#need to ask her what her fav twice song is
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thelolarahaii · 9 months ago
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TANNER ADELL Get To Know Tanner Adell With 10 Questions - Hollywire
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blueb3rryjongseob · 7 months ago
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Skz Maknae!Line
reacting to you receiving an award.
read hyung!line here!
synopsis: you're a really popular soloist. Think PSY, BTS and BLACKPINK. yeahh. You've been invited to the 2022 MAMA Awards Show. (Idk how the MAMA works so just pretend) and you're dating skz. (obv. not all the members but ykwim)
a/n: i wrote hyung!line back in May so I forgot everything so if you see any repeptitive reactions that seem similar to hyung!line just ignore it!! Hyung!line was alot better than this ngl😭😭
Genuinely seemed happier than you when you're name got called.
"And the 2024 MAMA Artist Of The Year goes to..Y/n!"
Literally flew off his chair. Chan had to tell him to quiet down cause he was the loudest out of all the crowds and auidence's applauses. You stopped wondering why you two have dating rumours long ago.
Didn't even reach home yet and he praised you. After the Awards Show when you both met back up in the car, he kissed you on the cheek (not on the lips just incase anyone was spying on you). "I knew you could do it, gorgeous.."
Takes dating rumours very seriously, so he didn't overdo it when you're name got called. His eyes literally sparkled and he clapped vigorously, pearly whites on display.
"Damn..with the way you're looking at her..no wonder STAY had their suspicions about you.."
When you got home, he congratulated and praised you soo much. "Strawberry, I knew you could do it.."
You both sat on the couch, rewatching the MAMA live recording. Teased him for how he smiled when he heard your name for Artist Of The Year. You were so thankful the screen had changed to him.
"Lixie..we spoke about this, hm? What would STAY think of you smiling like an idiot just because I won?"
Didn't react at all. Even the rest of Stray Kids were shocked. "Seungmin-ah, I know you both agreed on keeping the relationship a secret..but seriously? You're not even gonna clap for her..?" Chan whispered to him. All eight of them had gotten familiar with you, and they know you'd be heartbroken if you were rewatching the MAMA live recording only to see Seungmin with a stupid poker face.
This was, until, you had said the show stopping part of your speech, where not even Seungmin could keep his face straight.
"And lastly, aside from my VOICES (your fandom name), there has been someone else who stayed up with me for countless nights, fighting sleep just to be with me in my studio, re-recording songs and practicing choreographies with me. "
Your eyes flickered up to the crowd, immediately finding Seungmin's, before you looked back down at the audience.
"My dear, dear, boyfriend..Seungmin of Stray Kids, none of this would be possible if it weren't for you." And you ended your speech with half a heart against your cheek and the small korean heart in your other hand. (Like yall know how the idols do it right😭😭😭)
Ofcourse, there was dead silence. Before the audience practicaly roared. Cheers upon cheers upon cheers. You couldn't even hear yourself think.
Seungmin was flabbergasted. The night prior, you had asked him what he thought about making the relationship public. He wasn't against the idea, but he didn't think you'd actually do it.
Literally so happy. He couldn't contain his excitement. Had an excuse for being so elated. Aside from dating, you guys were friends since trainee days.
"Ofcourse, thanks to my lovely....friend! I.N. of Stray Kids, my biggest help. Never stopped supported me, ever since trainee days. You and the boys deserve this more than me, ba- Jeongin-ah!"
Teased you soooo much after. You almost exposed their relationship twice. Had such a huge blush on his face, though. The screen changed to him at the same time, he had almost got caught smiling like an idiot.
this was so bad GOODBYE😭😭 Hyung!Line was sooo good so pls go read that one. My fav for this tho, definitely Seungmin's. As I told yall, i'm Seungmin biased so i did a lil more for his. Now i feel like I need to do a Seungmin drabble/ scenario or smth with how idol life is now that you guys are public. If yall want smth more for any others, send askk. Also, don't judge how used 'strawberry' as a pet name😭 I think it's superrr cute and i tell yall to call me Berry so it works.
Thankyou so so so so so so sooooo much if you read and reached this far! As I say, please interact with this post to ensure that you'd get many, many, many, many, many more amazing posts like this!!
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milfsloverblog · 2 years ago
Life Eternal (part 2)
Can you see me longing for you forever?
Larissa Weems x former student fem!reader
A/N: Thank you to anyone who enjoyed the first chapter and asked for more! Still inspired by some of my life events. Title again from one of my fav Ghost song (you should really listen to it, just for some more angst).
TW: alcohol consumption
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You have no idea how long the two of you stayed in each other’s arms, Larissa’s body gently swaying as she rubbed soothing circles on your back. You didn’t want to let go and it seemed like she didn’t either.
“We should go back outside.” Larissa eventually said but made no move to pull away from you.
Just one more minute, please.
“We should.” You agreed and reluctantly let go of the tall woman.
���Let me take a good look at you, it’s been so long.” Larissa said as her hand cupped your cheek to lift your head.
It took all of your strength not to close your eyes and nuzzle your face in her palm, instead letting your eyes roam on her face like hers did on yours. You loved everything about her. From her sapphire eyes to the dent on the tip of her nose to the scar that slashed through her lip.
“You haven’t changed at all.” You said when your eyes locked with hers again. You are still the most beautiful woman in the world.
“You have. You’ve grown into a beautiful young woman.” Larissa smiled and her hand dropped back to the side of her body, making you miss its warmth instantly.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you that lasted until Larissa eventually moved toward the door.
“Perhaps afterward we could visit the Weathervane for a hot chocolate? I would love to catch up and hear about all those adventures you’ve been on during those five years. Do you still like it with whipped cream and cinnamon?” Larissa offered, half turning to look at you.
I can’t. I can’t spend the evening with you as if I had never left. I can’t bare the thought of opening up to you. I can not let you build a nest inside my heart again, Larissa.
And there it was again, that look of expectancy in her eyes. Why did she keep hoping all those years, couldn’t she just forget about you like you had tried so hard to do about her? Had she even tried at all?
“I think I could use something stronger.” Was all you could answer. You should have said no, but you couldn’t disappoint her.
“Of course, I know a nice place downtown. I will take us there once everyone is gone.” Larissa gave a nod and opened the door, waiting for you to walk out of her office.
You were back in the yard in a few long strides, taking deep breaths of fresh air hoping it would ease the loud ringing in your ears.
You had no choice but to make small talk to a few people from your past when Enid grabbed your arms and dragged you to one of the tables. It seemed like everyone had settled into their life. Most had a nice job, were in a steady relationship and some were even married. As you found out, none of them were madly in love with a woman twice their age.
From time to time you’d look around the yard, hoping to catch a glimpse of Larissa’s tall figure, only for your heart to skip a beat each time your eyes met.
“Promise me you’ll call more often!” Enid said as she gave you a tight goodbye hug.
“I promise I’ll try.” You nodded, catching Wednesday smirking at your answer.
What a strange couple they made, you thought as they walked away into the parking lot. Opposite attracts. At least you hoped that was true, that might give you a chance with-
“Well, it looks like everyone is gone.” Larissa’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. “You can wait by the car, darling, I just need to fetch my keys.”
You were surprised to see that she was still driving that old minivan, surely that thing should have been sent to the scrapyard a long time ago.
Larissa turned on the engine which in turn turned on the radio, Lovesong by The Cure instantly filling the car. Larissa moved to turn it off but you quickly grabbed her arm to prevent her from doing so.
“Is it still your favourite?” She asked and you answered with a nod. Of course it was. It was the song Larissa used to introduce you to her favourite band.
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
You looked through the window and bit on the inside of your cheeks. Everything about this song reminded you of her.
“Whenever I’m alone with you, you make me feel like I am young again.” Larissa softly sang along to the lyrics. “Whenever I’m alone with you, you make me feel like I am fun again.”
Her fingers gently drummed on the steering wheel and your eyes drifted to her face, your heart swelling with yearning when you barely audibly whispered the next lyrics.
However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
You sighed in relief when the song came to an end and Larissa parked the car outside the bar.
“I’ve been here a couple of times, it’s very cosy and usually not too noisy.” She said as she pulled the door to let you in.
The place was dimly lit, people sat in booths with seating made out of leather and velvet. There were mouldings on the ceiling and the wooden walls were covered in framed artwork. It felt chic, expensive and, you dared to think, a little romantic.
“Have a seat, darling.” Larissa said, her hand on the small of your back gently pushing you towards an empty booth.
“Do you remember the first time I had alcohol?” You asked her once you had settled down and the waiter had taken your order - a bottle of red, which Larissa picked, and an antipasti board to share.
“If I remember?” Larissa laughed and shook her head a little at the memory. “I felt guilty for weeks!”
It had been on your eighteenth birthday. The two of you had shared a glass of rosé and a piece of cheesecake that she’d bought from the Weathervane for the occasion. She’d made you swear that you wouldn’t tell anyone she had let you sip on her wine.
“Good thing I’m legally allowed to drink now, then.” You grinned when the waiter poured you a glass.
You weren’t sure wether it was a good thing or not, actually. Alcohol had a tendency to loosen your tongue, you had found out through the years, and you usually weren’t what they called a “happy” kind of drunk.
“To friendship that lasts, even after years apart!” Larissa smiled, raising her glass.
“To friendship.” You nodded and clinked your glass against hers. You would need more than wine if she used the word friendship again.
“So,” Larissa put her glass down after taking a sip. “Tell me everything, I want to know everything that you’ve done since graduating.”
So you told her. You told her about going to university and failing. Picking up another course only to realise mid-year that you didn’t like it. Twice. How you struggled to find your place, how nothing ever seemed to be distracting enough.
“What did you need to be distracted from?” Larissa suddenly cut you off, her chin resting on her hand as she listened to you.
