beforeorion · 6 months
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spacerangersam · 1 year
a little hc i have is that robin headbutts to show affection but doesn’t fully comprehend that human’s heads are just a bit more delicate than his neaderthal one and so just keeps knocking people down with the force it
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emptymanuscript · 4 months
Today's extremely minor annoyance.
I have trouble figuring out how to count years.
Which means I am never entirely sure what anniversary or day count something is.
Like, is it my 16th or 17th wedding anniversary coming up in a few months.
I can tell you the date I got married. I can tell you the date we got together. Real easy to look up today's date. But then I run into trouble.
If I was married in 2007 and it's 2024, then I've been married for 17 years ish. But it is BEFORE the month, so does that mean I have been married for 16 years and it is GOING to be the 17th, or that this is the 16th year and it is going to be the 16th anniversary?
Do you count from 0 or 1?
Like 2007 is the year, right?
So the first anniversary would be 2008, right? Which I think means this is the 17th anniversary. And I have currently (since it is before the date) been married for 16 years.
I have this same trouble for EVERYTHING. How old will I be on my birthday? I dunno. Ish. How old will my wife be on hers? I dunno, three years younger than me - and does that include a zero??
Math just isn't quite natural for me.
I think I vaguely remember the very first time I read the bit about how innumerate the "alien" species (They were Neaderthals, so exceptionally heavy quotes there) is in my favorite book. And I was like, "same, fam."
One of my more embarrassing moments in school was being downgraded into my own individual math class to (re)teach me addition.
And yet I love spreadsheets.
... maybe this is WHY I love spreadsheets XD
1+1 =
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gogglemouse · 6 months
"This Vote Is Legally Binding"
"Someone always says it, whenever it comes up: 'I guess I'm just no allowed to talk to anyone anymore!' Well. Yes. It is my duty to inform you that we took a vote all us women and determined that you are not allowed to talk to anyone ever again. This vote is legally binding. Yes, of course, all women know each other, the way you always suspected. (Incidentally, so do Canadians. I'm just throwing that out.) We went the into the women's room at the Applebee's on the corner of 54 and all the others streamed in through the doors into that endless liminal space, a chain of humans stretching backward heavy skulled Neaderthal women laughing with New York socialites, Lucille Ball hand in hand with Taung child. We sat around in the couches in the women's room (I know you've always been suspicious of those couches) and chatted with each other in the secret female language that you always knew existed. Somebody set up a console-- the Empress Wu is ruthless at Mario Kart and Cleopatra never learned to lose and a woman who ruled an empire that fell when the Sea People came and left no trace can use the blue shell like a surgical instrument. Eventually we took the vote. You had three defenders: your grandmother and your first-grade teacher and an Albanian nun who believes the best of everybody. Your mom abstained. It was duly recorded in the secret notebooks that have been kept under the couch in the Applebee's since the beginning of recorded time. And then we went back to playing Mario Kart and Hoelun took off her bra and we didn't think about you again except that I had to carry this message. So anyway good luck with that it's just as you always said it was. Hush now, no talking, hush." -T. Kingfisher, Jackalope Wives
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nicky-if · 6 months
Can I change my appearance in the body path?
Do you mean like shapeshift? Then no. You do become a hulking neaderthal on that path though.
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
making another fix it headcanon masterlist because i have more thoughts about voltron
obviously first up is NO LION SWITCHING. if/when shiro fucking DIES then the black lion just goes dormant again. voltron isnt seen until he (kuron) is retrieved and he flies black again.
they go back to earth much much sooner than in canon. it makes no sense to be like 'yeah it's so far away'------THEY ARE IN A SHIP THAT IS CAPABLE OF JUMPING FROM ONE SIDE OF THE UNIVERSE TO THE OTHER IN THE SPAN OF SECONDS!!!!! the paladins KNOW that the galra know about earth, know the paladins come from earth, and know the galra are AT EARTH. they KNOW that human technology doesnt compare to even some the most primative alien tech--let alone the galra. and seriously as if they cant spare a few days to go back to earth to set up precautionary defenses and maybe to get supplies the humans can use??? As if it would hurt their preformance to have things from earth thay would make coping with the literal war easier. the galran invasion of earth and most of the population dying wouldve been prevented if they simply went back to earth even for a couple days.
