#nb spencer reid
0o-junebug-o0 · 10 days
First Meeting
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summary: You're having difficulty with some code so you stop by Penelope's house for help, unaware that she has a guest. Spencer takes one look at you and is immediately head over heels.
genre: fluff
cw: meet cute (is it a meet cute?) completely gn!reader (reader is not described at all), no use of y/n, autistic!spencer (because every spencer is autistic!spencer), season 1 spencer, university/college student reader, talk about research and coding, pov switch from reader to spencer
wordcount: 1.5k
a/n: this is an actual error I had this summer when writing my spectra analysis code
You lean back in your chair with a sigh, scowling at the code you’re trying to write. You’re still relatively new to coding, the first time you ever took a class on it was just under two years ago, so this code has taken you significantly more time to write than it would have taken Penelope. But you’ve written it. You read through the code again and rerun it. Everything runs fine, the code should work, but it doesn’t. 
You rub your eyes and groan with frustration. You should be able to get a wavelength solution out of this. The professor you’re doing research with told you what you need to do to get the wavelength solution and then how to use it to find the redshift of the lensed galaxy and the foreground lensing galaxy, but nothing is lining up!
You’ve opened the data, plotted the variation in flux for each line in the image, fit a Gaussian to it to get the brightest point, and converted the pixel value of that point to vacuum wavelength, but none of the wavelengths you’re finding match up with what lines should be present in the spectra for this lamp type!
You briefly consider emailing your professor but decide against it. Even though he told you that asking things wouldn’t bother him and that it’s his job, you don’t want to take up more of this time than you already have. 
You look around your apartment for anything that might help. Your eyes land on your keychain and the spare key Penelope gave you because she enjoys it when you stop by. You quickly shut your laptop, tucking it under your arm, grab your keys, slip on a pair of shoes, and make your way down the hall to Penelope’s apartment, not bothering to lock the door behind you. 
Spencer sits awkwardly on one of Garcia’s kitchen stools, tapping his fingers on the Tardis mug she had filled with tea and given him. He’s not exactly sure why Garcia invited him over. She said she wanted to bond, but they’ve known each other for almost two years now, and Spencer considers her a good friend, so he doesn’t really know what bonding entails. So far, Garcia has just been bustling around her kitchen preparing snacks and drinks for their Doctor Who marathon.
The lock clicks and Spencer’s head whips toward the door just in time for it to burst open. Spencer freezes and stares at you in awe and confusion. 
“Penny!” you cry, your voice a mixture of a shout and a whine. 
Garcia calls your name with a surprised look. “What happened? Are you alright?”
“What?” you ask. Then you wave your hand flippantly. “Yeah I’m fine, I just need help with some code.” Your eyes land on Spencer and he can feel his heart rate increase. He really hopes his face isn’t as red as it feels. 
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you had someone over,” you say. “I can, um, I can come back later.”
Spencer watches as your posture stiffens slightly and you start to fiddle with your keychain. 
Spencer opens his mouth to reassure you but Garcia beats him to it. “No, no, it’s fine,” she says. “I’ve been wanting you two to meet anyway.” You shoot Spencer a small, awkward smile and wave from across the room when Garcia shares your name. When she introduces him, your eyes widen and you look toward Garcia with an expression Spencer can’t decipher and whisper something to her that makes her laugh loudly. 
Spencer can feel himself flushing at your reaction and takes a sip of his tea to hide his face.
“Anyway!” Garcia says cheerfully. “Do you mind if I help them real quick?”
“Go ahead,” Spencer responds, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. It’s difficult with you there, though, all his thoughts suddenly seem much harder to grasp. Like your presence is forcing them aside. 
Your eyes seem to linger on him for a moment before you head over to the counter and set your laptop down. “Right,” you mutter, opening it and entering the password. Spencer listens intently as you describe to Garcia what your code should be doing and he can’t help but smile at the clear passion in your voice. It sends butterflies to his stomach. 
“What do you study?” Spencer blurts out. 
You close your mouth and cock your head at him for a moment. “I’m, uh, I’m studying astrophysics. Specifically strong gravitational lensing. I’ve already made preliminary models of the system and I’m just working on analyzing the spectra now.”
Spencer nods and leans over to look at your code. 
“Do you want to help Penny find the issue?” you ask. You sound a bit nervous and Spencer looks up and smiles what he hopes is a soothing smile.
“I would if I could. I really don’t know how to code, though.”
“Seriously?” you ask. Spencer cocks his head at the tone of surprise in your voice. “Sorry, it’s just that Penny has told me a lot about you and about how you’re a genius and have three PhDs, which is insanely impressive by the way, so I guess I’m just surprised you don’t know something.”
“There’s a lot I don’t know,” Spencer admits. “Coding and other technological things are some of it. I don’t know too much about astrophysics either.” That’s not exactly true but it isn’t a lie either. He’s read papers on several astrophysical topics but he’s never come across one on strong lensing before. But the truth of the statement is irrelevant, the only reason he said it was to find an excuse to spend more time with you.
You smile and Spencer’s stomach feels like it does a backflip. “I won’t be much help teaching you how to code, Penny would be better for that, but I can tell you about some astro stuff at some point.”
“Alright, lovebirds,” Garcia teases and Spencer’s face burns. “Let’s focus.” You nod, clearly also a bit embarrassed, and turn back to your laptop.
“How about I go line by line and tell you what it should do and you let me know if something doesn’t do what I think it does,” you say. Garcia nods and both she and Spencer follow along as you point to and describe each line of code. You get to a printed image of the data file you’re analyzing before Garcia stops you.
“Can you open the file on your computer?” she asks.
You nod and open the file in a new application and move it so it’s side by side with the image in your code. “Wait,” you mutter, glancing back and forth between the two images. “Is that seriously the issue?” Spencer leans forward to get a closer look, the x-axes of the images are flipped. 
You throw your head back with a groan and change the rotation of the file in your code. “I swear, if this works,” you growl. The clear exasperation in your tone makes Spencer chuckle slightly. 
You rerun the code and compare several of the outputs to a list of wavelengths before groaning again and letting your head fall onto the counter. “I hate Python,” you grumble. “Why does it have to switch the axes!” 
Garcia laughs and pats you on the back. You raise your head off the counter and tap your forehead against her shoulder in a gesture Spencer assumes expresses gratitude. “Thanks, Penny,” you sigh. “You’re the best.”
“Of course I am!”
“Oh, and Spencer,” you say, turning to look at him. “We should get lunch sometime. I can tell you about astrophysics and you can tell me about all the crazy things you know.”
“I-I would love that,” Spencer stutters, unable to speak clearly with you looking into his eyes. He's hardly able to wrap his head around the fact that someone as beautiful as you would want to spend more time with him. Spencer's not sure whether you’re asking him on a date or just to go out as friends, but he doesn’t care either way as long as he gets to spend more time with you.
“Great!” you say happily. You stand and cross the room to quickly grab one of Garcia’s pens before returning. You hold the fluffy pink pen with a smile on your face and hold out your hand to his. “May I?” you ask. 
Spencer’s eyes widen and he nods, setting his hand in yours despite his usual aversion to touch. The contact makes his heart feel like it’s about to burst from his chest. You scrawl your number across the back of his hand before handing Spencer the pen and holding out your hand for him to do the same. He writes his number on your hand and watches in a sort of daze as you gather your computer and keys and wave goodbye before leaving.
Spencer jumps slightly as Garcia ruffles his hair. He looks over at her to see a knowing smile on her face. Spencer blushes and hides his face in his hands. “Shut up,” he grumbles, embarrassed.
“No way,” she laughs. “Derek’s going to have a field day with this. Boy genius has a crush!”
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@daryls-crossbow16 @roboticsuccubus83 @nemobee777 @dorcas4meadowes @spenciesslut @Idfk17 @pleasantwitchgarden @angeliccss @novaana @moonysreid @cynbx @dead-universe @starlighta
1K notes · View notes
chaosintended · 11 months
what is it with nb people looking at tall skinny white men and going ✨gender✨
33 notes · View notes
supercriminalbean · 2 years
Inclusion to love.
BAU x NB!Reader
Summary: You have been struggling lately with coming out to your family as Non binary (tried my best to keep it gender netural before they came out aswell). Deciding to stay in the closet, but while on a case your team finds out. How does it end, is everyone accepting? Do you gain or lose another family?
Warnings: Transphobia. Homophobia. Killing. Blood. Crying. Family abuse. Religion abuse. Using God in the name of hate. Swearing. Hate speech. Deadnames. Self hatred. (If I have forgotten anything please let me know)
Words: 6.7k
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Walking inside the bullpen. You’re feeling mentally and physically drained from the night before. Having gotten into another argument with your parents on the phone last night, about you being Non binary. You just wanted to explain what it meant for you. Wanted them to try and use your pronouns, but they argued and called you so many names. Saying you would go to hell for being Trans. You had hung up the phone and cried yourself to sleep that night, they were the only ones you had come out to. You had hoped they would love you no matter what, like they always said they would. But you figured it's just another lie that they have told you. You don't know why you were still surprised, they never mean what they say. They don’t care for you, it's all just an act. You wish you could just leave them behind, but they are your only family.
Sighing as you walk over to the coffee maker for a cup. Accidentally bumping into Morgan, who's standing at the counter.
“Shit my bad, sorry Morgan” Looking up at him slowly. Not even trying to put a smile on this morning.
“It's alright, long night?” Smirking as he wiggles his eyebrows at you. Groaning weakly as you pour yourself a large cup of coffee.
“Yeah something like that” Bringing the coffee up to your mouth taking a long whiff of the strong smell. Closing your eyes as you take a giant mouth full.
“Yeah get it” His voice filled with light laughter. Normally you would tease him back, but today you didn't have the energy. Taking your cup you head  back over to your desk, leaving him there alone. Feeling his eyes following you.
You drop your bag by your seat, kicking it under your desk as you sit down. Slumping backwards as you take another long sip of your coffee. Overhearing Garcia and Reid talking about something nerdy, you're guessing Dr Who. They are going to a Dr who Convention this coming weekend. Rossi comes over leaning against your desk, facing the two nerds. He teases them, only to end up chuckling at his own jokes. Soon JJ, Prentisse and Morgan join everyone, standing around them all talking and laughing. Not having the energy to pay attention to whatever they were saying, you open up one of your files you needed to get started on. 
As you picked up your pen, you could feel people's eyes on you, ignoring it. Picking up your coffee, you end up skulking the rest of it. 
“Someones thirsty” Hearing the teasing in Rossi's voice you glance up at him.
“Yeah, guess so” Your voice is full of annoyance, and tiredness. The bags under your eyes are now visible to the team. You move your chair backwards, standing back up to head over for more coffee. You could feel a few pairs of eyes watching you.
The morning moves by slowly, you are now on your fourth cup of coffee. You have only gotten through one file, and still have way too many to do. Secretly you're just hoping you don't get a case today. That way all you have to do is finish your paperwork and go home. Today you are doing everything in your power to avoid talking to anyone in your team. You know that your coworkers know something is up with you, they are all profilers after all and you're not even trying to hide that you're not doing okay. You reach your desk again after another cup of coffee sitting back down, sighing as you start on the file. Reid looks up at you, his desk being right beside yours.
“Hey (Y/L), that's your fourth cup of coffee, maybe you should slow down” Reid jokes lightly, that small caring smile on his face. You know he means well, but not wanting to deal with any of it today. You couldn’t help the snarky comment dancing on your tongue.
“Reid, you're one to talk, don't you have like 10 cups a day, get off my back” You scoff, the words coming off harsher than intended.  
“Woah, (Y/L) someone seems fierce today” Emily says turning to face you in her seat. 
You roll your eyes up at her, ready to give her an even snarky response.
“We got a case,” Hotch calls out to the teams. You look up to see him leaning on the rails, staring at you. 
You follow the team into the conference room, taking the seat closest to the door. Garica already has the files and the presentation up. Once everyone is seated, Garcia starts the presentation of the case.
