theukone-news · 4 years
Великобритания не признала результаты выборов президента Беларуси
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Великобритания не признает результаты президентских выборов в Беларуси. Об этом заявил министр иностранных дел Соединенного Королевства Доминик Рааб. Текст заявления опубликован на сайте МИД Великобритании.«Мир с ужасом наблюдал за насилием, применяемым белорусскими властями для подавления мирных акций протеста, которые последовали за этими сфальсифицированными президентскими выборами, — сказал Рааб. — Великобритания ... Читать далее
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usaone-news · 4 years
Деньги не пахнут. Почему за белорусскими евробондами выстроилась очередь
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Беларусь на прошлой неделе размещала новые выпуски евробондов. В проспекте эмиссии перечисляется много пугающих рисков по поводу платежеспособности нашей страны. Однако, несмотря на это, инвесторы выстроились в очередь за белорусскими бондами.  Инвесторы предупреждены, но рискнулиОрганизаторами размещения белорусских бондов выступили несколько авторитетных в инвестиционных кругах организаций — инвестиционная компания «Ренессанс Капитал», ... Читать далее Слушай аудиоверсию в начале новости .listen-article text-align: center; .listen-article a font-style: italic!important; color: #000; border: 1px dashed #f37a24; background-color: #fddeb0; display: block; padding: 10px 5px; margin-bottom: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; text-decoration: underline!important; .listen-article a:hover color: #2e7061; text-decoration: none!important; .listen-article a i text-decoration: none; margin: 0 8px; Нажмите, чтобы поделиться новостью @import url("https://usa.one/wp-content/themes/colormag/sharer.js/custom.css"); .other_news position: relative; margin-bottom: 30px; padding: 20px 40px 35px; background: #F3F3F3; .other_domain font-family: "Rubik"; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 24px; min-height: 24px; .other_hr margin: 10px 0 !important; position: relative; height: 21px!important; font-size: 0!important; line-height: 0!important; background: none!important; border: none; .other_hr hr:before content: ''; position: absolute; top: 50%; width: 100%; margin-top: -0.5px; border-top: 1px solid #1a5e02; left: 50%; margin-left: -50%; .other_news .class-h4 font-family: "Oswald"; font-size: 25px; font-weight: 500; line-height: 27px; min-height: 27px; margin-bottom: 15px !important; padding-bottom: 0; .other_news a:link, .other_news a:visited color: #08a915; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 500; .other_news a:hover color: rgba(13, 0, 0, 0.93); text-decoration: none !important; font-weight: 500 !important; .other_news .other_announce font-family: "Rubik"; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 24px; min-height: 24px; .other_news .other_announce color: #8d8d8d; margin-bottom: 0 !important;
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germaniaone · 4 years
В Германии установили памятник Ленину
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В Северной Рейн-Вестфалии представители Марксистско-ленинской партии Германии (МЛПГ) установили памятник вождю мирового пролетариата.Как пишет, это произошло в Гельзенкирхене 20 июня.По словам местных коммунистов, это первая статуя Ленина на территории бывшей Западной Германии.Двухметровый памятник был изготовлен еще в 1957-м в бывшей Чехословакии.По мнению представителей ведущих партий в парламенте Западного Гельзенкирхена, бывший Реклама ((__lxGc__=window.__lxGc__||'s':,'b':0)['s']['_213741']=__lxGc__['s']['_213741']||'b':)['b']['_639289']='i':__lxGc__.b++; ((__lxGc__=window.__lxGc__||'s':,'b':0)['s']['_213741']=__lxGc__['s']['_213741']||'b':)['b']['_639290']='i':__lxGc__.b++; .two-p-block div text-align: center; .two-p-block:after content: ''; display: block; clear: both; #NavinyBy #Гельзенкирхен #Германия #Общество #ПамятникЛенину #Политика
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cathkaesque · 4 years
Miners’ Strike
Belarusian miners continue their indefinite strike. Employees of Belaruskali are seeking the release of political prisoners and participants in peaceful actions, the immediate resignation of Lukashenka, the holding of fair and transparent elections with an open vote count with the participation of international organizations and independent observers.