You. I needed to be distracted from your memory. I needed to find something, anything to replace you. But to no avail. The heart wants what it wants, and mine wanted you, it still does.
“Who knows?” You shrugged and thanked the waiter who had just placed the food on the table.
“And now? Have you found what you were looking for?” Larissa asked, worry painted on her features. “I could always help if you need anything. You were a brilliant student, I’m sure I could find you a nice job if you let me give a couple of phone calls.”
Have I found what I was looking for?
“I go from job to job. It’s not as bad as it sounds. It gives me the opportunity to try many, many things.” You picked an olive from the board and popped it in your mouth, washing it down with a few sips of wine.
That’s when you noticed them, the two women sitting together in the booth at the back of the bar. One as young as you and the other one closer to Larissa’s age. They could have been mistaken for a mother and her daughter if it wasn’t for the fact that they had chosen to sit next to each other rather than one on each side of the table.
“Are you with me?” Larissa waved her hand in front of your face, your eyes immediately snapping back to hers.
She poured you another glass as well as one for herself and started talking again. You tried your best to listen to what she was saying, you really did, but after a few seconds, your attention was back on the two women across the room.
There they were, their hands gently intertwined, sharing soft laughters and stolen glances. Their connection was palpable, their love radiating like an aura around them. A pang of longing coursed through your body. How badly you yearned for something like this.
“Is everything alright?” Larissa’s hand was on yours now, her eyes searching for yours. “Why are you crying? You know that you can tell me anything.”
“Crying?” You repeated, your free hand moving to wipe your cheeks. When had tears started rolling down your face?
“Fuck, I can’t do this.” You said before emptying your glass and getting on your feet. You grabbed your jacket and pulled a few bills from its pocket, enough to pay for both Larissa and yourself.
“Wait-“ You heard the tall woman say but you were already on your way to the door.
Hot tears flooded your cheeks as you walked down the street, ignoring the tall woman calling your name a few feet behind you.
“For heaven’s sake!” Larissa grabbed your arm and yanked you back. “What is wrong with you?!”
“What is wrong with me?!” You laughed, tears still falling from your eyes. You needed to get away from her before your loosened tongue started saying things that you could never take back. “I’m going back to Nevermore, getting in my car and leaving this hell hole. Forever this time.”
If your words hurt Larissa, she didn’t let it show. Choosing instead to cup your face ever so gently. You had tried hating her, but how could you?
“Let me take you to a hotel. You will have a good night of sleep and we’ll talk in the morning. How does that sound?” She offered, her thumb caressing your cheek.
You silently nodded in agreement and Larissa pushed a small smile, her arm wrapping around your shoulder as she walked with you to the nearest hotel.
She took care of everything, booking the best room available and even paying for it. Asking the front desk to wake you up at nine the next morning.
“There you go.” She pushed the door to your room open and followed you inside. It was way too luxurious but you said nothing, grateful for everything she was still doing for you.
“Well, I should go back to Nevermore now.” Larissa said, hands clasped in front of her.
“Thank you.” It came out of your mouth as a whisper and you couldn’t help but wrap your arms around the tall woman again.
You held her close and tight as if it was the last time you would ever have the chance to hug her. And she held you back as close and as tight as you did as if it was the last time she would get the chance to hug you.
“No more tears.” She said when she eventually pulled away, holding onto your chin to look into your eyes. “There always is a solution, my darling, I promise. Whatever is bothering you now, we will find a way to fix it, together.”
Together. Surely that would fix you, you and her together.
Larissa’s lips pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before she wished you goodnight, reminding you to drink plenty of water to avoid a headache in the morning.
As soon as she was out of the room, you started sobbing again. You couldn’t help it, you had to get all of these feelings out or you would go crazy.
You fell asleep that night clutching onto the pair of leather gloves that Larissa had gifted you, holding them close against your chest hoping they would somehow soothe your aching heart.
Tag list: @enchantressb @kimiinou
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Jinx was one of my favs in s1. but what annoys me about caitlyn haters talking about caitvi being abusive for hitting her which i do not condone.. its just there's a certain hypocristy to the situation when .. Jinx Hit Vi.. Twice. at the end of season one after Vi is fighting Sevika, Jinx appears like a Horror villian and knocks her out. and when Vi comes to free her at the end of s2 Jinx hits her and locks her in the prison cell.. and the caitvi haters.. could care less as they seem to think vi exists to save jinx and nothing else.
Vander telling her protect Powder was acutally a damaging thing to Vis psyce esp when she was i dunno 15?? as a older sib you do want to protect your sib but Vi's in s1 was consumed by it. it make sense.. doesn't make it healthy esp when your sib is blowing up/killing people.
and no Vi didn't know her sister was suicidal and.. also has her own emotions and mental health / being told she need to protect powder to deal with and when Powder/Jinx rejects this from her. def hurt Vi . for all the people who claim to love Vi.. they really just want her to exist for her sister and nothing else. but Arcane isn't Frozen.. and it feels they expected a cookie cuter disney ending where at the end everythings going to turn out ok . which ..was never the tone of the show. nor is it about killing the rich like Caitlyn. It was about Ending the Cycle of Violence. we weren't suppose to Agree with Silco drug dealing ways.. and I dont understand people defending a man who committed child labor/ turned his city into a drug pen.. or saying the drugs were good is the craizest of all when we see them mutate people that's not a man to be praised.. he's no idol.. He had his demons but he took it out on the poor.. and his crimes get overlooked to much .. he became.. a Captialist.. looking out for himself.. with some love for jinx but his idea of an indi Zaun was for his Benifit.. not Zauns. I like Silco but he gets babied in the fandom
. my fav was Ambessa and she commited child murder on screen which was quite horrific.. but she's also a GILF /intersting character.. and all her crimes in s2 get pinned on caitlyn.. which to me feels like kinda racist to ignore the Black woman actions in s2. Like she was a cool Villian lady and is just outright ignored.
Anyway I acutally like.. Every Character. i think my favs in s1 were jinx/viktor/mel was.. well she was hot haha.
didn't even really ship caivi until s2 I think I just like drama as compared to all the boring haters..
I got my own criticism if ya asked me the au ep wasn't needed/to much time on the black rose plot/ vis emo arc being just a 2 min song/friendship with vander 2.0 was very rushed.
inow I wasn't a super big fan of caitlyn but the hypocrisy with cait haters make my head spin. and i find it telling the asian woman gets the most hate.. esp those that call her white kkkcaitlyn again an ASIAN woman.. they be telling on themselfs..
adding on i noticed hate for caitvi in the caitvi tags.. pretty lame if ya ask me..
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danthediamondminecart · 6 months ago
So now that i have learnt that asking u questions will not make u want to brutally murder me, ITS MY TURN AAAHAHHAHAHAH-
Numéro Un : Whats ur main's lore??? The parasite dudeeeeeeeeee >:))))
Numara İki : Who is your least and most fav battler from ALL of RBB (its not the same question i swear!!!!!!!!)
Numero Tatlo : Give the finalists a scent or/and a song.
Numero Cuatro : Will we see more of Lana, Bella and Hoopie?? I needed to ask this for the girliessss (btw from clues left around here and there, im guessing Bella and Steak are shapeshifters???)
Nummer Fünf : KREEK GOT POSSESED BY BILL CIPHER- is the guy ok 😞😞😞💔💔💔 How often will we see TMA x RBB?? Like how many more are u expecting atm???
Numero Sei : This one is abt BLSMP, kinda like mini questions;
Will we see Megan in action of vengeance soon?
Will Pink get his cookie??
How long will day 6 and 7 be? Like chapters and chapter lenght????
-. ..- -- -... . .-. / --... : Are you overworking yourself? Yk if you are, just for our entertainment. Stop. Take a breather. Its not worth it <3
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bugbo. im sorry i had to 😰😰😞😞😞💔💔💔💔🤯🤯🤯😭😭😭😭👹👹👹🥰🥰🥰
( why am i like this )
Why are there Bin Weevils in my askbox. Anyway, answers to your questions under the cut!!
Question 1: C!YanDan is…something, certainly. He was formed by negative energy generated when a crystal exploded (if you know, you know), and that negative energy cloud possessed a malnourished unused clone in the basement of a laboratory in the woods. He dislikes DanTDM on principle, but like, he’s only met the guy once. These days, he’s just a hitman who gets sent out on slightly more unscrupulous jobs, alongside his friends. You can find his reference, as well as his two friend’s references, here, here and here. There’s also their boss, but I haven’t uploaded him yet.
Question 2: Least favourite, uh, the ones who’ve turned out to be not-nice people behind the scenes, I guess? You know the ones. Favourite is probably Tanqr and Kreek, because I’m basic as fuck. But also, underrated favourites are Hyper, Jackeryz and Calixo. Oh, Think, Preston and BigB are also up there, but I like them for other reasons.
Question 3: I’m going to do songs because I don’t know scents all too well. Some of these I am very certain of, some of these are just flat out vibes.
KreekCraft: The Main Character - Will Wood
Tanqr: Ruthlessness - EPIC: The Musical
DylanHyper: Waiting In The Wings - Tangled: The Series
AshleyTheUnicorn: Get Down - Six: The Musical
PinkLeaf: No More: LongestSoloEver
iBella: Gon’ be real I don’t have a song in mind for Bella. Most of the songs I listen to don’t really fit her.
DenisDaily: Vending Machine of Love: The Stupendium
Question 4: That depends on what universe you’re asking about. Lana and Bella have major roles in the TMA AU, so they’ll likely appear more there! Bella’s also pretty important to some of my other AUs, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Hoopie, meanwhile…I don’t really include her? Mainly because I don’t fukcing know what her and Tanqr have going on. Are they dating? Are they just friends? I don’t know how she fits in. In my take on canon, I have them in a weird situationship where they don’t even know what they are. So…yeah.
