#needed to draw a little face judging me for the gay I just unleashed
potato-lord-but-not · 2 months
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Why is he homophobic
I almost don’t want to add clarification because that’s hilarious
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obligatorynasty · 5 years
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Read Part 1 and Part 2.
Silk and Honey, Part 3 (Stripper!Peter AU)
“So, we’re just going to ignore this then?” Rhodey asked, shifting in the lab stool to face Tony and holding up a tabloid with a picture of his friend and the words ‘Tony Stark prowls Gay Strip Club at Night’ in big white lettering.
“Yes,” Tony’s brow furrowed as he silently tinkered with some new invention, soldering two pieces of metal together with careful precision. He did this sometimes, especially after having a rough night. Escaping to the lab when things got too heavy. Too stressful. Too much his fault. Yet, despite his efforts, his mind wouldn’t erase the image of Peter’s face dropping into that confusion, that anger, that fear. It was tormenting him, eating away at his conscience like a virus. “FRIDAY’s already working on erasing it and Pep’s talking it down at the press conference today.”
“O-kay,” Rhodey pressed his lips together in a hard line, discarding the paper in the trash bin by the desk. “Then how about the spider kid? Did you find Peter?”
Tony jumped, burning his hand on the edge of the soldering iron, “Fuck!” He exclaimed, dropping the iron and slamming his fist against the work table. “No!” He let out the heaviest of sighs. “No, Rhodey. I would like to ignore this whole string of questions, alright? Thanks.”
But Rhodey just crossed his arms, shooting his best friend a raised eyebrow and a look that showed how thoroughly done he was with Tony’s bullshit. “What happened, Tony?”
With an eye roll and an exasperated hand through his short locks, Tony spoke, “I fucked up.”
“Are we talking a big Tony Stark fuck up,” Rhodey squinted, spanning his arms outward before clasping his hands together and saying, “Or a little one?”
“Definitely a big one.”
“Alright, it wouldn’t be the first time,” Rhodey gestured for him to continue. “Go on.”
Tony stood from the desk and started pacing back forth on the lab floor. His nerves spilling from his gait like an overfilled cup. “I took advantage of the kid.” He sighed, “I was looking for him, and I found out he works at a strip club, and-”
“Hold on.” Rhodey interrupted, “A strip club? Isn’t he seventeen?”
“Your guess is as good as mine on that one.” Tony shrugged before continuing. “And I saw him – you know, dancing – and I may have, kind of, possibly bought all his time for the night, and-”
“Tony,” Rhodey pressed a finger against his temple. “You didn’t.”
“I did.” Tony gave a weak nod, his solemn expression translating his severity. “And, to make matters worse, I didn’t even tell him that I knew who he was until after.”
Rhodey sighed, dropping his head into his hands, “This is the biggest Tony Stark fuck up to date.”
“You’re telling me.” Tony slumped onto the ground, leaning against the desk by his best friend’s seat. “Got any advice before I just evaporate from this state of existence?”
Rhodey pondered the question for a long moment before locking eyes with his friend, “Maybe War Machine should just publicly arrest you.” He grinned. “Along with everyone working at that strip club.”
Tony scoffed with a smile tugging at his lips, “Okay, that’s the last time I ask you for help.”
“What? It seems like your best option.” He laughed as he joined Tony on the floor. “Look, man,” Rhodey’s voice dropped to a low tone, “If you want my honest opinion, I think you just need to apologize. Explain yourself. Make it known that you recognize what you did wrong. If he doesn’t completely kick you to the curb, make some grand gesture. Flex the billionaire muscle. I don’t know- Just do something for the kid. What does he like? What does he need?”
Tony paused, absorbing his friend’s words and letting his mind race through the possibility of redemption. “You know what? Let’s find out.” He clapped his hands together, “FRIDAY! Pull up Parker’s file, would you?”
“Yes, boss,” FRIDAY’s voice activated the lab’s hologram screen and projected it to the space in front of the two men. “Peter Parker, know aliases: Spider-Man and Silk and Honey.”
Rhodey feigned a shocked expression, “Silk and Honey, huh?”
Tony laughed and bumped his elbow against his friend’s arm, “Shut up.”
FRIDAY continued, “Age: eighteen.”
“Wait a sec, hold on, FRI,” Tony interjected. “What do you mean by that? Last time I asked, he was seventeen.”
“Boss, human beings tend to age over time.” FRIDAY’s unintentional deadpan humor made Rhodey burst into laughter. “During your last inquiry, Peter Parker was seventeen, but as of today, he has turned eighteen.”
“A bit too early on the draw there, huh Tony?” Rhodey wiped a laughter-induced tear from his eye. “The very definition of just barely hitting the mark.”
Tony mirrored Rhodey’s earlier I’m-done-with-your-BS look. “You’re enjoying this too much.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to keep the mood light,” Rhodey admitted, his amusement dwindling into light laughter and a small grin. “So why’s he working at the strip club, FRI?”
