#national road championship
womensworldtour · 5 months
While Spanish stage racing was wrapping up at la Vuelta a Burgos Fémina, the American national championships were held in West Virginia, and EF Education-Cannondale's Kristen Faulkner got in a break with Ruth Edwards (Human Powered Health) on a downhill section. Knowing Edwards had a serious kick, Faulkner launched in the final climb and soloed to victory.
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Faulkner's teammate Coryn Labecki won the sprint behind.
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roadie1963 · 1 month
Test Your Fitness With Lots of Elevation Gain at the Maryland Gran Fondo
Photo Credit: jp26jp from Pixabay.com When you think about Maryland or Washington D.C., great cycling doesn’t automatically come to mind. But the truth is that both states have large cycling communities. In the early Autumn, cyclists from those areas (and from other states around the country) come out in big numbers to test their summer fitness at the Maryland Gran Fondo, part of the Suarez…
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britishcyclesport · 1 year
2023 British National Road Championship Results
A tough course and hot weather made for hard racing at the 2023 British National Road Championship This year’s British National Road Championship took place on a 18.8km circuit, with 400 metres of climbing each lap. The women did seven laps of the circuit, while the men did ten. This meant the women would climb 2,826m and the men 4,073m, throw in hot weather and the riders were in for a hard…
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1337wtfomgbbq · 1 year
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Guys I'm literally fucking crying over this❤️😭
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sixeyescurseuser · 5 months
Thinking about figure skater Gojo who tirelessly trains to qualify and compete at the next Olympic Games.
Gojo is such a legend in the skating world, very well known for his jaw-dropping, difficult performances, handsome looks, and charming personality! He was built for the spotlight.
Naturally, he has many global fans, fan accounts, and ordinary people who follow his career.
People who meet Gojo in-person after having only seen him on tv are shocked at how tall he is, yet manages to skate so well. All those triple and quad axels? And the amount of grace and power he skates with is insane considering his build. 
Once, an interviewer asks Gojo what other skaters he admires? Gojo talks about a few current big names, then sneaks in a mention of, “Oh, Suguru is also in my list , hehe.”
The interviewer chuckles alongside him, yet can’t help but ask, “Suguru…who?”
Later, Geto Suguru nearly spits out his water while watching the interview posted on Youtube. He doesn’t hesitate to text his boyfriend.
Geto: “Why do you keep bringing me up? I literally just skated in high school 😭”
Gojo sends back an old video of Geto’s skating routine from a regional competition: ❤️❤️
Gojo: “heyyy >:(“
Gojo: “It makes me happy 🥰 I loved watching you”
Growing up, Gojo and Geto skated at the same club.  But while Gojo continued skating as his professional career after, Geto dropped skating in order to focus on his academics in college.
Gojo often reminisces on the long practices they had where they would watch each other run through their routines and give each other feedback, when they would mess around and throw the craziest combinations just for shits and giggles.
He didn’t realize their time together on the rink would be so short in the long run, but they began dating when they were only sixteen, and have been going strong together since.
Gojo is still lucky to have Suguru to come home to after his long days at the rink.  
After college, Geto went on to become a marine biologist, where he does a lot of work in ocean wildlife conservation. He’s either on a boat collecting data for research or in the lab analyzing his sample results. 
Gojo is not only busy training in Japan, but he also frequently travels to train in different countries. Gojo receives lots of updates from Suguru in the form of selfies and blurry photos with ocean wildlife or results from the lab.
Suguru in the lab with his ppe (personal protection equipment). Suguru wearing his wet suit while investigating algae farms. Suguru smiling while holding a crab.  
Gojo makes the last one his lock screen. Suguru just looks so cute with his hair pulled back, and when Gojo holds his finger down on the live photo, he can hear Suguru’s voice talking in baby to the crab.
(Geto’s wallpaper is a selfie of them when they were teens.)
Geto gets super excited telling Gojo about his new findings, taking the time to explain different facts and technical terms. Gojo eagerly nods along on the phone and asks questions, commenting, “No way! The algae increased nearly double the amount with your XXX solution? That’s amazing!”
Gojo loves what he does, but it’s always a relief to come back home and find his comfort place in Suguru’s arms. 
Nothing beats taking a shower and raiding Suguru’s closet after, cooking dinner with his boyfriend, and then cuddles on the couch.
The first thing they see when they turn on the tv is a sports reporter announcing Gojo Satoru's third national championship title, and what it means for the road to the Olympics.
“Oh wow, this guy is on a roll. He should train for the Olympics or something,” Geto says.
Gojo simply buries face in Suguru’s neck and snickers: “Or something.”
Once, while getting ready to sleep one night, Gojo whispers in Geto’s: “Remember that one time you ripped your pants during the Junior Grand Prix?”
Geto doesn’t react at first.
Then, without warning, he tries to smother his boyfriend with his pillow.
One of the best memories is when Geto surprised Gojo by showing up in-person to one of the abroad competitions. 
In the middle of his post-win interview, still in his competition suit, makeup dewey and hair fluffy, Gojo suddenly spots a familiar face behind one of the paparazzi. 
Gojo is literally mid-answer when he locks in and SPRINTS to get his boyfriend in his arms.
“Suguru!!” Gojo shouts. He’s already leaping and oh, Suguru’s arms readily catch him. 
Geto laughs with his whole chest, squeezing tightly around Gojo’s middle.
“Hello, darling.”
Gojo has to finish the interview but he’s so bubbly now because teehee Suguru is right there and watching proudly. 
Gojo needs him in his bed immediately.
After the interview, Geto explains he got his lab assistants to cover their project for the next week so he could fly out and visit Gojo in Australia!
Gojo happily drags Geto back to his hotel room,  giggling and babbling about the plans they could have for the next week. The couple excitedly discuss outings to art and performance events, to the beach, even the zoo - which Geto is ecstatic for. 
Upon entering the hotel room, Geto quickly drops his luggage off in the corner. Gojo is still yapping when Geto suddenly walks him backwards to the bed. 
The back of Gojo’s knees hit the edge and he falls back with an “oof!”
Geto smoothly crawls on top to lay his whole body weight on his boyfriend’s. 
Gojo chuckles. He combs through Suguru’s hair and continues his talking, knowing Suguru is tired from traveling and this will help them both relax.
Gojo gradually runs out of things to say, and the soft breaths against his neck tell him yep, he unfortunately needs to poke his boyfriend awake so they can both shower and freshen up before bed.
Gojo pats Geto’s lower back. “Suguru, wakey wakey.”
No response.
Pat pat on the lower back again, then smoothing his hands up to pat the upper-back.
“Babyyy, wake up. We need to shower. And eat.”
Geto offers a protesting grunt, then nuzzles against Gojo’s neck.
This leaves Gojo no choice.
He sneaks a hand down to pinch Geto’s ass.
“Ouch- hey what the fuck?”
Gojo yelps when he feels Suguru pinch his nipple in retaliation, then rolls off Gojo’s body to head toward the bathroom.
Five minutes later, the couple shower together while casually recapping the results of the skating event.
“Any feedback for me today?” Gojo asks. Geto hums, more focused on massaging the shampoo into Gojo’s hair. He applies the perfect amount of pressure that makes Gojo moan in appreciation.
“The only feedback I have is that you look amazing out there, Satoru. All the hard work you put into training clearly pays off. I am so so proud of you,” Geto says, dropping a kiss to Gojo’s nape.
Gojo preens, and completely surrenders himself to his boyfriend's tender touches.
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thommi-tomate · 3 months
Translation :
It all started here in Pähl, on this sports field.
A huge enthusiasm for football.
When I played my first international match for the German national team over 14 years ago, I would never have dreamed of all this.
Great victories and bitter defeats, sometimes devastated, only to get up again to compete against the best players in the world.
Alongside fantastic teammates with whom I have experienced countless unforgettable moments.
After 131 international matches and 45 goals, I'm saying goodbye to the German eagle today.
