#nct ot7
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nanamelody · 10 months ago
Primeiro "Eu te amo" | NCT Dream
Título: Quando você diz seu primeiro "Eu te amo" Gênero: Fluff Avisos: nenhum Contagem de Palavras: 3,341k Notas da autora: Oiê pessoas! Eu escrevi esse react mais rápido do que eu imaginava que escreveria. Tentei organizar cenários e situações diferentes para a leitura não ficar maçante. Nesse caso, os meninos já se declararam, mas a s/n nunca respondeu. Espero que vocês gostem da escrita de uma senhora cansada no último ano de facul tentando esvaziar a mente. Beijos!
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mark lee
Você e Mark namoravam há pouco mais de um mês. Ele te convidou para ir com ele ao shopping.
Assim que você entrou no carro, Lee sorriu e passou a mão na nuca, antes de se inclinar e dar um selinho em seus lábios. Você poderia jurar que os olhos dele viraram dois corações pela forma com ele te olhava. Como um namorado fofo que era, não perdia nenhuma oportunidade para falar que te ama.
"Amor, você está tão linda! Já disse que esse vestido fica perfeito em você? Meu Deus, eu te amo tanto!"
"Obrigada príncipe! E é claro que esse vestido é lindo, foi você quem me deu."
Todas as suas respostas eram assim. Você nunca respondia de volta quando ele dizia que te amava. Era fofo e dava vontade de apertá-lo, mas você simplesmente não se sentia a vontade para responder. E seu namorado sempre desviava seu olhar para baixo, sorrindo de modo melancólico. No fundo, você sabia que ele esperava ansiosamente o momento em que aquelas três palavrinhas saíssem da sua boca.
Ao chegar no shopping, vocês fora ao cinema, comeram e agora, você inventou que gostaria de uma sobremesa, ao que prontamente Mark disse que resolveria. Te deu um beijo doce e foi comprar sorvete para vocês.
Você se sentia mal por não demonstrar completamente o quanto você amava o amava, mas não podia evitar depois de ter vivido um relacionamento tóxico com seu ex. Mas cada vez mais você se sentia pronta para corresponder as palavras dele, . Mark nunca exigiu que você o correspondesse, nem nunca pressionou você a dizê-lo de volta, porque ele nunca duvidou dos seus sentimentos.
Ao ver seu namorado sorridente voltando com as duas casquinhas de sorvete, você não pôde evitar se contagiar com o sentimento mais puro que já sentiu na vida. Por isso, achou que aquele era o momento adequado. Mas, por algum motivo, parecia que as palavras estavam presas em sua garganta.
Ao vê-lo sentando-se ao seu lado, pegou o seu sorvete e o agradeceu com um beijo no rosto. Olhando perdidamente para uma pessoa aleatória parada em frente a uma vitrine, você se permitiu dizer tudo o que você gostaria de ter dito desde o começo.
"Mark, sei que ainda não te falei isso, mas eu te amo muito. Desculpe por demorar tanto tem-"
Você foi interrompida por um par de lábios gelados nos seus. O sorriso crescente de Mark fez com que seu coração derretesse, enquanto você correspondia a demonstração de afeto com todo o seu ser.
"Eu te amo ainda mais, minha princesa. Fico feliz que você esteja a vontade para dizer isso para mim."
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huang renjun
Depois de um dia cansativo, você foi até o dormitório do seu melhor amigo, Renjun. Há dias vocês não se viam, devido a correria da rotina do menino, mas depois de uma mensagem dizendo "oi s/n, estou morrendo de saudades, você pode vir?", você obviamente foi correndo vê-lo e levou donuts com cobertura de chocolate para animá-lo. Não pôde deixar de rir um pouco, ao encontrá-lo jogado na cama. Esses momentos eram raros, visto que quando ele chegava dos treinos, geralmente desperdiçava o resto de sua energia pintando alguma coisa com sua aquarela.
Aproximou-se devagar, colocando os donuts numa mesinha e notou que o amigo estava cochilando com o braço em cima dos olhos. Decidida a não acordá-lo, você ajeitou-se cuidadosamente ao lado dele na cama, olhando-o bem de perto. Ele era tão... Bonito. Ao notar que esses pensamentos estão inundando sua mente, você balança a cabeça, na tentativa de afastá-los. Mas aquele em sua frente era Huang Renjun, o garoto por quem você é apaixonada (só não gostava de admitir) há anos e anos. Honestamente, você nunca quis ser apenas amiga dele. Quase teve um ataque quando o braço dele pousou na cama, mas foi melhor assim, já que você poderia olhá-lo ainda mais perfeitamente.
Você entrou em um transe. Estava tão hipnotizada com a beleza estarrecedora do menino, que quase não percebeu quando ele se virou para você e abriu os olhos vagarosamente. Você o olhava com admiração, cuidado, carinho... Eu diria que esse olhar beirava a adoração. Ele estava ali, tão lindo, tão fofo, tão real. Renjun corou ao ver seu olhar - que você evidentemente não conseguiu disfarçar a tempo - e deixou um sorriso tímido escapar.
"Você sempre me observa dormindo, s/a?"
"Você nunca dorme quando estou aqui, Junnie".
Vocês continuaram se olhando, com sorrisos tímidos no rosto. Mas não era essa a resposta que ele esperava. Por isso, você continuou.
"É que você estava tão bonito dormindo. Não queria te acordar."
Você julgou-se mentalmente por ser tão clichê. Ao vê-lo tão perto de você, foi inevitável desviar o olhar para a boca dele, ansiando pelo que viria a seguir. As borboletas brincavam em seu estômago. Renjun, chegando mais e mais perto selou seus lábios em um beijo terno e cheio de sentimento.
"S/n, eu te amo."
Você quase engasgou quando ouviu aquelas palavras. Renjun foi assertivo ao dizê-las, como se ele estivesse pensando isso há muito tempo. Ele se divertiu ao ver sua expressão, e apenas te puxou para mais perto, abraçando sua cintura. Depois de um longo momento, você finalmente sorriu timidamente e selou novamente os lábios do amigo.
"Eu também, te amo Junnie. Muito, muito, muito!
A expressão do garoto se suavizou ainda mais. Você poderia jurar que ele deu o sorriso mais lindo que você já tinha visto em toda a sua vida.
"Mas Renjun, o que nós somos agora?"
"Ué, namorados sua boba. O que deveríamos ter sido desde o começo."
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lee jeno
Jeno estava com um bico enorme, o que te fez se perguntar como alguém tão fofo assim poderia existir. O motivo era ainda mais engraçado. Seu namorado queria te surpreender em todos os momentos e, por isso, marcou um date com você assim que vocês saíssem da academia. Como um casal maromba, vocês adoravam treinar juntos, e essa tarde não foi diferente. Mas uma tempestade estragou os planos de Jeno.
Depois que vocês terminaram o treino e tomaram banho na academia mesmo, vocês passaram as catracas e pararam. Uma tempestade desencorajava qualquer um de sair. Os relâmpagos iluminavam o céu de tempos em tempos e os trovões faziam você estremecer. Mas vocês, teimosos como eram, correram até o carro de Jeno, que estava bem longe no estacionamento aberto. Ao fechar a porta, foi inevitável não cair em uma crise de riso. Vocês dois estavam pingando, descabelados e ofegantes. Mesmo depois da crise de riso, você reconheceu que seu namorado se cobrava muito por você, e estava bem chateado consigo mesmo, motivo pelo qual ele estava tão quieto. Então você resolveu se declarar para deixar ele ciente de que ele era muito bom para você.
"Jeno, encosta o carro. Agora!"
O pobre garoto encostou o carro na estrada, sem entender nada. A preocupação era visível em seus olhos. Você disse um "vem" animada, enquanto abria a porta e permitia que a chuva te molhasse livremente. Fechou a porta e saiu correndo por um campo aberto e cheio de grama verde. Jeno te seguiu, ainda um pouco confuso. Correu até você protegendo o rosto. Quando ele, se aproximou, você pegou na mão dele e o guiou numa dança silenciosa, repleta de risadas, passos errados e escorregões.
"Você lembra que você comentou comigo no começo do nosso namoro que achava que o primeiro beijo perfeito aconteceria na chuva?"
Você viu seu namorado sorrir e concordar. Você sabia que deveria se declarar agora e por isso, não guardou os seus sentimentos. Com uma frase curta, você quis expressar tudo o que sentia pelo seu namorado.
"O mundo deles pode estar caindo, mas meu mundo é você todinho, Nono. Enquanto estivermos juntos, está tudo bem. Eu te amo!"
Essas palavras certaram em cheio o seu namorado, que te olhou cheio de admiração. O sorriso que você tanto ama apareceu, fazendo com que um eyesmile perfeito também surgisse. Ele te deu um beijo de tirar o fôlego, o que, com toda a certeza, correspondeu exatamente todo o sentimento que você expressou.
"Vem, agora nós vamos para casa tomar um banho, antes que peguemos um resfriado."
"Não senhora. Você não vai entrar toda molhada assim no meu carro não!"
"Ah, seu palhaço! Você está todo molhado também. Volta aqui!"
Ele corria como se não houvesse amanhã, apenas para te provocar. Você perseguiu Jeno até o carro. Ele estava radiante, então sua missão estava cumprida.
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lee haechan
Você nunca tinha dito ao seu namorado que o amava, e achava que estava tudo bem. Na realidade, você nem imaginava o que se passava na cabeça de Haechan.
Vocês estavam jogados no sofá, enquanto comiam pipoca e assistiam um filme ridiculamente chato. Ou melhor, ele assistia, enquanto você estava mais focada em fazer carinho na cabeça do homem que você amava. De repente, isso martelou em sua cabeça. Se você o ama, por que nunca disse? Esse pensamento roubou um sorriso seu, enquanto você ponderava se deveria dizer aquilo agora. Conhecendo o seu namorado, você sabia que ele faria o maior drama. Talvez, poderia até se engasgar com a pipoca.
"S/a, no que você está pensando?"
"Em nada muito específico, vida."
"Ah, então você quer dizer que parou de mexer no meu cabelo por estar pensando em nada muito específico? Que namorada desnaturada a minha! Sorte sua que eu te amo. Mas eu acho que você nem gosta tanto assim de mim."
