#navel stab
angel-9mm · 5 months
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coffee-bat · 10 months
i cant fuckign move
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diejager · 8 months
hear me out, your mother goes on holiday with her friends and horangi is away on some family business which means stepdad!König has the reader all to himself for like a week and he’s been crawling into bed with her so in the morning he can convince reader to let him fuck her dumb🤭
Oooh, you beat me to it! I wanted to write this but hadn’t really had the time yet! Cw: dub-con/non-con, stepcest, cheating, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, cunnilingus, anal fingering, anal sex, thigh fucking, tell me if I missed any.
You felt your heart sink to the darkest pit of your stomach when your mom kissed you on the head and made your stepfather promise to watch over you while she was away on a month-long holiday/business party to get that promotion she was aiming for. You would be home alone with König, without your mom’s presence to mediate and busy him from hovering over you and touching you nonstop. The only “light in the darkness” of your situation was that Kim - he told you over and over to call him Kim even though your stepfather used Horangi - was gone for the week, a family emergency he said, grumbling about his past catching up to him.
He doesn’t do anything on the first day, letting your apprehension and nerves simmer in your gut, letting you squirm in your seat while he stares you down at the head of the table, his plate left untouched to watch you eat his dish. You went to bed feeling unsettled, eyes wide open until the clock hit midnight, unable to stay awake from the day’s stress.
You wake up beside him from then on, his chest pressed against your back with his thick arms wrapped around your waist, his morning wood jabbing at your ass with rhythmic throbs. He either fucks your thighs, slipping his leaky cock between them, the loud ad wet slaps of his cock; he spoons you, lifting your leg over his arm as he rocks himself into you, slamming his bulbous tip against your bruised and spongy cervix; or he straddles your legs, jerking himself off with one hand and the other stretching your tight rim with two big fingers.
You spend your waking hours around him, confided to your house and on a leash - at his beck and call - with your stepfather doing everything he can to keep it that way. He has you on your knees between his legs, cockwarming him with your hot mouth, your jaw aching and your mouth drooling over his balls. Your knees hurt, but you can’t tell him how bruised they feel because his cock sits heavily at the back of your throat and you’re trying not to choke and gag on it. It makes him proud that you can take him too, your mother couldn’t, but he wasn’t bothered by it.
If you’re not slobbering all over him, you’re sprawled across the table, back arching and toes curling as he eats you out. You flush from the wet sounds of your cunt and your moans, covering your face with your hands even when König growls at you to look him in the eye as he devoured your cunt. He laps at your folds, the fat of his tongue laying flat over your clit and pulling the hood up, stimulating the twitching nub. His hands grip your waist, holding you still to suckle at your oversensitive button and pump his tongue into your cunt, then teasing your twitching rim.
And at the end of the day, he fucks you to sleep, slamming his hips into you and growling in your ears about how tight you feel around him and how wet you were. He pumps you full of cum, one load spilling over another, he fills you with so much that it bursts from you, globs leaking out of your tight hold, yet you’re still so bloated, navel bulging with more than the girth and size of him. He alternates between your cunt and your ass, filling you in one place and making you sleep with him leaking out of you, drying and crusting over the night and looking at your gaping hole clench.
By the time Horangi’s back, you’re limping around the house, dreading the moment he comes back and cursing at every little stab of pain in your core. And by the time your mom’s back, you can’t even greet her at the door, laying limp on your bed while Horangi and König smile at her at the door.
“Ah, Schatz isn’t feeling so well,” your stepdad reassures your mom when she doesn’t see you beside them. “She’s resting upstairs.”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973
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houserautha · 2 months
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These Destined Ends
Part Eleven
Summary: Jessica fulfilled the wishes of the Bene Gesserits to produce a daughter. You’re now burdened with the task of not only marrying the na-Baron, but also bearing his child — the Kwisatz Haderach. Will you take your fate into your own hands? Or will it always belong to those who control you?
Pairings: Feyd-Rautha x F!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: you stabbed him and now you handcuff him, blood play, wound play, the events in this part are probably not hygienic or realistic but my thots took over, you both cry, mentions of killing/death, brief depiction of killing
A/N: I would like to add that reader and Feyd have such a toxic relationship but god do I love it so much (also the writing god possessed me and made it possible for this to be published now instead of tonight, god bless)
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You push the dagger in to its handle.
It comes back slick with blood.
You use it to quickly unlatch your bindings, then shift aside as Feyd falls onto the bed beside you. Without thinking, you place a knee on either side of his waist and set to inspecting your work — the cut is deep, weeping ink-colored blood. A depraved part of you wants him to suffer, to feel pain as unimaginably deep as you did. And you do not want him to clot quickly.
Feyd’s hand ghosts over the wound. Blood spills onto his alabaster skin, the bedsheets, on the leg of your pant nestled into his side. And all the while he gazes up at you endearingly, face noticeably paler, blood coming to gather at the corner of his lips. You lean forward to kiss him and lap up the droplets of blood, he groans; you’re pressing your entire weight into him, into the wound.
“I want you to hurt,” you whisper against his mouth. You put your fingers to the wound, Feyd shifting uncomfortably as your nails bite into the recently torn flesh. Beneath you, his cock stirs, and in response you dig your fingers in deeper.
His flesh is warm. Wet.
“Fuck,” Feyd mutters.
“I want to hurt you and you’re enjoying it,” you sneer at him, “perhaps I should just stop. Chain you up to the bed, see how you like it. Leave you to bleed out alone.”
He doesn’t reply. There’s a flicker of recognition in his eyes — he knows that he’s supposed to atone for his family’s crime, play his part in your twisted battle of wits, but there’s no denying his swelling, twitching cock, eager to make contact between your legs. He grimaces as you remove your hand, breath expelling in shaky bursts.
Feyd watches you reclaim the cuff, hook it around his wrist and then do the same with the cuff on the other side of the bed that Wyn hadn’t bothered to attach. You secure both cuffs so that his hands are pinned above his head. He looks infuriatingly gorgeous like this, blood wetting his skin and your hands, muscles tensed and pain spasming his handsome features.
You grind against him and his hips buck.
“Fuck,” he says again.
You lose yourself, slightly, at the sight of him like this, and you’re entangled between vengeance and desire. The urge to maim him paired with the dreadful urge you have to ride him.
Why couldn’t you do both?
You rake your nails down his chest, creating trails of angry welts from sternum to navel. His breath quickens. Blood pools near the site of the wound and you drag your fingers through it.
“Interesting. You bleed just like the rest of us, Feyd-Rautha.”
“Do you want another taste?”
He inhales sharply. You’ve angrily pressed your palm into the wound, resenting him for reminding you of your transgressions. You growl, “You won’t find humor in this when I’m done with you.”
Fingers bloodied, you put them to his plush bottom lip — fuck, his lips drove you wild — and down his chin, the column of his throat, over the welts you’ve created. He writhes. You unbuckle his pants and, without any trace of kindness, tear them from his narrow hips. Feyd whimpers as the sudden movement prompts a gush of blood, and you grin at the reaping of your effort. He glares.
You scoop more blood like a painter from its palette. His cock is standing to attention, arched backward slightly, flushed and threaded with pulsing veins. Starting at his swollen head, you trace your fingers up and down, coating him thoroughly with his own blood. It takes several applications before you’re satisfied. An entirely addictive sounds escapes him when you fist the base of his shaft and start pumping, the slickness of the blood easing your work.
You stroke him over and over, varying your pace as not to guide him to orgasm. He rallies against you, straining at the cuffs. Although you can’t see it, you feel him dig his heels into the mattress in an effort to gain purchase, anything to channel the desire unfurling inside him. And all the while you watch him, fascinated, bleeding profusely yet so eager for your touch.
The mighty Feyd-Rautha, champion of Giedi Prime, shuddering and moaning beneath you, pre-cum leaking from the slit of his cock. It draws heat to your core. With his hands over his head, his mobility is limited, and you use this to your advantage: maintaining a steady pace on his cock with one hand while the other explores his body, dipping down to cup his balls, trace his thighs, then back up to tease his taunt nipples and the wound in his side. Feyd cries out, eyes rolling back and hips snapping.
You revoke your hand. He’s practically shivering now, undoubtedly torn between pain and pleasure. You climb carefully off his lap. Feyd’s gaze burns into you as you strip off your clothes until you’re standing only in your panties.
“This should only hurt a little,” you tell him. The muscles in his stomach jump and flicker as you resume your kneeling position, this time decidedly higher.
Your clit is aching for friction, so much so that you grind your center into him, right over the wound. He grunts in pain with each roll of your pelvis, seeking out your pleasure while you aggravate the place where the dagger had slid in, breasts pushing outwards. You can see it on his face, what he would do if he could use his mouth on you, his hands, but the pain is too great. Tears spring to his eyes as he fights the crashing waves of agony while you ride his wound.
“It’s not enough,” you utter, mostly to yourself, “it’s not enough.” Not enough pain.
You slide back down his body, reclaim his cock, then notch its head at your entrance. You’re slick with your own desire, and his blood, and you have to fend off his bucking hips to prevent him from penetrating you. The sensation of him gives you shivers, racing up and down your body.
You brace your quivering thighs and sink down on top of him. Feyd howls as your walls clamp down, taking him in one swift movement. You can’t help it — your head lulls back and your body bows, gripped by a wave of unbelievable pleasure. He fills you up so neatly, so fully, that you’re in despair when you pull away, then plunge back down with even more force. It reminds you of the throne room, how you had wrested the power from him. But you were na-Baron and na-Baroness before, this equates to something much more primal, raw, two blood-soaked fighters in an arena of your own making.
You ride him to completion, cuming on his cock twice before he finally musters the words, “Enough. You’ve got your punishment. Now let me fuck my wife.”
You pause with him still seated deep inside you.
“I don’t think I’ve yet reached the depths of your pain,” you tell him in reply.
Feyd’s eyes flash. “No weapons can maim me as entirely as having you naked in front of me and without the use of my hands to touch you. There will be no show of blood for how you’ve tormented me. No physical measure. Let me fuck you now so that we may be equals again.”
Seconds after you unlatch the cuffs, Feyd is on you. He all but attacks you, mouth hungrily searching yours, hands grabbing at your body. Effortlessly he flips you onto your back, blood gushing from him. He wavers, probably from loss of blood, before burying himself inside you. You cry out, wringing pleasure from him with each thrust, the feel of his hands more rewarding than anything without them. He’s on every surface of you — pressing kisses down your neck, your breasts, pulling each nipple into his mouth and giving them a lewd suckle. His hands grab the backs of your thighs, your ass, pin your hips to the bed so that you can’t move.
“You. Are. Mine,” he grunts with each thrust. His voice is wreathed with anger. Possession.
You can’t even begin to examine this before he spears you even faster, with more vigor, words slurring together with impassion. “You are mine, jewel. I thought you dead. I thought you taken from me. But no one can take you from me. No one. You don’t even possess that ability. I am the keeper of your life.”
He’s becoming more and more incensed, his pace growing sloppy and unpredictable. You feel a wetness by your neck and you realize that it’s not blood causing it but rather a furious outpouring of tears from your husband, his jaw clenched and brows furrowed in concentration.
“Mine.” Thrust. “Mine.” Thrust. “Mine.”
You cling to him, hold him the only way you know how, with your legs wrapped around his waist and your nails down his back. It’s as if you’re trying to merge into one being, take this man as part of your own flesh and, in addition, make his sorrows and pain yours. You taste the salt of your own tears as you both rise and crest like waves against one another, finally not opponents in a war that you can’t win but allies in a surmountable battle.
Feyd cums first, but you follow quickly after. Pulsing and shuddering, he cries into your neck as he fills you with his seed, clutching your body to him just as tightly. Both of you are gasping for air from the exertion, the tears, the culmination of your pleasures being chased down in such a heightened state. Feyd withdraws from you. He allows one hand to press against his wound protectively, but then surprises you by placing his bloodied handprint on your breast.
Above your heart.
“You are mine,” he says, “and I am yours.”
Hot water pours down you in rivulets, interrupted only by Feyd’s hands as he washes your body. Crimson water swirls down the drain. You take turns silently scrubbing the blood from each other and swapping stolen kisses, Feyd wincing each time the water makes contact with the wound. You start to form some semblance of an apology but Feyd silences you with a formidable look. “It was necessary,” he tells you.
The bloodied sheets and discarded clothes are much harder to rid of. And there’s no saying what Doctor Wyn was thinking when you told her that Feyd now demanded her attention, what she thought when she saw the horrible wound etched into his side. But, to her credit, she never asked any questions, and you never gave her any answers.
You could see why Feyd hired her.
And when someone wasn’t aggravating the wound, it healed much faster. Feyd refused any ointment that would erase the scar, however, which you knew he would. He kept every scar from every fight like badges of honor. You knew most of them well by now, and had your fair amount of contributions. And although you never explicitly discussed what happened between you two that day, you felt it between you like a tether, binding you together in a way that even you had no words to describe.
And that’s why you stall the Baron’s wish to seek an audience with you. You won’t go without Feyd.
He’s stubbornly vague about everything, too, claiming that it would make more sense to wait to hear everything unfold at once. You’ve missed too much while self-contained and now feel eager to return, to start the plot against Feyd’s uncle.
“I have my ideas,” he says one day when you’re begging him incessantly, “but first hear what the Baron says, make your own judgements. Revenge does not happen overnight.”
This irritates you, but you ultimately oblige.
Finally the day comes for your visit with the Baron, and you make sure to wear your best dress. Instead of the usual monochrome Harkonnen colors you’ve chosen a bright red, a thin fabric that clings to your figure. Feyd’s lips twitch when he sees you.
“You wear red to invoke the ire of the bull.”
“The Baron is no bull,” you retort. You think back to your grandfather’s legacy, of the dark eyes of the bull staring at you while you sat at the table on Arrakis. And while the Baron was not a bull, you were determined to have his head anyway.
Feyd grabs your hand, feathers his lips over your knuckles. “You look exceptional.”
You smile at him. “Let’s see what your uncle has to say.”
You made it a condition of the meeting not to be held in the throne room — you didn’t like the imbalance of power. Besides, you weren’t a lowly citizen come to collect their stipend, you were the na-Baroness, bound to the na-Baron in a bond that transcended the intricacies of power. You were no longer two beings but one, a formidable union. And as you sneak a glimpse of Feyd before you enter the dining room, you’re only emboldened by the resolve you see in his face; he is a fine partner to have in battle, indeed.
The doors open and his hand brushes yours once, a subtle indication of his fealty to you.
Your chin is raised and your stride confident as you approach the table. “A meal then, between family,” the Baron had said when you declined his offer to meet at the throne room. You notice that neither the Baron nor Rabban stand when you enter, which digs under your skin like a splinter.
“Don’t spare your na-Baroness with your pleasantries,” Feyd rasps darkly.
“This is not a political endeavor,” the Baron replies. If he realizes just how agitated his nephew is, he doesn’t show it. “Sit, sit. We dine together finally. I am only too glad to…catch up.”
It’s difficult to keep your composure neutral. Here before you is the man who orchestrated your family’s deaths, the one who carried them out. Hatred burns inside you.
You take your seat, Feyd beside you.
“We’ve already had our catching up, haven’t we, brother?” Rabban’s gaze is cutting.
Feyd just stares evenly back at him. “I remember.”
Rabban grins triumphantly. “And I’m glad to see that you’re healing well.” Before you can inquire about this — was Rabban the cause of the scar across his face? — the former turns his attention to you. “It is my dear sister-in-law that I need to reunite with. Isn’t that right?”
“Need is a strong word,” you retort. “I was under the impression I didn’t have much choice.”
“Oh, how you wound with your words as well as the blade,” Rabban replies, feigning insult.
“You seem to know quite a lot about blades, Rabban. Is that how you dealt the deaths of my family?”
Rabban sneers. The Baron holds up a large hand, his voice punishing, “That’s enough.”
“I’ve only just started,” you bite back.
“Brother, temper your wife,” Rabban says. “She speculates that which she has no knowledge of.”
You open your mouth to reply, outraged, but Feyd beats you to the punch. “My wife will do and say as she pleases. You should just be grateful that she hasn’t slit your throat yet.”
“There will be no deaths today,” the Baron warns.
“Because you’ve had your fill of them?” You counter. Under the table, your fingers form claws.
“Let me give you the truth, na-Baroness, so that you might stop leveling accusations,” the Baron replies coolly. “You are new to the Harkonnen so I may forgive you this once. You were not born as we were. That being said, we were the original defenders of Arrakis. It is our planet. And as you know we will do whatever it takes to defend our own.”
You can’t help it. You snort. Is that what he was doing when he cajoled his young nephew? Put more darkness in him than necessary?
“With the help of the Emperor, we were able to reclaim Arrakis. We tried to give House Atreides the option of conceding but they staunchly refused. We did only what we had to do.”
Your eyes narrow. “The Emperor aided you?”
This, you knew, but you wanted to hear an explanation from his own mouth.
“We both had certain…lofty aspirations…that the other could provide. It was a rational exchange,” the Baron says, as if talking about expanding trade routes instead of lives. “The Emperor was fearful of your father and his power. Now he has to worry no more.”
Conversation subsides as servants place food in front of you, some kind of bird drenched in a sickly colored sauce. The only person to touch it is the Baron, who savagely devours it without any use of utensils.
“You lie,” you finally say. “My father had no intentions of usurping the Emperor as you claim.”
“The Emperor is a…fickle man. He knows his own weaknesses. I cannot blame him for his fear.”
“And why did he partner with you?” You ask. “What did you gain from this?”
“Arrakis,” the Baron answers simply.
“You said that you both had aspirations that the other could provide,” Feyd presses, taking the words from your mouth. “You eliminate the House Atreides for the Emperor, but you are not the sole benefactor of Arrakis. You must know that I would rather perish than take orders from you.”
The Baron wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “I suppose the news will come out sooner or later. Rabban?”
News? What news?
Rabban grins at you and Feyd. “The princess Irulan and I are engaged to be married.”
Shock seizes you and keeps you from forming any sort of response. The Emperor gave his eldest daughter to Rabban? Thoughts race through your mind. Not only did that mean the Baron had his influence in Arrakis but now the entire Known Universe as well. Dread fills you. How had anyone allowed this to happen?
“That’s not the congratulations I was expecting,” Rabban continues, clearly pleased with himself.
Feyd’s fist strikes the table, causing the silverware to rattle. “You gave me Arrakis over my brother, but now you secure him as Emperor? What are you playing at, uncle?”
“Your brother is willing to…follow my orders, as you so eloquently said. His loyalty deserves recognition.”
“This is a grave error,” Feyd snarls.
“Jealous, are we?” Rabban asks, drawing the attention back to him. “This could’ve all been avoided if you’d only accepted my offer,” he says to you, then Feyd, “and then you could’ve been in my position, heir apparent to the Empire.”
Feyd shoots to his feet. “I should’ve killed you when I had the chance.”
“Boys,” the Baron snaps, intervening what you are certain would’ve been a death match, “everything is now in place. Feyd-Rautha will rule Arrakis and its coveted spice; Rabban, the Empire. Instead of fighting you should be celebrating the fortune of the Harkonnens.”
Silence descends.
This was worse than you imagined. The Baron had manipulated everyone here to get what he wanted. It was he who would profit from the marriages he forged for his nephews.
“Now, Feyd-Rautha, you must put aside your envy. You and the na-Baroness are required to return to Arrakis in a fortnight.”
It feels as if someone has poured ice water down your spine. “What?”
“You think you can rule from Giedi Prime?” The Baron asks, bemused.
“Fine.” Feyd looks to you but no one else. “We are done here.”
You want to challenge him, to remain where you are and root out more truth, but to do so would to humiliate him. You avoid the eyes of the Baron and Rabban as you pick up the skirt of your dress and follow after him dutifully.
The doors slam shut behind you with a resounding thud.
As you search for something to say, Feyd screams, visceral and terrifying. In a blind fury, he cuts down the two closest servants with his dagger, their blood splattering the ground as their bodies slump to the floor. His shoulders heave, dagger gripped tightly in his grasp, and he whirls on you wildly as you approach.
