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eccendentsiact · 1 year ago
Best Home, Aespatel ♡
Halo, Aespatale cintaku 🖇💗
Maaf gak bisa kasih kado mensiversary yang bagus atau bikin konten yang bagus. Udah berapa lama kalian ada? 2 bulan kan? Dilihatnya memang sebentar, tapi sudah banyak hal yang terjadi sejauh ini kan. Terimakasih buat, Kanin, Wynolla, Naysi, Callie dan Kak Kaivan. Manusia-manusia hebat yang sudah bertahan sejauh ini. Tolong bertahan lebih jauh lagi ya? Supaya Aespatale nanti bisa ngerayain anniversary dengan orang yang sama.
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Kanin, aku tau kamu sudah berjuang begitu keras di rl maupun di rp, berat ya Kanin tapi kamu udah hebat bisa sampai dititik ini. Kita belum deket banget ya, Kanin? Nanti kita jadi lebih dekat lagi ya? Dan jangan ragu untuk datang ke aku kalau kamu merasa semua sedang tidak baik-baik saja. Jangan pernah takut dan jangan pernah merasa insecure untuk segala hal karena kamu anak yang hebat, kamu terkeren.
Wynolla, terimakasih juga sudah mampu bertahan. Berat kan rasanya so far from home. Rasa kesepian itu pasti membelenggu sampai-sampai muak dan ingin menyerah kan? Tapi jangan menyerah ya, Nyol-Nyol. Masih banyak hal yang bisa kamu lakuin dan masih banyak orang yang mau kamu untuk tetap bertahan dan mereka mau untuk jadi sandaran kamu berpulang. Jangan selalu ingin mati dan pergi, i really hated it when you said that, karena kamu ga deserve pergi sebelum berhasil melakukan apa yang seharusnya kamu dapat, di depan sana banyak hal baik yang nunggu kamu meskipun banyak duri tajam serta badai yang menghadang. Hug urself && jangan mau kalah sama hal negative yang muncul gak ada habisnya di kepala kamu itu.
Naysie, cantikku. Aku mungkin ga sekuat kamu, masalah yang kamu hadapi cukup bisa membuat kamu merasa terguncang hebat tapi kamu keren!! Kamu gak takut untuk menjadi sosok yang baru dan gak bersembunyi, dan juga kamu berani buat lawan semua hal itu. Naysie ku cukup sibuk dan banyal kegiatan, jangan sampai sakit ya, tolong lebih banyak istirahat dan tolong tetap kuat sampai nanti. Never let ur smile fade, mate 💗
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Kak Kaivan, ahh... kita ga terlalu lama kenal tapi Kak Kaivan orang terkeren yang aku kenal, Kak jangan ragu untuk jadikan Espatel rumah kakak ya?? Kalau ada yang nakal atau ada yang jahat sama kakak, tolong call Espatel pasti kita bakal lawan orang itu paw paw 💥💥
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Calliee!! Adik kecil nan manis, dimataku kamu tuh selucu ituuu. Sayang banget kita ga terlalu deket, but nanti pelan pelan kita makin deket ya, Callie!!! It's hurt and hard sometime, karena hidup ini selalu ada masalah dan masalah yang datang, but tunjukan ke mereka kalau kamu kuat dan sanggup untuk lawan mereka semua.
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Espatale!! 2 bulan memang bukan waktu yang lama bukan? Tapi nyatanya 2 bulan terasa begitu indahnya karena dihabiskan bersama dengan kalian— Kanin, Wynolla, Naysie, Kak Kaivan, Callie. Banyak pasang surut hidup yang selalu hadir di tengah-tengah kita, tapi terimakasih sudah bertahan sejauh ini. Rumah yang kita bangun bersama ini memang masih belum sempurna, perlahan... kita bangun rumah ini dengan cantik, agar rumah ini bisa menampung lebih banyak tawa bahagia kita.
With love,
𝑨𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆
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dragdramanetheatre · 8 years ago
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Ignore the bog
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jungkookiebus · 5 years ago
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Doing song requests
Beat Saber
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hazellight11 · 3 years ago
Naysy! Here's her youtube if yall want to see more!