I was able to take part in four World Cups and four European Championships, raise the World Cup trophy in the air and feel your affection on the pitch.
It has always made me very proud to play for my country.
We celebrated together and sometimes even shed a tear together.
I would like to thank all the fans and team members of the national team.
Thank you for your support over the past few years.
Take the enthusiasm and joy of this year's Euros with you and keep your fingers crossed for the team on the road to the 2026 World Cup.
That's what I'm doing now as a fan in the stands and no longer as a player on the pitch.
See you there.
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jaegeraether · 10 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 21)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (21)
Masterlist (other parts here)
(*Mentions of mental health, suicide and domestic abuse. Take care with this chapter please x *)
Much to Lucy’s amusement, YFN was driving her car for the first time. YFN had first suggested that she drive to Birmingham to get used to the car and roads in the UK, and because Lucy had done all of the driving thus far. The first 20 minutes had been stressful, but eased with Lucy’s amused support.
“It’s just a car, little one. I don’t care what happens to it as long as you’re okay..” She’d said. That and how calm she was explaining the differences in the roads made YFN feel much, much more at ease.
When she was comfortable enough, Lucy insisted they ran through some of the information that was emailed through by Lumos, Lucy testing her knowledge.
“I only briefly skipped through that email, Luce.. it was our third date.” She groaned.
“Don’t think I don’t know you’ve been doing research since the girls first told you about this job..”
YFN looked guilty. “I like to be prepared.”
Lucy chuckled. “I know. It’s one of the things I love about you.. and you might as well use me while I’m here, right? We’ll start slow.”
YFN groaned. “Okay, I’ll try my best.”
“Okay, talk to me about the different tiers of women’s football in England.”
“Starting off slow, hey?” She pouted. Lucy was challenging her. “Okay… okay. There’s the top tier, Tier 1, the Barclay’s FA WSL. It has 12 teams, bottom team gets relegated to Tier 2 which is the FA Women’s Championship. Also 12 teams, the winners going into the WSL for the next season, while the bottom-placed team are relegated Tier 3, the FA Women’s Nation’s League. Then it gets a bit complicated because there’s the northern teams against each other and the southern teams against each other with the top northern and southern team in the final FA WNL Championship Play-Off, the winner moving up to Tier 2, FA Champions League.”
She looked over at Lucy who was grinning at her proudly. “I knew you’d been researching.”
YFN blushed under her gaze. “It’s important to you.. so it’s important to me. Regardless of the job.”
“God, you’re so cute.” She kissed her on her little cheek dimple, her face reddening further. “Try name the 12 teams in the WSL for me..”
“Okay… okay I can do it by location, might be easier. Around Manchester you have 2 teams, Man United and Man City. Around Liverpool there’s Liverpool and Everton. Around Birmingham there’s Aston Villa. Close to them there’s Leicester, in Leicester.. then there’s Bristol City by itself, and around London are the other 5 teams, Brighton and Hove Albion, Chelsea, West Ham United, Arsenal, and… Tottenham.”
“You’re so sexy when you’re talking football..” Lucy commented as she fed YFN a Malteser.
“Why do I feel like I’m being rewarded like a dog?”
“Who’s a good girl,” Lucy cooed and patted her head. YFN rolled her eyes. “Who are the current WSL Champions?”
“Chelsea, they beat Man United.”
“Do any WSL teams play for other titles?”
“Uh.. there’s the Continental Cup? Conti Cup.. it’s the Tier 1 and Tier 2 teams together, so WSL and The Championship.”
“And the current Conti Cup Champions?”
“Arsenal.. they beat Chelsea.”
“Any other titles?”
“The UEFA Women’s Champions League.. it’s basically the WSL of Europe. It’s where all the fun happens and there’s a chance for a team like Arsenal to go up against a team like Barcelona.” She turned to Lucy. “Is it your favourite?”
“My favourite is definitely playing for England… but when playing with Barca then yeah, I love playing against the UK teams.”
“Is it hard playing against friends?”
She shrugged. “It was at first.. but then I found it’s much easier if you just go at players like opposition and don’t look at who they are. Just do your thing. I always want to win so it’s easier for me, but I know some of the girls struggle with it.”
YFN nodded and stole another Malteser. “Barcelona are the current Champions, obviously because they have the best right-back in history… and it was against Wolfsburg. Aaaand I believe that was your… fourth Championship title? 3 with Lyon, 1 with Barca?”
Lucy looked impressed. “You really have been doing your research, you sneak. I’m really proud of that too. Almost missed the one with Barca though.. I had surgery on my knee about 5 weeks before the final.” She trailed off, getting a little into her own head.
YFN put her hand on her knee, stroking it to console her. She knew there wasn’t much to say about it. “I can’t wait to see you play for Barca.”
That worked. Lucy smiled. “Tell me again why you can’t live in Spain, if you already have a team for you to work with? And once you get a good schedule going, they’ll be going to the games for you.. There’s…” she took YFN’s phone to read the email. “…Samantha, Bridget and Emily, Ethan, Daniel, Ruby…” She trailed off as she kept reading. “Okay so they’ve hired 4 videographers and 4 photographers, then there’s your IT guy Noel who is an all-rounder..”
“Yes, love, but I need to make sure they’re all comfortable editing because a lot don’t have the experience. We also need a specific style to create so it helps to build our brand and keep it all homogenous almost.. and then what if someone is sick and can’t cover a game?”
“It’s only 2 hours from Barca to London.” She offered.
YFN let herself look at Lucy for a second. She needed to get her scepticism across. It worked. Lucy was intelligent, she knew that YFN would be busy in the UK for the next 6 months at the very least.
YFN patted the steering wheel. “I think we’re going to be doing a lot of driving! I should name him… any ideas.”
“Ohhh.. like Miles Morales?”
She could tell from Lucy’s expression that she had no idea who that was. “Who?”
“Spiderman… never mind, I’ll add it to our movie list. Eminem? After Miles Morales? No… no I like Miles. Let’s keep it simple.”
“We have a movie list?” Lucy looked excited and longing, almost. “Miles it is. Also, Spiderman is Peter Parker.”
“How dare you.”
Lucy wiggled her eyebrows. “Well I still think when you get more comfortable and all fall into a good rhythm covering games.. you can maybe work from Spain…” She gave those big eyes of hers as she sat sideways in the seat, admiring her girlfriend.
“Well I am mainly working on my laptop. But it’s such a small company right now, so they’ll expand quickly with all of the coverage if we do it right. Plus, they have so much money. What they’re offering pay-wise and then expense-wise is ridiculous.” She stopped herself, realising she was getting excited about the job again, and eased Lucy’s worries. “I’m sorry.. I’ll let us live in a little happy bubble for now, hm? We don’t know what could happen.”
Lucy sighed and reached out, her hand finding YFN’s pocket. “Who knows, maybe I’ll end up back in the WSL.”
“Or maybe I’ll be fired on my first day.”
Lucy scoffed. “Not a chance. They’re lucky to have you.”
YFN could tell Lucy was struggling with her emotions a little. She assumed the dread for their goodbye tomorrow was creeping up on the footballer also. She saw her fall into that little Lucy space and she left her there for a few minutes before she spoke. “Tell me what you’re thinking. Right… there.” The took her hand off the steering wheel to poke her in the middle of the forehead. “I can see it sitting there.”
Lucy came back with a little smile. “I was trying to decide if I was a bad person or not by thinking that I’m partially hoping Martin can’t get that working Visa for you..”
YFN laughed. “You know he will have it approved by the end of the night. And also… no, it’s not a bad thing. It melts my heart because it makes me feel wanted and needed by you. So, thank you for the honesty. And I..” She stopped herself, eyes widening at the fact that three words almost rolled off of her tongue. Before Lucy could question it, YFN’s phone rang.
“It’s Ridley.” Lucy said, shaking the phone for her to see. Before YFN could say anything, Lucy answered on loudspeaker.