“Okay so this case is a strange one, 4 bodies have been discovered in the last 36 hours, in Los Vegas, the first two bodies where found together at a park tied to seesaws, the male victim, Mike Harrison, 23 was found wearing the purple flowy dress, and our female victim, Isabella Grey, 22, is found in a man suit, but was wearing heels. Our other two Victims, David Brown, 22 and Oliva Williams, 21. Were found at a bus stop, tied to the bench and found in similar clothing” While she's speaking, photos of the victims and the crime scene pop up. 
“How were they killed?” Reid asks, staring at the photos.
“Well that's the gross part, The M.E still trying to find the cause of death but, after they took the clothing off they noticed the bodies had all been cut into at the torso and found a bible pushed inside each one” Garcia screwed her face up, in disgust as she speaks. “There are photos in your files, which you can look at, when I'm not around”
“Okay well that's something new” Emily says, looking through her files at the photos.
“The victims were missing for at least 16 hours before being found, we need to find the unsub, before more bodies drop” Hotch says.
“What I'm wondering is why would the unsub dresses the victims up in opposite gender clothing and leave a bible inside them” You speak quietly, almost trouble-like. Staring at the photos on the presentation.
“This could be due to the unsubs history with religion, most religious people are against Homosexualy and against cross dressing as they believe it can lead to people changing their sex.” Reid speaks quickly, picking up his coffee.
“So we should look for people who may have been kicked out of a church due to their sexuality and how they present themselves” Rossi sighs, closing his files.
“What about the victims, were they a part of any churches or religious and any connection to each other?” Your voice comes out quietly. You didn't want to have a case today, especially one that's going to hit so close to home.
“We don't have much information on the victims yet but I am still searching for it all” Garcia says as she closes her laptop. Hotch stands up picking up his files.
“We’ll have more information as we land, wheels up in thirty”
You’re seated on the jet, with your headphones, staring out the window. Facing away from the team, who are playing some card games. Hotch is the only other one not playing, he’s sitting on his own finishing off some paperwork. It's half way through the flight, still two hours left. When Rossi comes over and sits opposite you, smiles gently at you. Gesturing at your headphones, you slide them off slowly. 
“Hey Rossi” You smile slightly. Staring at him, unfocused.
“What's up with you kiddo, you've been unnatural quite today” He jokes. Studying you with concern.
“It's nothing, I'm just extremely tired, and people out” You don't meet his eyes knowing he could see straight through your lies. 
“Did you not sleep last night?”
“Not much, and somehow coffee isn't doing its job today” Laughing gently.
“It would probably work if you had food in your system to help” He raises his eyebrow pointedly. He knows when you're feeling down, you tend to forget to eat.
“Rossi, are you trying to parent me right now?” You smirk softly. Taking another sip of your coffee.
“Someone needs to look after you” He pulls out a small bag of crackers out of his bag, throwing it to you.
“My favourite, you really are a soft teddy bear aren't you Papa Rossi” You take the bag opening it slightly. You weren't hungry but you know if you don’t, you will get a lecture from him. 
“How dare you, I am not a soft anything” His face goes to a dramatic offended face, his hand raises to rest on his chest. Laughing at him you take a cracker, eating it slowly.
“You should try to get some sleep before we land, kiddo you're going to need it” He stands back up, smiling at you gently.
“I'll try” you smile as he walks back over to where Reid, JJ and Emily are, getting ready to play another round. Morgan is sitting on the couch facing them, making some jokes with Emily.
You slide your headphones back on, watching out the window, starting to eat the crackers rossi left you. Turning the music up louder, hoping it will be loud enough to block anything else coming into your mind.
Rossi sits back down beside JJ, Reid is placing down some cards for the next game. They all turn to Rossi, Emily being the first to break the silence. 
“So did (Y/N) say anything?” Her voice filled with concern. No one could blame her, everyone has noticed that you have been off the last week. But today, you weren’t even trying to hide it anymore. It's almost like you have just given up. 
“Nothing, (Y/L) tried to say it's from barely sleeping, but it's clear (Y/N) is hiding something, could barely even look at me” Rossi sighs worriedly, glancing over at them.
“I'm sure (Y/N) will talk when it's time to” Reid speaks quietly, He was really worried about you, you had bailed the last two times he tried to invite you to anything sociable. You had bailed on team movie night, even when it was your turn to pick the movie. Reid onlys wants to be there for you, the way you are always there for him, or for anyone on the team. Emily glances over at you. Noticing your eyes are starting to close, looking like you are close to falling asleep.JJ follows Emily's eyes, smiling softly as she takes in your body langues. Your body is starting to relax enough for you to finally get some rest.
“(Y/L) knows we are here, when its time to open up”
When the Jet lands, it's 3:25pm due to the La time zone. Hotch was heading to the Police station to talk to the lieutenant in charge. Reid and Prentiss went to the morgue to find more information about the bodies. JJ and Morgan went to the latest crime scene at the bus stop. You and Rossi had arrived at the first crime scene, a park that was in the middle of a beautiful quiet looking neighbourhood. As you and Rossi look around the park, mainly where the bodies were found on the seesaws. You two keep throwing ideas at each other regarding the unsub, and why he would leave the bodies in such an open area. You crouch down to examine the SeeSaw more closely, an odd looking heart carved into the middle of it. 
“Hey Rossi, look at this” You call out, as Rossi walks over and crouches down beside you, to examine what you have found. 
“What did you find, kid?” 
“Look at this heart, it looks like its been there for a while, but the pen marks in the index of the shape its fresh”
“What, you think of the unsub coloured in the initials?” He raises his eyebrows watching you. “Lots of people crave words into playground you know that (Y/L)”
“Yes you're right they do, but look at it again, the edge of where the heart indexes are, looks old, at least a few years, but the black pen looks fresh, and they found some fresh ink the same colour on one of the victims hard” You explain as you take a photo of it.
“Huh, good catch” Rossi stands up looking around the park.
You bring your phone to your ear as you ring Morgan, he answers quickly.
“Hey pretty, you two find anything yet?” Morgan's voice is filled with his usual teasing.
“I think so, this could be nothing but, did you or JJ find a heart with the initials, L+K in it, it probably looks old but there could be fresh black ink in the index of the words.” Your words come out fast, as they do when you get excited or when your brain is working extra fast. Your words just never seem to keep up with your brain.  
“Wait actually I think I saw something like that” You can hear him moving, and hear JJ voice in the background, asking him what he's looking for. Morgan crouches down in front of the bus stop benches, where the bodies were found. 
“Yeah (Y/L), I've got that here, right in the middle of the bench”
“Yeah I found mine in the middle of the seesaw” You sigh. “Alright Morgan we’ll see you back at the precinct” As you hang up you look back at Rossi.
“They found the exact same one, middle of the bench” Shaking your head slightly.
“Well we have a lead on the unsubs name” Rossi speaks slowly. Trying to wrap his head around what the unsub plan could be.
It was now after 10pm, the team had delivered the profile a few hours earlier. Garica has managed to connect all the victims together. The male victims worked at a nightclub as Drag Queens, the nightclub being only a couple blocks away from each crime scene.  The female victims used to be a part of a church that was only a block away from the Nightclub.  It was discovered that they were kicked out due to their relationship together. Prentiss and Rossi had talked to Isabella Grey family, and also Mike Harrison family as well, gathering as much information as they could. JJ, Morgan and Hotch had talked to Oliva William and David Brown's family. As you and Reid stayed back at the precinct, on the phone with Garcia. Finding out any other information you possibly could. Reid had also mapped out the Unsubs comfort zone.The Female victims also worked at the same night club as the male victims, as waitresses and bartenders. The profile of the unsub that they had is, a white male early to mid 20s. They had profiled that he may have been kicked out of church and home due to his sexuality, and that he is targeting those who are able to openly be themselves. Something that he is still unable to do. 
The team is currently sitting around the table, eating their dinner as they discuss their plan for tomorrow.
“Dave, I want you and Emily to go to the church in the morning, see what else you can find from them, see if anyone fits our profile” Hotch says as the team starts eating their pizza together. He gets a nod back from Dave and Emilys, he turns to you and Reid. 
“(Y/L) I want you and Reid to go to the club, see if anyone there could know someone who fits our profile.”
“You got it boss” Smiling as you take a slice of pizza. 
“JJ, you and Morgan head back over to the Brown's family, his sister Melissa seem to know something, but her parents didn't want her to talk”
“Yeah we can try to get her away from her parents, hopefully she will open up with JJ” Morgan adds while taking a sip of his drink.
The conversation moves away from the case slowly. Everyone winding down and relaxing as they finish their dinner, before they head back to the hotel for the night. There weren't many rooms available so you had to share a room with JJ, the room having two single beds. You sit on the bed pulling out your clothes for the night, JJ sits across from you doing the same. 
“You can have the first show if you like JJ” You speak quietly, your energy feeling completely drained. you did have a small nap on the jet, but that energy you got from that didn't seem to last too long. You just hope that you can get some more sleep tonight, not needing JJ to question you.
“Thank you, I'll just have a quick one” She smiles over at you. You were staring at the wall, no longer paying attention. “(Y/N), are you alright?” You never heard her call out to you. she decided to just let you be and have a shower. Try to talk to you afterwards, maybe for now you just need some space. 
You are so far out of it, not even noticing JJ going to the bathroom. You're thinking deeply about the case, you will never understand how families can just disown their own kids. Watch them as they get kicked out of church. How can people just turn their back on family? Your mind goes from thinking of the victims family to your own. How could your parents say that they could never love you for being who you are, for loving yourself. Not everyone is born in the right body, and you are one of those people. You hated looking in the mirror and seeing the wrong body looking back at you. You hated when people would use the wrong pronouns for you, and when you are referred to with words that are to feminine or to masculine. You have never felt like a girl or a boy when growing up. You always thought there was something wrong with you, but when you found out what it meant to be Non Binary, it felt right, like something inside you just clicked. You did more research into it, and you finally felt so happy discovering who you really are. You stayed in the closet for close to two years before coming out to your parents, which went horrible.
Tears are streaming down your cheek but you don’t realise it, not until you feel a hand on your shoulder. Turning your head to see JJ looking at you worried, her hair damp from the shower.
“(Y/N) are you okay?” Her tone is soft and caring, softly wiping the tears from your cheek.
“Yeah, yeah JJ I’m fine, I'm just tired” Forcing a small smile, shrugging off her hand.
“(Y/N) you don't cry when you're tired, please I'm worried about you, maybe I can help” Staring into her eyes, you know everything she is saying is genuine. But you can't tell her, you can't tell anyone. You already lost your family, you can't lose anyone else.
“JJ please, just forget it” Your tone comes out a little rough. Standing up grabbing your gear for the shower.
“Okay, but you know we are here for you, all of us” She calls out softly. Watching you walk into the bathroom, without another word as the door slams shut. 
In the morning you walk downstairs with JJ, meeting up with the team in the lobby. Everyone but Hotch are all standing there holding coffee. Reid passes you and JJ some coffee, a small smile on his face.
“Hotch is on the phone, they found two more bodies, outside the church this time” Reid informs you both.
“Oh, how great!” You huff out taking a sip of coffee. Letting it warm you up inside, as Hotch walks over.
“Two new victims, Kyle Hopkins and Melissa Brown” Hotch starts saying before he's interrupted by Morgan.
“Wait, Melissa Brown, as in David Brown's sister?”
“Yes indeed, he's holding them for less time now” Hotch rubs his forehead. Something he does when he's stressing.
“He's moving towards his end game” Reid adds in.
“Alright, Dave I want you and Prentiss to head over to the crime scene” Hotch nods at them as they walk out. “JJ, you and Reid go over to the Browns family, see what else we can learn from them, the unsub seems to be targeting their family, Melissa alot younger than our other victims, find out how she could be connected” Hotch turns his attention to Morgan as the other two walk out.
“Morgan I need you to go talk Kyle Hopkins family, talk to Garcia see what she can find out about Kyle and Melissa” 
“You got it Hotch” Morgan pulls out his phone as he walks out.
“I'm guessing we are going to the nightclub then?” You ask, smiling slightly. You're still feeling tired and not entirely yourself yet. Having not gotten much rest again last night, but you knew you had to try to act fine. Especially in front of your boss, Hotch is the best at reading you.
“Yes, let's go” He nods. Walking out, you follow him closely.