“Do not give them the satisfaction,” you whisper urgently to him, grabbing his face. Your touch soothes him ever so slightly. “Their time will come but first we must consider how to proceed, formulate a plan that will leave them in their graves. They will not go unpunished.”
The dagger clatters to the ground as Feyd finally releases it.
“I will not rest until then,” he swears.
You rock up on your toes and press your forehead to his, holding him to you. “Neither shall I.”
Part Twelve
@moonsoulk @heartarianagran @torchbearerkyle @unicoreads @taleah @mamawiggers1980 @jovialeggsbailiffsoul @harkonnin @avidreader73 @unicorntrooper @beebeechaos @kamcrazy123 @wo-ming-bai @m-indkiller @kpopnstarwars @dacreshoney @stopeatread @the-na-baroness @therealslimshady-1
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madschiavelique · 1 year
hi can we get some fluff drabble with girl reader + miguel where he finds himself unexpectedly enjoying being a small spoon but rather die than accept it. if you want you can turn it into a soft smut where he is a whimpering mess because she jerks him off from behind while massaging his chest and leaving small kisses across his neck and back
i loved writing this (i might relate a bit too much to miguel in some paragraphs of this fvdsbjsqdhfds)
summary : miguel enjoys being a little spoon (not proofread)
content warnings : fluff at the beginning that turns into SMUT (18+) minors dni, handjob, praise, miguel is so horny for your touch omg, no use of y/n, fem!reader word count : 1,6k
tag list : @fandom-ash
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As on many evenings, Miguel had come home late. His professional commitments meant that your life and his could sometimes be out of sync. He was exhausted, and gently laid down on the bed without waking you, lying beside you and kissing your forehead.
He laid down against you, acting like the big spoon as he drew you closer to him in his embrace. Coming back to his flats every evening and finding you there, in bed, all peaceful, was the ray of sunshine that caressed his heart after his day. He closed his eyes, surrendering against you as he drifted off to sleep.
It was only a few hours later that he woke up, his eyes had opened on their own and he had no idea why. Perhaps he was having insomnia? That would be the crowning glory of his exhausting day. Even in his sleep, didn't he deserve a little respite?
Then he wondered if perhaps this awakening was due to his Spidersenses being alerted by something. And that's when he felt it, that pressure against his back, the sensation of something around his waist.
You were pressed against his bare back, your steady, even breath landing tenderly on the back of his neck as your hand rested on his stomach, close to his navel.
He was almost tense, completely alienated by this kind of intimacy, but he was slowly trying to relax, to simply enjoy the feel of your body pressed against his.
He was used to being the one who was the big spoon, the one who protected, who formed a shell of his whole body to protect those he loved. He'd already lost so much, so he couldn't afford to lose you, and that translated into many actions, which of course included being the big spoon.
And the back is a sign of vulnerability. Showing someone your back was proof that you trusted them enough to let them have free rein without fearing that you'd be stabbed in the back.
But he felt so... good, he felt safe, like this, in your gentle arms. In fact, he felt that he could be vulnerable, and that little feeling that he could never admit aloud was starting to grow stronger and stronger in his veins:
It felt like he was taken care of, and he liked it.
Why was it so hard for him to admit that he liked, no, wanted to be taken care of? He was always the one who took care of others, not the other way round, but he couldn't help sighing softly. He was comforted by the touch of your skin against his, by your unconscious embrace of him.
You shifted gently in your sleep, your hand accidentally touching a little lower than his navel, on his groin, just a few centimetres away. His breath became a little shakier, the sensation making him quiver and boil at the same time.
You breathed in deep suddenly, as all sleepy people do from time to time, and what he felt gave him the impression of melting: as you breathed out, he felt your breasts pressing against his back.
Now it was going to be difficult to keep his composure. Every breath you took let him feel your breasts on his back, even if they were covered. He swallowed, trying to concentrate on not...
But it was too late, he was starting to feel himself getting hard, his erection rising little by little.
He mentally insulted himself as your hand, with every breath you took, constantly brushed against his skin. Shit, he was getting way too horny. Your breath on his neck, the feel of your body against his, his hand so close and yet so far away.
He let out a little moan as your head moved close to the back of his neck. He had to do something, move perhaps, get out of the embrace, but he didn't want to move away from this sweetness that was being given to him.
He moved a little, just to get your hand away from him and save him from further torment.
"Babe?" your slightly sleepy voice froze him in place, "are you all right?"
Damn, with all his emotions he'd woken you up.
"Nothing's wrong nena, go back to sleep," he whispered, his breath coming in fairly ragged gasps all the same, trying to relax and breathe normally.
You moved slightly, raising yourself gently and accidentally letting your hand rest a little more against his skin, the sudden change from brushing against his lower belly to touching it immediately drew a groan from his throat.
You frowned, waking up a little more.
"Are you sure you're okay ? You seem all so tense..." you asked as you straightened your face until your lips brushed his jaw.
His breath trembled, his back arching.
"Mhm, everything's alright," he said, trying to contain himself even though the urge was growing, "go back to-"
"Miguel," you asked simply, your tone astonished, "are you... hard?"
He bit his lip, his nose wrinkling as he tried to concentrate. But all the sensations you were giving him were preventing him from staying still. He felt almost guilty that he couldn't contain himself, that he was simply being aroused by the mere gesture of you hugging him from the back.
"It's okay," he swallowed, softly, "go back to sleep, it's fine."
He didn't want to disturb you, and he felt guilty that just by you spooning him you'd managed to turn him on.
"You had wet dreams?" you murmured softly, starting to feel more and more awake and aware of the situation.
If only that was all it was, but no, it was completely and utterly you. Your simple touch, your breath, your body, everything.
He hesitated, was admitting that the reason he was horny had simply been the fact that he was the little spoon? Or was he going to make up a trifle? He couldn't even admit to himself that he was immensely affected by your embrace, without it even becoming erotic.
You gently kissed the corner of his jaw, pressing yourself against him.
"What is it," you said, your breath catching on his cheek as he sighed, "hmm?
Your hand drifted down to his erection at last, caressing him with your fingertips, his back arching as he let out a sigh of relief.
"You're so hard..." you remarked softly, whispering against his ear as you placed little pecks on the back of his neck, "I wonder what got you so turned on..."
If only you knew... Your fingers skimmed the length of it, letting the fingertips run down to his balls, caressing them gently. Miguel breathed in deeply, his lips parted.
Your fingers wrapped around him, snaking around his head, letting your thumb make circular movements as the little drops of pre-cum glistened on his tip.
"Would you look at that, so horny..." you mumbled as your other hand slid down his back, tracing the line of his spine as you kissed his shoulder blades.
He let himself be touched, the sensation of your hand slowly and softly pumping his cock as you let your lips and fingers travel up and down his back felt so good it was like he was dreaming.
The warmth of your body, your voice, your presence alone and everything you brought him completed his sensations until they took him to paradise.
You were taking care of him, and he loved it.
He swallowed, the moans multiplying in his voice as you kissed his back.
Your hand took on a slightly faster rhythm, putting slightly more pressure into your stroking when coming back up his head, spending more time just underneath his crown tracing sinuous patterns, his voice trembling as you twisted your wrist while jerking him off.
"Does that feel good?" you asked, kissing his ear, nipping lightly at his lobe as a dark growl rose from his throat.
All those kisses, all those touches, he wouldn't last long.
"Mhm," he nodded, his voice quavering, "increíble, nena."
His hips began to move of their own accord, one of his hands coming to rest on your hip to pull you closer to him. He wanted to eliminate any space that separated his back from your torso, intoxicated by the physical sensations, the exceptional feeling he had in his lower back.
Your kisses were tender, your words sweet, your hand taking him perfectly and touching him wonderfully in all the right places. He felt himself melting under your touch, the friction you were giving him so perfect that he could already feel himself coming.
"So good, muñeca," he breathed, his hips accelerating, his pelvis undulating to fuck your hand, "so good..."
His breath quickened, and with a loud groan, he came, spurting over your hand. His hips jerked as you gently slowed the pace, tenderly caressing his hard skin as you kissed his neck, murmuring tender words.
He turned to lie on his back, watching you. He came over to kiss you, almost as a thank you, but mainly because you'd just given him such wonderful sensations.
You brought your hand to your lips, licking them gently.
"I wonder what made you so hard," you said in a murmur, coming back to place your head on his torso.
You had eventually understood the reason for his arousal and globally his delight, and from then on, as soon as you were both in bed, you would take him in your arms like a good little spoon against you. Because he had shown you how vulnerable he was, and because he too had the right to know that there was someone there who cared about him and would protect him at all costs.
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dilfsfordinner · 6 months
a/n- this fucker is nasty, but my uterus is taking over my brain so idc
warnings- IF YOU DON’T LIKE BLOOD, DON’T READ, PLEASE, fem! bodied reader, period oral sex (fem! receiving), fingering, cramps and talk of periods in general
Since the torturous days of puberty, every year you had been suffering from the claws of your monthly blood week, your period somehow always finding a new way to piss you off, this time being the fact that you were getting pelted with an endless slew of pitchfork-esque cramps.
A warm bath didn’t help, sitting didn’t help, and somehow, sleeping didn’t either because the pinching twists in your uterus followed you into your dreams as well.
It didn’t matter that it was Saturday, if you couldn’t relax it wasn’t really the weekend. It didn’t help that the sky was gloomy either, clouds blocking the one thing that could possibly lighten your attitude. Toji didn’t seem to notice your very irritated mood, or the countless side-eyes you had been throwing at him since the beginning of the day, he just continued to prep breakfast, seemingly clueless to the war raging in your insides.
Groaning, you threw the heavy, down comforter off of your burning limbs, struggling to the kitchen in a very shaky fashion. You couldn’t even be mad at your man for not noticing, he was caught up in making food for the both of you, and you had to admit, it smelled wonderful.
You seemed to forget that his senses were unnaturally heightened, so dragging your feet and muttering under your breath did very little to conceal your presence, let alone your emotions. Making an effort to wrench the fridge open, you scanned for something sweet, preferably watermelon or something that wouldn’t make you feel like shit after eating, but to no avail, you were left with no fruit finds, a huff leaving you as you placed your hands on your hips, staring at the shelves as if you could make something just magically appear.
Warmth radiated from behind you, strong arms wrapping around your waist as Toji rested his chin on your shoulder, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. “What’s the matter, pretty,” he murmured, kissing the soft panel of skin beneath your jaw before turning his attention to rubbing soft circles on your waist.
A half-moan, half-sigh was pulled from you, his actions relaxing the tense muscles coiling inside of your lower half, cramps calming briefly at the deep massage his fingers delivered. “My period,” was all you managed to breathe out, trying to appreciate the short-lived relief he gave you, your limbs almost going lax in his hold.
Toji stiffened against your back, his muscles tightening in some protective, almost primal way. He wished he could take your pain, even for a second, because the sight of his love struggling to eat, walk, and even stand for a week of every month was torture in itself.
“Do you want to eat now?” he asked softly, continuing his massage just below your navel. You were actually excited to eat, excited to finally satisfy one kind of abdominal ache, that was until a sharp, stabbing sensation ripped along your lower, left side, most likely caused by the long fingers kneading the muscles there.
Gritting your teeth to prevent a cry, you pushed Toji’s hands away, shrugging out of his hold to stomp back to your bedroom, anger, as irrational and undeserved as it was, fizzling off of you and pointedly toward Toji. Yes, your period made you the “stereotypical”, hormone-crazed, emotional woman, but you had an excuse, you were cursed with some of the most inconvenient pains, which inevitably caused your attitude to turn, well, a little.. sassy.
Toji, however, knew exactly how to quell such sass, as bold as it might seem. So, carefully, he followed behind the angry breadcrumbs of muttered insults you purposely said aloud, to join you in the warmth of your bedroom. There, Toji watched as you plopped on the end of the bed, the action causing your arms to fold over your stomach in pain, curses spewing from you as his presence was accidentally, or maybe, intentionally ignored.
Gathering his courage to approach the beast groaning on the bed, Toji made himself known by pushing open the door, his footsteps light as he made his way over to your hunched figure. Your hands came up to cover your face, a sigh shaking your shoulders as a ticklish sensation enveloped your feet.
There, kneeling before you, was your very caring, very concerned husband, his large hands cradling your feet, the warmth of his palms even hotter than the fluffy, woolen socks that adorned your toes. He didn’t say anything, his face perfectly calm, peaceful in the warm light of the lamps you had placed around the room.
Green eyes came up to meet your hidden gaze, your fingers split just so to peek down at him. “Let me help you,” was all he said, voice hushed, his hands continuing their massage further up your legs, and even then, he never broke eye contact. “Please,” he whispered, those eyes of his so genuinely interested in pleasing you, taking care of you, you couldn’t help but trust him, letting your hands fall away to slowly nod at him.
Humming gratefully, his hands skated up your thighs to grasp the waistband of your pajama pants and undies, fingers teasing the delicate skin of your navel. “Lie back for me,” he murmured, hands still as he awaited your response. Apprehensively, you let yourself sink into the thick blankets beneath you, watching as he lifted your legs to slide your clothes and undergarments off.
“Wait, Toji, I’m-”
“I know,” he hushed you, kissing the inside of your knee before pulling his black sweater over his head, leaving him bare from the waist up. You thought he was trying to get something for himself, but no, he used the sweater for you, one hand lifting both of your legs up so that he could slide the knit material under your bottom. A.. towel of a sort?
Finally realizing what he planned to do, you snapped your thighs closed, huffing to sit up on your elbows, Toji looking up at you with amused eyebrows, his head tilted knowingly. “I’m bleeding,” was what you settled on, surely thinking that that was enough to steer him away from anything remotely sexual.
Toji just looked at you, his gaze not faltering, almost like he was challenging you for a better excuse, “And?”
“It’s gross!”
“No, it’s not. Besides, it’ll help you relax.”
Holding eye contact, he lowered himself to leave a kiss on your ankle, continuing up until his nose nuzzled the top of your thigh. “Trust me,” he whispered, his arms snaking underneath your thighs hesitantly, before he was tugging you to the edge of the bed, the crook of your knees fitting perfectly over the curve of his shoulders.
Biting the inside of your cheek, your eyebrows furrowed, debating letting him have his way with you, a checklist appearing in your head; One, he was clean so there really wasn’t the need to worry about infections or uti’s, especially because he had washed his hands a bunch while making breakfast. Two, he hadn’t eaten so his mouth was clean after recently having brushed. The third was where you really struggled. Did he really want to? Was he really not disgusted by the fact that you were currently leaking blood?
His low eyelids and eager kisses answered your questions enough, the doubts you had disappearing one by one, so with slow movements, you settled back onto the blankets, body relaxing in his hold.
Now, there was no word to describe how good it felt to have “relations” on any regular day, but on your period, it truly felt other worldly. The second Toji’s mouth left a kiss to the curve of your pubic bone, it was like your cramps took it as a sign to stop their infernal pounding, like even they knew what was to come.
Those kisses didn’t stop at the top, oh no, they continued to places much lower. There was a pause in his sweet ministrations before a gentle lick was being delivered up your slit, Toji’s tongue stopping at the top of your crease before he started to suckle the little bud there, your clit wasting no time sending electric bolts of pleasure up your spine.
He continued to suck and suck, circling his tongue, up and down, and side to side all while you shivered in his hold, chest rising and falling faster with the need to pull in air, your hand coming down to rest in his silky hair, inky strands slightly askew from the restless movements you used, your fingers raking through his locks.
It went on like that for what seemed like hours, his tongue pattern routine in your mind. You were so close to falling off the edge, all of your pleasure funneling to one spot in your core before you felt something nudge your entrance. Said “thing” was long and expertly trained on the subject of fingering, Toji’s middle finger pushing into your hole, a breathy sigh of his name leaving your lips.
With the added appendage, the sensations you were feeling increased tenfold, that familiar heartbeat throbbing in your cunt making your hips restless in his hold, Toji never relenting, continuing his strokes added with the plunge of his finger.
Looking down, he was certainly a sight to behold. His eyes were closed, eyebrows drawn together, cheeks flushed a pretty pink, and his lips, his chin- they were red, smeared with a dripping, ruby substance. Humiliation burned throughout your body, your hands about to cover your face before a certain noise stopped you. He had groaned, you realized, and not only that, it had sounded desperate, throaty and utterly him. He really didn’t mind.
A second finger began to push into you, the cold band of his wedding ring entering the warmth of your cunt, two different types of liquids squelching from the curl of his fingers, trickling down the inside of his palm. The skin of your entrance was taut around his fingers with every plunge inside, a pink ring beginning to accumulate at the base of his knuckles, your white liquids mixing with blood to create an interesting mixture of telltale orgasmic signs.
His mouth was messy, tongue delving to tease your hole before licking back up to your clit, his fingers and lips sometimes trading places to stretch your sanity even thinner. You looked so pretty, your nipples peaked under the material of your shirt, your chest heaving, and your face, which was barely visible to him, was cast to the side, eyes closed and mouth open, panting his name and other mindless words he couldn’t focus on enough to decipher.
“Toji, I’m-” you couldn’t even finish your shaky sentence, Toji finding it in him to make sure you finished in the most overwhelming way possible, his strong arms curling around your thighs, anchoring you to his mouth to prevent you from running away.
With a brush against that spongey spot inside of you and a particularly deft suck to your clit, you came with a shudder, your thighs shaking and squeezing him, heart beating so fast it felt like blood was emptying into a hollow place in your head. Easing his fingers out of you, Toji slowly detached his mouth from your cunt, licking his lips, gazing fondly at your very lax limbs and panting chest.
A dip in the mattress told you that he had seated himself next to your spent form, your eyes too tired to actually open and see. The fingers of his clean hand stroked down your cheek- comforting and calm. “How do you feel?” he murmured, fingers continuing their strokes down the side of your face until you opened your eyes.
You hadn’t even realized until he’d brought it up, but the agonizing, devilish cramps you were pelted with before were now reduced to nothing but a dull ache, sharpness and nausea free from the chamber of your insides. “A lot.. better,” your last word was quiet, like you didn’t want to admit that he was right about the whole thing after all.
A teasing flick to your forehead hinted that he knew very well how right he was. “I told you,” Toji grinned, watching as you rolled your eyes playfully, using your jello-like arms to try and push yourself into a seated position.
Being right next to him, you noticed just how dirty you had gotten him. The bottom half of his face was stained red, pinkish lines from your liquids trailing down his jaw and down his neck. Holding a laugh, you gestured to his figure, “You need a wash.”
Moving past him, you bent to pick up your discarded clothing that had been thrown haphazardly in the moment. You should’ve known he was planning something because as soon as you grasped your pants, a slap was delivered to your bum, a gasp coming from your lips as your head whipped to face the culprit, Toji’s arms crossed, eyes looking suspiciously humorous.
Twisting to see what he’d done, the slap he’d delivered had left a handprint, two imprinted fingers stained red on your skin, your previously clean body now sullied by your own blood. Scowling up at him, you watched as he strolled to the bathroom, saying over his shoulder, “Now you do too.”
With a muttered curse, the balled up pants you had in hand somehow made their way soaring across the room to hit the black haired man right to the back of his head. There’s one thing that never changed- if your period wasn’t the one pissing you off, Toji certainly knew how to take up that position.
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rollingsins · 10 months
all hers, epilogue
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii | part xiv | part xv | part xvi | part xvii | part xviii | part xix | part xx | part xxi | part xxii | part xxiii | part xxiv | part xxv | part xxvi | epilogue
summary: Tara and YN try their hand at some healthier habits.
warnings: (+18), Tara is Ghostface, mention of violence. Smut.
word count: 5.3k
a/n: it's been a wild ride. thanks for all who have come along. all hers is over, but I will still be writing gf!tara drabbles in the same universe - maybe some college oneshots in the drabble files. Until then: enjoy the final chapter! :)) 
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As the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months, slowly, the pain subsides.
Your normal? It’s potentially forever gone. It shouldn’t be a surprise, at this point.
Once you’d just been a teenage girl, crazily in love with another girl.
Who turned out to be a serial killer. Who’d somehow turned you into a killer.
Who’d made you cry, and laugh and love harder than you’d ever loved in your entire life.
In the grand scheme of things - the scar on your belly is probably the least of your worries.