And her twitch!
this was somehow so relaxing
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oceanusborealis · 4 years ago
Help! My Kid Is A Gamer: Season 2 – TV Review
Help! My Kid Is A Gamer: Season 2 – TV Review
TL;DR – This is an excellent resource for parents wanting to know more about video games to help understand and engage with their kids on the issue
Rating: 4 out of 5.
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Help! My Kid Is A Gamer! Review –
Last year, I got a chance to see a documentary series that was as informative as it was entertaining. Help! My Kid Is A Gamer!was very much as the title suggested. It…
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naysyy · 7 years ago
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The results from last night’s cooking stream. You can watch the past broadcast at twitch.tv/Naysy ^_^ #gingerbread #gingerbreadhouse #twitch #cooking #stream #gingerbreadcookies #christmas
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pratikdegilim · 8 years ago
“Oh, wow, that’s a lot of space!”
Bu başlığı atarken bebekler bebeği bir Brezilyalıyla dalga geçmiş bulundum, ama bir an için düşünebildiğim tek şey bu oldu, affet beni Liamcığım. 
Başlıkla ve girişle alakasız olarak her şey nasıl başladı anlatmak istiyorum. 
Her şey zorla başladı. Biricik best friendim benim yazı yazma tarzımı/üslubumu çok hoş bulduğunu ve bir şeyler yazmamın gerektiğini söyleyip duruyordu. Bu dediğim üç yıl önce falan tabi. Sanırım bir ara çok ısrar etmiş, ‘yeni bir yıl yeni bir ben’ havalarıyla 2015 ya da 2016 Ocak ayında bir blog açmışım. Ama hiç yazı yazmamışım. Çünkü zaman bulamadım. Bu özelliğimden nefret ediyorum, böyle küçük kafa rahatlatacak şeylere hiç zaman ayıramıyorum. Duyan da normalde holding yönetiyorum falan sanar, ama yok bildiğin öğrencilik. Neyse konu dağılmasın, blog açmıştım. Bunu da geçen ay falan kankimin bu blog ısrarlarının hortlamasıyla hatırladık. Hatta ben o blogu bu senenin başında açtım sanıyordum, bir seneden fazla geçtiğini görünce bir hüzün çöktü içten, tarif etmemin imkanı yok. ZAMANIN AKIŞI YASAKLANSIN. Neyse bugün yine fazla ısrar etti ve sonuç, burdayım. Artık burdayım yani, yazmak istiyorum, hele ki hayatımın böyle bir döneminde. Nasıl bir dönem olduğunu da sonra yazayım heheh. Zorla yazmaya başladığım şey sonlara doğru iyi hissettirdi, kayda değer bir şeyden bahsetmiyor olsam da. Naysi daysi. 
Bu arada, yukarda anlatmaya çalıştığım anı dahil neredeyse hiçbir şeyi net olarak hatırlamamam ve bu anısızlığımın HEP olması, ama ilerde anılar üzerine çalışan bir araştırmacı olacak olmam karmaşasının güzelliği... Bu kadar, cümle bir yere gitmedi. Biz bunu düşünüp epey bi eğlendik bugün. Ama B12 eksikliğim var, ben napayım. Hap alayım. 
Hoşça kalın. 
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superawesomesamuraitime · 5 years ago
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gamerzcourt · 6 years ago
Revisit GameSpot Theatre At PAX Aus 2018!Revisit GameSpot Theatre At PAX Aus 2018!video games
New Post has been published on https://www.gamerzcourt.com/revisit-gamespot-theatre-at-pax-aus-2018revisit-gamespot-theatre-at-pax-aus-2018video-games/
Revisit GameSpot Theatre At PAX Aus 2018!Revisit GameSpot Theatre At PAX Aus 2018!video games
GameSpot Theatre returned to PAX Australia in Melbourne in 2018, with a swath of panels to inform and entertain. We had some cracking panels featuring Hitman 2, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pete Hines from Bethesda, and more!