In addition, they demand an independent investigation into the facts of the use of disproportionate force, bullying and torture against civilians by the security forces, as well as the abolition of the contract system as an instrument of pressure on workers.
Strike committees have been set up at Belaruskali. The workers are not mining ore and are preparing for a complete accident-free shutdown of production.
“A mining enterprise cannot be stopped with a switch. It's like in a foundry - you can't turn off the oven, because the metal will freeze. So it is with us. To stop slaughtering and mines, a number of measures need to be taken. It is necessary to complete the cycles, catch up with the conveyor, fix the bottom. This takes time. It will take about another day, ” Yury Zakharov, chairman of the primary trade union organization of OJSC Belaruskali of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union, told Naviny.by .
Due to the strike, the enterprise and, accordingly, the budget may suffer significant losses. Over the past year, Belaruskali gained almost 4.8 billion rubles, follows from the company's reporting posted on the single portal of the financial market. 2.2 billion rubles were transferred to pay taxes and fees, and more than 520 million rubles to pay for labor.
But now miners are the last to think about their wallet. “The losses can be significant. But people now think least of all about money. With whom I have communicated, they say that they think about it last. If freedom is taken away from us now, no money will be needed any more. They have weapons, and we have an idea. And the idea is not afraid of bullets. The idea can not be killed,” - says spokesman of the Belaurskali strike committee of employees Gleb Sandros.
Wavering Workers
Other large enterprises, where there are unrest of workers, have not stopped yet. The Minsk Tractor Plant and the Belarusian Metallurgical Plant reported that they are working as usual. They continue to produce and ship products there.
Many workers support the nationwide strike, but are still afraid to join.
“We have low salaries and many people do not have savings, so workers may face a difficult choice. On the one hand, to defend their rights and freedoms, on the other hand, it may turn out that they will have nothing to support their family, ”said Lev Lvovskiy, senior researcher at the BEROC Center for Economic Research, in a comment for Naviny.by.
Solidarity Fund
The Solidarity Fund is called upon to help workers make the right choices, promising financial support to all strikers. 800 thousand dollars have already been transferred to the accounts.
One of the founders of the Solidarity Fund, Andrei Strizhak, told N aviny.by that this money was not enough, so they turned to the national business for support.
More than 50 companies and individual entrepreneurs responded to their call. They will take patronage over enterprises, and local strike committees will determine who needs support most. Lawyers are ready to advise every strike that asks for help.
“Earlier, unprofitable collective farms were hung on business. Now the situation is changing. Business is ready to act as an assistant and support for those enterprises and workers who are on strike," said Andrey Strizhak.
A National Strike Committee was established to coordinate. In addition to Andrey Strizhak and blogger Eduard Palchis, the organizing committee includes IT entrepreneurs Alexander Podgorny and Yaroslav Likhachevsky .
“The task now is to do everything so that the strikes continue, because for the authorities this is the most painful point. This is where they will now hit. We do our best to consolidate the capabilities of business and people, so that everyone feels protected. We have a long road ahead of us, but we must support each other. We have everything for this - will, time and resources , ”said the co-founder of the Solidarity Fund.
It should be noted that the messages appearing in the telegram channels that the European Union and the United States will financially help the striking workers do not correspond to reality.
The European Union is indeed ready to help - but to the victims of disproportionate and unacceptable violence against those who participated in peaceful protests after the presidential elections.
“After the meeting of EU foreign ministers last week, we are exploring the possibilities of developing Lithuania's proposal to create an EU fund for victims of repression. While the decision on the scope and scope of support from the EU has not yet been made, it should be clarified that the EU does not provide financial support to strikes in third countries, ”the EU Delegation to Belarus told Naviny.by
Some more details on the national strike committee formed in Belarus yesterday. A link to their strike fund can be found here.
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delovidenie · 4 years
Лучшее на ютубе: Как окружение Александра Лукашенко зарабатывает на россиянах?
