#nazri abdul razak
kazifatagar · 9 months
Senior Police Officer Nazri Now Charged with Murder in Tragic Schoolboy Case
Deputy Superintendent Nazri Abdul Razak, a senior police officer, has been tentatively charged with the murder of 17-year-old schoolboy Zaharif Affendi Zamrie. The charge is related to a car chase near the victim’s school in Meru, where Zaharif was killed. Social Media Links Follow us on: Instagram Threads Facebook Twitter YouTube DailyMotion Read More News #latestmalaysia Police…
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kerahlekung · 4 years
UMNO juga dikatakan terlibat, tapi LGE seorg yg didakwa...
UMNO juga dikatakan terlibat, tapi LGE seorg yg didakwa....
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Pertuduhan yang dimaksudkan, untuk hiburan bersama. Duit pun tak bayaq lagi, untung celah bedah mana depa nak cari paper trail pun tak tau lah. This is gonna be quite amusing. LGE isnt that stupid to ask for bribe from an UMNO contractor. Zarul claimed Guan Eng asked for 10% kickback but not abt him receiving bribes. Zarul claimed he bribed so many other people -- his credibility might be shot if the rest deny. He also gave RM500k to Nazri Aziz, RM200k to Ismail Sabri, RM100k to Halimah Sadique, RM100k to Nur Jazlan, RM50k to Zahid Hamidi, RM50k to Zainal Abidin Rahim and RM500k to Rahman Dahlan. FMT said the said document below is real but leaked..
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Najib's donor was supposedly the deceased King Abdulalh of Saudi. 
Lim Guan Eng's donor is confirmed to be King Hades of Hell.
Lim Guan Eng Charged Based On Hearsay – A Distraction To Satisfy Angry Pro-UMNO And Pro-PAS Supporters...
Get real. If backdoor Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin wanted to, he could save the pathetic life of Najib Razak, the former prime minister who was the same man who had sacked him in 2015. But why should he? Allowing the judge to “do his job” – delivering a guilty verdict – would mean Najib cannot participate in the next snap general election. Now, Najib is out of the race. With Najib out of the race, Muhyiddin has eliminated his biggest rival, at least until the crook could convince the Court of Appeal to reverse the High Court’s verdict. If Najib fails, he can go to the Federal Court, the highest court and the final appellate court in the country, to tell the judges about his sobbing story. It would take up to a year for the appeals, if Najib is lucky. But the idea of sending Najib to prison comes with a price. UMNO and PAS supporters were not very happy that the prime minister “did not rescue” their beloved Najib. To prove that he was neutral, Muhyiddin has to balance his act. And the only way to satisfy supporters of his “Malay-only” Perikatan Nasional government is to dramatically send a Chinese opposition leader to prison. Sending Lim Guan Eng, secretary-general of DAP (Democratic Action Party – the biggest party with 42 MPs), to prison will boost Muhyiddin’s popularity among the UMNO-Malay and PAS-Muslim voters. They would feel happy and satisfy with the perception that the chief of Chinese-DAP party who played a role in defeating UMNO in the 2018 General Election is going to jail. If Najib Razak is to go to prison, Lim Guan Eng must also go to jail. Only then it would be fair and the DAP haters can accept Muhyiddin as their leader. As expected, when Mr. Lim was finally charged today (August 7) for corruption in connection with the RM6.3 billion Penang undersea tunnel project, pro-UMNO and pro-PAS supporters celebrate as if the country had won the FIFA World Cup. There were two scandals that DAP haters have always linked to Lim Guan Eng – the so-called bungalow scandal and the Penang tunnel scandal. When the former Penang Chief Minister was arrested in June 2016 over the bungalow scandal, the previous Najib regime had tried very hard to frame the popular DAP leader, but to no avail.
For 2 years until the May 2018 General Election, the corrupt regime of Barisan Nasional failed to prove anything against Lim. Eventually, after the regime’s defeat, the corruption case against Lim Guan Eng was dropped on Sept 8, 2018 after the Penang High Court acquitted Mr. Lim. Businesswoman Phang Li Koon, who sold the bungalow to Mr Lim, was also acquitted. Of course, who can forget when the anti-graft agency MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) said it was shocked by the decision of the Attorney-General’s Chambers to withdraw the case, claiming that the decision was made by the Attorney General Tommy Thomas office and not the MACC. Then-PM Mahathir joined the bandwagon and mocked the MACC. Expressing his shock, probably made with tongue-in-cheek, Mahathir said – “They (MACC) have a right to be shocked. If they want to be shocked, they can be shocked. I am also shocked. If the court makes a decision which to me is wrong, I also never comment on it.” Amazingly, the MACC was not shocked at all when the infamous Cowgate scandal was dropped in the same manner in 2015. Why was MACC so upset that the prosecutor did not wish to pursue Lim’s bungalow case but was not upset at all that the prosecutor did not wish to pursue former UMNO Woman Chief Shahrizat’s corruption case, where Shahrizat Jalil and her family members had siphoned RM250 million of taxpayers money meant for National Feedlot Corporation (NFC)? If you wish to argue, we had already published an article 4 years ago about the difference between Khir Toyo and Lim Guan Eng’s bungalow scandal, which you can read it here. What is interesting is the RM6.3 billion Penang tunnel project being used by the Muhyiddin regime to charge the DAP leader. On the surface, the scandal appears to be as huge as Najib’s 1MDB scandal. But there seem to be too many loopholes and ambiguities with the MACC’s latest attempt to charge Lim. For a start, it doesn’t make sense that there is only “one charge” against Lim despite the value of the project (RM6.3 billion), when Najib was slapped with 7 charges on July 3, 2018, over allegations of plundering only RM42 million of SRC International money.
Today, Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court Judge Azura Alwi read out the charges – “That you, on March 2011, at a location near The Gardens Hotel, Syed Putra Circle, Mid Valley City, in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, during your tenure as chief minister of Penang, have solicited a bribe, namely a reward in the form of 10 percent of the profits that will be obtained later from Zarul Ahmad Bin Mohd Zulkifli, as a fee to help the company owned by Zarul Ahmad to be appointed to carry out construction of the main roads and tunnels in the Penang undersea tunnel project.” “Therefore you have committed an offence under Section 16 (a) (A) of the MACC Act 2009 which is punishable under Section 24 (1) of the same Act. Any person who commits an offence under Section 16 of the MACC Act 2009 may upon conviction be subject to – a) imprisonment for a term not exceeding 20 years and b) fined not less than five times the amount or value of the bribe which is the subject of the offence if the bribe can be assessed in the form of money or RM10,000 as the case may be.” – said the judge. Yes, Lim was charged for soliciting a bribe, whatever that means. Amusingly, no money has changed hands. As the judge mentioned, the bribe is to be obtained later from a company owned by Zarul Ahmad. So, it’s a “future tense” – not yet happen. This is perhaps the first corruption case in the country involving something that needs a “time travel machine” to prove. More amazingly, the bribe amount is 10% of the profits. But there was no mention of the amount of profits, not even a rough estimation. Why didn’t Lim make his life easier by asking for 10% of the Penang tunnel project (valued at RM6.3 billion) which will translate to RM630 million? Exactly how does the prosecutor plan to argue their case in the court without knowing the facts and figures? If the company makes a loss, the bribe amount is negative and theoretically, Lim has to pay Zarul instead. Lim must be the dumbest crook in the world for asking 10% of potential profits, instead of 10% of project value or just a fix amount of bribes, say RM100 million. Perhaps the 10% is to be based on the profits of toll collections after the Penang tunnel kicks into operation. However, a mega project like the 7.2-km Penang tunnel will take years to complete, and it could take many more years to turn profitable, if it ever happens. Lim Guan Eng may not be around to enjoy his reward. The corruption case is so ambiguous that it becomes comical. It would be more profitable and promising for Lim to solicit sexual favour instead.
Penang Undersea Tunnel Project 
The best part is the tunnel project, initiated 9 years ago in 2011, hasn’t started yet as the state government is still reviewing the feasibility study. Najib Razak, then prime minister, had even attended the project’s memorandum of understanding (MoU) signing ceremony back in April 2011. Therefore, the previous regime, with whom PM Muhyiddin is working now, was very well aware of the project from the beginning. Unlike Najib’s 1MDB corruption case, where his luxury apartments were raided by the police, leading to the confiscation of RM117 million cash and RM1 billion worth of 12,000 pieces of jewellery, an eye-popping 567 handbags consisted of luxury handbags from 37 different designers – including Chanel, Prada, Hermes and ultra-luxury Bijan, the authorities did not even bother to raid Lim’s residence. And unlike the MACC’s raid of UMNO Supreme Council member Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim’s house in 2018, leading to seizure of RM500,000 in Malaysian currency and another RM400,000 in other currencies as well as 20 watches and several pieces of jewellery, the MACC probably thought it was not worthwhile to raid Lim’s house as it would not yield any treasure. Rosmah Mansor 12000 Jewelleries VS Imelda Marcos 1220 Shoes So, the MACC basically has zero money trails, unlike Najib’s intricate web of financial fraud that crossed continents. More importantly, Lim did not receive a penny, let alone any sexual favour from company owner Zarul Ahmad. Besides, the project was conducted based on open tender, not by direct award as practised by previous Barisan Nasional government. Unless there’s an authenticated voice recording of Lim Guan Eng demanding for the bribe, the charge is purely based on hearsay, hence only “one charge”. It would be more productive for the MACC to investigate missing RM20 million originally allocated for “flying car” project. Obviously, PM Muhyiddin, under pressure to call for a snap election, is using the tunnel to divert attention. Muhyiddin is also under siege as his powerful ally – UMNO – was only interested to work with his PPBM (Bersatu) party until the 15th General Election, after which UMNO plans to ditch the prime minister and grabs all its traditional Malay-majority seats. Therefore, to entertain unhappy Malay voters, he needs a bogeyman – Lim Guan Eng – as his WMD (Weapon of Mass Distraction). The backdoor government wanted to cook up the Penang tunnel to make it looks like 1MDB scandal. Muhyiddin’s divide-and-rule strategy is to split the Chinese voters by creating a perception that Lim Guan Eng is a big corrupt crook like Najib Razak. But it could backfire and all the Chinese voters may rally behind DAP once again because the half-baked charge is simply too ridiculous. - FT
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Sumber asal: UMNO juga dikatakan terlibat, tapi LGE seorg yg didakwa... Baca selebihnya di UMNO juga dikatakan terlibat, tapi LGE seorg yg didakwa...
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hokalohnews · 6 years
Najib Dah Tak Nak Campur Urusan UMNO
August 15th, 2018 | by
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Bekas perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak seperti sedia maklum tidak lagi menyandang jawatan tertinggi dalam UMNO setelah kekalahan parti itu dalam Pilihan Raya Umum 14, Mei lalu. Setelah itu, Datuk Seri Dr Zahid Hamidi diangkat menjadi Presiden UMNO dan ketua pembangkang.
Najib dalam laporan Harian Metro menegaskan dia tidak pernah masuk campur dalam urusan parti selepas perletakan jawatannya pada Mei lalu.
Walaubagaimanapun, Najib tetap meluahkan sokongannya kepada kempimpinan baru UMNO, dan presidennya, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, bebas membuat sebarang keputusan dan menentukan hala tuju parti selepas ini.
Najib berkata, kedudukannya sebagai Ahli Parlimen Pekan dan bekas Perdana Menteri, dia mempunyai hak untuk bersuara bagi mempertahankan diri serta dasar yang dilaksanakannya ketika memimpin negara.
Datuk Seri Zahid bebas membuat keputusan, contohnya pemilihan calon di (Pilihan Raya Kecil) Sungai Kandis dan lain-lain. Saya sokong beliau sebagai Presiden yang baharu.
Namun, saya juga harus perjelaskan persepsi atau manipulasi fakta dan angka oleh kerajaan baharu. Saya gunakan hak saya untuk menjelaskan dasar dan sebab ia dilaksanakan. Sebagai Ahli Parlimen, itu tugas saya. Pentadbiran UMNO bebas untuk buat apa saja, saya akan sokong.
Najib membuat kenyataan berkenaan kepada media selepas Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, yang meminta Najib menjarakkan diri daripada parti itu bagi membolehkan UMNO kelihatan masih relevan dalam usaha melancarkan perubahan kepemimpinan baharu.
Tambah Najib lagi, antara isu utama yang perlu dijelaskan adalah isu hutang negara yang dikatakan mencapai RM1 trilion walhal nilai sebenarnya hanya RM686 juta ketika dia bergelar Perdana Menteri.
Mereka (kerajaan) kata RM19 bilion hilang. Saya percaya ia tak hilang dan saya mahu Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara (PAC) membuat siasatan menyeluruh secepat mungkin.
Sumber: Harian Metro
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Self-proclaimed foodie yang mahu salam cium tangan pencipta Horlicks Mcflurry.
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eimhjanlurima · 6 years
'UMNO macam susah selagi Najib tidak jarakkan diri' – Nazri
Politik Semasa Malaysia Hokaloh News
'UMNO macam susah selagi Najib tidak jarakkan diri' – Nazri
KUALA LUMPUR: Ahli Parlimen Padang Rengas Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz, menyarankan bekas Presiden UMNO Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak supaya ‘faham-faham sendiri’ bila masa beliau perlu jarakkan diri daripada UMNO.
Katanya, Najib sepatutnya mengambil langkah yang sama seperti mana yang pernah dilakukan oleh bekas Presiden UMNO iaitu Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan juga Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Di masa lepas kalau kita tengok masa Mahathir menyerahkan jawatan beliau kepada Pak Lah, walaupun ketika itu dia MP Kubang Pasu tapi dia mengundur diri 100 peratus.
“Membolehkan Pak Lah ketuai parti dan mendatangkan kemenangan besar kepada BN pada 2004, perkara yang sama bila Pak Lah bagi kat Najib.
“UMNO macam susah selagi Najib tidak jarakkan diri, kita masih lagi bawah bayang-bayang dia, jadi dia faham sendiri, mesti ikut jejak Tun Mahathir dan Pak Lah,” katanya kepada pemberita di Parlimen, hari ini.
Nazri merujuk komen daripada Setiausaha Agung Umno Tan Sri Annuar Musa dan Pengerusi UMNO Wilayah Persekutuan Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani bahawa Najib boleh dianggap sebagai liabiliti dalam usaha UMNO untuk mendapatkan kembali kepercayaan rakyat.
Katanya lagi, Najib perlu memberi ruang sepenuhnya kepada Presiden UMNO Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
“Sudah tentulah Zahid, beliau segan nak cakap, ini bukan soal setia atau tidak setia.
“Ini soal sayang parti apatah lagi sekarang ini Najib didakwa jadi kalau dia masih lagi tak lepas sepenuhnya pada presiden baru untuk parti ‘to move on’ susah lah kita,” katanya.
Jelasnya, agak sukar untuk UMNO menyarankan Najib jauhkan diri daripada Umno kerana beliau merupakan bekas presiden parti.
“Agak sukar untuk kita sebab dia bos kita dulu tapi dia kena faham, ikut teladan Tun mahathir … jangan tunggu sampai kita suruh.
“Tak eloklah dia mesti faham, UMNO tiada dosa apa, soal pendakwaan, kepada dia bukan parti.
“Tapi selagi tak boleh jarakkan diri maknanya parti akan terpalit dan sukar untuk kita bergerak,” katanya.
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leobellicose · 7 years
Akan ada kerajaan baru: Keyakinan HARAPAN berdasarkan apa?
Akan ada kerajaan baru: Keyakinan HARAPAN berdasarkan apa? -
Mengapa HARAPAN yakin akan ada k’jaan baru Disember 16, 2017
Oleh Liew Chin Tong Malaysia akan mempunyai kerajaan baru sekiranya Umno kalah 40 kerusi di Semenanjung Malaysia kepada Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN). Jika 50 peratus pengundi Melayu memilih HARAPAN, pakatan pembangkang malah akan menubuhkan kerajaan dengan dua per tiga majoriti. Ini adalah realiti. Justeru, saya terkejut dengan hakikat bahawa sesetengah penganalisis politik dan ahli politik enggan memahami dinamik pilihan raya dan demografik berkenaan faktor yang akan menentukan keputusan pilihan raya umum (PRU) akan datang. Klise politik dan realiti Masalah paling besar di kalangan yang kononnya cerdik pandai ini adalah mereka suka mengulangi klise yang mereka sendiri tidak faham. Sesetengah mereka tidak anggap pengundi Melayu akan menukar undi secara beramai-ramai. Penilaian mereka ini menggunakan hujah bahawa meskipun pengundi Melayu mengundi pembangkang sebelum ini, tiada pertukaran undi yang ketara di kalangan pengundi Melayu yang tetap mengundi Barisan Nasional dalam dua pilihan raya umum yang lalu. Dengan itu, mereka cuba menjustifikasikan teori mereka. Mereka melihat Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai agen perubahan dan bukannya Semenanjung.