Question 4.5: Correct on Bella - she is a shapeshifter! Her knowledge on human anatomy has gotten a lot better, but that accursed Rthro render was the result when she…didn’t. Steak, meanwhile, is just a slab of meat. He doesn’t have bones. He doesn’t have hair. He just has meat slabs carved (and skin) to look vaguely human. (His hair’s texture is either cartilage or leather, I haven’t decided).
Question 5: If I had a nickel for every time Hunt!Kreek was referred to as Bill Cipher, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice, right? In all seriousness, no, he is not okay. The TMA AU (at least, Kreek’s side of it) can basically be summarised by “one man (Kreek) gets haunted by and slowly turns into a fucked up version of his YouTube channel mascot” and with that comes a major sanity slippage. I’d love to release more TMA AU content, and I do have some stored! It just depends on my motivation and what I want to release. Right now I’m working on writing a full plot outline to make my life easier when talking about it, but it’s taking some time.
Question 6: Bold of you to assume she hasn’t already done that. In fact, in the next chapter, I’d say she’s about to do the exact opposite.
Question 6.25: Once Ashley is in a situation where she knows how to make one.
Question 6.5: Russo, what are you doing. RUSSO NO-
Question 6.75: Day 6 has 7 chapters, Day 7 has 6 (planned, subject to change). Word count depends on what happens in them - some of the Day 6 chapters have a LOT GOING ON.
-. . …- . .-. / --. --- -. -. .- / --. .. …- . / -.-- --- ..- / ..- .—. : I think I’m fine!! I’m doing a lot of work right now because I’m gonna be quite busy with life during the next year when things pick up, so you know, getting ahead of the game. I’ve gone from being 2 chapters ahead to being 7, so I’m pretty proud of that. Then again, literally 30 minutes after I read this ask I managed to spill boiling water all over my hand and now I can’t really type, so…there’s that.
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porkcutletbowl44 · 5 months ago
So I will write this ask while reading chapter 16 because my mind is too smooth to do it afterwards.
damn my german ass came out for a sec. But i really think they would have proper beer. The shit in the plastic bottles is piss with the wrong label on it and I don't even like beer to begin with LOL But it seems they are into it which… damn kinda sad but I guess that's a german thing to see cheap beer as a crime 😭💀
God, I love the interactions with the boys sooo much! It's so funny and makes me miss my old friend group. well at least the good parts of it and that wasn't much to being with 🥴
microwaving cereal 😭😭😭 I'm laughing so hard right now omg I never was drunk in my 24 years of living so it always makes me the one who holds the hair or fight of the guys who think they could get a quick fun. No fun with me, I will ruin they're night for good haha Only got tipsy twice and the first time I kinda regret because I didn't register how much the one dude overstep the line with this one girl. Mind you I just met her at the party but she was so sweet. God I would have beaten the living shit out of him. Still hate him to this day and he is a close friend of my cousin which is like a sister to me. Damn sorry for the rant LOL
NO HE DOES NOT ACT LIKE THIS MY GOD THIS MAN MAKES ME SO MAD I never wanted to punch a character in a fic so much as I want to punch Simon. Wtf is he thinking? Mf was cheating, is engaged with another woman who makes our life way too hard and he thinks it's all fine and dandy to tell us that WE are selfish??????
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Jesus fucking Christ, Keegan needs to punch the shit out Simon. Holy moly macaroni i'm so mad
"Rank ain't gonna save you from a broken nose."
of course Keegan is a sweet boy like always. How he can hold back not to give us small kisses is beyond me but ok. Well maybe because I'm someone who gives affection to everyone that is close to me, be it friends or family.
YES MY FAVORITE DADDY IS FINALLY HERE! Was about time that Price is joining! God, he is so sweet. He always reminds me of a Berniece Mountain dog! Big, gentle, protective and efficient at work. They are one of my fav dogs so maybe I'm a bit biased haha
wow, the fact that he called it out all those years ago? John knows Simon really well. We should have listened to him more. On the other hand, he also said, Simon would never hurt us and now look at this mess. My God, I just feel so sorry for our girl.
Jesus every time we get a flashback of better times... I makes heart so heavy. This story feels so real, like we're a fly on the wall that watches a tragedy unfold.
Please give me a man like Price, he is such a sweet mew mew
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not me almost crying at his little speech of how much he cares for her 😭😭
Song recommendation: Another Life - Motionless in White
HIIIII! it's wonderful hearing from you again I hope all is well! 🫶🏻💛
Tbh, I did a little research about beer in the UK, and some of it is similar to the US aluminum caps lol
And, I'm not sure if you read chapter 17 yet, so I'll refrain from commenting on the Simon rant to avoid spoilers 🫠
Peepaw Price cures depression for FREE. that's free therapy and I'm taking it!! 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
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euphor1a · 2 years ago
Camelia, aloe vera and papyrus for the ask gameee???? I really wanna knowww
Hihi sweets! Thank you for sending in 💗; i appreciate it so much! 🥺
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camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
whoa this is gonna get heavy, so i’m warning everyone reading this beforehand. things have changed for sure, i’d say... but it’s hard to point it out exactly. my younger self went through a whole different spectrum of human experiences. things were... nice(?) when i was a literal child, but it got gradually worse, worse and worse to the point where i moved out at the age of 17 and started living in a dorm in a different town. younger me was incredibly strong willed, hardworking and hopeful. i still find it super crazy how i got through everything i did and that i’m still here, surviving. younger me had so many big dreams and was motivated to follow through. i was also a bit naive, and i struggled a lot with determining characters, so i ended up getting even more hurt trying to maintain friendships with the wrong people and such. it’s not the same anymore with these things... my mental health has been a constant issue since mid-2019 (although, i must say that i’m doing a LOT better now — people who’ve been here for a while would know), and the world just kinda turned black & white... i think a lot of young adults feel the same though. i’m also super cautious about making connections with people now, which has been... idk, both good and bad? like sure, i’m a pretty lonely being, but at least i’m not hurting for people who don’t deserve me! also, it all just crashed down with the pandemic, y’know? it’s hard to say how much i’ve exactly changed, because i was brought up in a situation where i was forced to mature very early. and to be uncomfortably honest, i might seem a bit childish when i get comfortable around someone. guess i had suppressed my inner child too much with everything going on, and whenever a comforting/reliable presence comes along, it resurfaces 😅. anyway, i’m still very very proud of the younger aleyna. i wish i could hug her and tell her how amazing she is, how thankful i am for everything she did that led to me being here (in a relatively stable position) now, how the lessons she learnt through hardships made it easier for me to navigate through this complicated world... the list is endless. i just hope that a few years from now on, i can look back to this self (my late teenage years and early twenties) and feel just as proud for doing whatever i am doing right now ☺️
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
answered here ♡ !
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
the song which came up this time is “to you” by seventeen. i, genuinely am, in love with this song. have been that way since it was released in 2021. see, i got into kpop back in 2019 through bts and twice (good times)! and it took me a lot of time to actually branch out from that starting point — txt playing a big role in it because i was obsessed with run away when it came out (still my fav title track by them). i came to know about seventeen on 2020 when left & right came out, and i loved it! but i didn’t exactly go straight to “stanning”, i just added them on spotify and just vibed along whenever it came up. after that it’s mostly a blur with svt for several reasons. until attacca came out on late 2021, i saw the rock with you mv, and was like: HOLD THE FUCK UP I NEED TO GET INTO THIS SHIT IMMEDIATELY?! i remember doing everything i possibly could (following their socials and stuff, adding all their albums to my spotify library, etc.)... believe me or not, it took me almost 7 months to catch up with all the content i wanted to check out. and well, the rest, i’m sure you can see/guess. about “to you” specifically though, my first impression was — “is it legal for a song to be this good?! did they put drugs in it or something 😭?” and it’s still the same. “to you” is a work of art, one that made me feel emotions i thought i’m not capable/eligible of feeling. i love attacca the mini album so much, from the top to bottom. what a gem!
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— random get to know me asks 💌
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genxnarumi · 3 months ago
every 3 business days my friend likes to remind me of our experience at graspop last summer
when i apparently caught covid like RIGHT away so id been struggling with fever all week at the festival, going in and out of the ER
but saturday was BMTH as the closer and i didn’t want to miss it, so i pushed through, spent some time of the day in the first aid post to get help with getting my temperature down just so i could go off during BMTH (for clarification, i didn’t find out what it was until i was already back home a week later, i honestly thought i fell ill bc of the rainfall & not being able to sleep on the camping grounds)
we got a good spot; i didn’t need to be at the barrier since i’d seen them at the barrier in february. instead we went to the pit
mind you, i’m 5’, and i was stuck between a group of dudes ranging from 5’11 to like 6’4
moshed a bit, was fun. then left, went hard by myself. but i started feeling a little faint. my friend noticed and asked me if im ok, i was feeling the music though so im like yeah (proceeds to collapse)
luckily the guy standing behind me caught me cos my ass would have DROPPED 😩
then my friend again was like ok ur not ok maybe we should chill. so she held me against her but i was legit just not all there; had no idea what was happening anymore or what song was playing tbh.