Aquele último comentário fez com que você desfizesse o sorriso, trocando-o para uma expressão confusa, e até mesmo culpada. Seu coração quase se despedaçou quando observou o leve biquinho na boca de Haechan. Você sempre imaginou que ele sabia o que ele causava em você. Quando ele chegava, você sentia seu coração pular. Adorava o cheiro do perfume dele, o cuidado dele, a maneira como ele te abraçava, os beijos, as carícias e a forma como ele amava você. Você o amava. Por isso, sem hesitar, você disse com toda a certeza:
"Lee Donghyuck você não faz nem ideia do quanto eu te amo, sério! Você é tudo para mim."
Depois de dizer isso, você sentiu suas bochechas esquentarem. Provavelmente, você estava mais vermelha que um tomate, mas isso não importava nem um pouquinho. Ver aquele sorriso lindo era literalmente tudo o que você mais queria. Você pôde jurar que viu algumas lágrimas brotaram nos cantinhos dos olhos de Hyuck, o que enterneceu ainda mais o seu coração.
"É sério que você está chorando, meu amor?"
"Amor, você é quem deveria estar chorando por ter um namorado tão maravilhoso como eu. E eu também te amo muito, do tamanho do infinito."
O resto da noite seria marcado por diversos beijos carinhosos e talvez, alguns amassos a mais. Mas não importava o que acontecesse, o sorriso nunca saia do rosto de Haechan.
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na jaemin
Você nunca viu a necessidade de dizer ao Jaemin que você o ama. A relação de vocês era tão doce e tão pura, que você sinceramente imaginava que ele sabia que você era perdidamente apaixonada por ele.
"S/a, o que você acha dessa roupa?"
"É linda Nana."
Jaemin suspira em sinal de reprovação. Você o acompanhou em um dia de compras, que por sinal, ele levou muito a sério. Pela quinta vez, você mal levantou os olhos do celular para analisar como ele ficava com a determinada roupa.
"Amor, isso é sério! Tenho uma sessão de fotos amanhã e pela primeira vez, a empresa deixou que eu escolhesse minhas próprias roupas. Você sabe que isso é importante para mim. Vou colocar a última, e espero que você pelo menos olhe para o seu lindo namorado."
Fazendo uma cara de deboche com um leve riso, você fez sinal para que seu namorado entrasse no provador. Ele fez um biquinho adorável e você sorriu pela maneira que o rei do drama agia. Ao encarar a cortina creme recém fechada, começou a pensar no fato de que nunca tinha dito ao seu namorado que o amava, e então, sentiu até um pouco de culpa. Já que seus sentimentos eram totalmente verdadeiros, que mal tinha dizer isso em voz alta?
É verdade que você já tinha sussurrado que o amava enquanto ele dormia, mas sempre se certificava que ele estava dormindo profundamente antes. Deu um sorriso carinhoso ao pensar na carinha que ele faria ao escutar você falando as três palavrinhas mágicas. Mas como você adorava provocar seu namorado, sai dos seus devaneios decidida que fingiria não se importar muito com o último look.
"Pronto S/n, o que você achou desse?"
"Uhm, bonito Nana."
A voz de Jaemin dava sinais de que ele estava levemente emburrado. Você sorriu ao ouvir seu namorado bufar. Marchando pesadamente, ele entrou no provador e fechou a cortina com uma força descomunal, quase derrubando a cadeira em que as outras roupas estavam apoiadas.
Você deixou seu celular de lado, caminhou vagarosamente até o provador, e abriu a cortina bem de mansinho. Nana não percebeu a aproximação, por estar passando a camiseta pela cabeça. Você encarou as costas brancas e lisinhas do namorado e não pensou duas vezes para abraça-lo. Sorriu ao perceber que ele se assustou um pouco, mas preferiu manter a pose de "durão".
"Gatinho, não fique bravo comigo. Eu só não olhei demais para você porque sei que sou completamente apaixonada por você. Se eu reparasse muito, você nem conseguiria experimentar todas essas roupas, porque eu iria te encher de beijos."
O garoto, que até então estava olhando para o seu reflexo no espelho, virou-se para você, passando os braços pela sua cintura. Sorrindo, ele levanta sua cabeça com o indicador e sela seus lábios com carinho.
"Quando você pretendia me encher de beijos? Pode ser agora?
Essa colocação te fez dar uma risada sincera. O ar condicionado em contraste com o corpo quente do seu namorado te dava leves arrepios.
"Eu te amo com todo o meu coração, Nana."
Isso bastou para que Nana unisse os lábios de vocês, num beijo ainda mais doce e carinhoso que o anterior. O sorriso apaixonado em seu rosto foi suficiente para que você sentisse seu coração derreter, tendo ainda mais certeza de que aquele era o homem a quem você amava.
"Eu também te amo, minha princesa. Fico feliz que você tenha finalmente me dito isso."
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zhong chenle
Uma noite incrível infelizmente estava chegando ao fim. Seu date com Chenle terminou da forma mais fofa possível.
Vocês foram para um parque de diversões. Você não ia em um há muito tempo e, sabendo disso, Chenle te convidou para um encontro bem clichê. Ele queria muito zoar com a sua cara ao te levar em brinquedos mirabolantes e planejava tirar altas fotos das suas caras e bocas. Na verdade, lá no fundinho do coração, ele só queria passar um tempo com a garota a quem ele tanto amava. Mas o garoto nunca admitiria isso em voz alta - assim ele imaginava.
Depois de sair do carrinho de bate-bate, Chenle viu uma barraca de tiros e resolveu participar. O objetivo do jogo era derrubar uma nave espacial e, se a maior das naves fosse derrubada - a que se mexia mais rápido - o prêmio era um urso enorme, o qual fez seus olhos brilharem. E Lele só era um homem querendo impressionar sua namorada. Então, não pensou duas vezes antes de comprar as fichas. Alguns minutos se passaram, sem sucesso. Ele comprava ficha atrás de ficha, em vão.
"Lele, deixa para lá. Vamos na montanha-russa? A fila está pequena. Eu fico feliz porque meu namorado se empenhou tanto assim para ganhar um urso para mim."
"S/a, agora é questão de honra. Se eu não ganhar, meu nome não é mais Zhong Chenle."
Você afastou-se rindo por conta da sua última colocação, enquanto via pelo menos mais 30 lindas tentativas frustradas do seu namorado. As pontinhas de suas orelhas já estavam vermelhas e, conhecendo ele, sabia o quanto estava bravo.
"Ah S/n, eu só queria mostrar para você o quanto eu te amo. Não queria desistir, mas não consigo!"
As palavras de seu namorado foram como um soco em seu estômago - no bom sentido (se é que há bom sentido nisso). Você se lembrou que nunca tinha dito que o amava. A sensação que tinha quando via o garoto com risada de golfinho era uma mistura. Quando vocês se beijavam, sempre parecia a primeira vez. Você definitivamente o amava. Então, resolveu externalizar isso, como um incentivo para que ele conseguisse o tal urso. Você chamou atenção do maior, segurando seu rosto com carinho. Ficou na pontinha dos pés antes de distribuir beijinhos pelo rosto do namorado, que fez caretas engraçadas.
"Lele, eu amo você e nunca duvidaria do seu amor por mim por causa de uma coisa tão banal. Mas, sem querer te ofender ou questionar seus esforços, eu quero esse urso! E como seria o seu nome caso você não conseguisse? Acho que Chenle combina bem com você... Agora você VAI conseguir!"
No final, Chenle acertou a nave e ganhou o seu urso. Claro que apenas depois de MUITA relutância, ele admitiu que ouvir um "eu te amo" saindo da sua boca deu a ele toda a concentração que precisava.
"Que tal se o nome do meu urso for Daegal?"
"Esquece, a Daegal é única. Que tal Bear?"
"Uau, quanta criatividade!"
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park jisung
Depois da prática, Jisung chegava em seu dormitório acabado. Após uma troca de mensagens, você percebeu que seu namorado estava precisando de sua atenção, então resolveu surpreendê-lo ao ir ao ensaio do Dream antes mesmo dele acabar. E é claro que você levou frango frito para todos os meninos.
Assim que você chegou na sala de práticas, todos sorriram. Você era muito querida por todos os membros, que te tratavam como uma irmãzinha mais nova. Jisung sorriu e sentiu seu coração quentinho após ver toda aquela interação entre as pessoas que ele mais amava no mundo. Deixou uma pontinha de ciúmes para lá, porque sabia o quanto você era importante para os meninos também.
Sentou-se do seu lado, te roubando um selinho e fazendo um coro de "UUUUUHHHHMMMM" ecoar pela sala. Todos começaram a comer, mas Jisung parecia um pouco triste, falando bem menos que o normal. Assim que todos terminaram de comer, um a um foram saindo da sala e te agradecendo pela refeição. Jaemin e Mark disseram que te pagariam uma refeição incrível, o que te fez rir com a fofura deles. Mas agora, você tinha um problema para resolver.
Um pacotinho amuado levantou-se vagarosamente do chão. Se pudesse, ele se arrastaria até o dormitório, mas não o fez. Os passos preguiçosos dele te alcançaram e seus braços te envolveram.
"Amor, meu dia foi tão difícil. Não estou me sentindo suficiente. Acho que nunca vou ser bom o suficiente para ser idol. Mas agora, vamos ir para o meu dormitório?"
"Gatinho, podemos ficar assim mais um pouquinho? Preciso te dizer algumas coisas."
Jisung suspirou pesadamente e segurou sua cintura ainda mais firmemente e enterrou o nariz em seu pescoço, se esforçando para inalar todo o cheiro do seu perfume. Seu namorado continuou sem dizer nada, mas você o conhecia tão bem que sabia que esse era o jeito dele te pedir para prosseguir.
"Eu não sei exatamente como é se sentir assim, mas sei que tenho um namorado incrivelmente habilidoso em tudo o que faz. Tenho muito orgulho de você, Ji, e tenho certeza que todas as fãs veem o quanto você se esforça e te admiram também. Você é mais que suficiente. Eu te amo!"
Pela primeira vez na noite, Jisung afastou-se rapidamente de você apenas para te olhar. Com um sorriso adorável e as bochechas rosadas, ele te puxou para perto de novo, como se o ato anterior tivesse sido um erro grotesco. Deu um beijo terno em sua cabeça e voltou a se afastar de você, apenas para selar seus lábios.
"Agora vou me esforçar muito para que a mulher que eu amo continue tendo orgulho de mim."
