#need the serotonin boost
mieletcrepes · 5 months
update my brother has covid
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laur-the-cat-prince · 2 months
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nekofra · 1 month
Omg I Just came home from haikyuu the dumpster battle I swear one of the best films ever the music THE SOUND EFFECTS ( every time someone dunked or received I got goosebumps), the story the visual KUROOS LAUGH the flashbacks there are so many things ngl I cried at the end I'm so attached to haikyuu it means a lot to me
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aprilblossomgirl · 28 days
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What are Q and Chain doing again? If you want to know, check it out yourself.
We Are (2024) | Ep.10
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jaeyxns · 9 months
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A Special Day With Layla🥰
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dawnofus · 5 months
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seldonhari · 11 months
just a friendly reminder that this video exists (x)
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I swear to G-d tumblr goyim shout “anti Zionism isn’t antisemitism!” when they cum
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vigilantewives · 5 months
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misspoetree · 2 years
I feel like we didn't appreciate the acting choices of the ep. 7 grenade scene enough.
Because I just went back and -
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- I've been crying laughing for 15 minutes now. 🤣💀
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peachdues · 2 months
going out on the water to eat lunch and the makeup and skin be makeup-ing and skinning (?)
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“he makes me laugh from a place i didn’t realise was there”
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goldenboygate · 1 year
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random carlando of the day
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stillbubbles · 1 year
the fact that a group of people went to celebration dressed as prisoners from Narkina 5 (like bare feet and some of them wearing floaties and life vests???? king shit) and they go to the Andor panel and start chanting “one way out” and Diego is like “look i love you guys and your commitment but when it wasn’t a wide shot i was wearing sneakers” im fuckin crying
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forzafinally · 2 months
It's been 84 years since Charles has qualified on pole. Give me back my quali merchant
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lazy-sketcher · 1 year
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A little and deserved afternoon nap for the art husbands...🍊🌻
There you go, tumblr peeps! Take this little treat too (twitter peeps have had it already, now it's your turn)~
I spent a whole week trying to get to this result and I must say, I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out...
And also...
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Close-ups of these cute sleeping babies and their lovey-dovey trainers ♡
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