#nct 27
naegashutyoassup · 6 months
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hariboz · 24 days
maybe i should just stick with fictional men
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apieceofyoungcheese · 8 months
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bydarkfenix · 7 months
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rainisawriter · 11 months
No Murder – Chenle (PSF #27)
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PSF Ficography | H&F Flash Ficography
Genre: Fluff, comedy, college au
Prompt: Outdoor Event (@flufftober) / Would you rather… tell ghost stories or watch scary movies? (@slumberpartybingo Halloween flash)
Word Count: 4,294
Pairing: Reader x Chenle
World: NCT Dream
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Chenle blinked dumbly, lifting his gaze from the video game he was playing to look up at you. “You want to what?”
“Go camping this weekend,” you replied with a grin, leaning against his desk. “Seoraksan is absolutely beautiful this time of year.”
He wrinkled his nose, returning his attention to the screen only to realize his character had been killed by another player. He cursed in Chinese, pouting at you. “You got me killed.”
“Sorry, love,” you chuckled, wrapping your arms around him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Can we go? Please?”
He leaned into your touch, hand coming up to cup your wrist. “Why do you want to go camping? It’s gonna be so cold.”
“It’s only Autumn, it won’t be that cold.” You rolled your eyes, pulling away from him so you could head for the door. “Well, I’m going, with or without you.”
“You can’t camp in the woods alone,” he quickly set his headset down so he could follow you, his brow furrowed. “It’s dangerous!”
“I won’t be alone. Haechan and Jeno are gonna be there.”
He paled at this information, tiny little butterflies of jealousy fluttering within his gut. 
Both boys were well-built American football players that you had been friends with since your last year of middle school. While Jeno treated you respectfully, Jaemin was naturally flirty. Chenle didn’t know if the older male had feelings for you or if he just did it to piss him off, but he did not like the idea of you being alone in the woods with those two.
He trusted you with his life, but he didn’t trust them.
Holding back a sigh, he came up behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist. You leaned back against him on instinct, a smile on your lips when the scent of his strawberry shampoo reached your nose.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
You turned in his hold, quirking a brow at him. “Why the sudden change?” Amusement danced in your eyes when he shifted, making you chuckle. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous, babe.”
“Of course not!” He scowled, a light dusting of pink across his cheeks. He looked away from you, gaze focused on the fridge. “What do I have to be jealous of? I have you, they don’t.”
“That’s right,” you confirmed, gently taking his chin and forcing him to look at you. “And you always will. I’m yours for life, babe. Never forget that.”
He smiled brightly, closing the distance to claim your lips which you happily returned, tilting your head to deepen the embrace. He didn’t pull away until he was breathless, eyes shimmering with happiness.
“I love you so much, xīn gān.”
You chuckled, cupping his cheek. “One day, you’re gonna have to tell me what that means.”
“One day,” he promised before a mischievous grin came to his lips.
You knew immediately what was coming. “Chenle, no – ahaha, stop!”
But your boyfriend didn’t listen, continuing to mercilessly tickle your sides, forcing laughter from you as you tried to push his hands away. 
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You shoved your duffel bag into the back of the jeep, having to push it a bit in order to make it fit with the other bags. Jeno was sitting in the driver’s seat, chatting happily with Renjun who sat across from him. Jaemin sat behind Renjun while Haechan and Jisung rode with Mark.
Chenle sent you an accusing look, arms folded over his chest and a pout on his face. “You didn’t tell me the others were coming, too.”
You shrugged, slamming the trunk closed. “Because I didn’t know. I was probably the first one Jae invited so he didn’t mention the others because he hadn’t asked them.”
He hummed, expression softening as he realized you were telling the truth. A small part of him felt guilty for thinking you had lied, but he couldn’t bring himself to apologize.
Jaemin sent you a charming smile when you tugged open the backdoor, but Chenle tugged you backward by your hoodie, slipping in before you could. No way was he going to let you sit beside Jaemin. The older male just chuckled before returning to his phone. You slid in beside your boyfriend, pulling the door shut.