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nerdlvr · 4 months ago
nipple piercings . pt.2
make sure to check out pt.1 !
not proof read i haven't slept excuse me pls , ot7 x reader , hyuckle , markren , nominsung , oral f receiving , fondling (everyone's fondling each other tbh) , inexperience jisung , tiny bit of breast play , formally requested here but everyone wanted a part 2 so hazzah ! , ur in the middle mark to ur left chenle to ur right, hyuck next to chenle, renjun standing behind you, nominsung all kneeling in front of u teehee...
if you had known that getting your nipples pierced was gonna land you in this situation you would've gotten them done sooner.
the air grew thick as the boys hovered around you, watching as jeno slowly pulled down your shorts. you felt your body heat up as your pink lace panties came into view, a damp spot evident from the prior ministrations. you heard haechan groan,
"shit baby, you always wear pretty panties to movie night? would've done this sooner if i knew."
you gasped lightly as you felt jeno reach forward to run his fingers against your core, feeling the wetness of your panties. he looked up, eyes soft and sweet.
"is this okay?"
you heard a snort from behind you, followed by a kiss to your jaw,
"jen, you're supposed to ask before you touch her."
you felt renjun's breath against your jaw,
"if you want to stop just tell us, tell me, okay?"
you nodded your head slowly, eyes landing on jeno urging him to continue. he quickly leaned forward, burying his nose against your panties,
"fuck i could smell you from all the way over there baby, i was getting impatient."
you brought your hands up to your face, embarrassed by his actions. you heard chenle whine next to you, reaching forward to push jeno's head back,
"don't do that unless we all get a turn, you're not the only one here, remember?"
you removed your hands from your face, turning to face chenle. a light blush painted his cheeks as his eyes met yours,
"not that i need a turn i'm just saying, you know, it's not fair."
you smiled at him as you brought your hands up to cup his face, leaning forward to plant a light kiss to his lips. he stared at you wide eyed, mouth slightly open, processing what just happened. you giggled as you glanced over at haechan, his expression the same as chenle's, he nodded slightly when your eyes met his.
"me too, me too, please."
he leaned towards you, hands on chenle's thighs to keep himself steady. chenle watched as your lips met haechan's, licking his lips as he saw your lips part, letting haechan's tongue roam your mouth. you backed away from hyuck, his lips plump and shiny, eyes heavy with lust. you watched as he turned to look at chenle, hands gently squeezing his thighs, before planting a quick peck on his lips. you watched as chenle leaned away, a confused look on his face. haechan rolled his eyes before reaching up to grab the back of his neck,
"don't be like that, acting like we haven't kissed before."
chenle chuckled before leaning back in. your eyes widened, renjun laughed behind you,
"those two will find any reason to make out, i swear."
your shock was temporary as you felt a pair of hands tug at your panties, jaemin had pushed jeno aside, wanting to see more of you.
he looked up at you as he pulled you panties down your legs, swallowing hard as his eyes landed on your glistening core,
"can't believe those losers wanna kiss each other when this pretty pussy is right here."
he smiled wide before leaning in, attaching his lips to your swollen clit. he moaned at the taste, hand reaching down to pull his cock free from his sweats. he tugged on his length as he tasted your juices, eyes squeezed shut as he savored the taste. you moaned as he brought his tongue down to prod at your entrance, free hand coming up to massage your clit,
"mm jaem 's too much, i'm not gonna last."
you felt the vibrations as he chuckled into your core, leaning back to grin at you, your juices shining against his lips and chin,
"sorry baby, you just taste too good. ji come here, taste this sweet pussy. remember no teeth okay?"
jaemin patted jisung's back as he scooted in between your legs, looking up at you with a nervous smile,
"he's just kidding, i know how to eat pussy."
mark scoffed next to you,
"you've never eaten pussy ji, don't lie to our girl like that."
jisung bit the inside of his cheek, embarrassed by his lack of experience. you reached down to run your fingers through his hair, slightly tugging at the roots to make him look at you,
"sungie it's okay, don't listen to them, go slow, i'll tell you what feels right, okay?"
jisung nodded quickly, a small smile on his lips as he scooted closer to you exposed core. his fingers reached forward to run along your slit, collecting your juices before landing on your swollen bud. you let out a light moan, encouraging him,
"yeah start right there, feels good ji."
chenle giggled next to you, turning hyuck's head so he'd face jisung,
"he finally found the clit!"
haechan laughed with him, making jisung pout up at you. you turned to glare at the pair, hand coming up to grab haechan's jaw,
"you donghyuck be quiet, you look better with your mouth busy."
you turned his head so he'd look at chenle,
"both of you find a way to be quiet or i swear, me and jisung will handle this privately."
renjun's pushed chenle's head towards hyuck's.
"shut up and keep making out, don't ruin this for us."
as they both locked lips again, jisung was now focused on trying to latch his mouth onto you. his index finger pressed down against your clit, helping him locate it as he brought his tongue past your folds. he moved his finger away as his tongue massaged your bud, lips coming to lightly suckle. you threw your head back against the couch, neck exposed for renjun to plant wet kisses on the skin.
"fuckk ji, right there, feels s' good baby, just like that."
your grip on his hair tightened as he pressed a finger against your entrance, your juices making it easy for him to slip in. you let out a long moan, eyes fluttering shut.
"damn jaem, looks like ji's doing a better job than you!"
jaemin rolled his eyes at jeno, reaching over to push his shoulder. jeno looked at his shoulder where jaemin had just touched him,
"dude did you just touch me with the same hand you were gripping your dick with?"
jaemin let out a silly laugh,
"don't act like you haven't touched my dick before just cause y/n's here, i bet our pretty princess likes the idea of us, you know, doing stuff."
your eyes shot open, as you looked down towards jaemin, a sly smirk on his face.
"do all you guys just touch each other when i'm not here?"
mark reached forward to massage your tits, careful not to hurt your fresh piercings, looking up at you as he nodded in confirmation,
"jun was the one that didn't want to invite you, we all wanted you to join."
renjun grabbed your hair pulling your head back to look at him. he placed a soft kiss on your lips,
"i did want you to join, i just didn't want to scare you away cause of these perverts."
mark reached behind the couch to grab at renjun's bulge making him hunch over, a moan slipping past his lips,
"yeah sure junnie, we're the perverts, acting like you haven't been hard all night watching hyuck and chenle make out."
renjun hissed as mark slipped his hand past the waist band of his sweats, cold fingers touching his hot length.
you looked back down at jisung who was now leaned back against to coffee table, jaemin planting kisses on his neck as jeno reached into his shirt, fingers lightly pinching his hard nipples. as you looked around at your male friends you only had one question,
why the hell would they not invite you sooner?
ahaha pt.3 ahaha or naw ahaha
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thatsatricky1 · 7 months ago
𝐍𝐜𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 | 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐩𝐢𝐜 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮
|| 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐬 ||
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Nct Dream members x F reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Fluff, Humor
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @rotinyzen @wonyoungmywife @snflwrhaerecs4u @thegreenlynx @serinebsblog @delululi @bubusebu @hanniehq @bunnychui @molensworld @morkiee @marvelahsobx @kaciebello @kgneptun @bluedbliss @officiallyjaehyuns
(If you want to be tagged in my Nct Dream writing/works comment, inbox or message me)
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed. Don’t forget likes, reblogs and comments are always encouraged and help keep writers like myself motivated to continue our works.
⤻ Click here.
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jwisun · 14 days ago
cutie bf (puppy) jeno (x gn!reader sfw!) makes a return !! (ft new pfp <3)
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235 notes · View notes
ruwriteshours · 1 year ago
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pairing: OT7! dreamies x fem!reader
genre: fluff, suggestive, slight angst
warning: shaming reader for being a virgin, a whole lot of cliche, lots of hand grabbing and pulling lol, i got a little too carried away with Haechan & Jeno :p
@xrenjunniesx did smtg similar to this and i got inspired <3
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"Mark, you have to give yourself a break." You advised, watching as he rubbed his face in exhaustion.
It's been five hours since Mark spent doing his song-writings in his room for his upcoming comeback. As much as you admired his hardwork, you also hated when he overworked himself.
As his best friend, you wanted him to get the rest he deserves but it was impossible for the stubborn boy to succumb to your wishes.
Oh, how much you love him.
Rolling over the bed as Mark continued to do his work on his desk, you begin walking over and snatching his pen mid-way while he was writing.
Mark let out a disgruntled grunt, hand reaching out to grab onto it but you only held it away further.
"Give it back, I still have tons to finish!"
"Not until you get some rest." You stuck your tongue out defiantly, "You've been working for hours, just come here and talk to me for awhile and then you can go back, please?"
Mark looked into your eyes for a moment before letting out a sigh of defeat.
And that's when the both of you find yourself laughing away from the stories you both shared from your childhood.
"Remember that time when you got braces and you were complaining that you couldn't eat meat." You laughed, "So you blended the chicken and started drinking it!"
"Oh man, it tasted horrible. I don't know why I did that." He cackled. "And I look so ugly in braces too!"
"That's not true." You disagreed, watching as he was wiping away a tear from his eye.
"If anything you looked cute." You mumbled, looking down at your feet. "I liked you back then too."
Shit! You didn't mean to say that!
"What was that?"
Fuck! You were screwed.
"Huh? Nothing." You backed away.
"I couldn't hear you just now. Tell me!" Mark pushed on, holding onto your arm to prevent you from retreating.
You pulled away from his grip.
"It's nothing!" You tried again, standing up onto your feet hastily.
"It's not nothing when you're literally red in the face." He said, making a move to stand up as well. "Come on, tell me. We promised not to keep secrets from each other."
"Just let it go, Mark." You groaned, hiding your embarassment.
"We're literally best friends, you have to tell me."
"That's literally the problem!" You snapped.
"What?" Mark paused, looking at you with wide eyes.
"I said you looked cute in braces because I like you back when we were kids." You pulled your hair in frustation, "And I still like you now! Okay? I have always like you more than a best friend!"
As soon as those words leave your mouth, you could feel the clockwork ticking slow, nibbling your bottom lip in nervousness as you watch Mark's face contort to confusion.
Anxiety arises when he begins to open his mouth, but you didn't let him say anything when you dashed out of the room and into the living room, ignoring his calls.
"Hey! Wait, where are you going?" His voice was nearer to you than you expect.
