caressing your wrist helped. You wondered which department he was from; if his skills in comforting came with a job description or if he was a natural.
“Have you… have you tried to fill in a report?” he asked hesitantly, making your heart stop.
Oh yeah, you had. It had ended up in a shredder machine, because Thomas had spotted it. He had made you do it yourself, standing over you and watching, claiming the complaint had been baseless and it would pointless to hand it anyway, because he would explain the HR how it truly was. That you had made a move and he, the good father and husband he had been, politely turned you down, which turned you vengeful.
You whispered the story to Steve, your voice trembling, more tears escaping and you could immediately tell he believed you – because his grip grew steely strong, his teeth grinding.
“This is wrong. You should have never been forced to work for a man like him– objectifying you, touching you, threatening you, that's just--- you should talk to Tony,” he blurted out in the end and you frowned.
“Who's Tony?”
You had checked the whole HR department via their website when doing your research. You couldn't recall any Tony.
There was a short pause, broken by Steve's confused voice. “Stark.”
You blinked, wondering if Steve was joking. He didn't sound like he was joking, which was strange, because so far, he had seemed to be a smart and reasonable man.
“There's no way I'm scoring a meeting with Mr. Stark. And it's not like he’s dealing with things like that.”
“...Talk to Pepper then. I doubt she has bigger than zero tolerance for harassment,” he exclaimed confidently as if talking to Pepper Potts (this time you assumed whom he was talking about – did he call all of the big bosses their first name…?) was an option for a regular human being like you. Realizing that all over again though, that was tough.
“While I believe that’s her policy, it's not like I can just walk into her office.”
Steve seemed to consider that, while his thumb was still drawing patterns on your skin, almost subconsciously.
“I think you could. But if you're worried it might take a while and you’re scared to go back to your office now, let me walk you. I can explain him that every employee deserves to be treated with respect,” he offered finally, deadly serious, yet still sounding kind.
Your heart swelled. A guy you just met (in a supply closet, a good story to be narrated at parties, you supposed), suggested to help you out, no hesitation. God, wasn't he just too pure for this world?
“I… thank you, Steve. But… while you do have an impressive frame, I think it would only get worse. I think I'll just enjoy this extremely hipster coffee, which I'll later have to pay for no doubt and… and go face my boss to hand him my resignation. There are plenty jobs, right? I can as well serve coffee in a café,” you said with a sad smile, letting your hands slip from his comfortable hold.
“That's not right. Especially if you worked hard to– not to mention it's a matter of principle. You run away once and… running is a very hard habit to break,” he whispered, as if a secret, trying to reason with you.
You bit your lip when the truth of his words washed over you, along with the way he spoke; with such a strong believe in principles that should stand a standard. It… he made you forgot your own trouble for a second as you let yourself get lost in him. In the way he treated you, the protector's persona, yet not forced. He had suggested you to ‘let him come with you’, not even a note of command in his approach. This was not a man seeing an opportunity to be a hero when spotting the damsel in distress; this was a man who believed in what was right and wanted to fix things that were apparently broken. You wished there were more men like him, selfishly wanting one of them to be your boss.
“And men like these – they need to be put in line,” he added darkly, snapping you from your daydreaming of a better world. “Let me come with you. I'll—I’ll help you fill in the forms, walk you to HR. You don't have to deal with this alone.”
For all the comfort the dark had offered you so far, you wished for a little bit more light now, enough to see his face, his eyes. You knew they would be burning with honesty, you were sure of it, maybe a little rage aimed at a man who dared to treat another human being the way he did.
The offer was so tempting. But just imagining the security escorting Steve from the building for wanting to help you was enough to put out the fiery need to accept. It was ridiculous to care so much about his well-being after what could be minutes of knowing him, but no one could call you out on it. And if they did, you could always play it cool with ‘matter of principles’; good people only deserved good things.
You carefully reached out, hoping to find his hand again. Your heart skipped a beat when you brushed his thigh instead, but at least his hand was right next to it. He released a surprised breath when you took it into yours, way smaller one. You bit your lip when leaning in a little, blindly trying to meet his gaze.
“You’re a good man, Steve. I’m sorry your friend is giving you a hard time, you don't deserve that – even though I'm sure he means well. If you ever want to get him off your back...” you wavered at the ridiculous idea, but hey, why the hell not, he had offered to help you out first, “you can say you're seeing someone. Give him my card. I'll confirm we're together – he seems like a kind of a guy who would check.”
Shocked breathless laugh erupted from his chest and you assumed you hit the nail on the head. You fished out one of your business cards, handing it to him and releasing his hand then.
It was time to leave and face your fate, but Steve didn't make any attempt at moving out of the closet.
In fact, he seemed to examine the card for a while and then he quietly read out your name. You gasped in surprise. How the hell could he see anything? You could barely make out his silhouette!
“I'm used to working in dark spaces,” he muttered absently. “Would you really do that?”
Slightly taken aback he was considering your offer, you nodded, only to realize he couldn't see it--- actually, he probably could.
“I would. Hell, I think I could handle one uncomfortable dinner with your friend vetting me,” you added, slightly amused at the idea. When you could hear his shocked exhale and wanted to take it back. “I didn't mean to-”
“Let me come with you to your office,” he repeated like a broken record and you frowned at the sudden change of topic.
“It could throw your boss off your back for long enough for you to deal with the complaint. If you would be comfortable enough to play my girlfriend for a dinner time, why not now?”
Your eyes went wide and you almost choked on air.
“I-what? I told you it would probably only make it worse-”
“It will work.”
“How can you be so-”
The door yanked open and your eyes were hit by an unpleasantly sharp light, making you squint.
“Holy-” a ridiculously familiar voice you couldn’t place breathed out. “Wilson! I found him! You’ve gotta see this!”
You wanted to see the owner of the voice, but your view was completely blocked by the broad chest of your companion.
So you at least raised your head to meet Steve face to face so to speak. You couldn’t see much, your eyes still adjusting; with the light shining from behind him, playing a mysterious game with his blond locks, framing his impressive figure, he looked like a freaking angel, beautiful and righteous, bringing justice, yet wrapped in an aura of peace and serenity. You barely kept your jaw from falling on the floor.
You kept staring, focusing on his face, and slowly started realizing that his features too, were familiar. Mortification was creeping up your back as the puzzle pieces started falling into place, creating a horrifying picture, making you wish for the Earth to swallow you.
The voice from behind Steve’s back resolved the last doubts you had about your temporary mysterious roommate.
“Wouldn’t peg you as a get-freaky-in-a-closet kind of guy, Capsicle.”
You wanted to immediately protest that you had definitely not been getting freaky in the closet, but your brain was still frozen because of the big revelation – that you had just been comforted, hell, that you had just offered to be a fake date to Captain America.
You simply stared at him, unbeing able to hold your jaw from falling anymore. Because– because-- oh god.
Now it made perfect sense that he thought Thomas Gregory would be intimidated… by the idea of harassing Captain America’s girlfriend. You couldn’t really blame Steve for being sure it would work. Also, it kinda explained why he called Mr. Stark or Ms. Potts their first names – they were on the first name basis.
Which really was the least relevant thing right now.
A bashful smile appeared on Steve’s lips, a little guilty perhaps, and you just… giggled at the absurdity. You couldn’t help it. You had just spent minutes in a supply closet with Steve Rogers without having a single clue about it and while you didn’t do anything heated as someone would assume, it was one of the most amazing minutes of your life.
You must have looked like an idiot or something, because he chuckled too, completely ignoring another male voice growing in volume as the newcomer approached.
“Holy hell, man! I can’t believe what I’m seeing!”
At those words, Steve tentatively took your hand with an encouraging smile and led you out to the hall. You were met with two pairs of curious eyes examining you from head to toe. You lowered your gaze, now fully aware of the fact they belonged to Tony Stark – the Iron Man – and Samuel Wilson – the Falcon.
Well. Now the ‘party story’ finally got the right juice.
“Then don’t, Sam, because it’s not what it looks like,” Steve replied to his match-maker friend and took a deep breath, squeezing your hand tighter. “Tony, this woman would like to report harassment on her workplace.”
Your head snapped to Steve’s face with panicked gaze. What the hell was he doing?!
Tony Stark made a noise of disapproval.
“Couldn’t you try harder so she wouldn’t complain about you?”
“Tony,” Steve addressed him, his voice solemn just like his expression, which clearly surprised the billionaire. “I’m serious. It’s not about me. Her boss is the reason why she was hiding here.”
Without commenting any further, Steve handed him your business card and Mr. Stark hummed. You weren’t brave enough to look up. Was he going to wave it off? Was he going to fire you?
He said your name, making you gulp in fright. You had to look up now and you really didn’t wanna, too afraid of what you’d see. You were shocked to meet with a searching gaze, but not a mean one.
“It is true? Is your boss giving you trouble? Making sexist comments? Worse?”
You felt tears in your eyes, utterly taken aback by his sensitive tone, the inviting light in his eyes. It was too much to bear and you wanted to escape the kind gaze; and he wouldn’t let you. You only managed to nod when you felt Steve’s thumb caressing the back of your hand.
Mr. Stark sighed, adding a dark ‘goddammit’, and returned Steve the business card.
“Alright, kids. Let’s have a trip.”
And you just stared.
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Part 2
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I know, I know, Steve is a little bit of Knight-In-Shining-Armour here, but it made sense to me O:-)
Happy weekend!
Thank you for reading!
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
How would the Poison paradise boys be, when the are drunk and how are they when they are high😂 with that I mean each one of them
I love this!!
Drunk Bobby is very broody, especially if kitten is depriving him for whatever reason, likes to wallow in his moodiness. High Bobby is super grabby and kind of affectionate, will touch kitten however he can and make these low purring noises while he nuzzles into her hair and neck. He doesn’t get high often, it’s pretty cute.
Drunk Ari as we’ve seen is impulsive, he gets an idea and just runs with it, no matter how stupid it is, breaking and entering, lifting a piece in public, doesn’t matter. High Ari is needy, just wants to laze around and be taken care of, will insist Cherry come suck his dick in the low whine that’s very endearing even though she rolls her eyes at him.