Режим Александра Лукашенко не только служит образцом российскому руководству в борьбе с протестами. Он еще и зарабатывает миллиарды рублей на контрабанде в Россию сигарет и цветов. Наш бюджет теряет от этого не менее 100 млрд рублей в год, а зарабатывает на этом окружение белорусского президента, выяснили в совместном расследовании «Проект», «БелСат» и Naviny.by. Текстовую версию […]
Сообщение Лучшее на ютубе: Как окружение Александра Лукашенко зарабатывает на россиянах? появились сначала на Деловидение.
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lobanov-logist · 4 years
Практически все машины отправляют на рентген, перевозчики не успевают доставить грузы вовремя.
На белорусской границе усилили досмотр грузовиков при ввозе товаров из Евросоюза. Тщательный контроль проходят машины, следующие как из Литвы, так и из Польши.
«Раньше проверки проводились выборочно, сейчас почти все машины загоняют на рентген. Просто идет стопроцентный досмотр.Вплоть до того, что полностью проверяют все вещи водителей, лежаки, ящики и так далее. Оформление машин на границе затянулось. Все сроки по доставке грузов вылетели», — рассказал Naviny.by один из белорусских импортеров.
Международный экспедитор M&M также столкнулся с более тщательным досмотром грузовиков, но это кардинально не повл��яло на работу компании.
«Более тщательный досмотр есть. Могут отправлять на рентген, а это занимает время. Формируется очередь, процесс оформления происходит дольше. Такие акции и раньше были, когда таможня проводит более углубленный досмотр. Они имеют на это право. У нас пока нет глобальных задержек и срывов», — сказали Naviny.by в транспортном отделе минского офиса M&M.
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Совет Европы (СЕ) готов помочь Минску в проведении реформ. Об этом сегодня, 14 августа, заявила генеральный секретарь СЕ Мария Пейчинович-Бурич.
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Иллюстрация: naviny.by
«Ситуация в Белоруссии продолжает вызывать обеспокоенность», — говорится в заявлении генсека.
Пейчинович-Бурич призвала белорусские власти «гарантировать свободу собраний и слова, воздержаться от задержаний мирных…
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anat82 · 4 years
У Мінську діджеїв засудили на 10 діб за пісню Цоя
У Мінську діджеїв засудили на 10 діб за пісню Цоя
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У Мінську в п’ятницю, 7 серпня, до десяти діб арешту засудили двох звукорежисерів, які напередодні під час міського заходу увімкнули пісню Віктора Цоя та групи “Кіно” “Перемен!”. Про це повідомили видання Naviny.by та “Медіазона”.
Діджеїв Кирила Галанова та Влада Соколовського обвинуватили в тому, що вони “поставивши музичний твір, що не відповідає формату заходу, зірвали проведення концерту”.…
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theukone-news · 4 years
В МИД Великобритании выразили обеспокоенность ситуацией в Беларуси в преддверии выборов
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Беларусь должна поддерживать демократические свободы, заявила заместитель госсекрета��я, министр по вопросам европейского соседства и делам Америки Соединенного Королевства Уэнди Мортон на встрече с послом Беларуси Сергеем Алейником.Как сообщает посольство Великобритании, встреча состоялась 4 августа в связи с завершением Алейником его дипломатической миссии.«В ходе встречи министр Мортон поблагодарила посла за семь ... Читать далее
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usaone-news · 4 years
Выборы-2020. Европа обеспокоена, Москва сдержанно молчит
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Отношение главных зарубежных партнеров Беларуси к президентской кампании-2020 несколько иное, чем в предыдущих случаях. Однако, как и прежде, на ее итоги это едва ли повлияет. А вот на судьбе страны поведение некоторых внешних игроков может сказаться серьезно. Украина настроена прагматично16 июня состоялась встреча посла Беларуси в Украине Игоря Сокола с заместителем ... Читать далее Слушай аудиоверсию в начале новости .listen-article text-align: center; .listen-article a font-style: italic!important; color: #000; border: 1px dashed #f37a24; background-color: #fddeb0; display: block; padding: 10px 5px; margin-bottom: 12px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; text-decoration: underline!important; .listen-article a:hover color: #2e7061; text-decoration: none!important; .listen-article a i text-decoration: none; margin: 0 8px; Нажмите, чтобы поделиться новостью @import url("https://usa.one/wp-content/themes/colormag/sharer.js/custom.css"); .other_news