#need to stab whoever thought making dean lose cas over and over again was a good idea
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pumpkinhead666 · 1 year ago
1st time
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2nd time
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3rd time
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4th time
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5th time
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last time
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screaming, crying, fucking throwing up
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waihtie · 6 days ago
Season 5, baby. This'll be long.
Season 5 Episode 1 - Sympathy for the Devil
Unlikely (referring to the title)
○ Oh this does not bode well for the brothers. They are locked in the room where Lucifer is coming
Lights and ear bursting noise included
○ Wtf why they on a plane. How random.
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○ Silly to think Lucifer wasn't gonna come out more dramatically than any other angel
○ Shit, these boys gonna talk?
Dean says no, more specifically "It's okay"
○ Lol Chuck clocked Sam
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He says Cas is dead. Exploded. "Like a water balloon of chunky soup"
He's got Cas in his hair. Gross.
Awee Dean is sad. "Cas you stupid bastard"
Zachariah here to take Dean
He wanted Lucifer freed, now he wants Dean to stop him?
○ Oh the dramatic entrance makes sense, Lucifer doesn't have a body. So why does he next time he's in the cage. Probably filming convenience. No angels had bodies in heaven, after Lazarus Rising they all do/will
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^ Brilliant
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Awee they were friends. Now he's sad.
○ Sam made a hex bag so demons and angels can't find them
○ Awe Dean's asking Sam how he's doing
I guess using all his mojo on Lilith completely wiped it from his system, so no withdrawal. He says whoever put him on that plane cleaned it out. Either way, that's over.
Dean's done talking about it. He's hurting.
○ Oh my god. Becky writing W*ncest fics
Why's Chuck calling her? Needs her help getting a message to Sam and Dean.
Lmao her reactions to each brother.
Chuck's message is that Michael's sword is on earth, in a castle on a hill of 42 dogs
○ "Becky, can you quit touching me?" "No" I swear Sam gets molested once or twice a season. And they never take it seriously.
○ There's that guilt. Poor Sam. Admitting letting Lucifer out.
Bobby's angry. Says it's unforgivable. But based on that convo from the last episode, something's not right. "Lose my number" Poor Sammy-baby.
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His face 🥺😭 He needs a little kiss and a blankey
Dean's gotta know something's up. Bobby saying John was right about killing Sam if it came to it. The exact opposite of what he said about John last ep.
○ John had a storage container at "Castle Storage". He must have it.
○ Yup. Bobby's possessed. How the hell does he not have a anti-possession necklace or tattoo?
○ Meg's back. Where she been? I'll have to go read a few episodes to remember.
Oh right she did that unforgivable thing while in Sam's body then got exorcised.
Dean's turn to get unwantedly kissed 🙄
Note for me: Meg = not on their side. Fighting them. Dipped from this body when she was about to be killed
○ The demon in Bobby was about to kill Dean, but Bobby took over to stab himself. Talk about love.
They took him to the hospital
○ Zachariah put that piece of information in Chuck's head to get them to the storage place. Dean is the "Michael Sword"
Angel's need specific vessels. Not just anybody
Zach just broke Sam's legs to threaten Dean. He wants Michael in a body to lead in this battle. But angels need consent.
Casually gives Dean stage 4 stomach cancer. And takes Sam's lungs. Jesus. Dean would rather they all die than aid in the apocalypse.
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Cas-baby coming back to save them. God made no mistake recreating him 😍
It probably would've made more sense to just put Cas in a different vessel, but I'm not complaining
He says the angels didn't put the boys on the airplane, or bring him back, so it must be God
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Cas being all threatening. I would've listened too (Zachariah dipped)
That's deeper than I initially thought. Zachariah is his superior. A higher up angel. And he just threatened him
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^ I love that (carved sigils to hide them from angels)
He didn't want to answer a question, so he just blipped out. I love that, too. He's so goofy
○ Lucifer been messing with this poor dude. He gotta convince him to say yes. I'm surprised he's not lying. Says he's Lucifer. Says it won't be easy for him. Says he can't bring his family back. But of course he manages to convince the dude, anyway.
○ Bobby is "unlikely to walk again"
○ Dean has faith he can kill Lucifer and the angels and the demons and win the war. So much for him not having faith in himself. I love his attitude rn
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○ Aweee Bobby telling Sam that he would never cut him out.
Sam's little smile 🥺🥺
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○ Ah, there it is. Dean's says he said all that just for Bobby. He knows they don't "stand a snowball's chance."
○ Sam knows Dean has a thing or two to say to him.
Dean is so hurt
"You chose a demon, over your own brother"
"I'm having a hard time forgiving and forgetting over here, you know?"
"I don't think we could ever be what we were"
"I don't trust you"
They both ended the episode hurt by the other 💔 at least Sam got to smile for a moment for the first time in too long
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years ago
Perfectly Confused Angel- Epilogue
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A/N: Wow, I can’t believe we have come to the end of PCA! I began writing this after a conversation with a friend and it turned into one of my favorite stories! Thank you so much for reading this and enjoying it; y’all are amazing! I felt like after 15x18 of Supernatural (if you haven’t seen it, I won’t say what happened) I owed him this kind of happiness. And what better GIF to end this series than with the one that started this series? I love Misha and Castiel will always have a home in my heart
So even though it’s not mentioned until later on, I envision this epilogue to take place six months after the wedding. 
You can read the entire series here and find more fandoms I write for here.
Tag lists requests are open for all fandoms but they are CLOSED for this series.
Warnings: Lots of fluff, Cas being a naughty boi! Mentions of sex but very slightly, Dean eating tons of shit (that’s a warning) cliffhanger!
Word Count: 2,350 
Reader’s POV
Being married took some getting used to but honestly, we both had wanted this more than anything in the world, so we were ready and we were quick to adjust. After our honeymoon, which Castiel took a great interest in because we got to take a trip for two weeks and go somewhere exotic. We chose to go to Italy and we explored the more popular cities; Rome, Sicily, Venice, and Milan. The entire Italian culture was new and exciting, especially for Cas because he was so used to America and the customs they have, that seeing the way of life for Italians was completely different. When you came home, you had decided to move out of the Bunker and into your own place. Sure, Sam and Dean offered for you to stay there, but since Cas and you had plans to have children at some point, you thought it would be better to have your own space and give the Winchesters their own space. Both brothers helped you pick your place and assisted in the moving, until you were settled. The first night in your new place didn’t quite go too well. Being so used to the Bunker, every little creak in the doors or the sound of the wind blowing against the windows, made both of you rather paranoid.
“Don’t worry, Honeybee, it’s all just noise,” Cas whispered to you as you moved as close as possible to him in your shared bed. “We locked every door and window in the house.”
“Will you still protect me?” You ask, in a small, timid voice.
“Of course, I will. I will always protect you, (Y/N). That’s my job as your husband, isn’t it?” He said, as more of a question than a statement. He was still adjusting to the role of a husband and was afraid he wasn’t going to “do a good job.”