Drunk Nick is super cocky, loves negotiating when he’s had some bourbon and is feeling himself, will crack the whip with Hellcat if she tries to fight him. When he’s high, he’s extremely possessive, will insist Hellcat sit in his lap and growl at anyone who looks at her, especially if he’s got her skirt up around her waist and is playing with her pussy while he keeps her hands behind her back with his belt.
Drunk Lloyd is aggro as hell, will fight anyone or anything at the drop of a hat, especially if they look at his coquinette. High Lloyd is all about having his mouth on his girl, needs to kiss her all over and bury his face in her pretty pussy for hours, no matter where they are.
Drunk August is very quiet, just likes to stare into the distance and hold Vixen close while he feels it. He will smack the brat if he decides to act up while his daddy is in that state. High August is an exhibitionist, he already was a little bit, but when he’s got some coke in him he just wants everyone wants to see how pretty his boy looks taking his dick.
Drunk Bryce is a needy brat, wants his daddy or mommy to have their hands on him all the time, will find on them and whine all pretty and bat his eyelashes until they either cave or slap him. High Bryce is a teasing brat, bats off their hands when they try to touch him, is all huffy and will dance in front of them like a little slut until they try to order him around and then he runs away. They definitely take it out on his ass later.
Drunk Curtis is very lovey, he just wants to hold his Siren and tell her how perfect she is and bring her so many flowers. He is very much the smitten kitten, needs to get his cuddles and kisses and all the soft touches. He doesn’t really do drugs except weed occasionally, and then he’s even more snuggly.
Steve doesn’t drink (will occasionally have some wine though) or do drugs, so he’s always just his weirdly charming self.
Ask me anything about the Poison Paradise AU!
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mellowswriting · 3 years
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pairing || Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
summary || You’ve been having a hard week. There’s nothing Steve loves more than taking care of his girl. 
word count || 2,318
warnings || oral sex (f receiving), vaginal fingering, soft!dom Stevie, slight degradation but like... sweetly? idk, unprotected sex, slightest breeding kink if ya squint, slight cockwarming
a/n || Hello yes it is I, the local harlot here to bless you with some smut and feel goods in a totally not self indulgent fic bc I was having a hard week.
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It had been nearly an entire week since you had seen Steve.
Normally, that wouldn’t have been a problem. Hell, there had been times where you didn’t see him for months when things got tricky on his missions. It was more the fact that in the time he had been gone, you had barely slept more than a handful of hours a night if you were lucky and the one thing that was like magic for your insomniac brain was Steve’s embrace. It all started when you accidentally stayed awake into the hours of the early morning. The muse had struck and given you the blessing of inspiration that quickly became a curse of not being unable to set aside your work until it felt just right. That wasn’t until three in the morning, of course. Then you napped the next day from the lingering sleepiness, effectively throwing your sleep schedule entirely out of whack.
Little things that usually would be a minor annoyance at best left you viscerally frustrated, each inconvenience building one upon another until you were left too overwhelmed to complete even the simplest of tasks. You managed to trudge your way through your other responsibilities, leaving you with only laundry and tidying the kitchen to concern yourself with but the pile of clean laundry that sat in front of you waiting to be folded felt impossible. Instead of feeling proud of how much you had already accomplished, you were angry with yourself for not getting more done. Tears of frustration pricked your eyes, which only made you feel even more ridiculous.
The sound of the front door opening and closing broke you out of your annoyed trance of glaring at the laundry basket and you quickly wiped the tears away when you heard a familiar voice calling from the entryway, “I’m home!”
“Hey,” You said, your voice cracking slightly as you greeted Steve as he paused to lean over the couch and kiss the top of your head.
“Are you okay?” Concern tinged his voice, his eyebrows furrowed on that pretty face of his as he studied your current state. Your mouth opened and closed, trying to find a way to say it without sounding pathetic but you couldn’t. Shoulders slumped, you leaned back into the cushions with a long sigh. “Oh, honey. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I haven’t slept right in days.” You looked up at him with a pitiful look. “I haven’t slept right in days and I’m exhausted and I spent the entire day cleaning and the only thing I have left to do is this damn laundry, but I’m so tired, and -”
“Whoa, whoa,” Steve sat next to you to bring you into a firm hug, rubbing your back soothingly. If there was one thing you knew for sure, it was that your lover gave the best hugs. He made you feel like the only person in the entire world. “Let me help, okay?”
“What? No,” You grumbled stubbornly. “You just got back from a mission, Steve, you need to sit and relax.”
“It was just reconnaissance.” Steve assured you. “I sat in a car with Bucky for a few days and then sat in debriefings for a few more - the last thing I need is to be sitting around on my ass.”
“Language,” You teased gently, chuckling when he gave you a glare that held no real heat.
“Go on, get your book. Relax for a little bit and let me take care of things.” Steve’s voice had an air of finality about it. You knew that he took a special kind of pride in taking care of those he loved, so you listened.
There was no denying the relief that washed over you. The warmth of his presence next to you as he methodically began folding clothes and recounting some of the antics he had to deal with thanks to Sam and Bucky’s constant bickering helped some of the tension ease from your exhausted body. Not to mention just how good he looked - so good that you could barely focus on the novel in your lap. Sure, seeing him in his uniform was its own special kind of sexy, but there was something about those soft long-sleeves and comfortable jeans that felt… domestic. The sight of him with his sleeves rolled up as he took care of your mixed laundry made something stir in your belly.
“What else needs to get done?” He asked after he took the basket upstairs and put it all away.
“Just tidying up the kitchen,” You tossed the book onto the coffee table and reached up to him with grabby hands that you knew he couldn’t resist. “Plus giving me kisses.”
Steve leaned down with a little grin, balancing himself on one knee against the couch cushions, and kissed you deeply. The little moan he gave against your lips when you eagerly accepted the teasing of his tongue made you shiver.
“You taste sweet.” He whispered as he crowded you closer into the couch, both hands cupping your face in a firm but gentle grip.
“Had strawberries before you came home.” You held him close by the collar of his shirt, probably stretching it out but you couldn’t really give a damn when he felt so good against you. “Forget cleaning, it can wait.”
“Yeah?” Steve teased, his face mere inches from yours as he gave you those hooded, hungry eyes that made your stomach flip. “Whatcha wanna do instead?”
The cheekiness of your reply made him snatch you up, putting that super soldier strength to good use with a desperate grip on the soft flesh of your thighs. It was far from the first time he showed off his strength like that, but each time made your stomach flip in excitement just thinking about all of the things he could do to you. You hooked your ankles around his waist, your arms keeping you steady where they wrapped around his shoulders as he marched you upstairs and into your bedroom to drop you onto the mattress. Your thighs rubbed together at the sight of him standing over you, the rise and fall of his chest growing faster along with the hunger in his eyes.
“You work so hard, baby. Let me reward you.” He purred, tracing your ankle where the hem of your leggings ended, and his face lit up at your desperate nodding. You whined at the familiar need tightening in your belly over the strength behind his hands as he pushed your thighs open wide, his fingertips ghosting along your covered pussy. “Such a good girl for me…”
“Steve, please…” You whimpered, desperately pulling off your leggings. This little game of his, the teasing and soft touches ramping up into hot needy fucking, was something you had no issue playing any other time, but right now you couldn’t handle the wait. Steve caught on quickly and helped pull the clothes away from your legs before he ripped his shirt over his head.
“So needy for me, huh?” Steve slowly unzipped his jeans and pushed them down his legs. “Shirt off and lay your head on the pillows. I’ll take care of ya, sweetheart.”
You scrambled to follow his command, not missing the smirk your obedience garnered. The softness of his domination was addicting, left you yearning to hear the filthy praise that dripped from his lips like the sweetest ambrosia that could cure your every ache. Steve followed you up the bed, his briefs the only scrap of clothing left on his body, but before you could admire how gorgeous he looked, his hand hooked around your ankle to yank you closer. A sharp, surprised laugh melted into a moan when he finally got his mouth on you. His tongue rolled against your clit without preamble, completely abandoning the teasing to give you exactly what you were begging for.
“Oh fffuck!” You bit out, your head falling back into the pillows as your hips jolt up, and Steve chuckled darkly as he set his forearm over your hips to hold you in place, his other hand gripping your thigh hard enough to bruise. You grabbed a handful of his short hair in retaliation, a delighted smile lighting up your face at the groan you got in return.
Fuck, he felt too good, knew your body too fucking well. You grew more and more wet with each pass of his tongue against your clit, your hips rolling in time with his ministrations as the two of you found a familiar rhythm.
“There you go, baby.” Steve encouraged as he eased a finger into your dripping pussy with a downright sinful groan, quickly adding another. “So fuckin’ wet for me.”
The dual pleasure of his fingers and tongue made you see stars, made your back arch and your thighs squeeze his head until your orgasm washed over you in a devastating wave. It wasn’t until you shoved him back by his head that he finally stopped his tortuous pleasure. The sight of him wiping the wetness from his mouth with the back of his hand still had your belly tightening with need.
“You did so good.” Steve murmured, pressing a kiss to your thigh, then your navel, kissing a trail between your breasts and up your neck until he met your lips. You moaned at the filthy act of tasting yourself on his tongue. “Look so pretty when you come.”
The combination of his praise and the not-so-subtle press of his cock against your thigh had you keening beneath him, your leg hooking over his waist to drag him close enough to grind against the bulge in his briefs.
“Feel that?” He practically growled as he rutted down against you shamelessly. “That’s all for you baby. Gonna stuff your pretty pussy full’a my cum and you’re gonna say thank you for it too, you hear me?”
“I will, I promise… I promise, Stevie.” You babbled, losing any comprehensible thought other than the absolute dismay that he wasn’t absolutely wrecking you already. “Please fuck me?”
“Since you asked so sweetly,” Steve rid himself of his last scrap of clothes like they were burning him and entered you in one fluid thrust that had the both of you moaning in unison. His forehead fell to your shoulder as he let you adjust, hips swirling in tiny circles of their own accord because you felt so fucking good. “Ssso fuckin’ tight,”
The light desperation in your whimper made him smirk, his teeth sinking into your shoulder before soothing the mark with a lick of his tongue. “This is what you needed, huh baby? Just needed to relax on my cock...”