But that doesn’t stop you toiling on it.
It always seems to be the way, doesn’t it? Worrying about the things that don’t really matter.
You worry nonetheless.
“It’s pretty,” Tara murmurs in comfort when you’re staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror, shirt lifted slightly, eyebrows pinched in dismay.
It’s not pretty.
It’s wiry and long and stems from the tip of your bellybutton down to your navel.
“It’s hideous.” You say, voice a little fraught.
It’s hideous and permanent.
You’ll never be able to wear a bikini again. You’ll never be able to take your shirt off again without being reminded of it.
Of her.
The woman who had tormented you for weeks.
The woman who you’d tormented for weeks. The woman whose son you’d taken from her. The woman who’d repaid you in mental scars to last a lifetime.
A belly scar to last a lifetime.
“It’s beautiful,” Tara says, pressing her lips to your shoulder, “It means you’re alive.”
She squeezes your hips, then lifts her own shirt.
“And it matches mine,” She says, eyes shimmering, “Matching knife wounds. Like soulmates.”
You snort.
Because of course Tara tries to make stab wounds romantic.
But to her credit - it works.
Your heart sings.
Because that’s what you are.
“Who needs a wedding ring, right?” You say, biting your lip, insecurities suddenly fading.
Tara entwines your hands, lifts the back of your hand to her lips.
“You do,” Tara says, “And you’ll have one. Soon. I promise.”
You pull back.
“Not before-“
“College,” Tara says, rolling her eyes, “I know, babe.”
You press a lingering kiss to her cheek.
“I just don’t want to be one of those couples who rush into marriage and fall apart the moment they turn twenty-one.”
“That won’t be us,” Tara whines, and then she pouts, “Plenty of high school sweethearts get married right after high school.”
You groan.
“Tara, we talked about this already-“
“I know,” Tara says, voice hasty, “I’m just excited. I want you to be Mrs. Carpenter already.”
“Mrs Carpenter, huh?” You say, ignoring the fluttery rush that blooms through you at the thought, “And what if I want you to take my name?”
Tara cocks a brow and considers this.
“I don’t care, babe, I’ll change my name to garden gnome if you want, as long as I get to be your wife.” She says after a moment.
You smile. Squeeze her hand.
“You’d suit it,” You tease, “But Mrs and Mrs Carpenter has a nice ring to it.”
Tara tilts her head hopefully.
“So, maybe a high school wedding?” She asks, voice sly, “Mrs Carpenter would look good on your college application forms.”
You press a warm kiss to her lips.
“There’s no rush, babe,” You tell her, “And I need to save up. Get you a pretty ring.”
Tara squints.
“I’m proposing first,” She says immediately, “You promised, babe.”
You roll your eyes.
“Yes, you baby, I know.”
Tara tilts her head, seemingly satisfied.
You press a kiss to her lips. She’s cured your insecurity, for now.
But a new feeling gnaws at the bottom of your stomach.
As you realize what comes next. You try to keep your voice light. Lighter than the heavy pit at the bottom of your stomach.
“Come on,” You say, trying and failing not to sound anxious, “It’s time for therapy.”
Dr Colmann is a five foot woman with long, flowing blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.
Her office is bland. Gray walls. Little decoration.
Like she wants your attention on her.
You’d met her first, a few weeks ago. Like a pterodactyl scouting out a potential nest for her baby.
Your situation is tricky - there’s only so much you can tell her.
And you’re no doctor - but even you know surely it’s impossible to diagnose an illness without knowing all the symptoms.
“I want to get something out of the way,” You’d said after a long moment, clearing your throat.
Dr Colmann had looked over at you, pen tilted and ready to write. With all the intimidation of a woman who was about to change your life.
“I’m aware my girlfriend is…” You had paused, trying to think of the right word, “A little… possessive.”
Dr Colmann said nothing.
“I know that, and that’s why we’re looking for help.” You’d bitten your lip, nervous, “And I’m also sure the first thing you’re going to tell me is to leave her. But that isn’t going to happen. I love her. And she loves me. We’re looking for coping methods. I want to help her feel secure. But I will not break up with her.”
Dr Colmann had just listened.
Her silence, if possible, made you all the more nervous.
“She’s not abusive or anything,” You’d clarified, hastily, “She doesn’t hurt me. She just gets… jealous.”
“And what does she do when she gets jealous?” She’d asked, finally breaking her silence.
“Um-“ You’d said, voice a little high. Memories flashed before you like nightmares and you’d been entirely grateful your thoughts couldn’t be seen.
“She lashes out. Not at me. At other people.”
Dr Colmann scribbled something in her notepad. Long, wiry, black inky marks.
You’d squinted, trying to make up the words, but she’d looked back at you before you’d had the chance.
“Do you have any examples?” Dr Colmann prompted.
You paused.
You had a fair few of those.
None of which you could disclose.
“Little things,” You said, “I used to play soccer. But I had to quit because Tara thought some of the girls might become interested in me.”
You chew your lip.
“And… I was just in the hospital. She got jealous of the nurse.”
“The nurse?”
“She tried to… give me a sponge bath and Tara freaked out.”
Dr Colman stared.
You swallowed. The words out loud somehow seemed even more ridiculous than they are.
“How did she freak out?” Dr Colmann asked.
“She tried to…” You swallowed again, “She didn’t want the nurse to touch me again. Not even to change my bandages.”
Dr Colmann pursed her lips.
“I told her that was stupid,” You’d said, hurriedly, “But when she gets like that, nothing can stop her. She calls it The Rage.”
Dr Colmann tilted her head.
“The Rage?”
You’d nodded.
“Yeah. It’s like… it’s like something takes over her. Like a demon or something. Something she can’t control.”
Dr Colmann had closed her notebook. She’d looked over at you, surveying. You’d blinked back, eyes wide, surely screaming help me, or something to that effect.
Then, she smiled.
“When can I meet her?”
You’re no less nervous the second time.
You greet Dr Colmann with a tight smile, draw Tara down into the seat next to you. Your knee bobs up and down, unable to quell the tide of anxiety rising deep within you.
Please, you think, a little desperate, please help her.
As Tara and Dr Colmann exchange pleasantries, you blink. Too many times.
Like you don’t know how this is going to go. The worst case scenario flashes before you: Dr Colmann in a body bag.
Tara in a jail cell.
You in a jail cell.
Never able to touch her, or hold her, or kiss her ever again.
You need therapy, the little voice in your head leers, judgmental, not being with Tara is worse than a woman dying?
“So, Tara,” Dr Colmann says, when you’re all seated. With all the cheeriness of someone who isn’t aware you’re imagining her as a corpse.
“Tell me about The Rage.”
An awkward silence settles over the three of you.
Tara shoots a hesitant look towards you.
You squeeze her hand and nod.
Then, she looks over to Dr Colmann.
“It’s an anger thing,” Tara mumbles, not looking her in the eye, “I’ve seen shrinks before, none of them can fix it.”
Dr Colmann tilts her head.
“And what did these other doctors do?” She asks, “Anger management classes? Medication?”
“Both,” Tara says, “Nothing ever worked.”
Dr Colmann hums.
“I’ve read through your file, Tara,” She says gently, “Fourteen different therapists across the state. That’s a lot of doctors. Especially for such a young girl.”
Tara assesses her. Her face is tight, guarded. Like she’s not sure if she can quite trust her.
Dr Colmann scribbles something in her notepad.
“Lots of kids have problems with anger,” Says Dr Colmann, “But anger is just a symptom, like any other emotion. From what YN has told me, anger isn’t the problem. Sharing is the problem.”
Tara frowns.
“Plenty of children have issues with sharing,” Dr Colmann continues, “Usually, it’s the parents who stamp it out. But not always. I see in your file your sister used to bear the brunt of most of these anger issues.”
Tara folds her arms.
“Not always,” She says.
“But most of the time,” Says Dr Colmann, pointedly. She squints, reading through her notes, “It says here you attacked your sister when you were four years old because she tried to play with one of your Barbie dolls. Then again, later that week for taking a bigger slice of pie.”
“Four year olds are allowed to have boundaries, aren’t they?” Says Tara, defensively, “That Barbie was mine.”
“And YN? She’s yours too?” Asks Dr Colmann, evenly.
Tara blinks.
“She’s my girlfriend.” Tara says, diplomatically. The question is a trap, one she’s determined to avoid.
Dr Colmann tilts her head.
“And you don’t like when other people play with her? Is that right?”
Anger flickers through Tara’s features. You bite your lip, and squeeze her hand. Try to keep her grounded.
“I suppose not.” Says Tara, voice tight.
“YN told me about the nurse,” Dr Colmann says, “And the soccer team. You made her quit? Why?”
Tara looks over to you, a little helpless.
“I didn’t make her quit,” She says, slowly, like she’s being very careful with her words, “I just… suggested it. Strongly.”
Dr Colmann makes a noise of dissatisfaction.
Then returns to madly scribbling on her notepad.
Tara frowns again, looking self-conscious.
Dr Colmann looks up.
“And what if someone on the soccer team had been interested?” Dr Colmann asks, “What would you have done?”
You avert your gaze.
Kill them, is the answer.
It’s already happened.
More than once.
Tara shifts.
“I wouldn’t like it.” Tara says.
“No reasonable person would like that, Tara,” Dr Colmann prods, gently, “But what would you do?”
“I don’t know,” Says Tara, sounding aggravated, “Not let her see them anymore.”
“And do you think that’s an appropriate request?” Dr Colmann asks, “Do you really think you should have control over who your girlfriend associates with?”
Tara narrows her eyes.
“YN would do it for me,” She says, “We’re in a relationship. Relationships are about compromise.”
“That isn’t compromise, Tara,” Dr Colmann says, gently, “That’s you demanding she do something and her complying. Do you not trust her?”
Tara blinks.
She looks over to you, then back to Dr Colmann.
“Of course I do,” She says, voice soft, “It’s other people I don’t trust.”
“And what do you think these other people are going to do?” Dr Colmann asks.
“I don’t know.” Tara says, voice small, as if she’s never really thought that far ahead.
She looks like a little lost puppy. You want to wrap her in your arms and tell her you’ll never talk to anybody else again if that’s what she wants.
You resist.
Healthy wife, happy life, is what you tell yourself instead.
Dr Colmann’s face washes with sympathy.
“Jealousy is pointless, Tara,” Dr Colmann says, voice gentle, “Worrying is pointless. If YN is going to cheat on you, she’ll cheat on you. If she’s going to leave you, she’ll leave you. There’s nothing you - or The Rage can do about it.”
Tara blinks.
“I-“ She says, as if Dr Colmann has just spit in her face “What?”
Dr Colmann sits forward in her seat. Her notebook discarded.
“What you need to do - is trust. Your girlfriend loves you. Clearly. She wouldn’t be here with you if she didn’t.”
Tara frowns.
“You’re afraid of losing her,” Dr Colman says, eyebrows knit, as if Tara is a particularly difficult puzzle she can’t quite get her head around, “But why? We’ve already established she loves you. She wouldn’t be here with you if she didn’t.”
Tara blinks. You soothe a finger across the back of her hand. Resist the urge to press a kiss to her pretty forehead.
You let the doctor do the work.
“Have other people you loved left you, Tara?” Dr Colmann prods, gently.
Tara’s shoulders tense.
Dr Colmann waits a moment.
“Who?” She asks, "Your Mom? Your Dad?”
“Both.” Tara says, voice small, “They both left me.”
Your heart aches.
If you could - you’d sucker punch the two of them right now.
It isn’t an option. Instead - you grip her hand tight, offer her a small smile of encouragement as she speaks.
Tara swallows.
“My Dad tried to fix me,” Tara says, “For years. I was an angry kid. They could never figure out what was wrong with me. Eventually he just… gave up. He walked out on me and My Mom and my sister. Left us, just like that.”
“That must have been very traumatic,” Says Dr Colmann, “How old were you?”
“Thirteen.” Says Tara, “My Mom never left. I mean, she did. She threw herself into work to cope with my Dad leaving. She started going on these long business trips. But she never officially left.”
Dr Colmann offers her a small smile, “And that’s why you get so jealous, is it Tara? You’re afraid YN will leave you? Like your Mom? Like your Dad?”
Tara hesitates.
She looks down at her hands.
“Yes.” She says, after a long moment.
“Baby,” You say, voice hushed. Tara squeezes your fingers.
Dr Colmann hums.
“That makes a lot of sense, Tara,” She says, her voice kind, “That gives us something to work with.”
She closes her notepad, offers the two of you a reassuring smile.
“Your anger - we can work through that. We can figure out some coping methods. But the main problem here isn’t anger, Tara. It’s trust. I know you said you trust YN but you’re still scared. Deep down you’re scared she’ll abandon you, just like your parents did. We need to work through that.”
“Is it something we can fix?” You ask, a tad desperate.
You’d lost count of the amount of times you’d promised Tara you’d never leave her.
And each time it seemed to fall on deaf ears the moment The Rage was invoked.
“We can try,” Dr Colmann says, “I can try. And it’ll take some hard work. But Tara, it’ll only work if you’re open to it. If you’re open to changing. Is that something you can do?”
Tara thinks for a moment.
And then she nods.
“Yeah,” She says, “I want to do it. I want to be different. For you, babe,”
She squeezes your hand. Thinks hard.
“And for me too."
You’re silent the entire way home.
Tara too.
She grips your hand so hard you think it might fall off at one point. It’s only when she pulls into the driveway, she speaks.
“I didn’t scare you off, did I?” She asks, chewing her lip as she looks over at you, “With all my… problems.”
“Never, baby,” You say immediately.
You lean over to kiss her cheek. She relaxes.
“I’m going to need a lot of therapy, aren’t I?” She says, sounding worried.
You press another warm kiss to her cheek.
“I’ll be with you the whole way,” You assure, “I'm not going anywhere, Tara.”
You hesitate.
“You know I’m not like your Dad, right?” You say, “Or your Mom. I’m not going to leave you.”
Tara offers you a small smile.
“I know, babe,” She says, “At least in theory, I know.”
You press a kiss to her lips.
“I guess I’ll just have to remind you then,” you say, “Everyday. I love you. You’re stuck with me. I’ll say it until you believe me in theory and in practice.”
Tara rests her forehead against yours.
“Okay,” She says, “And keep saying it after that, okay babe?”
You kiss her.
Your Mom’s still in the hospital.
Her leg had been amputated after the attack, and the procedure hadn’t been easy on her or your Dad. She’d come home after two weeks and then been admitted once more when the wound became infected.
“Are you feeling okay?” You ask her now, chewing your lip, phone pressed to your ear.
Tara finishes up the dishes, setting down the washcloth to nestle in beside you, squeezing your hip comfortingly.
“I’m okay, sweetheart,” She says, “Will you come and visit tomorrow?”
“I’ll be there,” You promise, “Sam is going to pick us up after school.”
“And everything’s alright at the house?” Enquires your Mom.
You were staying at Tara’s place until your parents came back home, a decision that was quickly agreed on, for once.
“Everything’s fine, Mom,” You assure, “Sam’s working now, but she’ll be home in a couple of hours.”
Your Mom hums.
“And Tara’s there with you, isn’t she?” She asks, sounding a little worried, “You’re not alone?”
“Tara’s here,” You say and Tara kisses the back of your neck, “You don’t have to worry, Mom.”
“Is that Tara?” Asks your Dad through the phone, a little gruff, “Can I speak with her?’
“Dad wants to speak to Tara, YN, bye for now,” Says your Mom, “See you tomorrow.”
You barely get out the goodbye before you hear your Dad’s voice once more.
“Tara?” He asks.
“It’s me Dad,” You say, and he makes a noise of vague disappointment.
You roll your eyes.
“We’re fine, thanks for asking.” You say.
“Yes, yes, I heard you speak with Mom,” He assures, “Put Tara on the phone.”
You hand off the phone to your girlfriend and pry yourself out of her grip, busying yourself with playing the leftovers into their containers.
“Hello, Sir,” Says Tara, the way you might speak to the President.
She bobs her head, eyebrows knitting.
“Yes, I did see the 49ers play.”
You huff.
Tara averts her gaze.
“Yes, I did think they played like a bunch of seven year old girls.”
You roll your eyes once more.
Tara’s newfound friendship with your Dad is better than the alternative, at least. You’d lived the alternative.
It hadn’t been much fun.
“We’re okay,” Tara promises, suddenly, “I have every door locked down, alarms set and cameras operating.”
Your Dad murmurs something down the line you can’t hear.
Tara smiles, and then reaches for your hand.
“I’m not letting her out of my sight, Sir, you don’t have to worry,” She says, “I won’t let anyone hurt her. I promise.”
She hangs up not long after.
You should be used to it by now, the flutter in the pit of your stomach every time she gets protective, or calls you hers, but you’re not.
Butterflies cascade through your belly, branching out to the tips of your fingertips where they settle. You curl in around Tara and press your lips to her neck.
She smells good. No perfume, just the tinge of her skin and her coconut body wash.
You squeeze her hips and nip your teeth against the nape of her neck.
“Oh.” Tara sighs as you slip your fingers into the waistband of your jeans. She leans back into your touch, titling your head to capture your lips.
“Really?” She asks, a little excited.
You laugh.
You’d not had sex in a few weeks, hardly in the mood. Your wound aches most days, and the rest are spent really remarkably unsexy, despite Tara’s constant reassurance you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.
She turns in your arms, pressing another kiss to your lips.
“Sam won’t be home for hours,” You murmur against her lips, “Just you and me. The way it should be.”
“Your stomach doesn’t hurt?” She asks, a little soft. Her eyes swim with concern, “We can just watch a movie, if you want?”
You shake your head.
She looks good. Her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. No makeup, her spill of freckles poignant, her pretty lips pouty and red and kissable.
“I want you, baby,” You murmur, nuzzling your nose to the side of her face, ���Do you want me too?”
You don’t have to wait long for a response.
She presses a searing kiss to your lips.
“Do you even have to ask?” She says, biting her lip.
“No,” You smile, “But I want to hear you say it anyway.”
“I want you,” She says, immediately. She’s excited again, you can tell by the way her eyes flicker, “I want you all the time.”
“Come take me then,” You murmur against her mouth.
She doesn’t have to be told twice.
She leads you up the staircase, walking backwards. Her mouth fused to yours, her careful hands roaming every span of skin she can get her hands on.
She helps you onto the bed, far gentler than her usual gig of wild hands and wild lips. Instead, this time she touches you as if you might shatter into a thousand pieces.
You make an annoyed murmur as she pulls your jeans down your legs. It feels like an age, the way she softly untangles the button and the zipper. Her touch is light, so un-Tara.
When she finally pulls your legs from your jeans, you almost cry out of frustration.
“Babe, I’m not going to break.” You tell her, but it falls on deaf ears.
She’s pressing her lips to your thigh, tiny, gentle touches as she pulls your underwear down your legs at a pain-stakingly slow pace.
“Don’t rush me, babe,” She says as you reach down to help her, “And lie back. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I feel fine,” You say, tilting up to meet her kiss, “Please hurt me.”
Tara huffs, drawing back slightly.
“It’s not fair to say things like that when you know I can’t.” She pouts, “The things I want to do to you will almost certainly rip your stitches.”
Arousal coils deep in your belly.
Then annoyance.
“Now who's not being fair?” It’s your turn to pout.
Tara nudges her lips to your neck.
“I’m going to make love to you, baby-girl,” She promises, her eyes dark, “That’s more than fair.”
You tilt your head up and press a lingering kiss to her lips.
“Besides. If I rip your stitches I think your Dad will have something to say.”
You wrinkle your nose.
“Let’s not talk about my Dad when we’re getting naked, babe,” You suggest.
She hums in agreement.
And then you reach for her shirt.
If she’s going to spend the entire evening getting your underwear down your legs, the least she can do is give you something to look at, you reason.
Your touch is impatient.
You pry off her jeans like there’s a time limit. Strip her of her shirt and her bra until she’s hovering naked above you, making your mouth water.
And suddenly, what little patience you had left is gone.
You rise up, starling her.
“Babe-“ She protests, but you can’t be reasoned with.
You tilt her around, until she’s lying back on the mattress, nudging her bare legs apart with your thighs.
“Too slow, my turn.” You murmur.
