#ned burne-jones
spineless-lobster · 1 year
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His job is sandwich 🥪💖
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ineffablelunatic · 1 year
Past life Havers: Ned Burne-Jones, grave robber (and artist)
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quillandrapier · 1 year
I wish Havers wasn't such a nothing character and havers fans weren't so annoying because Peter Sandys-clarke is such a nice person and I really think he does well with what he's given.
I wish we got any more characterisation of him in carpe diem least we'd have something to like about him outside the fact captain loves him.
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saltpepperbeard · 11 months
I cant stop thinking about the end of episode 6, specifically the Stede and Ed of it all.
Just the look on Stede's face when he pulls Ed in kills me. I need to know everything in there, in words.
Also, what do you think wouldve happened if instinct hadnt taken over? Would they have actually talked it through (as a crew?) Or would Stede have just brushed over it again and Ed accept it?. This is pretty much the only time he tries to actually help stede like this.
Also, because im rambling, why doesnt Ed defend Stede properly when people insult him? does he think it just doesnt affect him or something?
Pardon the tardy answer on this one, anon! I was in the void, only to get decked upside the head by Leslie Jones once I crawled out of said void lol. BUT OKAY OKAY-
*rubs hands together like a fly*
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This face absolutely kills me too. And I feel like it says so much without saying a word at all. I feel like it says, "I'm so happy and relieved to see you right now because the true torture of the night was seeing you get threatened." And, "I love you so much for checking up on me, but I don't have it in me to use words right now, and can't really express what I'm feeling any other way than through actions." And, "I'm so terrified after what just happened, but having you here is such a grounding force."
Like just...the glassy sheen to his eyes but the relief to his overall visage...Mr. Darby I'm billing you for damages <3 sdjksldls. I think he was just so so happy to see Ed in that moment, and so relieved to have him after nearly losing him again.
And as far as talking things through goes...I honestly feel like Stede still would have stayed clammed up. I have a feeling it would have been like how it was when he initially opened the door, ie Ed doing the talking/leading the conversation while Stede stays quiet. Maybe Ed sharing such deep feelings and vulnerability would have eventually pried his shell open and gotten him to express a few fears? But idk, because at the same time, Stede witnessed Ed's bathtub moment, and it didn't really shake any of his own personal walls.
I just think he has such a complicated thing going with his own self-image, masculinity, and trauma, that it would have been very very difficult for him to openly admit to pain/terror/etc etc—especially weakness. Especially the thing that earned him vitriol and stones and death threats. And especially not to the man he respects and looks up to so much.
And SPEAKING of which, in regard to your last question, I think Ed doesn't step in to defend him for two reasons. One, he's the protector against physical abuse, whereas Stede is the protector against verbal abuse. This lovely post here [x] explains it beautifully; "they're both protecting each other from the dangers they know." Ed acts very quickly if some sort of physical harm threatens Stede, whereas Stede acts very quickly if some sort of vitriol threatens Ed. Neither of them want the other to experience the pain they're so acclimated to, and subsequently are each other's defender from such.
And two, sort of along those lines, I don't think he recognizes the hurt that can come from it, just as Stede maybe doesn't recognize the hurt that can come from all the violence. Maybe he doesn't realize how deeply it has cut Stede, just as Stede doesn't really recognize how deeply violence has cut Ed. I don't know how to word this properly lol but like...they view what hurts the other as almost a non-issue.
You can see their varying reactions and differences a few times in episode 6 actually. When Ned is physically torturing them, Stede doesn't really react when Ed is burned, but Ed reacts strongly when Stede is burned. And when Ned is flinging vitriol about prior to the violence, Ed doesn't really react to it, but Stede scowls and fights against his restraints.
And then when they're on deck, Stede doesn't think to take cover when the attack is starting, but Ed immediately flings himself in front of him. And when Ned is trying to goad Ed into getting upset, Ed doesn't take the bait whatsoever, whereas Stede steps up and gets upset on his behalf.
Not to mention also, Stede being like "Haha escaping violence? Not bloody likely" the morning after. I know that's episode 7 lol, but my pOINT STILL STANDS. They both expect those things respectively—Ed expects insulting talk from other pirates, and Stede expects violence in their line of work, but they're actually rife with trauma for the two of them.
TLDR, they balance each other and ground each other so well, but imagine how much more they would if they shared all these deeper thoughts. I'm still holding out hope that Stede will have his bathtub moment in season 3, or even just show a lick of vulnerability around Ed. Maybe the domesticity/concept of marriage will scare him enough into opening up a bit more/talking things through, or even just settling into a more mature relationship with Ed will give him the grounds to do so.
REGARDLESS, they are just a broth that's....*Roach voice* beautiful, complicated, balanced...