position: relative; margin-bottom: 30px; padding: 20px 40px 35px; background: #F3F3F3; .other_domain font-family: "Rubik"; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 24px; min-height: 24px; .other_hr margin: 10px 0 !important; position: relative; height: 21px!important; font-size: 0!important; line-height: 0!important; background: none!important; border: none; .other_hr hr:before content: ''; position: absolute; top: 50%; width: 100%; margin-top: -0.5px; border-top: 1px solid #1a5e02; left: 50%; margin-left: -50%; .other_news .class-h4 font-family: "Oswald"; font-size: 25px; font-weight: 500; line-height: 27px; min-height: 27px; margin-bottom: 15px !important; padding-bottom: 0; .other_news a:link, .other_news a:visited color: #08a915; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 500; .other_news a:hover color: rgba(13, 0, 0, 0.93); text-decoration: none !important; font-weight: 500 !important; .other_news .other_announce font-family: "Rubik"; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 24px; min-height: 24px; .other_news .other_announce color: #8d8d8d; margin-bottom: 0 !important;
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germaniaone · 4 years
Лукашенко: за 75 лет мирной жизни Беларусь заплатила слишком дорого
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Боль и горе, пережитые в годы Великой Отечественной войны, стали для следующих поколений белорусов настоящей травмой, заявил Александр Лукашенко заявил 20 июня на церемонии открытия мемориального комплекса памяти сожженных деревень ��огилевской области в деревне Борки Кировского района.Глава государства отметил, что нынешний год проходит под знаком священного для жителей страны праздника Реклама ((__lxGc__=window.__lxGc__||'s':,'b':0)['s']['_213741']=__lxGc__['s']['_213741']||'b':)['b']['_639289']='i':__lxGc__.b++; ((__lxGc__=window.__lxGc__||'s':,'b':0)['s']['_213741']=__lxGc__['s']['_213741']||'b':)['b']['_639290']='i':__lxGc__.b++; .two-p-block div text-align: center; .two-p-block:after content: ''; display: block; clear: both; #NavinyBy #АлександрЛукашенко #Люди #Могилев #Общество #Политика #Экономика
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cathkaesque · 4 years
“A member of the strike committee of Belaruskali OJSC Kudelevich Dmitry stopped communicating from 11 hours 17 minutes. Presumably Dmitry was detained in his car by unidentified persons,” the strike said in his Telegram channel.
“He spoke on the phone with a member of our strike committee, then the connection was cut off. We don't know yet what happened to him. He managed to say that two unknown persons approached him and demanded to get out of the car, ” Gleb Sandros, press attaché of the strike committee, told BelaPAN.
He confirmed the intention of the strike committee to start a hunger strike if the authorities continue to put pressure on the strikers.
On August 19, at a rally in the center of Salihorsk (Minsk region), representatives of the Belaruskali strike committee announced their readiness to start a hunger strike if the striking miners are under pressure: threats, dismissals, force. The strike committee stressed that according to the Constitution, workers "have the right to defend their economic and social interests, including through the exercise of the right to strike."
A list of the strike committee's demands was made public at the meeting:
to recognize the results of the presidential elections as invalid;
to bring Alyaksandr Lukashenka and Lydia Yarmoshyna to justice for crimes against the people and falsification of elections;
to release all political prisoners and participants in peaceful actions, to recognize all decisions and sentences passed against them as unfounded and illegal;
not to allow the use of administrative measures in the form of disciplinary, administrative and criminal punishment against persons participating in the strike;
keep the present collective agreement of OJSC "Belaruskali" in effect for the duration of the strike and until its expiration;
to abolish the contractual form of hiring with the preservation of the income of workers, where the tariff part is at least 80% of the employee's income.
The strike committee demanded that the leadership of "Belaruskali" publish the listed requirements in the media and "other resources that provide mass information to the public and state bodies."
Now some of the processing plants at Belaruskali do not work. The workers agreed to meet daily at 9:00 and 16:00 to discuss the current situation.