“Everyone ready to go?” Jeno shifted so he could look at everyone, a smile on his lips. “There’s no turning back if you forgot something!”
Everyone was silent for a moment, going over it in their head to ensure that they hadn’t left behind anything important before giving him the okay. Honestly, you felt as if you were forgetting something but couldn’t, for the life of you, figure out what it was. It probably wasn’t important. 
“Let’s go!” He put the car in drive, cranked up the music and started off down the road.
The trip was a little over two hours on a good day so it wasn’t too bad, though the boys felt the need to sing along to the radio the entire time. This shouldn’t have been a bad thing, but they were doing so in an overly dramatic way, belting loudly and completely off-key.
You focused on the scenery passing by outside. The closer you got to the park, the more the world around you became shades of orange and brown. The city slowly faded, giving way to mother nature herself. 
Chenle shifted closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder. You smiled at him, holding out your hand. He tugged the long sleeve of his hoodie up, hand slipping into your own and fingers lacing together. You brought hid hand to your lips, pressing a kiss to his skin.
“Thank you,” you told him softly, making him tilt his head up so he could look at you in confusion.
“For what?”
“For agreeing to come with me. This weekend really would have sucked if you weren’t here.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that,” he muttered, feeling a bit embarrassed by the loving look you were giving him. “You know you can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“I would never want to, either,” you admitted, leaning down to claim his lips. He sat up a bit so he could press himself against you, deepening the kiss.
“Get a room!” called out Jaemin, nose wrinkled in disgust. 
You offered him a sheepish look after pulling away. Chenle looked half-annoyed and half-embarrassed by being caught.
“Seriously,” agreed Renjun with a laugh, tossing some of his popcorn at you.
“Rude,” you scowled, tossing it back.
“Hey, hey!” cried out Jeno, not taking his eyes off the road. “I just had my jeep cleaned!”
“That was a poor choice,” you chided playfully, arms folded over your chest. “You should have waited until after the trip to do that.”
He pouted at you through the rearview mirror. “I regret my choices.”
“What’s life without a little regret?” laughed Jaemin, running a hand through his hair, dyed purple for the spooky season.
“Ain’t that the truth,” you agreed with a nod.
“You guys are cleaning up any messes you make! I mean it,” Jeno frowned, wagging his finger as if he was an old soccer dad scolding his kids.
You caught Renjun’s eye and the two of you grinned before chorusing, “Yes, dad!”
Jeno sighed. “This is gonna be a long weekend.”
Honestly, you could only hope it would be. Between classes and work, you didn’t get much free time with your boyfriend and you honestly missed him. You squeezed his hand gently, your eyes meeting his. For a moment, it felt as if you were the only two in the vehicle, the sound of their conversation fading.
Ever since you had first met Chenle, you knew he was going to be the most important person in your life. It was just a gut feeling you could never quite explain. You loved him dearly, falling harder with each day that passed by. As long as he was by your side, you knew you could handle anything that life threw at you.
Chenle felt much the same. He was a firm believer in the existence of soul mates and he was completely convinced that you were his. There were no words in any language that he had been able to find that described how you made him feel or the sheer happiness that he felt just being near you.
Jeno pulled into the parking lot of the national park. “We’re here!”
Mark and Haechan had already arrived and were pulling their things from the trunk of Mark’s red sports car. You slid out, the cool afternoon air hitting you in the face and bringing a smile to your lips. You hadn’t wanted to say anything because of the others, but you didn’t like how hot the car had been.
You much preferred the cold, but you knew they weren’t the same. It was like a breath of fresh air stepping out into the cold and you felt your body start to relax. You couldn’t wait to get to the campsite.
“It’s about time,” teased Haechan, brushing the hair from his eyes. “We were beginning to think you weren’t coming.”
You glanced around the parking lot with a frown. “Where’s Jisung?”
