#natsu x gn reader
newtthetranswriter · 2 months
Is it possible to have a one shot about Natsu reuniting with his s/o after he left for his 1 year of training ? Like he left only a letter for them ( the same way he did for Lucy ) but his s/o is upset when he come back ( bc seriously who leave like that ) like an angst/hurt to comfort kind of one shot? Thank you !
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Word Count: 3168
Paring: Natsu Dragneel x gn! Reader
Warnings: Possibly Ooc Natsu and Lucy, Canon typical violence
A/n: Hello thank you so much for requesting this. I had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you enjoy it and that it reaches your expectations. Anyway, have a great day and remember to hydrate or diedrate.
    After the fight against Tartaros I had spent a few days in the hospital to recover from the few injuries I had received during the fight. Natsu visited me on the first day checking in on me to see if I was okay, but before I could make sure he was okay he said he had something he needed to do before leaving. On day two Lucy told me that Master Makarov had decided to disband Fairy Tail. It also felt like she was hiding something else but I didn't push it.
    When I was finally free to leave on day three, I was shocked that Natsu and Happy hadn’t shown up to walk me home. I brushed it off as they were busy trying to figure out what we were going to do now that Fairy tail was no more, I made my way to our shared home. Reaching the small house on the edge of Magnolia, I was stunned by how quiet it was.
   “Natsu, Happy, I’m home.” I called out, opening the front door expecting to be greeted by one of them. “Hello, Natsu, are you guys home?” I said looking around the space. It was weirdly clean considering Natsu and Happy were known to be bad at cleaning up after themselves. Looking around some more I noticed that there was a small envelope laying on the counter. I cautiously picked up the envelope, taking note of the wax seal that was pressed with N in holding it closed. Gently breaking the seal, I pulled out the contents.
    Dear Y/n,
   Happy and I are going on a training mission. We’ll be back in a year or so. I would have asked you to come along but I know how much you like being around our friends at Fairy Tail, so I figured you would want to stay behind. Plus you’re still recovering from the fight and I need to start training soon if I want to beat Zeref. Anyway stay safe and don’t forget that I love you. Also Happy wants you to know that he left some fish for you so you don’t have to worry about getting back to work right away. Well we should be off, again stay safe, I love you and I’ll see you in a year.
Natsu and Happy
P.s. there’s also a stash of jewel in the small box on our nightstand. Feel free to use it however you want.
  By the time I finished reading the short letter, I had tears streaming down my cheeks. Not only had the Guild I called home for most of my life just up and disbanded, but the one person who promised to be by my side no matter what, left. Not only did he leave, but he felt that a note was better than telling me to my face that he planned on leaving. I probably sat on the floor in the small makeshift kitchen for a couple hours before I decided to get up.
   As I was making my way to what used to be mine and Natsu’s shared room, there was a knock at the door. Hoping that maybe they had decided to come back for me, I wiped my eyes reaching for the door. Before I could welcome them home, I made eye contact with Lucy. Realizing it was in fact not Natsu but our close friend, I broke down in tears once again. Not being able to hold myself up, I slumped against Lucy crying into her shirt.
   “Hey it’s going to be okay.” She said softly while patting my back. “Let’s get you sitting down and then you can talk about it if you want.” The blonde said gently moving me off her chest and ushering me to sit on the small couch in my living room.
   After another hour of me crying into Lucy’s shoulder, I finally stopped and just looked forward to the empty room. “It feels wrong not having those two causing mayhem.” I whispered out as if talking any louder would break something.
   Lucy nodded as she rested her head against mine. “I know not having Natsu lighting something on fire is weird.” She said, before lifting her head off mine. “I’m sorry, I should have told you when I visited you yesterday at the hospital. I just didn’t know how.” she explained, I could tell from the shakiness of her voice that she meant it.
   “It’s not your fault Lucy, actually I’m kind of glad you didn’t tell me. I might have blamed you for it. But after reading the letter I know the only person to blame is Natsu.” I said, looking towards the letter that I apparently never set down. “I want to understand and accept that he’s going through a lot because he had to watch Igneel die, but I can’t help but be angry.” My emotions were a mess as everything set in. “He just left me with only a note and expects me to be okay with that. What am I supposed to do Lucy? Fairy Tail is done, so I won’t be able to find any work, and everyone from the guild is going to be leaving town soon so what am I supposed to do?” I asked hoping my close friend would have some answers.
   She sighed before pulling me back in for a hug. “I’m not sure Y/n, but we can figure it out. I’m sure of it.” Lucy said. It was silent for a moment before she spoke again. “Hey, why don’t you join another guild? I heard that Wendy and Carla are going to join Lamia Scale, maybe you could go with them.” She suggested.
   I thought for a moment, she was right, I could join another guild. But what would I do with my house? It's not just mine after all, it’s Natsu and Happy’s as well. I can't just sell it, and what if they come back sooner. Everything was running through my head a mile a minute. I looked to Lucy before my brain settled on a single thought. “What are you going to do?” I asked hoping that hearing her plan would help me figure out mine.
   “Oh, I was going to try and get a job with sorcerer weekly. I’ve always wanted to be a writer so maybe I could get an editing position there.” She said after a moment of thinking. 
   Taking in the information I thought for a moment, before making up my mind. “I think I’m just going to stay here for now.” I said, earning a confused look from Lucy. “I can find a job here in town and that way I’m here if Natsu and Happy come back early.” I said with a weak smile.
   She still looked confused but sighed. “If that’s what you really want, then okay Y/n. But don’t get your hopes up, I doubt Natsu would say he’ll be gone for a year if he doesn’t mean it.” She said standing up.
   “Well it’s Natsu who knows what he’s thinking. And plus someone has to keep the house clean while they’re gone. I’ll be fine, and think of it this way at least you’ll know where to find me if you ever need me.” I smiled up at her. “Promise that if you make it big working for Sorcerer Weekly that you’ll write to me and keep me updated on how things are going.” Lucy nodded, smiling before leaving. That night I barely slept, thinking about Natsu and how I hoped he was okay.
    When I woke up the next morning, I was startled by how quiet and cold the house was. But after walking out to the living room and seeing the discarded letter from Natsu on the table, I was reminded of everything that happened. I sighed before going to make myself a quick breakfast and deciding that after eating I would head into town to find work. Without Fairy Tail and without Natsu, I would have to find work soon.
    Time Skip
    It’s been a year since Fairy Tail disbanded. Which also means it’s also been a whole year since I last saw Natsu. I had stuck to what I told Lucy that night and got a job in Magnolia, staying in the house I once shared with Natsu and Happy hoping that one day they would finally return home. Lucy also kept her word and after she moved to the Capital for her job with Sorcerer Weekly, she would send letters regularly to keep me updated on her life and any information she had heard about our Fairy Tail family. Eventually as the Grand Magic Games came around, Lucy sent me an invitation saying that since she was working as a reporter for the event, she was given an extra ticket and thought I might want to watch the games. Needing a small break from Magnolia, I left for the capital ready to spend time with Lucy and see what the current top Guilds had to offer.
   The games had been interesting enough. Not as crazy as last year when Fairy Tail completely wiped the floor with the competition, but it was still fun to watch. As the final battle to decide the top guild ended, I was stunned into silence feeling a very familiar Magic start to envelope the stadium. The whole stadium followed suit as a hooded figure appeared in the arena. After a moment heat started to take over the arena and I could hear Lucy saying something about everyone needing to leave.
   Focusing on the figure and the feel of their magic I knew right away who it was. “We need to find some wizards who can fight him off.” Lucy said as the figure produced flames and began fighting the wizards in the stadium.
   “Lucy I don’t think anyone in this Stadium is going to be strong enough to fight him off.” I said as I walked up next to her, holding my arm over my face trying to block the heat. She looked at me confused. I just nodded towards the fight. “Just watch.”
   She still seemed confused but turned back to the fight. As the heat rose and the stadium began to melt I watched as realization struck Lucy. Just as she was about to say something, the announcer beat her to it. “It’s Natsu Dragneel.” Earning a massive cheer from the crowd. 
   As if on queue from the announcement, a familiar blue cat popped up between me and Lucy. “Hey, It’s been awhile. How you doing?” Hearing the exceed’s voice I turned and offered a small smile. 
   Lucy also turned to our flying friend. “Happy, you’re back.” She exclaimed, still covering her chest after Natsu’s heat melted her clothes.
   “Yeah, well Natsu insisted on challenging whoever won this year’s Grand magic Game. So here we are I guess.” Happy explained.
    I nodded, turning back to the fight, or well what was supposed to be a fight but looked more like an execution. “They don’t seem to be putting up much of a fight.” I heard Lucy say as she observed the same thing as me. I watched for only a few more seconds, listening to Natsu yell as he took on random wizards who jumped into fight him, before turning to Lucy.