JSC "Belaruskali" is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of potash fertilizers. According to the International Fertilizer Association, it accounts for a fifth of the world's potash production. The company's products are exported to more than 120 countries. 100% of the shares of Belaruskali belong to the Republic of Belarus. According to the latest official data, the company employs more than 16 thousand people.
Managers of state companies are trying to end the strikes through repression. Workers at the MTZ tractor factory in Minsk (where Lukashenko was booed during a visit) have threatened with dismissal and fines for striking on Tuesday, forcing them back to work, while the Ministry of Health has begun sacking strikers. Where the strike is best organised in the Potash mines, the state is disappearing members of the strike committee
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arayay · 4 years
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How the EU and the WHO are helping Belarusian healthcare workers save lives 28-07-2020 The EU and the World Health Organization (WHO) have delivered personal protective equipment (PPE) to healthcare workers in the region of Minsk, as part of the EU’s two-year assistance programme for the Belarusian healthcare system. The programme's budget is over €3 million. On 13 July, over 450,000 units of personal protective equipment were shipped, including 300,000 medical masks, over 130,000 respirators, 6,000 goggles, 6,000 face shields and over 10,000 medical gowns. There are 25% fewer patients now than a month ago,” says Marya Yanukovich, deputy chief physician of the Minsk Regional Tuberculosis Dispensary. Author: Elena Spasyuk Article published in Russian by Naviny.by The personal protective equipment is part of the WHO’s and EU’s broader assistance to prevent, detect and respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Over the next two years, the two institutions will continue to support Belarus in strengthening the country's capacity to respond to public health emergencies. In particular, they will provide advisory and expert assistance to strengthen the healthcare system and prepare it for similar situations in the future, as “COVID-19 won’t be the last virus to haunt us”, according to Batyr Berdyklychev, WHO representative in Belarus. “At the moment, we are discussing with the Ministry of Health the activities for the next two years,” says the WHO representative. https://www.euneighbours.eu/ru/vostok/eu-in-action/stories/sokhranit-kazhdogo-kak-evrosoyuz-i-voz-pomogayut-belorusskim-medikam (at Belarus) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMY-d-HP2z/?igshid=1tfcovp7fzgxz
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euromaidanpress · 4 years
[box] What started as random gatherings in support of Opposition presidential candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanovskaya, as well as the first demonstrations of Women in White, quickly evolved into a country-wide Belarusian protest against the obviously rigged elections of 9 August 2020. After days of brutal government repression with some 7,000 protestors detained and tortured, on 18 August, the Belarusian Opposition launched a Coordination Council for the Transfer of Power in Belarus. The council’s mandate is to coordinate a peaceful and orderly transfer of power from Alyaksander Lukashenka, the incumbent president, and to hold a new, free and fair presidential election at the earliest opportunity. About 70 members of the council are public opinion and professional leaders from various backgrounds. The council is expected to elect a seven-member presidium which will then elect a chairperson.
The official Coordination Council is underpinned by hundreds of small rallies, strikes and individual statements from people representing various professions. Their support is exceptionally diverse; including state enterprises, TV channels, governmental bodies, municipal councils and other public officials. Widespread support is the main prerequisite for the success of what might be termed a Belarusian revolution. Here are a few broad brushstrokes of this wide and diverse landscape. [/box]
First municipality challenges Lukashenka
Opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanovskaya called on protesters to demand local authorities to support protests through public statements. Such a coordinated action could launch a devastating blow to Lukashenka’s regime. If the majority of local councils upheld the protesters, Lukashenka’s administrative support would be greatly undermined. On 19 August, protests were crowned by a first such success. After a mass rally in Grodno the previous evening, the city administration released a statement where it fulfilled protesters’ demands.
Mass demonstration in Grodno city center on 18 August evening:
Specifically, the Grodno municipality created the Council of Public Accord with representatives both from local authorities and civil society. The city was to allow events in the central squares. And as long as notification of public events was received in advance, medical, technical and communication support would be provided. Protesters would be allowed airtime on Grodno local TV. Most importantly, fulfilling two key demands, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee issued a public apology, and citizens detained for participating in so-called “unauthorized mass events” were released.