As You both enter the club. It's empty as they aren't open yet but there are a few workers there waiting for you both. Hotch talks to the manager in her office, while you talk to two of the bartenders. They inform you of the last time they had seen each of the victims and how they had all come to work there. You had given them the profile and explained to them how the guy could have been acting like the last few days.
“Wait, that sounds like Liam, doesn't it?” Taylor asks, turning to look at Holly, who nods.
“Yeah it does, Liam has been off the last few days, his girlfriend died a year ago, kelly. They had been together for years, they started dating secretly at the end of high school, it was before kelly transition, Kelly was trangender” Holly explains.
“Oh, that adds more to our profile thank you, um do you guys know how Kelly died?”
“Yeah she was murder, she was beaten up by some people from the church just round the corner, died a couple days later” Taylor adds, looking down upset, trying her best to hold it together. 
“Everything seems to be connected to that church” Sighing as you run your hand though your hair.  “Can I get a last name for Liam and Kelly legal name?” 
“Yeah Liam Johnson and Kevin Jones” Holly speaks quietly. You thank them as Hotch walks out of the office and you follow him outside.
“I got a name Liam Johnson” You tell Hotch, as you reach him. “His girlfriend Kelly was killed a year ago. She was a subject of hate crimes due to be Transgender, you want to guess who organised it?” You scoff the last part of the sentence out. Shaking your head as the anger raises inside you again.
“The church” He sighs. Grabbing his phone to ring Garcia, putting her on speaker.
“He who seeks the Queen of all knowledge speaks and be recognized” Garica's cheeky voice comes out.
“Garica I got a name for you Liam Johnson, need you to send me everything you got on him” 
“Yes sir, I’m searching his name as we speak, and woah hello” Her voice gets lower at the end.
“Garica what you got?” Asking her quickly, making eye contact with Hotch. Knowing what she found is going to give us exactly what we need to determine if he's our unsub or not.
“He has a long list of priors, mostly for vandalism at the church and getting into loads of fights with his family and it says here, he got kicked out of home when he was 17 when they discover he was gay, and it says after his partner died last year, he was sent to conversion therapy for help and got out 2 months ago” She takes a breath before continuing.  “I have a home address, sent it to your phones'' 
“Thanks Garcia” Hotch adds in just before hanging up. 
You're both getting into the car when your phone rings, answering it you put it on speaker. 
“Yeah Morgan, Garica has just sent you guys an address of Liam Johnson” You start to speak as Hotch starts driving.
“yeah we found him, some police officers found him at a park, he's cornered himself by a tree and he's got himself a hostage, we are driving there now”
“Where?” Hotch asks, doing a U-turn after Morgan gives us the location.
“Alright we are only a block away we will meet everyone there” You hang up as Hotch drives faster.
You were out of the car before Hotch could even put it into park. You know you should stop and put your bulletproof vest on first. But you can’t think about that currently, knowing you only have a limited amount of time. With these situations, most of the time it will always end in suicide by cop, and there is no way you are going to let that happen to him. Not when you can understand how he feels, knowing what he has been put through. You can hear Hotch yell out to you as you run past the police checkpoint, heading closer towards Liam. Stopping when you get past the police officers, who are pointing their guns at him. 
Liam is holding a young boy around the age of 12. Keeping him close to him, a gun jammed to his head.
“Your Liam right?” You ask, keeping eye contact with him. Liam's eyes are filled with guilt and hopelessness, looking afraid.
“Get back, get back I'll shoot him I will” He yells out, his voice shaking.
“You won't shoot him, do you want to know why?” Your voice comes out gently, keeping calm. Knowing your only way to keep you three alive, is to relate to this unsub.
“You're not going to shoot him because he's innocent, just like those victims you killed” You can hear the rest of your team arriving. Getting the two police officers to move back, giving you more room to work.
“No the people I killed were not innocent, they were gay, and gay people deserve hell” Liam shouts back, his arm shaking.
“No sweety they don't, no one can control who they love or who they really are” You speak softly. He shakes his head roughly, his eyes filling with tears. Looking young, lost and so afraid. 
“No no, they told me, they told me I'm going to hell if I don't repent for being gay” Tears slid down his face. His grip is loosening on the boy.
“Liam, nothing that they told you was true, why don't you let the boy go and we can talk okay?” you offer.
“No, he's my protection, they will shoot me when I move” Liam stutters through his words, pulling the boy closer.
“No they won't, okay I won't let them, use me as a shield alright, I'll take the boy's place”  You take a step forward, giving him a smile filled with reassurance.
“No stop, you have a gun on you” His hold on the boy tightens again. 
“You're right, I'll drop my gun, okay?” You move slowly, taking it out of the holster. Placing it slowly on the ground, keeping eye contact with him as you kick it away. “Now let the boy go” You smile encouragingly. 
Liams removes his hands off the boy, pushing him away, towards the crowd now starting to appear. The boy quickly rushes towards JJ who's walking toward him quickly, grabbing him to bring him back to safety. You make brief eye contact with Hotch, who looks extremely pissed off. Turning your attention back to Liam, stepping closer, covering him. Making sure no one could get a clear shot.
“Liam, you have two choices here okay, you need to put the gun down and come in with me” 
“No, if I do, I'll go to prison for life, death would be better” His voice sounded desperate. He moves the gun under his chin, pointing it upwards.
“Liam, think about Kelly, she wouldn't want this for you”
“Kevin was confused” His voice filled with pain.
“No she wasn't and neither are you, your family disowned you for liking guys didn’t they, made you change yourself so they could love you?” You take a deep breath trying to calm yourself. trying to stay focus on him and his family.
“Kevin…Kelly was the only one to love me, we only had each other when we both first came out” His voice breaking as he speaks, his arm shaking. His finger shaking staying on the trigger pushing on it slightly
“I Understand how you feel Liam, my family disowned me as well” Your words are out of your mouth before you could stop them. Eyes widen as you realise what you are about to admit to.
“Y you understand, you're gay?” His finger slides off the trigger, gulping thickly.
“No I'm not gay Liam, I'm like Kelly” Taking another deep breath. Doing everything you can to not look at your team, as you speak.
“Your trangender?” Liam asks, his voice starting to even out seeming like he's calming down.
“I fall under the trangenders umbrella. Yes, My family told me I would go to hell as well, but people like us Liam, we won't go to hell for being who we are” Your voice is loud but soft. You want him to lower the gun, you just want this to be over and done with.
“I belong in hell, I killed people” His finger goes back to the trigger. Tears well in your eyes thinking this could be it.
“Liam no please, we can work this out, you just need help, we can get you help, I want to help you, people like us, we need to stick together okay?” Your words come out rushed, but you step closer to him.  “Liam, will you let me help you?” You're right in front of him, he nods lightly. You place your hand on the gun, his hand slips off the gun. You take it and place it out of the ground, kicking it away from you. Taking Liam's hands, pulling them behind his back,  as you handcuff him gently. “This is for your protection okay” You speak softly. Reid walks over picking up the guns, as one of the police officers comes over and takes Liam away. Reid walks back over to the team after helping escort Liam back to the police cars.
Running your hand though your hair, you look over where your team is, none of them coming over to approach you. You already knew you would be in trouble running into danger like that but then you came out. Fear is running through your body as you look at your team. Hotch and Morgan are talking to some police officers, placing Liam in the police car. The rest of the team were talking by the car, Reid still holding your gun. Taking some deep breaths to calm yourself. You walked over to them quietly. Reaching Reid first, who offered your gun to you. 
“Thanks Reid” Your words come out quietly. Placing your gun back in the holster, not looking at anyone. Emily opens her mouth to say something but thankfully, she is interrupted by Hotch and Morgan approaching. 
“(Y/L) with me” His voice filled with a cold empty tone that could easily be interpreted as anger and disappointment. You follow him over to the SUV you both arrived in. Getting into the passenger side quietly as he gets in. He drives in silence for a while.
Hotch drivers for a few minutes before he speaks. “What you did was highly dangerous, what the hell were you thinking?” He snaps at you. His voice full of pure anger, you have never seen him this angry before. 
“Hotch I.. too many people have died, I wasn't going to let someone else die, because of some religious views forced into his brain, it's not right” The words coming out of your mouth, barely louder than a whisper. 
“You could've gotten yourself killed, or that boy killed, you can never run into a situation the way you did, I should fire you for what you did” Hearing his words, realisation hits you as to how bad the consequences are about to be.
“I understand Hotch, I'm really sorry” Your voice breaks lightly. Trying hard to pull yourself together, you rest your head on the window looking outside.
“I'm not going to fire you (Y/n)” His voice softens slightly as he glances over at you. Noticing some tears sliding down your cheek, he quickly pulls over, turning the car off. 
Looking over at him, “Your not but I screwed up, I did everything we are not supposed to do when talking down an unsub” 
“Maybe you did, but it worked. You talked him down, that's something no one else could have done, that's why I'm not firing you” His tone is soft, watching you closely.
“Thank you Hotch”
“But I do need to know something” He looks at you softly, that concerned look on his face.
You sit up straight, looking at him seriously. 
“You want to know if I was telling him the truth, don't you?” You don't know how he can hear you. The words coming out just above whisper. Talking feels so heavy, but you know you have to. He nods at you, a small smile on his lips.
“Yeah it's true, I came out to my parents a few weeks ago, it's why I haven't been myself lately, they rung me two nights ago and we had another argument, ending with them telling me I'm going to hell, I knew what Liam was going though, I had to try help” Your body starts shaking vaguely. Hotch places his hand gently on your arm in support.
“(Y/N), I'm sorry they treated you like that, you know that no one in this team would ever judge you, we care for you” You can feel the love and care coming though in his words, you nod your head gingerly. 
“Do you want to talk more about you being trangender, I'm here to listen”
Taking a deep breath, you open your mouth, finding it easy to breathe and for words to flow out. “Im Non binary, Which means I don't identify as a Man or a Women, I never liked any of those labels, Last year when we did a case with a Trangender victim I did more research when I got home and when I read about Non binary” Smiling faintly as you speak, starting to relax. “It felt right, like I had finally found a missing part of myself” You look over at Hotch, who is smiling softly at you, his eyes full of fatherly love.
“That's great, I'm really happy for you, is there anything I need to change, I know some people change their pronouns” 
“Yeah I want to start using they, them, their, pronounce, but mainly while Im only with those people I trust”
“So just the team for now?” He smiles watching as your face brightens up. 
“Yes please, I'm going to tell the team on the way back” You smile feeling more relaxed than you have in weeks. 
“Lets head back to the precinct then” He smiles more as he turns the car back on, driving towards the police precinct.
An hour had passed, you had somehow managed to avoid talking to anyone until it was time to board the jet. Hotch was already on the Jet, his laptop set up. Everyone sat around Hotch, ready to start the debriefing. You stay silent as you take the seat beside Hotch, he gives you a small warm reassuring smile. You knew the team would be accepting of you, but you were still nervous of their reaction. The debriefing started, it goes by quickly, but you could feel everyone keep glancing at you, once it had ended no one moved.
“Okay, I think we need to address the elephant in the room” Rossi starts speaking, looking at you carefully. 
“I guess I owe you all an explanation on what I said to Liam” Sighing softly as you look up, everyone apart from Hotch is looking at you encouragingly. Everything starts feeling overwhelming having them all stare at you.
“Wait, I think Garica will want to be a part of this conversation” Hotch smiles softly. Turning his laptop over, just as Garica pops up on screen.
“Well hello all you sparkly people” She smiles cheekily at everyone, earning a few laughs from the team. Somehow she managed to break the tension and bring back joy to the moment.
“Alright now that our team is complete, can you please keep talking (Y/N)” JJ smiles at you encouragingly.
“Wait, what did I miss?” Garcia asks, a little confused.
“You haven't missed anything yet Pen, I’m just about to tell you all some news” Taking a small breath, your hands fidgeting under the table. Hotch's hand slides over, taking one of yours in his gently.
“I guess it's time to say it, I’m Transgender, well Im Non binary, which for me, means that I don't feel like a guy or like a girl, I don't relate to any gender, so I would prefer if you all could use They/them pronouns for me instead and more gender neutral terms for me” Your voice coming out feels a lot stronger and more confident than how you really feel inside.