“Hey baby Blue, I miss you.” Ridley drawled, flirty as usual.
YFN looked over at Lucy, expecting her to be jealous and she wasn’t disappointed. She’d spoken to Lucy about Ridley before, but only the bare minimum, like she had with Jordan. Ridley was an enigma, and one of her favourite people on the planet. She knew it wouldn’t take long for Lucy to pick up her personality and understand.
“Hey Riddles, I miss you too. What’s happening?”
“Sitting in an airport, wishing it were a beach. Waiting for a man, as usual. I swear, you let men into your life, and you get this. Constant irritation. Must be so hard to drag your little dick around that you end up late for everything.”
Lucy chuckled beside her at that.
“I can guarantee you’re 15 minutes early. And by the sound of your irritation.. waiting for your coffee I’m assuming?”
“It tames my demons. And you are, as usual, correct on both counts.” She began speaking to who YFN assumed was the barista. “Thanks baby, I’ll definitely call you.”
YFN felt like she could hear the wink from across the phone. Lucy raised her eyebrows in question and YFN shrugged. This was normal.
“Okay I’m back. Fuuuck, that’s a good coffee.”
“Are you going to call her or were you just being polite again?”
“Did the ‘definitely’ give me away again?” She asked sheepishly. “She’s cute but very much the relationship type. You know I don’t do that.”
“Mmnhmn. Lucy’s here by the way, we’re just driving to Birmingham.”
“Ah, Lucia Roberta, we finally meet. Kind of. Hold up…” She switched to Facetime as she walked through the airport, coffee in hand. Ridley was drop-dead stunning. She was the only person who had more confidence than Lucy, and it was obvious with the way she spoke and carried herself. She liked to keep herself fit and tidy, besides the alcohol she always slammed when she was at a festival or picking up. Her jawline was godly, her hair was the perfect dark, dark brown shaggy bob, and she had a noticeable scar on her face that started on her cheek and rose to the bottom of her left eye. Typically, it made her even more attractive.
“Hey there, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Lucy said, trying to control her jealously that rose as she saw how fucking stunning she was.
“If any of it is good, then she was lying. She does that to be nice.” She chuckled and got a little closer to the camera. “But she wasn’t lying when she told me about you though. Fuck, you’re sexy.”
Lucy was caught off guard and looked at YFN. Yep, she understood now. Ridley was just… Ridley. Lucy grinned at the compliment and turned back to the camera, her cockiness coming out.
“What can I say… I’m built different.” Lucy quoted and Ridley got the reference, the two sharing a laugh and flexing biceps. YFN rolled her eyes. Of course they’d get along. She could only imagine what they’d be like in person together, egging each other on to do things.
“Little dick appears to be here and… lost.” She brought her fingers to her mouth, whistling loudly.
“Don’t scare the boys, Riddles.”
She grinned at her friend. “My therapist says I should do what makes me happy. Besides, I’ve already had two men tell me I’m intimidating today.. three for the hat-trick, right Bronze?”
Lucy chuckled. “I believe in you.”
“Anyways, I called to see when you’re coming to Spain.. I miss you.”
“I miss you more, and I’ll be there in 13 days. The day before Lucy’s Liga F match if that helps.”
Ridley liked specifics. “It does. Okay, Blue, I’ll see you then. Bronze, don’t be a stranger. Adiós!”
The call ended and there was silence for several seconds. YFN tried to hide her smile and looked at Lucy who was already looking at her.
“She seems fun. And…”
“…an aquired taste.”
“I like her. You weren’t lying about the flirting.”
“No, love. Luckily I’m already pretty obsessed with a woman anyways.”
“Did you two ever..?”
YFN knew it was coming. “No. Never. That was never us, our relationship is more like… shared trauma. I think she’s the best person, but we’ve both been through quite a bit.”
Lucy was silent and so she continued. “We were neighbours growing up. Her family was even more dysfunctional than mine, but instead of not having a mum, she didn’t have a dad. She grew up fast and took it upon herself to look after her mum, a bipolar, and her brother who was autistic who was always getting bullied… really badly. She took my brother and I under her wing also.” She choked, getting a little emotional, knowing what was coming. “One night after school her brother was… beaten to death. To be more specific, beaten and left for dead. He was supposed to be picked up by their mum who was ‘trying to get better’. She got drunk and forgot about him. Ridley found him and held him until the cops arrived. She begged them not to tell her mum, because she was so erratic when she wasn’t well, and especially worse when alcohol was mixed. They didn’t listen because she was only young, and they called her anyways. She’d killed herself by the time Ridley was dropped home. She’d expected it to be honest. I… Ridley and I used to sneak into each other’s rooms at night to hang out, play games, read books, talk. I snuck into her room and she wasn’t there. I found her in the bathroom with her mum.” YFN couldn’t help the tears streaming down her face as she remembered. “There was so much blood, Luce. And Riddles… it was almost like she didn’t feel the grief at all. She was so prepared for it. She was forced to grow up too young.”
She looked at Lucy who was also crying, eyes closed and shaking her head. She continued. “That scar on her face? From my dad. After what happened, her Aunt moved in and started taking care of her. They stayed in that house because they couldn’t afford to sell it with the debt they were left. She’d stay in my room as much as possible to avoid the memories in her own house. She’d usually already be in my room by the time I came up there. I told you my dad was abusive..”
“He didn’t… touch you, did he?” Her voice shook, nervous for the response.
“Not in the way you think. He hit us. He’d have good days and bad days. On one of his worst days, Ridley heard it from my room and came down. He was going at my brother with a knife and I was trying to stop him. Ridley saw red and jumped in to save us. We were only young and my dad was a lot stronger, so he’d managed to still cut her face as she fought him. She got it off of him eventually and knocked him on his ass. He left the next day and never came back. Nan looked after us from then on. She.. she probably saved our lives. He wanted to kill us. I could see it on his face.” She sniffed, wiping the tears away with the cuff of her shirt. “I remember holding her hand when she got her stitches.. so you see, she’s one of the most important people in my life, and she always will be. We grew into such different people after all of that. Both of us really haven’t dated much. Riddles has dated one person I think? And she sabotaged it. I let myself date a few but none of them have understood me or what I need.” She took a deep breath in. Might as well tell her everything, right? “One of the biggest changes we noticed as we grew up was sex. Riddles doesn’t have sex for love, she does it to hold some form of control. If she can control herself and somebody else, and especially their orgasm, then it satisfies her. She doesn’t let anyone close except me because I was there. We’ve had long conversations about this. Whereas me… I was so much of a passenger in my life, always scared of my dad that I just want to be loved. And protected. Supported. I want that unconditional fucking hopeless romantic, Heath Ledger love. And when it comes to sex… my body craves someone that I can put my absolute trust in. Someone who I can give all of my control, my thoughts, my opinions to. Someone who will literally hold me down and fuck me for both of our benefits. I don’t want a choice.” She was so far in, that her admission scared even her. “I’ve never had that before. Saying it out loud like that… scares me. I’ve never been so honest about it and I’ve definitely never let myself give up any of my trust until I met you.” She looked at Lucy who looked in awe. She reached a hand out as if to strangle her. “You, and your pretty fucking face. You, and your inability to pronounce ‘th’ in a sentence. You, and that fucking grin that lights up a room.”
Lucy pointed outside. “Pull over. Right there.”
YFN sighed as did as she was told, knowing that whatever came of her confession she’d accept. She pulled over and took her time, putting the car into park, handbrake on.
Lucy unclipped her seatbelt and leaned over the centre console, her hand finding YFN’s face as she pulled her towards her. Their lips met passionately. Then needily. Then desperately. Gasps for air and desperate breaths filling the air.
“Luce..” she whimpered against her lips in between the barrage of kisses she was receiving. Lucy took a little while to respond, distracting herself. “You’re mine. I will always keep you safe and make sure you’re loved. Do you understand?” She pulled YFN’s head to her collarbone and held her tight. Of course, the tears started up again. She can’t believe she’d told Lucy.