“S-Steve…” Was all you could manage, your eyes unfocused as he gave that first tentative thrust, followed quickly by a sharp, deep rhythm that made you see stars.
“Cockdrunk already?” He cooed but his cocky tone broke as you clung to him, your fingers digging into the muscle of his biceps as you used those thighs he adored against him, dragging him closer, deeper. “Fuckin’ needy little thing, aren’tcha? That’s okay, sweet baby, I got whatcha need.”
Steve pulled away and for a moment you clutched tighter, trying to keep him against you, but he pushed your legs back to your chest with a strength to be reckoned with, the new position making you feel infinitely more full and he growled at the feeling of you tightening around him. There were already fingertip bruises forming on your thighs where he held you right where he wanted you as his thrusts became faster, more desperate with his impending release, with the damn near feral need to see his cum leaking from your fucked out pussy.
It was the pressure of his thumb against your clit that forced you to find your words, your sweet cries of ‘please, please, please’ egging him on to roll his thumb until your hips jerked under the stimulation. You were so sensitive, so responsive to every little touch, it drove him fucking crazy.
“Come on my cock like a good girl,” Steve gritted out, angling his hips to grind his cock against that sweet spot that made you arch against him so prettily. “Thaaaat’s it…”
You broke underneath him, your second orgasm ripping through you in an intense burst that stole the breath from your lungs, leaving you to gasp as you shuddered. It was his favorite sight, watching you fall apart beneath him, and Steve let your leg settle around his waist once more to chase the high he balanced upon in faltered thrusts until he couldn’t hold back any longer. His pelvis pressed flush against your sweat-slick skin, some basic instinct demanding he shove himself as deep into your sensitive pussy as he could to fill you up.
He let himself melt against you, his full weight keeping you pressed against the mattress as he softened inside you, the both of you trying to catch your breath in the aftermath. You carded your fingers through his hair lazily, eyes closed as you let the satisfied exhaustion soak into you, grinning when your still fluttering walls made Steve hiss slightly. He still kept himself buried inside of you - so typical of him.
Sighing happily, Steve nuzzled his face further into your neck to trail sloppy kisses along your neck, pausing every now and then to lean back into your hand. Playing with his hair was the number one way to get him all warm and snuggly, especially if he was exhausted from giving you a thorough fucking. He gingerly eased himself off of you only to pull you close so you could lay your head on his chest, the rhythm of his heartbeat lulling you even closer to sleep.
“Go to sleep, honey.” Steve rumbled, his voice full of his own exhaustion. “I’ll be right here when you wake.”
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howdoyousleep3 · 3 years
Okay, okay but listen. I'm tipsy af right now, and clearly I'm in a Baby Bucky moooood.
We've heard all about when Buck gets a little buzzed, a few too many drinks and he's all handsy and needy for daddy. And I can't stop thinking about him getting all brave and grabby under the table. 
Nuzzling into daddy's neck and whining like a little brat, hand reaching for the growing bulge in daddy's jeans. Steve's chiding glances and disapproving words.
"Such a slut for it, can't even wait 'til I get you home, huh baby?"
Of course he loves it, loves the way his sweet boy gets so bold and desperate for him, knows he's gonna take Bucky apart piece by piece the second he gets him through their front door.
"Wan' you to fuck me, daddy. Be so good for you, let you use this boy pussy the way you want. Please, daddy. Please."
Fuck. Fucking, fuck fuck. 
Happy Fridayyyyy! 🥵
Ps. I may be back later. My brain is working overtime this evening 🤣
I am so late to responding to this my darling Lau and I’m so sorry. I understand though! When I start to drink and get tipsy, which doesn’t take long, I tend to get in a Baby Bucky or Stevie Baby kinda mood. Either that or a Daddy mood, yeeeeee.
Baby Bucky tipsy is a good fucking time, you know this. He’s keen on his Daddy 24/7 but this baby will start to lose his mind along with his inhibitions and understanding of what is socially acceptable when he’s out with his Daddy drinking.
Grabby under the table? Absolutely. Keeps a hand draped along the inside of Daddy Steve’s thigh, practically on his dick. He’d have his face tucked into Steve’s neck most of the night in the corner of this bar, can’t help but nip and dig his teeth into Daddy’s neck, squeeze at the inside of his thigh as he does so.
Steve would never stop him, rumbles and gives him wet kisses, tries his hardest to hold conversation but goddamn, he loves when Bucky gets this hungry.
“You’re really gonna sit up here in this bar and touch and squeeze on your Daddy’s cock, aren’t you? Like there aren’t people sittin’ all around us?”
“Just wanna touch. Can’t help it, not when my Daddy is so handsome, so fuckin’ hot…”
Even the warning for his language riles Bucky up, has his neck feeling loose with arousal, has his pants feeling the opposite. With each and every welcomed grab, nibble, suck, and squeeze Bucky gets closer and closer to his Daddy. It doesn’t help that Steve just watches Bucky do it, almost like a challenge of sorts that Bucky meets head-on, that Bucky squares right up with.
By the time Bucky is quite obviously trying his hardest to jack his Daddy off through his pants in their back booth, Steve has about had enough of the risk of other people’s eyes.
“You just gonna let anybody get an eyeful of you bein’ needy after two drinks? Huh? You think they don’t see your hand between my legs, bein’ slutty?”
“You think he notices? That guy over there? Know for a fact she’s seen what you’re doin’, the one in the red dress—”
“Oh fuck…”
“And look at you just keepin’ it up, sugar. Grabbin’ at Daddy’s cock. Can’t even wait until we get home, can you?”
“Just…Daddy, just want you so much. Want you to use this boy pussy, how…however you want it. D’be so good for you, Daddy.”
Steve groans, right there in Bucky’s ear, throaty and breathy, and Bucky’s eyes almost roll back into his head, cock hard under his hand as he gropes at it.
“You silly, sweet thing. What’s a Daddy supposed to do besides give you everything you want?”
Bucky whines, whimpers as he nods his head frantically, gives his Daddy messy kisses on his cheek because yes, he wants Daddy to give him what he wants, oh yes. One last good squeeze on Steve’s dick, hand running up to squeeze at his belly, his pec. Steve rumbles thoughtfully.
“Makin’ an impatient boy wait, takin’ him apart bit by bit, sure does sound better though, doesn’t it?”
“No but…but Daddy, please I’ve—”
Steve rises, stands and adjusts his jacket, extends his hand.
“Sugar—you said however I want. Be good for me. Be patient,” he murmurs, and Bucky wants to wail in frustration, feels like he’s vibrating where he sits, where he moves to try and stand on shaky legs. Steve looks down at him, the hard line of his dick almost level with Bucky’s mouth. He could lean forward right here, press his mouth against the obvious ridge of Daddy’s cock, inhale deeply. Steve arches a brow at him expectantly.
“Come, Bucky.”
Bucky’s fuzzy brain allows for him to moan at Steve’s words, hand slipping into Daddy’s gracefully.
“Yes, Daddy…”
Goddddddd, we love to see it, we do we do. Can only imagine how needy and whiny and pitiful Bucky would be on their drive home, the way he’d try and sneak himself touches, how pretty he’d sound as he pouts. But Daddy would make the wait worth it, yes he would. Would take his pouty boy right to bed, would spend a delicious amount of time taking him apart and edging him.
Delicious! As always! You’re such a gorgeous gem I lub you so much for gifting me with this before I head to sleep.
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allystyles1 · 3 years
safe place-Steve Rogers x reader
can steve get sick?? idk i said he couldn't so pretend he can't even if he can :)) gif not mine.
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"Baby don't drink that water, i just got it out of the fridge!" Steve warned you and you didn't listen, too bothered from the heat of the summer and too needy to feel something cold running down your throat.
"I'll be fine!"
At least that's what you thought, you were absolutely wrong.
"When i told you you would wake up sick tomorrow you should've listened y/n, look at yourself!" Steve complained as you coughed again for like the 1000th time that morning.
"Why do you always have to be right, i just wanted to drink something cold!" you whined and took a sip from the herb tea Steve had brought you.
"By the way, this tastes awful." you coughed again and sniffed harshly.
"As long as you keep not listening to what i tell you you're gonna have to drink it." Steve pulled the blanket upper on your body.
"Steve i'm already hot enough!" He put his forehead against yours to check if you had a fever.
"I think you're gonna need some medicine." he huffed and got up to bring you pills. He came back with a Tylenol and a glass filled with water and handed it to you.
"Come on, drink it. It'll ease it." he smiled and rubbed your shoulder, trying to comfort you.
"You should just go and do something else, i'll take a nap and i'm sure it'll be gone until i wake up." You swallowed the pill and he smiled.
"My best girl is sick and you think i'd let her be alone? Finish your tea then you'll take that nap." he kissed your hair and down your head, your forehead, your nose and finally your lips.
"Steve you'll get it from me, stay away." you pushed him off and he chuckled.
"What's so funny about me worrying for your health?"
"Honey i'm a super soldier, i don't get sick remember?" he smiled and placed another peck on your lips.
"Oh i totally forgot about that! Then can we cuddle, i just feel so hot and my throat hurts." you made grabby hands at him and he smiled.
"Sure baby, come on." he laid down next to you and you hugged him instantly making him smile.
"I love you." you sniffed again.
"I love you too, now sleep honey. I promise it'll get better." Steve played with your hair until you fell asleep on his chest while he hummed you a soft melody.
He really was your safe space.
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skullrock · 4 years
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gif by @harringtown​
pairing: Steve x Reader
request: hi! this isn’t a prompt but can we have jealous steve where he just wants the reader’s attention for whatever attention and it’s cute and fluffy ? no smut please
word count: 1.2k
warnings: Great Gatsby/Romeo and Juliet spoilers??? lmfao
a/n: sorry this took so long anon!! I hope you enjoy! he’s rly only jealous of a book in this but I thot it was cute!
Steve is whining from across the room.
Steve is whining from across the room for an extended period of time.
Steve is flailing his body on the bed to get you to look at him.
“Come here.”
“’m busy, Steve,” you respond, flipping to the next page of your book. “I have to read this before class on Tuesday.”
Another whine. You laugh. “Stevie! I have to finish this.”