the guy behind me then proceeded to tell the people around us to give us some space (supposedly, this is her account), and then asked if maybe they should get me to the front (idk???? it’s not exactly open there either😭)
aaaaand there i went, knocked tf out. so his friends forced ppl to open up a path and my friend and him dragged my limp pool noodle body to the barrier, where security yoinked me over the fence and handed me over to the EMTs, then (also friends account) carried her over as well
i was like, in and out of consciousness and i do remember briefly seeing oli on the stage but i ☠️ i didn’t even know what he was playing like genuinely i was just like what the fuck where am i who am i who the FUCK is carrying me
then, the next thing i remember is waking up somewhere in front of the stage a while later, with a lady fanning me, the EMTs questioning my friend and another guy handing me a bottle of water and i’m just like . 🧍‍♀️ where am i again
thennnn they left to get some things and i was so fucking nauseous, i was so hot, miserable,,
and i remember that i then heard kingslayer beginning and cussing at my friend like AREEEEEE U KIDDING MEEEEE i wanted to mosh to this song. and she’s just like. girl you’re going nowhere the fuck. here have some grape sugar
and then i also missed antivist😔
anyways; she filmed it all, then told me - and now reminds me of it every other week - how i had “given her the night of her life” and that “oli looked at us” and im just like. wow thanks girlie pop. i fainted and got carried out of the crowd during my fav act of the day but at least YOU 🫵 got to enjoy it all 🤧
i am still sad about missing like half the show cos it was lit and i was having fun
and the sunday was awful, i legit barely left the first aid post and just slept on a stretcher all day with my friend frequently popping in to cool me with a bottle of ice water and a fan, i have NO idea who or what we saw that day AND i remember being so pissy for missing machine head closing the night.
don’t even talk to me about monday. the ambulance took my ass out of the queue for the bus bc i was literally being cooked 🥲 and i was still bed ridden for like two weeks afterwards, visiting the ER twice at night too. don’t get covid yall what the fuck (this was my first time after 4 jabs) i never felt so sick before
but hey, at least my friend got her 10 seconds of fame 😔😪😢
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infatuatedheloise · 9 months ago
May TC Challenge Qs 14-23
ooh I've been hella neglecting these questions 😅 so here's my catchup
14. What’s something you wished they knew about you without you having to tell them?
hmmmmm I don't really know! maybe like, my trauma lol? because I feel like we're close enough friends for that to come up in conversation (and it has a couple times), but I hate talking about it, so I wish I could just implant the info in his brain without having to tell him
15. If your tc was invited to a wedding and asked you to be their plus one, what would you wear, and what would you want to see them in? (Theme of the wedding is up to you, so you can choose your outfits)
hmm I know I'd for sure want to see him in a blazer and slacks because he so rarely dresses up and I've only seen him dress like that twice & both times he's looked amazing. Idk what I'd wear tho, maybe my own blazer and a skirt to match him? I don't go to weddings, is that a weird outfit? lmao idk
16. Do you have any photos of them? Either those that you've found on their social media or ones you've taken yourself?
Yes!!! of course lol. I have a couple that I've screenshotted from his insta (just selfies and stuff like that where he looks really cute 😅), but I also have multiple pictures of the two of us (or us and our mutual friend) together! I'm actually trying to get as many photos of us together as possible because I want to gift him a photo collage/book of all those photos when I graduate next year!
17. Have you ever listened to break up songs/love songs and thought of them?
Of course! I have a whole playlist dedicated to him. Some of my fav songs that make me think of him: Once More to See You--Mitski, Let You Break My Heart Again--Laufey, I Want You--Mitski, Make You Mine--Madison Beer
18. What style/haircut/tattoos/facial hair/etc do you think would suit them best?
hmmmm well I definitely think his longer hair suited him better (still mourning over that haircut he got ;-;), and I think when he goes without shaving just enough but not long enough to have like a full beard or anything looks really good on him! I've seen from his insta that he used to have like full facial hair and it was *not* a good look lmao. I don't really see him as a tattoo kind of person, but he does always give himself fake knuckle tattoos as a joke for one of his classes, so maybe those?
19. Which color would you assign the feelings they give you?
wait this is strangely difficult. ummm definitely yellow because I always feel very happy around him lol, and hmmmm idk maybe something pinkish red for how i sometimes feel embarrassed around him lmao? idkkkkkk
20. What decade would they be best in?
I've been thinking about him and the 90s a lot lately, so maybe then? (90s were when he graduated hs, did his undergrad degree, and just began his first master's degree, if my rough understanding of his life is correct)
21. Have you ever run into them in public? (Or tried to?) How did it go?
once I saw him walking home while I was driving around town but I didn't stop and say anything obvi. I did see him at a protest for Palestine once, though, and I stopped to talk to him then, and that was cool.
22. What pushed you to create you blog?
lol my feelings for him just kept getting stronger & I was 🤏 this close to telling my friends about it (who have already expressed contempt for our relationship, so I knew that would *not* have been a good idea), and I really needed a place to vent
23. If you could know anything about your tc, what would it be?
ooh so much I want to know about him, like his true unfiltered thoughts and feelings about me, for example. also plenty of nsfw things I want to know ofc. but also, strangely, I want to know what he thinks and feels about his wife. he very much loves her but like, I want to know just how much? what drew him to her? how they fell in love? stuff like that I guess
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storyofshasa · 2 years ago
I'm writing this not because I'm sad, but probably because it's the acceptance phase where I realize and consciously say that I need to let this feelings go.
My memory was crystal clear, remembering the end of 2021, we were casually discussing a few things. I was amazed by how assertive you are, but still kind enough for asking what was my obstacle to fulfilling your request. I know that actually, it's a bare minimum, but I was in awe just because it's something that many people don't do :)))
We (used to) talked a lot. Our conversation flowed just like that, from books, movies, anime (tbh I was not into anime, but surprisingly I enjoyed it??), investment--or more like 101 adulting?? lol. At that time, I was thinking that you were (or probably, still) my kind of person, someone who I am comfortable talking about (if not everything) many things.
I also love how you motivated me to be better, in terms of work sih, hahaha. Those articles that you found, and (probably) thought would be useful for me, to be honest, they motivated me to stay hungry and stay foolish when it comes to learning. I even subscribed to the HBR because the articles you sent me made me realize that I still have sooo much to learn.
But, you were so kind, to everyone. IT'S A GOOD THING ACTUALLY HAHAHA jk that's not the thing, I guess I just don't know whether you're just being kind, and it is part of your kindness, or you were having a specific interest in me--and I assume the first one so I guess my feelings were unrequited.
I honestly forgot exactly when or why, our communications weren't as intense as previously. Long story short (hehe tbh I'm too lazy to reminisce about this part because it was...pretty hurtful from my pov) until I found out that you 'were' in a special relationship with a person who used to be my closest one on my team.
That's okay actually, hahaha. I'm actually used to this kind of unrequited things and I always keep in mind that this is something beyond my control so there's nothing that I can do. Even until I knew that you broke up with her, honestly I had veryyyy little expectation when we get to hang out together, twice. I KNOWWWWW you were just asking me to wfc together and usually it meant nothing whenever I worked together with my friends in a cafe. But it was different because it's you, lol.
But later, I found out that you liked somebody else, lol. I know this sounds stupid or how I act like a clown after all this time.
Anyway, I'm really okay wkwkwk no matter how extroverted I am, having a crush on someone is probably not my forte. I definitely have no idea what I am supposed to do to show that I have a specific interest in someone--especially with my bubbly personality, it's pretty hard to differentiate whether I'm just being cheerful or I'm really interested to talk to you wkwkwk.
It's been more than a year, oh actually, and a half. So I guess, it's better for me to keep some distance or communication with you (well, I guess it's already happening for these past weeks, lol).
There was no regret from my side, it's not a waste. Moving on from a traumatic relationship, you made me realize what kind of quality in a person I want. Actually, you set my bar pretty high when it comes to criteria. Since a long time ago, whenever my friends ask me what kind of must-have quality I like from a man, I always say that I want to be with a person who can inspire me to grow and be a better person. Knowing you somehow validate my own answer, and I'm really grateful for that :)
Honestly, like a line in one of my fav songs, this part perfectly describes my current condition and feelings for you
"bila kau tak menjadi milikku, aku takkan menyesal telah jatuh hati"
This thought comes to my mind, maybe, one day, when I have the chance to leave this place, I'm going to tell you about my feelings (or probably it would be 'past feelings'), not to confess, but just to make you realize that a person like you deserves a good person too.
I (accidentally) know a few things about you, and it amazed me how you managed to survive and stay sane despite all the craziness that happened in your life. I adore you, a lot.
I wish you nothing, but all the best. You probably still need to learn about so many things in life (aren't we all?!), but I know with your personality combined with your willingness to learn, you'll be okay.
The road ahead might be not easy, but pretty sure you can survive well.
Thank you for inspiring me to be a better person, motivating me to stay hungry when it comes to learning, teaching me what kind of leadership I aspire to be, and most importantly, realizing what kind of must-have-quality I need from (whoever to be) my future spouse. Glad and grateful that this universe made our paths crossed!
Wow, this sounds like a very hopeless romantic letter but trust me, I write this while laughing at most of the part wkwkw.
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wyverber · 2 years ago
Things sally picked up on from the other pastas headcanons?
Thing Sally picked on from the Pastas
"smash" from Ben, she knows what it means, every time she sees Slenders Mother she says it. Also Her gaming habits, now when she looses in a game she screams and swears. Slender does NOT like it!
EJ always goes to the Toilet in the middle of the night cus it's just chaotic in the morning! So he drinks a lot before he goes to bed. Sally picked up on this behaviour, just because Jeff needs fucking 2 and a half hours in the Bathroom.
While we are talking about Jeff, Sally has all her Hair products from him, his hair is pretty and Sally asked him what he does that it's so shiny ✨✨
Toby affected Sally with his love for Beyoncé, her fav song is all the single Ladys that's what she picked up from Toby...
Sally picked up the ability to spot every little antic someone has from Kate and Natalie for example; Maskys chain-smoking habit, like knowing what Cigarettes he's smoking, when he need to get out to smoke, how many cigarettes he's smoking when he's stressed, like you get what I mean.
Being on time and being 'Well-spoken' from Jeff. Surprised? Jeff is always in time, when he's late he planned to be late other wise he would kill himself rather than be late on accident. Also, he was an Theater kid and likes to let people think he can't speak like 'smart' people do. Sally admirers that and picked that up, even Slender is surprised by it!