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kikidoesfanfic · 1 month
Peter Parker's Guide to Romance
KikiDoesFanfic on ao3
James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark/Winter Soldier, Winter Soldier/Tony Stark, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Precious Peter Parker, Matchmaker Peter Parker, Not Clint Barton Friendly, Not Wanda Maximoff Friendly, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Different Personalities, They jaeger pilot the same body, POV Multiple, Insecure Tony Stark, Misunderstandings, Fluff Rating: T Marvel Cinematic Universe No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 20,481 Chapters: 5/5 On Ao3
Upon coming to Mr Stark for advice about his own romance woes, Peter realises something he hadn't paid much attention to before, Mr Stark hasn't dated in ages.
He definitely deserves his own special someone, and Peter knows just the Sergeants for the job.
Time for Peter to play matchmaker. Preview below the cut
"But she acts like she hates me!" Peter despairs, hands raising in the air in spite of the tools in them. They're working on one of Mr Stark's sports cars, it's so cool. Peter doesn't think he'll ever bother having a car in the middle of NYC, but getting to work on Mr Stark's is enough to make him consider it, he even said Peter could borrow this one some time if he helps tune it up.
"Kid I've seen her with you, she's teasing, she likes messing with people, she's at least a friend." He slides out from under the car to point at Peter with a wrench, "she does act like she hates everyone, but she also acts like she hates you and Ned the least, do with that what you will."
"What if I like her as more than a friend?" Peter asks, leaning under the hood of the car to hide his now burning cheeks. It's not that he's embarrassed about liking her, he thinks, it's that he hasn't really had anyone to talk to about this, Aunt May is not the best at love life pep talks. He knows Mr Stark has been in the tabloids as more of a... playboy? But he's definitely learnt since becoming Spiderman that you can't trust everything you read in a gossip rag, plus he hasn't seen Mr Stark date anyone since Miss Potts anyway.
"Well, first you decide what you'd like to happen, do you want to just date her? Do you want to be friends? Do you want a relationship?" And okay, that's a good point, what if he dates her and it doesn't work out and they can't be friends anymore? Would he make Ned have to split time between them to keep both his friends? Is that selfish? But what if it works out and they stay together? They are in highschool though... how many people end up together forever with their highschool sweetheart? Peter doesn't know anyone that has.
"Geez kid don't over think it, I can hear your brain whirring from down here." He wheels out again, hand feeling around for a tool while he looks at Peter. "Sometimes it's worth it even if things don't work out, the experience, the memories, learning about yourself. Sometimes you can still be friends even if you break up, look at me and Pep, we still get along even if it took some awkwardness to get there in the beginning."
He finally looks down to the floor at the now scattered tools, sighing exasperatedly with a smile on his face.
"Butterfingers, daddy needs that, you have your own tools to play with," he looks back to Peter, stage whispers "I think he wants to be an engineer when he grows up too."
Butterfingers trills a few beeps that Peter thinks sound like agreement as he returns the tool, and Mr Stark pats the side of his body fondly.
"If you like her, you like her Petey, and if you think the chance of it working out would make you happy, what's the harm? She doesn't seem like the kind of person to hold a grudge," Peter gives him an incredulous look, "or not over something like that anyway. Just, don't miss your chance kiddo, it's better to try and know either way, than to look back at what ifs with regret."
He looks wistful as he says it, staring off at a bench against the wall absent-mindedly, and Peter thinks he looks kind of... sad?
"Yeah, you're right Mr Stark." He thinks a moment, with Liz things sort of just happened, but with MJ maybe he should try and flirt? A little? See how she reacts. Problem being he hasn't really done that on purpose before.
"How do I show her that I like her without just saying that I like her? Just blurting it out seems," he pulls a face.
"Not a dramatic love confession kind of guy? It's okay you can work with that, though you'll have to tell her with words eventually, relationships, communication, all that jazz." He waves a hand in a gesture Peter assumes is supposed to encompass said jazz. "That is if she doesn't decide to do it for you, she seems like she would enjoy that."
And yeah, that's probably a fair assessment, she totally would. They talk a while longer, Mr Stark having great advice about showing someone you care that he eagerly notes down, ideas already forming for school the next day.
"And, if you want to give a gift make sure it's something they want. Going over the top for going over the top's sake is less appreciated by most." He has a wry, self depreciating grin on his face as he says it, likely a lesson learned by experience then. "You know her, Kid, you got this and if she doesn't feel the same that's okay too."
Peter thanks him, and while he's thinking of something else to ask Friday's voice chimes in.
