#nba small forwards
mjordan-nba-nhl · 2 years
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ballwzrd · 3 months
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Jayson Tatum
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In one sense, you are looking at the greatest small forward of all time. Larry Bird was the greatest forward ever, but he was naturally a power forward who changed positions to accomodate Kevin McHale in the starting lineup.
Another small forward near the top of the list, John Havlicek, was also a shooting guard, and so could fit at either as needed.
Julius Erving, though, is the best out-and-out three in basketball history, over and above LeBron James, without a doubt: A better scorer in an era with better defense, a better rebounder, a better shot-blocker, at least as good all-around on defense... the only area in which LeBron might have an edge is passing, but Erving was also a better player in the clutch, so the choice is not even difficult.
As great as Dr. J was in the NBA, as seen here, his greatest seasons were in the often overlooked ABA.
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david-tark · 5 months
Who is Jaden McDaniels' Girlfriend?
Jaden McDaniels' girlfriend, Allison Audrey, is a former collegiate basketball player. They are expecting their first child together.
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findafight · 1 year
part 1
It's a bright May morning, and the commentators are discussing who the Indiana Pacers are going to select. It's a bit of a buzz, there's a rumour of a dark horse candidate. The Commissioner steps up and shakes out the paper, saying clearly into the mic "the Indiana Pacers select Steve Harrington, from Roane County Community College." His face makes it clear he has no goddamn clue who or what college this is. It's fine.
Steve stands, smiling. Robin kisses his cheek and Dustin throws his arms around him before he's shuttled off to get a Pacers ballcap and take a picture with the NBA commissioner, and then to the press room to answer questions.
The reporters have dozens for him, a buzz with the shock of a community college getting a player drafted. It's the first time they'll really be able to talk to him, and he's a bit nervous. He handles it all with as much grace as he can, until someone from the Chicago Sun-Times asks
"you're from Hawkins, a town that's seen its fair share of tragedy over the last number of years. Did that have any sway over your decision?"
Steve's smile turns softer as he answers "Oh, yes. I went to R-tripC because it was close. I've got friends and family in Hawkins still, and I wasn't planning on moving any farther than Chicago. It's...a hard place to leave, after everything." he can tell which reporters have no idea what Happened in Hawkins, the confused brows, scribbles in the margins of notebooks. The Chicago Sun-Times report simply nods. "My being here is just...the result of a few lucky circumstances. The Ospreys, we're a div-four team. Not even supposed to be in any competition for March Madness. But the NCAA decided to try letting non-div one teams on the bracket...not sure if they ever will again considering our loss." there are a few chuckles around the room. The RCCC Ospreys had lost pretty spectacularly in the first round. "But, that's the only reason a scout saw me play. And the fact that the scout was for the Pacers..." Here, he doesn't mention being approached by a representative of the Sacramento Kings as well. "That was something that worked. I've always loved playing ball, but if it hadn't been with the Pacers, I'd be content playing with small local leagues in Indy."
"Has this not been a dream of yours? Playing in the NBA?"
Steve chuckles. "I've played sports my whole life. Obviously when I daydreamed about winning the Championships, or swimming at the Olympics, who didn't? But. Ah, it really came out of left field, if you pardon the baseball analogy." he swallows some of the water in front of him. "I wasn't expecting to be approached by anyone about the NBA. I played on a college team that most people don't know exists, that barley qualified for march madness and got eliminated by the end of the third quarter. I was getting my teaching degree, with guys who were getting horticulture certificates or degrees in Art history or business to help their family Ma 'n Pop store or bio degrees to use to go to masters programs in Indy. We weren't playing for dreams or glory. We played because we love the game, and like each other enough to be a cohesive team." he shrugs. "I was going to move to Indianapolis or Chicago with my wife anyways. This is just...sprinkles. Y'know? I have what I need, my loved ones are happy and healthy and safe, this is just sprinkles on the sundae."
Steve leans back and sighs. He's being signalled to wrap it up. "I'm not taking this opportunity for granted, and I am looking forward to working with and getting to know my teammates. I'll be working hard to make my hometown proud. Thank you."
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equalhealerr · 9 days
this is what I mean when Connor hate is so forced. like yes he’s annoying but implying he’s taking a job to be a sexual creep just makes people ignore actual weird stuff he does and want to defend him even more
I will say I’m surprised he’s not sticking with the Pacers longer because on a resume any NBA job is better than nothing and you can always work your way up but if it’s true he wasn’t making much I can see why.
Indiana is a small world so if it’s true he left on good terms with Pacers GM then he’ll be fine. And another red flag of working with your brothers cause you’d be an asshole to leave in the middle of their seasons so he’s there at least 4 years?? lol
Well I mean him being a sexual creep wouldn't be shocking considering he's dating someone 4 years younger than him and that someone he knew when she was 16 and was actively commenting under her posts.