Menurut perkiraan saya pula, perubahan di Sarawak tidak ketara kerana gambaran yang diberikan kerajaan Sarawak yang seolah-olah mengamalkan politik pro-autonomi, selain keadaan muka bumi negeri itu. Sementara Sabah pula mempunyai situasi yang menarik. Pada PRU 2013, pembangkang cuma menang 3 kerusi parlimen. BN menang beberapa kerusi dengan kurang daripada 50 peratus undi popular yang disebabkan oleh pertembungan lebih daripada dua penjuru. Kini dengan kehadiran Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal sebagai pemimpin pembangkang baru di pantai timur, serta mendapat sokongan dari kalangan Kadazan-Dusun-Murut, pembangkang sebenarnya mampu menang sehingga 10 kerusi parlimen. Bagaimanapun, pertarungan utama masih lagi di Semenanjung. Pertarungan rebut Semenanjung Dalam PRU lalu, Umno menang 88 kerusi parlimen seluruh negara. Empat belas daripada jumlah itu adalah di Sabah dan satu di Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan. Daripada 73 kerusi di Semenanjung, kira-kira 30 daripada jumlah itu merupakan kawasan parlimen yang sangat kecil, selalunya sama saiz dengan jumlah peneroka Felda, selain terletak di kawasan pedalaman.
Meskipun dengan pertukaran undi yang besar di kalangan pengundi Melayu, tidak mudah Pakatan Harapan memenangi kerusi-kerusi ini. Lebih 40 kerusi yang lain adalah kerusi campuran dengan majoriti Melayu yang mempunyai jumlah pengundi bukan Melayu yang agak besar menetap di kawasan itu. Kebanyakan kerusi ini terletak di kawasan separa bandar di mana sejumlah besar generasi mudanya tinggal di Kuala Lumpur dan kawasan metropolitan lain. Pada PRU 2013, Pakatan Rakyat memenangi 80 daripada 165 kerusi. Ketika ini, PAS memegang 14 kerusi yang tidak lagi boleh dianggap kerusi HARAPAN. DAP pula kalah di Teluk Intan pada pilihan raya kecil pada 2014. Ketika ini, HARAPAN memperoleh parlimen Pagoh melalui penyertaan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dalam barisan pembangkang. Wakil HARAPAN keseluruhannya menyandang 66 kerusi di Semenanjung. Cabaran pilihan raya untuk HARAPAN adalah untuk memenangi 100 daripada 165 kerusi di Semenanjung.
Sekiranya berjaya dicapai, ia bererti pertukaran undi yang besar di kalangan pengundi Melayu yang juga bereti pemilihan lebih ramai ahli parlimen Melayu berbanding bukan Melayu. Kedua-dua situasi ini penting bagi berdepan cabaran selepas pilihan raya dalam penubuhan kerajaan yang stabil oleh HARAPAN. Dengan kemenangan HARAPAN ke atas 100 atau lebih kerusi di Semenanjung, dengan 15 hingga 20 kerusi tambahan dikongsi bersama HARAPAN dan parti sekutu di Sabah dan Sarawak, ia dapat menjamin sebuah kerajaan baru ditubuhkan. Mampukah HARAPAN menangi 100 kerusi di Semenanjung? Meskipun tanpa mempertimbangkan kerusi di Kelantan dan Terengganu, sudah ada sekurang-kurangnya 40 kerusi yang dimenangi BN dengan majoriti kecil di pantai barat Semenanjung yang boleh dimenangi HARAPAN. (Demi menjaga kepentingan strategi, saya tidak akan namakan kerusi-kerusi ini, namun pembaca boleh membuat kajian sendiri untuk mengetahui kerusi-kerusi ini.) Kelompok 1 – Perlis/Kedah - 10 Kelompok 2 – Pulau Pinang/Perak Utara - 7 Kelompok 3 – Selangor Utara/Perak Selatan - 8 Kelompok 4 – Muar (Johor) - 5 Kelompok 5 – Johor Selatan - 6 Kelompok 6 - Pahang - 4 Kerusi di Perlis dan Kedah kebanyakannya adalah kerusi dengan majoriti besar Melayu. Dengan faktor Mahathir, Kedah akan mempunyai dinamiknya sendiri. Kerusi marginal BN di pantai barat yang selebihnya adalah kebanyakannya mempunyai maksimum 65 peratus pengundi Melayu, yang bererti ia merangkumi jumlah pengundi bukan Melayu yang agak besar. Bagi kerusi pantai barat, faktor PAS boleh diabaikan. Pertembungan tiga penjuru rugikan Umno Saya sebelum ini berhujah bahawa Umno akan mendapati strategi pertembungan tiga penjuru akan menutup peluang Umno berbanding HARAPAN untuk menang di kerusi marginal. Di kerusi campuran dengan majoriti Melayu, pengundi bukan Melayu lebih cenderung mengundi calon HARAPAN berbanding Umno atau PAS. Sekiranya sentimen antikerajaan di kalangan pengundi Melayu ketika ini bertahan, sesetengah penyokong Umno dan PAS pada PRU 2013 akan turut mengundi HARAPAN.
Umno pula memerlukan penyokong setia Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang untuk mengundi calon Umno berbanding memberikan undi kepada PAS di kerusi pantai barat yang mana PAS tidak mempunyai peluang untuk menang. Tidak mengejutkan sekiranya dalam masa terdekat ini Umno yang akan mengarahkan agar strategi tiga penjuru tidak digunakan. Perdebatan tentang tiga penjuru ketika ini, termasuk di kalangan penyokong pembangkang, sebenarnya hanya membuang masa. Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang juga merupakan Timbalan Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pelancongan Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz masing-masing memberi amaran secara terbuka berkenaan strategi tiga penjuru yang mungkin merugikan Umno. Difahami, kerusi Bagan Datok (kerusi Zahid) dan Padang Rengas (kerusi Nazri) merupakan kawasan pantai barat seumpamanya yang saya gambarkan di atas.
Kejutan lain buat Umno adalah apabila Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengadakan mesyuarat dengan pemimpin Umno Kelantan baru-baru ini di kediaman Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Dalam mesyuarat itu, Najib diberitahu bahawa Umno Kelantan tidak berhasrat bertembung dengan PAS di setiap kerusi. Keengganan pemimpin peringkat negeri Umno untuk bekerjasama dengan PAS telah membantutkan strategi rapuh pertembungan tiga penjuru Najib. Medan pertempuran separa bandar Memandangkan HARAPAN (dan begitu juga sebelum ini Pakatan Rakyat) sebelum ini lebih berpengaruh di kawasan bandar, memahami jiwa pengundi separa bandar adalah penting bagi menjamin kemenangan pembangkang. HARAPAN perlu mencipta pakatan pembangkang mesra rakyat yang berpotensi menang yang mampu menarik sekurang-kurangnya separuh daripada pengundi Melayu dan melonjakkan sokongan yang besar daripada bukan Melayu.
Saya tidak pernah kata ia kerja mudah. Apa yang saya kata adalah Umno dan BN kini sangat rapuh di kawasan separa bandar di pantai barat, iaitu kerusi campuran dengan majoriti Melayu yang dimenangi BN dengan majoriti tipis pada PRU 2013. Dari satu sisi, kawasan-kawasan ini ibarat “Rust Belt” pembangkang, iaitu kawasan yang dulunya mempunyai industri yang pesat membangun namun kini terjejas akibat ekonomi. Jika Umno kalah lebih kurang 40 kerusi ini dengan pertukaran undi yang memihak kepada HARAPAN, semestinya ia akan melahirkan sebuah kerajaan baru.
Akan ada kerajaan baru: Keyakinan HARAPAN berdasarkan apa? merupakan Entri ulangsiar. Credit kepada sumber asal di Akan ada kerajaan baru: Keyakinan HARAPAN berdasarkan apa? via Blogger http://sayupgema.blogspot.com/2017/12/akan-ada-kerajaan-baru-keyakinan.html
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mallaccra · 7 years
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07 Ogos 2017 | SPRM Perlu Siasat Aset Mahathir Mahathir, Pengerusi Pakatan Harapan atau nama popularnya "Top Dog" Pakatan Harapan telah membangkitkan kononnya ada aset RM230 juta yang dikatakan dimiliki oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi ketika memegang jawatan ketua Pemuda UMNO. Beliau membangkitkan mengenai aset berkenaan selepas Zahid mendedahkan bahawa Mahathir bukanlah berketurunan Melayu kerana namanya di dalam kad pengenalan tertulis "Mahathir a/l Iskandar Kutty". Namun seperti biasa, selepas sehari mendedahkannya, Mahathir kemudian buat "U Turn" dengan memberitahu beliau tidak mempunyai bukti hitam putih berhubung dakwaan itu. Itu tidak mengejutkan kerana ia sama seperti tuduhan yang dibuat ke atas Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sebelum ini melibatkan syarikat 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) dan derma RM2.6 juta. Mahathir juga gagal mengemukakan sebarang bukti mengenainya. Hanya setakat tuduhan semata-mata. Berbalik kepada isu aset Zahid itu, Timbalan Perdana Menteri telah menyatakan kesediaan agar Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) untuk menjalankan siasatan ke atas dirinya. Namun bagaimana pula dengan Mahathir? Ramai yang ingin tahu mengenai tuduhan berhubung kekayaan yang dimiliki oleh keluarga dan anak-anaknya. Walaupun isu kekayaan berkenaan keluarganya itu hebat diperkatakan, Mahathir langsung tidak pernah menjawabnya. Majalah Forbes dalam laman webnya www.forbes.com pada Mac 2017 menyenaraikan anak Mahathir iaitu Mokhzani dalam kedudukan 34 daripada 50 individu terkaya di Malaysia dengan anggaran aset bernilai $USD420 juta. Bermakna dalam tukaran wang semasa, nilai itu dalam ringgit bernilai RM1.764 billion. Bukan sahaja desakan daripada orang luar, malah dalam Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) sendiri sudah ada gesaan apabila beberapa exco Armada meminta Mahathir menjawab tuduhan mengenai kekayaan anaknya. Mahathir "tak mau" jawab pun. Dulu, Anwar Ibrahim dan Rafizi Ramli juga pernah mendakwa anak-anak bekas Perdana Menteri itu merupakan tauke arak apabila kekayaan dikaut selama ini membolehkan mereka membeli kilang arak di Filipina. “Mirzan cukup kaya, kapal dia punya, lori dia punya, rumah agam besar di Kanada semua Mirzan punya. Sekarang ini Mokhzani tauke yang cukup kaya, semua kapal semua kontrak minyak semua dia punya dan yang terbaharu kayanya anak-beranak Mahathir ini sampai dia boleh beli kilang arak di Filipina. Dengan duit kilang arak itu juga, dia beli stesen-stesen minyak berjenama Esso yang ditukar kepada jenama Petron,” kata Rafizi yang juga Naib Presiden PKR dalam satu rakaman video yang menjadi tular sekitar Mac lalu. Anwar Ibrahim juga pernah kata dalam ceramah ceramahnya "tak dak orang lain cerdik ka selain anak anak Mahathir?, kaya harta billion billion". Kini Anwar dan Rafizi hanya diam tetapi tidak menafikan dakwaan mereka itu. Mahathir juga tidak saman mereka. Jika Zahid bersedia disiasat maka Mahathir juga perlu menyataan kesediaannya untuk berdepan dengan siasatan sama apatah lagi beliau yang mendedahkan mengenai aset yang dimiliki oleh Zahid itu. Ditambah lagi dengan gesaan daripada Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein dan Menteri Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, maka SPRM tidak boleh memandang sepi isu ini. Elok Rafizi dan Anwar dipanggil sama memberikan bukti kekayaan kekayaan anak anak Mahathir itu. Jika mereka berdua berani bercakap di pentas ceramah secara terbuka maka jika SPRM jalankan siasatan mereka juga perlu berikan kerjasama. Isu kekayaan anak anak Mahathir ini dan bagaimana mereka boleh jadi billionair sama beratnya dengan isu Skandal Forex yang wangnya hilang berbillion ringgit pada zaman Mahathir. Mirzan dikatakan ada San Miguel, Mokhzani dikata ada syarikat minyak dan Mukhriz dikatakan dapat tender fiber optik. Siasatan perlu dilakukan kerana ramai yang ingin mengetahui bagaimana anak-anak beliau menjadi kaya. Mahathir ada tolongkah? Sebagaimana yang ramai mengetahui Mahathir mengkayakan kroni kroninya. SPRM kena siasat. Sedap Mahathir "duk mengata kat" orang, dia sendiri punya harta "mau sembunyi bawah karpet" ka? Kredit : Beruang Biru BB528
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jeerie · 7 years
‎السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ Salam 1Malaysia. 24 Mei 2017 - Rabu 25 Syaaban 1438 Hijrah (Ramadhan 03 Hari Lagi) ➡ NASIONAL 1. KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Luar menasihatkan rakyat Malaysia yang berada di lokasi serangan Arena Manchester melaporkan diri kepada pihak Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia di London. 2. KUALA LUMPUR: Dalam memperkasa dan memperkukuhkan sektor pendidikan negara, kerajaan giat merealisasikan Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) (2013-2025), termasuk mengambil langkah berani untuk melakukan perubahan dari segi struktur yang mampu mempercepatkan transformasi sistem. 3. KUALA LUMPUR: Seramai 6.2 juta penduduk menerima manfaat inisiatif pembangunan luar bandar menerusi Bidang Keberhasilan Utama Negara (NKRA) Mempertingkatkan Pembangunan Luar Bandar sejak 2010 hingga tahun lalu. 4. SHAH ALAM: Kadar kemiskinan berjaya diturunkan daripada 3.8 peratus pada 2009 kepada 0.6 peratus tiga tahun lalu. 5. KUALA LUMPUR: Inisiatif liberalisasi pasaran gas diterajui Unit Perancang Ekonomi (EPU) dan Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) adalah antara fokus Program Transformasi Negara (NTP). 6. KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT) menafikan kadar yuran bagi pengajian program ijazah pertama di universiti awam (UA) akan dinaikkan sehingga puluhan ribu. 7. KUALA NERANG: Semua kerajaan negeri diminta membantu Kementerian Pendidikan dalam usaha membendung masalah keciciran pelajar sekolah. 8. KUALA LUMPUR: Ancaman kumpulan militan Daesh masih menjadi cabaran terbesar di rantau Asia khususnya Asia Pasifik dan ASEAN, serentak dengan penularan ideologi perjuangan kumpulan itu yang kononnya berpaksikan kepada agama Islam. 9. KUALA LUMPUR: Asia akan memainkan peranan yang lebih besar berkaitan dengan keselamatan siber global untuk lima tahun akan datang. 10. KUALA TERENGGANU: Kongres Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia (CUEPACS) memohon kerajaan mempertimbangkan pemberian bantuan khas sekurang-kurangnya RM1,000 kepada 1.6 juta penjawat awam sebagai persiapan menyambut Aidilfitri tahun ini. ➡ POLITIK 1. KUALA LUMPUR: Pemberian Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysa (BR1M), penyediaan lebih banyak rumah berkualiti dan mampu milik, bantuan khas pendidikan, kemudahan kesihatan serta mengukuhkan kedai berorientasikan rakyat menjadi keutamaan kerajaan dalam usaha menangani kos sara hidup rakyat. 2. SHAH ALAM: Datuk Seri Najib Razak menegaskan langkah berani diambil Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam tempoh lapan tahun ini berjaya mencetus momentum yang meletakkan Malaysia pada landasan ekonomi yang sihat dan betul. 3. KUALA LUMPUR: Program 1Azam, elemen penting dalam Bidang Keberhasilan Utama Negara Mempertingkatkan Taraf Kehidupan Isi Rumah Berpendapatan Rendah (NKRA LIH) menyaksikan lebih 90 peratus peserta menikmati peningkatan pendapatan tahunan melebihi RM300 tahun lalu. 4. GEORGETOWN: Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Pulau Pinang, Datuk Law Choo Kiang menegur 10 EXCO kerajaan negeri pimpinan DAP yang gagal menghadiri sesi perbahasan petang tadi. 5. KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Razak berkata, Malaysia kekal berdiri teguh dengan Britain yang berdepan tragedi serangan terhadap orang awam di Manchester Arena, malam tadi waktu tempatan. 6. SANDAKAN: Seramai 15,625 penerima membabitkan penduduk pedalaman dan masyarakat di perkampungan nelayan Sabah akan menerima sumbangan daripada Biro Kebajikan UMNO (BiKUM). 7. JOHOR BAHRU: Veteran UMNO yang arif dengan susur galur politik kepartian penting bagi memastikan kelangsungan dan kejayaan parti 8. IPOH: EXCO Srikandi Pertubuhan Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) Zulaiha Sidek, melepaskan dua jawatannya dalam parti itu kerana kecewa dengan perpecahan yang berlaku. 9. KUALA LUMPUR: Veteran UMNO menyifatkan hanya kerjasama antara parti itu dan PAS saja, yang mampu menyatukan masyarakat Melayu dan umat Islam di negara ini. 10. GEORGETOWN: GERAKAN mempersoalkan tindakan kerajaan DAP Pulau Pinang membekukan peruntukan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Penanti, Dr Norlela Ariffin, selepas beliau tidak hadir pada istiadat mengangkat sumpah pelantikan Yang di-Pertua Negeri Pulau Pinang, Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas pada 29 April lalu ➡ EKONOMI 1. KUALA LUMPUR: Panasonic Malaysia memperkenalkan sistem keselamatan bersepadu dan penyelesaian pengawasan video generasi baharu di bawah platform teknologi i-PRO Extreme Solution. 