"Boss, Mr Barton is quite insistent that he speak to you about an issue with his equipment, I told him that you are busy, but he is refusing to vacate. Would you prefer for me to lock down the lab, or alert someone to have him removed?" Mr Stark sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose for a frustrated moment before pushing himself up from the floor.
"It's alright, I'll take care of it this time, I'll just get harrassed in the hallway otherwise." He's halfway to the door, smoothing his shirt and running a hand through his hair to look less ragged, when he turns back to Peter. "Sorry this should just take a moment, I'll be right back."
He heads out, lab doors closing behind him and Peter huffs. Too many people are demanding of Mr Stark's time these days, he needs a break, a nice night off with someone who just wants his company... like a date? He should definitely go on a date, and not just because Peter is feeling quite enthused about romance right now. Or okay, maybe a little... but also Mr Stark really deserves to have someone special in his life, someone who cares about him, and will look out for his best interests, and make sure he relaxes and takes a night off when Peter's not around to pester him into it.
"But she acts like she hates me!" Peter despairs, hands raising in the air in spite of the tools in them. They're working on one of Mr Stark's sports cars, it's so cool. Peter doesn't think he'll ever bother having a car in the middle of NYC, but getting to work on Mr Stark's is enough to make him consider it, he even said Peter could borrow this one some time if he helps tune it up.
"Kid I've seen her with you, she's teasing, she likes messing with people, she's at least a friend." He slides out from under the car to point at Peter with a wrench, "she does act like she hates everyone, but she also acts like she hates you and Ned the least, do with that what you will."
"What if I like her as more than a friend?" Peter asks, leaning under the hood of the car to hide his now burning cheeks. It's not that he's embarrassed about liking her, he thinks, it's that he hasn't really had anyone to talk to about this, Aunt May is not the best at love life pep talks. He knows Mr Stark has been in the tabloids as more of a... playboy? But he's definitely learnt since becoming Spiderman that you can't trust everything you read in a gossip rag, plus he hasn't seen Mr Stark date anyone since Miss Potts anyway.
"Well, first you decide what you'd like to happen, do you want to just date her? Do you want to be friends? Do you want a relationship?" And okay, that's a good point, what if he dates her and it doesn't work out and they can't be friends anymore? Would he make Ned have to split time between them to keep both his friends? Is that selfish? But what if it works out and they stay together? They are in highschool though... how many people end up together forever with their highschool sweetheart? Peter doesn't know anyone that has.
"Geez kid don't over think it, I can hear your brain whirring from down here." He wheels out again, hand feeling around for a tool while he looks at Peter. "Sometimes it's worth it even if things don't work out, the experience, the memories, learning about yourself. Sometimes you can still be friends even if you break up, look at me and Pep, we still get along even if it took some awkwardness to get there in the beginning."
He finally looks down to the floor at the now scattered tools, sighing exasperatedly with a smile on his face.
"Butterfingers, daddy needs that, you have your own tools to play with," he looks back to Peter, stage whispers "I think he wants to be an engineer when he grows up too."
Butterfingers trills a few beeps that Peter thinks sound like agreement as he returns the tool, and Mr Stark pats the side of his body fondly.
"If you like her, you like her Petey, and if you think the chance of it working out would make you happy, what's the harm? She doesn't seem like the kind of person to hold a grudge," Peter gives him an incredulous look, "or not over something like that anyway. Just, don't miss your chance kiddo, it's better to try and know either way, than to look back at what ifs with regret."
He looks wistful as he says it, staring off at a bench against the wall absent-mindedly, and Peter thinks he looks kind of... sad?
"Yeah, you're right Mr Stark." He thinks a moment, with Liz things sort of just happened, but with MJ maybe he should try and flirt? A little? See how she reacts. Problem being he hasn't really done that on purpose before.
"How do I show her that I like her without just saying that I like her? Just blurting it out seems," he pulls a face.
"Not a dramatic love confession kind of guy? It's okay you can work with that, though you'll have to tell her with words eventually, relationships, communication, all that jazz." He waves a hand in a gesture Peter assumes is supposed to encompass said jazz. "That is if she doesn't decide to do it for you, she seems like she would enjoy that."
And yeah, that's probably a fair assessment, she totally would. They talk a while longer, Mr Stark having great advice about showing someone you care that he eagerly notes down, ideas already forming for school the next day.
"And, if you want to give a gift make sure it's something they want. Going over the top for going over the top's sake is less appreciated by most." He has a wry, self depreciating grin on his face as he says it, likely a lesson learned by experience then. "You know her, Kid, you got this and if she doesn't feel the same that's okay too."
Peter thanks him, and while he's thinking of something else to ask Friday's voice chimes in.