Garcia is the first to speak, “yesss” She squeaks out. “Does that mean I can go to pride marches with you?” You look at her, seeing her smiling huge. Laughing at her along with the team. 
“Of course it does Pen” Laughing as she spins around on her chair, in victory. Morgan who is sitting on the couch close to you leans over clapping you on shoulder smiling.
“Well that is some great news” He smiles at you. 
“I think that calls for a celebrity drink at my place this weekend then” Rossi cheers.
“I think you just look for any opportunity to drink,” Emily teases him.
“Oh he does” Hotch laughs
“Well I am in for a drink” JJ says, as the rest of the team agrees. 
During the trip back everyone plays a round of cards for a little bit. Hotch is the first to bail, needing to get some paperwork, he moves himself to the back of the plane. The next too bail is Reid, when he leaves he pats your shoulder, and whisper quietly a, “I'm proud of you”
Morgan soon joins Reid and falls asleep on the other end of the couch. 
Rossi, JJ, Emily and you, play cards for a bit longer, until JJ asks you a question.
“(Y/n) can I ask you something?” She looks at you a little concerned and curiously in her eyes.
“Sure JJ, anything” 
“Why were you crying last night, was it the case?” She speaks quietly so as to not disturb the two sleeping boys near them.
“You have been off a lot lately” Emily adds in.
“It was a little bit due to the case, it hit close to home, I came out to my parents a few weeks ago, and, it went terribly, they pretty much disowned me. Have barely been sleeping since” Shrugging your shoulders. “They said horrible things when I told them I wouldn't change.” you sigh, forcing yourself to smile weakly.
“Well it's a good thing, you already have a better family” Emily smiles across at you. “And we would never want you to change” 
“You never need them again,” JJ adds softly.
“Plus if you ever want to get revenge I believe Penelope would happily place a virus on their computers for you” Rossi smirks, bumping his shoulder with you. Earning a laugh from you three.
“Oh she definitely would,” While laughing, you take a look around at the jet, at your team. Who is the only family you are ever going to need.
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jenny-from-the-bau · 1 year
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This is the perfect example of bi women vs bi men
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subtle-wallpapers · 7 months
Enby Spencer Reid Subtle Wallpapers
Some of these are more subtle than others so I'll leave it up to you to decide what's safe to have on your screen ❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀
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*(•⩊•) like and reblog if you save please! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) *
If you have a flag you'd like to see me use feel free to send me a request! I'll make sure to get to it when I can
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b00inazkaban · 1 year
Let me know if there are any characters you’d like added and I’ll look into it! :)
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☆ Tony Stark
☆ Steve Rogers
☆ Bruce Banner
☆ Natasha Romanoff
☆ Clint Barton
☆ Bucky Barnes
☆ Sam Wilson
☆ Peter Parker
☆ Thor Odison
☆ Loki Laufeyson
☆ Dr. Stephen Strange
☆ Peter Quill
☆ Gamora
☆ Drax the destroyer
☆ Rocket the Racoon
☆ Mantis
☆ Groot
Poly Requests:
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☆ Steve Harrington: Steve Harrington x FtM reader**
☆ Robin Buckley :
☆ Nancy Wheeler:
☆ Eddie Munson:
☆ Johnathan Byers:
☆ Argyle:
☆ Billy Hargrove:
☆ Mike Wheeler: Little!Mike x GN!CG!Reader
☆ Dustin Henderson
☆ Will Byers
☆ Lucas Sinclair
☆ Eleven Hopper
☆ Max Mayfield
☆ Jim Hopper:
☆ Joyce Byers:
☆ Dmitri Antonov:
Poly Requests:
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☆ Harry Potter:
☆ Ron Weasley: CG!Ron Weasley x Little!GN!reader
☆ Hermione Granger:
☆ Fred Weasley: CG!Fred Weasley x Little!Fem!Reader
☆ George Weasley: George Weasley x reader ; CG!George Weasley x LittleMale!Reader
☆ Neville Longbottom: Sub!Neville x Dom!Reader**
☆ Draco Malfoy:
☆ Blaise Zambini:
☆ Enzo Berkshire:
☆ Mattheo Riddle:
☆ Theo Nott:
☆ Pansy Parkinson:
Marauders Era or Lighting Era:
☆ Lucius Malfoy:
☆ Narcissa Malfoy:
☆ Severus Snape:
☆ Bellatrix Lestrange:
☆ Barty Crouch Jr. :
☆ Evan Rosier:
☆ Pandora Rosier:
☆ Zahara Zambini:
☆ Regulus Black:
☆ Sirius Black:
☆ Remus Lupin:
☆ Lily Evans:
☆ Marlene McKinnon:
☆ Mary McDonald:
☆ Dorcas Meadows:
☆ Newt Scamander:
☆ Thesus Scammander:
☆ Jacob Kowalski:
☆ Queenie Goldstein:
☆ Albus Dumbledore (young):
☆ Gellart Grindlewald (young):
Poly Requests:
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☆Aaron Hotchner
☆ Jason Gideon
☆ Spencer Reid
☆ Derek Morgan
☆ JJ/ Jennifer Jareau
☆ Elle Greenaway
☆ Penelope Garcia
☆ Emily Prentiss
☆ David Rossi
Poly Requests:
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☆ Anthony Bridgerton
☆ Benedict Bridgerton
☆ Colin Briderton
☆ Daphne Bridgerton
☆ Eloise Bridgerton
☆ Simon Basset
☆ Penelope Fetherington
☆ Queen Charlotte (Young)
☆ King George (Young)
Poly Requests:
Queen charlotte x reader x King George
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☆ Leonardo: NSFW alphabet
☆ Raphael:
☆ Donnatelo:
☆ Michelangelo: Mikey x Reader
☆ April O'Neil:
☆ Casey Jones:
Poly Requests:
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; April 4-in-1; turtles are manspreading and you want payback 😚
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; Casey tries to flirt with reader but she puts down the idea and the turtles are proud
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☆ Pete Mitchell "Maverick"
☆ Bradley Bradshaw "Rooster"
☆ Jake Seresin "Hangman"
☆ Natasha Trace "Phoenix"
☆ Robert Floyd "Bob"
Poly Requests:
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☆ Thorin
☆ Bilbo
☆ Fili
☆ Kili
☆ Dwalin
☆ Bofur
☆ Bard
☆ Legolas
☆ Tauriel
☆ Thuranduil
Poly Requests:
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☆ Carlisle Cullen
☆ Esme Cullen
☆ Emmet Cullen
☆ Rosalie Cullen
☆ Alice Cullen
☆ Jasper Cullen: CG!Jasper Hale x nb!little!reader
☆ Edward Cullen
☆ Bella Cullen/Swan
☆ Jacob Black
☆ Garrett
The Volturi:
☆ Aro
☆ Caius
☆ Marcus
Poly Requests:
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☆ Katniss Everdeen
☆ Petta Mellark
☆ Finnick Odair
☆ Johanna Mason
☆ Haymitch Abernathy
Poly Requests:
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☆ Lucifer Morningstar
☆ Mazikeen
☆ Amenadeil
☆ Chole Decker
☆ Linda Martin
Poly Requests:
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How To Train Your Dragon:
☆ Hiccup Haddock
☆ Astrid Hofferson
☆ Snotlout
☆ Ruffnut
☆ Tuffnut
Poly Requests:
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Across The SpiderVerse:
☆ Miles Morales
☆ Miguel O'Hara
Spider thoughts!
☆ Peter B. Parker
Spider thoughts!
☆ Hobie Brown
☆ Gwen Stacy
☆ Spider-Noir
Spider thoughts!
Poly Requests:
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☆ Mal
☆ Evie
☆ Carlos
☆ Jay
☆ Gil
☆ Harry
☆ Uma
Poly Requests:
☆ @thoughtfulcreatornight x Raphael matchup
☆ Anonymous x Remus Lupin matchup
I’ve redone my masterlist because I was vey unhappy with my first one, and I wanted to add pictures to go with it! I’ll also be adding all my new work onto here and my old work will be on the first masterlist! Love y’all! 💗
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Hi, idk if your requests are open so if not, just ignore this. Can i ask for spencer with fem or nb reader who had a really rough childhood? (Like physically and mentally abused and forced to drink alcohol at a very young age, sexually abused etc) maybe reader being extremely touch starved but is just too afraid to ask because of her/their past.
Have a nice day/night!
Hi! Thanks for the request! This will be awfully short since this is dealing with a sensitive topic. The fic will be under the read more section!
I'd Be The Prom Queen If Crying Was A Contest (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
(Content Warning: Mentions of abuse)
Y/n stared at Spencer longingly. There was something about his arms that felt comforting and safe. She wanted to fall into his arms and hug him so, so tight.
But she couldn't.
She couldn't allow herself to.
Y/n felt like she did not deserve the warm embrace of Spencer Reid. She thought that he would push her away, just like everyone else. Everyone else who decided to hit her and kick her around. Everyone else who only saw her as an object, not a person. She had to scars to prove it. Trauma was written all over her face.
Spencer, who had doused himself in the flames of literature, knew something was wrong. He looked up from his book and noticed Y/n rocking back and forth on the couch, muttering to herself. He got up from where he was sitting and and sat down beside her. Y/n jumped and flinched.
"N-No- stop-"
"Hey, hey, relax. It's just me. No one is here to hurt you."
Y/n grimaced at Spencer's soft voice. The only time someone talked to her like that was when they threatened her to keep her mouth shut and stop screaming. But something about this softness was different.
She stared at Spencer's arms. She could already feel them wrapping around her waist.
"Are you okay?" Reid asked.
"Y-Yeah....I'm fine, Spence." She replied.
No, I'm not okay. I want you to hug me was the only thought going through her mind. She was too afraid to ask. She didn't want to feel like a burden.
But Spencer knew better. All these years of profiling has taught him to pick up on subtle clues. He pulled Y/n into a hug. She melted into the hug and gripped onto Spencer tightly. This is what she wanted. Why couldn't she ask for it?
"I-I'm sorry...." Y/n whispered.
"Sorry? Sorry for what?" Spencer questioned.
"For bothering you like this. I distracted you from reading. I feel like you shouldn't be doing this." Y/n said, digging her face into Reid's chest.
"You're not a bother to me, Y/n. I want to be there for you in your time of trouble. I'll do anything for you." Spencer said firmly.
Y/n nodded and said nothing. All she wanted to do was to relish the moment. She knew that someone cared for her. And right now, that's all that matters.
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findroleplay · 7 months
    hello! my names lucifer (nineteen & any pronouns) and i am currently looking for a roleplay partner - i’ve always loved writing with another person more than writing by myself. i believe i’m considered a semi-lit to lit writer, i always strive to match my partners length, however my average is at least two to three paragraphs. my timezone is aest (australian eastern standard time) and while i’m active during the day, i usually reply during the night. please do not expect several replies a day. i have no real triggers/squicks to mention and i do not roleplay with minors. nsfw and darker themes are a-okay with me - i absolutely don’t judge more dead dove type dynamics or topics. i’m fine with doubling up also. i love going all out on headcanons and plotting ahead, i would love a partner who matches that energy. 
    as for what i’m looking for, i’m hoping to find someone interested in something casual/low maintenance. i am open to any gender pairings, however i am only able to write nsfw between amab characters. i prefer fade-to-black scenarios for other instances and am open to that if you are uncomfortable with nsfw themes as well. important to note is that most of the time, i don’t bother with forms for original characters - i like making it up as i go, the few original characters i do have are still in development, so please keep that in mind before reaching out. i’m fine with any sort of plot and au’s are dependent on the fandom and type of au. moving right along, i’m currently interested in the following fandoms:
key: bolded are who i’d prefer to play, if neither are bolded, i’m comfortable with either. preferred gender pairings are listed beside each love interest.
— batman 
    - up to: i’m most familiar with the nolanverse and telltale canons, but i have general knowledge of other media (some comics, games, animated shows, etc).
    - open to: original x original, original x canon, canon x canon.
    - love interests: bruce wayne/the batman (m/nb), the joker (m/f or nb) or your original character (m/nb).