Your lips are hungry.
You kiss her, fierce, groaning slightly as your hands get to work. They work down the curve of her hips, to her thighs. You squeeze her, a little rough, and then move your hands to take her nipples between your fingers.
She gasps, her hips involuntarily jerking up towards yours. You detangle yourself from her lips, leaning down to press hot kisses against her neck.
She threads her fingers through your hair, tugging, tugging, as she moves against you. She’s still holding back, being careful not to touch your stomach.
You can tell by the way she’s groaning it’s hard for her.
And so you make it easy.
Your lips move down from her neck to her breasts. You circle each nipple once, then twice, before you’re taking her in your mouth, curling your arms around each of her thighs.
“Baby,” Tara murmurs, “Baby, your stomach-“
You release her nipple with a wet pop and a frown.
“I’m fine, babe.” You say, and it’s true.
It aches, slightly, but it always does nowadays. No matter what you’re doing.
And if it’s her you’re doing, at least the ache is dampened by the forest fire of arousal surging through your veins.
You return to your pilgrimage down her body.
Your lips graze her belly-button, your tongue slips down over the jut of her hips to the crest of her thighs.
She sighs, seemingly satisfied as you slip down further. Moving your body to settle nicely in between her legs.
Then, she tilts her head up, biting her lip.
Her eyes are hesitant, though encompassed with want.
“Tell me if it hurts,” She says, “Tell me and we can stop. Or…re-adjust.”
You nod, impatient.
“Alright babe, I will,” You say, raising an eyebrow, “Can I go down on you now?”
Her cheeks flush red with arousal.
“Please.” She whispers.
She’s beautiful, as ever.
You press your lips against the soft skin of her inner thighs, grazing your lips just gently. You use your tongue to work your way inwards.
Your breath catches in your throat the moment you taste her. Wet, syrupy, bittersweet goodness.
You lick it up, greedy for more. You press your lips to her folds, use your hands to spread her open for you. You lose control of your tongue.
One minute you’re ready to tease, the next, you’ve worked yourself up too much.
Your tongue moves hot across her folds and then down to her entrance. Your top lip brushes her clit and she sings.
A low moan that vibrates through the room.
A moan that indicates it’s been far too long since you’ve touched her like this.
You apologize with your mouth.
Low strokes of your tongue at her entrance. The quiet murmur of your own moan as your tongue moves up to circle her clit.
Lazy, slow, movements.
Then fast.
Like you’re changing your own mind too quickly.
You settle for writing words with your tongue.
babygirl, is what you spell out against her clit.
Your name. Her name. You connect them with a heart.
And then: mine.
Tara lets out a quiet moan as you take her clit between your lips. Sucking gently until her thighs are gripping like iron bars around the side of your head and her nails against your scalp bruise.
You give up on using the alphabet.
You slip two fingers inside her, sighing as she encases you. She’s tight and wet and begging for more.
You give it to her.
Curl your fingers up in just the right way. Lap your tongue over her clit just the way she likes.
And then she’s gasping as she tightens around you. She cries your name in a breathy moan as she cums hard around your fingers and mouth.
It’s always over too quickly, you think briefly as you reluctantly slip out of her. You need to learn patience. You need to learn how to tease.
But there’s something about her, and you don’t know how she does it. You just have to give her what she wants.
She lets out a happy sigh as you climb up her body and press your lips to her forehead.
She’s still a moment, but you know better. She recovers quickly.
In less than a minute she’s shifting.
You groan as your back hits the mattress.
Her hands slip down to your thighs, gripping you like she has an agenda. And she does. You know it by heart.
First, the gentle touch of her lips against your neck.
Then she’s sliding your underwear down your legs.
She kisses your lips, slips her tongue into your mouth for only a moment. And then she’s trailing kisses down your body.
Your chest. Your breasts.
She pays special attention to your nipples. Her eyes locking with yours as she sucks, ever so gently.
Your body feels hot.
You grip her face, holding her in place.
And then she’s nudging out of your grip, dipping down to press her lips to your navel.
She doesn’t kiss your scar, but you can tell she wants to.
She looks up at you, eyes wide and vulnerable as she squeezes your hips.
“You’re beautiful.” She murmurs. She ducks down and presses a kiss to the top of your inner thigh, “You’re perfect. My perfect girl.”
“Tara,” You say, voice a little gravelly, “Baby, please.”
She doesn’t make you wait.
One moment she’s pressing her lips to your thigh. The next, she’s dipping down between your legs. You lean back onto the pillows with a sigh.
Her lips graze.
She kisses your inner thigh.
Drags her tongue over your entrance and you gasp.
Then, her lips are on your clit.
You moan as she snakes a hand around your waist. The other slips between your legs. She teases for only a moment before she’s slipping her fingers inside you. You gasp at the sudden intrusion.
It’s not as though you’re not ready for it.
You’re so wet you’d give her a snorkel if she wasn’t such an experienced sailor.
But she rides your high seas like it’s her full time job.
Lips on your clit, fingers working in and out. She squeezes your hip with her free hand. Her talented mouth is like fire. Dancing around just where you need it most.
You close your eyes and let out a low moan.
She’s being careful.
Loving you like she doesn’t want to hurt you.
You take back the impatience. You take back the need for more, more, more.
Your sweet, loving girlfriend is all you need.
Gentle mouth. Careful tongue.
Her between your legs, working you into oblivion like sex is just a vehicle to express how deeply she loves you.
You cum with her name on your lips. Her mouth fused around your lips. You cum feeling safe and wanted and needed.
And when she’s done, she climbs back up your body and presses the softest kiss to your lips.
Nestles herself with her head in your chest. Right next to your heartbeat.
Where she should be.
You close your eyes once more.
Thread your fingers through her hair. Press the softest of kisses to her forehead.
And then she looks up at you, her pretty brown eyes shimmering.
“Love you.” She murmurs. She punctuates her words with a kiss.
Your chest is heaving. You allow yourself the moment. Body thrumming with your orgasm, the love of your life pressed tight to your side.
Tara curls into you. She waits a moment, then looks over at you,
“I’m going to be better for you,” She murmurs, “I’ve put you through hell, baby, and I know that. But it all ends now.”
You frown.
“I’m in heaven with you, no matter what you’ve done,” You say, after a quiet moment, “After what we’ve both done. Right or wrong, I love you. And you love me. And that’s all that matters.”
Tara tilts her head to yours.
She takes your lips in a long, searing kiss.
She says what she can’t with words.
You say it too.
And when you pull back, you know she understands.
She’s yours.
And you are undeniably, irrefutably, entirely:
All hers. 
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gravid-transluna · 3 months
Bread, Milk, and Eggs
words: 1390
content: rapid pregnancy and birth, lactation, birth denial, fpreg
Nadia grabbed a basket on the way into the supermarket. She wouldn’t need a cart. Her list only consisted of three simple things. The basket swung as she combed the aisles, leisurely.
She picked out a loaf, pausing to read the expiration date before dropping it in the basket.
As it plopped in, she immediately felt a strange sensation. It was almost like a tugging in her navel, a buttery innie. She pressed her lean, dark tummy, firm with athleticism. Not concerned. Just a little curious.
Then the tugging became a pressure, consistent with the bloated sensation she would experience on her period. Nadia frowned. She pressed down on her belly, and, to her surprise, it pressed back.
“The hell—?” She was really frowning now. She realized how she must look to passerby, a college-age girl in a crop top and jean shorts, staring at her stomach.
Probably just gas or something, she thought. She continued down the aisle. When she reached the end, she looked down again, this time gasping audibly. Her belly had a curve to it, bending a little past the waistline of her jean shorts now. Nadia pressed down again, hard. She stopped when she felt nausea well up inside her. Her belly was still mostly muscle, but had a slight softness to it, a give like a firm peach. As she watched, it swelled even more, pushing out slowly to stretch her shorts.
“Holy fuck,” Nadia muttered, suddenly feeling the flesh of her belly contained in the seams of her waistline like it had never been before. She felt extremely uncomfortable, and reached around it to undo the button, fingers fumbling. She gasped, breathing, and her belly expanded even more without the restriction.
Nadia could now spread her fingertips around its underside. She looked almost, she looked—
No. Nah. No fuckin’ way.
Nadia grabbed the bread from the basket and lifted it to her eyes. The expiration date had been nine months from now when she’d picked it out.
Now, it was four.
“I gotta be tripping,” Nadia mumbled.
She laced her fingers over her navel and held firm as the skin filled her hands and pushed against them. She refused to let it grow any more and ruin her trim tummy and athletic figure. Then a pain and pressure shot through her belly, as though something had rose, shoving, up into her sternum. She let go, and her belly rapidly dropped, the skin stretching tightly, itching around her belly, her taut belly muscles being pulled and loosened and smoothed into a round, curving shape. She watched in mounting horror, cupping her mouth as her innie rose and popped outward. Then, a sharp inner jab, distending its tight surface. Nadia gasped. Movements wriggled her belly viscerally. She clutched at her lively swell, unable to deny it any longer.
“Shit, I’m pregnant,” she said.
Dark stretch marks patterned the sheening brown skin. Nadia regretted her crop top, exposing her to the entire supermarket. She glanced around. She only needed a few more things, then she could get to a doctor. She began to speed-walk, realizing that her strut had been hindered to a waddle, heavy belly forcing her to walk with her back curved to support the gravid weight.
Without realizing it, Nadia rested her hand atop the high shelf of her belly as she walked, a natural maternal gesture.
She came to the dairy aisle and opened the door, suppressing a sharp breath as her belly rippled and twitched with a flurry of kicks. As soon as she placed a carton of milk in her basket, she was subjected to another set of sensations.
She recoiled.
“Noooo,” Nadia moaned, heedless to glances from passerby. “No, no, not again!”
Sharp points of pressure stabbed through her nipples, and she watched as they stiffened under her crop top, then began to thicken and elongate, inching outward. Her small breasts, she realized, were swelling as well. They sank, full, still not particularly large but swollen now, tender. High before, their undersides now rested on her belly, humiliatingly completely her very pregnant appearance. Nadia cupped them, then gasped; her fat nipples were sensitive, raw. The simple contact had leeched milk from the tips, forming twin wet spots on her tip. She crossed her arms over her chest, feeling them continue to dribble achingly.
My top, Nadia thought. My favorite fucking top.
She had to get out of here, now. Before anyone saw her, leaking milk in the dairy aisle. Before anything… worse could happen.
As if on cue, her belly shook and swayed with powerful, urgent kicks.
One more item. Fortunately, it was on the same aisle, near the milk. Nadia scanned quickly, chose a carton at random, not even bothering to check the eggs for cracks as she usually did. Breast milk ran freely down her front now, her top soaked with two spreading wet patches. She threw the carton into her basket and heard a crack.
Nadia cursed. She opened the cartoon and saw that it only contained a single broken egg.
“What the—”
Then her belly surged, a sudden pressure rushing through her, downward. Her knees trembled, weak. She clasped the aisle fridge handle to remain upright as fluid flushed from her vagina, drenching her legs and puddling the floor. Immediately she felt something large, heavy, and round drop between her pelvis. Her belly hung lower. The bones of her hips craned with forceful pressure; they were still narrow and girlish, unable to reach the significant width of expecting mothers in time for her own birth.
“No, I—” Nadia stuttered, clutching her belly. “I can’t be—nnnngh.”
An urge to bear down pounded in her head. Nadia fought it, sleek muscled body tensing with resistance. She tried to put her legs together, feeling like the baby would fall between them with her widened stance, and found that she couldn’t anymore. They were permanently spread, hips opened in preparation. She turned and began to waddle as fast as she could to the front of the store, hand pressed over the sodden crotch of her shorts. Running had become a ridiculous notion, nearly impossible. Her knees wavered, threatening collapse. She couldn’t bring her legs together as she pumped them forward, and her belly swung, gravid and obtrusive, as she moved.
Another contraction. Every muscle in her belly clamped down, transforming it into a tight, rigid ball, driving the breath from her.
Don’t push, she thought. Don’t push. Pushing makes it real. Don’t—
She dropped into a deep squat in the middle of the aisle. Gripping the belly between her thighs hard enough to indent the surface, she bore down with a long, uninterrupted groan. Internal muscles thrust her baby through her canal, opening her. Her hips creaked. Her voice cracked, shrill now as she pushed again. The head slid between them, almost dislocating them with its width. She forced her legs even wider instinctually, desperate to make room for the descending head.
“Holy shit, she’s in labor!”
“Someone call 9-1-1!”
The people around her had stopped, unsure. They watched her, some phone cameras now winking down at Nadia in her birthing squat.
Her eyes widened as the contraction abated with the baby’s head resting in her vagina, filling her entire canal with tremendous weight. She could feel herself bulging into her jean shorts. On quivering spread legs she raised herself and hobbled out of the aisle.
“Excuse me, ma’am! You have to pay first!” an employee demanded as she passed the checkout, basket swinging from her arm.
The store alarms rang, and then Nadia was gripped by another contraction.
She buckled, bowing into another squat and pushing long, shoving her baby further into her tented jean shorts. The crown burned and dilated her vagina into a hot, red teardrop, then a drawn circle. Amniotic fluid spilled, spurting into the fabric around the head. Then her progress was suddenly, excruciatingly halted by her shorts. She’d pushed half a head into them and the stretched fabric wouldn’t yield any more space. Nadia bore down, her clenching efforts fruitless now. Her pussy slipped, tense and bloodless around the head. She threw her head back and moaned with the screaming sirens.
It had been three simple things. The fourth? Well, the fourth she’d never expected to be so complicated.
397 notes · View notes
angel-9mm · 5 months
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4 notes · View notes
It's Called Murder, Baby!
A Scream x Stranger Things AU
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Part II
Read Part I Here
Synopsis: A string of gruesome murders takes a toll on the small town of Hawkins. Friends and family start looking like suspects making it hard to trust those who you are closest to.
Chapter Summary: A killer is still on the loose with the whole town on edge. Was this a single incident or is there more to come? Hopper puts his foot down leaving things tense with you and Steve.
18+ Only! Minors DNI!
This work will contain elements of violent themes (depictions of crime scenes, murders, etc) and smut. This is a slasher fic!
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. AFAB!Reader. Graphic character deaths/murders - depictions of how they were found after the murder. Semi-Public Sex. Oral (m receiving). Pet names. Choking. Degradation. Smoking marijuana. P in V (wrap it before you tap it!). Creampie.
Word Count: 5.3K
In all of Jim’s twenty plus years on the force, he thought he’d seen it all. Hawkins had its share of crime, but murder was never high on that list. The usually quiet town had only seen something of this caliber once before.
He was here 10 years ago when Principal Higgin’s was strung up by his feet and found hanging on the goal post at Hawkin’s High football field, sliced open from neck to navel like a freshly killed deer ready for processing. It was gruesome and bloody. They had never seen anything like it and hoped they’d never have to deal with something like it again.
The murders of Jason and Chrissy brought a whole new meaning to what he’d thought he’d seen.
Jason was found tied to a chair. He had been stabbed at least ten times before his throat ultimately slit. They were still unsure if he was already dead before his neck was reached.
Chrissy was found a few feet away, strung up by her feet. Rope tied to the second-floor landing, extending over the living room. In eerily similar fashion to that murder 10 years ago, she was also gutted.
It was as if Jason had been made to watch. This was brutal and seemed personal.
He had the file spread out across his desk, looking and relooking at all the evidence as he reached for another smoke. He’d been chain smoking since he’d left the crime scene this morning.
It was now well past two in the afternoon, and he was no closer to figuring this shit out. It was going to be a long night.
A knock came at his door followed by Deputy Callahan poking his head in.
“Yeah?” Came his gruff voice, already irritated by the younger man’s presence. Callahan was a constant pest.
“Hey Sheriff, uh, sorry to bother you, but I thought you might like to see today’s paper.” The shit eating smirk on his face told a different story.
Callahan waltzes over, handing him the latest edition.
He read the headline and briefly skimmed the article underneath.
“Meeting, now!” He finally huffed, reddened face on display. Callahan didn’t miss a beat.
“On it, sir.”
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It wasn’t unusual to have an “emergency” meeting at the station, especially with the way the morning had gone.
Steve was settled at his desk, Robin was sitting across from him rambling about something he wasn’t paying much attention to, still too distracted by the evidence before him. Looking at it all as if he would magically see something they had missed.
Callahan hadn’t even bothered knocking, door opening with a crooked grin.
“Meeting, Sheriff’s office. Now.”
Robin looked at Steve and shrugged.
Everyone shuffled into the room, cramming into the corners trying to fit into the small office.
Hopper was unusually quiet, not meeting anyone’s gaze as they filed in. Steve immediately clocked the newspaper he had folded in his hand.
Powell was the last, closing the door behind him. As soon as it clicked into place Hopper spoke up.
“I don’t think I should have to remind you all how delicate a case like this is.” Everyone nodded in agreement as he finally looked around.
“Yes. Yes, sir. Yes, Sheriff.” Came from around the room.
“So, who the fuck talked to the press?” He threw the paper on the desk, unfurling to reveal the headline. His finger pinning it and pointing to your article.
Steve maintained his composure, but he wanted to rip his hair out. He hadn’t seen the paper yet, so he stepped up reading the contents, Robin shuffled right in beside him.
His jaw tightened. He hadn’t told you anything about the mask they had found.
A few more seconds ticked by. Steve finally stepped back catching Callahan looking straight at him, that same smirk plastered to his face from earlier.
Little Fucker, Steve thought.
Jim groaned as he sat back down, before finally speaking again. “Powell, Callahan. Get out and close the door.”
Wasting no time, quickly doing as they were told to make sure to stay on Hopper’s good side. Callahan skirted past Steve, smiling as he went. Steve was already seething with his fists clenched tightly to his sides. If looks could kill, the other would have been a dead man.
Robin clutched the paper reading it more carefully, as she took the seat in front of his desk.
Steve strolled up behind her, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Look,” Jim sighed, looking right at him. “I don’t care what the hell you do after hours but do not let it interfere with my investigation.”
“Hop,” Robin went to interject but was quickly cut off.
“Let me finish,” She snapped her mouth shut and nodded. “Unfortunately, I know it had to have been one of you. No one outside of this room knew about that goddamn mask.”
He let his words wash over them both. Robin’s shoulders sank as she sat further into her seat. He noticed Steve’s jaw clench.
“Callahan had a run in with her here today in the station. Care to explain?” He sat back, reaching for yet again for another smoke. Joyce would kill him if she knew how many he’d had today.
“Hop, I swear,” Robin was the first to crack, always was. “She just came in for a visit. We had coffee…” She trailed off when she felt Steve’s hand rest on her shoulder.
“She came in to talk to me,” Steve looked Jim in the eye as he spoke. “But I swear to God I didn't say a word about that fucking mask.”
Hopper sighed; he knew Steve would never undermine him like that.
He nodded. “No more press in the station until this shit is over. Not even her.”
“Yes sir,” they stated in unison.
“Ok then, who else could have known?”
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Steve trudged out of Hopper's office in a huff, with Robin hot on his heels as she followed him back into his office, shutting the door behind them.
“Steve,” she started.
“Don't.” He sat down, with a sigh as he opened the folder once again in front of him and rubbed his hands down his face.
“You didn't tell her that, did you?” She asked quietly before taking the chair in front of him, eyes worrying over him. Surely, he wasn't that stupid?
“Of course not,” he scoffed, incredulously. “You know better than that.”
“Right, yeah, I know… but you two are… close.” She wouldn’t dare meet his eyes after it slipped out.
“Close, yeah. But I wouldn't jeopardize an investigation like that.” She nodded, as he got up wearily from his seat.
‘Hey, where are you going?” She shouted as he was halfway out the door.
“To get some answers.”
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The copier was currently holding your paper hostage, as it got lodged in the rollers. Cursing the damn thing as you started the process of digging it out.
Nancy walked by just in time to see you struggling.
“There you are, heads up. Trouble is headed this way.” You looked over her shoulder in time to catch Steve's stern face looking right at you as he stepped through the door.
“Shit,” you breathed out.
She gave you a wry, pitying look before leaving you to it.
“Hey Steve, I…” you began, but he grabbed your bicep pulling you along with him, giving you no choice but to follow. He dragged you into the small conference room down the hall in which you two frequently met.