The NBA is probably one of the richest leagues in the world so to say that he's probably leaving cause he's not being paid the way he wants is bizarre, there's no way he's gonna get paid more by working at a college, just saying.
That man stayed in college for 6 years, if anything he's probably going back to a college because he misses the "college" experience.
If he really wants to become a head coach why would you go from a PRO team in the NBA to a college team. He's working backwards, not forwards.
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dresmoove · 8 months
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LA Task - About Andre.
What is your full name?
— Andre Terrell Davis Jr.
Where and when were you born?
— Atlanta, Ga
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
— Andre never knew his mom, and his father Andre Davis Sr. is a truck driver that had no intentions of being an active father. He was raised by his grandparents, Dion and Loretta Davis who own a soul food restaurant in Atlanta. Their nurturing personalities saved his life.
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
— He has 2 siblings but he doesn't know them.
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
— Andre lives in Boston, Ma part time and Los Angeles, Ca part time by himself.
What is your occupation?
— He is the starting small forward for the Boston Celtics.
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
— Andre is African-American with no tattoos and stands at 6 foot 6 inches tall and weighing about 220 pounds. His hair is always clean cut and he keep his beard long but shaped. He dresses how he feels and can be found breaking fashion norms because he likes to experiment and wear what he thinks looks good.
To which social class do you belong?
— Upper class.
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
— No.
Are you right- or left-handed?
— Right handed
What does your voice sound like?
— Andre's voice is deep, gruff, and smooth.
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
— Random basketball words. Huh, shut up nigga, energy.
What do you have in your pockets?
— His phone and wallet.
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
— No.
How would you describe your childhood in general?
— Andre's childhood was rough for a long time with neither parents wanting him. He was bounced around family members, almost joined a gang in middle school but his grandparents stepped in and gave him a second chance. They were strict but it was what he needed.
What is your earliest memory?
— Getting a bike for his 6th birthday.
How much schooling have you had?
— Andre left college early to pursue his NBA career but he has since gone back an finished up and now holds a bachelor's degree in sociology with a concentration in family, gender and society.
Did you enjoy school?
— Yes he did.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
— He learned how to play basketball from playing older guys in the park and watching tv.
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
— He didn't have anyone to look up to but he had a lot of people he knew he didn't want to be like. Andre wanted his own path and to be his own man.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
— He didn't talk a lot and stayed to himself but he felt safe with his grandparents and respected them.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
— He wanted to be an astronaut.
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
— He liked to play sports and video games.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
— Andre wasn't popular until high school because that was the longest he had stayed at once school. Everybody he was around he didn't consider friends because he wasn't used to having people support him and he never spoke to any of them once he went to college. The only person he was friends with was his high school sweetheart and she was his rock.
When and with whom was your first kiss?
— He had his first kiss in 5th grad with a girl who used to bully him.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
— He's not a virgin, he lost his virginity at 16 to his girlfriend at the time.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
— The day he signed a contract to play in the NBA.
Who has had the most influence on you?
— His grandparents were his only good influence and by far the greatest.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
— Andre considers making the NBA the greatest thing he's ever done.
What is your greatest regret?
— His biggest regret is getting caught up with gangs when he was young.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
— He beat up a kid for no reason just to prove he could hang.
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
— He's been arrested for fighting and for possession.
When was the time you were the most frightened?
— He was scared the last time he got arrested because he thought that would be the one that stuck.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
— He was embarrassed when he got caught stealing as a kid.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
— He wouldn't change anything because it got him to where he is.
What is your best memory?
— His best memory was making his first basket in the NBA.
What is your worst memory?
— His worst memory was not having anyone to celebrate mother's and father's day with.
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mydaddywiki · 3 months
Jerry West
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Physique: Average Build Height: 6’ 3" (1.91 m)
Jerome Alan West (May 28, 1938 – June 12, 2024aged 86;) was an American basketball player and executive. He played professionally for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He excited fans during his playing career with the Los Angeles Lakers, and later enjoyed great success as an executive for the team. West, who was selected to the Basketball Hall of Fame three times in a storied career as a player and executive and whose silhouette is considered to be the basis of the NBA logo, died on June 12, 2024, at the age of 86.
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A native of Chelyan, West Virginia, West was known as a tenacious player who was rarely satisfied with his performance. West played the small forward position early in his career: he was a standout at East Bank High School and at West Virginia University, where he led the Mountaineers to the 1959 NCAA championship game. He then embarked on a 14-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers and was the co-captain of the 1960 U.S. Olympic gold medal team, a squad that was inducted as a unit into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2010.
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His nicknames included "the Logo", in reference to his silhouette being the basis for the NBA logo; "Mr. Clutch", for his ability to make a big play in a key situation such as his famous buzzer-beating 60-foot shot that tied Game 3 of the 1970 NBA Finals against the New York Knicks; "Mr. Outside", in reference to his perimeter play with the Lakers and "Zeke from Cabin Creek" for the creek near his birthplace of Chelyan, West Virginia.