   “I’m gonna head back to your apartment to rest.” I said, earning a confused look from both her and Happy. “I’m just tired and it’s super hot right now. It was nice seeing you Happy.” I explained as I walked away giving a gentle wave towards Happy. 
   As I walked away I heard Happy begin to follow me. “Wait Y/n, don’t you want to say hi to Natsu?” I paused in my trek out of the stadium. He wasn’t wrong. I did want to say hi to Natsu, but actually seeing him for the first time in a year all my emotions i thought I suppressed came rushing back.
  “Look Happy, I’m glad to see that you both are ok but I can’t see him. Not right now. I need to take some time and gather my thoughts.” I said looking at the cat. I watched as his face dropped. “Hey don’t be sad, you’re Happy you should be happy. I’ll talk to him later. You guys have fun with Lucy.” I offered him a gentle smile.
   He looked off to the side before sighing. “Okay, but we did miss you while we were gone.” He said as he gave me a quick hug. I returned the hug patting his head before waving him off and moving to leave the stadium.
   After I reached Lucy’s apartment, I realized I would only have a short period of time to process everything before Lucy came back and Natsu would definitely be with her. I sighed before deideng that I would go for a walk to clear my head. Quickly writing a note on a spare piece of paper saying I would be back later, I left the apartment again.
   I had been walking around the city for quite a few hours just thinking of how to deal with Natsu being back. Sure I was happy that he was okay and that he came back but the hurt from him leaving felt fresh. Taking a seat on one of the many little bridges that dotted the town, I sighed watching the water. I thought I had finally found a quiet place to work out my emotions, but before I could really start thinking, I heard footsteps approach from the side.
  “You’re avoiding me.” I froze up at the sound of his voice. “Why?” Natsu asked as he sat next to me. Refusing to look at him, I shook my head. “Don’t lie to me Y/n, I could smell you at the stadium, and then at Lucy’s apartment. Plus Happy said that you needed to gather your thoughts, whatever that means.”
   My shoulders sagged as I sighed. “I’m sorry. I just got scared, I guess.” I said not knowing what else to say.
   I could feel the bewildered look he was giving me without even looking at him. “Scared, of what? It’s just me. I’m the same guy I’ve always been.” He said as if it was the most obvious answer. Sensing that I still wasn’t ready to talk he sighed. “I should be the one apologizing. I left without talking to you first and that was terrible. I didn’t think that Gramps would disband the guild so I figured you would still have everyone in Fairy Tail to lean on. I was so focused on getting stronger and fighting Zeref that I failed to see I was being a shitty friend and an even shittier boyfriend.” Natsu said, hesitantly reaching for my hand. “I’m sorry that I left like that. Please let me make it up to you. I’ll do whatever you want me to just please don’t leave me.” Hearing the hurt in his voice, I finally looked at him.
   It was rare to see Natsu cry and so seeing the tears gently fall down his face startled me. I wanted to just cave and accept his apology and let things go back to the way they were, but I needed to say my piece. “I agree you were a shitty friend and a shitty boyfriend. I was already hurt physically from fighting Tartaros, then Lucy told me the Guild broke up and to top it off when I got home all I was greeted with was a letter. I was broken, I thought I wasn’t good enough, that the reason you didn’t bother to wait for me to heal was because you figured I’d just hold you back.” I began venting out the feelings I had kept bottled up for the past year. “Natsu I waited for you everyday. I woke up hoping that it was all just a dream and that you and Happy would be there arguing over whether or not fish should be cooked. And it broke me to live in our little house all alone, it took everything in me not to abandon it and move on.” I watched his face fall even more at the idea of me leaving our shared home. “But every time I got close to giving in to my dark thoughts and leaving, I remembered that you were out there somewhere and you would need somewhere to return to.” I explained, watching as his face slowly lightened up. 
   Taking a moment to breathe, I thought about what else I need to say. “I’m not saying we can go back to exactly how it was before, but I would be ok with trying again. Just promise that if you want to go on an extended training mission again, you talk with me first. And I mean actually talk to me, not just leave a letter saying you’ll be back in a year.” I said, giving him a pointed look. 
   And like magic, Natsu went from a hurt puppy dog to a puppy that was just given his favorite toy back. “I promise. I’ve missed you so much, I regretted leaving you behind every day I was gone.” He said with a bright smile. “Can I hug you now?” I laughed at the question, but nodded. I was quickly pulled into his arms, and I couldn’t help but sigh as I was enveloped by the familiar gentle smell of smoke that always lingered on him. “I really did miss you.” I heard him say as he buried his face in my neck.
   Patting his back and nuzzling into his scarf, I let out a small sound of agreement. After spending a few minutes in Natsu’s arms, I finally pulled away as a question suddenly struck me. “How did you find me all the way out here? We’re nowhere near Lucy’s apartment.” I asked.
   He tilted his head for a second before speaking. “I followed your scent, obviously. When we got back to her place and Lucy read your note, I wanted to head out right away, but her and Happy made me wait to give you time to think.” He explained like it was obvious. “Speaking of Lucy’s place, do you know the way back cause I have no clue where we are.” He asked.
   I laughed, of course he was able to track my scent after hours of me walking around but ask him to find a specific apartment in the big city and he draws a blank. “Yes, Natsu, I know the way back. Let’s go before Lucy and Happy start thinking I killed you or something.” Natsu laughed in response before offering his hand to help me stand up. Once I was standing he pulled me into another hug, placing a kiss on my forehead before pulling away and motioned for me to lead the way.
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frickingnerd · 6 months
natsuo todoroki crushing on a friend from college
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pairing: natsuo todoroki x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, cute study dates, friends to lovers
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natsuo and you had mutual friends and a ton of classes the two of you shared. that's how you initially caught his eye!
natsuo always admired you from afar, hesitant to approach you, until a friend of his finally introduced him to you!
during a study group in a cafe, the two of you got the chance to get to know each other and spend some time together, which only validated natsuo's crush on you
you were as kind and smart as he always imagined, helping him whenever he struggled with something and always keeping a smile on your lips, no matter how dense he was
by the end of the study group, the two of you exchanged numbers and the next study date was already being discussed!
only that this time, natsuo invited you to his place to study, cooking for the two of you, in hopes that he could impress you a little that way!
though that study date wasn't the last one, as it slowly became a habit that the two of you would meet up for dinner and a study session and natsuo's place
with how much time natsuo began to spend studying with you, his grades began to get so good that he didn't even need your help anymore
though that didn't stop him from inviting you over to study anyways! though he knew that eventually, he'd need to come up with a new reason to see you
perhaps during the upcoming break, he could ask you out on a proper date…
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friendly-reject · 2 years
When you try out non-Gn reader for a change but they all consist of 'vulpotous curvy paper thin bodies" or "Small, frail figure dwarthed by even mineta, with your petite and fragile body meekly trying to cling to his large colossal arm " like wtf-
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Never again 😒
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 2 years
Blowjobs (ft.sting (mention of three-way with natsu))
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° straight up has no gag reflex. I don't take any criticism, he just doesn't. And the thing is that he didn't even know this himself. He just goes down on you and straight up gobbles down your dick
° you yank him off of it, and he looks up at you and just says "did i do something wrong? Did i hurt you?" But you're like "wait, hold up! You have no gag reflex???" He just looks at you confused, like what's that?
° even though he take you deep, that doesn't mean he's experienced. Far from it, actually. Almost bit off your dick, his teeth are everywhere, and we all know he has them fangs. Which is sexy, but not when he's sucking you off
° gets a little upset that he can't pleasure you, but doesn't give up. Asks you to teach him, and whether on a real example or just by guiding him is up to you. He's gonna be happy either way.
° once he knows the basics and how you like it, sting is pretty good with his mouth. Uses lots of tongue, rubbing the flat of it alongside your dick. I headcanon dragon slayers to have ridges on their tongues, which creates a unique feeling
° sting looks like an angel while going down on you, which is contradictory. He looks up at you from where he sits, giving the most innocent look he can manage. His blue eyes, filled with tears, almost never leave yours, because he wants to see how good you feel
° does he spit? Never. Sting swallows your cum every single time, because it's your semen, why would he spit it out? Genuinely loves the feeling of your warm sperm sliding down his throat and the way you look at him while he does so
° praising him while he sucks you off is a huge turn-on and a motivation to do better. However, riling him up by saying stuff like "i bet natsu does it better" or "you can do better than that, can't you?" certainly makes him take your length whole in
° if a scenario where sting and natsu get to both give you a blowjob happens, be ready to have them competing on who's better. They definitely end up overstimulating you, arguing on who's gonna give you more orgasms
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cinniipuppiii · 2 months
Fairy tail request!
Earth dragon slayer y/n who is like SICK x dragon slayers!
