exocynraku · 1 month
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from yesterday
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toesuckler · 11 months
also put it in the tags so they see, i love seeing what people think eachother looks like lolol <3
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junebugzzz · 2 years
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spinningbuster98 · 6 months
Castlevania The Adventure Part 2: -AAAAAAAAAAAAA-
So initially I planned to deal with both of the latter stages in this one video but I had a distinct feeling that stage 4 would cause me a ton of trouble so i decided to split this into two (spoilers: I was right)
If the game had not managed to make you toss your gameboy across the room until now then stage 3 absolutely will
Ladies and gentlemen we are looking at a 10 minute or so long autoscroller here
An autoscroller that moves at a speed that somehow managed to compare to that of the Heat Death of the Universe
Not only is this mind-numbingly slow on its own but the game makes it even worse due to its naturak slowdown
Oh yeah: the Adventure suffers from severe slowdown pretty often whenever there’s too much stuff on screen, especially in this level
Then you also add Christopher’s jog and the fact that this stage is pretty much littered with do or die situations where the margin of error for your jumps and wjop attacks is next to zero with inevitable death being your punishment and you get a level that you’re gonna be stuck in for potentially hours on end
Fun times all around!
Anyway given that the actual ending will be reserved for the next video let’s talk about how this small and simple gameboy game AND Castlevania III which released the same year somehow managed to mess up the plot of the series up until then! Oh yeah!
So according to the manual (including the japanese one) this is supposed to be the adventure lived by Simon’s ancestor Christopher Belmont that was mentioned in the first game’s japanese manual
But there’s an issue
That manual stated that Christopher lived about 100 years before Simon’s time
Wanna know another game that claims to take place “100 years before Simon Belmont” according to its intro?
Castlevania III
Even though that same intro also states that the game takes place in the 15th century, with Castlevania 1 taking place in the 17th century making it MORE than 100 years before Simon
Some may know that Trevor’s (or Ralph’s in Japan) full name is Trevor C. Belmont
That C is not random as it’s supposed to stand for Christopher
...yet here we see ANOTHER guy named Christopher
Also fun fact: the japanese manuals for both games also state that Dracula was a worshipper of Satan and that’s how he got his dark powers, though the manual for the Adventure does not contain any mention of Alucard or how Dracula presumably sold his soul for power
What seemingly happened is that the developers for both games had set out to both tell the story of Simon’s ancestor Christopher but they failed to communicate properly resulting in the games having this weird relationship
To be fair here I think this is more of an issue with Castlevania III than the Adventure, since it’s the former is the one that decided to take place during the 15th century while ALSO claiming to take place 100 years before Simon, which would have been a logical inconsistency regardless of the latter’s existence or not
Just thought I’d bring this up
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snugglebuddyhan · 6 months
Currently making builds for all the weapons in Warframe, since I have nothing else to do
This is a note to myself for which weapons I enjoyed playing the most for future reference.
Tested without the use of rivens or any other outside factors, except weapon arcanes
(Biggest r.i.p to me as an Ash main)
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My favorite primary weapons:
Acceltra Prime (Already one of my mains)
Alternox (Have always liked it. Fun to shoot. Plus, it's huge and looks really cool. It's flashy and has one of the best designs in the game. It's reload animation is also fun)
Amprex (Long time favorite)
Astilla Prime (Might main it. Edit: definitely maining it)
Basmu (Stronger than I thought)
Baza Prime
Boar Prime
Boltor Prime
Cedo (Used for a utility for melee priming, but realized it's primary mode is just as strong when you prime the enemies with it first. Eats through steel path enemies)
Convectrix (Fun to shoot)
Dera Vandal
Exergis (Can one shot level 200 heavy gunners without a single headshot, so might main)
Fulmin Prime
Glaxion Vandal (Fun to shoot)
Gotva Prime
Hema (The heartbeat effect on reload is neat)
Nagantaka Prime (Didn't like at first until I discovered its alt mode)
Naturak (I mean, I think?? I like it?)