Musicians, museum workers, and sportsmen
As often happens, preceding even the early gatherings of protestors are actions by other sectors of society which can go unnoticed. Prior to the mass demonstrations that were broadcast around the world, artists, writers, and musicians, and other cultural and intellectual elites, were already in motion. Theaters, museums, sports teams, and many other non-political communities were organizing their own small rallies. An interesting feature of the Belarusian uprising has been that many unique sectors of society held their own rally, in addition to participating in the larger rallies. Important to note is that the majority of cultural institutions in Belarus are state-owned, making any form of protest almost certain to result in job loss — at the very least — and certainly high-risk.
One of these early protests saw exactly that consequence. The troupe of the Minsk’s oldest and grandest Kupalauski theater took part in anti-government rallies. As a reprisal, theater director Paval Latushka was fired. The entire troupe then resigned in solidarity and carried out a vigorous outburst near the theater. They attracted hundreds of supporters who joined them.
Actors of Kupalauski theater recording the video. Source: charter97.org
Latushka has directed what is the nation’s most prominent theatre since 2019. Earlier he served in Lukashenka’s government as ambassador to Poland, France and Spain, and as communications director for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His protest amounted not only to that of a cultural manager but also to that of a politician.
“In the life of every person there comes a line that cannot be crossed, says Latushka. That moment came for me when I saw people coming out of prisons, talking about the violence against them. I became ashamed. I considered it my moral duty to express my position.” 
The Kupalauski troupe released a video, demanding fair elections and calling for police to serve the people rather than a dictator.
Performers of the Kupalauski theater continue their demonstration on 20 August. This time wearing Belarusian national costumes. Source: tut.by
Belarusians come to the Kupalauski theater to support actors. Source: Naviny.by
Other protests by members of the arts included the Musicians of the Belarusian State Philharmony and Ryhor Shirma State Choir. Some 200 musicians gathered in the square in front of the Belarusian State Philharmony to support the protesters. The assembly turned into a full-fledged concert.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBFyWosE_og %5B/embedyt%5D%5Bembedyt%5D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBFyWosE_og %5B/embedyt%5D
The Ryhor Shirma State Choir performing the spiritual anthem of the Belarusians Magutny Bozha (Powerful God). Source: Tut.by
The staff of Belarusian museums also came together in protest, and to commemorate a tragic loss. During demonstrations on 15 August, Konstantin Shishmakov, director of the Military History Museum in Volkovysk disappeared. Later, his family learned that he refused to sign the falsified protocol of the election commission. He called his wife in late afternoon and said: “I will not work here anymore, I am going home.” But he never came home. On 18 August, he was found dead. While police claim he committed suicide, museum colleagues believe this to be a lie.
Employees of the National Art Museum of Belarus and the National Historical Museum also gathered to express solidarity – this time with all Belarusians who disappeared before and after the elections.
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Belarusian sports heroes did not stand aside during these events. They have pledged to refuse representation of Belarus, if Lukashenka’s government continues its repression of citizens. More than 200 sports celebrities, including Olympic medal winners and world or European champions signed an open letter demanding the authorities to recognize the 9 August elections as invalid and to release all detained protesters as well as all Belarusian political prisoners. One of the nation’s champion handball players Artem Korolek commented about the events:
“I didn’t expect that it would happen that way, because everyone associates Belarus with calmness and order. Moreover, it all began peacefully … For me, this is horror. I could not believe what was happening, such cruel indifference to people who had not smashed a single storefront, nothing was on fire, everything went quietly. And yet more, already before the elections, I was shocked how in daylight some strange car arrives, and some strange athletic guys without uniform start taking people away. I thought we were living in 2020, not the 90s.”
Artem Korolek during the handball game. Source: tut.by
State media
During the height of the protests, on 14 August, journalists of the state media presented an appeal to the Minister of Information.
“The fact that many of our colleagues in the state media are resigning is not fake, not political technology, not a paid PR campaign. This is a call of conscience and the impossibility to calmly look at the ongoing violence. Choosing our profession, and not a place of work, we thought that we should be objective conductors of sometimes polar opinions,” the appeal says.
However, the appeal had little impact on the official media policy. For example, state channel STV broadcast a crude anti-Tsikhanovskaya propaganda clip with her image imposed on scenes of war and destruction.