“He couldn’t come,” frowned Mark as he shut the trunk. “He’s failing one of his classes and his mom isn’t happy.”
“He got an earful,” snickered Haechan, an amused smirk on his lips. “We were there when she called. It was like he got a howler from Mrs. Weasley!”
“Poor kid,” you shook your head, taking your bag from Jeno.
“Hey, more snacks for me!”
“Don’t you mean for us?”
“No,” he scoffed, sticking his tongue out at you. “Shoulda brought your own snacks!”
“Selfish little -” you muttered under your breath, scowling at the bag of snacks he held in his hands. You could see your favorite one pressed against the thin plastic.
Chenle chuckled, wrapping his arm around your waist. “Don’t worry, I made sure to bring all your favorite snacks.”
Your eyes snapped to his, sparkling under the sunlight. “Really?”
He nodded, patting the bag that sat over his shoulder.
“Thank you, baby!” You grinned, pulling him into a tight hug which he returned without hesitation. 
“Let’s get hiking, losers!” yelled Jaemin before he started down the trail that led into the woods. The rest of you gathered the last of your things before heading after him.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Chenle sunk deeper into his hoodie, shivering every time the wind blew. The sun was barely visible across the horizon, the sky darkening with each minute that passed. He was following you around as you gathered sticks and twigs for the fire, completely unbothered by the cold weather.
“Are you done yet, xīn gān?” he complained, leaves crunching beneath his boots.
“Almost,” you replied, glancing at him. “We could have been done already if you were helping.”
“It’s cold~”
“Yes, yes, I know,” you chuckled, picking up one last thick stick. “Let’s get back to camp, we should have enough.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, rushing toward camp where Mark and Jeno were attempting to start a fire. The key word being attempting.
“You’re doing it wrong,” complained Jeno with a frown.
“I’m following the instructions!” Mark retorted. He had a stick standing between two rocks and he was rubbing it between his palms quickly.
Renjun quirked a brow from where he was sitting behind them, a book open in his hand. “Where did you get these instructions? ‘How to not survive camping’?”
Mark scowled, a light dusting of pink coming across his cheeks. “Hey, I don’t see you helping!”
You set the pile beside the fire before glancing at Mark. “Would you like me to do it?”
“Do you know how?”
“I do.”
With a sigh, Mark dropped the stick and sat back on his legs. 
With a chuckle, you retreated into your tent to grab your bag, then you kneeled beside the firepit. You pulled out some lighter fluid and doused the wood with it before setting the wood alight with a lighter.
Mark and Jeno stared blankly at the firepit, watching as the flames licked at the wood, setting the night alight. You tried not to snicker at their expressions but couldn’t help it, covering your mouth. Renjun didn’t even try to hide his laughter, making fun of them for trying so hard to start a fire without using modern methods.
Chenle chuckled, arms wrapping around your neck from behind so he could peck your cheek. “Good job, xīn gān.”
“I figured something like this would happen,” you smiled, leaning into his warm embrace.
Jaemin stepped through the trees, a bundle of wood held in his arms. His eyes fell on the fire before landing on the lighter fluid in your hands and he nodded. “I owe you five bucks.”
“You bet on the wrong horse, Jae,” you tsk’d with a grin.
Mark scowled. “You guys bet on us?”
“That’s mean,” pouted Jeno.
“Are you really surprised?” Jaemin quirked a brow, an amused smirk on his lips as he settled down onto a foldable chair.
“We shouldn’t be…” sighed Mark, falling onto the chair beside him, looking exhausted. You were surprised he had found time to come on the trip because he was impossibly busy between schoolwork, the various clubs he was in and the two jobs he worked.
“Who wants smores?” Haechan burst from his tent with a grin, holding up two clear plastic bags that he set down near the fire.
Chenle pulled away from you so he could grab his own bag from the tent, settling down beside you with the bag on his lap. You leaned toward him, peering into the bag before grinning. He had brought all of your favorite snacks and treats.