If you weren’t able to visit us at PAX Aus in person, you can watch all the action via on-demand video right here!
For all of our PAX Aus content, be sure to visit the event hub!
Table of Contents [hide]
Friday, October 26 (All Times Are AEDT)
11:30 AM – The Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Panel
1:00 PM – Let’s Hack A Video Game!
2:30 PM – Voice Actor Showdown
4:00 PM – Hitman 2: Six Million Ways to Die…Choose One
5:30 PM – Zelda Universe Presents: Ocarina of Time, 20 Years Later
Saturday, October 27 (All Times Are AEDT)
10:30 AM – What?! Pokémon is Evolving!
12:00 PM – Lee Carvallo’s Simpsons Game Reviewing Challenge
1:30 PM – This Year’s Indie Game-Changer
3:00 PM – Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Let’s Play
4:30 PM – We Rate Video Games Dogs
Sunday, October 28 (All Times Are AEDT)
10:30 AM – Getting Started Painting Miniatures
12:00 PM – Why The Mainstream Media’s Reporting On Fortnite Is Dumb And Harmful
1:30 PM – Video Games, Ya Baw Bag
3:00 PM – The Great Port Resurgence
4:30 PM – One Perfect Game’s Mario Tennis Invitational 2018
Friday, October 26 (All Times Are AEDT)
11:30 AM – The Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Panel
Super Smash Bros. started off as a crazy experiment by Nintendo that morphed into a game of enormous scope—insanely spanning more than 30 game franchises and featuring third-party characters. With Super Smash Bros. Ultimate due out in December, join us as we rummage through Smash’s history, look at how it’s revived dead franchises, discuss what we want to see in the upcoming game, talk about how it has become a popular competitive fighting game, and learn a few tips from the pros.
PANELISTS: David Johnson [Publication Director, Zelda Universe], Shona Johnson [Project Manager, Zelda Universe], Cody Davies [Community Manager, Zelda Universe], Jack “Pudge” Gorman [Smash Tournament Organiser, Couch Warriors], Joshua “Sora” Lyras [Pro Melee player, ORDER], Nick “Extra” McKenzie [Pro Smash 4 player, Dark Sided]
1:00 PM – Let’s Hack A Video Game!
Have you ever wondered how you might go about breaking into a video game, and twisting its gross, hidden insides to your will? Join Lance McDonald (Warpchair), known for cracking open hidden Bloodborne and Dark Souls secrets, as he performs a live hack of PS1 horror classic Silent Hill using only cutting edge technology from 1999. We’ll show processes, talk methods, and answer your questions about video game hacking!
PANELISTS: Edmond Tran [AU Editor, GameSpot], Lance McDonald [Warpchair]
2:30 PM – Voice Actor Showdown
When it comes to building memorable characters in a game, what you see on screen is only part of the story. So what goes into creating an entire character with just your voice? We grill the experts on the voice acting process and put them through their paces recreating their favourite characters (and maybe a few new ones) live on stage.
PANELISTS: Claire Reilly [Senior Editor, CNET], Cissy Jones [Voice Actor, The Walking Dead, Firewatch], Courtenay Taylor [Voice Actor, Regular Show, Fallout 4]
4:00 PM – Hitman 2: Six Million Ways to Die…Choose One
Join IO Interactive’s Eskil Møhl for an hour of creative, murderous hijinks as he goes hands-on with Hitman 2. And he wants you, the PAX audience, to be an accessory!
PANELISTS: Eskil Møhl [Associate Game Director, IO Interactive], Edmond Tran [AU Editor, GameSpot]
5:30 PM – Zelda Universe Presents: Ocarina of Time, 20 Years Later
2018 marks the 20th anniversary of Ocarina of Time, a game that not only influenced the Legend of Zelda series for decades but also quite literally changed the video game landscape. We return to the polygons of the past and discuss how it shaped the industry, whether the game still deserves its accolades, whether it’s still relevant today, and if it’s been surpassed by more recent titles. There will be trivia with prizes for correct answers, so brush up on your knowledge of the game.