Sally of course, considering her past, isn't really good with man. But ya know who else isn't? Jane. And oh boy, Sally looks up to Jane sooooo much, just not for these 'Girlie' thing but damn. Jane is 5-6 a week in gym or sparring with some1, Sally often watches her, learning just from watching, after a while she wanted to try her knowledge or rather what she saw Jane did to her trainings Partner! Ofc she lost against Jane without using her powers but! She still has her yearning passion for these like training, and now she picked up Jane's Training habit. Of course no one allows her to train 6 days a week but 2 sounds good enough for her! (Can't tell if this part is something Sally 'picked up' but I find it cute)
Helen, before he shuffle's cards always taps the table twice with said Cards, Sally picked that up too but does this with her markers before opening them.
Kinda shorter that I've wanted to be.
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pleasantanathema · 4 years ago
Pleasant’s Writer Recs!
I’ve gotten a few asks in my inbox over the past few weeks asking me for writer recs, so I thought the best way to do this was to compile a list of my fav authors on tumblr and rec my favorite fic of theirs! A lot of these amazing authors are moots—I’m very lucky to call many of them close friends. This list could be much longer, and I could go on for days about every single author, but I’ll try to keep it brief. Most all of these authors, like myself, write 18+ only content. Hopefully this can be a useful tool for authors and readers alike looking for amazing fanfic 💕
@bakatenshii | Angel is so phenomenal with her writing that I almost can’t put her style and amazing ability into words (but I’ll try). Angel’s work is beautiful, masterful, full of poetry, elegance, and smut that will all leave you gasping. Fav Fic: Blitz [Ushijima x Reader]
@blahkugo | Sunnt, Thunnth, Sunny, whatever you call her, she is brilliant. No one writes Tsukishima quite like she does. She is beyond creative and her writing style flows like the sexiest water, it’ll make you thirsty and quench your aches. Fav Fic: Tower [Tsukishima x Reader]
@deathcab4daddy | Tay is all about details, details, details. She fills in every gap and paints gorgeous, sexy pictures and situations for the reader to feel immersed in. Fav Fic: Cerulean Blue [Akaashi x Reader]
@dymphnasprose | Dymphna is all about fun, sex, and slowly filling out her holy bible of smut. She’s amazing at creating realistic sub/dom relationships and her smut almost always comes with a healthy dose of build-up. Fav Fic: Green Scrunchies [Ukai x Reader]
@enjifuckersupreme | Ketsl reigns supreme over pure, unadulterated porn. They are phenomenal at making me the reader wet, and every fic is crafted with so much care. Enji fuckers should bow down at their feet, no one loves and writes Enji like Ketsl. Fav Fic: Attitude Adjustment [Enji x Reader]
@hisoknen | Raph is one of the first dark blogs I ever started reading, and she never, ever disappoints. She writes pieces that chill you to the bone, but warms your sex- her writing is casual, smooth, and realistic, always giving you everything you need, but leaving you wanting a little more. Fav Fic: Sleeping Beauty [Dabi x Reader]
@hoe-doroki | Ana is one of the sweetest writers I know. Every time I talk to her, she’s working on comfort requests or beta-reading for other people. Her writing is such a pleasure to read, as you can tell she pours love and consideration into every fic for her readers. Fav Fic: Can’t Find My Breath [Bakugou x Reader]
@joyousandverywarlike | Zo...holy fucking shit. Zo is a writer who consistently blows me out of the water with her skill. This woman is a novelist blessing us with juicy, rich smut and love stories like no one else can. She is incredibly poetic and her writing is an absolute joy to read; she also writes amazing fics for black readers and has an amazing voice that she uses for asmr audios! Fav Fic: How We Met [Ushijima x Reader]
@lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten | Leah is an author who takes immense care with her work. She works incredibly hard to craft sexy, healthy bdsm fics for bnha. She is a great blog to go to for bdsm education, and she’s also got a side blog @lemonlordleah-extra-sour for all you extra naughty readers who like the darker side of fanfic. You should also check out her Patreon! Fav Fic: Between the Evergreen [Aizawa x Reader]
@linestrider | Nyki’s work is like smooth water, it’s calming, refreshing, but she also adds a nice, chill bite to it as well with her darker style. Nyki puts such an impressive amount of care into her work; a word is never out of place, every sentence has meaning, every paragraph gives you something new. It was very hard to choose just one fic to recommend. Fav Fic: What’s Said is Said [Hawks x Reader]
@lookslikeleese | Leese is one of the most fun writers on Tumblr, and by that I mean you just have a shitload of fun reading her fics. They are like little, sexy treats to take in right before bed and feel a little more full than you were before. She is also the Cucking Queen. Fav Fic: Cola [Enji x Reader] 
@messwriting | Lee is also another fun writer! Her writing is exhilarating to read, and you’d never guess she’s a sexy Brazilian whose second language is English based on how well she writes. She’s a little sex goddess who will give you everything you want and more in every fic. Fav Fic: What We Could’ve Been [Tsukishima x Reader]
@mindninjax | Marquie is a full on sweetie with a sexy side. She. Is. So. Creative. Every fic of hers is so unique and her masterlist is a whole reading experience. She writes Bakugou Katsuki so damn well, she’s a master at characterization, even in au’s. She also writes beautiful fics for black readers. Fav Fic: Bound to You [Bakugou x Reader]
@nekokoafanfictions | I first found Ai on Ao3, and then was fortunate enough to come across their blog here on Tumblr! I’ve said this before in previous rec lists, and I’ll say it again, I still read their fics some nights to fall asleep to, they are just that good, every fic will have you coming back at some point to read it again. Fav Fic: City Lights [Enji x Reader]
@present-mel | The. Queen. Of. Dialogue. Mel is a master at making her fanfic feel real, gritty, sexy, and beautiful all at the same time. This woman pours her heart and soul into fanfic, especially into her Erwin series Fragments of Memories. I was so captivated by her work that I just had to become her friend, her work is enchanting and thrilling. Fav Fic: Until the Fire Played [Enji x Reader]
@rat-suki | Annie makes me horny. Like, real horny. Her smut is fantastic and are often little thrill rides within themselves. Fuck rollercoasters, just go to Annie’s masterlist to find a joy ride. Fav Fic: Hell Fire [Enji x Reader]
@rivendell101 | I’m such a big fan of Alisha, that I sent her a request months ago before we even became friends. This author knows how to craft a story, her work is very meticulous with details and her plots are always so spot on. Fav Fic: Sweet Thing [Natsuo x Reader]
@smutbardpeach | Smutbard is the most accurate title for Peach, as her fics read like poetry and song, filled with beautiful language, imagery, and allusions to the brim. If you’re ever looking for something romantic, sensual, delightful, and just overall magnificent to read, this is the blog to go to. Peach’s work is like reading poetry and classics right off the shelf. Fav Fic: Truth in Wine [Hizashi x Reader]
@spicyness | Are you thirsty? Do you like fun, sexy headcanons? Ness is the author for you. Ness is so, so fun and sweet, and is active with her followers and is always posting something new and creative for us to nibble at. Her blog is full of fun thirsts and she’s always a joy to see pop-up on my dash. Fav Fic: Pride [Bakugou x Reader]
@sugardaddykenma | Lin has the most amazing brain. I wish I could just...see and understand how she thinks. Her blog is full to the brim with hilarious, iconic, and down right fucking true headcanons for haikyuu characters. Many nights I have stayed up laughing my ass off and saying “why is that so true?” while reading through her astonishingly creative work. Fav Fic: Haikyuu on Drugs
@thewheezingwyvern | Wyv is a writer who gets straight to the point; her words are poignant, meaningful, and always paint a very clear picture. She is a Shinsou and Aizawa lover/fucker all the way to her core, and she’s amazing at bringing those characters to life in her work. Fav Fic: Salt Lines [Aizawa & Shinsou x Reader]
@thisisthehardestthing | Claudia is one of the most talented writers I have ever met. Period. She has a vocabulary, a depth, an ability to craft the most intense, alluring, and magnificent fanfic you’ve ever read. Most of her work doesn’t even seem like fanfic, it reads like love letters stuffed into the pages of a book that stand the test of time with her marvelous writing abilities. She always awes me, as every single fic is unique and powerful it its own way. Fav Fic: Tocka [Tanaka x Reader]
@tomurasprincess | The Queen of Darkness herself, Mari is amazing at fulfilling all of your dark desires. I’ve never met anyone else who is as active as she is with her followers, as she’s constantly pushing herself to answer requests and give people exactly what they want to see. She has such an expansive masterlist, any dark fic lover can find something worthwhile from her! She’s almost made a Shigaraki fucker out of me, almost. Fav Fic: Wraith’s Touch [Shigaraki x Reader]
@undermattsun | Miki taught me what a skate rat is. Do I understand it yet? Not really, but I fucking like it. Miki is so much fun and is always active with her followers, giving out awesome thirsts, visuals, and headcanons for her fav haikyuu characters. Fav Fic: Flavor of the Month [Matsukawa x Reader]
@vixen-scribbles | Vixen is someone who cares about everyone around her, and her blog reflects that. Amongst all her amazing writing, you’ll always find her recommending her friends and supporting other writers. Her writing is fucking sexy, she knows her way around the bedroom when it comes to fics, and she’s got a lengthy masterlist to fawn over. Fav Fic: Take All of Me [Ushijima x Reader]
@whats-her-quirk | Truly, the best has been saved for last. June’s work is the heart and soul of classic, fucking amazing fanfic. I can’t even explain how much I love her fics, like they will put the biggest smile on your face and have your thighs rubbing together in anticipation. June is writing her fantasies and having fun, and we are privileged to enjoy the ride with her. She knocked kinktober out of the fucking park, with each fic being a new, fresh delight. Fav Fic: Once in a Blue Moon [Karasuno x Reader Gangbang]
This list could honestly be twice as long, and perhaps in the future I’ll make a companion to it as I meet new authors and read more amazing fanfic. Please give all these authors a follow or at least check out their blogs. 💖
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flowerycoffin · 2 years ago
“Izzy does it” nitpicking
Idk how to start it, let me just dive in without any introduction.
