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rattyshipss · 1 year ago
The tenth day of Natmas~ Pet photoshoot
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"NAT Keep his hat on!"
Nat sat to the side watching Kalli desperately trying to get cute holiday pictures of all the pets. They'd gone through the rats, bunny, even the beetles, and were now currently working on the dogs. "I don't think he wants to." Nat laughed watching Kalli run around trying to control the animals. "I don't care what he wants this is family time!" Nat continued to laugh, honestly a bit scared of her girlfriend for the first time ever, while going through the previously taken pictures, especially the ones including Kalli with the pets.
This one is super short I'm sorry we have so much to do before Christmas but I feel like that fits😂💖 Here's a picture of Steven from said photoshoot🥺💖
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siphonophoresupernumerary · 4 months ago
Personally I have never thought of them much until they started getting politicized publicly. Their over the top style isn't my cup of tea but folks can dress however they want and I don't dislike them for it. I have never seen one in the flesh or seen a movie where there was one, or at least the modern presentation of them. I suspect drag is more well known and varied than I know about, but thats just it, I don't know about drag.
When I came out to my mom she asked if I wanted to do drag and it had not even occurred to me that that was a thing I might be interested in and associated with transitioning. My conception with transitioning culture is formed around casual, less performative, internet ideas of transfemininity. Which I presume has it's own problems.
I notice that there is no neutral options in the poll, what's up with that? The poll asks about more positive or more negative, if you have no feelings on the matter except not liking their style then that is more negative than positive, but it's not an "I don't like them at all, they should eat worms". The polls lack of nuance inherently drives a greater non-nuanced split that outside observers see as two rather partisan groups.
Natmas makes a good point about how it is assumed by the (probably US-centric) culture that drag performers represent a)trans people and b)transfem people especially. And drag is assuredly very transgender, it is, by my understanding, an archetype within transgender culture.
Hesperocyon's addition is valid, why do so many transfems (on tumblr) feel more negatively about drag? The whys seem really important here, because as I said before, without context those numbers look really bad, and they might not look great with context, but it will be more accurate. It's also interesting to see that there's almost twice as many transfem votes than transmasc votes.
And the general advice to self educate and self evaluate is generally ok, but without directing an avenue of education/research and evaluation/self-examining, it proves fairly ineffectual. Opinions exist for a reason and often require respectable contrary information to change, simply saying "you're wrong, fix it" without guidance will have little to no effect and what effect there is could be in any direction, getting worse or better or weird.
I think a second round of polling is in order, multiple if there isn't space for all the options, with a neutral options, and slightly more soecific options. Like negative/positive/neutral with personal experience/limited or internet experience/no experience. It might get to the root of the issue, it might not
I've gotta admit I think about this one a lot for many reasons. I'd really love to see what others think
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indonesianacademy · 5 months ago
Indonesian Academy Hong Kong Jalin Kerjasama Dengan IAINU Kebumen
Indonesian Academy Hong Kong Jalin Kerjasama Dengan IAINU Kebumen Rektor IAINU Kebumen Dr. Benny Kurniawan, M.Pd.I. didampingi Wakil Rektor II Bidang Administrasi, Personalia dan Keuangan Imam Subarkah, M.Pd. menandatangani nota kesepemahaman kerjasama dengan Indonesian Academy Hongkong yang diketuai Natma Emy Loga pada Minggu, 3 Maret 2024 di AMO Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui. Kerjasama tersebut berupa penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Tinggi jenjang Sarjana dan Program Pascasarjana bagi para Pekerja Migran Indonesia di Hong Kong. Program Kolaborasi 8 Perguruan Tinggi NU Kerjasama tersebut merupakan program kolaborasi 8 Perguruan Tinggi NU dibawah binaan Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (LPT – PBNU) yaitu IAINU Kebumen, UMNU Kebumen, UNU Purwokerto, UNU Lampung, UNU Blitar, IAINU Tuban, UNUGA Cilacap, dan ITSNU Pekalongan.