He reaches out for you. “I’ll read it to you.”
You smile and shake your head. “You’ll just get distracted, and so will I.”
“Come on, I am a perfect narrator.” He makes grabby hands again. “I will make it way better than it could be in your head.”
You get up with a sigh, a smile playing on your lips. Steve smiles victoriously, pulling the covers back to let you in beside him. You hand him the book and rest your head on his chest. He wrinkles his nose and holds the book away from him. “The Great Gatsby? What is this, high school?”
“It’s a popular book! I need to read it for my English lit class.”
He rolls his eyes, then smirks. Bringing you in tighter under his arm, he says, “I have an idea.”
“Oh no.”
He smiles wider. “Since I have to read you this book –”
“You insisted –”
“You can give me one kiss after each page.”
“What is this, high school?” you mock.
“It’s only fair.”
“Fine,” you sigh, burying your head into his chest.
Steve was right – it’s better than reading it in your head. He adapts a different voice for each character, talks with his hands, makes wild gestures that shake you and the bed. And, at the end of each page, even if he was in the middle of a sentence, he would look over at you with pursed lips. Each kiss given was longer, and by the tenth page, your lips lingered for half a minute.
“Steve,” you say against his lips. “I told you we’d get distracted.”
“I’m not distracted. Are you distracted?”
“A little.”
He smiles and shrugs, pulling you tighter against him once again, and continues to read.
“’I wasn't actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity.’” He pauses at that, then turns to look at you. He studies your face for a moment before asking, “Are you in love with me?”
“Of course, I am.” You reach up and tuck some loose hair behind his ear. “I wouldn’t let just any boy read Gatsby to me.”
He chuckles, but there’s still a sadness in his eyes. You frown and gently take the book from him, closing it and placing it beside you. “Hey, I mean it.” You pull him into you, chests pressed together. “How couldn’t I love you?”
He smiles bitterly. “You know….”
You nod. “I know.” You press a kiss to his forehead, and he buries his head into your neck, nearly cutting off your breathing from how hard he grips you. You run a hand through his hair, and he sighs, relaxing at the feeling.
“You want to know what I love about you?”
You feel him smile into your skin. “Sure.”
“I love your hair.” You play with a stray strand, curling it around your fingers. “I like that it’s so long that I can twist my fingers through it.” You trace your fingers down his neck. “And I love the moles you have going down your neck and to your collarbones. I love your shoulders and your arms….” You reach down to grip his hand, lacing your fingers in his. “I love your hands. They’re always so warm and soft.”
You feel him squeeze your hand and the smile come back on his face.
“You’ve got the cutest tummy.” You unlace your hand to reach down and tickle it, giggling when he giggles. “Cutest ass.”
“Not true,” he mumbles.
“True to me.” You lift his head with your fingers, making him face you. “And the most adorable face.” You trace your fingers over his features as you point them out. “Straightest nose I’ve ever seen… nicest jawline… softest lips.”
Steve pulls you in for another kiss. It’s soft and warm, inviting and welcoming, just like he is. His kisses make you dizzy, and you have to brace yourself on his chest as his move against yours. He always smiles into his kisses, too, an adorable display of his own affections without saying a thing. When you both pull away, he’s still smiling – softly, Mona Lisa style, content and happy and comfortable.
“You’re the funniest guy I’ve ever met,” you continue, tracing circles into his clothed chest. “And so brave. God, so brave, Steve. You always do the right thing. You’re kind and caring and loving and strong.”
Steve blinks some tears away and buries his head into your hair, rubbing circles into the small of your back. “Anything else?”
“You’re the love of my life,” you whisper. “I don’t ever want to do anything without you.”
“You won’t have to.” He kisses the top of your head softly, lovingly. “You’ll never have to be without me.”
You smile. “Unless you keep throwing yourself in harm’s way.”
“That was three times,” he jokes quietly. It’s not really funny, the amount of times he’s almost been killed or maimed beyond repair. But in bed with you, he can be vulnerable. He can joke. He feels safe and secure in your arms, and he doesn’t ever want this feeling to stop.
You look up to him, making contact with his warm irises. “You’re my world. I don’t want you to ever get hurt. I don’t know how… how I could live without you.”
“Don’t get upset,” he coos, moving so he’s at eye level with you. “We’re like… we’re like Romeo and Juliet.”
You laugh. “You’ve never read that, have you?”
Steve looks concerned. “Does something bad happen to them?”
You don’t have the heart to tell him. “No, Steve. They live happily ever after.”
He smiles. “So will we.”
“So will we,” you repeat.
Steve kisses you again, then pulls away. He’s a bit pouty. “Will you hold me and play with my hair?”
You nod. “What else am I here for?”
“Forever grateful for you and your fingers.” He rolls over and you pull him to you, wrapping one hand around his waist and the other in his hair. You weave your hands through his locks, pulling and tugging gently, running your fingers up and down his scalp.
You pause just briefly, and Steve whines again. “Pay attention to me!”
“Oh my God, I stopped for two seconds!”
“Too long.” You can hear the smile in his voice and you roll your eyes.
“So needy,” you mumble, continuing to massage his scalp.
“Only for you,” he jokes.
taglist (join here):  @harrington-ofhawkins​ @comedy-witch​ @gothackedalready​ @wolfish-willow​ @sassisaluxury​ @willowrose99​ @harringtown​ @write-from-the-heart​ @m-blasterrr​ @whimsicalwoodlands​ @anerroroccurrrrred​​ @Marvels-gurl @the-almond-dinger​ @ssanjuniperoo​ @darth-el​ @sourapplebaby​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @andyl394​ @astil-be​ @troop-scoop​ @ilovebucketbarnes @mybestfriendthedingus​ @unknownherelm​ @metuel18​ @magnitude101999​ @simplesammyx​ @lukeskisses​ @bravest-at-heart​ @stevenismyboy​
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peterthepark · 5 years
okay SORRY but i love with all my heart your steve smut so pleaseeee do more !! one idea i had was that they go to a diner late at night, have a quiet date, and it escalates, possible in his car?? that may be a crappy idea but y'know i made an attempt
enjoy babes! 🖤 i may have uH went a little all out with this one but i hope you’ll like it
Like A Virgin
Steve Harrington x You
Warnings: smuttttt & fluff
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The diner was quiet, despite the bright and loud neon signs that flickered obnoxiously outside. Silverware clinks against the ceramic plates as Steve scrapes up the rest of the food. He chews softly; his jaw clenching as he watches you sip on the straw of your milkshake. You let out a hum when your straw sucks onto the cherry that had sunk to the bottom of the tall cup. Steve can’t help but to grin devilishly when he sees the vibrant, red cherry disappear between your glossy lips with a pop. You flash him a shy smile, turning your head away from him as your stomach becomes full with sudden butterflies.
The jukebox in the corner of the diner hasn’t stopped playing Madonna ever since you both arrived, and honestly, Steve seems quite excited at how playful the music is making you seem.
“Can you tie a knot with the stem?” He asks, pointing at you. His elbows are propped up on the table, while his hands rest against his chin.
“Only good kissers can do it.” You respond, tongue poking against the side of your mouth. “Done.” You stick your tongue out at him. And surely enough, it’s in a knot. Steve exhales deeply, leaning back against the red booth as his gaze focuses on the knotted cherry stem.
“Well, well. Would you look at that.” He chuckles, biting his lip. He crosses his arms against his broad chest, eyeing you.
“So you admit it? That I’m a good kisser?” You lift your shoe from off the ground, placing it delicately between Steve’s spread legs. He smirks at the sight of the bright pink pumps, running his hand softly up your calf.
“A little proof won’t hurt.” He raises his eyebrows suggestively, lips slightly puckered as you shift to lean forwards on the table.
Now, Steve Harrington was a gentleman.
But with the way you were acting, he began to consider otherwise.
You and Steve were supposed to be at a summer pool party, but once you showed up to his front door, he knew he had to take you somewhere else. You’re wearing a mini dress, the kind with slits on the sides and a thick belt around your waist. The signature Barbie-colored dress matches your too-tall heels. Steve smacks his lips at how your curled hair tries to escape from its loose ponytail, messy strands framing your dolled-up face. The blue eyeshadow on your eyelids glimmer celestially under the yellow light as you dab at your lipstick, glancing up at Steve with a innocent smile.
“Let’s go home.” He says abruptly, before throwing a couple dollars onto the sticky table. Your face is a mixture of surprise and disappointment. He wanted to go home. Already?
“What? I was having so much fun.” You whine, following him out of the booth. He waits for you, holding his arm out for you to grab on. You’re tugging at the hem of your flamboyant dress, fearful that it was riding up your thighs too much. You’re pouting as Steve opens the door, placing a protective hand on your back as he takes you back to the car.
“Steve?” You call out to him after he chivalrously yanks open the passenger door for you. Getting in with a sigh, you roll your eyes at his sudden change in demeanor. He starts the car, cranking the music to a ridiculously loud volume.
But you’re taken by surprise when he reaches around you to lock the car and instantly, he has you pushed you up against the door. His hand cups your cheek, thumb brushing at your skin as he mashes his lips against yours. He moans into your mouth, attacking your neck with intensity and passion.
“Holy fuck, Y/N.” His hands are grabby, tugging roughly at the white belt that was wrapped tightly around your waist. He throws it onto the floor of the backseat blindly. “Do you have any idea how fucking good you look tonight?”
Steve shrugs his jacket off, bunching it up and carelessly tossing it onto the dashboard. You take the opportunity to climb into the back of the car, giggling as Steve whines for you to come back.
But nevertheless, he follows your movements. He parts your legs with his knee, grunting as you sit forward to tug his shirt over his head.
“Hold on.” He takes the shirt from you, laying it out on the leather seat. “Wanna make you as comfortable as possible, angel.”
You bite down on your manicured nail, blinking up at him with a lustful gaze. “Ooo, angel? That’s new.”
You push Steve against the backseat, straddling his lap. Your dress is lifted up to your ribs, and you grind expertly against him. Steve gasps when he reaches between your thighs, realizing that you weren’t wearing anything under that dress - for this whole time.
He groans as you drag your lips across his broad, bare chest; his skin is littered with stains from your lipstick, mixing themselves with the hickeys you were giving him. You pull at Steve’s hair, earning a wanton moan from the back of his throat.