"Boss, Mr Barton is quite insistent that he speak to you about an issue with his equipment, I told him that you are busy, but he is refusing to vacate. Would you prefer for me to lock down the lab, or alert someone to have him removed?" Mr Stark sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose for a frustrated moment before pushing himself up from the floor.
"It's alright, I'll take care of it this time, I'll just get harrassed in the hallway otherwise." He's halfway to the door, smoothing his shirt and running a hand through his hair to look less ragged, when he turns back to Peter. "Sorry this should just take a moment, I'll be right back."
He heads out, lab doors closing behind him and Peter huffs. Too many people are demanding of Mr Stark's time these days, he needs a break, a nice night off with someone who just wants his company... like a date? He should definitely go on a date, and not just because Peter is feeling quite enthused about romance right now. Or okay, maybe a little... but also Mr Stark really deserves to have someone special in his life, someone who cares about him, and will look out for his best interests, and make sure he relaxes and takes a night off when Peter's not around to pester him into it.
On Ao3
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Our Life Went Up In Flames (And Here's What Remains)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54036643 by agentsofeverything One night in the middle of summer break, Peter and May's apartment suspiciously catches fire and is rendered unhabitable. With May badly burned and being treated in the Med Bay, and Peter without a guardian, the two are housed with Tony Stark and Pepper Potts in Stark (Avengers?) Tower. But the renegotiated Accords mean that the Avengers are locked down in the very same tower, and Tony is battling with the reality of having the team all back together again. And something about this fire doesn't seem to sit right with anybody, especially when Peter's identity is put at risk... Words: 2031, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Helen Cho (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Pepper Potts, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker is a Little Shit, BAMF Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Aunt May Parker & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Protective Tony Stark, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Heir, Protective Peter Parker, Peter Parker Hates Captain America, Sokovia Accords, Stark Tower, Peter Parker Meets the Avengers, Peter Parker Lives in Avengers Tower, Domestic Avengers, Awesome Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Pepper Potts is So Done, Pepper Potts as Rescue, Rebuilding Trust, Tony Stark Has Trust Issues, Awesome Pepper Potts read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54036643
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ao3feed-drstrange · 3 months
The Sassy Intern and Spider-Man: Far From Peace (With Great Power Comes Great Sarcasm)
by ClosetParleyScorbus Harley Keener never imagined that accepting Tony Stark's internship offer would land him in the heart of New York City, surrounded by cutting-edge technology and superheroes. But things get even more complicated when he meets Peter Parker, another intern with a knack for science and a secret identity. Initially clashing with Peter's shy demeanor and awkward humor, Harley's sharp wit and sarcasm soon break the ice, leading to an unexpected friendship. As they navigate the chaos of teenage life, superhero duties, and Tony's eccentric mentoring style, their bond deepens. But Harley and Peter must confront their true feelings with secrets looming and the line between friendship and something more blurring. With great power comes great sarcasm, and in the world of superheroes, even the strongest hearts can fall. From sparring with words to late-night confessions, their journey is filled with laughter, tension, and the slow discovery of love. Will they embrace their feelings, or will the weight of their responsibilities keep them apart? In this whirlwind of high stakes and higher emotions, join Harley and Peter as they discover that sometimes, the greatest adventure is finding each other. Words: 4805, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Tony Stark, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Flash Thompson, Avengers Team Members (Marvel), Black Widow Characters (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Harley Keener's Sister, Harley Keener's Mother, Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Clint Barton Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Romance, Secret Identity, Secret Crush, Attempt at Humor, Jealousy, Gay Harley Keener, Bisexual Peter Parker, benter, Coming of Age, Coming Out, Sarcasm, Fluff and Humor, Character Development, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends, Enemies to Lovers, Identity Issues, Identity Reveal, Developing Relationship, Developing Friendships, Good Friend Ned Leeds, Past Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Protective Michelle Jones (Marvel), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Sarcastic Harley Keener, Harley Keener Being a Little Shit, Peter Parker is a Mess, Shy Peter Parker, Awkward Flirting, Awkward Tension, Awkward Sexual Situations, Awkward Boners, Gay Panic, Bisexual Male Character, Gay Male Character, Eventual Romance, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Post-Movie: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Ned Leeds is a Good Bro, Mutual Pining, Michelle Jones is a Little Shit (Marvel) via https://ift.tt/TLorY6v
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spideymichelle · 2 years
since exactly one (1) person asked about mj publicist au here it is shout-out to @abc2411 for helping to create it
basically peter is part of the avengers full-time after college and he is slowly growing out of his vigilante persona so he gets assigned his own publicist - enter michelle jones watson (who is burned out doing publicity for politicians in DC) who regretfully accepts the job because new york housing ain't cheap and thinks the avengers are overrated and daily annoyances at best (michelle very much has old man yelling at the sky vibes)
but she is good at spinning narratives, and social media and knows what the public wants so it's a match made in heaven but peter falls in love at first sight and since he wants to impress her .. so he follows her orders to the t except when she suggests that he should get into pr relationship with another superhero and peter is like no ❤️ and just tries to get with her