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Dalam kesempatan tersebut, hadir Ketua PBNU Bidang Pendidikan Prof. Dr. K.H. Muhammad Mukri, Atase Bidang Pendidikan KBRI Beijing Yudhil Chatim, M.Ed., Konsul Penerangan, Sosial dan Budaya KJRI Hong Kong Endah Rachmi Yuliarti, serta berbagai komunitas para Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI). Ketua PBNU Bidang Pendidikan menyampaikan apresiasi kepada para PMI yang tetap istiqomah menjalankan agama Islam. Bahkan aktif dalam organisasi NU di tengah- tengah kehidupan kota Hong Kong yang modern, materialistik, bahkan dekat dengan atheistik. Sedangkan masyarakat Muslim adalah minoritas. mengharapkan hadirnya PTNU di hongkong akan meningkatkan kapasitas ilmu pengetahuan dan ilmu agama bagi PMI.
Menghasilkan Output Yang Relevan Dengan Kebutuhan Masyarakat
Yudhil Chatim, selaku Adikbud KBRI Beijing China menyambut baik kedatangan kampus- kampus NU di Hong Kong. Yudhil menekankan pentingnya kolaborasi  Academy, Bussines, Government, Community, and Media (ABGCM). Sebagai kesatuan sistem antara Perguruan Tinggi, perusahaan dan pelaku usaha, pemerintah, komunitas sosial serta media yang saling terkait dan mendukung. Sehingga kampus akan menghasilkan output yang relevan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan secara kolaboratif terus mengembangkan peradaban.
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Rektor IAINU Kebumen Benny Kurniawan menyatakan bahwa program ini bagian dari pengembangan program- program Internasional yang sudah terjalankan. Sampai saat ini beberapa program yang telah berjalan antara lain pembukaan Internasional Class pada Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Bencmarking dan Magang Di Malaysia dan Singapura, Kerjasama dengan Kampus di Mesir dan Turki. S Dalam waktu dekat, juga akan mengagendakan magang mahasiswa di Jepang. Sumber Artikel: iainu-kebumen.ac.id Indonesian Academy Hong Kong Jalin Kerjasama Dengan IAINU Kebumen Indonesian Academy – Hong Kong Read the full article
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bestiarium · 2 years ago
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The Natmas [Vanuatu mythology]
Vanuatu is a small country in Oceania, consisting of a group of islands. Each of these islands have differing cultural and religious norms, but ancestor spirits featured heavily in the religions of many of these communities. On the island of Aneityum, people worshipped Natmas, which were the spirits of deceased ancestors.
Sharks played a somewhat important role in the religion of the Aneityum people, for when a person died, their soul became a Natmas – a spirit – and was transported by a shark to the ocean of the dead, which was the afterlife in Aneityum mythology.
Yet this didn’t always mean the ‘end’ for a Natmas spirit, as many of them remained in the world of the living. In fact, Natmas were known to travel throughout the land and their seasonal migrations followed known routes. These spirits also followed a set pattern of daily movements. It is very important not to obstruct the Natmas on their travels, and their migrations must always be accounted for when building settlements or buildings.
The word ‘Natmas’ (for the plural, I’ve seen both Natmas and Natmasses so I assume both are correct) can refer both to the ancestor spirits themselves and to sacred stones that represented these spirits. These stones, which were often rounded and egg-shaped, were items of worship and are often translated as ‘idols’ or ‘fetishes’. I’m not entirely certain whether these stones were supposed to house (or bind?) the spirits, or merely represented them, but they were important religious artifacts to the native Aneityum people.
The spirits themselves are mysterious creatures. I could not find a single description of what these beings supposedly look like, but it’s clear that they play an important role in the native religion of Aneityum. As far as I can tell, they were not considered evil or malicious (but it was still wise to avoid insulting them).
