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wyverns-tale · 1 year ago
So, I have a stalker.
This psycho who on here uses @darkeningsea has been stalking me on social media possibly for years. I'm only posting this here, because I need people to be aware of this situation and be wary of her. I knew her very briefly from 2004-2006 where she created a host of problems for me and my friends. There was never any reason for it except envy. Somewhere along the way she lost a dramatic amount of weight, dyed her hair black, and started trying to be me. I was unaware of any of this until Monday afternoon an acquaintance from the Final Fantasy XVI fandom asked if I had a secondary Twitter or Bluesky account. She has been for months copying and pasting my tweets as if they are her own. I don’t post anything relevant. It was gaming stuff, some fashion tweets, and me debating what to DoorDash. All of my friends and mutual followers were blocked by her. She was very aware of me realizing what she was doing and rapidly changed her usernames and locked down or deleted her social media. Known aliases are neareststars, enthroned, darkeningsea, villains, robotkitteh, sketchvillain--she likely has other burner accounts that she uses to stalk me. She patronizes small indie fashion and jewelry brands I support, she’s been quietly skin walking me possibly since 2004. Her whole online identity is like some bizarre bargain basement cosplay of me. This isn’t some drama between 19 year olds. This is a 39 year old who frankly is unhinged and possibly dangerous. If I end up murdered she did it. I’m looking into any legal recourse but please be aware of this person. She used to go by Kitty. Now she goes by Al. Her real name is Heather. I never expected this to happen and I’m kind of torn between anger, amusement, and just feeling gross and kind of not okay.
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lucasciences · 5 years ago
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Another planet has been detected in the Proxima Centauri star system (top illustration). Proxima Centauri is part of the Alpha Centauri triple star ✨ system where Proxima Centauri revolves around the other two. . Currently, Proxima Centauri is the nearest star to the Sun ☀️ located at about 4.2 light years away. . Being a cool small red dwarf (smaller than the Sun but larger than the planet Jupiter), Proxima Centauri has at least one more planet (Proxima b) that revolves around it. . While the newly discovered planet maybe too far away to be habitable by humans or for life to have originated, Proxima b lies in the habitable zone where water 💧 can exist as a liquid and is currently classified as a super Earth 🌎 . . While within the habitable zone, Proxima b might experience intense solar winds up to 2000x greater than the Earth experiences by our Sun. . Credit: MPIA/VJoergens / CC BY 3.0 and LSantinelli. . #astronomy #astrophysics #lifeonotherplanets #alphacentauri #proximacentauri #proximacentaurib #solarsystem #solarwind #reddwarfstar #intellarstellar #neareststar https://www.instagram.com/p/B7XUQElp-c-/?igshid=1nec58d52fsg6
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benpamatmat · 4 years ago
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#sunworshiper #sungod #nofilter #neareststar https://www.instagram.com/p/CD71Te2jcwd/?igshid=1byr4a4m510ce
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آج کا دن ایک تو "Day of 6 billion" کے نام سے بھی مشہور ہے اور ساتھ ہی ساتھ فلکیاتی لحاظ سے بھی ایک اہم دن ہے!! "چھ ارب لوگوں کا دن" کے بارے میں جاننے کے لئے لنک : https://www.facebook.com/AstronomyLearning.Urdu/photos/a.411241812575678.1073741828.409277416105451/482136188819573/?type=3 سن ١٩١٥ میں آج کے دن برج "سنچورس" میں "پروزیما سنچوری" نامی ستارہ دریافت کیا گیا. اس کے بعد اس ستارے پر تحقیق شروع کی گئی تو پتا چلا کہ یہ ستارہ ہمارے سورج سے تقریبا چار نوری سال دور ہے.اسی حوالے سے ٢٠١٥ء میں اس ستارے کے بارے میں ایک پیپر چھپا جس میں اسے قریب ترین ستارہ ہونے کا شرف بخشا گیا. حیرت انگیز بات یہ کہ یہ پیپر ١٢ اکتوبر ٢٠١٥ء کو چھپا تھا!! یعنی آج کے دن "پروزیما سنچوری" دریافت کی ہوا اور اسے ایک صدی بعد اسی دن قریب ترین ستارہ ہونے کا شرف بھی حاصل ہوا!! اس سے متعلق کوئی سوال جو آپ کے ذہن میں کلبلا رہا ہو تو پیشِ خدمت کریں۔ لنک : http://earthsky.org/space/this-date-in-science-discovery-of-proxima- centauri مزید سائنسی اور فلکیاتی معلومات سے آگاہ رہنے کے لئے ہمارے پیج کو لائک کرنا نہ بھولیں: www.facebook.com/AstronomyLearning.Urdu ہمیں "Tumblr" پر follow کریں: www.astronomylearningurdu.tumblr.com واٹس اپ اپڈیٹس کے لئے "03246634719" پر "شامل کرلیں" لکھ کر بھیجیں اور ساتھ اپنا اور اپنے شہر کا نام بھی لکھیں۔   #ProximaCentauri#NearestStar#AstronomyLearningUrdu
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trvphoto · 11 years ago
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#goodmorning #sunrise #norfolkva #norfolk #virginia #containership #containercrane #maritime #pier #dock #dockside #sun #sol #neareststar #hashtagexplosion (at Hampton Roads, Virginia)
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lucasciences · 5 years ago
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The search for a second Earth-like planet 🌎 has led to the mapping of the nearest star ⭐️ systems to our own solar system. . The third closest star system (after Alpha Centauri and Barnard’s Star) is the Luhman 16, a binary dwarf system located about 6.5 light years away. . Luhman 16 was discovered initially as a large bright disk by the WISE space telescope (bottom left) and was further resolved into two stars (top panel) by Gemini Observatory in Chile (bottom right). . Further observations so far have revealed that it is highly unlikely that the system has a large Jupiter sized exoplanet. . Credit: NASA/JPL/Gemini Observatory/AURA/NSF/JPL-Caltech / public domain and Denys / CC BY 3.0. . #astronomy #astrophysics #nasa #solarsystem #neareststar #milkywaygalaxy #exoplanets #telescope #spacetelescope https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ykEXcJgUu/?igshid=1cg13dmtiwlyo
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lucasciences · 5 years ago
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The brightest star ⭐️ in our night sky is Sirius the “Dog Star” that belongs to the constellation Canis Major (the Greater Dog 🐕). . Derived from the Greek word “Seirios” which means “glowing” or “scorching”, its annual appearance at just before sunrise coincided with the annual flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt. . Thus, this binary star system was crucial to the Ancient Egyptians who named it Sopdet whose personification was responsible for fertility. Sopdet can be identified with a 5-sided star ⭐️ on her head. . Credit: TCredner / CC BY-SA 3.0, NASA/ESA/GBacon / public domain and ValleyoftheKings/Sethi’s tomb/JPDalbera / CC BY 2.0. . #science #astronomy #astronomers #ancientastronomy #stars #planets #thebrighteststars #thebrighteststars #galaxies #neareststars #siriusstar #nile #desert #dogstar #ancientegypt #nasa https://www.instagram.com/p/B4b2MCzljfk/?igshid=1a8ii9a4blxlv
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