Just as you were about to open the front door, it was slammed shut when his palm made contact with it.
You mentally cursed Mark for his long legs, having that advantage to catch up to you. You could feel his hot breath at the back of your neck, you shuddered at the contact, refusing to turn around despite his body being much closer to you than it has ever gotten.
"Turn around," He demanded, your name escaping his mouth. His voice tickling your ears as you made the move to turn, eyes closed from the sheer shame of confessing to your best friend.
You could hear his chuckle, making you close your eyes even more tightly, if that was even possible. You were definitely sure that your face was redder than before, not having to expect the situation to unfold in the way it has.
"Open your eyes." He said softly.
However, he was greeted with a shake of the head from you, stubbornly refusing to meet his eyes.
He pouted, though you couldn't see as you were still having an internal battle with yourself.
Just then, an idea popped into Mark's mind, hand slowly reaching out to your neck, goosebumps filled in your body as he lifted your head higher. You were confused with his actions and just as you were about to ask him what he was doing, his lips met yours in a passionate kiss.
You let out a sound of suprise as you began to kiss him back on instinct, teeth clashing slightly as his warm lips moulded into yours with such intensity that you didn't want the moment to go away too soon.
Unfortunately, Mark pulled away, which caused you to open your eyes in disappointment.
However, just as you meet his eyes, you could see him smile smugly, face inches away from you.
"I guess you can open your eyes." He teased, which only made you more embarassed, looking away but you were immediately pulled back by his hands and was met with another surging kiss, which lasted longer than the previous one.
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The thing about your friendship with Renjun was that the both of you provide equal balances when it came to taking care of each other. It was never one sided.
He was your emotional support and so were you to him. It was a solid friendship from the start, so it wasn't out of the usual for him to get extra protective whenever you would injure yourself during practice.
So you couldn't understand why you felt a sudden tinge of butterfly at the pit of your stomach this time when he carried you out of the practice room after you sprained your ankle.
In fact, it was such a normal occurence that even your friends didn't bat an eye. You ignored it, thinking that you were still skitterish and that the stupid feeling will eventually go away but the more Renjun took care of you, the more flustered you felt. Flushed faced and stuttering profusely when he would ask if you were okay.
"I told you not to try out that dance move!" He scolded you gently, carrying you in a piggyback as he nagged at you like a worried mom.
Again, usually you would take his gesture nonchalantly but this time, you would only apologise while hiding your face at the crook of his neck.
Renjun smiled at your action, finding you adorable.
"You're lucky you have me."
Ever since then, you began avoiding him for the sake of saving yourself from rejection, you knew deep down that Renjun couldn't possibly reciprocate your feelings. It even took awhile for you to process your emotions towards him but the more you thought about it, the more it made sense.
Renjun had been there for you, had been your number one support system and was overall, kind, generous and caring. Who wouldn't want him?
Unfortunately, you couldn't take that risk and opted to avoid him until you eventually got over it.
Little did you know, Renjun didn't like it one bit.
Especially when you would go as far as to turn the other way when he would approach you. He let it slide initially, thinking you needed space and tried to be understanding.
However, he was very concerned when you began to act weirdly around him, being too anxious to talk to him and being way too overly jumpy when he would touch your shoulder or doing something as simple as a brush on the hand. He thought he had done something to scare you and he wanted to apologise if he did.
But when he came up to you and did so, he was very shocked to find out your actual reasoning.
"Look, it's not you. It's me!" You cringed, hating the way you sounded. Renjun raised an eyebrow, not fully convinced with your words as well. "I'm serious! Lately, I've been having this strong feelings towards you and I can't help but feel nervous around you."
"What 'strong feelings'?" He asked.
"Do I really need to spell out for you?" You retorted, "I. Like. You."
His eyes widened at your straightforward confession, but you were quick to backtrack on your words when you realised you had just spoken aloud impulsively.
"But it's nothing serious— I swear! I'm just distancing myself so that I can get over it and we can be back as friends!" You chuckled nervously, not wanting to embarass yourself more than you probably have.
Without even looking at him, you turned your heels and began speed-walking away, wanting nothing more than to burn a hole in the ground.
Before you could make your exit, he gripped onto your hand, stopping you from your escape.
"You do have a way of confessing, don't you?" He scoffed playfully, pulling you closer so that your chest would touch his. "Dummy, why would you try to get over your feelings for me?"
"Because I know you don't feel the same— ow!"
You rubbed your forehead where Renjun flicked at, glaring at the boy.
"Idiot, you didn't even let me say anything."
He leaned in closer, breath fanning your face before he gave you a light peck on the lips.
"I like you too."
And that is when you gained the confidence to pull him by the collar to steal another kiss.
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"Hey! Get back here!" The infuriating male chased after you, watching as you fastened your pace whenever you saw him.
For the past few days, Haechan had noticed your obvious distance towards him, which only made him upset whenever you refused to acknowledge him. He would sent you texts everyday but was only met by a single tick.
It was frustating to see you get so comfortable around his friends but immediately turning stoned-faced when it came to him, especially when you were the closest to him than anyone else!
Having had enough of your sudden cold attitude towards him, he was determined to find out why.
"What do you want, Donghyuck?" You asked in mild annoyance, partially to cover up the fact that your heartbeat kept racing whenever he was near you.
"Okay, that's it! What's your problem with me." Haechan huffed, arms crossed as he blocked you from the door.
"I don't have a problem with you." You lied.
"Then why do you keep avoiding me?" He asked sternly.
"I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not."
"We're not gonna talk in circles here." He groaned.
"Great, so let me out." You pushed him aside and began walking towards the door.
You gasped in shock when Haechan held your waist to tug your body closer, face buried in your neck. "Haec—"
"Tell me what's wrong." He said, softly this time.
You gulped nervously, hand holding onto his as you tried to remove yourself away from him, but the persistent male held on tighter.
"I'll let go after you tell me the truth." His voice muffled against your sweatshirt.
"Promise you won't laugh at me?" You asked shakily.
"I promise."
He looked up, piercing eyes gazed onto yours as he saw your pinky out in the open, waiting for his to intertwine against it. He smiled softly and reached out for your hand.
You sighed, mind going haywire as you tried to calm your nerves.
"I like you, Haechan. Like— really, really like you." You emphasised, eyes avoiding his as it was focused on your feet, "I got jealous when you got touchy with her because you were never like that to me."
You mumbled the last part.
"Her? You mean, my junior?" He clarified.
"Yeah.." You trailed off, hating how pathetic you sounded.
A moment of silence passed by when you heard Heachan let out a humouress laugh. You frowned, heart clenching at the thought of him mocking you.
"I knew it!" You shook your head, "I should've never told you anything. Forget I said anything." And with that, you took off.
You ran as fast as you could, desperately trying to get away from the most humiliating situation that you had stupidly gotten yourself into.
Too consumed in your self-pity, you didn't notice an incoming car driving its way towards your direction. It was when a loud honk snapped you out of trance but even then, it was too late.
Just as you were about to accept your fate, a hand pulled you, making you collide with the person.
"Idiot, did you not see where you're running!" Haechan yelled, face full of worry as he scanned over your body to look for any injuries.
"You promised you wouldn't make fun of me." You teared up, ignoring his previous question.
"No! I wasn't making fun of you." He explained, hand gripping your shoulder in an attempt to make you look at him. "I just find it funny that you would get jealous of her."
"I fail to see how that's funny." You crossed your arms.
"It's just, I should be the one confessing first." He revealed.
"And don't even get me started on how Renjun would get all up on you whenever he sees you. I hate that shit." He rambled on.
"You were jealous." You concluded.
"Was that not obvious?" He shrugged. "So, I guess we both have a fair share of jealousy."
"But we were just talking about you." You justified, still in shock with his confession.
"Doesn't matter, now that we've both declared our feelings, he needs to back away from my girl." He smiled proudly.
"Um, excuse me. Who said I wanted to be your girl?"
"I literally chased you down the street like a maniac, are you really gonna prolong the inevitable?" He deadpanned.
"Hm," You pretended to think, "Walk me back home first then maybe I'll consider."
"I'll do more than just walk you back home."
"Watch it." You said sternly, face beet red as his cocky smirk was plastered on his face.
"God, you're so sexy when you're serious." He leaned over to give you a peck on the lips, "But let's see how serious you can get when I'm balls deep inside you."
And with that, Haechan did fulfill his promise by doing more than just walking you back home.
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"I'm sure Jeno likes you." Haechan repeated for what seems to be the fourth time.
"Of course he likes me," You deadpanned, holding onto two pieces of dresses that you doubt would look good on you. "I'm his friend but does he like me?"
"Again, yes. He does." The male groaned, looking around to see piles of clothes scattered across your room. "You don't need to dress yourself up too much, he loves your own style."
You frowned, recalling the fretful memory a few days back.
"I heard Jeno likes girly girls."
"Yeah, that's what I heard too." Another one gushed, "That's why I don't see her as a competition.
"I know right. I mean, look at her!"
"Jeno must be blind if he ever goes out with her!"
And to think you met him and started off as casual flirting.
"That's a lie. Do you know how many pretty girls that are just drop-dead gorgeous? And you'd think he'd settle for this?"
"You're underestimating yourself, just ask him out normally." He shrugged, as if it was the most simplest thing you could do.
"Like this?" You asked incredulously, gesturing to your clothes.
"What the fuck does that even mean?"
"Ask him out with a baggy shirt and sweatpants? Are you serious?" You threw your dress onto the floor. "He'll laugh in my face, for crying out loud!"
"Look, I'm not gonna feed into your delusions so I'm gonna head outside and by the time I get back, you better be done." He walked out, ignoring your calls for him to come back.
In the end, you just settled with a warm sweatshirt and a denim skirt. It wasn't too fancy but it definitely wasn't your usual style.
"Are you done yet!" Haechan yelled from the other side of the door, too which you answered back, opening the door as he eyed your outfit with a hum of approval. "Not bad. Let's go."
The whole outing went relatively well, I mean—as well as it could cosidering your failed attempts at trying to ask Jeno out in private was very evident. A second couldn't go smoothly when girls would swoop in and join in the conversation, where you would have to awkwardly leave when the girls would get too flirty.
Little did you know, Jeno dreaded the attention, desperately wanting to spend some alone time with you. He sighed in defeat as he tried to tune out the conversation, shoulder slumping when you walked away.