Now, that was unexpected.
“Steve Harrington likes getting his hair pulled?” You chuckle. You lift his chin with your fingers so that he looks up at you, hands placed firmly on your ass. You shift in his lap, whispering dirtily against his ear. “Baby... you should’ve just told me.”
Steve is speechless, jaw ajar as he looks up at you in awe.
This was different. Normally, he’d be the one in charge during sex.
But this... this unlocked a new feeling in him. It was unfamiliar. It was uncharted territory. And he liked it.
“Talk to me, Stevie. What do you want?” You mumble against his skin, inching your way down his lap and onto the hard floor of the backseat. “You want me to suck your dick? Yeah?”
Steve nods, throwing his head back. Licking his lips, he shuts his eyes as you unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants, pulling them to his ankles - along with his boxers.
A loud, filthy moan escapes from his lips as you lick a stripe on the underside of his hard cock. All he can focus on is the sounds that your mouth is making; saliva builds up around your fists as you quickly bob your head up and down, pumping the rest of him with your smaller fists. Steve takes your hair, pushing you down softly onto him so that you gag. He chuckles, and a hum vibrates through his chest as you pull away with a dramatic pop.
Just like the cherry.
Steve meets your lips with his, tasting himself. It’s so dirty and filthy, but shit, does it feel good. You place yourself in his lap once more, a hand balancing on his shoulder before you reach behind you, taking him into your hand once more.
“You’re so fucking fine.” Steve takes the dress off of you, letting it collect onto the floor with his other clothes.
He groans into your bare breasts, boldly sucking onto them with his full lips. He’s blushing profusely: cheeks and neck red with your lipstick and his natural flush. Your hands brush through his hair, pulling at the small curls at the back of his head. His huge hands cover your back as you sink down onto him, moaning lustfully with a wide grin.
“God, Harrington. You make me feel so full.” You yelp as he snaps his hips into you, hitting your pubic bone as he tries to bury himself deeper inside you. “Holy... holy shit. Holy shit!”
The car creaks, swaying from side to side as Steve pounds into you. Your breasts are pressed up against his chest, bouncing slightly as Steve thrusted in and out of you. It was purely sinful in every way. His mouth is smeared with your glossy lipstick, smudged at the corners and painting his lips with a glistening texture. He’s moaning into you, cheek pressed up against the valley of your breasts as his hips buck up to match your pace.
His middle finger draws figure-eights on your clit, rubbing harshly as he tries to get you to cum. He’s so close, needy to get there.
“Fuck, Y/N. Yeah, just like that. Goddamn, pull my hair again.”
“Uhuh, yeah? Steve... fuck!” Your fingers pull and tug at his hair, and Steve is trying everything in his power not to cum right then and there. He rams into you at a faster speed, smiling as you place a hand on the roof of the car with parted lips.
“Oh, my... Steve! I’m there - I’m - I’m cumming!”
Steve doesn’t hold back this time. He feels you clench tightly around him, breaths heavy as your body convulses with aftershocks. Your hands trail up his shoulders, cupping his face. He’s cumming, too. It overwhelms him, grunting with a gruff voice as you bounce onto him for one last time.
Your eyes are hooded, and you inhale before you let yourself fall against Steve’s chest.
“That was - that was amazing. Holy fucking crap.” You smile blissfully, closing your eyes as you embrace him.
“And you’re - you really are a good kisser.” He chuckles nervously, moving his hands up and down your arms.
“Guess that cherry stem myth is - well, I guess it isn’t a myth anymore.”
“I’ve got the real deal right here.” Steve sucks a mark on the side of your breast, smirking proudly at the masterpiece he’s created.
“Now, let’s actually go home?” You laugh at him with a teasing look, yelping as he spanks your ass playfully.
“Whoever said there wasn’t room for a round two?”
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eyesfixedonthesun22 · 6 years
She’s So High: Chapter 7
Summary: 90’s karaoke and your snarky wit seem to have revived the charming side of one Bucky Barnes. Now that he finally has you home all to himself, perhaps he can put some of that charm to good use. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Warning(s): Smut 18+. Swearing. Kissing, Hand Job, Oral Sex (male receiving), Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex. Word Count: 2,635 Notes: Idea was inspired by this 90′s playlist. This chapter was beta read by the lovely @viktordrago. You all go thank her cause without her there would have been A TON of really laughable errors. Thank you so much to everyone for their likes and reblogs thus far. Anyone who left comments has literally melted my heart. I love you all.  Smut Note: ***DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, INTERACT WITH MY WORK IF YOU’RE NOT 18+*** It goes without saying, unprotected sex....please make sure your partners are clean and you use an agreed upon form of protection (if relevant).
You sprint up to the tower mildly annoyed you’re being made to run on one of your days off. The public doors to the tower are locked for the evening so you head for the private entrance. After scanning your biometrics, you push the door open only to see a smug Bucky standing in the elevator with the door hold button on.
“Took you long enough, Doll.” He says dangling your phone back and forth like a pendulum feigning as if he’d waiting longer.
“Not everyone has super serum steroids running through their veins. Plus, you try running with someone’s cum leaking out of you. Not fun!” you rant while attempting to steal your phone back.
“Not so fast, darling. All that talk of my cum inside of you is turning me on.” He says puckering his lips in a taunting manner while continuing to hold your phone just out of reach. You roll your eyes at his arrogance. Taking a deep relaxing breath, you spring into one of your favorite field moves in hopes of being able to grapple your phone to freedom.
Bucky must have known you’d take the bait. He counters you gently and with lightning precision has you pinned against the elevator wall with your hands helplessly overhead; hips locked in place by his own.
“Did you really think I don’t have your favorite move memorized? You and Nat, so predictable.” he tuts with his face close enough to smell the hints of whiskey on his breath.
His left hand takes over holding both of your wrists in place; the cool metallic palm dwarfing both your own. To any onlooker, Bucky’s position over you would have looked predatory but you basked in the return of his confidence. His right hand tucks your phone securely in his back pocket before taking a firm hold on your hip.
“Ever think this is the exact outcome I wanted and you just fell for it?” you counter, testing the waters. “Winter Soldier’s getting soft.”
“I think you’ll find it's quite the contrary, doll.”  His hips grind against you and you feel him stirring in his jeans. Sensing your resolve is crumbling, he peppers light kisses along the column of exposed skin on your neck. You attempt to hold back and not give him the satisfaction, when he begins sucking and nipping at your soft flesh, you reluctantly cave.
The two of you are so thoroughly lost in one another you, don’t hear the elevator ding once you reach the living quarters.
“Agent Barnes. Agent Y/L/N. Floor 90: Living Quarters” Friday prompts. Bucky doesn’t come up for air. His metal arm releases your wrists from their willing prison only to tap lightly on your thighs. You know what he’s suggesting but you pause.
“Up you go!” He says picking you up with ease.
“Bucky Barnes you put me down this minute! I swear to god if you drop me-” His footsteps pause and he pulls back from kissing your neck. One eyebrow is raised and his mouth is firmly set in a smirk.
“I’m not exactly light as a feather, Buck.” His expression flickers to confusion as his head cocks to the side.
“Being picked up makes me hyper aware of my body.” Your eyes fall from his face now self-conscious about meeting his gaze.
“You mean aware of these?” He squeezes your bum appreciatively. “Or these?” Now holding you with his right arm and caressing the curves of your hip and thighs. “You must mean these?” Palming your breast in admiration.  “Darlin’ I ache for every damn bit of your body. I wanna worship it all.”
Your eyes raise from their spot on his chest. “I’m serious, sweetheart. Besides, you’d have to somehow grow to Scott’s freaky large Antman size to pose a challenge for this super strength.” You beam and peck his nose lightly.
“Thank you, Buck.” He kisses you back with renewed fervor while continuing the trek down the hall. Finally in the privacy of your room, he lets your body gently descend his with a controlled grace; lips never leaving yours. You come up for air only to realize you’re in Bucky’s room not your own.
It shouldn’t surprise you; but it catches you off guard regardless. You’ve only ever seen small slivers of his room in the past. His door was always shut like a not so subtle “keep out” sign. If it is open, it’s only so he can peak his head out to chat with Steve to decline a run. Bucky senses your curiosity and lets you explore.
On the largest window-filled wall sits a beautiful walnut desk. You’d imagined it would be bathed in sunlight come morning. The desk is bare except for a set of small plain back notebooks stood between leather wrapped bookends. Upon further examination, you can see each notebook has a range of dates on its spine.
“Therapy has helped a lot; but my memory isn’t one hundred percent still. Whenever I remember something or have a dream, I write it down in those.” Your heart clenches with empathy.
On the wall near his closet is a cork board with a small collection of photos; mostly black and white prints. Looking closer, you find a scrawny Steve beaming a stress free smile you rarely see on him now. Bucky’s arm is slung over his shoulder. They look so young; clearly void of the pressures of Captain America and Winter Soldier. Squinting at the more faded photos, you make out what looks to be his family interspersed with some drawings you recognize in Steve’s style. Right in the center of the collection is a group photo of the Avengers from the holiday party last year.
On his nightstand is a well-worn copy of War of the Worlds next to an ambient noise machine. His duvet is a calming shade of blue which perfectly coordinates with the camel leather headboard. It’s warm and welcoming.
It almost feels intrusive to see the intimate details of Bucky’s space and disturb his calm oasis. Your heart swells with emotion knowing how much he must trust you to have brought you here.
“It’s beautiful, Buck. Did you decorate it?” you feel his arms circle around your waist from behind as you continue to look around.
“Of course I did, darling. It took me a long time to figure out what I wanted; but I finally have something that feels like mine.” He gives you a quick peck on your cheek before walking over to the nightstand.
Still wonderstruck by his room, your revere is interrupted by music filling the space. It’s a song you recognize from one of your private playlists. You turn to face him; his hands once again encircling you. “How did you-” You’re pushed back into the plush duvet with a short yelp.
“Your playlists may be private but you didn’t turn on a private listening session.” He raises his eyebrows like he couldn’t possibly be more proud of his sneaking abilities. Making grabby hands, you feel his weight settle on top of you.