Lucy held her tightly, her hand stroking her hair, whispering sweet nothings, and reassuring her. Giving her everything she needed.
The emotions settled down eventually and YFN mumbled into Lucy’s shirt. “You know, I’m still really embarrassed about how forward I was when we started texting..”
Lucy vibrated under her, laughing softly. “Oh, I definitely encouraged that. It was perfect.”
YFN leaned back so she could see Lucy. She assumed her face reflected her girlfriends. Puffy red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. She cheekily tapped her cheek and Lucy took the hint, leaning in and kissing it with lingering lips. She kissed it a few more times and sat back in her seat. And then, they were off again.
They arrived at Jordan’s after dark, the little blonde bouncing up and down in the driveway as they pulled up. Jordan jumped on the closest person, Lucy, her legs wrapping around her waist. Lucy wrapped her in a tight hug.
“Alright, Jords?”
“I missed you two!”
“We missed you more, mate.” YFN said as she rounded the car. Jordan dropped off of Lucy and tried to do the same to YFN, though they were both a similar height and weight and ended up sprawled on the ground laughing.
The house was a cute little stand alone and inside was modern and fresh. It was a wide open space with its kitchen, dining and living area all sharing the same room which led out to the patio. It was a 2 by 2, with a bedroom either side of the large entertainment area. YFN found her bedroom, it was much larger than she imagined and had an ensuite. She turned and glared at Jordan. “You didn’t.”
“You have Lucy.. and my bathroom is perfect.” Just as she saw YFN about to argue she continued. “I originally picked that room, I promise! It doesn’t get the morning light, and I like being on that side.”
YFN pouted, wanting to argue but knowing it would be useless.
“Yay, shower sex.” Lucy said as she opened YFN’s suitcase on the bed. It was the most unhinged thing she’d ever heard Lucy say and her mouth dropped open. This was obviously the same for Jordan who was caught off guard. “Joking.. but not really. Go and have your little chat, I’ll unpack.” She insisted as she pushed them both out the door.
“I can’t believe she never said that to me…” Jordan whined. She was getting teary eyed as she looked at YFN. “Why didn’t she tell me?”
“I think she was scared... and torn… and trying to justify the unjustifiable. She knows she messed up.” She hugged Jordan a little tighter.
“She’s coming tonight.”
“I think tonight has gotten just a little bit out of hand..”
“How out of hand are we talking about?”
“Um.. I don’t know the exact number but I know the restaurant had to order more chairs.”
YFN’s eyed widened. “Wait… what?” Lucy walked out of the bedroom then and she directed her next question at her. “What am I walking into?”
Lucy tilted her head with an innocent look and shrugged. “The girls love a catch up, and as far as I know, no one has organised anything like this before so I think word spread around pretty quickly. I think between me, Jords, Katie and Caitlin, we managed to get quite a few different nationalities interested… we have no idea how many are coming though. Katie was organising that.”
“Oh, they’ll be here soon actually. We should get ready.” Jordan said, wiping her eyes.
“What are you going to do about Leah tonight..?” YFN asked gently.
Jordan shrugged. “As far as I’m concerned, this doesn’t change anything. She still hasn’t spoken to me. I need some time to process and maybe I’ll let her say what she needs to. I don’t want to talk to her tonight, though.”
"You know the safe word.."
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motocorsas · 5 months
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Nicky Hayden passed away seven years ago today. the last American to win a world championship, he was a hero of the sport and sorely missed. in his honor, i want to highlight a few of my favorite stories about him:
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he got his start in dirt track racing, winning his first grand national dirt track race in 1999, when he was 18, at the Hagerstown Half-Mile in Hagerstown, MD, a place i've been many times. in the same year he won the AMA Supersport championship, and three years later, became the youngest ever AMA Superbike champion. i would argue having a dirt track background gave Hayden a unique talent for road racing -- riding on dirt imparts and requires a strong sense of the back tire. Hayden himself concurred:
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while in AMA Superbike, Nicky wrote a column in Roadracing World magazine called Young Gun. i sorely miss these types of features: in the nineties, Kevin Schwantz also wrote for Roadracing World. they gave unique insights into the operations of a pro racing paddock. i unfortunately couldn't find any clippings from Nicky's column online. here's David Swarts, staff writer for Roadracing World, remembering Nicky's contributions:
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Nicky's congeniality was his greatest strength. his first ever teammate in MotoGP was Dani Pedrosa, with whom he had a perfect television rivalry; hammer-and-tongs on track, but always respectful and fair to one another. Pedrosa crashed out Hayden at Estoril in 2006, almost eliminating his championship hopes. Motorsport.com reflects on their rivalry:
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they were able to compete on track and be committed to beating the other while still remaining respectful, something that not every team could do.
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just about everyone remembers Hayden for his kind personality, his skill on track and his trademark Kentucky accent. he was someone who was able to compete, win and lose, without the pressure warping his perspective. he took losses in stride: he credits his use of the number 69, which has now been retired in his honor, to the fact that his own father wore it while racing in dirt track, and constantly crashing out. whether he was upright or upside down in the dirt, his number read the same.
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raapija · 5 months
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Pookie au headcanons:
When Nando and Stoffel broke up, Fernando didn't talk to/about him for 6 years. In 2023, Stoffel was hired by Aston to lead development on their WEC department and Lance forced Fernando to reconcile with him.
Lance's sister Chloe and her husband Scotty are the twins' godparents. When they first came to see the babies, Scotty was dressed in a full suit and refused to take off his sunglasses, as he was there to "conduct family business". He gave the twins 20 AU$ each as a present.
Lance reads a lot to the twins. He has about 700 children's books in their room and spends hours upon hours just reading to them :)
Lance had a half finished business degree from almost a decade ago and while stuck at home with the kids, he decided to finish it and actually graduated school.
Fernando has a kids' trailer for his bicycle and loves taking the twins around with him while cycling. Lance imagines he's going on leisurely rides around town, but this motherfucker is actually hauling ass, going 45 km/h on the road with the kids in his tow 💀
Lance makes a comeback to racing after being on sabbatical for a few years to take care of the twins. He drives in the British GT Championship with Jessica Hawkins as his teammate for a couple years. After that, he does some miscellaneous endurance racing and eventually moves to work for Aston Martin behind the scenes.
When the twins grow up, Lucía becomes a pro tennis player and Jayden a doctor. Before university, Jayden was a swimmer and was in the top 100 of Canada's national rankings for under 25 year-olds.
Doing school homework with Fernando was a nightmare. Especially the maths, because he struggled to understand how the kids couldn't figure out the problems when they were SO EASY. He was also shit at explaining how he'd solve them, so mostly it was just trying not to cry while failing all science classes 🥲🥲
Oscar and Lando are fine when they're apart, but when their singular braincells connect, they cause nothing but trouble 😭
Carlos and Lance are almost equal in their golfing wins against each other, which they joke about a lot. It's 51.2% on Lance's side.
Oscar owns two racing horses which have never actually competed in a single race, but he loves them ❤️
At Fernando's house in the UK, which he has had since the early 2000's, all the kids' rooms are perfectly preserved from when they first moved out.
The UK house is now mostly used for family gatherings, though Fernando has promised that if one of his kids wants it, they can have it.
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cazzyf1 · 6 months
Today would have been Mike Hawthorn's 95th Birthday. So here are some facts you might of not known about him.
His Grandma died on the ship Lusitania. As this ship was a passenger ship in WW1 it was thought it wouldn't be targeted but it was. This was before Mike was born but gives some context for why he disliked Germans.
Mike was at boarding school during WW2 and when they had to hide in their dormitories during the blitz Mike would tell jokes to lighten the mood.
He accidentally shot his friend in the leg when they were messing around with shooting guns at school.
Mike did want to do his national service and had filled out a form to join the RAF but due to his kidney issues he was unable to join. He didn't make it public knowledge however or he wouldn't be allowed to race so he had to face the abuse of the public saying he was avoiding his national service.