On Tanna, another Vanuatu island, the Natmas had a counterpart called the Ierehma, which were their version of the spirits of the dead. Ierehma were considered to be more docile than Natmas and could be pleased with dedicated rituals or by providing them with offerings. If these offerings were accepted, you could gain some degree of control over these spirits.
The first image from this post was taken from aneityumisland.com. The island has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic (which took away tourism as a source of income) and if you want, you can help the native people by making donations via this site.
Sources: Flexner, J., 2016, An Archaeology of Early Christianity in Vanuatu: Kastom and Religious Change on Tanna and Erromango, 1839-1920, Australian National University Press. Tabani, M., Lightner, S. and Naupa, A., 2010, Histri blong Yumi long Vanuatu. Histoire du Vanuatu, un outil pédagogique (volume 1), Centre Culturel du Vanuatu. Flexner, J., 2022, Archaeology and Kastom: Island Historicities and Transforming Religious Traditions in Southern Vanuatu, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. (image 1: native Aneityum people in traditional clothing. Image taken from aneitymisland.com) (image 2: 2 sacred Natmas stones. The stones and the image belong to the Nova Scotia Museum. Image taken from Flexner, 2016)
(Small footnote: I mainly used the past tense in this post but I’m not actually sure whether Natmas worship is still a thing on Vanuatu. I found no sources on that but it’s perfectly possible that the island still has communities who abide by this religion)
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septemberlikestea · 5 years ago
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oh yeah i love the grimm troupe!
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cassandra-maston · 6 years ago
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NatMas: All ready to see our little Selah and the irreplaceable Valora shine bright. Also I guess you’re alright too, Lip. 💞💚 @dovemitchell @adrianwesterfeld @genevieve-young @theteenagefloyd
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ziegenfelderangela · 4 years ago
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Moì circa 2000 😬 #moi #seniorportraits #ripnorthview #love #Alabama (at Garden District-Dothan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEYPi-nATma/?igshid=amgu5js7di42
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natma-theschooloflife · 7 years ago
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Nomads. Gobi Desert, Mongolia. Print size 11 x 17, 1.5" mat width: $200 Print size 18 x 27, 2" mat width: $350 Print size 24 x 36, 2" mat width: $450 Prices include printing, framing, and shipping (US only. International shipping costs quoted on request)
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rattyshipss · 1 year ago
The seventh day of Natmas~ Decorating the tree
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Kalli stood to the side as Nat swept up the third dropped ornament that had shattered on the floor. Only two broke when I did our tree "You can come back now ornament killer" Nat said after dumping the pieces of ornament in the trash.
"It's not my fault they're glass" Kalli moved to start putting more ornaments on the tree, saving the two main ones they made for last. "It's not their fault you're an ornament killer." Nat snorted helping with the tree while Kalli glared at her from the other side of it. Nat noticed Kalli stretching to reach a higher branch to place an ornament and moved to help, partly because she didn't want more glass around Kalli's bare feet but also wanting to help her girlfriend. Reaching over wrapping her arms around her and lifting her up to reach while she squealed.