2. KUALA LUMPUR: UEM Edgenta Bhd mencatatkan Keuntungan Sebelum Cukai (PBT) sebanyak RM47.2 juta pada suku pertama tahun semasa, naik RM20.7 juta atau 78 peratus berbanding RM26.5 juta diperoleh pada suku dikaji 2016. 3. SHAH ALAM: SME Corp Malaysia menyasarkan 12,000 usahawan belia dilatih sehingga tahun 2020 melalui Program Tunas Usahawan Belia Bumiputera (TUBE). ➡ AGAMA 1. Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud: "Wahai orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu mengkhianati (amanah) Allah dan Rasul-Nya, dan (janganlah) kamu mengkhianati amanah kamu, sedangkan kamu mengetahui. Dan ketahuilah bahawa harta kamu dan anak kamu adalah ujian (bagi kamu), dan sesungguhnya Allah di sisi-Nya pahala yang besar." (Surah al-Anfal, 27 hingga 28) ➡ LUAR NEGARA 1. BEIJING: Menteri Luar China, Wang Yi meminta Korea Utara supaya menghentikan tindakan melanggar resolusi Majlis Keselamatan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) membabitkan program nuklear dan peluru berpandunya. 2. SANAA: Wabak taun meragut 315 nyawa di Yaman dalam tempoh sebulan lalu, kata Pertubuhan Kesihatan Dunia (WHO), ketika sebuah pertubuhan bantuan lain memberi amaran ia mungkin merebak pada skala besar. 3. MANCHESTER: Polis Britain mengesahkan angka kematian susulan letupan di Manchester Arena selepas konsert Ariana Grande meningkat kepada 22 orang termasuk kanak-kanak. ➡ SUKAN 1. KUALA TERENGGANU: T-Team tetap menaruh harapan tinggi memungut mata biarpun turun berdepan juara Piala FA, Kedah dalam aksi Liga Super di Stadium Darul Aman, malam esok. 2. KUALA LUMPUR: Atlet remaja negara, Muhamad Nazri Mustafa gah merangkul pingat emas acara lompat kijang dengan catatan 15.05 meter (m) di Kejohanan Olahraga Remaja Asia Ke-2 di Bangkok, Thailand, hari ini. 3. KUALA LUMPUR: Presiden Persatuan Badminton Malaysia (BAM), Datuk Seri Mohamad Norza Zakaria menyifatkan kejayaan skuad negara menewaskan Jerman 5-0 dalam aksi sulung Kumpulan C Piala Sudirman 2017, hari ini sebagai pembakar semangat sebelum bertemu Jepun, esok. 4. LONDON: Kejayaan Antonio Conte menjulang Chelsea meraih gelaran juara Liga Perdana Inggeris (EPL) di musim pertamanya sebagai pengurus menyaksikan pengendali ini dipilih sebagai pengurus terbaik tahunan oleh Persatuan Pengurus Liga (LMA), pagi tadi. 5. MILAN: Penyerang Inter Milan, Gabriel Barbosa memohon maaf susulan tindakannya mengamuk di bangku simpanan selepas menyedari tidak diturunkan ketika pertemuan menentang Lazio dalam saingan Serie A, kelmarin. Cybit Media
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kerahlekung · 5 years
Azmin Is bluffing ...
Azmin Is bluffing ....
 He Does Not Have The Number 
For Dr.M To Continue As PM...
Mahathir should not have had sent a boy to do a man’s job. Azmin Ali, his errand boy recruited to weaken the position of prime minister-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim, has been caught not only engaging sexual activity with another man but was also sued by a travel agency over unpaid family holidays. That speaks volumes how bad Mahathir is at judging people. But knowing Mahathir, it had always been his intention to deliberately hire or appoint dumb and corrupt people so that they could be controlled. The names like “Black Shoe” Education Minister Masz­lee Malik, “Flip-Flop” Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq and “Flying Car” Entrepreneur Development Minister Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof are the infamous “Three Stooges” of Mahathir’s party. Hence, it’s not surprising that a person like Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali is considered a rare gem to Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. Actually, the job of Azmin was pretty simple – to act as a check and balance against Anwar. It screams treacherous that Azmin, deputy president of PKR, agrees to work for Mahathir to counter his own boss, PKR president Anwar. Mr. Azmin knows nuts about the country’s economy, the same way Maszlee is clueless about world class education system and Redzuan’s inability to differentiate about a drone and a flying car. After Mahathir suffered a humiliating defeat in the Tanjung Piai by-election, he is under tremendous pressure to resign and pass the leadership to Anwar. Suddenly, Azmin arranged a “secret dinner meeting” on Monday (Nov 17), just two days after his political master Mahathir was given a bloody nose by angry voters in Tanjung Piai. When confronted by journalists, the blue-eyed boy of the prime minister claimed there was nothing unusual about the meeting held at his official residence in Precinct 10, Putrajaya. Mr. Mahathir, as expected, pretended that while he “heard” about the meeting, he nevertheless insisted that he didn’t know what the participants talked about. Sure, his trusted spy was having a secret meeting with the enemies in the middle of the night without his knowledge but he wasn’t furious at all? He should stop insulting people’s intelligence.
Mahathir Mohamad - Sad and Upset 
Apparently, about 22 MPs (Member of Parliaments) – 17 from UMNO and 5 from PKR – braved the heavy rain to attend a dinner called by Azmin. Every Tom, Dick and Harry knows Mr. Azmin called for the meeting on behalf of Mahathir. Only by throwing the name of Mahathir that the sex maniac Azmin could mobilise opposition UMNO MPs to his home at such hour. If indeed the chief executive was kept in the dark about the meeting, he should reprimand Azmin’s action for jeopardizing the unity and integrity of the Pakatan Harapan coalition government. Does it make sense that the senior minister misused his name in plotting a grand plan with the opposition parties and yet the prime minister is cool about it? Basically the dinner gathering has cleared any doubts that Azmin is the traitor of PKR and Hishammuddin Hussein is the betrayer of UMNO. But the meeting was actually another boring session where the errand boy tries to convince the 17 opposition MPs to continue to support Mahathir as prime minister, despite the dwindling public support for the 94-year-old premier. However, the dinner drama has revealed a more damaging message – Mahathir does not have the number to stay as prime minister. The purpose of the meeting was to send a message to Anwar that Mahathir has sufficient MPs to support him. The burning question is this – why was the so-called “secret meeting” deliberately leaked so that journalists would camp near Azmin house and broadcast it? If Mahathir’s camp has the number, or was seeking to secure the number, such meeting should have been held in utmost secrecy to maintain the element of surprise. The only time when you scream your lung out to alert your enemies that you’re strong is when you’re actually weak, but you want the enemies to think otherwise. Yes, it appears that Azmin was trying to deploy the “Empty Fort Strategy” made popular in the Chinese ancient military strategy which involves using reverse psychology (and luck) to deceive the enemy into thinking that an empty location is full of traps and ambushes, and therefore induce the enemy to retreat.
Azmin Ali with Hishammuddin Hussein
More importantly, if Mahathir has the number and wanted to get rid of Anwar’s PKR faction and allies DAP and Amanah to form a new government consisting of only Malay parties (PPBM, UMNO, PAS and Azmin’s faction in PKR), they would have done so yesterday, and certainly not after the devastating Tanjung Piai election, which Mahathir admitted he had expected to lose. Let’s take a look at the numbers. Mahathir’s party, PPBM, won only 13 seats out of the 222 Parliamentary seats in the May 2018 General Election. The party managed to double the number to 26 seats through defections of UMNO MPs. After it lost the Tanjung Piai to the opposition over the weekend, its number is reduced to only 25 MPs. Hishammuddin only managed to bring 17 UMNO MPs with him to the secret dinner meeting. Last month, Azmin had arranged for all 18 PAS MPs and 6 UMNO MPs to express their support for Mahathir to remain prime minister for the full electoral term of 5 years. It’s unknown if the same 6 UMNO MPs had also gone to Azmin’s residence on Monday’s night. Assuming the 6 UMNO MPs didn’t attend the dinner party, Mahathir’s camp would have 25 PPBM MPs, 18 PAS MPs, and 23 UMNO MPs. Azmin was supposed to bring in at least 15 MPs from PKR. But there were only 5 PKR MPs at the dinner. That means only 71 MPs are willing to support Mahathir. Even if Azmin could eventually persuade 15 PKR MPs to defect, the number is still 81. To form a simple majority government, Mahathir needs support from at least 112 MPs. So he’s either short of 41 seats (if Azmin could only bring 5 frogs from PKR) or short of 31 seats (if Azmin could secure 15 PKR defectors). Even if the entire opposition Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition supports Mahathir, which is quite impossible, his camp has only maximum 99 seats. Yes, that’s the message which has been spreading in the social media – 41 MPs from BN, 18 MPs from PAS and 25 MPs from PPBM (Bersatu) together with 19 MPs from Sarawak’s Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) and 9 MPs from Azmin’s faction would be strong enough to destroy Anwar’s dream of becoming the next 8th Prime Minister of Malaysia.
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Azmin/Hishamuddin winning formula...
That’s a wishful thinking because the equation assumes UMNO crooks currently being charged by Mahathir like Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi, Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, Tengku Adnan and other UMNO warlords like Nazri Aziz and Khairy Jamaluddin would blindly throw their support behind the prime minister, the same man who had destroyed their gravy train in the last year’s general election. Just because the 17 UMNO MPs agreed to attend Azmin’s secret dinner does not mean all of them support Mahathir’s premiership. Some of them might be spies sent by Najib and Zahid. That explains why neither former UMNO president Najib nor UMNO president Zahid was surprised or frustrated that almost half of the party’s MPs had gone to the enemy’s house for a dinner. If Najib and Zahid decide to support Mahathir, it could only mean that all their criminal breach of trust (CBT), money laundering and abuse of power charges would be dropped. For that to happen, Mahathir must be absolutely senile as it will be an admission that Najib didn’t steal a single penny from 1MDB sovereign fund and was wrongly accused by the old man. One has to remember that when all the 41 UMNO MPs (means Najib, Zahid and other crooks) declare their support for Mahathir, the line would have had been drawn and the Pakatan Harapan coalition would have already collapsed. At that time, Mahathir would be hugging and kissing with protégé-turn-nemesis Najib as they happily form a new Malay-only government. Besides, there’s no guarantee that all the 19 MPs from Sarawak’s Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) would support Mahathir after his government broke its promise to pay 20% oil royalty to the Borneo state. It’s also not a guarantee that Azmin could swing 9 MPs to make up the 112 seats, let alone 15, to form a simple majority government. Heck, even Mahathir isn’t sure if his own party would support him 100% in the event he kicks Anwar’s faction out of the coalition. His deputy, PPBM president Muhyiddin Yassin, might switch sides and bring some PPBM MPs to join and support Anwar. As a Johorean, Muhyiddin’s loyalty is more with the state of Johor than PPBM, arguably a political party set up by Mahathir for his family.
Mahathir Mohamad with Muhyiddin Yassin
Unlike Mahathir’s open cold war with the Sultanate of Johor, Anwar has a closer relationship with the monarch, when he gladly kissed the hand of Johor Sultan Ibrahim last year. That’s one of the advantages of not having a dominant party too strong that it could bully, suppress, oppress and corrupt the system. Mahathir and Anwar have entered what is known as a Mexican standoff. Azmin obviously screws up when he hastily scheduled for another meeting on Tuesday after his Monday’s secret dinner had invited criticisms. It was an afterthought that the second meeting was made, under the pretext of meeting with his fellow party MPs. If Azmin was absolutely sure he has the number, he didn’t have to arrange so many unnecessary meetings. The simple fact that Mahathir hasn’t gone for the kill proves that he does not have the numbers, if indeed he was the hidden hand behind Azmin’s multiple meetings with opposition parties. Like it or not, the embarrassing loss of Tanjung Piai parliamentary seat has effectively made it more difficult for Azmin to convince and swing more MPs to stand behind Mahathir. In order not to rock the boat, the Pakatan Harapan coalition might just allow Mahathir to rule for the time being while a serious transition process is discussed. He might be given a third and final chance to do the right things after wasted 18 months of silly politicking and engaging in racial and religious extremism. Anwar does not have to force Mahathir to quit. Azmin desperately wants Anwar to sack him so that he could cry being victimised. Instead, the smarter Anwar is giving enough ropes for Azmin to hang himself by refusing to fire him. The PM-in-waiting also realises that Mahathir must be allowed to resign with dignity and respect. After all, it was Mahathir, who had successfully secured rural Malay votes to topple crooked Najib Razak. If Anwar makes his move now, it may backfire as he would be accused of being rude and ungrateful, even seen as bullying an old man – something which is unacceptable in the Malay culture. It would bring back the memory where the people were disgusted at Najib regime’s childish stunt of cutting Mahathir’s posters during the 2018 election campaign. - FT
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Formula Azmin - Jalan ke Putrajaya...
Saya tak kata saya percaya formula ini akan berlaku, tapi kalau nak berlaku juga kita nak kata apa...? Saya tak kata saya setuju kalau sifir ini berlaku, tapi walau kita bantah sekuat mana pun, kalau berlaku juga, kita boleh buat apa...? Segala-galanya tidak mustahil dalam politik, sebab politik kita amat dinamis sifatnya.... Berpada-padalah kalau mengutuk pihak yang kita tak suka dan berpada-padalah memuji pihak yang kita suka.... Jangan terlalu taksub dan jangan bersikap melampau. Saya selalu ulang, kemenangan PH dalam PRU-14 amat tipis... Sekadar cukup untuk menumbangkan BN saja, cukup-cukup makan untuk menjatuhkan Najib dan mengangkat Tun Mahathir saja.... Kita selalu lupa bahawa ikatan antara parti dalam PH sangat longgar, sejak dibentuk sebelum PRU-14 lagi.... Kerajaan PH yang ditubuhkan amat rapuh bentengnya, bila-bila masa saja boleh dirobohkan oleh musuh dari luar atau pengkhianat dari dalam. Sebab itu saya tak pernah sebut suruh Tun Mahathir berhenti cepat, jauh sekali untuk mengutuknya, bahkan tak pernah desak Tun Mahathir suruh rombak kabinet pecat menteri itu dan ini.... Kita lupa bahawa kerajaan Tun sangat rapuh dan longgar... Kita bercakap seolah-olah kerajaan terlalu teguh dan mampu buat apa saja untuk memuaskan nafsu politik kita. Saya percaya ini hanya satu formula dari beberapa formula lain yang semuanya akan boleh meruntuhkan kerajaan PH sekarang.... Ingat status saya kelmarin, bila ditanya kalau berlaku perubahan dalan lanskap politik negara saya nak sokong blok mana...? Saya nak jawab apa, sebab blok yang akan timbul kita tak tahu dari formula mana.... Sebab itu saya jawab saya akan sokong blok yang tidak ada PAS di dalamnya.... Kerana saya tidak taksub dalam menyokong sesiapa atau membenci sesiapa... Ini hanya pendirian politik saja, bukannya kita nak beriman kepada mana-mana pemimpin. - f/bk
Kekai tenang yang  tak bertenang - sapa dia?