“Thank you, baby,” you told him softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“You’re welcome. Don’t eat everything at once, you’ll get a stomach ache.”
“Sure, sure,” you chuckled, grabbing a couple of treats from the bag.
The sun was gone, the moon hidden behind dark grey clouds. The forest was silent save for the occasional hoot of an owl in the distance. Most of the trees were bare by this point, though some still had a few leaves clinging to their branches, bright orange and red. The forest floor was covered with them, the breeze sending them flying into the air.
Jaemin leaned forward, the fire glinting in his eyes as he glanced around at the group. “Who wants to tell ghost stories?”
“Not me.” Mark pulled himself out of the chair with a tired sigh. “I’m going to sleep.” He paused in front of his tent, sending the group a look. “Please don’t kill yourselves. Or each other. Or anyone else.”
“You have no faith in us, hyung,” tsk’d Renjun, but he couldn’t hold back the smirk on his lips. If there was an opportunity for murder, he would definitely be taking it.
“That’s hurtful, Markie,” you tried to frown, but your lips kept twitching upward in amusement. You were another one that thrived on chaos.
Mark’s lips parted to reply but then he just sighed, turning and entering the tent. He most likely decided that it wasn’t worth the effort to argue with the two of you.
Jaemin clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. “So, who’s going first?”
“Real stories or made-up ones?” inquired Renjun, quirking his brow.
“Real ones. They’re spookier.”
Silence fell over the group as you all gave it some thought, munching on your snacks while you did so. 
“I’ve got one.” Renjun shifted in his chair, the fire glinting in his eyes. “It was a dark, stormy night -“
“Boooo,” Haechan threw a Graham cracker at him, earning an annoyed look. “That’s so cliché. No way is it a real story.”
“If you’d shut up, you can find out!”
“As I was saying,” he cleared his throat before lowering his voice. “It was a dark, stormy night. A group of teenagers fell asleep in the library at school and ended up being locked inside. At first, they celebrated their freedom, being able to do whatever they wanted without any teachers to stop them or scold them.”
“That’s not a scary story, that’s a dream,” snickered Haechan, earning a smack from you which had him scowling.
Renjun ignored him. “As the night wore on, though, strange things started happening. They heard things being toppled over and broken but, by the time they got there, the area was empty. Who had done it? Naturally, they assumed one of the group was simply messing with the others, but no one would confess.”
“Snitches get stitches.”
“The storm grew worse and the power went out. They decided to stay in the library until the power came back on, but they weren’t alone. Unknown to them, there was a killer lurking behind the bookshelves, hungry for blood.”
“Was he a vampi- ow!” Haechan scowled at you, rubbing his arm where you had punched him. “The hell was that for?”
“Stop being a little shit,” you scowled back. “Let him tell his story.”
Renjun held back a sigh, running a hand through his hair. “When they realized the killer was in the library, they tried to flee by pushing a bookshelf onto him but the doors had been locked and they couldn’t escape. Backed up against the doors with nowhere to run, the killer slowly approached them, his knife raised. Lightning struck, filling the room with light. The friends gasped in surprise because they knew who this killer was.”
You and Haechan leaned forward, waiting for him to reveal it but, before he could, Jaemin spoke up.
“It was the older brother.”
“Eh?” Haechan’s gaze snapped over to him. “How do you know?”
Jaemin sent Renjun a deadpan look. “Because it’s the Halloween episode of Boy Meets World.”
“Eh? What is that?”
“It’s American TV sitcom,” you supplied, glancing between the two. You didn’t remember it well because it had been ages since you last saw it, but the more you thought about his story, the more it seemed to fit.
Renjun frowned. “How did you know that?”
“We watched it together, remember?”
Haechan snorted. “Dumbass!”
“Shut it!” scowled Renjun, throwing his shoe at the male but he dodged and it hit your arm instead.