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snapespeare · 7 years ago
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Had a great night meeting the members of NATMA! Loved hanging out with these two. Too bad I didn’t snag a picture of the Miss Taiwans. #NATMA #taiwan
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miriammirianmaryam · 4 years ago
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Cuando escuchan lo que le ha sido revelado al Mensajero, ves que sus ojos se inundan de lágrimas porque reconocen la verdad, y entonces dicen: "¡Señor nuestro! Creemos, cuéntanos entre quienes dan testimonio [de la verdad del Islam]. ¿Y por qué no íbamos a creer en Dios y en lo que nos ha llegado de la verdad? Esperamos que nuestro Señor nos introduzca [al Paraíso] junto a los justos".  #TraducciónAlEspañolIsaGarcía Words prayers for mercy of Allah to you #Dua 296 • رَبَّنَا آمَنَّا فَاكْتُبْنَا مَعَ الشَّاهِدِينَ وَمَا لَنَا لاَ نُؤْمِنُ بِاللّهِ وَمَا جَاءنَا مِنَ الْحَقِّ وَنَطْمَعُ أَن يُدْخِلَنَا رَبَّنَا مَعَ الْقَوْمِ الصَّالِحِينَ • Rabbanā 'āmannā fāktubnā ma`a sh-Shāhidin Wa mā lanā lā nu'uminu billāhi wa mā jā'anā mina l-Haqqi wa Natma`u 'an yudkhilanā Rabbunā ma`a l-qawmi s-Sālihin • 83. And when they (who call themselves Christians) listen to what has been sent down to the Messenger (Muhammad), you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of the truth they have recognised. They say: "Our Lord! We believe; so write us down among the witnesses. 84. "And why should we not believe in Allah and in that which has come to us of the truth? And we wish that our Lord will admit us (in Paradise on the Day of Resurrection) along with the righteous people → #QuranSurahFiveAyats 83-84 → #FortressOfTheMuslim  https://goo.gl/UjRmxy (at California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPoxyKdjoIf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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indonesianacademy · 5 months ago
Kisah Sukses Pekerja Migran Indonesia
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Ada banyak kisah sukses Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) yang menginspirasi. Mereka berhasil mengubah hidup mereka dan keluarga mereka berkat kerja keras dan semangat pantang menyerah. Kisah Sukses PMI Berbagai Profesi
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Natma Emy (ketiga dari kiri), PMI yang sukses mengelola lembaga pendidikan Indonesian Academy di Hong Kong. Pekerja Pabrik Jadi Pengusaha Sukses Banyak PMI yang awalnya bekerja di pabrik di luar negeri. Mereka kemudian memutuskan untuk pulang dan memulai bisnis sendiri dengan modal yang mereka kumpulkan. Ada yang membuka toko, restoran, bahkan pabrik kecil-kecilan. Perawat Yang Menjadi Perawat Spesialis Sejumlah PMI yang bekerja sebagai perawat di luar negeri berhasil melanjutkan pendidikan dan meraih gelar spesialis. Setelah kembali ke Indonesia, mereka bekerja di rumah sakit besar atau membuka klinik pribadi. PMI Menjadi YouTuber Ada juga PMI yang memanfaatkan kecakapannya dalam membuat konten video untuk menjadi YouTuber. Mereka membagikan pengalaman hidup di luar negeri, resep masakan, atau tips-tips berguna lainnya. Pekerja Rumah Tangga Mendirikan Yayasan Seorang PMI yang bekerja sebagai pekerja rumah tangga di Hong Kong berhasil mendirikan yayasan untuk membantu sesama PMI yang mengalami kesulitan. Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan PMI Semangat Belajar PMI yang sukses biasanya memiliki semangat belajar yang tinggi. Mereka tidak hanya fokus pada pekerjaan, tetapi juga berusaha meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan mereka. Jaringan Membangun jaringan yang luas dengan sesama PMI atau orang-orang lokal di negara tempat mereka bekerja sangat penting. Jaringan ini dapat membantu mereka mendapatkan informasi, peluang kerja, atau dukungan ketika mengalami kesulitan. Manajemen Keuangan Kemampuan mengelola keuangan dengan baik adalah kunci keberhasilan. Banyak PMI yang berhasil menabung sebagian besar penghasilan mereka berguna sebagai modal usaha atau investasi di masa depan. Mental yang Kuat Bekerja di luar negeri tidak selalu mudah. Tantangan seperti homesickness, diskriminasi, dan budaya yang berbeda bisa menjadi penghalang. Namun, PMI yang sukses memiliki mental yang kuat dan mampu mengatasi segala rintangan. Keuntungan Menjadi PMI Peningkatan Pendapatan : Salah satu alasan utama orang menjadi PMI adalah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Pengembangan Diri : Bekerja di lingkungan yang berbeda dapat membuka wawasan dan meningkatkan keterampilan. Kemandirian : Menjadi PMI menuntut seseorang untuk mandiri dan bertanggung jawab atas tindakannya. Tantangan Menjadi PMI Pemisahan Keluarga : Salah satu tantangan terbesar bagi PMI adalah harus berpisah dengan keluarga dalam waktu yang lama. Diskriminasi : Sebagian PMI ada yang mengalami diskriminasi berdasarkan asal negara atau etnis. Kondisi Kerja Tidak Layak : Tidak semua PMI mendapatkan perlakuan yang baik dari majikan mereka. Ada yang bekerja terlalu lama, gaji di bawah standar, atau bahkan mengalami kekerasan fisik. Sejumlah contoh kisah sukses Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) : - Wulan : Dari PMI Menjadi Eksportir
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Wulan, seorang mantan PMI asal Banyuwangi, berhasil mengubah hidupnya setelah bekerja di tiga negara berbeda. Pengalamannya sebagai PMI memberinya jaringan luas dan pemahaman tentang pasar internasional. Saat pulang ke Indonesia, ia memanfaatkan jaringan tersebut untuk memulai bisnis ekspor produk lokal seperti keripik usus, jengkol, dan petai. Bisnisnya berkembang pesat dan produknya kini sudah merambah pasar luar negeri. - Didi Kusnadi : Dari PMI Menjadi Pengusaha Online
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Didi Kusnadi, seorang mantan TKI di Korea Selatan, berhasil mengubah nasibnya menjadi pengusaha online. Awalnya, ia bekerja di sebuah perusahaan pertanian dan kesulitan mengakses kebutuhan sehari-hari karena lokasinya yang terpencil. Dari situ, ia mulai belajar bertransaksi online dan menemukan potensi bisnis di dunia digital. Setelah pulang ke Indonesia, Didi mendirikan bisnis fashion online dan sukses memasarkan produknya. - Luki Dimas : Dari Pekerja Pabrik Menjadi Mahasiswa Di Korea Selatan
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Luki Dimas adalah seorang PMI yang gigih. Awalnya, ia bekerja di sebuah pabrik di Korea Selatan. Namun, ia tidak puas dengan pekerjaannya dan ingin terus belajar. Dengan tekad yang kuat, ia berhasil melanjutkan kuliah di Korea Selatan sambil bekerja. Kisahnya menginspirasi banyak orang karena menunjukkan bahwa dengan kerja keras dan semangat pantang menyerah, kita bisa meraih banyak hal. - Ani Rustiati : PMI Sukses Menyekolahkan Anak
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Ani Rustiati adalah seorang PMI perempuan yang sudah 22 tahun bekerja di Singapura. Meskipun harus berjauhan dengan anak-anaknya, ia tetap berjuang untuk memberikan kehidupan yang lebih baik bagi mereka. Berkat kerja kerasnya, ia berhasil menyekolahkan anak-anaknya hingga ke perguruan tinggi. Mutiara Hikmah Pelajaran yang bisa kita ambil dari kisah-kisah mereka : Semangat Belajar : Mereka tidak pernah berhenti belajar dan mengembangkan pribadi. Jaringan : Membangun jaringan yang luas sangat penting untuk membuka peluang baru. Manajemen Keuangan : Kemampuan mengelola keuangan dengan baik sangat membantu dalam mencapai kesuksesan. Mental yang Kuat : Mereka mampu menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan tidak mudah menyerah. Fokus pada Tujuan : Mereka memiliki tujuan yang jelas dan bekerja keras untuk mencapainya. Kisah-kisah di atas menunjukkan bahwa menjadi PMI bukan hanya tentang mencari nafkah, tetapi juga tentang peluang untuk tumbuh dan berkembang. Dengan kerja keras, semangat, dan dukungan yang tepat, semua bisa meraih kesuksesan. Kisah-kisah sukses PMI ini membuktikan bahwa dengan kerja keras, semangat pantang menyerah, dan dukungan dari keluarga dan komunitas, semua bisa sukses. Semoga berguna! Kisah Sukses Pekerja Migran Indonesia Indonesian Academy – Hong Kong Read the full article