A number of employees of state-run Belteleradio company announced a strike. At first, only 55 out of 1,500 employees participated in the demonstration. Later their numbers grew. As a consequence, a majority of the protesters were either dismissed or resigned themselves. On 20 August, former employees of Belteleradio, who quit, decided to launch an alternative TV-channel.
Lukashenka’s regime, however, does not consider strikes as enough of a threat to change media policy. Sources have reported that at least six fired technical workers were replaced by workers from Russia. Incentives included generous salaries of some US$2,500 (much more than that of fired employees) and other social benefits.
Demonstration of the employees of state-run Belteleradio. Source: Naviny.by
Along with Belteleradio employees, other state media also announced strikes or presented their demands to Lukashenka.
For example, the staff of the state newspaper Zvezda demanded to stop censorship and threatened to start a strike. They also demanded the publication of objective, truthful, and varied content in the newspaper; as well as an end to harassment, pressure, moral and physical violence against journalists performing their professional duties. However, the government’s answer showed that Lukashenka intends to fight to the very end. Zvezda’s editor-in-chief Pavel Sukhorukov was dismissed, and the Ministry of Information officials conducted telephone “conversations” with deputy editors-in-chief.
Belarusian doctors stay close to protesters
Belarusian doctors expressed their solidarity with protesters from the outset of demonstrations. They demanded a stop to repression and to allow doctors access to detained people who required help — especially those who had been beaten or otherwise injured. Doctors sent an open appeal to the Minister of Health Vladimir Karanik. The appeal was signed by more than 300 medical workers:
We, like most of our colleagues, have to look with pain and disappointment at what is happening now in the healthcare system. Numerous patients come with bullet wounds of various localization, including penetrating wounds; including damage of internal organs; mine and explosive injuries, including those with brain damage, traumatic amputations of limbs, extensive defects. This is not a complete list of what doctors have to deal with at the moment.
Doctors protesting in a solidarity chain. Source: tut.by
From the first day of protests, Belarusian doctors stayed close to protesters, offering medical and psychological help. Psychologists have been willing to work with Belarusians who suffered mentally during the protests. Dentists have offered to fix broken teeth. Traumatologists have worked around the clock to examine wounds and help with treatment. A list of volunteer doctors and private clinics was prepared and is regularly updated so that protesters can obtain any required help.
Workers of factories – the main force of the Belarusian protest
Workers rally in Minsk. Source: tut.by
Industrial workers have been, without a doubt, the main drivers of the Belarusian protest. Their clout has been especially powerful when taking into account that the country’s industrialized economy would severely suffer under mass strikes. According to belzabastovka.org — the online outlet providing updates on the Belarusian strike — more than 100 state enterprises have announced strikes. And there are not “some 20 people,” as Lukashenka said, but thousands are refusing to work until their demands for free elections are fulfilled.
As stated on belzabastovka.org more than 100 Belarusian factories in key industrial centers announced strikes.
  [box]Among these companies are pillars of the Belarusian economy — such as the Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ) with 15,000 employees and BelarusKali (Potash Fertilizers) with 16,000. Like other protestors nationwide, these workers are also demanding Lukashenka’s resignation and new fair elections. They have strategically chosen companies which will lend a direct blow to the Belarus economy that is highly dependent on them.[/box]
Reportedly, workers who supported the strike are being fired. MAZ is cancelling the contracts of those who joined the strike committee. Some workers are being intimidated and threatened with criminal persecution. Many workers do not believe they will compensated or in any way supported.
Nonetheless, to assist those who were unlawfully dismissed due to their political stance, Belarusians have created a Solidarity Fund. The fund has already collected €1 million from the donations of rdinary people. Everyone who is unlawfully dismissed can receive €1,500 — equal to three average monthly salaries.
Another similar initiative run by a private foundation, the social program known as Kali Laska, is helping prepare the children of unlawfully dismissed workers for the upcoming school term, hiring school staff, purchasing textbooks, funding sports equipment, and so on.
