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health tip: Fungal nail infection
Take one betel leaf and put some lime paste, 2 teaspoons of milk cream and blend it with your fingers on the surface of the leaf. Keep the affected finger in the paste and wrap the leaf around it tight and secure it with a bandage. Repeat once every 24 hours for three days and on the fourth day your infection will be cured.
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Medical intuitive healer Catherine Carrigan interviews honey guru Shamus Ogilvy about how to heal yourself with honey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kodKjCe_vIs&feature=youtu.be Questions addressed in this interview include: 1. What are the natural healing benefits of honey? 2. There are 2 primary honeys in the world that are studied for their therapeutic value. What is the difference between Nectahive honey and Manuka honey? 3. What are the rating systems for Nectahive honey and for Manuka honey? 4. How is honey anti-viral? 5. How is honey antibacterial? 6. How is honey antifungal? 7. If someone has a sore throat how can they use honey to alleviate their symptoms? 8. If someone has a flu or cold how can they use honey to get better? 9. How can honey be used to heal burns? 10. How can honey be used for beauty purposes? 11. What is propolis and what are the natural healing benefits of propolis? 12. What is royal jelly and what are the natural healing benefits of royal jelly? 13. How can honey be used post exercise rather than artificially flavored sports drinks? 14. Why should people avoid giving honey to babies younger than 12 months? 15. How can Manuka oil be used to treat foot fungus? #honeyforhealing #healthbenefitsofhoney #medinicalusesofhoney #naturalantiviral #naturalantibacterial #naturalantifungal #medicalintuitive #honey #Manukahoney #Necathivehoney #NewZealandhoney #Redgumhoney #bees #medicalintuitivehealer #naturalhealing #naturalhealth #healing #honeyforsorethroats #honeyforcolds #honeyforviruses #GIeffectsofhoney #healingbenefitsofhoney #savethebees #pesticidefree #organicgardening #propolis #royaljelly #honeycomb #healthbenefitsofhoneycomb #howtousehoneyforhealing https://www.instagram.com/p/CGsM3v2Hzw_/?igshid=1ebacmvva6lq
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