Mike was at the Le Mans in 1954 ready to race for Jaguar when he found out his father had been in a car crash. He desperately tried to get home but his father died before Mike could. This could explain some of his determination to win the Le Mans the next year in 1955.
On a trip with friends Mike was the only one who brought a warm coat, he offered to let his friends borrow it if they paid him. When it got warmer and he had to carry it his friends offered to carry it if he paid them.
He had an operation to remove one kidney but his other kidney was still dying, so often he would have black ours and be in immense pain. In the 1958 British GP they were unsure if he would be able to race as he was ill because of his kidney.
Mike Hawthorn accidentally managed to break a piano at a wedding celebration.
Mike got a puppy and was struggling to come up with a name, but he caught the puppy drinking from his pint of beer so called it grogger.
In 1958 when reversing back onto his drive Grogger ran out and Mike accidentally killed him. Mike hid in his room and cried the rest of the day about it.
Mike loved to mess around and have a laugh, potentially because he knew he didn't have long to live. He got along with fellow driver Duncan Hamilton immensely and they would get up to all sorts such as deciding to change around the furniture in their room by tying bed sheets to it and lowering it out of a window from one room to another.
Mike Hawthorn would often just walk into Peter and Louise Collin's hotel room and spend the days relaxing with them when he and Peter weren't racing.
When Peter was killed Mike went to see the body. Afterwards he left the room, leant against the wall and then collapsed to the floor.
Mike had a section in the Sunday Times newspaper where he would test out new cars and give a rating for them. He used used this space to occasionally rant about things that annoyed him on the road like pedestrians walking out without looking.
When Mike won the world championship he sent a telegram to Louise Collins saying 'we have done it'.
After he retired he was thinking of taking part in airplane racing.
He taught his friend Mary how to drive and recommended what cars she should drive for races. When she got married and moved over to Australia he sent a telegram congratulating her and telling her not to over rev.
On the day Mike Hawthorn died he had plans to go see Louise Collins.
There are a lot of theories on how Mike Hawthorn died but its generally accepted he was racing Rob Walker and potentially had a black out because of his kidney.
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marcelskittels · 3 months
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Lotte Kopecky of Belgium and Team SD Worx-Protime celebrates at finish line as race winner during the National Championships Belgium 2024, Women Elite Road Race a 123km one day race from Sint-Lievens-Houtem to Zottegem on June 23, 2024 in Zottegem, Belgium. (Photos by Luc Claessen/Getty Images)
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ywpd-translations · 9 months
Ride 756: The third Inter High!!
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Pag 1
1: The Inter High starting line is impartial
2: Those aiming for victory
3: Those filled to the brim
4: Those who are scared
5: Everyone who put on their number bib
6: The line calls everyone to a new path
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Pag 2 / 3
1: No2, Onoda Sakamichi's last Inter High!!
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Pag 4
1: “Kyushu” was once divided into nine countries, and that's why it has that name*
(NdT.: The “kyuu” in Kyushu means nine)
(Currently is divided in seven prefectures: Fukuoka, Ooita, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Kagoshima)
2: It has a lot of active volcanoes, and people coexist with the harshness of nature while enjoying hot springs, geothermy, and tourism
3: Trade with the continent has been active since ancient times
4: Formerly, the distribution of goods by ships, which was the mainstream
5: Passed through the Kanmon Straits, separating Honshu and Kyushu
6: And transported to Osaka, Edo, the Japanese cities by the sea, and every corner of the country
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Pag 5
1: Even today, the Kanmon Straits, which passes through Shimonoseki, and Kitakyushu City, and Moji, is the shortest route that connects the Inland Sea and the Sea of Japan, and is a key point for the shipping through sea
2: 1000 ships a day pass through the complex strait, which is 500m wide in its narrowest point
3: As for the land route
4: An highway crosses the Kanmon Strait with a huge bridge 1068m long
5: Ordinary national roads and railroads pass through specialized tunnels
6: As for bicycles and people... they use the “pedestrian bridge tunnel” at the bottom of the huge bridge
From Honshu to Kyushu, they can cross over the Kanmon Strait by walking
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Pag 6
4: Waaa
We're at the bottom of the sea here?
That's right
5: So above us is the sea?
And we can walk to Kyushu?
That's right, it's around 400m from here
6: There's even people with bikes
7: Look! There's a line!
It's the prefectural border
8: One, two-
9: Yes! I landed in Kyushu!
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Pag 7
1: The entrance to Kyushu is in the northernmost town, Moji, in the prefecture of Fukuoka, Kitakyushu City
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Pag 8
1: This is where this year's Inter High will start
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Pag 9
3: Where do I put this baggage?
Put it in the tent for now
Thank you, senpai
4: Look, The bikes are all lined up
So pretty
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Pag 10
1: I took a picture
So cool
2: Two portions of Mijiko curry, please
3: A pressure of 6.5?
Six, please
4: Do you have an allen key?
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Pag 11
1: Ohhhh
2: There's so many huge buses!!
3: Nara
4: That one is from Miyazaki
5: Na-Nagano!!
6: And there's so many people, too, teh....!!
7: Are they participants in the race!? All of them!?
You're kidding, they look so strong!!
8: The attendance!! Is on this scale!!
So this is....
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Pag 12
1: A national competition!!
2: Teh?
3: Ohh.... suddenly my knees started trembling, teh
Ho- how do I stop it, teh, Ki....
4: Kinaka-kun!!
6: Ki.....
7: “The competition is in Kyushu, so there's no way we can bring everyone along”
8: Kinaka.... kun
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Pag 13
1: I'm here!!
Ah, you're here....
2: I'll be a mechanical help for the next three days
And I was entrusted to be your lucky charm
De-he.... oho, ohoho, fuhoho!! What's that enigmatic way of laughing!!
3: Don't act like I didn't come!!
No... I just wanted to reaffirm again how grateful I am that you came, Kinaka-kun...
Ah!? That doesn't make any sense
4: It does!!
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Pag 14
1: Because I really am grateful to you, Kinaka-kun!!
3: And I think this jersey is for the both of us!!
5: Don't say you're grateful so directly
It's embarrassing!!
6: Let's go to the tent!!
7: It's your first Inter High but you're not all that nervous!!
That's somehow incredible
8: Yeah!!
After all
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Pag 15
1: We have the strongest senpai!!
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Pag 16
1: Ohhh
2: It's Sohoku!!
It's Sohoku, the two-times in a row champion!!
Sohoku is in Kyushu!!
3: What a terrific aura!
Onoda.... Naruko, Imaizumi!!
They look serious!!
Are they aiming for the championship again this year!?
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Pag 17
1: They're going to get their number bibs
They're heading straight for the reception!!
Yes, all the participants are lining up in a row there
2: Oi, you're interrupting....
3: Sorry-
5: -ku's...... bibs....
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Pag 18
1: ….. please
2: Is he..... nervous....!? The reigning champion, Sohoku!?
Did he have a nervous aura?
Maybe the two guys behind him.... were supporting him?
3: They were supporting him, but the jersey came off
5: They're going back to their tent....
So that's Sohoku... right
7: So-so- sorry, I got nervous!!
8: La-la-la-la-la
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Pag 19
1: I was thinking it's the last Inter High!!
3: For us
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Pag 20
4: Yeah
5: That's right
6: That's right, Onoda-kun
We're third years
7: It's our third and final
8: yearly grand stage
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Pag 21
1: Once this is over, we'll retire
This Inter High is our last race!!
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Pag 23
1: Honestly speaking, I my heart too was pounding when we were on the ship coming here
I was really nervous
2: Naruko-kun....
3: Naruko
4: But then I thought
When we were first years and ran in the Kanagawa competition..... maybe, at the starting point in Enoshima
5: The old man, Kinjou-san, and Makishima-san, too, were as nervous as we are now
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Pag 24
1: They must have been
3: But they didn't show it at all to us kouhai
4: Well, we can't afford to show it, either
5: That's why, Manager, we talked and decided to go back to our beginning!!