so here is where all the hijinks start from mj setting peter up for a trial date with her friend betty brant, she is perfect for a pr relationship an all american girl from a middle class background, respected by her peers as a no-nonsense journalist only for peter to set her up with ned and he is "oh no how sad but good for them" so they can hang out more and actually become friends since she scheduled a bunch of dates for that week anyways
so mj ends up asking peter what his type is so she can actually find him a pr relationship that could possibly evolve to something more so peter tells her that he is looking for a girl that tall, smart, kind, pretty, curly hair, brown eyes and mj who is amazing at her job gets him date with liz allen, a college friend of hers and they actually hit it off
only for mj to realize she might not actually like this development since she actually got feelings for the loser (truly embarrassing for her) so since her only signed a contract for a few months she decided to not to renew and tells pepper she is out like peter and spider-man's approval ratings are through the roof and they are gonna his relationship with liz at the upcoming stark gala like she finished her job
well let's just say peter never ended up at the gala and was busy confessing his love to his publicist
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ao3feed-sambucky · 3 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FbpY8zO by Lem0nCakess Peter Parker, a lazy and irresponsible student, has his life transformed when a mysterious substitute teacher appears determined to make him become an obedient boy. Words: 10638, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M, F/M Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Happy Hogan, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Flash Thompson, Betty Brant, Steve Rogers, Loki (Marvel), Brad Davis (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Happy Hogan/Aunt May Parker, Betty Brant/Ned Leeds, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Loki/Mobius M. Mobius, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov Additional Tags: Age Difference, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - High School, Underage Drinking, Underage Sex, Smut, Eventual Smut, Eventual Sex, BDSM, Alternate Universe - BDSM, Dominance, Submission, Dom Tony Stark, Sub Peter Parker, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Power Dynamics, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, References to Drugs, Teacher Tony Stark, Alternate Universe - Student/Teacher, Slow Burn, Praise Kink, Virginity Kink, age gap, Dom/sub, Underage Masturbation read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FbpY8zO
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rattlinbog · 9 months
Books Read in 2023
(loved!, enjoyed, okay, did not care for)
Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson
The Hidden Palace (The Golem and the Jinni #2) by Helene Wecker
Ruthless Tide: The Heroes and Villains of the Johnstown Flood, America’s Astonishing Gilded Age Disaster by Al Roker
The Hummingbird’s Daughter by Luis Alberto Urrea
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
Grendel by John Gardner
Our Souls at Night by Kent Haruf
Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death, and Art by Rebecca Wragg Sykes
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Winters
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
The World We Make (Great Cities #2) by N.K. Jemisin 
Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey 
Portrait in Sepia by Isabel Allende
The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro
Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth, and Art by Lewis Hyde
Daisy Miller by Henry James
Washington Square by Henry James
How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu 
The Heartsong of Charging Elk by James Welch
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Antelope Wife by Louise Erdrich
The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell 
Orlando by Virginia Woolf (reread)
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg 
Beneficence by Meredith Hall
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
Ramadan Ramsey by Louis Edwards
The Book of Goose by Yiyun Li 
Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende
Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China by Leslie T. Chang
Calling for a Blanket Dance by Oscar Hokeah 
The Crocodile Bride by Ashleigh Bell Pedersen 
The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende 
What the Fireflies Knew by Kai Harris
The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier 
The Unredeemed Captive: A Family Story from Early America by John Demos
Tales of Burning Love (Love Medicine #5) by Louise Erdrich
The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse (Love Medicine #6) by Louise Erdrich
Four Souls (Love Medicine #7) by Louise Erdrich 
In the Dream House: A Memoir by Carmen Maria Machado 
Venomous Lumpsucker by Ned Beauman 
The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline
The Color Purple by Alice Walker 
At the Edge of the Orchard by Tracy Chevalier 
The Second Greatest Disappointment: Honeymooning and Tourism at Niagara Falls by Karen Dubinsky 
These Ghosts are Family by Maisy Card
Songs for the Flames: Stories by Juan Gabriel Vasquez
Lands of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road by Kate Harris
Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross
New to Liberty by DeMisty D. Bellinger
Cove by Cynan Jones 
Being Esther by Miriam Karmel
Boulder by Eva Baltasar
The Books of Jacob by Olga Tokarczuk
Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett
Gut Symmetries by Jeanette Winterson 
Beheld by TaraShea Nesbit
We Don’t Know Ourselves: A Personal History of Modern Ireland by Fintan O’Toole
Those Across the River by Christopher Buehlman
The Changeling by Victor LaValle
Don’t Fear the Reaper (The Indian Lake Trilogy #2) by Stephen Graham Jones
Starve Acre by Andrew Michael Hurley 
The Children on the Hill by Jennifer McMahon
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life by Ruth Franklin 
Fen, Bog, and Swamp: A Short History of Peatland Destruction and Its Role in the Climate Crisis by Annie Proulx
Natural History: Stories by Andrea Barrett
Lessons by Ian McEwan
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein (reread)
A Vintage Christmas: A Collection of Classic Stories and Poems
Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan
Nights at the Circus by Angela Carter
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spineless-lobster · 1 year
Ned Burne-Jones <3 🥪
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ineffablelunatic · 1 year
List five comfort characters, then tag five people!