Padah bersikap kurang ajar dengan orang yang angkat dia. Jiwa sudah tidak tenteram sehinggakan setahun tidak hadir mesyuarat parti kerana tidak mampu berdepan dan bertentang mata dengan insan yang mendidik dan mengangkat dirinya hingga ke tahap ini. Mesyuarat dengan parti tiada masa, retreat bersama parti pun tidak berkesempatan. Tetapi banyak masa untuk bertemu dengan pemimpin2 Umno, tidak cukup siang, bertemu malam di rumahnya sehinggakan diberi jamu makan. Alasannya bincang pasal projek. Eh, projek untuk wakil rakyat Umno ke? Bagaimana dengan kos sara hidup rakyat yang lain? Sampai bila mahu menipu? Dia kata, saya bertemu dengan semua orang tidak kira siapa. Sesiapa yang mahu bertemu dengan saya, saya sebagai menteri kerajaan sentiasa terbuka, katanya. Ewaah....betul ke mereka mahu bertemu kamu untuk mengadu masalah atau kamu yang memanggil mereka untuk mengadu masalah semburit? Kalau kebetulan mereka yang mahu bertemu kamu untuk bincang masalah rakyat, kenapa tidak bertemu di pejabat? Mengapa di rumah kamu waktu malam siap disediakan catering untuk makan besar? Cukup2lah menipu. Khabarnya, kes semburit dah semakin ke episod akhir. Polis kata mungkin hujung tahun ini akan diketahui siapa pasangan Haziq. Oleh kerana gelabah puyuh, terpaksalah buat kerja gila berpakat dengan musuh untuk menghancurkan PH. Hatinya busuk sekali. Padanya, kalau dia tak boleh jadi PM, dia akan tentukan Anwar tidak akan jadi PM. Siapa dia itu? - wfauzdin ns
Azmin. Kami tak kisah, samada hang nk mengaku, atau menafikan yg hang memang terlibat dlm video semburit kat Hotel Sandakan. Itu hal yg kini dlm siasatan Polis. Tapi, si Haziq, yg gambarnya tertera dlm video tu dah berkali2 mengaku, atas katil tu dia dgn hang. Dia dgn confidentnya membuat pengakuan, atas katil yg berpeluk2an tu dia dgn hang... Come on la Min... Kalau dah tak mengaku, kami setuju. Tapi, hantarlah surat saman kat Haziq. Bawak lah dia ke mahkamah. Bersihkan nama hang. Hang tu Timb Presiden parti dan menteri ...bukan ketua Cabang... Dah la takut nk saman, hang berlindung pulak di belakang Tun... Dah diberikan perlindungan, tak diminta bercuti atau letak jwtn... Hang buat honaq pulak dlm Pakatan Harapan. Konon nk bincang dgn pembangkang, nk tubuh kerajaan lain ikut pintu belakang... Hang ni Min....jenih 'belakang'2 ni memang hang suka ekkk..- f/bk
Menteri beli insuran nyawa dulu...
Maaf ya kereta terbang tak jadi terbang pasai  pihak berkuasa Penerbangan Awam Malaysia (CAAM) tidak meluluskan ujian penerbangan UAS E-Hang 216 (EH216) atau ‘kereta terbang’ yang dijadualkan esok. CAAM dalam kenyataan hari ini menegaskan, lokasi percubaan penerbangan di Hangar UNIKL MIAT Subang adalah kurang 200 meter dari laluan trafik pesawat dan helikopter komersial. “Lokasi itu jelas terletak di dalam Zon Kawalan Terminal Lapangan Terbang Subang di bawah penyeliaan yang ketat oleh Pusat Kawalan Trafik Udara.
PROJEK kereta terbang yang diilhamkan seorang menteri kabinet disifatkan sebagai "idea sampah".
Ketua Biro Polisi dan Strategi Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) berkata cita-cita menteri itu sebagai membuang masa dan perhatian sewajarnya diberikan kepada isu dihadapai rakyat.
"Saya setuju perhatian patut diberikan kepada manifesto. "Namun, ingin saya tekankan di sini, saya masih pertahankan manifesto yang ditawarkan.
Ni baru betoi kereta terbang...
"Saya percaya Pakatan Harapan juga sama. Kita berusaha sehabis baik untuk mencapai apa yang tertera dalam manifesto." katanya dalam program Consider This yang disiarkan di Astro AWANI. Sementara itu tambah Rais, Perdana menteri sendiri sebelum ini memberi penekanan kepada pencapaian kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN) dari segi manifesto. "Harus diingat, HARAPAN terpaksa berdepan dengan masalah yang diwarisi. Kita masih mencari jalan untuk menyelesaikan semua. "Manifesto kami adalah work in progress' (sedang dalam proses untuk dicapai)," kata Rais lagi. - Kartel
Pak Lebai Brahim pendek ni nak Menteri Kewangan curi duit rakyat macam Najib kot?!!
Masa Najib control kewangan semua peruntukan dipersetujui dan pemantau Menteri Kewangan pun Najib.
Sehinggakan program Permata Rosmah pun boleh dapat berbillion tapi duit tu entah kemana..mengapa tak menyalahkan Najib?!!
Ulasan Pak lebai Brahim pendek ni nampak sangat tak ikhlas..yang nampak kebencian dan sakit hatinya pada DAP.
Lebai cadangkan gugur LGE.Aku suka LGE terus jadi Menteri Kewangan supaya dia terus bongkarkan segala bentuk jenayah yang ada.Lebai2 tak boleh pakai,hati busuk cam tahi...- f/bk
when the bill reach meee... ya..
so I.. so I.. passed the bill to him..
to prepare the chairman.. er err the payment..
thru my personal account..
but... he or she made a mistake..
by by.. err.. using yayasan err cheq..
Penyangak Jawo Yayasan Bunian Tiada Akalbudi...
Tok Lebai kena ayaq ketum...
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Sumber asal: Azmin Is bluffing ... Baca selebihnya di Azmin Is bluffing ...
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kerahlekung · 5 years
Dr.M - political genius dan master strategist...
Dr.M - political genius dan master strategist....
Bagaimana Tun Mahathir yg berumur 93 tahun dgn bijaknya menguasai 222 kerusi kerajaan dgn hanya mempunyai 13 kerusi. Tun dgn mudah mematikan langkah Anwar Ibrahim dan menyembelih Umno. 1. Bila Tun M mengetuai gabungan pembangkang dlm PH hingga berjaya mencipta kemenangan yg di luar dugaan pada 9 Mei 2018, seluruh dunia terkejut dan mengkagumi kemunculan seorang perdana menteri yang tertua di dunia. 2. Ini bukannya kali pertama beliau menjejakkan kaki di ambang pintu kuasa. Beliau telah menikmati dan merasai kuasa sebelum ini selama 22 tahun sebagai PM dari tahun 1981 hingga 2003. Kembalinya beliau memegang jawatan ini setelah 15 tahun bersara adalah satu kepuasan kepada beliau sendiri. Dari seorang yg digelar diktator, beliau tiba2 menjadi penyelamat yg begitu mahsyur apabila berjaya mengalahkan Najib Razak, seorang PM yang amat jahat dan korup. 3. Beliau telah menjadi begitu popular sehinggakan terdapat kerisauan andainya beliau akan memegang tampuk kuasa selama mana yg beliau mahu dgn membelakangkan perjanjian awal untuk menyerahkan jawatan dan kuasa kepada Anwar Ibrahim selepas 2 tahun memegang jawatan PM. Anwar sebelum ini adalah anak didik beliau yg bertukar menjadi seteru dan kini beralih menjadi rakan seperjuangan. Beliau telah berulang kali menyatakan akan patuh pada perjanjian yg telah ditandatangani dan dipersetujui oleh semua rakan2 dalam PH. 4. Jangkamasa 2 tahun amatlah singkat, akan tetapi bagi seorang insan seperti Tun jika diletakkan ditempat itu, beliau akan dapat menghasilkan apa yg seorang bodoh seperti Zahid Hamidi mampu hasilkan dalam tempuh masa 20 tahun. Melihatkan bagaimana parti beliau (PPBM) dapat menguasai hampir sama banyak portfolio kementerian di kalangan 4 lagi rakan dalam gabungan PH walaupun adalah parti minoriti, adalah sesuatu yg mengkagumkan. 5. Selepas kemenangan bersejarah 9 Mei, parti Anwar (PKR) telah memperolehi 47 kerusi parlimen iaitu yg terbanyak manakala DAP di tempat ke-2 sebanyak 42 kerusi. PPBM hanya mampu memenangi 13 kerusi dan AMANAH 11, lantas membolehkan PH membentuk kerajaan dengan majoriti mudah 113 kerusi yg diperlukan. 6. Tun berjaya mengangkat sumpah sebagai PM-7 adalah kerana semua parti gabungan telah bersetuju akan perjanjian ini. Memandangkan tiada satu parti pun dalam gabungan adalah dominan dgn jumlah kerusi yg terbanyak juga adalah faktor penyumbang. Namun begitu, Anwar boleh menyingkirkan Tun dari kerajaan selepas dibebaskan dari penjara dan mendapat pengampunan penuh dari YDPA. 7. Desas desus mengatakan bahawa Anwar telah merancang untuk bergabung dengan samada Umno ataupun PAS atau kedua-duanya sekali bagi membolehkan Anwar merampas kuasa dari Tun. Logiknya, tidaklah sukar untuk menggantikan 13 kerusi milik parti Tun. Penasihat2 Anwar percaya Tun akan sekali lagi menidakkan Anwar menjadi PM seperti yg berlaku pada tahun 1998. 8. Tun dengan mudah mematikan langkah Anwar dengan melantik timbalan presiden PKR, Azmin Ali sebagai Menteri Hal Ehwal Ekonomi, sebuah portfolio kementerian yg baru ditubuhkan dan amat berkuasa. 9. Taktik pecah dan takluk ini telah berjaya memecahkan kekuatan PKR kepada separuh. Bagi memastikan sokongan dan ketaatan DAP dan kaum Cina, Tun memberikan 6 jawatan menteri kepada mereka termasuk jawatan kanan yg penting iaitu Menteri Kewangan kepada Lim Guan Eng, setiausaha agung DAP.
10. Setelah memastikan kestabilan dan tiada pemberontakan dari dalam PH, Tun menumpukan kepada usaha memecahbelahkan pakatan pembangkang dalam BN. Dari jumlah 79 kerusi yg dimenangi BN pada PRU14, Umno memiliki 54 kerusi. Tun melapah 'simpanan tetap' BN di Sarawak apabila hanya selepas sebulan mengalami kekalahan yg begitu memalukan, BN yg teramat korup itu terkejut besar apabila mereka kehilangan 19 kerusi parlimen pada bulan Jun. Semua parti politik di Sarawak - PBB, SUPP, PRS dan PDP - keluar meninggalkan gabungan BN termasuklah UPKO (1), PBS (1) dan PRS (1). Kerusi BN telah dikurangkan dari 79 kepada 57. Zahid Hamidi yg terkenal dengan dengan sikap angkuh dan sombongnya itu dilaporkan telah pergi melutut kepada Ketua Menteri Sarawak supaya jangan keluar dari gabungan, tetapi tidak diendahkan. 11. Parti PBB bekas KM Sarawak, Abdul Taib Mahmud yg mempunyai jumlah kerusi terbanyak iaitu 13 buah telah mengetuai pemberontakan selepas pertemuan beliau dengan Tun M bersama Tun Daim Zainuddin. Sebagai balasan untuk tidak menyiasat skandal rasuah dan pembalakan haram yg berdekad lamanya itu, Tun secara perseorangan dengan mudah telah merampas 'simpanan tetap' BN di Sarawak. 12. Umno dengan tiba2 menjadi celaru dan berada dalam keadaan ketidaktentuan. Keahlian Umno yg dikatakan berjumlah 3 juta orang dilihat berkeliaran tanpa arah seperti ayam tanpa kepala. Daripada gabungan gagah 13 buah parti dalam BN, ianya telah dikurangkan kepada hanya 3 buah. Kerusi gabungan BN telah dikurangkan kepada 56 dengan MCA dan MIC masing2 berpaut pada 1 kerusi. 13. Sebenarnya penyembelihan baru saja bermula. Sedang dalam keadaan ahli2 Umno yg kucar kacir dan patah semangat serta tanpa halatuju yg jelas dari presiden baru mereka Zahid Hamidi, Tun tidak perlu bekerja lebih keras lagi. Suka atau tidak, orang tua yg berumur 93 tahun ini adalah 'master strategist'. 14. Bagi mengetahui sokongan sebenar rakyat kepada Umno dan Pas, Tun membenarkan perarakan anti-ICERD diteruskan. Zahid Hamidi dan Hadi Awang merasakan inilah peluang keemasan bagi mereka berdua untuk meraih sokongan orang Melayu-Islam bagi melawan kerajaan Tun. Demonstrasi yg digembar-gemburkan sebagai perhimpunan sejuta orang telah menemui kegagalan di mana hanya 55 ribu orang yg hadir. Kedua-dua mereka, gangster Zahid dan ekstrimis Hadi mahu menggunakan isu ICERD bagi mengukur tahap sokongan orang Melayu-Islam kepada penyatuan ummah Umno-Pas. 15. Sebaliknya, laungan api sentimen perkauman dan agama itu telah memakan diri mereka kembali. Pada 12 Disember, hanya selepas 4 hari demonstrasi itu diadakan, bermula satu lagi penghijrahan besar2an dari Umno Sabah di mana 9 daripada 10 ADUN, 5 daripada 6 MP dan 2 orang Senator telah keluar parti. Berbagai sebab atau alasan telah diberikan oleh mereka2 yg keluar parti secara besar2an itu. Walaubagaimanapun, mengikut sumber, sebab sebenar adalah kerana timbul kerisauan di kalangan mereka yg melihat Umno akan menjadi parti pelampau agama kerana terlalu condong kepada PAS. Inilah sebabnya PAS tidak dapat bertapak di Sabah selama ini. Umno di Sabah adalah berlainan dari di Semenanjung. Mungkin atas sebab kebodohan Zahid Hamidi yg tidak mengetahui bahawa Umno Sabah sebenarnya mempunyai ramai ahli2 yg bukan beragama Islam. 16. Sehari selepas perhimpunan pada 8 Disember, Zahid dengan bangganya mengisytiharkan ianya sebagai satu kejayaan besar dan berjaya dihadiri oleh seramai 500 ribu orang Melayu-Islam. PAS dan Umno mengumumkan bahawa mereka akan menubuhkan jawatankuasa bersama bagi membincangkan isu2 berhubung dengan kedudukan Islam dan kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu serta mencadangan satu perikatan atau kerjasama malah lebih jauh lagi, satu penggabungan dalam masa yg terdekat. 17. Tun sungguh nakal kerana memberikan Umno tali bagi mereka menggantung diri mereka sendiri. Kesemua pemimpin2 Umno Sabah dan perwakilan yg dilantik telah keluar parti dan mengisytiharkan sokongan kepada kerajaan PH di bawah kepimpinan Tun sebagai PM. Kini Umno di negeri Sabah hanya mempunyai seorang MP dan seorang ADUN. 18. Terima kasih kepada perhimpunan anti-ICERD, 54 MP Umno telah berkurangan lagi kepada hanya 43 selepas fiasko Sabah. Jumlah ini adalah hampir separuh daripada jumlah asal sebanyak 79 MP, kehilangan dalam jangkamasa 6 bulan sahaja di bawah kepimpinan Zahid. Boleh tahan juga bagi seorang pendatang Jawa Pornorogo yg bercita-cita untuk menjadi presiden Umno. Selepas keruntuhan Umno Sabah, adalah dilaporkan akan berlaku dalam masa terdekat satu lagi penghijrahan besar2an dari Umno. 19. Sekurang2nya seramai 32 MP Umno dikatakan telah beralih sokongan dan ketaatan mereka kepada Tun secara senyap. Jika ini berlaku, Umno akan lumpuh dengan hanya 11 MP berbaki. PPBM kini memiliki 16 MP setelah 3 MP melompat masuk dari Umno sebelum ini.