“Yes Cas, we will protect each other. You have your angel blade close by, right? Just in case?” You ask.
He chuckled before sitting up and grabbing his pillow from behind him. “It’s right here, just in case,” he said, showing you the blade that laid waiting to be used.
When sleep eventually came and took over, it felt different and you felt more rested in the morning, because he was there beside you, holding you close as you slept. As the sun rose the next morning, it shined through the blinds over the window and right into your eyes. Groaning and turning your head away from the light, you feel Cas chuckle at your childlike complaint.
“Good morning, Honeybee,” he said, kissing your temple, causing another groan to push past your lips.
“If it was a good morning, I’d still be asleep,” you say, your voice muttered by Castiel's shirt.
He laughs again before trying another approach to wake you. He leaned down to kiss along your forehead, trailing down the bridge of your nose, to your cheek that wasn’t hiding in the pillows, before ending on your lips. At first, you tried to fight him, not really wanting to wake up, no matter how much he kissed you, but when you felt his hand in a rather sensitive area, you immediately woke up and kissed him back.
“So, I guess someone’s up now,” he smirked as he pulled away to look down at you.
“Well if you’re going to do this kind of stuff, I wouldn’t mind waking up every morning,” you say, before bringing him back to your lips.
It was nice to just take your time and not have to worry about being anywhere anytime soon. Walking out to the kitchen, you took out the ingredients and a frying pan for pancakes; one of Castiel’s favorites. You thought to add chocolate chips in the batter because Cas had a bit of a sweet tooth and you knew he wouldn’t oppose the melted chocolatey goodness. Grabbing the mix, you measure out enough for the two of you, adding some water to help with the consistency. Mixing it all together, you add a half a bag of chips to the thickening batter, before finding the perfect consistency. When the pan was heated up, you took a ladle and poured batter in four separate places, making little circles as the mix bubbled up just a bit. As time passed, you examined the bottom part of the cake to see if it was turning into a brownish color, before you flip over to cook the other side. When the cakes were cooked thoroughly on both sides, you scooped them up and flipped them down on a plate and placed a small pad of butter on each one. As you started your process over again, you felt arms wrap around your waist and the tickle of someone's breath on your neck.
“Looks good darlin’,” Cas said in your ear, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
“Thank you, should be ready in a few minutes. You can grab a plate and get started if you want,” you say, twisting to look up at your husband.
“Now why would I do that?” He asks.
“Cause you’re hungry?” You answer, confusion obvious in your tone.
“Yes, but I would rather wait until you can sit and eat with me,”
“That, that right there, is why I married you. Well, it’s one of the many reasons why I married you, but your level of sweetness should be illegal,” you say, smiling at the blush that formed on your husband’s face.
“Well, you deserve that kind of sweetness,” he admitted, before coming back to your side and kissing your cheek.
“Breakfast is served!” You said proudly, when your last pancake was platted and buttered.
“Wonderful! I made us some coffee too,” Cas said, placing a mug in front of where you were going to sit at the table and his across from you. Just as you sat down and were about to cut your first piece of pancake, there was a knock at the door. You sighed, putting your fork down, before moving to stand from the table.
“I’ll get it,” Cas said, putting his hand out as a gesture for you to stay put.
“Thanks Cas,” you say, stabbing the cake on your fork once again.
“Sam, Dean, what are you doing here?” You hear Cas question, before the two brothers walked up to the table you were sitting at.
“Oh, it’s breakfast time!” Dean said, grabbing a pancake with his hand and not using a plate.
“Um, no, it’s not. It’s our time for breakfast, not yours,” you say, annoyed by Dean inviting himself to your food. Sam looked at you with an apologetic expression before you gestured for him to help himself too.
“Might as well help yourself Sam, since someone decided we were okay with him eating our food,” Cas said, reading your facial expression.
“You didn’t want me to eat with you?” Dean asked, mouth full of cake.
“No, we didn’t but since you already started eating, please, help yourselves,” you say, not losing the frustrating tone of your voice.
“Sorry, (y/n),” said Dean, before he swallowed his food. “I thought since we needed Cas for a case, we could all eat together.”
“Well I guess that would’ve been okay but you should’ve asked!” You said, still frustrated at the eldest Winchester.
“I know and I will, next time this happens. That is, if we interrupt another one of your meals,” Dean promised.
“Knowing you Dean, yeah, you’ll interrupt a meal again,” you say, half as a joke and half as a dig.
“So, what’s this case you said you needed my help with?” Cas asked, changing the subject and seeing you mouth a ‘thank you’ to him for saving the day from more embarrassment.
“Something about a series of people disappearing from a walking trail in broad daylight,” Dean explains, this time without anything in his mouth.
“Doesn’t sound like your kind of thing,” you say, not fully grasping the significance of the events.
“Yeah but so get this,” Sam said his usual catch phrase to transition into a deeper explanation. “When they find the bodies days later, there is no evidence of any blood left over in the body.
“No blood? You thinking vamps?” You suggest.
“Seems like it, but there also are no bite marks, at least not visible to the human eye,” Sam continues explaining his research he’s already conducted on this case.
“So, what then? The only real monsters that drink blood are vampires but if there are no bite marks on the vics, then how do they get the blood?” Your interest is peaked as you dive deeper into the investigating side of hunts.
“Well, this might sound rather, off, but I’m wondering if whoever is after these people, are extracting blood in a nontraditional way,” Sam says.
“How? Syringes? Like doctors?” You question.
“Maybe, but I think that would take too long, considering syringes run rather small,” Sam answers, making both of you fall silent, before Dean whines, saying he needs a beer.
“It’s nine o’clock in the morning!” You say, surprised his drinking is already happening at this hour of the day.
“Well I need to relax a bit here, kid, okay? Dean asks, bending down to look in the fridge, only finding there were not drinks with any amount of alcohol.
“You guys don’t have any beer?” He asks, lifting back up to his normal positioning, and eyeing you.
“No, we don’t. I don’t drink and Cas only really drinks when he’s with you two, so we agreed not to keep any in the house on a regular basis. However,” you trail off, walking over to a small coat closet by the front door, Dean watching your ever move curiously. “We figured you’d be visiting at some point, so we grabbed a small pack for you and Sam,” you grin when the green eyes of the man standing before you, falls to your hands.
“Aw, I knew there was a reason why we liked you, sweetheart,” Dean says, taking the case from your hands and throwing a can to Sam.
“Oh yeah, just because I keep you stocked with beer and uh,” you say, shuffling over to the pantry in the kitchen and pulling out a cherry pie, passing it over to the easily excited Winchester.
“Oh yes, that’s my girl,” Dean says, grinning wide at you.
“Technically, she is my girl Dean, but I will share her goodness with you,” Cas defends your relationship.
“Thanks bud,” he says, grabbing his fork from the pancakes from earlier and diving right in.
You laugh, shaking your head as you watched him happily pick at the dessert that sat before him.
