#naver logs
waaanderingluna · 1 year
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🥀 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕳𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖑𝖊 𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖂𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕸𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖌 𝕺𝖚𝖙
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missywritesfor7 · 5 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
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Ch. 17: Emotions
Treatment isn���t easy for Yoongi. Dealing with the effects of withdrawal is one thing, but having to face his feelings head on is the hardest. He’s felt like quitting a number of times, but every evening he gets a message from Hyeri that reminds him why he’s doing this.
Hyeri had tried to limit her communication with Yoongi while he’s in treatment. She thought it was nice that they allowed him to keep his phone, but she had done a bit of online research and came to the conclusion that talking to him too much could do more harm than good. She keeps her messages down to a summary text at the end of each day. She does her best to only send positive messages. Nothing about her now daily conflicts with JJS, or how she’s been searching for a way out because they continue to treat her like she’s a troublesome burden. That stress she’s been carrying on her own.
For Yoongi, he only knows what Hyeri tells him. So in his mind she’s doing perfectly fine. She’s working hard and simply waiting for her next role. He’s happy that she’s doing well and it helps him relax more knowing he doesn’t have to worry about her.
Although he’s still allowed internet access he hasn’t spent much time looking at social media. He did once and he came across the ever vicious rumor mill spreading lies about Jimin owing a gambling debt to someone. It was so ridiculous that all he could do was laugh, but when he had his session with Minho the laugh turned to a cry.
Up until then he mostly spoke about Hyeri and himself in his sessions. That day he had to explore his feelings towards his members and that hurt him more. It was never a question whether he loves them, but he didn’t realize how much of their pain he put on himself. The rumors about Jimin were laughable, but Yoongi took it personal. He felt bad for Jimin being dragged through the mud for no reason and he felt helpless to do anything to protect him. Someone as sweet and selfless as Jimin doesn’t deserve that. None of the members do. After that, Minho suggested Yoongi stay away from socials and so he did.
Until today. While having lunch he found himself going down a rabbit hole that simply started with him trying to figure out the type of wood that was used in the construction of the cabin he’s staying in. After reading the history of log cabins around the world and the best wood for different climates, he saw a random Naver article at the bottom of the page he was on that caught his attention.
Rainbow heard arguing with manager, acting career over?
Laugh. He’s supposed to laugh these things off. He’s telling himself to laugh. He’s not laughing. He’s watching a video taken of Hyeri and he’s not laughing at all.
He knew not to click the article. He knew not to play the video someone candidly took from their cell phone. He knew better but did it anyway. The video shows Hyeri yelling at her manager in a rage. He hadn’t seen her like that with anyone other than him. The soft spoken Na Hyeri was unloading on her manager about the jobs she’s not being offered and how they keep lying to her about it. She mentions being forced to accept tiny roles for no money because they’re punishing her for telling the truth.
Last night, Hyeri had a shoot for what she was told was a commercial for a new perfume. What it turned out to be was a small budget shoot for an amateur made air freshener spray. When she learned that the shoot was unpaid, which they also lied about at first, she unleashed her rage towards her manager.
Hyeri thought they were alone. She asked to speak to her manager out back. She had no idea someone was standing by recording for some reason. Almost as soon as it happened, the video was everywhere. She’s horrified by the invasion of privacy and even more horrified that she once again finds herself the center of controversy.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, she gets a message from Yoongi today asking her what’s going on and if she’s ok. Last night when she got home after the entire fiasco, she sent Yoongi her usual text telling him she had a small shoot and that was it. Now it seems he’s seen the news and she knows he’s not too happy about her not telling him about how bad things have gotten between her and JJS.
She admits that things have been rocky, but she didn’t feel it was anything she needed to worry him about. Of course now that he knows, it’s got him more worried than if she had told him from the start. Once more her silence has caused the exact thing she wanted to avoid.
Unconvinced that she’s ok, Yoongi decides to call Hyeri. Until now they’ve only texted each other. They both agreed that it would be best that way until he’s made it through the rough beginnings of his sobriety. Today he doesn’t care about that though. He needs to hear her voice to be sure she’s ok.
“You’re breaking the rules, Yoon-gya,” Hyeri chuckles when she answers.
“I think I deserve a pass this once,” he responds relieved to hear her voice and to hear that she doesn’t seem to be in any distress.
“You didn’t believe me when I said I was ok?” She jokes.
“You tend to lie about that a lot,” he chuckles.
“Look who’s talking,” she laughs softly.
It feels like nothing has changed but at the same time it feels the way it felt when their relationship was fresh and new. They talk about anything and giggle at how cute each other sounds for about an hour before Yoongi finally asks what he initially called her for.
“So are you going to tell me about the video?” He asks.
“I hate people always invading my privacy,” she huffs.
“What’s this about the roles you’ve been getting? I thought you were working on some commercials?”
“I was. It’s just that they’re small commercials. The small kind that don’t pay,” she admits with shame.
“I know, but I tried to stand up for myself,” she says hoping for praise. “I finally told them how the way they’re treating me is bullshit. I found roles that I wanted to go for and they got upset about it.”
“I’m proud of you,” he says. He knows opposing anyone is hard for her. For her to stand up to JJS after she had been so complacent before is a big step. “You don’t even sound like you’ve been crying,” he jokes.
“I’m not the same Hyeri I used to be,” she chuckles. “But….” She trails off not finishing her sentence.
“I’m still a little…scared I guess.” She didn’t want to admit to that. She doesn’t want him worried about her, but they had been having such a good talk that she was about to release her troubles to him out of habit. He’s her best friend and she had been holding her fears in since she couldn’t tell him. Now it’s out there and she knows he’ll try to pry every feeling out of her in an attempt to understand, comfort, and fix every issue.