20. Jika PPBM di bawah Tun bersetuju untuk menerima masuk 32 MP yg bakal melompat, parti Tun akan mendapat lonjakan jumlah MP seramai 48 orang, hanya tempat kedua di belakang parti PKR Anwar dengan 50 MP. Tun tidak mengatakan akan terus menerima masuk kesemua MP Umno di atas. Mereka hendaklah menjadi MP bebas atau mesra PH terlebih dahulu. Ini penting kerana katak2 ini diperlukan bagi melaksanakan agenda reformasi institusi. 21. Dari sebuah 'parti nyamuk' dengan hanya 13 MP seperti yg pernah disindir oleh Nazri Aziz, amatlah menakjubkan bila Tun dapat menguasai keseluruhan kerajaan 222 kerusi. Jika sekalipun tanpa 32 katak Umno itu, dengan 19 MP Sarawak dan 5 MP Sabah yg mesra PH, bermakna PH mempunyai 146 undi, hanya kekurangan 2 undi bagi menguasai majoriti 2/3. 22. Cybertrooper, jentera propaganda dan blogger pro-Umno telah meramalkan dan berharap dengan penggabungan Umno-Pas itu akan muncul satu kuasa kuat yg baru. Mereka mencadangkan Zahid dan Hadi hanya perlu melaung dan memainkan isu2 perkauman, agama dan Raja secara berterusan dan berharap kerajaan PH akan tumbang. 23. Tun mempunyai jalan keluar yg lebih baik daripada penggabungan iaitu dengan menyembelih Umno seperti khinzir dan menafikan PAS dari mengambil kesempatan dengan menunggang Umno yg sedang bermasalah. Dari pemimpin sebuah parti minoriti, Tun bukan sahaja berjaya memecahbelahkan Umno menjadi serpihan2 sampah kecil, tetapi juga mampu mengitar semula sampah2 tersebut menjadi alat yg berguna kepada beliau, tanpa sebarang janji untuk menyimpan sampah sarap tersebut. 24. Personaliti2 dalam Umno tertarik untuk bertukar sokongan kepada Tun kerana melihatkan kepada potensi perebutan kuasa di antara Tun dan bakal PM-8 Anwar. Pentadbiran Tun mahu mengambil personaliti yg berkualiti untuk menyertai PPBM. Kemungkinan mereka2 ini telah dipelawa untuk menyertai parti Tun. Spekulasi mengatakan bahawa Tun tidak berpuashati dengan barisan kabinet yg sedia ada dan akan menggantikan mereka yg tidak berkemampuan. Dalam waktu yg sama, Tun menghantar isyarat dan menunjukkan kepada Anwar bahawa beliau adalah seorang pemimpin yg kuat. 25. Percaturan Tun bagi mengatur semula dan menguatkan barisan penyokong beliau adalah juga bertujuan untuk periksa dan imbang kuasa Anwar, yg dilihat semakin tidak sabar dan gelojoh untuk menggantikan beliau sebagai PM-8. 26. Dalam pada itu, parti pembangkang akan terus berada dalam keadaan tertekan memandangkan Najib sebagai pengerusi lembaga penasihat BN dilihat semakin hampir menjadi tetamu kepada penjara Sg Buloh. Begitu juga dengan Zahid sebagai presiden Umno yg berdepan dengan 87 pertuduhan salahlaku jenayah dan akan memulakan perbicaraannya tidak lama lagi. Kebarangkalian kedua-dua mereka dibebaskan dari semua pertuduhan boleh dikatakan adalah zero. 27. Umno dan Pas kini bergelut dalam usaha mendapatkan semula sokongan dan undi orang2 Melayu. PAS hanya kuat di negeri Kelantan dan Terengganu. Mereka tidak menjadi ancaman besar kepada PH. Penggabungan Umno-PAS jika menjadi realiti akan menyebabkan lebih ramai lagi ahli dari kedua-duanya yg akan keluar parti. 28. Pemerhati politik rata2 mengatakan bahawa sekiranya PH dapat mengelakkan pergolakan dalaman, mereka akan dapat memerintah Malaysia melepasi PRU15 kerana faktor Umno hanya tinggal nyawa2 ikan.  Tun masih ada masa setahun setengah lagi untuk mencatur dan mengukuhkan parti PPBM dalam gabungan PH agar menjadi sebuah parti yg dominan dan disegani sebelum menyerahkan kerusi PM kepada Anwar. Bagi ramai pemerhati politik, mereka berpendapat Tun akan dapat mencapai objektif ini dengan mudah kerana Tun adalah seorang 'polical genius dan master strategist' yg tiada bandingan. - Che Azemi
Cloak of anger and frustration over the land...
At about 4pm on May 9 last year, I was wheeled into a classroom of the Anglo-Chinese School in Klang. I was adamant that I cast my vote at all costs even on a wheelchair. Jokingly, I told my daughter: “If I don’t go and if my friend Charles Santiago loses by one vote, I will carry it for the rest of my life!” That night, former colleagues turned up in the house and our eyes were glued to the two television screens. We could access Malaysiakini on and off because of the huge volume of traffic. The impossible happened. Five weeks earlier, lying in a hospital bed, I watched the three terrestrial TV stations – RTM1, RTM2 and TV3 – telecasting live the launch of BN’s manifesto. The next day, the Jalils, Wongs, Azmans and Ashraffs were extolling the virtues of Najib Abdul Razak and his comrades and demonising Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his newly-formed Pakatan Harapan. It was during one of these tirades that Najib screamed: “Lawan tetap lawan. Saya anak jantan.” But two days later after the election, he was hurrying to the Subang airport to board a private jet for a supposed holiday – but it did not happen. Why delve into these past issues, you may ask. The answer is simple – most of what we were promised is not being delivered. We wanted change, we wanted a new government that cares for the people and we wanted assurances that leaders would no longer line their pockets at the expense of the people. When Mahathir wanted to appoint himself as education minister, we told him in unison of the manifesto's condition - that the prime minister cannot hold any other ministerial post. He backed down, giving us the impression that his persona had changed – no longer making arbitrary and unilateral decisions.
A year later, the rumblings have started. Initially in whispers and now has soared to loud voices. For a while, I replied to the detractors: Please choose between a set of inexperienced people (most of them new) who are falling on their feet and a set of corrupt leaders who previously stole from government coffers and brought the nation to the brink of bankruptcy. I extolled the qualities of some of the policies and commended our new-found freedoms to assemble and protest and to be able to write and criticise constructively. The focus on lifting the living standards of the B40 group, new housing policies and incentives to boost foreign investments were among the pluses for the new government. It made sense. When ministers fumbled and tripped in the initial stages, we understood that they were new and needed time. For a while this mantra sold. But discontent and unhappiness have now grown to anger and frustration. Why? Because the government (read Mahathir) never believes in consultation. Instead, it is pushing unpopular policies at their whim and fancy. We are told that there was consensus in the cabinet when deciding to extend the licence of Lynas for another six months. However unpopular the decision is, there was discussion and it is now for those who agreed with the decision to defend their stand. So, why was a similar stand not taken on khat and other contentious issues? Why hasn’t there been consensus on a more important issue – the antagonising of our plural society through race and religion? Why are they not doing anything about the animosity and hatred spewed on social media?
These questions need answers and the people want them fast. The police even arrested a man for allegedly criticising Mahathir but the prime minister decreed that he is not above criticism. If they can act speedily against such an utterance, what about those who talk about violence and killing? Have we gone back to the bad old days when certain people could not be touched or prosecuted without a “mandate” from Putrajaya? Our graft fighters and the police have been directed to carry out their duties and responsibilities with any interference. Why, then, are some people dealt with by an iron fist while others are treated with velvet gloves? This government should be firm in dealing with delinquents and trouble-makers swiftly and direct the authorities to get cracking when the first signs of misuse and abuse of race and religion emerge. Why are we pussyfooting in the case of Zakir Naik who has broken the rules of our land?  Why are there double standards? Why do the police can arrest ordinary people hours after making inciting speeches while another who does the same is allowed to continue to spew untruths based on religion?  We, the people, wait for the answers with bated breath. - R Nadeswaran
Wajah-wajah anggota keselamatan negara bersama ahli keluarga masing-masing sebelum berlepas untuk "makan dan tidur" di Lubnan. "A soldier doesn't fight because he hates what's in front of him, he fights because he loves what he left behind" - f/bk
Jgn lupa org tua ni jugak ya!..Sama biol dgn si Cina tolol di bawah ni....
Itulah yang pelik, otak pencacai² dan penyangak² semua dah karat kot...
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cheers. Sumber asal: Dr.M - political genius dan master strategist... Baca selebihnya di Dr.M - political genius dan master strategist...
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kerahlekung · 4 years
Fake 'PN candidate list' or wish list?
Fake 'PN candidate list' or wish list?.
Most avid political watchers in Malaysia would have recently received a purported list of Perikatan Nasional's candidates for the next parliamentary election. The 13-page PDF file, marked "sulit" (confidential) and authored by one "KGE", names 194 "PN candidates" sans Gabungan Parti Sarawak. The "list" was accompanied by notes outlining the rationale behind certain candidacy decisions and purported outcomes of inter-party negotiations. Top Umno and PAS leaders contacted by Malaysiakini have dismissed the document as fake and are probably right. The first half of this article would explain why. They told Malaysiakini that the "list" was fictional since negotiations between the three parties have not taken place. Umno and PAS are in a formal alliance known as Muafakat Nasional, which in turn is currently allied with Bersatu. Collectively, they formed the PN government in March. Upon closer inspection, the fake "list" would sound less preposterous if it was seen as a proposal from Bersatu's perspective. This angle would be explored in the latter half of the article. However, since Malaysiakini believes the "list" to be fake, it would not be reproduced in this article to discourage its spread.
Umno's 'numbers' don't make sense The biggest red flag signalling the improbability of this "list" is the fact that Umno would only be granted the right to field candidates in 64 seats while its splinter party Bersatu and PAS would be allocated 54 and 31 seats respectively. If the "list" is true, it would mean that Umno - arguably the richest and biggest party in the country in terms of membership - would only be fielding half the number of candidates it did in 2018. During the last election, Umno fielded 120 candidates for Parliament, with 54 winners. As for Bersatu, it fielded 52 candidates, of which 13 won while PAS fielded 154 and won 18. Another fact which makes the "list" improbable is the suggestion that a large number of senior Umno members, including its president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, would be dropped as candidates. These include sitting MPs who won their seats with comfortable majorities such as Najib Abdul Razak (Pekan), Nazri Abdul Aziz (Padang Rengas), Idris Jusoh (Besut), Tajuddin Abdul Rahman (Pasir Salak), Mahdzir Khalid (Padang Terap), Ismail Muttalib (Maran), Ismail Mohamed Said (Kuala Krau) and Azalina Said Othman (Penggerang). According to the "list", three Umno MPs who relinquished their seats would be granted the "Tun" title, a promise which would be hard to keep, given that the cap of 25 titleholders had already been reached at the time of writing.
A Bersatu wish list? What is difficult to ignore in the "list" is that it appeared to favour Bersatu which has far less proven support compared to Umno based on the 2018 election. The "list" suggested that Umno would have to make way for other parties - mostly Bersatu - in 20 constituencies it won in the previous polls. This included seats which Umno won with more than 50 percent of the votes cast in 2018 such as Beluran, Mersing, Masjid Tanah, Putrajaya, Rompin and Jeli, which by conventional wisdom meant the party would likely retain these constituencies without having to cede it to Bersatu. In contrast, the "list" suggested that Bersatu had to cede only three seats it won in 2018 - Kubang Pasu, Muar and Simpang Renggam - to Umno. Moreover, the "list" suggested that Umno is not seeking the return of most seats which it lost to Bersatu in a series of defections between 2018 and 2019. These seats are Jeli, Bagan Serai, Bukit Gantang, Masjid Tanah, Beluran, Tanah Merah, Hulu Terengganu, Larut, Sabak Bernam, Mersing, Kudat, Beufort, Libaran and Sipitang. With such a lopsided deal, the "list" appeared more like a Bersatu wish list rather than a bona fide PN candidate list.
Delicate balance Based on the above, it can be concluded that the "list" is fake. However, what could be gleaned from the "list" are some factors which might be taken into consideration as PN's seat negotiations progress. Currently, there are two main blocs which make up 80 percent of the PN federal government - Muafakat Nasional (Umno and PAS) which has 59 seats and Bersatu which has 32 seats. On paper, Umno, PAS and Bersatu are all vying for the same constituents - Malay Muslims - but the fake "list" took a regional approach to seat distribution. The fake "list" suggests that Umno would be allocated more seats in Negeri Sembilan, Johor and Pahang while Bersatu is allocated more seats in Perak, Selangor and Sabah. PAS seats were mostly concentrated in Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah. The fake "list" also appeared to have taken into account seats which Umno won with less than 50 percent of the vote share as the basis for ceding 14 seats, mostly to Bersatu. Umno, PAS and Bersatu faced off against each other during the 2018 election, leading to many candidates winning without a clear majority. In closing, there is no reason for Umno to make such "generous" concessions, which could potentially irk its grassroots pining for the return of a powerful Umno and limiting its chances of maximising its electoral successes. However, the fake "list" does help illustrate the complicated dynamics between Umno, PAS and Bersatu as the three parties move towards the next general election, assuming that the PN coalition holds until then. - Andrew Ong,mk Senarai calon PN: Palsu atau harapan Bersatu?
Shafie Apdal neither the PM 
we deserve nor need...
Sabah Chief Minister Shafie Apdal is the opposition’s prime minister designate. He must be over the moon right now because finally someone had the pluck to nominate a politician from East Malaysia. He is, of course, Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) pick. His deputies will be PKR chief Anwar Ibrahim and Mahathir’s son Mukhriz. At this stage, it just stinks to be Anwar, but we’ll save that for another day and time. Ditto discussions about Mukhriz whose charisma can’t even move a pebble and who has yet to come out of father’s shadows. Mahathir has denied that he propped up his son for the deputy prime minister post. Sure, that may be true. But in Malaysia things work for influential people without them needing to ask directly. Now, an East Malaysia prime minister is refreshing. Thumbs up for diversity. But if Mahathir and PH really cared about diversity, then Shafie would be last on the list for obvious reasons. Ever since Shafie took over the Sabah chief minister post, the state has been lagging reform-wise. For example, he is still the state’s finance minister despite a source close to him saying in 2018 that this temporary double-hatting was meant to stabilise the state government.
Clearly this means the man has yet to shed his Umno ways. He has an uninspiring track record, too. Shafie was investigated in 2017 over allegedly abusing RM1.5 bil meant for rural development projects. He purportedly siphoned the money when he was rural and regional development minister between 2009 and 2015. Back then he was remanded for eight days and released on bail on Oct 27, 2017. But he was cleared of the charges on Aug 28, 2018, after PH won the general election in May the same year. And his tenure as rural and regional development minister deserves more scrutiny. The second series of the 2013 Auditor-General’s Report, for instance, flagged a number of rural water supply projects in Sarawak. Initially, a total of RM2.4 bil was allocated for 314 of such projects but only 115 or 36.6% were completed at a cost of RM1.43 bil. Of the 314 projects, 69 required the construction of water treatment plants and connection of major water pipes worth RM1.71 bil. The A-G only audited 13 of the 69 projects, but it found several weaknesses including preliminary studies that were not comprehensive enough, the quality of the construction work was not satisfactory with visible leaks on the water tanks, and four out of the 13 failed to be completed after being given a few extensions and only two were completed ahead of time. Also, the audited projects cost less than the amount allocated with RM388.03 mil spent instead of the projected RM463.4 mil.