Thank you @jovienna for tagging me!
Aziraphale - Good Omens. He is the most scrunkly and I look, dress, act and essentially am him. Total book nerd and I want a bookshop (also I'm an angel /hj). Also like Aziraphale, the only thing I think about is Crowley.
The Captain - BBC Ghosts. I think everyone knows where this is going but he's the Captain, come on guys! (And also special mention to Havers)
Nick Nygård - The Bone Season. He is MY BABY and a doctor and the nicest person and AAAA I imprinted onto him like a baby duckling
Crowley - Good Omens. Same reason, best demon, the long and shoulder length hair is his best look hands down
Jude St Francis - A Little Life. Such a sad book but it's my absolute favourite! Poor Jude though, can't catch a break (although Willem was my favourite character)
Special mention to any character played by Michael Sheen, David Tennant or Peter Sandys-Clarke! (e.g. Ned Burne-Jones, Robbie Ross, Miles Maitland, literally anyone David Tennant has played)
I'm tagging @captain-parks, @thattransboyaled, @its-a-hare-pom-pom, @hollow-ghost-fire and @spineless-lobster! Sorry if you've already been tagged and of course no pressure!
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arc-en-disco · 7 months
Let me translate some real-people fanfic about Joe Strummer and Mick Jones for you real quick...
Du har Ellen si hand i armkroken. Fly og helikopter og stjerner heng på himmelen, som om New York har pynta seg for dykk. De går opp trappa til Gramercy Park Hotel, tar heisen opp og går ut på takterrassen. Det var her Humphrey Bogart gifta seg med Lauren Bacall. Du elskar det. Bare tanken. No er det dykk. Du har med deg Ellen. Joe har med seg Gaby. Paul har med seg Pearl. Men du veit at det er Joe og du som er det viktige paret her. Strummer & Jones. Strummer & Jones skal overleve alle andre par. Strummer & Jones skal leve i fem hundre år. (p. 81) You have Ellen's hand in the crook of your arm. Planes and helicopters and stars are hanging in the sky, as if New York has made herself pretty for you. You go up the stairs to Gramercy Park Hotel, take the elevator and walk out on to the roof terrace. It was here where Humphrey Bogart got married to Lauren Bacall. You love it. The thought alone. Now it's you. You are with Ellen. Joe is with Gaby. Paul is with Pearl. But you know that the important couple here are Joe and you. Strummer & Jones. Strummer & Jones will survive all other couples. Strummer & Jones will live for five hundred years. *****
Du syng <Somebody got murdered>. Du er 26 år, og du står på scena i Bond's International Casino. Rommet fordampar, og verda er enkel. Døden finst ikkje, smerta finst ikkje, sorga finst ikkje. Du er framleis nervøs før konsertane, skjelvande og ein smule komisk, men du elskar å smelte saman med dei andre i gruppa, å kvervle inn i dei, alle desse konfigurasjonane av lys og kjøtt, forvirrande, uventa, likevel så enkelt, opplagt, aldri sjølvmedvitande, alltid galvanisert av musikken, du og Joe, som to fyrstikker klare til å flamme opp.(p. 91) You are singing "Somebody got murdered". You are 26 years old, and you are on stage at Bond's International Casino. The room evaporates, and the world is simple. There's no such thing as death, no such thing as pain, no such thing as sorrow. You still get nervous before concerts, shaky and a bit comical, but you love to melt together with the others in the group, to swirl into them, all of these configurations of light and flesh, confusing, unexpected, but nevertheless so simple, so obvious, never self-aware, always galvanized by the music, you and Joe, like two matchsticks ready to burst into flame.
***** BRENN HUSET NED (2013), Frode Grytten, Forlaget Oktober, Norge So I have been reading this book 'Burn down the house' in Norwegian (Nynorsk), thanks @slashonmydash, and it's essentially a fanfiction about the Clash. Like, real-people-fanfiction but totally printed on paper and sold in bookstores. Which gives me hope for my own career as an author, LOL, but I digress.