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“You can get sick?!” - Dragon Slayers x Earth Dragon Slayer!Reader
Includes: Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus, and GN!Reader
A/N: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I thought I lost the request. WENDY IS PLATONIC. No Sting or Rogue bc… Im uhm…. Not there yet…. Might make a fic for Earth Dragon Slayer!Reader
The ground trembled as another sneeze left your body, causing you to hunch over a bit in the slightly uncomfortable bed you were laid in. If it was anyone else, you probably wouldn’t have been moved to the basement of your own guild. Because you’re a dragon slayer, one that controls the EARTH at that, they don’t want you to hurt yourself or anyone else.
Of course, the room was kinda cozy. There were pictures that were previously mounted on the wall, but now they’re on the ground due to you shaking the room. There’s lights, pretty ones at that. Probably fire lacrima or something.
Your exceed sat on the nightstand, a box of tissues in its tiny (color) paws. “I told you it wasn’t a smart idea to go to the mountain with them! Now you’ve got a nasty illness!!” It scolded, eyes clouded with worry for its best friend. “I’m fine, (exceed name). I’ll recover soon.” You took the tissue that your (color) colored furry friend offered you, blowing as softly as you can so you didn’t destroy the wall. Man, being an Earth dragon slayer sucks!
Every now and then, people would come check on you. More specially: Levy, Mirajane, and the master. They have you medicine and helped with whatever you needed.
Suddenly, you froze as a familiar scent filled your nose. They’re here. You knew they were gonna visit you sooner or later.
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The chained door was burst open by a certain pyro. As much as you wanted to see his stupid face, you didn’t want to get him as sick as you. Maybe he would sneeze fire, that wouldn’t be good. “Y/NNN!! How are ya feelin’?!” The pinkette yelled, his own blue furry friend following suit. “Aye!! We brought you some hot honey tea, from Mirajane!!” He flew over beside (Exceed Name) and sat the cup down.
(Exceed Name) placed the tissues next to it as it picked up the steaming cup of tea. Before it could fly over to you to give it, Natsu stopped it. “No, I wanna do it.” His voice sounded serious, but his face… he was pouting like a child. “You are such a child, but here.” Your cat handed the cup to the dragon boy carefully, knowing damn well he wasn’t about to be careful with you.
Surprisingly, he was. “Say ahh!!” He smiled widely, a nice attempt at lifting your spirits. You did as told and he gently placed the cup near your mouth. When you seemed satisfied with the sip, he pulled the cup back and placed it back down. “How’s that taste? I hope it’ll make you feel better soon!! We miss ya up there!!”
You chuckled, but it was cut off by a nasty coughing fit. This seemed to cause the pink haired dumbass to panic as the room rumbled. “Woah!! How’re ya doin’ that?” He asked, eyes full of sparkles. “I’m the Earth Dragon Slayer, dear. Did you forget?” The nickname seemed to flow from your tongue as if it was natural. It was, and he still enjoyed hearing it. His cheeks turned the slightest bit red as his smile only widened. “I know!! I still find ya cool!!”
Before you could say anything else, his lips met yours softly. You would’ve rejected it because you didn’t wanna get him sick, but you were so deprived of his love that you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. He pulled away and gave you a toothy grin. “Maybe that‘ll do the trick!!” He laughed heartily as your face lit up, and not just from your fever. “Ewwww!! Get a room you two!!” Happy stuck his tongue out at the two of you, which Natsu ignored.
He sat on the side of your bed, smile turning into something more sweet. “Really, get better. I’m not goin’ on another mission without cha! Got it?” He put his hand out to you. You weakly put your hand to his and smiled as best as you could. “Yeah. Of course!”
A bit has passed. Just as you said, you got him sick.
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The door opened roughly, almost getting unhinged as a certain iron headed freak walked in. “Hey. How’ve you been?” He asked, almost demanded. Behind him, Pantherlily followed in silence. “I’ve been better.” As you spoke, a sneeze erupted from your body, causing the pictures on the ground to shift even further away from their landing spot. It even shook the two boneheads who walked in the room. “That’s one nasty sneeze.” Lily remarked, a surprised expression on his tiny face.
You chuckled weakly and moved your hand to pat the spot on your bed. “Don’t be so hard on them! They’re sick!” (Exceed Name) pouted, its cheeks pudding up at the other exceed mocking its poor friend. “I’m doing no such thing.” He replied calmly, turning his tiny back to your friend. You just smiled and turned your attention back to your boyfriend, who was now sitting at your side.
“I didn’t even know you could get sick. Ain’t that your whole shtick?? You being a natural healer or somethin’? Like Wendy?” He questioned kinda angrily. He was confused as hell, and you could tell. “Sorta. I’ll explain it all when I’m better.” You scooted closer to him and curled your body around the part of him that sat next to you. He was warm, warmer than your body.
He leaned into you, face dusting a light pink. “Whatever. I hope you feel better, squirt.” You put a large, rough hand on your head and ruffled your (hair type) locks. “Stay with me a bit longer, please?” Your face was so sad that he ALMOST said it out loud. He sighed heavily, turning his body so he could lay beside you. He put an arm around you and rested the other one on his chest.
You leaned into him as well and gently rested your smaller hand in his messy, black locks. “Thank you, ��Jeel.” He just scoffed and turned his head from you. He didn’t want to see just how flustered you made him, even when you weren’t trying.
Even if he got sick a week later, it was worth being able to comfort you during your weakest time.
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The door opened gently, revealing a peaking Wendy. “Hey, Y/n! How are you feeling??” Her kind, chipper voice called out to you. You sneezed again, causing her to lose her footing and almost fall on Carla. “Are you okay, child?” The white cat asked as she flew behind her friend and held her up. “Yeah, I’m fine, Carla.”
You took a tissue from (Exceed Name) and blew your nose as carefully as you could, so you wouldn’t hurt your best friend. You put it in the small, nearly full, trash can that was placed near your bed. “Sorry, Wendy.” She walked over to your bedside, a worried look on her face. “I’m fine, please don’t be sorry!!”
She thought for a moment. “Aren’t you like me? Sorry if it sounds like I’m overstepping, but aren’t you a healer?” She questioned while observing your sick form. “Naturally, yeah. When I heal other illnesses, they come to me.” You replied, beautiful (color) colored eyes looking right back at her.
Without a word, she placed her hands on you and created a magic circle above your laying form. It took a second, but eventually, your illness faded. It was amazing having another healer around. “Thank you, Wendy.” “Don’t waste your magic, child!”
You giggled and tried to sit up, only to be stopped. “You aren’t fully healed, but you’ll heal faster now!” She smiled and placed some medicine on your nightstand. (Exceed Name) flew over to Wendy and sat on her head. “Good thing we got another healer. Y/n would be toast!” It joked, laughing at your pain lovingly.
Wendy chuckled pitifully, patting your head gently. “Want something to drink? I heard hot tea will help!” She suggested as she jumped away from your bed. “That would be nice.” You smiled weakly and giggled.
She nodded and looked for Carla. “Come on, Carla! Let’s get them some tea!” The sky dragon slayer said, picking up her feline friend. You watched her leave the room.
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The door opened roughly and closed just the same. The smell that filled your senses was the man of the hour, the electric dragon himself. He crossed his arms and walked over to you without saying a word. “You’re an idiot, doll.” He shook his head in disappointment. He sat on the side of your bed, making you sink a bit more into the bed.
You laughed weakly. “Stop teasing them! They’re ill!” Your feline friend pointed a clawed finger at the blonde, causing him to glare at it. It jumped and slowly backed away under his intense stare. “Got a problem, cat?” “No…”
“Don’t be mean to them, love.” You placed your hand on his left elbow, gently squeezing to try and get him to let up. He sighed and turned his head to your smaller form. “Get better already. You’re strong.” He said, almost as if he was talking to himself.
Your eyes met his as you gained the energy to tease him. “Aw, you care about me.” You chuckled and rubbed his arm. He sighed and narrowed his eyes at you. “Shut up. Of course I do.” He placed a large hand on your head and pushed you back down.
“Wanna cuddle for a bit? Your immune system is better than mine and I miss you.” He would’ve said no if it wasn’t for the look you were giving them. “Fine. If you get me sick, that’s your fault.” As he agreed, he pushed you gently to the side and laid next to you. You pulled yourself into him and smiled, his scent filling your senses.
He wasn’t going to admit it, but he missed you too. He wanted you to feel better. He wanted you by his side again. You were warm, probably from your fever. He knew Mirajane gave you some medicine, but he still can’t help but worry. He would’ve left if it wasn’t for the fact you fell asleep on him.
He ended up getting sick, but he hid it well.
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
I would like to listen to History with hinata ! ♡
Now playing... History
word count; 635 – gn!reader, for my 1D x Haikyu event
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Sho: I’m coming back tomorrow! Can’t wait to see you.