“Scared of what?” He asks.
“Everything. Losing everything. JJS isn’t going to treat me right so I need to leave them, but then where can I go?”
“Have you been looking around?”
“Yeah, but what if I’m rejected by everyone? What if this is it for my acting career? I could go back to music but you know acting is my passion.”
“Baby, I’ve told you I can get you in contact with people. Anything you need. You don’t have to try to do this on your own.”
“But I can’t have you help me,” she sighs. “Not right now at least. You need to focus on you.”
“I’m doing fine. Let me know what company you want to go for and I can find a contact and get you in touch.”
“Yoongi stop.” This is exactly what she knew he would do and exactly why she didn’t want to say anything. “I mean it. I’m scared but I’m not completely helpless. Please focus on your recovery and don’t worry so much about me.”
“I know,” he groans. “It’s just hard when I’m away.”
“What’s going to convince you that I’m fine?”
“I don’t know,” he huffs. “If I could see you or…hold you…”
“I just need you to trust me. If I’m not ok I’ll let you know.”
“Will you?”
“Of course. I promise. I just need you to trust me. Trust me and keep taking care of yourself. Can you promise me that?” She pleas.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “I promise I’ll take care of myself. I promise I’ll be better so I can see you sooner. I miss you.”
“I miss you too. Don’t worry about me.”
“Can you at least promise me you won’t keep things from me anymore? I know you don’t want to worry me but I think I worry more when you don’t tell me what’s going on. Whether it’s good or bad, I just want to be able to support you.”
“I know. I promise, babe.”
“I love you so much, Bow.” She can’t tell but he’s suddenly holding back tears. Talking to her, hearing her voice is so calming to him. He misses her so much and though he knows this is for a better future, it still hurts to be separated from her.
“I love you too, Yoon-gya.”
Hyeri misses him just as much. Dealing with the stress JJS has had her under has been exceptionally difficult without Yoongi being there to comfort her when she feels overwhelmed. All she can do is ask herself what Yoongi would do. Every time she does she ends up in trouble or the talk of the town for a while. It’s not all bad though. She’s been walked over her whole life because she never felt like she had a voice and was afraid to speak up. Now she does and she feels good setting boundaries and fighting for herself. She fears for the future, but she at least knows she won’t let anyone walk all over her again.
Yoongi got an extra boost of motivation after talking to Hyeri. He was determined more than ever to return to her soon and healthy. He still worries about her, but hearing her voice and how she didn’t sound sad at all helped him feel better.
Minho has been helping a lot as well. Yoongi still has a long way to go, but Minho could always find a way to make Yoongi feel safe when he’s vulnerable. Each session he opens up more and he feels much lighter being able to talk about things he had been holding on to for a while.
His next session after talking to Hyeri, Yoongi is much more enthusiastic and bright. He tells Minho about their conversation and how he’s happy to be getting the help he needs so he can be the best for her, his members, and his fans. But especially Hyeri.
Only a week has passed since hearing Hyeri’s voice, but Yoongi feels like he’s made a lot of progress recently. He even sent a message in the group chat with the rest of the guys to tell them how he’s doing. He was optimistic and it was refreshing for the rest of the guys. They praised him for doing well and expressed how they can’t wait to see him again.
He’s in the middle of making himself dinner. Nothing special, just a simple pasta dish with a bit of steak. He found passion for cooking again and had been taking the time to cook each one of his meals. That’s just how motivated Hyeri made him.
He’s got his steak cooking in the pan and his pasta already in a bowl. Everything smells good and he feels great. To make things even better he gets a call from Hyeri. He hasn’t heard her voice since last week and he’s been dying to hear her again.
“Hey, babe,” he says when he answers.
“Hey,” she responds. “I wanted to call you because it would be easier than texting. I did it!” She shouts in excitement.
“Did what?” He asks confused but equally enthusiastic.
“I told JJS to go fuck themselves!” She giggles.
“You what?” He asks freezing in place.
“I’m done with them. I want to go for the lead in a super duper huge new series. It’s…maybe a bit ambitious,” she says shyly. “But I could at least audition but they tried to give me more bullshit about taking a break and being compliant so I told them to shove their compliance up their ass.”
“Wow,” he says in disbelief. She’s typically not the one to do such a thing, and certainly not when she hasn’t found another agency yet. “You really did that?”
“Yeah! I’m sick of them treating me like shit. I should’ve listened to you in the beginning and left them a long time ago.” She pauses and takes a deep breath. “I don’t know what happens next, but I’m happy. They won’t stress me out any longer.”
“Baby, that’s incredible! I wish I could take you out to celebrate.”
“We’ll have plenty of time for that later,” she giggles. “I’m just happy to be free.”
“I’m happy too.” He pauses and thinks a moment before speaking again. “Are you at home?”
“Yeah,” she responds. “Of course I am, why?”
“I want to see you.”
“How? I mean you can’t.”
“Sure I can. I want to see you so let’s video call,” he suggests.
“What? I mean no, I think it’s too soon. We already broke the rule about not talking on the phone.”
“Just once,” he pleads. “Plus I want to show you the dinner I made.”
“I don’t know,” she hesitates.
“I’m switching to video,” he says not giving her a choice. He switches to video and waits for her to do the same. “Please,” he pleads again. “Just for a minute, baby.”
She gives in and turns the video on after rushing to try fixing herself up a bit. Her camera turns on and Yoongi can instantly see why she was reluctant to video chat.
