#needleclan allegiances
needleclanclangen · 1 year
Current Clan Cats!
I will try to update this with every post. no promises, though.
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Finchstar - An unusually spotted dark brown she-cat with golden eyes. Warrior Traits: Adventurous, Smart. MENTORING: GRAYPAW
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Riverflight - A black and white she-cat with a pale blue eye and an emerald eye. Kit Trait: Sweet. Apprentice Trait: Thoughtful. Warrior Traits: Cold, Excellent Fighter. MENTORING: LARKPAW
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Speckleback - A long-furred dappled black tom with golden eyes. Medicine Cat Traits: Righteous, Fantastic Teacher
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Boughpaw - A brown tabby and white she-cat with heather blue eyes. Kit Trait: Troublesome. Apprentice Trait: Careful. Has a bad eye!
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Daisyshadow - A dorsal-striped cream she-cat with hazel eyes. Warrior Traits: Vengeful, Good Speaker. MENTORING: GOLDPAW
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Lichentooth - A long-furred dorsal-striped brown she-cat with amber eyes. Apprentice Trait: Calm. Warrior Traits: Nervous, Extremely Smart. MENTORING: BATPAW
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Hollyspike - A long-furred unusually dappled pale gray tom with amber eyes. Apprentice Trait: Strict. Warrior Traits: Fierce, Fantastic Hunter. MENTORING: BUZZARDPAW, TRICKLEPAW
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Currentdash - An unusually spotted pale tom with copper eyes. Kit Trait: Inquisitive. Apprentice Trait: Playful. Warrior Trait: Careful, Excellent Speaker. MENTORING: BOGPAW, RINDLEPAW
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Goldpaw - a long-furred speckled brown tom with green-yellow eyes. Kit Trait: insecure. Apprentice Trait: Calm. MENTORED BY: DAISYSHADOW
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Batpaw - A speckled silver tom with sage eyes. Kit Trait: Troublesome. Apprentice Trait: Vengeful. MENTORED BY: LICHENTOOTH
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Larkpaw - A tortie she-cat with hazel eyes. Kit Trait: Charming. Apprentice Trait: Shameless. MENTORED BY: RIVERFLIGHT
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Graypaw - A dorsal-striped gray tom with silver eyes. Kit Trait: Polite. Apprentice Trait: Lonesome. MENTORED BY: FINCHSTAR
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Bogpaw - A dorsal-striped cream cat with bronze eyes. Kit Trait: Polite. Apprentice Trait: Loving. MENTORED BY: CURRENTDASH
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Buzzardpaw - a dorsal-striped ginger tom with hazel eyes. Kit Trait: Insecure. Apprentice Trait: Loyal. MENTORED BY: HOLLYSPIKE
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Tricklepaw - A red and black tortie she-cat with white paws and gray eyes. Kit Trait: Daring. Apprentice Trait: Fierce. MENTORED BY: HOLLYSPIKE.
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Rindlekit - A pale ticked and white she-cat with bronze eyes. Kit Trait: Nervous. Apprentice Trait: Wise. MENTORED BY: CURRENTDASH
nope. none to be found.
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beyondtheliving-rp · 6 years
The cats have, with great effort, crossed their first obstacle. The dangerous river has split the three clans into two groups - one that made it to the other side, another that was not quite as lucky and ended up further down the river. The fire still rages, and the lightning seems almost unnatural. 
Sparrowstar is gone. Her last words echoes amongst the cats who had been around her as she died; “It’s wrong, Clayfern. It’s wrong!”
Firfall’s mother has died, and he is left to take over the position as Needleclan leader, something he finds himself unprepared for.
Teeth glint in the dark night.
we have now gotten through the first event of the roleplay, and will now accept applications again! you can find any information you need on this blog, or if you’re on mobile, through the links mentioned below! our ask box is open as well, should you have any questions!
ALLEGIANCES [be sure to check this so you don’t apply with an already taken prefix]
please reblog this if you apply or if you want to signal boost this! i’d really appreciate it!
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