Only letting you go once you were both in, shutting the door. He was unusually quiet, eyes lingering down as if contemplating what needed to be said.
“So, I take it, you've seen the paper?” You asked softly.
He nodded, “Who told you about the mask?”
You knew it would come, but you were prepared.
“It was an anonymous source, and I took the chance.” You shrugged.
“Anonymous source? Who?” He narrowed his gaze, but you stood your ground, standing up a little straighter crossing your arms over your chest.
“I don't know, Steven, it was an anonymous tip. They didn't quite let me catch their name before they hung up.”
“Right, like you don't know. So why would you run it if you didn't know if it was true?” He stepped closer into your space.
“I just had a gut feeling. Looks like I was right if you're here.” Gesturing toward him.
He planted his hands on his hips, looking down his nose at you trying to look intimidating, only managing to turn you on instead.
“Yeah, and now Hop is on my ass thinking that I leaked it. You sure you didn't see something in that file on my desk?”
“And when would I have done that? While I was in your lap, and you were balls deep? You were there too. I didn't snoop in your fucking file.” You start turning away from him, tired of the questioning.
“Wait, look,” his hand wraps softly around your wrist, catching you from moving too far away from him.
“I'm sorry, I know you didn't snoop. This is just a big case, Hops worried about making sure it isn't fucked up.” You nodded, secretly relishing the way you could easily get him worked up and then he’s always the first to apologize.
“I know Steve, I wouldn't do something to compromise your job. You should know that.”
He absentmindedly bit his lower lip, his mind in overdrive once again.
“I've got to get back to the Station. I'll be there late tonight.”
He turned and headed back out into the newsroom. Turning heads as he went, permanent scowl etched onto his face.
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It was getting late in the evening, around 8 pm. Eddie should have been by to pick you up at 6 but had called earlier saying he was running late.
“Sorry sweetheart, boss wants me to stay and finish up this last car that came in today.” He had said.
You were the only one left in the building. Nancy had offered to take you home, but you didn't want to be an inconvenience.
You were doing some research on another story Tom had assigned you, paying little attention to anything else around you.
The doors were locked. All the lights were low except the one still at your desk, head buried in a pile of copy you were looking over.
It was then you heard a sharp screech, as if a door creaked open making your head shoot up. You stood, walking slowly to the doorway leading to the back of the building, listening closely for any other sounds.
You rounded the corner that led to a narrow hall, and beyond that was the back of the building. There was only one exit door in the back, and you were sure that Tom had locked it on his way out.
“Hello? Is someone there?” You shouted down the darkened hall. No sounds or movements from that direction. Heart beating heavy in your chest as your eyes adjusted to see further into the dark but there was nothing and no one.
“Shit, get a grip.” You hissed to yourself.
You turned to go back to your desk, bumping into something very solid, as you jumped and let out a small squeak of surprise. His hand wrapping around your waist, steading you. Looking up into a familiar face with deep hazel eyes immediately calmed your now jangled nerves.
“Shit Steve, you didn’t have to sneak up on me.” Your heart still beating rapidly.
“I was checking the doors. The back was unlocked. Why aren’t you being more careful? There's still a killer on the loose.” He looked worried then, always caring about your well-being. He brushed the loose strands of hair behind your ear that had fallen after a long day, cupping your cheek in the process.
“Good thing I have a big, bad Sheriff to keep an eye out for me.” You smiled, as his gaze softened.
“Eddie coming to pick you up?” He whispered, inching closer to you. Crowding into you even further, closing the distance, pushing you into the wall as your back came to rest against it.
You nod. “He's just running a little late.”
“I’d never keep you waiting,” he mumbled against your lips, letting them finally meld into yours as you hummed in response, he let his other hand meet your hip, pulling you back into him.
“Stevie, I… I can't. He'll be here any minute.” You breathed out, pushing him away slightly.
He nodded, kissing your forehead tenderly before pulling completely away, immediately missing the warmth his body provided.
“Steve, wait, I'm sorry about the paper. Sometimes I just get ahead of myself and don't think about who else it might affect.” You placed your palm to his cheek, forcing his eyes on you.
Your other hand trailed the length of his shirt, past his belt, firmly cupping his bulge as he sucked in a sharp breath.
“I don't have a lot of time, but I could still make it up to you.” You whispered, looking up at him innocently.
“Let me make it up to you.” You gripped the front of his shirt, as he held out his hand to help lower you to the floor.
Your knees hit the hard linoleum with a small thump, as he allowed himself to bump into the wall behind him.
He looked down at you with an affection that suddenly made your chest ache. You were expecting lust, not his doe eyes sparkling in the low light.
He removed his duty belt, sitting it on the table to the side of you.
“Stevie, don't look at me like that.”
“Like what, honey?”
You looked ahead, choosing to ignore him instead, popping the button on his slacks and undoing his zipper slowly, his cock beginning to strain against his confinements as you reached into his briefs, fingers wrapping around the base. He let out a small moan, as he closed his eyes, letting his head fall back against the wall.
His cock kicked up with your touch, engorging further, growing to his full length before your eyes. You licked your lips as your mouth began to salivate.
You moved your hand up his velvety length, collecting the growing bead of pearlescent precum at his slit, letting your thumb slowly spread it across his head before bringing it back down.
“Fuck,” he moaned out, every touch sending electricity through his veins, as if he hadn't already been inside of you earlier today.
You held his base, and kitten licked at his head, eliciting more breathy moans as you began to kiss up and back down his hard cock at a torturous pace before finally wrapping your lips around his head, swirling your tongue and sucking lightly before taking as much of him into your mouth that you could fit. Slowly bobbing your head and then picking up the pace, working in tandem with the hand wrapped around the rest of him.
You gagged just a bit, when he nudged the back of your throat a little too hard from your own eagerness.
He looked back down at the sound, cupping your cheek gently, thumb softly caressing you,
“Hey, hey take it easy baby doll. Can't make a mess of this pretty little face right now. Just take it easy honey.”
You nodded, bobbing your head slowly once again.
“That's it baby doll. Slow and steady now.”
You free hand toys with his balls, rolling them deftly between your fingers.
“Oh shit, yeah. Just like that baby.” He cooed.
You speed up your movements on his length, feeling his sack tense and draw up a bit from the change in pace.
“That's it, baby doll, I'm about to cum already. Can I cum in that pretty mouth?”
You nodded as he grunted and spilled down your throat, relaxing a bit more so you could swallow as much as possible. The salty, tangy taste had you humming around him.
His cock twitched once more before stilling, as you moved off of him with a slight pop, wiping the drool and any of him that escaped down the side of your mouth. You wrapped your lips around your finger, licking it off, not letting a single drop go to waste.
“C’mere,” giving you his hand once again to help you up, winching as you felt the pain in your knees from being in the latter position.
“I…” you were about to speak, as headlights cut through the blinds, illuminating you both.
“Shit,” he hissed, drawing back, putting himself away and grabbing for his belt before securing it back around his waist.
“It's Eddie. He'll be ok for a few minutes.” You straightened your rumpled shirt, smoothing some errant stray hairs back into place.
You grabbed your purse, as he finished fixing his clothes.
“Come on, I'll have to lock up behind you. Walk me out.”
He followed closely, Eddie's eyes cut to the both of you upon exit, taking a slow drag of the cigarette held tightly between his lips.
He rolled down his window as you cut in front of the van to climb into the passenger seat.
“Evening Harrington,” he grinned. “Out on patrol?”
Steve glared, licking his lips before striding up the van, clearing his throat a bit.
“Eddie,” nodding toward the other man. “Just checking some doors around town. Y/N would forget her head sometimes.”
“Yeah,” he clicked his tongue, “yeah she would.” He looked over to you as you rolled your eyes back at him. You leaned over as he met you halfway placing a soft kiss to his lips.
“Thanks for checking on me Steve.” Throwing him a soft smile and wink, sitting back into the seat as your seatbelt clicked into place.
Eddie smirked, tapping his fingers against the top of the door. Steve caught sight of the newly formed bruises and scratches there.
“Yeah, Steve,” grabbing your hand from the console, pulling it in for a soft kiss, before turning back to him, “thanks for checking on my girl.”
“No problem. Nasty cuts you got there.” Nodding his chin toward them.
Eddie flexed his hand, “Yeap, caught it on a bitch of a radiator yesterday.”
Steve, growing tired of the awkward small talk, decided to take his leave.
“Well, you two be careful.” Patting the side of the van, turning back in the direction of the station.
“See ya’ around Stevie.” Eddie called out, chuckling loudly, sliding the gear shift into reverse, backing out from his spot.
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“You don't have to be rude to him.” You scolded as he pulled out onto the road.
“He's just so easy to fuck with babe. I can't help it. Especially when he's so smug thinking you two are cheating behind my back.” He laughed deeply.
“He’s not smug about it. He worries about you catching us all the time.”
“Good. He should be.”
Eddie took a left, instead of the right back to your house.
“Where are we going?” You asked but he didn't answer right away, grin only growing wider, more devilish looking.
“Don't worry baby, it's a nice night for a drive. Thought we might go parking.”
“Parking, huh? Wanna do it in the back of the van, like in high school?” You comically lifted your brow. “How romantic.”
“I'm just kidding, unless you wanna?” Wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, that had you laughing.
It was always the little moments with Eddie. He'd know exactly how to make you laugh or quell your nerves after a long day. You trusted him wholly.
“I wanted to take you to a spot I found the other day. Wanted to share a joint and see where the night takes us.”
“You do know there's a killer on the loose, right?”
“You got nothin’ to worry about, sweetheart. You're safe with me.” Somehow you knew he was telling the truth.
He took you further out of the main city, a few more twists and turns, you were thoroughly lost. Never one with a good sense of direction. Kicking your heels off and tossing them in the back, you got more comfortable, pulling your legs under you.
Asphalt turned into gravel, as he slowed to a roll, finally throwing the van into park at a clearing.
You looked out the windshield, it was a clear night. Moon brightly reflecting off of Lover's Lake, small waves cresting on the shore in front of you.
Though this wasn't a new spot like he'd said, it was your spot. You recognized the big tree directly by the lake.
“Surprise,” he sang out.
“This isn't a new spot, Eddie.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. Sue me.” He laughs, digging into the pocket of his jumpsuit, producing a pre-rolled joint, bringing it to his lips.
“You’ve been a naughty girl today.” Stating it matter-of-factly. Lighting the end, sucking lightly until he knows it's lit.
He looks at you, eyes hooded, dropping his voice a little deeper. “Haven't you sweetheart?”
His words ignited your core. You knew that tone well.
He offered it to you, taking it gingerly, bringing it to your own lips inhaling the sweet strain as he intensely watched your movements.
“And you,” pointing over at him, “have always been a very jealous boyfriend.”
He scoffs, taking it back from you, letting it wash over him.
“If I was jealous, I wouldn't let you whore around with him all over town.”
You laughed out, clear and bright as the weed began to flow through your system.
“Let's get one thing straight, you've never told me to do anything in this relationship. I do what I want.”
He slowly places the joint in the ashtray, and then moves quickly before you have time to react, pinning you by the throat pushing you into the passenger seat, rings biting into the tender flesh. You gasped out, reaching up to grab his hand.
“Sweetheart, maybe it's time to put that mouth to some good use.” He whispered close to your ear.
“Maybe I already did.” You grinned wickedly at him.
“You little whore, kissing me with that mouth after his cock’s been shoved halfway down your throat?” His fingers tightened, as you nodded.
“Bet his cum’s still lingering on your tongue. Huh?”
“Mmmmm, yeah baby. He finished right before you pulled in to pick me up.”
He removed his hand from your throat to pinch your cheeks harshly, forcing your lips into a sweet pout, as he roughly brings his lips to yours, you close your eyes, humming in contentment.
You felt him smirk against you, pulling back slightly, “You’re fucking filthy baby. How'd I get so lucky? Hey, look at me.” You snapped your eyes open to see his own blown wide with lust, so dark they were almost black.
“Get in the back. Take your clothes off.”
You didn't hesitate, as he finally released you, climbing over the console as quickly as you could. He picked up what was left of his joint, inhaling deeply, letting it sit in his lungs a moment before exhaling.
Eddie kept the back of the van clean, a spare blanket folded into the corner just for occasions like this to save your knees or ass from a wicked carpet burn. You had learned from experience.
You carefully unfolded it and smoothed out the edges. He was still smoking and concentrating on the water beyond the window, like his mind was elsewhere.
Unbuttoning your blouse, and quickly shimmying out of your skirt leaving you in just your panties and bra you laid down, awaiting your next instruction.
“I said take your clothes off. That means everything.” He spoke without looking back.
You quickly shed the offending articles.
“Good girl.” He purred, finally facing you to get a good look.
“Open your legs, yeah, that's it baby.” He had a perfect view of your cunt, untouched but already dripping.
“Go ahead, touch yourself f’me.” Slowly reaching down between your thighs, taking some slick from your leaking hole, bringing it back up as you slowly start to draw circles around your clit.
“Oooooh, Eddie,” you moaned, throwing your head back at the feeling, already worked up from sucking Steve off.
“Eyes on me baby.” You look up just in time to see him pushing his coveralls past his hips, his cock straining his boxers. He pulled those down slightly, freeing his already hard cock.
It had you licking your lips at the sight. He didn’t quite have the girth that Steve does, but he was just a little longer, with a slight curve upward.
He spit in his hand before wrapping it around the base, hissing out, sliding it up and back down, setting a slow pace as he watched you torturously toy with your bundle of nerves.
“That's it sweetness, go ahead finger fuck that tight pussy.” Moving your fingers down, you easily slid two in, whining out and arching your back. You began to rock your palm into your clit as your fingers slid in and out.
“Bet you wish that was my cock instead? Huh?” You nodded, mouth going slack at the feeling as another whine escaped but you needed more. You needed him.
“Please, Eds. I need your cock. I need you to fuck me.”
“Jesus, you are a greedy whore. Two of your holes stuffed already today and you still want more?” He chuckled but opened his door exiting to move around to the back. He didn’t intend to leave you hanging. He needed your cunt wrapped around him just as much as you needed him to fill you.
The back doors opened with a flush of cold air, as he quickly worked to push his coveralls down climbing in to meet you, shutting the door behind him. He removed his shirt and threw it in the corner to meet your own pile of clothes.
You turned yourself around to face him, as he crawls in-between your thighs, pushing them further apart as he made his way up.
He trailed hot, open mouth kisses along your sternum before turning his attention to your pebbled nipples. Quickly drawing one into his mouth, sucking sharply. Palming your neglected breast with his free hand.
“Oh Eddie,” you thread your fingers in his hair, tightening your grip on his curls when you feel him bite down.
“Oh fuck!” You squealed, as he releases his mouth, bringing it to the other repeating the same motions.
He continued his journey upward, laving his tongue up your breasts, neck and jaw.
His arms finally cage you in, as his body pushes you further into the floor. You wrap your legs around his lithe waist, as he pushes his hips down, rolling them into yours letting his cock brush through your folds.
“Eddie, please.” You gripped his shoulders, throwing your head back as his ruddy tip nudged your clit, sending sparks through your core and up your spine.
“Eddie, please.” He mocked, high pitched and whiny. His lips kissed up your jaw as he found the shell of your ear. “Such a needy little whore.”
He braced himself with one arm by your head, taking his length with the other bringing his leaking tip to your entrance.
He caught your entrance and slightly pushed in, but it already has you arching into him. He watches himself slowly disappear into your tight heat, inch by inch.
“Fuck, baby. She's sucking me in. So, fucking tight.” He lowers his forehead to yours savoring the sensation for a moment, before he quickly grips your thigh, pushing it higher onto his hip as he's pulling almost all the way out, just to sink straight back in.
“Oh fuck… mmmmm… Eddie.”
He rocks his hips back and forth, setting a now brutal pace that has you both moaning and crying out.
He then ceases his movements momentarily, pulling up slightly, only to push your knees to your chest. The new angle has him reaching impossibly deeper as he begins giving you long, slow strokes. It’s his favorite view. Your tight cunt swallowing him whole. He can barely tear his eyes away.
“Fuck, look at you. Already so drunk on my cock and she's taking me so well.” Now watching your fucked out face. Eyes closed, heard thrown back and mouth slack with moans and expletives spilling out.
His words spur that flame within you, only burning hotter with each drag of his cock along your frontal wall. Your pussy flutters around him.
He lifted up, placing his hand around your throat, picking up his pace once more. Grip growing tighter with every thrust. You expect finger shaped bruises to be blooming in the morning.
The sounds of skin slapping skin along with the moans pulled from you and the grunts from Eddie fill the back of the van. You were getting close as your cunt pulsed around his thick, fat cock.
“I can feel her baby, she's getting tighter. You need to cum huh? Tell me who's pussy this is. And I’ll let you cum.”
He loosened his grip so you could speak.
You gasped as the newly found air entered your lungs, “It's yours Eddie, she's all yours.”
“That's… fucking… right.” Punctuating each word with a thrust. He moved his deft fingers down your body, resting for a moment on your mound, before his thumb began rubbing harsh circles to your clit.
“I know you're close. Cum with me baby.”
It only took a few more thrusts, with his thumb never ceasing its movements, you were coming undone. Your pussy clamped down around him with such a force it almost pushed him out.
“Oh fuck, Eddie!” You cried out as your orgasm hit with a blinding force. Your toes curled, as your whole body felt like a livewire.
“Goddamn, baby. You're strangling me.” He hissed out.
He regained his composure, pounding into you, chasing his own high. A few more sloppy pumps and he was spilling into you, thick ropes of his release filling you to the brim.
“Fuck baby.” He kissed your forehead as you caught your breath.
“Fuck, Eds.” You giggled.
He pulled his softening cock from you, watching as some of his spend leaked from you.
“What a beautiful site,” he whispered, moving out of your space to retrieve your underwear, sliding them back up your legs to keep the mess contained then leaning down to place a kiss on your mound. Such a tender gesture.
“Sorry, I don't have anything to clean you up baby.” Kissing your knee as you bent up to retrieve your clothes.
“It's ok Eds, we'll shower when we get home.” You cupped his cheek as he nuzzled into your palm briefly. You both dressed and got back into the front seats.
He headed home at a leisurely pace, both content to ride in the peace and quiet of the night.
You watched the streetlights pass, growing more frequent the closer you got into town.
You'd only passed one other vehicle on the way back in. Hawkins was on edge, houses shut tight and barely any lights to be seen. It was eerie to say the least. All hoping this was a single incident, but a killer was still on the loose.
He slowed at a stop sign, before making the turn back to your house and in the distance, you saw the glow of cruiser lights.
“Oh great, what now?” He huffed. Your attention already trained ahead.
“I don't know, but I've got a really bad feeling.”
He slowly rolled past the scene. Two cruisers and the medical examiners van were parked out front of one of the newer homes on Elm Street.
“Doesn’t Chase Owen live there?” You asked.
“How the hell should I know baby, haven’t heard from that asshat since high school.”
There was a deputy stationed out front, he waved the van through. Trying to quickly get rid of any rubberneckers that dared to pass by.
You caught his eyes, Steve, looking at you with this unreadable expression as he quickly looked away.
You would come to realize Jason and Chrissy were just the warmup.
Soon, the body count would rise, and it was going to get messy.
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@barbedwirebats I know you wanted to be tagged!
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libraryofgage · 4 months
Scream AU
I've been possessed recently by a Steddie and Buckingham Scream AU, which means I haven't written much for my Tumblr fics hfjkds
Anyway, to make up for it, here's a little snippet of the Scream AU ;)
This snippet is clean, but the fic itself is, uh, very Dead Dove hfjsdk
Still, this snippet does include discussion of murder with vague descriptions and cursing
“Have you heard about Tommy and Carol?”
Chrissy presses her lips together in a thin line, focusing more on the breeze passing over her than Jason’s friend, David, sitting a foot away from her. Jason’s arm is around her waist, encouraging her to lean against his shoulder for the twenty minute free period. 