As if the night couldn't get worse, Mark had drunkedly suggested to play a game of truth or dare. You had reluctantly agreed as Haechan practically pushed you in the circle. You blushed when Jeno sat by your other side, knees touching yours.
Rowdiness consumes the room as each took their turns, you looked away in disgust as Haechan made out with a girl as a dare. When it came to your turn, you had meekly picked truth, causing the room to let out sounds of disappointment.
"Okay." Jaemin smirked, watching you tensed up when he called your name. "When was the last time you hooked up?"
You looked down in shame, knowing that you hadn't been intimate with anyone for as long as you could remember.
Giggles could be heard as the girls pocked fun at you, one of them decided to berate you. "Of course she hasn't done anything. Why would you even bother asking her that?"
You were about to speak up when someone beat you to it.
"There's nothing wrong with that." Jeno spoke up, glaring at the girls. "And there isn't anything cool about shaming others for it, too."
"I'm not shaming her, I just think it's pathetic that she hasn't." She scoffed playfully.
"And you think it's not pathetic that you think you're better than her because of that." Silence filled the room as the girl stuttered, tears welling up her eyes.
"For the record, I wouldn't fuck you even if I got paid to do it."
The girl stood up and ran away in embarassment, other girls following behind while glaring at you and Jeno.
It was silent for awhile before Mark spoke up.
"Well, this was fun."
After the awkward incident, the party ended shortly after. Slowly the crowd became lesser and you think it's time to leave after helping with the clean-up. Haechan was your ride and you had to wait outside his car alone while he went to the bathroom. You shivered at the cold breeze when suddenly, you felt a jacket wrapped around you.
Turning around, you saw Jeno, with a big smile as his eyes sparkled under the light. You awkwardly shifted, too shy to look at him for a little longer.
"You okay?" He spoke up, to which you give a firm nod.
"Thank you for standing up to me, by the way."
"That was nothing." He shrugged, "I would have done it to any friend."
"Of course, we're friends." You gulped, fighting back tears, "That's all we'll ever be."
He called out your name with a hint of confusion, "What's wrong?"
"You know, I don't think I can stay friends with you." You told him.
"W-What, why?" He asked, taking a step closer towards you.
"I just don't know if I can ever deal with just being your friend." You revealed, "I mean, I can't exactly blame you either, I'm just an idiot for liking someone that's out of my league."
You didn't mean to pour all of your doubt onto Jeno but it was something that had been kept inside your heart for the longest time and it just burst out unexpectedly. Luckily, your conscience stopped you from spilling out more than what you have, shaking your head when he would try to come near you.
"Shit! Just ignore what I said." You said regretfully.
"No, talk to me." He pleaded, your name escaping his lips.
"Just let it go, Jeno." You stepped back, "Forget about it, please."
"No, there's no way I'm forgetting what you just said."
Just as he was about to speak again, Haechan came out, to which you signed in relief when he clicked his car keys, giving you the opportunity to slide in his car, Jeno following behind to stop you.
"You can't leave." Jeno pleaded, "We have to talk about this."
"Leave me alone, Jeno."
"What's going on?" Haechan spoke up, eyeing the two of you.
"I just really want to go home." You ignored Haechan's question, he didn't push further and only gave Jeno a look.
Thankfully, Jeno gave you space, but not before giving you one last glance as you sat on the passenger seat, you didn't bother looking at him, eyes focused on the front as Haechan entered the car.
The whole car ride was silent, Haechan didn't bother asking you what had happened, knowing that you didn't want to talk about it.
"Call me if you need anything." He said.
"Thank you." You closed his door before making your way to your apartment, keys in hand.
You stopped dead in tracks when you see a familiar figure standing outside your door, drops of sweats on his forehead as his shirt was wrinked up. You gulped nervously, mentally preparing yourself as you walked up to your door.
Jeno's head immediately turned towards you, he stood in front of your door with his arms crossed, face full of determination as he stared you down.
"Can you move." You looked down at your feet.
"Not until we talk." He said firmly.
"There's nothing to talk about."
"Well, maybe to you but I have a lot to say." He said sternly, "You didn't even let me say anything before you start assuming that I wasn't interested."
"You said I'm your friend." You frowned, confused with his words, "Why shouldn't I assume that!"
"Because I thought you liked Haechan!" He shouted, chest heaving up and down.
"W—What, why?"
"Well, for one, you came to the party with him, and two, both of you would always come in pairs all the damn time so I'm sorry if I saw it the wrong way!"
"You should be because there's nothing going on between me and Haechan." You explained.
"I got that now." He muttered sarcatically, "And what were you even talking about with 'liking someone out of your league'?"
"It's pretty self-explanatory!" You deadpanned, "You're hot— like really hot, and look at me, you'd want to go out with someone who looks like this!"
"Someone as gorgeous as you, yeah!"
"You don't understand!"
"Make me understand then!"
"I'm sorry." A woman's voice spoke up, the room beside you opened as she walked outside the hallway, "Could you both keep it down a little, I have work the next morning."
"Sorry." The both of you mumbled in unison.
"We're done here." You said, taking your keys to open the door as you walked in to slam it shut on him.
However, he put his foot in between the door before squeezing his way inside. "Could you stop running away from me, we're having a serious conversation here!"
"Well, how about I take back my confession so you don't have to stress yourself out too much."
"There's no way I'm letting you take that back!"
"Well, too bad. I did." You crossed your arms, as if you had solved the problem, but your smile quickly dropped when you noticed his expression.
"Are you sure about that?" He smirked, trapping you behind a wall as his arms caged around you.
"What are you doing?" You asked nervously, watching as his eyes looked at you up and down with hunger.
"Changing your mind." His mouth made contact with your neck as you let out a loud moan.
You were in for a long night.
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Jaemin had always been a romantic. To you, it could come as an advantage or the complete opposite. For one, he would always notice the little things that would upset you, offering comfort and food to cheer you up and overall being the most caring and loving friend someone could ask for. However, his charms played a huge part in fuelling your hopes towards the lover boy. You couldn't risk destroying whatever you had with Jaemin just because you couldn't control your emotions. For that, you couldn't bring yourself to tell him how you truly felt.
This was one of those days. You were sick for the past few days and Jaemin had took the liberty of taking care of you, despite you warning him that he could catch your illness. The boy couldn't care less.
He placed a hot cloth on your forehead, bring you a bowl of soup that his mom made and rub circles at the your hand. All of this actions were too overwhelming for you to the point where you had accidentally blurted out your feelings towards him.
"You're such a boyfriend material, Jaem. I wish you knew how much I love you." You sighed dreamily.
Of course, in your sickened state, you hadn't realised and went back to sleep after your confession.
Jaemin chuckled at that and gently caressed your cheeks, admiring you, even though you were basically at your most unappealing state, tissues stuck up your nose as your eyes were puffy from the flu. Eventually after a few minutes, he too dozed off.
When you had awoken up the next morning, you felt much better than before, thanks to Jaemin. As you shuffled your way to the kitchen, you could already see him cooking up something. You quietly sat down on the stool as you watched him do his thing.
When he turned around, he gave you one of his signature smile that made your heart melt.
"You feeling alright?" He walked over, handing you a plate of omelette.
"Yeah." You yawned, "Thanks for taking care of me, Jaem."
"Of course, why wouldn't I take care of the girl who's in love with me?" He teased, making you freeze in your seat, eyes widening at his words.
"W—What are you talking about, idiot?" You attempted to cover up, chuckling nervously when he rounded to corner to get close to you, in which you backed away in return.
"Come on, let's not kid ourselves here." He smirked, "How long were you gonna keep your feelings hidden away from me?"
You began backing away more further, "Stop coming nearer, you freak!"
"Stop running away then!"
"Get away!"
"Get back here, missy!"
He broke out to a sprint, chasing you around the house when you began picking up your steps. You were red from embarassment and Jaemin didn't make things any better for you.
"Stop running!"
Unfortunately, you did stopped when Jaemin tackled you down on the couch, his hands holding your arms to restrain you from moving. You squirmed under his touch, humiliated that you had just gotten caught.
He began tickling you, to which you only thrash around, laughing hysterically as you begged him to stop.
"I'll stop when you don't make a move to run again." His hands made its way towards your stomach, continuing his attack, "Do we have a deal?"
"Deal! Deal! Just stop!"
True to his words, he did and that's when the laughter died down as the both of you stared into each other's eyes, lost in the moment as he began to lean in. You didn't get to process his actioms before you began kissing him back, hands wrapped around his neck to pull him closer as he gripped onto the couch to support his balance, hovering over you as you both made out.
After awhile, you pulled away, to which Jaemin leaned in again, wanting to get another kiss.
"I'm still sick, Jaem." You leaned away.
"I don't care."
And with that, his lips reconnected with yours once again.
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"Idiot, watch where you're going." Chenle scoffed, bumping his shoulder against yours. "I almost spilled my drink on my shirt because of you."
You rolled your eyes at the taller male. Chenle had been your arch nemesis since the dawn of time. It was never usually serious though, more of light jabs and insult thrown at each other but none were ever meant to be hurtful. You never really hated Chenle, it's just that you had this dynamic where bickering was a constant need to keep the conversations going with him. And you really like aggravating the hot-headed male.
"Whatever, I bet it would make it look better than whatever you're wearing."
"You little bitc—"
"Okay!" Jisung interjected, squeezing his way between the two of you, hand awkwardly stretched to keep a distance. "Let's have fun at this party and not cause unnecessary fights."
"But she— fuck!" Chenle groaned, bending down slightly to rub his ankle that Jisung had kicked, glaring at the male. "Right, Chenle?"
Chenle let out a sigh of defeat before nodding along to his best friend's words, burning holes at your face when you snickered at him.
The night went on, full of alcohol and dancing and you were honestly on the brink of passing out but you kept downing down shots, your body at a point of losing its own control.
"Okay, that's enough." Chenle snatched your glass away, which caused you to whine obnoxiously.
"Dude, you're completely intoxicated. I'm taking you home."
"N-No! I wanna stay! It's fun here." You slurred, stumbling with your balance.
"Uhuh, come on." He held your waist to balance you up, "Let's go."
After bidding goodbye to your friends, he guided you towards his car and just when he tucked you into the passenger seat and helped you with the seatbelt, your words made him paused his actions.
"You know, Chenle. You're lucky I like you because I would never let anyone do this to me."