People close to him have also been charged by the MACC. One of his generals, Peter Anthony, has been charged with multiple rounds of corruption and abuse of power. Among others, money laundering involving RM8.75 mil between 2014 and 2016 and embezzlement of more than RM15.5 mil involving land deals linked to the Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (Risda) between 2014 and 2015. Anthony, who is the state’s infrastructure development minister and Melalap assemblyman, pleaded not guilty to all charges. If anything we’ve learned from the past is that political expediency is costly. PH co-opted Mahathir and friends who supposedly led to the victory of the coalition during GE14 but also gave birth to the “Sheraton coup” and the collapse of the government that Malaysians voted for. In its wake, Muhyiddin Yassin is now prime minister and his Perikatan Nasional coalition is the government of the day. And they are moving at warp speed, placing loyalists on government-linked corporations, delaying Parliament, threatening the free press and doing all the things that irk many as if they are in a hurry to do whatever it is best known to them. Sadly PH never moved as frenetic or concerted as Muhyiddin and his team. But such is the “scheme of things” that really calls to question whether we would see a change in government in the short-term given how PH or whatever the country has for an opposition is in shambles. So what does Malaysia need for an alternative? We need politicians with lesser baggage than the lot who are leading PH right now. That’s a start. But we also need more women and more millennials to step up – such as Nurul Izzah Anwar. PH is not short of them. Some would say that this is not a wise political strategy, citing surveys and findings cooked up from every nook and cranny. But the young ones in PH can afford a 10-year struggle.
The old ones cannot. But this isn’t about the old guard and should no longer be. Malaysia has to move on beyond Mahathir, Anwar, Lim Guan Eng and their ilk. And this is a reflection of what is happening the world over, where women and millennials are taking charge of government. If we aspire to be a “developed nation” it’s high time we act like one, aside from being obsessed with income per capita or GDP growth. What about the East Malaysian? Sure, but let’s not have a token East Malaysian. Shafie is in Mahathir’s orbit and therefore comes off as a puppet. The East Malaysian hopeful too has to be someone different but also someone who can navigate the intricacies of the royal houses in the peninsula – an ever-present political pressure point. More importantly, with the younger ones running the government, we can also finally have stronger institutions. Remember that Shafie’s corruption charges were dropped by MACC when PH took over the government. That is something that should not be repeated. Because that means we have never truly improved from the past and a successive government like Muhyiddin’s can use that advantage to its fullest – cue Musa Aman and Riza Aziz. So Shafie is neither the prime minister we need nor deserve. – Emmanuel Samarathisa
Pencalonan Shafie: PH wajar 
putuskan sebelum sidang Parlimen 13 Julai...
Cadangan pencalonan Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal sebagai calon Perdana Menteri untuk mengembalikan mandat rakyat dan membolehkan Pakatan Harapan (PH) Plus membentuk semula kerajaan perlu diputuskan bersama di dalam mesyuarat Majlis Presiden PH. Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng berkata Majlis Presiden PH perlu bermesyuarat dalam kadar segera sebelum persidangan Parlimen bermula pada 13 Julai 2020 bagi memutuskan cadangan itu. “Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Pusat (CEC) menegaskan pendirian bahawa kedudukan PH perlu diperkukuhkan dan pada masa yang sama, PH juga perlu bekerjasama dengan semua parti yang komited untuk menentang Perikatan Nasional (PN).
Ada orang suruh kah? Orang suruh bersara dan rehat.
20 tahun PKR, DAP dan PAS kemudian Amanah bersama. 
2 tahun Tun bersama, terus huru hara. Takkan tak nampak lagi kot...
“CEC mengambil maklum bahawa cadangan pencalonan ini adalah bersejarah kerana melibatkan seorang pemimpin dari Malaysia Timur dipertimbangkan buat julung kalinya,” katanya dalam kenyataan, malam tadi. Mengulas perkara lain, Guan Eng yang juga Ahli Parlimen Bagan berkata, CEC DAP juga menyokong supaya Speaker Dewan Rakyat, Mohammad Ariff Md Yusof dan Timbalan Speaker, Nga Kor Ming dikekalkan dalam jawatan mereka. Ini selepas Ariff dilaporkan menerima usul mencadangkan supaya khidmat beliau dan Kor Ming ditamatkan. — Roketkini.com
Sumber asal: Fake 'PN candidate list' or wish list? Baca selebihnya di Fake 'PN candidate list' or wish list?
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kerahlekung · 5 years
Sapa Dalang Di Belakang Hishamuddin Tun Hussein?...
Sapa Dalang Di Belakang Hishamuddin Tun Hussein?....
Baru2 ini Hishamuddin Tun Hussein telah meminta Tun Mahathir menubuhkan sebuah kerajaan tanpa Amanah dan DAP. Cadangan Hihsmuddin ditolak oleh Dr Mahathir. Juga, semua parti2 komponen PH mengeluarkan kenyataan menolak unjuran Hishamuddin Tun Hussein itu. Namun, yg kita perlu soal ialah siapakah dalang di belakang Hishamuddin Tun Hussein ini. Kita tau Hishamuddin sudah putus hubungan dengan UMNO. Beliau hanya UMNO sekadar pada nama. Kita juga tahu Hishamuddin rapat dengan Azmin Ali sehingga boleh berlibur di Morocco bersama satu masa dahulu. Hishamuddin sejak dari dahulu memang rapat dengan Azmin Ali. Juga, Azmin Ali, kalau tidak disebabkan video semburit beliau, sudah pun menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia sekarang ini. Hanya video semburit itu telah menghalang Azmin Ali dari menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia yg ke 8. 
Kita juga tahu Daim (above) dan kawan2 billioaire beliau tidak suka Anwar Ibrahim dan mereka jugalah yang telah menjatuhkan Anwar tahun 1998 lepas dgn tuduhan palsu liwat. Jadi, adakah ini plan seterusnya di dalam usaha menghalang Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia yg ke-8? Daim dan rakan2 billionaire nya bakal kehilangan sumber kerana Anwar Ibrahim lebih ikhlas mahu melihat orang Melayu bangkit dan sumber2 kerajaan tidak dimonopoli oleh kawan2 Daim dan Dr Mahathir ini? Sebagai contoh komoditi gula sudah pun melimpah2 dari segi bekalan tetapi kerana gula dimonopoli oleh Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary (below) maka harga gula masih dikekalkan dua kali ganda dari harga pasaran demi menjaga kepentingan Syed Mokhtar.
DI bawah Anwar Ibrahim sudah tentuk Syed Mokhtar tidak akan dapat menikmati perniagaan monopoli seperti ini. BERNAS juga monopoli Syed Mokhtar di mana beliau sahaja dapat menentukan harga beras seluruh Malaysia. Ini juga akan berubah bila Anwar Ibrahim jadi Perdana Menteri kelak. Maka, plan A sudah gagal kerana video semburit Haziq. Adakah Plan B melibatkan Hishamuddin Tun Hussein dan cadangan kerajaan Melayu beliau? Sama-sama kita lihat dan berdoa. - Tulang Besi
Besi karat ni merbahaya...
Baca Malaysiakini tadi dakwaan Hishamuddin telah merancang atau berkomplot dengan sebahagian pemimpin PH mengagalkan usaha menjadikan Ds Anwar sebagai PM bukan lah mengejutkan.. Takda apa yg nak dihairankan sejak gambar Keluarga Hishamuddin dan Azmin bercuti bersama nun jauh di Marocco.. Lagi tidak mengejutkan Datang Boneka UMNO seorang Tok Guru dikalangan Pemimpin PAS berjumpa Tun di Sri Perdana menjanjikan sokongan untuk Tun Mahathir.. Kerja Pak haji ni jadi boneka UMNO sejak zaman Pakatan Rakyat dulu lagi.. Sama situasinya watak Pak haji yg sama berjumpa Najib, dan dibawa ke Istana untuk menolak cadangan menjadikan Wan Azizah sebagai MB Selangor dulu.. Skrip dia sama jer..Watak pun lebih kurang sama... Depa adalah orang yg sama yang merencanakan Kongress Maruah Melayu.. Jadi biarkanlah depa zahirkan wajah depa sebelum Ds Anwar dilantik jadi PM.. Biaq kita kenal sorang sorang termasuk anggota pentadbiran kerajaan...Berita ni sengaja keluar sebab nak melagakan sesama pimpinan jer.. Tapi tidak lah membimbangkan.. Bak kata Tun Mahathir, Depa boleh mencuba... rasanya Tun pun tahu walaupun aku yakin Tun mahathir tidak terlibat.. Aku yakin, Ds Anwar mendapat Sokongan jauh lebih besar dari depa jangkakan..hatta dari dalam UMNO sendiri.. Tengok Ds Anwar relax jer.. No hal lah.. Selamat mencuba.. - Ipohmali
Aku PM, Kau TPM...
Besi karat nie sungguh merbahaya... Demi kuasa, semburit dipergunakan untuk bina blok politik baru dengan umno melalui hisaputing? Itulah kerjanya - dulu, sekarang dan selamanya. Mereka lupa, kuasa sebenar terletak dalam tangan rakyat! Tangan yang sama yang telah jatuhkan gomen umno BM.  Sebarang manipulasi untuk kembalikan mula2 umno akan yetap dibangkang oleh rakyat. Rakyat pasti akan bsngkit dengan lebih lantang - dan kali ini kami akan terus binasakan tiap2 watak jahat yang membantutkan aspirasi rakyat untuk menzahirkan Malaysia Baru. Kali ini kami akan tanam mereka hidup2 untuk selama2nya. Tak percaya?...cuba! - f/bk
Plot thickens-sources claim Harapan 
leaders working with Hisham...
Earlier this week, Pakatan Harapan dropped a bombshell accusing Hishammuddin Hussein of plotting to form a new government sans DAP and Amanah. Hours earlier in the Dewan Rakyat, PKR president Anwar Ibrahim also hinted that Hishammuddin was working behind the scenes when urging BN MPs not to be rattled by threats of prosecution. Although the former Umno vice-president dismissed this allegation or that he wanted to prevent Anwar from becoming the next prime minister, sources, however, claimed otherwise and revealed that Hishammuddin is working with those within Harapan as well. When Malaysiakini spoke to multiple sources from both sides of the political divide, three names surfaced – Bersatu's MP for Larut Hamzah Zainuddin, Bersatu's Redzuan Yusof, who is also entrepreneur development minister, as well as PKR number two and Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali.
Previously it was alleged that Hishammuddin facilitated Hamzah's (photo above) defection from Umno to Bersatu in February. Hishammuddin had denied this allegation. According to a senior Bersatu source, the two are now working to ensure Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad serves his full term in office instead of passing the baton to Anwar as per the agreement in Harapan prior to the last general election. "There is 'horse-trading' ongoing,” the source told Malaysiakini. “The idea is to retain Mahathir until the end of his tenure in exchange for 'immunity' for some who are facing or will face prosecution except for (former premier) Najib (Abdul Razak) and (Umno president) Ahmad Zahid Hamidi," he added. To date, no charges have been brought against Hamzah or Hishammuddin. Hishammuddin was embroiled in controversy over land swap deals in the Defence Ministry when he helmed the portfolio during BN’s time but has denied any wrongdoing. A ranking PKR source, meanwhile, claimed that Hishammuddin, Hamzah, Redzuan and Azmin met recently to discuss plans to keep Mahathir in office.
'Hisham's personal initiative'
The four are now said to be canvassing support from both ruling and opposition lawmakers. At this point, it is unclear if any PAS leader is involved. PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang had previously lent his support to the call for Mahathir to remain in office. The Islamic party has 18 parliamentary seats. “MPs from PKR and Umno were approached. We confirmed with both sides before raising this issue. Those who revealed this to us are those who didn't sign (a statutory declaration to support Mahathir),” the PKR source added. The source alleged that Hishammuddin only has the support of a few Umno MPs whereas Azmin secured the backing of 18 MPs from PKR. Padang Rengas MP Nazri Abdul Aziz (photo, below), when contacted, said if Hishammuddin was engaged in such negotiations, it would be the latter's “personal effort” and not a party initiative. "That is his problem, it is his personal effort. As far as I am concerned, whatever the party leadership decides, I will support, but it will be for the supreme council to decide," he added.
On a personal note, the former culture and tourism minister said he supported Anwar on the basis of friendship and because the latter was an "extraordinary politician." Previously, when he was BN secretary-general, Nazri (pix,above) pledged Umno's support for Anwar to be the next prime minister albeit without becoming part of the government. On Wednesday, Umno vice-president Ismail Sabri had also distanced the party from Hishammuddin's alleged plot. Umno sources alleged that Hamzah is determined to ensure that Anwar does not become the prime minister but did not reveal the reasons. In 2008, Hamzah had accused Anwar of harassing his wife back in 1998. The PKR president sued the Larut MP for defamation but withdrew the suit in 2013 after both sides reached an amicable and private settlement. There was speculation that Hamzah had quit Umno partly due to efforts within the party to align themselves to Anwar.
Meetings on Malay Dignity
The Bersatu source told Malaysiakini that Hishammuddin and Hamzah met with Mahathir last month, around the same time when the Malay Dignity Congress took place. Hamzah is said to have played a key role in organising the congress. However, its secretariat chief Zainal Kling claimed the Larut MP's role was just to ensure that Mahathir attended the event. On Sunday, Hishammuddin penned a comment, which was published by several media organisations, calling on Malays to unite across political lines without sidelining other races. In an NST article the next day, Redzuan said he had been in communication with Hishammuddin on the need to create a “Bangsa Malaysia” led by Malays. “To unite Bangsa Malaysia, Malays must unite first. After that, the question would be who will lead this Bangsa Malaysia. Is it the Chinese, Indians, Malays or Orang Asli? “To me, Malays, as the majority race must lead Bangsa Malaysia. I proposed this idea to Hishammuddin and he agreed to it,” he said.
Quizzed about this in Parliament yesterday, the minister reiterated the need for Malays to be united under one “gagasan” (movement) and to lead Bangsa Malaysia.  Pressed on whether forming a new government was also part of his discussions with Hishammuddin, he appeared to ignore the question and responded in a vague manner, saying: “This is my personal opinion, there is a need for us to rethink, to shape the future of Malaysia.” In a separate conversation with Malaysiakini, Redzuan denied being in a meeting with Hishammuddin, Hamzah and Azmin to discuss Malay unity or keeping Mahathir in power.
Azmin and Hisham combo
As for Azmin, it has long been speculated that Mahathir and his inner circle preferred him to be the next prime minister instead of Anwar. Ranking sources from both Umno and PKR claimed that the alleged plan is for Azmin and Hishammuddin to lead the nation after Mahathir steps down. However, Hishammuddin denied this. "He (Mahathir) has never said that to me," he told Malaysiakini. Likewise, he said there were "no such meetings" with Hamzah, Redzuan and Azmin with regard to Malay unity or ensuring Mahathir remained at the helm. Mahathir's communication and media advisor A Kadir Jasin told Malaysiakini that he was not aware of any recent meetings between the premier and Hishammuddin. However, he said that anyone is free to meet the prime minister. “Any Malaysian has the right to see the prime minister, irrespective of their political affiliation or leaning, because he is the prime minister of Malaysia, he is not the prime minister of any particular party,” he added.
This is not the first time Hishammuddin has been alleged to be part of political machinations involving Mahathir. Previously, Umno disciplinary board chairperson Mohamed Apandi Ali claimed that Hishammuddin was under investigation and this was believed to be over his meetings with Mahathir. However, Hishammuddin and other party leaders denied there is such a probe. The information gathered from Malaysiakini's sources indicate that even if all MPs from Bersatu (27), BN (40), and PAS (18) unite with 18 Azmin-aligned PKR lawmakers, as well as three Gabungan Bersatu Sabah MPs and two independent MPs, this will only translate to 108 seats. This is four seats shy from the 112 needed to form government. To ensure the move is a success, its architects would require the support of lawmakers from Warisan or Sarawak's GPS. Warisan has nine seats and GPS 18. GPS does not care who is in power. GPS secretary-general Alexander Nanta Linggi told Malaysiakini that to his knowledge, none of the coalition's MPs have been courted as yet to support Mahathir serving his full term. "But if they spoke to individual MPs, then I don't know," he said.
He said GPS is not concerned about who is the prime minister or whether Mahathir should serve his full term. "Whether it is Mahathir or Anwar, we don't care too much. We want the government, regardless of the leader, to govern the country well and stick to the Harapan manifesto," he added. GPS also has a non-coalition ally in Parti Sarawak Bersatu, which is part of the state government and has one MP seat. Meanwhile, Labuan MP Rozman Isli – who defected from Umno to Warisan last year - said he has not not been approached. Bersatu's move to set up a chapter in Sabah despite an understanding with Warisan that it would not do so could prove to be a stumbling block in winning over MPs from the party led by Chief Minister Mohd Shafie Apdal (photo,below).
