#nearlyyyy done with Emergency Contact so I am going to finish that before i totally burn out from NaNo
lexosaurus · 2 years
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Wow holy FUCK!
I can't believe I actually did it. I literally went into this going, "If I write 20k this month I will be happy!"
And then I wrote the full 50k. Fuck, man. What a year this month has been.
I'm so so glad I did this. The progress I made on both WIPs is so much more than I thought I was going to make. I have SO MUCH EDITING to do this month, but I am veryyyy excited to have the month off from writing (sparing little oneshots I'll likely write here and there...)
Anyway, definitely recommend NaNo to anyone who's thinking about it for next year! It's a lot but this was definitely worth it!
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