#nct yandrere
oracle-of-dream · 5 months
What are your wip ATM?
I answered this one not too long ago, but I love answering questions so I don't mind putting it again. The original post is here.
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As mentioned before, I've got a lot of drafts going. At least 90 things... I get inspired super easily, but I don't have the time/energy to sit and write more than one story at a time.
I've pre-written some more appreciation posts that go into June, dropping once a week around Wednesdays
As for stories:
I've still gotta finish Sweetness and I haven't forgotten about the Enha series either, just one is easier to write than the other. And to avoid burnout, I write other stories in between chapters. I've also accidentally started a series with Xiaojun's Never Really Alone.
I've gotten some promising requests coming in: Renjun (NCT), Hoshi (SVT), Doyoung (NCT), Wonbin (Riize), Jake, Jay, and Heeseung (Enhypen)
For my personal jar of stuff: I've got more Photo Finishers, and a few genre styles to try and change things up (Yandrere, Top Reader, Fluff, Dom Reader)
I try not to write too much for one group at a time. I usually get into moods. I wrote a lot of Enha when I started, then TXT, and Riize, so I wonder who's next or will I fall back into a previous group...
Thanks again for checking in on me! It means the world to me when you do.
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
Could you do 17, 41, and 50 with jeno ? Thank you!
here you go.. I changed it a little, hope you like it 💕
✨ tw - violence, kidnapping , death, abuse, language, mature themes✨
17 "you look so good tied up like this."
41 "why are you shaking? you're not scared of me are you?"
50 "fuck laws, you're mine and i'll do anything i can to let everyone know it."
with jeno
The same car that has been following you for weeks prior is now coming behind you, slowing down to match your walking pace, headlights glaring at you. The road is empty and dead silent, nothing is around but the grim woods that surrounded the long road.
You hear the window rolls down, your heart racing..
“You want a ride miss?” He shouts at you..
you don’t even look at him, picking up your pace to get as far away from him as possible. you know you’re a vulnerable prey, and there’s no witnesses other than your elongated shadow.
“ I said, do you want a ride?” He repeats.. tears stinging your eyes, you keep ignoring him hoping he would go away.
The tires screeches and car flys past you, you watch the car drives away.. you thank the heavens and breath again.
But the relief was short lived as the car takes a sharp turn and he starts driving back towards you.. you stop and turn, running the direction.
The car wins the race and comes in front of you blocking your way, he opens the door and gets off.. that was the first time you’ve ever saw his face.
He was tall and well build, you knew you had no chance against him..
You turn to the woods to escape, but he was faster than your short legs. His arm wraps around your waist snatching you off of the ground. You kick and scream, your nails digging in his arm.. but it was like fighting against a steal wall.
He stays quiet and unfazed by your protests. He opens the passenger door and pushes you inside with much ease, slams the door shut and starts walking back to the driving seat..
The door had no handles from the inside, the window won’t open as well, he planned this..
He gets in, put his seat belt on.. baffled, you loose your words for a second..
“Let me out..” but tears were stronger than your voice, you break down crying and shaking.
He looks at you, your eyes meet for the first time, his hand reaches to your hand but you pull away and curl in the corner of the seat, his hand lands on your knee instead..
"why are you shaking? you're not scared of me are you?” His voice is calm, if he wasn’t kidnapping you, you would have believed he is a nice guy.
But what he dose next, turns your stomach.. he laughs. He’s amused by your distress.
The car turns to a dirt road and he drives deeper into the woods, he pulls over a small house in the middle of no where. He turns the car off, and gets out and walks to your side. He opens the door and you try to fight his hands off of you, but he just picks you up and throws you over his shoulder taking you inside kicking and screaming..
He walks through the house heading somewhere, another man’s voice shouts in frustration “seriously jeno?! Another one?! You know that’s a capital offense ”
Another one?!!!
“Fuck laws, she’s mine now and i'll do anything I want with her" he replies more to himself not caring about the disappointed man.