You stared at the message, wondering how to process the way it made your stomach nauseous with excitement. It had been a long time since you last saw Hinata outside of a Facetime call, and you only visited him once while he was in Brazil, but now he’s coming back.
In your second year of high school, you joined Yachi as the second manager for the volleyball team. If you had noticed Hinata before, you had made no mental note of it, but he made himself impossible to ignore on the court. The way he soared made you starry-eyed, and you applied for the club before the end of that school day.
From there on you made countless memories.
Late night practices, when Hinata would sling his arm over your shoulders as he finally admitted he might be a little tired, finally letting you lock up the gym for the night.
Study sessions, when you would absentmindedly stroke his hair as he leaned his head on the desk while you read over his answers. Looking slightly past the paper, you could see how he stared up at you, seemingly in thought. Had it not been for Yachi and Kageyama sitting beside you, he might have told you what was on his mind.
That time at nationals, when Hinata was so crushed by their final loss that you finally gathered the courage to kiss him, and it made him realise he valued things outside of volleyball too.
That one particular practice where he had accidentally put on your t-shirt, revealing to everyone that he had slept at your place because no one believed him when he said it was Natsu’s. They all saw you wear that shirt yesterday.
And the time you cried as he told you he made plans to move across the world for two years. He let you cut his hair before he left, and the goodbye itself was tear-free as you had already shed enough the nights before.
Now, you have changed. You were already working, after getting lucky when applying for the job of your dreams with a lacking CV but the most well-written and motivated application they had ever seen. It made you more sure of yourself, and you were discovering new things about yourself every day, as people do in their twenties.
Hinata surely changed too. If not just physically getting more attractive, he had grown so much over the last two years as a person that you wouldn’t be surprised if the two of you couldn’t rekindle whatever you had before. It made you nervous to see him again, but you would be damned if you didn’t at least try.
However, any doubts you might have had left your mind as he ran towards you at the airport, and you spread your arms out so he could wrap you up in a warm hug. It felt like the Brazil heat still lingered on his tanned skin, but it might also have been the relief surging through your body.
You stepped towards the exit and grinned as he slung his arm over your shoulders, pulling you under his arm just like old times.
“Ready to make some more memories, Sho?”
“With you around? I’m ready to make history!”
That’s when you decided that you didn’t care if he wanted to be just friends. As long as he was in your life, you would stay by his side for whatever he needed you to be.
Still, when you got back to your apartment and wondered what he wanted for dinner, he asked to kiss you instead, and you accepted it with relief settling in your chest.
You and Shoyo had history, but more importantly, you both wanted to make more.
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kuroppiii · 26 days
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  tough as nails ᵕ̈       boyfie!msby boys       x nail tech!gn reader ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : when you want ⋮⋮  to practice some designs ⋮⋮  and they volunteer them- ⋮⋮  selves as your test dummy !
📋 content     ♡ # 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 🐮     ♡ # 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 🥛     ♡ # 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴 🥛     ♡ # ~2.5𝘬 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴
🧸 directory  ‹ ✩  like what you read ? check out more of my blog !  •ᴗ•
💬 kuroppiii  ─ “ ik that ' s not really the context of the saying in the title but i couldn ' t think of anything else ! nail pics as with all my other header pics are from pinterest <3 also lmk if you want to see more characters for this prompt bc highkey i loveee looking through nail designs lol ”
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︴hinata shōyō ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘° 
this is not this man's first time around some nail polish
natsu used to paint his nails all the time, so he’s so down!
big color inspo from the colors of a classic blue and yellow mikasa volleyball because of his love for the sport (obvi)
howeverrr switching out the yellow for a bit more of an orange hue to go with his hair <3
also!!! some tropical floral designs as an homage to his time in brazil
a super fun vibe for a bright and go-lucky guy :)
when you first take his hand in yours, the tips of his ears start to redden a little bit
"hey shō are your ears alright–?" [you]
"your hands are so soft." [hinata]
"okay, shō." [you] (totally not fighting back a smile)
he's held your hand countless times but for some reason this–you holding his hand so gently and focusing in on it as you start prepping his nail beds–feels so much more intimate
seeing your face as you're so focused on him and his hands makes him blush lowk but good thing you're looking down and can't see how flustered he obviously is
like for someone so talkative, he's silent and almost as attentive as you the whole time and he's not even the one doing the work
you also notice he holds his breath every time you make the nail polish make contact with his nails until you finally lift back up CUTIEEE
“love, you know you can breathe, right?” [you]
“i don’t want to mess you up though! you’re doing so great by the way, babe.” [hinata]
cups your face when his nails are finally set and dry and you can see his eyes dart between your facial features and his nails contrasting against your skin and his smile gets bigger in real time
then he gives you a biggg kiss as a thank you for your hard work
definitely goes to every one of his teammates in the msby locker room his next practice to show them the nails
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on tvs, cellphones, laptops and countless other kinds of screens everywhere: the camera following the msby jackals' game whips around to land their sights on hinata shōyō.
ten seconds remain on the clock. the jackals are behind their opponents by the most miniscule handful of points. in a last-ditch effort, atsumu's in place, and in a matter of seconds hinata is already high in the air.
the ball is met with a collision from the redhead's hand and quickly surpasses any of the opposition's lines of defense. an abrasive buzzer blares throughout the area and the msby jackals all start to jump onto one another with screams and yells and high fives in celebration.
"another excellent shot by hinata! what a way for the jackals to clutch this game folks!" a commentator excitedly blabbers.
"let's take another look at that one, shall we?" another accompanying commentator beckons.
time slows on screen during the instant replay–from the moment hinata gets in front of the net, to the moment his feet leave the ground, and especially as his arm is reeled back moments before the winning shot.
the camera takes the liberty of zooming in on hinata’s hand then. it captures the precise moment when his purest love and energy for volleyball surges through his body. the unseen electricity has ricocheted throughout him to finally trail up to his fingertips, adorned with colors that showcase the blend of his identity with the same ball his skin almost adoringly caresses for a second in the eyes on the slow-mo cam footage.
blue and yellow, blue and orange side-by-side in front of thousands and millions of eyes to witness as the ninja shōyō’s manicured hand follows through and pushes that volleyball past the net to bring his team to victory.
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︴sakusa kiyoomi ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘° 
as babygirl as sakusa kiyoomi is, black’s just really his vibe i think
not on like some emo shit but the black would go really well with not only his hair but his iconic beauty marks above his eye
speaking of his hair, the cyber tribal chrome kind of sitch kinda alludes to his curls :0
i mean to the rest of the world he’s this stoic and serious guy all the time
but they don't see how he looks at you while you paint the finer details on his nails
or the subtle and soft dopey smile he’s got on as he asks you in lovestruck whispers about your technique, how work's going, what materials you use, etc.
"and... what's this for now?" [sakusa]
"it's to make sure your nails stay nice and strong for whenever you hit your incredible spikes, omi." [you]
"oh, that's definitely important. wouldn't want to skip that." [sakusa] (before you laugh at his little joke and his heart skips a beat and he gives you a quick kiss on the top of your head as you continue to work)
once the nails are finished, he goes to look at them with his fingers clawed–boyishly characteristic of a dude who's never gotten his nails done like this before
you can't help but laugh and he asks what's wrong
"what do you mean i'm looking at them weird?" [sakusa]
"your hands look like when you posed with the msby jackal mascot that one time." [you]
"how else am i supposed to look at them?" [sakusa]
you demonstrate how people normally check out their nails at the salon
and then it delves into a mini hand modeling lesson and many, many, giggles between the two of you as he tries to figure it out
you end up with some new reference pics of his set for any of your future clients, what a supportive boyfriend!
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a certain photo is going viral as it makes its rounds online. the photographer who took it had to have known they struck gold capturing this certain moment, and the racking number of likes and comments are only affirmations of that.
it's a professional shot of sakusa kiyoomi mid-game. late-game, actually, as its evident though the state of his appearance in the picture.
visible droplets dot his face and figure, giving his skin and curly hair a certain sheen that proves the dedication he puts into every one of the msby jackals' games. to combat the sweat that's accumulated on himself, it seems like sakusa had absentmindedly reached for the edge of his jersey to act as a substitute for a towel in that particular moment (his expression is clearly focused on nothing but what might've been happening next on the other side of the court net). the muscles that adorn his torso peek out from the action.
and on top of it all–the sweat, the abs, the way the rest of the jersey clings to the rest of his body–the subtle chrome detailing of his nails stand out where his hand tugs the fabric to wipe at the bottom of his face...
and you hadn't even really caught on to this picture online yourself. the only reason you went to look it up for yourself was because of the influx of work emails you had received since the jackals' last win.
the public was vaguely aware you specialized in cosmetics, as sakusa had alluded to now and then in press conferences and interviews. however, it wasn't really until people online started to wonder where your boyfriend got these nails from did google's reverse-image search bring them to the pictures on your profile that you and sakusa took post- his manicure.
to say your clientele grew overnight, would be quite the understatement.