Reading this novel is astonishing. This man, Frode Grytten, in his fifties, is writing more sentimental wallowing about this punk band than I ever did, EVEN AS A SMITTEN SEVENTEEN-YEAR OLD FANGIRL. This is amazing. Frode, my man, cheers to you.
I cannot believe they let this go to print. It has their real names and all the real dates and locations. Two of these people are dead but the other two are still very much alive. How does copyright / portrait right work in Norway? Must be nice...
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ironstrangeao3 · 1 year
The Weight Of A Soul(is far too heavy to bear alone)
by ocyeanic
After his parents, Ben, and May die Peter is left in an orphanage & let's just say the owners are not the nicest.
While trying to grapple with the deaths of his Aunt & Uncle, be a super-hero, take care of his siblings, make enough money to support them, doge the questions his friends give him on all his injury's, not starve to death because of his stupid metabolism, try to ignore his stupidly cute new lab partner, get along with the new vigilante on the block, and make sure the avengers don't find out his identity and/or kill him.
It's a lot to say the least. Will Peter be able to trust and reach out for help before its too late or will the presser of everything slowly crush him?
Or Let's throw everything at Peter Parker and see how long it takes for him to break
This is my first fanfic so please keep that in mind! I welcome all criticism I have no idea wtf im doing!:P
Words: 850, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Nick Fury, Happy Hogan, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Wade Wilson, Matt Murdock, Original Characters, Skip Westcott
Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Thor, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Avengers Team & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Peter Parker & Original Character(s), Matt Murdock & Peter Parker & Wade Wilson
Additional Tags: Team Red (Marvel), Hurt/Comfort, Irondad, spiderson, Worried Tony Stark, Tony Stark Does What Tony Stark Wants, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Past Torture, Past Rape/Non-con, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Peter thinks he can do everything himself, he cant, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker is a Mess, Medical Inaccuracies, Slow Burn, im gonna fit as many over done tropes as I can into this bad boy, Orphan Peter Parker, no beta we die like tony stark, does anyone actually read all of these tags?, Self-Harm, peter is just super traumatized in all corners, he thinks he hiding it well, he is not, De-Aged Wade Wilson, Wade Wilson Breaking the Fourth Wall, Everyone’s at least a little traumatized, scratch that there all extremely traumatized, Peter Parker Has Panic Attacks, Everyone Has Issues, Peter Parker Has Nightmares, I have no idea what I’m doing, My First AO3 Post, THERE IS 0 CANNON IN THIS FIC CANNON CAN GO FUCK ITSELF, It’s in first person I’m sorry but I can’t for the life of me wright in 3rd, Peter Parker Has a Family he just doesn't know it yet, peter Parker got kidnapped by hydra 4 a bit he is most definitely not coping, everyone is ooc
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46213936
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showmethesneer · 9 months
AO3 Wrapped [Writer's Edition]
Taken from @pippinoftheshire
1. How many words have you written this year?
82,912 (😳 holy shit)
2. How many works did you publish this year?
13 plus an additional chapter to an older one
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of hits/kudos)?
Beauty and Brains: A Night In The Capitol (The Hunger Games, Finnick Odair/Beetee Latier smut)
4. What work of yours has the most hits?
Rough Enough (The Witcher, Geralt/Jaskier smut)
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Hands down, the best, most surprising comment I've ever gotten was on A Fire In The Belly (And Other Sensitive Organs) (The Witcher, Yennefer/Jaskier smut) but I got a couple "thank you for writing this" comments on Dance Little Liar (MCU, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov slow burn) that shocked me
6. Favourite title you used?
Lycan Subscribe (OUAT, Ruby Lucas/Belle French friends to lovers)
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist's songs did you pull from the most?
The Amazing Devil, usually cuz I write a lot of Jaskier fics
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Technically Geralt/Jaskier (The Witcher) with Rough Enough and A Fire In The Belly (And Other Sensitive Organs) but the pairing I wrote the longest fic (most words) for was Bruce/Natasha (MCU) in Dance Little Liar.