“Oh man, (y/n) this is some good pie,” he says, speaking with his mouth full again.
“I’m glad you like it Dean, but please, don’t talk with your mouth full. It’s hard to understand you and we’re getting quite a nasty view of chewed-up pie,” you scold the hunter.
He waited until he cleared the food away in his mouth before speaking again. “Sorry kid.”
“Alright, I think we better get going if we want to get a handle on this and before anyone else gets killed,” Sam says, taking the attention of the vacuum cleaner that was his older brother.
“I’ll go grab my angel blade,” Cas says, leaving to go to your room.
“So, how’s married life treating you?” Sam said, knowing how much you used to talk about your wedding day, even before getting engaged.
“Well, it’s only been six months but I really love it. Getting to be around Cas all the time, seeing him every morning before starting my day, it means a lot. I’m really happy, Sam,” you say, smiling wide at the thought of life with Castiel.
“I’m happy for you, (y/n). If anyone deserved this lifestyle, it’s you and Cas,” he says, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Thank you, Sam.”
When the boys are all packed up and ready to leave on their hunt, you tidy up Castiel’s jacket, smoothing out any wrinkles left over, and straightening his tie. You refused to make eye contact with him, even as you felt his sapphire eyes bore down on you, you couldn’t bring yourself to look up into them.
“Okay, do you guys have everything you need?” You ask, stepping away from the angel.
“Yeah, I think we’re all good.” Dean says, looking around the living room of the apartment. “Cas? Have everything?”
He looks to you before asking, “come with us?” Your heart skipped a beat, knowing Cas wanted you with him, but you shook your head.
“I’m good. Someone needs to hold this place together while you’re gone,” you say, quickly casting your eyes back to the floor.
“Honeybee?” Cas said and you were surprised to hear how close he was to you, which caused you to look up at him. You stayed silent as tears softly began falling from your eyes; you always hated goodbyes.
“I promise to be home as soon as possible,” he says, bringing your lips to his in a loving kiss.
“Well good, because I’m not the only one who will be waiting for you to come home,” you say as the three men turn to you.
“What?” Dean spoke first.
“You still want those kids, right, Cas?” You ask, making sure he was still on the same page as you.
“Yes, of course. More than anything,” he reassures you.
“Well good, because I’m pregnant,”
The room remained quiet and no one dared to make a move, until Castiel’s mind registered your news and he was by your side, gently picking you up and kissing you once again.
“I’m going to be a Father?” He asks as he sets you back down and you nod your response.
“Guys, I’m going to be a Dad!” Castiel beams to his friends as they hugged and congratulated you two. What better way to motivate Cas to come home safely other than knowing a little one was on their way soon?
Tags: @tloveswriting @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @markofdean79 @simpleboox @hobby27​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @spnjediavenger​ @to-my-beloved-fandoms-2​
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carry-on-my-pretty-weeper · 6 years ago
Ms. Independent
Author: carry-on-my-pretty-weeper
Character(s): Winchester Sister!Reader, Castiel
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: blood, gore and death
Author’s Note: I hope this is what you wanted! i’ll finish with the other requests soon!
Request: can you do prompts 2 and 3 with Lucifer x Reader or Castiel x Reader?
2 “What if I just left?!” “I would be happy”
3 “No, no, please stop bleeding.”
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“Listen I’m not going to stay behind to be a fucking babysitter, okay?” you huffed angrily at your boyfriend, Castiel.
“Y/n I’m just worried. With Michael out there setting hunter traps I just think it’d be wise to stay back with Jack. Maybe you could train him a bit. You know how he’s getting impatient with not going on hunts,” he tried to explain but you weren’t having it. You should be out there with your brothers. Hunting. It’s what you did best. After almost losing Dean you needed to kill something. A monster preferably. But with the way this conversation was heading, it could end up being your own boyfriend.
“I get that Cas but other hunters can train him! And I am not about to stay behind while my brothers are out there hunting without me!” you fummed as you grabbed your hunter bag and headed to the garage.
“Y/n, I understand you want to-”
“No! You don’t understand! I’m not going to sit idly by while the world is going to shit,” you shouted spinning around on your heels facing him, “I’m going to go out and I’m going to help, whether you want me to or not,” you stated with no room for argument. Storming to your car you open the door and slam it behind you. Throwing your bag in the back, the passenger door opened. Cas sat in the front seat and waited expectantly. “What are you doing?” you interrogated as you glared at him.
“If I can’t stop you then I’m coming with you,” he replied as-a-matter-of-factly. Putting the keys in the ignition you started your car. Great, now I’m the one being babysat. By my own boyfriend no less.
“Nice to meet you I’m Agent White and this is my partner Agent Smith,” Castiel said as you showed the victim’s mother your fake badges, “we have a few questions about your son’s murder.”
“I’ve already told the police all I know,” she declined averting her gaze as she was about to close the door. Stopping it gently with your hand.
“Please ma'am, I understand this is a difficult time for you but we want to bring justice for your son. And to do so we need your help,” you explained hoping that if you appealed to her emotions she’d let you in. Emotionally and physically. Just as you thought she hesitated. After a sorrowful sigh she open the door for the two of you.
Sitting down in her living room you went through the routine questions. Well, routine hunter questions. From the information that you gathered you deduced that what was killing the people in the town was a werewolf pack. “Thank you Ms. Stevens, you’ve helped us greatly,” you announced as you guys started heading out but before you reached the door she called out to you two.
“Wait!” she exclaimed catching both of your attentions.
“Yes Ms. Stevens?” Cas inquired.
“The day before he was murdered he was talking about a girl.” She wrung her hands and got teary eyed. “I don’t know who she is but they were going to meet in the park. I-I didn’t tell the police because I didn’t want them to spin the story in a way, in a way that wasn’t true. My Benjamin is- was a good boy. He wouldn’t hurt a fly,” she babbled on as she tried to stay strong. Reaching for her shoulder you tried to comfort her.
“I’m sure he was a good man, we’ll find whoever did this. I promise,” you reassured her.
Exiting the house you immediately got to work. Asking locals about him and if he was seeing anyone, investigating people close to him, and stocking up on silver bullets. From what you gathered this girl was seeing someone else, a werewolf probably, that might’ve gotten too territorial. As expected you and Cas started fighting over what to do. You wanted to go in and kill them meanwhile Cas wanted to wait for Dean and Sam.
“We don’t have time for them to get here, by then more people will be dead!” you shouted in your small motel room.
“If it’s a trap we need back up,” he sighed obviously getting frustrated with you. He took a seat with a huff.
“I don’t need anything,” you grumbled as you started packing your stuff. Cas looked over at you obviously confused as to what you were doing.
“Y/n why are you packing?” he asked as he quickly stood up and walked over to you. Rolling your eyes you continued without a word. Grabbing your hand to get an answer you twist it out of his grasp and push him back. Goddamn hunter instincts.