1. I’d really like to know why Zipp is leaving voice notes anytime she have a screentime. It would be nice comedy effect for some if it was once or twice, but it’s happening all of the time and gets irritating pretty quickly.
2. I know it’s for investigation purposes but this scene looks kinda gay
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Nothing strange; just one fella watching butt of a nice mare.
3. How does this mirror smartphone works? Can any of you two un-zoom Opalines face? It’s unsettling
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4. Pipp songs are boring and a bit souless. Too bad those are the only ones we get so far. I understand that some people might like it but for me those are just generic pop songs.
Also, Pipp is said to be this huge pop star, but the only times we see her pipp squeaks there is just a bunch of young fillies.
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I don’t believe Izzy never had creative block
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I double don’t believe Pipp never had creative block.
6. Can ponies stop saying “That’s not it!” Over and over again? I’m not a native english speaker myself but I know that there’s much more words and sentences to express “That’s not it!”
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This dude is rude for no reason. Take a gift and go away meanie.
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As someone who catch themselves having many times similar mindset I can tell you one thing Izzy - Don’t. Think. Like. That. It’s toxic behaviour making even bigger burn out and creative block than before. 
What sits bad with me is that this behaviour doesn’t seem to be corrected or even talked about and instead changed into “Oh, sometimes you just need to look for inspiration somewhere else :^D”
9. This is very odd exposition and unnatural dialogue
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10. This is the very reason I hate toddlers
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11. First off, nobody stole it
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Second off, Sunny or left her coctail van without any additional safety or she’s blind for seeing mirror smartphone just now
12. Opaline will be my fav one solely because she’s barely a character and more generic DeviantArt OC villain from mlp golden era
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13. I promised myself that I won’t bash on animators because they still have to get used to character models and other things but…
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How did you managed to forget about all of those strains of hair and let it float through the body and be stiff?
And please decide. Motorcycle is burried or not
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14. You know what?
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Sunny is not the ONLY blind person here.
15. Don’t know why but this made me go “Oh wow, that’s mean.”
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16. Ok, this last thing will be on a serious note - as before I was fun-hating Pipp within my friend group because it looked like writers wanted to make relatable influencer figure now I truly hate her with burning passion and here is why:
A) She is posting her friends image and shows off all of the things they are doing without their consent and without asking them for details.
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(It’s about mane-cesorry Izzy gave Sunny as a gift, but I hope that before reading this post you watched the episode)
Izzy told you clearly that it is made as a birthday present, so why are you making it into a brand and say that everyone can get it!? Why haven’t you thought that maybe a thing done specialy for someone will be one and only? You live with Izzy in the same house and know that she’s crafting things the way she feels like crafting and probably wouldn’t like to make something because she has to. You never even asked her is it alright to say that she can make more of this. You never even asked Sunny if she is okay to be filmed and asked questions during her job but you still did it and showed her having troubles to the whole pony world!
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Again - where is a question “Can I post about this?” And asking for details? You’re very bad role model.
B) Pipp is being way too much self-absorbed
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As normally I’m advocating for having a bit of ego, here it’s pretty badly portayed to say at least.
You solved one problem so far and didn’t saw any results of it. Actually later you realized how bad your advice was, but before that it was so noble to the point where you had to say it out loud (???). Yes I’m over-analyzing but this monolouge took me off guard and twisted my guts when I first heard it.
Also her mannerism looks like coming from someone who doesn’t see a world outside herself. It’s probably just a biased thoughts and I wish it could change, but also kinda want to know if anyone else caught similar impression.
C) From where exactly does she know what will her hit song be? Isn’t it dependent from the audience?
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E) What’s the point in lying here?
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Like really, do you know how many problems you could avoid in the future if you were honest with your friends and said that it’s not yours?
End note: Yeah that’s it. I’m open for discussions and additions. Sorry for ending on agressive note but I had to call out Pipp behaviour.
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reginarubie · 3 years ago
Thanks for replying. Regarding that Tyrion-Sansa post, I think Tyrion is foil to Hugor of the Hill who was the God. While Tyrion posing as Hugor Hill who is a bastard and a monster. The Maid bring a girl who Hugor the Hill married and had children. Sansa was forced to marry Tyrion at sword point and reject to sleep with him. Their marriage can be annulled. And I don't think Grrm will end up Sansa with a monster like Tyrion.
Ben detto anon!, well said indeed.
And thank you for asking, btw. Post being referenced to x.
I think it's highly improbable that Tyrion and Sansa do end up together. Tyrion while being GRRM' fav character is not a good character, he's a villain and I doubt GRRM will have him married to Sansa by the end of the saga, or in a relationship with her. What more, there must be a reason why the author brought back the whole Tysha story, if Tysha was never a whore to begin with and Tyrion still considers himself married to her or means to find her (which might be hinted at with the whole ‘where do whores go?’ point).
Also, Tysha is very prominent in Tyrion's mind. He has associated her and the lie about her which he believed and that with the lack of trust that is prominent in his character.
At one point he thinks to be free of her, and that's exactly when he learns (a bit later) the truth about what has happened and at that point she begins to hunt him again as she has done before, only twice as strongly as before.
Remembered notes filled his head, and for a moment he could almost hear Tysha as she'd sung to him half a lifetime ago. He reined up to listen. The tune was wrong, the words too faint to hear. A different song then, and why not? His sweet innocent Tysha had been a lie start to finish, only a whore his brother Jaime had hired to make him a man. I'm free of Tysha now, he thought. She's haunted me half my life, but I don't need her anymore, no more than I need Alayaya or Dancy or Marei, or the hundreds like them I've bedded with over the years. I have Shae now. Shae. — Tyrion VII, ACOK
But the point is, that even while he thinks this, the trauma Tysha' whole debacle has left on him (because he always focuses on himself, and not of the poor whore who was no matter what she had done to him, raped by soldiers and by him too) lingers:
The others were as choice a lot of mercenaries as ever graced a dungeon, each uglier than the last. When Varys had paraded them before him, Tyrion had been afraid he'd gone too far, but Shae had never uttered a word of complaint. And why would she? She has never complained of me, and I'm more hideous than all her guards together. Perhaps she does not even see ugliness. — Tyrion VII, ACOK
And it doesn't stop there:
Why did I tell her about Tysha, gods help me? he asked himself, suddenly afraid. There were some secrets that should never be spoken, some shames a man should take to his grave. What did he want from her, forgiveness? The way she had looked at him, what did that mean? Did she hate the thought of scouring pots that much, or was it his confession? How could I tell her that and still think she would love me? part of him said, and another part mocked, saying, Fool of a dwarf, it is only the gold and jewels the whore loves. — Tyrion X, ACOK
And even when he is in the throes of pain, he thinks of Tysha, because the hurts linger and because I believe that deep down Tyrion knew that Tysha being a whore was nothing but a lie (btw I'm totally here, for Tyrion meeting Tysha again and telling her he knew she had never been a whore and she replying she is a whore because that's what he let others make of her — I would love the irony, just saying and it would serve him right):
Ser Mandon. He saw the dead empty eyes, the reaching hand, the green fire shining against the white enamel plate. Fear swept over him in a cold rush; beneath the sheets he could feel his bladder letting go. He would have cried out, if he'd had a mouth. No, that was the dream, he thought, his head pounding. Help me, someone help me. Jaime, Shae, Mother, someone . . . Tysha . . .
"It loves you too, my lady." "I love to say your name. Tyrion Lannister. It goes with mine. Not the Lannister, t'other part. Tyrion and Tysha. Tysha and Tyrion. Tyrion. My lord Tyrion . . ." Lies, he thought, all feigned, all for gold, she was a whore, Jaime's whore, Jaime's gift, my lady of the lie. Her face seemed to fade away, dissolving behind a veil of tears, but even after she was gone he could still hear the faint, far-off sound of her voice, calling his name. — Tyrion XV, ACOK
Also, this passage is also important imo:
He saw Tysha smiling as she kissed him, saw Sansa naked and shivering in fear. — Tyrion IX, ASOS
He recognises Sansa was shivering in fear, that first night, he recognises he scared her, that he is abusing her (in a way), even if for the time men believed it was their right to take their wives even when they were against the act and Tyrion did not consummate his marriage to Sansa, thankfully. He finds nothing wrong in the fact he had her stay naked. Barely a girl, a girl he married because she was forced into this marriage and who is clearly scared for her life.
If anything, I hope the whole Tysha debacle will shed some light for Tyrion and he lets go Sansa without too much fight.
That night, alone in his tower cell with a blank parchment and a cup of wine, Tyrion found himself thinking of his wife. Not Sansa; his first wife, Tysha. The whore wife, not the wolf wife. Her love for him had been pretense, and yet he had believed, and found joy in that belief. Give me sweet lies, and keep your bitter truths. He drank his wine and thought of Shae. — Tyrion IX, ASOS
This also hints, imo, not to Tyrion/Sansa but to Tyrion/Tysha, because when he thinks of wife, it's Tysha the first face that comes to mind. Also this part ‘Not Sansa; his first wife, Tysha. The whore wife, not the wolf wife’ might hint forward Tyrion/Tysha more than Tyrion/Sansa, what more I don't know how well Tyrion will be received back in the 7K since he is a kinslayer which in Westeros is the worst sin one can commit.
And in fact, anon, I present to you the shift:
"She was no whore. I never bought her for you. That was a lie that Father commanded me to tell. Tysha was . . . she was what she seemed to be. A crofter's daughter, chance met on the road." Tyrion could hear the faint sound of his own breath whistling hollowly through the scar of his nose. Jaime could not meet his eyes. Tysha. He tried to remember what she had looked like. A girl, she was only a girl, no older than Sansa. "My wife," he croaked. "She wed me."