“You’ve been crying?” He asks noticing how her eyes are just a slight bit puffy. Her attempt to hide under the shadows of the low lighting in the bedroom wasn’t enough to fool him.
“No,” she lies.
“Hyeri!” He fusses.
“I mean I’m a little scared, I told you that.”
“But you’ve been crying.”
He wants to protect her. He wants to hold her and make sure she never cries alone. He would fix all of her problems and wipe every tear. She knew he would feel this way and that’s why she didn’t want him to know she had been crying. His priority is her now and she doesn’t want it to be.
“Just a little,” she admits. “It’s a big step and the future is unknown, but I’m ok. I’ve got a few agencies that I’m looking into. Don’t worry about me, Yoon-gya, I’ve got this. I told you, I’m not the same Hyeri I was before.”
“You’re sure you’re ok?” He asks still not convinced.
“You’ll never believe me, will you?” She chuckles.
“No,” he smiles.
“What about you though? How are you doing?”
“I feel better each day. I feel better hearing your voice and seeing your face.”
“Therapy is good?”
“Yeah,” he boasts. “It’s going great.”
That’s the truth, Yoongi has been getting better each day. He makes progress in many different ways. However, every time he thinks he’s made progress in one area, something in an old but forgotten area pops up.
Hyeri has been happy with her choice. She isn’t getting work, but that’s all going to change once she signs with a new agency. Though that had been in limbo for a little while.
JJS decided they would sue Hyeri for breaking her contract. They want her to pay damages for not holding up her end, claiming she’s cost them lots of money. She’s terrified since she’s never been sued before, but she couldn’t stand by without countersuing for her own reasons. The lies and especially the unpaid roles they had her doing without telling her from the start that they would be unpaid.
Yoongi got Hyeri in contact with an attorney he knows and trusts. Hyeri was happy, because without company resources she didn’t know how she’d get an attorney. It’s all a mess, but they both feel optimistic. There’s plenty of proof that JJS were in the wrong so she hopes it will be an easy case.
Just because it seems like it’s an easy case, doesn’t mean it will be a quick one. While the case is ongoing, Hyeri managed to land a deal with a new agency about two weeks after telling JJS to shove it. She’s ecstatic and eager to get working again.
Yoongi feels good that she’s found a new company. He’s happy that she seems in good spirits despite how long her case is taking in court. He’s happy that she’s happy. He’s happy.
He’s outside laying on top of the picnic table staring into the sky. His jaw is tightly clinched and his ears are welled with tears that have rolled down the side of his face. He wants a drink so bad right now.
He was fine at first. He started his day with some fruit and iced coffee. He played on his keyboard that he had brought in so he could work on music. Then he went walking outside a little. During his walk his mind started wandering as it typically does. But for some reason his mind was on Hyeri. Not that that’s unusual, but the thoughts went from typical longing to pure anxiety.
He knows Hyeri is trying to stay strong, but he knows her too well to believe that she’s doing as ok as she says she is. He’s worried about her. Worried that she’s going to bed sad and alone every night. Worried that he’s been away too long. Worried that something else may happen to her and he won’t be there for her. He still has the image of her car accident in his mind and he still hasn’t fully forgiven himself. As a matter of fact, he hasn’t forgiven himself for anything.
When he talks to Minho it’s always productive. He’s forgiven Hyeri for the way she handled things with the dating rumors both times. He thought he forgave her before but realized he hadn’t. Thanks to Minho’s help, Yoongi has been able to move past that. He’s talked about other things since, but hadn’t quite realized that deep down he still hates himself.
He’s staring at the sky through his tears wishing he could just have one drink. Something small to take the edge off. He thought there had to be something in that house or even something the doctor may have left behind in the second cabin after he left. Nothing. Yoongi searched and searched and found nothing. Now he’s sad and irritated.
“Is that comfortable?” Minho asks approaching the table. He’s arrived for today’s session but didn’t expect to find Yoongi crying on the table.
Yoongi doesn’t move, he only sighs in more frustration because he didn’t realize what time it was. He didn’t realize he’d been on the table crying for 3 hours.
“What’s going on?” Minho asks softly.
Yoongi shakes his head. He doesn’t want to talk. If he opens his mouth he won’t be able to speak through the sobs.
“Did something happen?”
Yoongi shakes his head again.
“Can you tell me what you’re feeling right now?”
Yoongi opens his mouth but no sound comes out. He doesn’t know how to describe what he’s feeling, he just knows he wants a drink.
“I-I…” Yoongi stutters. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. “I can’t do this.”
“Why?” Minho asks.
“I let her down too much. I can’t go back home to her.”
“I thought you wanted to do this so you could be what you feel she deserves.”
“I do, I just…I’m going to find a way to fuck it up again. She doesn’t deserve that. She deserves someone that will be by her side and take care of her. Not someone who will drink himself stupid and cheat on her.”
“Has she told you these things?”
“Come on,” Yoongi scoffs. “She’s not going to actually say something like that. She’d be too afraid to. Even if she hated me she wouldn’t hurt my feelings. I know that much, and that’s why she deserves better.”
“Are you wanting to end your relationship with her?” Minho asks placing a hand on Yoongi’s arm.
“No…I mean no…she…” Yoongi sputters.
“You think she deserves better, and you think you wouldn’t be it for her. That sounds like you want to at least end your romantic relationship with her, right?”
Yoongi lets out a pained wail and begins sobbing heavily. His chest is burning and it’s excruciating.
He just wants a damn drink.