“I’m going to kill those sons of bitches without my brothers. I don’t need their help. Or yours,” you spit like venom.
In all honesty you didn’t mean it to come off so nasty but you were so angry. It felt like no one had faith in you. For whatever reason it seemed like everyone just saw you as weak. That pissed you off. You weren’t weak.
“You don’t want my help? Then what if I just left?!” he demanded holding your gaze.
“I would be happy!” you exploded not realizing what you said but before you could take it back he was gone. Kicking a chair you let out a frustrated cry. Why would I say that? Well fine, if he’s gone then I’m going.
Slamming a door for the millionth time that day you storm to your car. You peeled out of the parking lot as fast as you could and booked it. The more you thought about Cas the faster you drove. Trying to take your mind off of it you turned on your car radio. Then out of nowhere a car cut you off. You tried to swerve to miss it but hit a tree and everything went black.
Castiel was back at the bunker when he got a call from your phone. He had time to think and he felt bad for making you feel inferior, that wasn't his intention. He just wanted to keep you safe but needed to let you deal with this. Especially since Dean was presumed dead to you. You said that to not get your hopes up but he knew you secretly wished he was alive and fighting. To your joy he was. But it took a toll on you. So you threw yourself into hunts. He just wanted to talk to you to straighten things out. He immediately answered the phone but a voice he didn’t recognize was there.
“We have your Winchester,” was all it said before the call ended. A look of fear crossed his face before dropping the phone.
Waking up your head hurt like a bitch. You tried to touch your forehead when you realized your hands were bound. A door clicked and you pretended to be passed out. “We have your Winchester.” You could see shadows move closer to you and before you knew it you could feel someone’s breath on your face. A hand gripped your face and lifted it up as you struggled. “I thought you were awake,” he remarked as you glared at him, “I can’t wait for your angel to come. Cause as soon as he’s here we are going to kill him,” he teased in a sing-songy voice. Anger bubbled up in your chest and you bit his hand as hard as you could. A scream ripped his throat as he slapped your face. You had gotten a small chunk of his hand and spit it out at him.
“You so much as put your hands on him and I’ll kill you. Not quick and easy. I’ll do it slowly. Draw it out. To the point when you are begging for death but I won’t give it to you. I’ll prolong it as I see fit,” you threatened with a look scarier than death. You could see him become momentarily fearful before covering it up.
“That’s some big talk for someone who’s bound and captured,” he sneered as he hit you again. Spitting out blood, if it was yours or his you weren’t sure, you grinned up at him.
“Fuck off.” The fact that you were still cocky angered him. You goddamn Winchesters acting all high and mighty all the time. But compared to that new being, you Winchesters were nothing.
“He never said I couldn’t rough you up a bit,” he growled more to himself than to you as he formed his claws. As he said that you had loosened the restraints just enough to get one of your hands free. He swung at you but you grabbed his arm stopping him. You used the chair and broke it on him causing him to pass out. Checking the inside of your right combat boot you found the blade you were looking for. Just as you did another werewolf entered the room as you lunged at him. Swiping with your blade you caught his arm and a part of his face. He tackled you to the floor and had had your blade inching closer to your chest. Using your knee you got him where the sun don’t shine which caused him to topple over. Finally you stabbed him killing him. Hearing a groan to your left and the door open letting in a few more werewolves, you knew you were going to have a fun time.
Cas finally found the old abandoned warehouse that he presumed you were being kept at. Entering silently he found a bunch of dead werewolves littering the floor. Then he saw you slumped over in a corner not moving. No no no no. Your clothes were bloodied and torn. There was a major gash in your head with blood trickling down your face. Running over to you he kneeled down and tried waking you up.
“No, no, please stop bleeding,” his voice wavered and his legs felt like jelly he shook you until your eyes shot open.
“Ay, let up would you? I’m not dead just exhausted,” you mumbled tiredly. Relief immediately washed over him as he held you close. “Ow!” you exclaimed as the contact made some of the cuts on your body sting. Pulling back he brought you in for a kiss and you kissed him back letting out a sigh of relief. You were glad to be back in his arms.
“I thought I had lost you,” he whispered as if the very thought was painful.
Placing your hand on his cheek you reassured him, “You can’t get rid of me that easily.” So you both held each other until Cas broke the silence.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Cas.”
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hekate1308 · 7 years ago
That Vanished Abode There Far Away, A Season 13 Drowley AU - Chapter Two
“Nothing?“ Sam asks helplessly, reading Cas‘ face as the angel appears in front of him.
He shakes his head. “I’m sorry. Claire and the others have asked every hunter they know; none of them have seen Dean, and it can reasonably be assumed that they would recognize him. You’re well-known within the community.”
“I still don’t understand what happened” Sam says, trying to remember the exact chain of events once more.
Crowley stabs himself, and nothing makes sense anymore.
At least that’s how Sam will remember it.
All they know is that Lucifer, still as power-hungry and desperate as ever, has opened a portal to a world where the Apocalypse took place and plans to kill Michael there to take over.
Sam wasn’t prepared in the least for Crowley sacrificing himself for them – and as it seems, neither was Dean, for he’s just staring blankly at the corpse of the former king.
“Well” Lucifer drawls just as Cas appears behind them, “That was needlessly dramatic. Anyway, you’ve been quite the nuisance to me and I would rather you –“
Suddenly, his eyes sparkle in that way Sam remembers only too well from years down in Hell, and Dean abruptly starts dragging him and Cas away.
“That’s not a good sign” he hisses “We need to get out of here before –“
Lucifer laughs. “Yes, yes, a wonderful idea – making the Winchesters and their pets lose themselves. It will be...”
He trails off and raises a hand.
And that is when the other angels – Michael leading them, Sam presumes – attack.
Unfortunately, the spell has already taken half-effect, and with the Grace of the other angels, it all clashes, and next thing he knows, they’re running towards the portal and everything lying around is being thrown at them, Crowley’s corpse among the rubble.
He wonders if the picture would be somewhat grotesquely funny if they weren’t fleeing for their lives.
Dean shoves Cas through the portal before he can protest and gestures for Sam to get through first; he knows better than to argue.
But he still keeps an eye on him, and so he witnesses Crowley’s body smacking into Dean, and them both colliding with him before he can duck away.
They fall through the portal together, and then –
“Dean got through the portal. I am absolutely sure of it.”
“I see both him and Crowley as well” Cas says.
“That’s another thing that doesn’t make sense. Dean disappearing is one thing, but who’d want Crowley’s corpse?”
Again, Cas can only shrug before replying, “We have told every hunter we know, and even some creatures. If Dean shows up, we’ll know it. We will find him, Sam. We always do.”
He nods. He can only hope it will be soon.
Rosemary is ecstatic the next morning. “I can tell the spirit is gone – how did you boys do it?”
“We know a little about such things” Michael answers carefully.
“I cannot thank you enough – whoever they were, they have been suffering long enough.”