    - ships: the batman x the joker, the batman x harley quinn, red hood x the joker.
— criminal minds
    - up to: season three. 
    - open to: original x original, original x canon. au’s are welcome.
    - love interests: aaron hotchner (m/m or f), spencer reid (m/m or f), or your original character (any/m or f).
— sherlock bbc
    - up to: season three.
    - open to: canon x canon. au’s are welcome.
    - ships: sherlock holmes x jim moriarty. john watson x jim moriarty. jim moriarty x sebastian moran, sherlock holmes x john watson.
    please shoot me a dm here on tumblr if you’re interested or interact with this post and i will contact you. thank you! 🍎
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writing-mlm-reposts · 7 months
criminal minds
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a/n: all of these are Male!reader unless specified to the GN/NB
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotchner
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months
And friends to friends with benefits to lovers recs? Bonus points for HR?
Yep! The "friends" vibe can be a little shaky because I generally am not a huge friends to lovers person, but I do LOVE friends with benefits to lovers
The Duke Gets Even by Joanna Shupe--I mean to be fair Nellie and Lockwood are not friends at first. They hate each other. But they hate each other because they actually get each other, lol, so they begin a FWB deal that is complicated by the fact that he falls HARD. Some of my favorite sex scenes are in this book.
The Dueling Duchess by Minerva Spencer--In this one, they become like, kinda buddies and are fucking casually while traveling in this circus she's a part of (she's a sharpshooter). Then she feels betrayed, they separate, reunite a year later, and she's mad at him (and he's fallen for her).
The Rakess by Scarlett Peckham--This may work! The heroine is a scandalous rakess who goes on vacation to write her memoirs. She meets this lovely widower with two kids, and there's a spark but he's like "oh you are waaaay too much for me". Naturally, they then DO fuck and shit gets really out of hand lol.
The Lady Gets Lucky by Joanna Shupe--This is the ticket. Alice is a wallflower type who wants to learn how to seduce, and local rake Kit wants to be taken seriously and needs a recipe from her chef. They already know each other though he hasn't noticed her a lot, and he begins giving her seduction lessons. He, naturally, falls for her.
The Bride Goes Rogue by Joanna Shupe--Different vibe wherein Katherine and Preston do hate each other at first (because he basically had no intention of marrying her and unintentionally led her on for years after their dads arranged the marriage--but accidentally hook up at a masked ball and become FWBs that actually like each other.
Unmasked by The Marquess by Cat Sebastian--OH THIS IS IT!!! Alistair befriends Rob, and becomes attracted to him... Only to find out that his new bestie isn't a man. (Rob is Robin, AFAB and NB, pretending to be a man in society.) They start fucking casually (including an amazing "from behind against a door with people on the other side of the door) but Alistair, much to Robin's horror, is FALLING.
Bombshell by Sarah MacLean--Another one that really works. Caleb has longed for Sesily from afar for years, but they're friends via his friendship with her sister. They start boning, and it goes from there.
How to Marry a Marquess by Stacy Reid--In this one, they're friends for years and she's clearly in love with him, but he believes she won't be able to handle the public scorn of being with him because he recognized and raises his illegitimate daughter and is a pariah. She pretends she's trying to attract someone else so he'll teach her how to attract a man, and... The big P in V is kind of slow burn, but they definitely get up to shit before that.
When the Duke Was Wicked by Lorraine Heath--Another one where the heroine is in love with the hero and trying to get him to help her find a husband, but this one is less sex lessons and more "shit accidentally got outta hand" (Rum On Lips TM). Lovingdon is nine years older than Grace but they're friends through their families; she's a lovely young lady, and he's a total rake because his wife and child died. They start... doing stuff and things.... as he tries to help her find a man lol.
Reckless by Stella Rhys--Lol a perfect match. In this one the hero is a high-powered sports agent, and the heroine is his go-to work wife assistant who's become like, his closest friend. Then, while they're on a company trip she invited her fiance to join her on, she finds out her fiance is cheating on her, and she and dude hang out as he comforts her, and shit gets charged... And then shortly after he offers to fuck her in his office for funsies and things go from there lol.
Friends Don't Fall in Love by Erin Hahn--In this one, the hero was friends with the heroine's boyfriend (fiancee?) first. Her man was a country singer, she was a rising country star, and the hero wrote songs for her dude. Then she took a stand against gun violence asshole dumps her, she hooks up with the friend guy for one night, and then they go their separate ways... Until years later, when he's her landlord, she begins plotting a return to music, and she finds out he's been writing the erotic instagram poetry she's been into lmao. They start hooking up, but obviously, there's MORE.
Give Me More by Sara Cate--Hunter and Isabel have been married a good while, and they're on a road trip with their best friend Drake, who's been friends with Isabel since she met Hunter and friends with Hunter since they were kids. Hunter sees Drake and Isabel in a compromising situation (that isn't what it looks like, genuinely lol) and realizes he likes that... And he thinks he likes being cucked and watching them fuck, but it's actually that they're all in love with each other and he's bi and won't admit it to himself. DELICIOUS. BOOK. SO. HOT. SO. ANGSTY.
Exposed by Kristen Callihan--More frenemies to FWB to lovers, but still. The heroine has been doing PR for this major rock band the hero is a part of, and they've been a part of the same friend group since they were kids but hate each other. After he overhears her at a bar being like "JESUS CHRIST I NEED TO BE FUCKED WELL" he volunteers. It's.... hot. And of course the super hot sex turns into love, lol.
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0o-junebug-o0 · 26 days
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summary: Spencer pounces on you the moment you get home and begs you to fuck him, you're happy to comply.
genre: smut
cw: 18+ mdni! sub!spencer, softdom!reader, dirty talking, praise, use of good boy, begging, fingering (spencer and reader receiving), strap-ons, strap-on referred to as a cock, pegging, anal sex, hair pulling, reader has a vagina but nothing else is specified (the only word used to describe reader's genitalia is clit), no use of y/n, whiny/bratty spencer, reader shoves spencer chest first against a wall (it's fully consensual and he's very into it), autistic!spencer (because every spencer is autistic!spencer), aftercare, cuddling
wordcount: 3.8k
The moment you walk through the front door, Spencer practically pounces on you. You gasp, stumbling back slightly, trying to keep your grip on your bag as he holds your head in his hands and kisses you like he’ll die if he doesn’t. One of his hands reaches down to grab your ass and you squeak into the kiss. You gently pull back, staring at him with wide eyes as he pants heavily.
“Spencer, what—”
“I need you. Please,” he whines. 
You take in his appearance for a moment. His face is flushed and his pupils are blown wide with lust. His chest rises and falls rapidly with each heaving breath. His shirt is untucked from his pants and his hands toy with the edge of it. He looks at you pathetically and it’s so fucking hot.
You smirk at him as you close the door to your shared apartment and a tiny whimper escapes his lips. “You’re so desperate, baby,” you tease, lifting your free hand to press it against his chest. You push slightly and Spencer practically trips over his feet as you guide him backward into the living room. “What’s gotten into you?”
Spencer’s eyes stay locked on your lips as you speak and his hands release his shirt to start trying to unbutton yours. You drop your hand from his chest and grab his wrists in a harsh grip that makes him groan, tugging his hands away and holding them in the space between you. “Spencer,” you scold.
He pouts slightly and his gaze lifts from the hold you have on his hands to your eyes. You gently toss your bag onto the couch and reach up with your free hand to tuck a stray piece of hair behind his ear. His eyes slip shut and he tilts his head into your hand. You chuckle and cup his face, rubbing your thumb back and forth across his cheekbone. He hums and turns his head to press a kiss to the palm of your hand.
“Sweet boy,” you say fondly. You release your grip on his wrists and pull him in by his shirt to kiss him. Spencer’s hands once again shoot up to cup your face. He groans into the kiss and his mouth falls open as you nip on his lower lip. A pathetic whimper that goes straight between your legs escapes from his lips as you tug at his hair. As if pulling his hair had flipped a switch inside him, Spencer goes right back to kissing you with the desperation he had when you first opened the door. You can’t help but moan slightly and, spurred on by your reaction, one of Spencer’s hands drops to try to unbutton your shirt as he practically shoves you against the wall. 
You growl in disapproval and with a quick and fluid movement perfected after over a year of putting Spencer in his place, you grab his wrist and pull, flipping your positions so Spencer’s chest is pressed against the wall and his arm is pinned behind his back with just enough force to cause a pleasurable amount of pain. Spencer moans loudly and squeezes his eyes shut as he hits the wall and you press your free hand between his shoulder blades to keep him there. 
“What do you think you’re doing, Spencer,” you growl. “It’s like you’re trying to piss me off.”
“Please,” he gasps pathetically. The sound drives you crazy and you can feel yourself starting to soak through your underwear. 
You scoff at him. You lean forward and press a kiss behind his ear. “What’s got you so desperate, sweet boy?” you tease softly. He groans in response and you nip at his earlobe. “Words, baby.”
“I-I need you to fuck me,” he gasps. 
Fuck. His words send a spark of excitement through your body and you have to fight the urge to slip your hands between your legs. 
“Yeah?” you say in a mocking tone. “Need me to fuck you, baby?”
Spencer nods frantically. 
“How do you need me to fuck you, sweet boy?”
Spencer gasps and whimpers at your question. “Need–need you to fuck me with your cock.”
A groan forces its way up your throat and you press a kiss to his neck that makes him gasp. “Fuck, baby. You sure?” you ask.
“Yes. Yes. Please. I–I cleaned,” Spencer pants. You let your eyes slip shut and you grind your hips against his ass with a moan. 
“Yeah, baby?”
“Mhm, and-and I didn’t prep myself be-because I know you like to do it,” he says desperately.
You can't help but groan at that. “Such a good boy, Spencer.”
He gasps and shimmies slightly, pressing his ass back against you. The increased stimulation makes you groan and you rest your head on his shoulder for a moment. You tug on his wrist again, quickly flipping him around to face you and, cupping the back of his neck with your free hand, pull him down to kiss you. Spencer kisses you messily and hungrily, his mouth hanging open as you kiss him like he can’t get enough air. You guide his hand between your legs and he groans as his fingers touch the wet patch on the crotch of your pants.
Even though the contact with initiated by you, the feeling of his hand between your legs, the heel of his palm pressing against your clit, makes you gasp. You pull away from the kiss to whisper, “I wanna fuck you too, baby. You feel how crazy you drive me? How much I want to fuck you on my cock?”
Spencer nods frantically and buries his head in the crook of your neck with a groan. “Please,” he whimpers.
“I know, baby, I’ve got you,” you whisper. “I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
Spencer whimpers against you and you remove his hand from between your legs and lead him to the bedroom. He follows you diligently and when you reach the room, lets you push him down onto the bed and climb into his lap. He gasps your name as you roll your hips against his and you lean down to kiss him, crawling forward and forcing him to follow until he’s lying in the middle of the bed. You make quick work of unbuttoning his shirt and Spencer sits up as you pull back, keeping his lips attached to yours with only brief breaks for air as you tug the shirt off his shoulders and arms. 
His hands slide up under your shirt and you gasp as his nails rake down your back when you reach between your bodies to palm him through his pants. Spencer gasps and moans into your mouth as you touch him and whines when you remove your hand. His disappointment disappears the second you unbuckle his belt and undo his pants.
He pulls away to bury his face into the crook of your neck, pressing messy, open-mouth kisses to your skin.
You hook your fingers under the waistband of his pants and underwear and turn your head to whisper into his ear, “Be a good boy and lift your hips for me, okay?”
Spencer whimpers and nods against your neck, removing his hands from your back to plant them behind him on the bed and lift his hips. You raise yourself to your knees and move off his lap as you pull his pants and underwear down his legs. Spencer bends his knees to make it easier for you and whines when you move away from him to toss his clothes aside. 
You press a hand to his chest and push him onto his back with enough force that his body rebounds slightly off the mattress. Spencer stares up at you with wide eyes. His flush has traveled down to his chest and you can feel the way it rises and falls under your hand with each panting breath he takes. You run your hand over his chest and gently pinch one of his nipples, causing Spencer to buck his hips and gasp your name.