6: We chased and caught up with those people's back, but this time we're gonna surpass them!!
7: Huh
8: We're changing our numbers from last year!!
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Pag 25
1: The old man carried number 172, so I'll take number 2!!
Hotshot will take the number Kinjou-san wore, number 1!!
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Pag 26
3: And Onoda-kun....
7: The number Makishima-san carried
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Pag 27
1: I'll run wearing the number 3!!
#yowamushi pedal#yowamushi pedal translations#yowapeda#yowapeda manga#yowamushi pedal manga#yowamushi pedal spoilers#ride 756#what do you mean the ih is really starting#what do you mean this is the last IH and after this yowapeda is over#WHAT DO YOU MEAN NARUKO THAT AFTER THIS RACE YOURE GONNA RETIRE#yes i know its gonna take literal years before it ends BUT im just crying already#what a beautiful beautiful chapter!!#starting with a japanese geography lesson from watanabe-sensei#which is always interesting tbh yowapeda is a very educational manga#then there my babies my boys my children Roku-chan and Kinaka#i need to write more fics for them because- BECAUSE!! did you see theeeeem????#i really thought for a moment that kinaka wasnt there and i was about to start crying for real#but he's there of course he's there!! he could never leave rokudai alone that boy would panic too much#roku-chan's jersey is for the both of theeeem!! he really said that ;A;#and kinaka being all embarrassed asfdasgfd how are they so cute omg i love them#and then there's THE trio- my boys my babies who have grown up so much!!#Onoda who is a disaster as always whenever hes not riding a bike!! And naruko and imaizumi there being his knights!!#Not so good at their job sinc eonoda still falls and destroys everything and theyre left with only his jersey lmao#that was the funniest sequence of panels ever sagdhka#then end made me so emotionaaal ;A; theyre wearing their senpai's numbers ;A; they really are going to surpoass them this year#but also also hear me out#if theyre like the three senpai two years ago then roku has precisely the role onoda had#meaning HE is going to take the win#imma manifesting this#btw i really need to write fics this chap left me with the need to do it
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wineauntharry · 2 years
There’s a lot of “cocky guy Joe spoils his gf” type content to the point that I’d love to read the opposite spin on it, rich and successful badass Y/N spoiling Joe. IDK just a thought. Love your writing!
First thank you for the compliment, let's kiss. I like this i think its cute and i had fun writing it. i hope you like it!!!
would yall jump me if i said i was listening to question by chris brown when i was writing this? be fr its okay if you say yes
Anywaysssss enjoy MUAH!
Spoiled Rotten// j.b.
Joe and I had been together since he came to LSU. We grew into adults together. I stuck by him through the beginning of his professional football career. I can’t deny that Joe helped me make it through law school. We were such a strong team and so lucky to have eachother.
Now that we were more stable and in our “grown up” jobs, We could do whatever we wanted when Joe was in his off season. Words can’t explain how proud I am of Joe, but I can’t say I’m surprised with how far he’s come, he’s alway had it in him.
My love language has always been gift giving, and now that I had the means to do so, I can’t stop spoiling Joe. I bought him those infamous Cartier glasses when him and the team beat Clemson in the national championship. 
When he was drafted, I bought us and a few of our closest friends box seats for a Cincinatti Reds game. He is always so grateful, so it's easy to spoil him.
I can’t say that Joe doesn’t spoil me in the same way. For my law school graduation gift, Joe took me to Italy to visit Rome, Venice, and Naples. Whenever he was on the road for long periods of time, he would never let me feel forgotten. I would wake up to dozens of roses at my door or huge fruit arangements. He was always so good to me.
Joe’s birthday was coming up and I might be more excited than him. I might have overdone it with all of his gifts but I just couldn’t help myself, not to mention the club I rented out for a surprise birthday party.
It was finally the morning of Joe’s birthday. It was still early and Joe was fast asleep, so I slipped out of bed and into the kitchen to start on some breakfast. I had just finished up his turkey bacon and french toast when he came creeping into the kitchen sleepy as ever.
“Happy birthday my sweet boy.” Being sure to keep my voice low since he was still waking up.
“Thank you baby” He replied with a quiet, raspy voice. All while making his way over to me.
He snaked his hands around my waist and pressed a light kiss to my lips.
“Are you excited for today?” I asked.
“I am because I get to spend it with you.” He responded with that same warm smile he always gives me in the mornings.
I smiled back and said “Well eat up babe, there’s a fun day ahead of you. Meet me in the shower when you’re done, yeah?” He perked up after that and just replied with a smirk. Gotta start the day right of course.
We had made our way to all of his favorite stores, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and many others. Of course we stopped at Nike. Baby had money but he kept it humble, plus, it was all on my dime anyway.
The entire day Joe had peppered me with kisses and a constant stream of thank you’s. Once we had finished lunch we made our way back home to relax before his party that he knew nothing of later in the night.
Once the time came to get ready, I chose Joe’s favorite dress to wear. It was always fun to have him a little flustered in public, and if anyone could do it to him it was me, but that’s besides the point. Joe had chosen an all black outfit with new Nike dunks we had got earlier in the day. 
“You're the prettiest girl in the world. You know that right Y/N?” He said while smiling and putting on his favorite Cartier watch.
“Thank you baby. No funny business just yet though Joe, don’t fuck up my hair, it’s too early for that.” I let out with a little giggle.
“Oh whatever.” He replied
“Is that a sassy birthday boy I hear?” I responded. He just laughed in response. Before we could continue our cute little banter, I got the notification that our Uber was here.
“ Come on J, the Uber is here.” I told him
I grabbed my purse and made my way out our front door. Joe followed closely behind, making sure to slap my ass before he opened the door for me, always being a gentleman I guess.
We were dropped off at the club entrance and we’re let right in by security.
Joe began to question how easy it was to enter when he was cut off by his friends and family screaming “Surprise!”
The room was flooded with balloons and drinks. Future was playing over the loudspeakers and Joe was ecstatic.
“Baby you did this?” He said in awe of what he just walked into.
As the night went on and Joe had gotten drunker, he kept telling me how grateful he was for everything that happened today.
“Y/N you spoiled the fuck out of me today, thank you so much baby. Heaven sent you straight to me, I’m sure of it” He yelled to me over the loud music.
“Anything for my birthday boy, you deserve the world Joe. I just wanna make sure I give it to you.” I responded. Joe’s cheeks turned a light shade of red and I could tell he was truly happy with the life he was living.
We continued dancing and enjoying our night when Joe said “You gonna take up my offer of ruining your hair when we get home later? Can’t say no to the birthday boy, it’s the rules.”
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” I said back.
Joe just let out the deep laugh he always does when he’s drunk. After our little “conversation”, if you can call it that, we went back to dancing with all of our friends, knowing what's gonna happen when we got home.
YALLLLLLLL not me getting all hot and bothered at the end whew. I’m supposed to be sleeping but this popped into my head after I read the request and I just ran with it!
You guys are making me so emotional over the love my other writings are getting. I could cry, this is insane. I can’t thank you enough!!!! :’)
Request here!
all the love- kitt
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groupama fdj how many riders are you sending to the men's french national road race championships?
marc madiot:
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dizzyduck44 · 11 months
Ok desperate times, desperate measures.
It’s time for some anti Red Bull crimes just to make the end of season interesting.
I’m taking a guess here on where people’s cars and previous results should put them in the race.
So lap one George is going to gently walk Max off the track, but do enough damage the cooling goes or something and he has to retire. (Sorry George it has to be you because third times the charm this season, this time you will get him to DNF). I’m gonna let you finish 5th or 6th (see the Lance caveat later).
Right Lando, Lewis get gone off down the road. All you have to do is keep it on the grey stuff and have fun racing each other, so you get some tv time.