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︴miya atsumu ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘° 
ik the picture is a bit blurry but PLEASE stick with me here yall 🙏 HEAR ME OUT
heavy on that barbie ken atsumu sort of agenda
you ask if he had any colors in mind
and he’s like "y'know what? fuck it. go big or go home."
he knows people might shit on him for having his nails done at his next game so yeah get the most stereotypically “feminine” color you got–just to mess with whatever losers might whine about it
“but... do ya think pink would look good on me y/n?” [atsumu] (AND HE'S KIND OF SHY WHEN HE'S ASKING YOU)
as you're ducked down working, he misses seeing your face
so he cranes his neck and looks up at you from where his hands are
"hey baby, funny seeing you here." [atsumu]
"tsumu, stay still!" [you]
"sorry angel, just missed lookin' at ya." [atsumu]
in that position, he loves the feeling of you holding his hands and the sensation of the nail polish brush against the top of his fingers so much, that he semi-falls asleep against his forearm as you wrap up
he just feels so much at peace <3
and when you’re done he is definitely giving ken, and that his job is volleyball
and tbh i hc his hair post timeskip isn’t so much piss yellow as ppl joke it was while he was at inarizaki
but that if he stuck through with keeping it blonde for so long he eventually managed to get it professionally done, and with some GODDAMN TONER 😭
i think it’s like a brassy sort of blonde
which looks perfect as an accent to the nails
like pop off regina george!!!!
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something endearing about your loving atsumu is he never fails to get you the best seats in the arena whenever you come watch the msby jackals play.
from front row, you can see everything, and in so much detail—the action, the sweat, the tears that goes into each and every matchup the team faces. truly, the experience was leagues above settling for a closer look on any big screen or arena jumbotron. everything was just so much clearer!
but most importantly, you can see your boyfriend. very clearly.
so clearly, in fact, that after a particular great serve to bokuto for a spike that earned the jackals yet another point, you have the luxury of soaking in all the glowing details of atsumu in his element.
the way he clutches his strong fists and yells with joy at the small win, a bit of pink peeking out from the insides of his palms.
how his hands clap and grasp at the hands of his teammates in quick celebratory high-fives that leave streaky blurs of pink trailing behind his excited movements.
when his hand quickly drags over his smiling and glistening face, before carding through his hair—small pink detailings disappearing and reappearing amidst the blonde strands that rest on the top of his head.
by the time all the players on the court are settled back into their places for when the moment the ball will be up in the air once again—anticipation pulsing on both sides of the net—you can even catch as atsumu quickly glances at his nails with a small, blink-and-you’d-miss-it smile.
thankfully, your top-tier seat allows you to catch it. and although he’s smiling at his hands, you know that it’s for your work and by extension, it’s all love for you in that split second before your boyfriend has to lock in again.
when the next ball is served, you find yourself almost falling out of your chair from how far you’re leaning forward to take in as much of your great view as possible.
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︴bokuto kōtarō ․﹒∗*○․﹒✧∘° 
you say the few designs you want to try out and ask him which one you can try on him and he just goes: ALL OF THEM!
(he knows it’ll take longer to do with all the different elements, but that just means he gets to stare at you for longer as you work)
"are you sure? i mean, do you have a color you want in particular? i can tweak them so they all have the same palette." [you]
"nope! cover me with whatever your beautiful mind is envisioning!" [bokuto] (he's jutting his fingers out in front of you and wiggling them around with the biggest grin on his face)
these nails also just fits him as a person because he’s super all over the place and spontaneous so it works it JUST WORKS OK
plus his hair’s literally greyish whitish so it’s like a perfect neutral and blank canvas to accent the color palette
it's one thing having him sit still for an extended amount of time, but having you this close? right in front of him?
how is he not supposed to give your lips a quick kiss now and then
BUT!!! he always goes to double check he didn't mess up the nails every time he pulls back
"kō, the nails are fine! you didn't even move your hands, you're just moving your head to kiss me, silly." [you]
"just making sure, babe! i know this stuff takes a lot of work. plus, i can't really think of what else is happening when i'm kissing you, really." [bokuto] (already going in for another kiss)
you can see in the corner of your eye as you work on your designs that bokuto's nose scrunches up now and then
it's because he's not used to the smell of the nail products you're using
upon completing the whole nail set, he concludes it’s legitimately one of THE COOLEST THINGS anyone’s ever fucking done for him
doesn’t stop staring at his hands in a little bit of awe even after you’re done and chilling on the living room couch, completely oblivious to what's going on on the tv in front of you two
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the crowd is going absolutely ballistic. the jackals are in the lead. and your boyfriend, the bokuto kōtarō is up and about to serve.
you watch the arena's big teleprompter with the rest of the spectators as the cameras pan to bokuto.
he has that look on his face–confident and happy playing the sport that runs through his veins. his hand crashes down onto the ball once. wham!
twice. blam!
when the ball comes back up, he grips it between his hands. it's evident even through the screen how his arms tense and pulse. it's like he's revving up.
as everyone hangs off the edge of their seats and keep their eyes glued in anticipation to the broadcasting of bokuto holding that unmistakable combo of blue and yellow–it's impossible to ignore how the ends of his hands glint and reflect the bright overhead lights.
colors of all kinds twitch in excitement against the leather and the star player quickly glances down at the ball, sure, but most definitely also at the intricate art you so graciously blessed his nails with. bokuto's lips crack a smile.
then he's tossing the volleyball up. a loud and powerful smack reverberates throughout the arena. in the blink of an eye the ball whizzes past two of the opposite team's players and the crowd explodes once again as the ball is now rolling on the outskirts of the court across the net.
your boyfriend's chest swells with pride, and his carefully manicured finger darts to point over you in the stands. you cheer even louder for him as he beams a tooth-filled smile your way.
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💬 kuroppiii  ─ “ oh and i forgot to point out that most of these designs are short and with minimal charms so they don't get in the way of a volleyball player ' s , well ... volleyball playing ! short nail - ers rise up ! ”
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scenesniper · 2 years
☆ natsu dragneel ; general nsfw headcanons
pairing / natsu dragneel x afab gn! reader
disclaimer / overstimulation
word count / 716 words
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⭒ natsu is a virgin, hands down. this man never got any game until you came into the picture.
⭒ he knows about sex, however, has never really thought much of it. that is, before you came into the picture.
⭒ once you introduce him to sex, believe me, he will become obsessed with it and with your body.
⭒ at first, he'll be hesitant and confused on what to do. his ego will never make him to admit it, but you can already tell from his anxious movements that he really doesn't know where to put his hands.
⭒ so if you're already experienced, don't be shy to help him. he won't admit it, but you can tell he appreciates the help with his cheeks decorated with a rare blush.
⭒ if you're both virgins, that's also perfect! it'll be a fun chaotic experience between you two that you can't help but look back on and feel embarrassed about. natsu on the other hand, has no shame.
⭒ sex with natsu at first, will be very slow paced and his hands will be extremely gentle on you. but knowing natsu, his actions are still on the rough side. it's in his nature so we really can't blame this cute little fucker.
⭒ he's unsure on how to go about it and is also aware of his enormous strength that easily outpowers you. he doesn't want to harm you in anyway and yeah, maybe this time he'll admit that he's actually just scared of sex in general.
⭒ but don't savor this moment for too long because natsu is a fast learner and overtime, natsu will start getting comfortable and more confident in his movements. don't be afraid to make some noises for him, that's how he knows that he's pleasing you right.
⭒ his sex drive is absolutely insane (hopefully, we probably all knew that 👀) he can accomplish so many rounds without ever getting tired. expect a lot of nights where you'll be overstimulated. “come on, just one more please? you’re doing so good for me."
⭒ natsu isn't very verbal with words when having sex, he really likes to pay attention to give you the best he can but will say a few words of praises on how well you're doing or on how well you're taking him.
⭒ however, this man is so fucking loud with noises. full on feral grunting and growling, you'd have to kiss him just to make him shut up. if anything, this only fuels natsu's mischief and he now serves the title in being the most loud and annoying fuck in the neighorhood at night (as if he isn't the same in the morning).
⭒ he loves to mark you even before having sex with you for the first time. your thighs, your stomach, your neck, your shoulder and shoulder blades, man is a whole body worshipper. 💪
⭒ natsu's body heat is constantly at a high temperature because of his already hot (literally) nature so sex will be heated (also literally).
⭒ natsu is pretty open minded to all new ideas, he loves to experiment and loves anything new (especially if it's relating anything to you) so don't hesitate if you want to try something out with him.