He kicks the door shut with his feet and throws you over a bed, you crawl back hugging you knees, you shout “stay away!” trying to sound scary..
But he laughs and takes his shirt off, “you look so good like this baby girl"
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
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here you go ✨hope you like it.
✨ tw - violence, kidnapping , death, abuse, language, mature themes✨
4.“you’re flinching like i hit you already today”
6. “tell me, [first]. do you like making me mad??”
10. “the more i look at you the more i wanna hurt you, why is that?”
with jaemin.
Friday night, your weekly scheduled movie night with jaemin. You just want to get it over with.
You curl on yourself in the corner of the couch, hugging your knees to build as many barriers as you can between you and him.
He comes and places a bowl of fresh popcorn on the coffee table and throws himself next to you, he gets comfortable while he looks for a movies to watch.. he finally decides and press play.
The movie starts, and as you guardedly lose yourself in the griping events your body relaxes, jaemin notices and he takes its a sign to make a move, he snakes his arm behind you.. you flinch when you saw his arm coming close to you, a reflex that was formed due to the many past experiences you had with him.
“you’re flinching like i hit you already today”, he comments more to himself, but still he doesn’t pull away.
The close prolixity kick starts your anxiety, fingernails digging themselves into your palms, eyebrows knitted, bottom lip getting chewed on.
He sighs and retracts his arm, your antsy behavior has ticked him off, you’ve managed to flip his mood.
he turns to look at you, “tell me, y\n. do you like making me mad?” ..
You mouth opens to speak, but your voice has betrayed you.. the question hangs, the lack of answers making him angrier.
you quickly shake your head to deny the accusation.
He keeps staring at you, his eyes scanning your face with evident distain.. he hates you.
“the more i look at you the more i wanna hurt you..”
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
for the yandere thing, can you do "i know your body better than you think" with Jeno pleaseeee? ily (.◜◡◝)
hello, done 💕
I have combined it with another request because you two asked for the same prompt and why not? and I know this is not yandere, but they are still jerks.. hope you like it.
✨ tw - violence, kidnapping , death, abuse, language, mature themes✨
1. “you will do as i say”
23. “i know your body better than you think”
26. “promise me i’ll be able to see this expression again”
with nomin.
You were on your way back to your place after hocking with jeno last night, a beautiful day after the wonderful night spent in euphoria.
you have alway had a small crush on him, although he and jaemin were inseparable, and you have a high amount of unjustified dislike towards his friend.. you still wanted to be with him.
they were the "lone wolfs".. no one seemed to want to be friends with them, rumors and outrageous stories followed them, someone even said that they lovers.. but there were all lies and misunderstandings, jeno was this handsome, sweet, gentle but mysteries, with something dark lurking behind his kind eyes type of a guy.
A warm blush creeps over your face as you remember the steamy events of last night, you indulge yourself in fantasies of him and you together as a couple, going on dates, cuddling, cocking, it would be perfect..
the string of sweet fantasies continue until your phone dings, announcing the arrival of a new text.
Your heart flips, it must be from jeno.. you unlock your phone, feeling giddy with happiness.
But the massage was from an unknown number,
i know your body better than you think.
Confused ..you reread the simple text again, what does this mean?
You replay with a question mark..
Maybe they got the wrong number.
But the unknown number, sends you a clip.. you hesitates, but something tells you to open it..
The video plays, it takes you a minute before you recognize the room.. it was the hotel room from last night.
Your hands starts to shake, you look around, there was no one around.
You heart drops when you see yourself come into the frame, you watch the intimate moments you shared with jeno last night play in front of you.. you close it, not wanting to see more, not wanting to believe it.
Another text
you will do as I say now
you scoff, filled with rage.. how dare he records you and then blackmails you? he messed with the wrong girl.
you text him back..
I will report you and your ass will be in jail for the rest of your life.
Just wait, jeno lee
You turn around, heading to the nearest police station.
Another massage,
This time its a picture of a private Instagram account in your name filled with your pictures, and an onlyfans linked in the bio..