the war against haggar and zarkon lasts much longer than just a few months to a year. they were ruling for ten thousand years. they conquered most of the UNIVERSE and have the resources and power to show for it. i do not care how strong voltron is--it would take down two empire leaders in a few months. there are human wars that have lasted longer than that even when the firepower is relatively the same for both sides. the fight against lotor would take a similar amount of time, maybe even longer because he tries to play the long game by double crossing them (mostly alluras gullible ass). and even after all three of the royal family is dead, the empire has been in control for TEN THOUSAND YEARS. the control they have over their colonies is so strong some of them probably dont even know it's propaganda. they dont know any other history besides the galran empire. imagine the species that evolved during those ten thousand years. their entire species knows no other reality besides the galran empire. and if the empire treats them somewhat acceptably, or even if they just convince them that life outside the empire is far worse (like north korean propaganda) the fight against small clustered of loyal followers and soldiers would take decades at LEAST. voltron would not be retired until the team is in their 40s or 50s--at the earliest.
the reason humans and alteans look so similar is because they technically share the same genes. the change between neaderthals and homoerectus and homo sapiens is that humans have altean dna given by altean refugees fleeing the emerging galran empire. the reason humans have round ears and no markings or shape shifting is just because the altean dna was introduced so long ago that those alien features have gone dormant. they were one of the most diplomatic space faring species, it's almost impossible that all alteans (excluding lotors weird zoo) were on altea when it was destroyed. there were probably many out on diplomatic missions that learned of zarkons attempt to erradicate them and fled to isolated areas in the universe, such as earth.
their underarmor suits ARE NOT LIKE TIGHTS THEYRE A SLAP ON DEVICE THAT THEN MATERIALIZES THE SUIT AROUND THE BODY. think of the mamoran masks but for your entire body. the canon suits are soooooooo inconviencing and make no sense at all. why would a species that has invented LITERAL WORMHOLE TECHNOLOGY not have more ergonomic armor???? (i have many ideas of where this slap on device could go. maybe as a choker around the neck? or as a wrist band? it could also just be stuck to a random place like the chest or leg.)
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kissingagrumpygiant · 2 years
I'm sorry...Neanderthal fetish??
so sorry that happened to you and your OCs genuinely
they had their entire blog filled with pseudo-science neaderthal skull fetish doused with racism and were basically just posting photos of white women with like. big/hawk noses and talking weirdly about their features and ethnicities like ehuhhgrhgr sick to my stomach never seen shit like that in my LIFE
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coolclaytony · 2 years
So I watched a documentary on neaderthal man the other day, and I'm convinced that we as a world missed our chance to have fantasy dwarves be a thing.
> short and stocky
> affinity for subterranean environs and built rudimentary stone architecture.
> technologically sophisticated for their time period, speculated by some to be potentially smarter than modern humans.
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paragonrobits · 2 years
i’ve been doing Exalted character growth simulation AND now i was just watching some people react to Primal episodes and suddenly i was seized by the compulsion to come up with a character inspired by Spear the neanderthal in an Exalted vibe and after initially contemplating a mutated human that is from a remnant of a human-based soldier variant Exalting as a Zenith Solar, i thought about neaderthal vibes and now im thinking about an awakened elder Dragon King (Anklok, I think) who was sealed away before the Primordial War and has awakened into a terrifying and strange world less dangerous than what he remembers, his people either gone or faded away into mindlessness, and the curious species his people he periodically saw during his battles in the vast desert of his homeland have taken over the world with horrifying levels of cruelty and inhumanity
(actually now i’m thinking about incorporating him into the Circle I’ve been ideating for a bit)
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the-graves-family · 1 year
Aaron knows Italian, you say?
Sei la più grande stronza che abbia mai incontrato 💖
Sure, his grammar may need some work, but he worked in enough kitchens with rough Italian chefs to know what insults sound like.
"Che minchia stai dicendo? È stronzo, non stronza, puttana, che sono un uomo. Impara a insultarmi come si deve, pezzo di merda. Non posso credere di sprecare il mio tempo con uomini di Neaderthal come voi. Vattelo a pigliare in culo."