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jimin-updates · 7 months
The importance of engaging with Naver and articles about Jimin:
🗣Have you:
•Engaged with today's articles?
•Watched and liked some videos on Naver TV?
•Searched for Jimin on Naver?
If you haven't, you have 30 mins left ⏰
If you have,
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bangtanpurplearchive · 3 months
BTS trip through time. August 2015
The very first Run BTS!!! Episodes launched this month. The first episodes that launched weren't that long nor did they have any pictures.
Vlive had just launched and this month BTS started to use it to post lives
RThe red bullet tour continued
We also had BTS Japan Official Fanmeeting Volume 2. --UNDERCOVER MISSION- in Osaka- Japan (Osaka Festival Hall) (Jimin passed out during rehearsals) (archive)
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We had some magazine features
150824 BTS at ASTA TV MAGAZINE September Issue. Translation. (archive)
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150825 1st Look Magazine PUMA. (archive)
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150830 [A.R.M.Y #2] Happy Birthday to you~ (September) (filmed during undercover mission Japan 18th Aug)
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Those early Run BTS episodes were a joy to watch!!!!
Made me miss them even more!!!!!
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sfstranslations · 9 months
Excuse me, (I don't know if this sounds harsh and I'm sorry if it is), I wanna ask if you're sharing s class tl for free? Thanks!
No worries! Yes, it's completely free.* The only thing I ask for is an email address you can log into, so that I can enable access for that specific account and send you the access link.
* Of course, those of you who are able to buy the raws, I ask that you please do so in order to support Geunseo, who gave us the novel in the first place. Here are links to the novel on various sites—both the individual chapters and the E-book versions that compile 25 chapters each with the occasional extra, where they're available:
Ridibooks: individual chapters, E-books
Naver Series: chapters, E-books
Kakao Page: chapters, E-books
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eunjieveryday · 1 year
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Naver Now - Special Log
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sunoofiles · 11 months
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jinhogae · 1 year
Hi i think i'm falling in love with HONGJOONG please help me. please. what are some of your favorite videos of him / all of ateez even? 🤲🏻 i am going crazy
kjuhzgtzhujik i am HAPPILY of help anon u have no idea how much this thrills me. tho there are many people who have been fans of ateez much longer, the hongjoong bias is still rare around here so i am happy about everyone joining ranks !!! hello hi !!! have fun !!!
so mandatory viewing of my ateez (hongjoong centric) experience:
deja vu mv (he serves so much raw cunt here it's insane. it changed me as a person like i was a mere casual listener but this one. sealed the deal over a year ago. i have yet to come up for air)
don't stop mv (second most insane moment in the hongjoong-fication of me. he's actually an actor it's crazy he didn't get a baeksang for best music video acting while trying to maintain 20 safety regulations. that category doesn't exist but it Should)
answer mv (this song was the only one to make me cry at my concert and i wasn't even a big fan yet .... song of ALL time tho !!! she is too good)
hongjoong's lemon tree cover (if you are in your mid-20s or older and european you will know this song. if you aren't, open your heart! he also wrote his own verse for it bc he's a bad bitch a virtuous icon)
ateez's wonderland on kingdom (i only watched one other video from kingdom but this is the most famous one anyway. took the house down as the kids would say. no survivors, i fear.)
ateez's it's live session: promise (first video i have ever seen of them perform and one of my fave ateez songs still. every session they did for this is great tho)
say my name comeback stage (kq's block b money was running out. ateez debuted with the most asinine space oddity meets metropol meets matrix group concept meant to span most of their career and releases. no one was tuning in. it was dire. they had one shot. and they delivered like the dorm was flooded and lights were all shut off the day prior. kq has to kiss their feet for this performance alone actually. ALSO. mullet hongjoong <3)
horizon comeback stage (sister release to answer. LIVES were once more on the line. this is to me their best song ever. the choreo is a feat of art and i do not say this lightly. spot some sweet and respective yeosang and yunho actions for the key parts of this song.)
hongjoong's log 1day (all of his vlogs or any ateez vlogs are easy background watching. i am not too deep into variety but whenever groups i like drop short vlogs, they're very fun ways to share non-music stuff in a way they feel comfortable with. also a man who is in such dire need of a dye job <3 he's just like me <3)
ateez wanted special 2022 (for their debut anniversary trip last year. the entire series is hilarious and shows a lot of their variety / on camera personas. hongjoong, seonghwa, and jongho were my faves here)
ateez's logbook #72 (their own behind the scenes series! i usually just watch these randomly when i have to kill time. the one during eternal sunshine promo has lots of hongjoong with mingi and jongho <3)
wanteez home appliance quiz (styled like a 90's/00 quiz show, they are fighting to win home appliances for their parents. the 98z' team chant is the meme sound of a t-rex. it's great)
wanteez friendship test (what it says on the tin!)
ateez @ sunmi's showterview (everyone was roasting mingi left centre and right but it is soooo fun overall. sunmi's showterview is hilarious)
that's it for now! i am terrible at watching mv's and big variety content, i am much more of a listener than a watcher jhgzhujik but with hongjoong i find any of his vlogs / covers / live stages are great content. ateez has also been on weekly idol and naver now usually livestreams hongjoong and yunho's season of idol radio, so these are fun to check out as well <3
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heyyouknowbts · 1 year
BTS Content Watchlist: September - November 2015
This list includes official fan content, member lives, and variety show appearances.
