helreginn · 6 years
“Well hi there, kitty.” Hel cooed as she squatted down before the loveliest black cat she’d seen in.. at least an hour. She made no attempt to pat the cat as it flopped down in front of her and started rolling in the dirt. Just happily watched it do it’s thing, content that it had deemed her worthy of it’s company. She stood up with an embarrassed chuckle when she noticed a man -presumed to be the feline’s owner- approach. “Heh. Sorry.... My biological imperative disallows me to not say hi to every cat I see.” 
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wiingedvirtues · 7 years
@necromantiia is blessed
she shows up unannounced, perched on the edge of his table with a grin on her face. her arrival itself may have been RUDE, but she is clutching a large tub of cakes.
                                       “i come bearing ANGEL cake.”
she explains, the truth is that she’s lonely though she wouldn’t want to admit it.
                          “are you allowed to eat that or is it not MORBID                                                       enough?”
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traumeriinmoved · 7 years
@necromantiia liked this for a starter.
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    ❝Looks like you’re getting a handle of things.❞ As Rosemary explains this, she motions to the kids in his arms. He has definitely come a long way from the first time he tried babysitting the kids. ❝You could be a proper nanny if you wanted to.❞
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“So is your problem with me the blood sucking? Because it’s not like you have to see it.”
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ulfhrafnxa · 7 years
@necromantiia liked for a starter.
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    “ ---every time you come in here things start moving on their own and i have to sage the place like fifty times. i’m going to have to start charging you for the extra expense. ” she’s only joking, mostly,  the increase in supernatural activity was no coincidence, but she couldn’t blame it on his presence entirely. when one catered to all sorts of other worldly beings things were bound to get spooky sooner or later. “ so what’ll it be today, hm ? you here for a drink or to talk business ? “
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mindsmade · 7 years
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          The only thing announcing her presence is the clamorous entry she makes into Nadav’s store. It’s taken a few conversations and one instance of ‘don’t even try to lie your way out of this’ for her to find out what exactly’s dampened his spirits, but she knows –––– and, surprisingly enough, she’s decided to HELP. Out of boredom, most of all ... though a minor touch of pity convinced her, too.  ❝  Hellooo! Anybody home? This is no time to be slow, pal.  ❞     ( // @necromantiia​ )
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hcpelcss · 7 years
[ text - emo dude ] hey!
[ text - emo dude ] are you busy on thanksgiving day?
[ text - emo dude ] like
[ text - emo dude ] a lot of family?
[ text - emo dude ] if not you can come over and maybe we can celebrate together?
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indigni · 7 years
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          ❝  NADAV.  ❞  There’s no proper announcement of his arrival other than the gust of wind and the rustling of his feathered wings as he simply appears out of nowhere. A certain sense of urgency marks his slightly taut features. Not the sort that demands immediate attention, but more so the likes which beg ... some fashion of action soon, at least. That’s more so the case because he’s impatient than anything else ––– and perhaps, to some degree, slightly ANXIOUS.  ❝  I need your help with somethin’.  ❞     ( // @necromantiia )
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witheringred-blog · 7 years
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@necromantiia     It was far too late for anyone to be out and about in a graveyard. Two in the morning to be exact, but Rose could not sleep and her heart was feeling unbelievably heavy tonight. So, she visited the grave of both her grandparents. Two people that actually made her feel like she was someone important, gave her the love anyone would want from their family. She never felt SO alone when they both passed, but at least they were in a much better place together, right? At least.. that’s what she told herself to get by when she was in these moods.
       Her hands were deep into the pockets of her coat, her eyes were slightly puffy and a little red, but she would be fine. She was always fine. The hair on the back on her neck stood up as a sudden feeling of someone near washed over her. Her first thought was graveyard security, “I’ll be gone soon. Just give me a few more minutes, please.” Her tone hid all form of despair, just held its usual softness and low volume as always.
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oneiromanc · 7 years
Old, aching injuries seemed to be the theme in this particular village, its residents worn && superstitious. He had knelt in the grass in a garden’s alcove, crystals scattered around him as his hands hovered over a local woman’s scarred, swollen knee. 
Light, wispy energy flowed between his palms && the woman’s skin; after no more than a minute she breathed a sigh of relief, standing up to test her healed leg. She thanked him profusely, && with naught but a smile, he nodded, setting down the crystal he had used as a focus.
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“What do you wish of me?” Veles glanced up at the man who had moved to stand beside him when the woman left. “You’re no common peasant, I can sense the magic within you.”
@necromantiia liked for a starter ♥
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warlccked · 7 years
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The Witchy Boy Triumvirate ( @warlccked, @necromantiia, @diviinator )
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insolentgirl · 7 years
necromantiia replied to your post: ❤
I really love the way you write wendy, and like the other comment, I do hear her in your replies. I think you’ve captured that curiosity and innocence she has been known to hold in the past, yet it’s nothing like overbearing, if that makes sense. I think you do a wonderful job and I really enjoy writing with you :)
|| oh gosh yes that does make sense and thank you so much. i’m always worried    about overdoing her excitement nad curiosity cause i know it can get annoying,    so man does it make me happy to know i’m not doing that. thank you so much!!    i really enjoy writing with you so much!
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tunantes-blog1 · 7 years
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  “ is that --- ”
she sniffs, face crumpling into a look caught halfway between disgust, and surprise . 
“ you smell like embalming fluid .” 
@necromantiia  | starter call .
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pokerwitch-blog · 8 years
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       smells like ashes and cemetery dirt  ( which, surprisingly enough, has a very specific smell ).  Patrick would know a NECROMANCER anywhere, but he didn’t expect it to be someone so...        ❛   ...young---------how old are you, lad? can’t look more than twenty.   ❜  
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indigni · 8 years
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           ❝  Yoo-hoo! Your favourite customer’s returned.  ❞  Doubtful that he’s actually deserving of that title, but Kane likes making a point of announcing his presence around certain people ––– this guy included.  ❝  Right around closin’ time. Hm.  ❞  That definitely ought to counter his first statement, but, as per usual, he doesn’t care.  ❝  ... WITCHY GUY? Where the bloody hell even are you?  ❞     ( // @necromantiia )
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dreamtaled-blog · 8 years
“yes! that’s what i’m saying. i am saying that my day has, in fact, been worse than yours.” 
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( truth or just blatant over exaggerations made by a particular blonde? in an attempt to eat away her distress, she digs her hand  into the bag of skittles she's holding and stuffs them into her mouth. )
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