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martinshep · 16 days
Looking into what little research has been done on therians (mostly within the furry community) and finding participants were asked what percentage of themselves they feel is human, and then wondering what that would be for myself has led me down a mental path
Honestly I think maybe it’s not something that could be a percentage for me? It’s like asking what percentage animal humans are, or what percentage human neaderthals are, it’s not quite an easy question since that depends on what you’re using to define those terms, because in the sense of what I am I’m human-adjacent but definitely not something is human is the sense of homo sapiens sapiens (similar to the neanderthal analogy), but in other facets of my identity I’m mostly if not fully human
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justjessame · 3 months
Light Through the Darkness: Chapter 56
The entire point, Damon reminded himself as his eyes landed on Abi’s smiling face tilting close to Mason’s to hear whatever he was telling her, seeing her shake her head at whatever he was offering her, of this damn barbeque was to PROVE that HE was a werewolf. That was it. It was why the guest list was kept small. Why Ric and he had a schedule of ‘events’ and why when push came to shove, he planned on shoving something silver deep into Mason’s flesh. As Abi’s lips curled into a wider smile and a giggle escaped her lips, Damon was thinking of a far more dull silver option than the sharp knife he’d considered first and a far more sensitive area than he’d picked earlier.
“Calm down,” Ric’s lips were barely moving, but Damon could hear him perfectly fine. “I swear I can SEE the steam coming out of the top of your head.”
“He’s practically pissing on her leg,” Damon growled as Abi bit her lip to hold back a laugh at something the neaderthal said. “LOOK at him.” His teeth were almost bared as he watched Mason flirting with Abigail. HIS Abigail.
Ric did, and what he saw was a guy who was trying to make sure the odd one out, Abigail in this case, was kept comfortable in a new group. He was making sure she understood the rules of each game and that she was kept fed and watered. He was being a good guy. He watched as Mason tucked an errant curl behind Abi’s ear and heard Damon make a sound that worried him. Of course, he was also forcing the green-eyed beast to the forefront of the least stable vampire in residence, which wasn’t smart, but he didn’t necessarily know that.
“I understand this game, Mason,” Abi assured him, with a chuckle. Charades weren’t exactly a new concept. “It’s the topics that aren’t exactly my cup of tea.”
“I’ll make sure you get to pick something you know.” He promised, and while she didn’t trust him, not fully, she knew that he wasn’t completely evil. He just wasn’t completely on the up and up. “I think Pictionary might be the one that does you in.” His dimple came out and she shook her head.
“I’ll take a mad guess and assume that has to do with drawing something,” she offered with a roll of her eyes. “Perhaps like charades, but with drawing?” She’d done her homework, with Marcel and Gloria. And then there was the internet and her insatiable curiosity. Popular culture though, that was mind-boggling.
“Hark who’s learning,” he tossed a throw pillow at her and she stuck her tongue out at him. Playful and silly. “You look a hell of a lot like this girl I saw once,” he started, but Damon cut in with the announcement that the first game was about to start.
Charades was strange, Abigail thought. She’d skipped her go, too focused on watching Ric and Damon. What were they doing? And then she realized there was a third to their game. Mason.
As they took a break, from the first game, Caroline finally took a moment alone with Abigail. Quiet and unsure, she approached while Abigail was finding time to get some fresh air on the porch. She was considering whether it was the same part where Damon had - but she was pushing the thought away when Caroline approached.
“Alaric told me who you really are,” the young vampire said quietly, keeping her distance. She gave an almost silent chuckle. “I told him about you being trapped still, you know? I thought it was a silly story, an urban legend." She studied Abigail, seeing her for the first time, really seeing her. “They told me what she did to you. How you feel about -” She swallowed and she realized that Caroline feared that she hated her.
“Oh Caroline,” Abi shook her head and her smile turned sad. “I came out of that - I don’t even know what to call where I was,” she looked down at her wrist, where the bracelet that Emily had created still rested. “I came out stronger than I went in. I came out knowing that no matter what tries to break me, only I have the power to allow it to.” She was still waiting, completely still like only her kind could be. “You are still you, you’re just MORE you.” That caused a smile to creep onto her lips and the storm cloud that had started to cover her face was brushed away. “A very large teacher shaped birdie told me you seem built for this new life, even if you didn’t choose it.”
“Yeah,” she sighed, and finally moved closer. “I guess being a control freak finally comes in handy.” Abigail hugged her, still much smaller than her, but somehow offering her the comfort she needed. “My mom is gonna hate me, Abi.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, Caroline.” Abi promised. “Don’t borrow trouble, not yet.”