Phage (Move over, Astilla)
Phantasma Prime (Good steel path weapon)
Proboscis Cernos (It's fun watching enemies get snatched up. I mostly use it for a little crowd control)
Sancti Tigris (Was my most played weapon for years)
Scourge Prime
Sobek (Was also a weapon I used for years)
Soma Prime (Another long timer)
Steflos (I'm in love with its reload animation. It's also fun to shoot, which I haven't been able to say about a lot of the weapons so far, even the ones I like)
Strun Prime
Tenora Prime
Tigris Prime
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Total amount of formas used: 561
Finished. Not listing Kuva and Tenet weapons until I re-farm them all with the proper elements. Same with incarnon weapon forms
The primary weapons I absolutely hated:
Attica (Okay, it's not THAT bad)
Carmine Penta (Any variant)
Mutalist Cernos
Sybaris (Any variant)
Quanta Vandal
Zhuge Prime
Pretty much every bow and sniper, except Daikyu or however you spell it. They aren't bad. I've made some pretty strong builds, so that's not the issue. I just don't care for them.....in this game
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My top 10 most used primaries based on my overall profile stats:
Tenet Arca Plasmor (Haven't touched it in ages)
Ignis Wraith (I remember being called a noob in the squad chat by a legendary 1 player a few years ago for using this weapon and now as a legendary 4 I still use it. I don't get the superiority people hold above themselves, bc they don't participate in whatever the current meta is. It's never that serious. The weapon is good and it gets shit done. Of course I'm going to use it)
Sancti Tigris
Acceltra (Non prime version)
Cedo (Used for priming)
Soma Prime
Sobek (Patiently waiting for a kuva varient. Edit: my prayers have been answered)
Phantasma Prime (Mostly used to kill eximus in steel path)
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My favorite secondary weapons:
Acrid (Corpus killer)
Afuris Prime (Saw a popular build on overframe say this weapon isn't worth it and is just mastery fodder and I have to respectfully disagree. It's extremely powerful. Can even shred steel path enemies, so.......)
Akarius Prime
Akjagara Prime (Really like this one. 10's across the board)
Aksomati Prime
Akstiletto Prime
Akvasto Prime
Arca Scisco
Athodai (Was worth doing railjack for)
Catabolyst (I love it. I know it's early, but I'm thinking about maining it. Edit: Nope, my dumbass keeps forgetting I have to manually reload it. Just going around shooting nothing)
Epitaph (Perfect for disruption or slowing things in general)
Hikou (Knew I was going to like it before I even finished modding it)
Kompressa (Really fun. My equivalent to the Alternox and Steflos and how fun it is to shoot. Edit: It's the goat, actually. One of the strongest secondaries I've ever played with)
Lex Prime (My second most used secondary)
Magnus Prime
Prisma Angstrum
Prisma Twin Gremlins
Secura Dual Cestra (Been using the heck out of these bad boys)
Spira Prime
Synoid Gammocor
Twin Kohmak
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Total amount of formas used: 348
Finished. Just like the primaries, I'm not listing Kuva and Tenet weapons until I re-farm them all with the proper elements. Same with incarnon weapon forms
The secondary weapons I absolutely hated:
Castanas (Sold them for credits immediately)
Knell Prime (Yes, even despite how strong it is)
Sancti Castanas (Joined his cousin)
Sonicor (Could be used for crowd control, but can't be bothered. Will probably sell it)
Stug (What the hell is that)
Twin Viper Wraith
Vaykor Marelok
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My top 10 most used secondaries based on my overall profile stats:
Kuva Nukor (Used it for priming when I first got into steel path. Haven't touched it since. Plus, if I want to prime I'll use the cedo now)
Synoid Gammacor (Used it for years. Was my all time favorite weapon. Haven't used it in ages though)
Lex Prime (Was mostly used back when we didn't have exalted weapons we could mod separately, so I picked this weapon for Mesa's peacemaker ability)
Staticor (Obsessed with the way it shoots. It's charged mode is also cool)
Twin Grakatas (Don't remember using this tbh)
Akarius Prime
Tenet Cyrcon
Afuris Prime
Sporelacer (Okay, so this is actually my most played secondary. For some reason it's played percentage has been stuck on 1.3% usage for the past 2 years and won't budge. Really wish DE would do something about this, so my profile is actually accurate)
Pox (I like this weapon, but it's only here, bc it was the weapon I picked for an elite archimedea rotation that I kept going back into, so I could help people get the hidden sumdali. I didn't like my primary weapon rolls and I don't care too much for melee weapons, so I used this for my primary source of damage)
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Favorite melee weapons so far. I'm not really a fan of swinging things around, but I'll try to make the most of it:
Argo & Vel
Arum Spinosa
Broken War (Got me through steel path. Haven't really used it much since then)
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albacore-aesthetic · 1 year
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"Transistor Radio" by naturak is marked with CC0 1.0.