“So you spied on my listening habits? That’s pretty impressive technology navigation for a senior citizen.”
“I mean… they don’t call me a ghost story for nothing.” He says with a lighthearted chuckle. “Plus I’d watch all that senior citizen talk, missy. What does that make you?”
Bucky’s warm lips mold themselves to the contours of your neck making it difficult to think. “A harlot?”
He hums in response while marking you with another love bite. His hands roam to your breasts caressing them in earnest while pressing you back into the down duvet. His hand moves to the small of your back to hoist you up further on the bed, quickly settling his weight back onto you.
Despite the earlier fervor you both shared on the elevator, you’ve wordlessly communicated a temper of pace. His flesh hand cups your jaw gently as his tongue slips in to meet your own. All urgency lost, you allow yourself to savor Bucky. The now familiar scent of his body wash envelops you as you attempt to memorize his tastes and sounds.
Fingers trace and graze. Palms grip and smooth across planes and dips of one another's body. Your lips only separate to gasp needy puffs of air before diving back into each other; never wanting to be apart for long. Each article of clothing is removed reverently before the skin below is explored.
“Fuck darlin’-” He says stealing his lips away. His eyes are a vivid shade of blue but show no signs of hesitancy. There’s a subtle flush across his cheeks which matches the beautiful color the kissing has brought to his plump lips.  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”
You rise up to meet his lips again; gently pushing him off the bed before your hands move to the waistband of his jeans. The belt joins his other clothing strewn on the floor and you’re able to get the zipper down with far more grace this time. His hands settle on top of yours and you both push his jeans and underwear down together. He pulls you to stand and rids you of your final garments.
“You finally gonna let me have my turn, Buck?” He’s lying in the center of the bed stroking his length languidly; the mischievous grin you’ve grown to love makes an appearance.
“Doll, you know you don’t have-”
“I want to… so badly do. I want to.” You crawl up the bed and settle between his legs; kissing his firm thighs as you near your goal. “You’re not the only one who’s thought about this for a while, honey.”
“You been thinking about me during your alone time, doll?” He says folding his flesh arm behind his head as he looks down at you.
You’re certain there’s another snarky comment coming but it gets choked off in his throat as you lick him from base to tip. Knowing full well you have all evening, you set out to figure out what combination can draw those beautiful sounds from deep in Bucky’s chest.
A particularly strong moan followed by a choked breath alert you to a sweet spot. You continue to work the same pattern with heavier pressure; savoring the rhythmic tensing of his thighs in response. Bucky leans up slightly as if he’s going to tell you to stop; but you gently press him back down. He sighs deeply while pressing his head further back into the pillow; hips raising on their own accord, pushing him further into your mouth.
“Doll, I’m-”
He lets out a low growl from deep in his chest before he spills into you. You continue your motions; touching softer while adoring his little whimpers of oversensitivity.
“Sorry, darlin’. Didn’t give you much warning.” His voice carries a heady coarseness; indicating his post-orgasm state.  Kissing your way up his thighs, abs, and pecs you hum gently in his ear-
“Didn’t need one, sweetheart.” You kiss the shell of his ear before moving to his pillow soft lips for a deep kiss. “Besides, you’re not exactly subtle.”
He chuckles lightly and shifts his weight pinning you beneath him once again.
“As perfect as that mouth of yours feels, I’m not done with you yet, doll.” Your legs part wider allowing him to settle between them. Allowing him time to recover, you both kiss with renewed desire. His cock, previously semi-hard, stiffens once more. His hips roll and dip allowing his shaft to slide between your wetness. Each pass provides a delicious friction to your clit making you crave him inside you.
“You’re such a tease, Bucky.” You intend for it to be a stern warning but it comes out a desperate plea.
“Hush baby girl. It’s not teasing if I deliver on my promise.” On the last word he angles his hips slightly and pushes into you.
Having been acquainted with quick and dirty, you’re surprised how delicate Bucky is. His kisses seem to land on your body exactly where you crave them. The gentle glide of his cock against your walls stretches you deliciously; passionate and slow. Before, your release came on like a freight train. Now it’s as though he started a small fire and was stoking it with each push and pull inside you.
“Bucky! That feels so-” your words die into a whimper as the fire breaks forth and spreads like a wave over your body. You spasm and clench around his length as he continues to rut into you.
“I’m so close, darlin’.” He manages to last a handful of thrusts longer before he releases into you. He quieter this time but it seems his release is endless.
Bucky stills above you; barely supporting his weight as to not crush your form beneath him. He pecks your lips so softly before gently lifting off you.
“I’ll be right back, doll.”
You watch his firm backside retreat into the bathroom. Releasing a deep sigh you reach for your phone in hopes to update Natasha and Steve so they don’t worry about you. Bucky returns from the bathroom with a soaring belly flop onto the bed before he scoots up closer; burying his head in your neck. Distantly, you hear the stream of the shower he started in the bathroom.
“Watcha doin’?” He slurs lazily against your skin.
“Just updating Nat so she doesn’t come hunt you down.” you say chuckling.
“You’d defend my honor.” He wraps his arm around your waist pulling you impossibly closer to him.
Opening the message on your phone a flush starts to creep to your cheeks. You see a string of concerned messages from Steve, Sam, and Wanda wondering if you need consoling. Tony sent a rather inappropriate message asking if Barnes had “sacked up”.
At the top of your list you see Nat’s messages turn from positively frantic to utterly annoyed. The last one reading, “I’m home now. I can hear you sickos through the wall. He better be treating you good for me to endure this torture.”
You return back to the message threads debating who to respond to first; or if you want to respond at all.
You contemplation is interrupted, “Why am I in your phone as ‘Grumpy Barnes’?! How rude!”
Bucky apparently has woken up from his mini post-coital nap. You’re about to defend the name (blame Sam) when he launches a sneak tickle attack. Eventually you manage to wiggle free from his clutches and sprint to the awaiting warmth of the shower. Bucky walks in and soon has you wrapped back in his embrace.
The gentle caresses of his fingers up and down the wet skin of your body paired with the steamy mist from the warm shower have your eyelids feeling heavy. You lean your body back against Bucky letting him support you while he washes you in his body wash. You find so much comfort being surrounded by his scent.
“What do you wanna do now, doll?” You hum sleepily; the length of the day catching up with you. “How about we curl up, watch something on Netflix and crash? You nod slowly into his chest.
After drying off and ignoring searching for pajamas, you’re nestled amongst the pillows and comforter. Bucky pulls you close under his arm while turning on an episode of Twilight Zone at a low background volume. Your eyes flutter shut enjoying the warmth of his body pressed next to yours. It’s quiet but you hear him mumble something inaudible before sleep takes you both.
“Doll, I know I’ll never been the same Bucky I was before Hydra got ahold of me, but if the new version of me feels how I do now, I don’t think I mind.”
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cowandcalf · 6 years
Ua Hopu - 2.22
This scene - this special scene. I need to talk about it. I’ve always loved this long, heart-warming welcoming scene after Steve’s breakneck version of how to bring in Wo Fat, bloody and beaten up in a stolen helicopter at night, with the Yakuza holding him at gunpoint and Five-0 wrestling their way into the moment to take over. Because this scene was also the very first scene where the task force, Steve’s ohana, was back together after Steve just left to go for a manhunt, leaving a letter on Danny’s desk, without saying goodbye, without informing anyone - Steve just left.
But...(damn, and I never realized this!) but, this is also the very first scene for Alex with his whole team after he was back on the show after he’s returned from rehab. So - where do I go with this? I’ve collected the pieces of the big puzzle that is H50 and Alex and Scott and everyone else on the go. And that’s the reason it never occurred to me that Alex had to leave the show to seek help in a clinic and that everyone was worried sick. And that’s why they created a possibility for Alex to leave.
First, his friends and Scott didn’t know if he’s gonna make it and second, when would he return? Sure, I know there must have been a deadline and everything was covered. But only Alex and Scott, and Peter Lenkov and DDK and Grace knew how bad it was what was really going on. And for sure some other people knew, too. Alex looked gaunt at the end, with his cheek sunken and this haunted look in his eyes. Everyone knew something was off. And damn, I admire his professionalism and his strength and this iron will to get back on track. Gosh, this man, really.
Alex was absent for two episodes (2.20 and 2.21). I missed him something awful and I only realized on my rewatching marathon why Alex/Steve has missed those two episodes.
So, again, this scene. That’s the scene right there and I want to talk about how Steve greets everyone. It’s uncharacteristically sweet, intense, loving and every moment screams at me with how much Alex is relieved to be back, to be together with his friends, to be whole after months of pain and meds and addiction.
And the way Steve and Danny meet shows me how much they are in love. If everyone can remember how it was when you had this epic crush on a guy/girl and you aren’t together yet but you know it’s mutual and you dream about that moment every second of the day and then this person shows up and you are kind of shocked to see this person and your heart goes ‘boom’ under one second flat and your palms are sweaty and you can’t swallow anymore and you’re a nervous wreck. And do you know what I mean? And I talk about Alex and Scott here too.
So that’s why I need to talk about this scene because it freaking shows! Because this is not Steve hugging Kono and Chin and Danny - nope - in this scene, it’s Alex hugging Grace and Daniel and Scott. Especially Alex hugging Scott.
Steve’s first moments together with Danny. They play it cool, both of them. Steve’s look is so questioning, insecure but at the same time, he doesn’t want to show how much he’s afraid of Danny’s speech because he left without informing Danny, without so much as a word, showing trust to let Danny know what’s going on.
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And Steve goes: “Book him Danno.” and Danny answers “You just could have said hello. (Not before he shouted ‘I knew it: Cargo pants’) So they banter to disguise their true feelings, playing it down, keeping distance. But Steve can’t do without touching and his hand clamps down on Danny’s shoulder lingers there and slides down only because Danny escorts Wo Fat to the nearest police car before he turns to look at Kono and at Chin.
Kono walks up to Steve after she has shot Adam’s lawyer.
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Kono: “You don’t write. You don’t call.”
Steve: “Come here.”
Steve laughs and pulls her in.
(When did Steve close his eyes, hugging Kono after he had returned from a mission?)
Kono: “We missed you.”