Damon watched as Abi comforted Caroline. As she showed the compassion to the blonde newbie vampire that she seemed to overflow with for everyone, but him. Then again, he thought, as Elena walked across his sight line it wasn’t as if he didn’t keep screwing up everything, time and time again.
Pictionary was much of the same as charades, and Abigail found that watching and waiting was still the best course of action. Jenna was having fun, but the amount of alcohol being consumed probably helped her miss that the game still seemed far more Mason versus Damon than anything else. When Mason finally yelled “wolf”, she remembered the talk that she’d had with Ric. Werewolves. Clearly Mason was the suspect, and she’d completely forgotten. Perhaps her overindulgence lingered longer than she’d given credit.
Elena and Caroline left soon after the game, and Abigail would have as well, but she felt beholden to help Jenna clean up. Since the men seemed focused on - something else.
“It was really great to meet you,” Mason offered before he left, and Abigail smiled up at him. “You really do remind me of her.”
“Who?” Abi asked, head tilted.
Mason leaned forward, his lips very close to her ear, so only she could hear him. “The sleeping beauty in Morgan House, of course. I was on the football team. Devil’s Night tradition we’d break in and there she’d be -” he didn’t step away, not yet. “You’re a dead ringer for her.” That final shot, he stood up and smiled down at her, waiting to see her reaction.
“I AM the last living Morgan,” Abigail shrugged. “If this ghost story you’re telling me has a basis in fact, then it would make sense that I look like her, I’m her descendant.”
His eyes stayed on hers and the air grew tense. Jenna broke it when she came in and asked what she missed. “Nothing,” Mason offered, breaking eye contact first and smiling at his old friend. “I was just telling Abi that it was great meeting her, always fun adding new blood to the town, right?”
Jenna’s eyes narrowed as she took in the two of them, but since Abigail’s smile was still as benign as before, she chose not to push. “OK, well, weird way to put it, but sure.”
“I thought I’d help with cleaning up, since your niece decided to retreat,” Abi offered with a grin.
“Teenagers,” Jenna sighed, but her grin told Abi that it was a contented and happy irritation. “I will happily accept, if I can buy you a drink.” She held up a bottle of wine and Abigail blanched. “Or not.”
“I overdid it last night,” she admitted, but told Jenna to have her share. Then they worked together to put the kitchen and house back to sorts. While Mason left and Ric happily helped with the cleaning up and Damon disappeared.
Damon had helped himself to one of Jenna’s mother’s silver knives while Mason’s attention had been locked on Abigail, a small mercy in the entire horrendous ordeal that was this nightmare of a barbeque. His hold on the handle, now that he was moving after the feral dog threatened the integrity of the metal, especially when he’d seen Mason leaning in to whisper in Abi’s ear and that tense little bubble that Jenna finally interrupted - Well stabbing his smug ass was starting to sound more and more satisfying, regardless of what it proved about his nature or his weaknesses.
“Steady,” Ric had murmured, eyes locked on that same scene as Damon, but seeing it in less stark tones. “I don’t think he’s romancing our fair Abigail.”
Damon snorted, thinking that Mason Lockwood couldn’t hope to come close to knowing where to start in the HOWs of how to court Abigail Morgan. “Like he could even-” But the moment passed. Mason and Abi had been interrupted by Jenna - then Mason was on his way out the door.
The confrontation could have gone better. Damon was self aware enough to admit to it. It hadn’t gone so horribly upside down just because he wanted to double down on proof that not only was Mason the Big Bad Wolf, he knew that, or that silver was the end all be all for ENDING the werewolf problem. No, it came to a boiling head when he had the nerve to toss out a ‘warning’ that reeked of threat about Abi’s true identity. Making his and Stefan’s lives miserable was one thing, but Abigail? Yeah, that dog was lucky he walked away with all his limbs attached.
He came back to the Gilbert house as Abi was getting into the driver’s side of a Mini Cooper.
“As I live and breathe,” he was beside her, as though she called to him, the pull to be near her was so damn strong. “Abigail Morgan are you driving this ‘roaring box on wheels with no discernable means to explain -”
She turned and he was rendered silent by the way the moon and street light bounced off her pale green eyes, and how - even when she was done with him, she still found a smirk of amusement at his antics.
“I had a firm teacher take me in hand during my travels.” Abi leaned against the side of her car, the door open, her bag on the seat. “You have a bit of blood on your -” she pointed at the hand still holding Jenna’s knife. “I’d suggest cleaning that up before returning it.”