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soniaaristo · 5 years ago
President Tsai touts NATMA role in Taiwan-US ties
President Tsai touts NATMA role in Taiwan-US ties
https://ift.tt/eA8V8J President Tsai Ing-wen said Nov. 4 that the North American Taiwanese Medical Association has played a crucial role in furthering Taiwan-U.S. ties.   NATMA has consistently been a leader in the Taiwan expatriate community in the U.S, Tsai said. This has placed it at the forefront of efforts to strengthen bilateral relations, she added.   According to Tsai, these efforts are…
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ltsharif · 5 years ago
(via Wizards were flung prostrate)   Quran Chapter 26: 49b to 51 (Pt-19, Stg-5) (L-2329) درس قرآن Wizards were flung prostrate Chapter “Shu-‘araaa’”- (The Poets) – 26 ‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. (I seek refuge in Allaah from Satan the outcast) Bis-Millaahir-Rah-maanir-Rahiim.(In the name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)                                                           قَالَ ءَامَنتُمْ لَهُۥ قَبْلَ أَنْ ءَاذَنَ لَكُمْ إِنَّهُۥ لَكَبِيرُكُمُ ٱلَّذِى عَلَّمَكُمُ ٱلسِّحْرَ فَلَسَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ لَأُقَطِّعَنَّ أَيْدِيَكُمْ وَأَرْجُلَكُم مِّنْ خِلَٰفٍ وَلَأُصَلِّبَنَّكُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ 49 قَالُوا۟ لَا ضَيْرَ إِنَّآ إِلَىٰ رَبِّنَا مُنقَلِبُونَ 50  إِنَّا نَطْمَعُ أَن يَغْفِرَ لَنَا رَبُّنَا خَطَٰيَٰنَآ أَن كُنَّآ أَوَّلَ ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ 51 49b.  But verily ye shall come to know. Verily I will cut off your hands and your feet alternately, and verily I will crucify you every one. 50.  They said: It is no hurt, for lo! unto our Lord we shall return. 51.  Lo! we ardently hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins because we are the first of the Believers. 49b.  Falasawfa  ta’-lamuun.  La-‘uqatti-‘anna  ‘aydi-yakum  wa  ‘arjulakum-min  khilaafinw-wa  la-‘usallibannakum  ‘ajma-‘iin. 50.  Qaaluu  laa  zayra  ‘innaaa  ‘ilaa  Rabbinaa  munqalibuun. 51.  ‘Innaa  natma-‘u  ‘any-yag-fira  lanaa  Rabbunaa  khataa-yaanaaa  ‘an-  kunnaaa  ‘awwalal-  Mu’-miniin. (Section 3) Commentary Pharaoh had been becoming furious upon the wizards. At first he said: It seems that Moses (peace be upon him) is your leader and it is a conspiracy among all of you which you admitted his counsel and you attached to him (peace be upon him). Then he explained concerning punishment that: At first I will cut off your hands of one side and then your feet of alternate side. Then verily I will crucify every one of you. Where can you go? The wizards gave answer after hearing Pharaoh’s boasting: We accept that you can give us punishment, but we do not fear your punishment. The Truth has fully been manifested upon us. Our Lord is The Same Who is the Lord of Moses and Aaron (peace be upon them). We have to meet Him in all conditions. If we died by your punishment, we would be more successful. We are ardently hopeful that our Lord will forgive our previous sins, because after preaching by His Messengers (peace be upon them), we are the first of the Believers in this assemblage as well as in this entire Country. And we have declared acceptance of the Truth openly and bravely between the merciless enemies as you are. Transliterated Holy Qur’aan in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif). https://muhammadsharif120.wordpress.com/2019/10/02/wizards-were-flung-prostrate-2/
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cassandra-maston · 6 years ago
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NatMas: He’s alright, I guess. @barnes-sage
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