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mijonacore · 1 year
vou me forçar a ficar nem ai pra coisad ate ficar naturak 😍
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javed5556 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: White Diamonds, Elizaberh Taylor Set.
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newlifewoodvinegar · 2 years
Wood Vinegar for sale Buy Purchase Wood Vinegar in Columbia, MI | New Life Wood Vinegar USA
Looking for wood vinegar for organic farming near Columbia City, MI? New Life Wood Vinegar produces and supplies wood vinegar and by products for organic agriculture in Columbia. Pre order wood vinegar today! Contact us. Wood vinegar is an environmentally friendly fertilizer that is used in agriculture and as pesticide for plants.
 WOOD VINEGAR COLUMBIA, MI - Wood Vinegar for Organic Farming
New Life Wood Vinegar is available for farmers in Columbia, MI now. Wood Vinegar has a long history of successful use throughout Asia for a replacement of expensive fossil derived agricultural chemicals. With a growing char and carbon farming industry there is potential for creating a viable market in Columbia, MI for this sustainable and economical farm input, working towards more economical and natural farming practices. Pre order wood vinegar in Columbia, MI now! Best quality wood vinegar available in Columbia, MI from New Life Wood Vinegar.
 Wood Vinegar: When wood is subjected to destructive distillation or is greatly heated in close vessels, an acid liquor oozes over with the tar and gaseous products. This acid liquor is the pyroligneous acid or wood vinegar. New Life Wood Vinegar now proudly produces wood vinegar and it is available for sale in Columbia, MI . This amazing product is used as an all-natural replacement for your traditional chemical fertilizer and pesticides.
Wood vinegar can be applied to the soil surface to help increase the population of beneficial microbe sand to promote plant root growth.
 Wood vinegar:
·         Improves abiotic stress tolerance to salinity and drought.
·         Stimulates growth by improving absorption through roots.
·         Supports nutrient uptake & prolongs the shelf life.
·         Enhances soil conditions for greater root mass.
·         Improves efficiency of applied fertilizers.
·         Increases tolerance to sodium (Na).
·         Increases nutrient use efficiency.
We supply pure and high quality wood vinegar direct to Columbia, MI. The wood vinegar is now widely used in agriculture production and for general sanitary purposes. The natural contents make it an attractive alternative to chemical pesticides; it can also promote plant growth and improve soil quality. It is non-toxic and biodegradable. We are one of the biggest wood vinegar supplier in Columbia, MI.
  The Main Chemical components:
·         Acetic acid 34.40 %
·         Propanoic acid 2.00 %
·         Methanol 5.20 %
 Packing : 1, 5, 10, 25 , 200, 1000 liter drum or as per customer requirement.
 Available in Columbia, MI!