Michael nods. He’s feeling a bit... strange. Not because of the ghost... he knows he can handle those alright but –
Exactly because of that. Knowing how to do stuff, and having no idea why. Realizing he’s done this often before, but not remembering a single instance of it.
And then there’s this weird sense of déjà vu he got this morning after he woke up; Roderick was in the bathroom, but he could hear him muttering to himself about the bad quality of his clothes, and it almost seemed – it almost seemed –
“Well, then” Rosemary says, interrupting his train of thought, “I think I promised you breakfast...” Suddenly, her smile drops and she looks away. Michael glances at Roderick, noticing that his shoulders are tense. He noticed it too.
“I – “ Rosemary bites her lip. “I just never thought someone could actually do anything about it. And when you two... I thought you were just curious or homeless. I didn’t – you have to be, like my grandmother told me – but they said there were no more hunters...”
“Wait, you know about hunters? And what do you mean, there aren’t any?” Michael asks. There have to be hunters. Otherwise, who’s there to deal with ghosts and –
“The Men of Letters” she says quickly, almost as if it’s forbidden.
“The Men of Letters?” Roderick repeats. “I thought they were all gone – that is I am rather certain there are a few left in America –“
He sounds about as confused as Michael feels. There is something about the Men of Letters, he feels certain; something he should know, but doesn’t, which makes it rather likely that it has to do with his memories; and he pushed on too –
Excruciating pain almost lets him drop to his knees, but Roderick catches him.
“Michael? Are you alright?”
Actually showing he cares. Amazing.
The thought is accompanied by another small stab of pain, so Michael ignores it and takes a few deep breaths.
He has no idea what just happened, but it did as he concentrated on something specific,s something that might be connected with him. When he opens his eyes – Roderick having placed him on a chair in the kitchen in the meantime – he finds his... hunting partner studying him, a shrewd look in his eyes.
He thinks something’s up too.
“Sorry for that” he says, turning to Rosemary, “I’ve got a bit much on my mind, these days.”
She gives him a glass of water. “I’m sorry to hear it... do you want painkillers?”
He shakes his head; the pain is all but gone at this point. “No, thank you. but please, go on.”
She looks hesitant.
“Look” Roderick says calmly, “It sounds as if these Men of Letters are up to no good. I understand if you’re scared, but it seems we should be as well.”
Michael almost snorts; despite only having spent a day with the guy, he can’t imagine Roderick being scared of anything. He certainly took the whole waking up on a field with amnesia and a hunter next to him thing rather well.
Rosemary hesitates, then nods. “I guess you’ll need to know. We’ll talk over breakfast.”
Considering Michael is famished, it sounds nice.
“But first... Let me get you something else to dress. I still have a few of my late husband’s dress shirts, at least..”
He has to admit that it sounds heavenly. Their t-shirts have definitely seen better days.
While Roderick’s changing in the bathroom – he’s left the door partially open so they can talk, and Michael’s sitting down on Rosemary’s bed so he doesn’t catch a glance of something he has no business to see – they talk.
“What the hell happened to you back there?”
“I’m not sure” Michael says, taking off the dirty t-shirt. Thank God Rosemary’s husband was rather tall. “I was thinking about the Men of Letters and got the feeling I’d run into them before... or at least that I used to know more... and suddenly, my head started to hurt.”
It’s an understatement, but he has the feeling Roderick gets it anyway.
“And then when I stopped thinking about it...” he trails off, the shirt half unbuttoned. “It just... stopped. As if...”
“As if whatever caused our amnesia – I think we both agree that there must be a spell or curse or something else involved – made sure that we wouldn’t remember by building in a safeguard –“
Roderick stops talking and Michael raises his head to see him staring at him, his eyes lingering on the expanse of skin he can see through the shirt before he clears his throat and continues smoothly, “So that we wouldn’t even try and recall our past lives.”
Michael ignores their... moment and instead nods. “Sounds about right. Makes this whole thing even more damn inconvenient, though.”
“It seems to complicate the matter, I agree. But we’ve still got options. I would recommend not thinking too hard about things until we have a base of some sorts.”
“Alright, we’ll just play along for the time being, then” Michael says.
Roderick frowns. “I know this is the right thing to do, but I get the distinct feeling that I prefer having plans.”
“Well, it can’t be helped, your Highness” he says lightly, only to be treated to what he must have looked like when the spell made him regret ever having through about his past.
Roderick looks at him with a puzzled expression, then grimaces and crumbles to the ground before Michael can reach him.
He does what he can for him in the few minutes that he’s under but still feels rather disproportionately relieved when his eyes blink open. “So that’s what you meant. It’s rather unpleasant, I will admit that.”
He snorts.”You can say that again.”
Roderick sighs. “We really need to work on that.”
“We do, but in the meantime, there’s breakfast to be had and a lady’s waiting.”
Roderick raises an eyebrow. “We better not steal even more of her time, then.”
Michael helps him up and tells himself his hand doesn’t linger on his biceps for just a moment.  