Warisan also has a non-coalition ally in Upko, which has one MP seat as well. Azmin’s office and Hamzah have not responded to Malaysiakini’s requests for comment. Though both Mahathir and Anwar have often reiterated that the transition of power between them would proceed as promised, claims of plots and counterplots being hatched begs the question if the nation would witness a repeat of the 1998 episode? - mk
It was rumoured earlier the year that Hisham might default to PPBM with 30 other Umno MPs so that PPBM could officially take over the place of Umno to firm up Mahathir's premiership. However, the unexpected victory of BN-Umno in the subsequent by-elections in Cameron Highlands, Semenyih and Rantau has turned things around, with Umno reps who had the intention of leaving the party now abandoning their plans. And now, we have a new version to the story. Hisham is back in the picture, and Anwar is making the story more intriguing and suspenseful by bringing in the MACC. And this new version will see DAP and Amanah taken out.
How to form a new government without DAP's 42 seats and Amanah's 11? Naturally, this shortfall has to be filled by Umno and PAS. Then where is PKR in Hisham's (read Mahathir's) plot? And where is Anwar? What about Azmin Ali? Hisham denied, arguing that he did not have such power to do that. And when Mahathir was asked about the "new government", he said coolly, “They can try!” But, if this whole thing has been completely baseless, why did Anwar and the PH secretariat sound so real? Or, they just make up the story for the PM? - sinchewdaily
Dulu SR tu maknanya Sarawak Report!
Skrg SR juga tapi Secret Recipe!
Sumber asal: Sapa Dalang Di Belakang Hishamuddin Tun Hussein?... Baca selebihnya di Sapa Dalang Di Belakang Hishamuddin Tun Hussein?...
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kerahlekung · 5 years
Antara Kes Rogol Dan Kes Semburit...
Antara Kes Rogol Dan Kes Semburit....
Exco Perak Paul Yong Choo Kiong terus ditangkap polis dan disiasat apabila pembantunya buat laporan polis kononnya dia dicabul dan dirogol oleh Exco daripada DAP itu. Sebaik dibuat laporan polis, polis pun tangkap dan siasatan. Pergilah Paul ke balai polis dan ditahan dalam lokap. Maka kecurlah seluruh dunia. Setelah disiasat polis, Paul pun dibebaskan. Selepas bebas beliau menafikan dia tidak pun merogol pembantu rumahnya. itu. Nasib Paul tidak sebaik nasib Timbalan Presiden Keadilan, Azmin Ali yang juga telah dilaporkan sebagai menjadi pasangan homoseksual kepada seorang jantan lain. Polis tidak segera pun tangkap dan siasatnya. Dia bebas bergerak ke mana-mana, termasuk jumpa ulama dan Mufti. Apakah kerana Paul, berbangsa Cina dan daripada DAP pula maka dia siasat segera manakala kerana Timbalan Presiden itu daripada Keadilan dan kebetulan pula berbangsa Cina, pernah didendangkan sebagai anak angkat Dr Mahathir maka ia tidak diperapa-apakah? Saya tidak faham macam mana keadilan dan kebebasan diamalkan dalam negara ini. Cuma teringat kepada sepatah kata-kata bekas PM Abdullah Badawi setelah menjadi PM, katanya: Selepas jadi PM baru saya tahu kuasa PM sangat luas dan boleh melakukan apa-apa yang dia hendakinya. Cis. - MSO
Bersama Menteri Pertahanan 
Menteri Pengakutan vs PAS...
 Najib and Zahid May Be Plotting How 
To Strip And Plunder UMNO Assets...
When Mahathir Mohamad openly invited all Malay parties, including the UMNO, to join his party PPBM (Bersatu) under the pretext of Malay unity, it raises eyebrows. To the people who had shed sweat, tears and probably even blood bringing down the corrupt and toxic UMNO last May General Election, the prime minister’s invitation was seen as a betrayal of the highest degree. For a while, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the UMNO president who suddenly made an unexpected but shameless comeback from his so-called garden leaves, thought that Mahathir’s invitation was like a gift from the God. Could it mean his prayers have been answered and his record 87 corruption charges would be dropped and he gets to walk away scot free if he joins the old man’s party? Zahid probably had slapped his face a couple of times in disbelief over the offer. Even his colleague, Khairy Jamaluddin, son-in-law of former PM Abdullah Badawi, has advised his party UMNO to give a serious thought to the invitation to join hands with rival Bersatu. Khairy too believed the offer was too good to be ignored. Clearly, life as an opposition is too tough after ruling the country for 61 years. The next warlord who was equally excited to the extent he almost orgasm at the proposal was Hishammuddin Hussein, the cousin of former PM Najib Razak. He too said UMNO’s top leaders should not dismiss any chance of a new political cooperation if it can unite their race, even though his reason to join Mahathir is to gain immunity from prosecution over past corruptions. But Zahid Hamidi figured he had to play hard to get. After all, his party has 37 MPs, more than Mahathir’s party which possesses only 26 MPs. It probably crossed Zahid’s mind that he might not be accepted. But if Mahathir wants to acquire UMNO, it has to be sold as a complete package. Hence, the UMNO president rejected the prime minister’s invitation.
  Najib Razak - Malu Apa Bossku
The 93-year-old Mahathir later made an incredible clarification. His invitation apparently was for “members” of other Malay-based parties – not the Malay parties. So, Zahid’s illusion, and Najib’s for that matter, that the ruling Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition would be enlarged to accept UMNO as a new component for the sake of Malay unity was crushed. To be fair, everyone had the perception that Mahathir’s offer was for Malay parties, including UMNO Malay nationalist party and PAS Islamist party, to join the ruling Pakatan Harapan coalition. Perhaps the premier was a bit senile. But it’s also absolutely possible that the old fox was testing the water, having fun watching crook like Zahid Hamidi squirming and begging to be invited. Essentially, Mahathir’s clarification that UMNO as a party cannot join Pakatan closes the door for big time crooks like Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi, Tengku Adnan and Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, just to name a few, from any immunity deal. The line has been drawn. Those crooks can never be forgiven as long as Mahathir sits on the throne. Two days ago (July 9), out of the blue, ex-PM Najib was appointed chairman of Barisan Nasional (BN) advisory board, whatever that means. His appointment was unanimously agreed upon by the BN Supreme Council. The funny thing about welcoming the crook back to BN is that there was previously no advisory board. The post was created specially for Najib. Exactly what can Najib advise the BN now when the same coalition was defeated under the leadership of the same man in the May 9th General Election last year? If he is such a gem, he should not have had stepped down as UMNO president after BN’s defeat in the 14th General Election. It’s an educated guess that both Najib and Zahid had planned to make the comeback together. Khairy, probably the smartest man left in UMNO, said he was not happy with the return of his former boss Najib. He had earlier expressed his displeasure at the comeback of Zahid too. Hishammuddin has opted to play safe, offering neither support nor objection to the return of his cousin. Surprisingly, the biggest critic came from Nazri Aziz, once the biggest supporter of Najib in his 1MDB scandal.
  Khairy and Nazri Aziz
Nazri said – “Who did we lose under (in the last general election)? What kind of advice can he give us? I think it is regressive.” Does the appointment of Najib as UMNO adviser prove that neither the leaderships of acting president Mohamed Hasan nor president Zahid Hamidi were effective, despite the trumpeted propaganda that UMNO and PAS alliance will crush the current government? On the surface, Najib’s comeback looks positive. Like a white knight in shining armour, he could inject his fund – “Malu Apa Bossku (Why The Shame, Boss) moniker” – into UMNO and rejuvenate the almost bankrupt corrupt party. But if even his cheerleader Nazri could smell a rat with the return of his former boss, the crooked Najib is definitely up to something not good. The last time Najib modified the constitution of SRC International Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of 1MDB, at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to make him the “adviser emeritus” of the company, he controlled the company and ordered retirement fund KWAP to loan RM4 billion to SRC, a company known as “Najib’s company”. Yes, Najib’s express appointment as the adviser to UMNO, a non-existent position previously, has very little to do with strengthening the party. It was actually a humiliation to UMNO Council of Advisors chairman Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, who was surprised at Najib’s appointment. Effectively, Najib’s new role as an adviser will make Razaleigh’s role redundant and obsolete. It’s both entertaining and amusing that the foolish Razaleigh has thrown his support behind Najib, not realising that the crook has come back to plunder the party’s coffers. Coincidentally, all the crooks – Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi and Tengku Adnan – are part of the roundtable plotting how to strip UMNO assets as the party faces the prospect of de-registration.
Tengku Adnan, Zahid Hamidi and Najib Razak
It was reported that UMNO once has assets totalling RM100 billion under proxies, trustees and nominees. UMNO president and its treasurer, who happens to be Zahid Hamidi and Tengku Adnan respectively, are a handful of leaders currently possessed the information of all the asset holders. However, the dumb Zahid probably was clueless as to how to recover the assets. That explains the real reason as to why Zahid suddenly made a comeback from his garden leave, and the sudden appointment of Najib as BN adviser. Obviously, Najib cannot be made the UMNO Council of Advisors chairman since Razaleigh occupies the position. If there’s one man who can plunder and steal UMNO’s remaining assets, that man has to be Najib Razak. Mr Treasurer Tengku Adnan was tasked with tracking down UMNO’s cash and property since last October. By now, he should have a list of assets belonging to the party. Sure, over the time, not all of the RM100 billion can be recovered. But there should be billions worth of assets left. Recently, UMNO sold its 123 million shares in Media Prima Bhd for RM73.81 million. UMNO secretary-general Annuar Musa has announced that the party will sell more assets to boost its finance and cash-flow. UMNO members should start tracking where that money is being parked. Facing the likelihood of being declared illegal, Najib’s wide experience in money laundering is definitely useful in advising how to transfer cash out of UMNO to unknown entities. To fight the present government, UMNO and BN need truckloads of money to mobilize its supporters. Selling assets for cash is one thing. Siphoning them for the rainy day is another thing. The very fact that Najib’s appointment was done with such secrecy, so much so that even Razaleigh was kept in the dark, speaks volumes that the crook’s mission isn’t just to blow his horn about “Bossku”. - FT
Dr.M jelaskan mengapa orang Melayu perlu bersatu di bawah PPBM, dan juga mencelah jawapan Anwar Ibrahim sama ada beliau akan menukar dasar selepas mengambil alih kuasa.
Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Raja Permaisuri Agong berkenan menganjurkan 
sambutan hari jadi secara mengejut untuk Dr.M di Istana Negara
Sumber asal: Antara Kes Rogol Dan Kes Semburit... Baca selebihnya di Antara Kes Rogol Dan Kes Semburit...
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kerahlekung · 5 years
UMNO Has The Biggest Pool Of Sharks...
UMNO Has The Biggest Pool Of Sharks....
Latheefa Koya, the first female Chief Commissioner of MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission), was appointed by the “Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King)” on the advice of the Prime Minister of Malaysia. It would be the biggest joke of the century if 93-year-old PM Mahathir Mohamad goes back to the king and tell him that Latheefa needs to be replaced. Not only will the old man loses face for making a massive U-turn, all the component parties of the ruling Pakatan Harapan coalition government – PPBM, PKR, DAP and Amanah – will be humiliated by the opposition. Has PM-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim’s minions ever considered the consequences of prolonging the issue to the extent of creating a crisis, even after Mahathir said his decision is final? If Mahathir appoints someone from DAP, he would be slammed as a puppet of the ethnic Chinese. If Mahathir appoints someone from his own party, PPBM, he would be condemned as a power-crazy dictator. Forget about Amanah as the party has too much on its own plate. So, Mahathir has no choice but to appoint someone from Anwar’s party – PKR. The problem with PKR is that the party itself is split into two factions – “Team Anwar Ibrahim” and “Team Azmin Ali”. Mahathir cannot appoint a heavyweight from either team for obvious reason. So PKR Vice-President Rafizi Ramli, as suggested by Anwar’s supporters, was out of the picture. It would be like ex-PM Najib Razak appoints his cousin Hishammuddin Hussein as MACC Chief. Of course, Mahathir can appoint someone from within the MACC, but none of their efficiency was up to the prime minister’s expectation, not to mention the suspicion that some of them were Najib’s moles or UMNO sympathisers. An outsider like Ambiga Sreenevasan, a prominent Malaysian lawyer and human rights advocate, is a good choice but too bad she’s an ethnic Indian.
Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali
Mahathir needed someone with strong character, loose-cannon even, to bring express results and possibly fear into the MACC. The premier was not looking for a snake oil salesman. He needed an executioner, a terrible salesman who knows very little about the art of apple-polishing. Obviously, successful politicians with certain rankings were bad candidates. Latheefa is perhaps the biggest loose cannon money can buy from PKR. In fact, she is no stranger to controversy. She does not mince her words during arguments and refuses to kowtow to powerful corruptors. Even her big boss Anwar Ibrahim, supposedly the next prime minister, was not spared from her criticism. In fact, as a politician in PKR, she’s quite a loser. Her life isn’t in politics. Get real, there’s no such thing as a true political independent person. Even a hawker in the night market is biased toward a certain political party or ideology. But her biggest critics, as it turned out, did not come from the opposition parties, but from within her own (former) PKR party. To be precise, it was Anwar’s faction which has been condemned Latheefa because she was aligned to Azmin. On paper, it seems Anwar Ibrahim’s boys and girls were incredibly upset that PM Mahathir didn’t go through the Parliamentary Select Committee on the selection and appointment of Latheefa as the new MACC chief. Actually, they knew that the committee was a toothless tiger. Former Federal Court Judge Gopal Sri Ram has clarified that the committee has no role in key public appointments. To empower the Parliamentary Select Committee with a set of new fangs, constitutional amendments are required, without which the prime minister can legally, constitutionally and unilaterally appoints whoever he likes. In truth, after a year, nobody fights hard enough so that the MACC will report directly to Parliament rather than to the PM – until Latheefa was announced as the anti-graft chief. Anwar’s minions were not fighting because Latheefa possessed dubious credentials, nor were they fighting because Mahathir deliberately kept them in the dark over the appointment. After all, it was the same Anwar who created chaos last year when he unilaterally appointed Rafizi Ramli as PKR vice-president – arguing it was his prerogative as party president to do so.
Latheefa Koya, Chief Commissioner of MACC
The boys and girls of Anwar knew the appointment of Latheefa is a done deal. What they were fighting is to create a perception that should anyone from Anwar’s camp is to be investigated by the MACC later, it’s because Latheefa is bias against the PM-in-waiting, not because Anwar’s people are dirty or corrupt. That’s actually a clever tactical move to create “special immunity”. Yes, it was nothing but a political game and a pre-emptive strike to warn MACC Chief Commissioner Latheefa, and PM Mahathir for that matter, that she must think twice before going ballistic against Anwar’s team. Of course, Anwar’s boys have nothing to fear if they are clean. But if the MACC investigates them one day, they would certainly accuse Latheefa of doing the dirty job on behalf of Azmin. From the beginning, Mahathir knew that the appointment of Latheefa would be a political hot potato. Being Mahathir, he decisively and unconventionally did it anyway, without seeking consultation with the Cabinet members. After the calls and petitions demanding Latheefa’s resignation, the pressure is on the new MACC chief to deliver results – fast – to prove the critics wrong. Opposition parties say to prove her impartiality and independence, Latheefa should investigate DAP chief and Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng over his so-called bungalow scandal and Penang Undersea Tunnel scandal. Mr Lim was acquitted of corruption charges over the purchase of a bungalow allegedly below the market value. We (*yawn*) had published here on why the bungalow scandal was a non-issue from the start. As for the tunnel scandal, former Penang Barisan Nasional chief Teng Chang Yeow had retracted on May 6 (last month) his allegations against Lim Guan Eng over the scandal. Likewise, the New Straits Times Press, a mouthpiece of Barisan, had to pay RM130,000 in damages and also published an apology over articles that Lim was involved in corruption.