"Is that so?" He hummed.
"Mhm, here feel my heartbeat." You grabbed his hand and placed it on your chest, he could feel your heartbeat beating fast, "It always like that whenever I'm around you."
He smiled softly, a blush crept on his face. "Let's get you back home, cutie."
The following day felt like a blur, you groaned when you stirred yourself awake, only to be greeted by three missed calls from someone.
You grabbed your phone and looked through the call sheet to check who it was, your brows furrowed in confusion when you saw that those three calls came from Chenle.
Just as you were about to ponder more, your phone began to vibrate and he called you again, making you answer his call with a loud huff.
"What do you want?" You said.
"Shower and get ready, I'll pick you up."
When you were about to reply, he had already hung up. In your tired state, you didn't have room to argue and you shuffled your way to the bathroom, yawning loudly in the process.
"Mind telling me why you're acting so weird today?" You entered his car, watching as he helped put on the seatbelt for you.
"Can't I just be nice today?" He shrugged, a smug smile on his lips.
Throughout the car ride, he would occasionally steal glances in your way and purposely shift in his car seat to get closer to you. At first, you didn't think much of it and assumed that you were just overthinking but the more you could feel his arms brushed up against yours when he made a u-turn, the more you couldn't contain your flustered state. Letting a noise of complaint when you realised that he was doing it intentionally.
"Ugh, is it something I did yesterday? I swear, whatever I did or say means nothing. I was drunk." You explained, once he had parked his car outside your destination.
He wasn't fully convinced with your words, "Haven't you heard of 'drunk words, sober thoughts'?"
"Just tell me what I did—"
"You confessed your undying love for me." He revealed, making your eyes widened as you let his words sink in.
"You said I was the reason your heartbeat's beating so fast everytime." He came in closer, hand reaching out to hold your palm, "Let's put that to the test and see if you're lying."
Truth be told, your heart rate was beating so fast that you swore you could hear it. Embarassment flooded through your face as your only thought was fleeing out of the car, reaching out for the door handle, your heart dropped when it clicked back in place.
"Nuh-uh, I knew you were gonna run away." He tsked, "Come on, sweetheart, nothing to be embarassed about."
"Ugh, Chenle. Let me out!" You groaned stubbornly. "This is kidnapping!"
"You're such a drama queen, at least turn around and look at me."
"No!" You refused, "If I do, I feel like I'm gonna humiliate myself further!"
"You won't, just look at me please." He said softly, hand gently holding onto your shoulder to turn you around.
Just as you did so, his lips met yours in a passionate kiss. His other hand cupping your cheeks as his teeth gently bite your bottom lip, causing you to gasp as he took the opportunity to slide his tongue inside.
For a moment, you indulged yourself into the kiss, hand reaching out to tug his hair as you both made out in his car.
Pulling away, you slowly opened your eyes, only to be greeted by a cocky smile from Chenle.
"No more running away, we're together now." His hands made its way to yours as he interlocked it.
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"Do you think this girl looks cute?" Jisung showed you his phone, for what felt like the tenth time, at this point, you were grown tired at his obliviousness to your bubbling jealousy.
"I don't know, does she?" You asked in annoyance, trying to appear as if the topic bores you.
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you." He scratched his head awkwardly, looking back and forth between his phone and your disinterested figure.
"Are you serious, right now?"
"What?" He tilted his head in confusion.
"Nothing." You huffed, "It's whatever."
"I'II help you find a guy too if that's what you're angry about." He muttered, as if that was what you were truly upset about.
"It's not even about that!" You snapped, head turning back towards the TV screen as you tried to contain your emotions.
"Then what is?"
"Forget it!"
"No, something I'm doing is upsetting you and I want to know what."
"Fine." You looked at him, watching as he slightly flinced at how fast you turned. "Since you want to know so much, I like you Jisung." You rambled on, "And it hurts when you don't feel the same! Watching you for hours finding some chick all while trying to keep it to myself at the fact that I'm madly in love with you!"
You let out a breathe you didn't know that you had held for so long, conscience crept in when you realised you had exposed yourself a little too much. Regret started seeping in as you began rushing to collect your things to leave his apartment before you embarass yourself further.
"Fuck! I should go."
"Wait!" He grabbed onto your hand, preventing you from moving.
You tried to pull away from his hold, shaking your head when he came closer.
"Just leave me alone for now, okay?" You pleaded, "I really need time away from you."
He seemed to hesitate, hand still gripping onto yours when he realised your distress state and eventually loosened his hold, giving you the chance to run away.
Ji: 'I hope you get home safe.'
Ji: 'I know you want space but I really want you to know how much I care about you. Talk to me when you're ready, I'll wait.'
It's been a few days since you've been actively ignoring Jisung, despite him agreeing to give you space, he didn't necessarily stopped checking in with you through messages, to which you only replied dryly.
Other than that, he didn't try to approach you and would only give you a small smile from a distance.
Days went by till weeks and you were still in the process of getting over him. It seems as if the odds were in your favour when you met a a friend of a friend, you both seemed to be getting along well and you agreed to hang out with him when he offered.
Hearing this, Jisung didn't like it one bit. Hating the fact that you were trying to get over him. He rushed at your apartment door, banging on it repeatedly, stopping when you opened it abruptly.
"Jisung?" You asked, "What are you doing here—"
You were cut off when he engulfed you in a tight hug, face buried in your neck as he mumbled something you couldn't quite understand.
"I said don't go on the date with him." He pleaded, eyes glossy as he looked at you. "I was an idiot, I should've realised it sooner. I love you too and I was too scared to admit it too!"
You gasped in shock but Jisung still continued on.
"I tried to move on because I thought you didn't feel the same but when you confessed to me that day, I was happy." He explained, "You told me you needed space so I gave it to you, but I can't let you get over me. I won't let you!"
He sobbed quietly in your arms while you tried to soothe him.
"Calm down." You patted his shoulder, but he only gripped your waist tighter.
After a moment, he lifted his head up to which you took the opportunity to give him a kiss. You could hear him gasped in shock but he eventually melted against your lips, moulding it against yours as your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer.
It was safe to say that you had ditched your date.
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kirbyfigure · 5 months ago
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✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮
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antonologist · 3 months ago
there were 8 articles released by major korean news outlets in the span of 2 hours today detailing our movement.
we don't know for sure if it's all only our efforts, or if sm is testing the waters or something else.
please take this positively but please do not be complacent. please keep boycotting and participating in the tasks.
riize will likely not have activities until April next year. sm may well be counting on us to give up by then, because they also think we are flimsy spineless cash cows who will soon forget about the horrifying incidents which occurred.
but we aren't. and we won't.
so please dont give up no matter how long it takes.
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viasdreams · 3 months ago
nct dream comeback…
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haechanfullsunn1 · 2 months ago
Nct dream reaction to you speaking to another male
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Mark: Raises his eyebrows slightly and leans against the doorframe.
“Oh? Who’s that you’re laughing with? Should I be worried?” Chuckles nervously but tries to play it cool, pretending he’s totally unbothered.
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
Renjun: Pauses mid-step and narrows his eyes slightly.
“Who’s that? Wait—let me guess, a ‘friend,’ right?” Crosses his arms and doesn’t hide his curiosity, maybe even quietly listens in to catch the vibe.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Jeno: Stops and gives you a small, questioning smile.
“Your ‘best friend,’ huh? He must be really funny, considering how much you’re smiling. Should I start taking notes?” Says it jokingly but probably feels a little competitive inside.
Haechan: Practically throws himself next to you to eavesdrop.
“Hold up, who’s this guy? Should I say hi? Maybe I’ll introduce myself and see if he’s good enough to be your friend.” Playfully acts jealous but secretly wants all your attention.
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
Jaemin: Walks in calmly, glances at you, and smirks.
“Ah, so this is the famous best friend? He better not be stealing all the time you’re supposed to spend with me.” Winks and acts like he’s just teasing, but you can tell he’s keeping tabs.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Chenle: Gives you a mischievous look and leans over to check your phone screen.
“Let me talk to him for a second. I need to make sure he’s good enough to be your best friend.” Laughs but lowkey wants to figure out if this guy is competition.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Jisung: Freezes for a second, then awkwardly scratches his head.
“Oh…uh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. Is that your…uh, friend?” Tries not to act flustered but sneaks a curious glance, wondering what the relationship is all about.
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
This is a fluff.
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ldhluvr · 2 years ago
7dream finding out you like them from another member ! 🖤
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and yeah the dates don’t match idgaf 🥰🥰🤣🤣
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jaehyunsprincesspeach · 11 months ago
hi! hope you’re doing well. This request are from Brazil (sorry for the writing errors. I feel very insecure writing in English). Your writing is so perfect, I should've admit it. Never stop writing 💜
I was wondering if I could request a nct dream reaction to their y/n out of nowhere start to singing (she did it pretty good) please? that’ll be all :)
honestly i was feeling down about my writing and this really made me feel better, thank you so much!! thank you for the req, i hope you are well 🤍
NCT Dream Reaction: S/O Who Can Sing
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the first time mark hears you singing, he is amazed! he would just stand there listening for a moment before he says anything! he would absolutely ask you to sing on his next song that he’s working on because “your voice would be perfect!” he would ask you to sing often after that cause he’s just so in love with you and hearing you sing calms his mind, especially after long days
renjun would listen to you singing, and his face would look fairly neutral, but he would feel so proud. like you could be cleaning i.n your room or doing something random and he would just listen to your voice feeling more calm than ever. he would ask if the two of you can sing a duet together, and your voices would fit together so perfectly!
wherever you are singing, jeno is simply watching you with literal heart shaped eyes. you never fail to amaze him, and when he finds out you can sing, he just stares at you as if there is nothing more beautiful in the world, and he truly believes that. when you’ve finished your song he would walk up and wrap you in a tight hug, praising you for how amazing you sound
haechan would be shocked at first, and then he would join you, singing whatever song you’re singing. it would turn into a whole concert with just the two of you in a room, and no audience. he would (gently) tackle you in the biggest hug and tease you a little for not telling him you have such an amazing voice. asks you to sing him to sleep when he’s overwhelmed or had a rough day
jaemin has nothing but heart eyes when he hears you sing for the first time. its like time stops, and there is nothing in the world except the two of you. he would encourage you to continue if you get embarrassed (would be me) and after he would always slowly enter rooms in case you are singing so that he can hear you sing without disturbing you.
this man is a menace, honestly he would absolutely love hearing you sing, but he would look at you the first time with a smug smirk, as he starts giving you pointers, as if you werent just enjoying your time dancing around the kitchen singing Fireworks by Katy Perry at the top of your lungs… in reality he would love this so much! he would adore hearing you sing, and would adore watching you sing at the top of your lungs even more!
his jaw hits the floor…. he's so stunned and so in awe of you when he finds out you can sing, he's got a swarm of butterflies in his stomach and his cheeks are flushed… tells you you are better at singing than he is and that you should become an idol, he truly believes you have the most beautiful voice he’s ever heard, and he makes sure you know that!