“Peter Parker’s place of residence was recently acquired by a new management company. The company intends to demolish the building. So, in an attempt to evict current residents, the rent was increased.” FRIDAY explained. “Analysis suggests that Peter is attempting to meet the raised rent cost.”
Rhodey sighed, tipping his head back against the side of the desk. “He’s doing that, school, and the spider thing? Poor kid.”
Tony agreed, nodding as his brain concocted a plan to apologize. “I think I know what I’ll do.”
“And what’s that?”
“Buy his building.”
Rhodey rolled his eyes, “I guess that’s one way to flex the billionaire muscle.”
On the following day, Tony enacted his plan. Not only did he purchase the building but he invited the previous tenants back and even reimbursed the excess rent. It was a grand gesture, and judging by the security feed of Peter storming Stark Tower, it definitely managed to grab the kid’s attention.
Tony instructed the front desk to allow Peter up, and he waited. Mentally reciting his apology on loop. Everything from I’m sorry to please don’t hate me. He prepared himself for every possibility. If Peter hated his guts, then he would just accept it. Maybe call Rhodey; reconsider the whole War Machine arrest thing. But, if by some miracle, Peter forgave him – well, he would do everything he could to make up for his mistake.
And suddenly, without so much as a knock, Peter breached the penthouse doors. He was fuming; his anger delivered through sharp eyes and rigid gestures. “You bought my fucking building?!” He screamed, “What the hell is wrong with you!?”
Tony parted his lips to speak, to unleash the apology he so meticulously prepared, but the nerves coiling within him made it catch in his throat. He was silent for a moment, staring at Peter with a wary expression. His palms going clammy and his breath going still. Scared to say the wrong thing. Scared to do the wrong thing. Scared.
Peter squinted, his brow furrowing and his jaw dropping in disbelief. “You really have nothing to say!?”
That shoved Tony back into his plan and he hectically gathered himself to speak, “Listen, Peter, I-”
“You know what? No!” Peter shook his head and put his hand up, palm out, signaling for the older to be silent. “You’re going to shut up and you’re going to listen to me!”
And Tony obeyed, because what else was he supposed to do?
“How the fuck did you know my name was Peter? I keep thinking back on it and I can’t quite figure it out.” Peter began pacing. “Did you recognize my face? Have you seen me at my school? Did you target me because of that? Because you knew how young I was? I mean,” He scoffed. “Buying all my time was one thing, but tipping me a hundred and saying all those nice things – was that all just some sick game to you?! Was I just some sick game to you?!”
“No! Peter, I just-”
“I broke the fucking rules for you!” The kid screamed. His fists balling, his knuckles going white, and his eyes filling with tears. “I let you fucking touch me! I was vulnerable with you! And you were just lying the whole time!”
“Did you have fun? Using me like that?” Peter’s voice began to tremble, as did his lips and his breath, and all at once, his emotion started to pour from his eyes. “Did you have fun making me look stupid?”
And Tony felt it; the weight of his actions crushing his very being. “Kid, I- I’m sorry.” His elaborate apology lost on him now as the moment of grief took control and pulled desperate words from somewhere he hadn’t stored them. “None of this was supposed to happen. I was tracking you, yes, but because I knew you were Spider-Man, and I-”
“Great!” Peter threw his hands up. “Just fucking great.” He sobbed, inhaling sharp and exhaling shallow, trying to hold himself together. “You knew I was Spider-Man too?!”
“Yes,” Tony breathed, his eyes beginning to sting at the sight of the kid’s tears. “I wanted to make you an Avenger. That’s why I was tracking you. I saw you go into the club, and when I went in, I swear – Pete, I swear – I was just going to talk, but then I- I saw you dance, and-”
Peter’s eyes went wide, and for fraction of a second, Tony thought he saw a flash of something that wasn’t sadness beneath all the tears. “And what?”
“And I couldn’t help myself.” Tony locked eyes with Peter. “You’re-” He paused, unsure if what he wanted to say would be right, but stepping onto the proverbial edge to say it anyway. “You’re gorgeous, kid. Absolutely the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. I got caught up in a fantasy of you, and it made me do something stupid, something I regret, and I apologize. I won’t blame you for hating me, I just-”
“Wait. You were really just there to recruit me?” Peter sniffled, regaining his composure and using his sleeve to cast away his tears. “As an Avenger? Me?”
As Peter found his calm, like a mirror, so did Tony. “Yes. That was the plan. Nothing else. I knew you were Peter Parker and Spider-Man before I knew you were Silk and Honey.”
Peter broke his gaze away, training his eyes on the floor, “And what about my building? Why’d you do that? Why’d you buy it?”
“A grand gesture.” Tony gave a soft smile, repeating Rhodey’s words from yesterday. “I found out what that company was doing – not just to you, but to everyone in your building – and I put a stop to it. I don’t want you to worry about money anymore. You won’t have to strip anymore, or-”
“I like stripping.” Peter’s interruption was sharp.