9. Favourite pairing you wrote for this year?
Asmodeus/Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss) with A Sensation
10. What work was the quickest to write?
Smart Mouth (Spiderman, Peter Parker/Ned Leeds smut)
11. What work took you the longest to write?
With pauses, Once Upon Your Dead Body (Stranger Things, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson vampire smut) But straight through, Dance Little Liar (MCU, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov slow burn)
12. How many WIP's do you have in your docs for next year?
13. What's your longest work of the year?
Dance Little Liar (29,929 words) (MCU, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov slow burn)
14. What's your shortest work of the year?
Rock And Roll And Regret (832 words) (Daisy Jones and The Six, Billy Dunne/Daisy Jones angst)
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
All of them, honestly. I'm probably most excited about rewriting Jane Eyre as Swan Queen (OUAT) smut
16. What's your most common "Additional Tags" tag?
Masturbation (5)
17. Your favourite character to write this year?
It's always Jaskier (The Witcher) but, this year specifically, Finnick Odair (The Hunger Games) and Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss) were really fucking therapeutic.
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Hugh Crain (The Haunting of Hill House) was pretty difficult to get a handle on despite the million times I've watched it
19. What's one pairing you want to explore next year?
Jaskier/Valdo Marx (The Witcher)
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
Either Beauty and Brains: A Night In The Capitol (The Hunger Games, Finnick Odair/Beetee Latier smut) or Lycan Subscribe (OUAT, Ruby Lucas/Belle French friends to lovers) because I'm probably most proud of those.
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
1,021 on fics published this year. I don't know how to calculate the kudos I got on older fics during this year.
22. Which work has the most comments?
Rough Enough (The Witcher, Geralt/Jaskier smut)
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
No, but someone wrote a sequel to one of my fics.
24. Did you write any gifts this year?
I wrote Rough Enough (The Witcher, Geralt/Jaskier smut) at my wife's suggestion/request. That's as close as I've gotten to writing a gift.
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
I was gifted Old Stars Keep Shining, which was a sequel to my fic from last summer Star Maker (Star Wars, Poe Dameron/Luke Skywalker angsty smut)
26. What's your most common category?
M/M (8)
27. What do you listen to while writing?
I usually listen to The Amazing Devil when I'm writing Witcher fics. It differs when I write for other characters. I have a playlist for Ruby Lucas (OUAT) that's like wolf girl shit.
28. Favourite work you wrote this year?
I am so fucking proud of Beauty and Brains: A Night At The Capitol (The Hunger Games, Finnick Odair/Beetee Latier smut) i can't even tell you. Just.. please read it? If you never read any of my other fics ever, please read this one.
29. Favourite line/passage you wrote this year?
"He makes me feel like… I want to rip out all my internal organs," Yennefer confessed with a thoughtful intensity, "so he has room to ravage me. I want to be completely hollowed out. Carved out and empty. So that when he penetrates me, there’s nothing that can get in his way. So he fits. Completely. And never leaves."
from A Fire In The Belly (And Other Sensitive Organs) (The Witcher, Yennefer/Jaskier smut)
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Maybe how inspired I was by the books I read this year. Especially when I wrote my Helluva Boss fic A Sensation. It was deeply inspired by The Body Keeps The Score.
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To Think That We Could Stay the Same
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50084125 by olicreates Peter Parker's life is going in ways he never expected. His aunt finds out about his after-school activities (AKA Spider-Man), he finally lands an actual internship, and they move into a... new place... in Midtown Manhattan. Maybe May won't burn down the kitchen on the first day, somehow. Tony Stark's a mess. He won't admit it, but he misses his team. He wants everyone back together, if only so he can pretend they're friends, yet again. In the meantime, he hangs out with a teenager for some reason. It's not because he genuinely enjoys the company-- Pete's just smart, okay? Tony doesn't have a soft spot for the kid. He doesn't. Steve didn't mean for everything to go this way. He just wants Bucky and his friends safe. He wants to go back home, fix the mess he created, preferably without getting locked in a prison. He longs for a chance to make up for the things he did. To build a life. ------------ The Avengers get back together again. Eventually. Accompanied by a certain Spider-Kid. Words: 3828, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, May Parker (Spider-Man), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Harley Keener, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Avengers Team Members (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker & Everyone, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Peter Parker & Shuri Additional Tags: Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Fix-It, Post-Movie: Captain America: Civil War (2016), Post-Movie: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Peter Parker Meets the Avengers, Canon Divergence - Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Tony Stark Lives in Avengers Tower, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Bisexual Peter Parker, BAMF Pepper Potts, Everyone Is Alive, The Avengers Live in Avengers Tower (Marvel), Deaf Clint Barton, BAMF Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Family Dynamics, Domestic Avengers, Panic Attacks, Peter Parker Has Issues, Canon-Typical Violence, making everyone friends because marvel screwed us over, Everyone Needs A Hug, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Everyone Has Issues, Texting, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Mitski References, Peter Parker is a Mitski Fan, Found Family, Everyone Loves Peter Parker, Peter Parker Has Sensory Issues, Bucky Barnes Has PTSD, Clint Barton in the Ceiling Vents, Peter Parker is a Little Shit read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50084125
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