“Watch it!” snapped Chenle angrily, throwing the shoe back before looking at you, his gaze softening. “Are you okay, xīn gān?”
You offered him a smile, rubbing your arm. “I’m fine, don’t worry.”
“Sorry,” apologized Renjun with a frown. He grabbed a chocolate bar from the bag, much to Haechan’s annoyance.
“Hey! I was saving that!”
“Too bad,” he rolled his eyes, holding it out to you with a smile. “Forgiven?”
You grinned, taking the candy bar. “Always.”
Jaemin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Not only was that story fake, but it wasn’t even a ghost story.”
“I don’t think any of us are any good at telling ghost stories,” you replied honestly, taking a bite of the bar before holding it out for Chenle to take one. “I brought a portable DVD player. Would you guys rather try to tell ghost stories or watch scary movies?”
“Movies,” replied Renjun without hesitation.
“Movies,” agreed Haechan.
“Ghost stories,” answered Jaemin, earning a boo from Haechan which he rolled his eyes at. All three males looked toward Chenle.
Chenle leaned toward you, his voice soft. “What do you want to do?”
Before you could answer, Haechan cut you off with a click of his tongue. “Not uh. You gotta answer for yourself!”
“Says who?” questioned Chenle with a furrowed brow.
“Says me.”
Renjun snickered. “Can’t go against the orders of King Hae.”
“Exactly!” He nodded, snapping his fingers at the male before looking at your boyfriend. “Speak now or be beheaded!”
Chenle frowned, glancing at you but you just shrugged, munching on your chocolate bar as you awaited his reply. He considered it for a moment, trying to determine which one you would choose. He knew you loved horror movies but you also loved ghost stories. Which one did you love more, though? His lips parted but Haechan cut him off.
“Choose carefully or you might be ending this trip single~”
You rolled your eyes at the comment. “I’m not so petty that I would break up with someone because he chose the opposite of me. I’m not you.”
“I am not petty.”
“You’re pretty petty,” agreed Renjun.
“Oh, you think I’m pretty? Thank you!” grinned Haechan.
“You’re the least pretty guy on campus.”
“Ouch,” you laughed at his pout.
Jaemin sent Chenle a look. “Will you just choose one? Preferably before the sun rises.”
You slipped your hand into his with a smile, squeezing it two times. His eyes met yours and he smiled back before answering, “Movies.”
“Yes!” Haechan cheered, jumping off the ground. “What are we watching? Saw? The Ring? Train to Busan?”
“I brought a bunch of different ones,” you explained, reaching for your bag but he was quicker, snatching it off the ground. 
“Oi, Haechan!” scowled Chenle, jumping to his feet to snatch the bag from him. “Give that back!”
“What’s the big deal? I’m just looking for the movies -” he lifted his hand, a pair of underwear dangling from his fingers. His face turned red when he realized what he was holding.
Chenle blushed, as well, but tried to hide it behind anger. “Ya, Lee Donghyuck! I’m going to kill you!”
Haechan’s eyes widened and he quickly dropped both items, darting away when Chenle gave chase. You and Renjun laughed as he chased the older male through the trees, the crunching of leaves echoing through the forest. 
“It was an accident!” cried Haechan before yelling your name. “Call off your boyfriend!”
“I’m going to make you wish you had never been born!”
“Murder is illegal!”
“Not in all countries!”
“It’s illegal in this country!”
“Only if you get caught!”
You hummed, pulling open a bag of popcorn and popping a few pieces into your mouth. “Who do you think is gonna give up first?”
Renjun took some when you held the bag out to him. “Haechan is more athletic, but Chenle is angrier. That’s a tough choice.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, eyes barely able to follow them as they got farther away from the fire.
Jaemin got up, snatching the bag from your hands before approaching his tent. “Chenle will win because he feels like he’s defending your honor. Don’t let him kill Haechan, yeah? We have a project due next week and I refuse to do it alone.”
“You got it, Jae,” you saluted him, watching as he disappeared into the tent. “Should we break it up now?”