"For your gold, Father said. She was lowborn, you were a Lannister of Casterly Rock. All she wanted was the gold, which made her no different from a whore, so . . . so it would not be a lie, not truly, and . . . he said that you required a sharp lesson. That you would learn from it, and thank me later . . ." (...)
Tyrion watched him go, striding on his long strong legs, and part of him wanted to call out, to tell him that it wasn't true, to beg for his forgiveness. But then he thought of Tysha, and he held his silence. He listened to the receding footsteps until he could hear them no longer, then waddled off to look for Varys. — Tyrion XI, ASOS
And it continues during ADWD, Tysha is always in his thoughts, which makes me think that the attraction Tyrion felt toward Sansa was much because Sansa reminded him of Tysha. Often in the text is said that Tysha had been just a girl, no older than Sansa was, by their story she was filled with romanticism (just like Sansa is, and in love with the songs) she used to sing sweetly, like Sansa is known of doing, both have blue eyes and both are sweet and tender. I think that Tyrion's attraction toward Sansa is a misplaced sense of what Tysha would've been had she been born highborn.
"Wherever whores go." Tyrion had warned his father not to say that word. If I had not loosed, he would have seen my threats were empty. He would have taken the crossbow from my hands, as once he took Tysha from my arms. He was rising when I killed him. — Tyrion I, ADWD
And it continues:
A light wind was riffling the waters of the pool below, all around the naked swordsman. It reminded him of how Tysha would riffle his hair during the false spring of their marriage, before he helped his father's guardsmen rape her. He had been thinking of those guardsmen during his flight, trying to recall how many there had been. You would think he might remember that, but no. A dozen? A score? A hundred? He could not say. They had all been grown men, tall and strong … though all men were tall to a dwarf of thirteen years. Tysha knew their number. Each of them had given her a silver stag, so she would only need to count the coins. A silver for each and a gold for me. His father had insisted that he pay her too. A Lannister always pays his debts. — Tyrion I, ADWD
And it's never ending: Tyrion translated his love for Tysha onto Sansa, in fact next when he thinks about his wife, he pictures Tysha and not Sansa.
"If m'lord would prefer a boy, I can have one waiting in his bed." M'lord would prefer his wife. M'lord would prefer a girl named Tysha. "Only if he knows where whores go." — Tyrion I, ADWD
And she's always in his mind.
Tyrion thought of Tysha. — Tyrion II, ADWD
And I'm not joking either, she's always in his mind. He thinks of her almost in every chapter in ADWD.
Those were all the words he knew, aside from the refrain. Hands of gold are always cold, but a woman's hands are warm. Shae's hands had beat at him as the golden hands dug into her throat. He did not remember if they'd been warm or not. As the strength went out of her, her blows became moths fluttering about his face. Each time he gave the chain another twist the golden hands dug deeper. A chain and a keep are nothing, compared to a woman's kiss. Had he kissed her one last time, after she was dead? He could not remember … though he still recalled the first time they had kissed, in his tent beside the Green Fork. How sweet her mouth had tasted. He remembered the first time with Tysha as well. She did not know how, no more than I did. We kept bumping our noses, but when I touched her tongue with mine she trembled. — Tyrion II, ADWD
Not mine. I carry mine own sorrows with me, everywhere I go. He thought of Tysha and wondered where whores go. Why not Volantis? Perhaps I'll find her there. A man should cling to hope. He wondered what he would say to her. I am sorry that I let them rape you, love. I thought you were a whore. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? I want to go back to our cottage, to the way it was when we were man and wife. — Tyrion IV, ADWD
Tbh, if I were Tysha I would not forgive him. But I am digressing.
The ruin was sad enough, but knowing what it had been made it even sadder. There was laughter here once, Tyrion thought. There were gardens bright with flowers and fountains sparkling golden in the sun. These steps once rang to the sound of lovers' footsteps, and beneath that broken dome marriages beyond count were sealed with a kiss. His thoughts turned to Tysha, who had so briefly been his lady wife. It was Jaime, he thought, despairing. He was my own blood, my big strong brother. When I was small he brought me toys, barrel hoops and blocks and a carved wooden lion. He gave me my first pony and taught me how to ride him. When he said that he had bought you for me, I never doubted him. Why would I? He was Jaime, and you were just some girl who'd played a part. I had feared it from the start, from the moment you first smiled at me and let me touch your hand. My own father could not love me. Why would you if not for gold? Through the long grey fingers of the fog, he heard again the deep shuddering thrum of a bowstring snapping taut, the grunt Lord Tywin made as the quarrel took him beneath the belly, the slap of cheeks on stone as he sat back down to die. "Wherever whores go," he said. And where is that? Tyrion wanted to ask him. Where did Tysha go, Father? "How much more of this fog must we endure?" — Tyrion V, ADWD
And not only he thinks of her constantly I think his passages might point at a most improbable reunion between 'em too, though it might to be as sweet as Tyrion would like it to be. Or maybe Tyrion will be condemned to never know where whores go, because it's the wrong place where searching for Tysha, since she was no whore. That would be fitting.
Also, here's another passage in which we have a Sansa's decoy, and he's not of sweet disposition toward her for sure.
There was only one such in the house, and she was not Tysha. She had freckled cheeks and tight red curls upon her head, which gave promise of freckled breasts and red hair between her legs. "She'll do," said Tyrion, "and I'll have a flagon too. Red wine with red flesh." The whore was looking at his noseless face with revulsion in her eyes. "Do I offend you, sweetling? I am an offensive creature, as my father would be glad to tell you if he were not dead and rotting." Though she did look Westerosi, the girl spoke not a word of the Common Tongue. Perhaps she was captured by some slaver as a child. Her bedchamber was small, but there was a Myrish carpet on the floor and a mattress stuffed with feathers in place of straw. I have seen worse. "Will you give me your name?" he asked, as he took a cup of wine from her. "No?" The wine was strong and sour and required no translation. "I suppose I shall settle for your cunt." He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Have you ever bedded a monster before? Now's as good a time as any. Out of your clothes and onto your back, if it please you. Or not." — Tyrion VI, ADWD
This clearly hints at Sansa. For once the girl's whole characterisation, she's young and looks westerosi, she has red curls (just like Sansa) and he calls her sweetling; then he proceeds to ask for her name but the phrasing is particular, at least to me and it might be because I ain't a native speaker, ‘will you give me your name?’ instead of ‘will you tell me your name?’; by marrying Sansa while he might not have taken the Stark name (which might suggest the last husband Sansa's going to have will take her name) he has ‘taken’ her claim to Winterfell. The girl does not reply but Tyrion takes it as a ‘no’ and proceeds to fuck her. Pardon my crudeness.
And that ‘if it please you. Or not’ doesn't bode well. I truly hope that Sansa' third attempt at rape does not come from Tyrion because he is frustrated he's not found Tysha or he has not liked what he has found and he turns that frustration on Sansa who has ‘betrayed him’ in his mind because she has abandoned him in KL fleeing the capital after Joffrey's murder.
He rolled off feeling more ashamed than sated. This was a mistake. What a wretched creature I've become. "Do you know a woman by the name of Tysha?" he asked, as he watched his seed dribble out of her onto the bed. The whore did not respond. "Do you know where whores go?" She did not answer that one either. Her back was crisscrossed by ridges of scar tissue. This girl is as good as dead. I have just fucked a corpse. Even her eyes looked dead. She does not even have the strength to loathe me. — Tyrion VI, ADWD
Do not worry about the last part, since the girl has been written as a Sansa's decoy. Because that's just Tyrion's perception of her. The back crisscrossed by ridges of scar tissue might hint toward all the pain Sansa has suffered for the Northern independence; and after she has disappeared it's not unlikely people will claim she's dead or presume her dead. Also, Sansa's eyes had looked haunted and he had liked it — now this girl's eyes look dead, because she doesn't have the strength to loathe him. He loathes himself and when the girl doesn't seem to loathe him he is looking a broken mirror of himself thus it's his own eyes that look dead. Also, if it hints at anything pertaining Sansa it might hint at people believing her dead and her playing her role of Alayne always ‘inside and out’ as they “looked dead” instead of “were dead”.
Anyway, on we go.
His wrist was throbbing where he'd torn the skin, and his fetters made it impossible for him to sit, let alone stretch out. The best he could do was twist sideways to lean against the wall, and before long he began to lose all feeling in his hands. When he moved to relieve the strain, sensation came flooding back as pain. He had to grind his teeth to keep from screaming. He wondered how much his father had hurt when the quarrel punched through his groin, what Shae had felt as he twisted the chain around her lying throat, what Tysha had been feeling as they raped her. His sufferings were nothing compared to their own, but that did not make him hurt any less. Just make it stop. — Tyrion VII, ADWD
And on it goes.
Twice exiled, and small wonder, Tyrion thought. I'd exile him too if I could. The man is cold, brooding, sullen, deaf to humor. And those are his good points. Ser Jorah spent most of his waking hours pacing the forecastle or leaning on the rail, gazing out to sea. Looking for his silver queen. Looking for Daenerys, willing the ship to sail faster. Well, I might do the same if Tysha waited in Meereen. Could Slaver's Bay be where whores went? It seemed unlikely. From what he'd read, the slaver cities were the place where whores were made. Mormont should have bought one for himself. A pretty slave girl might have done wonders to improve his temper … particularly one with silvery hair, like the whore who had been sitting on his cock back in Selhorys. — Tyrion VIII, ADWD
"Was she your wife? She … she was very beautiful …" And false. Sansa, Shae, all my women … Tysha was the only one who ever loved me. Where do whores go? "A lovely girl," said Tyrion, "and we were joined beneath the eyes of gods and men. It may be that she is lost to me, but until I know that for a certainty I must be true to her." "I understand." Penny turned her face away from his. — Tyrion IX, ADWD
Can we take a moment to analyse this? Tyrion is in no way remaining faithful to his vows to either Sansa nor Tysha (as he has entertained himself with whores after escaping KL), yet he uses Sansa as an excuse to convince Penny (who might hold any degree of affection for him) that he means to remain true to his vows to his false wife. Also the fact that Tyrion comments she “might be lost to him” hints perhaps at him thinking Sansa might have ended up dead in her escape from KL.