Master post: BTS Content Watchlist
September 2015
150901 [BTS in NAVER STAR CAST] Namhansanseong
150901 Jungkook's log
150902 [BANGTAN BOMB] It's the pose when BTS sleep normally
150902 Eat Jin
150903 [BANGTAN BOMB] Becoming younger brother
150903 What are 95z up to? (Jimin and V)
150906 [BANGTAN BOMB] Happy barbecue dance performance
150909 BTS GAYO Season 1 track 3
150910 [Live] BTS live on the way out
150911 Rap Monster's birthday
150912 Eat Jin
150915 Run BTS! Season 1 Episode 4
150920 Running Man 265 (RM) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
150920 [Live] BTS RM, Suga & J-hope at ALL FORCE ONE
150920 Hope on the street
150920 Rap Monster's log
150921 Eat Jin
150922 BTS GAYO Season 1 track 4
150922 [BANGTAN BOMB] Who is the wave dance king of BTS
150922 Eat Jin
150925 What are 95z up to?
150925 [EPISODE] Fantastic 4 with ARMY
150926 [Live] Chuseok greeting from BTS
150927 Show Champion special KMF 2015
150928 [BANGTAN BOMB] Cheerleader Jin with ARMY Bomb
150929 [BANGTAN BOMB] 400 meter relay race (BTS ISAC on MBC compilation video)
150929 Run BTS! Season 1 Episodes 5 – side note I feel like the numbers on their jerseys were printed upside down and they just went with it??? lmao
150930 [BANGTAN BOMB] Shooting guard SUGA with cheerleader 2 Jimin
150930 [Live] Hwagae Market 화개장터 pre-open
October 2015
151001 SUGA's HYYH/화양연화/The Most Beautiful Moment in Life pt.1 Album review
151003 Show Champion backstage
151005 Eat JIn
151006 BTS GAYO track 5
151006 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jimin self cam with ARMY
151008 Hope on the street 1 2
151012 [Live] BTS Jimin's Birthday!!
151013 Run BTS! Season 1 Episode 6 Part 1
151015 [Live] Eat Jin
151016 World Changing Quiz Show 315 (RM) – link is to an English sub of RM cuts, which looks really weird because it's a lot of really short clips of his face reacting to something with no context lol. You can watch the full episode on KissAsian (not going to link because their domain changes often and ads can be kind of sus)
151018 What are 95z up to?
151020 Run! BTS Season 1 Episode 6 Part 2 - FYI the YouTube version has the English subs for Part 1... lol
151027 BTS GAYO Season 1 track 6
151029 [Live] Halloween Party with BTS – missing a lot of translation throughout :\ The video segment they play from 1:03:50-1:09:18 is part of a NAVER STAR CAST that got uploaded a few days later, and there is an English sub of that full video on 151105
November 2015
151103 BTS and SEVENTEEN backstage at The Show (very lq)
151105 [BTS in NAVER STAR CAST] Halloween Party with BTS
151105 V's log
151110 BTS GAYO track 7
151111 My Pet Clinic Episode 6 (J-hope, Jimin, V) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
151114 [EPISODE] 2015 MELON Music Award
151116 Run BTS! Season 1 Episode 7
151121 [BANGTAN BOMB] Know-how for making a handsome look (bonus Mr Lip Balm JK)
151122 [Live] BTS Live (J-hope, V)
151123 [Live] BTS Live (RM, Jimin)
151124 [Live] BTS Live (Jin, Jungkook)
151125 [Live] BTS Live (Suga)
151127 [Live] BTS HYYH on Stage Live (Jin)
151127 [Live] BTS HYYH on Stage Live (Jimin)
151127 [Live] BTS HYYH on Stage Live (Suga)
151127 [Live] BTS HYYH on Stage Live (RM)
151127 [Live] BTS HYYH on Stage Live (Jin)
151127 [Live] BTS HYYH on Stage Live (Jin) – homie came back because he was bored lol
151127 [Live] BTS HYYH on Stage Live (J-hope & Jungkook)
151127 [Live] BTS HYYH on Stage Live (Suga)
151128 [Live] BTS HYYH on Pre-Stage Live
151128 [Live] BTS HYYH on Stage Live (Jin)
151128 [Live] BTS HYYH on Stage Live (Suga)
151128 [Live] BTS HYYH on Stage Live (V)
151130 [Live] BTS in MAMA BACKSTAGE
Let me know if a link isn’t working, or if you find something I missed! My ask box is always open, anon or not 💜💜💜
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lokisasylum · 1 year
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So this is JVKE, who first teased about the collab using a jikook gif from one of the RUN BTS ep (the ones tkkrs said it was only jk in it which apparently meant there would be a t/k collab, but its actually jikook in the gif, but anyway---).
The first time he teased about the collab he left in the caption "it’s may. r u ready? im like crazy excited", and many already guessed it was either related to Jimin specifically (because FACE = Like Crazy, y'know, science bitch) or Jimin+another artist, ect..
So now we have "Angel Pt. 1" which is Jimin featured + 4 more artists including JVKE. (And according to an article on Naver, "Angel Pt.1" is supposed to be the Main Title Track for this upcoming Fast and Furious: Ride or Die).
And a few mins ago JVKE left this message before "logging off". So now the clue is "--another surprise after this 1".
So are we getting "Angel Pt.2" for the same soundtrack? Because it would make no sense to name a song as Part 1 if there is no need for a continuation or Part 2.