On Jason’s right side, Steve Harrington is sitting with one leg on the bench and the other on the ground. It creates a space perfect for Robin Buckley to fit in. And she does. She slid into the spot like she owned it, and she’s now leaning back against Steve’s chest, a book in her hands that Steve reads over her shoulder. He never stops her when she turns the page, and Chrissy wonders if he’s actually even reading along.
Robin and Steve look good together. They fit as naturally as the sun that shines down on them, making Robin’s hair glint in a way Chrissy finds difficult to look away from.
“Yeah,” Jason says, shaking his head as he rubs circles on Chrissy’s waist with his thumb. “Fucking brutal, huh?”
“Dingus used to know them,” Robin says, her voice distracted as she turns the page. 
“Used to,” Steve stresses, frowning slightly as he looks away from the book. “Haven’t talked to them much lately. Jason’s the one who's been hanging out with them recently.”
“What happened?” Chrissy asks, getting the feeling she doesn’t actually want to know. Still, she hates the idea of being left out even more.
David grins at her and leans closer, ignoring the way Jason tugs Chrissy closer and glares. “They were both found dead this morning,” he says, his eyes wide and gleeful. “Tommy was floating in the pool, Carol hung from a tree, and both of them were gutted.”
“Gutted?” Chrissy asks.
“Ugh, spare us the details,” Robin says, putting the book down and looking at David with a bored expression. 
David doesn’t listen to her. “Yeah, gutted. Intestines and organs all falling out. Tommy’s were floating in the pool, though, made the water red and everything.”
A sick feeling stirs in Chrissy’s stomach, making her grimace as she looks away from David. She can’t help imagining the sight, nausea sweeping over her uncontrollably. “Dude!” Jason says, his loud voice making her wince. “Have some fucking class, yeah?”
“Sorry,” David says, raising his hands up and keeping his mouth shut for all of two seconds before saying, “I bet they were fucking.”
“What?” Steve asks, looking up at David like he’s stupid.
“You know,” David replies, “fucking. Everyone knows you shouldn’t fuck in a horror movie if you wanna live.”
“This isn’t a movie, dumbass,” Jason says, leaning even further into Chrissy’s space to flick David’s forehead.
“I’m just saying!” David says, rubbing at his forehead. “Everyone knows you shouldn’t have sex unless you wanna die. Look at Friday the 13th! Those counselors getting it on started the whole massacre.”
“So, what, some guy passed by Carol’s place, saw them fucking in the living room, and decided to get stab-happy?” Steve asks, his tone heavily implying David is, in fact, stupid beyond reason.
“Maybe he’s a horror movie aficionado.”
“Do you even know how to spell that word?” Steve asks.
“Do you?”
“How’d they even gut them?” Robin asks, her head falling back on Steve’s shoulder as she moves the subject along. Her neck stretches, and Chrissy focuses on following the line of it down to Robin’s shoulders to ride out the nausea. “Seems like overkill.”
“You cut them from the navel,” Steve says, his finger tapping against Robin’s knee as he looks across the courtyard. When Chrissy follows his gaze, she finds Eddie Munson sitting on a table, grinning at something one of his friends has said. “And I guess you’d go, like, side to side or something.”
Before he can say more, he grunts in pain, and Chrissy looks back to see Robin has roughly elbowed him in the ribs. “I said spare us the details, dingus,” she says, looking at him over her shoulder with a frown. Steve grins and raises his hands in surrender, shrugging once. Robin rolls her eyes and looks away. 
Her gaze lands on Chrissy and she gets up, brushing non-existent dust from her clothes before standing in front of Chrissy. “C’mon, let’s leave the boys to their gross talk,” she says, holding her hand out.
Without thinking, Chrissy accepts it, allowing herself to be pulled off the bench. Robin grins as she drops her hand, unaware that Chrissy is inexplicably missing the gentle warmth of her palm. “I’ll see you in class, Jason,” she says, waving before following Robin.
They’re half-way to the building when Robin says, “You should just tell them to shut up next time.”
Chrissy shrugs. “I don’t know. It was gross but easy to ignore,” she says. A few beats of silence pass before she adds, “You shouldn’t be so rough with Steve. He might think you don’t like him anymore.”
Robin falters, whipping her head around to look at Chrissy. “What?” she asks, her voice high and slightly strained.
It makes Chrissy think she’s stuck her nose where it doesn’t belong. She bites her bottom lip, watching as Robin’s eyes drop to the action before quickly rising again. “I just mean, well, he’s your boyfriend, right? You shouldn’t hurt him.”
Another beat of silence passes before Robin starts laughing so hard that she doubles over. She wheezes, holding her stomach and nearly losing strength in her legs before she calms down enough to stand up straight again. “We aren’t dating,” she says breathlessly, her cheeks flushed as she looks at Chrissy. “First of all, he’s way too high maintenance. Second of all, he’s only my platonic soulmate. We’re destined to be best friends. Nothing more. Third of all, I’m a gold star lesbian, Chrissy. I’m not exactly looking for dick.”
That’s…a lot to process. Chrissy blinks, letting everything run through her brain before she slowly nods. “Oh,” she says, her voice soft as she ducks through the door that Robin holds open for her. She waits just inside the school hall as Robin follows her in. “Sorry, I guess.”
“You’re okay with me being a lesbian?” Robin asks.
“Well, uh, are you gonna hit on me?” Chrissy asks back, making sure her tone is light and playful enough that Robin knows she’s joking.
Robin stares at her for a few seconds. “Only if you wanted me to,” she finally says, her tone surprisingly serious. Before Chrissy can respond, Robin smiles at her and easily changes the subject by saying, “Anyway, I’m kinda nervous after hearing the guys talk about Tommy and Carol.”
“Oh, yeah. It’s a little scary,” Chrissy says, her brain barely able to keep up with the change. “I’m not looking forward to being home alone tonight.”
“Want me to come over? I can bring a pizza and we can watch a movie,” Robin offers, her genuine smile telling Chrissy this isn’t a joke or some play on her comment about flirting.
It’s reassuring, actually. She wouldn’t want to invite Jason, since he’d look for reasons to have sex, and Robin is plenty nice. They’ve been hanging out more since she and Jason started dating. It was inevitable, really. Jason and Steve hang out because they’re on the basketball team together, so Robin and Chrissy would naturally cross paths.
“Yeah,” Chrissy says, her shoulders relaxing some as she smiles. “I’d appreciate that.”
“Totally,” Robin says, nodding once as her grin widens. “I’ll come over after work. I should be there around eight.”
Before Chrissy can say anything else, the bell rings, and she parts ways with Robin so she isn’t late to class.
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diejager · 7 months
Saw your requests are open can I please please please ask for Pyramid Head? Any crumbs of him pls you write him really well. Size kink and belly bulging or gaping, or him eating the reader out if you need any inspo? I don't know if I want him to have just one long, slimy tongue under the mask or a whole mess of bloodied guts and tentacles tbh
Behaviour actually had a tongue for Pyramid Head’s model-
Tongue Cw: cunnilingus, bulge from tongue, tell me if I missed any.
Pain and pleasure were synonymous with Pyramid Head, his pleasure stemmed from pain and your pain brought him ecstasy. You were hesitant at first, looking at the sharp wires that made up his restraints and cages, fearful of pain, of hurt. They were all rusted, sharp barbes turned brown with age and dried blood of his prior victims, it was neither sanitary, nor was it secure.
But you’d learned to take from pain, every slash and every stab from a killer became something you expected, something you awaited with batted breath. You learned to use pain to further your excitement, your pleasure and your enthusiasm, you found pleasure in pain and it made your world much easier. It made Pyramid Head rumble, his body trembling with arousal and excitement to finally have you the way he wanted, an entity of pain and regret using what he was made of you bring you satisfaction.
You let him tie you up, wires wrapped around your wrists, keeping you still from his ministration, pulling and squirming under him. The barbes cut into your skin, small nicks and scrapes that bled the metal red with fresh blood. The pain pulsed down your arms, warming the skin under his palms and made your clit twitch, it made the knot in your core coil, throbbing strongly between your legs.
His hold was unmoving, the strong grip of his hands on your thighs, spreading you open to his slick and able tongue, pumping into you with deep and harsh thrusts. His fat tongue curled inside of you, pressing against the walls of your cunt and tapping your bruised cervix with hard hits. You bulged with his tongue, the pink muscle pushing your skin outwards with intent of watching you swell, searching for the tightness of your cunny when he makes you look at your navel bulge with every thrust, popping up when he pushed more of his tongue into you.
Although he was bruisingly rough, he was still mindful of your safety, often making sure you were all right, to be sure that your whimpers and cries were one of pleasure and not agony —he wouldn’t ever dream of hurting you too deeply, to scare you away from him. He would purposely loosen his grip from time to time, reassuring growls that would send you reeling, a rumble vibrating into your core and invisible eyes keeping track of your expression.
His tongue swirled, curling on itself before twisting and turning inside you, rolling the rough and asymmetrical texture of the ball to push at different, sensitive spots of your walls. You wailed, high keens with tears rolling down your cheek and drooling in sheer, mind numbing pleasure. Your body burned, toes tingling with pleasure and fingers curling in ecstatic pain, your eyes never left Pyramid Head’s face, watching him through dazed eyes, his hulking figure and nimble tongue.
You were so close, the unwavering heat and tight coil in your core becoming unbearably present as was Pyramid head and the sting of your wounds added to it, coursing through your veins in a hot flash. He groaned, feeling you grip his tongue, pushing more and more into you, admiring your writhing figure, back arched and hips buckling into his face, crying out his name over and over again. It was as addictive to him as it was to you, blinded by fiery, white pleasure, squirting over him, painting him in more than rusted metal and dried blood.
You mumbled lowly, expressing your gratefulness while your head rolled back, eyes heavy with exhaustion. He grumbled, a happy and satisfied sound, thumbs rubbing circles on the bruised skin of your inner thigh.
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syoddeye · 2 months
final part of piercer!simon. read the previous bit.
simon x transmasc!reader. ~2.1k words. +18 only. Note: Cunt, cock, and clit are used to describe genitalia of a trans masc reader’s body. Hit the back and/or block buttons as needed. CW: description of piercing procedure, dubcon touching (reader is interested and generally consenting, but a lil scared because simon), packing, minor negative self-talk, needles (mentioned), invasive questions, simon riley’s bad filthy jokes, mild degradation, praise, fingering, frotting, just the tip, italicized dialogue
Want to see what a Duke piercin' would look like on you?
No sooner than you mutter a ‘yes’, Simon helps you to your feet, and orders you to strip from the waist-down. He turns away to rummage through an acrylic cabinet. Hands trembling, you pop your fly and pull the zipper. At the sound, the broad set of shoulders and back in front of you tense. You hesitate, fingers curled around your waistband, and his head swivels a fraction. He’s listening.
Your breath shudders. This is a preview. Not the actual piercing. 
Your jeans are barely to your thighs when he faces you again, steel forceps back in hand, two bells pinched in his fingers. Staring through half-lidded, dark eyes, he gestures to your boxer briefs with the instrument.
Those too. All the way off. Nothing I haven’t seen before. 
You doubt it. Slow as molasses, you peel the cotton down, carefully taking the modest foam packer with it. Your eyes fix themselves to the crease of Simon’s bent arm, the inky black of his tattoo, but you can’t close your ears to how he inhales deeply through his nose. Not in the way you expect. With interest, like he’s trying to sniff you out.
All the way off. He repeats.
You obey and step out of the pile of clothes. Simon hums. Reluctantly, you meet his gaze and find him staring. His eyes narrow slightly, apparently having waited, then drag down your body. Their weight palpable when they reach your cock.
Simon steps closer and chucks your chin with the forceps. The cold makes you swallow, and his subtle crows' feet crinkle. 
Do you trust me?
He knows the answer. You’ve paid him to stab you over a dozen times, but he needs a ‘yes’, and you give it to him. He moves. Both you and him.
Despite the cool, sterile atmosphere of Simon’s studio, you feel like you’re melting. Heat licks up your back, curling around your neck and cheeks, blistering with a mix of humiliation and anticipation. Every nerve ending alight, and Simon hasn’t even touched you, at least, not where you want him to.
Another ‘yes’ ekes out.
Legs spread and hauled over Simon’s thick thighs, you recline between his legs, facing a mirror. One hand guides your hips into a slight angle, putting your cock on display. His arms slip under yours, smoothing the corner of the bandage protecting your fresh navel piercing.
A chuckle rumbles through your back and tightens your chest. The hand on your stomach shifts, and his arm bands around your middle. Tucking his head into your shoulder, paper mask skimming your cheek, he draws the forceps closer to his target, and his breathing quiets in your ear. Beneath the lingering smell of disinfectant, smoke and cardamom wafts off his skin.
Gonna be cold. I’ve got you.
And it is, and he does. You fight your reflexes as he maneuvers the instrument between your thighs, brushing your cock and the sensitive dip of skin and hair. Gently exposing you further, he coos in your ear, a smugness edging his voice when it twitches. Look at you. Perfect candidate. 
The chill bites as the blunt jaws hold the skin away from your cock, and your eyes dart between it and your cunt. Your fingertips dig into his thighs at the sheen of arousal threatening to pool and drip. There’s no way he hasn’t noticed.
Hold these. Simon taps the handle. Don’t move or it’ll hurt.
Your hand takes over, and his grip relents. A barbell in each hand, he slowly moves the jewelry into places, his breath deep and even. Rapt, your mouth parts. The symmetry is simple, yet—
Gorgeous. Eyes flicking to him in the reflection, you preen, and his deep, rattling breath makes you shiver. Do you get hard often?
You wilt and think to rise, bail, but then he rubs the steel along the sides of your cock, coaxing it to attention. The move chokes his name out of your throat, and you nearly drop the tool. A huff of laughter filtered by the mask warms your face. He meets your eye in the mirror and continues.You like that, pretty? Can feel how stiff you are.
His thighs open further, taking yours with them, his covered mouth pressing to your neck. His fingers stray from the bells every other arc against your cock, gingerly stroking. At the escape of a whine, he drops the pretense altogether. The jewelry clatters to the ground abandoned, and he reclaims the forceps. He drags the flat, oval tips over your skin as if they were as soft as a feather. His free hand snakes under the hem of your shirt, shoving up until it glides to the base of your neck. A thumb rests in the hollow of your throat. The sight in the mirror renders you speechless, watching his dexterous fingers manipulate the metal to tease and toy, winding you up until you shake.
Normally can’t get you to shut it, now you’re as quiet and as fidgety as a church mouse. Simon ditches the tool next, splitting two thick fingers to take its place. They edge down, slick soaking the latex, and he groans against your head. The digits creep further, slow, one experimentally touching the tender underside of your cock, while the other pets over your hole, clearly telegraphing what’s next. 
Simon removes his hand altogether, chuckling at the whine that follows. Yeah, like that. He holds your gaze, licking the tips of his gloves clean before biting a latex tip and tugging the glove off. He hawks the thing to the floor with a wet slap, and pulls his mask under his chin. Pale, old scars decorate his face and knuckles. There’s a story, and you think to ask, but he pushes his fingers past your lips and stuffs them into your mouth. Sweat and hand soap dance over your tongue as he makes use of it, wetting his fingers up to the metacarpal, groaning at the sight of spit collecting on his skin. Wanna hear you, pretty.
You’re dripping by the time his fingers return, and with a single shaky nod in the mirror, he sinks them into your sopping cunt. Electric currents buzz bilaterally in your spine, and sparks ricochet behind your eyelids when you shut them tight and rapidly open again. His naked mouth finds your ear with whispered, unintelligible filth. He grins, self-satisfied, half-hidden by your head. Was thinkin’, he purrs with a slow pump of his fingers, I usually put holes in you. Don’t mind plugging this one.
If he wasn’t knuckles deep, you’d leave. Definitely. Wrench yourself off his—his fingers crook into a devastating angle, petting with the precision his job demands. The wet seal of your hole around his fingers is a sight, walls molding to the intrusion. He stokes a fire in your belly, simmering beneath the bandage, finally cajoling words from your mouth. Your voice, saturated with desperation, begs for more.                                                                                
Simon’s hand grasps your neck, giving it a squeeze in time with a thrust of his fingers. Greedy boy. You always want more. More jabs. He punctuates with a deep plunge and vulgar squelch. More attention. More me.
His mouth latches over your neck and suckles, groans muffled when you clench around his digits. He breaks the suction with a wet pop, trailing his spit to a lobe. Had a feeling when you started booking me. Didn’t think much of it. 
He extracts his fingers at the early pulses of your orgasm, spanking the wet tissue with a few harsh pats. You’re fuckin’ annoying. He chuckles at the ease of his fingers’ reentry into the tight clasp of your cunt. But you’re good like this, aren’t you.
He repeats the process twice. Gets you twitching, squirming in his lap. The blunt shape of his erection digs into your bare skin, the denim chafing. Half-consciously, you ride it, trying to rut back into it as he fucks his fingers in, thumb minding your cock. A hand migrates to the bulge of his forearm through your shirt, and the sweat on the palm leeches into the cotton.
He grunts into your ear between sloppy kisses to your jaw and neck. His thumb presses the flushed tip of your cock once, reminding you of his plans. The metal he wants you to wear. Leagues more intimate than any collar or ring. The thought makes you twitch, makes your hole clench.
Simon’s grip on your neck loosens, climbing to your jaw, holding your face straight to the mirror. His eyelids curtain blown pupils, licking a line on your skin. Let go, pretty. Be a good boy and cum on my fingers. The command triggers detonation, your orgasm obliterating the vestiges of your self-control. Hard, fast, and white-hot, it rips out of you in a pitchy cry, hands scrabbling at his thigh and arm, certain you’ll ascend heavenward too early. He holds fast, fingers secure in the vise of your cunt as it tries to fruitlessly milk honey from their stone.
Mind fuzzy with static at its edges, you hear him mutter. All you get is a moment’s rest before you find yourself upended, dragged bodily off the floor, supported by his arms. You ragdoll a second, jerking when your toes drag, and he settles you back on the lifted cot. Your eyes loll in their sockets, blinking, finding sudden clarity when his hips knock your knees apart. His cock, heavy and leaking, rests on the cradle of his opened zipper and juts into the meat of your leg. You tense. The light glints off the row of barbells adorning his length, and your breath catches. If his girth didn’t intimidate you, the ladder did.
What? Afraid it’ll hurt? He drags a thumb slowly over the raised ridges, the metal lying beneath the surface. His gloved hand grips the crease of your thigh, thumb resting above the crown of your engorged clit, caressing the damp hair. He strokes himself with the other, hissing through the first few pumps. You inhale as he slaps his cock, already slick with your release and his precum, against your sensitive flesh. It catches your tip, then briefly the mouth of your soaked cunt, garnering a whimpering protest out of you. Not today. Promise.
Sweat and cum coat his fingers as he pushes his cock to yours, gradually finding a course and a rhythm. The heat of him is heavy, the smooth ends of his piercings drumming along your cock and skin. It’s embarrassing how quickly Simon wrests a second orgasm out of you, mortifying when he breathlessly comments he wishes you squirted, that he loves a mess. It’s not as all-encompassing as the first and doesn’t threaten to rattle you off the table. You’re lucid when he notches his tip to your fluttering hole. Fuck, need a taste, jus' the tip.
Simon’s thrusts are shallow and controlled—enough to drown out the alarm bells, illustrating the power held back. The blunt head stretches with a slight burn despite his fingers and the mess of your cunt. To your relief, he keeps his word, means it, just the tip. He pulls back a half-step, a choked groan preceding the thick ropes of spend he spills over your inner thighs. He releases his softening length, hand planting on the bed, and leans into your space. His head skims your shoulder, gathered beads of sweat fall from his temple, ragged breaths subsiding into quiet puffs. He withdraws, lips ghosting over your cheek, and turns to the acrylic cubbies. 
Simon cleans and tucks himself away first, then you, amused by your squirming. He retrieves your clothes and insists on holding your underwear and jeans for you to step into. You swallow your pride to let him help. Aftershocks ripple through your thighs, the muscles and nerves pulverized into gelatin, malleable from his touch. He adjusts the packer, drags a knuckle over the fly seam, then holds you close with a finger hooked in a belt loop.
After all that, he asks if you want the piercing now that you understand the placement. He can pencil you in a month from now.