Oscar, Charles, Carlos, Fernando. You need to keep Checo busy and most importantly off the podium. Daniel if you could loom ominously behind that would be perfect.
Ok so in a world where they manage to fix damage to Max’s car, Esteban, Pierre, Alex, you have two jobs here. 1. Protect Yuki. 2. Make Max’s life really really difficult. You all have just cause, so just channel your inner Fernando.
Ok Valtteri, Zhou, Logan, Kevin, Nico. You are going to have a great race, great race. Lots of screen time, because every time a Red Bull comes up behind you to lap you, you are going to be blind to blue flags and your radio is going to be dead ok? Valtteri this is your moment. You have our permission to be a dick. We love you, we will all find this funny. Go for it.
Ok Lance, I haven’t forgotten about you, it’s just make a decision are you going to retire the car by lap 10 or race like you did in Vegas? The latter options means you are going to be tailing Yuki through the pack.
Right we are aiming for a Lando win (that way the press can stop asking him the damn question and Max will be kinda happy about the result), with Lewis and Yuki on the podium (cos God knows he’s earned some real recognition this season).
Oscar and Lance can fight for 4th and 5th followed by George. (sorry Ferrari I don’t think your car is going to be good enough for top 5 this weekend).
Pierre I would love for you to get the podium you want, but the universe wants Yuki on there more!
One national anthem plays (driver and team, same country), Lando and Lewis drown Yuki in rosewater (Yeap that shit again) and we all stagger off to recover from a long arse season and wait for the drivers to start posting Christmas pics followed by pre-season thirst traps.
No one needs to hear from Christian Horner. Max isn’t expected to murder another song.
Who’s with me?
We all go off into 2024 lying to ourselves Adrian Newey, the God and Genius he is, hasn’t already designed a championship winning beast for next year.
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tooneys-russo · 10 months
Boots and Broken Hearts
A/N: A new fic that I have been thinking about, it'll follow Alessia Russo and original character Willa Conti as they navigate their lives at UNC.
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Chapter 1:
The right person, but always the wrong time, maybe one day they can get their timing right. Alessia grew up in the South of London, she had two older brothers and a football obsessed Father, Mario. Her weekends were filled with football, either her playing, her brother Gio playing, her father playing for a local side. Alessia had to play with boys up until the age of 12 due to there being no local girls team she could join, but that was the best thing that could have happened to her. Playing with boys had given her a hunger to be better, stronger and faster than the boys to make sure they wouldn’t have anything to say about having a girl on their team. At school she would often be picked first by the boys because they knew exactly how good she was. Her talents had her noticed by the England Development Team, she went to her first camp for the under 14 team at the tender age of 12. There she met her best friend Ella, they were inseparable from the first moment they met. They both featured in elite football academies although for opposing teams, Alessia for Chelsea and Ella for Manchester United, they would play against each other but nothing would change between them off the pitch no matter the result. When it came time for the two to take on professional contracts Ella was offered a full time contract at her junior club, Alessia made the biggest decision of her young life, well the biggest one at that time, she decided to leave everything she knew and went to college in the United States. Alessia made her stamp on the collegiate football world when she made her first start with North Carolina University.
In comparison Willa had a slightly different road to North Carolina. She was raised in Newcastle Upon Tyne in the North East of England. She was chosen at the tender age of 8 to sign her first contract with Sunderland’s Junior Academy. Willa was tagged as an up and comer, he was a 12 year old playing in the under 16 side, and was placed into the England under 17 side by the age of 14. Willa had an outstanding junior career until she was 16, she was playing in the Under 19 European Championships, it was the final, the game she dreamed of. She stood in the opposition’s 18 yard box waiting for the corner to come in. As the ball soared towards her, Willa readied herself. The ball made contact with her head, then she felt a sharp pain to the right side of her face, then darkness. The Spanish Captain had attempted to clear the ball from the box, but instead she had kicked Willa in the face. It resulted in Willa being knocked unconscious, as well as slicing the right cheek, fracturing her cheekbone, eye socket and breaking her jaw. At that moment Willa had scored the winning goal and had her short career ended. She had her jaw wired shut for 2 months, headaches and concussion symptoms for 4 months and multiple surgeries to fix the shattered bones in her face. By the time she was cleared to play again Willa was 17 and without an academy contract. Her final year of high school was frustrating, she was surrounded by her friends from the academies who were on track for professional contracts, while she was playing division 4 women’s. Willa needed to escape from what could have been, so he sat the SATs and was on a plane as soon as she finished school, playing football (now soccer) at University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA. For four years she studied hard for her MBA while also being the star player of the UCLA Bruins Women’s Soccer Team, Captain from her Sophomore year onwards. She had a passion for analytics and would run reports of all stats for coaches each game, she knew she may never make it pro but she could make a difference on the sidelines. In her Senior year she played in the National Championship game and with 8 minutes until the end of the game her knee gave way. She knew exactly what it was, her ACL.
There were three years between Willa and Alessia, she had stared at UCLA and she had now made the decision to step off the field and begin her coaching and analytical career, her knee still gave her trouble after the reconstruction, each time she kicked the ball it felt different and she knew she was done at the tender age of 22. North Carolina was her lifeline and she took it with both hands. Alessia was away on an England Camp when Willa started. Willa had begun working with Anson Dorrance, the coach of North Carolina on their current team list, looking at game footage from both North Carolina and every other team that they were facing. Willa had never watched so much football in her life as she did now. By the time she met the players Willa knew everything that she could about the technical abilities of the players, she noted that Alessia had not arrived yet as she was still at the National Camp. Both she and Anson had begun working on the pre-season preparation for the team. Once August came around Alessia was back at North Carolina and at training. “Willa this is-'' Anson began. “Alessia Russo, 9 goals, 2 assists in your first collegiate season with a conversion rate of 43 percent, well 43.28 percent to be exact. Very impressive.” Willa had a bright smile and held out her hand to shake. Alessia was surprised by the woman in front of her with the Newcastle accent that sounded familiar, she seemed to know more about her than she did. Their blue eyes met as they shook hands. “I’m Willa Conti, pleasure to meet you Alessia.” She smiled and bit her lip gently. “Pleasure to meet you too, Willa. You seem to know a fair bit about football.” Willa laughed and let go of her hand.”Hope so. Might be disappointing if I didn’t.” Anson patted Alessia on the back. “Get on the park and join the team.” Alessia ran to join her teammates who were ecstatic that she was back.
After training Willa was going through the data from each player’s GPS and footage from the session. Her phone rang with a familiar name on the screen, her girlfriend, Jennifer. “Hey babe.” She sat back in her chair and ran her fingers through her long chestnut hair. Jennifer was not pleased at all that Willa had moved all the way to North Carolina away from her in LA, where she had just been recruited into the Orlando Pride Wave NWSL team. “Hi, you haven’t texted me back in hours. Too busy with all those North Carolina girls?” Willa could hear the anger in Jennifer’s voice and sighed knowing what was coming. “I have been running training and doing the analysis ready for this week’s first scrimmage.” Willa was being drained each conversation with Jennifer knowing that it would quickly become a fight. “Of course, well I have a game this weekend and I got you tickets. Are you able to come?” Willa looked up at the schedule on her office wall. “Yeah I should be able to. Will be a good game against Portland.” Jennifer hummed in agreement. “Yeah it will be good to see you, I miss you.”
“I miss you too, I will see you this weekend. Love you.” Willa’s tone was as happy as she could make it. 