Steve:” It’s good to be home.” (I mean look at his face!)
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Steve is so overwhelmed, relieved and very needy for contact, to assure himself that everyone is still here, that everyone is doing fine and they are all there, waiting for him, missing him and all of them only feel whole again after Steve’s back in their inner circle, completing their ohana.
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Steve even cups Kono’s head! I mean...my heart hurts, okay?
And then there’s Chin and it’s even more special how Steve greets Chin.
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Okay, it begins like... come here, nice to be back and let’s not lean in too far. Chin seems hesitant because it’s Chin. Zen and distant and cautious and all this. But Steve just goes for it.
Chin: “It’s good to have you back.”
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Tight, tight hug, almost grabby hands, not wanting to let go.
Chin: “You all right?”
Steve: “I’m good.”
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And then this uncharacteristic question follows the hug and look at this wide and wild happy grin from Steve:
Steve: “You miss me?” (playful, teasing voice)
(And Chin laughs so freely and a tad surprised.)
Chin: “Ha-ha-ha.”
And Steve’s just so happy and handsy and somehow touch-starved. He cups Chin’s face!! He’s so damn happy to be back, to have all of his friends right there with him. When has Steve EVER asked if Chin is happy to have him back, touching his face? Jesus, so many emotions are exploding like a supernova right before my eyes.
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Meanwhile, Danny’s watching how Steve greets Kono and Chin. Jesus. And how he’s watching, how his body language gives him away. Ah, dear God, have mercy.
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Danny rubs his hands, repeatedly. He has his eyes on Wo Fat but he also tries to calm his wild hammering heart. And the best detail that gives him away how damn nervous he is, is the way he blows up his cheeks, pursing his lips. He’s a mess and he tries to cover it up. And he always casts his looks over to where Steve stands, knowing he’s next to say hello after all that has happened. He’s angry with Steve, he was worried sick, he’s deeply in love and he tries to steel himself for the moment where Steve’s arms will wrap him in a tight embrace after such a long, damn time.
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Okay, first comes this nonsense bro-hug with Danny’s usual back patting. Danny approaches Steve with the sentence: “What a mess.” And Steve goes: “Yeah, yeah.” Those morons, seriously before they hug like this.
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But the feelings rush over them like a tide and they can’t hold back and Steve and Danny kind of cling to each other, but they try to cover it up by joking and laughing but there are SO MUCH love and devotion floating around between the guys that I can’t. Honestly. This scene overwhelms me.
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So, yeah, I really see Alex in this scene and next to him Scott, Daniel and Grace, and the dialog is almost too perfect. It also relates to the long weeks where Alex was absent and away from the set. This special scene shows a deeper reunion than just the one from the getting back together with the Five-0 task force members.
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katahnisharma · 6 years
stay like this | t.h.
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Word Count: 929
Warnings: fluff and a news obssessed reader
Summary: Takeout and cuddling with Tom are your favorite nights.
Requested by: the amazingly kind and talented lyna @quitetommy​ for cutie tommy all tired cuddly and adorable 💛
                               masterlist || add yourself to my taglist!
You sat on the couch, curled up in a knitted blanket you had made one weekend on a whim, Tessa asleep on your feet. You reached over and stroked her ears, causing her to let out a small breath of comfort while you mindlessly flipped through the magazine you had stolen from the coffee shop across the street.
It was yours and Tom’s place, where the two of you always went together when he was home. You smiled remembering how he had teased you for taking the thing.
“Darling, that’s not even yours!” Tom laughed, taking a sip from his coffee. You sat across the table, visibly excited at your find.
“Well, if they wanted it they would have taken it with them, right? And it’s the NEW YORK TIMES Tommy!” You squealed, Tom taking your hand and entwining it with yours as he smiled at you lovingly.
“How could I forget your favorite news publication? Fine, but you have to pay some attention to me, love.” He smirked, watching you immediately tear through it. You looked up after a couple minutes and gave him a look.
“What did you say, babe?” Tom couldn’t stop laughing, and though you were still confused you couldn’t blush fast enough when he brought each one of your fingers to his lips.
Smiling softly, you were yanked from your thoughts when Tessa shifted at your feet, coming to your lap instead.
“I know Tess, I miss him too. I think he’ll be back soon.” You whispered, letting the little staffie burrow further into the comforter. A little ping from your phone on the table confirmed your hope.
On my way home love. You up for takeout? You rolled your eyes, grinning to yourself.
When am I not :) Want me to order you something?
No, I’ll pick it up :)
“He’s almost here, Tess.” You put your phone to the side, and laid down on your side to get more comfortable. Picking up where you had left off, you read a bit more of the article on European affairs. It was interesting, but you were so exhausted that your eyes began to droop and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
You couldn’t have been asleep for more than fifteen minutes when you felt the couch shift from underneath, and a body slide in behind you. A pair of arms encircled your waist, pulling the blanket over the two of you. You smiled sleepily.
“Tommy?” You whispered, careful not to wake up Tessa.
“It’s me, sorry I was trying not to wake you.” He whispered back, moving your hair back slowly and pressing kisses to your neck. The sensation made your heart flutter and you felt warmer. Even though you and Tom had been dating for two years, it felt like you were still in that honeymoon phase when you had first started dating.
“That’s okay, I’m glad you did. I missed you.” Now the two of you were sitting up, Tom letting you rest your head on his chest so he could have you in his lap.
“Definitely missed you more darling, shooting was exhausting. Missed my girl, missed this.” He murmured against your hair.
“I think you mean girls. Don’t let Tess hear you.” Tom chuckled and you felt the vibrations from his chest.
“Good thing she can’t understand me. Wanna eat, love?” You looked over at the table, completely covered with paper bags.
“We’re gonna have leftovers for weeks!” You giggled, “But the answer to your question is yes, let’s eat.”
So the two of you opened things, laughing as you both realized how much there really was. Tom made you take what you wanted first, and even though you protested, he reminded you that he’d steal from you anyway. Then he got back on the couch, wiggling his eyebrows and making grabby hands at you.
“Come cuddle with me?” You laughed at the gesture.
“Yes, I think I will. But can-“
“Can you read your magazine? Yes, as long as you let me hold you.” Tom smirked, watching your face flush.
“How on earth do you know me so well?” You asked, settling into his lap with your news. Tom rested his head on your chest.
“I think we’ve been dating too long. But I wouldn’t change that.” You kissed his head.
“Mmm, me neither. I mean, your habit of leaving your clothes everywhere is a close deal breaker, but Tess helps me so we’ve decided to forgive you.” Tom rolled his eyes at your comment, snuggling further into you and bringing your arm around him.
“Do you mind if we just stay like this?” He asked, playing with your free hand. Tom loved your fingers, he never got tired of them. He liked the way they danced around when you were dancing in the apartment, your hair a mess but your eyes crinkled in happiness. He liked the way they crooked at him when you were feeling silly and needy.
“No, I was about to ask that too.” You whispered into his hair.
But most of all, he liked the way they dried his tears and they way they touched him. Because you felt like home. They were treasures to him, just like your beautiful smile. He kissed them again just like he had in the coffee shop.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Don’t move, yeah?
“Wouldn’t think of it.”
The two of you fell asleep on the couch a couple minutes later, the magazine abandoned and your bodies intertwined, with Tess at your feet.
TAGLIST: @peters-vlogs @notimeforthemessenger @toms-order @darling-parker​ @tomhollandandmarvelsworld​ @buckychrist @rainbow-marvel​ @cutiehollands @pumpkinparkers @inlovewithmob-tom @veronicas-littleworld​ @da5haexowin @candycornparker @sergeantbxrnxs @spideyfield @itsholyholland​ @underoosstark @stormyholland @letscupcakequeen14 @let-me-luve-you​ @smexylemony @roses-and-sweaters @musicgirl234 @its-livelovelife @steve-thotgers @tiny-friggin-human @lovelyh0lland @blueberry-butterscotch @keylla-dunspeh @lucille-lovely @yeahbutmarvel @petalparker @lokiislowkeyhot​ @spideymood @yoharryyouawizard @tomhollanders2013 @holland-haven​ @letthembehappymcu @jnej @spiderman-n @positiveparker @ghostiebois​ @underoospeter @treegelbman @winterssoldierrs @heycreehere @peter-prkers​ @tommyparkerr​ @marvel-language​ @sdrecsfics​ @doimakeitthroughthenight​ @wronglanemendes​ @brokensimpson​ @greekdemigodwannabe​ @ninetypoundsofasthma​
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gutterdreams · 7 years
Wrapped Up Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own Stranger Things. Word Count: 2.5 k Warnings: Lite smut, swearing. 
This story came about so randomly. Please, let me know what you think. Billy x Reader, Steve x Reader If I forget to tag you, I apologize. I have a hard time keeping track.
To call this dangerous was putting it lightly. You two would have been safer putting your heads in the mouth of a starving and pissed off grizzly bear. Still, knowing the consequences, neither of you had a desire to quit. Steve hadn’t been so excited in his life in months. His hands slid up your sides as he tried to catch his breath, your chapped lips giving him a break that was long enough to lean back against your kitchen table and peel your shirt overhead. “I wanted you all day…” Steve gasped against your stomach in between needy kisses over your taut skin. “I saw you outside in your gym uniform…” He kept talking as he lowered down to his knees, head in front of the zipper of your jeans. He stopped only to start unbuttoning his own shirt that reeked from a day of lusting after you while confined by assigned seating and situation. A planned fire drill took place while you were in gym class, a game of dodgeball having just begun. It was freezing outside and your nipples were poking through your grey gym shirt as your legs were speckled with goosebumps down to your white sneakers. Steve had watched you closely with a firmness tightening his jeans. His hands laid flat in his pockets as his feet fidgeted endlessly on the ground. It wasn’t until a shadow cast over his fantasy that he turned away and his arousal diminished. 