She sounded so nonchalant about it, as though a bloody knife, or blood on him were synonymous, that he wondered if he’d missed a step somewhere?
“Yeah, I had an experiment - a theory to test.”
“And?” She crossed her arms over her chest and waited. When he said nothing, she sighed. “Did you? Prove it, I mean.”
He nodded, distracted when she licked her lip and sighed. “Yep, werewolf.” That’s the topic, Damon, he reminded himself, as his body was trying to convince him that he REALLY wanted a refresher on how she tasted.
“I’m fairly certain you knew he was a wolf prior to the bloodletting.” She was studying him, his eyes were roaming her body and he seemed distracted. “What was the point of stabbing him?”
Damon tried to focus on her question, but the light wasn’t just making her eyes twinkle, they were making her lips glisten, her skin looking luminous. And he wanted her so damn bad. Focus, he told himself, she wanted to know why he stabbed Lockwood. “Silver,” right, the knife was silver. “Werewolves and silver, it’s supposed to be bad for them.”
“And is it?” Her head tilted and the natural curls, some loose tendrils teasing her shoulders and tempting him to touch the silk of it. “Silver, Damon? Is it bad for them?”
Right, another question. “No, myth.” He sighed and shut his eyes, maybe if he couldn’t SEE her he could think straight. The breeze shifted and the scent of her skin hit him as he was about to tell her that Mason was one of the idiots who broke into her house and creeped on her sleeping body, his entire body felt like it was on fire with need. “Damn it.”
“What’s wrong?” She sounded so concerned that he remembered being jealous of Caroline and how she’d shown her so much compassion on the porch earlier. “Damon?” If she touched him -
“I’m fine,” he opened his eyes, and was happy to see she hadn’t moved. “I should -” their eyes met and he groaned. He wanted her and fighting it was harder than anything he could think of - the knife hit the pavement. “Abi,” it came out a plea, and she bit her lip. “You should go.”
“Why?” She sounded breathless, and she wasn’t moving. Why wasn’t she moving? Damon wondered if she was the misery he promised to torture Stefan with come home to roost for him?
“I want you and -”
“And?” Abigail Morgan was his torment, that had to be the answer, as she stood in front of him, the light of her tiny car’s interior dome light framing her from behind, the moon and street lights creating a halo over her from above, she looked like heaven, but must be his Hell.
“You hate me.” Was that his voice? It came out so NEEDY.
“Do I?” She shook her head and let out a long breath. “I’m not sure what to call how I feel about you, Damon, but ‘hate’? I don’t think that’s it.”
It took more than Abigail cared to admit to finally turn away from Damon and get into her car. More than she wanted to consider to start the engine and pull away from the curb, careful of the knife he dropped and of him - even if he wouldn’t be harmed if she had tapped him, and more energy than she wanted to ever think about to NOT glance in the rear view mirror as she drove to her house to get ready for bed and curl up with Cat and get used to her new life in her new house.
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eirxair · 3 months
why do i literally look like a neaderthal im not even joking i look like these motherfuckers
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mustbealoosewire · 6 months
My cat doesn't look savage, but she has Neaderthal levels of brutality to her.
Everytime I come back from being out, she will legit judge me if I didn't bring food back for her or to share with her.
"You're back! Awesome! And you brought back a kill for everyone right? You wouldn't shame our little tribal unit by being a shit hunter or anything..."
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eruhamster · 9 months
you could criticize race in fantasy worlds without showing your ass and not comprehending the difference between actual races and the modern unscientific concept of "race". the elves having their own kingdom is not an ethnostate any more than homo sapiens and neaderthals living separately were ethnostates
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impishdullahan · 1 year
I don't know if this is something that would be triggering to you, but just in case, be aware that jean m auel has a thing where all neaderthals are rapists and it's part of the culture that the girls have to submit even if it's violent and it hurts them and it's a pretty significant plot point (the lead never wanted to be in a relationship or have a baby, gets raped, gets pregnant, has to give the baby away, everything about it is traumatic to her).
Not a trigger as is but thanks for the headsup nonetheless. I can look past a lot of atrocity in fiction, provided it's not any sort of idealism on the part of the author. If it's a lens through which the story tries to tell itself, then I think, narratively, it could be neat, if I can get away with calling rape culture narratively neat...
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