Some staff members of Belarusian Government and Ambassadors also support protests
[box] Although not yet in mass numbers, employees of various governmental bodies are also protesting against police violence and, even more importantly, advocating for Lukashenka’s removal. Every single protest by governmental officials in Belarus is important and inspiring to regular citizens. The government is entirely controlled by the president and is the main pillar of his power. Any hesitation among state officials means a major setback for Lukashenka. [/box]
Igor Leshchenya, Belarusian ambassador to Slovakia, was among the first government officials to oppose Lukashenka. On 15 August he resigned and posted a stinging video supporting protestors.
“Hundreds of my compatriots felt that staff of law enforcement agencies have restored the traditions of the NKVD in full scale at the European-tolerant Belarus of the 21st century … I express my solidarity with those who participated in peaceful rallies so that their voices can be heard,” said Leshchenya.
On 17 August, two senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a rally in front of the ministerial building. The head of the Historical and Archival Department, Viacheslav Kazachenok, and Deputy Head of the Eurasian Integration Department, Elena Kopaneva, were photographed holding blank sheets of paper to demonstrate they are ready to resign. At the same time, they acknowledged that they are all statesmen,” emphasizing that Belarusian state is not exclusively Lukashenka’s.
“Stay with the people, please stop the genocide. Free people from prison, give them medical aid,” Kazachenok urged riot police. He also addressed the president directly: “Why not keep your word and leave with a suitcase under your arm? You were separated from the people long ago and hopelessly.”
Viacheslav Kazachenok and Elena Kopaneva protest near Belarusian Ministry of Foreign affairs. Source: tut.by
On 18 August, Belarusian Ambassador to Spain Pavel Pustovoi posted a statement on Facebook where he demanded a vote recount the vote and prosecution for those who beat protesters, as well as those who provoked violence.
Also on 18 August, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Belarusian Consul General Igor Bondarev and the Consul Vitaly Kniazev supported a joint address of Belarusian diaspora representatives that was point-blank directed at Lukashenka in which they demanded a stop to violence against peaceful protesters.
Ministry of Internal Affairs says it’s not a ‘regime’ but part of society
The Ministry of Internal Affairs that controls the police and is the key ministry for Lukashenka’s hold onto his dictatorial regime also released a statement on 18 August. Although not a statement of support for protesters, surprisingly it also expresses loyalty, and encourages all concerned to seek understanding between protesters and police rather than to condemn demonstrations. The statement begins: “Sharing concern about the future of the country and people, without condemning the aspirations of compatriots for positive and peaceful changes,” and was published by the press secretary of the ministry. The ministry seems to recognize its responsibility and wrongdoing for excessive violence of some police units, but at the same time emphasizes that the majority of police officers serve only to protect people and are not offenders.
“A misleading attitude is being formed: to be a law enforcement officer is a shame and bad, – reads the statement. All police officers are demonized without exception. [Some activists and politicians] expect from us a pathetic refusal from certificates, joining the columns of protesters …”
Most of the remaining police wear uniforms in order to serve society and the state. And people who call on ‘honest policemen’ to throw out this form do not give answers to simple and logical questions … If all the police quit, who will defend Belarusians who remain at home while the other part of them expresses their opinion on the streets? … We are not a ‘regime,’ we are a part of society! Right now, we are obliged to serve in our places as never before.’
Along with some police officers, a number of soldiers of the Belarusian army joined protests, undermining Lukashenka’s military support. In particular, 30 paratroopers — considered to be elite troops — participated in city rallies, wearing their uniform t-shirts. Several protesters met them with applause.
  Paratroopers protesting in Minsk. Source: charter97.org
Paratroopers also came to the streets of Grodno. Source: RFE/RL
Despite the widespread support of protests, Lukashenka has no intention of resigning. He continues to organize rallies in his support, by mobilizing state workers, the army, and arms of the government. As far as the increasing support of protestors by NATO countries, Lukashenko claims they are interfering in Belarusian affairs and spurring revolution.
    From ambassadors to sports heroes – Belarusian protests encompass all social groups What started as random gatherings in support of Opposition presidential candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanovskaya, as well as the first demonstrations of Women in White, quickly evolved into a country-wide Belarusian protest against the obviously rigged elections of 9 August 2020.
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