⭒ however, one thing that he won't do at all are threesomes. he has this mentality that you belong to him and vice versa. he's obsessive over you like that.
⭒ if you have toys, natsu will also easily get jealous over it. he absolutely despises them. 'why have it when you can have the real thing' he'd often wonder. he'd soon find himself burning them after.
⭒ and because of his inferiority complex, he'll even start viewing them as competition if you own any. he knows he can do a better job than them when it comes to pleasing you.
⭒ because of natsu's obsessive nature and his past, he'd start getting scared to lose you too if anyone around you becomes intimate. he won't express it much verbally because of embarrassment and shame, but will pout a lot. expect a lot of jealous sex.
⭒ aftercare will be warmly cuddling under the blankets and soon comfortably falling asleep while he holds you tight in his arms.
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velvetydream · 2 years
꒰ :🌹 [ Motion sickness of a Dragon Slayer ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : It was already the second day of the grand magic games and you seriously didn't understand why they let Sting compete in the race. So now you had a sick Dragon Slayer on your hands, who was way to stubborn to admit it was a stupid idea to not let Orga or Yukino go.
Pairing : Sting x Gn! Reader
Word count : 625
Genre : Fluff
➵ Warnings ;
a/n : I can barely find Fairy Tail content, so now I've made it my resposibility to write fors this awesome show, starting with my all time favorite boy.. Sting! <3
I also just finished the grand magic games arc, so perfect to write for Sting!
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Why did he have to be so stubborn? It would have been much smarter to let one of the others compete.. But no that dumb ass with the adorable smile had to go up against Fairy Tails Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox. You understood that he wants to beat Natsu, the one he looked up to for years.. But did it really have to be in a race on moving carts?! Jiemma was so mad, Sting and the whole team couldn't allow themselves another slip up, or the whole guild would feel his rage.
“Sting it's me, I'm coming in.” Entering his room in the inn the guild was staying at, he was laying on his side, clutching his stomach. Beside his bed a little bucket just in case. Well at least it was good to know Sting and Rogue weren't the only Dragon Slayer with this issue. “Lectors out with Rogue and Frosch, they'll pick up some soup for you.” Upon the mentioning of food, the blonde poorly clutched his mouth, letting out a low groan, warning to not mention food again.
Setting the bowl of water you were carrying onto the nightstand, you take a seat at his side. Stings eyes averted. Of course. Ashamed is what he felt when he stood in front of Jiemma, of front of the whole guild.. And he still feels like this. Taking the rug from the water, you carefully wring out the excess water, before rubbing it softly over his face. A content sigh could be heard, as Sting turns onto his back, so you had better acess to his face. Poor boy, he looked completely out of it.
“Feeling better a bit?” Looking at him now, he nods. Eyes closed. For once he had a soft look on his face, no scowl, no sadistic smirk. Deep down he was a hurt little boy wanting to prove himself to whoever. It's sad what this guild made out of him.
“Sting! You're awake!” A cry could be heard, as the little red exceed jumped onto the bed, followed by Rogue and Frosch. “You should really think a little more before jumping straight into the games.” Rogue had a little annoyed look on his face, as he sets the bag with the soup on the table, the green cat letting out a little – Fro thinks so too. The two exceed seriously were the most adorable little beings ever. “Sorry you had to take care of him for being careless.” Words now directed to you, making you let out a little laugh. “Oh it's fine, at least I get to spend some time with my favorite Dragon Slayer.” Ruffling Stings hair now slightly, Lector letting out a surprised scream – at how someone could just touch Sting like that. The later now wearing his usual scowl on his face, with a little twist – he was blushing madly, averting his gaze to the other side and away from you.
Now that Sting was finally feeling better, it was time for the battles of the day. Following them back to the arena, Lector comfortably in your arms. Even if he didn't want to admit it, Lector liked you a lot. The battles were interesting to say the least, especially Mirajane against Jenny. What a show truly. So lastly now Yukino. Of course you were cheering for the white haired stellar magician. You two were quit close. Just like you were with Sting and Rogue. But at the end, she fell. Laying on her back and staring at the sky, tears streaming down her soft features. This was bad. Jiemma will not like this.
The evening and night to come.. were definitely something no one would have expected to happen.
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sunshinearc · 2 years
I have a busy life so do not come for me if I don't do your request fast.
This is a mlm/nblm blog only. Fem aligned dni
When requesting as state character, plot and gn or male reader along with whether or not you want fluff, angst, smut etc.
No scat piss or rape
I do cc x cc as well although this is mainly a x reader blog
I will do some ships as well as other posts besides reader such as character angst. Feel free to request no readers or ships, as well as angst.
Fandom list + characters I write for.
Twisted Wonderland
Leona Kingscholar
Ruggie Bucchi
Malleus Draconia
Lilia Vanrouge
Rook Hunt
Seven Deady Sins
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Kim Dokja
You joongyhuk
Genshin Impact
Obey me
Literally everyone
Luke is sfw only
Dc Comics
Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Jason Todd/Red Hood
Tim Drake/Red Robin
Damian Wayne/Robin (sfw only unless aged up)
Black Clover
Yami Sukehiro
Nozel Silva
Finral Roulacase
Zora Ideale
Luck Voltia
Fuegolian Vermillion
William Vangeance
A Certain Scientific Accelerator
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Rimuru Tempest
Blue Exorcist
Rin Okumura
Tokyo Revengers(this includes bonten,etc)
Hanagaki Takemichi
Mikey/Manjiro Sano
Percy Jackson and the Olympians(includes Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo)
Percy Jackson
Nico di angelo
Will Solace
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Avatar (James Cameron Movies)
Jake Sully
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keresnotceres · 1 year
ker’s masterlist:
A list of my works for your convenience. Anything listed that is not underlined is unposted but is in the works! This is a working post, so it will update. As a result, more fandoms may be added.
This account is a side blog! If you get a reblog/like/follow from miloticaquarium i promise it’s me!! just like,, a less cool version of me lol
I also take requests :) Rules + Information under my works!
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TF 141: General HCs [sfw]
TF 141: NSFW HCs [nsfw]
TF 141: Civilian Lover [sfw]
TF 141: Realizing They Love You [sfw]
TF 141: “I Love You” [sfw]
MW2 Characters: as Lovers [sfw]
MW2 Characters: as Lovers (Angst) [sfw]
Valeria & Alejandro: 3some HCs [nsfw] (afab reader)
Ghost, Soap, & Gaz: Tattoo Artist Lover [sfw]
MW2 Characters: High School AU [sfw]
You, With the Watercolor Eyes (Ghost x GN!Reader)
While on deployment, Ghost has nightmares in which you, his lover, fall out of love with him. The emotional turmoil from this causes him to fall into old, self-destructive habits. [sfw]
Good, Good, Great (Ghost x Fem!Reader)
The two of you are roommates. You’re a bottle girl for the local strip club Myth, Ghost had been coerced into discussing information at the strip club. You’re miraculously on shift, and you’re flirting your way into a damn good tip. Just so happens that Ghost doesn’t like to share (even if you aren’t really his). [nsfw]
Say You're Mine (Ghost x Fem! Reader Good, Good, Great pt 2)
A few months later, Ghost takes his leave without telling you. He shows up to Myth unexpectedly on a busy Friday night while you have a plethora of tables to attend. Ghost doesn't seem to enjoy how you're serving a bachelor party, and he chooses to do something about it when the two of you get back to your shared flat. [nsfw]
Team Natsu: General HCs [sfw]
Sabertooth: General HCs [sfw]
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I usually stick to headcanons, but I sometimes stray to a one shot occasionally, requests are open for both! Please read the information below carefully before you request :)
I WILL WRITE: (I will gladly take requests for these)!
FEM and GN readers: As a cis girl, I am not particularly comfortable writing a male reader. Keep this in mind when requesting, please. If you don’t want a feminine reader, please let me know to write with a GN reader in mind and I’ll happily do so!
Fem and Masc characters: I will write for both! I like both so why wouldn’t I write for both?
Angst: My FAVORITE thing to write!! Please send me sad things to write about and I will literally speed right through it like a child mowing through a bag of apple slices.
Fluff: Sometimes consuming copious amounts tooth-rotting fluff to cope with the depressing content you just consumed is just what you need!
Smut: I can and will do it because I am nothing more than a simp; but you better look at the thin ice and will not write sections before you even think of asking me. Generic kinks and light BDSM are okay, see other categories for constraints.
Mental Health Struggles: Reader or character! Can include mental illnesses, coping mechanisms, and things like self harm or eating disorders. Not technically mental health related, but insecurities and family issues are also welcome.
THIN ICE: (I could write it, but it icks me).
Pregnancy and/or Breeding Kink, Somnophilia, CNC, and Cheating.