Tony flinched, doubling back on his words, “I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant you can do it because you want to, not because you have to.” He took a deep breath. “Just know that I’m sorry, Peter. I’m so, so sorry.”
Peter was quiet, then, twiddling his thumbs as he absorbed Tony’s apology.
And Tony was on edge because of it. Internally losing his shit. He thought his nerves were bad before when nothing had been said, but now, they were on overdrive. Frantically rushing his body with sorrowful thoughts of Peter’s possible rejection or worse, his hatred. It was uncomfortable to say the least; agonizing to say the most. And only after a moment so silent and so long that Tony was certain he was done for, Peter finally looked up.
“Did you mean it?” The kid’s eyes were searching Tony’s very soul as if to detect any shred of dishonesty. “What you said about me being…um- g-gorgeous and all that?”
“Yes.” Tony was earnest – more earnest than even he thought he was capable of being. “Every word.”
Peter took a deep breath and ran a hand through his brunette curls, “I think we should start over.” He gave a small, fatigued smile like his emotional energy was spent.
“Hi, I’m Peter Parker, also Spider-Man, but you know that already,” He giggled; the same giggle that Tony adored. “And I’m a student, I just turned eighteen yesterday, and my birthday sucked for a lot of reasons,” He grinned and took a few steps closer to Tony, who was positively melting under the boy’s sweet words. “But this guy I thought I hated – you may be familiar with him, his name’s Tony Stark – he bought my apartment building today as a grand gesture, and even though I was confused about it at first, I think I’m starting to see where his heart’s at.” He ended with a short nod and motioned for Tony to follow along.
“Okay, kid,” Tony gave a light scoff but smiled nonetheless. “Hi, I’m Tony Stark, Iron Man, genius, billionaire, playboy – though I don’t claim that one – and philanthropist.” His voice trailed into a whisper as he closed the gap between himself and Peter, cupping the kid’s face in his palms. “And I’ve fallen for Peter Parker.”
Peter’s face exploded in a pink hue, Tony’s candid words catching him off-guard, “M-Mr. Stark!” All at once, his stutters were captured by the older man’s lips, disappearing in the torrid momentum of their spontaneous and utterly electrifying kiss.
The kiss was soft and full of feeling. Like something out of a movie, where sparks would fly and romantic music would play and, somehow, the couple would be floating into the distance as their love culminated in the final scene. It was like watching a natural phenomenon up close; the aurora borealis in the middle of the frigid arctic or the bloom of a desert rose. Like taking your first breath after nearly drowning. Like finding something lost after years and years of search. Sure, it wasn’t their first kiss but something about it held that power all the same.
Peter pulled away first, his awestruck eyes locking with Tony’s enraptured ones. “That’s not fair.” He whispered. “You can’t just kiss me like that.”
Tony wrapped his arms around the kid’s waist, pressing their bodies together. “And why not?”
“Because I think I fell for you too.”
“Fell?” Tony smirked, “As in past tense?”
“Yeah,” Peter leaned into Tony, hiding his embarrassed expression against the older man’s shoulder. “At the club, in the private room, I thought you were so hot. I mean, I kept thinking that after work, I would have to ask you out. And then when we – you know, messed around – I knew I was taking a risk but I couldn’t pass it up. I already had a crush on you by then, and I think that’s why I was so upset to think you had purposefully used me or something.”
“You flatter me, kid,” Tony squeezed, pouring his feelings into the embrace. “I’m so sorry for everything. I should’ve been able to control myself. I should’ve said something. I-”
Peter shook his head, “No, it’s okay. I can tell you didn’t mean to hurt me.” He smiled, his gaze turning seductive. “And if I’m honest, I like that I can make you lose control like that.”
Tony could feel the heat building in his cheeks, but he played into Peter’s hand anyway. “I like it too.” He pressed a kiss beneath the kid’s ear. “In fact, you’re doing it to me right now.”
“Am I?” Peter giggled and leaned back, a teasing tone sprinkled in his voice. “Well, Mr. Stark, we’re just going to have to do something about that, won’t we?”
Tony smiled, allowing himself to indulge in the kid’s beguiling force, but it was momentary, “Wait, Peter, are you sure? You know we don’t have to, right? I don’t want you thinking that all I want is sex.”
“I want it though,” Peter spoke, his hands slowly trailing down Tony’s back, around to his front and up to his shoulders. “While future me appreciates your willingness to go slow, the me right now really wants to be fucked.”
And who the hell was Tony to deny such a request?
Sorry to stop it there, but I’m a sucker for a good cliffhanger. There will be one more part after this, so relax my trash pandas, you’ll get your smut. Thanks for reading and supporting! I love you all!
Tag List: @starkerhowlter @readysetstarker @gracieopalxx @another-starker-hoe @strawberryparkers @lxlxsmol @carttorchdeatth @plsstopgivingpetertrauma  @problematic-sofatini @peterparkerismybabyboy @sleepy-and-depressed @silkystark @alltimehella @nymeriasutcliff @illbethethundertoyourlightning
Part 4: Here
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