You don’t miss how the suggested date falls on a Friday evening. You tell him you need to think about it. It’s quite the commitment, from what you’ve learned.
Simon unlocks the door as you gather your jacket from the waiting area out front. Bars the exit with an arm, an aftercare kit dangling between two fingers. You pluck it from him, meeting his eyes over the fresh surgical mask.
My Johnny loves his Duke. Could show you, might change your mind.
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new tentative predictions for this season and what will happen in each episode
i'm so hyped for the rest of this season but also. so much of the manga we still have to wait for s8 for. let's see how much exactly
manga spoilers below cut
star vs. tomura START [329-331]
star vs. tomura END, class A's first appearance [332-335]
class A training montage, UA traitor reveal, [336-337]
izuku and iida meet with hatsume, aizawa talks to aoyama [338-340]
toga visits her childhood home, class A learn the plans for the final war, izuku and ochako's cliffside chat, war START [341-343]
flashback to the plan to deceive AFO using brainwashing (hi shinso!!), divide and conquer starts, toga yoinks izuku [344-346]
UA big three + jeanist + edgeshot + mandalay + mirko + monoma + aizawa + katsuki vs. "tomura" START, toga's confession to izuku, ochako + tsuyu vs. toga START, shoto vs. dabi START [347-349]
dabi's backstory, shoto vs. dabi pt1 END, shoto's phosphor [350-352]
endeavor vs. AFO START, AFO reveals his involvement with touya, endeavor loses his arm, enter: jirou and tokoyami, jirou loses an ear[353-355]
endeavor vs. AFO CONT. endeavor backstory cut back to the battle on UA's tomb, howitzer impact: cluster [356-358]
enter; UA big three, katsuki's humiliation, tenko shimura mention, suneater's big move [359-361]
katsuki's death, dabi gets back up, skeptic hacks UA, AFO starts to rewind, edgeshot starts to repair katsuki's body [362-364]
edgeshot continues to repair katsuki's body, heroes vs. "tomura" END, izuku's here!, izuku goes ballistic upon seeing katsuki's body, END COUR ONE [365-367]
COUR TWO START, izuku vs. shigaraki START, izuku uses gearshift, mic + koda + shoji vs. spinner + heteromorph army START [368-370]
shoji backstory, koda lore, rush to kurogiri/shirakumo [371-373]
kurogiri uses portals, sad man's parade START, cut to ochako + tsuyu vs. toga, endeavor leaves to fight dabi [374-376]
izuku vs. shigaraki CONT., enter: gentle + la brava, enter: lady nagant, izuku takes shigaraki away from UA [377-379]
business course starts recording, kurogiri takes aizawa and mic in a portal, enter: shiketsu, dark shadow: light of baldur, cut to ochako + tsuyu vs. toga, enter: shinso + machia + kirishima [380-382]
flashback to mina + kirishima + shinsou @ jaku hospital ruins, mina saves shinso from sludge villain, machia lore, news reporter helicopters start circling the fights, tokoyami's defeat, hawks' defeat, AFO steals fierce wings, mineta appears, stain appearance [383-385]
dabi threatens to explode, AFO speeds towards shigaraki, all might contacts iida and shoto, iida takes shoto and runs towards dabi, all might intercepts AFO, geten is related to rei, endeavor meets dabi, dabi awakens an ice quirk, enter: mama rei [386-387]
enter: natsuo + fuyumi, iida and shoto reach dabi, the todoroki family all fall unconscious [388-390] [shoto todoroki: rising]
cut to ochako vs. toga, toga's backstory, toga clones a bunch of heroes, toga stabs ochako, ochako's quirk awakening [391-393]
ochako and toga chat about romance, twice clones start to fade, toga transforms into ochako and begins a blood transfusion, toga passes out, cut to all might vs. AFO, all might reveals his mecha suit, all might starts trash talking AFO lmao [394-397]
all might: rising, all might starts using class a's "quirks", aoyama + hagakure appearance, all might uses "navel laser", hagakure is visible, enter: stain! [398-400]
stain's defeat, AFO tries to use his warp quirk, AFO dangles all might for izuku to see, all might tries to self-destruct and fails, AFO begins ripping all might in half, an explosion is heard from UA, katsuki's revival. END SEASON 7 [401-403]
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Second Son (XIII) | Regulus Black
Series Synopsis: Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
— Chapter Synopsis: Sixth year comes to a close. Y/N and Harry sport new badges of trauma. Fleur and Bill get married.
Part XII / Part XIV / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader
Notes: chapter wc: 6.3k. Enjoy. I really miss Regulus *cry*
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Time bears no meaning to one unseeing and unfeeling, one who endlessly sinks into a void. You’ve read the papers and the theories: an observer outside of a black hole would think that time has frozen, while those falling into the black hole would appear to be frozen to those watching. 
Perhaps, you were falling through a black hole. 
You don’t know how long you’ve been laying in the medical wing, eyes puffy, pillow damp with tears, but you can only pity whoever it was that sat with you the entire time. The first memory you could recall of waking up in the medical wing seemed so distant, but you knew it had likely only been a few days since then. 
Nothing seemed to register in your mind throughout those days, not that you cared all that much. You would simply peel your eyes open, silently shed tears, ignore whoever was whispering in your ear, ignore Madam Pomfrey’s fussing, go back to sleep, and repeat. 
Every time you awoke, you desperately hoped that the events that kept replaying in your head had been nothing but a terrible, prolonged nightmare. But the emptiness in your pocket weighed on your chest and hollowed out your heart. 
Every time you opened your eyes to see the familiar beige, arched ceilings and bright latticed windows, you wanted to sink through the bed and fall into an abyss that matched the chasm in your chest . 
Regulus’ voice kept ringing in your ears, making your head ache with sharp stabs behind your eyes, ‘I’ll find you again, my love.’ You wanted to laugh. His last words to you were futile promises, yet you still wanted nothing more than to believe them. 
You were positive that you would drive yourself into madness.
You decide to start listening to the voice that would always emit from beside you, half expecting it to be a figment of your imagination. Even so, you hoped that it could provide solace, if not a distraction from your mental spiral.
The more you listened, the more your senses began to clear – and you realized you couldn’t spend forever wallowing in your misery. Surprisingly, it was not just one person that visited you. From what you could discern, it was three different people that would seemingly take turns talking to you. 
“Mother and I are concerned for you, amico mio. Draco hasn’t been back since that night, same with Professor Snape. The term is going to end soon, and Aurors have been hassling Potter for answers. They’re leaving you alone for now because you’ve been unresponsive, but the press and Ministry are waiting for your eyewitness account. If you don’t get better soon…They want to send you to St.Mungo’s for monitoring, but mother volunteered to house you instead. I have to go, but I’ll be back tomorrow. Rest well, Y/N.” 
It seemed that Dumbledore was dead then. There was no other reason why the Ministry would be so eager to question you. Two people died that night, three if you counted whatever part of yourself was missing now – but only Dumbledore would be memorialized. 
You felt your heart race at the thought, but you tried to ground yourself by remembering Blaise’s words. At least you knew that the Contessa was willing to take you in. The thought sent a warm buzz down your navel. You wouldn’t be alone. 
“It was Professor Snape. It all happened so fast. After he shot the spell and Dumbledore … Draco was going to stay with you, but then they shot off the dark mark into the sky. And Snape, he-he … he’s the Half-Blood Prince. He killed him. Dumbledore trusted him, and he killed him. I don’t know where the locket is either. To think of what it took – what it cost us, and I lost the bloody thing.” 
Even in your state, you could feel Harry’s turmoil – his rage. But you couldn’t bring yourself to reflect the same sentiments, things were always more convoluted than they seemed, especially for your lot. You did feel remorseful about the locket though, realizing the damn thing was still looped around your neck (even if it were a sham). 
You don’t know what exactly happened that night in the astronomy tower after you blacked out, just that Snape finished the job and escaped with the rest of the death eaters, but you assumed that Harry was secretly wounded by the professor’s betrayal. 
No matter how vehemently he denies it, you could tell Harry did care for Snape in his own weird, unconventional way. You shared a similar sentiment, feeling a tinge of understanding toward the disillusioned man. That was why you held onto hope that Snape was truly not a traitor, but only time would tell. 
You were taken aback to hear that Draco tried to stay with you, but perhaps your strange encounters with each other and your initiative to try and help him – even while he aimed his wand at you – made him feel indebted. 
“The wrackspurts are beginning to leave, they were hovering around you for a long time. You will be okay, he waits as he always has. You must not give up.” 
Luna was a comforting presence. She never bombarded you or urged you to recover quicker, and oftentimes you could feel her gently playing with your hand. You always looked forward to hearing her the most. Her reassurances sparked hope in you, especially since you believed that she was clairvoyant. 
Things did get better, eventually. 
You awoke on the second to last day of term with aching joints and stiff muscles. The world seemed to gleam with a new vibrance under the July sky, and it helped that Blaise nearly tipped out of his seat when you abruptly sat up on the bed. 
“Is that any way to greet me, B? How uncouth.” Your scratchy voice did little to deter the boy who merely threw his arm over your shoulder. 
After a few moments of silent greetings, you pull back and pat the boy gently on the shoulder, wanting room to stretch your arms. 
Blaise moves over to sit at the foot of your bed, hands digging into his robes, “Glad to have you back. You gave me quite the fright, you know?” The boy shoots a pointed look at you, “I thought you were dead when I found you that night.” 
“So it was you?” Your words are more to yourself than anything, but the Italian nods firmly. 
“Mio dio, here we are.” The boy fishes something out of his pocket, and extends his palm towards you, “Thought you would want this.” 
Your heart stutters in your chest as you reach over. 
Regulus’ frame. 
“Thank you.” The lump in your throat makes it difficult to say much more, but the gratitude that bleeds into your words has Blaise tilting his head. Of course, your friend didn’t quite grasp how important the tattered pieces of wood were to you, but you were touched nonetheless. 
Thank Merlin for his scavenging tendencies. 
“Prego. Now, are you feeling well enough to get up? You should start packing soon.” 
“Nevermind, just kill me now.” Blaise, the traitor, laughs at your misery much to your chagrin. 
The last two days at Hogwarts are filled with suppressed grief and reassuring smiles, with many approaching you to make sure you didn’t sustain any permanent damage from the encounter with Bellatrix (you were quite sure Neville even promised retribution). 
You’re decidedly silent about the main events of being manhandled by Greyback, tired from the tirade of questions and also unsure if the prospect would have your friends flying off their handles.
As the Hogwarts Express came to a halt at King’s Cross, you dismissed yourself from the Trio’s compartment and levitated your items with you to locate Blaise. The slytherin was adamant that you say your farewells to him, already dissatisfied with your decision to stay elsewhere for the summer. 
Peering into one of the compartments, you catch Blaise’s eye and wave slowly. The boy stands and slides the door open for you, grinning at your unimpressed frown, “You made it!” 
“Yes, I didn’t want you to brood the entire summer. Merlin knows I barely agreed to have tea with you and the Contessa anyway.” Your indignant response elicits a few snickers from behind Blaise, and the Italian spins around with an expression of mock offense. 
“Traitors, all of you.” 
You peer over Blaise’s shoulder and meet the curious stares of some of the other slytherins in your year, though Draco was notably absent.
Pansy appraises you quickly before grinning, “Well met, L/N. Blaise said you were much better than your other friends.” 
You let out a dry laugh, but nod in greeting. Scanning the opposite bench, an exasperated set of eyes cuts through you. The boy inclines his head, causing you to do the same. You were already familiar with Theodore Nott, having quite literally clashed with him over the top position in your Runes class (which somehow led to you both studying together in silence?). 
“Y/N, any summer plans?” You lean against the doorframe and wave at Daphne, ignoring Blaise’s huff. 
“Hi Daphne, and just a few things here and there. Mainly just looking forward to spending time with my dogs.” Which was not totally a lie, both Remus and Sirius were part time dogs of sorts. 
Blaise crosses his arms and shakes his head, “Yes, a summer with some pets over one with me.” 
Continuing to ignore the boy next to you, you crack your knuckles and smile apologetically, “It’s nice to see you all. But apologies, I must get going, one of my dogs gets a bit restless.” You wave to the group and quickly pat Blaise on the back before quickly ducking out of the train. 
As you walk through the platform, you barely flinch when Harry sidles up to you with his own luggage. 
“Harry, come to Grimmauld Place after it’s all done.” The boy shifts his head to look at you, eyebrow raised to indicate that he would have done so even without the reminder. Rolling your eyes, you adjust the collar of your shirt before quickly pulling out the locket long enough for the boy to see. 
Harry’s mouth sets into a firm line and he nods, “Alright. It shouldn’t take more than a few days.” His firm tone indicated that he expected an explanation from you, but you could see that he was refraining from being too direct, having already expressed guilt for what happened to Regulus. 
Harry and Hermione informed you that they would be taking certain measures to protect their respective families, and you winced at the implications – more so feeling commiseration for Hermione than Harry, knowing that the girl’s parents actually valued her. 
As Sirius and Remus come into view – Sirius in his Grim form, Harry rushes away and lunges into Remus’ awaiting arms. Sirius trots over to you in greeting and you have to restrain yourself from petting him, knowing it would be awkward to face the man after he transforms back. 
Crouching down, you smile at the dog-man and barely duck fast enough to miss his attempt at licking you. It would appear that he was forgoing formalities and was jumping straight into licking and pawing at you and Harry – you admit, that it made his disguise all the more convincing. 
“Okay, enough you old menace!” You bat at him, causing him to huff at you, still rounding around you to nudge at your leg. 
Harry reluctantly leaves as he spots his Uncle Vernon, reaching down to squeeze your wrist in comfort one last time. As soon as you double-check your items and greet Remus, you all are off in a hurry to get to Grimmauld Place, not feeling comfortable being out in the open for a prolonged period of time. 
The journey back is spent in silence as you pointedly ignore Sirius’ looks of concern and Remus’ more subtle glances. 
The first few days back at the gloomy house are interesting to say the least. Both of the adults were almost diffident towards you, clearly unsure of how to breach the subject of their concerns without immediately spiraling into an interrogation. 
You try and wait it out the first few days, and soon Harry is joining you with a pleased smile, regaling you with how Dudley had made amends with him before the Dursleys all packed up and left. Despite Harry’s arrival, Sirius and Remus continued to edge around you both much to Harry’s confusion. 
The awkward atmosphere gives you and Harry time to convene in your room, both sitting around the decoy locket. As you peer down onto your bed at the glimmering piece of jewelry, you feel your lips twist in forbearance. 
Harry scoops it up and examines it in the light before sighing, “Yeah. This isn’t the real thing, I would be able to feel it if it were.” Narrowing his eyes further, he tugs at the locket’s sides and pulls. 
The locket abruptly pops open and you and Harry share a look that pretty much conveyed the ‘shit that actually worked’ thought that flew through both of your heads. 
You’d think there would be more security measures even with a sham. 
Placing it back down onto the bed, you tilt your head at the slip of paper that revealed itself inside. Harry slowly picks it up and unfurls it, frowning at the contents, 
“To the Dark Lord, 
I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. 
“Regulus,” Your gasp is followed by a devastating realization that has you shuddering. Harry looks up at you with a worried frown, patting your knee before handing the paper to you. As you gently cup the paper in your hands, you reread the message several times. 
“He died to try and stop him.” Harry’s words are not a question, but rather a declaration of crushing recognition. He looks over to your hunched figure and cups his hand around yours, nodding firmly, “Keep it.” 
Not bothering to retort that you were planning on doing so even if you had to wrangle it from him, you simply nod and carefully fold the note up and place it back inside the locket. As you carefully click the pendant shut and move the necklace back over your head, Harry turns towards the empty space near your door, “Kreacher!” 
A loud pop emits throughout the room and you slowly turn to face the house elf, “Yes, Master Harry called for Kreacher?” 
Harry swallows harshly, “Did Regulus ever talk about a locket that belonged to Voldemort?” 
Kreacher flinches back and alternates between sneering at Harry and frowning at you, “Kreacher doesn’t know anything about a locket.” 
You rise up from the bed and slowly walk towards the cowering house elf, squatting down to appear less intimidating, “Kreacher. Regulus, he…he wanted–wants us to destroy it. Please.” You hoped that Kreacher didn’t register your slip up, not wanting to explain that his favorite master was blown to bits by an insane witch. 
Seeming to weigh his options, Kreacher darts his eyes around the floor before meeting your gaze, “Kreacher will find it.” Not a moment later, the elf pops away and you’re left with your thoughts and achy knees. 
As you stretch back up, Harry shoots you a grateful look before sighing, “We should talk to Sirius about the locket at the very least. Maybe he’ll let us look around and we can figure out what else Regulus knew.” 
You don’t have a chance to answer as Kreacher pops back into the room, hands clasped tightly around the real locket, extending his hand away from his face to keep the artifact as far away from him as possible. 
“Thank you, Kreacher.” The elf merely grunts at Harry’s words and practically shoves the locket into his hands when the boy gets close enough to reach it. 
You nod and smile at the elf, feeling a twinge of guilt when he pops away without another word. It seemed that Kreacher had an idea of what happened to Regulus, and he was definitely not happy with you and Harry by any stretch of the imagination. 
Harry fiddles with the item before huffing, “Hello again, Tom.” 
Rubbing your forehead tiredly, you leave your friend to his musings and opt to find Sirius, deciding to rip the bandaid off sooner than later. 
Surprisingly, the man barely bats an eye at your bizarre request, “Sure, go ahead. I don’t think you’ll find much more than old books though.” 
Nodding with wide eyes, you try to rein in your gobsmacked expression, “Uh–yeah, thanks,” and with one last boost of confidence, you decide to pat the man’s shoulder, “And really, thanks for the concern. Harry and I are fine though, so you guys don’t have to keep walking around eggshells when we’re in the same room.” 
Not giving time for the man to respond, you practically fly up the stairs and towards Regulus’ bedroom. Hit with a sense of deja vu, you only pause to take everything in once you crack open the bedroom door. 
So many memories. 
But he’s not here anymore.
Ignoring the sinking feeling in your chest, you slowly shuffle into the dark room and shut the door behind you. Spinning around on the spot, you take in every detail around you, determined to commit it to memory – for what reason, you didn’t really know. You wander around in circles for a while, slowly working up the courage to actually look around for something useful. 
It felt wrong to go through his possessions without his knowledge or expressed permission. 
Crouching down next to the dusty bed, you trace your finger around the design of the bedding. 
The design scheme of Regulus’ room was far more subdued in comparison to the rest of the house’s gaudy antiques and brassy accents, and you couldn’t help but wonder how he would have decorated a house of his own.
Brushing away the thought, you pause your movements when your finger hits a protrusion under the mattress. Furrowing your eyebrows, you slowly lift up the quilt bedding.
Please be spider-free. If a spider lunges at me, I will actually die. 
Your prayers are, thankfully, taken into account. As you peer at the object, you realize that it was a worn leather journal shoved haphazardly between the two mattresses – how neat. You wrestle the book out with far more effort than it should have taken, and breathlessly sit down on the floor. 
Flipping the object in your hands, you run your finger along the creased cover. 
Just as you lay the book in your lap to flip it open, you’re distracted by the sound of the door creaking open. Harry slowly slinks inside the room and shoots you a quick smile, “Sirius is being weird. Like strange. Something about therapy and teenagers?” You merely raise your eyebrow as Harry moves to sit beside you, the boy’s eyes immediately falling to your lap, “What’s that?” 
“No clue. What about the locket? Figured out how we’re going to destroy it?” 
Harry rolls his eyes before fishing out the necklace and dangling it from his hand like it wasn’t a precious heirloom (even if it were tainted by a sadistic, egomaniac’s soul shard). 
“No clue,” Harry intones, laughing at your narrowed eyes. You roll your eyes before shoving him lightly, deciding to tuck the journal away by your side before getting up to wander around the room again. 
Your search around Regulus’ room continues for the next few days, but ends up fruitless. 
July passed quickly, taking the sunny days away with it. The journal that you found was shrunken and bouncing around in your pocket, remaining untouched. You couldn’t explain it, but it didn’t feel right to read it just yet. 
Was Luna’s clairvoyance rubbing off on you? 
The thought had you smiling softly, causing Remus to share a look with Sirius that you barely caught. 