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West married his college sweetheart Martha Jane Kane in April 1960 in Morgantown; they divorced in 1976. They had three sons. Jerry married his second wife, Kristine "Karen" Bua, in 1978. They had two sons. What brought West to my attention was that he felt snubbed by Lakers owner, Jeanie Buss after she didn’t include him in her top-five most important Lakers of all-time. If it makes any difference Jerry, I think your the most important Lakers of all-time… that I want to fuck.
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lionydoorin · 1 year
so talk about tara! literally anything you want!! skateboarding!tara, thoughts? what sport do you think tara would think is useless and just an utter waste of time. what's sam's favourite sport and does tara support her in that love. what's tara's most hated food enemy. does she have any skills she keeps hidden from everyone, too shy to admit to.
swinging my legs and twirling my hair thinking here . ummmmm
skateboard!tara would be SO cute!!! even cuter if it was something she got from sam. i can imagine little tara wearing a helmet and pads that are simply too big for her, balancing herself on the board while sam is in front of her, helping her by holding her hands out while tara moves (or tries to).
i don't know about one she'd dislike, but i think tara would have a certain soft spot for sports where you have to run. she can run pretty fast, but she runs out of breath just as quickly, so she'd have to sit out and watch the kids during P.E. while they ran around, laughing, with the ball.
i can also see tara trying a sport once (maybe soccer, since, well, jenna used to play soccer, or another sport which i'll get into later but it's what i think sam might've played) but maybe she had a bad asthma attack during practice or a game and had to be sent to the hospital – cut to christina prohibiting her from practicing, not for her own safety, but because she hates having to "waste her money" on hospital bills. it's not that tara's asthma was specifically bad at that point where she couldn't play, seeing she did practice for a while! but this one isolated episode was enough for her mother.
sam's a basketball girly for me. maybe i'm saying this because i'm a basketball girly (gender neutral) myself, but... sam playing basketball since she was little? it being one of her safe places, besides tara, and her dropping out as punishment for herself after her dad left (maybe because he was also a basketball player? i dunno? but i see her dropping out at 15/16 when she started to get more and more involved with drugs)? her old teammates and coach trying to reach out and help her, but she's running away from them and rejecting said help? tears.
^ more of basketball sam! i think she'd play in quick, but strong positions, maybe as a small forward or a shooting guard, where she'd be okay with an average to tall height (not being one of the tallest on the team) while also having an aggressive play style. sam was a tall kid that took a while to grow into herself, but her base was very stable, and she was quick, so she was a great and very versatile player. great shooting, amazing infiltration and layup technique. the coach loved her and saw great potential in her.
baby tara admiring how much of a good player sammy was and attending every single one of her games???? yes!!! she was too small for basketball, yeah, but sam was just so cool. sam teaching her how to shoot? sobbing sobbing sobbing
to this day, sam still watches the NBA/WNBA and knows a lot about basketball. whenever they watch together, tara loves to watch as sam gets into the game, how she's involved, standing up from her seat and watching close to the tv, hands on her hips, analyzing plays and players and all but screaming when she thinks something's wrong. it's very entertaining, and tara loves how alive her sister feels.
(not sure which teams she'd root for, though. lakers?)
tara's a very picky eater, and for a while she was super used to bland food because she cooked (or tried to cook) things for herself a lot when sam left, so i think she'd hate very strong flavours.
she loves pasta and loves noodles in general, though, so i think by the amount of instant ramen she ate when she was younger, maybe she could have a surprisingly good spice tolerance? but she only eats the same brands and doesn't explore much!
when judy and wes offered to take her out for dinner, she'd always order the most simple thing on the menu and wouldn't add much salt to it.
she eats slowly, as well, separating things on her plate and making sure what she likes is far, far away from what she absolutely would not eat.
and after scream 5, she became a vegetarian because, well, the smell of meat reminded her of some not very nice things 🫶
about secret skills!!! hmm.. i like to imagine artist tara a lot, like she draws a lot on her free time and doesn't show it to a lot of people. even sam is surprised to see how good she is when she got back, and then the guilt coming from realizing she didn't know that because as much as she was there when tara started drawing, she wasn't there, you know?
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mjordan-nba-nhl · 2 years
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ballwzrd · 1 year
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Michael Porter jr.
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waheelawhisperer · 10 months
Pick a new collab for arknights and outline the plotblurb for the event.