Billy found you in the crowd of students and pulled you into his groin from behind, both arms around your waist and his mouth nipping at your neck. He turned you inward and put his hands in the pocket of his brown leather jacket, using it to keep you both warm at once. Plus, he wanted your cold breasts against him and not on display for the rest of the student body. That was where the danger came in. Billy was a possessive loose cannon and you were his dream girl from your cubic zirconia pierced ears to your sour cherry flavored  lips to your penchant for wearing knee socks that fed into his school girl fantasy. Steve knew he could not have picked a worse person to become infatuated with, but when he joined student council and wound up spending lunch periods and weekends with you back in January, he couldn’t really help himself. It wasn’t as if you controlled yourself either. After dropping you off for a fundraiser while in a rotten mood, Billy left you open to Steve’s comforting words. He had cursed you out as you climbed out of his car and Steve was there to make sure you weren’t completely rattled. After that, Steve’s hand on your back became a staple and it was natural that eventually that hand would be down the front of your pants while you took a break from planning a car wash to raise money for a senior trip. Steve was working your tight jeans off of your hips, smiling against the cotton fabric of your underwear, when the phone rang and scared you both. The fear of being caught by anyone, and therefore Billy, kept you both on edge. “Don’t get it.” Brown eyes warm at your pelvis, Steve asked while nodding back into your one hand that was gently combing his thick head of hair. After four rings, it stopped so you went back to using the table behind you for support and letting Steve undress you, but the phone started to scream at a high pitch again. If it wasn’t your grandma, it would be Billy. You didn’t want to give your perpetually emotional boyfriend any reason to show up unannounced, so you started to wiggle away. “No, no, no,no,no,no,no....” Moaning against your hip bone, Steve held his face there and tried to hold your legs in place. One hand left the table and the other fled from his hair and you stopped around him to race for the phone on the wall by the sliding glass door. It was hard to run with your pants at your knees, but you caught the last ring and gasped into the phone. “Hello?” Once again, something kept the two of you from getting together. All you and Steve had accomplished was messy kisses and secret touching and glances. It was starting to feel like the universe was trying to get involved, trying to protect you both from inevitable doom. There was a quiet pause and a sigh before, “Hey.” It was Billy, clearly smoking in a quiet place somewhere. “I couldn’t find you anywhere after class.” He had combed the halls, feeling embarassed that he didn’t know where his girlfriend was. “Oh yeah, I had to bolt.” It wasn’t a lie. One look from Steve across the hall, a sneaky crooked smile made from his lips, and you just wanted to be reminded of what his hands felt like. They were soft unlike Billy’s that were burned at the ends from hot car wires and ash from falling asleep with a smoke in hand. They both aroused you in their own way. “Well, just…” He talked around the cigarette hanging between his teeth. “Let me know next time. I was waiting for you.” As a naturally impaitirnt man, Billy hated having to wait. “Sorry. Definitely.” While wrapping your pointer finger around the powder blue cord, you listened to Billy smoke and chat while adoring Steve with wistful eyes. He was fixing his hair with just his hands, combing it over and over to one side while resting on a black kitchen chair with his semi loaded in his jeans. It prompted you to try and shimmy your jeans up your hips with one hand, resting the phone between your shoulder and ear.   “Hello?” Billy had been talking to you, asking questions, but you were too distracted by the boy, his rival, in your kitchen. “Huh?” “I said, where did you go?” Thankfully, he didn’t sound annoyed. “Just a student council meeting. Last minute thing at my place.” You did have to ask Steve if he wanted to cover the treasury position while Melanie was out with the measles. “Oh, lame.” Billy chuckled when he heard you laugh lightly. He always teased you about your role on the student council. Nobody could believe, especially his family, that a studious girl involved with school had taken up with him. He liked that someone so intelligent thought he was worth the time or had any value. It was the validation he had been craving since early childhood. “How long are you going to be? I want to take you out.” Your heart strings stretched at how his voice lightened up, expressing himself in a kind manner. There was never a happy medium with Billy. He was either burning livid or completely fine. It made your relationship often feel like a roller coaster which was fun at the beginning, but lately, when he was pissed off, it just hurt. There was no thrill in waiting to make up anymore. “I’m not sure.” You and Steve didn’t have any finite plans. There was just an electric current dancing between you both, daring you two to connect. “Could I just call you after?” “Sure.” He complied agreeably. “Think about what you want to do.” “Ice cream.” Making him laugh, you instantly told him. You didn’t need a single second for consideration. If Billy was taking you out, you were getting a butterscotch sundae with chocolate chips. “Okay.” Amused, you could hear Billy’s adoring smile through the phone. “Hey?” He put his smoke out in the empty beer can on a hallway book shelf and kept you on the phone. “Is Harrington there?” He checked just as Steve was getting up from his spot, grabby hands out in front of you and teasing. Instantly, your mind screeched like the television would when a channel went out. Had someone seen you leave in Steve’s parents car? You had tried to be so careful. “I hate that he’s a part of your group.” Billy griped and returned you to reality. You weren’t doing anything wrong with Steve as far as he knew. You two were just having a student council meeting. “Yeah, he’s here.” Looking right at Steve as he slid a hand from your hip to the dimple on your back, you told your boyfriend. It was strangely nice to not lie to him even though you were purposefully omitting the truth. “I’ll call you once we are done, okay?” Billy considered just coming over and hanging out in your room while you went about your meeting, but he knew he would grow frustrated with waiting or being in the same room of people who didn’t like him. So, he sighed and nodded. “Okay. See you later, babe.” You hung up quickly and left him to his own devices, which he loathed. “Does he ever leave you alone?” Steve asked in a mumble as he pulled you close, breathing in his scent on your skin and kissing at the side. “He would lock you up in a tower if he could…” The moment was gone though. Billy’s voice had guided you away from your feverish desire and left a guilty pang in your chest. While your boyfriend wasn’t perfect, he didn’t deserve to be cheated on. In fact, you were pretty sure it would kill him, absolutely pulverize his heart to a bloody pulp. Pulling your head away, you pushed a palm softly against Steve’s chest and leaned into the wall. Steve didn’t ask. He knew you were out of it. Your eyes had lost their excited firework show and looked lost in muddled, but sad thoughts. “Do you want to watch a movie?” Scratching at his forehead, he suggested. It wasn’t just physical for him. He wanted to be with you. You might have been pulling away, but Steve slid his hand into yours anyway, offering himself as an alternative to the mullet haired metal-loving maniac that had claimed you from the first time you walked by him in aisle three of the grocery store. “I can’t.” Teeth tight, your mouth apologized without actually saying sorry. Honestly, you would have loved to sit on the couch with his fingers playing with your hair, some silly comedy on. “I told Billy I’d go for ice cream with him.” “Cute.” Hurt, Steve teased and finally backed off. He dropped your hand and leaned back on your heels. “Steve.” “What?” He was playing dumb, so you didn’t give in with an answer. You just dropped your chin toward your chest, brows raised. It was a go-to expression that said it all. 
“I just don’t get it.” He coughed up quickly with a double shoulder shrug, one like James Dean on a movie screen might. “You’re just an amazing girl, like, incredible.” He could over look your lapse in loyalty as it benefited his body and ego. He thoroughly enjoyed your lips on his and, while he would never admit it, he liked that he knew it would destroy Billy. The king of their school’s girlfriend needing satisfaction and heat from the kid he detested most. Whenever Billy said Steve, it sounded like a curse, like he was being forced to chew a gamy and rancid meat. “And Billy is…” “Not an amazing girl?” You joked with your head resting right up against one shoulder. Sometimes, you made yourself laugh. “No, he’s just… Billy.” Steve scoffed and then grimaced. “Cancel on him and I’ll take you for ice cream.” It sounded like a whine, but you overlooked the noise since you understood that the situation wasn’t very fair to him. “No, absolutely not. We can’t go out. Hawkins is too small.” The risk of being seen stealing giggly glances at each other or holding hands was too high. All it would take was Steve handing you a spoon for your sundae and Billy would use that same spoon to stab Steve and then you. There was no happy ending in that scenario.
“What if I want to take you out?” On the tip of your tongue, there was a slow protest. You nearly told Steve what he already knew, that you had a boyfriend, but then you examined the situation and ignored the thought. “We shouldn’t even be doing this.” You pointed back and forth between your chests. “I’ll just see you at school and the meeting on Monday, okay? Thanks for driving me home.” “Yeah, of course.” Even if you hadn’t wanted to kiss on him, he would have happily brought you to your place. He way Billy drove, you would be safer hitting the road inside a freewheeling tire. Steve didn’t want to leave. He wanted to keep sliding his hands around your body, feel your heartbeat through your blouse against his chest, and kiss your lips until they were glossy again. He knew he couldn’t stay though. He wasn’t your boyfriend…well, not yet. He smirked at the thought and leaned in to kiss you, but you were quicker and dove in to skip his mouth and leave a small wet peck on his nearest cheek. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He looked for satisfaction in the disappointment and began to walk out of the kitchen, letting himself out. “See you.” Sweet and low, you whispered and waved as he left. You took a little time to yourself to regroup before calling But back. You wanted to brush your teeth, remove Steve’s flavor, as well as have a long glass of water. Billy’s voice came through a cough on the other line once you felt more collected. Still, the guilt of being caught up with Steve squeezed at your stomach when you heard your boyfriend speak. He clearly had been waiting for you to call him back. Usually, it was Susan who answered the phone whenever you called without warning. “I’m ready now.” Your voice was small, somehow weakened by the confusing pain you were feeling. You were hurting Billy even if he didn’t know it and you were well aware that the situation was unkind to Steve even if he was a sling participant in it. “How’d the meeting go?” The question caught you by surprise and adjusted your posture. Usually, Billy didn’t acknowledge your extracurricular activities. He just wanted you and that was the extent of it. He never inquired for more information. “Oh, it was good.” Very vaguely, the words trembled off your tongue. It was harder than you thought it would be to lie. You wondered if criminals always felt this horrible.  "Pretty boring, really.“ “I figured as much.” He chuckled to himself. “I can be there right away. Just got to get my keys.” You hadn’t a clue that he was currently waiting for you to save him from boredom in his bedroom, shirtless and horny. He was truly excited to see you though and not only because you were his favorite escape. “Okay, I’ll be ready.” You assured him and looked over yourself, making sure no signs of Steve’s touch was on the same clothes you wore to school. “See you soon.” This time he hung up first, eager to have your fingers between his and hips against his. He wanted to get his girl ice cream because he took great pride in making you happy.
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