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turnoftherogue · 8 years ago
The Pool of Tears Part 1
As the light finally blinded them Lacey closed her eyes and reached out to try the door again. There was a moment of complete silence and then a hum as if she was in a crowded room. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself sitting between Sam and Dean on an airplane. "what the…" she exclaimed. "How did we..?" Sam asked looking around them. "Both good questions." Dean replied. The Captains voice rang out over the PA system "Good evening folks we are currently passing over Illchester, then Elliott County before our initial descent into Baltimore." Suddenly a bright white light erupted from the earth arching upwards towards the sky and spreading outwards across the land. "Illchester weren't we just there?" Dean asked. Suddenly the shockwave hit and the plane began to rock. Lacey grabbed hold of both Sam and Dean's hands. "Hold on" She cried and moments later they were back on the ground. "Whoah!" Sam exclaimed as his knees buckled and he landed on the concrete. Dean sat down next to him looking up at Lacey who had managed to stay on her feet."Great timing and not that I'm not grateful but why put us on a plane in the first place?" he asked as he readjusted his senses. Lacey frowned at him "I didn't put us on that plane." Dean's eyes widened. "Are you sure?" "Yes. One I have to be touching you for you to come with me and two I normally only teleport to places where I know where I'm going in case something goes wrong." "Then how the hell did we get there?" Lacey shrugged her shoulders. "Ok then where are we now?" "I took us back to Chuck's. It was the first thing that popped into my mind." Sam stood up off the ground "let's go see if Chuck knows what's going on then" They walked in the direction of the house and came to a halt at the garden path. The house looked like a bomb had hit it. Sam went to where the front door used to be and climbed in followed by Dean and Lacey. As they rounded the corner Sam gave out a yelp as something came crashing down on his head. "Owww!" Chuck poked his head around the corner holding on to a plunger. "Sam?" Chuck asked. "Yeah!" Sam answered disgruntled. "Hey Chuck." Dean called out "so you're OK?" Chuck asked. "Well my head hurts." Sam replied glaring at him. "No I mean my last vision." Chuck clarified. "You went like full on vader. Your body temperature was one fifty, your heart rate was two hundred. Your eyes were black." "Your eyes went black?" Dean asked. "I didn't know" Sam said sheepishly. "Where's Cas?" Dean asked. "Dead or gone or whatever. The Archangel smote him alright, he exploded." Lacey shuddered. "Oh no" Chuck muttered. "What?" Sam asked. "They're coming." Chuck said looking worried. "Thought we'd find you here." They all turned around to find Zachariah standing there. "Playtimes over Dean. Time to come with us." Lacey glowered at him and stepped in front of Dean. Zachariah's eyes locked on to her, finally noticing her. "Well look here. Two for one." "You just keep your distance ass hat." Dean warned. You're upset." Zachariah nodded. "Yeah a little. You sons of bitches jump started judgement day." "Maybe we let it happen. We didn't start anything. Right Sammy?" Zachariah said winking at him "You had a chance to stop your brother and you couldn't so lets not quibble over who started what. Let's just say it was all our faults and move on, cause like it or not it's apocalypse now and we're back on the same team again." "Is that so?" Dean asked. "You want to kill the devil, we want you to kill the devil. It's … synergy." "And I'm jus supposed to trust you? Cram it with walnuts ugly." Dean spat. "This isn't a game son Lucifer is powerful in ways that defy description. We need to strike now, hard and fast before he finds his vessel." "His vessel? Lucifer needs a meat suit?" Sam asked. "He is an angel. Them's the rules. And when he touches down we're talking four horsemen, red oceans, fiery skies, the greatest hits. You can stop him Dean but you need our help." "You listen to me you two faced douche after what you did I don't want jack squat from you!" "You listen to me boy. You think you can rebel against us? Zachariah fumed. He paused a moment as his eyes tracked to Dean's hand. "You're bleeding" he said slowly. "Oh yeah a little insurance policy in case you dicks showed up." Dean said as he slapped his hand against an angel banishing sigil behind the door. "NO!" Zachariah yelled as he vanished into white light. "Learned that from my friend Cas you son of a bitch." Dean muttered. "This sucks ass." Chuck sighed. A while later they had checked into a motel. Sam had gone out for supplies and Dean was unpacking his guns from his holdall. He hissed lightly as he caught the bandage wrapped around his hand. Lacey looked up from where she was sitting on the bed. "Would you like me to heal that for you?" She asked standing up. Dean looked at her surprised. "You can do that?" Lacey nodded. "I've only done it a few times before but its only a small wound so shouldn't be too hard." She took hold of Deans hand and unwrapped the bandage covering it. She gently placed her hand over the wound. Dean felt a warmth and suddenly his cut didn't hurt anymore. "Thanks." He said. Lacey turned her gaze upwards from his hand and her eyes locked with his. He could feel the warmth replaced by the feel of her palm in his. There was a sudden noise as the door opened and Sam walked in. They broke apart and Dean went back to sorting out his guns. "Hey" Sam said as he tossed a small parcel at each of them in turn. "Hex bags." Sam explained. "No angels or demons are gonna find us with those things." "Where did you get them?" Dean asked. "I made them." Sam told him. "How?" "I… I learned it from Ruby." Sam said sheepishly. "Speaking of, how are you doing? You jonesing for another hit of bitch blood or what?" Dean asked. "It's weird. To tell you the truth I'm fine. No shakes, no fever. It's like whoever put me on that plane cleaned me right up." "Supernatural Methadone" "Yeah I guess. Dean…" "Sam it's Okay. You don't have to say anything." "Well that's good because what can I even say? I'm sorry I screwed up? Doesn't really do it justice you know? Look there's nothing I can do or say that will ever make this right." "So why do you keep bringing it up?" Dean snapped. "Look all I'm saying is why do we have to put this under a microscope? We made a mess. We clean it up. That's it. Alright so say this is just any other hunt you know? What do we do first?" "We'd figure out where the thing is." "All right. So we just got to find … the devil." A moment later there was a knock at the door. Dean grabbed his gun as Sam went to open it. A woman was standing on the other side of the door. She looked shocked and seemed to be having trouble breathing. "You Okay lady?" Sam asked frowning at her. "Sam is it really you?" She asked. "And you're so firm." She said putting a hand on his chest. "Uh do I know you?" Sam asked looking confused. "No but I know you. You're Sam Winchester and you're…" She peered around the door at Dean. "Not what I pictured. And who are you?" She asked looking at Lacey suspiciously. "I'm Lacey" She smiled. "I'm Becky" She said glaring at Lacey. "And I'm not with him." Lacey said shuffling away from Becky across the bed. Becky's expression cleared and she turned her attention back to Sam. "I read all about you guys. And I've even written a few…" She stopped and giggled. "Anyway Mr Edlund told me where you were." "Chuck?" Dean asked. Becky nodded. "He's got a message but he's being watched. Angels. Nice change up to the mythology by the way. The demon stuff was getting kind of old." "Right just umm what's the message?" "He had a vision. The Michael sword is on earth. The angels lost it." "The Michael sword?" Dean asked. "Becky does he know where it is?" "In a castle on a hill made of forty two dogs." "Forty two dogs?" Dean asked incredulously. "Are you sure you got that right?" Sam asked. "It doesn't make sense but that's what he said." She stepped towards Sam. "I memorized every word." She put her hand back on Sam's chest. "For you." "Um Becky can you quit touching me?" He asked awkwardly. "No." Becky replied. A few hours later after Becky had finally left Bobby arrived in the Impala. Lacey had gone out on to the balcony to clear her head. So much had happened in the past forty eight hours. Suddenly she heard raised voices coming from within the motel room. As she opened the door she heard Bobby say "This kind of thing don't get forgiven boy. If by some miracle we pull this off I want you to lose my number. You understand me?" Sam nodded looking crestfallen. "There's an old church nearby. Maybe I'll go read some of the lore books there." "Yeah you do that." Bobby told him. Sam turned to go. "I'll go with you." Lacey said following him out to the Impala. As they got into the car Sam turned to her. "You don't have to come with me you know." Lacey shrugged. "It'll be nice to have a change of scenery. Besides I think they have things to sort out." She said inclining her head back to the motel. "Well if you're sure you'll be safe with me." Sam said sadly. Lacey smiled at him. "Whether your safe or not I'm probably the best person to be around." Sam smiled back at her and pulled out of the parking space. After extensive reading Sam called it a day and drove them back to the motel. As they neared the room they heard a smashing sound. Sam broke into a run, crashing the door open, Lacey right behind him. They saw a couple of demons and Bobby attacking Dean. Bobby had Dean by the throat. Lacey flung her arm out and the demons flew across the room and hit the wall. As soon as this happened Bobby loosened his grip on Dean and stabbed himself with the demon knife. "Bobby!" Sam yelled as he rushed towards him. Lacey followed him and kneeled down next to Bobby. Suddenly one of the female demons reared back up from the floor and slammed her foot into Laceys head. Lacey keeled over onto the floor and everything went black. @18crazybutcutealsopsycho
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galaxystiel · 8 years ago
Visions (AO3) (2791 words)
Summary: Five times Dean saw his future in a vision, and one time he didn't need to.