Or it could be just a remix that's supposed to appear near the end of the movie 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Release date: 2 December 2022
Official page
Pre-order notice
Content Recording Participation Details
Identity Film: Twitter, Youtube
Photo (see below)
I-Log Puzzle: 1/6  (translation, alt text), 2/6 (translation), 3/6 (translation), 4/6 (translation), 5/6 (translation), 6/6 (translation)
MV (see below)
Album Magazine Film (teaser)
Weverse live
Indigo Short Behind on Weverse
Naver post
Official Youtube playlist
[BANGTAN BOMB] RM's Cyanotype Experience with SUGA and Jimin
Stories on BTS Instagram
RM’s SNS posts: Weverse (Eng), Instagram stories, post #1, post #2, post #3, post #4, letter on Weverse (Eng)
Tiny Desk (Home) Concert (Today’s Bangtan) (RM’s Instagram post)
Live in New York @ Dia Beacon (Today’s Bangtan) (Episode) (RM’s Instagram post)  (thread presenting the museum and the featured art)
Live in Seoul @ Rolling Hall (Episode) (RM’s Instagram post) (video of the special gifts that were given)
Photo Sketch
RM’s Instagram post about all the performances
Thanks to (Eng)
Official merch:
Concept Teaser
Texture Teaser
Mood Film
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RM is the third member to do a solo release in Chapter 2. According to his posts, notably the identity film and the preview of the content, this album is:
Record of RM : Indigo From the colors of nature, human, etc.
Use it
While taking a walk a shower, drive, coffee-break, work, dance, read a book, when flowers bloom or fall.
Documentation of my youth in the moment of independent phase. An honest, unadorned record with shades.
Sun-bleached record faded like old jeans.
the last archive of my twenties
He explained in the episode of the jacket shoot, that after releasing Mono that’s black and white, Indigo is the color that express himself (he also mentions it in the interview of Proof collector edition (src)). He adds brown too, with natural and warm shades.
The studio Sparks Edition was in charge of the album design.
Some people also noticed that in Korean, indigo is written 남색, which can be interpreted as an acronym for 남준의 색깔, meaning Namjoon’s colors (cr.).
RM posted several stories on Instagram before the release, including a picture of Oregon blue, a pigment considered as the bluest blue (src).
Yun (with Erykah Badu)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
@immbbzxbangtan noticed that the song was used 3 months before Indigo’s release, in the teaser for RM’s Me, Myself &
Still Life (with Anderson .Paak)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
All Day (with Tablo)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
Rin’s (ktaebwi) translation
건망증 (with 김사월) (Forg_tful with Kim Sawol)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
Closer (with Paul Blanco, Mahalia)
Collabo MV: a video associating a lo-fi remix of the song with extracts from the movie 헤어질 결심(Decision to Leave)
Interview for Park Chanwook’s anniversary book. He’s the director of 헤어질 결심(Decision to Leave)
Interview with art director Ryu Seong-Hee about the collaboration.
Change pt.2
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
Hectic (with Colde)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
들꽃놀이 (with 조유진) (Wild Flower with youjeen)
The title is a wordplay on 불꽃놀이 which translate to fireworks but literaly means “fire flower” (src)
Youjeen is the vocalist of the rock group Cherry Filter. The collaboration was announced even before the release of the tracklist (src #1, src #2)
Several people noticed the title is connected to a letter RM published on the fancafe in April 2017 (src #1, #2)
ZIN and Youjeen's"Wild Flower" recording VLOG without RM
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
No.2 (with 박지윤) (parkjiyoon)
Doolsetbangtan’s translation
Rin’s (ktaebwi) translation
Producer John Eun talked about the song during an Instagram live (summary)
Photo: Twitter, Weverse
Photo Sketch
Episode of the Jacket Shoot Sketch
RM’s Instagram post
In his photos, RM is surrounded by props meaningful to him:
a painting (see below) by Yun Hyongkeun, called Blue, 1972 (src #1, #2, #3, you can also check page 4 of this PDF for more info). RM admires Yun a lot, to the point that the first song of the album is named after him and has citations from him in the lyrics
Pierre Jeanneret’s desk and chair. He’s a Swiss architect RM likes
Namjoon’s old jeans and stools. He mentioned that jeans feat well with the concept as the more you wear them, the more comfortable they get
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들꽃놀이 (with 조유진) MV
Photo Sketch
Episode of the MV Shoot Sketch
Outfits and accessories
You can see traditional Korean firework in the MV, called Nakhwa Nori (src #1, src #2)
The exterior scenes were filmed at Mount Hwangmae in Hapcheon (Gyeongnam) (src) and in Saemangeum (Jeonbuk).