You chuckle and press his hips to the bed. “You be a good boy and stay right here for me. And no touching yourself, understand?” Spencer nods frantically, desperate to please you. 
Spencer whines pathetically as you climb off of the bed. You smirk at him before turning to grab your strap-on and harness from where you keep it in the dresser. When you turn around, Spencer is sitting up slightly, scooching backward on the bed propping himself up on a pile of pillows. “Spencer,” you scold, glaring at him.
He freezes and stares at you with wide eyes. “I-I just wanted to be able to see you,” he mutters weakly. “I couldn’t see you when I was lying down. And-and you’re just so pretty.”
You can’t help but smile at his response. He’s adorable and you love him so much. And you love how much he loves you. “It’s okay, baby,” you say, walking over to the bed and setting down the strap and harness to climb onto your knees next to him. His eyes flutter shut as you run your hand through his hair. You press a gentle kiss to his forehead before climbing back off the bed. He opens his eyes to watch you as you move away. “I understand.” 
Spencer smiles softly at you and the almost dopey look on his face makes you chuckle. 
You quickly rid yourself of your clothes and toss them to the side, Spencer’s eyes not once leaving your body. “You’re so pretty,” he whispers. 
You feel your cheeks warm and you smile at him. “Thank you, sweet boy, so are you.”
Spencer’s face somehow manages to flush even redder. 
You grab your strap and harness and slip the dildo into place before stepping into it. You pull the harness up to your hips and adjust the straps and buckles so it stays in place with practiced ease.
Spencer moans at the sight and looks at you with such hunger you have to fight the urge to lunge at him the same way he had at you earlier.
“Please,” he whispers desperately.
You smirk and grab the bottle of lube you keep in the drawer of your nightstand before climbing onto the bed. Spencer plants his feet apart on the mattress and lets his legs fall open as you settle yourself between them. 
“Fuck, baby,” you groan. You reach forward and grab his cock from where it's leaking against his stomach. His hips jump and his head falls back against the pile of pillows behind him as you stroke him, using his precum as lubrication. “So pretty. So good for me.”
He groans your name and squeezes his eyes shut. With your free hand, you pop the cap of the lube, and immediately Spencer’s eyes shoot back open, his breath catching in his throat. “Please,” he begs. “Need you. Need you inside me.”
“Patience, sweetheart,” you tease, removing your hand from his cock and squeezing some lube onto your palm. You set the bottle aside and gently squeeze Spencer’s thigh before rubbing your hands together to warm up the lube and spread it over your fingers.
“Need you so bad,” Spencer continues to babble. “Need your fingers. Your cock.”
You smile at him and press your middle finger to his entrance, rubbing gentle circles over it. Spencer’s head falls back with a loud groan.
“So desperate,” you mutter. Spencer nods violently. "I've barely touched you." 
“Please. Need you.”
“Aww, I know baby.” You press your middle finger inside of him and Spencer gasps loudly, trying to rock his hips back onto your hand. “Ah, ah,” you scold, grabbing his hip and pressing him back down into the mattress. 
You move your finger in small circles to begin stretching him and Spencer whimpers. The sound goes straight between your legs and you rock your hips against the bed slightly, not caring that you’re getting the sheets wet. You press your finger in the rest of the way and curl it upwards, hitting his prostate with practiced precision.
Spencer moans loudly and your name falls from his lips over and over again as he begs nonsensically. 
You slowly thrust your finger in and out, gently hitting his prostate each time, providing just enough stimulation to drive him crazy but not enough to make him cum. “You're so tight, baby,” you mutter. “Doing so good for me, taking my fingers so well.” 
Spencer pants loudly. “Mo-more, please!” he cries.
“Yeah? You ready for another finger?”
Spencer nods desperately and you oblige, pulling your hand back and slowly easing your ring finger inside him as well. Spencer gasps at the stretch and you squeeze his hip hard to hold him still. Desperate little moans fall from Spencer’s lips as you finger him, slowly spreading your fingers and working him open. It’s been a while since you’ve fucked him like this and you don’t want to hurt him, so you make sure to take your time.
“So good, feels so good!” he babbles. “Love you so much!”
You press a kiss to his inner thigh as you curl your fingers, rubbing small circles against his prostate. “I love you too, sweet boy. So much.” Spencer gasps and writhes on the bed, gripping the sheets tightly.
You suck a hickey into his thigh as you fuck him on your fingers and when you can see him getting close, you change the angle so you’re no longer hitting his prostate and just focusing on prepping him.
He whines your name, his voice laced with disappointment at the loss of pleasure, but stops when you nip his thigh in disapproval. “Be patient, Spencer,” you scold. “Or I won’t let you cum.”
His eyes widen and he babbles, “I-I’ll be good. I promise. I–” You interrupt him by pressing a third finger inside of him, and he moans, his head falling back and his eyes fluttering shut.
You laugh teasingly at him. You love how desperate he gets for you, how easily he submits to you and trusts you to make him feel good.
“Oh, God!” Spencer gasps, his voice breaking. “I need you! Please! I need your cock!”
You spread your fingers again and, deeming him fully prepared, pull them out. Spencer whines at the loss and opens his eyes to eagerly watch as you pour more lube on your hand and rub it over your strap. 
“Yeah? You need my cock, baby?”
Spencer nods desperately. You guide the tip of the silicone against his ass and slowly press it inside of him. Spencer groans loudly and you grab tightly onto his hips to keep him from trying to fuck himself back on you. You know from experience that if you’re not vigilant about controlling the pace when you first enter him, he will try to pull you in as quickly as possible. 
Once your cock is nestled deep inside him and your hips pressed flush against his ass, you lean forward and press a kiss to Spencer’s heaving chest as he tries to catch his breath. “Such a good boy, Spencer. Taking my cock so well.”
Spencer nods and wraps his legs around your waist, hooking his ankles together behind your back. You press another kiss to his chest before sitting up and slowly starting to rock your hips in small circles that make him groan weakly and his brow knit together with pleasure. He releases his grip on the sheets and reaches a hand down to cover yours on his hip. You smile down at him. “You wanna hold my hand, baby?” He nods desperately, pouting slightly, and you gently take his hand in yours, lacing your fingers together. 
You pull your hips back until your strap is halfway out of him before thrusting back in. Spencer gasps and his grip on your hand tightens. You adjust your angle with each thrust, searching for his prostate. It’s always been more difficult for you to find when you’re fucking him since you're unable to actually feel where your cock is inside of him. But you know the moment you hit it when a loud moan rips from Spencer’s chest. “There it is,” you say, mostly to yourself, but Spencer nods desperately in response.
You gasp as you thrust your hips again and the base of the strap presses against your clit, sending pleasure shooting up your spine. Spencer moans loudly and pathetically as you fuck him, each thrust sending your cock deep inside him, pressing against his prostate.
Jolts of pleasure shoot through you as you fuck him and the hand you have laced with Spencer’s isn’t enough to hold support you anymore. You have to move your other hand from his hip to the bed to hold yourself up as your body falls forward slightly with pleasure.
With the hand not holding yours, Spencer reaches up to cup the back of your head and pulls you in to kiss him. The angle is awkward, but you don’t mind, and neither does Spencer if the desperate way he moans into your mouth is any indication.
You press kisses along his jaw and nip at the spot just in front of his ear. He whimpers in response. “Such a good boy, Spencer,” you whisper, your voice breaking with both exertion and pleasure. “Doing so good for me. Taking my cock so well.”
Spencer lets out breathy little moans into your ear, babbling incomprehensibly. The only words you catch are your name and “so good.” You smile and bury your head in the crook of his neck, pressing kisses to his skin as you gasp and moan with each thrust. 
Spencer’s moans increase in volume and frequency and you can tell he’s getting close. You can feel him writhing beneath you and you slip a hand between your bodies to grab his cock, the remaining lube on your hand combined with the puddle of precum on his stomach his cock had been resting in providing more than enough lubrication. 
Spencer’s mouth falls open in a silent moan as you stroke him. His hips buck against yours and into your hand, and his legs tighten around your waist, causing each thrust to press the strap harder against your clit. You moan wantonly into his neck. 
“I-I’m so close,” he gasps weakly. “Can-can I cum? Please? Please, can I cum?”
You lift your head so your mouth hovers over his ear. “Go ahead, baby. Cum for me.” 
Spencer cums with a cry of your name. His whole body shakes violently beneath you as you stroke and fuck him through it, only pulling away when his legs fall from your waist and he starts to squirm in discomfort. 
You press soft kisses to his lips and he whimpers as you pull out of him. You cup his cheek and whisper against his lips, “So proud of you. Did so good, baby.” 
You feel him smile and you pull away for a moment to climb to his side before kissing him again as you undo the harness. It falls from your hips to pool around your knees, and you awkwardly climb out of it without breaking the kiss with Spencer. 
The moment you’ve freed yourself from the harness, Spencer’s hand presses between your legs. You gasp in pleasure and surprise, pulling away from the kiss. “Spence,” you pant, your voice breaking as his fingers rub circles over your clit. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to,” he whispers, freeing his other hand from yours and resting it on the back of your head to pull you in for another kiss. You moan into his mouth as pleasure shoots through your body and you struggle to hold yourself up. But then Spencer is pressing two fingers inside of you and your arms give out. You fall half onto him and he laughs as he kisses you but doesn’t stop the movement of his fingers despite the awkward angle.
He curls his fingers and you gasp as he hits that spot inside you, your head falling to his shoulder. “So good, baby," you gasp. "Making me feel so good. Such a good boy.” Even though he’s the one fingering you, Spencer whimpers. Praise continues to fall from your lips as heat travels up your spine and you feel yourself getting close.
Spencer curls his fingers again and you come with a gasp of his name, rocking your hips onto his hand to grind your clit against the heel of his palm. Pleasure washes over you and your legs shake with the force of it. When your orgasm finally subsides, you remove your head from Spencer’s neck to whisper, “Did so good, sweet boy.” 
Spencer removes his hand from between your legs and looks up at you with a fucked out expression, shooting you a dopey smile. You cup his cheek and kiss him softly. 
“I’ll be right back, okay, baby? I’m gonna use the bathroom real quick then get you some water and something to clean you up. Is that alright?”
“Then cuddles?” he asks softly. 
You give him another quick kiss. “Of course, sweet boy. Then cuddles.”
Spencer nods, still smiling at you. You climb off the bed, grabbing the strap-on and harness, and make your way to the bathroom just down the hall, not bothering to get dressed. You set the strap and harness on the counter to clean later, and quickly use the bathroom, clean yourself up, and wash your hands before heading to the kitchen. You fill up two glasses of water and quickly down yours. Once finished, you set the glass in the sink and make your way to the bedroom with Spencer’s water, stopping by the bathroom again to grab and wet a washcloth.
You return to the bedroom less than five minutes after you left but Spencer's face lights up like you’d been gone for days the moment he sees you reenter the room. You press a kiss to his forehead and help him sit up before handing him the glass, making sure he drinks it slowly. You climb into the bed next to him and gently wipe down his stomach, thighs, and between his legs, pressing another kiss to his forehead when he whines in discomfort. Once he’s clean, you toss the washcloth off the bed and settle down next to him. He leans back against your chest and you run your fingers through his hair as he drinks his water.
Once finished, he hands you the cup and you lean over to set it on the nightstand before pulling him closer to you, sliding down the bed until you’re both lying down. Spencer hums contentedly and rests his head on your chest, curling into your side like a koala with one arm and one leg draped over you. You rub your hand up and down his back until he falls asleep in your arms.
Taglist!: fill out this form if you want to be tagged when I post fics
@daryls-crossbow16 @roboticsuccubus83 @nemobee777 @kittensandkrows @dorcas4meadowes @spenciesslut @Idfk17 @pleasantwitchgarden @angeliccss @novaana
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ghost-king-kai · 10 months
The Requesting Hall Guidelines
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Welcome to the request guidelines! Here you can be informed of my dos & don'ts, characters & fandoms available, and rules in The Requesting Hall.
Please review (or at least skim through) these rules prior to sending a request to the hall.
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Request Rules
Be sure to keep asks and requests respectful.
Make sure the request is detailed enough for me to write for.