Throwing up/Vomit: I am extremely emetophobic. The only way I'll accept anything with something like this is: a) it's previous to what I am writing and/or b) it relates to an ED.
Slowburn: Not really my thing. Like, I could try, but it won’t really end up being a slow burn. Maybe like a going-the-speed-limit burn.
I WILL NOT WRITE: (If you ask me for any of these, you’re getting blocked!).
MALE reader: I’m sorry but as a person who is not and will not ever be a man I just don’t feel comfortable writing in the perspective of one.
Certain kink/fetishes (DDLG, ageplay, scat, uro, & other such bodily functions, feet), Incest, Pedophilia/Underage, Rape, Sexual assault, and Yandere/Stalker behavior.
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KER is the singular form of KERES, a female spirit of death from Ancient Greek mythos. CERES is a dwarf planet named after the Roman goddess of agriculture, fertility, and motherly relationships.
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newtthetranswriter · 2 months
Stargazing Questions
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(why are there no gifs of Bickslow this should be illegal)
Word Count: 1426
Paring: Bickslow x gn! Reader
Summary: You were supposed to spend the day with Bickslow but the rest of the Thunder Legion had other plans. Luckily the day still ends better than you expected after a nighttime stroll through the park and some stargazing.
Warnings: none really, maybe Ooc Bickslow
A/n: Hello, welcome to my first Bickslow oneshot, I’ve done some headcanons for him but I felt that he needed his own piece as well. Also this is for the weekly challenge in the X reader community that I’m in, the prompt was stargazing at night. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate.
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   As the day dragged on with nothing really happening within the Fairy Tail guild hall. I had originally planned to spend the day with Bickslow, but Freed and Evergreen decided that they wanted to take a job and so they dragged Bickslow along with them. So now I sat at the bar occasionally talking with Mira, while wishing they would hurry up with the job. It was a simple one that in all honesty Freed could have done solo, but they’re a team so of course they all had to go.
   “You know sitting there moping isn’t going to bring him back any quicker.” Mira said, noticing the disappointed look on my face.
   I sighed, laying my head in my crossed arms on top of the bar. “I know, I just wish he could take a day off more than once every month. Plus we were planning to spend the day together and now the sun is about to set and we were only able to eat breakfast together.” I grumbled.
  She just laughed while wiping out a glass. “He is part of the Thunder Legion after all, it’s no surprise that he takes a lot of jobs. But they should be back soon, so don’t fret too much about it.” She said with her usual cheerful smile.
   I nodded, before I could say anything else, the sound of the Guild doors opening cut me off. Turning my attention to the front of the guild, I couldn't hide my anticipation as I waited for whoever it was to fully enter the guild. Much to my relief it was the team of three I had been waiting for. Jumping up from my spot, I rushed over pulling Bickslow into a hug, earning a laugh from him and chuckles from his two companions as they left us. “I missed you today.” I spoke into his chest.
   I felt him rub his hand up my back as he placed a soft kiss to the top of my head. “I missed you too. Sorry I skipped out on our plans, Freed was being a baby about going solo and made us tag along.” He explained as he pulled away slightly. Looking up at him I couldn’t help but smile, being in his arms after such a long day was always relaxing. “What do you say we go for a walk in the park to make up for me leaving earlier?” He suggested, followed by a chorus of ‘walk’ and ‘park’ from his babies that floated close by.
   Thinking for a second, I nodded as I pulled away from the hug. Grabbing his hand I pulled him out of the guild hall. “A walk in the park sounds fun, but Freed owes me lunch after taking you away like that.” I said laughing as we made our way through the streets of Magnolia.
   When finally reached the park, the sun had almost set completely painting the sky in shades of pink, red and orange with the majority being a dark blue with stars slowly starting to appear. As we walked we discussed how our day had gone. Bickslow talking about how the job had gone and how he really didn’t have to go. I told him about the numerous fights that happened in the guild hall, most of which were caused by Natsu and Gray. We also joked about what we were going to make Freed do as payback for messing up our plans for the day.
    We walked around for about an hour before we realized the sun had fully set. “We should probably head home.” Bickslow suggested as we got closer to the exit of the park.
    I was about to agree with him when an idea popped into my head. “Why don’t we watch the stars for a bit? The sky is clear so we might be able to see a few shooting stars if we’re lucky.” I suggested, pulling him towards the grass where we would be able to see the sky clearly. Picking a good spot I laid down on the grass looking up at the stars, patting the space next to me. I heard him chuckle before he laid down next to me.
   It was silent for a few minutes as we both watched the stars. “Aren’t they amazing?” I broke the silence, talking about how mesmerizing the twinkling lights are. When I didn’t get an immediate response I turned to face Bickslow to see if he had fallen asleep. But what I was met with was his beautiful red eyes looking directly at me, his helmet discarded on his other side. “What are you looking at?” I asked, trying to hide the fact that having him look at me like that sent chills down my spine.
  “Just looking at something more mesmerizing than some lights in the sky.” I had not been expecting that response. Sure we had been together for awhile and even lived together but hearing the playful and loud Bickslow say something that sweet was shocking.
  Taking a second to process what he said I focused on another fact. “Umm, okay but why’d you take your helmet off? Not that I don’t like it, I love it honestly, but you never take it off outside of the house or the guild.” I said, getting a little flustered. It was true he never took his helmet off anywhere someone he didn’t know might see his face.
   It was his turn to pause, after gathering whatever was running through his mind, he stood up. Turning to me, he reached out his hands signaling he wanted me to stand up with him. Once I was standing he looked very serious before he started speaking. “I wanted to see your face clearly when I asked you this.” He spoke clearly, and even though I understood what he was saying, I didn't understand why he was saying it. I gave him a confused look, signaling for him to continue. “While it’s true Freed and Evergreen dragged me along on the job today, it’s my fault we took so long to get back. On our way back I saw something in a shop window and I had to buy it.” Bickslow continued to explain, bordering on the line of rambling. He took a second to breath before looking me in the eyes again, as if realizing I was confused by what he was saying he sighed. “I wasn’t going to ask you this until I was able to give you a day of just the two of us but seeing so happy to see me when I got back plus how beautiful you looked while watching the stars, I don’t think I can wait.” I watched confused as he pulled a small box from his pocket and opened it, revealing a simple yet gorgeous ring. “Will you marry me?” The smile on his face did nothing to cover how nervous he truly was but it was clear he meant it.
   Not missing a beat, I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a tight hug. “Of course, I’ll marry you.” I said burying my face in his neck.
   I felt him return the hug before he pulled away to put the ring on my finger. “I love you so much. Thank you for dealing with me and all the crazy things I’ve done in the past.” He said, placing a kiss on my hand after the ring was in place.
   “You don’t have to thank me for loving you.” I said pulling him in for a real kiss this time. After we broke apart the sudden silence around us was relaxing, that is until I noticed something missing. “Wait a second Bickslow where are your dolls?” I finally noticed that the mini totems hadn’t been echoing his words since we got to the park.
  He chuckled. “I sent them home, I figured they’d ruin the moment if I actually worked up the courage to ask you.” He explained.
  I nodded understanding why he did it. “Well I think now would be a good time to head home. Because as much as I’d love to spend the night out here with you, we are going to have a long day tomorrow.” I said, leaning down to grab his helmet before handing it back to him. “After all, once the guild sees the ring they’re all going to go crazy asking questions.” Bickslow nodded as he pulled me to his side, for us to walk home together.
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(Dividers by @/cafekitsune)
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frickingnerd · 1 year
shoto todoroki with a shy s/o
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pairing: shoto todoroki x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, mentions of shoto's family (fuyumi, natsuo, enji & rei), respecting boundaries, supportive & protective shoto
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shoto is a bit shy – or rather a bit awkward – in a relationship as well
you're his first partner and he really wants to be a good boyfriend, but he doesn't always know what to do
though he quickly notices that you tend to be too shy to take his hand or kiss him, so he'll take things slow with you
not just that, but he'll make the first steps and ask you if you'd like to hold his hand, to make sure you're comfortable
though sometimes shoto isn't quite sure how fast or slow he should take things or what step should be next in your relationship
in those cases, he gets advice from his friends! 
he usually asks midoriya or iida for advice, feeling most comfortable to tell them about his relationship with you
but sometimes he'll ask ochako or momo, if he thinks that a girls opinion would make things easier
shoto respects your boundaries! 
he doesn't mind taking things slow with you and wait until you are comfortable with him
he also won't take you any places you don't wanna go!
he isn't the type for parties or big events, so he'll rather spend a calm evening alone with you, watching a movie or cooking together
he'll also take things slow when it comes to introducing you to his family
he knows they can be a handful, so he'll slowly introduce you to them one by one
fuyumi is first, then natsu and then his mother. endeavour is last on the list, since he knows he's the scariest one…
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marsssbarrrr · 1 year
I love you
first post on tumblr be gentle🙈
Gray Fullbuster x PlusSize!Insecure!GN!Reader
Tw: Skin pulling, negative thoughts
Synopsis: After a comment from Juvia, you head home to look at yourself in the mirror. Gray finds you there.