I considered Bloodborne but we kinda already have that with the Abyssal Hunters
I considered RWBY but I sorta already did that in a prior post
Let's go with a crossover with professional basketball in a Space Jam-esque goofy event where the Rhodes Island Defenders have to save the world from whatever the fuck necessitated the construction of the false sky that Kirsten broke by defeating them in an exhibition match. The players train with NBA Hall-of-Famers at their respective positions, while Coach Doctor learns strategy and tactics from the legendary Gregg Popovich. The roster is as follows:
Point Guard: Nearl (trainer: Steph Curry)
Shooting Guard: Horn (trainer: Dwyane Wade)
Small Forward: Saria (trainer: Kevin Durant )
Power Forward: Eunectes (trainer: Dirk Nowitzki)
Center: Hoshiguma (trainer: Shaquille O'Neal)
The players on the roster all get basketball skins, as does Amiya, who gets a lore-relevant Defender Alter as one of the team's substitutes and the one who scores the game-winning buzzer-beater. She later uses her newfound skills to dunk on Theresis and take her place as the King of Fiends, ruler of the Royal Court.
Blemishine, Bagpipe, new 6-star event operator Kirsten Wright, Gavial, and Ch'en all get cheerleader skins. Amiya's associated cheerleader is Kal'tsit, but she threatened Closure to keep the skin from showing up in the shop, thus forever depriving us of the ability to deploy Mon3tr with a skirt and pom-poms.
The event starts with the Galleria Stellaria crashing down through the hole in the sky it initially ascended through and landing near the border between Columbia and Sami. Saria, recieving Kirsten's distress call and fearing what the Columbian government will do to her after her actions in Lone Trail (because her first thought is still to protect her), asks Rhodes Island to recover her from the wreckage before either the DOD or Maylander can arrive. Upon receiving medical treatment, Kirsten reveals the existence of invaders from beyond the stars and warns that Terra has limited time to prepare. As Rhodes Island's operators clash with DOD/Maylander strike teams, Kirsten informs the Doctor that the combined military might of Terra's sovereign nations is insufficient to repel the impending attack, but mentions that the files she stole and decrypted from one of the enemy ships implies that they can be convinced to retreat by defeating their mightiest warriors in a form of ritualistic combat known only as... "basketball".
Saria arrives at Rhodes Island to check on Kirsten and they have many Yuri Moments together while everyone else in the room stands there coughing uncomfortably. Kal'tsit contacts the Maylander Foundation and the Tin Man arrives shortly after, bearing a missive from President Mark Max on behalf of the Columbian government. The Tin Man provides all the data Columbia's archives have on this mysterious "basket ball", warning the assembled members of Rhine Lab/Rhodes Island that everything he has shared is highly classified and that the President expects their discretion. Most of the data is useless, but a report from a Columbian research station in Sami indicates that more information about "basketball" can be found by traversing one of the many dimensional rifts in the northern icefields. Rhodes Island calls in every ally it can find, assembles a team of its hardiest operators, and sets out for the frozen north.
After fighting its way through hordes of icefield demons, Rhodes Island and its allies manage to locate a likely portal and send forth communications and scouting drones in hopes of locating information about "basketball". What they find is a nation similar in many respects to the Columbian Union, though its advanced technology is in many respects very different from what they're used to seeing on Terra. Fending off attacks from the icefield demons, our heroes are about to lose hope when one of the communications drones picks up a reference to a place known as... Madison Square Garden. Video and audio footage of that night's Knicks vs. Spurs game is sufficient to convince Kal'tsit and the Tin Man that they have found the "basketball" they seek. The rules of the sport are not overly complicated, but developing the skills and strategies in the time they have available is not considered feasible, so Rhodes Island sends Operator Hellagur, at great risk, to make contact with the winning coach in hopes of securing his assistance. A bargain is struck - Pop will tutor the players in basketball basics and teach the Doctor how to coach the team, while a group of the best players to ever touch the game will help Rhodes Island's roster refine its techniques. In exchange, Rhine Labs will help the "National Basketball Association" adapt its broadcasts for a Terran audience.
The Doctor recruits other Rhodes Island operators to serve as the Rhodes Island Defenders' practice partners while the Columbian military sets up defenses around the portal and its communications array. The team improves steadily, but it feels like something essential is missing. No one has any clue what that might be, until one day when Kirsten shows up at practice claiming to have found the missing component. She mentions that after poring over every scrap of footage she could find, she determined that what the team needs is a group of fans and well-wishers, and follows this pronouncement by unveiling official Marthe cheerleader outfits, commissioned jointly by Rhodes Island and Rhine Labs. Several operators volunteer to form the Rhodes Island cheerleading squad (Ch'en gets bullied into it), and Bibeak alters the uniforms to fit them. They practice alongside the basketball team, and the players demonstrate notable improvement with something to simulate the adoration of their fans.
The fated day arrives, and after a brief clash with the alien forces, wherein Rhodes Island and its allies just barely manage to hold the line, an avenue of communication is opened with Kirsten's help and the challenge is issued: if the Rhodes Island defenders can defeat the alien invaders in a game of basketball, they will win their world a brief reprieve. Using alien technology, the match will be broadcast all across Terra, and people from every nation on the planet send Rhodes Island and its team tokens of their support. The world comes together, sort of, in perhaps the first time in Kal'tsit's living memory, to her equal parts amazement and chagrin.