PANELISTS: Shona Johnson [Project Manager, Zelda Universe], David Johnson [Publication Director, Zelda Universe], Cody Davies [Community Manager, Zelda Universe], Sebastian Wilkinson [Contributor, Zelda Universe]
Saturday, October 27 (All Times Are AEDT)
10:30 AM – What?! Pokémon is Evolving!
Join a group of six Pokémon community leaders and competitive players, as they come together to talk about how the series has evolved since Red and Blue first fired upon our GameBoys. From how Pokémon GO helped revive the franchise to taking the next steps with Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu! & Let’s Go, Eevee!, to picking up some pro tips from actual champs on your road to competitive Pokémon Mastery, to maybe a few extra surprises, there’s no better place for Pokémaniacs to be this weekend.
PANELISTS: Emma Williams, Sam Pandelis, Russell Peters, Tiffany Keane, Alfredo Cheng-Gonzalez, Jesse Wilsone
12:00 PM – Lee Carvallo’s Simpsons Game Reviewing Challenge
You’ve seen plenty of reviews of real Simpsons games, but what about the fictional games of The Simpsons? How DO you Escape From Grandma’s House? What’s the best way to win Triangle Wars? Our panel of Simpsons Superfriends review the best Simpsons games that absolutely don’t exist… except in our cromulent imaginations. As they say in Bonestorm, “Come to this panel or go to hell!”
PANELISTS: Claire Reilly [Senior Editor, CNET], Lucy O’Brien [Games & Entertainment Editor, IGN], Mark Serrels [AU Editor, CNET], Edmond Tran [AU Editor/Senior Producer, GameSpot], David Milner [Editor, Game Informer Australia]
1:30 PM – This Year’s Indie Game-Changer
The Nintendo Switch hasn’t just revolutionised the way we play games, but also the games we’re open to playing. Indie games are seeing a lot of success on the hybrid console, so join a panel of Aussie independent game developers as they share their stories about how the Switch has changed the landscape, and share their favourite Nindies.
PANELISTS: Joe Park [Harmonious Games], Ash Ringrose [SMG Studios], Henrik Pettersson [The Voxel Agents], Matthew Rowland [League of Geeks], Eugenia Woo [Switch Focus], Edmond Tran [GameSpot]
3:00 PM – Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Let’s Play
Let’s keep this friendly! The biggest ever Smash Bros. game is coming soon. Very soon. So soon that we’re getting a whole theatre in on the training for its arrival! A Nintendo exclusive, come and check out panel teams take on Smash and the audience on the big screen!
PANELISTS: Edmond Tran [GameSpot], Jess McDonell [GameSpot], Mark Serrels [CNET], Dan Crowd [IGN], Shannon Grixti [Press Start], Eugenia Woo [Switch Focus]
4:30 PM – We Rate Video Games Dogs
Watch as we review some of the best (and worst) dogs in gaming. They’re good video game dogs, Brent.
PANELISTS: Mark Serrels [CNET], Stephanie “Hex” Bendixsen, Leah Williams, Goldie Bartlett, Amanda Yeo
Sunday, October 28 (All Times Are AEDT)
10:30 AM – Getting Started Painting Miniatures
Some of the most impressive board games and RPGs today bring us amazing miniatures. If you want to help bring your tabletop adventures to life but don’t know where to begin, start here and step into the world of miniature painting! Join us as we show you how to get started on your miniature painting journey, and take you through the simple steps to go from a bare model to your very first miniature masterpiece.
PANELISTS: Marc Chee [Marc Chee], Natalie Szymczak [Eva Studios]
12:00 PM – Why The Mainstream Media’s Reporting On Fortnite Is Dumb And Harmful
The mainstream media’s coverage of the popular battle royale game Fortnite has been discouraging. Over-the-top, sensational, and unsubstantiated stories are hurting gaming’s perception for the mainstream audience. Come watch a panel of experts discuss why that’s happening and what can be done about it.