“You doing okay there, pup?” Sirius asked, reaching over to pat your arm. 
“Never better, old man. Also, pup?” Your question hangs in the air and Remus merely shakes his head before craning back down to read his book. Sirius smiles brightly at you, “Yep.” 
“Never a dull moment around here. Forget my Runes study, maybe I should become a mind healer and have you as my case study.” You tease, much to Harry and Remus’ amusement.
You wouldn’t ever admit it aloud, but you had sorely missed the comfort of summers with Sirius. 
Actually, you wanted to rescind that statement. 
“You absolute troll of a man!” Your words echo throughout the house as Sirius’ laughter draws the attention of the other two men. 
Remus shoots Sirius an exasperated look, while Harry spins around in his seat to try and see what was happening. You emerge into the room, heaving from anger, hand clasped tightly around a soggy potions book. 
“I am going to wreak havoc upon your bloodline, Black! Beg now or wrath shall hath no mercy for your foolishness.” Your wild gesticulation and fury has Remus raising an eyebrow towards Sirius who simply shoots his friend an innocent smile. 
The absolute oaf then turns and sticks his tongue out at you. 
“Do it! I dare you! You wouldn’t–” 
You throw the wet tome at his head. 
“Remmy! Look what’s become of my beautiful face!” Sirius whines and bangs his elbows on the table, drawing the attention of one stressed out Mrs.Weasley. The woman shoots a withering look at the man before returning to fuss over a particularly wild table arrangement. 
Remus simply shakes his head and resumes surveying the venue, studiously ignoring the man next to him (who was now sporting a large bump on his head that he refused to heal in order to show everyone the result of your “demonic mood swings”). 
You smile tauntingly at the older man before standing up to walk around. It was insane to you how drastically different you were feeling now in comparison to at the beginning of your summer break. The aching in your heart never fully ceased, but you were back up on your feet and even allowing yourself to indulge in Sirius’ antics. 
The world truly was coming to an end, wasn’t it? 
Guiltily, you found yourself remedying your heart ache by sneaking into Regulus’ bedroom at night. It inexplicably brought you closure to see what was left of the teen’s bedroom. 
August emerged from the corners of the sky with temperamental winds and blue, misty dawns. Bill and Fleur had decided to commence the month with a rather extravagant wedding, having sent out your personal invites weeks before. The venue was at the Burrow, but was simply breathtaking: the ivory tent was propped up by poles that were encircled with plethoras of cream flowers, and the dainty chairs lined with gold were eye-catching without being tawdry. 
You wince as you reach into your jacket, feeling the scraps of Regulus’ gold frame brush against your fingertips. 
It seemed you weren’t the only one plagued with grief and foreboding though. Many were expecting for Voldemort to make his next move any day now, which was one of the many reasons as to why Bill and Fleur decided to rush their union. 
The political climate was tense as well, wracked with uncertainties after the death of Dumbledore. Ex-Auror, now instated Minister of Magic, Scrimegeour was trying his best, but he was rough around the edges and had the charisma of an angry goblin. 
Still, you were one of the many who preferred him over Fudge. 
In light of all this, you made a greater effort to get to know Contessa Zabini, knowing that your channels for information were more restricted than ever, and who better to turn to than an all-powerful, neutral femme fatale? 
Corresponding with Blaise and Luna kept you sane throughout the summer since you refrained from trauma dumping on Harry (á la therapy, knowing the boy was literally the embodiment of “what are you talking about? I’m perfectly fine”).  
“Hey, pup.” You spin around to see Sirius approaching you with his hands in his pockets, mouth curled up amiably. 
Suspiciously raising a brow, you cross your arms, “If you pull something on me right now, Bill is going to be left wondering why there’s an empty chair at our table. Spoiler alert, your chair, not mine.” 
The man chuckles at your playful (kind of) threat, and simply hands you a folded paper, “Thought you’d want it. Still not sorry about your book though.” 
Shaking your head, you gently grasp the slip and raise your eyes in uncertainty when you realize it was a folded photo. Sirius gestures for you to unfold it, eyes gleaming brightly with a shine you could hardly decipher. 
As you bring the photo up towards your eyes, you gape as you realize what you were looking at. 
“Sirius, what?--” Why was he giving you a photo of Regulus? What did he know?
“I don’t know what’s up with you and Prongslet and your fascination with Regulus, but I’m not completely oblivious.” He jabs, smiling widely at your disbelief. 
Debatable, really. 
You sigh and hug the photo to your chest, “I promise, I’ll tell you everything when this all blows over. Thank you though.” 
The man shrugs and gives you a brief side hug, “I’ll take your word for it.” 
As soon as you see his mischievous smile disappear behind the milling Weasley family, you decide to study the photo again. 
Regulus looked a bit younger than he had in his portrait, hair a tad shorter and eyes sparkling with a youthful glow. Clearly, Regulus hadn’t been marked when this photo was taken, but he still looked like a dutiful, proper pureblood heir. 
He looked perfect. 
You were going to rip Bellatrix to shreds.
Yes. You would have the banshee screeching at your feet, begging for the release of death. 
Sorry Neville, she’s mine to kill.
You quickly fold up the photo and tuck it into your pocket, shooting your head up to meet the eyes of the twins. Smiling at their antics, you tip an invisible hat to them, “Messrs Twins, how are you today? Excited to see Bill in his suit?”
George offers you his arm as he gestures outside of the tent, “Doing just dandy, Y/N!” 
“Yes, Bill was able to weasel his way out of mother’s claws,” Seeing your confused expression, Fred continues, “She wanted him to wear father’s wedding robes.” 
Snickering at the idea, you allow George to continue dragging you, “How frightful. You both might not be as lucky though. Merlin knows Charlie’s muscles would suffocate in those robes, you two on the other hand…” 
“My poor heart!” 
Your banter continues until the twins manage to parade you through the Burrow’s living room, dropping you off with mock bows, “It’s been our pleasure!” 
As soon as they’re off and running to Merlin knows where, you turn around to meet the unimpressed face of Minister Scrimgeour. Harry, Hermione, and Ron emerge from the kitchen and meet your questioning eyes, looking just as puzzled by his appearance. 
“To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?” Harry asks, ever the diplomat. 
You smile wearily, shifting closer to your friends, “Yes, don’t suppose you’re here for the treacle tarts?” 
The scraggy man shakes his firmly, mouth deepening in its frown, “Unfortunately not. I think we both know the answer to your question though, Mr.Potter.”
Clenching your jaw, you make way to sit on the couch, gesturing for the Minister to sit across the coffee table. Your friends quickly follow your movements, fidgeting quietly as the man limps over and settles down with a huff. 
He wastes no time and sets down a folded cloth on the table, leaning on his knees to meet your awaiting gazes. Before any of you have time to question him, he reaches deep into his coat and whips out a folded piece of paper. 
The yellowed parchment floats to the side and unfolds itself as Scrimegeour shoots you all an assured look before reading off of it, “Herein is set forth the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore-” Holy shit, “-First, Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my deluminator…” 
You zone out, only vaguely aware of how Scrimgeour reaches down to unwrap the cloth. Harry shifts uncomfortably beside you and you’re quick to pick up on his grief. He was still in the process of accepting the headmaster’s death. 
Frankly, you were amazed you were left in the will. 
Hermione receives a children’s book (not cryptic at all). 
Harry receives the snitch he caught in your first year, which was quite unexpected seeing as your friend was pretty much carrying the weight of the Wizarding World on his back. It seemed that he thought the same as he reluctantly reached over to accept it, rolling the golden ball around his palm. 
A snitch, really? Couldn’t he have left a detailed instruction manual on how to slay Voldemort? Not like your lot isn’t elbow-deep in resuscitating Wizarding Britain or anything.  
Your attention is drawn away from Harry’s despondent face when a paper is being shoved towards you. 
What was this, the second time today?
Masking your bemusement, you reach over and take it from the man’s hand, quickly glancing at your friends. 
‘There is a wonderful municipality in Moskenesøya, Norway called Reine. Anders Fiske owes me a meal of which I pass to you. You may find great enlightenment on your troubles with him. He has knowledge of magic which your young companion utilized.’ 
Slowly looking up at the other occupants of the room, you don’t let your surprise show. 
“Well?” Ron asks impatiently, clearly intrigued that Dumbledore left you an actual written message. 
“A meal. He left me a meal ticket.” 
Minister Scrimgeour leaves shortly after, mumbling something about endless paperwork and efforts to suppress the growing dark forces. You were quick to part from your friends, falling into thought about how you were going to heed your former headmaster’s words. 
As you mill around the tent, eyes glued to the purple carpet under your feet, you’re pleasantly surprised when you accidentally bump into a familiar face. 
The girl spins around and looks at you dazedly, mouth tugging into a wide grin, “Y/N! The heliopaths burn brightly around you. Have you gotten the clue, then?” 
Gazing fondly at the younger girl, you wrap an arm around her and guide her near a vacant table, “I’m not even surprised. Did you see this coming?” 
“There were whispers that Dumbledore would aid you. Our paths are now converging…” Luna trails off, but you understand the gist of her words. It would appear that she was going to help you in some way, and you were quite pleased with the turn of events. 
Soon, dusk blanketed over the fields and the inky skies loomed over the tent, giving life to the vibrant lights and the guests who were resplendent in their formal attires. 
Sheer curtains fell around the tent in waves of dusty purple, slightly veiling the patrolling Aurors from sight. Sirius had to be put under multiple glamours much to his ire, but he conceded after being told it was either that or partying as a dog the whole night. 
The man was currently nestling a glass of firewhiskey to his chest by your side, occasionally glancing at Luna who was spinning in circles on your other side. Remus had decided to help patrol, and you rolled your eyes at his wallflower tendencies, picking up the unspoken “babysitting Sirius” duties in his stead. 
Bill and Fleur were dancing around at the center of the tent, surrounded by their immediate families and you were entranced by the dozens of pink butterflies that encircled the couple. 
How were they doing that?
Well, they did make for quite the attractive pair, and you were just grateful for the lack of drama throughout the evening. Though, you would be making a grand escape at the first hint of drunken stupors and incoherent babbling. 
Turning to the entrance of the tent, you smile softly as you see Harry make his way inside, slowly approaching an older man who was peering at the clapping guests with poorly concealed anxiety. 
Before you can further goggle at the boy’s movements, a sheen of yellow hues suddenly bombards your eyes and casts a shadow over your figure. Looking up, you’re struck at the sight of a familiar dazed expression. 
“Hello, Xenophilius Lovegood,” The man sticks out his hand for you to take, and you see Luna sway happily towards the man, “A pleasure, Mr.Lovegood. I’ve always enjoyed meeting my friends’ families. I’m Y/N.” 
“My Luna speaks very highly of you, and if you or Mr.Potter ever need anything, feel free to come to us. We live just over the hill, you see.” The man muses pleasantly, wrapping an arm around his daughter as she nods in agreement. 
You speak to the man for a few more minutes before he dismisses himself to find Harry, explaining that he would very much enjoy talking about The Quibbler with the boy. 
At the man’s departure, you begin to try and drag Sirius onto the dance floor, but he simply complains that the music wasn’t really his style and chugs his drink. 
There did seem to be a lack of electric guitar riffs in the air. 
Rings of gasps and shuffles draw your attention away from your two companions, and you look towards the center of the tent to see an illumination of blue floating in place of the once dancing couple. 
A patronus. 
Immediately, Shacklebolt’s resounding voice echoes around the venue, “The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead…they are coming…” Scrimgeour was dead? You just saw the bloody man!
“They are coming…” 
The tense silence has you stepping forward and drawing your wand, sharing a look with an alarmed Sirius who was slowly edging in front of you. 
“They are coming…”
As the patronus dissipates, the panic that had been stewing erupts into cacophonous shouts and echoing distortions of apparition. Many guests flee just as the first cluster of black smoke swoops through the tent. 
Death eaters. 
Grabbing Sirius’ wrist, you quickly try to shout over the chaos, “Stay safe! You and Remus better not die!” 
The man nods firmly, but gets pulled away into the moving crowd as people begin to make a break for it just as the first spells start flying around. Twirling your wand into your palm, you turn and grab Luna’s hand, pulling her behind you as you duck through the mayhem.
You see rays of green soar across the tent as flames begin to engulf the flowers and curtains. Blocking a killing curse from flying straight into your face, you quickly shoot out a Confringo and a binding spell back to back, effectively binding your attacker as he tries to duck. 
Spinning around frantically, ignoring the blood rushing through your ears and the thrumming of your heart beat in your fingertips, you see Hermione apparate with Ron and Harry. Sighing in relief at the trio’s escape, you quickly continue to push through the pandemonium. 
As Remus turns his back, you see a death eater try and shoot a killing curse at him causing you to nearly fly forward on the spot. 
“Expulso!” The lamps by the death eater’s head explodes in a spray of glass, causing him to hunch over long enough for Sirius to fire off an array of hexes that had you raising your eyebrows. 
Good to know that even Azkaban couldn’t erode his dueling skills. 
Satisfied with your cathartic release, you apparate away with Luna to the first place that pops into your head. 
As you touch down on damp cobblestone, you quickly spin around to assess Luna for injuries. The girl merely smiles at you reassuringly before gazing around at your surroundings. Luckily, it seemed that this section of Diagon Alley was safe from death eaters for now, but with the fall of the Ministry, it would only be a matter of hours before chaos would erupt. 
You cringe at the thought, knowing that many of the shops were still recovering from the previous year when Ollivander’s was ransacked and when Fortescue was killed by death eaters. 
Slowly creeping out from the dark alley you were both in, you assess the environment quickly. There were a few wizards still walking about, but for the most part, it was quiet and safe. 
Waving for Luna to follow, you both begin to stroll down the stone path, no real destination in mind. 
“Bedda Matri! What are you doing?” You whip around with your wand pointed towards the voice, only lowering it once you see an annoyingly familiar face, “And what are you wearing?”
“Nice to see you too, B. We were at a wedding for your information. I would have taken you as my plus one, but then I remembered how insufferable you are.” 
Your shoulders slacken in relief and you quickly trail over to your smirking friend. 
The boy goes to retaliate, but is interrupted by a dulcet voice, “Mio figlio, aren’t you going to introduce me?” 
Pausing at the honeyed voice, you slowly crane your head to the shadows to meet a pair of amused eyes. 
Blaise seems to flounder a bit before quickly composing himself, “Mama, this is Y/N L/N, my good friend,” he then turns towards your flustered gape and coughs lightly, “Y/N, this is my mother.” 
You collect yourself and straighten up your posture, inclining your head towards the imposing woman, “Contessa Zabini.” 
“How fortunate.” She drawls, slowly approaching your stiff figure, “We finally meet young Y/N, though the night is not kind. Come, let’s have tea together, we have much to discuss.” 
Perhaps you should have tested your luck with the death eaters. 
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tag list: @krazyk99 @venomsvl @valsarchives @bunny24sstuff @novella12nite @elia-the-bibliophile @txorua @xlifexdeathx @trikigirl271 @the-marauders-world @sleepydang @blueberry-thrawn @lestat-whore @chanaaaannel @clockworkherondale @peachyaeger @thegayhoenextdoor @l--absinthe @ok-boke @summer-noir @mikeikax @musically-ambiguous @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @friendly-neighborhood-boricua @randomfaeriechild @misacc08 @that-bitch-bri @ily2lia
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indouloureux · 2 years
toxic!eddie taking reader’s virginity ? <3
cw: dubcon?? first time, kind of a mean!dom eddie, praise kink, degradation (use of whore, slut), dacryphilia, unprotected sex, sadist!eddie. fem!reader
— i don't really know how toxic!eddie works but i tried my best 😭 this is just him being mean. thank you for requesting!
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when eddie met you—in all your angelic, demure glory—the devil in his mind had whispered in his ear to lure you into his sybaritic expeditions.
and he obeyed immediately.
you met his cynical eyes from across the room; the curiosity making you pull a brick from the wall he'd built up. it felt like staring right into a trap, but naivety had fooled you into thinking it was a bird in need of aid.
eddie had taken it slow. mustering up all the confidence given to him, the fire in his boldness came from the lake of hellfire; smoldering and taunting, elegant in its ornery roars.
and you'd been the angel with a golden halo above your hair, clad in a pure white dress that tickled his exposed knees. tight around you, enough to accentuate your breasts that makes him goggle and drool like a virgin.
but he wasn't the virgin now, wasn't he?
he had no good intentions, that's for sure. he wanted to corrupt you—he wanted to take everything of you. teach you the ways of sin, pour black tar all over your white dress to show how much you've changed under his influence. he wanted to break the golden halo in half, carve it into pointy horns and stab them on your head.
and when all was done, he'd pretend you didn't exist. it was just...hedonistic pursuits.
you started as friends. he'd asked if you could tutor, and you did. every friday after school. until you'd gathered enough confidence to talk to him in the crowded hallway and he just knew he's gotten the key to split you open.
now that you're pinned beneath him. bra and panties ripped like a piece of paper, his lips around your hardened nipples as he suckles and bites like a hungered infant. you grind up to him, throwing your head back, his fingers deep inside your tight cunt he just knew you'd feel better wrapped around his cock.
"gonna cum for me, angel?" he coos, moving his fingers faster, his fingertips pressing hard against your gummy walls you feel like it'll bruise. you nod. "what'd i say about answering?"
you pant. "i-"
eddie fucks his hand in, knuckle deep. too deep that his hand might split in half. and you yell in the small space of his bedroom. "what did i say, whore?"
"that i use my words," tears sting your eyes, brimming at the edges. "eddie, please. i'm—" the rock on your navel gets heavier, feeling like something would break. "i feel like i'm gonna pee."
he chuckles. "that just means you're gonna cum, sweetheart."
you cum within seconds. for the first time in your life. and eddie knew this; he'll take pride of it, too. being the first person to ever bring you your first orgasm. he feels your thick, white substance coat the length of his long fingers, your moans hindering into short sobs that he shushes with hard bites around your neck.
"jesus christ," he moans when he pulls his fingers out, your seed whiter than his opal skin. you watch as he puts his fingers in his mouth, sucking your cum and juices and revels in its sweetness. "fuck. you taste amazing."
in less than ten seconds he rips his own underwear out, his cock sprung out, pink swollen tip slamming on his happy trail and it makes you gawk. "is it gonna hurt?"
"oh baby," he pouts, hovering over you and grinds the base of his dick against your sensitive folds. "it's gonna hurt a lot,"
you whimper and he almost cums. just the thought of you being in pain, or even just a sliver, from his big cock boosts his ego a bit.
eddie takes his cock in his hand, slapping the tip on your swollen clit that makes you jolt beneath his tight clutch on your waist. until he pushes it in.
mewling, you arch your back, shoving your tits in eddie's face and it hurts. it's the type of hurt that tiptoes the wall between pleasure and pain, hands raised to balance itself. but it makes you cry, and it makes eddie push himself to the hilt.
"oh, yeah," he laughs out a moan. "you're so tight, (y/n). i've always had a thing for virgin pussies who act like sluts after i split them open. make their holes so big people will think they were never a virgin."
he wraps your leg around his waist, thrusting hard. and you hadn't even adjusted properly when he did so. it hurt, your walls burning in its sensitivity. eddie's hand lands down to your ass, a hard smack that rings around the room along with his grunts and your sobs.
"a-ah, eddie," you scratch on his back. "slow- slow d-down,"
"you can take it," he practically growls, removing the hand beneath your knee to take both your hands from his back and pin them above you, slamming it on his pillows. "take it like a good, little slut baby. oooohh– see. look how well you're taking me."
it's like he's pushing the fires of hell inside you to diminish all the angels that live inside you. his thrusts are hard, fast and animalistic that tears coat your cheeks. eddie licks the salty tears away, chuckling when he sucks on the spot beneath your ear to your jawline.
"such a good girl," his balls slap against your ass, a loud applauding like you're in a play for all the souls burning in hell to see. "you're my angel, aren't you?"
all you do is moan and it angers him the slightest.
he punishes you with a hard thrust. "say it."
"i'm—" you swallow. "i'm your angel. your angel, eddie. your slutty little angel."
eddie feels like a king. "atta girl,"
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reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
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