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nanamelody · 9 months ago
vi q os pedidos estão abertos ksksks vc poderia fazer um fluffy do haechan ou do mark?😲😋
You owe me sleep
Título: You owe me sleep Gênero: Angst, fluffy Nota da Autora: Oie pessoinhas lindas! Como vocês estão? Mais um pedido feito por um anon linde. Anon, espero que você goste da escrita e do plot. Há tempos eu queria escrever algo sobre relacionamento a distância e usar a música "Broken Melodies" como inspiração, então aí está. Ficou um pouquinho curto porque estou muito ocupada com a facul, e para não atrasar os pedidos, resolvi escrever pouco. Obrigada pelo pedido! 💖
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A luz controlada pelo sensor de movimento acendeu assim que uma figura cansada chegava próximo ao quarto. Sem se importar com a claridade em seu rosto, abre a porta que estava a um passo dele e a fecha logo em seguida. A pequena mochila que estava em suas costas vai parar no chão em menos de um segundo, enquanto o corpo cansado parece ser arremessado no colchão macio. Nada poderia tira-lo dali naquele momento. No entanto, dormir estava longe de ser uma realidade. Há dias ele dormia mal, ou nem pregava os olhos durante toda a noite. Tudo isso tinha um motivo. Ou melhor, uma pessoa...
Sua personalidade exteriormente cansada era completamente contrastante com a hiperatividade de dentro de si, assim que seu celular brilhou. Xingou-se mentalmente por ter se esquecido de abaixar a claridade da tela, até que sorriu ao ver seu nome repetidas vezes, indicando novas mensagens, e isso significava que você também estava pensando nele.
Mark passou a mão em seus cabelos pretos, bagunçando-os levemente, na tentativa de conter o entusiasmo. O motivo? Claro, você, sua querida namorada que estava longe dele. Muito, muito longe. Depois de uma rotina cansativa, ele queria apenas um abraço seu. Olhando atentamente para as mensagens, sorriu ao perceber que você lembrou-se dele quando viu uma faixa de cabelo.
"Oiê amor. Como foi seu dia?"
"Lembrei de você quando vi essa faixa."
"Acho que vai ficar muito bem em você no próximo dance practice. Estou enviando para Seul."
Muitas vezes, Mark sentia-se bastante inseguro com o relacionamento de vocês, visto que ele morava em Seul e você, em Los Angeles. A quilômetros e quilômetros de distância, um mar literalmente separava vocês. Coincidentemente, toda vez que pensava em você, o coração do garoto era tomado pelas mais terríveis tempestades. Em sua mente, perguntas como "será que ela pensa em mim?" ou "será que sou o suficiente para ela?" eram analisadas com frequência. Nesses momentos, Mark pensava que era ridículo, tal qual um pirralho inseguro. Talvez, era isso que ele era...
Você não sabe o quanto aquele "lembrei de você" fez com que ele se acalmasse. O garoto estava radiante por saber que conseguia te cativar, mesmo a exatos 9.580 quilômetros. Você realmente nuncs faria ideia do quanto fazia bem para ele, e o quanto suas mensagens eram importantes. O sorriso ainda não havia abandonado seu rosto, enquanto teclava insistentemente. Ele gostaria de ter a certeza de que você saberia que ele era todo seu no momento.
"Minha namorada tem um ótimo gosto."
"Com toda a certeza, vou estar usando na próxima prática."
"Inclusive, pare de gastar comigo."
Sorriu quando viu uma figurinha engraçada em resposta a última mensagem. Nesse momento, Mark sentiu seu coração doer. Deus, como sentia sua falta! Tudo fazia lembrar-se de você. Olhou para a escrivaninha e sentiu seus olhos marejarem ao perceber seu lacinho de cabelo. Por um descuido, você o deixou no quarto dele em sua última noite em Seul. Ele levantou-se, apanhou o pequeno objeto e sentiu o cheirinho doce de morango, característico do seu cabelo. Deitou-se abraçando o pequeno lacinho, sentindo-se dessa vez, um pirralho patético. Talvez, ele realmente era um pirralho patético... A saudade falou mais alto, e seus dedos digitaram quase inconscientemente a mensagem que ele mais queria te enviar.
"Amor, estou com tanta saudade. Posso te ligar?"
Depois de receber sua resposta afirmativa, não hesitou em te ligar. No momento, se contentaria apenas com sua voz, que soou extremamente animada do outro lado da linha — e do mundo também. Pensou em te falar as mais lindas palavras, poemas rebuscados e versos para te lembrar de que você era a princesa dele. Mas algumas palavrinhas soaram bem em seus pensamentos, fazendo com que uma voz chorosa soasse baixinho pelo quarto, na tentativa de que apenas você ouvisse.
— S/N, você faz tanta falta aqui. Me sinto patético segurando seu lacinho de cabelo com cheiro de morango. O que você fez comigo?"
— Amor, não me faça chorar! Você não sabe o quanto sinto sua falta. Você sabia que eu revelei uma foto sua para abraçar enquanto durmo? Sério, me senti uma velha. Quem revela fotos hoje em dia?
— Então quer dizer que você pensa em mim?
— Claro Mark Lee. Você é meu namorado e homem da minha vida. Não me vejo sem ser com você. Agora anda, me conta as novidades. Percebi que você está tristinho.
— Ah, não é nada. Só as mesmas coisas de sempre. Cara, como queria te abraçar agora!
— As mesmas coisas de sempre? Bem, então fale para mim sobre as mesmas coisas de sempre. Vou adorar te ajudar, como sempre. E é claro que eu também queria te abraçar.
— Você não existe, meu amor. Então tudo bem, você já sabe que estou compondo algumas músicas, mas elas simplesmente não fluem. Hoje também tive muitas dificuldades em pegar uma coreografia, coisa que nunca acontece. Também li algumas coisas maldosas sobre mim na internet. E também tem o fato da minha namorada morar muito longe de mim. Fiquei chateado. Ok, é coisa de criança, mas chega uma hora que tudo isso cansa.
Um suspiro do lado de cá e do lado de lá. Droga, ele se xingava mentalmente por ter despejado as preocupações dele sobre você. Quase se arrependeu quando sua voz demorou demais para soar novamente. Será que você o tinha achado muito patético?
— Ok, meu namorado é extremamente talentoso. E quando eu falo 'meu namorado', eu me refiro a você. Mark, você não sabe o quanto eu te admiro. Acho que nunca te contei sobre como me inspiro em você, amor. Você me enche de orgulho. Vamos por partes. Tente compôr amanhã de novo, tente acertar a coreografia amanhã. Não se preocupe com o passado, meu bem. Foque no presente, para que o futuro seja como você espera. Sobre os comentários maldosos, você sabe que no fundo, esses haters são apenas seus fãs incubados, que têm MUITA inveja de tudo o que você conquistou. E sobre nós, entenda: eu morro de saudades de você TODO O TEMPO, e não precisa se preocupar, porque sou só sua e só tenho olhos para você. Feliz agora?
Aqueles eram os melhores momentos do dia de Mark. Você, com palavras simples, acabava com todas as inseguranças, medos e incertezas do garoto. Era impressionante o poder que você tinha sobre ele, visto que se outra pessoa dissesse exatamente as mesmas palavras que você, ele provavelmente não ouviria. O sorriso no rosto do garoto crescia cada vez mais, a medida que ele esquecia dos seus problemas. Você era o melhor remédio para ele. Ele adorava o seu jeitinho empolgado e meio doidinho, apenas para falar com ele. Todo o amor dele por você estava entalado em sua garganta, ao que ele resumiu em apenas algumas poucas frases.
— S/N, você me deve noites de sono. Juro, quando fecho meus olhos, consigo ver você nitidamente e me desconcentro de tudo o que eu estou fazendo quando penso em você. Sinto que falta algo sem você e me sinto apenas como uma melodia quebrada, solitária e completamente desafinada e confusa sem você. Eu te amo, S/N.
— Meu anjo, meu Mark. Eu te amo mais do que tudo no mundo! Meu namorado é tão poético!Quando eu for para Seul, te ajudo a recuperar essas noites de sono. Prometo dormir abraçada com você e não vou te soltar por nada. Mas... MARK!
O coração do pobre menino acelerou de um jeito exagerado quando você mudou sua entonação do nada. Aquele grito o desconcertaria e ele ficaria preocupado, achando que algo tinha acontecido a você. Mas antes que ele pudesse perguntar qualquer coisa, sua voz voltou a ser ouvida, o que o fez agradecer infinitamente e soltar um suspiro, e levar a mão ao coração, como se tivesse a beira de ter um ataque.
— Tá aí a música garoto, se toca! Você me disse coisas tão lindas. Bota isso no papel antes que você esqueça. Vai ser a minha preferida do NCT.
— Cara, minha namorada é BRILHANTE! Claro, depois de quase me matar do coração, acho que faltou um pouco de oxigênio no meu cérebro, mas te perdoo por isso. E é uma boa. Também vai ser minha música favorita do NCT, porque escreverei pensando em você.
— Fofo! Bem, aí deve estar super tarde né? Estou atrapalhando seu soninho da beleza, embora você já seja lindo e não tenha como melhorar mais. Você topa conversar comigo até cair no sono?
E aquela foi a melhor noite de sono para Mark, desde que você foi embora. Demorou para dormir, mas sentiu-se próximo a você e, por um momento, conseguiu descansar de verdade. Você era demais para ele, uma namorada perfeita. Embora declarasse sempre que tivesse oportunidade, você nunca saberia de fato o quanto esse homem te ama. Palavra nenhuma seria capaz de descrever o que ele sente por você. Ele faria de tudo para te ver sorrir. E quando eu digo tudo, significa tudo, mesmo que ele tivesse que enviar a lua e as estrelas de Seul até Los Angeles.