PANELISTS: Alice Clarke [Herald Sun], Tim Biggs [Sydney Morning Herald], Chris Ferguson [Stetson Univesity], Raelene Knowles [IGEA], Eddie Makuch [Gamespot]
1:30 PM – Video Games, Ya Baw Bag
Can you guess what video game the angry Scottish man is talking about in his beguiling Scottish brogue? We challenge a host of Australia’s best games journalists. Can you understand a single word of what this guy is saying?
PANELISTS: Mark Serrels [CNET], Claire Reilly [CNET], Joab Gilroy [Red Bull], Jess McDonell [GameSpot], Dan Crowd [IGN]
3:00 PM – The Great Port Resurgence
Ports, remasters, and remakes of games are getting increasingly common. But how does a new version of a game change the way we see it and play it? We talk about the value and apprehension behind HD re-releases and Nintendo Switch ports, and try to come to a definitive conclusion of what works and what doesn’t.
PANELISTS: Pete Hines [Bethesda], Lee May [Defiant Development], Dean Woodward [League of Geeks], Jess McDonell [GameSpot], Edmond Tran [GameSpot]
4:30 PM – One Perfect Game’s Mario Tennis Invitational 2018
It’s time to lace up the Dunlop Volleys, string up the rackets and step on the court. Eight of Australia’s best and brightest streamers, podcasters and presenters will duke it out in a highly prestigious Mario Tennis Aces tournament in what is sure to be a smash hit. Come and help cheer your favourite gaming personality to glory!
PANELISTS: Matt Tilby [Podcaster/Presenter, One Perfect Game/Sabotage Media], Naysy [Twitch Broadcaster, Naysy (Twitch)], Vondle [Twitch Streamer/Influencer, Vondle], Maedi [Streamer/Marketing Manager, Hanabee Entertainment/Maedi], HolmesInFive [Twitch Streamer, HolmesInFive], JackHuddo [Partnered Twitch Streamer, JackHuddo], Alexander Foldi [Caster/Commentator]
GameSpot – All News
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jessemarcon · 7 years ago
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My second time meeting @naysy at a #twitchmelbourne meetup. Great to see you again. Perfect for the purple theme. Forgive my dab attempt. @slkflo with the photo bomb. #twitchmelbourne @ggezbar
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biyya · 7 years ago
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Ted Baker Naysie Wool Coat ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more wool coats)
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rojamag · 8 years ago
Neysi, luces en la ventana
Neysi, luces en la ventana
Nuestro paso por New York City, a pesar de ser una visita por corto tiempo, logramos descubrir diamantes de esos que tienen su propia forma y su propia belleza. Naysi, una hermosa Dominicana oriunda del exótico pueblo de Cotuy y que actualmente reside en Queens NYC, es una experta en comida Dominicana y lo declara como uno de sus mas grandes atributos, el sabor de su comida. Soy una exploradora…
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trashmykrp · 8 years ago
p sure naysi/choosu/chuerie is admina
Already said I was versoctic, my dude. Why would I play a chick when that 8th wonder of the world forehead boy is my #main
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ne97une · 8 years ago
i'll bring the oreos. you bring the milk. deal?!
-( ↺ )-          Nothing but a tense silence followed after he confessed to the girl before him about how much he needed a night to vent, at least in replacement of a getaway to who knew where. This soundless moment broke off when she came up with a silly offer. He nearly wanted to shake his head incredulously, not knowing what to think about the oh so called deal. Though, Jaehyun wasn’t the alcoholic type, it had always been his ally to swallow down his feelings. (Even before he could hit the legal age). So the option of doing something as childish as that, was not a thought that had suddenly popped into his head, nonetheless it was a plan hard to discard.
With a small snort of laughter passing his lips, he soon came to understand. Amused, he rapped a knuckle against the side of her head, without giving a chance to react as he quickly retracted his body  “ Nay, how am I even supposed to sneak into your building anyway?  ” Glancing around, he asked, with barely any inflection in his tone, careful enough for his question not to be mistaken, in case walls could hear and talk.
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