The match is epic, brutal, and violent, with things like "fouls" reserved for injuries at least as severe as broken bones. The team fights hard and gives as good as it gets, but eventually star point guard Margaret Nearl is forced to leave the court with serious injuries after she leads an epic comeback and puts her body on the line to protect her teammates. Amiya subs in for her as Saria runs the offense, and the Doctor's coaching is crucial to allowing Rhodes Island to keep the game close. At a pivotal moment, Amiya manifests Nearl's shield and swordspear, much like she did with Chi Xiao against Talulah, and strikes down the enemy's deadliest player before sinking a fadeaway jumper as the clock runs out.
All of Terra erupts into cheers. The alien invaders retreat. Rhodes Island and its operators are hailed as heroes worldwide. Many people get drunk and party. Lots of babies are born nine months later. Someone posts pictures of Kal'tsit's ass on social media. Only a few in the know worry about the eventual return of the invaders.
Kirsten Wright is the 6-star banner operator for this event. She's the first operator with the ability to switch classes outright during an operation - her base class is an offensive ranged unit whose kit focuses around manipulating the planetarium spheres from her boss fight, while her alternative class is a Bard Supporter and features her donning her cheerleader outfit to encourage her allies. The banner 5-star is Jordan, a Forte Sniper with a sick jump shot and a habit of sticking her tongue out in battle. The event welfare is S&C Coach Sideroca, a 5-star Instructor Guard who provides stat buffs and heals to Guards, Defenders, Snipers, Vanguards, and Specialists.
Skins include the aforementioned basketball outfits and cheerleader getups, as well as Coach Dobermann and Athletic Trainer Silence. General Manager Hellagur, Towel Boy Bison, and Concession Stand Worker Schwarz (she hates customer service) also make a limited-time appearance in the shop.
The final boss is actually five different units at once. As each unit is defeated, the remaining units gain buffs depending on which unit was defeated previously. When all five are defeated, they revive with greatly reduced HP and increased movement speed, becoming briefly unblockable as they mount a last-ditch drive to the basket. Take them down quickly, or all of Terra will pay the price...
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4Town Headcanons but make it 2022😋
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T and Jesse are Drake enthusiasts! They will try to play every single album in one day!
Z will stay up playing NBA 2k and sometimes another member will join and if it’s not Jesse then he will stomp to Z’s room and unplug the game and walk away😭 saying something along the lines of “it’s 4 freaking am I need beauty sleep”
Z, Ro and Jesse (tbh all of them) will kill for Beyonce! She once hugged Z out of nowhere and he never been the same since
They have a shared TikTok account and they literally just put random stuff on there especially T and Tae! They love acting a fool and being funny any chance they get. Robaire persuades Z to do small dances with him on there so that’s always something the 4townies look forward too
They do have separate accounts, but they love trolling on the shared one
They go live on TikTok and instagram at the most random times! they sometimes will tell the 4Townies they’ll go live soon but usually they just start one out of nowhere and you just gotta hope you don’t miss it.
Also with the lives it’s always a surprise because you never know who is live until you click it! Sometimes it’s one member sometimes time its 3 it’s always different
The lives are always fun even if it’s just a Q and A
The lives might be cooking, playing a game, just talking, Z beating everyone in basketball, you name it!!!!
They also have separate instagrams!!
Definitely have a YouTube channel! It was all T’s idea which the group thought was crazy but they all ended actually liking the channel and posting on it!
Jesse posts himself throwing down on the pottery wheel! The videos are always calming and the conversations are always lovely. He posts vlogs and cooking/baking videos with Tae and Ro
Ro does vlogs as well and loves going to the bookstore and talking about the books. He has videos called “Reading with Ro” or “Read with me” and it’s like 25 mins of him reading his book quietly while serving looks and adding his opinions on what happens in the book.
T has a video for everything he does to be honest! He has so many prank videos it’s uncanny. His vlogs consist of him skateboarding, doing parkour, trying a bunch of food from different places, and etc. he is the king of Mukbangs and does them a lot with the other members! Z tends to join a lot because he has the most tea to spill and he likes free food
Z loves posting videos of him playing basketball and loves showing off his different ways of dunking! He will have like 15 min videos of him dancing and it’s always so entertaining. He has a few videos that shows his different daily routines for going to the studio and the 4Townies go crazy when he is shirtless while washing his face.
Tae vlogs going to animal shelters a lot! He will have videos of him introducing new animals, feeding them, and washing them! He has sooooo many cooking videos! His video of him making Tteok-bokki literally has so many views it’s crazy! He has like 20 minute videos of him teaching Korean and it’s so educational and cute.
They all have gameplay videos, but mainly T, Tae, and Z! They are all freaking hilarious and chaotic! Z might be the quietest out of the members, but I kid you not he is funny asf and so talkative during gameplays he is like Berleezy and CoryxKenshin!