Anons are welcome! (if you'd like a specific designation, feel free to ask)
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The Dos & Don'ts
These are the types of requests I do and don't do.
I Do...
x Male!Reader
x GN!Reader
x Transmasc!Reader
x NB!Reader
Fluff Fics
Angst Fics (Heavily dependent on the topics)
Platonic Fics (Familial, Teammates, Colleagues, Crewmates, Etc.)
Character Concepts for Reader (As long as the idea is feasible)
Oc Requests & Asks
I Don't Do...
x Fem!Reader
x Transfem!Reader
NSFW/Smut (Besides implications)
Triggering Topics (Sexual Assault, Rape, Abuse, Self Harm, etc.)
Fetish Requests
Character Ships
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Characters Available For Requests
The listed characters and fandoms are the ones I am usually inspired to write on the regular or as of right now but that doesn't mean you can't ask if I write for a specific fandom or character that isn't on this list, especially if it's from the list in the Kingdom Directory.
Specify Timeframe
Available for Romantic Requests: Peter Parker (Only Tom & Andrew Portrayals)
Platonic Only: The Avengers (Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, The Vision) [All Together & Individually] The Marvels (Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, Kamala Khan) [All Together & Individually] Etc. (there are literally so many characters-)
Specify Adaptation & Timeframe (I mostly do DCAU & Young Justice, though)
Platonic Only: The Bat Family (Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown) [All Together & Individually] Jon Kent (Supersons Comics Series Version) The Team (Dick Grayson, Wally West, Kaldur'ahm, Artemis Crock, M'gann M'orzz, Connor Kent) (Young Justice TV Series) [All Together & Individually]
Persona 5
Specify Timeframe
Available for Romantic Requests: Ren Amamiya
Platonic Only: The Phantom Thieves (Ren Amamiya, Morgana, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Nijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura) [All Together] Futaba Sakura Zenkichi Hasegawa Goro Akechi Sophia
Criminal Minds
Specify Timeframe
Platonic Only: The B.AU. Team (Aaron Hotchner, Jason Gideon, David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Alex Blake, Luke Alves, Tara Lewis) [All Together & Individually]
Star Trek
Specify Timeframe
Strange New Worlds
Platonic Only: The Crew (Christopher Pike, Una Chin-Riley, Hemmer/Pelia, Joseph M'Benga, Christine Chapel, Erica Ortegas, Nyota Uhura, Jenna Mitchell, Spock, La'an Noonien-Singh, George Samuel Kirk) [All Together & Individually] James T. Kirk
Platonic Only: The Crew (Michael Burnham, Saru, Sylvia Tilly, Adira Tal, Keyla Detmer, R. A. Bryce, Joann Owosekun, Hugh Culber, Gen Rhys, Paul Stamets, Jett Reno) [All Together & Individually] Cleveland Booker
Kelvin Timeline
Platonic Only: The Crew (James T. Kirk, Spock, Montgomery Scott, Keenser, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura) [All Together & Individually]
Resident Evil
Specify Timeframe & Version
Available for Romantic Requests: Leon S. Kennedy
Fair Warning: Fandoms and characters will be added and removed a lot over time. Apologies in advance if a character or fandom you would like to request disappears overnight. Inspiration comes and goes and this section just reflects what and who I am gladly willing to write for at the time.
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
This is who we are.
BAU Team x Nb!Reader
Summary: The team goes to a pride march.
Warning: None, maybe fluff.
Words: 666
A/N: It's trans visibility day, so I wrote this up really quickly, this is the shortest thing I have ever written so enjoy. I love you no matter where you are in your journey, so proud of you, you are doing amazing. Keep it up my lovelies. 
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Your body pumps with excitement, smiling widely as you walk around the streets, looking for your friends. This is your first pride march as an openly Non-binary trans person and you couldn’t think of anyone else you could be more happy to share this moment with. Your eyes are still scanning around the street trying to find where Garica said everyone was meeting. 
“(Y/n), (Y/n) over here” You spin around hearing two younger voices yelling for you. Grinning widely as you see Jack and Henry running towards you followed closely by Spencer, who's wearing a white shirt that's been tie dyed in the bisexual and asexual colours. He's smiling happily as they reach you.
“(Y/n) you made it” Jack grins up at you before him and Henry are running back towards their parents, you and Spencer laughing at them as you follow behind them.  
“I love your shirt Spence” Grinning at him, as your eyes land on his pronouns badge as well as his cheeks painted with his flags.
“Thanks, Penelope helped me make it last night, but I love your jacket, did you make it yourself?” Spencer grins at you. Your denim jacket had a the Non-binary flag painted on the back with the words ‘born this way’ on the back. Some of your favourite pins on the front, your favourite dinosaur pin that Jack got you for your birthday once is amongst your pride pins and badges.
“I did indeed, a few years ago, but I have never had the chance to wear it in public so here I am” Smiling happily as you approach the rest of the team. Where Garcia is applying face paint on Aaron cheek, painting the pan flag. Aaron holding back a small laugh when his eyes meet yours, knowing just how convincing Garcia can be.\
You look around the team, looking at everyones outfit. JJ is just wearing her normal clothes with the Bi flag painted on her cheek, her pronouns badge proudly pinned to their chest. Will standing beside her, arm wrapped around her waist with Henry standing in front of them chatting away with Jack, both of them holding a rainbow flag. Emily is standing beside her, the lesbian flag wrapped around her, the flag painted on both her cheeks. Next to her is Rossi who is wearing the ‘Free dad hug’ tshirt, along with his rainbow sunglasses. Morgan is laughing lightly, as he watches how excited Garcia gets when Hotch asks her to paint another flag on his other cheek, the transgender flag this time. Morgan standing there wearing his bi flag t-shirt, grinning as you stand beside him wrapping his arm around you. 
“I'm next and then Garcia can do you cutie” Morgan laughs, earning a head shake from you.
“Oh I’m guessing I don’t have a choice here do I?” Laughing as a chorus of no’s and nope’s come flying your way with some giggles from Garcia. 
As Garcia starts painting Morgan's cheeks, you grin happily as you finally take in her own outfit. Her sparkly pink and white skirt is paired with a tie dyed t-shirt in the same style as Reids, but instead her colours are the pansexual and transgender flag. Her cheeks are painted with the same colours as Hotch’s. Once she's finally finished painting your cheeks (The Non-binary flag and Pan flag) You all set off to wander down the streets with everyone, enjoying the day of being surrendered by support and love. A lot of people end up running over to Rossi for their free dad hug, Rossi was enjoying it so much, listening to their stories telling them how proud he is and how strong they are. As the day continues the vibes and energy of the day just keep getting stronger. Maybe that's when you realise that your job isn’t just a job, that this is where you're supposed to be. You get to help people and do it in the most supportive group and family ever.
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Heartbeat 3/3
Summary; you had know Aaron hotchner since university, and ever since the first day of knowing him you had the biggest, fattest, most overwhelming crush on the guy. But for some reason he never knew, or even noticed. You had eventually learned to push the feelings away trying to figure out your own problems, focusing on yourself. Then, years later when you joined the bau after getting transferred... Things seemed to go downhill after reuniting with Aaron. But there's a bit of a romance twinkling between you and one of your new coworkers.
Aaron hotchner x nb!reader (past romance)
Spencer Reid x nb!reader (SLIGHT romance)
bau x nb!reader (platonic)
WARNINGS; you do ALMOST die at the end :P it's angst. There's canon levels of violence but may or may not be a little more violent, there's mention of unrequited love, you don't kill yourself but the unsub almost kills you , this also may Incudes a few adult rated scenes and language.
(Now a psa, the reader aka you in this story is a bit fem presenting and gets along better with the gorls. There's mentions of typically "girl" related things like makeup n stuff. Just a psa, oh and also Im still getting used to writing longer stories and it might feel like it jumps from one scene to another a bit quickly and that's because is it. Also I'm very reliant on speech rather than detail.)
The following day you, Spencer, and Elle all explained what your aunt Naomi had said, and you took the two journals out of your bag and placed then on the table.
"My aunt Naomi was the one who found the clow killer back in 1987, she had found him in the mideof killing her ex boyfriend. She had previously called her father, the cheif of police at the time, on a payphone and told him she found the killer adt et to her boyfriends house. These notebooks are full of her notes, evidence, and other things that can definitely help us on this. Especially since this copycat is copying the clown killer down to the crime scenes and the outfits" you explained as they all looked through the notebooks and Gideon seemed to be very invested.
"She knew who is was before her boyfriend was killed?" He asked you and you nodded.
"She realized who it was the same day and went to the police and her father. She had a suspect list it's in the back of the lighter colored journal. And she seemed to really think it was her old English teacher" you explained and he gave a slight nod. Before looking back through the notebook.
Morgan looked at you for a second before asking. "you didn't bring that jean jacket with you?" You nodded to his question, "my aunt Naomi gave it to me when we went to talk to her last night" you say while looking at the crime scenes photos.
"Well it looks vintage, it's probably older than you" he teased and you just rolled your eyes. Getting back to figuring out a profile.
It had gotten late, you and Spencer went out to the crime scenes and compared them to the ones from the real clown killer.
"It just doesn't make any sense, how would the copycat get more the same costumes? The were discontinued years ago" you say looking at the clown costume on the victim in the photo.
"Maybe our unsub got a hold of them... Or they're making the costumes their selves, I think th costms from the photo are moe silk that cotton. There's a clear difference in the stitching since the new one seemed to have a few rips in the stitching" Spencer commented and you made a "ahh" sound as you acknowledge that could definitely be the answer to ha question. "That could definitely be the case, the unsub must not be good enough at sewing for it be identical to the first!" You nod while walking around the crime scene.
Spencer stood there and seemed a bit uncomfortable, you turned fully to look at him "Spencer are you okay? You look kind of uncomfortable" you inquire and his breath seemed to catch in his throat. "I just.. I dont want to sound insensitive....." He half mumbled and you cocked a brow. "don't worry I know your not the best at words sometimes. Do you have a personal question?" You waked a few steps closer putting the journal back into your medium sized satchel.
Spencer gave you a very concentrated look. "Uhm.... How do you and hotch know each other? I.. didn't want to overhear but while I was walking to the break room I heard a few seconds of your conversation... " He asked his ears turned red with embarrassment from clearly being nosey.
You snorted out a laugh and patted his shoulder shaking your head. "It's okay Spence, hotch and I went to the same university and became friends. We had an argument a few years back, about seven years. I had been going to Europe to take care of my grandma and he tracked me down to my hotel room the night of my flight. I had cut him off two weeks before that so our last conversation was a argument. It wasn't anything really" you explained to him and he nodded while you spoke.
"I see.. do you want to go to the second crime scene now?" He asked, you nodded and the two of you walked back up onto the path.
While the two of you were walking Spencer asked you more questions, you found it nice that he was trying to learn more about you as a person outside of work.
"Wait so your thirty?" Spencer asked in shock and you nodded. "Yup, only six years older than you" you smile and he laughed a small bit. "I thought you were about as old as me. You look like you'd be twenty four" he joked and you chuckled. "well I just have amazing skin care-" you stumble, tripping over a rock you didn't see, your phone flying out of your hand and off of the path. "Shit- I'll get it just stay here" you curse, jogging off the path to look for your phone. It was dark so you used your flashlight to look for it.
You heard an odd cracking sound and called out. "Spence you okay?" It took a second before he responded. "Yeah! All good" he seemed confused.
You looked around before you found your phone. You smiled when you found it and jogged back up to the path to see Spencer unconscious on the ground, his forehead bleeding. "Spencer?! Spencer!" You rushed over getting on your knees and trying to wake him up. You quickly checked for a pulse which was still there, you took your satchel off to try and prop his head up and started to dial hotches number. It rang one time before he answered and someone ripped you up, causing you to drop your phone.
"Get off of me!" You screamed as you tried to get away from the hooded figure. "Shut up" they said as the held a rag up to your face, you thrashed around before feeling weak and it went black as you passed out.
(Hours later)
Spencer woke up and saw the blood on the grundfrn his head, he looked around in panic. You were gone. "Oh no- no no no- (F/NAME)? (F/NAME)!" Spencer yelled and when he received no answer he called your cell phone only to hear it ringing just a few feet away. He rushed over to see it taped to a tree with a note. He didn't know what to do so called hotch in a panic.