“Love you too babe.” Jennifer sounded a lot more upbeat than when the call had started. The two had met when they were both on the UCLA football teams, Jennifer was a local LA girl and they seemed to be pushed together instantly. Willa found her comforting but did admit that at times she was so focused on football that she did neglect their relationship, it was lucky that they were on the same team. But Jennifer didn’t seem to mind as long as Willa was at all the parties with her, all the games and on her arm when she needed it. Jennifer was gorgeous and could have easily gone into modelling, she had flowing brown hair that had a slight curl, bright green eyes that matched the trees when they would go hiking around California. Her skin was permanently sunkissed and a rose tattoo graced the side of her forearm. As a couple they complimented each other perfectly, Willa had mid back length chestnut brown hair that was usually in a high pony tail, blue eyes that were like a royal blue, her facial scars were only noticeable in particular light like a lion had scratched down her right hand cheek. Willa’s skin was tanned after being in the LA sun for four years, her Italian background had been particularly beneficial. On her left ribs she had a tattoo of the Newcastle United badge and the UCLA Bruin. The Newcastle badge was important to her, they were her team but they never had an academy, the only one close by who had a girls academy was Sunderland, her natural enemy. Jennifer stood at 5 feet 7 inches and Willa who stood at a comfortable 5 feet 10 inches. The two were the IT couple of UCLA Athletics and he sat next to her when she was drafted to the Orlando Pride Wave, it was everything she wanted and more, Willa opted to not go into the draft, not wanting to be disappointed. When Willa received her offer to coach and be technical analyst at North Carolina Jennifer’s response left a lot to be desired, her focus was on their future in Orlando Pride and what it would mean to do long distance how hard it would be. There was no consideration for what Willa wanted, which was all too common in their relationship. 
Willa walked into the athletes dining room ready for another early morning session, she didn’t expect to see Alessia sitting by herself with a textbook by her side. Willa filled up her plate and sat next to the blonde Brit. “Good morning.” Willa smiled warmly, Alessia’s blue eyes looked up at her. “Oh hi.” She sat back and put her fork down on her plate. “What are you doing here so early?” Alessia glanced at the bag on the ground. “You know training isn't until later right?” Willa nodded, “Yeah I know, I just wanted to go for a run at the field, test some things out.” She laughed softly. “Test some things out? Like what the grass length?” She looked back into the older girl’s eyes. “Well depending on the grass length it would change the time that it would take the ball to -” Willa noticed the joking nature of Alessia’s question and the grin she was now wearing. “Ah, um no not the grass length just wanted to check the drills we had planned. Wanting to make sure we are improving on particular things.” Willa looked down at her plate embarrassed slightly about her first answer to Alessia’s clearly rhetorical question. Alessia smiled and bumped gently into Willa’s side. “Sorry, sometimes my sarcasm doesn’t translate. Is it possible for me to come with you to see the drills?” Willa smiled and nodded, unable to answer with her mouth full of food. The rest of their breakfast was filled with casual conversation, Willa discovered that Alessia had gone through the academy system just as she did, she also discovered that she wasn’t a huge fan of the tea available to her in the dining hall. Yorkshire tea was clearly the most superior tea, although with her time in America, Alessia was now very coffee focused, Willa noted that an oat flat white was the younger girl’s order.
Willa and Alessia made their way to the field, she made Willa feel comfortable with no judgement or expectations on her. Alessia felt an instant connection to the young coach, Willa took an interest in what she had to say and never once questioned why she would leave a professional contract behind for college halfway across the world. Willa and Alessia worked on multiple drills for around two hours, by the end they were both trying to catch their breath. “How were they? The drills? They alright?” Willa looked at the blonde next to her. “Well I am absolutely knackered, but I feel good and got to work on my first touch. What did you think?” She fixed her blonde ponytail. “Your touch is bloody good already, I just need your shot conversions a bit higher.” Willa laughed and she smiled. “Oh yeah? As a Sophomore I am out-scoring some of the Seniors.” Alessia put her hands on her hips and looked at the taller girl. “You won’t be playing against these girls in England, or at a World Cup. You are going to play in the best league in the world. The NWSL is dropping in quality and that's the league these players want to end up in. Not you, you have to play in Europe.” Willa said it casually as she grabbed her drink bottle. Alessia stared at her expressions, there was no mistaking that Willa was serious, she was almost matter of factly the way she spoke. Alessia was about to reply to the quite nice comment before they heard Coach Dorrance calling out. “Willa don’t keep the players from class! She is here for an education not just to kick a ball around, if her grades drop you will be tutoring her!” Willa nodded, “Yes Sir, sorry Alessia. I will see you tonight at training,I think we will be looking at some footage after the session. I want to chat to you about some plays.” Willa handed Alessia her drink. “Thanks Willa, appreciate it.” 
Alessia counted down the minutes until training, it isn't that she hated her classes, it was just that she couldn’t stop thinking about getting back on the field. Her aim was always to get better, each session added to her knowledge. The second class was finished for the day she was walking to the field, after warm up she watched as Willa explained the drills that she did with her that morning. During the drills in the hot sun, the girls began complaining about getting tired, their shots got more sloppy and their passing became wayward. Coach Dorrance called training and they all came into a group together, Willa had a grin on her face as some girls sat down and others caught their breath. “Well, that was a fantastic session. Willa has been doing some work on what we have been lacking and how we can improve. I know you girls are tired but I will let her chat to you about what the aim was.”
Willa stepped forward half a step. “Each game goes for around 90 minutes, give or take with additional time. The training today was medium to high intensity for 120 minutes. That gives both Coach and I an idea of what level you can maintain and for how long. Your disposals and shots only became detrimental to the function of the drills in the last 5 minutes. We now know that you can last 115 minutes, at a very good intensity. This is going to give us an advantage, we will also be doing lighter sessions after game day and doing recovery but these punishing sessions will give you a mental and physical edge over our opponents. In those moments when the other team is fatiguing you will remember this training and other after this and you will know you can push further. Great session, have a shower and we will meet you in the theater for a film session.” Willa grabbed the drink bottles and passed them around to the players, when she got to Alessia he looked into her eyes. “Feel a bit better with more players?” Alessia took a large drink from her bottle and nodded. “Yeah I actually got a rest.” She said slightly out of breath after her drink. “Good, you did really great.” Willa went around to other players and chatted to them, giving them tips on their movements and positioning. Alessia noticed that Willa genuinely wanted each player to be better than they were at the start of the session, she seemed excited to be involved even if it was picking up cones or organising everything for the coach. 
As the girls got ready for the film session a few of them talked about Willa and how nice it was to have a cute girl coaching them and how they wouldn’t mind getting a few one on one sessions with her. Alessia laughed along with the girls, she was very attractive physically but it was her personality that seemed to be the best part of the Geordie. The girls made their way to the theatre and out the front stood Coach Dorrance, Willa sat up the back with a notepad, Alessia saw her and made her way next to her. “Can I sit here?” She paused as she looked at the girl. “Oh yes of course, I want to show you something.” She moved down a seat. “I will be going through with as many players as I can like this to make sure I cover everyone's game.” Alessia noticed that she flicked through her notebook which was divided for each player, she got to her and the first page was full of notes on her past season. “Last season you played as a very solid number 9, the player that would be the main option for goals, I don’t want that to change but I do want to have a look at your off the ball work.” As the game footage played, Coach Dorrance showed what the opposition did that North Carolina needed to address and work on for the off season. Willa focused on Alessia’s movement and where she would prefer her to move, “It is just as important what you do off the ball as what you do on it.” Alessia was captivated as she talked, Willa was captivated by the way Alessia played. They both admired each other's passion for the sport and their drive to make either themselves or their teams better. At the end of the film session the girls started leaving Willa and Alessia walked out together into the car park. “The scrimmage game in two days, I want you to focus on getting into those looser positions, drag those defenders out of the danger areas to allow a player to come through. They will want to follow you and not be aware of the danger that is coming. Trust me, then on the next play you come around the back and get to that back post for the cross and just knock it in. Easy as you like.” Alessia stared at her. “That easy?” She nodded. “They all know you, you will be marked tighter than a compression sock. Use it to your advantage. Goodnight Alessia, great work today” Alessia watched Willa walk back towards her car, she changed her line as she got closer and walked towards a black BMW parked with its lights on. Willa’s head dropped as she got into the car, Alessia watched and got into her own car. She had no idea whose car Willa had gotten into but it appeared she knew the person.
Chapter 2
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