Phang Li Koon and Shamsuddin Hayroni 
That alone speaks volumes that there were no scandals against the DAP. Besides, if Lim Guan Eng was dirty, the regime of Najib would have had sent the then-opposition figure to prison a long time ago. Formerly Chief Minister of Penang, Lim bought the bungalow back in 2008. Are you saying the MACC, under the thumb of ex-PM Najib, could not find any wrongdoing during those 10 years? Some also said Sarawak former Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud should be investigated and charged, if Latheefa is indeed worth her salt. Exactly why didn’t the previous Barisan government charged the Sarawak Godfather when he was the chief minister from 1981 to 2014? Yes, even Najib Razak refused to charge Taib Mahmud when the former was the powerful prime minister. Of course, many argue that Latheefa should investigate her new boss – PM Mahathir Mohamad – to prove that she is unbiased, unprejudiced, non-partisan, and non-discriminatory and whatnot. They wanted the new MACC chief to do the impossible mission of throwing Taib Mahmud and Mahathir Mohamad into the prison – a mission which none from the previous government and MACC could do. Investigate Taib and Mahathir is one thing. To prove that they had committed corruption is another thing altogether. If Mahathir had been as stupid as Najib, as in leaving the money trail to the stealing RM42 million of SRC International money and RM2.6 billion of 1MDB funds, don’t you think Najib would have had arrested and jailed his mentor-turned-nemesis years ago? Newly retired MACC Chief Shukri Abdull said the commission under his leadership had arrested nearly 1,300 people, including 30 VVIP politicians or “big fish”, 13 top management officers, 30 chief executives of government-linked companies and private firms, and 137 professionals. Sadly, the people were unaware or did not feel such glory achievements.
Abdul Taib Mahmud and PM Mahathir Mohamad
The people are only aware of the arrests of former PM Najib Razak and wife Rosmah Mansor, Deputy PM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, ex-Federal Territory Minister Tengku Adnan, Tabung Haji ex-chairman Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, Felcra ex-chairman Bung Moktar and ex-Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman.  Even then, all of them walk away scot-free while waiting for their trials. How about well-known crooks involved in scandals like Shahrizat Jalil’s “Cowgate” scandal or Hishammuddin Hussein’s abuse of power in “land swaps” and contract to build the Setiawangsa-Pantai Expressway (SPE) at a cost of RM3.738 billion? How about the dubious deals awarded to UMNO warlord Tajuddin Abdul Rahman – nicknamed “Six Million Dollar Man”? How about other dirty UMNO warlords like Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Mahdzir Khalid, Noh Omar, Azalina Othman, Ahmad Maslan, Anifah Aman, Annuar Musa, Pandikar Aman Mulia, Salleh Keruak, Nazri Abdul Aziz, Shahidan Kassim, Mohd Johari Baharum, Nawawi Ahmad, Jamil Khir Baharom, Rahman Dahlan, Mohd Ali Rustam, Rahim Thamby Chik, Ahmad Shabery Cheek and Reezal Merican and the list goes on? How about an investigation into the embezzlement of more than RM107 million in public funds that occurred under the former Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin? Heck, why was there no action against former Attorney General Apandi Ali or former Election Commission chairman Mohd Hashim Abdullah or former Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar? Yes, Latheefa did not need to look too far in the past to catch big fish. UMNO is the biggest pool where all the big sharks are still swimming – very worriedly. And they are trapped after their stunning defeat in the last May general election. To prove her worth, it appears more UMNO crooks could be hauled, charged and jailed. That’s why none of the big shark had opened their big mouth slamming Latheefa’s appointment. - FT
Video lucah apa pula disebar...
Video intim apa pula yang beredar sekarang ini? Apakah masih ada lagi cara dan tektik jahat untuk mengucar kacirkan negara ini? Tidak habis-habis nampak fitnah menggunakan video tersebar di negara ini. Cukuplah apa yang berlaku sebelum ini jangan ditambah isu baru. Kerajaan PH sedang begerak ke dapan untuk membela rakyat. Penyebaran apa jua video yang bersifat peribadi begitu tidak wajar disebarkan, apa lagi ia adalah fitnah. Dr Mahathir Mohamad hendaknya jangan mengambil pot dengan apa disebarkan itu. Belajarlah daripada pengalaman lalu. Seharusnya semua pihak kena kecam penyebaran video seperti dilaporkan itu.
Ketua Pemuda Umno Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki nampaknya mendahului ketua-ketua pemuda parti-parti lain dan termasuk juga para Mufti dan pemimpin NGO Islam dalam memberi reaksi kepada penyebaran video lucah yang dikaitkan dengan seorang menteri. Asyraf menasihatkan agar tidak disebarkan video berkenaan kerana ia bercanggah dengan prinsip Islam dan dimurkai Allah. Apa lagi kalau video itu palsu katanya ia mengundang dosa besar. Sebenarnya kalau pun video berkenaan benar sekalipun penyebarannya dianggap tidak bermoral dan bertentangan dengan prinsip Islam kerana Islam melarang mendedahkan keaiban orang lain secara melampau. - mso
  Story kat sini...
Di M'sia setiap tahun ada video lucah babit kanan pemimpin besar. 
Tengok gambar badan pun tahu copy paste.
Pasal transaction yg kononnya di kaitkan dengan Azmin Ali. Tak pernah nampak bank slip di mana: 1. Hanya nama penerima yg diboldkan.  2. Jika tiada signature, kena ada kat bawah tu 'This is generate bla bla bla', no signature required.  3.Slip tu hanya diprint atas tractor paper je. 4.Alamat bank pun takde. 5.Nama berterabur, setahu saya ia base betul2 pada acc holder. Nama penerima tu font nya lain dari tulisan2 yang lain. 6.Kenapa ada huruf kecil pulak di tengah2 huruf besar? Tang nama penerima pulak tu! - f/bk
Sumber asal: UMNO Has The Biggest Pool Of Sharks... Baca selebihnya di UMNO Has The Biggest Pool Of Sharks...
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leobellicose · 7 years
Sarawak putuskan isu Cukai Pelancongan Khamis ini
Sarawak putuskan isu Cukai Pelancongan Khamis ini
MIRI, 25 Ramadan 1438H, Selasa – Sarawak akan mengumumkan keputusan rasmi kerajaan negeri berhubung isu Cukai Pelancongan pada mesyuarat Kabinet negeri Khamis ini.
Bercakap perkara itu, Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg berkata, keputusan berkenan akan dibincangkan pada mesyuarat Kabinet sebelum diumumkan.
“Saya akan beritahu keputusan itu pada mesyuarat Kabinet Khamis ini. Sabar dan tunggu hingga saya umumkan,” katanya ketika melawat Kompleks Kastam, Imigresen dan Kuarantin (CIQ) Sungai Tujuh, hari ini.
Sebelum ini, Abang Johari sudah pun mengadakan pertemuan dengan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak di Putra Perdana berhubung isu itu.
Ia termasuk bagi menyelesaikan isu perselisihan pendapat antara Menteri Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Seri Mohd Nazri Aziz dan Menteri Pelancongan, Kesenian, Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan Sarawak, Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah.
The post Sarawak putuskan isu Cukai Pelancongan Khamis ini appeared first on Portal Islam dan Melayu.
Credit kepada admin sumber asal Artikel Portal Islam dan Melayu di Sarawak putuskan isu Cukai Pelancongan Khamis ini via Blogger http://sayupgema.blogspot.com/2017/06/sarawak-putuskan-isu-cukai-pelancongan.html
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leobellicose · 7 years
Isu Qatar dan cerita perpecahan Arab
Isu Qatar dan cerita perpecahan Arab -
THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2017 Isu Qatar: Quran Cerita Tentang Perpecahan Arab A Kadir Jasin بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ BANYAK juga orang tanya saya berkenaan perkembangan di Asia Barat dan perhubungan Putrajaya dengan negeri-negeri berautonomi di Borneo. Minta maaf saya kurang menulis bulan puasa ini. Ada tua, tiga masalah kecil yang besar kesannya. Pertama tabiat saya menulis di kedai kopi. Oleh sebab Ramadhan, tak berapa elok saya duduk menulis di kedai kopi pada siang hari. Kedua, tahap kesihatan pun jatuh sikit kerana susah makan ubat dan ketiga kegiatan biasa berkaitan bulan puasa. Berkenaan pemutusan hubungan diplomatik oleh beberapa buah negara Islam, khususnya Arab, dengan Qatar, saya sebenarnya tidak berapa berminat mengulas. Maaf cakaplah kalau saya kata, pendapat (opinion) saya mengenai bangsa Arab tidak begitu positif. Walaupun orang Arab yang kita jumpa di masjid di negara kita atau berkenalan secara sambil lewa (casual) di Mekkah adalah baik tetapi sebagai entiti politik mereka bukanlah contoh yang mengagumkan. Mungkin kita terpaksa melihat bangsa Arab dan politiknya, termasuk cara mereka memonopoli Islam, dengan berbalik kepada sejarah silam. Al-Quran menceritakan betapa tidak eloknya akhlak orang Arab. Mereka berpecah-belah, berkelompok, bermusuh-musuhan dan tidak bertamadun. Kalau tidak kerana Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah (SAW) dan al-Quran boleh jadi bangsa Arab sudah lama pupus. Betapa tidaknya. Mereka menanam hidup-hidup anak-anak perempuan mereka. Bila tidak ada wanita, macam mana nak membiak. Bila tidak membiak, jawabnya pupuslah. Tak tahulah apa pandangan ulama, tok guru, tuan guru dan tok lebai. Tapi itulah pandangan rambang saya apabila mendengar cerita berkenaan akhlak orang Arab zaman jahiliah. Kalau kita tengok sejarah, kita akan berasa dukacita bahawa zaman kegemilangan Islam di bawah kepemimpinan Arab sangat singkat dan terhad. Tidak lama selepas kewafatan Rasulullah, umat Islam Arab mula berpecah kerana berebut kuasa. Yang lebih malang bagi Islam ialah perebutan kuasa itu berlaku kerana interpretasi yang berbeza mengenai al-Quran dan Hadis. Islam menyerlah dan menjadi pencipta ilmu hanyalah apabila ia berkembang keluar daripada Semenanjung Arab ke Afrika Utara, Sepanyol dan Baghdad. Kepemimpinan moden bangsa Arab menyerlah sedikit selepas Perang Dunia Kedua tetapi bukan atas nama Islam tetapi kerana nasionalisme yang dipimpin oleh nasionalis Arab seperti Gamal Abdel Nasser (Mesir), Ahmed Ben Bella (Algeria) dan Habib Bourguiba (Tunisia). Mereka adalah antara pemimpin pasca-Perang Dunia Kedua yang menyemarakkan api nasionalisme di jiwa saya sebagai remaja pada tahun 1960’an. Yang lain adalah Sukarno, Fidel Castro dan Ernesto Che Guevara. Cerita keperwiraan mereka saya baca dalam Utusan Melayu (tulisan jawi) dan Warta Negara serta majalah seperti Mastika dan Dian. Tetapi era kegemilangan itu pun tidak kekal lama. Kuasa-kuasa besar Perang Dingin (Amerika, Kesatuan Soviet, China dan negara-negara Eropah) berasa terancam dengan nasionalisme Arab dan serentak itu mengidamkan kekayaan minyak bumi Arab. Mereka mencipta senjata mutakhir bagi memusnahkan bangsa Arab dan sekali gus menghuru-harakan Islam secara total. Dengan menyalahgunakan mandat Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, mereka mewujudkan Israel di atas bumi yang selama ini dikenali sebagai Palestin. Dalangnya British dan Perancis. Hari ini, tidak dapat tidak apa saja krisis, peperangan dan penaklukan yang berlaku di dunia Arab adalah kerana dua faktor ini – Israel dan minyak. Yang lain – raja lawan presiden, syeikh lawan raja, raja lawan sultan – adalah cetusan kegiatan geopolitik yang dimainkan oleh Amerika, Israel dan Rusia dengan Iran dan China sebagai agitator tambahan. Tuduhan bahawa Qatar melindungi dan membantu Hamas serta menyokong gerakan ekstremis adalah rai·son d'ê·tre atau alasan bagi menghalalkan tindakan saja. Qatar terlalu kecil (warganegara 313,000 orang dan pendatang asing 2.3 juta) untuk menjadi ancaman. Yang mungkin menjadi ancaman kepada negara-negara yang memusuhinya ialah tahap kemajuannya. Pendapatan per kapita nominal Qatar sebanyak AS$68,940 (kira-kira RM310,230) adalah yang keempat tertinggi di dunia. Kalau ikut ukuran pariti kuasa membeli (PPP), Qatar nombor satu di dunia. Kemajuan Qatar boleh menyebabkan negara-negara jiran berasa cemburu dan malu. NOTA KAKI: Berkenaan pertelingkahan cukai pelancongan di antara Putrajaya dan Sarawak yang dicetuskan oleh “menteri celupar” Nazri Aziz, saya tak perlu komen banyak. Memadailah kalau saya kata ia adalah cerminan tentang betapa kacau-bilau dan tidak berdayanya kepemimpinan Perdana Menteri, (Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil) Mohd Najib Abdul Razak. Dia hilang kawalan ke atas kabinetnya sendiri sehingga watak seperti Nazri boleh bermaharajalela. Wallahuaklam. Posted by A KADIR JASIN at 6:45 AM
Isu Qatar dan cerita perpecahan Arab merupakan Entri ulangsiar. Credit kepada sumber asal di Isu Qatar dan cerita perpecahan Arab via Blogger http://sayupgema.blogspot.com/2017/06/isu-qatar-dan-cerita-perpecahan-arab.html
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leobellicose · 7 years
Isu Nazri, Sabah dan Sarawak selesai
Isu Nazri, Sabah dan Sarawak selesai
PUTRAJAYA, 20 Ramadan 1438H, Khamis – Isu membabitkan Menteri Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz dan kepimpinan Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak dan Kerajaan Negeri Sabah telah selesai.
Bercakap perkara itu, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dalam mesyuarat Kabinet semalam mengarahkan supaya masalah itu diselesaikan dan tiada lagi kenyataan dikeluarkan, sama ada oleh pemimpin kerajaan pusat atau negeri.
“Saya juga sudah berjumpa Ketua Menteri Sabah (Datuk Seri Musa Aman) dan Ketua Menteri Sarawak (Datuk Abang Johari Abang Openg) semalam secara peribadi.
“Kita sudah tutup buku dan buka buku baharu,” katanya pada sidang media selepas mempengerusikan Bengkel Pembaharuan Pendidikan Islam Lembaga Penasihat Penyelarasan Pelajaran dan Pendidikan Agama Islam (LEPAI) di sini, hari ini.
Ahmad Zahid berkata, pelaksanaan cukai pelancongan itu akan tetap diteruskan seperti dijadualkan bermula 1 Julai ini.
“Kita merasakan bahawa masalah promosi pelancongan ini memerlukan dana dan terdapat negeri yang mempunyai kutipan cukai yang sedikit dan ada negeri yang banyak.
“Apa pun (hasil cukai) akan diguna pakai untuk promosi produk pelancongan, bukan hanya mengikut negeri tetapi mengikut bidang atau kepentingan produk pelancongan,” katanya.
Ditanya sama ada Sarawak menarik balik keputusannya untuk keluar dari Tourism Malaysia, Ahmad Zahid menegaskan perkara itu sudah selesai dan tidak berbangkit lagi.
Minggu lalu, Menteri Pelancongan, Kesenian, Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan Sarawak, Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah menggesa kerajaan supaya menangguh pelaksanaan cukai pelancong di Sabah dan Sarawak kerana khuatir cukai baharu itu akan membawa kesan kepada industri pelancongan.
Gesaan menteri baharu Sarawak itu diselar Mohamed Nazri yang menganggap Abdul Karim sebagai menteri ‘setahun jagung’ dan diminta tidak berlagak samseng.
Mohamed Nazri baru-baru ini memaklumkan, pelaksanaan cukai pelancongan akan tetap diteruskan bermula 1 Julai ini yang menyaksikan pelanggan membayar sehingga RM20 satu malam untuk sebuah bilik hotel bertaraf lima bintang.
The post Isu Nazri, Sabah dan Sarawak selesai appeared first on Portal Islam dan Melayu.
Credit kepada admin sumber asal Artikel Portal Islam dan Melayu di Isu Nazri, Sabah dan Sarawak selesai via Blogger http://sayupgema.blogspot.com/2017/06/isu-nazri-sabah-dan-sarawak-selesai.html
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