Go ahead y\n
If you want everyone to see what a slut you are
It’s your choice
you stop in your tracks, legs unable to move, your blood freezes in your vines, chills run down your spin.. you sit on the wooden bench, your entire life falshs in front of your eyes, all the damage you can cause to your reputation, you will loose your scholarship, no respectful company will ever want to hire you..
Another text comes,
A location
Meet me at 6:30
I want to see this expression again
You burst into tears, you cant believe it.. you should have listed to all the warnings people gave you.
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
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25 - reckless choices.
Previous chapter through the night.
warnings: this series contains themes of yandere\mafia, blood, violence, mental health, drugs, non-con.
author note: this is pure fiction and it is not intended to romanticize any of the situations mentioned bellow.
The drive back was quiet, you were all tired after the hellish night.
The silence felt like it has authority, like it was a rule, you feared breaking it. Jaemin took the wheel, and jeno slouched in the seat next to jaemin, his hood was pulled over his head until it was covering half of his face, he leaned his head to the window. Other than jaemin’s tired sighs, not a single word was spoken. Soon you too have given up to the exhaustion and dozed off.
You regret giving jaemin his sunglasses back when the bright sun rays snuck under your eyelids waking you, when you open your eyes everything was too bright outside, the sun has risen higher in the sky, the green scenery would have looked beautiful in any other day, but not today, today you feel separated, like you are in a parallel world, and everything in your world feels ugly. 
Jeno was still sleeping, you stretch you arms and yawn. you watch the road from your window, your thoughts wondered until a bright idea flashed inside your head, making your fingertips tingle with excitement. you don’t give it much thought as you were sure of its brilliance, you clear your throat and sit up, “jaemin, I need tp pee” you announce cutting his train of thoughts.
 “now? There’s no rest stops near us. Can’t you hold it?” 
You shake your head, “no I need to go, it’s fine you can stop on the side of the road”. 
he turns his head taking a quick glance at you before he slows down and stops, your plan is going great so far.
you open the door, trying to stall, hoping a car would pass by, but you hear jeno groans as he starts to wake up, oh shit.. You panic and without a second thought you step out of the car and sprint, running as fast as you can. that’s when you realized how much your brilliant idea was in actuality an idiotic one, but it’s too late now. 
Angry footsteps are chasing you, he’s closing the distance between you fast, you scream as a one last attempt before you were tackled to the ground and quickly getting picked up off of it by your hair.
 jeno’s furious breathing hitting the side of your face “where do you think you are going?” He grunts. one hand pulling your hair ripping it out its roots, and the other is warping itself around your throat cutting off your oxygen.
He drags you back to the car as your feet struggle to touch the ground, you don’t want to fight him but you were chocking in his tight hold, your hands try to peal off his fingers from around your neck but to no avail. 
“You just never learn” he slams you to the side of the car, your consciousness is tipping off.
 “maybe I should break your legs for you this time?” In between the lock of air and the hard hit you were unable to speak. he slaps you across the face couple of times before he throws you back into the backseat and slams the door shut. You break down crying, your tears sliding down your numb cheeks. 
Once jeno got in the car, he turns to you, his arms reaching to grab you, you finch away and gather yourself away. “don’t fucking test me!”, His anger getting out of control, veins bulging out of the side of his neck, his face is turning red with rage. Jaemin finally steps in to calm him down, and he successfully does so, jeno retract his arms, curses flaying out of his mouth.  
You hug your legs, wiping the tears off of your face with your sleeves. You regret it, you truly do, you know now it was the wrong decision, you blame it on the lack of sleep and everything else. Jaemin’s eyes kept switching between you and the road, he was mad, or maybe making sure you were ok? but probably mostly mad. 
You don’t want to ask, but you really need to pee this time, you held it for too long by now, you kept fidgeting in your seat until you felt like your bladder was ready to explode. “I need to pee” you timidly speak as you embrace yourself for their reaction, the way jeno turned to look at you almost made you pee yourself, he laughed in disbelief at your squirming body. 
jaemin slows the car once again, jeno opens the glove compartment and takes wet baby wipes and a bottle of water before he gets off and walks to your door, he opens it and swing his arm singling you to get out, you hop off and limb around looking for a spot with some privacy with jeno closely following you.