 We are encouraging the use of wood vinegar as organic fertilizer and pesticide and offering the highest quality Wood Vinegar product produced with the most advanced processor in Columbia, MI. All of our product is tested before sending, ensuring you a more accurate valuation of using wood vinegar for your specific application.
 Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
 Prices don’t include Columbia, MI wide shipping and handling.
 ·         1Ltr Wood Vinegar - Pre-Order Now
·         5Ltr Wood Vinegar - Pre-Order Now
·         20Ltr Wood Vinegar - Pre-Order Now
·         For Commercial Volumes Please Contact Us!
Wood vinegar, Pyroligneous acid, also called  wood acid, is a dark liquid produced by the destructive distillation of wood and other plant materials. The principal components of wood vinegar are acetic acid, acetone and methanol. It was once used as a commercial source for acetic acid. In addition, the vinegar often contains 80-90% water along with some 200 organic compounds.
 Wood vinegar is a byproduct from charcoal production. It is a liquid generated from the gas and combustion of fresh wood burning in airless condition. When the gas is cooled, it condenses into liquid. Raw wood vinegar has more than 200 chemicals, such as acetic acid, formaldehyde, ethyl-valerate, methanol, tar, etc. Wood vinegar improves soil quality, eliminates pests and controls plant growth, but is slightly toxic to fish and very toxic to plants if too much is applied. It accelerates the growth of roots, stems, tubers, leaves, flowers, and fruit. In certain cases, it may hold back plant growth if the wood vinegar is applied at different volumes. A study shows that after applying wood vinegar in an orchard, fruit trees produce increased amounts of fruit. Wood vinegar is safe to living matters in the food chain, especially, insects that help pollinate plants.
Organic biomass material is heated in an oxygen reduced environment leading to the thermal decomposition of materials and release of gases (called pyrolysis) – this exhaust smoke is condensed (cooled) into a liquid. The condensate then further separates and refined into Tar, Wood Vinegar and Bio-Oil. Production equipment can vary from basic metal drums or in ground fire pits covered in clay mud with cooled bamboo chimneys to state of the art industrial processors that are completely controlled continuous biomass converters.
Blend with water in a ratio of 1:50 (1 liter wood vinegar and 50 liters water), or up to a ratio of 1:800 (1 liter wood vinegar and 800 liters water). Spray it over plant shoots. Wood vinegar, like hormones, will be absorbed into twigs, trunks, or leaves. Plants will be stronger, and leaves will be greener and resistant to pests and diseases.
 1. Farmers can produce wood vinegar from branches trimmed from trees.
2. Wood vinegar is safe to human beings, animals, plants, and environment.
3. Wood vinegar helps plants to grow better and stronger, and be resistant to pests and diseases.
4. Crop produce is high quality and safe.
5. Low cost of production attributed to savings from cost of chemicals.
What is Wood Vinegar?
Wood vinegar has a wide range of applications, and it can be everything from a bio-fertilizer, to a seed germinator, to a growth enhancer, to a nematode treatment, and more. Wood vinegar is a light brownish liquid that is produced through the natural act of carbonization.  Wood vinegar has a low pH (around 3) and contains a variety of organic compounds, which include: organic acetic acids, phenols, alcohols, aldehydes, ester, acetals, ketone, formic acid, vitamin B1, B2, levorotatory dextran, and many others. These various elements can work synergistically for a greater outcome.
Wood vinegar has a long history of successful use throughout Asia as an organic growth booster and bio-fertilizer substitute in place of expensive fossil-derived agriculture chemicals.
There’s even evidence of successful use dating back thousands of years in the Amazon and even during the 1900s, when substantial factories saw a huge boost in commercial growth as they produced wood vinegar with creosote as a source of acetic acid. Buy Wood Vinegar
How does Wood Vinegar Work?