“What are you doing, love?”
Love. He’d called you that a long time now. Three years, and you’d never outwardly questioned his ‘love.’ He showered you with affection privately, always had. He brought you back little trinkets from his jobs. He brought you to the guild, never once caring that you didn’t have or use any magic or that you didn’t look like the others there.
Juvia had always looked down on you for your lack of magic ability and your build. Simply put, you were a chubby non-magic user. You had always been determined to stay confident, not let her stupid comments get to you. But this one was different.
“I don’t get it.”
You’d hummed, looking up from your drink at the guild’s bar. Gray had left on a mission in the next town over almost a day before, and Mirajane had just left your conversation to serve Levy. Mirajane was one of the few friends you really had, and nobody had a problem with “Gray’s Girlfriend” hanging around.
“I said I don’t get it. Why would Gray choose a chubby non-magic user over me? I’m prettier than you are. Our magic is compatible. I’ve known him longer. I don’t get it.”
That’s what she’d said. Outwardly you shrugged it off. Inwardly, it felt like a stab to the gut. She’s voiced concerns you’d been to scared to voice yourself.
You’re chubby. You don’t use magic. Hell, you’d only met Gray because he and his team, as well as Juvia, had saved your ass on one of their jobs. You couldn’t cook for him like Juvia could. You weren’t attractive like Juvia was. You didn’t have cool abilities like Juvia did. You were more insecure than Juvia was. Simply put, you thought, you were useless.
After finishing your drink, you’d gone back to your shared apartment and looked yourself in the mirror.
“I don’t get it either.”
You picked at your stomach. At your stretch marks. Your chubby face. Your big arms. Your abnormally thick thighs. Maybe you stood there for minutes. Maybe for hours.
That’s how Gray had found you, home a day earlier than he was supposed to be.
“What are you doing, love?” His voice was laced with concern as he closed the front door that you didn’t hear him open. He set his bag down, moving to stand behind you. “Y/N?”
You stood for a second, before acknowledging him. “I don’t get it, Gray.”
“What do you mean, baby?” He mumbled into your neck, arms wrapping around your abnormally large tummy.
“I don’t get why you love me. I’m fat, I don’t use magic, I can’t cook, I-”
“Love, who made you think that?” He rested his head on your shoulder, making eye contact through the mirror.
“I love your tummy,” he squeezed your sides, “I love your thighs, they’re like pillows,” he moved his hands to rub circles in your hips with his thumbs. “I love your beautiful face.” He kissed your cheek. “I love cooking for you. I love that I don’t have to worry about you going out on dangerous jobs. I love that you’re confident. I love everything about you. Y/N.”
He turned your head and kissed you, slow and real. “I love you. Always.”
“But- but I’m useless. Juvia-”
“Baby.” He cut you off with a short kiss. “I don’t care about Juvia. Or Natsu. Or Lucy or Erzählt or anyone else. I love you. I’m only looking at you. Your beautiful body and your beautiful messy mind.”
You sighed. “ ‘m sorry.”
“Don’t be, baby. I love you, please don’t ever doubt that.”
“I love you too, Gray.”
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nightdemon04 · 1 year
hello! I saw that you write for fairytail. So I was wondering if u could write a fic where a gn! reader cuddles with zancrow? (if you don’t write for him, you could do this request but with lyon or gray) please and thank youu
have a good day <33
Thank you for the request! ^^ it's been quite a while since I've seen Fairy Tail so I'm gonna do Gray and maybe in the future zancrow when i watch Fairy tail again also I'm very sorry it took so long I've been quite busy lately with a new job and my birthday soon (tomorrow)! I hope you have a great day too! ^^
Gn reader x Gray
!Fluff and a squint of sillyness!
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It's been a long day for you and all you wanted to do was lay down and sleep. Until you went inside your house and saw a naked Gray.
'GRAY PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON!' that scared him badly since he didn't notice you come in 'Ah sorry sorry.' he quickly put his clothes back on.
'So now that you are decent what are you doing here Gray?' he turned towards me 'What I can't see my own partner anymore?' i kept silent '...' he frowned a bit 'Natsu said u had a rough day so I wanted to be here for you.' he looked away trying to hide his blush. 'Alright come on then.' He looked at me puzzled.
'I thought you were here for me come on I going to bed we are going to cuddle, I need my cuddles.' I say smiling, he looks so cute when he's blushing.
'Alright yea sure.' I can just sense you blushing I don't even have to look. When we entered the bedroom I could just smell the scent of my favourite candle. Amazing smell to relax with, I pulled Gray's arm towards the bed and aggressively shoved him on it
'Stay I am going to change into something comfy and we are going to cuddle wether you like it or not.' He just nodded and when I came back in my most comfortable outfit I saw that Gray made himself comfortable under the sheets (am i the only one that can't lay in bed without a blanket on me?) and i joined him. He pulled me into his arms. Nothing was said between us, a mutual understanding not to talk about it and to just hold eachother. He pulled me in closer and his grio got a little tighter not too tight just enough. It was just us under the sheets silently enjoying eachothers heat, silently comforting eachothers for the stressful day we've had.
'I love you.' was the last thing i heard before i fell asleep.
'You did amazing today and I'm so proud of you.' Gray was glad you fell asleep because he couldn't stop his blush from making another appearance.
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I had to write it a second time because i accidentally deleted half of it 😭 but i hope you like it and i'm sorry it took so long life has been difficult lately. Also my mother's tongue isn't English as you might've noticed but i tried my best hehe
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Can we please have more yandere doppo please….🙏😘👅😊🥰😫
You know what? Yes. Yes you can ✨✨
I’m kind of upset at Itagaki for never confirming if Natsue is alive or not after the Dorian fight. So for this head canon, she isn’t alive :(
So congratulations? Now we know how Katsumi learned how to be so delusional from
Yandere Baki Head Canon
TW: Angst. Yandere behavior
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Doppo Orochi x Housekeeper/ widow reader (gn) edition
Doppo Orochi
After Natsue’s death, Doppo went through a horrible depression. He wasn’t eating or cleaning up after himself. He would just lay on Natsue’s side of the bed and hold her dress close to his body
Katsumi took it upon himself to hire a housekeeper to make sure Doppo was eating and to clean up after him. You were most suited for the job so you were immediately hired
You made sure the house was spotless, Doppo’s laundry was done, and you made sure he ate the food you made. You were basically his caretaker for the month while he recovered from his burns and from his broken heart
Doppo slowly began to open up to you. The karate master beginning to see you as a very good friend and companion
As he slowly began to recover and slowly move on from Natsue’s death over the months, he came to learn that you were also a widower. Your spouse and child had died in a horrible house fire… he became much more open to you then
Doppo sees so much of Natsue in you… the way you nag at him to eat his vegetables, the way you scold him when he does something dumb, and how your eyes crinkle when you laugh… when you called him Superman when you saw him training, he almost broke down and cried. Natsue must have sent you to him… Natsue was still taking care of him even in death
Doppo slowly became himself again but he started to have an attachment to you. One that was slowly becoming twisted as time went on. He only realized what he felt was love for you when you informed him you’d soon stop being his housekeeper since he was almost completely healed now
Doppo began to panic on the inside. You couldn’t leave… don’t you love this idyllic life with him? It could be yours! You two understand each other… you’ve been through the same trauma. You must feel something for him… you have to!
Doppo offers to double your pay from what Katsumi was paying for you to be his personal housekeeper. Your eyes widen in shock at his offer and you do accept it. He’s so happy
Doppo has you try on one of Natsue’s dresses just for giggles but his breath hitches at the perfect fit… you must have been an angel Natsue sent to him…
Doppo begins to have you eat with him more. The older man bringing you take out from Natsue’s favorite spots (turned out you liked them too, coincidence? I think not). You slowly were starting to be alarmed by his behavior
It was when he slipped up and called you Natsue that you realized Doppo thought you were his dead wife. You had to gently tell him that you weren’t but he waved you off. Told you it was a mistake
Doppo peer pressures you into living with him full time with an offer of pay you’d be stupid to refuse. And that’s when you unknowingly trapped yourself with him
Your only breaks from Doppo are when he trains but even then, he has Katsumi watching over you. The younger karateka making sure you don’t run away. He didn’t want to upset his poor dad after all
You slowly integrate into Natsue’s role. There is no chance for escape. Especially when Doppo starts trying to get you to fulfill some of Natsue’s other roles (wink)
Poor you… you should have never accepted this job
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