"Reid? Where have you been everyone's been looking for you and (L/name), they called me and I heard them yell. We thought you guys were in trouble" hotch half scoled and Spencer panicked. "The unsub, they got (F/name), their phone is still here and there's anoe from he unsub we were waking back to the hotel and I don't remember what happened I-" Spencer started to choke on his words and "Reid were on our way, where are you? Spencer? Spencer, where. Are. You." Hotch spoke slowly to try and get through to a on the verge of a melt down Spencer. "We... Down the left path from the first crime scene." Spencer spoke as clearly ashe could and hotch responded quickly "okay stay on the line we'll be there"
You woke up tied to a chair, you couldn't see right, everything blurry. You tried to speak but felt something covering your mouth. A mask? It felt moe metal. Like a muzzle or something.
"Your lucky I didn't kill your little friend" a male voice said from Infront of you. Your head fell forward with heaviness. You felt whoever was Infront of you bring your head to look up.
"Maybe I used to much Rohypnol... You look a bit to out of it. Hopefully you can still eat. Now if you scream no one will hear you this entire room is sound proofed." The voice spoke softer and you groaned trying to pull away but they took the mask off. "Okay now open up, it's chicken and rice" he spoke as you tried to pull away but his grip tightened on your jaw. You were forced to open your jaw and warm chicken and rice was put into your mouth with a soft fork that felt like one of those forks they give little kids. "Okay now chew and swallow, it shouldn't be to hard" he said and his hand covered the front of your mouth. You complied, chewing the food before swallowing it.
This went on for you don't know how long, but soon enough the man stood up and let your face go. "hopefully you know why I took you instead of kill you (F/Name)" the man spoke and you shook your head, a bit more aware of your surroundings now, your vision not as blurry. "you don't? Well it should be obvious. I cant let my own child send me to jail, but luckily your aunt Naomi sent the wrong ma to jail. That man was just killing josh to kill him. That old English teacher never liked Josh or the aunt Naomi. Are you thirsty? Chocolate or strawberry milk?" He spoke as your eyes widened, at a loss for words you brought your head up to look at your father.
You hadn't seen him since your sixteenth birthday. He still had brown eyes and (hair/color) hair. He looked at you with a clear look of empathy.
"But-.. why? Dad why would you do this?" You asked in disbelief and he sighed. "I made a promise to you when you were five, and that was I would protect you until you die. The people I've killed were either child predators or convicted felons. Except the one woman, but she had said to me that if didn't teach you to be a well behaved child she would smack you herself. I couldn't let anything happen to my doll" he said with the clear belief that he did it all to protect you. "Dad... This isn't okay..." You say with tears starting to weld up in the corners of your eyes. He sucked in a breath as he walked over. "You'll be fine, you won't ever get hurt again. Especially by that Aaron guy. You wont ever have to worry about anything. Daddy will always be here to protect you" your father said kissing your forehead and hugging you. You couldn't help but cry. You were scared, and you father was standing in front of you, whom you thought didn't want anything to do with you.
The team was searching high and low for you. Until your mother mentioned your father still lived here.
"Reid you stay here with JJ and Gideon, Morgan, elle, your with me." Hotch said and then they were off and to your fathers house.
The house itself was in amazing condition. It was two stories with a wrap around porch, just down the street from your aunt's. It was a brow color, the yard had a large oak tree with an old tree house and tireswing that clearly hadn't been used in years. There were two saint Bernards on the porch sitting on the porch swing. One of them lifted it's head looking at the thee agents walking up onto the porch. The San Bernard layed it's had back down. Morgan knocked on the door and it opened quickly after they hard shuffling. A taller man with short (h/c) hair, brown eyes, and a million freckles opened the door. He looked as if he had just woken up.
"Are you mr.(L/Name), Frank (L/Name)?" Hotch asked and the man squinted, "yes? Is there something wrong?" He asked confusion riddled his being.
"we're here to ask you a few questions about your child? (F/Name) (L/Name)?" Elle asked and the mans face was confused. "Did something happen? I haven't seen my kiddo in years, not since their sixteenth birthday.. here come in" Frank offered opening the door. When they all walked in Frank whistled to the two dogs that got up and yawned loudly before walking into h house themselves and going straight to the dog beds near the fire place.
"Is it alright if we take a look around?" Elle asked and Frank nodded "that's okay, but uhm... My kids room? Ive tried to keep it clean and all that jazz, they cut contact with me after moving to Europe. But go ahead, your free to look around" he spoke with clear inferiority. The man was clearly very submissive. He clearly didn't want them to be suspicious of him or anything of the sorts.
"Mr.(L/name) can you tell me about your relationship with (F/Name)?" Hotch asked and your father gave a worried look. "Well, we had a good relationship, (N/name) was here every other month. Their mother didn't want to leave (N/Name) here and we decided to give them to oneanother every other month... We had a good relationship, they told me practically everything including crushes they had and their stresses." He explained hotch nodded and asked. "Frank did you ever feel like
(f/name)'s mother didn't treat the agreement th right way sometimes?"
Frank seems hesitant but spoke again. "well... Bernie never payed for anything for (N/Name), anytime my kid needed anything I payed for it. Their university tuition I payed for it, I even helped pay for them to move to Europe with their grandmother and Bernie... But bernie always lied to my kid, she always told (N/Name) that I didn't want anything to do with them when all I wanted was to be in their life. It was unfair that I didn't get to spend any time with them after they turned sixteen." Frank explained his eyes teary and full of deceit. Hotch could see Frank was hiding something. Then Elle showed up behind Frank and mouthed.
'we found something, basement'
"Frank we saw this house has a basement, could we see inside it?" Elle asked and they watched as Frank tensed.
"No. You can't." He sucked in. And Morgan spoke. "Why not? You haven't got anything to hide right-" they all heard a loud crashing sound. Frank stood up and ran past them into the hallway where the basement stays were and rushed down them, the door was open and a broken chair was laying in front of it. Ropes cut and on the ground as well.
Before Frank could do anything Morgan had him at gunpoint as Elle rushed to (F/Name) who was bleeding, they had hit their head on the side of the table. They flinched away from Elle their eyes widened and dilated.
"GET AWAY FROM MY KID!" Frank yelled he had a knife which must have been a concealed weapon and went to stab elle.
But the knife didn't even come close to Elle. (F/Name) had pulled elle behind them and the knife went into them instead. It took seconds before Frank let out a shaky gasp. "No- no I didn't-" it gave Morgan and hotch time to handcuff him. Morgan was silently cursing at himself for not shooting Frank. Elle helped (F/Name) lay down, they were struggling to breath since the knife went up and may have punctured there lung or how it was placed. Morgan called for backup and a ambulance while Elle and hotch talked to (F/Name).
"Is Spencer okay? Is he alive?" You asked them tiredly and Elle nodded "he's okay, he's alive. Tell.. tell me about your favorite memory with your pet!" Elle spoke shakily. Trying to make sure you stayed awake while the ambulance was coming. "Favorite.. uhm... Oh, when I was seventeen I adopted this...... Little old dog.. it only had a few years left.... But his name was... Fin, his name was fin... And when I got him the shelter workers told me.. he was aggressive but... He was actually..... Really... Sweet" you started to close your eyes but this time hotch spoke. "(F/Name) do you remember the coffee shop you slipped in? When we were studying together?" He said quickly as you let out a hoarse chuckle. "yeah, that was funny....man my head hurts" you say shakily bringing your hand to the side of your head that was cut open from the table when you broke free. It was still bleeding.
When the ambulance arrived and they got you into the stretcher you had gone unconscious but you were still alive. They all rushed to the hospital. Your mother in the ambulance with you since she had show up with the other agents. While in the ambulance you woke again looking around you went to feel your chest but the EMT's stopped you, you felt a hand on your cheeks. "it's okay sweet pea, your going to be fine" she spoke shakily and you furrowed your eyebrows ather blurry figure. "mom? Mom is Elle okay?" You half mumbled with a groan at the pain that was surfacing from your head. "she okay, can you see me?" Your mom asked. You turned your head to look at her. "yeah.. but your... all blurry like if was in a cup of.... Of water" you speak slowly.
When getting to the hospital the doctors and nurses had all rushed around you, trying to sober you up from the horrific amounts of Rohypnol found in your body. You had lost to much blood and halfway through fixing your wound they hadn't do a blood transfusion. And when they got you into a hospital room after fixing you up you were asleep. That was until you woke up again for the the second time since being stabbed. You looked around the room tiredly and see Elle, Spencer, your mom, your aunt Naomi, and Aaron.
"Look I know I almost died but I'm not dead so calm down" you joke and see Elle and spencers heads shoot to you direction Elle almost jumping out of her seat.
"You know for someone who could be dead you got some nerve joking like that" you mom scolled and you just giggle at her teary eyes. She kissed your forehead and you sat up tiredly rubbing your eyes. You looked at Spencer without any words. You just stared at him for a minute before speaking. "Are you okay? Is your head still hurt?" You asked, he gave you an *are you kidding me* look and shook his head. "No I'm okay, but are you okay? You had a whole punctured lung." He asked and you shrugged. "Meh, I'm good. You know I think nows a good time for me to tell you that you have this weird mark on your cheek. It looks like food or something" you say joking with his but he gives a confused look and wiped his cheeks. You smiled with amusement and whispered "I'm messing with you Spence" which earned you a glare from the brown haired guy.
The your aunt Naomi spoke. "so who wants Chinese? I'm ordering some for take out" you smiled at everyone in the room talking happily.
For almost dieing you definitely were happy.
Now listen, this is my first time writing a planned out fanfiction. I'm a little rusty and I'm not the best at writing so Im sorry if it's a bit jumpy, not smooth, or anything of the sorts. But I hope you enjoyed :P.
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roleplay-today · 1 year
criminal minds rp! doubles welcome 😊
hello! 23 nb in est time zone looking for a criminal minds rp partner!
i’m looking for someone to write as spencer reid against my female oc in a discord-based roleplay — doubles are welcome! i’m nearly done with the series so i can write as pretty much any of the bau characters.
other info:
please be 18+ — i do not roleplay with minors, regardless of what the rp is about.
i only do oc x cc roleplays — i do not write pairings of canon characters. oc’s and self inserts are fine!
i’d like to include smut but i don’t make it the whole plot. it’s not a dealbreaker though, so sfw plots are okay with me too 😌
i write in third person, present tense, and with a literate/semi-lit writing style. i prefer partners that have a similar style! i’m not a huge stickler for grammar and reply length, so as long as it’s legible then we’re good! one thing i dislike is very long paragraphs without breaks though. that’s probably one of very few things i’ll ask for 😅
i’m looking for a long-term rp partner here. whether we keep the same plots forever or switch it up, i don’t mind!
i roleplay on discord only! i’m sort of particular about how the server is set up 😅 i make channels for everything tbh. i do not like using tupperbox so please don’t ask to use it 🥹
lastly, i love having rp partners that i can chat with ooc! sharing headcanons, ideas, music, moodboards, stuff like that!
anyways, if you’ve read all this and you’re interested, then please reach out to me or interact with this post! my roleplaying blog is @lovingmoon-rp !
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inkdrinkerworld · 2 years
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ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴏɢ
i write mainly fem!reader for nsfw, but sfw can be nb!reader
BANNED CONTENT: non con/rape, stalking, being cheated on
ALLOWED CONTENT: angst, fluff, smut [18+only], dom!reader, somno, dub con, pegging, ask for any others
characters in stock: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, aaron hotchner, spencer reid, matt murdock, bucky barnes, bradley bradshaw, jake seresin, bob floyd, steve harrington, eddie munson, miguel o’hara, ask for any others
i don’t tolerate any racism, any of the phobias, or people being shitty persons with fucked up morals to others on here, so please think before you come into my inbox, i will block you if you promote any form of hate
my inbox is almost always open, please send thoughts/requests about your faves so we can discuss about them
nb: if you are requesting and not sharing a thought please be respectful, use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’! show your love for my work and others’ through comments and reblogs <;3
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