Wood vinegar reduces the cluster value of water to 1/3.  This means that the water is activated and can be easily absorbed by the plants, because water with a low cluster value is in a very small mass, which increases the penetration rate. Each of these masses will hold one or few mineral elements, and these elements can be easily taken into the crops.  This will greatly reduce the use of agrochemicals; however, the solution should not be used with alkaline chemicals. Order Wood Vinegar!
Has this product been tested?
Wood vinegar has been used by people for agricultural purposes for reportedly a thousand years, give or take.  It’s a product in use today by many countries like Japan and India, and it’s beginning to see more study and distribution in the United States and Canada.
 Wood Vinegar For Plants Columbia, MI
Wood Vinegar Suppliers Columbia, MI
Wood Vinegar For Sale Columbia, MI
Wood Vinegar In Agriculture Columbia, MI
Wood Vinegar Pesticide Columbia, MI
Wood Vinegar Uses In Agriculture Columbia, MI
Wood Vinegar Fertilizer Columbia, MI
Wood Vinegar Production Columbia, MI
NATURAL WOOD VINEGAR          http://naturalwoodvinegar.com
ORGANIC WOOD VINEGAR          http://woodvinegarforsale.com
WOOD VINEGAR DEPOT                 http://woodvinegarprice.com
BIO WOOD VINEGAR      http://organicfertilizersforplants.com
CALIFORNIA WOOD VINEGAR     http://californiawoodvinegar.com
NORTH AMERICAN WOOD VINEGAR       http://pyroligneousacidforsale.com
More information is at http://www.woodvinegar.org/
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emporiodassensacoes · 4 years
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👔 Deo Parfum K by Natura 🍃 A fragrância mescla notas amadeiradas nobres e notas frescas. Essa combinação moderna mantém a intensidade por até 10 horas na pele. 🕺 Para homens que buscam essa sofisticação e durabilidade da fragrância, sem abrir mão do frescor 💳 Aceitamos, todos, cartões de crédito e débito Peça pelo nosso WhatsApp 📲 19 99361-4444 ou venha na loja 🏡 Av. M23, 518 - Cervezão (Entre M4 e M5) Rio Claro, SP #emporiodassensacoes #perfumaria #presentes #cestas #acessorios #deoparfum #homemcheiroso #homem #perfume #deoparfumk #k #natura #naturak #prontaentrega #aquitem #rioclarosp #rioclaro #rioclaromilgrau #rioclaroemcasa #classificados_rc (em Grande Cervezão) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBlAs_yHmqY/?igshid=1l8aw857vg600
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leonardogz · 5 years
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La Guajira... Aveces es necesario estar así, solo y sintiendo la inmensidad y la grandeza del mundo, buscarse en la oscuridad y mirarse hacía adentro sin peros ni distracciones, para realmente encontrarse. Eso significó este viaje en su momento y tal vez hoy sea tiempo de recordarlo. Soy bueno para perderme en las aristas del camino, en las pequeñas bifurcaciones de la carretera, y es allí donde tal vez encuentro lo mejor de mi... #GastandoSuelas #ViajandoEnMochos #km0 . . . . @rogerdeviaje #tbt #laguajira #cabodelavela #travelphotography #travelgram #travel #colombia #landscape #naturak #highway #runway #faro #photooftheday #viaje #enmoto #kilometrocero #kilometro0 (en El Faro - Cabo de la Vela - Guajira) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5apNi-AkTc/?igshid=1x9g0na52urmd
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n3gativ3gnat · 4 years
...... if my hair wasn't pink. I could do an Edward elric cosplay
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pureway1 · 4 years
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We are India’s No.1 ayurvedic brand for an explanation, our items are made utilizing the antiquated astuteness of Ayurveda that gives an all encompassing answer for hair fall issues.
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velcade · 5 years
Who ever thinks little Mo is a top in this relationship, your moms a hoe
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sinnamonscouture · 7 years
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Alek Wek Covers Pop FW 17.18 
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jouannetaud · 7 years
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Cadi Moxeiro natural park-Catalunya-08-2017
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