There are like different versions of hoverboards of all shapes and sizes and they own all of them! But Jesse band them from riding them indoors because of him and Tae running into each other which caused them to break a vase and Jesse’s finger
Z lovesss the Spider-Man game on the PS4/5 he finished it twice because it was just that good
Tae, T, and Ro play Fortnight all the time! They have all the skins and play like pros
Every single one of them will get on Roblox and troll! They will literally tag team in murder mystery and make fun of the 12 year olds 😭
Robaire loves The Greatest Showman and the Princess and the Frog, and Black Panther
Z loves Avengers Endgame and All 3 spider-man movies (Tom holland) and Avatar (the tall blue people)
T loves the movie Ready Player One and Train to Busan and Encanto
Jesse loves Avengers Infinity War and Harry Potter’s Prisons of Askaban and Thor Ragnarok
Taeyoung loves Big Hero 6 and Spider-Man into the spider verse and Men in Black
Ro’s favorite show is the Mandalorian and Fresh Prince of Bel-air
Z’s favorite show is Wild N’ Out and Demon Slayer and Avatar the Last Air Bender
Tae’s favorite shows is Sweet Home, and Full House, and Naruto
T’s favorite show is Ridiculousness and Stranger Things and The Simpsons
Jesse’s favorite show is Teen Wolf and HunterxHunter and Neds declassified School Survival Guide
They definitely made songs with artists like Megan Thee Stallion, Billie Eilish, Sza, BTS
T and Tae makes everyone dress up every Halloween! they once dressed as Ghostbusters and T was the StayPuft monster and they made the most hilarious TikTok in the outfits
I have so many more ideas, so let’s see what I do soon ✨ ENJOY 😁
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richincolor · 1 year
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New Releases
I got an early look at Rez Ball and am really looking forward to seeing it out in the world. I'm excited for that and several others this week.
Rez Ball by Byron Graves Heartdrum
This compelling debut novel by new talent Byron Graves tells the relatable, high-stakes story of a young athlete determined to play like the hero his Ojibwe community needs him to be. These days, Tre Brun is happiest when he is playing basketball on the Red Lake Reservation high school team—even though he can’t help but be constantly gut-punched with memories of his big brother, Jaxon, who died in an accident. When Jaxon’s former teammates on the varsity team offer to take Tre under their wing, he sees this as his shot to represent his Ojibwe rez all the way to their first state championship. This is the first step toward his dream of playing in the NBA, no matter how much the odds are stacked against him. But stepping into his brother’s shoes as a star player means that Tre can’t mess up. Not on the court, not at school, and not with his new friend, gamer Khiana, who he is definitely not falling in love with. After decades of rez teams almost making it, Tre needs to take his team to state. Because if he can live up to Jaxon’s dreams, their story isn’t over yet.  This book is published by Heartdrum, an imprint that publishes high-quality, contemporary stories about Indigenous young people in the United States and Canada.
Those Pink Mountain Nights by Jen Ferguson Heartdrum
In her remarkable second novel following her acclaimed debut, The Summer of Bitter and Sweet, which won the Governor General’s Award and received six starred reviews, Jen Ferguson writes about the hurt of a life stuck in past tense, the hum of connections that cannot be severed, and one week in a small snowy town that changes everything.
Over-achievement isn’t a bad word—for Berlin, it’s the goal. She’s securing excellent grades, planning her future, and working a part-time job at Pink Mountain Pizza, a legendary local business. Who says she needs a best friend by her side?
Dropping out of high school wasn’t smart—but it was necessary for Cameron. Since his cousin Kiki’s disappearance, it’s hard enough to find the funny side of life, especially when the whole town has forgotten Kiki. To them, she’s just another missing Native girl.
People at school label Jessie a tease, a rich girl—and honestly, she’s both. But Jessie knows she contains multitudes. Maybe her new job crafting pizzas will give her the high-energy outlet she desperately wants.
When the weekend at Pink Mountain Pizza takes unexpected turns, all three teens will have to acknowledge the various ways they’ve been hurt—and how much they need each other to hold it all together.
Ab(solutely) Normal: Short Stories That Smash Mental Health Stereotypes edited by Nora Shalaway Carpenter & Rocky Callen Candlewick Press
Channeling their own experiences, sixteen exceptional authors subvert mental health stereotypes in a powerful and uplifting collection of fiction.
A teen activist wrestles with protest-related anxiety and PTSD. A socially anxious vampire learns he has to save his town by (gulp) working with people. As part of her teshuvah, a girl writes letters to the ex-boyfriend she still loves, revealing that her struggle with angry outbursts is related to PMDD. A boy sheds uncontrollable tears but finds that in doing so he’s helping to enable another’s healing. In this inspiring, unflinching, and hope-filled mixed-genre collection, sixteen diverse and notable authors draw on their own lived experiences with mental health conditions to create stunning works of fiction that will uplift and empower you, break your heart and stitch it back together stronger than before. Through powerful prose, verse, and graphics, the characters in this anthology defy stereotypes as they remind readers that living with a mental health condition doesn’t mean that you’re defined by it. Each story is followed by a note from its author to the reader, and comprehensive back matter includes bios for the contributors as well as a collection of relevant resources.
