cityofsherlockgames · 11 years
Trick or treat! :}
Happy Halloween, lovely! xx :D
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thedoctorshere · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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happ-e-nsanity · 12 years
TAG. YOU'RE IT. The rules are to state 10 random facts about yourself. Then, go to your 10 favorite blogs and tell them they're it. Don't forget to tag me so I can see what you write.
aw thanks!
1. I’m 20 but I look like I’m 15.
2. I love animals, especially toads and frogs.
3. I love Walmart brand lemonade (its actually really good!)
4. I have one brother, and hes my best friend in the world.
5. I kind of have a peanut butter obsession right now.
6. I just finished catching up on season 7 of Doctor Who
7. I am a chocoholic.
8. I drink my coffee black.
9. I am a huge fan of the Chicago White Sox.
10. I have an irrational fear of sharks and raptors. 
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pigemmitte · 12 years
TAG. YOU'RE IT. The rules are to state 10 random facts about yourself. Then, go to your 10 favorite blogs and tell them they're it. Don't forget to tag me so I can see what you write.
Hiii, thanks for tagging :) 
So facts about me then: 
1. I want to learn how to play the guitar. 
2. I’m obsessed with Supernatural. 
3. I’m brunette. 
4. I’m interested in interior design. 
5. I want to move to the USA, California probably. 
6. I don’t like snow and cold at all. So basically I hate winter. But early spring is worse, because all the snow melts and everything’s wet and just ew. 
7. I’m thinking about being an exchange student for a year, probably in the USA, but I’m not really sure yet. 
8. I’m graduating secondary school (9th grade) this June. 
9. My favorite bands that I listen the most lately are Imagine Dragons, You Me At Six, Fall Out Boy and Fun. 
10. My favorite fruits are bananas. :D 
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New follower welcome extravaganza!
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Hello guys, took me a bit to do this(Ok, a lot...Got a tiny bit caught up with homework and stuff) Just want to say hello to the following people: http://itscandidlycara.tumblr.com/ http://red-han-solo-cup.tumblr.com/ http://www.iwanafun.com/ (Bit NSFW.) http://zoeagility15.tumblr.com/
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Right then, feel free to chat, ask and geek out and stuff, no need to be shy, I don't bite(unless you are made of chocolate, in which case, I probably will.), so go ahead, I don't mind, I'm always eager to talk,  I'll always listen.  So once again, thank you all for the follow! 
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foreverpainfulwonder · 12 years
navigatingtimeshift started following you
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hi dear, thanks for following :D 
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shortysquadpresident · 12 years
navigatingtimeshift and misslaneye started following you
Hello, you beautiful people, you!
Welcome! And thank you so much for following me!
I hope you enjoy everything you see and that I don't freak you out too intensely with my fangirliness.
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carrrrra · 12 years
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you`ve tagged them
(consider it a follower get-to-know-you)
I was tagged by: thegingerstakecardiff
My questions:
1. If you could have been born in any place or time, where would it be?
Greeks would've been cool But... I guess some time in the future? Like... 100 years? And I'd stay in the UK 
2. Favourite tv show/s?
Doctor Who, Sherlock, Merlin, Qi, Torchwood, Friends, The Big Bang Theory... I don't watch a lot of TV o.o
3. Your OTPS!
Have to be Merthur or Johnlock, but Doctor/Master is perfect too <3 
4. Favourite actor/s?
David Tennant, Matt Smith or Colin Morgan
5. Do you have a whole big life dreams and goals that are totally full of awesome/world domination plans?
Ughh... I'd love to be a writer. Love it.  World domination? Not really my style. Too much effort. I'd happily sit there and let someone take over the world for me though. That would be my kind of life. 
6. If world domination plans, can I help?
Yes. You can do the taking over part
7. Do you speak any other languages? (Fangirl gibberish doesn`t count sadly)
Well in school Welsh has been compulsory ever since we started. I don't know a lot, though. Same with French, though I started that four years ago and dropped it last year (I am freee)
8. If you could become writer/producer of one tv show for its last season what show and what would you do?
Well if I'm honest, I'd love to do something original, but of the TV shows that exist..
Sherlock would be fun, but I'd be afraid that I would write it very, very badly.
Doctor Who would be amazing fun.
And Merlin-- OH WAIT. 
9. Chocolate/Strawberry/Vanilla ice cream?
Chocolate. No competition.
10. How many of your favourite characters have been killed/pretend killed/may be coming back to life one day recently?
Do I have to count? I'll spend the rest of my life counting.
11. (I`m running short here guys ..) Did you have a good new year? :)
Hell yes I watched the Sherlock Holmes movies with my family and got my mum crushing on Robert Downey Jr.  with me.
My questions!
1. First of all … name?
2. Where are you from?
Wales, UK
3. Favourite character? (from anything)
Have to be.... Shit. The Doctor?
4. OTP!
Merthur or Johnlock or whatever I said back up there.
5. Last film you watched?
That would be The Matrix
6. If you could live anywhere, were would it be?
... Tokyo? London? Belfast? New York?
7. Favourite tv show/s?
Whatever I said up there~
8. If you could be supreme ruler of the universe for a day, what would you do and why?
Make everything I've ever wished for (and what everyone else does too,) canon~
9. Did you have a good christmas?
I did I did <3
10. How did you find my blog and why the hell did you follow me?
Can't remember how I found you...
But I followed you 'cause you were a load of awesomeness~
11. And finally … can we be friends?
Yes. Yes let's be friends *cries* I don't want to be alone any more XD
My questions~
1. The fandom you are most scared of on the entire www?
2. What item do you want most, and what would you give for it?
3. On a scale to Sherlock to Captain Jack Harkness, what does your 'sexual history' look like?
4. How do you go about making friends? Both on and off Tumblr.
5. What did you do before Tumblr?
6. What would you make your OTP do if you held the power of the Gods?
7. Fanart or fanfiction? Why?
8. Favourite subjects at school? (ahahahaha. Should I rephrase that to 'Least painful subject'?)
9. Can you draw? Would you like to?
10. Any instruments you play/want to play?
11. Have my children.
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thedoctorshere · 12 years
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Tumblr Crushes:
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pmaxshay · 11 years
No vlog...
Sorry(those of you who watch my videos) I didn't upload a vlog! It's because me and Catt have both felt ill for days and didn't record anything after college we just went home really but they'll be one next week!
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iidelirium · 12 years
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spacepossum · 12 years
Oh goodness, I seem to have gained two followers in the night!
[Booo new notifications on Tumblr. Missing-e doesn't reblog them like they used to and I am upSET.]
In case you guys missed it, I just hit 150 followers a few days ago and made a celebratory welcome post.
Welcome to the family sarageorgia and navigatingtimeshift!!
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frompawntoqueen · 12 years
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navigatingtimeshift started following you
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konnfusion · 12 years
navigatingtimeshift started following you.
Thank you ever so much! :D
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mother-to-dragons · 12 years
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navigatingtimeshift started following you
Welcome my dear follower!  
I hope you enjoy my blog and its addition to your dashboard!
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hxghgarden · 12 years
Ok so I just gained 5 followers in like, the last hour and while this may not be a big deal to some, I just want to say thank you, because it's just not been a great day. I found out a family member died suddenly today and coming on here and having people around that like what I post enough to come on my blog has really helped to brighten my day a little bit. So thank you, new followers, I hope I can make you as happy as you've made me <3 
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