RM 'Still Life (with Anderson .Paak)
MV Photo Sketch
Episode of the MV Shoot Sketch
The female crew member was played by Emiko Tokuda (Instagram)
Press releases/Promotion
Weverse magazine: “The musicians on RM’s Indigo: Part one”
Weverse magazine: “The musicians on RM’s Indigo: Part two”
Weverse magazine: “RM paves the way”
Weverse magazine: “Development notes on RM’s solo album, Indigo”
Press pictures
Spotify: teaser, Hero Film: Behind the Scenes, K-Pop ON! Track catches up with RM of BTS
NME: “RM of BTS: ‘My whole twenties were an exhibition… but I chose to be a star’”
Variety: “BTS’ RM on His ‘Indigo’ Album, Duets With Erykah Badu and Anderson .Paak, Military Service and Why Solo Careers Will Bolster the Band”
Consequence: “With Indigo, RM Makes Fleeting Moments Feel Permanent”
RM on Melon station (English translation: episode 1, episode 2)
Rolling Stone: “BTS Leader RM Pushes Against the Weight of Fame, Looks Towards a Bright Future on ‘Indigo’”
Zach Sang Show: “RM Breaks Down His Debut Album 'Indigo'“
Artnet:”How K-Pop Star and Budding Mega-Collector RM Wove His Favorite Art and Artists Into His First Solo Album, ‘Indigo’”
KBS news: Behind story of ‘Indigo’ / KBS 2022.12.19. (unreleased footage)
Hypebeast: “RM of BTS Wants To Be More Like a Wildflower”
Psick Show: Asking RM of BTS on Income tax (teaser)
Newsis: “’RM and Soyoon collab.’ Park Jiyoon, the ‘old future’ of young writers musicians” (eng trans)
Promotion in Spain
El País: “RM, the leader of K-pop band BTS: ‘We work so hard in Korea because 70 years ago there was nothing’” (original English version of the interview)
Vogue Spain: “RM, líder de BTS: “Si me muriera esta noche, creo que nada cambiaría. Un granjero o un barrendero son más relevantes para el funcionamiento de la sociedad”” (English translation)
EFE: “BTS leader isn’t thinking about future, but would like to work with Rosalía” (English version)
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jimin-updates · 6 months
Evening articles to engage with:
Use Naver ID, like and recommend:
Use Daum/Nate log in, positive emoji:
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bangtanpurplearchive · 3 months
BTS trip through time. February 2015
JHope's birthday!!
Twitter: RM (1). Jin (1), (2). Yoongi (1). JHope (1), (2). Jimin (1). Tae (1). JK (1). Jimin and Tae (1). 
150218 : J-Hope Birthday Facebook media set. Big Hit post (1), (2). (archive)
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150218 JHOPE log.
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 1st JAPAN TOUR 2015- Wake up- started Check out the dates and links here
150228 A.R.M.Y #2] Happy Birthday to you~ (Mar.) 
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The tour was so good. loved rewatching those old songs. What about you what did you enjoy?
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palajae · 2 years
HII 🤗 i saw your carrd and i wanted to ask if you know if that niki picture is from a video (like en-log or something like that,,) im just really curious 🙁🙁 thats all
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aaaaa ofc it’s no problem!! actually i found it on pinterest lol but im pretty sure it was a naver post!
—if that answers ur question :)
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sweetstardewvalley · 2 years
🌸 Guia - Como jogar com mods
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Como instalar mods
Muita gente tem essa dúvida, então tentarei nesse guia deixar bem claro como se faz a instalação e uso dos mods!
Nesse guia vamos ver:
Baixando e instalando o SMAPI Como e onde baixar mods Como instalar mods O que é XNB e porque não usá-lo Como jogar sem os mods
O primeiro passo para instalar mods é instalar o SMAPI. O SMAPI é um programa que vai abrir o jogo com mods, sem ele os mods não funcionam.
Abra a página do SMAPI no navegador (https://smapi.io/)
Aperte o botão Download SMAPI 3.18.1
Escolha a opção de Direct download e salve dentro da pasta do jogo. O caminho padrão pra quem joga pela Steam é C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley, modifique de acordo com o seu diretório.
Use a opção de extrair aqui do seu descompactador. Muita gente usa o winrar, mas também recomendo muito o 7zip, que serve pra arquivos de extensão .rar E .zip, entre outras. Download aqui (https://www.7-zip.org/download.html)
Abra a pasta do instalador do SMAPI e selecione o arquivo de acordo com teu sistema operacional (Windows, Linux ou Mac)
No prompt de comando que abrir, o SMAPI vai te perguntar onde tu quer instalar ou remover o SMAPI, digite 1 para instalar no caminho padrão que ele oferece OU 2 para um caminho personalizado que tu deve saber por ter feito isso na hora de instalar o Stardew Valley.
O SMAPI vai fazer todo o processo de instalação e tua pasta do Stardew Valley agora vai ter uma pasta chamada Mods, mais ou menos como na imagem abaixo.
Baixando mods
Baixar mods pode parecer complicado para algumas pessoas que não tem muito conhecimento sobre internet, mas não tema, eu seguro tua mão e te acompanho enquanto ensino como baixar os mods e utilizá-los no seu jogo!
Antes de tudo, não saia baixando mods de qualquer lugar ou só porque alguém famoso botou uma lista aqui ou lá, um arquivo compactado com tudo, etc. Mods são criaturas delicadas, então baixe sempre manualmente 1 por 1 pra garantir ter sempre a versão correta e não acabar com mods que foram abandonados ou simplesmente tem uma versão atual muito melhor.
Pra baixar mods nós vamos usar dois lugares: Nexusmod (https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley) e Moddrop (https://www.moddrop.com/app/), mas eu vou focar no nexus mod, é o mais utilizado mesmo. Ainda nisso, existe o café do Naver de SDV onde tem vários mods coreanos, mas vamos falar sobre isso depois!
Crie uma conta (é gratuito) no nexus mod.
Entre na sua conta, deixe logado, sem estar logado não vai conseguir baixar mods.
Escolha um mod a baixar, vamos usar de exemplo o tão cobiçado Expanded.
Ao entrar na página do mod, tu vai ver da esquerda pra direita as seguintes abas: Descrição, arquivos, imagens, vídeos, posts, bugs, logs, e status. Para pessoas mais novas nesse lance de mods, vamos focar em descrição e arquivos. A primeira e segunda abas.
Ler a descrição é importante, então tente lê-la sempre ante de baixar qualquer coisa. Além disso, é na página de descrição que ficam os requerimentos para o mod. Os requerimentos são outros tipos de mods que fazem aquele mod funcionar, sem eles não tem expanded por exemplo.