With contributions by: Mercedes Acosta * Karen Jialu Bao * James Bird * Rocky Callen * Nora Shalaway Carpenter * Alechia Dow * Patrick Downes * Anna Drury * Nikki Grimes * Val Howlett * Jonathan Lenore Kastin * Sonia Patel * Marcella Pixley * Isabel Quintero * Ebony Stewart * Francisco X. Stork
Monstrous by Jessica Lewis Delacorte Press
Forced to spend her summer in her aunt’s strange small town, a teen girl discovers dark secrets hidden in the woods. From the author of Bad Witch Burning comes another pulse-pounding novel perfect for fans of Supernatural and Lovecraft Country.
Don’t go outside past dark. Come straight home after church. And above all—never, ever, go into Red Wood.
These are the rules Latavia’s aunt tells her as soon as she arrives in Sanctum, Alabama for the summer. Weird, but Latavia isn’t here to solve any scary small town mysteries; she’s here for six weeks and six weeks only, and then she’s off to college and won’t look back. Still, Sanctum has its perks—mainly, the cute girl who works at the local ice cream shop.
But Latavia can’t ignore how strange her aunt’s tiny town is. The residents are suspicious of her and at times hostile, and it’s clear she’s some kind of outsider. That’s proven when Latavia is dragged out of her house in the dead of night, into the forbidden Red Wood, and presented as a human sacrifice to an ancient monster.
Latavia won’t be eaten without a fight. She’ll do whatever she has to do to survive—even if that includes making a deal with the monster, endangering her crush and family, and even risk turning into a monster herself.
The Name Drop by Susan Lee Inkyard Press
New from the author of Seoulmates comes a story of mistaken identities, the summer of a lifetime, and a love to risk everything for.
When Elijah Ri arrives in New York City for an internship at his father’s massive tech company, Haneul Corporation, he expects the royal treatment that comes with being the future CEO—even if that’s the last thing he wants. But instead, he finds himself shuffled into a group of overworked, unpaid interns, all sharing a shoebox apartment for the summer.
When Jessica Lee arrives in New York City, she’s eager to make the most of her internship at Haneul Corporation, even if she’s at the bottom of the corporate ladder. But she’s shocked to be introduced as the new executive-in-training intern with a gorgeous brownstone all to herself.
It doesn’t take long for Elijah and Jessica to discover the source of the they share the same Korean name. But they decide to stay switched—so Elijah can have a relaxing summer away from his controlling dad while Jessica can make the connections she desperately needs for college recommendations.
As Elijah and Jessica work together to keep up the charade, a spark develops between them. Can they avoid discovery—and total disaster—with their feelings and futures on the line?
Goddess Crown by Shade Lapite Walker Books US
In this thrilling Afro-fantasy, the first set in the lush, opulent kingdom of Galla, a girl raised in secret must leave her sheltered rural home for the subtle dangers of the royal court, where she becomes caught up in deadly power struggles and romantic intrigue.
Kalothia has grown up in the shadows of her kingdom, hidden away in the forested East after her parents were outed as enemies of the king. Raised in a woodland idyll by a few kindly adult caretakers, Kalothia can hunt and fish and fend for herself but knows little of the outside world. When assassins attack her home on her sixteenth birthday, she must flee to the king’s court in the West–a beautiful but lethal nest of poison, plots, and danger, overseen by an entrenched patriarchy. Guided by the Goddess herself, can Kalothia navigate this most worldly of places to find her own role? What if she must choose between her country and her heart? Excitement, romance, and a charismatic heroine shine in this first book set in the unforgettable kingdom of Galla.
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spawn-universe · 8 months
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February 7, 2024 - McFarlane Toys, a trailblazer in the realm of action figures and collectibles, proudly marks its 30th anniversary in 2024 – commemorating three decades of innovation by setting new standards for the toy industry and design excellence.
What began as a small, privately owned business in the early 90’s has evolved into an industry leader, defying the odds against Fortune 500 companies, and maintaining its private ownership throughout its impressive journey.
Founded in 1994 by the visionary Todd McFarlane, the company has continually redefined the possibilities within the world of action figures. At the core of McFarlane Toys’ success is Todd McFarlane’s iconic creation, SPAWN, which stands as one of the world’s best-selling comic books, with hundreds of millions of copies sold globally in over 120 countries. The title’s 1992 debut was a massive success with over 1.7 million copies sold, marking a pivotal moment in the future establishment of McFarlane Toys. SPAWN’s aesthetic appealed to toy industry giants, and several wanted to create figures based on it. However, McFarlane’s goal was to create hyper-realistic and articulated action figures that were not yet available on the market. Todd’s forward-thinking led McFarlane Toys to introduce the first ultra-articulated action figure to the market in the early 90s, setting a new standard for the industry. His innovative approach extended to coloring as well, as McFarlane Toys became the first to incorporate a rich and diverse palette, offering fans an impressive array of colors and designs on their figures – a groundbreaking move that preceded industry norms at the time. This distinctive style, marked by revolutionary articulation and vibrant coloring, has since become McFarlane Toys’ signature look, influencing other toy companies to follow suit.