Renjun considered this for a moment. “I think we can make it through a movie first.”
“Agreed,” you nodded, the two of you heading over to your dropped bag. “Halloween, The Nightmare Before Christmas or Scream?”
“Ooo, is that the newest Scream?”
“Let’s watch that.”
You set up the portable DVD player before grabbing a large blanket to cover both of you up with. You only made it to the intro scene of the movie before Mark burst out from his tent, looking half-asleep and very alarmed.
“What – What’s happening?” He rubbed at his eyes, squinting at the darkness. 
The two boys were no longer in sight, cloaked by the darkness of the night. Haechan’s cries were carrying, though, sounding almost terrifying as they echoed through the trees like a ghostly howl.
Mark looked at the two of you in confusion. “Do you not hear that?”
“It’s just Chenle killing Haechan,” answered Renjun nonchalantly, not looking away from the movie.
“I said no murder!”
He frowned. “I mean, we aren’t murdering anyone. We’re just watching a movie and behaving.”
Mark scoffed in disbelief before he rushed off in the direction of Haechan’s screams. You felt a bit guilty that his sleep had been disturbed so you got up and jogged after him, using your phone’s flashlight so you could see. Chenle and Haechan were on the ground, the latter in a headlock and begging for mercy.
Mark sent you a pleading look.
“Babe, that’s enough!” You frowned, tugging at his arm. “Let him go.”
Chenle hesitated, clearly not wanting to but when he saw your stern look, he did as you ordered. You slipped your hand into his, tugging him away from the scene as Mark questioned Haechan, asking what had happened and if he was alright.
“He deserved it,” muttered Chenle, fingers lacing with your own.
“It was an accident.”
“He shouldn’t have taken your bag, to begin with!”
“Haechan will be Haechan,” you laughed. “He doesn’t think, he just acts.”
He muttered something under his breath, a scowl on his lips.
You smiled, coming to a stop and resting your hands on his waist. “Thank you for defending me, baby.”
His expression softened, his hand resting against the side of your neck and his forehead against your own. “I will always defend you, until my last breath xīn gān.”
Warmth filled you and you didn’t hesitate to claim his lips with your own, his arms wrapping around your body to pull you closer. The wind picked up a moment later, making him shiver and squeeze you tighter as he looked for warmth.
“Please tell me you brought the portable heater…”
You blinked dumbly, finally realizing what you had forgotten. You offered him a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of your neck. “Ah, well… you see, what had happened was…”
Chenle groaned, burying his face in your neck. You hugged him tightly, patting his back in apology.
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-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
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boynextdoors · 2 years
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26 notes · View notes
nctdream · 1 year
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19 notes · View notes
moonlight-yuyu · 2 years
Johhny nct ideal type please...
Thank you before
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here you go love!
Sun: Libra, Gemini, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
Moon: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra
Mercury: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra
Venus: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Mars: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
down to earth
makes him feel secure
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moshpitgirlfriend · 8 months
i wish ramona park legend pt. 2 was a full song and not an interlude
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forsakenmissives · 1 year
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there is so much going on here
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apple835 · 1 year
As an NCTzen I knew what i signed up for, and every time there are new members there's always discourse, but I will support the new team nonetheless as I have done with every unit until now, it does saddens me that Anderson didn't make it as he had a lot of charisma on stage and Daeyoung does not convince me tbh, but despite all of that they're my new members regardless of my issues with SM's administration, and I hope the best for them
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eyeseechan · 2 years
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haechan as THE VAMPIRE
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baldyeosang · 1 year
girl i need u to stop talking- actually i was gonna write more but thats it no more speak
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midnightmystical · 1 year
SM getting inspo from WakeOne like
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kdreamsound · 2 years
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my korean prof took all of our phones and only returned them when we could say “that phone belongs to me” as a game and when she returned mine and the phone turned on and my friends clowned me so hard because of my lock screen
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