Vamos ver como fazer download de um mod que precisa ter para funcionar o Expanded (e vários outros mods)
Vá até a aba arquivos (a segunda da esquerda pra direita) e aperte no botão MANUAL DOWNLOAD -> DOWNLOAD -> SLOW DOWNLOAD e já salve esse arquivo dentro da pasta mods! (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods no padrão)
Baixe todos os requerimentos para o expanded E o expanded, tudo na pasta Mods.
Use a opção extrair aqui para cada arquivo compactado e delete os compactados (os .rar ou .zip). Prontinho, sua pasta de mods ta pronta pra começar a ser usada!
Para iniciar o jogo com mods é necessário abrí-lo pelo SMAPI, o que é feito pelo executável StardewModdingAPI.exe
Agora, algumas dicas:
O SMAPI vai abrir uma telinha preta e carregar os mods todinhos, se ele emitir erros amarelos ou vermelhos, peça ajuda (vamos ver como pedir ajuda a seguir!), os rosas são avisos de que existe uma versão mais atual daquele mod!
Após isso, o jogo vai abrir e tu vai criar um personagem novo e uma fazenda como de costume, mas ao dar OK para começar de fato um save novo, o jogo pode parecer travado e demorar para carregar. Isso é normal e é importante não dar alt tab ou clicar ou mexer de qq forma no dispositivo durante esse momento. O SMAPI precisa desenhar todo o jogo novamente para adequar aos mods, obedecendo suas mudanças, é por isso que demora!
E prontinho, tu pode agora começar teu novo jogo com mods!
Ah não! Tem avisos vermelhos, ai meu deus e agora?!
Calma, respira fundo, conta até 10. Vamos ver agora como pedir ajuda com seu SMAPI. Para tal, é preciso enviar um log do SMAPI. O que é isso? É simplesmente um link de uma página que mostra tudo que o SMAPI fez na ultima vez que foi aberto e assim podemos ler e entender qual foi o erro. Prints ou fotos são ruins de ler e não tem indicativo do erro claramente sempre, por isso tente abandonar esses métodos! Ajude a te ajudar!
Feche o jogo.
Entre no link (https://smapi.io/log)
Where do I find my SMAPI log? se traduz para Onde eu encontro o log do meu SMAPI? Escolha a opção que se encaixa no seu sistema operacional, vou usar o windows com steam ou gog de exemplo. Copie o %appdata%\StardewValley\ErrorLogs, vá ali embaixo no How do I share my log? que traduz para Como eu compartilho meu log? e no numerozinho 1, onde diz (or choose a file) tu vai clicar.
Na barra de endereço da janelinha que abrir, cole o %appdata%\StardewValley\ErrorLogs e dê enter. Se o teu jogo deu crash, vai aparecer o arquivo SMAPI-crash.txt, se não vai ter o SMAPI-latest.txt. Escolha o arquivo com dois cliques.
Clique no botão save & parse log. Isso vai gerar uma nova página. Copie o link dessa nova página e envie para quem for te ajudar!
Ta bom, tudo legal, mas e esses mods XNB? Como que eu instalo?
Os mods XNB são muito antigos, eles substituem arquivos dentro da pasta do jogo e não vão dentro da pasta mods. O uso deles não é recomendado por alguns motivos:
Muito limitados
Frequentemente causam conflitos entre si
Quebram o jogo quando este atualiza
Podem corromper teu save (e aí já era)
São difíceis de instalar e mais ainda de remover.
Considere sempre utilizar mods para o SMAPI!
É possível converter mods XNB para Content Patcher, mas isso fica para outro guia em outro momento, pois, é algo mais avançado!
E é isso galera, é assim que tu vai conseguir jogar com mods!
E se eu quiser jogar sem mods agora?
Basta iniciar o jogo pelo StardewValley.exe!
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cheolbinsart · 2 years
★ ASTRO Schedule ★
📆 10 - 16 October 2022
** Scheduled activities below may be subject to change depending on the ASTRO members' individual schedules
⚠️ All activities to occur are without MJ unless contents are pre-recorded
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📆 10 October 2022
🌟 Unison Event Private #MJ
📆 11 October 2022
🌟 #TheVillainessIsAMarionette Dramatic Trailer #02 - The Most Dangerous Obsession Begins
< Kakao Webtoon Popular Fantasy Series Adaptation >
🤴🏻 #ASTRO's #CHAEUNWOO as Duke Raffaelo Kidrey
🌟 ASTRO JINJIN attending the Seoul Fashion Week
Venue : Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP), Seoul, South Korea
🌟 9:00 PM KST
ASTRO's Leadernim, #JINJIN will be guesting at NAVER NOW #꿈이야 (It's My Dream) <hosted by DKZ JaeChan>
📆 13 - 14 October 2022
🌟 7:30 PM KST
Three Musketeers Musical
ROCKY as D' Artagnan
Venue : Universal Arts Center
04991 664, Cheonho-daero, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul South Korea
📆 15 October 2022
🌟 6:00 PM
Universe Radio Originals
ASTRO School Newsletter EP. 37 ~ Team ASTRO Without ASTRO Members - Fall Sports Day
📅 16 October 2022
🌟 6:00 PM
Universe Radio Originals
Catch Up! ASTRO EP. 37 ~ Value of 10 Dollars Part 2
🌟 6:30 PM KST
Three Musketeers Musical
ROCKY as D' Artagnan
Venue : Universal Arts Center
04991 664, Cheonho-daero, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, South Korea
🌟 K-EXPO Concert in VIETNAM to be attended by #MOONBIN_SANHA
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