The first time it happens, they’ve just pulled into a gas station outside on to the way to Sioux Falls.
They’d just finished up a hunt. It wasn’t Dean’s first, or his second, but it hadn’t been many more than that. Sam had been left with Bobby, too young to tag along. He’d have slowed them down, distracted both of them.
John cuts the engine, tells Dean he did good and he’ll get him some candy. Dean, still a little shaken from the claws that had been much too close for his liking, just nods. He’s staring out of the window, trying to collect his thoughts. Another car pulls up beside them and Dean watches the guy get out, looking around nervously as he walks into the gas station.
John is fumbling with his wallet, and Dean sees him pull out a wad of cash, and then the most intense pain he’s ever felt wracks through his head. He doesn’t make a sound, just clutches at it with his hands, and his vision shifts.
He can see the guy working in the gas station, hands trembling as he empties the register for the stranger pointing the gun at him. There’s a pretty girl, young and wearing a white sundress crying in the corner. There’s a distant sound of bullets and bodies hit the floor, blood spilling everywhere. John is lying slumped over the register, a bar of Hershey’s slipping from his grasp, eyes wide open.
Dean starts, sweating and panting, his stomach churning. The sudden urge to vomit overwhelms him, but he forces it down. He’s not sure what just happened, but he knows what he saw, can see it clear as day. His hand flies out, catching John’s wrist in a vice-like grip.
“Dad, don’t go,” he pleads, tugging to stop John from getting out of the car. “Wait, please. You can’t go in there yet.”
John stops, confusion turning to concern when he sees the paleness in Dean’s face, the beads of sweat on his forehead. “Dean? You sick, son?”
Dean shakes his head, refusing to relinquish his grasp on his dad’s arm. “He’s got a gun, that man… he’s gonna shoot everyone inside.”
John stills, eyes narrowing. He turns towards the gas station fractionally, but before he can speak, the sound of gunshots ring out, and the screams follow. Without a second thought, John shuts the door and drives away promptly.
“Dad, no, we have to help them!” Dean shouts. He saved his dad’s life, he knows that, but that doesn’t mean he wants to condemn the innocent people in the gas station. John can help, he can save them.
“There’s nothing we can do, Dean,” John says. “They’re as good as dead already.”
Dean can picture all of the bodies, the young girl in the white dress that’s slowly staining red and feels tears well up in his eyes. He blinks them back furiously.
“I thought we were supposed to help people. That’s why you fight the monsters. You just let all those people die. What makes you any better than what you hunt?”
John loses his temper. “That’s enough, Dean. You’re not old enough to understand. We can’t save everyone. Sometimes you have to pick your battles. What if I’d gone in there and gotten shot too? Where would you go then?”
Uncle Bobby’s, Dean thinks to himself. He’d go and stay with uncle Bobby, the way Sam does when he’s too young to go on a hunt. Uncle Bobby would have saved those people, Dean knows that without a doubt.
Dean stares ahead in stony silence, realisation slowly dawning. John doesn’t care about helping people. All he cares about is getting revenge for Mary.
It’s a long time before the silence breaks, and it’s John who breaks it.
“Dean? How did you know that guy had a gun?”
For a moment, Dean considers telling his dad the truth, about the vision he had. That he could see and hear everything that happened in the gas station, watched almost half a dozen people bleed out. His dad included, while he waited in the car helplessly. He thinks about how his dad had left them there to die.
He’d never understand. They hunted things John didn’t understand.
Dean looks right at John and lies. “He was hugging his right side, trying to hide it. He looked pretty shifty.”
Satisfied with the explanation, John nods curtly and focuses on his driving.
Dean sits back in his seat and closes his eyes, wondering what the hell was happening to him.
The visions continue, albeit few and far between. He can’t control when or why they appear. Dean decides to just accept them as the gift they are.
The pain is still unbearable, feels like his head is splitting open and his brain his being stabbed by a thousand needles. But the visions, whatever they are, have been nothing but helpful so he doesn’t mind too much. The pain only last a few moments if he doesn’t fight it, a residual headache the only side effect of whatever it is that allows him to see a possible future. Sometimes, the visions have appeared at an inconvenient time, in the middle of a wendigo hunt, or during a test. It took a while for Dean to find out that he could repress them, to block out the vision, although the pain gets worse before it fades away.
The visions aren’t always of life or death situations. Sometimes, they show Dean finding something he lost, a grade he’ll get on a test in school, playing ball with uncle Bobby. Sometimes, they’re not all that useful. Dean remembers each one vividly, doesn’t dare keep a written log of them anywhere in case John finds it.
He stirs the spaghetti making sure the sauce evenly coats the pasta. John is away, hunting something that he considered too dangerous for them, so Dean was left making dinner for Sam. Recently, Sam has become surly at mealtimes, twisting his face at whatever Dean makes for him. Tonight, Dean hopes that a traditional mac and cheese will tempt him.
When the vision comes, it strikes out of nowhere.
Blinded by the headache, Dean’s arms flail and he knocks the pan from the stove, spilling what was supposed to be their dinner all over the floor. Grasping the counter, he closes his eyes and focuses on his own face, talking to a strange woman.
“My Dad was always working, so I came up with about 101 ways to make macaroni and cheese.”
“Oh, yeah. Now add ketchup sauce for spice, hmm? Uh, tuna, hot dogs, fluff marshmallow mix.”
“Ugh, that sounds disgusting!”
“Yeah, well, my brother thought it was exotic.”
Dean blinks, to find Sam shaking his arm, concern in his gaze. He looks down as the pain fades away, looking at the spaghetti, growing cold on the floor.
“Fuck. It’s cool, Sammy, I got it.” He waves off Sam’s concern and begins to clear up the mess, throwing away the remains of dinner and washing out the pan. “What do you say to mac and cheese tonight?”
Sam wrinkles his nose, but it’s a lot better than his usual sulking. “It’s kinda boring, Dean.”
Dean grins. “Nah. See, I know 101 different ways to make mac and cheese so it tastes completely different each time.”
Disbelievingly, Sam folds his arms. “101 different ways? No way.”
Pulling down the macaroni, Dean hides his inner triumph. “Wait and see. Numero uno, ketchup for spice.”
Robin is a nice girl. Dean likes her a lot.
As first kisses go, Dean could have done a lot worse. He plans to take her to the dance, but can’t quite put his finger on the something that makes this seem off.
Maybe it’s because Sammy and Dad didn’t come for him yet. He knows they will sooner or later.
It’s almost a relief when they do turn up. He can’t explain the visions to Sonny, even know they’ve happened once or twice in his presence. Sooner or later, questions are going to be asked and he’s not going to be able to answer them.