Kem liked that. "Singer's stew. I'll ask for that next time I get back to Flea Bottom. What do you miss, Halfman?" Jaime, thought Tyrion. Shae. Tysha. My wife, I miss my wife, the wife I hardly knew. "Wine, whores, and wealth," he answered. "Especially the wealth. Wealth will buy you wine and whores." It will also buy you swords, and the Kems to wield them. — Tyrion XII, ADWD
I wouldn't be surprised if he intended to return to Westeros and find her to make of her lady Lannister and lady of Casterly Rock only to spite Tywin.
Anyway I sincerely doubt Martin has in mind, with all this, to go with a final Sanrion. It's unlikely in my opinion.
There you have it, I completely agree with you anon, thank you for sharing and look at the evidence collected against a possible Sanrion endgame.
Posts and asks related to this matter:
Where do whores go? part I
Tysha has blue eyes
Where do whores go? part III, Tyrion's toxic behaviour toward whores pre and post Tysha's innocence
As always thank you for the ask, it was interesting to analyse this matter! Hope you enjoyed the read! And as always I wish you a very nice day!
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ithinkilikeit-reactions · 3 years ago
My top 15 Girl Group/Solo songs (2021)
Remember guys, this is just my personal list.  Let me know what yours are! Love sharing music with eachother etc so let’s all just have fun.
TOP 15
1. Next Level - Aespa May 17th 
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Might be a bit unexpected, I don’t really talk about Aespa on this blog, HOWEVER. I would be lying if I said, I don’t know all the lyrics and the whole choreography. Pretty sure my mom knows the lyrics, I play it so much. So Aespa ate this up and I think it’s deserving of number 1 for me. Aespa have the power to take sounds that I never in a million years would enjoy and make me enjoy them. 
2. Zombie - Purple Kiss (Hide & Seek) September 8th
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I needed this song so bad, you don’t understand. i love intense music but I really needed a break from heavy drops and seriousness. THen Purple Kiss decided to drop the most fun song. I love the colors, the campy music video, Swan’s voice and the choreography. It’s just so fun and it was on repeat for me for a while. Cast pearls before swine and ZzZz are great b-sides off the album. 
3. Unnatural - WJSN (Unnatural) March 31st
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I really practice my vocals when listening to this song, trying to match Yeonjung’s range lmao. I love this song so much. The choreography where they point and pat the air next to them is so iconic to me. I adore it so much. Sadly I haven’t checked out the album (shame I know, i will eventually) but it says enough that this song is so high when i haven’t even listened to the album. Stan WJSN for clean skin. 
4. I’m Not Cool - HyunA (I’m Not Cool) January 28th��
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HYUNAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Look Hyuna was the first woman in K-pop I ever listened too. I have such a special place in my heart for her. So when she dropped this banger I had it on repeat. The outfits, the drop, the choreo, it radiates Hyuna. She’s weird and fun and everything I wanna be so she dropped this and I was so incredibly happy. I recommend: Good Girl and Party, Feel, Love (Ft. Dawn) on the album. 
5. We Go - Fromis_9 (9 way ticket) May 17th
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The most fun girlgroup summer song. The definition of a fun summer song. It reminds me of editing my vacation pictures, it reminds me of driving down to the beach with the windows rolled down. The girls all looked so cute too and the song is so good and upbeat. The concept photos were also amazing and managed to incorporate covid related things without depressing me. Airplane Mode is such a fun song too!
6. First - Everglow (Last Melody) May 25th
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Girl groups who dress like they’re in Star Wars, they win. Everglow is the winner winner winner. First has so many things I like about it. THe outfits, the heavy drop, the futuristic vibe, the special effects, THE CHOREOGRAPHY. Everglow truly never disappoint. I listen to this song so much. Don’t ask don’t tell is also a great song. 
7. Alcohol Free - Twice (Taste of Love) June 11th
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Fun fact: I didn’t like this song at first and now it’s probably my most listened to Twice song. I thought it sounded like a travel agency commercial and now I love it so much it’s hysterical. All the girls look so incredibly stunning, I love summer concepts on them the most. They always look like they’re glowing. Nayeon really stood out to me in this one though, she looked so beautiful. Aside from that the song is just really fun. Scandal and Conversation are my fav b-sides on the album. 
8. Love so Sweet - Cherry Bullet (Cherry Rush) January 20th 
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FNC give these girls a comeback thank you very much. This is the first Cherry Bullet song that grabbed me and pulled me in. I get it stuck in my head soooo much and I think about Remi 24/7. The choreography is so fun, it’s such a lowkey song. I adore. Keep Your Head Up is my favorite b-side on the album and deserving of it’s own album. Stan Cherry Bullet!!!!
9. BEcause - Dreamcatcher (Summer Holiday) july 30th 
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BEcause I like Dreamcatcher all of their songs are a hit. This one reminded me of Dreamcatcher debut era a little more than their more recent comebacks and I think that is why I enjoyed it so much. Not to mention HANDONG, thank you that is all.... OH, Airplane is my favorite b-side, it’s cute and fresh. 
10. Savage - Aespa (Savage) October 5th 
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Aespa, my girls. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy Aespa as much as I do, really. I heard about their concept pred-debut and got really concerned but I ended up really, really, really liking them. Their album was phenomonal too. It showed really fun sides to their music. So it’s natural for this one to be on the list too. Aenergy and Yeppi Yeppi are my most listened to b-sides on the album. Yeppi Yeppi really being my favorite. 
11. Queendom - Red Velvet (Queendom) August 16th
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Red Velvet finally came back. Alot of people didn’t think it was worth the wait, but I did.I love that they came back with the red concept. I love Queendom so much, it’s such an empowering song. Not to mention they all looked so cute and their outfits were so adorable and the whole little witchy concept was so great. Pose was the best song on the album to me.  
12. Chi Mat Ba Ram - Brave Girls (Summer Queens) June 17th 
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We are gonna be summer queens! The title is up for grabs so I’m totally okay with them taking the title. I love songs like this so summery and fun. I’m so glad Brave Girls is getting the recognition they deserve, I really hope it lasts. Pool Party (ft. E-Chan) and Summer By Myself are my favorite songs on the album. Brave Girls man, just love that they’re doing the damn thing. 
13. Odd Eye - Dreamcatcher (Dystopia: Road to Utopia) Januray 26th 
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DREAMCATCHER!!!!!!!! Okay Handong coming back was such a blessing. Odd Eye is such a bop and blonde Siyeon was such a serve. Dreamcatcher always serve though, the rock elements in their songs always hit so hard. Odd eye was a great addition to their Dystopia series. Poison Love  is my favorite b-side off the album. 
14. Hwaa - (G)i-dle (I burn) January 11th
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One of the first (G)i-dle songs that instantly got me. I think the concept is just so stunning and they all looked beautiful. I think I loved the traditional vibes in this song the most, it just really got me. I adore how Minnie and Miyeon’s voices sounded in this song. I didn’t listen to the album so I can’t recommend b-sides, but check it out regardless.
15. Red Lipstick (ft. Yoonmirae) - Lee Hi (4 Only) September 9th 
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Misses Lee Hi returned and dropped this banger. This is my dance in the shower song tbh. Her voice is just unmatched and disco suits her so well. Not to mention Yoonmirae’s great addition in the song, they should collaborate wayyyyy more often. Savior (ft. B.I) and Only  are great songs on the album.
Favorite Debuts
Purple Kiss ‘Ponzona’ March 15th 
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They served creepy, vocals and a not intense in your face drop and I loved it. Swan I want your hand in marriage for your vocals in this song. It’s laced with crack. 
Pixy ‘Wings’ February 24th 
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They served creepy, vocals and an intense drop with screams in it. Look I love creepy girls and they freak me out so it’s great. All of their releases have been sooooo amazing so far, so I’m curious to see how they’ll continue. 
Rosé ‘Gone’ March 12th 
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Controversial but I love Gone soooooo much more than On the Ground. I love her voice and the feeling this song gives me. Not to mention the whole vibes of music video and how pretty she looked. There’s so much raw emotion in it that it qualifies for my favorite solo debut. 
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bastardbites · 2 years ago
Omg hiiiii 2, 4, 7, 11
You're not Moira 😒😒😒
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
I'm chill with either tbh. I kind of. Start having issues the *closer* it gets to 90° (head fully to the side), and I tend to not be a huge fan of 100% forward, but facing in the general direction of any one side if A-OK! (Just don't ask me to flip the canvas by god don't that to me)
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
God, fucking. Casey or Adlai. Casey because Her Fashion and Her Poses need a lot of research beforehand and are very Specific meaning they take a while to get just right. And Adlai because he's Built like That and also. Any colouring on him. I cannot colour that man (has coloured him twice properly)
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Animation. I actually kind of restarted drawing at the end of high school because of an animation channel? They stopped posting forever ago and took down a lot of the videos I remember liking the most (I remember a In the Middle animation and a video where it was just a lot of different little half finished animations that I really enjoyed), but their YouTube is kindoflinc (have this life update video and this mbmbam video)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
God, yeah, so much shit. It varies a lot? During long distance uni I'd listen to classes and songs lmao
Now it's usually one of my playlists (depends on my mood of the day and not what I'm drawing) or a podcast. Love drawing while listening to podcast. I'm a squirrelly fucker and I need something to do with my eyes and hands while listening to podcasts.
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