“here’s good” he says, your thighs do their best to hold it in waiting for him to turn around but he doesn’t, instead he pushes his hands down his pockets and stand still, waiting for you to do your business. he can’t be serious..
But the nature call is too strong, so you pull down your pants and squat relieving yourself in front of him, your bladder empties itself but humiliations fills you, he doesn’t look away not even for one scene, he’s probably enjoying it the sick bastard.. 
he hands you the wet wipes to clean yourself. when you pulled your pants back on, he opens the bottle and pours the water on your hands to wash them.
The city wasn’t far away at this point, it took less than an hour to reach the apartment building. 
The car pulls in its spot in the parking lot, you all get out limbs starching and bones cracking.  jeno walks to the elevator first, you wait for jaemin and walk next to him but he completely ignores you, “I’m sorry” you say as you try to garb his arm, but he doesn’t let you touch him. “you made your choices sera” the disappointment in his voice bites a chunk of your heart.
The evaluator doors open,
“Oh, good morning! You must be my neighbors” 
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
11 followers till 300 👀✨!!!!
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
hi these chapters are so good but i know i told you i hate reading things that aren’t finished because i just want to know the ending so badly 😭😭
wow jaemin really did that. “you’re not my girlfriend” then why are you having sex with her and getting jealous and keeping her captive when she “makes everything worse” then let her leave what???🤨🤨🤨
Hello, thank you liking them it my pleasure 🥺💕💕.
Ik what you mean but with this series it’s better for a chapter to sit for a while after reading it, idk .. anyways it’s nearing the end 🥲
Ik, he’s an ass but this time i will blame the stress 💀
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
OMG, It's 2 in the morning and I just finished the nightmare series, and I can't stop crying, it was wonderful, one of the best fics I've read in my entire life and I mean it, I swear. Please come back, don't leave this account, you are very talented, your stories are one of the best I've read, I hope you come back soon and finish all the series, especially the dreamis seven.
omg how nice it is to come back here and find this!
thank you sm, im really happy you like my work.
im trying to come back *fingers crossed* so we'll see.. but again, thank you>
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
HIHI orange but not anon here again, so before i read, which you will get another ask of me reviewing it, is it completely finished?
The latest chapter has no addition to the plot, I consider the series to be completed 🥺
So even if i add another chapter it will not change anything with the plot or reveal anything. So please go ahead and read it 💕
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
An eye for an eye
Son of the whore
Gurl... x.5 chs are really so exciting...coz
1. They give us a completely different pov
2. They are totally unexpected(we aren't complaining tho...totally love it)
3. They give sucha better understanding of the entire story
It's just amazing how u have sorted out the story into uk complete chs and .5 chs...and on top of that ur writing skills...its sad that it's coming to an end...but they were all so so so good and I completely absolutely 100% looking forward to the rest of the .5 chd and *drumrolls* ch 32 DaDaDa 😘🤣
I will definitely be rooting for ur next series too(excited...uwu)...this is ur sign to indulge in some self care as u wish...hope u always stay motivated to write
Loads and Loads of Love...abhie😘🥳
they are!! they are the backstory of jeno and what is he's doing and why, I feel excited to reveal his side of the story 🥺
and my god thank you sm for liking the story ❤️💕
but yes.. the end, I dont want to finish the last chapter 😭 I had so much fun writing it and interacting with all of you, im gonna miss you :((
again, thank you.. the coming series will be even better after the experience I had writing this one, and maybe it will be a spin off of some of the characters 👀
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
yes finally 🥺✨!
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midday0nightmares · 2 years
yes please i would love to read the build up on "i know your body better than you think" i really miss your works 🙁🙁😟
aww thank you baby, I do have something that I just have to edit it but damn I just cant get into the mood :(
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