He locks himself in the bathroom to dry his eyes, sitting on the toilet and burying his face in his hands. It’s mostly relief, he knows that. That he hadn’t been left behind, that he wasn’t dispensable to John. That Sam missed him. But it’s also regret. Because he had a life here that he had always wanted, but to keep it he would have to leave Sam.
That isn’t an option. He has no guarantee that Sonny will keep him around if he ever finds out about Dean’s visions, either.
The pain strikes out of nowhere, leaving Dean doubled over as gasps fall from his lips. This might be the most painful one yet, his knuckles turning white as he grasps the sink to keep himself upright. The vision flickers for a moment, as if it’s not set in stone, but then it clears.
A strong hand brushes against his cheek. Dean closes his eyes and leans into the touch.
“Cas,” he whispers, lips parting as a thumb sweeps across his lower lip. “Cas.”
It’s almost like he doesn’t know what to say. The strongest emotion Dean has ever felt builds up in his chest and then it all comes crashing out.
Dean feels his fingers knot into hair, short but soft, and almost whimpers. “You can’t leave me, Cas. You don’t get to do that again. I need you.”
He opens his eyes and sees a brilliant blue, before everything comes into focus.
“I will never leave you, Dean.”
Dean closes the gap between them and their lips meet in the middle.
With a shout, Dean comes back to himself in the bathroom. He’s pale, can feel all the blood draining from his face. What the hell was that? He wasn’t into guys, why would Dean ever be kissing a dude? Shocked to his very core, Dean just manages to make it off the toilet so he can turn around and vomit. The pain behind his eyes is still lingering, and he presses his cheek to the cool porcelain, ignoring how gross that is.
His legs are shaky when he stands up. Everything he knows about himself seems wrong. How could that be true? How could whatever future that was, result in him feeling so strongly for a man?
Dean thinks back to the gas station, and how he’d saved his dad’s life. Not all futures were set in stone. He could change this, have a future where he got out of hunting and met a nice girl, married and had kids. Whoever this guy was, Dean would never meet him, would never give him the time of day.
Washing his hands and splashing some water on his face, Dean left the bathroom with a grim expression.
Those visions were nothing but trouble. He would never have another one again.
Dean makes it almost fourteen years before he has another vision.
There’s something suspicious about the blonde chick. Ruby, he reminds himself. She claims to want to help him, but there’s something in her gaze when she looks at him. Sympathy. Like she’s endured Hell, and she knows exactly what is waiting for Dean.
When he looks at her, he doesn’t see the slightest shred of hope for his situation.
It’s a rare moment of vulnerability when the familiar pain tightens behind his eyes. It’s been over a decade since Dean last let himself have a vision, but the weight of his decision to sell his soul is heavy tonight.
He closes his eyes.
Fire. Burning. Chains.
The choking scent of sulphur, down his throat, engulfing him.
Screams. Pain.
He gasps and rubs his fists into his eyes. Sam is in the bathroom, so Dean takes the time to escape, to step out of the room. There’s a bar on the corner, and after what he’s just seen, he needs more than just a couple of miniatures from the minibar.
The lights flicker, and he stops. Ruby is standing there, staring at him.
He can’t stop the attitude towards her, ever distrustful of her demon status. She gives as good as she gets, but Dean is grateful for it. He doesn’t need to be coddled. Ruby is honest and he’s grateful for that.
“There’s no way of saving me from the pit, is there?”
When Ruby leaves, Dean sinks to the floor beside the Impala and buries his head in his hands. He will never regret his choice to save Sam, but in this moment, he allows himself to mourn for the future he will never have.
Dean doesn’t connect the name ‘Castiel’ with the man from his vision.
How could he? All he knows is some inhuman thing was powerful enough to fight through hell and carry him out. The thought of falling for whatever that was doesn’t even cross his mind.
He knows, of course, the first time he sees Castiel walking into the barn. Between the shattering lightbulbs and flashes of lightning, recognition tugs at the back of his mind.
It’s not until he sees the blue eyes up close that he realises and he immediately gets defensive. This guy had shattered Dean’s world when he was sixteen and now thinks he can just waltz in and command Dean’s love? Was that why he’d saved him from Hell?
“Why’d you do it?”
“Because God commanded it. Because we have work for you.”
Dean stares at him. “Work?”
He stops at the familiar pain and he struggles to fight it. He’s weak, though, from digging himself out of his own grave, and he can’t repress it completely. He sees flickers of his life, of Castiel becoming family, and he falls to his knees.
The pain vanishes as quickly as it appeared, and Dean glances up to see Castiel’s fingers barely an inch from his forehead, concern evident in the lines around his eyes. Dean doesn’t even need to ask. He knows from the sympathy in Castiel’s eyes that he will never be troubled by the visions again.
“Thanks. Cas.”
The name from his vision slips out before Dean thinks about it, and he clenches his fists tightly. He saw enough in the flickers to know that whatever his future holds, Castiel will be part of it. The capacity of that would be up to Dean.
“You wanna use some of that mojo on Bobby?” He asks, looking down at his body on the floor. “Wake him up? You come in peace, E.T., I get it. But I’ve had a long freaking day, and whatever work ‘God’ has planned for me can wait till tomorrow.”
Castiel does as he’s asked, but leaves immediately afterwards, leaving Dean to deal with a groggy Bobby who demands to know what the hell happened.
Dean just shakes his head. Cas can be a problem for another day.
A strong hand brushes against his cheek. Dean closes his eyes and leans into the touch.
“Cas,” he whispers, lips parting as a thumb sweeps across his lower lip. “Cas.”
It’s almost like he doesn’t know what to say. The strongest emotion Dean has ever felt builds up in his chest and then it all comes crashing out.
Dean feels his fingers knot into hair, short but soft, and almost whimpers. “You can’t leave me, Cas. You don’t get to do that again. I need you.”
He opens his eyes and sees a brilliant blue, before everything comes into focus.
“I will never leave you, Dean.”
Dean closes the gap between them and their lips meet in the middle. The kiss only lasts for a few seconds before Dean pulls away, surprised.
He looks up to find Castiel staring at him, concerned, hand resting on his knee. “I’m fine,” he promises, reaching out to cover Castiel’s hand with his own. “It’s just… I remember this. I saw it happen, when I was a kid. I didn’t know who you were or why you were so important to me. I promised myself I would never let this be real. That my future would never bring me here. I hated you for making me doubt what I knew about myself.”
Castiel smiles at him, sure enough of his place in Dean’s life that the words don’t shake him. “We don’t always know what will make us happy in the future.”
Dean makes sure Castiel meets his eyes when he says, “Sometimes we do.”
He closes the gap between them once more and revels in the knowledge that, while he no longer knows what the future holds, he know that Castiel will always be by his side.
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gowanadrienne · 29 days ago
I didn’t need to ugly cry like Kim K today, but here we are!
1st time
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2nd time
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3rd time
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4th time
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5th time
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last time
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screaming, crying, fucking throwing up
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