Throughout the years, McFarlane Toys has expanded its influence by partnering with industry giants like DC Comics, Disney, James Cameron’s Avatar, Warner Brothers, HBO’s Game of Thrones, Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty, AMC’s The Walking Dead, and Five Nights at Freddy’s. They’ve also collaborated with iconic and influential figures across various industries, such as Tim Burton, Ozzy Osbourne, KISS, and multiple stars from the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, among others.
To reach audiences worldwide, McFarlane Toys has formed strategic partnerships with consumer giants such as Amazon, Target, Walmart, BestBuy, and GameStop. These collaborations aim to bring their high-quality action figures to fans and collectors everywhere, further solidifying McFarlane Toys’ presence and influence in a competitive market.
This strategic growth underscores the company’s 30-year commitment to resilience and continuous pursuit of excellence in an ever-evolving industry. The company’s continued and unwavering dedication to authenticity and attention to detail has cultivated a dedicated global fan base, positioning McFarlane Toys as a leader in the world of collectible action figures.
In addition to its creative achievements, McFarlane Toys consistently earns recognition at the Toy Industry Foundation’s annual ‘Toy of the Year’ Awards, for its significant industry contributions. The company has also secured the position of the #1 best-selling action figure on Amazon several times and earned the prestigious ‘Top-Selling Action Figure and Accessories for the U.S. and Canada’ at The NPD’s 2021 Toy Industry Performance Awards.
To commemorate this extraordinary milestone, McFarlane Toys will release several limited edition and exclusive Gold Label figures. Noteworthy among them is a compelling two-pack featuring a SPAWN figure based on Todd’s original teenage design and sketches, paired with a figure of Todd himself. Fans can anticipate an array of exciting releases, social media contests, and announcements throughout the anniversary year.
Follow McFarlane Toys on social (@mcfarlane_toys_official on Instagram) and visit the official website at www.mcfarlane.com for exciting updates and announcements. As McFarlane Toys looks back on 30 years of groundbreaking achievements, the company remains committed to pushing boundaries and delivering exceptional collectibles destined to be cherished for years to come.
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tllgrrl · 2 years
Thunderbolts Headcanon: Bucky Arrives from Delacroix
(Yeah, I know it’s early, but I’ve already started thinking…things.)
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Bucky wasn’t happy to leave home and go meet up with some new “team” that Thunderbolt Ross was putting together, but he’d brought something with him to make this meeting bearable.
The first meeting goes something like this…
A QuinJet lands, and Bucky Barnes walks down the ramp and into a nearby building.
The “orientation meeting” has already begun as he enters the conference room. He’s wearing tactical gear, a Black backpack on his shoulders and, like Dirk Nowitzki* on Game Day, he’s carrying a plate covered with foil.
He barely glances at the camera mounted on the wall just above the video monitor. “Hey, Ross.”
After carefully setting the plate on the table, he removes his backpack, opens it, retrieves eating utensils wrapped in a dinner napkin, a bottle of water, and a small leather pouch which he opens and pulls out a shaker of some sort, and a small bottle of Tabasco sauce.
As he prepares to eat, the aroma filling the room causes at least one stomach to growl, and not quietly.
Yelena Belova pokes her father and glares, eyebrows raised. The huge, gruff man shrugs innocently. “What?! It smells delicious!”
Before taking a bite, Bucky looks around the table and asks, “What’d I miss?”
* * * * * * * * * * a bit of backstory * * * * * * * * * *
*ICYDK: Future NBA Hall of Famer, Dallas Mavericks Legend Dirk Nowitzki is legendary for not only his basketball skills, but for the foil-covered plate of home cooking he’d bring to the arena each Home Game and on the road.
After he met and married his wife Jessica Olsson, this was how the multimillionaire rolled into “the office”. Over the years, outlets such as ESPN covered # 41’s to-go game.
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The foil-covered plate is so iconic, the recently retired 7’ tall Forward was even carrying one in the “Final Delivery” chapter of the 2022 NBA Championship Playoffs “NBA Lanes to 75” ad campaign that features Michael B. Jordan.
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Still kinda don’t quite get it? Google “Dirk Nowitzki’s wife Jessica Olsson Nowitzki” and find out why on more than one occasion, Black Twitter speculated that there was everything from jollof rice to greens and cornbread under that foil, but whatever it was, it was definitely properly-seasoned.
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