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nerdlvr · 5 months ago
nipple piercings .
pt.2 !
ot7 x reader , nipple play / breast play , inspired by this request
you had just gotten home from a girls day with your best friend, meaning you were worn out, oh and in pain. you and your friend had agreed to do something a little wild and get piercings together, turns out wild to your friend meant to get her belly button pierced, maybe you should've stuck with her idea of wild. now as you looked into the mirror you saw your nipples, swollen and sore, a cute shiny bar pierced right through them. you winced as you brought your hands up to touch them. why did you think this was a good idea?
on top of the pain your phone wouldn't stop ringing your groupchat notifications coming in one after the other.
hyuckie bear! : hellooo is y/n coming i'm only going if she is
junnie 💛 : no seriously why would i willingly hang out with a group of men
nana 🫂 : of course she's coming she always does guysss don't be lame we haven't had movie night in agessss 🥺
my 94 🎸: y/nnnn respond pleaseeee are you coming???
ji bug 👩‍🍼 : y/nnn i just broke my legssss ITS AN EMERGENCYY
puppy 💋 : the way she doesn't care 😭😭
big head baby 💞 : whatever losers i'm calling her
your phone began to ring, chenle's profile pic of him stuffing his face with marshmallows shining on the screen.
"yes chenle, what is it?"
you could hear him giggling to someone on the other end,
"y/n, y/n hellooo, are you coming? we have movie night remember?"
you let out a sigh as you slumped down into your bed,
"uh, i don't know lele i'm kinda tired tonight, can we reschedule?"
you could practically see his reaction from the sound of his voice,
"what? no way! you know we all have have midterms soon, and then it's just studying studying studying, we won't get to see you! tell her ji!"
he passed the phone to jisung,
"y/n can you come please, we miss you, i miss you, just for one movie okay? and then jeno can drive you home!"
you heard jeno in the background yell something along the lines of, i didn't agree to that! and chenle shushing him before grabbing the phone again,
"okay well haechan's on his way! see you soon!"
he hung up before you could answer, leaving you staring at your phone screen. it's just a couple hours right? and you won't get to see the boys again after a while so, maybe you should just go, who knows you might have fun.
your outfit was comfortable, not by choice of course, but comfortable nonetheless. you put on your largest tee, praying the material wouldn't graze your nipples, making sure to apply some ointment before leaving, hoping that it would soothe the soreness. so far, not so good. but you were already at jisung and chenle's shared dorm, sitting cross legged on the couch.
you had avoided the greetings as best as you could, resorting to a quick kiss on the cheek instead of your usual hug. thankfully nobody questioned it, boys just happy to see you.
the dorm started filling up, only haechan missing as you all sat around the tv, scrolling through the movie options on netflix. jaemin sat next to you, head on your shoulder as he scrolled through his phone. he sniffed loudly, head coming up to put his nose close to your neck,
you looked down at him, wondering what was wrong. he giggled at you, as he placed his head back on your shoulder,
"weird, you smell like ointment."
you chuckled nervously, did you overdue it with the cream?
"oh uh, yeah, just have some muscle soreness, doctor gave me some cream for it."
he hummed, turning his focus back to his phone. mark scooted in next to you, offering you some popcorn. you thanked him as you took a handful, a grimace on your face as you tasted the snack.
"mark, why do you always put too much salt."
his eyes widened as he tried the popcorn himself,
"dude, i swear i just put a tiny bit!"
you flinched as a pair of large hands grabbed your shoulders from behind,
"put a tiny bit of what? did mark put too much salt in the popcorn again?"
you turned your head, not surprised to see that haechan was the one making fun of mark. he leaned down to give you a quick peck on the cheek before walking around the couch to find a seat.
"sorry i'm late guys, traffic is a bitch."
renjun walked into the living room, ruffling his wet hair,
"nobody cares, wait, you don't even drive?"
haechan motioned for jaemin to move over so he could squeeze in next to you, rolling his eyes at renjun's comment.
"buses also get stuck in traffic you know!"
you all laughed as renjun called haechan a name, before everyone turned their attention to the tv, everyone but haechan that is.
"hi baby, gonna give me a proper hello or do i have to beg?"
you side eyed haechan, used to his antics.
"you already said hello, remember?"
you pointed at your cheek where he pecked you earlier.
"i meant a real hello, like a hug, come here."
before you could protest haechan's arms wrapped around you pulling you into a hug.
"wait, hyuck, wait, OW!"
haechan quickly let go of you, confused by your sudden reaction,
"i'm sorry, are you okay, did i hurt you?"
everyone's attention was now on you and haechan, waiting to see if you were okay.
"oh yeah, my bad, just kinda have sore muscles."
you brought your hand up to hold your arm, pretending to have pain there. you heard jeno chuckle from his seat on the floor in front of you.
"sore? from what? you're going to the gym now?"
you pushed his head, offended by his mocking tone,
"for your information lee jeno, i do actually-OW!"
you flinched, hands coming up to cover your breasts. you turned to see jaemin leaned over haechan reaching forward towards your chest. he giggled before turning his head to look at haechan, arm still stretched out towards you,
"see i told you, it's her nipples that are sensitive."
you slapped his arm away, before wrapping you arms over your breasts again.
"what the hell jaemin! have you lost your mind?"
he blushed slightly leaning back away from haechan, sitting up in his seat now.
"sorry. i just noticed, when i smelled you, you have, like, your, you know-"
he pointed to his chest,
"i saw the piercings through your shirt."
the boys eyes widened as they all turned to face you.
you rolled your eyes at them,
"sometimes, it's better to mind your business, i don't need to tell you guys everything i do with my life, so what i pierced my nipples, can we hurry up and pick a movie?"
jeno turned to look at you, now on his knees in front of you, hands on your thighs,
"you actually got them pierced?"
you suddenly felt shy as you looked at jeno, a soft look on his face.
"well yeah, it was a last minute thing."
chenle scooted over on the floor towards jeno, facing you.
"did it hurt?"
you laughed at his question,
"of course it hurt lele, it still hurts now."
jisung gulped as he walked over towards where the guys had now huddled around you,
"can we see-ouch!"
he rubbed the back of his head where renjun had hit him,
"jisung you can't just ask to see her tits!"
jisung ducked his head, a blush painting his ears,
"uh only if you want of course, i'm just kinda curious."
haechan nodded his head quickly hand coming up to hold your arm,
"me too, i wanna see too."
you looked up at all of them, their eyes shiny and cheeks pink as they waited for your response.
"do you guys want to, like actually?"
they all nodded quickly, embarassingly quickly. mark letting out a cough,
"but only if you want, like ji said."
you bit your lip as you reached for the hem of your shirt. these guys had been your friends for years what's the harm in just letting them get a peek, just a peek.
you lifted your shirt up, gasping lightly as the cool air hit your nipples. all their jaws dropped as they stared at your breasts. nipples perked up and shiny from the ointment. haechan was the first to speak,
"can i touch them?"
you let out a soft yes before you could process that you were letting one of your best friends, touch your tits. but any form of regret immediately disappeared as you felt haechan's large hands cup your breasts, thumb coming up to lightly play with the metal jewelry. you winced at the slight pain. jeno quickly reaching forward to gently remove haechan's hands.
"be gentle hyuck, can't you see they're swollen."
his hands replaced hyuck's, larger and firmer, slightly fondling your breasts before his fingers moved to rub around your nipple. you let out a sigh, the pain from before slowly fading away as jeno massaged your sore breasts.
"yeah? that feel good baby?"
you hummed in response, biting back a moan as the feeling of jeno's hands on your breasts began to cause some tension in your core. you squeezed your thighs together hoping none of them noticed the heat radiating off your body.
mark moved his hand in between your legs, lightly massaging the inside of your thigh.
"this okay?"
you nodded, scared of how your voice would sound if you spoke.
"alright that's enough jen my turn."
jaemin got on his knees in front of you, pushing jeno aside. his hands came up to hold your breasts, slightly squeezing them in his palms before bringing two fingers to gently pinch at your nipples. you sucked in a breath trying to move away from his grasp, when you felt someone's hands brush your hair back, collecting it in his hands, exposing your neck.
"relax baby, we'll be gentle. right jaemin?"
renjun gave the boy between your legs a stern look before gently kissing your neck, nuzzling the spot with his nose after.
mark and chenle on opposite sides of you reached forward, each of them gently massaging one of your thighs before gently pulling them apart, slowly moving their hands inward.
jisung came down to kneel next to jaemin dipping his head towards you exposed tummy, planting light kisses on the sides of your waist, tickling your skin.
you felt a warm breath against your ear, looking over at haechan as he lowered his hand to grip at his bulge,
"tell us when to stop, and we promise we'll leave you alone."
you heard jeno chuckle as he reached forward to undo the bow on your sleeping shorts.
"even though i doubt you'll tell us to stop."
renjun tutted above you,
"play nice boys, we're gonna have to learn to share, right?"
thank goodness you didn't get the belly piercing.
DOCTOR SHE'S OUT AGAIN, guys i'm not okay ot7 smut??? who have i become???
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thatsatricky1 · 18 days ago
★ 𝐍𝐜𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐬 | 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 ★
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★ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Nct Dream x (f) Reader
★ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, humour, suggestive
★ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: kms joke, mentions of piercings being done, body modification
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★ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤:
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★ 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧:
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★ 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐨:
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★ 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧:
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★ 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠:
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★ 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @rotinyzen @wonyoungmywife @snflwrhaerecs4u @thegreenlynx @serinebsblog @delululi @molensworld @morkiee @marvelahsobx @kaciebello @kgneptun @bluedbliss @haechansbbg @officiallyjaehyuns @bunnychui @audreybub @winwintea @spacejip
(This Taglist is used for all my nct context so if you’d like to be tagged in my nct content please comment or write to me to be added)
★ 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Day 5 posted 🙂‍↕️ I kid you not my tongue piercing was not bad getting it done but the healing process 🤠 (probs because after like a day I went back onto solid food lol)
★ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
★ 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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sinisxtea · 5 months ago
something about kpop groups recreating the love actually christmas carols scene is so funny to me…
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but it’s so funny bc in the original context the guy doesn’t even end up with the girl so like????? WHY WOULD YOU USE THAT???
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kirbyfigure · 8 months ago
Can you do usernames for Kenia
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